roguexpogue · 4 months
"Stop staring at me before I flip you on your ass!" [Raven/Teen Wolf]
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JJ ended up lighting a blunt after the sun went down. He was relaxing on the beach by his surf board before heading back to his car. A dark haired girl yelling at some drunk beach goer made him laugh. "If I look at you, are you going to beat me up?" JJ asked, still smiling at the scene he just saw.
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l9u38c4y231 · 1 year
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Every night I grab some money and I go down to the bar
I got my buddies and a beer, I got a dream, I need a car
You got me begging on my knees, c'mon and throw the dog a bone
A man he doesn't live by rock 'n roll and brew alone
Jayme-Lee Zanoncelli as Zahara
Jay Anderson as u/s Jagwire
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completemessx · 5 years
“No voy a felicitarte por eso. Fue estúpido y nos pusiste en peligro.”
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mistressxfmagnetism · 5 years
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“I suppose you know.” @mysteriousmutant​
Lorna had to assume she did. Not only did Mystique seem to know everything, her father seemed to trust the other mutant a lot, especially with the Brotherhood. It only made sense. Besides, if she didn’t, she would soon enough. “Don’t try to talk me out of it. Enough people have tried. I’ve made up my mind.” Lorna wasn’t letting grief talk. Not really. Or maybe she was, but it was a long pent up grief. Scott’s death was simply the final straw. Lorna was tired of trying the same thing and getting nothing. 
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deckard---cain · 6 years
Continued from here
Raven was loving her new digs. It hadn’t taken her long to get settled in her room. Maybe, after she’d spent some time here, she’d get a house, but she wasn’t in a hurry for that part just yet. No, right now, she just wanted to get to know those that were to be under her care. She smirked a little, as she headed out through the grounds.
She spotted Deckard, and her eyes immediately began to shine curiously. She headed towards him, and when he stopped, so did she. She raised a brow, and cocked her head, before motioning him to come to her. “Come,” she said. “Now.”
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Deckard wasn’t used to such a direct approach and so when Raven made it clear that she was actually talking to him, he got even more nervous. Her command had carried such authority he would have followed its instructions regardless of her position. Given that she was a guard and that he knew not to disobey anything they said, he didn’t hesitate to step forward towards her. There was something to her gaze alone that made him feel like she was seeing right through him even if this was the first time they spoke to each other. He waited for her next instruction, curious if she would give it or if she was just sizing him up. The silence was killing him, but he would wait until she gave him another instruction since he did not want to do something wrong and play it safe.
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roni-baker · 6 years
Roni had been fuming. She’d been trying not to say anything. Not to get upset or mad. But when Raven got Carter an engine, when he lit up and set to actually having a working car, something that he could get away in, it infuriated her. It was different though. It wasn’t because he could leave her stuck with T. It was because he could leave and take the baby. She technically gave it up and wouldn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to fighting for her if it would come to that.  She tried to keep her voice even, to keep her face blank, but it hadn’t worked. She said, “Raven, can we talk about that Christmas gift? Because I would have liked to have been consulted. There’s a reason I broke his fucking car and never fixed it and would like for it to stay broken,” she told her.
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badwitchnat · 6 years
Natalia was sitting on her bed hanging out with Raven, she’d had a few business calls come through that she’d finished promptly but she had so many things in her life that she needed to figure out. She felt like she hadn’t talked to Raven in a bit and that they were long overdue for just some girl time. “I feel like we’re way overdue for a heart to heart and I just…I feel like there’s so much going on that we haven’t been able to just hang and talk.” @ravensriley
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therockyroberts · 6 years
Rocky was watching a movie, she was deep into it. It was A Walk to Remember, by now standards it seemed pretty ancient but she still loved it. She sniffled as a tear rolled down her cheeks when Raven came in the room. “Hey, sorry. I was just watching a movie. I normally don’t get emotional, but my hormones are so crazy right now. How are you and please tell me you came to distract me. All I’m doing right now is sitting here just watching tv and going a little crazy.” @ravensriley
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theillesttonig · 6 years
His life had been a message as of late. It honestly had. He’d felt as though he’d lost himself and honestly all he kept doing was trying so hard to keep it together for Quinn. But now that she was staying with him full time, it was getting increasingly hard to keep it all together. So he focused his energy to other things. Those other things being reinitiating his con man ways. He had set up a table outside. “Step right up and try your hand at guessing where the ball is,” he said to the woman that stood nearby. He gave Raven a smile. “Wanna try your luck? Humor me, I won’t even try to get you to bet  me this first time.”
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officialgrantriley · 6 years
Grant normally had excellent control. He always is able to keep his wits about him, but suddenly faeries started smelling entirely too amazing. It had only taken one whiff, and the poor faerie was done for and he felt practically drunk on the high that it gave him. “What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again. I’m laughing at clouds so dark up above. The sun’s in my heart and I’m ready for-” He hadn’t been paying nearly as much attention and ran into someone. He smirked, because even though he’d drained a faerie, he still oddly had room for so much more. His eyes trained himself on the person he bumped into. “Oh, hey, you smell as fragrant as ever,” he told his ex-wife. Normally he wouldn’t lead with a compliment but he was in a good mood and everyone seemed to smell delicious today.
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notakillgrave · 6 years
Alexandra was in the library, sorting and reshelving books. Someone, it seemed, had just finished a major project on mutant history because she had a small stack just from that section. She pushes the trolley along, sorting them out quietly when she notices someone else in the aisle. “Can I help you find something?” the purple girl asks.
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roguexpogue · 3 months
@redemptivexheroics liked for a starter
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JJ distracted the cops from figuring out the supernatural fight that was going down. He drove in the opposite direction with his dirt bike. Doing a power slide into the woods. He emerged with his banged up bike after the sirens were out of earshot. He met back up with Raven about mile back up the road. "What did I say about trying to do that witchy shit on me."
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l9u38c4y231 · 1 year
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Beth woodcock as Zahara (3rd cover)
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
There ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
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dommedelaney · 3 years
"...Why are you crying?" -Raven
"Would you laugh at me if I said I'd just finished watching Titanic?"
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completemessx · 7 years
[ @safetypinsx ]
“¿Que quieres?” Raven no se movió de su sitio, todavía tenia los ojos cerrados y estaba cruzada de piernas. Ya había notado la presencia ajena desde hace un rato. “Me estas desconcentrando. Al menos que el mundo se este cayendo no me molestes. Y si el mundo se esta cayendo tampoco me molestes”
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dirtydcsecrets · 7 years
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“Teen Titans Go is a truly terrible cartoon. The only reason I still watch it is for the way my stomach flutters whenever Beast Boy calls Raven 'Momma.' Greg Cipes has the sexiest voice ever.”
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