theillesttonig · 4 years
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Mitch: ...wanna come over and get this 🍆-fil-a?
Toni: I see your ass flirting with me on every app but cash app...
Toni: you want me to loop in Isa and see if she’s down to get a quick meal? Two-for-one special?
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theillesttonig · 4 years
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theillesttonig · 4 years
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“I’m… dealin’?” Chloe said after a long pause. “Dudes. Plural,” She gestured over to the dude’s friends she had beat up as well who were sprawled across the ground not too far away from them moaning out in pain. “But, thanks. For showin’ up? You’re a really good friend, Toni. But… I don’t really know what to say, except they’re right, you know? I might not have ever been a revelationist or an official member of the alliance, but I went around defendin’ Vinny and the homeland. I’m a skinwalker, a murderer, a gang member, the niece of a terrorist, a supporter of a violent hate group- the list goes on and on. I’m not a good person, so… I guess I’m just tryin’ not to act like it for once?”
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“Now you that’s bullshit. And I’m not going to agree because if that were true that you are all those things and those things only, we wouldn’t be friends. Those are just words, descriptions people attach to us. But being a skinwalker doesn’t make you bad. Being the niece of a terrorist doesn’t make you a terrorist. You also didn’t support a violent hate group. You support a group that supposedly stood for change and inclusiveness in the supernatural community. What you got on the other hand was lied to and manipulated. But have you ever thought that you trying to fit into that role and give up is what they want?” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“Mitchell, Mitchell, wherefore art thou, Mitchell. He is is the east and I’m the sun or some shit like that. Whatever they said,” he joked. “Hey man you ready to go get this grub?” @mitchellburgess​
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“It’s a plan then,” Isa was practically beaming from ear to ear as she leaned forwards and kissed her husband. “I love you too, AJ. More than anything in the whole wide world. But, I know that you weren’t in love with me when we drunkenly got married and I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we had just dated and got to know each other first before tying the knot or walking up next to each other in Vegas like that? But, really?” She asked, a bright blush flushing across her cheeks as she nuzzled her nose against his. “You’ve really waited for a love like this your whole life? Baby!” Isa giggled as he told her he could think of a lot of things she could do with him. “pronto mi amor pronto,” She promised, kissing him lightly on the cheek as he held the door open for her. “Es perfecto, pero- we’re going to need to build a fence around the pool. Just until Ivy is old enough to be able to swim on her own.”
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“Who said I wasn’t in love with you? Or at least on my way there? We got drunkenly married yes, but you were cool from the moment I met you. Incredibly beautiful. You were fun, and you got me, and the best roommate, and we had that damn greek gods thing and were mid sex when we were ourselves again and all I wanted was to stay in that moment with you. I got jealous when you and ol’ boy went on a date. And when Grace was missing who was there? You. Even in my most devastating moments, you were like this damn ray of sunshine. This...what we have? It’s everything to me. I married my best friend. And then that best friend of mine not only is my wife but the mother of our baby girl. Yep, this is the love I wanted.” Toni nodded when she mentioned needing a fence. “Yeah, we definitely will need one.” He wrapped his arms around her, leading her inside. “So we have to decorate, but I’m kind of excited about that because before it was already decorated now we get to decorate, and I’ve got some ideas about getting distracted and painting you. Instead of the walls.” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
01: Plottin’ & (Script) Schemin’
Dominic laughed at Toni’s comment. “The day you stop making is the day I’mma know something’s wrong with you.” He replied with a brief shake of his head. The truth of how ‘well’ comedy series do at the studio made Dominic sigh. Toni was right. “I wouldn’t be me if I still didn’t try, you know?” He retorted. “Still, gotta show people that I’m not just the outta the box hyphenate guy. I can crack some good jokes too. We had a wannabe The Office, remember that? The people wasn’t ready.” He remembered how sad the series creator and head-writer, Steve, was when the new series comedy was cancelled. It was promising. “Alright,” Dom started with a nod. “It’s the coroner that’s a medium. But I don’t know… how would you know if you were a medium?”
Dom scratched behind his ear as he thought. “Is it something that happens early in life? Late? Or does it depend? What is being a medium exactly? Is it scary? Weird? Something you just get used to over time? Do mediums like being one or is it subjective and ranges depending on the medium?” Dominic paused. “Shit, would a medium even wanna help the dead people they see? Like I don’t know. Maybe a close friend or coworker dies and that’s how it starts. They try to figure out that murder or crime. And kinda spirals from there ‘til it becomes their thing.” He paused again. “See bruh, I don’t know none of this shit. Or if any of this is possible. Is it?”
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“You have to put a lot of thought into it and into the planning and everything if you want to be The Office. The writers have a knack on those shows for doing shit like taking a normal ass every day thing and making it interesting and not just that but offensively funny. That show wasn’t nowhere near that level at the time. But it was a good try.” Toni shrugged at his question. “Well, I didn’t know I was a medium until last year. But when I was a kid I saw people no one else did. Could even talk to ‘em. Like I’ll never forget I had this imaginary friend named Q. He was cool as hell. We’d talk all the time about video games and stuff. We’d play in the yard and my family was stressed. They thought I was crazy. I thought I was crazy when no one had seen him. Or when I was asking them if Q could come over for dinner. And then I went to the doctor and got some medicine and Q was just gone. So...I don’t think you’d find a comedy in that. But maybe it gave you some inspiration?” 
Toni shrugged at his questions. “To me, I like it I guess. I mean it’s kind of annoying that there are some that want to constantly try to possess me. And sometimes you just want to be alone, but dead people are everywhere. So to be oblivious, I medicate. To keep them out of my head sometimes. So I think you can play off that in the comedy side the annoying parts. But it sounds kind of cool like a reluctant superhero except not really super just helping the dead pass on or solve their deaths?” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“A night out? Can you handle partying with me? Really?” he asked her, his brow raised. “I don’t know...depends on what a night on the town means to you.” 
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“Save me? Please? I love Jules and motherhood is gift and all that, but I am exhausted, tired of being puked on and am in desperate need of being kidnapped. Preferably on a night out on the town or some secluded spa day? What do you say?” Michaela asked with pleading eyes.
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“You ready? Just like the old days. Except We in a real ring and I can jump off the top rope on you instead of the couch. Though if you want to we can start over and do our ring entrances cause I got my song already queued up on the phone.” Wrestling with his sister like the old days made him feel like they were back in those carefree times pre-death, pre-everything besides being a kid that liked to pretend he was Booker T sometimes. @deseandoparagrace​
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“So were you serious about us starting up a side hustle in art forgery?” he asked Noah. It was probably not something one should aspire to but he did want to test his limits and work on forging famous pieces for people wanting to pull even bigger cons. @noahxstclaire​
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“No she didn’t send me. I sent myself to see how you’re doing actually. Make sure you’re holding up okay. But from the bottle and the words I can tell that’s not the case. And the random dude over there...so...what’s up, Chlo. Talk to me.” 
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“Oh look at that. You found me,” Chloe said, slurring her words as she took another swig from the bottle in her hand, not paying any ounce of attention to the beat up thugs laying on the ground beside her. “Did Nat tell you to check up on me or somethin’?” She asked, knowing she hadn’t exactly been handling the past few days too well.
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“No, see...all this was fucked up, but I am glad to be human because I didn’t sign up for none of that. Every time some shit comes out you should have a line of people crying and having tissues and shit because we always go from zero to mass paranoia, sadness and ptsd in a matter of 24 hours post traumatic thing happening.” 
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“Oh! Look at that. Mass paranoia. Welp, this outta be good for business,” The therapist mused as his phone sped read out the list of the members of the Alliance and Revelationists in the article he had clicked on.
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“Great! In that case, pleasure doing business with you, partner,” Kenz grinned, holding out her hand for the other to shake. “I very well could. I guess we’ll just have find out, won’t we? So… I guess this is my cue to make a strategically timed bathroom exit, huh?”
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He shook her hand, and laughed because he knew that this deal could very well come back to bite him in the ass, but he loved a challenge. “We will, but then again I like challenges. Sure and I’ll swoop back around after I take it and meet back up with you.” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“I know and it’s cause you’ve always been ready. Not me though. When Cassie and I… when we… let’s just say, I was an idiot back then. We um… we weren’t together at the time. Back then she was just some pretty freshman I had hooked up with a few times who had tracked me down during first period. I had been skippin’ class to go make out with Lana Troy. She practically busted down the damn the door when she found us. Man, she was fumin’ and then it slipped out. She hadn’t been jealous that I was screwin’ around. She was pissed cause she was pregnant. And as she rambled on about how unreliable I was and how the hell a guy like me was ever gonna be a father and I just stood there like a dumb jock, tryin’ to wrap my head around all of it. For a split second, I think I even smiled. It seemed excitin’ and good, somehow? But, then the panic set it. The how were we gonna do this? And suddenly this news that was suppose to be good, made me feel like I was about to lose everythin’. It made me feel like I had made a huge mistake and when I told my dad, he kicked me out the very next day. When I became a husband, I… I didn’t really feel nervousness as much as dread? I was promisin’ the rest of my life to a complete stranger. Givin’ up my football career and college to find a job to support the two, soon to be three of us, while Cassie still had three more years left of school. It felt like a bad dream that I just couldn’t seem to wake up from. It got better at times. Sometimes we were real good, but marriage had always felt more like an obligation than anything? And with Rocky and the twins, I had already read all the books and taken all the classes a long time back, but I guess a part of me couldn’t help, but be afraid that I might loose them like Cass and I did way back when. It feels good now though. Great even. I mean I have two perfectly healthy little kids and a beautiful wife who I’d do just about anything for and I can’t help, but feel like I’m gettin’ a second chance, ya know? I feel nervous, but excited. It almost feels like I’m that eighteen year old kid all over again. And not well. No,” Connor chuckled at the thought of Rocky when it got to that time. “I swear if I hadn’t forced her to leave the house without them, she would be trying to find a way to smuggle them every where we go still.”
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“So let me ask you this. If she had been a stranger, if you’d given up everything and only married her because of the baby, why’d you stay so long? Did you grow to love her? What happened?” he wondered. Toni had a couple of married friends, but in that bunch he had two divorced friends and it actually made him wonder sometimes what could go wrong if you’re with the person you love. Except the story Connor was telling, it didn’t sound like it started out as one filled with love to start.” Toni grinned when he talked about his kids being healthy and having a second chance. “I think you do plus you’ve got a lot of life to live and apparently so does your wife. So you’ve got way more of a second chance than most. I’m just worried about when Isa starts back acting again. You know it’s long hours and by the time we’re home some nights the kids should be asleep already so we miss a whole day with them. I don’t know how she’s going to adjust.” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“But, baked good related are the best and most special reasons? I love food more than almost anything. You know that?”
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“I know you do but I hoped I got up there on the list above food. Damn. How far down am I on this list?” he wondered. “And how close is food to your wife?” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“And yet they trusted me to do it,” Kenzi laughed at the thought. “So how about a favor then? I look the other way and, down the line, if I need some help trying to procure something I want, you can lend a helping hand and maybe put those sticky fingers of yours to use?”
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“That sounds easy enough. I’m good at procuring things that are needed. So deal. I like working with you that was definitely an easy and fair trade. Or well I guess I’m speaking too soon because you might want me to get something large and heavily guarded one day.” 
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theillesttonig · 4 years
“Oh yeah, always put the wife first, many men have made the fatal mistake of putting the mother before the lover, it never ends well.” She teased, shrugging her shoulders. “You’re welcome.” Roxy chuckled, glancing around at the other items. “You’re not getting my airpods though.” 
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“See I knew there had to be a limit to your generosity. So you had all those ipads and no airpods to go with them?” He asked. “But I wouldn’t have asked. If I really wanted some I’d probably swipe a few. Those are small easily swiped from the gift table. Or even a person.” 
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