little-earthquakes-rp · 2 months
@kit-just-kit ...plucked from the Disco server
Kit nodded as his suggestion, her brow quirking together as she added "I don't know why yet, But I believe she'll really stick out. This woman……the visceral nature of the crime is so against the feminine and maternal norm. It leads me to think that we're looking for a woman who was denied the chance of being a mother - say through illness or accident, she had a hysterectomy fairly young. Maybe even lost her breasts too perhaps. She doesn't feel like a woman anymore and so, has no empathy for these young, beautiful, most probably very fertile women who were the victims. but at the same time, she's elegant, refined. Possibly even still very beautiful herself even though she doesn't see herself that way". In a sense, she could be describing herself - apart from the fact that Kit was already a mother and found joy in it ever day despite not being with her children all the time. Still, she was of 'a certain age' and had been cast aside for younger models by her last husband, she understood the rage and emptiness of being so lonely, all of a sudden. "The male perpetrator is still the key, physically. He's the one doing the cutting, the raping. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he wants to please her, to earn her respect and admiration. And she just wants an instrument to wreak her havoc on her victims - it's a very twisted dynamic". Her head shook slightly from side to side, somewhat lost in thoughts of the cruelty of the human race. And then, after a pause, she looked over at him and said "I'm sorry that you were forced to accept my involvement in this matter, Detective Rollins. I know it can't be easy to deal with my profession if you haven't had much interaction with us before". It was only a slight concession, made to try and smooth the way between them for the greater good. But it was needed, she felt.
Everything she said was vital information regarding both medical and psychological history, but he had no way to access any of it to help them find their alleged female suspect. It was frustrating and he wasn't able to stop as the disappointment showed when he sighed and sat back further in the seat. Everything mentioned regarding the female perp would come after they at least had a suspect, and shifted through her history. It didn't get them any closer to where they needed to be. At the mention of the male perp, Alex nodded in agreement and waited patiently for her to say more.
He listened as she worked through her thought process eventually finding herself at something they agreed on: it was a very twisted dynamic if her theory was correct. Watching her process was interesting, making it seem as if she wasn't trying to sell just him on the prospect, but also herself. The waitress interrupted briefly delivering the plates before scooting off to another table.
Alex grabbed his fork when he caught the apology. He paused and looked up staring stunted by the comment. What the hell kind of vibes was he putting out? Placing the fork down on the plate he blinked before doing his best to undo whatever he'd done. "My apologies Ms. Prince if I offended you in any manner. I've been a homicide detective for over fifteen years, and the job has hardened me a bit, or at least that's what I'm told by family and friends. Please forgive me if I've come off as rude or cynical. Something they also tell me." It wouldn't be the last time he'd have to make such an apology, but it was an honest one.
After a few bites, he'd received a notification announcing that they were indeed going to do another sweep of the crime scene. He shared the information, "Looks like they can head back over this afternoon." He sat down his cell and asked, "Would you like to go?"
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alexrollins-lbpd · 6 years
Closed Starter // @a-kitten-with-claws
When the Captain suggested Alex stop by the shrink's office he scoffed at the idea. No, he’d prefer someplace more neutral. He’d done enough time in those types of places due to his sisters and didn’t care for the claustrophobic inducing spaces. It wasn’t so much the space exactly; it was the expectation of opening up and sharing feelings and vulnerabilities. Respectfully, he’d shown up when requested by his sister’s counselor but always left filled with unease and heaviness. Leaving a brief message on Dr. Prince’s voice mail requesting a meeting a Josie’s Diner. Granted, it was a greasy spoon the coffee was always hot and the cinnamon rolls were made in house daily were remarkable. 
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Being a regular he shifted from sitting at the counter to a small table allowing more privacy. The staff was probably in utter shock to find him in at such an ungodly hour. Breakfast didn’t take place typically until after 10 am, but he just assume get the meeting over with and on with his day. The waitress stopped with a refill on his coffee when an enchanting woman appeared in the doorway; however, he immediately looked back to the waitress. Doubtful she was the one–too attractive to be so cerebral. Supringsly when a shadow was cast he turned his attention to find that very woman standing there. With a slightly bemused look on his face, he stood and extended his hand, “Ah...Dr. Kit Prince I take it.”
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