switchhummel · 7 months
liked your picture.
Thank you both, you handsome men!
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louiswtommox · 6 days
I apologise in advance for never having found this out meself but I'm not that well versed in the world of acting and all that. I recently got word of you being a singer too. Never realized that. You were just that guy from Stranger Things to me. Again sorry, but I'm shit with names. Need to listen to that music of yours as I'm still looking for some acts to play me festival next year and pretty sure people would be quite excited to see you up on that stage. @itsjamiebower
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byrds-bees · 1 year
Miriam walked through the front door without giving it a second thought. She was far too comfortable at Jamie's house to really consider knocking. Plus, with the constant parade of teenagers in and out it was highly unlikely anyone would actually hear the knock. She kicked off her shoes and smiled at one of the regular teenagers. Poppy, or Penny, something cute in that vein. She'd given Birdie homemade cookies ones. Finding her friend in the kitchen, Birdie grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water from the sink then took a long drink before sighing. "I need to get laid," she declared. As if her entire exhausting journey over had been for the sole purpose of making that announcement. Like she'd come to the revolutionary conclusion and suddenly realized the great sorrow it brought to her life.
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orionmacmillanbones · 2 years
🎉 - our muses pop confetti canons together
“This better not be glitter because I hate trying to pick this out of my hair and other areas and I look too good to mess this outfit up right now.” Orion was definitely feeling his clothes but then, he always felt like when he was out and about he looked good. He put effort into his appearance and that usually paid off for him.
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luluabbott · 1 year
“I mean, this is a pretty cute activity. I’d love to encourage more birds near the apartment if I can stick it outside our window.” Lulu murmured, tongue sticking out of her mouth a little as she attempted to make the bird house and decorate it. “Maybe I can get some special bird seed for it too.”
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akselandrirodchenko · 3 years
Where: seattle seaduction
Who: @jamesxkingsley​
Aksel was having a great time and was finally content with life but something still troubled him a little. Jamie and Aksel were currently in the same situation and it was a little nerve wracking for both of them. Aksel felt that if anyone knew the nerves it would be Jamie. He saw him by the bar and smiled. “ Hey J. Can I talk to you for a second?” He asked in a soft voice with a friendly smile. “ How’s tonight going for you?” He asked when they were away from the crowds. “ I’m ok and me and Matt are awesome. I was just kinda nervous about the whole making it public with the whole first date with your boyfriend thing. How you handling it?”
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touchofsomething · 3 years
The Inn
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Ravi’s day had started at 6 a.m. and by 9 p.m. all he wanted was a warm bed and a good meal. After his shoot he was driven to the Inn where he would be spending the next couple days. Unlike the usual hotels he had stayed in this place felt more comfortable then the high priced ones he was used to. Walking up to the desk he took off his glasses “Ravi Kapoor” he told the man whose nametag read Benjamin “my manager reserved a room for the weekend?”
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aveline-allaire · 4 years
Aveline was dreading this conversation, knowing she had only one option of how it needed to end.  She approached the girl with a sharp stare as they sat in a quiet area of the castle, as far from the dungeons as aveline could muster as not to be overheard. “Okay, you wished to ask questions, here I am.” She said sitting across from the girl, her spine straight and her face  emotionless.
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galahadsrp · 5 years
Muse: Jamie Reyes
Open: Men, Top/Bottom/Verse
Plot: Someone sees the scarab while he’s changing & thinks it’s a tattoo
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“What?” Jamie said as the other man in the locker room said something about his tattoo. He reached back a realised he meant the scarab under his lower back leaving a black outline. “Um… Yeah… Thanks,” he said playing it off as what the other man said. “you… you got any tattoo’s he asked without even looking at the other man not sure what to say as he grabbed his shirt.
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tyler--kirk · 4 years
Tyler stood outside of the building for a moment, just looking at it. His cousin was in there, he didn’t deserve to know about Fran but he had been her brother. Sighing a little bit, he made his way inside. Checking all of his stuff before being moved into a room. He was still in complete shock and he felt like this was horrible dream. Had they attacked her because of him? Was it Jamie’s fault after all this time? Damn right it was. When he came in the room, he looked up at him. “I’m not staying that long. So let’s not get comfortable.”
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switchhummel · 24 days
@jamie-prescott replied to your post: I've never actually explored chastity before, Sir. Well, minus arriving during the middle of locktober last year.
Still working your way on your likes list, pretty boy? That's good. You still have a lot to experience. Is this, chastity, something you would consider trying?
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madsking · 5 years
booty call waiting || mads + jamie
LOCATION: Mads’ Place DATE/TIME: 2am WITH: @jamieatwater
Mads was walking from her car to her door when her something in her pocket started to ring. She was dead on her feet after the shift she’d just worked at the medical center, and all she could think was For God’s sake please don’t be my pager. She fumbled in her pocket for a moment before realizing it was her phone. Without even looking at the screen, she picked it up and held it to her ear. “Hello?” she said into the phone. Who is calling me right now? She began to worry – was it an emergency? Did someone need her? Balancing the phone between her ear and her shoulder, she unlocked her door and walked into her home. Mads placed the phone on speaker and tossed it onto her bed while she began to untie her scrubs and change into some more comfortable clothes to sleep in. 
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mistressxfmagnetism · 4 years
@madroxmultiple said: ❛ I turned and ran to save a life I didn’t have. ❜
Lorna was a mess of conflicts inside. She hadn’t even started to deal with everything that made her disappear, that led to her brush with death. Now she had to add to that the fact that Erik had built missiles to destroy New York--and apparently intended to use them--and then Jean, Scott, and Maddie had murdered him for it. Negative emotions were hardly new to her, but this was another level. And yet, she felt stronger around them now. Physically anyway. Mentally... well, she was a mess.
“Can’t blame you. From what I heard, Erik was...” Lorna hesitated, the words feeling sour when he had died (been killed) so recently. She pressed forward, ignoring how her heart stuttered. “Out of line. Attacking Ric like that... Especially after what he did for me.” Under any other circumstances, Lorna would be tearing Erik a new one for laying a finger on Ric after he saved her, after Lorna got herself hurt with her own recklessness. She’d be going after him with far stronger words than out of line until he listened to her, until he saw how wrong he was. But he wasn’t here to do that. And that left her conflicted, more than she cared to admit. “Ric deserved better.” He still did.
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eric---matthews · 5 years
Eric needed answers. He didn’t understand any of this. Well death he knew but how someone could take someone else’s life. He had told Imogen that he had meetings all morning and he had told Alexa that he had several appointments. He had been here once before and that was it. Of course his father knew because he pulled the strings to get him in here no questions asked. Taking out an envelope with money in it, he gave it to the guard. “Cut the feed once I’m in there. Thank you.” He figured Jamie wouldn’t talk with a camera on him. Plus just in case Eric got pissed off and the two of them started fighting well he didn’t want proof of that. Moving into the room, he waited for them to bring in Jamie. When the door opened, they walked him over to the table and made him sit down. “Those are unnecessary.” He said this before the guards could cuff him to the table and then they left him uncuffed and left the room. “Jamie..” 
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madelinebrown · 6 years
The last twenty fours hours had been a complete whirlwind and the fact that her hair was matted together with her own blood, one of which she hadn’t had the chance to clean up yet, but she had planned to when she got home. She had just stopped momentarily to put the syringes that were no longer filled with vervain that were still inside the car, in the trash. She wanted to avoid the question of what the hell had she done, especially when she knew she’d see her brother at home. She didn’t want to approach the subject of how she had actually hours ago, had a bullet rip through her skull. She couldn’t do it. It was one of the reasons why she never told Sofia days ago when she had spoken to her, she knew how she would react and she chose not to tell her. It was then when she made her way back to her brother’s car, she heard a noise, one of which completely distracted her thoughts, though it didn’t stop how shaky she felt, the drink Leven had given her helped at the time, but now it was if her previous panic was turning into paranoia as she couldn’t force away the ringing in her ears. “Who’s there?” @splinteredsinner
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akselandrirodchenko · 3 years
Where: seaduction event 
Who: Aksel @jamesxkingsley and @mattjdavidson​
Aksel was sitting down at the table that was assigned for him and Matt when he saw Jamie. “ Hey.” He waved and pulled up an extra seat for him. Both Jamie and Aksel were going through similar things. “ How’s your night going?” He asked with a soft gaze around the food area till he saw Quinn. He looked back at Jamie and smiled. “ Everything ok?” He said and saw Matt heading over to the table. “ So... I have a boyfriend.” He grinned “ I’m now in a relationship with that hunky firefighter over there.” He said pointing to matt who looked over and Aksel waved for him to come and sit with them. He looked at Jamie and gave a soft smile. “ Did you get a valentines card?” He asked softly and watched and then laughed as Matt made his way over to them through the crowds of people dancing and swaying. “ There you are.” He chuckled. “ I was about to send out a search party.” He said flashing a smile. 
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