#c:eden livingston
lunarchld · 7 years
“You are my love.” Cory to Eden
“You’re going to have others...” Eden promised, reaching up to put a hand on Cory’s cheek. This was the moment they’d been waiting for. It’d been a long time coming and over the years they may have even forgotten that this day would come. The closer they got and the more things they did together had Eden constantly forgetting that it would eventually come to an end before either of them wanted it to. Being with Cory made her forget that she was going to die before her time. Being with him made her forget that they would never have a chance to do all of the things they wanted to do together. As much as she wished that she could be his one true love, she hoped even more that she wasn’t. Eden didn’t want Cory to love her for the rest of his life if that meant that he couldn’t move on and be with someone else. He would always be the love of her short life, but she only needed to be the love of part of his. “Just promise that you’ll never forget me... and promise that none of the others will be as cool as me...” She teased, trying to lighten the mood. Eden leaned forward to put her forehead on his and closed her eyes, wishing that they could stay like this forever. 
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lunarchld · 7 years
“Hey, I bought a paint your own ornament kit. Let’s make some!” Cory to Eden
“Okay honestly, you are the best.” Eden pushed herself up and propped herself against her pillows. She’d been sick in bed for a week now and the only time she felt better was when Cory came over. And he’d been making the drive every single day without any complaints. “Can we make them dirty?” She grinned, sorting through the kit he’d just given her. “You know Lila would appreciate an ornament that said ‘fuck it’ on it.” Making ornaments would be fun, because anything she did with Cory was fun, but Eden was sure it would be way better if they were dirty ornaments. 
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lunarchld · 7 years
“So what? You did it.” Cory to Eden
“Of course, I did.” Eden snorted and put her hands on her hips. “Who would I be if I didn’t?” She didn’t have one bone in her body that could get embarrassed over something stupid that she’d done. She didn’t see a point in getting embarrassed or shy over something. Her life was short and everything she did was because she wanted to. There was no room for humiliation when it came to living your life to the fullest. “Another item off the bucket list.” Eden slashed her arm through the air like she was crossing something off her list. Then she grabbed Cory’s hand and started pulling him towards his motorcycle. “And Emmett owes me 50 bucks! He said I wouldn’t go through with it. Gotta go collect.” 
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lunarchld · 8 years
pick a ship and tell me (Going Out Edition)
Eden and Cory
Who takes the longest to get ready: Eden probably takes longer but she doesn’t really take that long, they are usually the first to go out of the whole group
Who is deemed the designated driver: Eden because she doesn’t drink or smoke or anything 
Who drags the other out to the dance floor: Eden drags Cory out 
Who orders the weirdest drink(s) at the bar: Cory (but not really he’s just the only one of the two drinking) if anything it’s Eden ordering drinks and making him drink them
Who begs the DJ to play their favorite song: Eden 
Who initiates the PDA: Cory but she doesn’t fight it 
Who is more likely to get into a bar fight: Cory 
Who gets obnoxiously drunk and won’t stop calling everyone ‘bitch’: Eden 
Who makes friends with everyone they meet: Eden bc she talks to anyone 
Who gets the most numbers from random strangers: Eden bc see above 
Who is ready to go home first: Cory bc he’s ready to take this PDA to the bedroom 
Who crashes in bed with all of their clothes still on: Neither of them are crashing anywhere with clothes on 
Who is the most hungover the next morning: Cory 
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lunarchld · 9 years
"You did this?" Cory to Eden // "Shut up and kiss me." Emmett to Cassie // "I like your ass." Kamran to Heidi // "No, no -- Go back to sleep. I'll get him." Luke to Jude // "You light a fire inside of me." Noah to Lila
“Pretty impressive, huh?” Eden grinned and nudged Cory with her elbow. She watched him take in all the fine details of the atrocious painting before them and tried to figure out if he really thought she’d painted it. After nearly a minute she couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. Eden bent forward, her hands on her knees, and shook her head. “I bought it at a thrift store...” She admitted through her laughter. “Oh my God, you’re so cute though... you’re face said ‘this is so horrible’ but you were totally gonna pretend like it’s the best thing ever, weren’t you?” She knew that the painting she’d bought was the worst thing ever but, strangely, she liked it. It was so bad that it was good and it made her happy. And Cory could obviously see that, which probably made him like it too.
“Okay, okay,” Cassie giggled, wrapping her arms around Emmett’s neck. Trying to catch up and hear about all the things she’d missed while she was in Ohio was something that would have to happen later. For now, despite the fact that they were in the middle of the airport, was time for kissing. It’d been two months since they’d seen each other in person and that meant they had two months of kissing to make up for. And she sure as hell wasn’t complaining. 
“Aww babe,” Heidi gushed, putting a hand to her heart. “That’s the best compliment ever.” She did another little spin for Kamran in her new, barely there, lingerie set. She knew that she looked good. She looked great. And she knew that Kamran knew she knew she looked good. But hearing a compliment - even one about your ass - from the guy you love never got old. Heidi skipped over to where Kamran was seat and dropped down onto his lap. “What else do you like about me?” She asked, a grin spreading across her lips. She was a greedy girl and one compliment was never enough. 
“It’s my turn...” Jude mumbled into her pillow. She said this but she didn’t actually make any of the movements to get up out of bed and go get their crying baby. It was times like these when she realized just how lucky she was to have Luke. He was a godsend. Other dads reached over and shook their wives awake while the baby cried in the next room but not Luke. He almost always the first up and the one telling Jude to go back to sleep. And, hell, she sure as hell wasn’t going to argue with him. “Bring him here...” She said sleepily, rolling over onto her side to make room for baby Max to lay down between them. 
“Arson... cool...” Lila mumbled, her gaze dropping down to Noah’s lips. She’d never been that good at compliments, or whatever it was he was giving her. And her go to mode was to deflect it but something about the way Noah gave compliments (or whatever) made her feel all warm and tingly on the inside. It was a weird feeling, and she didn’t know if she loved or hated it yet, but she was going with it. “Are there any special methods to put this fire out?” Lila took a step towards him and raised a brow. She was his for the taking. At this point, all he Noah had to do was realize it.
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lunarchld · 9 years
“Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” (Cory to Eden) // “I can’t live without you!” (Emmett to Cassie) // “Do you remember anything?” (Kamran to Heidi) // “Are you okay in there? You’ve been so quiet.” (Luke to Jude) // “What’s all this blood?!” (Noah to Lila)
“I don’t know!” Eden replied frantically, quickly typing out a google search. “I’ve never dislocated my shoulder before!” She added on, glancing at Cory for a moment before looking back at her phone. When a picture of an actual dislocated shoulder was pulled up on her screen she turned it towards Cory. “Do we need to go to the hospital?” One would think that Eden could handle stressful situations and hospital visits but the idea of going to the hospital for someone other than herself freaked her the fuck out. “Oh, my God, I fucking broke you!” This was horrible and she wasn’t being helpful at all. 
Cassie shook her head and turned away from Emmett. He wasn’t making this easy for her. Just like always the fear that she had within her came out to the surface and caused her to rethink everything in her life. She’d been through this with Heidi many times but with Emmett it was different. He wasn’t letting her go. Heidi could always back off for a little while but not him... Cassie didn’t want to be without him either but she was terrified and let her fear control her. She didn’t know what to do. With a quivering bottom lip she looked back to him. “I wish you could...” She cried pathetically. Why was being loved so hard? 
Heidi groaned and buried her face in her pillow. There was little bits and pieces of the night before flashing in her head and none of them were very appealing. There’d been lots of shots, loss of clothing, and an annoying amount of PDA (not that any of that really bothered her but could have very easily ruined her friends birthday party). “I’m going to pretend like I don’t...” Heidi finally answered, picking her head up to look at Kamran. “You don’t remember any of it either, okay? Lying is the best policy.” 
“It’s called relaxing!” Jude hollered, sinking deeper into the bubbles of her bath. With Max at her parents house for the weekend she and Luke had the apartment to themselves. This was the first bath she’d taken in way too long. She could relate to her husbands worry though. The quietness of the house was kind of creeping her out too and made her miss her baby. 
Lila grinned and raised her brows. “There’s been a terrible accident...” She told Noah, wiggling her bloody fingers at him. She should probably a little more concerned that she was bleeding profusely but she hardly cared. It would be kind of cool to bleed to death... Lila dropped her hands and smiled wildly, her eyes ablaze. “Don’t worry, I’m fine... just hitting walls again.” Walls, parked car windows, the norm. 
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lunarchld · 10 years
◊ Eden/Cory
3 pm. The cafe. Dont tell anyone where you're going. Dont ask any questions. Bring a change of clothes. 
PS. I borrowed money for a cab home... I'll pay you back later!
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lunarchld · 10 years
"Who needs this many jello shots?" Cory to Eden
"Okay so I overestimated a little bit." Eden shrugged her shoulders and waved a dismissive hand "We can make a game of it or something... drunk people love games... it'll totally be fine." She picked up one of the trays that contained at least 30 jello shots and carefully moved it to the refrigerator. "And if we have any left over then it's all you, big boy." She grinned at Cory and grabbed another tray. This was the first real party that she was throwing and by God she was going to do it with a bang. And that meant a refrigerator full of jello shots. 
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lunarchld · 10 years
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lunarchld · 10 years
"You ordered a moon bounce?" (Cory to Eden)
Eden bit the inside of her lip to keep from laughing and nodded her head. Not just any moon bounce but the most awesome moon bounce one could find these days. Personally she thought it was the best surprise ever and would have liked to have it at her birthday. “Did you not want a moon bounce?” She asked Cory, raising her brows and blinked a few times. “Everyone wants a moon bounce at their birthday party��� it’s like… a law or something.” Anyway, it was bound to get hilarious with all of Cory’s drunken friends jumping around in it and he may be surprised (and maybe a little confused) now but she didn’t doubt that he’d be in it before too long. 
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lunarchld · 10 years
❀ ↹ ♘ for Eden
❀ for a boy/girlfriend headcanon
She’ll probably deny for a long time that (when they get to that point) Cory is her boyfriend. For some reason she thinks that not admitting that he is will make things easier but lol no. 
↹ for a best friend headcanon
There is one girl who stuck around through everything and they are basically like sisters but she moved away for college and is not living a college life and Eden is doing her own thing. They still talk a lot but not as much as they did when they were living five minutes away from each other. 
♘ for a favorite teacher headcanon
None. Eden hated school and thought it was the biggest waste of her time but she did work really hard so that she could finish early because her parents wouldn’t let her drop out. 
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lunarchld · 10 years
"I thought you’d never ask." Cory to Eden
Eden let out a the breath she’d been holding and sighed in relief. She really needed to get over the whole fear of asking Cory to do things with her. He hadn’t said no yet and he probably didn’t plan on saying it anytime soon. And it wasn’t like she was subtle at all, she’d been hinting around for days about the little trip she wanted to take over the state line, secretly hoping that he would just ask if he could come but that plan had failed. Eden had just now blurted out her proposition before she could even stop herself and in the few seconds it took for Cory to respond she had sent herself into a frenzy. But luckily she hadn’t had anything to worry about and now her plans would become a reality, with Cory alongside her. 
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lunarchld · 10 years
[text] You free tomorrow? (Cory to Eden)
[text] Uh.. no actually. 
[text] Ive got a doctors appointment and it’s probably going to take a lot out of me… No big deal though.
[text] The next day? 
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lunarchld · 10 years
"Here’s my number." Cory to Eden
"You’ll probably regret giving me this…" Eden replied with a smirk as she took the little piece of paper from Cory. She didn’t give him a reason as to why he would regret it until she had gathered up all of her stuff and stood up. Just before she turned and walked away to head home she added on a "I’m a late night texter… you should expect messages at three in the morning." 
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lunarchld · 10 years
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lunarchld · 10 years
❤ you pick who (:
Well Savannah was being a biatch (as usual) so it isn’t them. Instead it’s….
“I can’t see you anymore.” Eden started, looking down at her hands and avoiding Cory’s questioning look. She spoke up again before he could get a word in, she knew very well that if he opened his mouth then she would just forget everything she had to say and she would change her mind. “I fell in love with you… I love you and I don’t want to. I can’t bring any more people into the mess of my life. I don’t want anyone else to mourn me when I’m gone and I should have known that this would happen. I should have let go a long time ago but I didn’t and that was selfish of me but I’m letting go now.”
Eden didn’t even know if he loved her back and she didn’t want to know either. Knowing that there was a person in the world that loved her for her would only devastate her even more. She was a pretty big package and not one that was wrapped up in a pretty red bow. Being with her meant that you would be with her illness and she didn’t want to put that on anyone. “It’s going to be better this way,” She continued, still avoiding his eyes, “It’ll be better because we won’t make any more memories together and you’ll be able to forget about me.” How easy would it be for him to forget the tattooed covered, green haired, loud mouth girl who had made herself so very apparent in his life?
“I love you, Cory… I really do and I’m so sorry if you love me too.” Finally Eden looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for showing me what real love is…” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before turning to walk away before he could see her cry. Why did she think falling in love was something that she wanted to do before she died? She didn’t want to be in love… it was messy and her life was already messy. 
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