#c: zelda 001
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settledwounds · 1 year ago
Easton let out all the stress he had held onto the moment his eyes spotted her. All the worry slowly melted away and he felt okay, not great, but in the moment okay was better than nothing. "Everything is truly fucked," he mirrored her words, "I don't understand either. This isn't logical." The two had led the last four years of their lives based rational and clear thinking and nothing in this place made any sense.
Since his arrival, Easton hadn't had a moment of rest where he could breathe, but now with Zelda here he felt his fractured mind put itself slightly back together. Losing her in the scuffle had been the scariest thing he had experienced and internally he wasn't right. Things were as right as they could be and he'd be thankful for that.
Nodding, "as good as I can be," he sighed, "someone helped me, not before he stole my jacket." It was an odd experience, but nothing here was normal, "they had somethings so I could patch myself up," he pointed to the cut on his forehead, "and this place, colony house, it's like a hippie dippie free for all," it was a small joke, "I don't know what to do here.
"Are you okay?"
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He was stronger than her. How was he so strong? Why was she the only one crying, panicking? A flash of shame electrocutes her, but just as quickly as those thoughts came, they're gone at the hold of his embrace. She breathes in deeply in an attempt to steady her breathing, standing in silence for a moment.
"Everything is..." Finally, some words find their way out of her mouth. She can feel wetness against his shirt from the remnants of her tears. Her eyes sting, and her nose is running, but at long last she can feel like she has the capacity to speak. "I don't understand." Zelda's words come out as low as a whisper, feeling her throat tighten toward the end of her sentence.
You've spoken too much, she thinks. She already feels like she looks so weak in front of him, and now he would have to live with this memory of her in such a fragile state. She sniffles, attempting her best to hold back any other tears threatening to fall, pulling back from his embrace. Crybaby.
"Are you okay?"
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serandipity · 8 months ago
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This is an indie multi muse rp blog for muses from the Legend of Zelda, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Final Fantasy, F.ire Emblem, and guest starring a few OC's penned by Serenade or Sera. OC friendly, crossover friendly, but slow replies ahoy.
Current Counts
Drafts: 36 Starters owed: 0
Thread tracker - To check if your thread is currently in queue go to the top and click 'show currently queued threads'. This will list threads currently sitting in my queue. Please note: this list only says that a thread is in the queue, not when it will pop up. If you would like your thread to post sooner please reach out to me.
Shipping Interest Tracker. Associated with: @agloryofuniicorns
Followed for a specific muse and don't want to see the others? Totally understandable! My tagging system for muses is muse: '[c.haracter name]' so just add that to your filter list and the posts should be filtered to keep your dash clean!
fandoms are tagged as fandom: [n.ame of f.andom]. Dots included. This is to keep things out of the main tags
my art is tagged as doodle book [m.use name] other art reblogged is tagged as portraits: [m.use name]
the little lady that appears in the promo image is Starlette Teaflower, a fun little oc of mine who is a muse on the blog. c:
I typically write at work and then dump what I have end if day. You are most likely to get posts from me after 11pm EST. How many posts go out really revolves around how busy work was. If I’m not at work I’m probably not writing cause I’m hanging out with Benji Mobile Friendly Muse List + Rules under the cut
001. I am mutuals only, but I’m not super picky over who I follow. I don’t usually follow first, but I am trying to follow more people. If I follow you, assume I wish to write with you in some capacity. 002 .I will only write with people who are 18+. I do not want minors interacting with my posts or with me at all. I was a teacher for 5+ years and I am uninterested in curating my private space for minors the way I had to curate my professional space. I will hard block you if you’re a minor 003. Treat me the same way you’d want to be treated. Do not push for a ship, do not push for me to reply, do not god mode, etc etc. I feel I really don’t have to spell most of this out because this should all be basic RP etiquette already. 
I don’t really care if you reblog memes or images from me. I will sometimes post my own personal art. If you like it or it is relevant to your blog, you are free to reblog it.
If I reblog something from you like a meme or something and you find you want me to reblog from source instead let me know. I try to do that but I’m mobile a lot and sometimes I honestly just forget
004. I write at work most of the time and am not on tumblr on my days off. This can mean there are days where I am not writing depending on how busy work is. I have a thread tracker to check if I have replied to something and it’s usually* up to date
*sometimes it is not and if it is not please feel free to dm me and ask.
005. My three muse classifications are Available, Request Only, and Private.
AVAILABLE muses can be written with anyone and I will be comfortable tossing them at you without request.
REQUEST ONLY is what it implies; they have to be requested. This is either due to my muse/grasp of the character being lesser, or the character being of Dubious Quality. You don’t have to hesitate to request it, however. If you express interest in it privately to me I will gladly throw a request only muse into your ask box for meme’s
PRIVATE means the muse is being written for someone specific. Likely this is Benji. Do not request a private muse unless we have become friends and you are friends with Benji as well. 
006. Please leave fandom drama at the door!
Some of the fandoms I write in are notorious for having… contentious views over specific characters, and I do not wish to partake in this. I like my muses, I like writing them, and I will continue to write them. Additionally, I will be writing darker topics (they all will be tagged and under readmores).
If you feel the need to police me for my muses or for the content that I write, I will block you. 007. With the exception of a few, most muses are written as being over 18. This includes muses who may not be canonically that age but will be with time. All interactions with them being over 18 are set after their canon events. If this bothers you, do not follow me. 008. While I feel I’m not slow, I tend to have a lot of interactions, and I will always prioritize my friends over others. This does not mean I do not want to write with you, but you will likely see some partners receiving replies daily while you receive a reply once every few weeks. This is another case of ‘if this bothers you, do not follow me’.
On this note, I also only would like to follow blogs I am actively writing with. If we do not have a meaningful thread after 2-3 months, I will unfollow. 009. I adore shipping and will be posting a shipping call on my actual blog that will detail my guidelines in more detail. But, to suffice - unless a muse is private (or under the age of 18), consider them shippable! All muses can assume to be bisexual. Please leave any ship drama at the door too. I will ship what I want to ship and write what I want to write and tag it as necessary to give people a chance to filter like I do with everything else on this blog. If that’s a deal breaker then please do not follow me.
010. I am not afraid to defend myself if some garbage pops up. I don't believe in being nice and polite anymore for the sake of optics and "not bringing drama to the dash" anymore. I consider myself friendly, but I will not be a doormat for people who only wish to assume the worst of me.
011. If you soft block me and I find out no hard feelings, but also, I'm just going to hard block you. I will assume you no longer wish to interact with me and will follow suit. This is to cut down on the potential of me accidentally refollowing after you've quietly expressed you don't wish to interact anymore.
012. I am of the mindset that most things can be solved with a dm. I actually think tumblr's mindset of you can never be confrontational is actively harmful and has created an environment where everyone is too afraid to speak their mind or speak up when they have an issue with someone. in fear of being viewed as "toxic" or "drama mongering". Please know that if you have an issue with me and wish to discuss it in DM's I will at the very least hear you out and listen to your side.
Muse list below:
F.inal F.antasy -E.renville - F.F14 - Request -E.stinien - F.F14 - Available -R.yne - F.F14 - Available -V.enat - F.F14 - Request -H.ien - F.F14 -I.sabella ( the Dame) - FF16 - Available - M.id - F.F16 - Request -S.leipnir - F.F16 - Request -C.id - F.F16 - Available - D.ion - F.F16 - Available - I.gnis - F.F15 - Request - P.rompto - F.F15 - Request -G.entiana - F.F15 - Request - A.ranea - F.F15 - Request F.ire E.mblem - D.orothea - F.E3H - Available - H.ubert - F.E3H - Private - F.elix - F.E3H - Available - M.arianne - F.E3H -Request -B.ernadetta - F.E3h - Request -S.ylvain - F.E3H - Request -M!B.yleth - canon divergent / au based - Request -J.eralt - F.E3H - Request -F.layn - F.E3H - Request - R.hea - F.E3H - Request - C.laude - F.E3H - PRIVATE - I.vy - F.E E.ngage - Request - H.ortensia - FE Engage - Request - V.eyle - F.E E.ngage - Request -C.eline - F.E E.ngage - Request -M!Alear - F.E E.ngage - Request
H.arvest M.oon P.opuri - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT - Available K.aren - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT - Available E.lli - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT - Available M.ary - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT - Available S.kye - H.arvest Moon DS Cute - Request H.arvest K.ing - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade - Request W.izard - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade - Request C.andace - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade M.atthew - S.tory of S.easons A W.onderful L.ife - Request N.ami - S.tory of S.easons A W.onderful L.ife - Request N.ikolai - H.arvest Moon W.inds of A.nthos - Request K.ingdom H.earts A.qua - B.BS / K.H3 - Request
L.egend of Z.elda H.ylia - L.ore - Available D.in - L.ore - Request N.ayru - L.ore - Request F.arore - L.ore - Request S.ky Z.elda - S.kyward S.word - Request Ghirahim - S.kyward S.word Request F.i - S.kyward S.word - Request S.heik - canon divergent / o.ot au based - Available M.alon - O.carina of T.ime - Request M.ikau - M.ajora's M.ask - Request Lulu - M.ajora's M.ask - Request D.eku P.rincess - Request M.idna - T.wilight P.rincess - Request T.etra - W.ind W.aker - Request M.ipha - B.reath of the W.ild - Request R.iju - B.reath of the W.ild P.okemon L.illie - S.un and M.oon - Available Gladion - S.un and M.oon - Request Lusamine - S.un and M.oon - Request R.ika - S.carlet and V.iolet - Request L.arry - S.carlet and V.iolet - Request R.aishan - S.word and S.hield - Request S.teven S.tone - O.RAS - Request
R.une F.actory M.ist - R.F1 / R.FF - Request L.ynette - R.F1 - Request S.haron - R.F1 - Request B.ianca - R.F1 / R.FF - Request I.ris N.oire - R.FF - Request I.ris B.lanche - R.FF - Request M.icah - R.F3 - Request P.ia - R.F3 - Available F.rey - R.F4 - Request V.ishnal - R.F4 - Request D.olce - R.F4 - Request L.eon - R.F4 - Request L.ucas - R.F5 - Request M.urakamo - R.F5 - Request M.isasagi - R.F5 - Request Tales of S.orey - Z.estirea - PRIVATE E.dna - Z.estirea - Available Z.aveid - Z.estirea / B.erseria - PRIVATE R.okurou - B.erseria - Available L.aphicet - B.erseria - Request D.ohalim - A.rise - Request R.inwell - A.rise - Request C.olette - S.ymphonia - Request Zellos - S.ymphonia - Request Yuan - S.ymphonia - Request Persona J.oker - P.5 - Request A.nn T.akamai - Request F.utaba S.akura - Request Y.usuke K.itagawa - Request T.ae Takemi - Request S.adayo K.awakami - Request
Other Media V.ex'ahlia - Legends of Vox Machina TV Show - Request C.astiel - Supernatural Original Characters Starlette Teaflower - Request Mina Oronir - WoL OC - Request
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urkingbby · 4 years ago
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After agreeing to meet Zelda at one of the park benches, Jackson reluctantly made his way out of his hotel room and into the dreaded amusement park. It hadn’t been his plan to offer Disney much more of his money after arriving, but somewhere along his journey, he found the giant pretzels coaxing him to the dark side. Without a word, Jackson approached the bench where he found Zelda waiting. Taking a silent seat next to her, he fiddled with the un-bitten pretzel in his hands and peeked over at her awkwardly. It hadn’t been discussed between the two of them whether or not they would actually get up to anything that day, and truthfully, Jackson hadn’t spent nearly as much time finding a way to express his disinterest in doing anything as he should have. Being face to face with the girl now, instead he offered her a small shrug. “Sorry I... didn’t expect the Wetzel’s line to be so long.” He muttered after a moment. “Wanna piece?” @zeldareese​
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kyoshiwarriorleader · 3 years ago
“i’d like to spend my vacation at the library” || @ofzeldas​
Suki eyed the other woman curiously for a moment before she responded. “You’re telling me, out of all the places you could take a vacation, you’d choose the... library?” Even when she was in school Suki would spend as little time in the library as possible, just the thought of spending a vacation there was... definitely not for her.
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virtualfashionstyle · 3 years ago
It's girls!
VW: Second Life
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AlaFolie - ZELDA noire
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Psycho Barbie dress
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Luas Karol skirt
L&B (*Fitted* LARA) Swear "Aviator" Leather Jacket V2
L&B (*Fitted* LARA) Swear "Aviator" Bra AddOn
-Birth- 'Glimmer' Eyes - BOM
tram K0227 hair(B2)
::GB:: Flight goggles (Resize)
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ФРИШНОЕ Голова: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Strong Face GIFT001 - v1.7 - Mocap (бесплатно) Тело: BODY v19 —- LucyBody Atenea (бесплатно) Наушники: Spoiled - Wings Gaming Headset (бесплатно) Чокер: :*z e r o i c h i * AG CHOKER (Pink) (бесплатно) Корсет: Mangula Powerfull Girl - Top - [Lara] (бесплатно) Штаны: EVIE - Cargo Pants GIFT [Maitreya] (бесплатно) Губы: Zibska Sofie Lips 07 (бесплатно) Тату: !SIDIKA SAKA! Poniq Tattoo Bom ((Add Me)) (бесплатно) Глаза: YOSHI Eyes - Group Gift Kiyomi - BOM (бесплатно) Ожерелье: Sweet Thing. Crystalline Necklace (бесплатно) ПЛАТНОЕ Волосы: Foxy - Feline. (S/Genus) Курточка: TETRA - Tokyo Puffer jacket - Maitreya (покупалась со скидкой) Обувь: *Epic* Arisa's Rainbow Foot.Geared Sneakers! {Baby.Pink} (покупалась на распродаже) Тени для глаз: #Mewsery - Starlight [Pink2] Eye Makeup #2 Liner (покупались с большой скидкой) Скин: [ MUDSKIN ]_YOUN HEE # BARE_E1 (100) MUDSKIN_UNIVERSIAL NECK_100 Скин тела был Mother Gooses (фришный) магазин закрыл��я.
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VCO ~ Yurim / 001 . Rigged [ Mint ]
BONDI . The Keeper Glasses . Precious Metals
/ HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.1
BODY v19 —- LucyBody Atenea
Rmeng Neck Fix C T2
.E l e i. - Jeongyeon (Face Skin) / EVOX / ST001
Luas Lightrona Hoodie Maitreya
Spoiled - B**tch DONT STEAL MY SWITCH Maitreya (R)
{Valentine} Blair Skirt ~ Lara ~ Black
Phedora ~ Morgan Unisex Plats ~ Maitreya
.Tardfish. Beemtendo Blue - Sitting (materials enabled)
!RT Haloween Striped Tights
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Fate - student tie (mesh) (complete tie, wear without shirt)
(r)M ~ Hair(Msh) No.10 ~ gG 03'13
(r)M ~ Loose Pearls (babyPink)
Luas Karol Skirt Maitreya Navy
Off Shoulder[L]
Phedora ~ Morgan Unisex Plats ~ Maitreya
RT! Stocking 6
[LIV-Glam]WINTER-2012-Auclair Vintage Shirt
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[Yomi] Andromeda Hair
[Yomi] Andromeda Extensions - Maitreya-Legacy Chests
ZAHRA- Maisy top. Maitreya
Luas Karol Skirt Maitreya Navy
' BAD IDEAS ' Bulbus Oculi [can] WEAR R-Hand
' BAD IDEAS ' Bulbus Oculi [eye] WEAR L-Hand
[ Exilus ] Corrupted Claw (Glowing)
[Exilus] Evelynn Spikes - Full
~ Quadrametics - Syth Stitch 3 Gift (BOM & LEL EVO X) ~
[Glam Affair] Clara - Brows Dark 50%
e.marie // Sally Earrings { EvoX elf F }
YOSHI - Group Gift Eerie
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.Tardfish. Cy-Cat MEOW!
*BBYY*B18(FAT) (for tomoto, gakubou)
Luas Punk Mask
Sweet Thing. Game Controller (Mouthie) - Black
!TLB - Game On!
UNA.Kuroi Shirt (Maitreya) Black
Luas Punk School Bag
Spoiled - B**tch DONT STEAL MY SWITCH Maitreya (R)
: CULT : Zoey - Maitreya
[KENSHO] Bloom (Maitreya)
!RT...Grunge black
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0 notes
tekamedia · 5 years ago
Company-builder Antler passes $75M raised after investment from Schroders and Ferd
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/tekamedia/2020/02/06/company-builder-antler-passes-75m-raised-after-investment-from-schroders-and-ferd/
Company-builder Antler passes $75M raised after investment from Schroders and Ferd
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Antler is a company builder which emerged a couple of years ago, running startup generator programs and investing from an early-stage, bringing together a heady mix of technologists, product builders, and operators together with its own technology stack. Now… Read More
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   Price: $59.99
Item specifics
Condition: Used :
An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. See all condition definitions– opens in a new window or tab
Seller Notes: “This lot comes with a Platinum Silver Nintendo GameCube DOL-101, an Official Nintendo branded GameCube controller, Official Nintendo branded AV, and Official Nintendo branded Power Cables. It does NOT come with the game shown in the last few photos. Those photos are there to demonstrate that the system can read and play game discs.”
Manufacturer Color: Platinum A/V Output(s): Component RCA MPN:
Platform: Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish: Metallic Connectivity: Component RCA, Composite RCA Resolution: Under 480p Color:
Region Code: NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) UPC:
About this product
Product Information The Nintendo GameCube limited edition platinum console is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport from room to room. It is powerful with its Gekko 485 MHz processor, meaning you get slick graphics and fast gameplay. Some of the most popular Nintendo titles that are compatible with this console include “Tony Hawk,” “Sonic,” “Batman,” “Super Smash Brothers,” and “Legend of Zelda.”As for the legendary Mario, he and his brother Luigi and their friends make a strong appearance in several GameCube games. These would include “Super Mario Sunshine,” “Mario Party 5,” “Super Mario Strikers,” and “Mario Kart: Double Dash.” You can use this system to help Mario explore exotic tropical Islands using his amazing hydro-jet pack. Or you can join Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, and the rest of their friends in high speed racing adventures. This console, preceded by the Nintendo 64 and succeeded by the Nintendo Wii, serves as a stylistic bridge between gaming styles.The distinguished Nintendo company has long been hailed as a master at creating innovative new systems. One of the cool features of the Nintendo GameCube is that the Game Boy Player can actually attach to it, allowing the GameCube user to play Game Boy Advance games on the GameCube. There are four controller ports, which is ideal if you are looking to play it with a bunch of friends. You also have access to two memory card slots, giving you the chance to save games in case you want stop and play later.For it’s original launch in 2001, the GameCube was available in either Indigo or Jet Black. Later, the sleek and shiny Nintendo GameCube Limited Edition Platinum Console was released. The controllers that come with this Limited Edition Platinum GameCube are some of the most impressive of any Nintendo controllers. That’s because of their easy-to-use wing grip design that fits snugly in your hands as you play. These controllers have plenty of functions, with color-coded “A”, “B”, “X”, “Y” and “C” buttons on them, a D-pad, and two analog sticks. You can start or pause the game by pushing a button in the controller’s center. You’ll find digital/analog “L” and “R” buttons, and a digital “Z” button. The two-fold sensor system located within the controller is activated by sliding a piece from one side to the other to transform the controller from analog to digital mode. Product Identifiers Brand Nintendo MPN DOL-001 UPC 0045496940393 Model Gamecube eBay Product ID (ePID) 100266913 Product Key Features A/V Output(s) Component RCA Platform Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish Metallic Resolution Under 480p Region Code NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) Manufacturer Color Platinum Dimensions Weight 3.5lb. Width 5.91in. Height 4.33in. Depth 6.3in. Additional Product Features Audio Output Support Stereo Sound Processor Ati Flipper 81MHz Product Name Nintendo GameCube RAM Capacity 24KB Power Source Types Power Adapter-External Console Color Platinum Device Input Support Game Pad Color Platinum Fill-Rate 0.65 Megapixels / Sec Hard Drive Caché 256KB Video Color Output Color Type Console CPU Ibm PowerPC Video Outputs Composite Video, Hf TV Signal, Component Video Product Line Nintendo GameCube Processor Quantity 1 Release Date November/2001 RAM Technology 1t-Sram Edition Limited Edition Internet Connectivity Wired
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$59.99 End Date: Thursday Mar-5-2020 17:34:28 PST Buy It Now for only: $59.99 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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thebizmarketer · 5 years ago
When Trump Talks About Jews, He’s Really Talking to Evangelical Christians
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/theeyesofthe/2019/08/21/when-trump-talks-about-jews-hes-really-talking-to-evangelical-christians/
When Trump Talks About Jews, He’s Really Talking to Evangelical Christians
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Those tuning in to the presidents occasional exhortations to American Jews to love what he loves and to hate what (or whom) he hates may wonder why he seems obsessed with this relatively small category of Americans, to the extent of accusing the vast majority… Read More
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   Price: $72.45
Item specifics
Seller refurbished: An item that has been restored to working order by the eBay seller or a third party not approved by
Region Code: NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) A/V Output(s): Component RCA Manufacturer Color: Platinum Platform: Nintendo GameCube MPN:
Design/Finish: Metallic Resolution: Under 480p UPC:
About this product
Product Information The Nintendo GameCube limited edition platinum console is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport from room to room. It is powerful with its Gekko 485 MHz processor, meaning you get slick graphics and fast gameplay. Some of the most popular Nintendo titles that are compatible with this console include “Tony Hawk,” “Sonic,” “Batman,” “Super Smash Brothers,” and “Legend of Zelda.”As for the legendary Mario, he and his brother Luigi and their friends make a strong appearance in several GameCube games. These would include “Super Mario Sunshine,” “Mario Party 5,” “Super Mario Strikers,” and “Mario Kart: Double Dash.” You can use this system to help Mario explore exotic tropical Islands using his amazing hydro-jet pack. Or you can join Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, and the rest of their friends in high speed racing adventures. This console, preceded by the Nintendo 64 and succeeded by the Nintendo Wii, serves as a stylistic bridge between gaming styles.The distinguished Nintendo company has long been hailed as a master at creating innovative new systems. One of the cool features of the Nintendo GameCube is that the Game Boy Player can actually attach to it, allowing the GameCube user to play Game Boy Advance games on the GameCube. There are four controller ports, which is ideal if you are looking to play it with a bunch of friends. You also have access to two memory card slots, giving you the chance to save games in case you want stop and play later.For it’s original launch in 2001, the GameCube was available in either Indigo or Jet Black. Later, the sleek and shiny Nintendo GameCube Limited Edition Platinum Console was released. The controllers that come with this Limited Edition Platinum GameCube are some of the most impressive of any Nintendo controllers. That’s because of their easy-to-use wing grip design that fits snugly in your hands as you play. These controllers have plenty of functions, with color-coded “A”, “B”, “X”, “Y” and “C” buttons on them, a D-pad, and two analog sticks. You can start or pause the game by pushing a button in the controller’s center. You’ll find digital/analog “L” and “R” buttons, and a digital “Z” button. The two-fold sensor system located within the controller is activated by sliding a piece from one side to the other to transform the controller from analog to digital mode. Product Identifiers Brand Nintendo MPN DOL-001 UPC 0045496940393 Model Gamecube eBay Product ID (ePID) 100266913 Product Key Features A/V Output(s) Component RCA Platform Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish Metallic Resolution Under 480p Region Code NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) Manufacturer Color Platinum Dimensions Weight 3.5lb. Width 5.91in. Height 4.33in. Depth 6.3in. Additional Product Features Audio Output Support Stereo Sound Processor Ati Flipper 81MHz Product Name Nintendo GameCube RAM Capacity 24KB Power Source Types Power Adapter-External Console Color Platinum Device Input Support Game Pad Color Platinum Fill-Rate 0.65 Megapixels / Sec Hard Drive Caché 256KB Video Color Output Color Type Console CPU Ibm PowerPC Video Outputs Composite Video, Hf TV Signal, Component Video Product Line Nintendo GameCube Processor Quantity 1 Release Date November/2001 RAM Technology 1t-Sram Edition Limited Edition Internet Connectivity Wired
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$72.45 End Date: Monday Sep-9-2019 16:47:02 PDT Buy It Now for only: $72.45 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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boldtendencies · 5 years ago
Reading list for 2019 - Fiction
Literature (books, essays, publications etc) 
 Alderman, N. (2017), Dystopian dreams : how feminist science fiction predicted the future, [online] The Guardian 
Available at : https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/25/dystopian-dreams-how-feminist-science-fiction-predicted-the-future
Altmann, U. (2018). Beyond beauty-affective and aesthetic processes in reading and art perception (Doctoral dissertation). Available at: https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/bitstream/handle/fub188/5191/Diss_FIN_ElektrAbg_28_03_18.pdf?sequence=1
 Desmet, F. (2010), Female perspectives in the dystopian novel, University of Gent 
Available at : https://lib.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/001/457/858/RUG01-001457858_2011_0001_AC.pdf
Gere, C. (2008). New media art and the gallery in the digital age. New Media in the White Cube and Beyond: Curatorial Models for Digital Art, 13-25. Available at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/12572053/digital_gallery.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1559404065&Signature=yaGVr1iwg%2BLUN45J9iI4pUVIsBY%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DNew_Media_Art_and_the_Gallery_in_the_Dig.pdf
 Mehri, M (2018), Who is welcome in Wakanda? On Black Panther and contradictory afrofuturism,[online] OpenSpace
Available at : https://openspace.sfmoma.org/2018/03/who-is-welcome-in-wakanda-on-black-panther-contradictory-afrofuturisms/
 Liptak A. (2017), Space That Never Was is one artist’s vision of a never-ending space race. Where else might we have gone?
Available at : https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/22/16500796/space-that-never-was-maciej-rebisz-space-art
 Liptak A. (2016), Kim Petersen's Jaw-Dropping Images Take Us To New Worlds
Available at : https://io9.gizmodo.com/kim-petersons-jaw-dropping-images-take-us-to-new-worlds-1751400063
Available at : https://www.theverge.com/2013/8/27/4664842/sweden-reimagined-what-if-sci-fi-tech-were-real
 Piercy, M. (1976), Woman on the edge of time, New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Dahl R., Foreman M. & Blake Q. (1964), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, UK : Alfred A. Knopf
Tolkien J. R. R. (1954-1955), The Lord of the Rings, UK : Allen & Unwin
Tolkien J. R. R. (1937), The Hobbit or There and Back Again, UK : George Allen & Unwin
Rowling J. K. (1998-2007), Harry Potter, London : Bloomsburry Publishing
Kipling R. (1894), The Jungle Book, Macmillan Publishers
Verne J. (1870), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Pierre-Jules Hetzel
Hugo V. (1833), The Hundback of Notre-Dame, Gosselin
Boule P. (1963), Planet of the Apes,Le cercle du nouveau livre
 Meyer S. (2005-2008), Twilight,Little, Brown and Company
 Eluard P., Man Ray (1937), Les Mains Libres, Jeanne Bucher 
 Riordan R. (2005-2009), Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Penguin Books/Puffin
 Besson L. (2002), Arthur series,Harper Collins 
 Bonnefoy Y. (2012),The Arrière-pays (The French List), UK : Seagull Books 
Available at : https://www.amazon.com/Arrière-Pays-French-List-Yves-Bonnefoy/dp/0857420267
Gunkel H., Hameed A., O’Sullivan S. (2017), Futures and Fictions, Repeater
Haraway D. (1985), A Cyborg Manifesto, The Socialist Review
McEwan I. (2019), Machines Like Me, Jonathan Cape
Öba T. (2003-2006), Death note, UK : Viz Media
Kishimoto M. (1999-2014), Naruto, UK : Viz Media 
Arakawa H. (2001-2010), Full Metal Alchemist, UK : Viz Media
Kubo T. (2001-2016),Bleach, UK : Viz Media
Giraud J. / Moebius (2016), Inside Moebius : Tout Inside Moebius, Moebius Production Available at : https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Inside-Moebius-INT-Tout-Inside-Moebius-293850.html& https://www.amazon.fr/Moebius-Library-Inside-Part-English-ebook/dp/B078FZ2RRW(english version)
Jodorowsky A. & Moebius (1978), Les yeux du chat, Les Humanoïdes Associés 
Available at : http://moebiusodyssey.space/book/les-yeux-du-chat/& https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Yeux-du-chat-20693.html
 Jodorowsky A., (1980-1985), L’Incal, Les Humanoïdes Associés 
Available at :https://www.humano.com/album/35661
   Audio (radio, podcasts etc) 
 Who wrote Animal Farm ?- podcast by Arts & ideas (2019) for BBC radio
Available at : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zld4
   Video (films, tv shows, YouTube etc) 
 1980’s movies that shaped our humanity- YouTube video by Pop Culture Detective (2018) 
Available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytMUSmS9kSs
 European Space Agency, ESA (2014), Ambition the film 
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H08tGjXNHO4
 The Met - Art or Fiction? 
"The fiction of the anatomy, it tickles me."—Bill T. Jones, choreographer and director
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_6SEqoA_Bg
 Art of Creating Fiction | Novoneel Chakraborty | TEDxVignanUniversity
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iK9CuQjyIs
 Server Demirtaş | Hayal Makinesi / Fiction Machines | 21.09 - 22.10.17 | Bozlu Art Project Nişantaşı
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpVxbv5ALEg
 björk– jóga- Directed by Michel Gondry. (1997)
 björk – isobel - Directed by Michel Gondry (1995)
 björk: crystalline- Directed by Michel Gondry (2011)
 FKA twigs (2019) – Cellophane 
 Michael Jackson (1983) – Thriller 
 Childish Gambino (2014) – Telegraph Ave ("Oakland" By Lloyd) 
 Rihanna (2008) – Disturbia 
 Aronofsky D. (2010), Black Swan, Fox Searchlight Pictures
 Proyas A. (2009), Knowing, Summit Enterntainment
 Besson L. (2007-2010), Arthur : The Film Series, EuropaCorp
 Wachowski L., Warner Bros. (1999), The Matrix, Warner Bros.
 Marvel Studio (2008-2019), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics (22 films)
Lee S., Bristol S (2019), See You Yesterday, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
 Lee S., Kirby J (2000-2018), X-men, Marvel Comics (12 films) 
 Zemeckis R. (1985), Back to the Future, Amblin Entertainment
 Lucas G. (1977-…), Star Wars (saga)
 Walt Disney Imagineering (2003-2017), Pirates of the Caribbean (5 films)
 Burton T. (2005), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Warner Bros. Pictures
 Tanaka T., Honda I. & Tsubaraya E. (1954), Godzilla, Universal Studios 
 Cameron J. (1984), Terminator, Orion Pictures
 Jodorowsky A. (1989), Santa Sangre
 Jodorowsky A. (1990), The Rainbow Thief
 Jodorowsky A., (1970), El Topo
Nolan C., (2010), Inception, Warner Bros.Pictures
Burton T., (2003), Big Fish
   TV shows, series
 Benioff D., Weiss D. B. & Martin G. R. R. (2011-2019), Game of Thrones, HBO
 Duffer M. & Duffer R. (2016), Stranger Things, Netflix
Available on www.netflix.com
 Batmanglij Z. & Marling B. (2016), The OA, Netflix
Available on www.netflix.com
 Rolland J., Harmon D. (2013-…), Rick and Morty, Warner Bros Television
 Darabont F. & Kirkman R. (2010-…), The Walking Dead, Walt Disney Television
 Saban H. (1993-…), Power Rangers, Fox Kids 
 Murphy R. & Falchuk B. (2011-2018), American Horror Story, 20th Century Fox Television
 Weiner M. (2007-2015), Mad Men, Weiner Bros.
 Schur M. (2016-…), The Good Place, Universal Television Group
Available on www.netflix.com 
Brooker C. (2011-...), Black Mirror, available on Netflix
Slade D.,Brooker C. (2018), Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, available on Netflix
Vincent S., Brackley J. (2015-2018), Humans, available on Channel 4, Amazon Prime
 Oda E. (1997-…), One piece, Toei Animation
Available at www.onepiece.com
 Date H., (2002-2007), Naruto, Manga Entertaiment
 Abe N. (2004-2012), Bleach, AnimeCentral, Sony Movie Channel
 Araki T. (2006-2007), Death Note, Manga Entertainment
 Mizushima S. (2003-2004), Fullmetal Alchemist, Anime Limited
 Toriyama A. (1984-1995), Dragon Ball, Manga Entertainment
 Nishio D. (1989-1996), Dragon Ball Z, , Manga Entertainment
  Video Games
 Kanuk M. (2012), Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt, Europe : Warner Bros
Teaser Trailer (2013) available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99qJGrPNLs
 Tajri S. & Sugimori K. (1996-2018),Pokémon, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo
Square Enix (1987-…), Final Fantasy,Square Enix
Kamiya H. (2001), Devil May Cry, Capcom
Sakurai M. (1990), Kirby, Nintendo
Miyamoto S. (1986-2017), The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo
Miyamoto S. (1985-2019), Super Mario, Nintendo
Adham A., Pearce F., Morhaime M. (1994-2018),Warcraft, Blizzlard Entertainment
Naka Y., Oshima N., Yasuhara H. (1991-…), Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega
Tezuka T., Eguchi K. (2001), Animal Crossing,Nintendo
 Twitter, IG accounts
 Kim Petersen 
 Raphael Lacoste
 Martin Deschambault
 Simon Stålenhag
IG : @simon_stalenhag 
 Fabrice Hyber 
 IG : @penguin press
 IG ; @contemporaryfinearts 
 IG : @contemporaryartcyrator
 IG : @contemporary_art
 IG : @slimesunday
 IG : @rsconnett
 IG : @hannahyata
 IG : @miles_art 
 IG : @chris_dyer
 IG : @marcomazzoniart
 IG : @johngayart
 IG : @colinprahl
 IG : @chapelofsacredmirrors
 IG : @the.pinklemonade
 IG : @jose_davinci
 IG : @gui_lo_pi
 IG : @artleove
 IG : @m_melgrati
 IG : @pawel_kuczynski1
  Other medium 
 Talking Statues- by Sing London (various years) 
More details : http://www.talkingstatueslondon.co.uk/
  Art Projects
 Parreno P. (2017), Installation views: A Time Coloured Space, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, 3 February - 7 May, 2017 
Pictures available at : https://www.pilarcorrias.com/artists/philippe-parreno/
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childrenofstars-a · 7 years ago
tag dump: verses and characters
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kogancs · 7 years ago
twenty followers i’d like to know better. tagged: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tagging: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
001. ) name / nickname : mo 002. ) gender : female 003. ) star sign : aquarius 004. ) height : 5′10 005. ) hogwarts house : ravenclaw 006. ) favourite animal : c...cats 007. ) hours of sleep : like 8-12 these days yikes i have nothing to do 008. ) dogs or cats : i dont,, really like dogs and i would die for literally any cat b y e 009. ) number of blankets : 1 usually 010. ) dream trip : japan??? ?  011. ) dream job : ngl id love to be a performance mermaid?? 012. ) time : 8:59pm 013. ) birthday : feb 3rd 014. ) favourite bands : the magnetic fields, wolf alice, phantogram, tacocat 015. ) favourite solo artists : courtney barnett, neko case 016. ) song stuck in my head : beautifully unconventional by wolf alice 017. ) last movie i watched : what we do in the shadows ( i love anything rhys darby is in honestly and he was a driving force in me watching vld tbH ) 018. ) last show i watched : either a paranormal investigation something or one of those shows that reenacts ghost stories while someone tells it?? i. i love those dont talk to me 019. ) when did i create my blog :  oct 25....just a couple days after the boys birthday i should have made it 2 days earlier 020. ) what do i post / reblog : rp stuff ( responses, memes, musings, etc ) & art mostly 021. ) last thing i googled : 'hunk garrett’ i was looking for refs to draw him....i lvoe my boY 022. ) other blogs : none atm bc i cant run more than one ive tried but my last one was @wildhearteds 023. ) do i get asks : only when i rb memes 024. ) why i chose my url : its literally just his last name that i fucked w until i found smth available im not creative 025. ) following : 80 026. ) followers : 126 ( && i love every single one of u ) 027. ) lucky number : fuckin,,i dont have one??? 028. ) favourite instrument : i dont know man i dont know shit about music 029. ) what am i wearing : a black & white striped romper bc Comfy 030. ) ????????? ? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? 031. ) nationality : american ???? white????? 032. ) favourite song : strange powers by the magnetic fields is always a fav 033. ) last book i read : gonna be honest i dont think ive read an actual book since high school 034. ) top three fictional universes i’d like to join : his dark materials/the golden compass!!!!!!!! ( i have spent so many hours thinking about what itd be like to have a dæmon you have no idea ), somewhere along the zelda timeline but preferably not during a Ganon Time thanks, uhhh ohh the scott pilgrim universe would be cool tbh
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settledwounds · 1 year ago
Easton still hadn't come to terms with the gravity of the situation he had found himself in. There was no way home and he was alone, for good. Zelda's disappearance weighed on him. The residents at Colony House had told him that he was lucky to have been found alive in the woods and hoped that his friend had been taken quickly for her sake. It still didn't ease his mind. He attempted to assimilate with the rest of the people who lived in the colony house, but his head was still stuck mourning his best friend. So much so that he swore he could hear her voice call out to him. His eyes even spotted her in the distance. Squinting against the sunlight he could almost see the outline of his best friend, "Zelda?" Quickly forgetting about whatever he was tasked to do, his feet dragged him to her and realized she wasn't a mirage this place was tricking him. Easton watched as tears spilled from her eyes and immediately pulled her into his arms, "there's no reason to be sorry," his hands found her back, soothing her as best as he could. "I'm so fucking glad you're alive," he felt a sigh leave his body, expelling every ounce of stress he had that he held on to her waiting for a sign from her, "you have no fucking idea."
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for: @settledwounds location: outside the colony house
"Easton?" His name sprawls out of her lips with familiarity, a breath hitching in her throat at the figure in the distance. The wind whistled through the branches, leaves crunching beneath her worn-out shoes with every slow step she took. "I-I thought you..." Then, she trails off, somehow unable to find the strength to even finish her sentence.
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It was a painful thing, having to lose one important person after the other. It was even more exhausting to have come to the realization that Easton was not, in fact, gone. A deep sense of relief followed suit, and yet Zelda could not help but be filled with grief and despair.
Her cheeks flushed, betraying the turmoil within, and she pressed her lips together as if in doing so, she could contain the flood of emotions. In a fleeting moment, a single teardrop rebelled, leaving a glistening trail down her cheek. Her legs feel like they move on their own to the brunette, arms wrapping tightly around him, her face nuzzling against his chest.
"I'm sorry... I'm s-so..." Tears begin to stream down her face, and suddenly she feels like she can't catch her breath.
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tekamedia · 5 years ago
Apple unifies its app stores by extending the universal purchase option to Mac apps
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/tekamedia/2020/02/06/apple-unifies-its-app-stores-by-extending-the-universal-purchase-option-to-mac-apps/
Apple unifies its app stores by extending the universal purchase option to Mac apps
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Apple surprised its app developer community today with the official announcement that they’ll soon be able to sell their cross-platform apps as one universal purchase including, for the time, apps that run on macOS. For consumers, a universal purchase option … Read More
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   Price: $59.99
Item specifics
Condition: Used :
An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. See all condition definitions– opens in a new window or tab
Seller Notes: “This lot comes with a Platinum Silver Nintendo GameCube DOL-101, an Official Nintendo branded GameCube controller, Official Nintendo branded AV, and Official Nintendo branded Power Cables. It does NOT come with the game shown in the last few photos. Those photos are there to demonstrate that the system can read and play game discs.”
Manufacturer Color: Platinum A/V Output(s): Component RCA MPN:
Platform: Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish: Metallic Connectivity: Component RCA, Composite RCA Resolution: Under 480p Color:
Region Code: NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) UPC:
About this product
Product Information The Nintendo GameCube limited edition platinum console is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport from room to room. It is powerful with its Gekko 485 MHz processor, meaning you get slick graphics and fast gameplay. Some of the most popular Nintendo titles that are compatible with this console include “Tony Hawk,” “Sonic,” “Batman,” “Super Smash Brothers,” and “Legend of Zelda.”As for the legendary Mario, he and his brother Luigi and their friends make a strong appearance in several GameCube games. These would include “Super Mario Sunshine,” “Mario Party 5,” “Super Mario Strikers,” and “Mario Kart: Double Dash.” You can use this system to help Mario explore exotic tropical Islands using his amazing hydro-jet pack. Or you can join Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, and the rest of their friends in high speed racing adventures. This console, preceded by the Nintendo 64 and succeeded by the Nintendo Wii, serves as a stylistic bridge between gaming styles.The distinguished Nintendo company has long been hailed as a master at creating innovative new systems. One of the cool features of the Nintendo GameCube is that the Game Boy Player can actually attach to it, allowing the GameCube user to play Game Boy Advance games on the GameCube. There are four controller ports, which is ideal if you are looking to play it with a bunch of friends. You also have access to two memory card slots, giving you the chance to save games in case you want stop and play later.For it’s original launch in 2001, the GameCube was available in either Indigo or Jet Black. Later, the sleek and shiny Nintendo GameCube Limited Edition Platinum Console was released. The controllers that come with this Limited Edition Platinum GameCube are some of the most impressive of any Nintendo controllers. That’s because of their easy-to-use wing grip design that fits snugly in your hands as you play. These controllers have plenty of functions, with color-coded “A”, “B”, “X”, “Y” and “C” buttons on them, a D-pad, and two analog sticks. You can start or pause the game by pushing a button in the controller’s center. You’ll find digital/analog “L” and “R” buttons, and a digital “Z” button. The two-fold sensor system located within the controller is activated by sliding a piece from one side to the other to transform the controller from analog to digital mode. Product Identifiers Brand Nintendo MPN DOL-001 UPC 0045496940393 Model Gamecube eBay Product ID (ePID) 100266913 Product Key Features A/V Output(s) Component RCA Platform Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish Metallic Resolution Under 480p Region Code NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) Manufacturer Color Platinum Dimensions Weight 3.5lb. Width 5.91in. Height 4.33in. Depth 6.3in. Additional Product Features Audio Output Support Stereo Sound Processor Ati Flipper 81MHz Product Name Nintendo GameCube RAM Capacity 24KB Power Source Types Power Adapter-External Console Color Platinum Device Input Support Game Pad Color Platinum Fill-Rate 0.65 Megapixels / Sec Hard Drive Caché 256KB Video Color Output Color Type Console CPU Ibm PowerPC Video Outputs Composite Video, Hf TV Signal, Component Video Product Line Nintendo GameCube Processor Quantity 1 Release Date November/2001 RAM Technology 1t-Sram Edition Limited Edition Internet Connectivity Wired
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$59.99 End Date: Thursday Mar-5-2020 17:34:28 PST Buy It Now for only: $59.99 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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thebizmarketer · 5 years ago
The 5 Biggest Lies Republicans Told at Mueller’s Hearing
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/theeyesofthe/2019/07/24/the-5-biggest-lies-republicans-told-at-muellers-hearing/
The 5 Biggest Lies Republicans Told at Mueller’s Hearing
At Robert Muellers hearing before the Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning, House Republicans confirmed that they cannot handle the truth. The former special counsels oft-cited (but little-read) report demonstrates that Donald Trump lied to the American pub… Read More
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Price: $125.00
Item specifics
Used: An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully
A/V Output(s): Component RCA Platform: Nintendo GameCube Product Name: GameCube Design/Finish: Metallic Model:
Nintendo GameCube DOL-001
Resolution: Under 480p Modified Item: No Region Code: NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) Type: Home Console Manufacturer Color: Platinum Color:
About this product
Product Information The Nintendo GameCube limited edition platinum console is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport from room to room. It is powerful with its Gekko 485 MHz processor, meaning you get slick graphics and fast gameplay. Some of the most popular Nintendo titles that are compatible with this console include “Tony Hawk,” “Sonic,” “Batman,” “Super Smash Brothers,” and “Legend of Zelda.”As for the legendary Mario, he and his brother Luigi and their friends make a strong appearance in several GameCube games. These would include “Super Mario Sunshine,” “Mario Party 5,” “Super Mario Strikers,” and “Mario Kart: Double Dash.” You can use this system to help Mario explore exotic tropical Islands using his amazing hydro-jet pack. Or you can join Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, and the rest of their friends in high speed racing adventures. This console, preceded by the Nintendo 64 and succeeded by the Nintendo Wii, serves as a stylistic bridge between gaming styles.The distinguished Nintendo company has long been hailed as a master at creating innovative new systems. One of the cool features of the Nintendo GameCube is that the Game Boy Player can actually attach to it, allowing the GameCube user to play Game Boy Advance games on the GameCube. There are four controller ports, which is ideal if you are looking to play it with a bunch of friends. You also have access to two memory card slots, giving you the chance to save games in case you want stop and play later.For it’s original launch in 2001, the GameCube was available in either Indigo or Jet Black. Later, the sleek and shiny Nintendo GameCube Limited Edition Platinum Console was released. The controllers that come with this Limited Edition Platinum GameCube are some of the most impressive of any Nintendo controllers. That’s because of their easy-to-use wing grip design that fits snugly in your hands as you play. These controllers have plenty of functions, with color-coded “A”, “B”, “X”, “Y” and “C” buttons on them, a D-pad, and two analog sticks. You can start or pause the game by pushing a button in the controller’s center. You’ll find digital/analog “L” and “R” buttons, and a digital “Z” button. The two-fold sensor system located within the controller is activated by sliding a piece from one side to the other to transform the controller from analog to digital mode. Product Identifiers Brand Nintendo MPN DOL-001 UPC 0045496940393 Model Gamecube eBay Product ID (ePID) 100266913 Product Key Features A/V Output(s) Component RCA Platform Nintendo GameCube Design/Finish Metallic Resolution Under 480p Region Code NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) Manufacturer Color Platinum Dimensions Weight 3.5lb. Width 5.91in. Height 4.33in. Depth 6.3in. Additional Product Features Audio Output Support Stereo Sound Processor Ati Flipper 81MHz Product Name Nintendo GameCube RAM Capacity 24KB Power Source Types Power Adapter-External Console Color Platinum Device Input Support Game Pad Color Platinum Fill-Rate 0.65 Megapixels / Sec Hard Drive Caché 256KB Video Color Output Color Type Console CPU Ibm PowerPC Video Outputs Composite Video, Hf TV Signal, Component Video Product Line Nintendo GameCube Processor Quantity 1 Release Date November/2001 RAM Technology 1t-Sram Edition Limited Edition Internet Connectivity Wired
$125.00 End Date: Saturday Aug-24-2019 12:22:43 PDT Buy It Now for only: $125.00 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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