#c: the batman's grave | i: 2
martyrbat · 1 year
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the batman's grave #2
[ID: Batman slammed against a wall that has multiple photos of him taped to it. All of his limbs are spread out, which brings focus to his prominent bulge. The person he's fighting is looking at him from the foreground and says, “So lonely.” (for a context that's unrelated to Batman's bulge). END ID]
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lunamugetsu · 10 months
Bruce gets an alert from the batcomputer saying that the alarms at Arkham are going off.
When he gets there he sees that none of the criminals have broken out, someone has broken in. When looking at the footage he finds Danny and Jazz sitting in the cemetery holding a ouija board in front of Amadeus Arkham's (the founder of Arkham Asylum) tombstone.
Batman: what are you two doing?
Jazz: I have a paper due and I wanted to ask some questions about the article Amadeus wrote. (she turns back to the tombstone) So I have some questions about page three paragraph 2. I don't know if it's slang for your time or just a terminology we don't use anymore. But you wrote about scribbling walls that talked. Any chance you could provide context on that.
Batman: (turns to Danny) And what are you doing here?
Danny: she needed help with the ouija board
Batman who was about to scold them for trespassing on Arkham Asylum grounds stays quiet as the planchette on the the ouija board starts moving spelling out the words.
This idea comes from that when you're writing research papers you're going to need to reference articles and some people say that they reference articles that are over a hundred years old. Combine that with that some people will contact the writers of the articles to ask them questions about what they were writing and you got this story!
Also in the Arkham Asylum game, there is a cemetery on the property, which I presume consists of inmates. Because you can find Amadeus Arkham's grave there. And Amadeus was the one who created Arkham Asylum who later had to be committed himself because he went insane.
This story can either go comical or heart wrenching. Just various scenarios of seeing Danny just bringing the ouija board with him everywhere so he could chat with the ghosts that are around Gotham. Who are surprisingly pretty tame when compared to the ghosts he sees at Amity. Maybe he has weekly lunches with Lady Gotham. Heart wrenching if you want to go down the path of Danny talking with Bruce's parents or any of the deceased parents from the batfamily.
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l-just-want-to-see · 8 months
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Jason (from the Greek Iásōn, “healer”) Peter Todd (from the German Tod, “death”) - I hope you find your way out of that grave.
dc comics + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Lady Windermere’s Fan, Oscar Wilde / Grief Lessons: Four Plays [tr. Anne Carson], Euripides + Batman v1 #385 / Batman: The Cult #3 / For Example, Mary Oliver / Batman: Legends of The Dark Knight #100 / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Eight, Sleeping at Last / Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth / Batman: Urban Legends #10 + ? / On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong / Red Hood and The Outlaws #25 / Slay the Princess / pinterest + Batman #422 / Batman #424 + Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, Rainer Maria Rilke + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @/metamorphesque, tumblr / American Teenager, Ethel Cain / Anecdote of the Pig, Tory Adkisson / interpretations of A Death in the Family + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins #1 + the Haunting of Bly Manor + Red Hood and the Outlaws #23 / @/petrichara, tumblr / I Didn't Apologize to the Well, Mahmoud Darwish / Infinite Crisis: Secret Files + pinterest / Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo / Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 / The Cruel Prince, Holly Black / pinterest / Red Hood: The Lost Days / Sue Zhao / Red Hood: The Lost Days part II + Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 / I See Boats Moving, Fernando Pessoa / Oedipus the King, TV Tropes / @/devilsmoon, tumblr / Red Hood: The Lost Days + Speeches for Dr Frankenstein, Margaret Atwood / Saving June, Hannah Arrington + embroidered patch / Slay the Princess / unaligned, @/hamletmaschine + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood + Batman and Robin #11 + South and West: From a Notebook, Joan Didion / The Good Fight, Ada Limón / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Grief Lessons: Four Plays, Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / @/sainticide, twitter / The Truth About Grief, Fortesa Latifi + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Ten Legs, Eight Broken, mandana on tiktok / War of the Foxes, Richard Siken + Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath / Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @baitmeat, tumblr + Batman: Under the Red Hood (Deluxe Edition) / Origin Story, Desireé Dallagiacomo / Vive, Vive, Traci Brimhall / The Dogs I Have Kissed, Trista Mateer + Batman: Under the Red Hood + Three Jokers / Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth #9 / @/sainticide, twitter + Red Hood and the Outlaws #10 / Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve, Taylor Swift / ? + Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular / Ep. 4: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth -- 'Sacrifice and Bliss', Joseph Campbell / White Knight #7 + Heaven, Mieko Kawakami / Forest Fire, Mitski / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 2 #9 + Batman Annual #25 + Free Will Astrology, Rob Brezsny / Letter XV, @/lucidloving / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1: REDemption / briscoepark + The Civil War, Anne Sexton [compiled by @/lovejoyparadox here] / @/soapstore, tumblr + I Await the Devil’s Coming, Mary MacLane + Claire C. Holland / @/havingrevelations, tumblr / Meditations in an Emergency, Cameron Awkward-Rich + Deathstroke #34 / Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] + Red Hood and the Outlaws
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania XXXIX (Saturday)
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn def. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships in 24:17
Oh my god what a promo package. As a longtime Zayn & Owens fan now, this hit different. Simply electric. Now, Lil Uzi Vert is out first with his hair styled like Batman’s head in a rather impressive look, and he's singing a song. He does this to welcome the champions, The Usos. Now here comes KO, main eventing Night One for a second consecutive time. I never noticed his homages to PWG and Super Dragon on his trunks! Now here's Sami Zayn! The crowd sing along to Worlds Apart as the challengers walk their way to the ring. Cole makes a great point, while The Usos are part of a famous wrestling family, here in their showy white gear, Zayn & Owens are down to Earth, blue collar, and they walk to the ring in plain black zip-up hoodies. The titles are raised and we’re ready to go. 
Olé chants start things off as they take things in. Jey offers the tag and starts it off against Zayn. Lock up and Uso gains control. Lock up again and this time Zayn wins out from the rope rebound. Jimmy makes a secret tag and pulls the ropes to drop Zayn to the outside. A clothesline by Jimmy, a throw into the ringpost, then Jimmy tags Jey who hits a dive. Suplex and he takes it back in the ring. Attack in the ropes and Jimmy kicks Zayn as the referee is distracted. Tag again and Jimmy stomps Zayn. He strikes Owens and draws his ire. Tag again and a double team. Jey can't put Zayn away yet though, even if he's desperate for a tag. Zayn is able to fight back and drop both Usos to the outside and get the tag! From the top rope, cannonball! He takes both men out and hits Bullfrog Splashes on each Uso, Jimmy on the outside and Jey inside. No 3 though, and Jey is able to regain control with a neckbreaker. Owens put up top and Jimmy makes a tag but Owens fights back. Knees up by Jey from a Swanton though, then Himmy immediately follows with an Uso Splash for 2. Owens sodges the hip attack, two superkicks, then a Cannonball in the corner to Jimmy. He goes up top but Jey fights him. However, Zayn fights him off and hits a brainbuster on the apron! Swanton from Owens but no 3. Zayn is in and huts an Uso Splash but it's 2 again. Ole chants even louder now as Cole mentions El Generico on WWE TV! Graves says he’s glad that guy retired.
Jimmy fights back against a Blue Thunder Bomb and hits a superkick on Owens. Zayn is finally able to hit it but only after Jimmy tags Jey who immediately breaks the pin with a superkick. Some sort of flying superkick from Jey but Zayn kicks out. Superkick again from Jey and he tags Jimmy. They each hit one then a double superkick but Owens breaks up the pin. He gets his own superkick as the Usos tag again. They hound Sami and hit a double superkick to the back of the head of Zayn! He still won't stay down though. Tag again and double superkick again but Zayn kicks out. Tag again as they raise the ones and go for a 1D, but Owens pulls Jimmy from the ring. Jey kicks out of the roll up as Owens bounces Jimmy off of the announce table, He looks for a move through it but Jey runs in and helps his brother, as they drive him through an announce table. 1D on Zayn back in the ring, but kick out! Great reaction and the commentary sells it well. Jey begs Zayn to quit and beats him down in the corner. Zayn tries desperately to stand and Jey hits a Helluva Kick. Zayn falls into Jey as he mouths off again, but Exploder Suplex into the corner! Zayn tags Owens who hits pop-up powerbombs on both men. Owens screams “NOW” as Zayn hits a Helluva Kick on Jimmy, Owens hits a Stunner on Jey, but he kicks out at 2. Each team pull each other up on the mat and stare down as the crowd cheers. They start teeing off on each other. Superkick from Jimmy to Zayn, then one from Owens to Jimmy, then one to Jey. Pop-up powerbomb attempt but Jey vaults over after a secret tag by Jimmy. Superkicks each then a double superkick to Owens, and Zayn gets one on the apron too. Dragged over, tag, and Double Uso Splash. But Owens kicks out at two! Jey lifts up Owens in the corner, tags Jimmy, and double superkick in the corner. Tag again, and they put Owens up top. Jey has him superplex position but Zayn pulls out Jimmy and launches him over the announce table as Owens brings down Jey. Zayn runs to the corner and begs for the tag as the crowd goes wild. Jey is in the corner and Zayn hits the Helluva Kick! Jey falls into him, and after a moment he props him back up and hits another! But here comes Jimmy… but Owens is there with a Stunner. Zayn props Jey up once more, the crowd knows what's going to happen, and he hits one more Helluva Kick! 1, 2, 3! New champs as they quietly sit down and take it in. They embrace and get their titles, raising them as the fireworks go off. What a moment.
Pros: Emphatic victory, hot crowd, emotional moments, exciting action Cons: I can probably only wish I was more awake when I first saw it!
This is a pretty great match. Four awesome wrestlers, even if The Usos rely heavily on their superkicks throughout. Owens & Zayn getting this platform is absolutely awesome after all their years on the indies and work trying to get to this spot once in the WWE. It’s really less about the in-ring here and more about the moment, the energy, and the story. That's no knock on this match though, because it was all so good. A great pair of co-mains on this night for completely different reasons. But what a moment and the end of an always engaging match! 
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psychologeek · 1 year
Psy's masterpost
Like my writing? Came here for a prompt and wants more? (update: 06.05.24/
I HAVE AO3! PsycholoGeek feel free to look. (I love comments. Just saying 😜)
Writing Tags:
"my additions" (adding to others)
"my writing" (og/long adds)
"my poems" (poems)
Not all my writing is there, of course.
Fic Recs (personal favourites)
Who am I (to disappear) - DC, Cass-centric, 22k words. Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason, Mayan mythology, and the many forms of communication. It also has an extended version. I highly recommend reading the fic first, and THEN going for.the EV, as it contains spoilers and lose the emotional damage and delight you may get.
Witwat and the Jin - Batman, 2,245 words. Damian had a brother, once. (H/C. Happy ending.)
Grave Promises - Batman, 2,111 words. Healing and recovery and disability isn't a tragedy.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC 19k words. Tws in tags. Tim and healing (it gets worse before it gets better. But it gets better.)
A list of my fics (complete and WIPs) undercut:
Completed one-shot:
Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason Todd, Mayan mythology, and sign language. (Stand alone, technically prequel to "Sweet Dreams", but no need to read.)
Grave Promises (Batman, 2,111 words) - very important to me. Life, recovery, and disability is not a tragedy. Barbara kill the Joker, but it isn't the focus.(Barbara Gordon focused.)
Do You Understand?  ( Encanto, 330 words).c
Witwat and the Jin (Batman, 2,245 words) - Dami-being-Dami and slowly understandings.
Just short of a fairy tale (I told myself that I wouldn't be scared) (Batman, 770 words) - urban fantasy. Jason Todd centric.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC (19k words). After fired from Robin, Tim had enough. He's done with life. Clockwork said "not today, bitch" and got some good old ectoshot. Ft. Jazz Fenton as an older sister TM and the 3Ds as their usual chaotic selves. (I wrote the second half, chapters 2-6. A bit heavy, but I hope I did well with the subject.)
Hold Them Close -DP*DC (12k words). I wrote the first chapter+Fanart. Danny escaped Vlad and his experiments with bb!Ellie, and flew straight up-up-and above. In the watchtower, our heroes sees a monster and (what they think is) a child in distress. Misunderstandings and whump, with the last quarter of the fic as comfort and fluff :)
Main serieses:
Sweet Dreams - (DC, 3 works, 1 complete. ~17k words). Reverse Robins + Badman verse (inspired by @byrambles fic). Batboy's younger brothers were taken by the Batman who defeated his father. Trying to protect them, he promise his loyalty to the newcomer. But even though he assure him he is perfectly trained, and can properly punish the kids to surrender, the man isn't impressed. In which there's Misunderstandings and sadness (first fic). The series deals with trauma and the ongoing issues it causes, and shows how it changes you. TW: Include suicidality+mention of kid's suicidality, flashbacks, mentioned past child sexual abuse, dissociations, Whump and angst with eventual comfort. I don't go in details about their past, but it's important to notice that the first 2 fics contains HEAVY (but non graphic) themes.
Liminal Skills for the Living Dead - also known as "therapy verse". DP x DC xover. AKA Anger Management! Fake dating for fun and profit. Enter family, friends, and Wikipedia explanations of some necessary skills as titles. Jazz is her autistic with anxiety self. Jason is a crime lord with anger management issues.
Or: in which THERE'S THERAPY!! (6 works - 4 are complete. ~30k words)
Lost and Found (if this wings could fly) - also known as "FF AU". DP x DC xover. Jazz and Jason as childhood mutuals. (4 complete works, ~10k in total. more to come)
(also some other things. Feel free to look, ask and comment!)
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league-of-sam · 1 year
Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' Riley
Ghost x Reader
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Simon 'GHOST' Riley x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
Catching A Ghost: Masterlist
Splashes of water as cold and sharp as ice cut at your face as you sped across the surface of the ocean, packed into a boat with Graves, Soap and Alejandro.
You had managed to contact Shepherd, who found that there was an oil rig only 400 miles off the coast, where the cartel had been using it as a dead drop, with a cargo ship anchored not 500 meters away. There, a large container was seen on surveillance being moved from the ship to the rig.
If the missile was anywhere, it'd be there.
Ghost was leading the first team boat, comprising of him and Shadow Company. They would be infiltrating the ship. You and Alejandro made up the second team, heading to the rig along with the third team; Soap and Graves.
Your clothing and tactical gear was soaked through, mask now completely stuck to your face. You clutched your gun in your hands, listening as the others reviewed the plan.
On arrival, you were the first to leave the boat, Alejandro boosting you up to the metal bars. Once you were up, you began expertly climbing, weaving in and out of the structure. The others opted to climb up using the ropes, but you were no stranger to a little acrobatics.
"Reaper, slow down! We're not up and ready yet." Graves said through your comms.
"Negative, Shadow." you grunted, "haul ass."
Despite your method being supposedly slower, you reached the platform before they did, and had taken out three unsuspecting guards while you waited.
"Damn, Reaper." Graves said as he reached the platform.
"I don't know why you keep acting so surprised." you said, offering your hand to pull him over.
The minute the teams were on the platform, you split off, all of you putting your various training and skills to the ultimate test. 
You went ahead alone, opting to use your knives where you could. 
The others were just slowing you down.
"Shadow to Reaper, where the hell are you?" 
"Clearing staircase to main deck." you grunted, slamming your knife into the body in front of you before pushing him overboard.
"When the Reaper comes, death is sure to follow." you said, making your voice gravelly and low.
A chuckle erupted over comms, "Was that supposed to be Batman?"
"Yes, Soap, it was. You tryin' to tell me it wasn't?"
"6-2, 7-1. Focus up." 
"Boo, you're no fun, Ghost."
"Oh really?"
You decided not to answer, only smirking as you stood cockily on the stairs, watching the rest of your team weave around the bodies as they came to you.
"Reaper on your left!" Soap yelled to you.
As you turned, a cartel member ran at you full speed, clearly with the intent of trying to push you overboard. With the dark of the night and the rain pouring, it made it difficult to spot him, and he managed to get you down, cutting your arm with a knife.
You let out an angered yell, using all the strength you had to lift the man with your legs, kicking him backwards over the railing.
A little move that Alex had taught you.
"Reaper! Baby you good?" Graves said, pushing Soap out of the way to help you off the ground.
Your arm was bleeding, a gash along your bicep. He moved your arm to look, and you winced.
"You okay, carino?" Alejandro said once he caught up to you.
"Yeah, 'm good." you nodded, ripping a strip from your shirt to bind the wound. "Let's go."
Bursting through the doors, you rolled over to avoid the incoming fire, shooting your own bullets into the cartel men, all of them taking their last breath. The others followed you in as Ghost confirmed his status on the boat.
"All Shadows, force out! I want eyes on that container now!"
You followed your team outside, shooting as best as you could as the rain drove down on top of you. It was almost impossible to see.
"Shadow-1, Ghost, visual on flares coming from the rig! What's your status, over?"
"They're signalling the ship! They're gonna launch that missile!" Soap yelled back.
The pace of everyone quickened, then, as panic set in. 
If that missile went, there's no telling the damage it'd cause.
With Soap and Alejandro covering, you and Graves nodded to each other, and ran for the missile. You were slipping and sliding, rolling and tumbling, vaulting over various bits of machinery that was in your path to get there. 
Bullets mixed with rain, your hair was slick to your head, eyes barely open as you squinted to see. 
Oh my god.
The missile was in sight.
"Actual, this is Shadow-1. Rig is secure. Moving onto the container now." Graves communicated.
"Roger that. Confirm when the objective is neutralised." Shepherd responded.
Soap had caught up to the two of you, pulling the doors of the container open, only to find it completely empty.
"Where are the controls?" he said.
"On that damn ship."
"Ghost! The controls aren't here! They're on the ship!" you said, turning to run back to the boats.
"Copy that, Boo."
You ran as quick as your feet could carry you on the slippery metal of the deck, winding down to find Alejandro, the two of you taking overwatch. 
Soap and Graves jumped back into one of the boats, speeding to the ship. Ghost's yelling could be heard, saying he'd found the missile controls on the bridge. You watched in horror as their boat crash landed onto the ship, sniping any enemy that came even remotely close to your boys. 
"Alejandro, maintain overwatch from the rig! We're forcing up." Ghost said.
"Copy that, hermano! (Y/N) and I have got you covered."
The sounds coming through the comms were pure chaos, as everyone yelled out orders and directions of enemies. 
It was a full on battle.
Finally, the team was able to make it to the bridge, taking out the last of the cartel members and securing the missile controls.
"Eyes on the controls, tappin' in...Fuck! We can't disarm it."
"Why?" Ghost asked.
"It's too late."
"What? You have to!" you yelled.
"There's no abort code?" Said Soap.
"Yeah, well that window's closed on that, boys...Gold Eagle, Actual, this is Shadow-1. Missile's in boost phase about to burn, how copy?"
"Solid, Shadow. If we can't disarm, then we detonate."
"What? Sir, surely not?" you said to Shepherd.
Just another reason you didn't trust him.
"Soap, get on the controls - we're gonna have to do this together. Now the clock is ticking. So we gotta move, brother. Alright?"
You and Alejandro could do nothing but listen as they ran through the process, trying to divert the missile.
"We're gonna take out the oil rig with the missile." Shepherd instructed.
"Alejandro and Reaper are back there with the Shadows." Soap interjected.
"Oh my god- Reaper, all stations, clear the rig now, I say again- clear the rig!"
You did not need to be told twice by Ghost to burst into action.
Dragging Alejandro by his hand, and yelling to the other Shadows, you ran through the decks, not even paying attention to your comms anymore.
That missile was gonna blow in less than a minute, and you will die if you're anywhere near it when it does.
You jumped into the boat, everyone piling in before a Shadow set it full speed, floating you away from the carnage. As you pulled up next to the ship, you turned, just in time to see the missile fly into the air.
Stood next to Alejandro, you marvelled - despite being so deadly, it was a fucking sight. The blast went off, erupting the ocean. You could hear the shattering of glass above you, the black of the night sky lit up a magnificent mixture of oranges and yellows. Alejandro had turned you, shielding you from any debris that may have come your way.
"Steamin' bloody jesus." You heard Soap mutter.
"Alejandro, you okay?"
"Holy mother of God- that was fucking crazy, man!" he said from next to you, shaking you slightly from his excitement.
"You safe?" Soap asked.
"Yeah, you?"
"All good here, hermano."
"Reaper you good?" Ghost asked.
"That was fuckin' insane! I understand why Soap wanks over demolition videos now."
"Oh my god for the last time I don't do that-"
That was it.
Mission complete.
Getting back to the cars waiting ashore, you reunited with the other half of the team, sharing hugs with Soap. 
Ghost approached you, gently taking your arm in his hand, pulling off your makeshift bandage. You let out a hiss, the pain now catching up to you now that the adrenaline of the mission had worn off.
You looked up at him, his eyes filled with a level of concern that made your heart flutter. 
Opening your mouth to speak, you were cut off.
"Ride with me, my Shadow medic can patch you up." Graves said, walking over to stand with the two of you.
"I'm more than capable of patching myself up-"
"Go with him, Price. Get it done properly." Ghost said, dropping your arm.
Your own hand went to grasp at the wound, the loss of Ghost somehow making it hurt more. You went to protest, but he'd already walked away, and you caught the back of him climbing into the last car with Soap.
"C'mon, darlin'." Graves spoke softly, placing a supportive hand on the back of your shoulder.
You frowned, but turned to look at your ex-fiancé, nodding. He grinned widely, and led you to the car. 
The journey back to the compound was silent, aside from Graves reporting to Shepherd in hushed tones, or constantly turning to make sure that his medic was taking good care of you. By the time you were pulling up to the gates, you had fresh stitches and a clean bandage. 
You watched through the window as your car was allowed past the checkpoint, but then a hand went up, stopping your teams cars from proceeding. Alejandro, Ghost, and Soap exited their vehicle, only to be cut off by Shadow soldiers.
"What are they doing?" you said to Graves.
He turned, sighing, "This'll just take a minute, stay here." 
With that, he got out of the car, leaving you in it with the medic and one other soldier.
"Fuck that." you said, and swung the door open, jumping out and slamming it behind you.
"What's this?" Alejandro said.
"This is the immediate future." Graves replied. "Damn it, (Y/N), I said stay in the car."
"What the fuck are you doing?" you said.
You moved your hand to rest on the pistol strapped to your sides, looking from Alejandro, to Soap, to Ghost, with panicked eyes. There was five Shadows and Graves between them and you. 
Something wasn't right.
"Step away from the gate."
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jenelle-annalee · 2 years
Books Read in 2022
1. A Court of Silver Flames- Sarah J. Maas
2. Told After Supper- Jerome K. Jerome
3. The Crazy Ladies of Pearl Street- Trevanian
4. To Kill a Kingdom- Alexandra Christo
5. The Father Christmas Letter- J.R.R. Tolkien
6. The Book of Doing and Being- Barnett Bain
7. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August- Claire North
8. Northern Lights (Golden Compass)- Philip Pullman
9. The Subtle Knife- Phillip Pullman
10. The Amber Spyglass-Phillip Pullman
11. The Skincare Bible- Anjali Mahto
12. The Popular Culture Reader- John L. Nachbar Wright Jack, & Deborah Weiser
13. Another Roadside Attraction- Tom Robbins
14. Angels and Demons- Dan Brown
15. The Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown
16. The Vintage Tea Cup Club- Vanessa Greene
17. A Woman of Independent Means- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
18. The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart- Holly Ringland
19. Humankind: A Hopeful History- Rutger Bergman
20. Goddess- Kelly Gardi
21. Wild Animals I Have Known- Ernest Thompson Seton
22. Femme Fatale: Cinema’s Most Unforgettable Lethal Ladies- Dominique Manon and James Ursini
23. Crazy for the Storm- Norman Ollestad
24. The Power of Body Language: How to Succeed in Every Business and Social Encounter- Tonya Reiman
25. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken
26. Coffee, Tea, or Me? - "Trudy Baker" aka Donald Bain
27. Fifth Avenue, 5 AM: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and the Dawn of the Modern Woman- Sam Wasson
28. Audrey: Her Story- Alexander Walker
29. The Complete Films of Audrey Hepburn - Jerry Vermiyle
30. Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit, a Son Remembers- Sean Hepburn Ferrer
31. Gigi- Collette
32. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes- Anita Loos
33. Chalice- Robin McKinley
34. Dragon's Bane - Patricia Wrede
35. The Golem and the Jinni- Helene Wecker
36. The Prince and the Dressmaker- Jen Wang
37. The Path Made Clear- Oprah Winfrey
38. Lumberjanes- Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Gus Allen, and ND Stevenson
39. The Hidden Palace - Helene Wecker
40. Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World- Penelope Bagieu
41. Strange Practice- Vivian Shaw
42. Dreadful Company- Vivian Shaw
43. All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories Of Queer Teens Throughout The Ages- edited by Saundra Mitchell
44. The Library at Mount Char- Scott Hawkins
45. Grave Importance- Vivian Shaw
46. Verity- Colleen Hoover
47. Bravely- Maggie Stiefvater
48. 1602- Neil Gaiman
49. She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs- Sarah Smarsh
50. Gallant- V.E. Schwab
51. Lore Olympus Vol. 1- Rachel Smythe
52. I'll Have What She's Having: My Adventures in Celebrity Dieting- Rebecca Harrington
53. Lore Olympus Vol. 2- Rachel Smythe
54. Moon Cakes- Suzanne Walker & Wendy Xu
55. The Tea Dragon Society- Katie O'Neill
56. The Tea Dragon Festival- Katie O'Neill
57. Travels with Foxfire: Stories of People, Passions, and Practices from Southern Appalachia- Foxfire Fund Inc.
58. My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Ottessa Moshfegh
59. Seance Tea Party- Reimenga Yee
60. Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics- Dolly Parton and Robert K. Oermann
61. Lightfall: The Girl and the Galdurian
62. Tidesong- Wendy Xu
63. Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss
64. The Girl from the Sea- Molly Knox Ostertag
65. Lightfall: The Shadow of the Bird
66. Neon Gods- Katee Robert
67. The Lighthouse Witches- C. J. Cooke
68. Six Crimson Cranes- Elizabeth Lim
69. I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life- Anne Bogel
70. The Secret History- Donna Tartt
71. The Near Witch- V. E. Schwab
72. The Good Demon- Jimmy Cajole
73. The Illustrated Man - Ray Bradbury
74. Nettle & Bone- T. Kingfisher
75. Dracula- Bram Stoker
76. My Best Friend's Exorcism- Grady Hendrix
77. Batman: The Ultimate Evil- Andrew Vachss
78. World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments- Aimee Nezhukumatathil
79. Odd and the Frost Giants- Neil Gaiman
80. How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life- Signe Johansen
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fair-sir-goeberth · 2 years
Atlanta - Alembic - Chilla -Graves - WeP8nt - (kebojim) - Bow-hnt - Moz cadi - Sea&son - Gamsguy - Momoz - Grateful d - Land art -Diver - Darlyn - Cozy cat - K s3ra - Fght nce - Ka1dbe - Pemetic - Texan 9 - Jmg art - Duntov - WowVT - Luxray - Seaglow - Boomer - Dsney - Cherubs - Dirty Z - Feliz - Ldy Loki - Catwmn - C • Shell - hill - oh Lrd - trlkrew - belt - wood - mt dew - d caf - doula 3 - sign pst - omg fire - s and m - run fast - player 2 - m-m-bbq - I'm crazy - ironman - tinman - pima - ntv prd - golfher - bskt cs - freak - chess - dmp em - psiden - happy be - mine - dytrippn - tink-rn - hrt 2 hrt - my truck - suby do - dct tpe - deezz - luv kidz - pegosus - hav2run - iluv80s - jazzguy - nowpray - 2 Kellys - Wuf wuf - rozebud - dsney - pupe lv - dank art - lov2hnt - livufvr - fmrdtr - hi-ya - l8r dude - nva qit - nmbr 10 - go Bleu - Kiki cub - grumpa - p cock - n2frogs - uniball - lpstk gi - angel cyr - mtlfrgs - 2banana - nscar88 - G monstr - blk dog - osprey - player 2 - ass hat - mermade - sqezem - sketah - 2222 up - Hunter - whl pwr - Tulane - hs farm - growth - he paid - orloff - prl mp - rlstage - crzy frg - hmmm - fsob - my broom - the mop - fox4ce5 - solv 4 x - perrys - chbacca - the mop - bon2run - dtooth - sativa - mmmmmmk - queenvg - xamdam - snowwht - debit - fokker - McLeod - lucidbr - Hobbs - go raw - yeah man - grmlin - dat boi - brazen - Ilv2sk8 - blub3ry - df lprd - Chantal - pumkins - F I T T - beancan - a riot - bigben - Moms no1 - H8U - anchr dn - recuvry - aka dad - - sgr ddy - mxtec - skates - trl2sea - run ran - shotz - k stew - f0st3r - gta clu - bakrboy - buz buz - myrddin - Dr t - diamdog - altlyf - op2mus - herhemi - tea&qi - Z's of me - mmmm4 - drottar - celtz - huntgeo - loafr99 - demon 1 - owl good - lucidbr - my jewl - t taxie - big yeti - scubaru - excl - t taxie - gypzy - mcfalls - koexist - saintz - glayze - hrd2luv - refine - ovr sze - mothy - d baby - triclps - Batman - urwhtu8 - irishc - respek - mamsy - jazzguy - irons - Im Yoda - skiddah - OMG fire - gomogo - nanbump - gburg pa - qwi gon - rip bro - then&nw - be chill - ass hat - chm bckt - Blondie - mprezed - ilv2qlt - oiiiiio - tias-kia - ewe-bet - bam - hwyman - zornhau - wazup - wine dog - budvan - Omar - ayonola - naenae1 - no bugs - tizz - aenergy - dlght - bonney - thecrzy - glacier - hrcne - it's mne - fun 4x4 - act now6 - thnkhvn - Mr Krabs - igloo - rltide - pointe - eye - alembic - 4whldrv - mar316 - gideyup - chkfla - sorry eh - Leia - pony keg - ski east - srsly - bluedha - bootz - go Jo - mrsyork - run - c-shell - kelp - sea haze - hopekh - catpaw - smitten - greatfl - my pod - luv kidz - be chill - prnts4u - t Brady - pet mum - sweet b - coyotee - momof3 - shortbs - sprmom - bg Ed - bat mble - Qatar - tads toy - red Hill - Helio - n8ure - c-kayakn - meme joy - artdash - lv2fsh - XIX - l8r dude - zrgrush - falcor - Saturn v - chicky - pudgey - heimdal - bb-8 - plebboi - fckn ay - skycake - Tin Grin - Les paul - menchie - mombie - Bon Vin - lyd14 - ac8ia - no dea - dct tape - heebgb - agooday - hi lo - lv2bwl - Chk Em - w8n4sno -
A collection of vanity plates
0 notes
crossoverworldtree · 4 years
Just Out of Curiosity, What Have Buffy and Angel Been Linked Too?
Within the show’s run and in other official canon material, Buffy and Angel have had crossover links to:
The Wild Bunch, Dracula, National Lampoon’s Vacation, The Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Buckaroo Banzai, The X-Files, Evil Dead, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, Doctor Who, and Godzilla. The “Expanded Universe” Material (Dark Horse Comics before Season 8, the IDW comics, Licensed Novels) add:
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Frankenstein, James Bond, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the legendary figure of Springheel Jack, Sherlock Holmes, An American Werewolf in London, The Wolf Man, King Arthur, Zorro, The Cthulhu Mythos, Tarzan, Hellboy, Predator, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series), The Devil’s Footprints, Rosanne, Marvel Comic’s character Cytorrak (the thing that empowers The Juggernaut), Ghostbusters, the Dungeons & Dragons Multiverse, Peter David’s Fallen Angel, and Highlander: The Series. Buffy and Angel have been referenced by other series as well in the crossover sense. Those add:
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Eureka, Simon R. Green’s Ghost of a Chance, Andy Barker P.I., Hack/Slash, Supernatural, Gen13, Blood and Bullets, House of the Dead 2 (movie), Marvel’s Legion of Monsters (featuring Elsa Bloodstone, Morbius the Living Vampire, N’kantu the Living Mummy, The Manphibian, Werewolf by Night, Tomb of Dracula, & Daimon Hellstrom), West Coast Avengers (featuring Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, Gwenpool, America Chavez, Quinten Quire, Fuse, Jeff the Land Shark, Madam Masque, Alloy (Ramone Watts), and Noh-Varr), and American Horror Story: Apocalypse. Those nods come in works that also reference: Carnacki: Ghostfinder, Drinking the Midnight Wing, The Monkeys’ Paw, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, Halfway to the Grave from the “Night Huntress” novel series, Sonja Blue, Blade (either comics or film series), Solomon Kane, and Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD. Buffy and Angel have been featured in what I like to refer to as “Megacrossover” tales as well, adding a plethora of other series to the mix. The additions include: White Zombie, The Black Coats, Arsene Lupin, Marvel’s Brother Voodoo, Child's Play, Tales of the Zombie, Revolt of the Zombies, James Bond, Angel Heart, Duke de Richleau, I Walked With a Zombie, John Thunstone, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Pirates of the Caribbean, Captian Blood, Lorna Doone, Gulliver's Travels, the works of Stephen King ("Jerusalem's Lot"), Leatherstocking Tales, Charmed, Treasure Island, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the original short story), John Carter of Mars, The X-Files, Moby Dick, The Narrative of Arthur Gordan Pym of Nantucket, Mayfair Witches, Doc Savage, The Phantom, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Wild West (TV Series), Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, The Lone Ranger, Martin Hewitt, The Shadow, The Body Snatchers (the story on which Invasion of the Body Snatchers was based), L'Enigmatique Fen-Chu, Atlantida, The Exorcist, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Stepford Wives, Young Frankenstein, The Six Million Dollar Man, The Pretender, Beauty and the Beast (1980s Television Series), Bionic Woman (original series), Modesty Blaze, Knight Rider (original Series), The Equalizer, The Nyctalope, Cyrano de Bergerac, The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Invaders (1950s Television Series), Blake and Mortimer (a Belgian comic), Sâr Dubnotal, Blithe Spirit (1941), Lensman, Simon Ark, Dark Shadows, Semi-Dual (The Occult Detector (1912)), Doctor Strange, John J. Malone, Kenneth J. Malone, Network (1976 film), I Dream of Jeannie, Northern Exposure, Jane Arden, The Continental Op, Nate Heller, Judex, Dr. Spektor, Some Like It Hot, Little Caesar, Scarface, Robin and the 7 Hoods, Dick Tracy, The Big Lebowski, Morris Klaw, Suicide Squad (Novel Series that began with Mr. Zero and the FBI Suicide Squad), Theodosia Throckmorton, John Thunstone, Fergus O'Breen, Rocket to the Morgue, Call Northside 777, "Bell, Book and Candle", Mr. Mulliner, Special Unit 2, The Quincunx of Time, Baal (of Renée Dunan's 1924 novel), Female Vampire (1975 Film), Doctor Omega (a Doctor Who pastiche), The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut in the Unknown Worlds, C. Auguste Dupin, Fantômas, The Merkabah Rider, Quantum Leap, Monk (TV Series), The Manitou (film), Simon of Gitta, Meaner than Hell, Kull, Conan the Barbarian, Steve Harrison, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Kung Fu, Indiana Jones, Batman, Something Wicked This Way Comes, House II: The Second Story, Winchester '73, The Quick and the Dead, Hombre, The Lone Ranger, The Pearl of Death, House of Horrors, The Brute Man, John Kirowan, Bran Mak Morn, Carmilla, World of Watches, Nosferatu, Underworld, Black Sunday, The Vampire Chronicles, Vampire City, The Black Coats, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Most Dangerous Game, The Vampyre (1819), The Count of Monte Cristo, Tombs of the Blind Dead, Lord Peter Wimsey, Waldemar Daninsky, Curse of the Crimson Altar, Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter, P. G. Wodehouse's Works, Viy, The Mummy (1932), Harry Dickenson, The Spider, Varney the Vampire, The Simpsons, Hellraiser/The Hellbound Heart, The Master Mind of Mars (part of Edgar Rice Burrough’s Mars series), The Wandering Jew’s Daughter, and She: A History of Adventure. Buffy and Angel also have two products that show up regularly in fiction.
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One is Sugar Bombs or Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, which appear in Calvin and Hobbes, Marvel’s Runaways (featuring Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Chase Stein, Gert Yorkes, Molly Hayes, Old Lace, Xavin. Victor Mancha, and The Swarm), and The Incredibles 2. They also show up in the videogame series Fallout, but that is most likely an alternate universe. Morley Cigarettes are the other product that has a good travel life, enough to have its own Wikipedia Page. As such, I’ll only mention a few notable cases: Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead, Murder in the First, Platoon, Psycho (1960), The World’s End (2013), 24, American Horror Story “Birth”, The Americans, Beverly Hills 90210 (1990s series), Burn Notice, Californication, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, CSI: NY, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Dick Van Dyke Show, ER, Everybody Hates Chris, Friends, Heroes, Jake 2.0, Judging Amy, Justified, Lost, Malcolm in the Middle, Medium, Millennium, Mission: Impossible (TV Series), Nash Bridges, NCIS, New Amsterdam, Orange is the New Black, Pushing Daisies, Reaper, Seinfeld, Space: Above and Beyond, The Strain, That 70s Show, The Walking Dead, Twin Peaks, Warehouse 13, Weeds, System Shock 2, and The Twilight Zone “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”. Obviously, some of these would be alternate universes. Finally, there are two notable parody examples to bring up: Vampirella vs. Fluffy. Vampirella has had a LOT of crossovers, so she’s one step removed from Buffy at best, ergo, they probably met and given the tone of the comic, Vampi did not leave too happy with Buffy’s remarks about her outfit, or Willow. Big Wolf on Campus actually provides a rather respectful crossover, and all things considered, the title character likely met Faith before she came to Sunnydale if taken as a proper crossover. Totaling things up, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel) have had 10 nods to the Cthulhu Mythos, 7 crossovers with Dracula, 5 with Frankenstein and Sherlock Holmes, 4 with Ghostbusters, and 3 with Doc Savage, Solomon Kane, Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, The X-Files, and Hellboy. And all that from just Buffy and Angel. Can you imagine what you find when you got a link further than that? Or two links? Six? 
To give a hint: The Mythos can add over 200 works, Dracula 160+, 79 from Frankenstein, 17 from Ghostbusters, 24 from Hellboy, 29 from Evil Dead, and 51 from The X-Files. There is a lot of overlap, of course, but it still sets a good idea of just how big this world is. Now, all Buffy needs is a crossover with Batman, and she’ll have hit the all the major crossover series. 
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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frasier-crane-style · 3 years
Watching Snyder League
-Diana literally vaporizes a guy armed with nothing but an assault rifle.
-Also, these have gotta be like the dumbest terrorists. Their plan:
A. Send multiple armed gunmen to take hostages.
B. Stall for time
C. Set off a suitcase bomb on a one minute countdown (why not just set it off immediately? It's In The Script)
You have a suitcase bomb--just park a car somewhere, set the timer, leave it in the trunk, and walk away. You can kill as many people as you want without losing any of your own guys.
-Superman's scream sends out five separate shockwaves. Which makes me think the guy's milking it, personally.
- I'm amused that both SOP for the Amazons is having, like, fifty people standing around guarding the Mother Box. AND that they don't ramp up security after it wakes up.
- And there's this system of burying the Mother Box.  Which 1. seems like the only way to get there in the first place is to teleport in. What good is this system against a teleporter?
2. It takes six guards to suicide themselves by knocking down pillars, which seems like--in five thousand years, you couldn't come up with something where you just pull a level from twenty feet away?
This is the problem with the Amazons. They're all women, so none of them go into STEM fields.
- It's also real weird that this Bruce Wayne doesn't even try to hide that he's Batman. He just walks right up to Aquaman and goes "hey, Bruce Wayne, I'm also Batman." And remember, he's getting the Justice League together entirely based on a hunch. At least in Josstice League, there were Parademons all up in Gotham.
- And should I even bother to ask why Darkseid's people can't just bring three new Mother Boxes to Earth? Are those the only three? If so, you'd think they'd try to get them back sooner. Like, A LOT sooner.
- Okay, this was supposed to come out one year before Infinity War, but still, it was pretty obvious what Marvel was doing with Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. They had to know they were inviting comparisons.
-I love the implication, tho, that Darkseid just lost track of the Mother Boxes and just... no one realized they were back on Earth. And they have Parademons that can specifically sniff out the Mother Boxes. 
-And if Superman dying was such a momentous occasion that it woke up a Mother Box, why not the Old Gods dying? Why not Ares dying? Wouldn't that have left Earth just as undefended?
-I have no idea why any of this is happening a couple years after Superman debuted and then died and not in, like, 1446.
-Are the Mother Boxes like finicky computers? Do you need to turn them off and on again? When Superman showed up, did they shut down for real, and then he died, so they came back on for real? Is it like a Windows 95 thing, where you can't JUST turn the computer off, you have to go to the start menu and press Shutdown and then wait for it to close up shop?
-It’s so weird that this is supposed to be a Dark, Mature Adaptation For Adults! And it doesn’t have the same basic logic you’d get from an episode of Power Rangers. 
-So. Much. Daddy issues.
-Please stop letting Ezra Miller improv.
-They cast like the gayest man in America to play the one guy with a love interest.
-Diana: "I lost someone I loved once." Well, twice, but who's counting?
-All those reshoots and they couldn't get Amber Heard to knock off the British accent?
-Why is Desaad, of all people, Darkseid’s dragon? Is it just because they were rifling through all the Fourth World saga to find the few guys with scary names instead of Granny Goodness or Virman Vundabar?
- And they really play up Darkseid appearing to Steppenwolf, but we've not only already seen him in the big flashback, we saw him get his ass kicked by Zeus of all people.
- And the whole thing where Steppenwolf is part of Darkseid's 'family' really isn't helping the Thanos-Nebula-Gamora comparison.
-It's weird to introduce Darkseid as the guy who was already beaten once. Wouldn't it make more sense that Steppenwulf was the guy who lost, and that allowed Darkseid to take over, and now he's trying to redeem himself for his defeat? Or that Darkseid was never defeated at all, but someone stole the Anti-Life Equation from him and hid it on Earth? Something. Instead, it’s literally just randomly burnt into the crust of the Earth, Darkseid discovers it, then forgets all about it for reasons the movie doesn’t get into despite being four damn hours long.
-It’s only the central plot, whatever, forget about it.
- Pretty sure Kal eye-lasered a couple Army guys to death after he was resurrected, not that he ever gives a shit.
-Third big reveal of Darkseid. Come on, you've shown him three times now. We've heard him talk.
-And this does the same thing as Josstice League with Superman being more powerful than the rest of the JLA put together. Here, he even no-sells Steppenwolf's axe. He just lets it hit him and it doesn’t do shit. So Doomsday could kill him, but Steppenwolf can't even scratch him. And yet Wonder Woman seems pretty evenly matched with both, if not outclassed by Steppenwolf.
-Barry Allen spends the whole climax running in a circle. And he fails at it! Dude's really retarded when he doesn't have Team STAR Labs cheering him on.
-He also casually travels back in time to undo his side getting a Game Over, which makes you wonder how any conflict in this universe can ever have any stakes. Say what you will about Endgame, but at least they explain why time travel can’t solve every problem they ever have.
-Hell, the Mother Boxes can bring people back to life. The example used is literally “it can turn smoke back into a house.” Why not bring Joe Morton back to life? He did a good job in T2, c’mon.
-Speaking of, according to TV Tropes, Ray Fisher got to come up with his own backstory for Cyborg (”I don't praise Chris Terrio and Zack Snyder for simply putting me in Justice League. I praise them for EMPOWERING me (a black man with no film credits to his name) with a seat at the creative table and input on the framing of the Stones before there was even a script!”), which makes it kinda hilarious that this movie’s characterization of Cyborg is that he’s a genius sports hero who also loves helping out the underprivileged.
-AND his big conflict with his dad is that Silas Stone was never there for him, as literally represented by there being an empty seat next to his mom at Vic’s big sportsball game. So apparently the black experience is indistinguishable from Austin Powers In Goldmember. Who knew?
-What else? It's weird that the narrative tries to put some importance in Martha Kent, but then in her big scene with Lois, she's really Martian Manhunter (not kidding) and when Superman is resurrected, he hears encouraging words ONLY from Jor-El and Jonathan. All she really contributes to the story is hugging Superman after he comes back.
-Also, Batman spends a lot of time in the climax shooting people with a rifle. They're bug people and it's, like, a Halo rifle, but still. You can tell Snyder's just chomping at the bit to have Batman carry around a Colt Commando.
-They give no shits about secret identities in this, so why do they still bother with putting a shitty distortion effect on Batfleck's voice? He has a pretty good Batman voice outside the suit, but once he puts it on, he starts sounding like he's giving a blowjob to Daft Punk.
-One of the movie’s, like, four cliffhangers is Lex Luthor telling Deathstroke about Batman’s secret identity, because Deathstroke has a private vendetta against Batman and is out to get him. Of all the Bat rogues who are solely motivated by taking out Batman--why choose Deathstroke, the guy that’s just a mercenary for hire, to characterize as simply hating Batman? (They also imply Batman took out Deathstroke’s eye and THAT’S the big feud between him and--guys. C’mon. This was really supposed to be a whole movie of Deathstroke getting revenge for his eye?)
- The movie ends with them making Wayne Manor the JLA headquarters--God, just tell me if secret identities matter or not.
-Did we really need two ‘beyond the impossible’ scenes back to back, one for Cyborg and one for the Flash?
-Oh, it’s not Arkham Asylum, it’s ‘Arkham Home For The Emotionally Troubled.’ Was this supposed to be one of those Arrowverse things where they call it Starling City for a while, only to rebrand it Star City because that’s somehow better than just calling it Star City in the first place?
- "[Snyder] also said that the reason Darkseid lost track of which world the Mother Boxes were left on was because he was gravely injured and their forces sent limping away, and upon returning to Apokolips had to fight a civil war for the throne (possibly the event hinted where Steppenwolf betrayed him), wherein their records were lost." Imagine having a movie four hours long and not explaining the fucking backstory.
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martyrbat · 1 year
Tumblr media
the batman's grave #2
[ID: Batman getting kicked right in his bat-balls by an assailant. He's falling through a wooden floor and has his leg thrown up to block the man — which exposes his crotch even more. END ID]
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honeyopinion · 4 years
20/20 Songs of the Year
“Lockdown” by Anderson .Paak and Jay Rock
“I’ve Been Down” by HAIM
“Time Alone With You” by Jacob Collier and Daniel Caesar
“I’m Warping Here” by Feng Suave
“Baby Little Tween” by Okay Kaya
“Super Stars” by Yves Tumor
“Garden Song” by Phoebe Bridgers
“Without You” by Perfume Genius
“Blue World” by Mac Miller
“Joey Blazey” by Dominic Fike
“Feelin’ Low (F*ckboy Blues)” by Peach Pit
“Confirmation (SSBD)” by Westerman
“Simmer” by Hayley Williams
“Money Dance” by Duckwrth and Jean Deaux
“Pressure in My Palms” by Aminé, slowthai, and Vince Staples
“don’t be afraid” by Knxwledge
“Surface, Dogma II” by LOMELI
“out of sight” by Run The Jewels and 2 Chainz
“Photo ID” by Remi Wolf
“Eternal Summer” by The Strokes
“So.Incredible.pkg” by Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats
“Another Lover” by Little Dragon
“Pretty Please” by Dua Lipa
“The Alarmist” by Pinegrove
“Broom” by Holy Hive
“Can’t Help Myself” by Alexandra Savior
“Gatekeeper” by Pay for Pain
“Posthumous Forgiveness” by Tame Impala
“Want U Around” by Omar Apollo and Ruel
“Wack Jack” by Hamilton Leithauser
“C-Side” by Khruangbin and Leon Bridges 
“Can I Believe You” by Fleet Foxes
“Promises” by Beach Bunny 
“24.19” by Childish Gambino
“I Keep Calling” by James Blake
“Pink Elephant” by Chicano Batman
“Deadlines (Hostile)” by Car Seat Headrest
“I’ll Be Holding” by Miel
“Fire” by Waxahtchee
“Stoned Again” by King Krule
“Better Distractions” by Faye Webster
“Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don’t Leave Me)” by Orion Sun
“Freak Like Me” by Caroline Rose
“Look Alive” by Shakey Graves
“Cut Me” by Moses Sumney
“Window” by Still Woozy
“Grateful” by Zack Villere
“Ivy” by Taylor Swift
Listen to all of these songs together in our playlist.
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drsilverfish · 5 years
DrSilverfish S14 Meta Masterpost
Well, what a wild ride S14 has been. An extremely rich season for meta, and one of the best seasons of the show, ever (in my view, YMMV). It’s been a blast sharing it with all of you, week by week, on the hoof. Thanks for all the discussion, shared sleuthing and musing, gifs, art, fic, meta and more. 
And thanks also to all the readers of, and commenters on, this blog. Reading the tags and replies on Tumblr is still one of the best things. 
High points? The writers’ room’s use of mythology (Greek, Biblical, folktale) this season has been rich and satisfying, but in particular their borrowing of Jung’s psychological drama of the encounter between the Self and the Shadow-self, and his interpretation of alchemical writing as representative of the journey of the psyche towards self-integration (for the alchemists, the journey of the soul to God) has been really beautifully crafted. 
Also, all the call-backs to previous seasons and episodes of the show, as part of Dabb’s Ouroboros narrative, used to shed light both on the past and the present; even down to matching the call backs numerologically for more snake-swallowing-its-own-tail symmetry. 
Stand out episode for me was 14x14 Ouroboros. Steve Yockey is a kick-ass writer and a master of subtext. Noah Ophis the Queer Gorgon was not only a fabulous queer villain but the call-back to Nick the Siren and 4x14 Sex and Violence really reflected on and demonstrated the show’s evolution, as we near the end of the spiral (it’s ages since any female characters have been called a “bitch” or a “whore” for one thing - phew).
Also a shout-out to Meredith Glynn’s 14x08 Byzantium for its lovely re-encounter re Castiel’s relationship to Heaven, his heart-crushing (and uber fairy-tale romantic) deal with The Shadow, as well as for revisiting the awesome Lily Sunder and adding Anubis to the SPN God-machine! 
And to Davy Perez 14x11 Damaged Goods for the most subtextually obvious but also tragically heart-breaking, reference to the Ma’lak box as the closet, thanks to Dean showering sparks all over Donna’s 1970s cowboy porn poster collection whilst building it. 
Andrew Dabb and Meredith Glynn’s 14x13 Lebanon was excellent too; lovely script, outstanding performances from the original Winchester family, a beautiful little side-meditation on who Castiel would have been, if he hadn’t raised Dean from perdition, and some more alchemical symbolism via the “pearl of great price” (AKA the Philosopher’s Stone). 
Meghan Fitzmartin and Yockey’s 14x15 Peace of Mind, was also stand-out, for its biting satire both of MAGA and Heaven, its hilarious whammied Sam (truly one of Jared’s great performances, up there with his Lucifer in The End) and its lashings of queer subtext (from Dean’s fascination with, and anxiety about,  the “snake”, to Castiel’s mirrored heavy improv involvement with Sunny’s dick-worshiping erotic epistles). 
Finally, Dabb and Sgriccia delivered a gorgeously shot, and epic, finale in 14x20 Moriah, the culmination of Dean’s long and painful encounter with the internalised Ghost of John Winchester in his psyche, as he faced, Ouroboros style, a yellow-eyed “monster” who had (apparently) killed Mary Winchester (again) and THE Father, ordering him to continue his own father’s revenge cycle. Chuck Shurley, avatar of God, ultimate dead-beat Dad and author of the SPN multi-verse, is set up to be the meta villain for the final season, as his characters struggle for true free will. 
Here’s hoping MIRROR UNIVERSE and all those zombies busting out of their graves are indeed a giant neon metaphor for the culminating revenge of SPN’s eternal queer subtext.    
Low-point of the season; re-fridging Mary Winchester as part of the Ouroboros narrative, even though Glynn and Berens handled her “death” episodes (14x17 and 14x18) beautifully. Re-staging the drama of Azazel, fathers and sons, as part of the story spiral was, of course, irresistable, and profound for our male hero characters; I get it. But, as I am still convinced this is a fake-out, Mary is not really dead, and we will see her again (see my meta from 14x17 onwards) I’m willing to wait before I write my final meta on the show’s relationship to the feminine principle (spoiler alert, a load of suckage along the way, with the possiblity for a, somewhat contingent, writers’ room redemption arc!). I am hoping both Amara, as the feminine God-principle, and Mary (they are already fundamentally linked) will return in the culmination of the narrative. Symbolically, even given this is, indelibly, a narrative about men and the bonds between them, that return of/ integration with the feminine would be the alchemical and Jungian culmination of the journey, and I’m hoping that’s what Dabb is going deliver; via Jack (Hermes/ Mercury) as the mediating principle.  
As I’m sure you all are, I’m in equal measure gutted and excited that S15 is to be the final turn of the spiral. 
Look forward to sharing all the highs and the lows, as TFW go up against Chuck Almighty himself, with Death, The Empty and metaphysical key Jack Kline Novak Winchester in the mix.  
All my meta of the season (with thanks to many of you for enlightening and fun discussion) under the cut this time, because there’s a LOT!:
1) Stranger in a Strange Land (14x01)
2) Queer Gods and Monsters (14x02) 
3) Dramatic Irony and Castiel in 14x02
4) Jack and Killing Dean in 14x02 (parallels with Dean and Killing Jack in 13x02 The Rising Son)
5) 14x03 The Scar - Dean Confronts Dark!Kaia (Dopplegangers, Mirrors and John Winchester’s Ghost)
6) Batman vs Superman: Connection and Conflict in Mint Condition (14x04) (Plus more John Winchester’s Ghost)
and some added discussion and further meta with @dimples-of-discontent
7) Nightmare Logic (14x05) The Winchester Family Crypt
8) Uhmmn... 14x05′s Text Reference Is...? (Nightmare Logic) 
and some added discussion and further meta (on Dean and the bi-dent) with @paperwhitenarcissus
9) 14x05 Nightmare Logic and 13x14 Good Intentions - Dean’s Wardrobe Parallels -  a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
10) Inside Dean’s Head - 14x03 The Scar and 14x05 Nightmare Logic
11) 14x06 Optimism - Cock Meta (end comment on a multi-authored discussion)
12) 14x06 Optimism - a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
13) 14x08 Byzantium (Castiel’s Relationship with Heaven)
14) The Shadow 14x08 (first in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
15) 14x09 The Spear (wounds, penetrations, scars: Destiel)
16) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) (second in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
17) 14x09 The Spear: Ode to Joy
18) The Dean/ Cas Spiral Narrative - S13 and 14 Edition (so far)
19) Pamela Barnes in Nihilism (14x10)
20) AU!Michael and the Closet (14x10)
21) Rocky’s Bar: A Closer Look in Dean’s Mind (14x10) 
22) Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester (S11 Parallels - Jungian meta adjacent)
23) Pamela, The Guardian (this is actually @shirtlesssammy ‘s great meta, to which I added something on Pamela as Dean’s psychopomp and anima - Jungian meta adjacent) 
24) What the Light and Shadow Tells Us (some meta on the S14 promo poster and S13 and 14′s use of light and shadow - Jungian meta adjacent)
25) A Fridge-Locker, An Enochian Puzzle-Box, and the Closet (14x11 Damaged Goods) 
with some additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter on subtext, canon and the show’s own closet:
26) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods (third in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
27) Damaged Goods (14x11) 
28) Cosmic Order and Entropy: What’s Death’s Game? (14x11) 
and some additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
29) The Riddle of the Sphinx: 14z12 Prophet and Loss (a guest meta for @metafest ) (including more on the Ghost of John Winchester - Jungian meta adjacent)
and some additional meta and discussion with @verobatto-angelxhunter
and some more with @emblue-sparks
30) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) (fourth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
31) Dr. Sexy of the Lord in Prophet and Loss
plus self--reblog with more on the “Dr. Novak” alias
32) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon (fifth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
with some additional discussion and meta with @mittensmorgul and @paperwhitenarcissus
33) 14x13 Lebanon - Some Silent Storytelling Notes on the Pawn-Shop
34) The Bruise as a Kiss: Cinematic Queerness and the Violence Between Dean and Cas in 14x13
35) An Angel, and Lucifer’s Kid? Queer-Coding and Dean’s “Found Family” in 14x13 Lebanon
36) Movie Poster Meta for 14x13 (end note to a multi-authored discussion with @paintmeahero @mittensmorgul @shirtlesssammy @justanotheridijiton )
37) Old Timey SPN: A Fresh (Queer) Look at 4x06 Yellow Fever
38) 14x14 Ouroboros Promo: Procrustes Greek Myth Meta-Spec (part of a discussion with @mittensmorgul @postmodernmulticoloredcloak - Jungian meta adjacent)
39) The Man Who Would Be King - Edlund’s Literary Allusion and 6x20
40) 14x14 Promo Meta Spec (a discussion with @elizabethrobertajones and @hum-bee - started Destiel, became @hum-bee ‘s meta on Castiel’s depression, then mine on the separate, but related, queer subtext narratives for Dean and Cas this season) 
41) The Kiss of the Queer Gorgon in 14x14 Ouroboros
42) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros (sixth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
43) Perseus, Jack and the Gorgon in 14x14
44) The Siren and the Gorgon 4x14 and 14x14
And with an addition:
45) Noah Ophis 14x14 (Meanings and the name of the Gorgon)
And some further discussion with @justanotheridijiton and @mittensmorgul
46) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 (seventh in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
Plus additions and discussion with @mittensmorgul  and @trickster-archangel :
47) The Justin Smith/ Dean Smith Ouroboros (14x15 and 4x17)
with additional discussion with @mittensmorgul @a-bit-of-influence @verobatto-angelxhunter and @magnificent-winged-beast :
48) Yellow Fever Redux in 14x15 Peace of Mind
and with additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter
49) Oranges are not the Only Fruit (part of a multi-authored discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak and @verobatto-angelxhunter )
50) Do Snakes Like Bacon? (Queer-Coding) (14x15)
51) The Satire in Charming Acres (14x15)
52) The Book of Life in Donatello’s Kitchen (14x15) with thanks to @postmodernmulticoloredcloak for the heads up!
53) “AU” Past Episode References in 14x15 Peace of Mind (and the Theme of Fate vs Free Will)
and with an addition thanks to @mittensmorgul
54) A Call-Back to 4x01 in 14x15 (this is an addition to a meta by @poorreputation about Charming Acres as a Metaphor for Heaven)
55) The Bird Represents God (14x15) (an addition/ discussion on bird poop to @verobatto-angelxhunter ‘s S14 meta-spec master-post)
56) Dean Made me Watch the Lost Boys Like 20 Times (14x16 Don’t Go in the Woods)
57) The Ghostfacers in 14x16
58) The Kohonta, The Wendigo and..... The Winchesters? Cannibalism in 14x16
59) More Musings on the Signifiance of Bird Poop in 14x16 with @elizabethrobertajones @mittensmorgul and @neven-ebrez
60) Lucifer Rides Again?.... Games Within Games in 14x17 Game Night
61) A Discussion on Alchemy and the Season’s End with @occamshipper
62) Sixteenth Century Burmese Blood Rubies (14x17)
63) Cindy’s Waffle House in 14x17
64) Nick’s Spell in 14x17 (A Bit of Body-Snatching Spec)
65) Castiel and Food: A Discussion with @bluestar86 and @tinkdw (14x17)
66) Is Anael in League with Satan?: A Discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak  
67) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow)  (eighth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
with an additional note:
68) You Can Still Be a Cookie-Baking, Cardigan-Wearing Big Softie Without a Soul (14x17 Game Night)
69) Dutch Camera Angles in 14x17 - A Discussion with @mittensmorgul
70) 14x18 Absence: The Games Continue? (14x18)
with additional discussion with @shirtlesssammy
71) Re-Fridging Mary Winchester: The Ouroboros Narrative Swallows its Origin Story (14x18 Absence)
72) Dean Would Never Tell Cas He Was Dead To Him (14x18 - end comment on dramatic irony on a post by @superduperdestiel33 )
73) Jack, Godstiel and Jesus Parallels - A 14x19 Promo Discussion with @trickster-archangel (Jungian meta adjacent)
74) A Spec Discussion on the Snake, Chicken and Egg Story (14x14) in Relation to Jack and 14x19 Jack in the Box and 14x20 Moriah with @neven-ebrez and @mittensmorgul
75) A Pillar of Salt in 14x19 Jack in the Box
and with addition discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
76) Hallucifer or Lucifer? (14x19 Jack in the Box)
77) The Wraith at Mary’s Funeral (14x19) (end comment on a discussion with @mittensmorgul and @postmodernmulticoloredcloak )
78) “So, Who’s Ready to Take on The Book of Samuel?” (14x19  Jack in the Box)
79) A Discussion on Dean and Cas and Chuck and Faith (14x19) with @norahastuff
80) Mary is Watching Over You.... From a Mirror Universe? (14x20 Moriah)
81) Fate vs Free Will - “Welcome to the End” (14x20 Moriah)
with additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
82) More Bird-Poop Meta: A Discussion with @trickster-archangel
83) “MIrror Universe” Meanings (14x20)
with additional discussion with @trickster-archangel and @occamshipper 
84) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah) (ninth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
85) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) (tenth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
86) So Who Has Been Resurrecting Castiel? (Post 14x20 Musings)
and with added discussion with @mittensmorgul
87) Chuck and Reno (14x20 plus S15 Spec on Chuck and Amara - end comment on a discussion by @tarend and @hi-im-dazey
All My Meta on the Jungian Themes of S14 Collected Together in a 10 Part Series:
1) The Shadow 14x08 
2) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) 
3) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods 
4) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) 
5) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon 
6) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros 
7) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 
8) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow) 
9) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah)
10) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) 
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi: Meat p7 reaction
Well, seeing as to what movie I just watched on Sunday. "We're in the Endgame now." :O I wonder if it'll switch back to Earth C before showing us (the tail end of) the Masterpiece scene.
I'm curious to know how truthful Caliborn was about the scene, what he may have omitted from his retelling (the presence of the leprechauns, maybe?), and also how it concluded. I wonder if it'll be told from Dirk's perspective, after the B1 kids have been stolen. He's got the closest connection to Cal and Arquiusprite, after all. I wonder how his perception of his puppet might have changed, too. For all we know, LOTAK might have been ripe with allusions and phropecies regarding the thing, thanks to his denizen. That's another thing connecting him to LE, after all: Yaldabaoth. Just cause he never went into the Lion's Mouth doesn't mean he didn't harvest every bit of intel and backstory. This is Dirk 'Batman Gambit' Strider we're talking about.
"The boxing bell is going off like it's having a fit." Well, I did ask for Dirk's perspective. :P Wrong Dirk! Okay, so it seems like the POV will be changing hands like a baton pass on Earth C. That would mean we're in for Rose's POV next, and I wouldn't mind that. Tight-lipped as she would still be even in her own mind's narration about her plans, it'd be nice to see things from her end!
"Dirk has to stick a finger in one ear to hear what Rose is saying over the cacophony of boos and buckets being lobbed toward center stage." Not sure if it would be worse or not for trolls to have thrown that bucket.
"He considers it all pretty fucking annoying, so he flips off the crowd and jumps the ropes. Always a good idea to abscond from the stadium before the customary show-end riot hits full swing." ... So his whole upset-the-audience-into-rioting is par for the course? Dear god, are all his fans hooligans? ... That actually runs pretty close to what happened in AIDS, come to think of it.
"ROSE: It’s not so much “what is up” as “what is down,” the answer to which is, proverbially: Me." Down for the count, not down in the brooding caverns, naturally. You know, since she's ascended to the highest top of the surface.
"ROSE: I mean that both physically and philosophically by the way.
DIRK: You’re down philosophically?
ROSE: Yes.
DIRK: I’m not sure what that actually means.
ROSE: What doesn’t it mean, Dirk." Oh my freaking god, these guys might even be more amazing together than Dave and Rose, it's a sight to behold.
"DIRK: Glad to see that my genetic predisposition for melodrama is still alive and well in my slime-progeny even after all these years.
ROSE: Please don’t interrupt. This is important, and I’ll need all the energy I can spare to sustain even a heavily monologic transmission of the relevant facts." Yes, Dirk, please cut Rose some slack, she only has so few monologues left in her. :P
"ROSE: Anyway, the matter at hand is my “condition,” with which you’re already familiar.
ROSE: I’ve struggled to devise the right way of telling you without causing undue alarm, which would unquestionably trigger the overbearing tendency of yours to “solve the problem” for me, which is not the kind of circumstance my constitution can withstand these days.
ROSE: I can barely lift a wrist to my forehead to telegraph my infirmity, of late. Your bullshit is precisely the thousand-pound feather that could knock me clean through my apartment’s plate glass window." While I don't disagree Rose's condition might be severe, I see she's still well enough to heat a scalding plate of sarcasm. Also, wouldn't Jasprosesprite^2 be better than Dirk at handling her situation? Her feelings for interacting with a clownesk version of herself not withstanding, it's a Rose that already went through the ultimate self thing. Granted, she had fake magic Sprite powers to help her cope, as well as bullshit feline asshole personality issues.
"I’m taking solace in the fact that your infirmity doesn’t seem to have spread to your vocal cords yet." Right, got to remind myself that actual voices are being used to talk with one another. Still not used to it for Homestuck characters doing this when phones are involved. :P The only time it happened in-story was when a "shellphone" was involved, after all.
"ROSE: The bottom line is this.
ROSE: I am ascending, and it is terrible." ... Hmm, could that imply that the Ultimate Self is the last of the god tiers, or pretty high up there, at least? It would take a ridiculous amount of XP, seven years may or may not be enough, but if it's about the accumulation of self-reflection & general knowledge, a Seer of Light would be pretty quick to collect that kind of required boons.
"Rose adjusts her position on the couch with the body language of one about to dive into the latest gossip about a mutual friend. The mutual in this case: her tortured psyche." So the therapist is seeking counsil, in a way, is she? :P
"ROSE: Years of refining my Seer of Light powers have cursed me with what is approaching near infinite prescience. Dwelling in this idyllic post-canon realm has worn down the barriers separating my primary consciousness from the memories and experiences of all my doomed alternate selves, which were forgotten and discarded over the due course of our journey." So that implies they were many, more than we'd assume immediately. There's Dream Rose, Alternate Future Rose, pre-retcon Rose (now Jasprose) & B2 Rose, but it appears there are more still. Well, okay, there's also Reload Rose now, I guess.
"ROSE: As I approach the realization of my Ultimate Self, I cannot stop the extant knowledge from seeping in. I am plagued by near constant visions from the less fortunate versions of myself, as well as a broadening view of the metatextual nature of our existence." She's starting to become self-aware, before you know it she'll be addressing us directly through the Fourth Wall! Well, it's not like we didn't have a smug monologic narrator before. (Did I mean Doc Scratch, Andrew Hussie or Lord English? Yes.)
"ROSE: It drains all of my energy to keep my consciousness focused on relevant events, but even then I am losing my ability to discern what is and is not canonically relevant, let alone what is also true or essential." Well, okay, if she can't even discern between her own life, fanon and fan fiction, she might really have a problem.
"ROSE: And all of this is making me incredibly fucking sick." Rose is getting Homestucksick, is it? :P
"DIRK: Oh. Is that all?" My first thought was: blatant sarcasm. But then... We don't know how far Dirk's powers extend, do we? What shards of his has he had access to all this time, if Brain Ghost Dirk is any indication?
"DIRK: Well, in the spirit of full disclosure,
DIRK: Same." Ooooooh, wow. So it's the same for him? If he was nurturing the mother grub of all splitting headaches all this time, no wonder he pisses on the whole audience experience every time. While he would have more experience juggling disparate experiences, it was already a strain on him back when it was just him and Dream Dirk. Can you imagine him having to jostle Arquiusprite's thoughts & desires, or god forbid, some part of Lord English' experiences too? ... Okay now I'm curious as to what it's like for Dirk.
... Dirk's Ultimate Self experience would have been one of those things I would have liked to see speculation of, back on the old forums. But alas, we're archival readers now, not serial readers. It was not meant to be.
Got to say though. If it's this hard on the god tiers, how must it be for Terezi? Because I'm pretty sure post-retcon Terezi forced an ultimate self revelation on herself through her mindy thing.
It might be that Mind is the aspect best suited at handling all these inflows from doomed timelines and conditional experiences. Or it might be that Heart is, they're related aspects, and Heart is supposed to stand for Soul. It just might depend on where you think the self is defined: in actual experiences, or in the potential for them, realized or not.
"DIRK: We are suffering from the same condition, Rose." So... Does this lend more stake to Dirk's idea for backing Jane, or is it just one of those situations where he can't discern the right course of action any more, that Rose was referring to?
"She allows several rare conversational beats to pass in silence between them, to process the admission." That's how you know things are grave, when Dirk and Rose stop talking.
"DIRK: I guess I used the wrong phrase. You are suffering from it. I am adapting to it.
DIRK: I already have, really." No, wait, THIS is how you know things are grave: when Dirk insists he's got a handle on things. "Adapting", like he's the AI version of himself, not the human version.
"ROSE: When were you going to tell me this?
DIRK: When you were ready.
ROSE: So you have determined that I’m ready to receive this rather critical piece of information now, of all times?
ROSE: What distinguishes the present from the other moments you could have mentioned it?" Well, isn't today the day that things become relevant again, Rose? April 13th? :P
"DIRK: Wow. Well, when you put it that way, it makes me sound like kind of a dick.
DIRK: But I guess it isn’t far from the truth, either." Well, you already sound like kind of a Dirk, most of the time, so
ROSE: Unbelievable.
DIRK: Look, it’s not something you just spring on people that frivolously.
DIRK: “Hey folks, just so you know, the boundaries of my awareness are coming apart, and now I know almost everything, about everyone, everywhere.”" "I can see into forever!" Okay, so it was more Dirk's low self-esteem springing up again. He was waiting for someone to "get it" and make the first move. So, is the omniscience thing coming from Arquius' unfathomable depths of AI? Or its connection to Doc Scatch???
DIRK: “Also, the process should be tearing my body apart, but actually I’m handling it quite well. Thanks for the concern though.”" Imagine Dirk as the dog in the "This is fine" image.
"DIRK: There will be time to explain all this.
DIRK: Despite whatever appearance of callousness I’ve maintained in withholding this information from you, I actually do have your best interests in mind. I don’t want to wear you out on this call." Gotta say, omniscient Dirk working behind the scenes with whatever boatload of narrative information he has on hand is both assuring and worrying.
"DIRK: For now, I’ll just mention that I’ve been alert to your problem for some time, and I’ve been devising a solution which should permanently remedy it without compromising the boon of your expanding consciousness." ... Definitely tipping back into worrying. It's for the lack of kernelsprites on Earth C that I'll give Dirk the benefit of the doubt, for now.
"DIRK: Would love to tell you, but I’ve got some work to do. Why don’t you stop by my studio later so we can hash this shit out in person." ... I dearly hope his solution isn't: "Here, upload your consciousness into this Rosebot. There! All the limits of your feeble immortal biological coil, removed."
So, Dirk (and Jake) have a studio, Rose has an apartment, Dave 'n Karkat 'n Jade a hive, John a house. I wonder if Jane has ended up owning a mansion of sorts (the White House doesn't count... yet).
Also, Dirk hashing things out is funny, because of Dave's former sylladex mode: hashmap.
DIRK: Right now, you should get some rest." Hmm, Blaperile has some theories rest might help her condition. I wonder if, through sleeping or some other process, Rose might be able to actually 'act' through her alternate selves. What if she could make contact with Reload Rose, send her some bits of the bigger picture without overloading her with information?
"ROSE: Actually, I’m feeling oddly invigorated suddenly. I think I’m good for more exposition, if you are." ... Okay didn't see that coming. Either she's scathingly sarcastic right now, or we're in for a treat.
"DIRK: Can’t say I’m surprised. But no." Nothing to perk up Rose better than the promise of secrets not yet revealed, I guess!
"ROSE: Have I caught you at a bad time?
DIRK: Nah, but there is an election coming up, and my work as a political operative is going to be absolutely essential for the fate of humanity." See, Rose could think Dirk is being falseful, but she's nearing omniscience so probably not. Still, Dirk is forgetting to include other species' fate in his calculations, not just humanity's.
"ROSE: I see. Wheels within wheels, I assume?
DIRK: There are always wheels. Wheels are everywhere.
DIRK: They aren’t my wheels or yours. The wheels don’t have owners or designers, but they do have caretakers.
DIRK: They won’t keep turning on their own without someone to grease the mechanism." This is turning into a Dave metaphor again. ... But hmm, that's a mechanics metaphor he's using. Is that a reference to that Rosebot I theorized about... or Arquiusprite? Cause if Rose could act through Reload Rose, Dirk could act through either his Reload self or Arquiusprite! Here's to hoping there isn't a shard in Lord English influencing his behaviour, or reading his every thought and intent.
"the full brunt of the sunset: purple and orange, blending brilliantly on the horizon." I see what you did there. Yes, Dirk and Rose's first actual conversation was brilliant.
"She’s right about him, he thinks. While his ecto-daughter views herself as having a somewhat deft artistic hand that lends itself naturally to a gentle push-and-pull style of influence, Dirk knows his methods are mechanical, like those of an engineer. There is nothing adaptive or interpretive about his method. Every piece has a purpose, a slot, an interlocking mechanism that is functionally pointless without the whole." Yes, it's been pointed out on occasion Rose is quite elegant in her ways. Those ways don't include tidying her room, but still. With the visuals being used to describe both of Rose 'n Dirk's different takes on influencing people, I am reminded of how Names in the "Practical Guide to Evil" story feel different for each person. For one, like putting on a tailormade pair of gloves, for another, like observing the methodical churning of a machine. I already felt quite a few times reminded of Homestuck while archive-reading PGtE (not done yet!), it's only fitting it now goes the other way around again.
Also, thinking about the wheels metaphor has gotten me thinking about LOHAC, and now I have the Clockwork theme from the Medium album stuck in my head.
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telltalebatman · 5 years
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@biformers let’s go
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? wine glasses, they make everything seem so... elegant
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? lollipops!! they don’t melt in the sun and when i pull them out of my mouth they make that POP sound. very good.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum, last time i checked i couldn’t make cotton candy balloons
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? bright and bubbly and curious and energetic. very energetic. too energetic. mister crispin, please, your daughter is way too energetic, the school’s gonna expl-
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? wine glasses. (that’s not an- well, it is now.)
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? pastel and formal, but mostly formal.......... formal clothes make me look super nice. (so do pastel ones. well, i look 12 in pastels.)
7. earbuds or headphones? earbuds can he shared, so... earbuds.
8. movies or tv shows? movies for watching with someone, tv shows for watching alone. sometimes it’s the other way. sometimes it’s neither.
9. favorite smell in the summer? raspberry lemonade, freshly cut grass, and uh... oswald. yes, that’s a smell. he smells nice in summer. in fact he smells nice all the time, but he smells best during the summer.
10. game you were best at in p.e.? i was never good at anything p.e related........ i’m good at yoga i guess.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? w a f f l e s. shit, i’m hungry now. oswald! i want waffles!
12. name of your favorite playlist? kiss me hard, fuck me harder, love me hardest (what? you heard me. i did, i’m just... what? is this a suggestion? a hint? :) )
13. lanyard or key ring? i’m gonna go with “not attaching my keys to anything and losing them all in my purse”.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? those little, chewy, caramel candies that make your teeth stick together.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? do i look like a girl who had ever read a book in her life? (you got a master’s degree. ...kristeva’s “powers of horror”.)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? with my legs crossed.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? those!
18. ideal weather? warm and sunny, so oswald has an excuse to keep a ton of ice cubes in the freezer, so that he can- she likes it when it’s hot, so she has an excuse to devour buckets of ice cream. and also wear short skirts. that’s coincidentally also /my/ favorite weather.
19. sleeping position? preferably wrapped around oswald, if not available... i like to take as much space in bed as possible. on my stomach. limbs spread.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? notebook app on my phone
21. obsession from childhood? z-zorro.............
22. role model? if i had a role model i wouldn’t be the person i am.
23. strange habits? none! i’m perfectly normal. the normalest girl in gotham.
24. favorite crystal? see? i’m normal. i don’t have a favorite crystal.
25. first song you remember hearing? not a song, but an instrumental piece. something by tchaikovsky. my mom used to listen to tchaikovsky after work.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? swimming. and sitting around and complaining it’s too hot.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? ; )
28. five songs to describe you? you should ask oswald that one. i bet he’ll have a good answer. (sweet talking woman, a girl like you, how to be a heartbreaker, gold dust woman and fear and delight. what? of course i know how to describe charlie with songs. i can describe her in any way.)
29. best way to bond with you? feed me and have sex with me. not neccesarily in that exact order. wink.
30. places that you find sacred? i wouldn’t have sex on anyone’s grave, if that’s what you’re asking.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? i’m gonna be honest with you. what part of me suggests i’m capable of KICKING ASS or TAKING NAMES? oswald once called me a silly girl and i cried. (well, love, to be fair, you /did/ spend quite some time on the road.) and to this day i don’t know how did i manage to not die after a week. idk. i guess... pants, that’s for starters. a leather jacket. biker boots? and also a gun and a knife.
32. top five favorite vines? i like pink wine. are there even that many kinds of pink wine?
33. most used phrase in your phone? omg
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? aNIMAL CRACKERS IN MY SOUP-
35. average time you fall asleep? two a.m
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? can i haz a cheeseburger...
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase, duffel bags don’t work well for... well... people who wear clothes.
38. lemonade or tea? yes.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? yes.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? one of my teachers had straight up died when i was answering his question in class. i still don’t know if my answer was correct. :(
41. last person you texted? louise!! she’s such a good friend. i love her.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? oswald’s pockets.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? leather jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? bubblegum, duh
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? superhero, and not just because my boyfriend is a literal supervillain.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? none. ; )
47. favorite type of cheese? sharp cheddar
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? a strawberry! sweet and red and begging for c-
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “there’s bravery in being soft”.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? someone once tweeted a picture of oswald, challenging batman to a fistfight, captioned “i aspire to 1 day have self-esteem this high #blessed”. 
51. current stresses? yes.
52. favorite font? do... do people have favorite fonts? huh.
53. what is the current state of your hands? soft and clean, thank you very much. (i punch people so charlie doesn’t have to cook. it... makes sense, i swear.)
54. what did you learn from your first job? do i look like a person who had ever worked a day in her entire life? do i /sound/ like i ever had a job? no. no, i don’t.
55. favorite fairy tale? beauty and the beast!
56. favorite tradition? don’t tell oswald i said it, but i’m kind of sort of fond of that traditionalist concept of men being dominant and assertive and capable. or maybe i just like not having to do anything, who knows.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? well, first my parents died, then it turned out my then-husband was behind it and THEN i almost died because a man cut my heart out and attempted to eat it on my mother’s grave. and he didn’t even cook it! (and for that i am eternally glad.)
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i have zero talents. (that’s not true, but she firmly refuses to believe me when i say so. let’s go with talents charlie SHOULD be proud of. she can read people, behave properly in any given situation, is a fantastic listener... oh, and she’s a fantastic, caring, loveable girlfriend.) that’s not a talent. (but if it was, you’d be the best at it.)
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “OH!”. i say that approximately... 100 times a day.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? a shoujo anime, with little to no actual drama and a hentai spin-off.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? i... hm. ah. hm. i don’t know. i knew the answer 30 seconds ago - but now it’s gone. please don’t ask me about my favorite things. i only know what those are when no one’s trying to learn about them.
62. seven characters you relate to? persephone, beauty from beauty and the beast, emma frost, sleeping beauty, triss merigold, that absolutely brainless blonde boy from kingdom hearts aaaand... sakhmet from the wicked and the divine comic. not because i’m bloodthirsty, but because i too prioritize sex and looking good.
63. five songs that would play in your club? bulletproof, six shooter, tongues, horns and bittersweet
64. favorite website from your childhood? absolutely do not tell oswald, but... club penguin.
65. any permanent scars? what, you mean physical, or mental? because there’s one on my chest and one on my heart. both are permanent and can’t be loved away, even though oswald’s doing his best to love them away. : (
66. favorite flower(s)? red roses... i’m not a very original person.
67. good luck charms? oswald once gave me a gun. so... a gun.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? anything pear-flavored. pears are the devil’s fruit.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? parmesan isn’t vegetarian.
70. left or right handed? right. and i didn’t just pick up a random pencil only to make sure of that.
71. least favorite pattern? the behavioral pattern of constantly repeating one’s mistakes. (i... think they meant things like polka dots.) but do you have any proof of that? no. no, you don’t. so... repeating one’s mistakes it is then.
72. worst subject? politics. :)
73. favorite weird flavor combo? spicy chicken wings dipped in honey.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 4 or 5. i’m a big baby when it comes to physical pain.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? do most people remember losing their first tooth? because i don’t. at all.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? french fries french fries french fries FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? basil. i like the smell... and forgetting to water my plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? gas station coffee. sushi has to be... well... good to be good.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? they both look the same, because i’ve been cursed with the curse of “eternally looking like i’m twelve” :(
80. earth tones or jewel tones? jewel. and not just because i don’t know the difference between those two.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? ...are you telling me fireflies and lightning bugs... are two different things? huh.
82. pc or console? pc, because i can do my taxes on my pc. can you do taxes on a console? of course you can’t, that’d be stupid.
83. writing or drawing? writing.
84. podcasts or talk radio? podcasts!
84. barbie or polly pocket? b a r b i e
85. fairy tales or mythology? hm. fairy tales, because there’s less... rape in them.
86. cookies or cupcakes? yes.
87. your greatest fear? i’m not saying! my greatest fears tend to become reality, so maybe let’s not speed the process up.
88. your greatest wish? i,,,,,,,,,,,,, i’d like to maybe get married once again one day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
89. who would you put before everyone else? the man on whom i’m sitting as we speak.
90. luckiest mistake? well, i once told bruce wayne i have a dog named pingu, which lead me to instantly adopting an actual dog.
91. boxes or bags? boxes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? fairy lights forever
93. nicknames? love it when people come up with nicknames for me!
94. favorite season? summer
95. favorite app on your phone? proooobably instagram. or twitter.
96. desktop background? a photo of a baby seal. it’s so cute!
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? ...do people really memorize phone numbers? 
98. favorite historical era? okay, now you’re making fun of me. no one has a “favorite historical era”. that’s made up.
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