#c: rafael guerrero
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La “crisis del declive occidental” consiste en el intento del Norte Global (categoría que incluye a Rusia) de solventar su pérdida de peso en el mundo por medios militares... La guerra de Ucrania otorga a la crisis del régimen bonapartista ruso una prórroga para transformarse, mediante un nuevo contrato social con su población, que está siendo formulado bajo la certeza de un endurecimiento del autoritarismo y la promesa de una mayor nivelación social... el experimento de la Unión Europea solo ha logrado situarla en el papel de “ayudante del sheriff”... sus Estados miembros pierden igualdad social, soberanía y sustancia representativa... la distancia de todo esto con los regímenes autoritarios, autocráticos, de partido único, o como se quiera definir, es mucho menor de lo que nos explican... Estados Unidos quiere mantener mediante la guerra la ilusión de dominio unipolar en solitario soñada tras el fin de la Guerra Fría... Ven a China como el enemigo principal y el pulso con Rusia y la sumisión de la Unión Europea como parte de ese combate con China, con el objetivo estratégico de preservarse como número uno, y continuar sirviendo a los intereses de los más ricos... el impulso guerrero une todos estos propósitos en los tres escenarios: Europa, Oriente Medio y Asia Oriental... En los tres escenarios están implicadas potencias nucleares... Eso define un peligro aún mayor que el de aquella época en la que las superpotencias capaces de destruir el mundo solo eran dos, con un cuerpo de normas y acuerdos –firmados o implícitos– sobre conductas y zonas de influencia entre las dos superpotencias nucleares que contribuyeron a evitar el desastre de una guerra nuclear. Hoy todo ese entramado argumental y diplomático, tratados de control de armamentos y desarme, o se ha desmontado en las últimas décadas (siempre a iniciativa de Estados Unidos), o es ignorado con gran ligereza por responsables políticos que ya carecen de experiencia biográfica generacional de guerra... Así que, ahora, cuando los tiempos exigen una estrecha y urgente concertación internacional, en primer lugar entre Estados Unidos y China para atajar la crisis climática, la guerra, el guion de los imperios combatientes, ya no es el desastre criminal que siempre fue, sino que además es una estupidez. Mientras se hace la guerra se pierde un tiempo del que no disponemos como especie (Rafael Poch)
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Thank you to Halla Rempt, Aaron J. Seigo, Adam Celarek, Adam Pigg, Adriaan de Groot, Adrian Page, Adrian Schroeter, Albert Astals Cid, Alberto Villa, Alexander Neundorf, Alexander Potashev, Alexis Ménard, Alfredo Beaumont Sainz, Allen Winter, Alvin Wong, Ana Beatriz Guerrero López, Andras Mantia, Andreas Hartmetz, Andreas Lundin, André Marcelo Alvarenga, Andrew Coles, Andre Woebbeking, Andrius da Costa Ribas, Andy Fawcett, Anne-Marie Mahfouf, Ariya Hidayat, Arjen Hiemstra, Bart Coppens, Ben Cooksley, Benjamin K. Stuhl, Benjamin Meyer, Benjamin Reed, Benoît Jacob, Ben Schleimer, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer, Bo Thorsen, Brad Hards, Bram Schoenmakers, Burkhard Lück, Carlo Segato, Carsten Hartenfels, C. Boemann, Christer Stenbrenden, Christian Ehrlicher, Christian Mueller, Christoph Feck, Chusslove Illich, Clarence Dang, Cyrille Berger, Daniel M. Duley, Daniel Molkentin, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen, Dan Meltzer, Danny Allen, David Faure, David Gowers, Demetry Romanowski, Dirk Mueller, Dirk Schönberger, Dmitry Kazakov, Edward Apap, Elvis Stansvik, Emanuele Tamponi, Emmet O'Neill, Enrique Matías Sánchez, Eoin O'Neill, Fabian Kosmale, Frank Osterfeld, Frederik Schwarzer, Fredrik Edemar, Fredy Yanardi, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau, Gábor Lehel, Gary Cramblitt, Geoffry Song, Gioele Barabucci, Giovanni Venturi, Gopalakrishna Bhat A, Hanna Scott, Harald Sitter, Hasso Tepper, Helge Deller, Helio Castro, Hideki Saito, Hoàng Đức Hiếu, Hugo Pereira Da Costa, Inge Wallin, Ingo Klöcker, İsmail Dönmez, Ivan Yossi, Jaime, Jaime Torres, Jaison Lee, Jakob Petsovits, Jakub Stachowski, Jan Hambrecht, Jarosław Staniek, Jens Herden, Jessica Hall, Johannes Simon, John Layt, Jonathan Riddell, Jonathan Singer, José Luis Vergara, Juan Luis Boya García, Juan Palacios, Jure Repinc, Kai-Uwe Behrmann, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Kevin Krammer, Kevin Ottens, Kurt Pfeifle, Laurent Montel, Lauri Watts, L. E. Segovia, Leo Savernik, Lukáš Tinkl, Lukáš Tvrdý, Maciej Mrozowski, Malcolm Hunter, Manuel Riecke, manu tortosa, Marc Pegon, Marijn Kruisselbrink, Martin Ellis, Martin Gräßlin, Matthew Woehlke, Matthias Klumpp, Matthias Kretz, Matus Talcik, Maximiliano Curia, Melchior Franz, Michael David Howell, Michael Drueing, Michael Thaler, Michel Hermier, Mohit Goyal, Mojtaba Shahi Senobari, Montel Laurent, Moritz Molch, Nabil Maghfur Usman, Nick Shaforostoff, Nicolas Goutte, Olivier Goffart, Patrick Julien, Patrick Spendrin, Pavel Belskiy, Pavel Heimlich, Peter Simonsson, Pierre Ducroquet, Pierre Stirnweiss, Pino Toscano, Rafael Fernández López, Raphael Langerhorst, Rex Dieter, Rob Buis, Roopesh Chander, Sahil Nagpal, Salil Kapur, Samuel Buttigieg, Sander Koning, Sascha Suelzer, Scott Petrovic, Scott Wheeler, Sebastian Sauer, Shivaraman Aiyer, Siddharth Sharma, Silvio Heinrich, Somsubhra Bairi, Spencer Brown, Srikanth Tiyyagura, Stefan Nikolaus, Stephan Binner, Stephan Kulow, Stuart Dickson, Sune Vuorela, Sven Langkamp, Thiago Macieira, Thomas Capricelli, Thomas Friedrichsmeier, Thomas Klausner, Thomas Nagy, Thomas Zander, Thorsten Staerk, Thorsten Zachmann, Tim Beaulen, Timothée Giet, Tobias Koenig, Tom Burdick, Torio Mlshi, Torsten Rahn, Unai Garro, Urs Wolfer, Vadim Zhukov, Vera Lukman, Victor Lafon, Victor Wåhlström, Volker Krause, Waldo Bastian, Werner Trobin, Wilco Greven, Will Entriken, William Steidtmann, Wolthera van Hovell, Yann Bodson, Yue Liu and Yuri Chornoivan.
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Retrato de un guerrero Giovanni di Niccolò Luteri, conocido como Dosso Dossi (Tramuschio, Módena? c. 1487 - Ferrara 1542) ca. 1517 Pintura al óleo sobre lienzo 85x70 cm Inventario 1890 n. 889
Con el rostro en penumbra y la armadura que, en la parte iluminada, muestra la elaboración extremadamente refinada - "damasco" - del metal, el retrato transmite la tensión psicológica de los hombres de armas y de cultura frente a la situación política. Conflictos que afectan a la península itálica en las primeras décadas del siglo XVI, con resultados estilísticos equiparables a los de los pintores venecianos y algunos retratos romanos de Rafael. Dosso estaba acostumbrado a retratar hombres de armas y seguramente desde su primera actividad había tenido acceso, para estudiarlos, a las armerías de los duques de Este, a quienes solía retratar con atuendos bélicos. Su capacidad para transponer minuciosamente a la pintura los detalles de las manos, la barba, así como las prendas y dobladillos bordados, también le acerca a la cultura figurativa nórdica. Aunque no conocemos la identidad del personaje retratado, el peto de la armadura "a la italiana" que porta el guerrero es similar en forma y motivos decorativos a los utilizados en la segunda década del siglo. El estado de ánimo del hombre, dispuesto a aceptar su destino, parece identificarse con el árbol "solitario" que tiene detrás, casi un "individuo arbóreo" capaz de resistir la tormenta que se avecina. De hecho, siguiendo a Giorgione, Dosso supo crear formas plásticas directamente a partir del color: alternaba pinceladas espesas con otras apenas perceptibles, capaces de llenar sus paisajes de expresiones y significados. Y es también en el cielo amenazador y en las densas sombras iluminadas por unos pocos e intensos destellos, donde se reconoce el estilo inquieto del artista.
El Retrato de un guerrero llegó en 1798 desde el Armario del Gran Duque de Toscana a la Galería de los Uffizi. Atribuido en el pasado a Sebastiano del Piombo, la crítica de finales del siglo XIX y luego moderna plantea con cierta coherencia -aunque no unánimemente- la autoría del Retrato de un guerrero en Dosso Dossi, tal como fue presentado en la Exposición de pintura renacentista ferraresa. por el crítico de arte de Nino Barbantini con motivo del cuarto centenario de la muerte de Lodovico Ariosto en 1933, reconfirmado también en los estudios más recientes.
Información de la web de la Gallerie degli Uffizi, imagen/es de mi autoría.
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This post by Armin perfectly portrays the incredible diversity of coloration that exists among crocodylians and that generally in popular culture (And in most people's minds) is represented as a dull greenish-gray. Regarding the Orinoco crocodiles (Crocodylus intermedius) the coloration goes even beyond that and serves as a form of identification among the llaneros (local people) and scientists. Generally, three distinct coloration patterns are identified:
Amarillo (Yellow): Light-colored back and sides.
©Rafael Antelo ©Mario Garcés ©Brenda Guerrero
Mariposo: Grayish-greenish back with some black spots.
© slowmotiongli ©Canal llanero
Negro (Black) : Dark gray or even almost blackish back and sides (This is considered a melanic phase).
©jbnbsn99 ©Mark Newman ©Teodoro Chivatá
It is remarkable that in Venezuela they distinguish only the yellow and black phase, not considering the "mariposo" as its own category.
Both in Venezuela and Colombia, the llaneros differentiate the black morph as a separate species which they call "cocodrilo" (Remember that C. intermedius is colloquially known as "Caimán llanero") based on differences in size, color and behavior. This "race" is larger, very dark in color, more aggressive, does not bask on beaches and attacks its prey only from underwater (Clearly all of this is nothing more than a local myth)
Source :
-Historia natural y conservación del Caimán llanero (Crocodylus intermedius) en Colombia
-Biología del cocodrilo o caimán del Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius) en la Estación Biológica El Frío, Estado Apure (Venezuela)
Croc colours and patterns
Somewhat inspired by a recent post by Joschua Knüppe, I feel like it's a good thing to remind people just how diverse colours and patterns in modern crocodilians are. When I see people make art, it often seems to stick to grey or yellowish-brown tones, which is of course not incorrect. But theres a lot of, imo, underappreciated variety still. It's also worth noting beforehand that patterns are most striking in younger individuals and naturally become more muddy the older and larger an animal becomes. But as you will see, even some decently large and old animals may maintain a striking appearance.
Take this alligator for example. Gators tend to be on the darker side, dark greys to black, sometimes countershaded and sometimes pretty consistent. Some individuals, like this one photographed by Gar Luc, still retain clearly visible stripe patterns from when they are younger.
Or take one of my favourite species, the Cuban Crocodile, which can appear almost bright yellow with a dense pattern of leopard spots. Of course like with the gator you can find individuals that are much more drab, with washed out colours, but individuals with clearly defined patterns still exist.
Then there's gharials of course. They can range quite a bit in colouration. They can be brown, especially younger ones and females and I've seen males range in colour from a drab grey to almost a light blue or even something that could be described as metalic black.
Black Caimans are also pretty interesting in my opinion and pretty easy to tell apart from other species once you pay attention to their colour. They are primarily a deep dark black of course, but what sets them apart from spectacled and other caimans is that very fine pattern of thin white stripes across the flanks that creates this beautiful contrast. They can also have patches of brown like the one on the right.
Orinocos also vary a great deal. Tho I know less about them than I wish I did, I know that individuals can range from drab brownish greys to yellow to somewhat earthy browns that almost range into reds.
The next ones a bit of an outlier. There are specific cave dwelling dwarf crocodile populations in western Africa with striking orange colouration. Tho this one is not exactly natural pigmentation to my knowledge and instead the result of the chemicals present in the water they inhabit, brought there by bat guano. Still very pretty animals.
And then there's Paleosuchus, the dwarf caiman which contains two species. Again highly varied. The first image, which I believe is a Schneider's dwarf caiman, shows a very earthy brown. The others, which unless I'm mistaken are Cuvier's dwarf caimans, show colours ranging from dark with a rusty head, black to this still beautifully patterned individual. Of course these variations are also subject to change with age.
While salties aren't exactly known to be the most vibrant, I'd be remissed if I didn't mention this specific one. It's kept in a zoo in Germany and has this almost bizarre colour combination of creamy white underbelly and chocolate brown top which I've never seen in another saltwater crocodile. Photos by my friends Markus Bühler from the Bestiarium blog and René Dederich
Spectacled, Broad-snouted and Yacare caimans I'll give a quick shout out. I think most people are familiar enough with how they look like and while their colours aren't anything special, I still think one should appreciate their patterns of spots and stripes and facial markings.
The last one I wanna highlight is the false gharial, Tomistoma, another one of my favourites. Part of the reason why being its at times beautiful reddish-brown colours.
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Incertidumbre política por la sucesión presidencial
Maremágnum » RICARDO | CASTILLO BARRIENTOS ) Facebook: @Ricardo Castillo Barrientos La efervescencia generada por la sucesión presidencial está subiendo de intensidad al interior del partido en el poder, con la realización de actividades proselitistas anticipadas; su contraparte, los partidos de oposición están dando tumbos y no logran ponerse de acuerdo en elegir un candidato que los deje satisfechos, de una interminable lista de aspirantes. Los liderazgos de los partidos de la alianza “Va por México”, promovida originalmente por el empresario extremista Claudio X González, están inmersos en un panorama desolador, en franca desventaja y sin brújula, que les indique una ruta de navegación certera en la toma de decisiones, respecto a un personaje seleccionado por consenso, capaz de enfrentar con éxito al candidato oficial. Las encuestas dan amplio margen a Morena, por el momento. La situación política del país se encuentra convulsa y con rasgos de incertidumbre en algunos aspectos de la vida nacional. En las últimas décadas no se había visto algo semejante, en la fase previa a la sucesión presidencial. Este incierto panorama ha despertado la inquietud de algunos personajes de distinta ideología y militancia partidista, de manera similar de cuando surgió el famoso “Grupo San Ángel”, en 1994, a fin de evitar un “choque de trenes”, entre los candidatos Ernesto Zedillo, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Diego Fernández y el propio presidente Carlos Salinas. El Grupo plural y diverso “Méxicolectivo” busca situarse entre Morena y “Va por México” y
de ser posible aunque todavía no lo han manifestado abiertamente, construir una tercera alternativa muy distante de los aspirantes de los partidos registrados. Ayer miércoles se constituyó su filial en Acapulco, “Guerrero Colectivo”, como organización de la Sociedad Civil, con la asistencia y participación de la mayoría de representantes de asociaciones civiles del estado, quienes expusieron diagnósticos de problemáticas inherentes a los segmentos sociales donde están dirigidas sus tareas sustantivas. Alberto Serna Mogollón, secretario general de esta naciente organización, explicó que no pretenden convertirse en partido político, sino en espacio ciudadano de convergencia, un lugar abierto a la innovación y al debate. Destacó la participación de las “Familias de Acapulco en Busca de sus Desaparecidos, A. C.”, que expusieron las acciones que llevan a cabo para la localización de sus seres queridos. Entre los presentes, la ex gobernadora de Yucatán Ivonne Ortega Pacheco, Héctor Astudillo, Mario Moreno, Héctor Apreza, Rafael Navarrete, quienes aclararon que asistieron en su calidad de ciudadanos. Marea Baja.- La destacada hija adoptiva de Guerrero, Anna Lissette Guerra del Real, fue objeto de un merecido reconocimiento por su extraordinaria labor como activista social, a favor de la Cultura de Paz en el territorio guerrerense. Anna Guerra recibió la condecoración “Mujer de Paz en el Mundo” y el “Doctorado Honoris Causa”, en Filosofía de la Educación, representando a México en España. La activista social se involucró en la defensa y apoyo a las víctimas de la violencia, porque sufrió en carne propia las consecuencias al exigir justicia del artero asesinato de su hermana, Pamela Montenegro del Real, en 2018 en el puerto de Acapulco Era conocida como la “Nana Pelucas”, exitosa bloguera que interpretaba un personaje satírico e irreverente y muy crítica con los politicastros locales. Marea Alta.- Como parte de su costumbre y formación política e ideológica, los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa mantienen su rebeldía innata, en la exigencia del cumplimiento de peticiones a las autoridades educativas. Al no recibir respuestas satisfactorias, asumen posiciones radicales, bloqueando con frecuencia el bulevar Vicente Guerrero, paso estratégico de la Autopista del Sol. Los estudiantes esgrimen su pobreza y exigen respuestas a sus demandas, aun tengan que enfrentarse con piedras, palos y cohetones a las fuerzas policiacas, con saldo desfavorable para ambos bandos, con riesgo de tragedia. Los estudiantes normalistas y futuros profesores, exigen les doten de material didáctico para sus prácticas profesionales, mejoramiento de la infraestructura educativa y mantenimiento de la escuela. Se afirma que los jóvenes estudiantes demandan un viaje de estudios de 7 días, adquisición de trajes, anillos, diplomas y bandas musicales para la graduación. Maremoto.- El rectorable Javier Saldaña Almazán reaccionó virulentamente ante la embestida de las corrientes universitarias, que se oponen a la reelección y a la consolidación de su cacicazgo en la Alma Mater. Con el objetivo de neutralizar a sus opositores, ha promovido membretes como el Frente por la Defensa de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero –no confundir con Fredeuag- que exigen respeto al proceso electoral de la UAGro y no se violente la autonomía universitaria por personas externas. Con la actitud del inminente tri-rector, quién se siente dueño de la institución y a punto de escriturarla a su favor; ignora que la Máxima Casa de Estudios pertenece al pueblo de Guerrero y por lo tanto, los guerrerenses tienen el pleno derecho constitucional de opinar sobre lo que acontezca dentro de los recintos universitarios y con mayor razón cuando se trata de consolidar un cacicazgo, que ni el Dr. Rosalío Wences Reza, se atrevió a tanto. ) Síguenos en nuestra página Facebook / @Acapulco Press Read the full article
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Vignettes from The Department of Emergency Services
Jordan’s shoulders slumped when he heard a knock on the door. A familiar voice asked, “Hey, this is the proctologist’s office, right?”
“Fuck off.”
“Oh, thank Christ. I was starting to wonder what a guy had to do, to who, to get a finger up his ass around here.” Ben LaVoie strode into the room, lab coat slung over his shoulder, and leaned against the edge of the desk with his hands in his pockets. He took the room in, cramped and cluttered with papers and binders though it was, and whistled. “Look at you with your big important office. I see you and Desai have the same flair for interior decorating, eh?”
He grabbed a box of surgical gloves off a nearby shelf and nudged Jordan with it.
Jordan shrugged him off and ran a hand over his face. He groused, “I’ve had the job a day and I’m already fucking sick of the paperwork. You know chief residents set the schedules? I’ve had second years popping in all night, bugging me about some ‘can I get the weekend off’ shit.”
“If I’m giving anybody the weekend off, it’s gonna be me. I’ll need it more than they will. People are already calling in favours, ‘Oh, remember six months back when I covered for you on-’”
“Disgusting,” Ben glanced down at the sheet Jordan had in front of him. “Exploiting generosity and personal connection for the sake of base, selfish… What the fuck? You’ve got me doing a thirty-six next week?”
“Johnson needed friday off. I needed somebody trustworthy covering for him, and you’re slightly less of a moron than the rest of our peers, so you’re it.”
“Fuck Johnson. I’m a newlywed. I wanna go home and hang out with my wife.”
“He’s going to his uncle’s funeral.”
Ben rolled his eyes skyward. He grumbled, “Oh fine. Fuck, osti de cris de tabarnak, certains putains de gens ont une excuse pour– Fine. Okay. I’ll work the overnight.”
Jordan clucked his tongue patronizingly. “Aw, aren’t you just an angel? If they don’t drown me in requests, I’ll get on nominating you for that Nobel Peace Prize.”
“...I liked you better before you were my boss.”
“What’d you do to my car?”
That had been the story of Rocky Kolar’s afternoon - Officer Castle had been circling around the Ford Vic, questioning him on every chip in the paint and dent on the bumper. His specialty was fixing emergency vehicles, and that vocation took him all around the city and introduced him to all different sorts. And of those sorts, Castle was amongst his least favorite.
“I did exactly what I’m paid to do: I fixed it.”
It seemed like Castle fucked up his squad car some way or other every other month, and Rocky always ended up being the one to fix it. And then every time he did, Castle insisted on inspecting every inch of it, and critiquing the ways in which Rocky had fallen short of the standard of service that was expected.
But the fact was, Rocky hadn’t been paid to repaint it, or buff out dents. The brakes needed work, so he’d worked on the brakes. The stain was the first thing he’d found that hadn’t been there when he’d dropped it off.
“You messed with it some way. I can just feel it.” Castle shouldered past him. “Pop the hood again.”
Rocky obliged him. Castle stuck his head inside, grumbling to himself as he looked around. It took another couple minutes before he found his next objection; “And what do you call this?”
Rocky circled around him. “What do I call what?”
Castle whacked at a metal circle behind the grill with the wrench he’d picked up. “This fucking thing.”
“...What do you think it is?”
Castle straightened up and looked directly at him. “I think you’re just the kind of crazy redneck fuck that would try and kill a cop for bragging rights.”
Rocky didn’t budge. “That a formal accusation, officer?”
Castle braced his hands against the sides of the car. “Not if you tell me what this thing is.”
“Show me again.”
Rocky waited for Castle to lean back in, then reached through the driver’s side window and slapped down on the car horn. It blared out loud enough that Castle jumped, and hit his head on the hood.
Castle was hopping around the room, his hands over his ears, cursing at the top of his lungs. “YOU’RE A FUCKING DEAD MAN WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKING HICK PIECE OF SHIT!”
Rocky didn’t even flinch. He just stood and watched the officer kick over an empty can, his arms folded over his chest, trying to fight off a shit-eating grin. “You asked what it did.”
For Ruy Narvaez, the novelty of sliding down a pole in his underpants to go use the bathroom when he was doing overnights at the firehouse hadn’t quite worn off yet. He’d been there for over a year now, but he still always got a kick out of it.
He’d went to go take a piss, then he’d made himself a sandwich in the kitchenette. From there, he could see a small group gathered around the pool table while Rafe and Eric viciously rallied the ball back and forth.
Ruy wrapped up his sandwich, came closer, and vaulted over the back of the couch. He landed next to Lieutenant Brennan and settled in. “How long have they been playing for, boss?”
“Rally’s been going for seven minutes straight.” Brennan grabbed for half of the sandwich, but Ruy twisted away. “I bet AJ it’d go the full ten.”
Ruy snorted, his mouth full of sandwich. “Nuwer.”
Ruy swallowed. “No way. Somebody’s arm’s gonna get tired.”
“You looking to get in on the action, probie?”
“Okay. Five bucks on nine minutes.”
“Five bucks? C’mon now. Go big or go home.”
“Five’s big enough.”
“What about you, Secord? You got some thoughts?”
Josh was sitting upside down in an armchair. Legs dangling over the back and his hands on his stomach. He shook his head. “I’m set.”
“What about you, cap?”
Theo was leaning against a column, thumbing through a magazine. “Fuck it. Twenty bucks on eight minu-”
Ross glanced down at his phone. “We’re at eight.”
“...I mean, twenty bucks on nine and a half minutes.”
“I heard eight.”
“You heard wrong, lieutenant. Nine and a half.”
Suddenly, with a flourish, Rafe smashed the ball with his paddle and sent it driving into the corner of the table. Eric’s paddle skimmed just over it, and the ball bounced harmlessly against the floor. Eric threw it down in disgust, and Rafe raised his hands in the air. “I AM THE FUCKING PING-PONG GOD!”
Ross groaned. “Come on! I believed in you guys.”
“Fuck you,” Eric laughed. “Lucky shot.”
“The ping-pong God makes his own luck.”
“The ping-pong God’s about to get a fucking paddle upside the head.”
Rafe whirled around to face his assembled coworkers. “Who said ten minutes?” His hands were on his hips. “Show of hands, who thought it’d even take me ten minutes to put this sorry motherfucker away?”
Eric protested, “Hey, you gonna keep talking or we gonna finish our set?”
“Who won? Because by my count, they just won like fifty bucks.” Rafe rubbed his hands together gleefully. “Way I’m feeling, I might get that bill laminated, so they can frame it and pray to it when they think they can’t beat the odds.”
Eric slapped his hands down on the table, “Are we finishing the game?”
“I’m hard as fuck right now,” Rafe laughed. “I can’t even focus. I’m feeling myself too much right now. I’m gonna go grab a slice of cake and celebrate.” He stepped up onto the couch, reached down, and snatched away the half of Ruy’s sandwich that he’d already taken a bite out of.
Rafe hopped over the back, and waved the sandwich in the air. “Fuck you, probie! To the victor goes the spoils!”
Ruy jumped up. “Give me back my sandwich!”
“Ifishyursammich,” Rafe managed, around a big bite of it. “Whymiedinit?”
Ruy stalked after him, as the others laughed. “Dude, this isn’t funny! Give me back my sandwich!”
#emergency services au#brotp: ben x jordan#c: rafael guerrero#c: eric bell#c: rocky kolar#c: ruy narvaez
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hey! do you have any recommendations for poetry by latinx writers?
I’ve made three lists here to give a full range of what’s out there and they've been merged into Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: New in 2020 & 2021 & Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Earlier on Bookshop if you’re so inclined. Hopefully at least one of these interests you. ❤️
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (Ones I’ve Read & Enjoyed)
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C. Corral
Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths by Elizabeth Acevedo
Loose Woman: Poems by Sandra Cisneros
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón
Citizen Illegal by José Olivarez
Lessons on Expulsion: Poems by Erika L. Sánchez
peluda by Melissa Lozada-Oliva
My Wicked Wicked Ways by Sandra Cisneros
lo terciario / the tertiary by Raquel Salas Rivera
Teeth Never Sleep: Poems by Ángel García
Lima :: Limón by Natalie Scenters-Zapico
while they sleep (under the bed is another country) by Raquel Salas Rivera
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón
A Tongue in the Mouth of the Dying by Laurie Ann Guerrero
blud by Rachel McKibbens
Virgin: Poems by Analicia Sotelo
The Glimmering Room by Cynthia Cruz
Unaccompanied by Javier Zamora
The Black Maria by Aracelis Girmay
Girl with Death Mask by Jennifer Givhan
Cenzontle by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Brother Bullet: Poems by Casandra López
The Inheritance of Haunting by Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
Milk and Filth by Carmen Giménez Smith
Corazón by Yesika Salgado
Refuse: Poems by Julian Randall
Ordinary Beast by Nicole Sealey
Cuicacalli / House of Song by ire'ne lara silva
Tracing the Horse by Diana Marie Delgado
With the River on Our Face by Emmy Pérez
Museum of the Americas by J. Michael Martinez
Paraíso: Poems by Jacob Shores-Argüello
Gold That Frames the Mirror by Brandon Melendez
Miami Century Fox by Legna Rodríguez Iglesias
Of Form & Gather by Felicia Zamora
Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut by Vickie Vértiz
Elegía/elegy by Raquel Salas Rivera
The Crazy Bunch by Willie Perdomo
Colonize Me by Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (TBR)
Of Darkness and Tumbling by Mónica Gomery
Preparing the Body by Norma Liliana Valdez
Ugly Music by Diannely Antigua
Ceremony of Sand by Rodney Gomez
Stereo. Island. Mosaic. by Vincent Toro
Other Musics: New Latina Poetry ed. Cynthia Cruz
Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor by Norma Elia Cantú
Beast Meridian by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal
You Ask Me To Talk About The Interior by Carolina Ebeid
YOU DA ONE by Jennif(f)er Tamayo
These Days Of Candy by Manuel Paul Lopez
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
Each and Her by Valerie Martínez
Skins of Columbus by Edgar Garcia
When I Walk Through That Door, I Am: An Immigrant Mother's Quest by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Landscape with Headless Mama: Poems by Jennifer Givhan
Solecism by Rosebud Ben-Oni
Heart Like A Window, Mouth Like A Cliff by Sara Borjas
Scar on / Scar Off by Jennifer Maritza McCauley
¡Manteca!: An Anthology of Afro-Latin@ Poets ed. Melissa Castillo-Garsow
Grenade in Mouth: Some Poems of Miyo Vestrini by Miyo Vestrini
How to Pull Apart the Earth by Karla Cordero
All My Heroes Are Broke by Ariel Francisco
black / Maybe by Roberto Carlos Garcia
Blood Sugar Canto by ire'ne lara silva
The Book of What Remains by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems by Natalia Toledo
Forgive the Body This Failure by Blas Falconer
Tijuana Book of the Dead by Luis Alberto Urrea
FUEGO by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
Puerto Rico en Mi Corazón ed. Carina del Valle Schorske
Dirt and Honey by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
Cruel Futures by Carmen Giménez Smith
The Real Horse: Poems by Farid Matuk
A Song of Dismantling: Poems by Fernando Pérez
Arsonist by Joaquín Zihuatanejo
Comfort Measures Only: New and Selected Poems, 1994–2016 by Rafael Campo
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2020 & 2021
Postcolonial Love Poem: Poems by Natalie Diaz
Thresholes by Lara Mimosa Montes
Catrachos: Poems by Roy G. Guzmán
Repetition Nineteen by Mónica de la Torre
Like Bismuth When I Enter by Carlos Lara
The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext ed. Felicia Chavez
Guillotine: Poems by Eduardo C. Corral
Migratory Sound: Poems by Sara Lupita Olivares
Thrown in the Throat by Benjamin Garcia
Not Go Away Is My Name by Alberto Ríos
Guidebooks for the Dead by Cynthia Cruz
Geographic Tongue by Rodney Gomez
Tertulia by Vincent Toro
Borderland Apocrypha by Anthony Cody
Every Day We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera
Body of Render by Felicia Zamora
La Belle Ajar by Adrian Ernesto Cepeda
Feel Puma: Poems by Ray Gonzalez
On This Side of the Desert by Alfredo Aguilar
In Bloom by Esteban Rodriguez
An Incomplete List of Names: Poems by Michael Torres
Who Speaks for Us Here by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
The Fire Eater: Poems by Jose Hernandez Diaz
After Rubén by Francisco Aragón
#ineffabull#poetry recs#Latinx poets#asks#out of my collection#long post#i literally do not know what is up with tumblr's read more option#i had it#then it broke#now it's showing the whole post#so attempt 3
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WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) - “I started this list as the 100 Best Pieces of Sacred Music, but I decided instead to recommend specific recordings. Why? No matter how fine the music, say Bach's Mass in B minor, a poor performance will leave the listener wondering where the "greatness" went. So the recommendations below represent a merging of both: All of the compositions are among the very best sacred music ever written, but the recorded performances succeed in communicating their extraordinary beauty.
“I also dithered over whether or not to make a list of "liturgical" music, or "mass settings," or "requiems." Each of these would make interesting lists, but I chose the broader "sacred music" with the hope that this list might be of interest to a wider spectrum of people. Composers are not limited to any denomination -- some are known to have been non-believers -- although the music belongs to the Christian tradition.
“I've also decided to limit my choices to recordings that are presently available on CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, or digital downloads. I don't expect those who are curious about a particular title to start hunting down LPs, especially since these vinyl recordings are suddenly in great demand and prices are rising.
“This list is alphabetized, rather than listed in chronological order. This was necessary, since recordings will often include several pieces composed years apart, perhaps much more. Thus, to reiterate, there has been no attempt to arrange them in order of preference -- all 100 are among "the best" recordings of sacred music currently available. The recording label is indicated in parentheses.
What I would call 'Indispensable Sacred Music Recordings' are marked with an ***.
1.Allegri, Miserere, cond., Peter Phillips (Gimell).*** 2.Bach Mass in B Minor, cond., Nikolaus Harnoncourt (1968 recording;Teldec).*** 3.Bach, St. Matthew Passion, cond., Philippe Herreweghe (Harmonia Mundi).*** 4.Bach, Cantatas, cond., Geraint Jones and Wolfgang Gonnenwein (EMI Classics). 5.Barber, Agnus Dei, The Esoterics (Naxos). 6.Beethoven, Missa Solemnis, cond., Otto Klemperer (EMI/Angel). 7.Bernstein, Mass, cond., Leonard Bernstein (Columbia). 8.Berlioz, Requiem, cond. Colin Davis (Phillips). 9.Brahms, Requiem, cond., Otto Klemperer (EMI/Angel).*** 10.Briggs, Mass for Notre Dame, cond., Stephen Layton (Hyperion). 11.Britten, War Requiem, cond., Benjamin Britten (Decca). 12.Brubeck, To Hope! A Celebration, cond. Russell Gloyd (Telarc). 13.Bruckner, Motets, Choir of St. Mary's Cathedral (Delphian).*** 14.Byrd, Three Masses, cond., Peter Phillips (Gimell). 15.Burgon, Nunc Dimittis, cond., Richard Hickox (EMI Classics). 16.Celtic Christmas from Brittany, Ensemble Choral Du Bout Du Monde (Green Linnet) 17.Chant, Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos (Milan/Jade). 18.Charpentier, Te Deum in D, cond., Philip Ledger (EMI Classics). 19.Christmas, The Holly and the Ivy, cond., John Rutter (Decca). 20.Christmas, Christmas with Robert Shaw, cond., Robert Shaw (Vox). 21.Christmas, Cantate Domino, cond., Torsten Nilsson (Proprius).*** 22.Christmas, Follow That Star, The Gents (Channel Classics). 23.Christmas, The Glorious Sound of Christmas, cond., Eugene Ormandy (Sony). 24.Christmas: Moravian Christmas, Czech Philharmonic Choir (ArcoDiva) 25.Desprez, Ave Maris Stella Mass, cond., Andrew Parrott (EMI Reflexe). 26.Dufay, Missa L'homme arme, cond., Paul Hillier (EMI Reflexe). 27.Duruflle, Requiem & Motets, cond. Matthew Best (Hyperion) 28.Dvorak, Requiem, cond. Istvan Kertesz (Decca). 29.Elgar, The Dream of Gerontius, cond. John Barbirolli (EMI Classics).*** 30.Elgar, The Apostles, cond. Adrian Boult (EMI Classics). 31.Elgar, The Kingdom, cond., Mark Elder (Halle). 32.Eton Choirbook, The Flower of All Virginity, cond., Harry Christophers (Coro). 33.Faure, Requiem, cond., Robert Shaw (Telarc). 34.Finnish Sacred Songs, Soile Isokoski (Ondine). 35.Finzi, In Terra Pax, cond. Vernon Handley (Lyrita). 36.Gabrieli, The Glory of Gabrieli, E. Power Biggs, organ (Sony). 37.Gesualdo, Sacred Music for Easter, cond., Bo Holten (BBC). 38.Gonoud, St. Cecilia Mass, cond. George Pretre (EMI Classics). 39.Gorecki, Beatus Vir & Totus Tuus, cond. John Nelson (Polygram). 40.Gospel Quartet, Hovie Lister and the Statesman (Chordant) 41.Guerrero, Missa Sancta et immaculata, cond., James O'Donnell (Hyperion) 42.Handel, Messiah, cond., by Nicholas McGegan (Harmonia Mundi)*** 43.Haydn, Creation, cond., Neville Marriner (Phillips). 44.Haydn, Mass in Time of War, cond., Neville Marriner (EMI Classics). 45.Hildegard of Bingen, Feather on the Breath of God, Gothic Voices (Hyperion). 46.Howells, Hymnus Paradisi, cond., David Willocks (EMI Classics).*** 47.Hymns, Amazing Grace: American Hymns and Spirituals, cond. Robert Shaw (Telarc).*** 48.Lauridsen, Lux Aeterna & O Magnum Mysterium, cond. Stephen Layton (Hyperion).*** 49.Lassus, Penitential Psalms, cond. Josef Veselka (Supraphon). 50.Leighton, Sacred Choral Music, cond., Christopher Robinson (Naxos). 51.Liszt, Christus, cond., Helmut Rilling (Hannsler). 52.Liszt, The Legend of St. Elisabeth, cond., Arpad Joo (Hungaroton). 53.Lobo, Requiem for Six Voices, cond., Peter Phillips (Gimell). 54.Martin, Requiem, cond. James O'Donnell (Hyperion). 55.Machaut, La Messe de Nostre Dame, cond., Jeremy Summerly (Naxos). 56.Mahler, 8th Symphony, cond., George Solti (Decca). 57.Mendelssohn, Elijah, cond. Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos (EMI 58.Monteverdi, 1610 Vespers, cond., Paul McCreesh (Archiv). 59.Morales, Magnificat, cond., Stephen Rice (Hyperion). 60.Mozart, Requiem, cond. Christopher Hogwood (L'Oiseau-Lyre). 61.Mozart, Mass in C Minor, cond. John Eliot Gardiner (Phillips). 62.Nystedt, Sacred Choral Music, cond., Kari Hankin (ASV). 63.Organum, Music of the Gothic Era, cond., David Munrow (Polygram). 64.Palestrina, Canticum Canticorum, Les Voix Baroques (ATMA). 65.Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli, cond. Peter Phillips (Gimell). 66.Part, Passio (St. John Passion), cond., Paul Hillier (ECM New Series). 67.Parsons, Ave Maria and other Sacred Music, cond., Andrew Carwood (Hyperion). 68.Pizzetti, Requiem, cond., James O'Donnell (Hyperion). 69.Poulenc, Gloria & Stabat Mater, cond., George Pretre (EMI Classics). 70.Poulenc. Mass in G Major; Motets, cond., Robert Shaw (Telarc). 71.Puccini, Messa di Gloria, cond., Antonio Pappano (EMI Classics). 72.Purcell, Complete Anthems and Services, fond., Robert King (Hyperion). 73.Rachmaninov, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, cond., Charles Bruffy (Nimbus). 74.Rachmaninov, Vespers, cond., Robert Shaw (Telarc). 75.Respighi, Lauda Per La Nativita Del Signore, cond., Anders Eby Proprius). 76.Rheinberger, Sacred Choral Music, cond., Charles Bruffy (Chandos). 77.Rossini, Stabat Mater, cond., Antonio Pappano (EMI). 78.Rubbra, The Sacred Muse, Gloriae Dei Cantores (Gloriae Dei Cantores). 79.Rutter, Be Thou My Vision: Sacred Music, cond., John Rutter (Collegium).*** 80.Russian Divine Liturgy, Novospassky Monastery Choir (Naxos). 81.Rutti, Requiem, cond., David Hill (Naxos). 82.Saint Saens, Oratorio de Noel, cond., Anders Eby (Proprius). 83.Schubert, 3 Masses, cond., Wolfgang Sawallisch (EMI Classics). 84.Schutz, Musicalische Exequien, cond., Lionel Meunier (Ricercar). 85.Spirituals, Marian Anderson (RCA).*** 86.Spirituals, Jesse Norman (Phillips) 87.Telemann, Der Tag des Gerichts, cond., Nikolaus Harnoncourt (Teldec). 88.Thompson, Mass of the Holy Spirit, cond., James Burton (Hyperion). 89.Shapenote Carols, Tudor Choir (Loft Recordings) 90.Stravinsky, Symphony of Psalms, cond., Robert Shaw (Telarc). 91.Tallis, Spem in alium & Lamentations of Jeremiah, cond., David Hill (Hyperion).*** 92.Tschiakovsky, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, cond, Valery Polansky (Moscow Studio). 93.Taneyev, At the Reading of a Psalm, cond., Mikhail Pletnev (Pentatone). 94.Vaughn Williams, Five Mystical Songs, cond., David Willcocks (EMI Classics).*** 95.Vaughn Williams, Mass in G, cond. David Willcocks (EMI Classics). 96.Vaughn Williams, Pilgrims Progress, cond., Adrian Boult (EMI Classics).*** 97.Verdi, Requiem, cond., Carlo Maria Guilini (EMI Classics).*** 98.Victoria, O Magnum Mysterium & Mass, cond., David Hill (Hyperion).*** 99.Victoria, Tenebrae Responsories, cond., David Hill (Hyperion). 100.Vivaldi, Sacred Music, cond., Robert King (Hyperion). “ -----
Deal W. Hudson is president of the Pennsylvania Catholics Network and former publisher/editor of Crisis Magazine. Dr. Hudson also a partner in the film/TV production company, Good Country Pictures.
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American League @ National League 7.13.21
American League Lineup National League Lineup
1.) Shohei Ohtani DH 1.) Fernando Tatis Jr. SS
2.) Vladimir Guerrero Jr. 1B 2.) Max Muncy DH
3.) Xander Bogaerts SS 3.) Nolan Arenado 3B
4.) Aaron Judge RF 4.) Freddie Freeman 1B
5.) Rafael Devers 3B 5.) Nick Castellanos RF
6.) Marcus Semien 2B 6.) Jesse Winker LF
7.) Salvador Perez C 7.) JT Realmuto C
8.) Teoscar Hernandez LF 8.) Bryan Reynolds CF
9.) Cedric Mullins CF 9.) Adam Frazier 2B
SP Shohei Ohtani RHP SP Max Scherzer RHP
(4-1) 3.49 ERA (7-4) 2.66 ERA
(2021 MLB Stats)
-Chris Kreibich-
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Opening Series: Blue Jays at Yankees
Game One – Thursday, April 1st, at 1pm (YES and ESPN): Hyun Jin Ryu vs Gerrit Cole
Game Two – Saturday, April 3rd, at 1pm (YES and MLB Network): ??? vs Corey Kluber
Game Three – Sunday, April 4th, at 1pm (YES): ??? vs Domingo German
Blue Jays Injury Report
CL Kirby Yates: Brought in to be their closer this season and was one of their big offseason acquisitions, out for the season with Tommy John Surgery
SP Robbie Ray: Likely the #2 starter for Toronto, is missing at least his first start of the season with an elbow injury
SP Nate Pearson: Toronto’s best prospect and the most talented pitcher on their team, out with a groin injury indefinitely
CF George Springer: Oblique injury, is considered day to day but unlikely to start the season
RHP Rafael Dollis: Back spasms, may miss opening day
Blue Jays Pitching
So we know that Ryu will start Opening Day, and he’s been a really good pitcher the last few years:
He has elite control and when he gives up contact, it’s typically not that loud:
That said, when he faces good teams, he's consistently worse, and when he faces the Yankees he is no where near a Cy Young contender:
Ryu overall however is a good pitcher—he gets the job done in the regular season, and would be an excellent number two pitcher on most teams. That said, he’s expected to essentially carry this pitching staff because my god this staff is garbage.
On the left are the non-Ryu starter options—they should have Simeon Woods Richardson up later this summer, but while he’s a highly touted prospect, he’s also just a prospect. On the right is their bullpen. Essentially the plan is “hopefully Pearson can stay healthy for more than two weeks and SWR can pitch well later this year to make up for the pure trash that we put on the mound.”
The Yankees have a lot of question marks in their rotation, but at least we know that if the players stay healthy, they’re good, and we have a deep bullpen as well. Toronto has a lot of question marks in their rotation, but for them it’s more of a “hopefully they can be league average” and they might have the worst bullpen from a contender since the Detroit Tigers.
Blue Jays Lineup
As awful as the pitching is for the Blue Jays, their lineup is just ridiculously talented and loaded. Here’s a projected lineup for Opening Day if Springer is healthy (2020 OPS+ in parentheses):
1. CF George Springer (140)
2. 3b Cavan Biggio (123)
3. SS Bo Bichette (128)
4. RF Teoscar Hernandez (148)
5. 1b Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (116)
6. LF Lourdes Gurriel Jr. (139)
7. 2b Marcus Semien (92)
8. DH Rowdy Tellez (140)
9. C Alejandro Kirk (168)
Lineup up and down the roster is just stacked, and they would still have Randal Grichuk off the bench. The player on the team I’d fear the most as the Yankees however is Bo Bichette:
In his two seasons (which still hasn’t added up to a full season) he’s been an absolute monster as a 23 year old shortstop. If you looked at his career and said “this is what he’d do in 162 games” he’d drop 58 doubles and 35 homers on you, which is just disgusting.
He never walks, but those are some insane xBA and xSLG numbers, and he consistently hits the ball and hits it hard. He uses the entire ballpark as well:
To me he’s a clear future MVP candidate, but as a Yankee fan by biggest fear is he goes from being the best doubles hitter in the league to turning those doubles into putting up 40+ homer seasons.
Yankees Focus On: Giancarlo Stanton
Here are Giancarlo’s three Opening Days in a Yankees uniform so far:
2018 at Toronto: 3-5, 2 HR, 1 2b, 4 Rbi, 1 K
2019 vs Baltimore: 1-3, 2 BB, 1 K
2020 at Washington: 2-3, 1 HR, 2 Rbi, 1 K
Here are Stanton’s career numbers (highlighted) vs Ryu:
Here are Stanton’s career numbers vs the Blue Jays:
Here are Stanton’s spring training stats:
If I had to pick one guy who’s likely to put up some numbers this weekend, it’s Giancarlo. He’s absolutely locked in right now and he’s always performed well to start the season, I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves the weekend with multiple homers.
#Yankees#New York Yankees#Toronto Blue Jays#Bo Bichette#Giancarlo Stanton#Hyun-Jun Ryu#Baseball#MLB#Series Preview
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Article 176 of the Family Code
Art. 176. Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their mother, and shall be entitled to support in conformity with this Code. The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the legitime of a legitimate child. Except for this modification, all other provisions in the Civil Code governing successional rights shall remain in force.
Following a bid, the Director of Lands awarded the contract to Bian Development Co., Inc. on January 21, 1953. based on the sales application it submitted in 1951
Some people who lived on the lot protested the transaction. The Director of Lands ordered the tenants to leave the lot and remove their modifications in his decision of August 30, 1957, dismissing the protests.
He issued a writ of execution, but the protestants disobeyed it by remaining on the property.
The corporation filed an action publica (ejectment suit) against the claimed tenants on February 27, 1961 in the Court of First Instance of Davao because they refused to leave the property.
Only on August 14, 1975, or more than thirteen years later, was Sales Patent No. 5681 granted to the corporation for that lot.
The corporation submitted a request for execution when the trial court was given a new copy of the record. The defendants opposed the motion. They argued that the Constitution's adoption, which went into force on January 17, 1973, was a supervening reality that made it illegal to carry out the lower court's decision. They referred to the previously mentioned constitutional provision that states "no private business or association may retain alienable lands of the public domain unless by lease not to exceed one thousand hectares in area."
The Director found that the protestants (defendants in the 1961 ejectment suit, some of whom are now petitioners herein) entered the land only after it was awarder to the corporation and, therefore, they could not be regarded as bona fide occupants thereof. The
Director characterized them as squatters. He found that some claimants were fictitious persons
We hold that the said constitutional prohibition has no retroactive application to the sales application of Biñan Development Co., Inc. because it had already acquired a vested right to the land applied for at the time the 1973 Constitution took effect.
That established right must be honored. It was untouchable under the new Constitution. Private corporations are permitted to purchase public agricultural properties up to 1,244 hectares under Section 2, Article XIII of the 1935 Constitution. The constitutional law notion of vested rights prohibits the petitioners' prohibition action.
Concepcion, Jr., Guerrero, Abad Santos, Relova and Gutierrez, Jr., JJ., concur. Escolin, J., took no part.
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El ruido de las cosas al caer
los hipopotamos del narcotraficante novela ... ganadora del premio Alfaguara 2011 ... relata la vida de un joven profesor de Derecho, Antonio Yammara, y la relación que sostiene con Ricardo Laverde, un enigmático hombre con el que conversa en un billar de Bogotá y del que se sabe poco sobre su pasado. Sin embargo, la incipiente y fría relación entre ellos dará un giro inesperado el día en que Ricardo sufra un atentado, en el cual Antonio saldrá herido.
entrevista con Cristina Pacheco ...
La forma de las ruinas
novela del escritor colombiano Juan Gabriel Vásquez, publicada en 2015. Está dividida en nueve partes numeradas, la última de ellas titulada con el nombre de la novela. La historia es de corte autobiográfico y aborda sucesos de la vida real, como los asesinatos de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán en 1948 y Rafael Uribe Uribe en 1914. ...
JGV presenta
Presentación con Jordi Garcia. Barcelona
vea también Ulibro 2019 en bajo
Canciones para el incendio
originalmente publicado 2018 El Cultural El Païs Una fotógrafa comprende algo que hubiera preferido no comprender. Un veterano de la guerra de Corea se enfrenta a su pasado durante un encuentro que parecía inofensivo. Tras el hallazgo por internet de un libro de 1887, un escritor acaba descubriendo la vida de una mujer apasionante.Los personajes de Canciones para el incendio son hombres y mujeres tocados por la violencia, de cerca o de lejos, de manera directa o sólo tangencial, cuyas vidas cambian para siempre por un encuentro fortuito o por la acción de fuerzas incomprensibles.
... Publicado el 6.6.2020 Una variedad de personajes atravesados por el fuego cruzado de la violencia, las imposturas, las huidas y desavenencias, son los congregados por el escritor colombiano Juan Gabriel Vásquez (1973) en estos nueve cuentos espléndidamente narrados, precedidos por dos citas de Jorge Luis Borges, de dos poemas ―»El fin» y «All our yesterdays»―, que aluden al peso de la memoria, a esos recuerdos sagrados y triviales, y se preguntan por su pertenencia, por esas procedencias y condiciones que son el andamiaje previo a todo mortal, acaso por las patrias y los hombres y mujeres que construyen nuestro pasado a punta de accidentes, condenas, trabajos, una que otra alegría y las pequeñas redenciones anteriores a nuestro nacimiento. ...
Juan Gabriel Vásquez Moderador: Mario Jursich Ulibro 2019. Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.
‘Mujer en la orilla’ leido CpeI
Volver la vista atras 2020
historia /novela real /ficción? de Sergio C, cineasta, que viajó a China y no regresó por el entierro cuando muere su padre ¿¿ estaba escrita esa novela antes de que murió el padre verdadero de SC ?? y cuando hubo el entierro de verdad, SC hice lo que hace el protagonista: no regresó a Colombia ??
entrevista JDV, Sergio Cabrera, Leila Guerrero critica: explican demasiado, se tomen demasiado en serio
Penguin Random House Mexico: Presentación en Guadalajara
El nuevo libro del premio Alfaguara de novela: un relato «sin ficción» sobre las relaciones entre padres e hijos marcadas por las ideas políticas y el fanatismo. «Pensó que los recuerdos eran invisibles como la luz, y así como el humo hacía que la luz se viera, debía haber una forma de que fueran visibles los recuerdos.» En octubre de 2016, el director de cine colombiano Sergio Cabrera asiste en Barcelona a una retrospectiva de sus películas. Es un momento difícil: su padre, Fausto Cabrera, acaba de morir; su matrimonio está en crisis, y su país ha rechazado unos acuerdos de paz que le habrían permitido terminar con más de cincuenta años de guerra. A lo largo de unos días reveladores, Sergio irá recordando los hechos que marcaron su vida y la de su padre. De la guerra civil española al exilio en América de su familia republicana, de la China de la Revolución Cultural a los movimientos armados de los años sesenta, el lector asistirá a una vida que es mucho más que una gran aventura: es una imagen de medio siglo de historia que trastornó al mundo entero. Volver la vista atrás cuenta hechos reales, pero sólo en manos de un novelista magistral como Vásquez podía convertirse en este retrato devastador de una familia arrastrada por las fuerzas de la historia. Una fascinante investigación social y a la vez íntima, política y a la vez privada, que el lector no olvidará.
Entrevista Juan Gabriel Vásquez y Sergio Cabrera ... Fundación Telefónica Madrid
El Sistema Stanislawsky
Moviliza el pensamiento conscientey la voluntad del actor para activar otros procesos psicológicosmenos controlables, como la experiencia emocional y el comportamiento subconsciente, de manera comprensiva e indirecta.
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En conferencia; Juan Carlos Loera anuncia segunda dosis a partir de este martes con AstraZeneca
Atento llamado a que padres de familia inscriban a sus hijas e hijos de 12 a 17 años, para recibir su primera dosis.
Con la aplicación de la segunda dosis de la vacuna AstraZeneca, a partir de mañana en varios municipios, Chihuahua estará muy cerca de alcanzar el 90 por ciento de cobertura en la inmunización de su población con primeras y segundas dosis, por encima de lo que estimó la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para todo el mundo, anunció el delegado de Programas para el Desarrollo, Juan Carlos Loera.
«El avance en la vacunación ha funcionado con mucho éxito por la gran responsabilidad de las y los chihuahuenses, que han sido comprensivos y han acompañado mucho la estrategia, vacunándose cuando les toca», expresó en conferencia de prensa celebrada esta mañana en la capital del estado.
Loera agradeció la participación del Gobierno del Estado, a través de la Secretaría de Salud; del IMSS, el ISSSTE y la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) -en el traslado y resguardo de las vacunas-, mientras que la delegación de la Secretaría de Bienestar participa con la logística, la programación y la operatividad.
El delegado destacó que la OMS proyectaba que para septiembre de este año, debía estar vacunada el 10 por ciento de la población mundial, pero Chihuahua no solo está al 90%, sino que es de los cinco estados del país con menor número de casos activos, con 726 al día de hoy.
Informó que el pasado sábado llegaron 199 mil 500 vacunas AstraZeneca que serán destinadas para segundas dosis a mayores de 18 años de edad. La mayor parte, 196 mil, serán para la ciudad de Chihuahua y el resto se distribuirán en Jiménez, Saucillo, Matamoros, Rosario, Temósachic y Guerrero (30 a 39 años), municipios que requieren menos cantidad del biológico.
«Es una buena noticia que a partir de mañana inicien las jornadas de vacunación, por abecedario, en diferentes locaciones», dijo.
La aplicación de la vacuna en la capital de Chihuahua, será en el Centro de Convenciones, el Tecnológico de Chihuahua II, el Estadio de Beisbol y el campus nuevo de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.
El calendario es el siguiente:
Martes 12: Letra A (8 am a 11 am), B y C (11 am a 2 pm), D y E (2 pm a 6 pm).
Miércoles 13: Letra F (8 am a 11 am), G y H (11 am a 2 pm), I y J (2 pm a 6 pm).
Jueves 14: Letras K y L (8 am a 11 am), M (11 am a 2 pm), N y O (2 pm a 6 pm).
Viernes 15: Letra P (8 am a 11 am), Q y R (11 am a 2 pm), S y T (2 pm a 6 pm).
Sábado 16: Letras U y V (8 am a 11 am), W y X (11 am a 2 pm), Y, Z y rezagados de otras letras de días anteriores (2 pm a 6 pm).
Las personas deberán llevar su formato impreso de su alta en la página de internet https://bit.ly/3dBimEg, una identificación oficial, copia de la CURP y el comprobante de la primera dosis con AstraZeneca.
El delegado Juan Carlos Loera dio a conocer que antes del arribo de las dosis ya descritas, se habían aplicado 3 millones 158 mil 11 dosis, por lo que el acumulado será de 3 millones 357 mil 511.
Por otro lado, el delegado Juan Carlos Loera pidió a los padres de familia inscribir a sus hijos menores de edad en la misma plataforma https://bit.ly/3dBimEg, para que en próximas fechas, reciban la vacuna.
Explicó que deben ser niñas, niños y adolescentes con alguna comorbilidad, con obesidad en tercer grado y/o embarazadas.
Adelantó que la vacunación se dará en 22 puntos del estado de Chihuahua, con horarios y fechas específicas por ser publicadas y la aplicación estará a cargo de las autoridades sanitarias en los Centros de Salud, donde los menores recibirán una revisión general pediátrica por parte del personal de Salud.
Acompañaron a Juan Carlos Loera en la conferencia de prensa, el subdelegado de Programas para el Desarrollo, Rafael Mata Márquez y el encargado de vacunación y logística, Benjamín Lara.
La entrada En conferencia; Juan Carlos Loera anuncia segunda dosis a partir de este martes con AstraZeneca se publicó primero en .
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Istrola: Fight for the Throne
ANOM Low Fantasy AU, created in Soulcalibur VI
#c: josh secord#c: aksel ostberg#c: rafael guerrero#featuring max dylan percy and zoya#au: low fantasy
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MLB anuncia los Rosters completos para el Juego de Estrellas.
#MLB anuncia los Rosters completos para el Juego de Estrellas. #ASG #CaféBeisbolero
Major League Baseball, anunció la noche del domingo, los Rosters completos de los equipos para el Juego de Estrellas que este año se jugará en el Coors Field en Colorado. A continuación el listado completo: Liga Americana. Jugadores Titulares:1B. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (TOR).2B. Marcus Semien (TOR).SS. Xander Bogaerts (BOS).3B. Rafael Devers (BOS).C. Salvador Pérez (KC).OF. Mike Trout (LAA).OF.…
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American League @ National League 7.19.22
American League Lineup National League Lineup
1.) Shohei Ohtani DH 1.) Ronald Acuna Jr. RF
2.) Aaron Judge RF 2.) Mookie Betts CF
3.) Rafael Devers 3B 3.) Manny Machado 3B
4.) Vladimir Guerrero Jr. 1B 4.) Paul Goldschmidt 1B
5.) Giancarlo Stanton LF 5.) Trea Turner SS
6.) Byron Buxton CF 6.) Willson Contreras C
7.) Tim Anderson SS 7.) William Contreras DH
8.) Andres Gimenez 2B 8.) Joc Pederson LF
9.) Alejandro Kirk C 9.) Jeff McNeil 2B
SP Shane McClanahan LHP SP Clayton Kershaw LHP
(10-3) 1.71 ERA (7-2) 2.13 ERA
(2022 MLB Stats)
2022 MLB All-Star Game
-Chris Kreibich-
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