#c: namine
ftpverse · 1 year
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touched by her hand an early FtPverse Namiku playlist
two replica kids trying to figure out what love is, and whether or not they're in it
(art source)
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tracklist + liner notes under the cut
if i'm honest with myself: all of these songs are more riku pov than they are namine, with the exclusion of "drops of jupiter" (EXTREMELY namine @ riku) and "she is", which is firmly split with the verses as namine and the chorus as riku. what about the bridge? don't worry about the bridge.
however for the sake of these liner notes i have compiled the lyrics i think best fit namine from each song followed by the lyrics that fuckor me the most about riku in (parentheses) so that it feels like we get a lyric from each of them per song.
also regardless of pov i think "i do wanna love you, i do wanna try" from 'for the nights i can't remember' is both of them probably. it makes me Feel Things about namine but it also makes me Feel Things about riku so obviously it's just both of them, even if the rest of the song swings, once again if i'm honest, towards riku pov
(but this is the artistic version of the liner notes, not the honest version)
she is - the fray do not get me wrong, i cannot wait for you to come home for now you're not here, and i'm not there it's like we're on our own (she is everything i want that i never knew i needed she is everything)
anywhere but here - safetysuit i'd rather be anywhere but here without you (everything that i never thought could happen or ever come to pass and)
for the nights i can't remember - hedley and i do wanna love you and i do wanna try (believe me girl i'm so tired of running, i just wanna hold your hand)
drops of jupiter - train tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? one without a permanent scar? and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there? (she reminds me that there's room to grow)
shut your eyes - snow patrol just close your eyes until you can imagine this place, our secret space (shut your eyes, i'll spin the big chair and you'll feel dizzy, light, and free)
always somewhere close - lifehouse it doesn't matter where you go, you're still a part of me (i need you now, i need you next to me)
hero/heroine - boys like girls i won't try to philosophize, i'll just take a deep breath then i'll look in your eyes (i got a closet filled up to the brim with the ghosts of my past and their skeletons i don't know why you'd even try but i won't lie - you caught me off guard)
touched by her hand - tsfh (instrumental)
some other thoughts:
this was salvaged from songs scattered across i think just 2 mixes, of which neither was a full playlist on its own. one was angst focused (meh) while the other was cutesy songs (of which like, 2/8 even fit instead of just being Cute Song To Imagine Them To, which has its place but my song choices were cringe ok. if u wanna find it you can find the tracklists buried deep in the playlists tag on this blog. playlists =/= mixes. btw. mixes are for the "you can listen to these off of 8tracks" mixes lol)
anyway yeah a lot of the songs were like. too much angst! or cute but not actually fitting! or... a christian rock song i'd repurposed which i can no longer do in good conscience in 2023. or, quite frankly, a lot of "wow my girlfriend is so great she's there to comfort all my angst yay" overtones WHICH TO BE FAIR THEY ARE BOTH COMFORTING EACH OTHER THRU SEPARATE ANGSTS THRU DEAD INSIDE BUT NONETHELESS . the tone of it was just weird for a consistent playlist to me :/
like they are allowed a bit of fun unhealthy codependence but i hate to enthusiastically frame it as riku putting namine on a pedestal like it's not a problem he's doing that. is he doing that? yeah a little!!!! but if i want to salvage a mix about that i need to make the whole mix about that and not throw it in with songs that are cute about their genuine relationship.
....also i - much like the shad mix - wanted a playlist that wasn't about the angst. so here's me fumbling to make a cute early ftp/DI namiku playlist that isn't about angst without looking up too many new songs. i succeeded!!!!!!
this also WAS supposed to be generally them for the whole of early series but also the first two songs sure are the pining period of part 1 DI haha. unfortuantely she is is THE big di namiku song to me, and i can't NOT use it, but it sure does open on 'do not get me wrong i cannot wait for you to come home' which cements us in the pining period of DI
but it's SUCH a strong opener!!!!! so much so that i actually used it in the liner notes instead of picking my other favorite namine-but-not-in-an-obvious-way "i don't know where / i don't know when / but i want you around" lol!!!! BUT THAT OPENER. I HAD TO SPOTILIGHT HTE DAMN THING. GODDAMN. ITS SO.
my probably-2011 opinions on this song - digging up the deep lore - are that this verse made me feel things about namiku wrt rebellion lol
It's all up in the air and we stand still to see what comes down I don't know where it is, I don't know when, but I want you around When it falls in place with you and I, we go from if to when Your side and mine are both behind its indication
also the bridges are a thing that meant a lot to me in 2011 becuase they fit for a DI endgame thing i was so sure i was going to go with (namine fake dies) so "this will bring me to my knees / i just want to hold you close to me" etc was in fact. also good lyrics for them. ITS JUST THEN I DIDN'T DO THAT THING IN DI ENDGAME . but it makes me fond of the 2011 life i lived.
man. that was a lot of words about one song. what else do i got. uh.
drops of jupiter is... also an old fave.... unlike she is the lyrical association isn't quite as strong, but nonetheless i adore it a lot. also i desperately needed namine @ riku songs and this is it this is the one. hilariously upon reflection the lyrics can also be ftp sokai bUT the association i have for it with ftp namiku is REALLY STRONG lol....
secret but it's angst: "did you fall for a shooting star?" is a funny @ riku but re: the other namine lol. teehee meteor shower metaphors (I'M AWARE IT'S A REACH)
also i AM really emotional about "i do wanna love you / i do wanna try" coming from two replica kids who don't quite know what love is but want to be there for each other anyway. obviously and forever am i fucked up about that.
((HEDLEY WHY DID YOU RELEASE THIS SONG TWICE AND THE ONE TITLED "I DO (WANNA LOVE YOU)" IS JUST OBJECTIVELY A WAY WORSE SONG... i get you wanted normal pop song instead of extremely heartfelt rock ballad but i like the extremely heartfelt rock ballad okay))
otherwise uh my strongest thought is hero/heroine is also a HUGE FUCKING SONG for them to me because of the lines about skeletons in the closet and otherwise just. riku being dumbstruck in love when he didn't think that could happen to him in a positive way... it's cute.... i'm really mad that with the knowledge i have at 26 that this song is almost definitiely referencing the drug heroine in the lyrics. man.
oh and that i had like 3 potential lifehouse songs but all of them were weird on the "she is the only thing saving me from my pain" front but lifehouse as a band was importnat for me to include for them considering at the ripe age of 13 i could without fail turn on lifehouse and find a reason to be upset about repliku ftpverse to it lol. so here's an actually cute romance lifehouse song that isn't like the cliche one (you and me). also always somewhere close is good for both the pining and for their slight codependence lmao.
final thought is that musically as a song i am not as jazzed about touched by her hand as i was when i picked it out as their ~theme song~ in probably as early as 2011 (WHY IS THE INTRO BEFORE THE GOOD PART A FULL MINUTE LONG), but also, it's Their Fucking Theme Song. so i had to
anyway that's it. that's a lot of babbling about early DI namiku.
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akashicmuses · 8 months
EPHEMER TO LAURIAM: Ephemer blinks open his eyes and the very first thing he sees--nearly the only aspect that drowns his sight entirely--is the color white. He stares at the far flung ceiling above him--pearly smooth and blank--confused for a moment until he remembers: ' that's right... i'm still dreaming... '
He sits up and, yes, more white--he's sitting in a spacious hall smothered in the lack of color. It feels... cold and eerie here... like he's been slapped into a blank canvas, yet the artist no longer feels compelled to fill in the background and story surrounding him... he rubs his exposed arms that are suddenly rippled with tiny goosebumps.
"What a strange place..." Ephemer murmurs, climbing to his feet and peering around--he wants to touch on something specific here, a nice colorful detail to distract him from the frigid lack of one... the walls have pillars nestled in the corners and a few marble stairs leading to white-washed doors, yet otherwise there's nothing notable here. "But who could have brought me to such an odd dream anyway...?"
Because he had to have a connection to someone to wind up here--
Those large doors fly open before Ephemer quite abruptly and the Keyblade Master goes rigid as a splash of light silhouettes a tall figure trotting to him neatly, confidently...
And the moment the light settles around the other man across from him, Ephemer freezes, a stunned, panicked gasp rips from his throat--
"Lauriam......?!" Ephemer half-cries, half-whispers, so stunned all he can do is stare wide-eyed at this old friend across from him. "Lauriam...." He says again, as if both relishing the chance to say the name and finding it so strange to ever say it now.
Lauriam appears as Ephemer remembers him last--a youthful, sharp face and bright blue eyes. The same outfit he wore as he climbed into the Lifeboat... that same buzz of confidence radiating off him, Lauriam had always worn it much better than he did...
Ephemer takes a sudden, aching step towards him, his hands before him as if he might rush forward and embrace him, yet Ephemer finds their past is wedging itself between them too stubbornly and he isn't sure how to wade beyond it to reach his friend now.
Instead Ephemer manages to relent, however his face is flushed in shock and bemusement, eyes watery--he straightens now, a quivering smile dancing onto his lips.
"I've looked everywhere for you...." Ephemer whispers hoarsely. "After everything that happened I tried to find you through connections--and now... after all this time... you're here! It's--it's really you, isn't it....? Lauriam from Daybreak Town...?"
He asks as if he expects this to turn out to be some elaborate hoax--which, to be fair, they are in a dream. The Keyblade Master is finding it very hard to discern between reality and dreams these days... he's been lost within the latter for so long.
And his weariness suddenly begins to show--Ephemer is crumbling--there are dark rings under his eyes ( ' but how...? i've been sleeping forever... ' ) and he's slightly shaking, his smile tumbling down as easily as his former bravery before a supposed stranger... when it's one of his dearest friends in front of him it's so hard to act brave all the time...
"I've wanted to see you for a really, really long time now..." He admits, a rough, sorrowful chuckle sliding between them like the loneliest of truces--it is truly all he has to give this boy before him that has lost everything just like him....
'This place is hideous...' the boy thought as he walked the halls of this empty castle. Colorless, void. It was as much of a sham as the person that he'd become now. An empty husk without a single thing inside of it to give it any meaning.
But there was no way to fix that right now. He had tried to reach himself, to do everything to repair the damage that the lifeboats had done to his heart, but there was just no way. The boy was starting to become discouraged. Maybe he should just give up.
It was strange, though. Here, while his waking self was in the Castle, he felt stronger than ever. By all rights, he should be fading more and more over time, but something was holding him here. Just a single memory that he had managed to push through.
And so, thinking of nothing but his own predicament, Lauriam descended the stairs.
That was when he saw him. At first, he seemed to be nothing more than a hazy being; his eyes refused to focus on him. It was only when he heard his name passing through the other's lips that everything clicked into focus with startling clarity.
It was him.
"Emphemer..." the name leaves him almost breathless as he all but runs down the rest of the stairs. But before he can reach him, the floor falls away between them. A roaring abyss of darkness separates them, thick black and purple mist rising like a toxic miasma.
Lauriam has to skid to a stop lest he fall into it. A sick feeling rises in his stomach as he looks down into the darkness. Is that what his heart looks like now? Is he unable to escape from it even in his dreams?
He looks across the gap at his friend, chewing on his lower lip viciously. What is he supposed to do now? How can he fix this? How can he fix ANYTHING?
"Ephemer, it's me!" he calls back to him, trying fruitlessly to will a bridge into existence. But he needn't have even bothered. There's no point to attempting the impossible.
"How are you here? How have you breached through my dreams like this?" A sudden discomfort grows on his face. Is Emphemer here now, in the castle? Oh no, please, no... He can't...
"You shouldn't be here." He says, his voice growing firm. He pushes a careless affect as hard as he can even though it feels as if it may break him. "I hope you haven't come to me in person. It... it's all gone wrong, Ephemer."
He shakes his head, flower blossoms flowing down from the stairs to swirl about the two of them. They cross the gap so easily that Lauriam feels nothing but jealousy. He reaches his hand out to catch one, holding it delicately.
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"Please tell me that you aren't here." He says, his head tilting down.
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melonchews · 3 months
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✨T o x i c✨ Namine~
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thejessyami · 5 months
Natapos ko rin!! First time ko mag Embroidery nang ganito, crosstitch lang tayo dati 🤧🤧. Nahirapan lang ako mamili nang threads, kasi di ako marunong pumili non nag babase lang ako sa codes nung nag c-crosstitch ako hahahaah, Anyway hahanapan ko nlng to nang Frame ❤️❤️❤️ On to my next project!
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Also, When I was making Keane's hair, This happened at one point when I was refreshing the thread. Yung imahinasyon ko, what if ganito hair ni Keane? Hahaha baka lang naman 🤣🤣
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Will forever be thanking you for this commissioned art @ask-emilz-de-philz (Nauna pa yung Wedding portrait namin kaisa sa kasal!) Chariz! 🤣🤣🤣
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mikunology · 10 months
Locations in Sapporo
things in my personal life has calmed down somewhat for the time being so I figured I'd write up an easy lore post that I completely forgot I could make so here we are
I wanted to list some common locations found in Sapporo as featured in Vocal Android! I haven't actually talked about the setting too much and while I'm kinda bad at designing locations, I figured I could at least talk about them a little
But, yeah, I'll do my best to explain, so some lore under the cut?
Crypton Laboratories HQ/Crypton Towers: The place where the CVs live and where Meiko and Kaito work. A huge white, gray, and cyan building shaped like a C if you look at it from above, it's home to Crypton's various research labs. The building has floors entirely dedicated to be Miku, the twins and Luka's living spaces, and they each have their own color-coded rooms and living areas. There's a recording and dance studio in the building for the CVs to do their idol work and music playing, as well as a virtual reality training room. There's also the CVs' very own superhero base of sorts, which Gumi helped design, and allows the crew to oversee the city in case danger makes itself known (it's also a convenient place to hang out and take a nap). There's also a sizeable garage below the building, where Rin keeps the road roller.
Kenmochi Academy High School: Miku, Rin and Len's school. A large, clean campus made of three V-shaped buildings with their points pointing towards each other and hexagon-shaped windows. A pretty high-bar school with a lot of recent technology, it's one of the more popular and well-known high schools in town (and thus, an excellent candidate for Meiko's goal of having the CVs interact with humans their age). It is headed by Principal Sasaki. (Current Student List: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Kobayashi Matcha, Masaoka Azuki, Yumemi Nemu, Hibiki Lui, Akira Kano/Arsloid, Otomachi Una, Sato Sasara, Suzuki Tsudumi, Kokone Aime, Kizuna Akari, Futaba Minato, Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Saki, Hinomori Shiho, Mochizuki Honami, Koharu Rikka (formerly), Suzune Ring)
Ichikawa Academy High School: Gumi's school, a high school on the eastern side of the city. It's a more "normal" high school, less flashy than Kenmochi and looking more typical, but still has a few good programs to its name, including its science program (which Gumi tries to participate in). (Current Student List: Megumi "Gumi" Nakashima, Kotonoha Akane and Aoi, Tohoku Zunko, Gahata Meiji, Kamishiro Rui, Kusanagi Nene, Tenma Tsukasa, AiSuu, Tsuina-chan)
Utahako Elementary School: The local elementary school a block or two away from Kenmochi. It's a modest little elementary school, having been newly refurbished from an older building. Many of the students that go there end up graduating to Kenmochi later. Kiyoteru teaches here. (Current Student List: Kaai Yuki, Oliver Twitchell, Rana, Macne Petit, Tohoku Kiritan, Otomachi Unagi, Ryuuto Nakashima)
The Macne Cafe: A fresh-looking little internet cafe that sits in the town plaza and is the CVs' favorite hangout spot. Established by the Macne Family, it's become slowly but surely known around town for its delicious green apple cheesecake and desserts. Nana has been trying various ways to spread their customer base further.
The V5: A swanky nightclub and bar that is also in the plaza, run by four friends: Amy, Chris, Kaori and Ken. Many of the adult characters come there to drink and chat a bit.
UTAU Studios: A record label company and radio studio stationed in the industry hub of town, notable for its large staff and loooong list of talents. The studio runs a daily radio broadcast that's fairly popular, and their top talent is Namine Ritsu (or it was, anyway).
Sapporo University: The local college. A bit of an older building since it's been there basically forever compared to a lot of the rest of futuristic city. Has a small, colorful dormitory community next to it where students stay. (Current Student List: Galaco, Po-uta, Tsurumaki Maki, Shirosaki Yuudai; Utatane Piko isn't a student but he lives there)
Kamukura Shrine: A humble shrine that's only a little ways away from the beach, and is where most of the cast goes for holiday celebrations (such as New Years). It's headed by Kigashima Sourin and his protégés, Kurono Takehiro, Wakamatsu Akashi, Aoyama Ryuusei and Shirakami Koutarou, who are training to be proper priests. They also have their shrine maiden, a fussy teenage girl named Lumi who claims to be a jellyfish kami from the sea. Her antics tend to bring a lot of visitors.
SEKAI Auditorium: A venue a few blocks away from Crypton HQ and the main place where Miku and friends perform locally. Very spacious and known to host tons of acts, including smaller ones like local bands, singers and theater shows. Also functions as a sort of convention center at times. However, it's tendency to get raided by supervillains (mostly in pursuit of Miku and co.) has given it a bit of a weird reputation.
The Nebula: A recently-established nightclub in the plaza run by American DJ CYBER DIVA (and her partner CYBER SONGMAN), who is also the headlining act of the place. Used to have a bit of a rivalry with Miku, but they're both over it. Gets a lot of younger customers than the ones at the V5.
Dr. Momone's House: A modern house in a quiet neighborhood next to the industrial part of town where Dr. Momone, Momo and Defoko live. Their neighbors consist of Yufu (who lives down the lane), Eru (who lives at the far end of the lane), Tsukishiro Hakupo and his servant bot Kunishiki (who live next door) and Sensei.
Gumi's Apartment: Gumi, Gakupo and Ryuuto's small apartment in a building not too far from Crypton HQ. Not the nicest apartment that ever was, but it's homey.
Gin no Hana: A old-fashioned restaurant that has reasonable business and is popular due to the comfy atmosphere. Managed by Ginsaki and his wife, Koharu.
The Old Soul Theater: An old theater in town that's mainly still in the city for the sake of preservation, but still has small plays and acts now and again. Has been turned into an acting school of sorts by Miriam Stocks, a theater connoisseur.
Ruko's candy shop: A hole-in-the-wall shop in an alleyway managed by Yokune Ruko, where they sell candy, snacks and cheap cups of drip coffee. Totally not shady in the slightest. Is almost constantly out of coffee-flavored hard candy because Ruko keeps eating it.
Meiko's apartment: Meiko's home, a simple apartment in a simple complex where she crashes after a long day at the lab. The CVs have never been to it.
There's probably more than this but yeah :>
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pansamantalamo · 6 months
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| 040924 . TUESDAY . 📍NANYANG | B7, 9th Ave, Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio High Street
May bago na naman akong gusto. Ayaw ko na ng date night. Date at morning na gusto ko ngayon. Oh diba lumabas na naman pagka introvert ko, dati gusto ko mag date ng late night yung tipong aabot ng madaling araw para tahimik na at pakonti na mga tao. Ngayon na realize ko mas peaceful pala pag morning, yung tipong pag nagising ka syempre una mag thathankyou muna kay Lord dahil sa pag gising. Tapos sabay thankyou na din kase sa unang start ng araw kasama ko agad at kasabay mag brebreakfast yung taong mahal ko. Tska pag morning konti pa lang din tao especially pag weekends so tahimik ang mga restau at cafes.
So ayun na nga dinala ko sya dito sa nanyang. Gusto ko itry yung singaporean kaya toast nila, at gusto ko itry yun ng kasama syempre si choykie.
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So far masarap naman yung food nila. Ito pala yung inorder namin:
● Hainanese Kaya with honey toast w/2 soft boiled egg
● Nonya Kaya toast w/2 soft boiled egg
● Homemade Nasi Lemak
● Cheesy Chicken Chop Noodle
● Kopi (the best!)
● Kopi C (the best 10/10)
Ang sarap ng coffee nila. Sarap na sarap si choykie sa kape nya. 1st time ko ma try isabay yung mani sa kanin, pwede pala yun hehehe. Sakto pag wala ako maiulam sa bahay mani mani at plane rice nalang chos! Hahaha. Pero seryoso masarap naman sya ma enjoy ko kase masarap din yung bagoong. Sa kaya toast naman ok lang bagay sya dun sa egg ang coffee nila. Yung Cheesy chicken chop noodle medyo matabang sya for me pero ok na din, nakakabusog sya.
Over all 8/10 Babalik kame dito sa kape nila ang sarap e.
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miwachan2 · 6 months
If you havent got a name already for him what if you hold a naming contest for your monster boy?
Cause I'm picky as f u c k When it comes to namin my babies which is why he STILL doesn't got no name cause I don't want his name to be basic or human
Heck- I'm still struggling with a name to call the universe my goblin ocs are in so I can tag it properly and that one I DID do a lil contest for and I'm still too picky as hell 😫
(That contest is still goin on btw and yall are able to suggest more than one name of ye want. ain't no limit -> link)
So yah, I don't think a name contest for my monster boy would be good . 3. I'm more picky about coming up for his name than I am for the name of my goblins universe
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inkandbeer · 10 days
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Nakulayan na din ang drawing. 💘
After ng ilang set nag tugma din ang sched sa wakas hahaha sobrang namiss ko tong bonding namin na to. Ilang buwan din kami hindi nakaalis since lumipat kami ng bul. Nakakatuwa lang kasi kahit na hindi kami gaano madalas mag kita o mag usap iba padin tlga yung bond namin. 14 yrs na kaming mag bff since 1st yr hs, buti nalang talaga di siya nag sasawa sakin hahaha char subukan niya lang hahahaha. Edi ayun ang agad namin ginawa ay nag hanap kami ng makakainan buti nalang nakita niya tong khao • khai sabi niya kabubukas lang daw neto, natuwa naman din ako at nacurious kasi thai food siya eto ksi talaga yung dream country ko thailand kaya agad ako umoo saknya na dun kami kakain, grabe nung nakita ko palang mga sineserve nila na pag kain ang sasarap saka worth it talaga sa price din, nasa 199+ lang din yung foods at yung drinks naman nila merong iced coffee, milk tea & soda nag range naman sila ng 109. Grabe nung pag kainom ko din ng iced coffeee ang sarap huhu kalasa niya yung kape ng vietnam promise hahahha worth it talaga yung price tapos yung serving ng foods nila sobrang dami din yung rice ganon tapos yung mga sauce din nila sobrang the best!! Kaya sa malamang neto babalikan ko ulit to. Kasi worth the price 💯 tapos after namin kumain pumunta kaming flying tiger, aliw na aliw kaming dalawa dun sa lazy glasses nakikita mo kasi kapag nakatingala ka ay yung sa ilalim lang. Tawa talaga kami ng tawa kanina halos kami lang maingay dun sa flying tiger hahaha tapos nabudol na din kami ng tote bag nung una din talaga sabi titingin lang. After naman din nyan lumipat na kami sa sm annex, nabudol kami parehas naman sa c&k dahil tong si kuyang salesman ang galing mang budol hahahaha so ayun may dalawang tao na naman na nag sabing deserved namin to. Akala mo talaga anak ni henry sy kung gumastos hay, sabing titingin lang ending inuwi hahahahaha. Promise, last na to!! Next month ulit charot (pero thankyou po talaga Lord sa blessings ✨) hahahaha tapos yun umuwi na din kami after dahil anong oras na uuwi pako ng bul at siya sa val, ang lakas din ng ulan. Biglang buhos talaga (sana walang pasok bukas) hahahaha hay ayoko na din umasa hahaha college life lang ang peg talaga hahahahahaha pero sana. :3
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cinnbar-bun · 2 years
I just discovered your blog and I already love it! Can I ask you what would be the favorite video games of the groups Destiny, Sea salt and Wayfinder please? What would they play or like? If that's too much feel free to reduce to the characters you like the most or ignore, it's really okay! Thank you and good vibes!
A/n: Woo just slowly gonna try and go through the requests! I added a few extra bonuses, hope you enjoy <3
Multiple KH Characters and Their Favorite Video Games!
Destiny Island Trio: 
Sora: Fighting games- preferably Smash. He mains himself main characters (Mario, Link, Kirby, FE protags). He sucks. He is the guy who button mashes and corners players to beat the hell out of them. 
Riku: Fighting games- preferably Tekken or Street Fighter. Mains Jin or Lee. Attempts to be strategic but gets way too competitive fast and is busy mashing all the buttons off the controller. 
Kairi: Way too good at fighting games. But she’d probably play lots of Pokemon or monster collecting games. She has many setups that are both competitive or just fun ones for a fun challenge. 
Sea Salt Family: 
Roxas: Persona fanboy. He hasn’t played 1-2 but he can’t pick a favorite between 3-5. Plays all the spinoffs or has someone else play them for him. His favorite characters are the protagonists. Hears jazz music and assumes this is a Persona 5 reference. 
Xion: Resident DMC and Souls-like player. Girl is a monster on the controllers despite being just being born. The way she can effortlessly combo and dodge all attacks makes her a fearsome opponent. 
Axel: Mario Kart. Axel is pretty average at video games (unless they’re like, retro or arcade) but Mario Kart? He’s on it like Donkey Kong. He mains Funky Kong. 
Saix: He has two wolves inside him- the logical gamer and the second, more absurd gamer. Sometimes he wants to unwind, so he might pick up a basic platformer like Mario or Sonic, but on the other side- he’s a menace in a Warriors game. He’s hacking and slashing. He’s killing everyone in his path. Also, he’s a completionist.  He has to get the best markings and everything. Won’t settle for less. 
Wayfinder Trio: 
Terra: Minecraft and fighting games. He tries his best lmao. He’s just got pretty big hands so often he messes up with combos but he’s also pretty impatient and tends to spam certain moves.
Aqua: Rhythm games definitely. Watch her effortlessly get all perfect scores in one try. Even the hardest OSU! map has nothing on Aqua. She also kicks ass at fighting games. 
Ventus: He likes Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario Party. He always loses at almost any game against his friends though. 
Bonus Characters: 
Namine: I feel like she enjoys visual novels and Okami. She really loves aesthetic games and is a patient player. 
Xemnas: does not play video games beyond Candy Crush or Solitaire. You kids and your “Splatoons” or “Bayonettas”, go pick up an old Final Fantasy game smh. 
Xigbar: Call of Duty. Fortnite. PUBG. Overwatch. He’s a menace and plays all sorts of FPS games. His sniping abilities IRL translate very well into games. Also likes the Hitman games. 
Vexen: Bookworm and civilization manager games. He’s big on Age of Empires and is a top talent within the community. He loves playing as the Vikings or Mayans for competitive play. He’s also made many custom maps. 
Zexion: Tower Defense managers and Ace Attorney. He loves deducing the crime or finding the best way to defend his base with the minimum amount of units possible. 
Xaldin: He doesn’t play games (lie). He plays romantic visual novels. Plays all kinds of them. Otomes too. He is a lonely man. Also loves cooking games. 
Lexaeus: farming games. He just has a fun time playing Story of Seasons. Rune Factory is nice too but he prefers SoS because he loves the farming aspect more. 
Demyx: Guitar Hero. No argument. This man did all the crazy achievements and was going at it for days.
Luxord: Yeah yeah solitaire and gambling- have you considered he loves playing the Yakuza games? Well now you do. He loves the games dearly and cherishes them and likes to be the biggest Yakuza on the block. Also yeah, he plays lot of gacha games. 
Marluxia: Doesn’t really play video games, but he’d most likely play some horror games with Larxene or town management games. 
Larxene: Horror games or multiplayer games where she can troll people. Banned from multiple servers and people refuse to play with her minus Marluxia. Aesthetically though she loves Trish from DMC and thinks Vergil is number one. 
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luxustextbox · 2 months
If I based a quote on your post and you want it removed or the credit changed, shoot me a message or ask.
Feel free to make your own memes in this format, but please refer to the credits list below the cut and give proper credit to the people who ripped the assets (or link to this post/tag me if that's easier).
You are welcome to share, download, repost, reblog with commentary, tag with ships (including selfships), etc. I just ask people don't claim to *be* me.
Requests, tags, suggestions, and submissions are welcome, but I may pass on certain ones or add things to my queue which can cause a delay. Please don't take it personally.
Post Link: making your own (& how to credit) Post Link: submission and request guide
Redbubble Shop 🎉
Queue is currently set to run through April 2025.
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Tag Guide
Feel free to mute any tags you don't want to see. I also tag by game and character for easy filtering.
#luxustextbox : all text box format incorrect quotes #spicybox : quotes w/ "adult" themes (sex acts) #nobox : any other meme format #sprite edit : what it says on the tin #rebox : reblogs of my previous posts #submission : other people's posts in my style #request : what is says on the tin #faq : asks/answers/posts about the blog
Series Tags
#fish on the brain : 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 3 | End
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Base Asset Credits
#luxustextbox Master Credits
Credits for some of the assets I work with. Many have been upscaled or modified but these are the credits for the original rips. I'll try to keep this post updated. Credits below the cut. If you use these assets, please include credit for them! These people provided a really useful resource to us for free :)
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CoM Assets
sournote103: CoM Font
Most other elements came from The Spriters Resource, below are individual rip/uploader credits.
noodleboy347: CoM Text Boxes
UNKNOWN Am I Man or Hedgehog?: Riku
Nemu: Sora, Aerith, Axel, Cid, DiZ, Leon, Lexaeus, Marluxia, Hooded Figure, Vexen, Yuffie, Zexion
Mike the Vampire & Shade: Sora
Lloyd_Irving_1 & Static Wave: Replica Riku
Kei Striker: Kairi, Namine, Selphie, Wakka
Incognito: Cloud
shadowman44: Ansem, Larxene, Moogle, Tidus
Preed: Game Over Screen
Disney Characters ripped by Rogultgot, Dazz, Nemu, Mr. C, A.J. Nitro, shadowman44, Frario, Aquatics64, Perseus, Tonberry2k, Omega Heartless, Bacon, Beam Yosho, Roxas of the KHE and KH Sprites.
KHUX Assets
Almost all came from the incredible roboloid, who spent a VERY long time compiling everything and also has Dark Road stuff too. I also got quite a few other renders from their Medal library.
roboloid: KHUX/KHDR Sprites, UI
KK Kinema Font Lab: KHUX Font
@ok4ru: Smiling KHDR Young Xehanort (will tag when used on posts per credit request)
Other Assets
Barubary: 358/2, Re:Coded Mugshots
EvZone: KH3 Mugshots
Martin Mayonnaise: KH1, KH2 Mugshots
KHWiki: Assorted Character Icons
KH13 Gallery: Assorted renders
roboloid: Assorted renders
Any non-game elements will be linked/credited in the post itself.
Quote Sources
Where possible (most of the time), I include the source meme below the cut, or who I heard it from. With tumblr sources I'll sometimes try to add a reblog from the original post. I may edit the quote wording to work better in my format. If a quote isn't sourced it's something I've either made up myself, heard in real life, or seen around long enough to not be able to find it anymore.
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whooolaanmo · 3 months
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FayeYoko VIP Babies
Yung nag ig story si PWan CEO ng 9starstudioTH, tas yung mga bago ko kakilala na kaibigan nag gawa nga ng GC namin tas yan nakita nila ako sa story hahaha 🤣🤣🤣.
Row C 27 🙋🏻‍♀️ ng Laguna, si Pia ng Bataan kita rin kasi Row C 20 siya.
June 23 2024 mismong araw lang din nyan kami nagkakakila kilala tas feeling mga close na sa isa't isa 🤣🤣🤣.
mga lutang pa ang karamihan sa Blank.
June 25, 2024 12:58 pm
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nexus-of-sin · 15 hours
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"I or Xion can give you some first-hand knowledge on the subject, if you like, Namine~"
(In reference to the anal asks)
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I N T E R N A L L Y S C R E A M I N G!!!!!
At least Xion was kind of nice...
"Uh-uhm... Y-yeah... Th-that sounds... Uhm... M-maybe?"
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xxxmasterkali · 5 months
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Description: Sora is a structural engineer, who purposefully gets himself locked up in prison that he helped design to save his brother, Riku's life, who has been falsely accused of murder & is now being sentenced to death. Sora is sent to prison with the end goal to break himself & Riku out before Riku faces the electric chair.
Warning: Major character deaths, if you've seen Prison Break then you know who.
Cast as follows; Sora - Michael Scofield Riku - Lincoln Burrows Kairi - Sara Tancredi Roxas - Fernando Sucre Ventus - Ben "C Note" Franklin Luxord - John Abruzzi Xigbar - Teddy "T Bag" Bagwell Terra - Brad Bellick Namine - Veronica Donnovan Axel - Alex Mahone Isa - Paul Kellerman Ansem the Wise - Henry Pope Larxene - Gretchen Morgan Xehanort - the General
My thoughts & opinions about this series; I've actually envisioned some sort of recreation of Prison Break with the Kingdom Hearts characters for years. If you look at my older videos, I attempted to make a trailer before. I think that Michael & Lincoln's brotherhood reminds me a lot of Sora & Riku's friendship. There are no limits to what they would do for each other. The dynamics are very strong. I love Sora & Riku's friendship. It reminds me a lot of myself & my best friend. So I thought Prison Break would be a great one that focuses more on Sora & Riku's friendship, or rather in this series brotherhood. I also love Sara & Michael's relationship in Prison Break, it's one of my favorite TV couples out there & anyone that knows my channel, knows how much I adore Sora & Kairi. The way Michael cares & protects Sara reminds me a lot of how Sora does for Kairi. Placing the Kingdom Hearts characters as the characters in the show, I did basically out of the connections & dynamics with each other. It'll be interesting to see genius Sora in this though, because Michael is a genius himself. I kinda did the same with the rest of the cast. It was kinda tough to place Kingdom Hearts characters with this one, so basically I either just randomly placed them somewhere or did it due to dynamics between characters. Also favorite character in Prison Break is Michael & it's obvious who my favorite pairing in the show is; Sara & Michael.
Episodes Episode One
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sirensea14 · 5 months
THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY ITS 11 PM RN AND ITS FUCKING 36°C (yes, im usually still awake in this hour lol)
AND THEN THEY SUSPENDED CLASSES CUZ ITD BE WAY TOO HOT OUTSIDE (it would feel like 45°C but its actually just 35°)
Ugh i cant sleep well like this. And its been like this since... The end of march? Or the start of april? Around there. Which is LATE cuz the sunny season usually starts at march.
Damn it ... Its so hard to live with thick heavy hair, and its only medium length yet! Imagine if it was long up to my waist, itd be a nightmare
I cant sleep, way too hot and the electric fan's in front of me, man. Its still way too damn hot. Im wearning fucking shorts and a t shirt (cant wear those a shirts tho, i have those but its way too short for my liking) And then fucking mosquito net bruh. Ive given up setting them up but my mom wont budge, she wants me to set them up all times even tho its blocking the wind from the electric fan...
No art today. Just complaints. I cant do any art for fucks sake cuz of this goddamn extreme heat and rushed schoolworks that makes me lose my motivation. Good thing watching my favorite gamers on yt still kept my sanity. I still want to cut my hair tho 😭
Damnit i need to sleep now, bye
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allyheart707 · 1 year
Since you're doing requests, please consider this? The one in the white dress. It's a little call back to how I started my internet experience as a Namine role player in a kingdom hearts rp group, to my online persona nowadays c:
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These guys were so fun to draw! Tank you for the request @lovablenatsume ! ^-^
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marahuyomae · 1 year
𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼: 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓪 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷: Chapter 2.5
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ꜰᴇᴀᴛ. ᴛᴏᴋʏᴏ ᴍᴀɴᴊɪ ɢᴀɴɢ [ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ], ᴍɪᴢᴏ ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ ꜰɪᴠᴇ [ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ], ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ! ꜰɪʟɪᴘɪɴᴏ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ], ᴊᴏꜱᴇ ʀɪᴢᴀʟ [ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ], ꜰ! ʏ/ɴ'ꜱ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ [ꜱɪᴅᴇ], ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ [ꜱɪᴅᴇ]
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ/ꜱ: ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ-ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ, ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ :ᴡɪᴛᴄʜᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ:, ꜱᴜꜱᴘᴇɴꜱᴇ/ᴛʜʀɪʟʟᴇʀ, ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ(ʏᴀ), ʜɪꜱᴛᴏʀɪᴄᴀʟ :ꜱᴘᴀɴɪꜱʜ ᴄᴏʟᴏɴɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴇʀᴀ ɪɴ ᴘʜ:, ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ'ꜱ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ʀᴇᴀʟɪꜱᴍ, ʀᴘ612
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ/ꜱ: ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ ʀᴀᴄᴇ, ʀᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟɪɴɢ, ʀᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴇQᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ, ᴘʀᴇᴊᴜᴅɪᴄᴇ, ᴀɴᴛɪꜱᴇᴍɪᴛɪꜱᴍ, ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴏᴘᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ, ᴏᴏᴄ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ
ᴘᴜʙʟɪꜱʜ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ: [June 23, 2023] ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3040
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The Spanish guards began to point their guns in anger, "Brusco! Wala ka bang ibang alam na gawin kundi makielam sa mga trabaho ng mga authoridad?! Mukhang hindi ka parin nadala, gusto mo ba pa na pabigatin namin ang iyong kaparusahan sa pag-asikot sa mga trabaho namin?! Las Puta!"
["Disrespectful Wrench! Do you have anything else to do other than interrupting the work of us authorities?! It seems like you still haven't learned your lesson, do you want us to make your punishments heavier due to being so nosy with our work?! Fucking Whore!"Translation: Tagalog and Spanish - English]
The Toman members may not be able to understand anything, but from the looks of it, they seemed to be degrading the small 16-year-old woman, and they wouldn't let that slide as some of them tried to break free from the Spanish guards' grasp about to punch on their way. The [HC]-haired maiden motioned for them to calm down and stay in their place with the use of her hands. They did as they were asked and only hoped for the woman's safety. She returned her gaze to the guard in front of her, only to look at him with a very unbothered gaze. Her head remained held up as she strode closer to the spot where they all are with grace and browbeating in her steps. 
"Paumanhin po mga Ginoo, nawa'y unawain ninyo sana po na ako po ay wala talagang masamang intensyon sa panggugulo ko po sa inyong kasipagan sa inyong trabaho. Ngunit, sana ay unawain niyo po na ang mga banyagang negosyanteng Hapon na mga ito ay kanina pa dapat nasa bahay upang maituloy na rin po namin ang kaayusan ng negosyo ng aking ama sa aming mismong azotea kasama po sila. Nawa'y unawain ninyo po, at naligaw lang rin po sila." The tan skinned lady said in a calm manner.  (What calm manner? She's obviously screaming in lowercase letters. 🙄)
["I do apologize sir, but please do understand that I do not have any bad intentions when I interrupted you and your hard work. But, I do hope you would try to understand that these Japanese merchants were supposed to have arrived in our warm abode to continue their trade arrangements with my father in our very Azotea with them. Please do take note that might just have been lost a while ago."  Translation: Old Tagalog and Tagalog - English]
And they believed her that easily, they immediately lowered their guns and let the Toman members go. The [H-C]-haired female hummed in satisfaction and motioned the Toman members to follow her, her servants immediately following behind her; but the Toman members? They looked at her with suspicion and mixed feelings, feeling conflicted. Looking around, Takemichi realized that no one seemed to trust the short woman, he sighed and immediately stepped forward and bowed as a sign of thanking the Filipina. The woman only smiled and opened her fan, fluttering it calmly. 
Seeing the interaction, Mikey thought to himself, 'If Takemitchy trusts this woman, then I must do the same. She also helped us get away from those officers, that can be a valid reason to try and trust her.' 
Mikey began following them too, and this action made the other members follow their leader out of respect for his indirect decision. As they followed the 16-year-old lady, they started to take in and observe their surroundings. As they did, they realized that the place looked so vintage. There is not much electricity, nor are there any vehicles except horse-pulled carriages. If this is a dream, none of them wanted to stay, and that's a fact. The place looked so foreign to what they were used to that they feel like the whole place would swallow them whole. The world suddenly felt claustrophobic and suffocating as everything began to move closer and closer. (Mockingbird suddenly started playing lmao-) 
With ragged breaths in amidst their sudden adjustment, the feeling of being out of place made everything more worst as they suddenly felt little. Trying to calm down, Draken was the first to break the chain tight atmosphere, "Oi.." the tall blonde stuttered out as he tried to figure out how to make the Filipina maiden understand her. 
The [H-C]-haired female waited patiently as she find the tall blonde struggling to talk to her amusing. "I can speak Japanese if that is what you are struggling with," she said as she tried to hold back her laugh; Draken looked away embarrassed and disappointed in himself for underestimating her. "And no, I am not offended by it. So please don't feel bad; in fact, I find you a nice guy. How considerate of you to try to make a woman comfortable."
Draken sighed out of relief, "May I ask? Where are you exactly taking us uh miss?" He asked. To which she replied, "Call me [Name], but it seems like your friend over there fucking knew it already." they all looked at the piss-haired male in suspicion; but before anyone can voice it out, the soft feminine voice of the maiden rang among their ears once again,
  "And to answer your fucking question, I told those motherfuckers awhile ago that you are merchants; and you are about to trade with my manwhore of a father. A big ass lie at that, but they won't leave you and your troop alone if no one fucking handles your awkward situation." they all looked at her bewildered, her voice tone and actions defy from each other; her moves were full of grace and caution as if she was a pretty china doll that was so old that she might break if she tries to walk recklessly. Meanwhile, her voice is gentle and soft; and yet, it doesn't sit well with her way of talking- cussing in almost every phrase of a sentence.
"I don't want to be rude, but Miss [Name], I don't think it is necessary to bring us to your humble abode. You may have good intentions, but others may not view them as kindness but something inappropriate."  Mitsuya indirectly declined the offer. 
"I don't think that I can let you all go for now... You motherfuckers talk to me like ya'll handle yourselves in the most responsible my ass manner, yet you get captured not even ten seconds after any of you arrived here." The short woman stated in a matter-of-factly tone. "Not just that, one of you touched a property of mine even though he is not even my descendant nor is he blood-related to me." 
She said as she faced them and harshly slapped Mikey. A series of gasps and socked responses can be heard (Nahhhh- jit  liked tea.) A deafening silence followed right after the harsh contact of the short woman's hand in the face of the short man. Realization hit her and her darkened face switched into a panicked expression, "Shit! I AM SO SO SO SORRY! That wasn't meant for you!" 
"It's fine, really!" Mikey started, but his words were cut short when he was abruptly shoved to the ground. The maiden's momentary panic quickly turned to an expression of indifference. "Move aside, will you?" She pushed him without guilt, immediately heading toward Takemichi, who was standing a short distance away. She passed Draken, her pace quickening as she sped toward her target. Upon reaching him, she slapped Takemichi, hard, sending him sprawling to the ground. He looked up at her with a shocked and confused expression, wondering why she was so angry with him. 'Eh-Ehhhh?! Why would [Name]-san be mad at me?! What did I do?!'
"The book? Where. Is. The BOOK." She asked in an irked manner, her whole energy screaming pissed despite her dour facial expression.  "I was supposed to slap you when we get to confront each other alone and might as well strangle you, but nooooo... You and your piss-colored hair and I bet your parentless fat ass has ruined my mood and made me do it earlier than planned. Who in the name of Kan-laon are you to think that you have the right to touch what is MY property and NOT yours? Huh? OVER my Dead Body!" (Now why am I hearing Celestia Ludenberg's Voice and Accent- This is supposed to be [Name]! Not Celestia-)
Takemichi was far from confused- he was terrified. The way you looked meant 'I-will-not-hesitate-to-murder-anyone-who-comes-my-way-and-stop-me'. She strode closer to Takemichi, where he tried to crawl backward in response. His breathing became more ragged as he tried to crawl to freedom, only to feel himself being dragged somewhere by the right foot. Some Toman members tried to help only to be motioned by Mikey to halt. 
"Rest in Peace Takemitchy...."
"So... You are saying that I would find a lover somewhere in my future and once I did, they suddenly married him off to someone else because some people in your clan are racist?" She tries to confirm if her understanding of the story makes sense.
Takemichi sighs and sits down steadily while the maiden applies the ointment to his bruises, "I supposed that is the full summary..."
"A-Ah! Ouch..." The piss-haired male winced in pain as the ointment came in contact with his bruises. "Dumb fuck! Of course, it would hurt." the [H/C]-haired female retorted as she applied more of the cream to his other bruises. 
"Are you alright Takemitchy?"  Mikey asked as he observed your movements. She then scoffed, "Does he look alright?" immediately shutting the blonde up.
The way you tend to Takemichi's wounds, was as if you weren't the cause of it; so much gentleness and care, that is as if he would break if you don't do it carefully. Like a glass heart globe filled with beauty, yet could break with the slightest movement. 
"I am extremely sorry for being unable to take good care of your journal [Name]-San." 
"That's fine, you didn't know anyways." She muttered in understanding, "The others already changed their clothing in the other room. Would you like to join them? Or do you want to head to the dining hall immediately?"
'A while ago, she was acting like we are long-time enemies that resolved our rivalry by deciding to kill each other- but now, she is acting as if she was my mother and I am her child that basically went to war and just came back so she patched me up.' Takemichi thought as his brain tried to comprehend the female in front of him. 
He cleared his throat as he tried to form an understandable sentence, "I would rather go change first [Name]-San, my clothes still haven't dried yet."
"If that suits you more, then proceed to the next room. A servant shall be summoned to that room, she'll guide you and your companions to the dining hall later." The [HC]-haired woman stood up as she placed the kit back in the closet, but because of her height- she accidentally let the kit slip off her hands, and out of panic, she let out a scream; but to avoid the embarrassment, she continued where she left off and released more high pitched sounds that made it sound like she was performing in an opera. 
"[Name]-San, I would have clapped if only you showed more expressions on your face," Takemichi said as sweat dropped off his face. In honesty, Takemichi knew that [Name] dropped the kit out of some 'problems'; he just doesn't want the [H-C]-haired woman to get more embarrassed.
[Name] only sulked in the corner as she tried to hide out of embarrassment. "If you try to tell anyone what happened, I am going to kill you in your sleep." she threatened as she motioned Takemichi to get out.
The room was cozy, and they all sat down feeling themselves to be at ease with the house's ambiance. The food in front of them looked foreign to what they got used to, but the smell was still divine.
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(If ya'll are on a diet do NOT go to the Philippines... You just moved into your new apartment and your neighbor is knocking? DO NOT open it... they would invite you to their side of the apartment... they would let you eat.. and the moment they see you eat less they would automatically add more... Do take note this is not an insult... this is just how we have always been... Do they stare at you?? Do not think of it as anything wrong, Filipinos have this fixation with how foreigners looked like, they are just curious, not hostile; just smile at them and they would try to approach and talk to you... Filipinos may not try to hurt you intentionally but once it comes with your weight... they would they will attack your weight...Filipinos especially older generations are always breaking the 10-second rule... )
Their mouths watered as they stared longer. The aroma that wafted across the room gave them a sense of security and the welcoming warmth of the hosts of the house spread. Even the servants welcomed them with open arms.
"Dig in, have as much as you like...." the [HC]-haired female announced in a calm yet authoritative tone. As they were given permission, they took a lot of food that they would digest. As they began eating happily, [Name] sat down on a chair near Mitsuya and she began eating too.
"All of you can stay here for as long as you can go back to your timeline."  she suddenly announced, making everyone gasp or yelp in surprise.
Draken's eyes widened, "Oi, We never told you how we got here... How did you know?"
This alarmed the gang and they started to try to stand up from their seats with dour expressions. The maiden sighed as she tried to signal them to sit own, which they did.
"I did not bring any of you here... I wouldn't dare disrupt time by making a very negative change in history," she explained to them calmly as she started to reassure them.
The first to trust her words was Mitsuya, "Then... if you didn't bring us here.... Who did?" the lilac-haired man asked as he waited for an explanation along with the whole gang.
"Take... Explain it to them for me..." the Lady sighed as they looked at Takemichi with skeptical expressions.
"Are you sure [Name]-san?" Takemichi asked unsure as he felt like death himself is coming.
"This is your fault, take responsibility for what you have done." the Lady reminded him as the rest of the Gang looked between [Name] and Takemichi.
"Uhm... well, you see, [Name]-san over here," he paused, trying to steady his breathing due to the holes they are creating in him as they stared intensely. "Is actually the lover of my ancestor..."
Silence engulfed them as they try to process the information handed to them. 
"What?" Someone voiced out, clearly unable to process it well. Takemichi looked at his associates and gave a small apologetic smile.
"I believe you all deserve an explanation." Takemichi paused for a moment, thinking about the words he was going to say. He cleared his throat before proceeding. "I came into possession of an old diary with spells stored inside it, and Lady [Name] is the owner of this journal." he proceeds to gesture to the Filipino maiden who only nods in acknowledgment.
With a sharp inhale, he proceeds to explain the rest of the story, "I found a spell that could bring me back in time, and out of curiosity, I tried it. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work as I had hoped, for I caused all of your trouble and accidentally brought you along in my own mess."
His companions looked at him with stunned disbelief as they tried to comprehend what they had just heard. 
Mikey was the first to speak up, "So we time-traveled back here because of some kind of spell that you found in this old diary?" he asked as the information processed inside his mind, too stunned to even attempt to make a joke.
"That's right," Takemichi replied. "And we're stuck here until I can figure out another spell that can get us back." The other friends all began talking among themselves, trying to figure out how they were going to deal with the situation.
The tan-skinned woman frowns as she smacks Takemichi's head with a flying slipper, she sighs in irritation and spoke in a gentle manner, "Have you forgotten who wrote in this very journal? I did, and since your irresponsibility is now my own responsibility- I would help all of you go back to your timeline, I'll swear to the stars and moon as my witness that I would assist all of you and assure your safety during your stay."
The members of Toman listened to the maiden's offer, considering the offer for a moment before accepting.
Although none of them showed outward signs of this, they were all cautious of the certain [E/C]-eyed female's offer and didn't quite trust her yet. However, they could not pass on the offer and agreed to stay at her house while they waited to be sent back to their time.
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This fanfic is already a one-year-old fanfic..... That is already finished in my head and not on wattpad or tumblr....
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