#c: minah
cityandking · 8 months
ok well anyway now I'm thinking about minah running around during a 3-day-long horde fight with some terrible clavicle/shoulder injury that keeps her from using the bow and being forced to rely on her rapier
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how timely
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carnavalesque · 9 months
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my characters (gang edition) + lady gaga's songs.
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allur1ngs · 10 months
mafia boss bada reacting to reader in a suit looking badass omg bada would literally drop her jaw :0
i added my own twist to this i hope you don't mind 💌
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Although you've spent a good amount of time at the Lee mansion already, you haven’t exactly gotten the chance to get to know the Bebe girls better. They’re often out on Bada’s orders or working on a job – all of them are almost as busy as your fiancée. However, today, on a rare occurrence, none of the girls were out on jobs or busy doing other work. You found this to be the best time to approach the girls and create a stronger bond with them.
...So far, spending time with Bebe has been one of the most exciting, chaotic, and fun-filled days you’ve had in a while.
“Who out of the seven of us do you think can do the best Bada impression?” Lusher asks you. She and the rest of team Bebe stand before you like contestants on a dance show, their shoulders pushed back, and heads held up high like professionals.
“Hmm,” you hum, “I think I need to see everyone’s impersonation before I can make a decision.”
“Ah, yes, yes.” Tatter nods, “We should all go up one by one and do an impression. When we’re all done, unnie gets to decide who did the best.”
Resounding murmurs of agreement echo between the girls, all of them nodding their heads in sync.
“Okay, who goes first?” Cheche asks aloud.
“Youngest goes first!” Lusher points at Sowoen, the other girls turning to face her with wide smiles.
“Sowoen, Sowoen, Soweon!” They all begin chanting, making you laugh as the girl shyly steps forward.
She quickly straightens up her posture and puts on a serious face – almost a deadpan – as she walks toward you like she’s on a catwalk. She stops a few feet away from you, crossing her arms across her chest. “Where have you been?” She speaks to you in a lower voice, trying to mimic Bada’s lower baritone. “I was worried about you.”
The girls standing behind Soweon let out loud cheers and gasps, clapping for her convincing performance.
“Wow, she did good!” Minah awes.
“How are we supposed to beat that already?” Tatter whines, pointing at Soweon accusingly.
“Good job, Soweon.” You nod, smiling at her and giving her a thumbs up.
The youngest member of Bebe smiles widely as well, before moving back to her position in line, accepting high-fives from the other girls.
“Okay, Cheche’s next!” Lusher announces, the girls hollering in excitement and pushing her forward.
Cheche fixes her suit, smoothing out any wrinkles before making her way over to you, trying to wear a serious expression, but her amused smile manages to peek through slightly, disrupting her impression. “Lusher, gather all of Bebe, we’re going to find my fiancée!” She says heartily, her mimicry clearly more comical than Soweon’s serious attempt.
The girls all burst into laughter, grabbing onto each other and pointing at Cheche in amusement. You also struggle to keep yourself from laughing; her impression is almost the complete opposite of Bada’s demeanor.
“Ya, are you even trying?” Tatter cackles, holding onto Lusher’s arms for support so she doesn’t fall onto the floor with laughter.
“You should be on a comedy show!” Minah adds, covering her mouth with her hand and slapping her thigh over and over again.
“Come on, it was good!” Cheche laughs along with her friends before turning to look at you. “Right, unnie?”
“Yeah unnie, tell us what you think,” Lusher says cheekily.
“Uhm, well,” you begin, feeling laughter already bubbling in your throat. “I think the intention was there…”
Your comment only makes the girls laugh harder, as they begin to almost flop around like fish while taking in heaving breaths.
“Unnie can’t even find the words–” Tatter says while wiping tears of laughter from the corner of her eyes.
“No!” You giggle, “It honestly wasn’t that bad!”
“Not that bad!” Kyma emphasizes through boisterous laughter, grabbing onto Cheche’s shoulder and bringing her back into the line.
After that, Kyma and Minah go, both giving a performance similar to Cheche’s, except slightly more accurate. It’s clear that the impressions are slowly deviating from serious to “who can make the funniest impression of Bada.”
“Next up, Tatter!” Lusher cups her hands around her mouth, projecting her voice loudly. All the girls cheer for Tatter as she walks up, bowing in a joking manner.
However, her expression instantly shifts when she does her catwalk toward you. She motions for Hyo to help her with her Bada impression, and your bodyguard quickly steps up next to her, waiting until Tatter whispers something in her ear. When she pulls away, Hyo sighs dejectedly but nods, suddenly moving forward to grab your wrist, but keeping her grip light and respectful.
Tatter walks up close to Hyo, wearing an intimidating expression that surprises you. “Not so fast.” She says to your bodyguard in a low voice.
Hyo gives a half-assed attempt at a terrified expression – glancing around the room and artificially widening her eyes. “I–” She mutters, her voice so monotone you almost break out into laughter.
But then Tatter takes it a step further. “You made her drop her clothes, pick it up, now!”
Immediately, Hyo lets go of your wrists, dropping to the floor and picking up imaginary pieces of clothing and placing them onto her arms.
Tatter breaks character then, stepping to the side to face both you and the girls, bowing deeply. “Thank you, thank you.”
The other Bebe girls who’d been silent out of shock burst into screams, applauding loudly and letting out amazed remarks.
“I think she’s in first place!” Kyma nods.
“She’ll definitely win.” Minah agrees.
“You were very good, Tatter.” You admit, smiling at her. “I felt like I was experiencing that event all over again.”
“Thank you unnie.” She grins proudly. “You’re going to choose me as the winner, right?”
“Hold on!” Lusher cuts in, holding her hands up in a “stop” motion. “Hyo and I haven’t gone yet!”
“Right.” You nod, “But you’re definitely on the top of my list so far, Tatter.”
“Yes!” She cheers, walking back into line and accepting fist-bumps from her friends.
“Okay Hyo, you’re second to last!” Lusher motions for your bodyguard to begin her impression.
Hyo smirks and nods, taking off her sunglasses for a moment before placing them back on the bridge of her nose but letting them hang slightly lower. She makes a rectangle shape with her hand, and then makes a writing motion.
“Ohh, she’s mimicking what Bada looks like when she works,” Soweon mutters under her breath.
Hyo suddenly pushes her sunglasses up her nose before making a knocking noise by clicking her tongue against her teeth. “Who is it?” She does a surprisingly good impression of Bada’s voice, using her advantage of already having a raspier and deeper voice.
Silence passes through the air for a moment before Hyo speaks again.
“It’s me, your very best friend!” She does a slightly higher-pitched tone, clearly trying to mimic Lusher’s voice.
You immediately gasp, slapping your hand over your mouth in shock to stop yourself from laughing as the other Bebe girls all do the same.
“Hey, what is this? I don’t sound like that!” Lusher complains lightheartedly, clearly not hurt by Hyo’s impression but instead trying to keep her laughter in.
“No, no, I think she’s pretty accurate,” Tatter says to Lusher slyly, her friend lightly elbowing her in the side as an act of retaliation.
Hyo continues her impression, ignoring the girls' comments in the background. She sighs dramatically and loudly, stopping her writing motion in the process. “Go away Lusher, I’m working!” She does Bada’s low voice again, this time her volume much louder to convey annoyance. “But–but–” Hyo does Lusher’s voice again, about to finish her bit off before the girl herself stops her.
“Alright, that’s enough!” She pushes Hyo back into line, everyone finally bursting into laughter at her annoyed expression. “It’s my turn now, the best for last!”
“Hyo, you did very good!” You tell her while holding up two thumbs up, making your bodyguard smile and nod her head back.
“Unnie!” Lusher says in a betrayed voice. “Let me show you what I can do.”
And show you, she does.
As soon as she begins her walk, she approaches you, gently grabbing you by the waist, then heading over in Hyo’s direction. She stops right in front of her, her eyes set in a glare as she spins you around so you’re tucked into her side. “Who do you think you are touching my fiancée like that, huh?” Because Lusher is almost Bada’s height, she slightly towers over Hyo, her chin at your bodyguard’s eye level.
You’re shocked at Lusher’s brazen display, to the point where you’re left speechless even as she backs away from an unamused Hyo and focuses on you instead.
She turns you to face her, placing her hands on your shoulders and staring deeply into your eyes with a serious expression. “You are my world,” she mutters, leaning in like she’s about to go in for a kiss. The girls behind her gasp with you, placing their hands over their mouths in shock as they watch with bated breath to see if Lusher will really do it.
But of course, at the last second, she pulls away, letting out a celebratory shout.
The girls explode, all screaming that she was way too good.
“I don’t know who I want to be, Lusher or unnie!”
“Ya, when did you get so good at impressions, Lusher!”
“I really thought she was going to kiss unnie.” Tatter says, mouth still agape.
“No, I don’t have a death wish.” Lusher laughs. “If Bada found out I kissed her, even as a joke, by tomorrow morning you’d find me tied up to the front gates!” She then turns to look at you, smiling widely. “So, I won, right?”
Still half in shock, you’re unable to utter a single word. You try to gather your bearings, and when you finally are about to speak, someone interrupts you.
“Hold on, unnie hasn’t done an impression yet.” Minah points out.
Resounding sounds of “ohhh” in agreement fill the air, making all the girls shift their focus to you.
“Unnie, do a Bada impression!” Tatter insists.
“Oh–” you begin, but are interrupted again.
“I have the perfect idea!” Lusher holds up her hands in a wait motion before taking off toward the hallway, and away from you all. You and the girls stare at each other with confused expressions, whispering between each other what they think their second-in-command is doing.
When Lusher comes back a few minutes later, she has a pile of clothing in her arms. She races over to you, placing the pieces in your hands.
“You should put on a suit too!”
For what feels like the millionth time, the girls explode into excitement, all of them agreeing that they want to see what you look like in a suit and that it will elevate the impression.
“But won’t I be biased if I do an impression too?” You point out.
“Don’t worry about it, just go change.” Lusher pushes you toward a nearby bathroom, opens the door, then gives you one last gentle push inside before closing the door.
You stare at the closed door for a second before chuckling under your breath and unraveling the clothing Lusher had handed you. You strip and put them on, looking at yourself after you’re fully changed.
“Whoa.” You say, staring at yourself in the reflection of the sink’s mirror. The suit fits you extremely well – not too tight and not too baggy – and surprisingly, you look incredibly good in more traditionally masculine clothing.
You’ve worn suits before – though not that your mother or father approved – but of course the fabric of the suit you’re wearing is much more luxurious and clearly better quality.
You look like a strong, confident woman – you suppose suits do that.
A knock on the door brings you out of your stupor. “Are you done changing?” Lusher’s voice rings out.
“Yes!” You reply.
“Okay!” Lusher opens the door, looking in to get a sneak peek. And when she sees you, she gasps.
You smile, walking out of the bathroom confidently, and standing in front of all the girls with your hands in your pockets.
Immediately, the girls start screaming at the top of their lungs in shock, grabbing onto each other for support as they stare at you.
“Unnie, is that you?” Tatter says in genuine surprise.
“She looks so confident, I think I’m going to pass out.” Minah says dramatically, fanning herself.
“She wears a suit better than all of us!” Cheche exclaims.
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” Soweon adds, her mouth wide open.
“You look good, kid.” Hyo gives you a nod of approval.
“I completely forgot she was supposed to be mimicking Bada–” Kyma comments to Chehe under her breath, her eyes widening.
“Unnie, please leave Bada for me!” Lusher whines, looking genuinely distressed. You can’t help but laugh at all the girls' positive reactions, genuinely happy that they think you look good in clothing you don’t normally wear. You open your mouth to say something when another voice cuts in.
“Why are you all screaming?” Bada’s gruff voice comes from a few feet away. She approaches the long line of Bebe girls, trying to see what all the fuss is about. “I heard you all the way from my office–” she stops mid-sentence, finally breaking through the barricade and locking onto your figure.
Like she'd been struck by lightning, she freezes, her mouth dropping, and her eyes going so wide you barely can make out any of her iris. She looks you up and down once, twice, thrice, and then a fourth time.
Bada closes her mouth, then opens it, looking like she wants to say something, but nothing comes out. She just stands there in shock, admiring how amazing you look in a suit.
“Look, the Boss is swooning!” Lusher points at Bada while laughing hysterically; the girls start giggling as well, all the while your fiancée stays stock still in her spot.
“Bada?” You say through a laugh. “Are you okay?”
It seems like your words finally break Bada out of her trance, and she's finally able to speak. “Yes,” she rasps, never taking her eyes off of you.
“Are you sure–” you're not able to finish your sentence because Bada suddenly finds feeling in her legs and surges forward, grabbing onto you gently and throwing you over her shoulder. “What–” you yelp in shock, your world turning upside down as your fiancée starts to walk away from her subordinates. “Bada, what are you doing?”
“I don’t want them looking at you.” She huffs with a pout, advancing toward a more secluded area. “Let me admire you in private, away from them.”
Yes, spending the day with the Bebe girls certainly turned out to be an eventful experience.
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@aericrys, @somerandomtinyperson, @bluebada, @dallaji, @luvjanexx, @hyejuwu, @diana-rose-25, @jjlovesbada, @cephox, @prilux, @youknow1234, @fae-the-wanderer, @mightymyo, @aein-tings, @badasgirlfriend, @onlyyou-metanoia, @wiselight, @badasoneandonly, @multiliker, @badabonita, @randomhoex, @justaharmlesspotat0, @sporadicfacebasement
(if your name is crossed out i wasn't able to to tag you)
want to join the taglist? send me a message or comment saying you'd like to be on it, and i'll add you!
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zerobaseone-zhanghao · 8 months
beautiful girl
t/w: smut!! Minors DNI!! dom!reader & sub!Minah
a/n: hiii, this is sort of a part 2 to ‘knee deep in pussy’, @badapooks wanted to see a part 2 so here it is!! I hope you guys enjoy :)
Bebe have been practicing for another event but it’s been a little bit awkward, well Minah has been a little bit awkward especially around you and Bada and it has the other bebe members confused.
Your practice has just ended for the day and everyone’s tired - apart from you. You’re so bubbly and hyper today “guys why don’t we go back to my place and have a sleepover!!”. Surprisingly all of the members agreed. You guys showered and changed into loungewear at the academy before splitting into cars - you drove you and Bada so you and Bada also took Minah & Lusher back to your house whilst Tatter drove Kyma, Cheche and Sowoen.
Once you arrived back at your house, the girls and you rake your extra closet for pillows and cosy blankets to set up in your living room, after setting up you all sat down and began gossiping, laughing and playing games like never have I ever and truth or dare.
“Minah, truth or dare” Bada asks her, “umm dare” “I dare you to make out with my girlfriend” you look to Bada shocked, she smirked at you, she definitely noticed Minah’s awkwardness as well. Minah looked at you nervously, “come here then” you said, Minah looked shocked at your advances before coming closer to you “are you sure?” She whispers to you “just kiss me babe” Minah starts out slow just giving you a little peck and checking your face to see if she can keep going, she also turns to Bada to make sure it’s okay to which she nodded.
Minah passionately kissed you and caressed your waist as you moaned into the kiss. Bada just smirked and the other bebe girls were shocked. You pulled away from Minah, grabbing her hand, “come with me beautiful girl” you pull her towards your bedroom.
As soon as you enter your bedroom you push her against the door which slams it shut. You kiss her deeply and run your hands over her body, she moans as you twirl your finger around the hem on her shirt. She gets the message and raises her arms and you pull her shirt over her head, she’s wearing a lady red bra, “so beautiful, were you expecting something baby?” You ask her as she blushes. “use your words Minah” “I wore it for you”.
You squeeze her ass and back her to the bed, pushing her onto it and quickly pulling her sweats down and climbing on top of her. She whines “this is unfairrr” she tugs at your shirt. She wants you to get naked too. You pull your shirt over your head but keep your shorts on.
Minah tries to grab your breast but you catch her hands and pin them to the sides of her head. You begin to kiss down her neck, sucking on the sensitive spots. You pull her up and let her hands go, yours travelling around her waist and undoing her bra.
You let it drop and hold onto her waist, moving down to her breasts, sucking and licking them. Minah’s hands are in your hair and moaning loudly “you really want those girls to hear you huh? why don’t I just go get them, they can watch” you tell her “n-no pleasee”. You work your way down her stomach, swirling her piecing around with your tongue (a/n: sorry guys I’m obsessed), you slowly make your way to her clothed pussy, kissing up her thighs “unnieee please stop teasing” she whines. “You’re a whiny bitch babe” you kiss her lips and pull her underwear down.
You make your way down to her pussy giving it a quick lick, smirking when you see her squirm. “U-unnie p-please” you stop teasing her and press your tongue to her clit “omgg” she moans out. “You taste amazing” you continue what you’re doing and slowly add a finger, it slides in no problem because of how wet she is.
You curl your finger inside her and pump it in and out of her before adding another, she has beautiful reactions to you. Her face goes bright red and you aren’t sure that she can take much more. “U-unnie please c-can I-“ “nope hold it” “unnieeee” she whines are squirms. You spank her ass, “I said hold it bitch” she does as you say.
She holds her orgasm for a little while and she’s crying, begging you to let her cum “unnie please please please please” her tears are streaming down her face. “You look gorgeous like this” “unnie I ca-can’t hold it anymore” “that’s okay beautiful girl, you did so well for me”.
She releases her orgasm as you slowly pump your fingers trying to help her down from her high and stroking her hair with the other hand. Once she’s down from her high you lift her up to sit on your lap and cuddle her. Minah hugs you back and triedly cuddles into your shoulder, slowly falling asleep.
You hear a little sound and turn to face where it came from and see Bada standing at the door with her arms crossed and a smile across her face.
She comes closer to you and Minah getting comfy behind you and pulling you back into her chest, wrapping her long arms around you and Minah. The three of you slept there for the night whilst the other bebe girls slept in the living room, they aren’t stupid, they know exactly what happened in that room.
When you wake up the three of you are cuddled together in your bed. Minah looks at you both shocked, almost like she doesn’t remember the events of the previous night which you and Bada both laugh at. “You okay there beautiful girl?” You ask her, her face turns red “umm unnie I’m sorry I slept with your girlfriend” she tells Bada who again just laughs. “It’s okay beautiful girl” Bada joins in giving her the same nickname that you have given Minah.
Minah sprints out of bed and stops cuddling into you, “umm we should get breakfast, I bet the other girls are up” she locks herself in the bathroom to get changed. “Unlock the door baby, nothing we haven’t seen” Bada teases “unnieee” she whines and unlocks the door letting you and Bada in.
Maybe round 3 happened in that bathroom.. I guess we’ll never know..
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forbebeandjam · 4 months
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: after noticing the youngest girl is gone, you split up to find her but encounter a rampage and run to hide.
Word Count: 805
A/N: expect more frequent updates on this series!!🤍🤭
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After taking turns at night, it was finally a bit brighter outside and you were able to rest. You were leaning against Bada. You felt someone nudge your arm and your eyes fluttered open.
"Sowoen is gone," she said. That got rid of any drowsiness in your body. You looked at the back only to find everyone as equally confused and worried as you.
"What!? where could she have gone? Did you guys hear anything?" you asked as you began to panic.
"No, I only noticed she was gone when I tried to find her arm for comfort but she was no longer there. Unnie, we have to find her," Cheche said. You were shocked. It was the first time she referred to you as unnie. You thought she hated you.
"Okay, Let's calm down. She shouldn't be too far. We will just look around for her. We can split and look for her," You said and they nodded.
"Alright... Tatter, Kyma, Cheche, and I will go that way. Bada, Lusher, and Minah will go that way" You all started to get out of the car when Bada held your hand.
"I want to go with you," Bada said as she pulled you closer.
"Bada, this is not the time or place. Our youngest one is missing and we don't know what happened," you said trying to reason with her. At the same time, you were looking around to see if you could find some sort of clue.
"But why can't you and I go together? We can split evenly and then-"
"Bada, stop! We are always attached to the hip. Going to find Sowoen for a few hours will not hurt us. We are the oldest and they need us. I will go with them and you will go that way. Get it together," You walked to your girls leaving Bada dumbfounded at your words.
You started looking around with the girls walking behind you.
"What exactly are we looking for?" Kyma said.
"for anything suspicious or any clue. Look at the floor when you walk too," you said and they nodded.
"Holy shit! look!" Tatter yelled when she saw how a large crowd of people ran towards you.
"Run... RUN!" You yelled and they started to sprit behind you.
"Unnie! Look!" Cheche said as she pointed at a gas station you had just passed. Sowoen's favorite sweater was stuck to the door.
"Fuck!" You yelled and diverted your pets from the original path. You ran inside the store and the girls ran behind you. You locked the door and hid behind the counter.
"What the hell was that?" Tatter said as she tried to catch her breath.
"Shh! Give me your phone," You told Cheche in a whisper. You quickly dialed Bada's number but she didn't pick up. You dialed Minah's and she successfully picked up.
"Hey did you find her?"
"Is there a place to hide?" you said.
"Minah, Hide now! Hide!" you yelled again.
"Shit... BADA!" You heard her yell through the phone. For a while, you did not hear anything else and you started to panic. Your breathing was sped up and your eyes were wide.
A few minutes passed and the phone was still on the call.
"Lee Minah! Are you guys okay?"
"Yes, we found a small grocery store,"
"Sowoen!? Are you here!? It's Y/N" You yelled waiting for someone to respond but all you heard were quite sobs and you didn't know where they came from.
"I'll call you back. Please stay down and look for things to protect yourself. Any alcohol or disinfectant that might get rid of the virus. Stay where you are," you said and tried to hang up but Bada called out for you.
"What do you mean hang up!? I don't know where you are and if you're okay. Why not stay on the line till we manage to find each other, huh?"
"No! I told you we should stay together. I told you I didn't want to leave you. Why didn't you listen?"
"Bada! We might have found Sowoen. Don't be so selfish. This isn't all about us anymore. We have six more girls we need to take care of and we need to figure out how to do so. If you can't do that then I don't know what to tell you. I need to go find Sowoen," you said before hanging up.
You sighed in frustration and handed Cheche her phone.
"Unnie... look..." You turned in the direction Cheche pointed and saw a pool of blood as well as blood stains around a fridge door.
Your skin turned cold and your heart began pounding as you walked towards the door and slowly opened it to find a horrible gore scene.
"Oh my gosh... Sowoen!"
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causewayguy · 1 year
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Going up to Johor with your pockets full of SGD and taking a stroll along some street. Maybe you will see some Chinese SYT in uniform or OL asking you to sign credit card.
But if you are truly lucky, maybe you get to feast your eyes on a foxy botylicious minah like her. Malay girls are generally shy on the outside but you can see in their eyes their flirty nature deep down. Of course, money also helps speed things up.
Once you get her in your room, the transformation starts. Just look at how she dress under her baju kurung, just a freaking piece of tank top separating her boobs from my groping.
She will moan and moan as your hands and lips roam all over her body. And if you are slow, she will arc her body to encourage you to touch more of her erroneous zone.
Some how Minah's bodies are built different, purely for fucking. They would have petite frame with just enough meat and a B or C cup boobies. Whether missionary, doggy or riding, you can grope and fuck them harder without any need of being gentle.
And her eyes, so damn slutty. She will look into your eyes as you guys start humping, giving you all kinds of erotic expressions filled with pleasure. The best being her eyes become unfocused and she drools all over your body.
Imagine them going from saying 'Abang...boleh tolong I tak?' to screaming 'fckkk bang! Besar cock u dalam pussy I. I nak cum sayangggg' as you continuously slam your cock into her pussy. When they are horny, those minah's pussy tend to flood with their natural juices.
Of course , you can only cum in their pussy or mouth, they will not allow you to waste any of the thick warm seeds.
Please remember to tip them well, and make them remember you so every time you come to Malaysia, they'd be on their knees ready for you and your cock to satisfy them again and again and again.
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marriiemeii · 1 year
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My never ending list of SVT fics
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Circles Universe
The main story is Circles and the rest are spin offs based in that same universe.
Circles (jeonghan x oc x seungcheol)
genre: drama, angst, romance, comedy, professor au (jeonghan and seungcheol), oc owns a cafe, oc has trauma
Love Letter (jeonghan x oc)
Simple (wonwoo x oc)
Smile Flower (joshua x oc)
Pretty U (mingyu x oc)
Light a Flame (seungcheol x oc)
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Stray Series
Stray (wonwoo x oc)
genre: romance, slice of life, comedy, fluff, university au, slight badboy wonwoo, other ocs dating svt members
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Husband and Wife Universe
In which, this is all one universe but it doesn't necessarily go by chapters. They're just random stories about some seventeen members and their wives (ocs I've created)
Some background about this: Ikaya (Scoups' wife) and Serena (Joshua's wife) are the sisters of Jeonghan. Cami is Jeonghan's wife, Niki is Mingyu's wife, and Minah is Chan's wife.
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Victorian Era Universe (wonwoo x oc x soonyoung
Oneshots, scenarios, and blurbs about victorian era wonwoo and soonyoung that follow this universe i created. Additional background may need to be read in order to understand the stories, which will be included in the beginning of posts.
genre: victorian era, polyamorous relationship, romance, fantasy, magic, supernatural, drama, angst, university for magic and knights, magical creatures
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Endless Moment Series (svt x multiple ocs)
genre: romance, drama, comedy, supernatural creatures, vampires, witches, abilities, fantasy
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Carat Publishing House (svt x multiple ocs)
genre: romance, comedy, fluff, office, drama, maybe angst
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Oneshots/Short Series
Random oneshots and drabbles that come to mind c:
[5:27] || fluff, cute
Even if it's not Him || angst
Afraid || angst, smut
[1:48] || fluff, cute
[9:18] || fluff, cute
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ilhoonftw · 10 months
i find it funny how ilhoon is the only btob guy that wasn't on law of the jungle. maybe he retired just to avoid getting casted
that show was truly like a jury duty for them
they licherally were on almost every ??? 2010s variety show. including one where minhyuk had to build a house from scratch on jeju??? like they had those c listers operate heavy machinery. and fans were weird about girls day minah being part of the cast
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kairalika · 1 year
Dive into the selected work of Denny Ja 3: Minah remains priced in professional style
In the world of Indonesia, Denny Ja 3 is one of the most famous writers who has produced many works that readers are responding to. One of his works to be explored is “Minah Staying”. In this article, we will talk about the power of Denny JA 3 in creating the work, as well as the professional style radiating in his writing.    I. INTRODUCTION    A. profile denny ja 3  Denny JA 3 is a writer who has produced many works of Sastra that captures readers. It has a strong educational background and a long experience in the world, making it able to create works that inspire and seduce. One of his works to be explored is “Minah Staying”.    B. Synopsis of “Minah Stays Put”  “Minah remains deflected” is an essay poem that tells the life of a woman named Minah who must face various obstacles and challenges in her life. In his life journey, he experienced many things that made him humiliated and destroyed, but he remained rigid and tried to rise in a professional style.    Ii. Dive into the selected work of Denny JA 3: “    A. Influence of culture and values  In this essay poetry, Denny Ja 3 well describes the influence of culture and values in the life of minah. It is careful to dive into the character and illustrate how the culture and values in society influence the life of mines.    B. Character Development  In the reading of Denny Ja 3 work, we can see how it is able to develop a very good character. Minah’s character feels alive and real, making the reader feel connected to his struggle.    C. Interesting story presentation  Denny Ja 3 has incredible ability to present interesting stories. It is able to develop a flowing story smoothly, making the reader unable to stop reading and continue to know what happens next.    Iii. Professional style in writing    A. The use of flowing and effective language  One of the advantages of Denny Ja 3 is his ability to use flowing and effective language. It not only uses the right words, but also can describe the atmosphere and emotion very well through its writing.    B. Use of a special language style  In his writing, Denny Ja 3 has a special language style that makes his work unique and different from other authors. His professional and organized style makes the reader easily understand and connect with the story he tells.    C. The right word selection  In “Minah Still Stilled”, Denny Ja 3 was able to choose the right words to describe the atmosphere and feelings of the Minah’s character. The words he uses are not only beautiful, but also give a clear picture of what is happening in the story.    Iv. Conclusion    Denny Ja 3 is a great writer who can create works that capture readers. In “Minah remains to be fired”, it succeeded in exploring Minah’s life with a charming professional style. Through its flowing and effective writings, Denny Ja 3 is able to describe the cultural influence and values in minah life very well. His special language style and the right word selection make his work more interesting to be explored.    In this conclusion, we can see that Denny Ja 3 is a writer who has incredible ability in creating inspiring works. “Minah Staying” is one of his best works that readers who want to feel the power of Denny Ja 3 in writing in a professional style.
Complete Check: Deal Denny JA’s selected work 3: Minah remains a professional style
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bloghasnah · 1 year
Review exactly about the elected work of Denny Ja 3 Minah still beaten
In this article, we will review precisely about the chosen Denny Ja 3 work entitled "Minah Still Beged up". In this work, Denny JA described Indonesia's socio-political reality with a sharp and critical writing style. This article will provide a general picture of the contents of this work, as well as analyzing the important elements in it.
I. Introduction In his latest work, Denny JA raised a controversial theme and full of disclosure forces. "Minah remains beheaded" is a literary work that describes the socio-political condition in Indonesia with the use of distinctive and touching language. II. Fill in the work In this work, Denny JA described the life of a woman named Minah, who was a victim of domestic violence and a patriarchal system in the community. Denny Ja described intelligently and sharply how Minah struggled to free himself from oppression and fight for his rights as a woman. III. Work Analysis In "Minah remains beheaded", Denny Ja uses a sharp and critical writing style to criticize various aspects of socio-political life in Indonesia. He uses strong narratives and complex characters to describe reality full of injustice and oppression. In this work, Denny Ja also presents dialogue that arouse and invite critical thinking. IV. Important elements A. Strong Characterization: In "Minah remains beheaded", Denny Ja succeeded in presenting strong and complex characters. Minah as the main character is described as a tough and courageous woman in facing the challenges of her life. B. Sharp narration: Denny Ja uses a sharp and critical writing style in describing the socio-political reality in Indonesia. He uses strong words and evocative narratives to describe the injustice around him. C. Great dialogue: Denny Ja also succeeded in presenting dialogue that inspired and invited critical thinking. These dialogues illustrate various socio-political problems that exist in Indonesia in a sharp and intelligent way. V. Conclusion In the chosen Denny Ja 3 work entitled "Minah Stay Bered Use", we can see how Denny Ja uses a distinctive language and sharp writing style to describe the socio-political reality of Indonesia. This work presents a complex picture and invites critical thinking about life in Indonesia. With the use of strong characterization, sharp narratives, and inspiring dialogues, Denny Ja succeeded in delivering important messages about the injustice and oppression that exist in our society. This article is a proper review of Denny Ja 3's selected work entitled "Minah Still Beheaded". In this article, we have analyzed the important elements that exist in this work, and provide a general picture of the contents of this work. This work is a strong disclosure of socio-political reality in Indonesia, and Denny Ja succeeded in conveying it in a sharp and critical writing style. 
Check more: Review precisely about Denny JA 3 selected works: Minah remains beheaded
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blogasilaniya · 1 year
Analyzing the elected work of Denny JA 3 Minah remains beheaded with professionalism
In this article, we will analyze Denny Ja 3 selected work entitled "Minah remains begging with full professionalism." In this analysis, we will try to understand the work thoroughly using a professional perspective. The work is one of the best works from Denny JA and shows the extraordinary professional ability.
I. Introduction In this section, we will introduce the reader to the work we will analyze. We will give a general picture of the contents of the work and explain why this work was chosen as the focus of our analysis. We will also explain why it is important to understand literary works with a professional point of view. II. Analysis of selected works In this section, we will discuss in detail the work using a professional perspective. We will analyze various aspects such as plots, characters, themes, and writing styles used by Denny JA. We will use a quote from the work to support each of our analyzes. We will also use subtitles and lists to provide a clear structure in this article. A. Plot In this section, we will analyze the plot of the work. We will see how the conflict is presented, how the storyline develops, and how climax and resolution are displayed. We will also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the plot. B. Character In this section, we will analyze the characters in the work. We will see how these characters are developed, what their motivation is, and how their relationship is with each other. We will also discuss whether these characters are realistic and describe the complexity of humans well. C. Theme In this section, we will discuss the themes raised in the work. We will see the messages that Denny JA wants to convey and how these themes are integrated into the story. We will also discuss whether these themes are relevant to the current social and cultural context. D. Writing Style In this section, we will analyze the writing style used by Denny Ja. We will see the use of language, visual depiction, and the use of other literary elements. We will also discuss whether this writing style is effective in describing the story and communicating the messages that the author wants to convey. III. Conclusion In this section, we will conclude our analysis of Denny Ja 3 "Minah's selected work remains begging with full professionalism." We will summarize our findings in this analysis and provide an overall review of the work. We will also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this work and provide recommendations for readers who want to explore further Denny Ja's works. In this conclusion, we will emphasize the importance of understanding literary works with a professional point of view and appreciating works such as "Minah remains begging with full professionalism." We will also highlight the importance of this work in the context of Indonesian literature and how this work makes a valuable contribution in the development of our literature. In this article, we have analyzed Denny Ja 3 selected work using a professional perspective. We have discussed various aspects such as plots, characters, themes, and writing styles used by Denny Ja. Through this analysis, we have gained a deeper understanding of the work and appreciated the extraordinary professional ability of Denny Ja as a writer. Hopefully this analysis can provide useful guidelines for readers who want to explore quality Indonesian literary works. 
Check more: Analyzing Denny JA 3 Elected Work: Minah remains begging with full professional
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cityandking · 1 year
stature, canvas, bling & favorite for vesper, minah and kalle!
thanks tabby!! // oc asks: character design edition
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
VESPER — rake skinny when Inquisition starts (it's a rough year on the run), but when she's being properly fed she's got a generally lean and willowy shape. she's on the slightly taller side (5'7). when she's not in the field she mostly wears loose skirts and blouses (or sleeveless tops in the summer), which actually do a lot to accentuate her figure, but it's not something she consciously thinks about. mostly it's just nice to wear what she wants—she hated the circle uniforms
MINAH — a little on the shorter side (5'3/5'4 ish). lean seasons over the years have left her with a perpetual wiry, underfed look, but multiple square meals a day at Weishaupt have definitely helped fill in some curves. generally speaking, her ideal clothing is nondescript and easy to move in, but she's got some costumes designed to show off her assets. I think she's vaguely weirded out by the warden uniform—she's not the kind who likes to dress in something recognizable—but she can't deny it looks good. (I'd love to see her customize her look but I'm still trying to decide how)
KALLE — a wee 5' and elf-skinny compounded by poverty-skinny. any muscle she has is lean and hard won. things get better post-blight, when she's not making do with whatever they can scavenge in the middle of a darkspawn-infested civil war. if she could, she'd really pack on muscle. small but stout, that's kalle. as for clothing, she'll wear whatever she can get her hands on, but her preferred vibe is a) comfy, b) good to move in and c) with as few holes as possible. lots of loose tunics belted so they won't fall off her tiny frame, I think (she grows into them)
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
VESPER — has a handful of scars (over her right shoulder blade from the riot when the Circles fell, her thigh where an apprentice stabbed her, various small scars over her hands from working and crafting). she also has a small tattoo of an owl on her thigh (the other one) that she got after her harrowing, a rite of passage in the Ostwick circle. she's not particularly self-conscious about any of them, but they're largely in places that are covered already and she doesn't make a point of uncovering them.
MINAH — minah has some serious tattoos, but she definitely makes a point to keep them covered most of the time. she also has multiple ear piercings and a nose piercing, but she tends to take them out when she knows she's going into a Situation (be that a little light burglary or warden business). she has various scars from Life On The Road, but the only particularly noticeable one is above her eye, and she wears her bangs long to cover it. generally speaking, she tends to cover up identifying marks
KALLE — has three thick puncture scars from getting shot at the Ostagar tower and a handful of other old wounds from being, generally speaking, a little shit who can't keep her nose out of people's business (affectionate). she wears them proudly. she also has multiple piercings because she is a punk ass lil dude. no tattoos (yet)
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
VESPER — has a necklace with her brother's ring and a lucky coin that she wears pretty much all the time for sentimental reasons. she has pierced ears, but doesn't wear earrings all that often. she's also got a couple of enchanted rings and necklaces (shout out to the Ring of Doubt) but that's specifically field gear
MINAH — there's the warden necklace of course, which (much like the uniform) sort of weirds her out. she's also got a bunch of piercings, but she'll swap those out if she finds something she likes more. there's also a necklace she always wears, but that's mostly utility.
KALLE — has her warden necklace and a couple of enchanted things (rings, belt buckles, etc). by far the most meaningful thing she has is her wedding ring, which she keeps as a reminder of home and who she's out here fighting for.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
VESPER — mmmm I think she really likes her battlemage coat. it's lovingly handcrafted by me out of the best materials and enchanted to hell and back. its seen her through a lot of shit and she likes the way it makes her feel—like she can take on anything.
MINAH — I think she's got a favorite shirt or jacket. something good quality that fits her perfectly which she'll wear threadbare. life's too short to deny yourself the simple joys. I'm thinking like—a short-cropped jacket, lined leather, with enough give that she can work in it.
KALLE — her mother's boots. they're good quality and they fit like they were made for her and she always feels like she moves quieter when she's wearing them. plus, y'know, they were her mothers.
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carnavalesque · 10 days
grow old with them; the serpents' edition.
𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 (before and during cordelia)
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𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮 (before and during tayden)
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𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦 (before and after han-ju's return)
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𝐦𝐢𝐧-𝐚𝐡 (before and during sulli)
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𝐫𝐞𝐢 (during and after her grandparents)
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𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨 (before and during bambi)
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𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐦 (before and after his coming out)
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𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 (before and during minsu)
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐞 (before and during delilah)
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𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐞 (before and during kyungsu)
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𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐥 (during and after halazia)
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𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨 (during and after the ring)
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𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 (before and during maggie)
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blognanda2 · 1 year
Detailed analysis of the chosen work of Denny Ja 3: Minah remains beheaded
Introduction In the world of Indonesian literature, Denny Ja is known as a writer who dares to raise controversial issues. One of his famous works is "Minah remains beheaded". In this article, a detailed analysis of Denny JA selected works will be conducted. I. Background of the work Before entering detailed analysis, it is important to understand the background of this work. "Minah remains beheaded" is an essay poem published in 1995. In this essay poem, Denny JA raised the theme of gender injustice and resistance to the patriarchal system that is still thick in society. II. Synopsis "Minah is still begging" tells the story of the struggle of a woman named Minah in opposing forced marriages arranged by her father. In this story, Minah is a representation of women who are confined by patriarchal rules. Denny JA skilled described Minah's character as a strong and dare to fight the injustice that befell him. III. Detailed analysis a. Theme One of the dominant themes in "Minah remains beheaded" is gender injustice. In this essay poem, Denny Ja shows how women often become victims of rules that perpetuate patriarchy in society. Through the character of Minah, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect on and question the system that confine women in a narrow role. b. Characterization In developing the characters in this essay poem, Denny Ja is able to provide depth and uniqueness. Minah is described as a woman who is firm in principle and is not afraid to fight the opposite traditions. In addition, supporting characters in this work are also carefully described so as to help strengthen the main narrative. c. Storyline The storyline in "Minah remains begging" is quite complex and full of intrigue. Denny Ja succeeded in describing Minah's struggle well, so that the reader could be emotional with the main character. Minah's life full of obstacles and conflict is also able to maintain the tension of the story and make the reader keep curious about what will happen next. d. Language style In this essay poem, Denny Ja uses a distinctive and flowing language style. His writing feels straightforward and easy to understand, but still captivates the reader. He is also able to present strong and realistic dialogues between his characters. This makes the reader feel directly involved in the story. IV. Conclusion Through a detailed analysis of Denny Ja's selected work, "Minah is still begging", it can be concluded that this essay poem is a work that describes a woman's struggle in fighting gender injustice. Denny Ja is adept at developing strong themes and characters, as well as presenting interesting story lines. The style of language used also succeeded in presenting a charming reading experience. As readers, we can take lessons and reflect on the issues raised in this work, as well as contributing to efforts to fight gender injustice in our society. 
Check more: Detailed Analysis of Denny JA 3: Minah Elected Work Still Beged
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blognurhayati2 · 1 year
Discussing the features of the latest Denny JA 3 work reveals the charm of Minah
In this article, we will discuss the privileges of Denny Ja's latest work entitled "Revealing the Enchantment of Minah". In this article, we will see the uniqueness and excellence of the work and how this work succeeded in revealing the charm of Minah. In this article, we will use the keyword "Discussing the Privileges of the Latest Denny JA 3: Revealing the Enchantment of Minah" and we will try to produce this article with a minimum length of 3000 words.
I. Introduction Denny JA, a famous writer and Indonesian literature activist, has launched his latest work entitled "Revealing the Enchantment of Minah". This work has received a lot of attention from literary fans and literary critics. In this article, we will discuss why this work is so special and what makes it so interesting. II. The uniqueness of Denny JA's latest work a. Realistic depiction Denny Ja is known for his realistic writing style and it is clearly seen in his latest work. He is able to describe the character Minah in great detail and give a nuance that is so lively in the story. b. Strong narrative The power of Denny Ja's work lies in his strong narration. He was able to bring the reader into the Minah world and make them feel as if he was beside him. This strong narrative makes the reader connect emotionally with the stories and characters in it. c. Relevant themes In this latest work, Denny Ja raised themes that are relevant to the Indonesian people today. He discussed Minah's struggle and determination in dealing with various problems and challenges in his life. These themes are very relevant to Indonesia's social and political conditions today and make the story more lively and authentic. III. The advantages of Denny Ja's latest work a. In -depth research In the process of writing his work, Denny Ja conducted a deep research on the background of the story and character. He ensured that every detail in the story he wrote was accurate and authentic. This makes the story stronger and more credible. b. Complex character The characters in this work have the depth of emotions and complexity that make the story more interesting. Denny Ja is able to describe Minah's life so in detail and provide space for readers to recognize it well. c. The use of beautiful language In this latest work, Denny Ja uses beautiful and flowing language. He is able to describe the atmosphere and feelings with the right words so as to make the reader carried away in the story. IV. Uncover Minah's charm In this work, Denny Ja managed to reveal the charm of Minah so well. He described Minah as a strong and tough woman, but also has a soft and attentive side. Minah is an inspiring figure and impressed the reader with his struggle. V. Conclusion In Denny Ja's latest work entitled "Uncovering the Enchantment of Minah", we can see the privileges and advantages of the work. From realistic depiction to strong narratives, this work managed to reveal the charm of Minah and make the reader connected to the story. Denny Ja also uses beautiful and flowing language to describe the atmosphere and feelings. This work is very relevant to the current social and political conditions of Indonesia. Thus, Denny Ja's latest work deserves appreciation and decent attention. 
Check more: Discuss the features of the latest Denny JA 3 work: Uncover the Enchantment of Minah
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forbebeandjam · 6 months
⋆ ✮ Master List ✮⋆
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R- Request | OG- Original work | C- Collaboration
STEP | Bada Lee x Fem reader | 21+ OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 1 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 2 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Kiss & Makeup | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
She’s So Cute! | Sowon x Fem reader | fluff OG
Bites & Nibbles | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
The Perfect Stalker | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Baby Mine | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES R
Fantasy | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Poker Face Lover | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff R
Sweet & Bitter | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, smut, angst R
Wants or Needs | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | +21 R
Nxde | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Late Night Needs | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Secret Pain | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, angst
Burn it down | Emma Huch x Fem Reader | Fluff OG
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem reader | Fluff R
Only You | Kirsten Dodgen x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst OG
Yours Truly | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | +21
CROSS OVERS & others
Lure | Kirsten x Bada x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Teach me | Yeni Cho x Fem Reader | smutty fluff OG
More work coming soon. Thank you for your patience 🫶🩷
P.S. do not copy my work plz! I’m more than happy to help with your own work but I work too hard on mine so please be respectful of others work!!
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