heraldofwoe · 1 year
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
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Barry: Season 4 Episode 6, “the wizard”
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
it’s crazy how sexless this whole show is. the way everybody here removes the love and the emotion and the closeness out of sex. every sexual relationship is a transaction. shiv keeping nate and tom on a leash with her body. greg playing the dating game, climbing the ladder.
roman and gerri’s whole thing is roman wanting so desperately to be loved, to connect, to have real sex. but he can’t have it. he’s broken, the most he can get is gerri’s dejected, sharp words, and he carries those wounds so deeply in his heart. if he can’t have love he can take pain and make it look the same. if no one will touch him maybe he can get punched. that’s like the same thing, right?
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
the fact that people are angry at gerri for not comforting roman in episode 4.3 is crazy to me bc like…if i were her, i would be furious with him!! like this man, your boss’s son, jeopardized your entire hard-won career as a high-powered professional in a chauvinistic, male-dominated environment by sending you dick pics which then served to turn his misogynistic father against you despite years of dedicated and highly competent service, and THEN your shitty boss decides to FIRE YOU by sending said son who HUMILIATED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE to do the deed at his other son’s WEDDING. and the FIRST SON who you have some sort of psychosexual but also emotional connection with, who clearly loves you in his own fucked up way and who clearly doesn’t want to do it, goes along with it because, even after everything, he still NEEDS to be daddy’s favorite and he will still fuck you over for even the tiniest crumb of a promise that he’ll get the kiss from daddy!!!!!!!!!
i love roman and he’s my poor little meow meow and i love romangerri 5eva etc. but like…………….gerri is completely in the right here. 
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
thinking about s4e3 it’s not a feeling or a story or a metaphor it’s a raw nerve ending, it’s what eats me alive. it is that creeping sense of dread you feel when it’s late but you can’t sleep it is the shadows dancing on the window it is the monster under your bed. their grief is not and will not be an emotion, a quantifiable feeling to be beaten down no it is a squelching mass of body parts and blood, so much blood it looks fake. so much pain and suffering released from logan’s body alongside his soul. so much hate and so much love being thrown into the atmosphere at a million miles an hour.
i’m thinking about roman and him throwing himself into the shrapnel. ripping out the chunks and desperately rebuilding his father from scrap. it’s the only thing he knows how to do. he can’t learn. he doesn’t understand what that word means. he will always be a dog.
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
tom's soothing a spooked horse voice is so soothing like you can so see how shiv "i was such a mess" roy found comfort in him
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
looking at the 'midseason trailer' and seeing roman fighting his siblings, roman shitting on gerri, roman working for fascists, roman walking proudly through ATN like logan did just two days prior... it's not surprising, but it is fucking sad.
logan's death will not free roman. instead, it will reforge the chains he's worn all his life, casting them in iron -- that's what roman deserves for thinking, for the first time in his life, that maybe he wants the chains off. that's what roman deserves for killing his father by not loving him enough, by not loving him correctly or at the right times. logan's death will not free roman at all. if anything, it will imprison him.
(as always, this got very long, so keep reading under the cut!)
this was the worst case scenario for roman. not just logan dying, but the exact way everything played out. he betrayed his siblings, he fired gerri -- for nothing. he could have been on the plane with his father in his last moments -- he refused. his last interaction with his father was leaving logan a voice message that called him a cunt -- the first time roman has ever, ever, questioned or stood up to his father, and also the last. we don't know what killed logan. we probably never will. but god if it won't feel awfully coincidental to roman: the one time he fought back against his father or even showed the slightest hint of doing so, his father died. is it likely that logan heard roman's voice memo and keeled over because he called him a cunt? no. but is it just as possible as anything else? entirely. roman might have killed his dad. roman murdered logan when he could've been on the plane with him holding his hand, if he were a good son. he didn't even tell logan he loved him. not that he needed to, it fucking oozed from his every pore and the desperate nature of that love was one of the reasons logan could never quite stand him -- but that's not the point. roman's one attempt at agency, at setting boundaries, at standing up for himself killed his fucking father.
logan dying would never have been good for roman, at least in his current state, no matter how the actual death came to pass. people often talk about abusive relationships as if the end-all-be-all fixer to abuse is independence, and it's not. independence isn't always enough to heal, especially not when it's forced upon you rather than something you choose. this is especially true for roman, i think. what roman needed was not just to gain his own independence, but to realize that independence and love are not mutually exclusive, that gaining one does not mean losing the other. logan's always hammered in roman's weakness, his wrongness; roman was never someone who deserved to be loved on his own terms. roman's never considered himself to be someone with agency and authority in his relationships -- he's been told over and over again that he isn't a real person, that there's something deeply wrong and unfixable in him, and he believes it. he's never set boundaries with his father or even his siblings because i don't think he really realizes he has the power to do that. he's simply there until people decide they no longer have use for him or want him around, and he'll always come crawling back after a kick because he doesn't realize he's not on a leash -- that he doesn't need to be on a leash. independence has been unreachable all his life, he isn't normal or real enough to be a real normal independent capable person, but if he grovels and shows his use enough, then maybe he can be loved. but his dependence and loyalty is all he's good for. independence means no love, no family, no relationships. and roman desperately wants, needs, those relationships in a way that none of the other characters do (or at least can admit to) -- he wants his father in his life, no matter what; he wants his siblings in his life, no matter what. but independence, being his own person, separating himself from logan's side means he'd lose everything else, everyone else. he's not good for anything anyways. it's not like he has other options.
...until the start of season four. that's why this is all so tragic -- more than anyone else, it seemed like roman was on the road to healing. it seemed like he was finally realizing that independence and love might not be as mutually exclusive as he's been made to think: maybe he could be independent while still having a relationship with his siblings and even his father. maybe he could have his cake and eat it too. he's realized that he's capable, that he has his own worth, and that he can be successful without living under logan's thumb -- and, more importantly, could still text him on his birthday and try to rebuild a relationship, this time outside of business. outside of "that room" in waystar royco. an actual fucking family relationship. that's what escaping the cycle would look like for roman — not complete separation, not a metaphorical killing of his father, but the ability to live alongside him, to have a life outside of him, to love his father without living for him. so simply removing logan from the equation wouldn’t help roman, not when what he needs most is to realize that self-respect is not mutually exclusive with love, that being your own person isn’t a betrayal, that family and love aren’t dependent on how low you can kneel and won’t be whisked away the moment you stand up. and for the first time in his life, it seemed like he was on track to discovering this. maybe he and the siblings could have the hundred, logan could keep going with atn, and in a few years down the line they'd all get together to talk shop and joke around and coexist -- for the first time, he had started to think of himself as enough of a real, okay person to be allowed to coexist with his family, rather than naturally subordinating himself in every interaction.
roman could’ve been his own person, could’ve escaped the cycle, could’ve started a business with his siblings and tried to heal, but now he won’t. he can’t. roman can’t become his own person now, not when his first attempt to do so is exactly what killed logan. it’s his fault. he fucked up and now there’s no dad. he gained his independence, but at what cost? love. that’s the cost. it always has been and always will be. nothing could be more detrimental to roman roy than the exact series of events that occurred in this episode, because just as he started to see a world beyond his father, logan dies -- proving once and for all that the only world beyond logan is one without him in it at all. that’s been roman’s fear all along and why he’s stuck so close to his side: roman loves and loves and loves and is terrified, terrified, of death. of loss. but in a moment of 'weakness,' roman wobbled (he tried to stand up to logan rather than just taking the kicks as he's supposed to, as he always has), and his father paid the ultimate price. there’s no more dad. there’s no reviving him.
…unless, of course, there is. unless roman can undo his error by choosing his father again, and again, and again. becoming logan is the closest roman can get to resurrecting him, after all. and besides, doesn’t he owe it to dad after killing him? after calling him a cunt, choosing not to be with him on that plane he ended up dying on? after forgetting to even say “i love you dad” before the end? roman needs to fix things. needs to make it like dad's still here. needs to make it like he didn't kill his own father by refusing him for the first time in his life. so roman will be the firebreather logan wanted -- he'll do ATN, he'll push for mencken, he'll do whatever it fucking takes to try and make things right. if it's his fault logan's no longer here, then he needs to do everything he possibly can to fulfill his dying wishes, to do what logan would've done, were he alive.
"dad can't die, he's dad." he can't ever die. he's immortal, and his immortality was solidified by the circumstances of his death -- logan will not die. he’ll live on in roman, as roman.
roman will make sure of it.
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heraldofwoe · 1 year
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thinking about this 
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heraldofwoe · 2 years
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(logan roy voice) my kids ken shiv and rome i hate them all equally❤️
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heraldofwoe · 2 years
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heraldofwoe · 2 years
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Aaaand I made a gif version.
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