#c: jeremiah thane.
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andythane · 4 years ago
-- JEREMIAH THANE / @jeremiahthcne​
“You spent all fuckin’ week agonizing over what to dress up as,” Andy gives his brother a once over, eyes rolling as he gets a good look at Jeremiah. “And you end up goin’ with Spiderman?” He questions, sipping his drink as a hand reaches out to feel the material. He’s quick to make fun of his brother, as if his own costume isn’t far more cheesy. He’s not against having dressed up as The Riddler -- But it’s certainly not a subtle costume. “I expected more, man.”
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unfortunatescn · 5 years ago
Needless to say, he had a few questions for his brother. Given that he’d helped his wife get rid of the body of her attacker, he was grateful -- But he needed confirmation from Jeremiah that all of the dirty details were taken care. Getting rid of bodies wasn’t an uncommon practice for either of the Thane men, but he wanted to know a more about Jeremiah’s role, aside from the obvious. If something went sideways and this came back to bite them in the ass, he wanted to know exactly where the body is, and what’s been done already. There were too many things they didn’t know about the man in question -- Andy’s suspicions couldn’t help but lead him to believe he was a friend of the man who had attacked Reina, and he wanted to try and tie a few loose ends. So naturally, to kill two birds with one stone -- He arrives at his brother’s door with Benny, knowing his son would enjoy spending time with his cousin and it’d give Andy a chance to speak to his brother alone. He’s steadier on his feet by now, even if it takes more focus than he’d care to admit. But with Benny against is hip and his weight on his good leg, he knocks on the door loudly, before calling out. “Open up, Jer. S’me and Benny.” He calls out, quick to glance over his shoulder to make sure no one is watching them. 
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izzyrojas · 3 years ago
Pushing herself backward, Izzy stands up from the bar. After successfully having just one drink, she feels fucking accomplished. She isn’t plastered, she isn’t begging the bartender for ‘just one more’, and she’s making moves toward normalcy. It’s something she’d decided at the disco to try, not really sure if she could honestly handle the change. Stepping off her barstool, Izzy smiles at her neighbor before running directly into Jeremiah. “Hey baby,” she says with a small smile. Maybe she’s a little embarrassed, considering she hadn’t told anyone but the bartender her secret. But she’s easily going to mask one drink from Jer. “Didn’t expect you to have a night off these days,” she smiles. Between whatever was happening in the Club and what was happening with Jer’s newfound child, Izzy is surprised to see him at all.
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scthcartcr · 3 years ago
Hearing about Jeremiah’s change to dad-status, joining the likes of his brothers and Seth— the man can’t help but relate. It wasn’t that he hadn’t moved past the fact that Emme hid Harley from him nor has he held it against her. But there’s a tingle in the back of his mind that reminds him from time to time about the time that he’s lost. He tries not to think about it, especially considering the happy times that he’s had with Harley and Emme since they arrived but forgiveness was hard for a man like Seth Carter. Forgiveness would be harder for Jeremiah, considering the man was now two years without his daughter, only now learning about her. It was fucked and considering the woman, the child’s mother, wasn’t the best friend that Jeremiah loved— well, things were certainly different. “You need help puttin’ together a crib? That shit took me a bit tryin’ to do it by myself. It’s better if you’ve got two sets of hands at least,” he remarks, looking around Jer’s home. “She ain’t gonna need it too much longer anyways, right?” he asks, still learning developmental steps these days.
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lomkmemes · 4 years ago
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rowanthane · 5 years ago
What a fucking start to the weekend. With Andy out of town on a job, Rowan had taken the weekend off from the hospital, looking forward to spending some one on one time with Benny rather than counting overdoses as they roll into the hospital. That’s how they find themselves in this situation now, having been driving down a somewhat rural road on the outskirts of town only to come to a rolling stop when they came to a ‘road closed’ sign for, seemingly, no reason. She’d put the car in park and reached into her purse to pull her phone out in hopes of looking up an alternate route to their destination, only to be abruptly pulled from the movement by her door being wrenched open and arms reaching across her to unbuckle her seatbelt. She acts on instinct, barely having to think about it when she moves to elbow the assailant in the nose causing him to stumble back just a bit, not enough to be safe. There’s a few minutes of struggle and somehow she manages to kick him with enough force that she can reach forward and pull the door shut, slamming his hand between the door and metal frame of the car before he snatches it back with a yelp. Shaking fingers move to the push the lock button --- not fast enough. She becomes aware of Benny’s cries in the backseat (when had he woken up? Christ, he’s going to be scarred for life) only when she sees the man moving toward the backdoor of her SUV.  In a second her hand is in her purse again, searching for the cool metal of her gun while the other one pushes the car door back open and before she knows it the shot is ringing out. She’s standing outside the car, gun still smoking and her ears ringing. A heartbeat passes and Rowan lets out a breath, watching for any movement from the man now sprawled out on the side of the road in a puddle of his own blood --- she’s not sure where she hit him. She’s not sure she had even been aiming when she pulled the trigger and for a minute she thinks she should just go shoot him in the head to make sure the job is really finished, but then Benny lets out a particularly loud wail and her attention is pulled from the thought. 
“It’s okay, baby.” Rowan coos in a somewhat shakey voice after she got back in the car. She puts it in reverse, making sure to back over his piece of shit body as she does. She backs up thirty feet before climbing into the backseat to get a look at her son and try to calm him down. It takes a few minutes and she wipes the blood from under her nose, her head ringing --- after affects of her face being slammed into the steering wheel but it could always be worse, right? Could be her laid out on the road. The thought pulls her eyes back to the man, and she’s relieved to see he hasn’t moved yet. Sitting in Rowan’s lap now, Benny’s cries turn to soft whimpers and Rowan moves them both back to the front seat just in case she needs to run him over again. She glances down at Benny at the thought of it, wincing slightly when a voice in her head says ‘Just what every one year old needs --- to be a witness to their mom murdering someone.’ She shakes it off, pulling her phone out of her purse and scrolling through her contacts. Honestly, the list of people she could call in a situation like this is fairly long but there are very few she actually would. Her first choice is Andy -- it always is -- but with him being busy she skips over his name and settling on Jer and lifting the phone to her ear. “Hey. I need help.” She sighs out when he answers, bouncing Benny on her lap and keeping her eyes trained on the man in the road. She gives him a brief rundown of what had happened and where exactly they are. “I’m pretty sure he’s alone --- his friends probably would’ve come outta the woodwork by now if they were here. But we’re gonna stay in the car til you get here, just in case. Bring one of the vans -- I’m not putting a body in the car with my kid. Pretty sure I’ve traumatized him enough today.”
True to her word, Rowan stays in the car until Jeremiah pulls up behind her. Her anxiety eases significantly at the sight of him, having always associated the middle Thane brother with something safe and steady. She slips out of the SUV when he gets closer, angling her body so that Benny -- still awake and clinging to the collar of her shirt-- can’t see the body on the road. “You break every road law gettin’ here that fast?” She asks, taking a step forward and trying to joke --- it doesn’t land though, her voice strained from stress and shock. “He hasn’t moved since I called you -- but I dunno if that means anything.” 
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maddoxxhart · 5 years ago
After cleaning the Clubhouse for a while, Maddox had made his way home after a night of fun-- turned into something sour in his mouth. Watching Sutton get arrested wasn’t the most fun experience but she (while also tipsy at the least) took it in stride all the same. While this wasn’t his first rodeo, he knew that her time would come someday. Little did she know that it would come onto her because she was now seen as an Old Lady for him. While that wasn’t true, apparently ATF didn’t do enough research which made it at least somewhat amusing. Maddox slept at Sutton’s with Goose and even so, it was difficult for her boys to sleep in Sutton’s house without her. In the morning, this fact was written all over Maddox’s face as he walked into the clubhouse again to help with repairs. “Morning,” he half-smiled at Jeremiah, feeling his eyelids threatened to close. “Hear anything yet?” he added, rubbing his eyes so they could at least try to wake up as he drank his second coffee of the morning already.
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maddoxxhart · 5 years ago
Maddox scrunched his face a bit uncomfortably. It wasn’t every day that the superiors or even the members were asking for the Prospect’s opinion or even his thoughts on the club. It wasn’t his place to have an opinion in a lot of cases, even if he’d shared plenty just by his facial expressions in meetings. Maddox had always had issues hiding his emotions in his head. “Just think we’re going in a weird direction. We’re reacting. Not really doing anything proactively. When we do, it’s not even worth anything. Think we gotta stop playing the short game— need to focus on the long game, I guess,” he shrugged, feeling a bit better now that it was off his chest. Sure, he’d said to offer someone up for slaughter which was a short term solution but at least they would have more time to figure things out. Give them a distraction, even. “You’re probably right,” he shrugged.
Maddox let a smile come across his face, knowing that a lot of people thought it was weird that Maddox— well, he loved his fucking job. He loved being a mechanic because he got to solve the problems of the car and sometimes that was half the metaphorical high. Tinkering with things, cars and motorcycles included, was his favorite stress reliever, his favorite job, and his favorite challenge. A short chuckle escapes Maddox’s lips. “I mean, I have my own workshop in my garage for other shit... washers, dryers, alarm clocks, so it’s not just cars and bikes all the time. But yeah, you kinda pay me for my favorite shit to do,” he continued his chuckle, shaking his head at how weird it sounded out loud. “I think it counts since I don’t just do cars and I don’t always get paid for it,” he shrugged. Admittedly, he tended to rarely get paid for anything he did in his own workshop, besides after he fixed something big that he could sell. Maybe people paid every once in a while if they knew him but it wasn’t much. “I’m up for it. I’ll tell Sut that I can’t hang today,” Maddox said almost biting down on his tongue as he did. While Jeremiah may have known that he was waiting for Sutton, Maddox and Sutton hadn’t really gone through the process of telling the Club yet.
Maddox nodded at Jeremiah. Lately, he’d been trying to make sure that he was on his shit. It was nearing his two year mark as a prospect and he knew that this was the time that could make or break someone. Be too impatient, you get shit on. Not be eager enough, you look complacent. Maddox was neither of those but it only took a little bit to sway it one way or another. The phone thing, while it wasn’t offensive to Jeremiah, it may have been more so to another member, leading him to fuck shit up for himself– not gonna happen after all the hard work he put in. 
While Maddox knew it wasn’t his place to say anything about the direction of the Club, it was too hard for him not to nod in agreement at Jeremiah’s words. The Club lacked direction and what they lacked in direction had led them to doing some shitty things but that didn’t really make an impact. They were the vandalism gang while the Trojans had continued to show that they were that much more ruthless and violent. How did that happen when the Primordials were a bunch of weapons traders? “Yeah, I can definitely see that,” he tried, simply, holding himself back from expressing what he actually thought.
It wasn’t his best habit but that’s what his job as a Prospect was. He’d managed to mouth off to the Primordial President enough after Allana was hurt, he didn’t need to do it again but to the Vice President. “Doesn’t hurt to see what sort of questions they ask. If anything, it may point to why they showed up or how we get them to leave. I mean, if you gotta serve someone up on a platter, so be it, right?” Maddox shrugged, knowing that he would be called in for sure considering he’d been easily excused from his charges, that he was guilty of, thanks to Reina. While he hoped it wasn’t him being served up as sacrifice, could he really blame them? He’d already planned on going to jail for a long time when Henry Fisher had listed off the evidence against him. 
“Uh, best tip I’ve got is have a fuckin’ hobby,” Maddox shrugged, knowing that it wasn’t the most revolutionary advice he’d ever given but also wasn’t the worst. “I got my workshop in my garage, gives me time to think on shit. – Getting a few beers every so often doesn’t hurt either,” he smiled, letting out a chuckle. 
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He couldn’t help but grin as Maddox pocketed his phone. Jeremiah knew Maddox for awhile, had seen him first as a mechanic and then as a prospect and the blonde man had probably the strongest work ethic Jer has ever seen. When he would be patched in - and he had a feeling it would be soon - Jer would be proud to have him as a member. However, it felt like Maddox was holding something back. Tilting his head to the side, the vice president let his smile get a little bigger. “What else you got goin on in that brain of yours, Hart?” Was he fishing? Maybe. But did he mean to intimidate? No; Maddox was loyal. There was no need to scare him - at least nothing that Jeremiah saw yet. Tired of standing, Jeremiah sat down on the empty stool that must be Chambers’ across from Maddox, leaning his elbows on the car between them like a table. “You can tell me.”
The idea of presenting someone to the ATF has, in a moment of insecurity, passed his mind. He considered dropping the name of someone who had crossed sides, but no matter where their allegiances lay the universal fact was that snitches are just as bad as traitors, and Jeremiah figured it would be better to chase the ATF out in his own way, rather than presenting someone as a scapegoat. “I agree, I want them out of here as soon as possible,” Jeremiah finally said “I’m trying to avoid presenting someone like a lamb to slaughter, that’ll always come to kick you in the ass later.” Like Karma. “But we’ll figure it out somehow.” He assured, putting his vice president hat on for a second. 
Though he was quick to toss it aside as he chuckled at Maddox’s response. “Is your hobby…what we pay you for?” He asked with a grin. “Does that count?” But the prospect was probably right. Jeremiah needs to find something to do to distract himself. Maybe he’d try jigsaw puzzles. “Hm, yeah nah a couple beers sounds like a nice break. You lookin’ to do somethin like that tonight? I’ve got a few in my office.”
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rothane · 4 years ago
closed for @jeremiahthcne​ setting: jeremiah’s house
The last few nights have been chaos in the Thane home. With Maddie forgetting her elephant stuffed animal at Jeremiah’s house, she’d been particularly clingy and weary about sleeping in her room by herself. While the little girl is obviously blissfully unaware of the chaos around her right now, she’s been able to pick up on both of her parent’s significantly raised stress levels and it’s been taking a toll on her as well, as much as Rowan hates to admit it. The loss of her favourite toy had only added onto that. So of course, she’d promised her daughter she would go pick Ellie up for her while she was at school, solidifying it with a pinky shake. However, when she had showed up to Jer’s house she’d pulled up to a goodbye with Marisol. The blonde had watched the interaction on the front porch, waiting until the woman in question had taken her leave before getting out of her car and going up to Jer’s front door. “So did you take your nieces advice and stop being a pussy?” She asks, brows raised as she lets herself in. 
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rothane · 5 years ago
closed for @jeremiahthcne​ where: thane family lake house when: april 1, 2020 / evening
A moment of lucidity from Rhea Thane is what had prompted Rowan and the eldest Thane brother on their impromptu trip to the lake house. The lake had always been somewhat of a different world for their family, one where they usually didn’t have to worry about the patriarch of them flying off the handles because they were all so busy doing their own thing. It feels like ages since they’ve been there for a real vacation with how much of a shit show the last few years have been, but Rowan remembers taking the boat out with Andy for hours, remembers Jeremiah bringing whatever flavour of the week he picked up on the shores that day. Remembers Rhea actually getting to be herself for a change, getting to go into town with the few friends she had made there and go out for lunch or to craft shows. Craft shows, actually, are what brings the two of them here today. While visiting her mother in law the day before, Rhea had asked about the windchimes she had all over the lake house --- at least one in the windows of every room of the house, and too many to count on the front porch and back deck. Rowan has always had a hard time saying no to the older woman, and when Rhea had practically begged her to go get some, she definitely couldn’t.
Her hair is tied up into a messy ponytail as she makes her way through the house that is filled with mostly good memories. “I found the blue sea glass one she was talkin’ about,” she calls out from the kitchen, standing on her tip toes to pull it down gently, taking extra precautions not to tangle the strings as she tucks it under her arm and makes her way to the garage where she can hear Jeremiah banging around. “i can’t find the one with all the keys though. I swear it was in our room, but I looked and nothing.” A memory of a twenty-one year old Rowan practically ripping it out of the window one morning when she and Andy were trying to sleep in plays, but she can’t remember what she had done with it after that and can’t help but feel guilty for something that happened over a decade ago. Her steps come to a quick halt as she walks into the garage, nose scrunching at the smell of dust and motor oil; eyes land on the work bench on the far wall and an instinctual sense of dread fills her. Her father in law has been dead for years now, but she still feels like she needs to look over --- needs to count the number of beers he’s drank while they were out so that she can prepare herself for what kind of mood he’s in and how far away she needs to stay from him. But it’s empty, save for some dirty rags and some half finished projects scattered over it and she lets out an short exhale, tearing her eyes away to find her brother in law. “God, it’s a fucking mess in here.”
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unfortunatescn · 5 years ago
It was strange, seeing all of the members of Primordial MC (And even the Trojans, too) dressed in something that didn’t include a cut, let alone suits and gowns. It almost left him unable to find anyone -- He’d typically search for their Primordial cut, recognizing them immediately from it. Only this time, he was in a sea of people and they all seemed to be blend of fancy clothes and champagne. He’d managed to hunt down his brother down eventually -- After an embarrassingly long time. “I’d say you clean up nice, Jer,” he begins, gesturing to the suit in question. “But I got a feelin’ Ma dressed you tonight.” He’s quick to tease Jeremiah, laughing at his own joke before the man can respond. “She even lay it out on your bed, like when we were kids?” He continues, referencing all of the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners Rhea had insisted her sons dress up for. “She’s got good taste.”
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scthcartcr · 4 years ago
“Jer,” he says, moving through the Clubhouse behind the man. While Seth isn’t in-charge and he’s certainly not the one that should be dealing with this— well, he’s a little concerned. Watching Cat lose her fucking mind over a Rogue could only lead to problems that the Club would end up having to solve anyways. So, Jeremiah should know what he could be walking into. “You got a minute?” he asks, catching up to him. “Think we’ve got some restless members on our hands and I ain’t lookin’ to bury anyone because their asses can’t keep themselves in line,” he mentions, his voice lowering.
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scthcartcr · 4 years ago
Seth had arrived after boarding up the Dive, ensuring that the storm wouldn’t do too much damage to the bar. He’d grabbed Lily and made sure that Emme was on her way with the girls before making his way to the community center. He helped Emme unload what the girls needed and brought it to an area for the girls to relax. Harley, however, had a different opinion on the word relax. She started screaming almost immediately, something that was apparently more common due to the first tooth coming in through her gums. Seth tried to soothe her by walking around with her as the former President starts acting like the current president, ensuring the Primordials were all accounted for as more people filed in. Bouncing the girl on his hip a little as she fusses, Seth finds Jer who looks like he’s helping out near the front, so maybe he’d seen everyone. “Hey, Jer, you seen Wes ‘round here yet?” he asks, figuring he would’ve seen the large ass man already.
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scthcartcr · 4 years ago
The Rogues, that’s who was doing this shit all along. They caused chaos and watched as the gangs of the town went at each other’s throats for fun. Needless to say, they needed to die. Whoever they were. They took out one new member, one Old Lady, Hell they may have been the ones to kidnap the kid too. Until in the end, Seth still roams around town with bandages on his face (that he’s ready to set fire to) with a missing eye. Standing in the living room of Rhea’s house, the newest meet-up location for the Primordials while they try to figure shit out, Seth had come stomping in. “How the fuck have they just fuckin’ been here the whole fuckin’ time and we knew nothin’ about ‘em?!” he says, wishing he was at the Dive so he could kick over a table or something. He respects Rhea too much to destroy her house, even if realistically, she wasn’t returning home. “What the fuck kind of name is the Rogues anyways? Sounds like a bunch of fuckin’ amateurs and yet we cannot fuckin’ find them?”
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izzyrojas · 3 years ago
She came to the hospital to check-in on Reina, however, since they aren’t really on the same team right now, she mainly was thinking of Wyatt. While there was obviously the occasional tension between Wyatt and Reina, he cared about her. She was like a mother to him in ways that Izzy isn’t looking to understand. So she arrived, sat in the waiting room next to him, holding his hand or stroking his hair. Occasionally she got herself off the chair to go grab food and coffee for the people also hanging around there. Coming back from her latest ‘I need to get out of here but also be here for people’ trip, Izzy smiles at Jer, holding out a donut and a coffee. “Hungry? I got some other stuff but you’re going to have to dig through the bag for it. I went a little crazy. The lady in the cafeteria was telling me all about how good their donuts are though so you get first dibs, baby,” she smiles.
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izzyrojas · 4 years ago
Izzy hasn’t seen a lot of Jeremiah lately and maybe that’s okay. While a year ago, they were entangled in each other, this year has transformed them into simply just friends, leaving temptation nowhere to be found (unless he wanted it to be). Admittedly, it makes Izzy a bit sad but she doesn’t get quite as territorial this time around when she sees him with another woman. Today, she was checking in on him, following yet another incident with the Primordials. While the Clubhouse held some memories for her, it wasn’t dire that the building stood or fell. She knocks on the door of the man’s home with her free hand, a pizza peace offering in the other. When he answers, she’s happy to hand over the pizza to him to pick up the bag at her feet of bottled water. “Sorry, I’m no longer fun anymore so I can’t bring you booze as an offering but you’re more than welcome to not drink the water in exchange for whatever you want. However, I brought food because I know your ass isn’t taking care of yourself,” she tells him, pointing a finger at him as she takes the familiar route to the kitchen.
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