#c: harlan burns
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eeonic · 28 days ago
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4/? icons for toyhouse/strawpage
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i-used-to-be-a-spy · 2 months ago
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Wait i took this hoping there'd be a title card later about how he's not a buddy or something smuh burn notice had a missed opportunity for humor there
Or maybe the joke is "old buddy" is in quotation marks from the beginning of the episode? Except I thought that was just b/c while they served together, Michael and Harlan kinda butt heads a bit
S3e1 Friends and Family
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nukuome · 7 months ago
1 - I feel like all the people in stasis are like, Son clones, and this is like some fucked up human experiment. Idk what's up with Dog, but there's something up with him
2 - I think the thing Son saw in the room was his own incinerated body
Also I'm absolutely LOVING this sound design :3
Hmmm.... Dad's voice changes when he's doing something else on the ship while talking.
I hope dog is okay :((
What the fuck.
"That my son, if I'm not mistaken, is the devil." WWAAHAHAHGGGGG
So.... religion has been in both of these episodes...
Dad called Son the Shepard to the passengers, their savior. Is Son, like, Jesus???? Like he's being reincarnated over and over to protect these people???? Making Dad like God??
I wonder what Dog might represent..
"You are the ship, Dad, you're everything here." Hmmm. Like. I don't know, GOD?????
The ship is like earth... his creation...
They're not in space.....
Also reclamation means the process of claiming something back or setting it right. Or, like in le Bible, to redeem, regain, save or rescue.
God sent Jesus to fulfill a specific task, to find his lost children and reclaim them. It was Jesus' sacrifices that gave the people the opportunity for a new life.
Dog's a robot...
Dog is in Hell....
So. This is like. A lab basically? Are the real gods testing Son to see if he can escape his nature? What WAS his nature before then? Are they TRYING to turn him into a Jesus figure?- and are using the Devils to see if he can beat them? Or like, resist them? And what is Dog?? What does dog have to do with all of this? Dog and Dad are the only two people Son can remember when he wakes up, and if Dad is meant to be a guiding voice to Son then what is Dog? Support? Something to keep Son happy? Despite not having any memories Son is INCREDIBLY attached to Dog, and trusts him and wants to protect him, and sobs when he dies, and calls him the only thing he ever loved. What is Dog.. it sounded like Dog is a robot, and the Burned Son kept talking about how "they'll cut Dog open, then Son will see". Is Dog a monitor for Dad and/or the Higher Gods? Or his he just another part of this experiment.
This episode.... it actually makes me feel really sick thinking about it.......
5 - Deviser means an inventor, a creator, a planner, a conceiver,
DEVISED, pp. Given by will; bequeathed; contrived. deviser. DEVISER, n. One who contrives or invents; a contriver; an inventor. devising.
Another dog...
6 - 2 more episodes to go :3
Dad is.. an artificial God, an artificial creator
"Hate is not an aspect of humanity" THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN DAD WHO TOLD YOU THAT
Oh Dad... Frankenstein's monster WAS humanity incarnate..... not pure evil.... Son killed humanity.
Ew.... what the fuck did Dad do... why didn't he try to make himself human??? Did he try to model himself after the aliens in the story???? Or did he try to model himself after God or some other Gods??
7 - evil trolley problem....
Oh my god.....
I don't really know what to say
So Dad and Son aren't LITERALLY God and Jesus, it's more of the narrative Dad created. And whether or not Dad realizes it that's the implication he created. It could be intentional, the Bible was one of his listed sources of information.
And Dog isn't Judas, he was just another creation to test Son.
ALSO I was right about the clone thing :)c
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booksbydlwhite · 7 days ago
Bookcast 115: MORE being the operative word
In Episode 115 of The BookCast, I share exciting updates about my upcoming releases, including the 10th anniversary edition of Brunch at Ruby's and its companion novella, Drinks at Mink's. I discuss my Goodreads challenge progress, recent reads, and my plans for doing "more" in 2025 - more writing, more releasing, and leaning into creative productivity despite self-doubt.
The episode features updates on my various projects, recommendations for podcasts and TV shows, and even includes a special audio snippet from my new St. Patrick's Day short story, Clover.
Main Topics & Discussion
Book Report: 51 Books and Counting I'm at book 51 of my 100-book goal for 2025, about 30 books ahead of schedule. I typically reassess at mid-year and often raise my goal to 150-175, eventually hitting over 200 books by year-end.
Books finished this week:
Beyond the Screen by Christina C. Jones (part of the WAWG Studios series)
Ambush (Sanctuary #1) by Colleen Coble
They Were Her Property by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (reread with The Stacks podcast book club)
Filled to the Brim (St. Patrick's Day Hot Holiday Hookup) by Danielle Allen
The Sweetest Delivery (A Sweet Rapids Story) by Te Russ
Call Me Mrs. Taylor by Shea Sanders (a dark romance that I absolutely loved)
Currently reading/on my TBR list:
Love, Rita: An American Story of Sisterhood, Joy, Loss, and Legacy by Bridget M. Davis
The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris
Breaking the Dark by Delilah S. Dawson (Jessica Jones Marvel novel)
Fool's Paradise by Harlan Coben
Bent, But Not Broken by Mary Monroe (releases on my birthday)
The Unlucky Ones by Hannah Morrissey
Podcast & TV Recommendations New podcasts I'm enjoying:
Reading, Writing, and Rhayne (author podcast on YouTube with a series on creating fictional cities)
Book Funnel Podcast (wealth of information for authors)
It's Good Over Here (podcast for women 40+ with Felicia Pride- they have a great substack as well.
TV shows I'm currently watching:
Watson and Equalizer (Sundays)
Papa's House (Mondays)
Will Trent and The Irrational (Tuesdays)
Elsbeth, Matlock, and The Pit (Thursdays)
Shows I'm planning to watch:
Beauty in Black (Netflix)
The Crown (need to finish)
Adolescence (Netflix)
Schitt's Creek (Hulu)
Number One on the Call Sheet (Apple TV, premieres March 28)
Writing Project Updates
Ruby's Ten: Interior edits complete; cover reveal to newsletter subscribers on March 23, public reveal on March 24
Drinks at Mink's: Ruby's companion novella launching alongside Ruby's Ten on March 24- preorders should be rolling out soon!
Clover: St. Patrick's Day short story now available on my short fiction Substack and for $0.99 in my store
Potter Lake 4 (Still I Rise): Planning to work on during #20Kin5Days (March 19-23) for a possible July or August release
Calculated Risk: Awaiting April release via Prolific Works
Music of My Heart (fan fiction): Working on next chapter before my birthday trip
Doing More in 2025 The main theme of this episode focuses on my commitment to doing more in 2025. I discuss:
Overcoming imposter syndrome and fear of negative reviews
Releasing more short content throughout the year
Using writing as a productive escape from news-induced anxiety
Finding balance between being productively busy without burning out
Allowing myself to experiment with different types of stories
The episode includes a special audio snippet from my new St. Patrick's Day short story, Clover, giving listeners a taste of this steamy holiday romance.
Host & Show Info
Host Name: DL White About the Host: I'm an Atlanta-based author of romantic fiction that centers Black love, with approximately 20 published novels, numerous short stories, and fan fiction works. Podcast Website: booksbydlwhite.com/bookcast
Community & Calls to Action
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Support the Show — You can buy books direct at payhip.com/booksbydlwhite, join my newsletter or Substack, or buy me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/booksbydlwhite.
DL White [00:00:16]:
Welcome to episode one fourteen of the book cast. This is my platform for sharing short fiction and updates on life as a self published author of romantic fiction that centers black love. I'm your host, DL White, an Atlanta based author of numerous novels. So many I have lost count, but we're nearing 20. And also short stories, fan fiction works, what have you. If you like this podcast and want more of it, showing your support is really simple. The very best way to support your local independently published author is to buy the books direct. I offer ebook and audiobooks at better than retail prices at booksbydlwhite.com/shop.
DL White [00:00:58]:
I also offer print edition via my bookshop.org page, and I do earn affiliate fees or royalties. I don't know whatever affiliate earnings via that shop. So if you are looking for print books by me, go ahead and, head on over there. I'll put a link to my bookshop.org page in my show notes. Books ordered from, bookshop.org support your local indie bookstore and me as an author and not a billionaire trying to go into space and destroy democracy. And I super like that. I'm taking a particular interest lately in Kobo, specifically Kobo Plus, as we discussed last week, the economic boycotts have impacted KDP exclusive authors and, solving for that equation is diversifying your publication, where you sell your books, and expanding your personal empire. Kobo has its own readers, I guess e readers just like Amazon has a reader.
DL White [00:01:56]:
BNN had the Nook, not sure if it's still in production. It might be defunct by now. The Nook color was actually my first e reader and I loved that thing. I moved over to Kindle because it was easier to buy from KDP and read on their device. And I also got my mom into ebooks, and it was easier to manage her library on Kindle. So we all moved over there eons ago, and I I do prefer to read on a Kindle. Anyway, short story long, my books are on Cobo Plus, which allows authors to add their ebooks and audiobooks to the program without requiring exclusivity like KDP does. For $9.99, you can enroll in the read and listen subscription, get every last one of my ebooks and audiobooks I have published, including Grumpy Valentine for that price.
DL White [00:02:39]:
I think $7.99 for ebooks only, but, like, for 2 more dollars, you can also get audiobooks, which is a heck of a deal. I went hunting yesterday for books by black authors at Kobo, and I did come upon a number of our favorites there. A lot of Alexandra House there, some Alexandra Warren there, some Stephanie Norris there, some Christina c Jones there. I did see some Casey Mills in ebook. A lot of our authors, if you publish through Draft2Digital, if you are wide through Draft2Digital, most of your stuff will show up on Kobo and it will also be enrolled in Kobo Plus. So that's just another plus really for, opting into Draft2Digital because it's just one place and they spread it around. I'm direct to, always go direct to Amazon. They do not they don't like when you go through to them through an aggregator, like, Draft2Digital, Smashwords, what have you.
DL White [00:03:44]:
Always go direct to Amazon and always go direct to Google. Other than that, you can reach everywhere else, including your libraries through an aggregator, like Draft2Digital or Smashwords. I don't believe there's a limit to the Kobo plus library either. Like, KDP has a limit of 20. I believe it's truly unlimited on Kobo plus, and I can access my library via the Kobo app, Kobo books app on my phone or my iPad. I'm heavily contemplating buying a Kobo reader, but I don't know if I wanna straddle to ereader devices, especially if I can get to those books on my phone. Now I did buy a, bought a Kindle Fire because I like for all my ebook stuff to be on one device. So it's either on my Fire or my iPad, which my iPad doesn't leave the house.
DL White [00:04:32]:
So if I'm gonna take something out of the house, it's gonna be on my Fire or my phone. And I'm finding lately that it's just easier to just download things on my phone. I rarely read on my phone. I really try to read on my Kindle Fire because I get so distracted when I'm on the phone. Anyhow, I am getting off topic. Bookcast.buzzsprout.com has every link imaginable to follow this podcast via your favorite podcast app, including YouTube, and you can show your monetary support for this podcast. A gal has bills, you know, by joining my podcast supporters at bookcast.buzzsprout.com or by making a one time or recurring gift at buymeacoffee.com/booksbydlwhite. And I do still have people, tapping in over at buy me a coffee.
DL White [00:05:19]:
I so appreciate your generosity. Just the occasional, Hey, I listen to your podcast or I read your work and I really enjoy it. It's such a great surprise and, and I really like that. You can always find the latest recording and show notes on my website at booksbydly.com/bookcast slash the episode number. So today's episode would be one one five and you can hit the website slash one one five to reach today's episode. You can also reach today's episode via my Substack at author dlwhite Substack Com and it publishes a day early on the Substack. So if you're just anxious to hear what I've got to say about, gosh darn, just about everything, you can always hit me up on my Substack. I have exciting updates for today's show, so let's get at her.
DL White [00:06:05]:
Today is Sunday, 03/16/2025. It is sunny in Atlanta. I have a mic, and I am ready to dig in. But first, join me for a brief, very brief beverage break. Alright. Boos and bros, friends and neighbors. Welcome back. We begin as always with the book report because if I'm gonna do anything, I'm gonna what? Read a book.
DL White [00:07:11]:
I'll start with the Goodreads challenge. I am at 51 of my goal to read 100 books in 2025. I'm like 30 books ahead. I am not worried. It will all work out. What I generally do is just let them all stack up, and then I feel free to take a week or two off of reading as one needs to do, especially when we're in heavy writing. And then I will at the half year mark reassessed my goal. I usually raise it to about one fifty to one seventy five at midyear and see how that shakes out.
DL White [00:07:44]:
And then toward the end of the year, I'm nearing, like, 200 over 200. So I'll I'll definitely meet that goal. And I'm very comfortable where I'm at right now. I I I would rather be ahead than behind. You know what I'm saying? I had such a good reading week, so let's talk about it. I did not count these. Looks like I got six books in, this week. I'm very excited about it.
DL White [00:08:08]:
So I read the last, in the WAWG studios books by Christina c Jones. Remember, I was reading them all out of order. So I get in number two last Sunday night, then I started in, on a couple of other ones, ambush, sanctuary number one by Colleen Coble. I didn't really enjoy this at all. It was set in, like, a animal sanctuary, and it was just kind of weird. Like, the animals were interesting, but the mystery was not at all interesting to me. I don't I don't know what was going on with this book. It wasn't very good.
DL White [00:08:42]:
I don't know how I got it. Like, it I don't know. It didn't even look good. I don't I don't know how I got it. Anyway, they were her property, white women as slave owners in the American South by Stephanie e Jones Rogers. I did finish this reread, and I'm reading this with the stacks podcast book club. It's gonna be a really, really good discussion. I can't wait for the host, Thembay Denton Hurst, to come back and talk about this book, and then the stacks book club will join in.
DL White [00:09:12]:
I probably will not join book club because Tracy makes everybody talk, and I am not a book club talker. I like to listen to the conversation. So I'm probably not gonna join book club, but, I'm interested in the conversation. You know, Discord is already alive with discussion on this book. This was this was a tough read, but, highly important because there's so much of our of our history that we don't learn about. And the the white women that owned people was something I had never thought about before. Like, that's how they attributed their wealth. Like, they their first gift was probably a servant, an enslaved person.
DL White [00:09:54]:
I also noted how they were saying they preferred to enslave, the Africans as opposed to the white people, like the Irish indentured servants, because because the Irish did not do as they were told, and they were prone to running away. And because they were white, it was hard to prove that they were actually indentured. So it was just a totally different situation. Anyhow, really good read, rough read, but really good. Then I got in filled to the brim of Saint Patrick's day, hot holiday hookup by Danielle Allen. If y'all don't know Danielle Allen, I need you to fix your life and get into her. She does these, hot holiday hookups, which is her version of a holiday novella. They're always very steamy.
DL White [00:10:41]:
They're always very entertaining. This one was no different. So I got this one in and then the sweetest delivery, a sweet rapids story by Tay Russ. This was a belated Valentine's day, story. Tay always tells like these really like steamy, sweet and steamy stories set in small towns. This one's set in, like Reno, a town that you just outside of Vegas. Both of those were really good and, very, timely. I love a holiday novella because it's just like a quick shot of like something good and festive.
DL White [00:11:17]:
And then I got in Call Me Mrs. Taylor, an obsessive dark romance by Shea Sanders. Now, let me tell you something. I love Shea Sanders to absolute life. Like I love all, every book of hers that I have read is so good. So I heard about this and I was like, dark romance. I don't know if I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I don't know if I'm gonna like that baby, baby. Let me tell you something.
DL White [00:11:49]:
This book was so damn good. It was so good. It was dark and it was kind of funny and kind of disturbing. And I found last year when I was writing a very unhinged person that I actually really liked being in her brain, which was kind of scary. And Shea said the same about Raya. So Raya is kind of a, is a very unhinged troubled person. And she is in love with a man named ACE. And let me just tell you, some men just really like toxic women because he cannot get this woman out of his mind.
DL White [00:12:32]:
Whatever you think is gonna happen happens, but you're just not, you're just not ready for it. I want you to go immediately and get this book and put it into your face. Like pause the podcast, go read this book and come back. That's how much I love this book. Five stars. Give me 14 of them It's wonderful. Loved it. And so those are the six books that I got in this week.
DL White [00:12:52]:
It was a very good reading week. Really enjoyed myself deep inside the Kindle. And so what I have left on my reading list is, a few books here, a few recs and a few books I just am interested in reading. And these are all books that I plan to read before April 1. And a lot of these publish on the same day, which is just poor planning on my part, Love, Rita, an American story of sisterhood, joy, loss, and legacy by Bridget M. Davis. I just love Bridget's work so much into the go slow was so, so good. And then she has, she has a memoir.
DL White [00:13:33]:
She had a second one, a series of memoirs about one about her dad. One about her mom called my mother was a numbers runner or something like that. So good. Just really, really good writing. And then Love Rita is, memoir ish about her sister, the loss of her sister. Haven't gone into it yet, but I do have it on I've got it on my list, and I have it in my libro.fm downloads. So I'm gonna get to that probably this week. The sweetness of water by Nathan Harris.
DL White [00:14:09]:
I believe this was probably an Oprah's book club pick, like, months ago, and it's just now coming in through my Libby Burrows. So I've got it. It's in it's in my Kindle. I gotta read it between now and twenty one days from now. Breaking the Dark at Jessica Jones, Marvel crime novel by Lisa Jewell. This one publishes, like, March 28 or something like that. So I'm not in a huge hurry. Nobody's Full by Harlan Coben, Bent But Not Broken by Mary Monroe, and The Unlucky Ones, Black Harbor number four by Hannah Morrissey, all published on March 25.
DL White [00:14:43]:
And I'm not obviously gonna not get into all of these, but I think I'm gonna save the Mary Monroe for audio and listen to that on my birthday. So I think that will be a nice present to myself and I'm so looking forward to it. Cause you know, Mary. Mary writes these characters that are dumb as hell. They're just not smart people. And I guess that's what keeps the pages turning because the stories aren't all that complicated, but I just, some, these people are just sometimes they're just not very bright. I do have some recommends for you for podcasts. I got into some good stuff this week, Reading, Writing, and Rain, r h a y n e.
DL White [00:15:32]:
Rain is an author podcast. He's an author with a podcast on YouTube and your favorite podcast app. I am enjoying the backlist of episodes now, particularly the series on creating a fictional city a fictional city since I have two cities that I made up. And, I just barely have a handle on what businesses are located where and what else I could plan. So I'm just listening back on that. It's like a a series within his podcast about, this, three book series that he is writing all set in a fictional city so he doesn't have to look up every street in every intersection and what is located where and how far it is from, you know, that like, I find the freedom in a made up town to be that that you don't have to be, you don't have to be accurate. Like, a lot of my books are set in Atlanta, and I've lived here long enough to know what is where and some things I make up and some things I am actual on. I have a beta that is stringent about using real names and real streets.
DL White [00:16:32]:
So I, I try to where I can, but also I like the freedom of just looking, looking stuff up. But if people that live here, read a business name, they want that business to to actually exist. And so I do try to use real names, real streets where I can. But like, you know, the Ruby series is set in the heart of Downtown Decatur. I ain't been Downtown Decatur in a long time. I don't know what's down there. I've been making stuff up. There's not there is not a street name broad in Downtown Decatur.
DL White [00:17:00]:
I promise. I mean, there might be, but I'm not, like, planning around that. So I just, you know, made it up. The the building that Malcolm used to live in, Haines Street loss, it might exist. It might not. I can't remember. But now Vanessa lives there. I mean, I don't, you know, I I don't know where that actually is.
DL White [00:17:19]:
I know it's I know it's set on a real location, but I don't think that's the actual name of the complex, and I don't think that's the actual street that the lofts are on or where dinner at Sam's is or where Gladwell Books is. I just been making that stuff up because I don't want people to call me out and be like, there's no way the bookstore could be located on this street because blah blah blah blah blah. Shut up. Leave me alone. It's fiction. I've also been digging into a lot of book funnel podcast episodes. They have a wealth of information on their, their YouTube channel. Get into it, especially if you are a new author and you are looking to get into selling your books wide.
DL White [00:17:59]:
Book funnel is like, I'm in there every day. It's my number one tool that helps me distribute ebook and audiobook direct. They don't do physical inventory at all. It's all digital. So anything digital that you wanna deliver automatically, get into book funnel. There is a cost. It's pretty nominal. Like, I don't I I really don't feel it.
DL White [00:18:23]:
I mean, I I guess I feel like I can say that because my books don't make money. So, you know, they make money, but they're really just reimbursing everything that I spend. I don't feel it. I don't feel it coming out. I see it come out and I'm like, oh, there's the fee for book funnel. It's less than buffer. I'll tell you that. I feel buffer.
DL White [00:18:40]:
I do feel buffer. And then, I found a great new, podcast called It's Good Over Here with host Felicia Pride with Yes, Honey. And, they they define a honey as a woman 40 coming into her own. And I really like that because there's so many girl podcasts. I need, like a podcast for adult women 40. I'm I'm not a girl. And I I just really like that. And they also have a really great substack.
DL White [00:19:09]:
So I just listened yesterday to Disha Dyer, the former social secretary for president Barack and first lady Michelle Obama talk about working at the White House, moving up the ranks there, and rejecting imposter syndrome. I always need guidance and info on this. It's something I struggle the most with just like you could tell me, I just was thinking about this this morning. There are so many people that give me gobs of compliments on my work. They love my writing. They snatch things right up when they publish, and I am so grateful for that. But the thing that has stuck with me since 02/2017 is a review for same time next week that said boring in all caps, one star, all caps. I remember that better than I remember the person yesterday that said they really like my work.
DL White [00:20:04]:
And those are the things that push me toward feeling like my work isn't good enough or that people don't want my work or people don't like my books or nobody's gonna buy this. Like, don't even bother. Nobody's gonna buy that. You shouldn't even, you shouldn't even worry about it. Just don't bother. Nobody's gonna buy that. Like I've got, I've got to get that out of my head. And that's something that I'll be talking about a little bit later in the show when we get to our main topic.
DL White [00:20:32]:
Let's move on to TV. I'm all caught up on the faves at the time of this recording. I've got like a, my little schedule here. So Sundays I watch Watson and equalizer, but I don't watch those usually until Monday afternoon, Monday night. That's what I, you know, I get my dinner and then I'd sit down. Monday is nugs day, by the way. I always order Wendy's on Monday and I always get nugs. I always get nuggets.
DL White [00:20:57]:
It's I don't know. It's just a thing. It's a habit. So I get my dinner and I sit down and I watch Watson and Equalizer from Sunday night because I can skip the commercials. Monday is Papa's House. I watch it in, I have a, like, a block of of time that I set aside on Friday or Saturday to watch to catch up on all my shows that I miss. Like, last week, I didn't watch anything, so I spent Friday night just watching all my shows. So Papa's House comes on on Monday night.
DL White [00:21:23]:
I'll watch it in the block. Will Trent, sometimes I watch it live. Most times I watch it in the block. The original, I watch in the block. I don't watch any shows on Wednesday. You would think I could watch some shows on Wednesday night, but I just by Wednesday, I feel like somebody has slapped me in the face. Also, Wednesday night is, three guys on after dark podcast taping, and so I typically don't have time or the energy to watch anything else. So that's what I'm doing Wednesday night.
DL White [00:21:48]:
And then Thursday, Elsabeth, Matlock, and The Pit all air. And I watch those in the block. I rarely watch them live because the commercials just drive me nuts. I just cannot do it. So I just save, save it all up for Friday and then I watch it. And then I have a couple of streaming shows that I'm not caught up on. Almost knocked my laptop over. Oopsie.
DL White [00:22:09]:
Landman and Bailing Out Loud. I'm not caught up on those. A couple I have just dumped. I'm not watching Paradise. I'm just not, I'm just not doing it. I'm gonna save it for when, democracy is not falling, and I can laugh about it. I just I can't I can't do paradise right now. I can't do, Robert De Niro and Angela Bassett in any presidential show right now.
DL White [00:22:30]:
I heard it's very good. I heard it's very good. I don't have it on my list quite yet. I can't, I can't do it. And then some new to me, Rex, that I've added to my watch list on justwatch.com, Beauty in black, the crown. I need to finish the crown. Cause we were talking about that whole situation at my work event last week. And I was like, Hey, I haven't finished the crown.
DL White [00:22:55]:
I need to finish that. And then I was wrecked a series called Adolescence on and those are all on Netflix. And then, a person at work told me about Schitt's Creek, and that's airing on Hulu. I heard it was very good, very funny, just something you can like, like good escapist TV. So I'm all about that. And then there's a new series called number one on the call sheet that is starting in, March 28. And so that's basically like interviewing, celebrities about, like, you know, being at the the top of your game or leading a show, what have you. I saw Jamie Foxx and I immediately I saw Jamie Foxx and, Denzel Washington, and I immediately added it to my list because I'm all about Denzel.
DL White [00:23:40]:
And Jamie Foxx makes me laugh so hard I cry. I just love him. I just absolutely love him. So that's it on the update portion of the show. Let's move on to our writing and publishing update because I am so excited about everything going on with books by DL White, except for the fact that I don't still have any info on calculated risk. I'm actually frustrated about it. We pushed back the release date to accommodate for some people that just couldn't get their books written. And I don't I don't have any information.
DL White [00:24:12]:
I don't know what's the holdup. Like, it's one thing if it's I'm controlling it and I'm the one that can't decide what I'm doing, but there is a plan that hasn't yet been communicated. So I don't have anything to share. I know April is when the books are available, that the April is like next week. So, you know, I do know that I can well, April's like week after next ish. Right? Anyway, I do know that I can sell print and audio on my own, which I plan to have prepared to launch in early April, as soon as I get the go for launch signed from the organizers. Ebook will be controlled via this group through prolific works. So I'll update everyone when I know when, when I know update I'll update everyone when I know.
DL White [00:24:59]:
And our newsletter boos and bros get it first. So please make sure you're on the newsletter list and that you confirm, confirm, confirm your address. It is very important that subscribers double opt in. If you don't confirm, I delete your email before I send out the next edition, because I'm tired of y'all marking my newsletters as spam when you know, good and well, you double opted in to listen to me. Yammer. You know what I'm saying? I'm tired of it. Double opt in. If you don't confirm I delete it.
DL White [00:25:28]:
Ruby's ten is almost here. It's almost underway. I sent out a tease to the newsletter list that I will be officially unveiling the tenth anniversary edition cover. I'll I'll reveal it to the newsletter boos and bros on the evening of the twenty third. And then on the twenty fourth, everyone everything will go live for the general public. You'll see the new cover. A few may have already seen it, but I need it to be fully distributed by the launch date, and some retailers are slow. So I started early, but we'll do the official celebration on the twenty fourth.
DL White [00:26:04]:
So that's gonna be very exciting. I'm really, really I'm actually like, the more I think about it and the more stuff I do, I'm really excited about the tenth anniversary edition marking ten years as a published author. Presale for signed hardcovers will launch on March 24. I might also sell a few signed paperback covers if you just wanna update your paperback edition. Pre orders will end on Sunday, April 6, and then I'll order that in a bulk shipment and ship them out. So yes, you will pay ahead of time for your signed paperback or hardback, edition cover. I will order them in a block. And when I get them to me, which could take anywhere from seven, ten, fifteen days, I will then ship them out.
DL White [00:26:50]:
So I expect those to ship out like late April, early may. And then I could possibly possibly have some of the new addition at the black romance book Fest and at indie love twenty four. But in the meantime, I'm just still working on trying to get the cover right. So, the interior is done. Yay. Editor Kai and I worked through, past two edits. Let me tell you, and I know she listens, so she will just laugh, but she is so freaking hilarious. There's nothing like working with an editor that is enjoying the story and really getting into it.
DL White [00:27:35]:
Like the way we gossip about the characters in the margin notes, like that's just a joy to me. Like, I like working with somebody that likes the material that's into the story. That's like, oh, no, he did not. Did he? No. And, and if you've read Ruby's, it's a ten year old story. So I'm sorry if I am spoiling it, but the, the hero story is Deborah Macklin is caught stepping out on her husband. And the the whole book is just like the domino effect through Deborah's life. And it's rippling through her friends and her family and her job.
DL White [00:28:11]:
And, like, her friends all have this other stuff going on. And, I mean, it's infidelity, which is, a touchy subject for a lot of people, but I think that I, I just forget that this story is about infidelity a lot, and it doesn't seem to bother a lot of readers. So I owe editor Kai so many sex scenes for making her read a book with infidelity as the, a story in it. And so, you know, I'm trying to, I'm trying to work on it. I'm trying to work on it. Yeah. I don't know. She said I don't have to have my character swinging from the chandeliers or anything, but like there needs to be copious, intimacy, copious sex scenes coming up.
DL White [00:29:03]:
So I'll work on it. I'll I'll work on that. So I also have drinks at Minx, which is a Ruby's companion novella. I'm very excited to offer a little follow-up slash updates on my favorite girls. This thing has literally been hanging around since I published Bunch Out Ruby's. The first iteration included Vanessa, who was Maxine's employee. But then her starter, her story started taking over and I wanted to also write Gibson's POV, but minks is women's fiction, not romance. Whoever heard of a man getting a POV in a women's fiction novel.
DL White [00:29:41]:
So clearly I needed to transfer all of that material over to a new book, which became dinner at Sam's, which is a capital R romance with very many intimate, not, well, not very many, but there are intimate scenes in dinner at Sam's, which you don't see in brunch at Ruby's. There are two different books. Brunch at Ruby's is upmarket women's fiction with romantic elements. Dinner at Sam's is a capital R romance slash women's fiction novel. So mix has been sitting in my drafts all this time and I finally finished it for the tenth anniversary. It will launch the same day as Rubies 10. It should be up for pre order soon. If not already, again, I need it to be distributed and ready to go on the twenty fourth, and I can't count on the retailers to do anything in less than seventy two hours time.
DL White [00:30:29]:
I'm a I'll also be flying next weekend, so I won't have time to do all this uploading and editing and updating on the fly. It literally took me hours to update every place I have these books published and every place I have these books listed to change the covers, all on the, on the Ruby's paperback and the Ruby's ebook everywhere at book funnel at draft digital at KDP at Google play at all author everywhere. I have this book or an image of the book listed. I have to update it times three book print audio. So you'll get minx on the twenty fourth. I'm so excited about this. I'm like, I just, I can't wait. If you have read brunch at Ruby's and it's been a minute and you've been wondering what's up with those girls, or you just read brunch at Ruby's and you want a little bit more of Deborah, Maxine, and Renee, you will get it on the twenty fourth.
DL White [00:31:30]:
Have I mentioned I'm really excited to launch drinks at Minx because I am. Yes. Also I wrote a little St. Patrick's day ditty, and I'm super excited about it. It's called Clover. So on today, at the time of this recording, March 16 at 05:21PM, it's only available to subscribers on my short fiction substack. $5 gets you access to the free shorts, serialized novellas, writing exercises, and fan fiction, as well as a paywalled content like my serial novel, same time next week, which is a multicultural rock star romance. There's also a link to just buy Clover outright for 99¢.
DL White [00:32:11]:
However, that listing won't be public until tomorrow. So the only way to get it is to grab it from the section above the paywalled content on my short fiction substack. Clover is not long enough to be put into print. It won't be sold anywhere, but my store is just too short and it's too cheap to distribute. So that is where you'll be able to find it. If you have just no inclination at all to go on over to Substack, that's fine. The link will be public tomorrow to purchase that. And, I think it's good.
DL White [00:32:44]:
It's just like, it's just like a cute, sweet, intimate, steamy little St. Patrick's day diddy. And then Ruby's four is coming. Not Ruby's Potter Lake 4 is coming this fall. I wrote Ruby's and, I just, I have Ruby's on the brain. Potter Lake 4 is coming this fall. The title is called Still I Rise. Still I Rise is Potter Lake's answer to Cracker Barrel.
DL White [00:33:11]:
So it's like a, cafe on one side and a little shop where they sell, like, newspapers and, you know, kitschy little, doohickeys, you know, with, you know, postcards and crap on the other side. It is the story of Brenda and Kingston. It is going to be a capital r romance, a small town romance. It's not quite a prodigal daughter. It's like it's a runaway bride, is the trope. If you are well versed in the Potter Lake series, Renda is Helen and Orlando LeBlanc's daughter. So Helen runs Potter Lake's most famous breakfast and brunch cafe until Still I Rise owned by Kingston. Raman opens up.
DL White [00:33:53]:
So when Renda returns to town after leaving Potter Lake over twenty years ago, abandoning abandoning her groom at the altar, the last thing Helen wants is her unsettled daughter gumming up the works at Helen's Kitchen, so she gets to render a job at the second best cafe in Potter Lake. So I'm gonna be doing, 20 k in five days with the word makers, and I have learned that a concentrated block of writing like this works best for me when I know where I'm going. So I'm spending some time this week getting to know my characters and deciding what happens in this book. So if I can get over a large part of the hump, I can get edits to my editor like May, early June for a July or August release. Starting to get really excited about this one. I want to keep the spirit of, like, friendly, small town competing businesses alive. And I just like the idea of someone thinking they know what to expect from little old Powder Lake and getting something wholly different when she shows up. And mayor Casey has transformed this little town into a bustling, you know, little little city.
DL White [00:34:57]:
She always never wanted to come back because Powder Lake was just a slow, dusty town. The the same reason that Reed in home for the holidays moved away was Pottery Lake was just a tired, slow, dusty town, and it is not that same little town anymore. And so more people are moving in and, like, there's a lot going on. I also think a character that left town in a hurry and has to return with her tail between her legs makes for interesting drama and conflict. As for Kingston, he moved his father who was a former pro athlete and Jeffrey, his father's partner, to Powder Lake to be near doctor Irons, who is a physician a physician who is well known among athletic teams. Fun fact, doctor Irons also treated Cade, my hero from book one in the potter lake series, with his knee. Remember, he had to retire from in the from pro basketball because he had a bum knee that would not heal. So he ended up back in, Powder Lake and opening a barbershop that directly competed with Leslie's beauty shop, and, they knew each other from college.
DL White [00:36:07]:
In fact, he dumped her and, dropped out of college and went for the NBA draft. A lot going there. Anyway, read book one, Leslie's Pearl and Die, Potter Lake Small Town Romance book one. It's such a good book and it's free right now. Did you know that book is free in ebook right now? It's free in ebook right now. Go get it. Books by dlwhite.com/curl,die. Go read it so you can be ready for book four.
DL White [00:36:36]:
As I might have mentioned, I might be try I will be traveling for my birthday. So not only will there not be a show next week, but I plan to spend some time, reviewing what I wrote for the challenge and trying to get another good chunk complete. Something about writing at the beach just does something to me. I'm really excited about going. I like the ocean in my ears. I like washing the waves, wash out, wash in. I did make sure I get a oceanfront room no matter what time of day where I'm at. If I'm in my room, I'm out on the patio or whatnot.
DL White [00:37:08]:
I need to be able to see the ocean. I need to be able to hear the water rushing in. I just literally can't wait. And then the following month, I will be in Tampa for work, and so I'm just gonna stay in Tampa over the weekend and do the same. I'm a I'm a get this writing done. So I'm gonna also be planning my moves for q two of the year. So I've got a lot of things I could be working on, and I need to narrow down where I plan to spend my time and money. Very lastly, fan fiction.
DL White [00:37:38]:
I'm kinda holding for that on the moment, but I imagine a new chapter will turn out eventually. Hopefully, before I leave on my birthday trip, I will have a new chapter. I need to decide where I want it to go from the last chapter I wrote where a performance that my heroine Zoe was forced into went viral on social media, and she got invited to come sing her rendition of that song on Kelly Clarkson's TV show. So the last episode I wrote has her leaving the taping, getting conflicting advice from her manager on one side and her mentor JC on the other. So there's this nice professional rivalry building. And let's not forget that no one knows that JC and Zoe are sleeping together. So I have a feeling though that people will figure it out soon enough, namely her manager and his manager. And they're adults, and she paid to be part of the retreat.
DL White [00:38:30]:
And JC is like, it's my retreat. I make the rules, but also. There's like common decency. And also it just, it's a little bit of the seedy underbelly of the music industry and people in her cohort on the retreat already think that she's sleeping with JC for special favors and it's already blowing up within the group. And it's just going to get bigger because they aren't going to be able to contain that. So it's kind of what I'm dealing with right now with that story. It's getting juicy. It's getting delicious.
DL White [00:39:01]:
I very much like writing it. I just gotta think about where I wanna go from here. If you aren't caught up, I am updating regularly at insyncfictionarchive.com or on my short fiction substack at shortfictionbydalewhite.substack.com. Then look for the fan fiction tab across the top. The latest story is music of my heart, but I'm also very partial to the story of Kate. I was just rereading that one the other day, and I really liked writing that heroine. That was a full update for you all. I don't have anything to spot off about, except that I'm just really leaning into doing more in 2025 and try to stop being so scared that there won't be, won't be good that I talk myself out of just tossing stuff out there the way every dang body else does it.
DL White [00:39:47]:
You know, somebody's always throwing something out for 99¢. It's 5,000 words. It's 2,000 words. It's 9,000 words. Like I've already finished two shorts. I have a release coming next month. I'm completing planning the next two releases. I'm I'd be busy.
DL White [00:40:01]:
I have been busy. I wish it was keeping me from looking at the news. It's not quite. And now, like, I don't wanna be obsessively, like, manically busy. Like, I don't wanna burn myself out. I just need to be occupied. I need options. I need to have a wealth of projects in various states of flux.
DL White [00:40:19]:
And if I don't, I need to feel free to snap open dabble to ruminate on a premise or a reason for the season. Let it cook, write it, let it breathe, rewrite it, let it breathe, rewrite it, layer. I just I need to be busy in that process. Then I might roll through a few sites at the end of the day, just so I know what's going on and in which ways we are absolutely totally screwed. And I need to like go to bed without feeling like I am developing an ulcer again. You know? So I'm already thinking about what short thing I'm gonna write for April, which I think will be a little bit off the beaten path. Insert bird man hand rub here. Well, hello, past me, future me.
DL White [00:41:08]:
You forgot to mention that you were going to record a little snip of Clover and insert it into the podcast and also use it as a little teaser snippet for the Substack post. So here we go. Clover. The man stood near the bar tall with broad shoulders and a close cropped beard that suited the strong lines of his jaw. He wore a fitted crimson button up with the sleeves rolled to reveal muscular forearms. Unlike most of the patrons, there were no shamrocks or leprechauns in sight. When he smiled at me, something clicked into place, a rusty mechanism remembering how to work. A rush of heat bloomed in my chest and spread lower, pooling between my thighs, making parts of me pulse in rhythm to my heartbeat.
DL White [00:42:02]:
My nipples tightened against my lace bra, and I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable with how quickly my body responded to a mere stranger's smile. I quickly looked away, downing another sip of my cocktail. When I chanced another glance, he was still watching me. This time, I held his stare for a long beat before breaking contact and let a smile flash. Number six, Tanya said, sliding back into her seat. She pulled a bottle of sanitizer from her bag and rubbed it between her palms. What? Eligible bachelor number six, she said, putting the bottle away. The gorgeous man at the bar staring you down like you're a first edition of something impossibly rare.
DL White [00:42:48]:
I rolled my eyes. He's not staring that hard. He absolutely is, Tanya countered. And now he's coming over here. Now that he was up close, I guessed he was definitely over 40. Either that or his twenties and thirties were wearing him out. His eyes were a deep, rich brown, the kind that held secrets. His laugh lines suggested he smiled often.
DL White [00:43:14]:
I noticed you're not wearing green, he said to me, his voice a rich baritone that sent a shiver down my spine, making me imagine how it would sound in a husky whisper, uttering filthy promises against my ear in the darkness. I blinked, pushing that thought away. I know you see this jacket is literally green, red shirt. He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. My sister assured me this shirt is crimson, and he pulled his jacket back slightly to reveal his belt. I do have this green belt. How's that work? Very festive. Thank you.
DL White [00:43:51]:
His smile widened. I admit I was too distracted by your beauty to notice the color of your blazer. Tanya snorted into her drink. Has that line worked on anyone in here? I asked, fighting a smile. I should have been annoyed by the obvious flattery, but something in his tone suggested he was only half joking, aware of how cheesy the line was. First time trying it, actually. I'm surprised I got a smile. He extended his hand.
DL White [00:44:19]:
Derek Bennett. Genesis Tate. His handshake was firm but not aggressive, his palm warm against mine. I noticed calluses on his fingertips. The brief contact sent a jolt up my arm like a static shock but more pleasant. His touch lingered just long enough to suggest he felt it too. Can I buy you another drink, Genesis Tate? I glanced at my half full glass. Still working on this one.
DL White [00:44:46]:
Then would you mind if I keep you company while you finish it? Tanya stood grabbing her purse. I just saw an old friend I have got to catch up with. You two chat, Genesis. I'll text you later. Before I could protest, Tanya disappeared into the crowd with a comically obvious wink over her shoulder. Subtle, Derek said, sliding into Tanya's vacated seat. She makes up for a lack of finesse with enthusiasm. So what brings you out tonight? You don't strike me as someone who regularly celebrates holidays that involve turning beer into unnatural colors.
DL White [00:45:22]:
I laughed. Am I that obvious? I laughed. Am I that obvious? Apparently working sixty hours a week surrounded by ancient texts doesn't promote healthy social life. Ancient texts. I curate the rare books collection at the library. I authenticate historical texts, organize preservation efforts, and occasionally hunt down obscure volumes for researchers who think their particular interest is the only thing that matters in the world. Derek leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. That sounds fascinating.
DL White [00:45:58]:
I laughed. No. It doesn't. People's eyes glaze over when I talk about my work. It does. I imagine it's not just about recognizing old paper. You're right. It's a process.
DL White [00:46:09]:
The binding, the paper composition, the printing methods, all play a part in authentication. I analyze the linguistic patterns of the time period, and sometimes we use spectroscopy to analyze ink. I caught myself and let my voice trail off. Sorry. I get carried away talking about this. It's not exactly thrilling cocktail conversation. Don't apologize. It's refreshing to meet someone passionate about their work.
DL White [00:46:35]:
He took a sip of his beer. Most people I talk to are counting the days until retirement. And what do you do? I mean, when you're not testing questionable pickup lines. He laughed, a deep sound that vibrated through me, making me imagine that voice rumbling commands in my ear while his body pressed me into the mattress. I run an architecture firm, small operation, but we specialize in historical restoration and preservation. I know the feeling of sixty hour work weeks. I forget there's a world outside my drafting table. Are you working on anything I'd recognize? I asked, surprised by my own curiosity.
DL White [00:47:13]:
Usually, I found small talk excruciating. Only if you're heavy into the Historical Society. Right now, we're doing a restoration for the museum and a few residential projects, you know, homes on the historic register that need renovation for safety reasons, but can't be updated to modern standards. Nothing significant, but I find it to be fulfilling work. I like bringing buildings back to life, uncovering the stories in our bones. I nodded. So you're preserving the history of the city one building at a time. I try.
DL White [00:47:45]:
There's something about taking a structure that's been neglected and revealing what it was meant to be all along. He paused. I hope I sound like a romantic and not a lunatic. I catalog books written by dead people. I am not one to judge. As we talked, the noise of the bar faded into the background. I leaned in drawn to a passion for architecture that respected history while serving present needs and dry observations about the small town politics that affected his projects. Every now and then, our knees would brush under the table, and I'd feel that same electric jolt from earlier.
DL White [00:48:21]:
You know what's funny? Derek said after we'd been talking for nearly an hour, our drinks long empty and replaced and empty again. I almost didn't come tonight. My son's staying with his mother this weekend, and I thought about staying in, catching up on some work I've been putting off. What changed her mind? He bobbed his head side to side. My sister has been on me about getting out more. She sent me a flyer for this party and commanded that I go out, said I might get lucky. He smiled, the low lighting of the pub catching the spark in his eyes. I think she was talking about the Saint Patrick's Day kind of luck, but now I'm not so sure.
DL White [00:48:59]:
The music shifted to D'Angelo's Brown Sugar. I love this song, we both said simultaneously, then laughed at the coincidence. Dance with me? Derek asked, standing to offer his hand. I hesitated. I was not one for dancing with strangers in bars. I wasn't the type to spend an hour in deep conversation with strangers in bars either, yet here I was. One dance, I agreed, placing my hand in his. He led me to the dance floor where a few other couples swayed to the music.
DL White [00:49:31]:
As Derek's arm so called my waist and brought me close, I was acutely aware of every inch of me pressed up against him. His thigh slipped between mine as we moved, creating a delicious friction that I did not want to stop. He was solid and radiating heat. We moved as if we danced together every night before this one. His hand on my lower back pressed firmly, his fingers occasionally dipping just below the waistband of my pants, each leaving a trail of fire on my skin. You're a good dancer, I said, looking up to meet his eyes. This close, I spotted flecks of gold in his irises and a small scar near his right eyebrow. I have my moments.
DL White [00:50:14]:
I'm probably better now than I was an hour ago. Does drinking beer in an unnatural color help with coordination? Nope, he said, his gaze holding mine. The company is nice, though. The song ended too soon, transitioning to an uptempo hit that broke us apart, but we remain standing close, neither of us wanting to break the connection. Could I maybe get your number? He asked. I'd love to see you again. I looked up at him, considering dating hadn't been a priority since my divorce, but tonight, I wasn't really thinking about dating. I was thinking about how I like the feel of his body against mine, about how his voice stirred a longing that was becoming harder to ignore by the second, about how much I wanted to feel his hands exploring every inch of my body, his mouth claiming mine.
DL White [00:51:07]:
And maybe it was whatever was in that drink Tawny gave me, but I was thinking that I had deep cleaned my house. And if I invited a stranger over to satisfy the ache building inside me, at least I wouldn't have to worry about clutter or dust bunnies ruining the mood. I stepped closer, my hand sliding up the front of his shirt. The fabric was soft beneath my fingertips, and I felt the firmness of his chest underneath. My pulse quickened as I looked up at him. Actually, I said, surprising myself with my boldness. Would you like to look at some first additions? My place isn't far from here. I will just fade out right there.
DL White [00:51:48]:
But if you enjoyed that snip, I invite you to read Clover in its complete goodness at my short fiction substack at shortfiction by dawahwhite. Substack dot com. If you're already here, you can subscribe to the Substack here and read the rest, or you can simply purchase Clover for 99¢ and read it to your heart's content. There is a link there to pick it up. Thank you so much for joining me for this short snippet. I hope you really enjoyed it, and we'll talk soon. With that, we've come to the end of today's show. I managed to talk for like forty minutes.
DL White [00:52:25]:
So I thank you so, so much for joining me for today's chat. It is always a joy to sit in this chair and turn on this microphone and make you listen to me talk about reading and writing books for at least a half an hour. I welcome any comments or feedback you may have at booksbyjlwhite.com/bookcast/115 or on my Substack at authorjlwhite.substack.com. Look for the podcast up in the navigation bar. You'll find me. You'll find me. You'll also find full show notes, links to all the things I talked about if they're relevant, and a transcript for today's show in both of those places. Please share the podcast if you enjoyed this episode.
DL White [00:52:59]:
And if you listen to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, give a girl a rating, drop a comment. Let me know you're listening. I like it. I'd so appreciate that. Don't forget you can support this podcast with your book purchases at payhip.com/booksbydlwhite or at my shelf at bookshop.org by spreading the good word to your friends and your family by joining the newsletter or the substack. Links are on my website at booksbydlwhite.com/linkinbio or by throwing some coins in a hat at bookcast.buzzsprout.com or buymeacoffee.com/booksbydlwhite. That is a whole lot of links, but worry not. There will be links in the show notes.
DL White [00:53:40]:
Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I sound like Fedan. Don't worry about it. Thank you so much to my monthly supporters. Your gift is so immensely useful to keeping this podcast going. Like I said, my books don't make no money, so you're basically reimbursing me for the money I spend putting myself out here. I do so appreciate it.
DL White [00:54:01]:
I love you all. The book house is written, produced, and edited by me, DL White. Our theme music and any sound effects are provided by Pixabay. I will be back after my birthday, so March, like, the twenty ninth or something like that. Until then, please have a superlative week. Enjoy next weekend, and we'll chat again soon. Bye bye.
0 notes
dollycas · 28 days ago
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Welcome to My Reading Itinerary Monday!  Where are your books taking you this week? I will be traveling to New York, California, and Connecticut! Here’s what I read and what I have planned for this week. Escapes Completed The Busy Body: A Witty Literary Mystery with a Stunning Twist (A Ghostwriter Mystery) by Kemper Donovan Release Date - January 23, 2024 Setting - Maine Borrowed from Amazon Prime Reading My Review will be up tomorrow. The Next Deadly Chapter (Mystery Bookshop) by V.M. Burns Release Date - February 25, 2025 Setting - Michigan I will feature this book this week for Cozy Wednesday! Hiding the Witness (Love Inspired Suspense) by Deena Alexander Release Date - February 25, 2025 Setting - Upstate New York The Great Escapes Tour stops here this Thursday! Currently Reading I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I am a little behind. Fiddling with Fate (A Southern Homebrew Mystery) by Diane Kelly Release Date - April 4, 2023 Setting - Tennessee My #FlashbackFriday Read. Scheduled Escapes Nobody's Fool by Harlan Coben Release Date - March 25, 2025 Setting - New York For Review A Cold Dose of Murder (A Cannabis Café Mystery) by Emily George Release Date - February 25, 2025 Setting - California I will feature this book next week on Cozy Wednesday! A Side Dish of Death (Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries) by T. C. LoTempio Release Date - February 25, 2025 Setting - Connecticut The Great Escapes Tour stops here next Thursday! Future Escapes February 23 - March 1, 2025 Please Share Your Reading Itinerary in the Comments below! You could win a $5 Amazon Gift Card! Happy Reading!! Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Escape With Dollycas. Read the full article
0 notes
findroleplay · 2 years ago
Hey, 20+ writer here, looking for some stories based on the Netflix murder mystery show ‘Safe’ by Harlan Coben. I’m keen to write Pete Mayfield against Tom Delaney - Marc Warren and Michael C Hall’s characters respectively - in a romantic roleplay.
If you haven’t seen the show, I highly recommend it as a binge! Eight episodes and so intense!
I an advanced-literate and write multi-paragraph to novella style replies, usually longer for things like starters and transitional scenes and shorter on dialogue heavy replies.
I love slow burn stories (FWB anyone?) and enjoy angst a lot. I’m good with action, darker themes but also fluff. I am happy to write side characters and explore relationships outside of the main pairing such as Pete and Emma but also Tom’s relationships with his daughters, possibly Rachel and Sophie. I’m good with OOC conversations, for plotting and such. I like to come up with stories together.
I’d be happy to set something before or after the show. Maybe instead of Sophie, it’s Pete that Tom turns to. Or perhaps after the end of Safe, something blooms. I am open to anything, including their time at med school. Canon, canon divergent, AU…
Interact with this ad and I’ll reach out to you. When I do, please let me know a bit about yourself and your writing style and what you’re interested in!
1 note · View note
lolawassad · 3 years ago
Ben hargreeves x female!reader
this is kinda bad sorryyy kinda went off request sorry :((
Based in season 3 so spoilers! same tw as TUA reader cries
Hi 🥹 Could I request Ben Hargreeves x Reader where reader used to be in a relationship with the old Ben before he moved on into the afterlife and sparrow Ben catches on to their trauma and falls for reader and does everything he can to be good for them, I know it’s weirdly specific but I just thought it’d be cute 🥺
Luther has you thrown over his shoulder while Diego Lila and Five follow behind "Lila dont let him do this to me! i thought we where in love" you yell out making Lila "oh baby we are in love thats why im letting him do this"
Diego scoffs "why are you so nice to my little sister and not to me what is this?" he asks making Lila scoff back "look at her" she says poiting at your pouty face "I DONT WANNA SEE BEN" you yell out making Sloane look at you
"Y/n i dont know why you dont like Ben but you need to get over it-" she goes to say but is cut off by the door opening to the house "finally you oafs are here" Ben says
"Put y/n down" Allison scolds making Luther glare at her before putting you down, you quickly walk over to Allison ignoring Ben and let her lead you to the living room
When everyone is in the living room you walk over to Five before sitting down on the floor in front of him and putting your head on his thigh "i dont wanna be here" you whisper softly
Ben is talking to Fei and every once in a while his eyes shoot towards you, before he sends a glare to Five who is now playing with your hair "lover boy keeps glaring at me" Five tells you with a chuckle
You open your mouth to reply but are interupted by a "where is he?" "Viktor" someone says
An argument breaks out and Ben plops down on the couch next to Five "20 on the little one" Ben says "Ill take that action" Five replies before leaning down and placing a kiss to the top of your head and sending a smirk to Ben
The latter scoffs making your head turn to him before it quickly turns back around, hand squeezing your dress tightly "i know Harlan killed all our mothers"
You let out a gasp, free hand reaching for the first thing it can hold, which happens to be Ben's knee, his eyes shoot to your hand in shock before he reaches and holds onto your hand, squeezing softly with a soft look on his face "Viktor you didnt tell us, hes the reason we are in this and you lied to us.. to me about it" you ask, face filled with hurt
"y/n look thi-" Viktor starts but is cut off but you raising your hand that was squeezing your dress "just please dont Viktor"
Five looks from Viktor to you before seeing Ben holding your hand, Five sends a glare to Ben before he peels your hand out of Ben's and holds it in his own, he leans over to Ben and starts whispering "dont touch my sister, a version of you hurt her before im not gonna let you hurt her aswell" Five sneers before pulling you onto his lap, arms wrapping around you protectivly
You squeeze his hand softly and let him hold you "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" you hear Allison yell making you flinch in Fives arms "how are you doing this without saying i heard a rumor?" Five asks shocked
"just a little residual gift from Harlan" Allison replies
"Allison you need to stop" you gasp out looking at your sister choking your brother "ALLISON" you yell out when she doesnt stop, you jump up and throw your arm in the air, a vine shoots out and softly hits Allison making her lose focus and release Viktor
Five grabs onto your waist and pulls you inbetween him and Ben and when they notices Allison glaring at you they glare right back
Small time skip
You look at the kugelblitz "i could just make a box, no need to endanger Christopher i mean what if it goes wrong" you ramble "its like if it explodes the vines ill only feel a small burning in my veins, if its inside big C HE WILL DIE" you yell the last part, you start pacing "i mean we already lost so many people to this fuck fuck, we dont need to lose more"
Ben grabs your arm and his other hand grabs your face softly "Hey dollface calm the fuck down, everything is gonna work out just fine" he whispers and you melt into his touch, his face turns into shock, ever since you have gotten here you have barely even looked at him and now your melting in his touch
"Have you ever moves a nest of bees?" Sloane asks Lila scoffs "No because thats weird"
You step away from Ben "Lila you have remember when i summoned all those flowers and bee nests n you just threw one at me its probably like that" "its not like that at all dont give her ideas please" Sloane is quick to shut your idea down "kinda rude" you mutter before walking over to Diego, you manhandle his arms so he is holding you against his chest
"you couldve just asked me to move my arms you know that right? why are you and Lila like this?" Diego asks making you snort "its because Lila and i are soulmates, when this is over she and i shall marry"
"Thats true!" Lila says "Okay lets do this thing, i got a girl to wife up"
Diego lets go of you, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and pushes you into Ben "she gets hurt im fucking killing you" Diego spits to Ben before he walks up to Grace who has just appeared
You burry your head into Ben's chest who holds onto you tightly "Look" he says while walking backwards until he hits the wall and is out of Grace's sight "I dont know what that other Ben did to you, but im not like him okay? Please give me a chance, i mean its the end of the fucking world, please give me chance" he begs softly "i can see that he hurt you but i would never hurt you" he confesses
Grace shoots fire in your direction and Ben goes to spin you around so his back is towards Grace but you break out of his grip, you put your arms to your side before pulling roots from the ground and wrapping her up fully in the roots, you throw her to Five who blinks them away
Ben grabs onto your wrist and spins you around "she couldve fucking hurt you" he scolds "but she didnt, see i can do things, im useful!" you beam making Lila yell "HELL YEAH YOU ARE" making Sloane scold her "focus!"
Christopher closes the Kugelblitz inside of him and Lila falls to the ground, you rush out of Ben's grip and run to Lila putting her head on your chest "fuck yeah love boobs in my face" Lila says with a smirk making you snort "OKAY YEAH ENOUGH THATS MY SISTER LILA" Diego yells "stop hitting on my sister why are you like this?" he asks her
Another small time skip
Everyone is now in the living room, people are dancing, Viktor is on the couch, Allison in the doorway, and y/n is laying on the floor surrounded by flowers and holding a bottle of soda, bees and butterflies flying around her
Footsteps approach her before someone lays down next to her "you not drinking?" Five asks her "no one of us idiots should stay sober" you tell him making him hum in agreement, he puts his arm around your shoulder "i love you, thank you for being here for me" Five says his words slurring a little
"i love you too little man" "I AM NOT LITTLE" Five yells out making you laugh "sure Five sure" you say before getting up, placing a kiss on his forehead
You walk outside the living room into a hallway and outside the door, you lay down in an empty field, the field fills with colorful flowers immediately
Its then a shockwave hits "I FUCKING TOLD THEM" you yell before running back towards the building, you run into Diego and Lila "Hotel hotel hotel" they yell out while pointing towards it the three of you run towards the hotel
"im done" you yell out when you enter the hotel, you throw yourself on the hard floor "leave me here to die!" you dramatically exlaim Ben walks up to you and sits down pulling your head onto his lap "so what now genius" he sarcastically asks Five "Paws off my sister, knock off, also that was your plan so its your fault" he fights
"NO FIGHTING" you yell "you guys shouldve just let me used my vines but nooo nobody ever listens to y/n because people cant be pretty and smart acording to you, you guys are all just.. just y/nphobic?" you ask "yeah y/nphobic" you say before getting up and sitting at the bar
You listen to everyone and when Ben and Diego start fighting in another language you turn around "thats kinda hot" you loudly say making Lila agree
Ben turns to look at you with a smirk and he walks up to you "yeah no" he is quickly stopped by Luther "not my sister" he says "SAYS THE GUY WHO IS DATING MY SISTER" Ben yells out
"can you guys stop" you say before walking over to Ben and put your head on his chest, he softly holds onto you and places a kiss on the top of your head
"can we all just be nice to eachother? we are all gonna die" you ask them "please" you beg softly, voice cracking tears filling your eyes, Ben softly rocks you "dont cry flora" he whispers
Ben walks backwards and sits down on a chair pulling you to straddle his lap, you put your head in the crook of his neck
Luther clears his throat "we've uh got a little announcement to make" "we are engaged!" they finish together, you giggle against Ben's neck "the world is ending lets get married!" you mock softly making Ben smirk
Its then Klaus walks up "KLAUS!" you yell getting up from Ben's lap and jumping onto your brother "I thought you died!" you say making klaus laugh "IM IMMORTAL" he yells spinning you around "Okay nathan young" you say making Klaus laugh
"yeah not to interupt the reunion but can i have my girl back?" Ben asks looking at you and Klaus "yeah ofcourse benerino!" Klaus says carrying you over to Ben "WAIT YOUR GIRL?" Klaus asks dropping you "OUCHIE" you yell out with a pout "Klausie why do you hate me?" you ask
Ben walks up to you and holds his hand out for you before pulling you up and dragging you back to the chair and onto his lap again "touch her again and ill kill you okay?" Ben says to Klaus making you slap his shoulder "be nice thats my favorite kinda gay sibling" you tell Ben making him lift his hands in the air "sorry doll"
"you gotta be nice to my family" you say before letting yourself fall from Ben's lap "wait why did you bring dad?" you ask klaus with a pout "We dont like that guy"
Ben goes to reach out for you but Five sends him a glare and blinks to you before blinking you both to a chair
Time skip to the buffalo room on the other side
When you get separated from Diego and Lila you go to find them, you end up in the lobby where you fall to your knees and you start crying, you hear loud footsteps run into your direction before you are pulled into someones arms "I got you doll, let it all out" Ben whispers
"Its too much Ben its too much" you sob out holding onto him "i know angel i know" he says holding onto you tighter "its almost over, i promise you, my love, and when this is over i hope you will let me show you how good we would be together"
Diego walks up behind Ben "y/n whats wrong?" he asks, you go to reply but only sobs come out "shes overwhelmed" Ben tells him "Its fine i got her" he continues making Diego nod at him before he walks back to Lila
Its then the ceiling smashes, Ben pushes you so you slide and land next to Allison, Five starts yelling about stars and they all get on one, when the life starts draining from everyone you get up, tears still rolling down your cheeks "im not losing him again" you whisper before using your powers to find a apple seed inside reginalds stomach, you focus on it growing
Reginald falls to the ground with a tree growing from his mouth, you rush over to Ben and pull his head to your chest "are you okay?" you ask him, Ben just smiles before he pushes his head up and just as his lips are about to hit yours you are all teleported
You frown and walk out of the elevator only to be pulled in someones arms "IM ALIVE!" Luther yells while squeezing you, you sniffle tears dried to your cheek, you slap Luther "how dare YOU DIE ON ME" you ask before bursting into tears again "i thought i lost you you dumb oaf"
Luther looks around shocked, Ben walks up and gets me out of Luther's arms "Hey flora its okay" Ben says while stroking your hair, Diego and Lila walk up to you "we are leaving, you wanna come with us?" Lila asks "we can finally get married!" she beams making you giggle "no you guys go ahead" you say
Diego frowns "you gonna go with Viktor or Five?" he asks making you shake your head "i would like to go with Ben if he is okay with that?" you ask looking up at Ben whose face breaks into a smile "really? course im fucking okay with that my little angel" he says before lowering his head and pressing his lips on yours
"NO THATS MY WIFE" Lila yells "y/n your cheating on me now?" you hear Lila's voice fade and Diego scoff
"stop sucking faces with my sister" Five says making you pull away from Ben "oops" you softly say making ben chuckle
"Listen Ben, you hurt my sister and i will personally be the cause of your death okay? and ill make it look like an accident" Viktor threatens making you shiver in Ben's hold "Im not gonna hurt her, she means the world to me" he says before he starts pulling you with him
"Lets get started on our new life Flora"
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siriusblacksbxtch · 4 years ago
Just saw your post about Ransom Drysdale, how about they both had a huge argument and then MR rise his hand and wanted to slap Ransom but, ransom catch his hand and said "wanna try again sweetheart?" And then led into some ;) (steamy times i mean)
A/N: I’m obssesed with this idea
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Do it Again
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x male!reader
Warnings: public (?) sex , toxic relationship undertones, Ransom being Ransom, dirty talk, spanking, daddy kink-ish
Summary: Note to self, Y/n. Do not try and hit Ransom, ever again
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You were fuming.
His whole family was aware of the tension between you both, Ransom’s arrogant smile contrasting your creased eyebrows.
You pulled at your (h/c) hair, knee bouncing up and down as Ransom continued to burn holes into the back of your head.
“And how are you, Y/n?” Linda asked you, grinning at the discomfort radiating off of you.
“Well, I’m—”
“He’s fine,” Ransom spoke again for you that night. Refusing to let you get a single word out, treating you like his property. You might as well be, the man always leaving dark bruises in plain sight so everyone knows you’re off limits.
Always having him less than a foot away from you, and on his extra possessive days he had a hand on you at all times.
You remembered, not long ago, you and Ransom had gone clubbing. A man was bold enough to send a drink your way, along with a note telling you to ditch the Drysdale. Ransom gave a booming laugh, pulling you into his lap and shoving his hand down the front of your jeans, all while glaring down the stranger.
But this was a different issue of Ransom’s, his way of making you so angry you couldn’t stand it.
“Are you still working, Y/n?”
“He doesn’t need to. I buy him whatever he needs and he stays right by my side all day.” Ransom smirked, going to place a hand on your shoulder, only for you to quickly stand up.
“Y/n, baby,” the man hummed. “Where are you going?”
Ransom followed you out of the main parlor, grabbing your wrist before you could reach the front door.
“Don’t walk away from me when I’m taking to you—” Ransom gaped as your hand came flying at him, taking your wrist in a crushing grasp. “Wanna try again sweetheart?”
He gave an angry laugh, dragging you to Harlan’s office and locking the door behind you.
Ransom roughly shoved you into Harlan’s desk, ignoring the sounds of breaking glass as a picture frame fell. The boyish arrogance was now replaced with his charming smile, eyes a shade darker than before as he eyed you.
You glared right back, arms crossed as his blue eyes looked you up and down. He gave a laugh, hissing through his teeth as he moved toward you.
“Not backing down?”
You didn’t reply, not even as he placed his arms on either side of you as he backed you further into the desk.
You could feel his bulge through his jeans, rubbing it against your leg. A small whine escaped you, the noise only making Ransom more smug.
His lips went to your neck, biting and sucking roughly as you tried to act as if it had no effect on you.
He used his knee to rub at your crotch, grinning against your skin as he felt you start to grow hard.
“I hate you,” you hissed.
“Sweetheart, don’t be mean to daddy.” Ransom roughly pulled you closer, a bruising grip on your hips.
You scoffed, but it quickly turned to a gasp when Ransom flipped you so you were bent over the desk.
“I don’t like your attitude, baby.” With one hand pressed to your back, the other went to pull down your jeans. The cold air hitting your bare ass and cock as your cheek pressed into the wooden desk.
Without a warning Ransom sent a harsh slap to your ass, laughing at the way you moaned.
“I’d keep it down if I were you.”
You huffed once again in reply, not giving in just yet. Ransom hummed in detest at that, quickly giving five rough slaps to your ass, jolting you with every hit.
Yet, you still didn’t give in, arms still behind your back as Ransom squeezed your ass in his hands.
The man quickly grew tired of your games, roughly slapping your ass repeatedly until it was bright red and their were tears brimming your eyes and your cock was leaking and hard.
“You can cry if you want to, sweetheart,” Ransom grinned, sending a final rough slap that made you cry out.
“Fuck, Ransom.”
“What was that?”
“Fuck, daddy. Please.”
Ransom hummed, finally pleased with you as he used a knee to spread your legs further. He pressed two fingers into you without warning, causing you to swallow a scream as he set a brutal pace with his fingers.
Your ass was bright red and on fire, every brush of Ransom’s arm against you making you whine.
He pulled out before you were fully ready, replacing his fingers with his cock without a hitch. You slammed your head onto the desk, trying desperately to muffle a scream.
“Be good for daddy.”
“Fuck you,” you hissed back as Ransom leaned onto your back. Not holding back even for a second as he slammed into you.
He ushered you to put one of your legs on the desk, giving him better leverage to pound into you. Your breathing was coming out in pants, Ransom always knowing how to find your sweet spot.
“Gonna come just like this, Y/n? With my family right outside the door?”
You were lazily moving back to meet his thrusts, your arms growing heavy from where they were still pressed into your back.
“Harder,” you pleaded. “Harder, please, daddy. Harder.”
Ransom smirked at your words, fucking into you so hard your hips were slamming into the desk, and everyone outside the room was sure to hear the clatter.
That’s why Ransom adored you, you never let up. Always wanted more, wanted it rougher, liked it mean. And Ransom, oh, Ransom was amazing at being mean.
“I’m going to finish inside of you, and you’re going to come on this desk. Then you’re going to clean it up, and we’re going to have a nice evening with my family.”
You nodded rapidly at his words, finally giving into the asshole.
“What was that?” A harsh slap to your ass made you whine, a high pitched sound that made Ransom laugh.
“Yes, daddy.”
You did as told, gaping as you felt Ransom bury himself deep inside you.
You panted as you regained your breath, pushing yourself off the desk with shaky arms.
Ransom pressed a long kiss to your temple, his sweater in hand as he did so. His hand moved down to your sore ass, squeezing it so hard you whimpered.
“Don’t ever do that again, sweetheart.”
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cardest · 4 years ago
Italy & Rome playlist
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Pizza. Fiat. Centurions. Fulci. Argento. Morricone. It’s all here in this Roma - Italia playlist. If you love ancient Roman history and horror film soundtracks, this is the playlist for you! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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Nero would enjoy this playlist! But, if there is a song or band I forgot or even a horror film soundtrack, or Italian prog record I mighta missed, let me know! This is one of my favorite playlists. Grazie!
001 Goblin - La caccia 002 High On Fire -  Romulus And Remus 003 Braens Machine - Flying 004 Piero Umiliani - Produzione 005 Fantomas - Page 1 [6 Frames] 006 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme(1979) 007 Tullio De Piscopo drum pattern - Samba Carnival 008 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia 009 Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen 010 Ufomammut - Mars 011 Gerardo Iacoucci - Tradimento 012 Procol Harum - Conquistador   013 LA TERZA MADRE  - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 014 Fantomas -  The Godfather 015 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 016 CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY - Fear the mohawk reaper 017 Ennio Morricone -  Non Rimane Piu Nessuno 018 Mina - Non credere 019 Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture 020 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 021 Lou Monte - roman guitar 022 Tony Di Marti - L'Uccellino Della Comare   023 Paul Chain Violet Theatre - 17 day 024 Satyricon -  The Ghost of Rome 025 Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio 026 Charles Aznavour - Com'a Triste Venezia 027 Jula de Palma - Tua (1959) versione originale 028 Dean Martin - That's Amore   029 FORGOTTEN TOMB - We Owe You Nothing 030 Mike Patton - Ti Offro Da Bere 031 Death SS - Heavy Demons 032 The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Sword of Machiavelli 033 Afterhours - Milano Circonvallazione Esterna 034 Fantomas -  Page 17 [14 Frames] 035 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Pompey 036 Sherpa - Kim (((o))) Tigris & Euphrates 037 Umberto Tozzi Gloria - Italian Version 038 Franco Bracardi & Giorgio Bracardi -  Lo Strangolatore Di Boston 039 Black Hole - Bells of Death 040 Tarantella Pugliese - La Rondinella 041 Pino Villa- A Mucca Pazza 042 Opera IX - Bela Lugosi's Dead 043 MARIO MOLINO - TRAFFICO CAOTICO 044 Lucio Battisti - La Collina Dei Ciliegi 045 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 046 SYK - FONG 047 FUOCO FATUO - Sulphureous Hazes 048 Primordial -  As Rome Burns 049 Abysmal Grief - Crypt of Horror 050 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - re D'Amore 051 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. Soundtrack - Jimmy Renda Se 052 Stelvio Cipriani - Papaya 053 Fantomas - Page 28 [20 Frames] 054 Carlo Maria Cordio - Rosso Sangue (Absurd) 055 Emma De Angelis - Trip 056 BRUNO NICOLAI-Red Cats (1975) 057 Duncan Dhu - La barra de este hotel 058 FROZEN CROWN - Neverending 059 Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis (City of the Living Dead, 1980) Theme 060 Jarboe & Father Murphy - The Ferryman 061 Mudhoney - When In Rome 062 Fantomas - Page 21 [11 Frames] 063  Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I 064 Behemoth - Rome 64 C.E. / Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 065 Clutch - Nero's Fiddle 066 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Sulla 067 Goblin - L'alba dei morti viventi 068 Elvis Presley - Heart Of Rome 069 Bulldozer - Insurrection Of The Living Damned 070 Peggy Lee - When In Rome (I Do as the Romans Do) 071 Osanna - Variazione I (To Plinius) 072 GIULIANO SORGINI - Ultima Caccia 073 Ennio Morricone - Metti una sera a cena 074 Sepultura -  The Vatican 075 Rome Soundtrack 02 The Forum 076 Fantomas -  Page 4 [11 Frames] 077 Gladiator - Theme Song 078 Avantasia - The Glory of Rome 079 Caligula (1979)-Opening Credits 080 Umberto -  Temple Room 081 SODOM - Caligula 082 Lacuna Coil -  Survive 083 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho leta 084 Lucio Battisti - Emozioni 085 Goblin -  Markos 086 MIke Patton -  Urlo Negro 087 Sandro Brugnolini -  Megattera 088 Fantomas -  Page 25 [34 Frames] 089 The Italian Job Soundtrack- Opening Titles 090 Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello 091 Heidevolk - Het verbond met Rome 092 Messiah - Nero 093 Julio Iglesias - Todo el amor que te hace falta 094 Calabria - Luna Calabrisi 095 Various Artists -  Iena Sequence 096 Fantomas -  Page 5 [7 Frames] 097 Perry Como Mandolins In The Moonlight 098 The Beyond Soundtrack - main theme 099 Mercyful Fate - Gypsy 100 Goblin -  Suspiria 101 Ufomammut - Empireum 102 Diaframma - Neogrigio 103 Umberto -  The Psychic 104 NecroDeath - Master Of Morphine 105 The Dirtiest - Cento shot 106 Fantomas -  Page 29 [39 Frames] 107 La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Ashes 108 Achille Togliani Fontana Di Trevi 109 MV & EE - Much obliged 110 Isis Synaulia - Musica dell'antica Roma 111 Sandro Brugnolini - Marsuino 112 Giobia - far behind 113 Darvaza - silver chalice   114 Fantomas -  Investigation Of A Citizen Above suspicion 115 Rome Soundtrack - Main Title Theme 116 Nebulae - Carbon 117 Beat Fuga - Shake 118 Gruppo folk naxos - Tarantella siciliana 119 Russian Circles - Milano 120 Kalidia - Circe's spell 121 Harlan Williams, Beneath the Iron Heel of Pagan Rome 122 Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican 123 Vatican - the 5th of metal 124 Extrema - Deep Infection 125 Rod Stewart - Italian Girls 126 Louis Prima - Buona Sera 127 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Che Notte! 128 Sinoath -  Saturnalia 129 Piero Piccioni - L'Italia Vista dal Cielo (Lombardia) 130 PIERO UMILIANI - Topless Party 131 Dean Martin - Arrivederci Roma 132 Fantomas -  Page 30 [2 Frames] 133 Sadist - Nadir 134 Hour of Penance - Rise and Oppress 135  Virgin Steele - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) 136 FROZEN CROWN - Battles In The Night 137 The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod 138 PIG DESTROYER -  Machiavellian 139 Raw Power  - State oppresion 140 La luna ammenzu o mari - Folk Sicilia 141 Angels and Demons Soundtrack - Main Theme (Hans Zimmer) 142 Lou Monte - Bella notte 143 Fantomas - Page 7 [6 Frames] 144 Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Theme of ''Rome'' 145 INFERNO OST Dario Argento - MAIN THEME 146 Hombres G - Venezia 147 Rome Soundtracks - The Battle has began (Caesar's Theme) 148 NORA ORLANDI- Ossessione 149 Stelvio Cipriani - Orgasmo Nero 150 Goblin -  Profondo Rosso - Mad Puppet 151 Duatha - Maximinus Thrax 152 Sodom - City of God 153 Caronte - Invocation to Paimon 154 Demoni (Demons) Soundtrack by Claudio Simonetti  - Killing 155 PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT - Rising On The Edge 156 James Reyne - Fall Of Rome 157 Fantomas -  Vendetta 158  Rome Soundtrack - 16Th Death of Pompey 159 Alessandro Alessandroni & Sorgini Giuliano - Overcraft 160 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. OST - Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera (Profumo Di Donna) 161 Clutch - Circus Maximus 162 Candlemass - Demons Gate 163 ROME - Uropia O Morte 164 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust (Extended 12 Version) 165 Tony Mottola - You And Only You 166 Musica dell'Antica Roma - Pavor 167 Fantomas - Page 6 [26 Frames] 168 Aborym -  II 169 Scorpions - The Sails Of Charon 170 Blind Guardian -  Lionheart 171 Septicflesh -  Dante's Inferno 172 MESSA - Leah 173 Mike Patton -  Senza Fine 174 Gary Numan - My Centurion 175 Frank Black and the Catholics - Back to Rome 176 Tonino Cavallo - Tarantella Siciliana 177 THE MELVINS - The Bloated Pope 178 Gluttony -  Lucullus In The East 179 Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome 180 Fantomas -  Page 8 [9 Frames] 181 Mark Lanegan Band - Playing Nero 182 METRALLETA STEIN OST - Telemark 183 Luciano Pavarotti - Sole Mio 184 Jorja Chalmers - red light 185 Blood Ceremony -  Faunus 186 EKPYROSIS - Profound Death 187 Corleone  - Tutto diventerà rosso (feat. Mike Patton) 188 Primus -  The Storm 189 Museo Rosenbach - Superuomo 190 IVANO FOSSATI - MILANO 191 Lucio Dalla - Milano 192 Fantomas -  Page 9 [11 Frames] 193 Alessandro Allesendroni - Remember 194 Le Orme - Felona & Sorona - Return To Naught 195 Rome - The Spanish Drummer 196 Epitaph  -  Beyond the Mirror 197 Ephel Duath - The Passage 198 Three of You - New Life 199 Walter Rizzati I remember (Quella villa accanto al cimitero) 200 Lacuna Coil -  Heaven's A Lie 201 Judas Priest - Nostradamus 202 Triumvirat - Vesuvius 79 A.D. 203 Amedeo Tommasi - Exploration 204 Nero Kane † Lord Won't Come 205 FULCI - Eye Full Of Maggots 206 ULVER - Nemoralia 207 Voltumna  - Roma Delenda Est 208 Adorable - Sistine Chapel Ceiling 209 I Gres - Restless 210 Rita Pavone - Il Geghegè 211 Jahbulong - Under the influence of the fool 212 Theatres des Vampires -  Sangue 213 Antonio - High Voltage! 214 Fantomas -  Page 23 [17 Frames] 215 Sadist - Enslaver of Lies 216 Bunker 66 - (She's Got) Demon Eyes 217 GIULIANO SORGINI - Mad town 218 Zu -  Ostia 219 Moonraker - Miss Goodhead Meets Bond in Venice 220 Franco Micalizzi - I Due Volti Della Paura 221 John Zorn Naked City - The Sicilian Clan 222 Piero Umiliani - Nel Villaggio 223 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Cielo In Una Stanza 224 UFOMAMMUT - Warsheep 225 Fleshgod Apocalypse -  Elegy 226 SLASHER DAVE - Fulzzi 227 Panna Fredda - La Paura 228 Meads Of Asphodel - God Is Rome 229 Nora Orlandi - I Robot Original Version (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) 230 Caronte - Exctasy of Hecate 231 White Skull - Will of the Strong 232 Wotan - Thermopiles 233 Chromatics - Faded Now 234 Fantomas -  Page 2 [7 Frames] 235 Schizo - the main frame collapse 236 Ghost B.C. -  Per Aspera Ad Inferi 237 Dream Theater - The Count Of Tuscany 238 Satyricon -  Commando 239 Psico Galera - La Prima Volta 240 Scolopendra - Priest's blood soup 241 Theatres Des Vampires - 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 242 Victrola - Game of Despair 243 Blue Phantom - Diodo 244 Mortuary Drape - My Soul/primordial 245 Fantomas -  Page 11 [10 Frames] 246 Gianni Ferrio - Un dollaro bucato 247 Ataraxia - Canzona 248 Hexvessel - Phaedra 249 Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra - Some Velvet Morning 250 Mike Patton -  L'Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 251 Idiota Civilizzato - Uno E Nessuno 252 Ennio Morricone - Main Theme for Dario Argento's THE CAT O'NINE TAILS 253 Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity 254 Monumentum - Battesimo: Nero Opaco 255 Opera IX - 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 256 Piedone lo sbirro OST - The Baron's death 257 Goblin - Deep red OST main theme 258 EKPYROSIS - Immolate the Denied 259 L'Impero delle Ombre - II Sabba 260 Monte Kristo - The Girl of Lucifer 261 Ghost - Lady Nite 262 Hallowed - Wake Up In The Night 263 Fantomas -  Page 27 [15 Frames] 264 Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale 265 Death SS - Vampire 266 VOLTURIAN - Broken 267 Cradle Of Filth - The 13th Caesar 268 Fulci - tropical sun 269 Alessandro Cortini - Perdere 270 Francesco Guccini - Bologna 271 Abysmal Grief  - Celebrate what they fear 272 Goblin - book of skulls 273 Tom Waits - In The Colosseum 274 Peggy Lee - Autumn In Rome 275 Ruins - Petit Portrait 276 Urna - Omnis Inifinita Mens Est Gremium Et Sepolcrum Universi 277 Nicolas Gaunin - Noa Noa Noa 278 Lacuna Coil - No Need to Explain 279 Theatres Des Vampires - Morgana Effect 280 Sepultura - City of Dis 281 Opera IX - The Oak 282 Rhapsody - Il cigno nero 283 Cripple Bastards  - Variante Alla Morte 284 Goblin - Witch (Susperia OST) 285 Death SS - revived 286 Henning Christiansen - L'essere Umano Errabando La Voca Errabando 287 Rolling Blackouts - The Second Of The First 288 Giuda - Overdrive 289 Hierophant  - Son of the new faith 290 Giorgio Faletti - Nati a Milano 291 Fabio Frizzi - A Cat in the Brain, Sequence 2 292 Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) 293 FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Monnalisa 294 Valgrind - The Endless Circle 295 Oceana - Atlantidea Suite Part 1 296 Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma 297 Blasphemer - The Sixth Hour 298 Raw Power - Dreamer 299 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Deep down 300 Lacuna Coil - Swamped 301 Slalom OST by Ennio Morricone - Main theme 302 Stefano Marcucci - INFERNO 303 Lou Monte - Shaddap Ya Face 304 The Case of the Bloody Iris OST by Bruno Nicolai - Main theme 305 Mortuary Drape - Dreadful discovery 306 Antonio Riccardo Luciani - Cinque sottozero 307 Plateau Sigma -  Ouija and the Qvantvm 308 Piero Piccioni - Colpo rovente OST - main titles 309 Riz Ortolani - sette orchidee macchiate di rosso 310 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse 311 Oliver Onions - Italian Girl 312 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 313 Metamorfosi - Spacciatore di Droga - Terremoto - Limbo 314 Body Count OST by Claudio Simonetti  - main theme 315 Symphony X - Underworld 316 Carlo Savina - Titoli di testa 317 Orchestra King Zerand - Night Song 318 Piero Umiliani - La schiava 319 CLAUDIO SIMONETTI'S GOBLIN - The Devil is back 320 Roman Holiday OST - Main title 666 Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Perhaps not enough Morricone and needs more Goblin. The next update will have more, I am sure. Play it here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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sylvie-writes · 5 years ago
a/n: So this was originally gonna be part of a series on wattpad, but I can’t log into my account (ahhhh) anyway I had some writing in the drafts (I’ve lost all of them now), but the only one I could get was this b/c I wrote this on Docs. Sorry for rambling about my personal problems, anyhoo enjoy!
Warnings: Ransom being Ransom, Sickness, any grammar mistakes and repetitious wording.
It was around 11:00 AM. Harlan had been working diligently to finish a few chapters. He let you leave to go help Ransom, after all it was part of your job. Harlan worked on writing while making small conversation with Marta. Although you were his assistant and typist, Marta was the one who took care of him while you took care of his things. You bid goodbye to Harlan and Marta before leaving the huge estate.
Pulling into Ransom's driveway you knew he was there, only guessing what hell he'd put you through today. The spoiled brat sat at the island counter, waiting for you.
"You’re late." He stated matter of factly.
You scoffed, he didn't own you. "I was working with Harlan if you couldn't remember." Walking towards the island you grabbed one of the many pans and cracked a few eggs into a bowl. It was your job to be at his beck and call basically. Ransom just sat there watching, being of no help, like usual.
"Omelette?" You looked up into his tired blue eyes. Ransom just shook his head.
The pan was on the stovetop, heating up, as the eggs were being scrambled by you. Harlan had treated you and Marta to an early breakfast this morning at a nearby brunch restaurant. The pancakes were amazing and by far the best ones you had ever eaten.
Once the pan was properly heated, you poured in the eggs along with some herbs, shaking the pan till the eggs set. When the omelette was finally cooked, you set it on a plate, folding it. You had assumed Ransom would want cheese, so you dropped some shredded cheese on top. Turning around, you grabbed a glass from the cabinet, then walked to the fridge to pour Ransom a glass of some fresh orange juice you bought the other day. You and Marta had gone to a local farmer's market to get some things for Harlan when you saw the orange juice and remembered how much Ransom had whined for it. Pushing the plate towards him, you walked around the island and stood behind his chair, placing the glass in front of him.
"It's cold and dry." He opened his mouth, but not to thank you. So many times you had gone out of your way for him and always thought about him, yet he never once thanked you. Treating you like you were the help. No you weren't, you were a person with feelings that obviously weren't respected.
This morning had been a bad one. You woke up a little stuffy and had a huge headache. Not wanting to worry, you just brushed it off as allergies. Harlan had noticed you weren't feeling like yourself, because as you typed, you struggled to focus, impending headache making it impossible. Harlan, being a considerate boss, told you to stop and take it easy, but you were stubborn, insisting you were fine.
You could normally take Ransom's shit but this was the last straw.
"Could you ever just thank me once?" The headache that was growing was not helping the situation. He just looked up at you. At this point you were crying from the pain in your body and his bullshit. Your arms were flying around as you talked.
"You know Ransom, could you ever be nice to me? Just once! Maybe even appreciate all the things I do for you? I'm trying to help you even when I feel like shit!" Now you stormed out, going up stairs to clean his room. Another one of your chores.
Ransom's bedroom was a mess. Clothes strewn everywhere, between his sweaters and the random feminine clothing laid on the floor, his room was a pigsty. In his closet was a laundry hamper that he seemed to miss every time. You grabbed the hamper and rolled it out of the closet. Lifting the lid, you threw all the clothes inside, including the ones that were once laid around the basket. It was infuriating that this 30 year old man's room was messier than a five year old's. While throwing the clothes in, you were so lost in your thoughts and the growing headache, that you didn't even notice Ransom staring at you from the doorway.
For once he wasn't smirking, but instead his face showed... concern and remorse? You stripped the bed of its sheets and he walked over, his brows furrowed, looking down on you. For a split second, you stopped working and looked back up at him, it looked as if there were two of him, things kinda blurry. You hadn't noticed before, but it seemed to be getting hotter in the room. Just shrugging it off, you continued working, Ransom still standing there. The sheets and comforter were on the floor and you were now throwing the pillowcases in the hamper. As you did so, the lid slammed on your hand. "Shit!" Some would call it reflex but he'd call it instinct, Ransom grabbed your hand and gently kissed the back of it. "Darling, you need to sit down. Your cheeks are flushed and you look weak." In his voice there were no ill intentions. Hugh Ransom Drysdale being kind, to you? Yeah, you were definitely sick.
When you didn't sit down, Ransom then pressed his wrist to your forehead. "You are burning up." You were still in shock. He had never been this nice to someone. Just minutes ago he was a complete jerk, just for his own entertainment. You didn't budge, at all. Maybe this was all a sick joke, maybe he was going to be an ass and leave you there for dead, but instead Ransom swooped you up, earning a slight gasp from yourself. He set you down in the chair beside the bed, putting up his finger, signaling you to stay put. He rushed out and into the hallway. Minutes later he came back with new sheets, and you expected that he was going to make you do it, but nope. It was a sight, Ransom Drysdale actually making his bed. He set up the pillows and pulled down the covers. You tried your best to focus on what he was doing, but the raging fever didn't really allow you too. Before you knew it, Ransom was standing in front of you, hands out. You placed your hands in his and he helped you up, putting you in his bed. Fevers are the worst, for one, never in a thousand years would you let Ransom Drysdale put you in his bed, let alone take care of you. In other circumstances you would have gone home, but you were way too sick to drive.
'I must have died and this is heaven.' The statement almost felt true. You were just laying there, in Ransom's bed. Sick, and helpless.
Ransom had gone to the bathroom to grab a thermometer. A few months ago you had bought a mercury thermometer for his house after a visit from a little thing called bronchitis. The dumb ass had gone that night to the country club with his snobby and condescending friends. Later he came home with some giggly blonde. As they made out, the girl quickly pulled away from his lips and coughed madly, but then resumed, reassuring him it was just a slight cough. A total lie, because that slight cough, was more than just a cough. Yeah, it was a frickin' infection, and guess who got it too? Ransom. And guess who had to care for him? You.
Your fever-induced daydreaming was over. Ransom came back with the small stick in hand. You willingly opened your mouth, attempting to keep your heavy eyelids open. Setting a fifteen minute timer on his phone, leaving it beside you on the nightstand.
"(y/n), darling, you are dehydrated. I'll be right back."
This was so weird. Ransom had always called you 'Darling'. At first it was to irritate you, then it gradually changed to an occasional pet name, but now, now he used it with no ill intentions.
Your voice was raspy, words barely able to be understood. "Ran, it's very hot in here." The heat was your body trying to fight off the fever. Barely minutes ago you complained about being cold, but now you were a sweating mess. "Here, try this." Ransom got up out of the chair and went into his closet. In the corner you had stacked the folded clothes of the many one night standees. He's never going to see any of those girls again, so you just left them there as a reminder of his recklessness. Ransom grabbed the pair of blush colored dolphin shorts and the white camisole that had lace on the top and bottom of it. The rest of the clothes weren't made for lounging at all. It looked like it would fit you and he walked out of the closet, sitting back down beside you.
"I hope these work for you." Ransom gently laid down the clothes in your lap. All you wanted to do was sleep, and that was what you had been doing for the time being. Earlier, you could tell Ransom was uncomfortable in his chair, but he didn't want to leave you. It was...
It was sweet. It was endearing. It made Ransom genuinely charming...
Upon waking up from your mini nap, you saw the clothes laid in your lap. With all your might, you pushed your arms, trying to sit up. The fever had made you so weak, it felt like your whole body was aching.
Ransom noticed your struggling and came over to help you sit up.
"Thank you, Ransom, these will fit fine." You tried your best to give him a smile, after all this wasn't the usual Ransom Drysdale. He returned the gesture, now sitting on the edge of the bed.
"You don't care about this sicky thing?"
In all honesty, you weren't sure if the words had properly come out of your mouth. After all, it sounded correct in your mind, but your brain was all flustered from the new found debility, messing up your speech. What you were really trying to say was, "You aren't scared of catching this thing from me?" Ransom just sweetly smiled. He knew you were trying so hard to fight the sickness, but your words still dragged on. Each one lacing over the next. Luckily, he knew what you were trying to say.
"Of course not, you were here for me, now it's my turn to care for you, darling."
There he goes again, 'darling', gets you every time.
"I think we have a problem."
His eyes shot wide, with more concern.
"Too weak." You pointed towards the clothes, your eyes drooping slightly. Ransom got off the side of the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist. He gently pulled you up. Once you were standing, he held you by the waist, your legs feeling like jelly, wobbling slightly. Ransom had one hand on your waist to keep you stable as the other one grabbed the clothes.
"May I?" It was almost sheepishly. Hugh Ransom Drysdale, nervously asked if he could remove a girl's clothing. Normally the smug son of a bitch would just rip it off any other woman, but he had an ounce of respect for you in his body, surprising.
If you were in the right state of mind, you'd never let him, but it was hot and you were tired of your jeans and your wool top. Combined with the heat your body was emitting, it was like someone had turned the thermostat to the setting of hell. It was either the heat or your dignity, and at this point you'd rather not be any more miserable than you are.
"Please." Ransom nodded at your agreement and helped you remove your wool top. He tried to keep your modesty intact, looking at your face as he changed your top instead of staring at your chest. It did tempt him, but he wanted to treat you right. He may not have a good track record with women, but he wanted to change that with you. The same with your pants. He made you sit on the bed as he pulled down your jeans, still trying to be considerate. He too knew very well that if you weren't sick you'd never agree to this.
Finally your shorts and top were on. But your cheeks were still flushed, sweat still on your skin. Ransom had brought up another Gatorade not too long ago, trying to keep you hydrated.
"I'm still hot." You laid on top of the cool sheets now, the ceiling fan running too. Your words weren't meant to be demanding, more of, asking for help.
If this were just anybody, Ransom would be pissed for such a great deal of complaining, but he understood that you were sick and you just wanted relief. Believe it or not, but Ransom hated to see you suffer. Yeah, I know, hard to believe.
You had a hair tie on your wrist and Ransom lightly picked up your hand to grab it. He brushed the sweaty hairs off of your forehead and tenderly moved your heavy limbs. His warm hands rested on your bare shoulders as he turned you ever the slightest.
Ransom then pulled your hair into a ponytail, placing a delicate kiss on the top of your head. He didn't want to overstep and instead went with the sweet and tender kiss, not one full of lust and passion. After all, you were sick, and he didn't want to take advantage of you. Again, surprising.
Well, it was only surprising because the man was such a player. If one were to look up the man on any news website. His name would be right there in bold, probably beside a picture of him and some random girl. Maybe it was possible for Hugh Ransom Drysdale to have a change of heart and attitude.
You weren't sure if you were hallucinating or just feeling things, but you did feel something on your head, and it felt like a kiss. It would be a lie to say you didn't find Ransom attractive. You may have been harboring a small crush, before, even when he was an asshole to you, however, after today when he showed his soft side, your crush grew three times larger. Like the Grinch's heart. Come to think of it, Ransom was basically the grinch. His heart had grown in size, in a matter of hours. Just hours ago he was being a complete pain in the ass to you.
It was getting darker now. From all the naps you had taken, one might've thought it was the next day if it were not for the date on your cell phone. Apparently sleep when you are sick feels like hours when it was only minutes.
Your phone had gone off, a special ringtone you knew all too well. It was Harlan, he needed your help finishing typing up the chapter he had just completed.
"Could you please get that?" You threw your arm, weakly pointing to the phone. Ransom checked and it was Harlan, setting the phone back down.
"Please call him." At this point you couldn't talk anymore, barely able to think of the next word to leave your mouth. Ransom was smart and put the pieces together. He called Harlan and gave him your notice. Harlan in return wishing you a fast recovery. Surprisingly, Harlan wasn’t shocked when Ransom answered the phone. He always wanted you two to be together anyway. You were the girl Ransom needed.
By now, it was 6:00 PM. You had been in bed for over a little more than four hours. Ransom had been in that same chair for the last four hours, occasionally readjusting, clear discomfort on his face. He'd leave every so often to get you a drink or some Ibuprofen to keep your fever down. Your body still hadn't really adjusted and it was still hotter than you would have liked, although the cold drinks and cooler outfit did help.
Sometimes when you'd come over to help Ransom, you'd make him dinner, if not he'd go eat out with his friends at the country club. Just to be a pain in the ass, he would drag you along at times. Tonight was different, Ransom knew you'd weren't that hungry, another effect of the fever, so he cooked you some good old fashioned chicken soup. The same one you had cooked when he was sick. He wasn't sure at the time if it was the illness-induced delirium or not, but that soup seemed to make him feel better.
At the time, you had left the recipe on a small stick note, your beautiful handwriting as you had inscribed the recipe. It was another well kept secret that Ransom Drysdale could cook.
He came back up around 6:30 with a cold glass of your favorite soda and the soup on a wooden serving tray that could sit in the bed. He lightly tapped you, waking you from your 50th nap. Lifting your head off the pillow, you sat up, glancing down at the delicious food in front. It was like he knew. You weren't starving nor were you full, this seemed to be in between and perfect. He sat back down in the chair, after turning the ceiling fan up a notch, knowing the soup would warm you up again. It pained him seeing your frail hand shaking as you fed yourself. The glass was so heavy for your aching hand that Ransom kindly picked it up for you, allowing you to drink from the straw he had included.
After he put away your food once you had finished, he came back up. This time you were awake. As you slept before, he had been on his phone, texting friends and cancelling plans for the night, but now he had nothing to do. You were awake and had noticed his discomfort once again.
"Ransom this is your bed too." With all the strength you had left, you patted his side of the bed and he slowly walked over, as if you were going to change your mind. With nothing to do, Ransom asked if you wanted to watch a movie and you both agreed on a classic movie. Another terrible thing to come out of your sickness, was that your ears were clogged. You could still hear but not as well and when you laughed it made your head rattle. Ransom was glad to see you finally smile amidst your rough day. He would love to see you like that all the time.
The movie was halfway finished and you had fallen asleep. Your body trying to catch up on rest from working to fight the invading illness. At some point you had fallen asleep on his chest, his steady heart beat lulling you to sleep and he slowly ran his fingers through your somewhat damp hair. He too fell asleep. His hand softly laid on your head since he had fallen asleep while stroking your hair.
At the ungodly hour of 2:00 AM you woke up. It was hot once again, you were now sweating. Ransom had been giving you the proper dosage of ibuprofen, making sure to not miss a single time slot. It had helped relieve the fever because now you were sweating and starting to break your fever. Ransom felt you stirring and woke up.
"What is wrong?" He turned on the lamp so he could look at you.
"The fever. It's breaking." The second time you had smiled today and it made Ransom's world.
Ransom removed the sheet not wanting to make you hot and he sat up, as did you. After some cold sweats you felt your body return to a somewhat normal temperature. Ransom leaned across you to get the thermometer he had laid on the nightstand and stuck it in your mouth after shaking up the mercury. He set the timer for fifteen minutes and you leaned back on his chest and he once again kissed your head. This time you knew you weren't delusional.
The quiet timer had gone off and Ransom removed the thermometer from your mouth. He leaned towards the night lamp trying to read the small numbers. 98.4, close enough. He placed it back down and turned off the night lamp.
"It's great, darling, your fever broke." He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you once again leaned on his broad chest. You smiled, not only because your fever was gone, but because Ransom could be so caring.
"We should get some more rest." You nodded and he slowly ran his large hand up and down your arm. The both of you scooted out of your sitting positions and into sleeping ones. You were on your side when you felt Ransom's arm drape across your waist. He knew you'd push it off if you didn't want it. Hell, you wouldn't even be in his bed still if you didn't feel the same way. He had no clue that he could care about you so much, and honestly neither could you.
"Just give him a chance." You thought to yourself.
The next morning you woke up around 10:00 AM. You weren't sure if Harlan was expecting you, so you rushed to get up, Ransom's arms stopping you.
"He said you didn't have to meet him till the afternoon of the day you were ready to go back." Ransom's face was laid into the pillow as he mumbled the sentence out. He had every right to be tired, after all, he cared for you over a matter of at least six hours straight. Also something he hadn't done before.
"Well I will surprise him and meet him today." You jokingly replied to the man. Ransom didn't argue, he knew very well that you were devoted to your job.
You didn't have any clothes over at his house and your ones from last night were covered in your germs and sweat. Thank goodness for the ones from Ransom's one night stands. You went into the same corner he had grabbed your sleepwear from. Luckily some undergarments and a pair of black leggings along with a peach chiffon top some girl or girls had left behind. When you first met Harlan, you wore office attire, now Harlan didn't care as long as you showed up. He knew you were dedicated to your job and trusted you with his everything.
Ransom's shower was huge. His toiletries lined up on the tile shelf inside the shower. In the closet, fresh, fluffy, cotton towels, two of which you grabbed. One for your hair and one for your body. Under the sink, you found a few travel size bottles of vanilla shampoo and conditioner. Not sure who is once belonged to, you still used it, Ransom wouldn't care. The only body wash was his and it smelt like mint. A smell that was so intoxicating. The relaxing shower felt as if you had washed away all the germs, stepping out a new person. You continued getting ready for your day and walked out of the bathroom to find no Ransom. He still played that little game and left the bed unmade, which you pulled off the sheets and put with the other dirty ones when you noticed they were gone. Instead they sat neatly folded and cleaned on the chair where he was once sitting. Ransom Drysdale had done his own laundry? What else did he have up his sleeves?
As you walked down the steps and through the sitting room, you could smell food being cooked. There was Ransom pulling a breakfast casserole out of the oven. The laundry basket you had in your hands, was set down on the floor as you walked closer to him. He heard you put down the basket and turned around smiling.
"Darling, you didn't have to do that. I was gonna get it." He pointed to the laundry basket. 'Oh so he wasn't playing a game with you?'
"I made a breakfast casserole, I thought I'd try something new. I hope you like it." And boy did you like it.
Ransom Drysdale had cooked an amazing breakfast.
"Who are you and where did you take Ransom Drysdale?" Ransom simply laughed and took away your dishes. He was doing dishes too?!!? At this point he was basically doing all the daily things Harlan had hired you to do. He was actually capable of living! You checked your watch and it was 12:15.
Ransom had set down the dishes momentarily and walked you to the door.
"See you later?" He almost sounded worried like you'd run away. You just smiled up at him, nodding, and hoping this would never end.
"Thank you." It was all real. Ransom Drysdale had a change of attitude in a short span of a couple of days. He even had a heart, one that cared for you. After finishing your sentence, you stood on your tippy toes, kissing his cheek, sweetly and slowly. Turning on your heel to leave and go meet Harlan.
Oh if only you saw the effect you had on Ransom and how flustered he was...
166 notes · View notes
loadthree979 · 4 years ago
Daniel Craig Clue Movie
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Daniel Craig Clue Movie Poster
List Of Daniel Craig Movies
Daniel Craig Film Clue
Knives Out—In theaters November 27, 2019. Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Don Johnson, Michael Shannon, LaKeith Sta. This crossword clue Notting Hill Actor Who Plays Daniel Cleaver In The Romantic Comedy Movie Bridget Jones's Diary: 2 Wds. Was discovered last seen in the June 18 2020 at the Daily Themed Crossword. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 9 letters. This answers first letter of which starts with H and can be found at the end of T. Clue (1985) is one of my favorite comedies ever as it is a quick 96 minutes of non-stop hilarity. Director Jonathan Lynn makes long sweeping shots of the gorgeous mansion set look as lovely as his quick cuts to each character. His fast paced direction makes Clue a breeze to watch and revisit time and again. The reason you are here is because you are looking for the Fictional spy portrayed by Daniel Craig crossword clue answers and solutions which was last seen today August 21 2018, at the popular Daily Themed Crossword puzzle. Clue: Fictional spy portrayed by Daniel Craig Possible Solution: BOND Already found the solution for Fictional spy Read more →.
The reason you are here is because you are looking for the to Die upcoming spy film starring Daniel Craig which is the 25th installment in the James Bond series: 2 wds. Crossword clue answers and solutions which was last seen today January 2 2020, at the popular Daily Themed Crossword puzzle.
No Time to Die
2h 43min
Directed by: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Ana de Armas, Dali Benssalah, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Billy Magnussen
UK release: 2 April 2021
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The 25th James Bond film is directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga and sees Daniel Craig in the lead for one last time.
Knives Out
2h 10min
Directed by: Rian Johnson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, Christopher Plummer
UK release: 27 November 2019
When mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Plummer) is found with his throat slit, puffed-up private detective Benoit Blanc (Craig) gets on the case. A wickedly knowing, flamboyantly bitchy take on the whodunnit, with a great cast, bags of style and a splendidly outrageous comic turn from Craig. Bloody good fun.
Logan Lucky
1h 59min
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Cast: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Daniel Craig
UK release: 25 August 2017
Jimmy (Tatum), his brother Clyde (Driver) and sister Mellie (Keough) enlist the help of redneck jailbird and explosives expert Joe Bang (Craig) to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Soderbergh’s latest comedy heist movie is perhaps his best, with a great cast, a satisfying plot and witty dialogue.
1h 26min
Directed by: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Cast: Halle Berry, Daniel Craig, Lamar Johnson
Following the life of a foster family in LA amidst the riots that followed the Rodney King trial verdict.
2h 28min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Andrew Scott, Dave Bautista, Stephanie Sigman
UK release: 26 October 2015
James Bond (Craig) comes up against a global crime syndicate, while back at home, the 00 programme is under threat from reckless moderniser C (Scott). With its swagger, dry humour and frequent, well-executed action it's a solid crowdpleaser, but the story is predictable, the characterisation is thin and overall it lacks…
2h 25min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Written by: John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade
Cast: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Naomie Harris, Bérénice Marlohe
UK release: 26 October 2012
When cyber-terrorists steal an MI6 hard drive, 007 is ordered to recover it. After the let-down of Quantum of Solace, the 23rd official Bond movie is a belter; the script is smart, Craig is better than ever, and Bardem is a thrilling villain. 50 years on from Dr No, it's a well-wrapped birthday present.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
US / Sweden / UK / Germany
2h 37min
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van Wageningen, Joely Richardson
UK release: 26 December 2011
An investigative journalist (Craig) forms an uneasy alliance with a computer hacker (Mara) in an attempt to solve a disappearance. Th400 transbrake kit. Fincher amps up the dark poetry and Mara exudes a barely suppressed rage in every scene, elevating a populist novel into a compelling (if overlong) drama of bleakness and corruption.
Dream House
1h 31min
Directed by: Jim Sheridan
Written by: David Loucka
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Marton Csokas
UK release: 25 November 2011
Publisher Will (Craig) relocates to the suburbs with his wife (Weisz) and daughters, but when their house turns out to be the scene of a massacre, the domestic dream turns sour. Best remembered as the movie that saw Craig and Weisz get together, because their chemistry can't save the clunky script and inert direction.
The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn
US / New Zealand
1h 47min
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
After buying a replica model ship at a flea market, Tintin (Bell) is embroiled in a world of subterfuge. Not since Indy's third outing has Spielberg felt so fresh and unshackled; it feels like a hark back to the heyday of 1980s adventure cinema.
Cowboys and Aliens
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde
Drunk and trouble maker Jake (Craig) is broken out of jail and forced to help grumpy old Arizona lawman Percy (Ford) when aliens start to attack. Dull, humourless and over written sci fi western from Iron Man director Favreau.
One Life
Directed by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Written by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Cast: Daniel Craig (voice)
Documentary for kids featuring stunning footage of animals in the wild and narrated by Daniel Craig.
2h 16min
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Written by: Edward Zwick, Clayton Frohman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, George MacKay
Remarkable true story of the Bielski brothers, three real-life heroes who, against all odds, preserve a community of Jews who escape Poland for the forests of Belarus during WWII. Allied with the Russian resistance, the community thrives unexpectedly, leaving leader Tuvia Bielski (Craig) with heavy responsibilities.
Flashbacks of a Fool
1h 53min
Directed by: Baillie Walsh
Written by: Baillie Walsh
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Claire Forlani, Felicity Jones, Eve, Emilia Fox, Jodhi May, Miriam Karlin
Set in present-day California and an English seaside resort circa 1972, Joe Scott (Craig between Bond outings), is a washed up Hollywood star who recalls a traumatic teenage experience that leads to professional success and personal self-destruction. Good supporting performances and rather pedestrian flashbacks make for…
Quantum of Solace
1h 45min
Directed by: Marc Forster
Written by: Ian Fleming, Michael G Wilson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arterton, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini
'Quantum of Solace' starts with a trademark action sequence involving cars burning rubber around narrow roads and then proceeds to jump from one thrill to another, while moving through locations like pages in a travel brochure. A major plus is Amalric's turn as the villain Dominic Greene, head of an organisation which…
The Golden Compass
1h 45min
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Cast: Dakota Blue Richards, Freddie Highmore, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, Eva Green, Jim Carter, Tom Courtenay, Ian McKellen, Ian McShane, Ben Walker
Based on the novel by Phillip Pullman, this fantasy adventure follows Lyra (Richards), who has been entrusted with the last remaining 'alethiometer', or golden compass, which she must keep from the power-crazed Magisterium. The world Weitz has created is beautifully designed and fascinating, but choppily structured and…
The Invasion
1h 39min
Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel, James McTeigue
Written by: Dave Kajganich, Wachowski brothers
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Northam, Jackson Bond, Jeffrey Wright, Veronica Cartwright
Another reworking of classic 1950s thriller 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, and when a DC psychiatrist (Kidman) discovers its extraterrestrial origin, she and her colleague (Craig) must work together to find a cure before they become its next victims. A waste of celluloid.
1h 58min
Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Written by: Douglas McGrath, Book:, George Plimpton
Cast: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Lee Pace, Daniel Craig, Jeff Daniels, Peter Bogdanovich
A more flamboyant and light-hearted biopic of Truman Capote than Bennett Miller's 2005 film 'Capote'. Jones is great in the lead as the eccentric writer but a weak supporting cast renders this the lesser of the two.
Casino Royale
US / UK / Czech Republic
2h 24min
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Written by: Ian Fleming
Cast: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench
The prequel to the other Bond films time warps back to the enduring action hero becoming a 00 licensed to kill. The latest Bond (Craig) proves to be a strong leading man, but the film is let down by trying to do too much. With a weak villain and Bond girl to boot, it doesn't really feel like a Bond film at all.
France / UK / Luxemburg
1h 45min
Directed by: Christian Volckman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Romola Garai, Jonathan Pryce
Impressive looking 3D futuristic thriller with a black and white render which never quite gets going. Paris 2054. Ilona Tassueiv (Garai), a young and brilliant researcher is violently kidnapped. Avalon, a giant multinational corporation and her employer, wants her found. Dellenbach (Pryce), Avalon's CEO, has requested…
Enduring Love
1h 40min
Directed by: Roger Michellv
Cast: Rhys Ifans, Daniel Craig, Samantha Morton
Based on Ian McEwan's bestseller, a man's worldview is bruised when his attempt to save a boy from a hot air balloon accident goes wrong.
Part 2: How to access iMessage on Chromebook 1. The app Chrome Remote Desktop must be downloaded from chrome web store on your Mac or Win computers. The downloading and installation will be quickly completed on the computers. Imessage on chromebook. Chrome Remote Desktop allows access to another computer's apps and files securely via the Chrome browser or Chrome book. So connect the two computers through the security code and enjoy the iMessage on your Windows PC. 2 Jailbreak your iPhone. There is one more method through which you can get iMessage for windows.
Layer Cake
1h 45min
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Daniel Craig, Sienna Miller, Michael Gambon
Daniel Craig Clue Movie Poster
A cocaine dealer works his way through two tough assignments from his boss on the day before his retirement.
The Mother
1h 30min
Directed by: Roger Michell
Written by: Hanif Kureishi
Cast: Anne Reid, Daniel Craig, Cathryn Bradshaw
A recently widowed grandmother embarks on an affair with a man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter.
1h 40min
Directed by: Christine Jeffs
Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig, Lucy Davenport
A biopic of the relationship and fatal attraction between poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
Road to Perdition
1h 57min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig, Tyler Hoechlin
A Depression era gangster picture with solid American family values. It may also, like Mendes' absurdly overrated Oscar-winner 'American Beauty', fool cinema-goers into confusing its moody self-importance for profound insight. For here are Big Stars, Big Themes (Fathers and Sons, Loyalty and Betrayal, Sin and Salvation…
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No Time to Die
2h 43min
Directed by: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Ana de Armas, Dali Benssalah, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Billy Magnussen
UK release: 2 April 2021
The 25th James Bond film is directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga and sees Daniel Craig in the lead for one last time.
Knives Out
2h 10min
Directed by: Rian Johnson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, Christopher Plummer
UK release: 27 November 2019
When mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Plummer) is found with his throat slit, puffed-up private detective Benoit Blanc (Craig) gets on the case. A wickedly knowing, flamboyantly bitchy take on the whodunnit, with a great cast, bags of style and a splendidly outrageous comic turn from Craig. Bloody good fun.
Logan Lucky
1h 59min
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Cast: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Daniel Craig
UK release: 25 August 2017
Jimmy (Tatum), his brother Clyde (Driver) and sister Mellie (Keough) enlist the help of redneck jailbird and explosives expert Joe Bang (Craig) to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Soderbergh’s latest comedy heist movie is perhaps his best, with a great cast, a satisfying plot and witty dialogue.
1h 26min
Directed by: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Cast: Halle Berry, Daniel Craig, Lamar Johnson
Citrix workspace silent install. Following the life of a foster family in LA amidst the riots that followed the Rodney King trial verdict.
2h 28min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Andrew Scott, Dave Bautista, Stephanie Sigman
UK release: 26 October 2015
List Of Daniel Craig Movies
James Bond (Craig) comes up against a global crime syndicate, while back at home, the 00 programme is under threat from reckless moderniser C (Scott). With its swagger, dry humour and frequent, well-executed action it's a solid crowdpleaser, but the story is predictable, the characterisation is thin and overall it lacks…
2h 25min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Written by: John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade
Cast: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Naomie Harris, Bérénice Marlohe
UK release: 26 October 2012
When cyber-terrorists steal an MI6 hard drive, 007 is ordered to recover it. After the let-down of Quantum of Solace, the 23rd official Bond movie is a belter; the script is smart, Craig is better than ever, and Bardem is a thrilling villain. 50 years on from Dr No, it's a well-wrapped birthday present.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
US / Sweden / UK / Germany
2h 37min
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van Wageningen, Joely Richardson
UK release: 26 December 2011
An investigative journalist (Craig) forms an uneasy alliance with a computer hacker (Mara) in an attempt to solve a disappearance. Fincher amps up the dark poetry and Mara exudes a barely suppressed rage in every scene, elevating a populist novel into a compelling (if overlong) drama of bleakness and corruption.
Dream House
1h 31min
Directed by: Jim Sheridan
Written by: David Loucka
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Marton Csokas
UK release: 25 November 2011
Publisher Will (Craig) relocates to the suburbs with his wife (Weisz) and daughters, but when their house turns out to be the scene of a massacre, the domestic dream turns sour. Best remembered as the movie that saw Craig and Weisz get together, because their chemistry can't save the clunky script and inert direction.
The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn
US / New Zealand
1h 47min
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
After buying a replica model ship at a flea market, Tintin (Bell) is embroiled in a world of subterfuge. Not since Indy's third outing has Spielberg felt so fresh and unshackled; it feels like a hark back to the heyday of 1980s adventure cinema.
Cowboys and Aliens
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde
Drunk and trouble maker Jake (Craig) is broken out of jail and forced to help grumpy old Arizona lawman Percy (Ford) when aliens start to attack. Dull, humourless and over written sci fi western from Iron Man director Favreau.
One Life
Directed by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Written by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Cast: Daniel Craig (voice)
Documentary for kids featuring stunning footage of animals in the wild and narrated by Daniel Craig.
2h 16min
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Written by: Edward Zwick, Clayton Frohman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, George MacKay
Remarkable true story of the Bielski brothers, three real-life heroes who, against all odds, preserve a community of Jews who escape Poland for the forests of Belarus during WWII. Allied with the Russian resistance, the community thrives unexpectedly, leaving leader Tuvia Bielski (Craig) with heavy responsibilities.
Flashbacks of a Fool
1h 53min
Directed by: Baillie Walsh
Written by: Baillie Walsh
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Claire Forlani, Felicity Jones, Eve, Emilia Fox, Jodhi May, Miriam Karlin
Set in present-day California and an English seaside resort circa 1972, Joe Scott (Craig between Bond outings), is a washed up Hollywood star who recalls a traumatic teenage experience that leads to professional success and personal self-destruction. Good supporting performances and rather pedestrian flashbacks make for…
Quantum of Solace
1h 45min
Directed by: Marc Forster
Written by: Ian Fleming, Michael G Wilson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arterton, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini
'Quantum of Solace' starts with a trademark action sequence involving cars burning rubber around narrow roads and then proceeds to jump from one thrill to another, while moving through locations like pages in a travel brochure. A major plus is Amalric's turn as the villain Dominic Greene, head of an organisation which…
The Golden Compass
1h 45min
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Cast: Dakota Blue Richards, Freddie Highmore, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, Eva Green, Jim Carter, Tom Courtenay, Ian McKellen, Ian McShane, Ben Walker
Based on the novel by Phillip Pullman, this fantasy adventure follows Lyra (Richards), who has been entrusted with the last remaining 'alethiometer', or golden compass, which she must keep from the power-crazed Magisterium. The world Weitz has created is beautifully designed and fascinating, but choppily structured and…
The Invasion
1h 39min
Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel, James McTeigue
Written by: Dave Kajganich, Wachowski brothers
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Northam, Jackson Bond, Jeffrey Wright, Veronica Cartwright
Another reworking of classic 1950s thriller 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, and when a DC psychiatrist (Kidman) discovers its extraterrestrial origin, she and her colleague (Craig) must work together to find a cure before they become its next victims. A waste of celluloid.
1h 58min
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Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Written by: Douglas McGrath, Book:, George Plimpton
Cast: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Lee Pace, Daniel Craig, Jeff Daniels, Peter Bogdanovich
A more flamboyant and light-hearted biopic of Truman Capote than Bennett Miller's 2005 film 'Capote'. Jones is great in the lead as the eccentric writer but a weak supporting cast renders this the lesser of the two.
Casino Royale
US / UK / Czech Republic
2h 24min
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Written by: Ian Fleming
Cast: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench
The prequel to the other Bond films time warps back to the enduring action hero becoming a 00 licensed to kill. The latest Bond (Craig) proves to be a strong leading man, but the film is let down by trying to do too much. With a weak villain and Bond girl to boot, it doesn't really feel like a Bond film at all.
France / UK / Luxemburg
1h 45min
Directed by: Christian Volckman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Romola Garai, Jonathan Pryce
Impressive looking 3D futuristic thriller with a black and white render which never quite gets going. Paris 2054. Ilona Tassueiv (Garai), a young and brilliant researcher is violently kidnapped. Avalon, a giant multinational corporation and her employer, wants her found. Dellenbach (Pryce), Avalon's CEO, has requested…
Enduring Love
1h 40min
Directed by: Roger Michellv
Cast: Rhys Ifans, Daniel Craig, Samantha Morton
Based on Ian McEwan's bestseller, a man's worldview is bruised when his attempt to save a boy from a hot air balloon accident goes wrong.
Layer Cake
1h 45min
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Daniel Craig, Sienna Miller, Michael Gambon
A cocaine dealer works his way through two tough assignments from his boss on the day before his retirement.
The Mother
1h 30min
Directed by: Roger Michell
Written by: Hanif Kureishi
Cast: Anne Reid, Daniel Craig, Cathryn Bradshaw
A recently widowed grandmother embarks on an affair with a man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter.
1h 40min
Directed by: Christine Jeffs
Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig, Lucy Davenport
A biopic of the relationship and fatal attraction between poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
Road to Perdition
1h 57min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig, Tyler Hoechlin
Daniel Craig Film Clue
A Depression era gangster picture with solid American family values. It may also, like Mendes' absurdly overrated Oscar-winner 'American Beauty', fool cinema-goers into confusing its moody self-importance for profound insight. For here are Big Stars, Big Themes (Fathers and Sons, Loyalty and Betrayal, Sin and Salvation…
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writeblrfantasy · 5 years ago
oc ship tag game
cygnus & harlan
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbt+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were room mates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing world views / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together/ relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / token dummies / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / sibling rivalry / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / age gap / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn  / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters 
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbt+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were room mates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing world views / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together/ relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / token dummies / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / sibling rivalry / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / age gap / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn  / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbt+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were room mates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing world views / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together/ relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / token dummies / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / sibling rivalry / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / age gap / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn  / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
i just did this because i wanted to, and anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to! i tag @babblingadventures @ren-c-leyn @stardustspiral @redhead-who-writes-stuff . no pressure! happy writing!
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liunaticfringe · 6 years ago
Elementary - 7x12 Reichenbach Falls Grade -- C
The good: The teaser was excellent. That explosion really took me by surprise. Joan’s black and white floral shirt by Karl Lagerfeld. Aidan Quinn -- nice to see him get a chance to show off his chops one last time. And Eugene the coroner guy too.
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The bad: SIGH.
The story they’ve been building up to all season really petered the hell out here. 
1. How the hell does a cancer-ridden Bob Gunton manage to kill three big burly professional assassins, chop them up, shlep them outside, burn them in an oven and then clean up after himself, escaping before the cops, but not before getting a very conveniently covered up burn on his arm. REALLY, DOHERTY? REALLY?
2. Many, many more twists and turns were needed here. Why not have a huge terrorist attack about to take place and they do have to team with Legolas to prevent it, and then he thinks they’re buddies again? 
3. Why the hell not show Reichenbach/Sherlock’s struggle? Assume the gun was filled with blanks, so why not show it and see SH actually going into the water?
4. Way to take every last ounce of tension out of the situation by having SH tell JW about his faux murder plan. This is the one time he picks to be honest with her?? SMH. Seriously. Imagine if JW actually thought SH was dead? ACTING would’ve taken place. Finally. But noooo.... she had to be in on it.
5. And then why would you show the stupid Italian house with that terrible fake backdrop view and his arm in a damn sling? Why not let the audience wonder if he really did die on that bridge? I mean... storytelling 101. 
(Though why I would expect them to get anything right at this point is truly beyond me).
The ugly: Where the hell did JW disappear to in the final act? Why wouldn’t we stay with her and see much more of her reaction or non-reaction? Have her get back to the brownstone and break down for example. Let her be in the interrogation with Odin for G-d’s sake. SOMETHING!
Meanwhile, Morland is dead, blown to smithereens, and there’s barely half a scene for SH/JW to react. Morland saved SH’s ass numerous times (keeping him out of prison for assault, hiring JW, taking on Moriarty, etc. etc.) and now he pays the ultimate price, and Sherly is just like, “He was mean to mom and Myc and me when we were little.” Well, how many times did the guy have to apologize?? Sheesh!
If there was ever a time for a JW/SH hug, one that he accepted gratefully, this was it. 
Or what about, “Hey, let’s go to a meeting.” SOMETHING between these two!
The very hideous:
So we’re down to it. The final two episodes and here’s what we’re missing and need:
1. Euglassia Watsonia. How is the damn hive doing?
2. Clyde.
3. Lin/Mom/Oren
4. JW never did get a f-ing life. I will never forgive Doherty for that white male f-ckery.
5. The returns of Ms. Hudson, Harlan Emple, Lestrade, Cortez, and too many more to name.
6. Red fuzzy sweater. SNIFF!
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mysticandskepticmuses · 5 years ago
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@anonymous sent in questions for me about saori.
Character development: Saori’s reaction to the fall of Stronghold. Living among a Meth society that espouses the qualities she stopped believing in.
               send character development questions and / or memes for my latest altered carbon based original character’s RORI or SAORI (if you send things not on anon i will happily send things back in return)! because i need more characters like i need a rabid chinchilla.
            The fall of Stronghold was, and will probably always be, the most devastating event of her life.  On a personal level, the loss of hundreds of people that she had come to know and care for, within varying degrees, people that she knew; women and children and husbands and wives, that believed in an ideal, 90% of which were noncombatants and were either just there to escape the Protectorate or because they believed in a cause, or were there with their families / to support their spouse or siblings, etc –  for them to have died, at all would have left her heartbroken and devastated.  For them to die how they did – savagely and brutally and torn apart, driven insane and turned against each other when – Quell constantly worked, everyone there constantly strove, to become a family, to become a pack, to put aside personal grievances and work for the betterment of the whole.  For it to be twisted and tainted and for anyone, anyone to die like that is unthinkable – was unthinkable to her.  That it was the Protectorate who did it, who released the virus into the stacks, who razed and burned the Stronghold to the ground afterwards…. shouldn’t have surprised her but it did.  Any and all faith that she had in the hopes that reason could prevail, that the worst of the Protectorate’s tactics could, eventually, be tempered and that the Protectorate would someday be capable of acknowledging the basic human rights of every citizen, rights left, crumbling to dust in the age before Stacks, before interstellar and needlecast travel, before the Protectorate had formed, before the U.N. had just become a machination for the Meths that were already becoming more and more powerful, too powerful –  
          She’d already known the depths the Protectorate would go to in order to gain territory, to take possession of planets and technology on other worlds, to defeat native civilizations and overpower them and place Protectorate loyalists in charge of whole worlds.  She’d been told the horror stories of the detainment camps and work details.  She’d been told the tactics that the Protectorate and its CTAC agents employed on and off the field, in virtual.  And somehow she had never imagined that they would be capable of what, for lack of better term, equates to bioterrorism against its own people - rebellion or not.  Thinking about how they died, children and adults, soldiers and civilians alike, it guts her - it shattered her heart and left her an absolute guilt ridden mess.   She didn’t know.  The operation was above her clearance level, it wasn’t handled or coordinated planetside, she didn’t know, she couldn’t have known, but – that didn’t stop her from blaming herself.  Maybe not entirely, she had enough reasoning and enough anger to know that the responsible parties were the Protectorate and the agents responsible for the decision and the attack.  And she knew there had to be someone, somewhere, that had betrayed the Envoys, that had betrayed Quell, or they never would have gotten close enough for that kind of attack, but – she hasn’t been able to find any proof, any trail.
        It was particularly difficult for her to make it through those first few days, those first few weeks because for the majority of people on Harlan’s World and definitely all across the known space, it was being CELEBRATED.  The Envoys had long been touted as rebels, guerilla warriors, assassins, terrorists who used dirty bombs and killed without reason or purpose, that killed anyone and everyone, gunning down innocent civilians as they ran in terror – she’d learned to ignore that, when and where she could but this was …. a whole new level.  Seeing glimpses of the bodies of her friends, people she’d considered family, touted over and over again, hail the protectorate, look at what our heroes did, they’ve saved us all –  all while trying not to betray how utterly DEVASTATED she was ….  It was hard.  Really, really hard.  She is, usually, a warm and friendly and compassionate person … it’s not easy for her to pretend to be these things when she’s upset, sad, grieving and she was in such a precarious position because the risk of discovery around that time period was especially high.   So she had to try and just.  Live and act like everything was fine, that she was fine, that she wasn’t wanting to scream in rage while crying herself to sleep at night.  
         She tries to focus her efforts on maintaining what contact she has / can with other agents / other clusters / other supporters but after the Stronghold massacre, without Quell to lead them and without the Envoys to fight, momentum died, almost instantly and she was left with little in the way of options that would not endanger her, at that point, needlessly.  
         As for how she continued to live, how she deals with being in this world now, without the Uprising, with the vivid memories of the horrors that the Protectorate and humanity can be capable of … honestly… I think at some point she’d just have to realize that she isn’t Quell.  She isn’t an Envoy.  She is not someone who can change the world.  She can only change her world, she can only change her circumstances, her life.  In her loose ‘future history’ as it reflects in my OC Rori’s rendition of things, eventually Saori decides to leave Harlan’s World, finding it simply too hard to be there with the memories and the ghosts, and she takes a cryo-storage passenger ship the many decades from Harlan’s World to Earth, where she eventually works her way into a political position where she can do some good, living a quiet but comfortable and perhaps bordering on wealthy life, eventually has a son, Clarence, that carries on her family line on Earth [ she keeps her family name regardless of relationship status but I also think she’d have a child on her own just as easily ].
          I like to think that, eventually, she does find a way to put the worst of the guilt and anger and resentment and grief behind her:  she is a basically optimistic and idealistic personality, but I think she would have definitely been a lot more reserved, guarded about most aspects of her life after arriving on Earth, especially when entering the field of politics, as hard as it can be to keep personal and political life separate, she tries.  I think, maybe when her son was 10-12, she might have met someone, a man or woman, in higher standing than herself in terms of politics, power, finances, and she falls in love.  They marry, but she still keeps her name, Clarence still keeps his.  Possibly another child, with a hyphenated name if the other person insisted.  Saori would not be one to extend her life, however, even with the resources afforded her by her position and her partner’s money and influence.  
          She might not be as outspoken about it as she once was, but she’s still quietly firm on her stance, still disseminating, in little ways here and there, the wisdom that Quellcrist taught her, the fact that it isn’t how long you live, it’s how you live, and would have died, likely of natural causes, and that was that.  She would not have been Neo-C coded, though, and her stack is probably still in one of the Dearing family vaults.
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seaglassxgypsy · 6 years ago
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❝  I get so caught up in protecting the people I love                                                                that  I forget to protect myself.  ❞
☽ The Wi☨ch is in The Details ☾
Name:  Thea Sophia Harman Age:  17 ( + ) ( may 1st ) Zodiac:  Taurus ( ♉ ) Gender:  Female ( ♀ ) Species:  Witch ( Daughter of Hellewise ) Clan:  Harman ( Harman(s) ) Parents:  Daniel Avery ( father - deceased ) & Sophia Harman ( mother - deceased ) Relationships:  Blaise Harman ( cousin - fc phoebe tonkin ), Edgith Harman ( maternal grandmother - fc raquel cassidy ), FC:  Olivia Holt ( ❀ )
☽ Personality ☾
☑  caring, mystical, courageous & free-spirited ☒  mischievous, emotional, self-destructive & guarded
☽ Her Story ☾
Thea and Blaise grew up with more freedom than most kids their age.   Being an only child born to Daniel Avery ( Witch ) and Sophia Harman ( Witch ). However, when she was still very young, Thea and her cousin Blaise lost both their parents in a tragic ritual accident.  Inseparable as ever the girls are basically sisters.  Because of this, they grew up surrounded by witches often living with different relatives, mostly due to the antics of Blaise.  Blaise was never happy in one place for too long.  Because of that, Thea got used to a life of always being on the move.  Having been expelled from seven to eight different schools since they were middle schoolers.  
Her cousin would regularly get into trouble for taunting and playing with the local human boys and Coven Leaders sons and Thea would take the fall with her.  At their last school in New Orleans, Blaise got a boy named Harlan Hunt to burn down most of the school, leading to her and Thea’s expulsion.  They were then sent to live with Grandma Harman, their maternal grandmother who owns a flower shop.  Running out of relatives to take them in.  She is determined not to get expelled or any trouble this time, as she doesn’t want to disappoint Grandma harman - or be sent to the Convent for misbehaving.  While both girls are known to help out around the shop making flower deliveries or craft all sorts of bizare and unique jewelry/pottery ( most jewelry & mugs crafted from Thea&Blaise are harmlessly enchanted ).
☽ Abilities ☾
☽ Basic Powers ☾
》Spell Casting: Thea has the power to cast Spells.
》Potion making: She also can make magical potions.
》Symbol Creation: Thea magically formulates symbols that can cause special events to occur
》Hoodoo: Thea magically practices the mixes occult elements.
☽ Individual Powers ☾
》Advanced Telekinesis  ► Thea has the ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means.
》Advanced Geokinesis ► Thea can create, shape and manipulate earth and “earthen” elements.
》Mineral Magic ► Thea is able to perform rocks, crystal, and gem magic that allows her to utilize minerals, or magically manipulating them.
》Pyrokinesis ► Thea can manipulate and control fire.
》Electrokinesis ► Thea can manipulate and control electricity.
》Advanced Healing ► Thea can heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, and light burns.  Along with healing external wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, disregarding of severity.  Lost limbs can be re-attached.  Minor damaged internal organs may heal, but more severity may be beyond repair and may take more time to heal. 
》Intuition ►  Thea has the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
☽ Connections ☾
Blaise Harman [ Cousin ]  ##
Grandma Harman [ Maternal Grandmother ] ##
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