#c: elvira
geekynerfherder · 2 years
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'BOO!' by Sheila C.
11" x 17" giclee print on archival paper, in a signed and numbered limited edition of 30 for $60.
On sale now through Gallery1988.
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fcundaticnsofdecay · 10 months
status: closed
pairing: alexander & elvira
with: @felteverywhere
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"i wasn't trying to wake you," mumbled alexander when he realized he could hear footsteps behind him. he had woken up early (like he always did) and decided to leave her be. he knew that he had exhausted her the previous night. he had a few things he needed to catch up on anyway. he had a cup of steaming hot coffee next to him and he went to grab it in order to hold it out towards her," are you planning on running away again?" he knew that she would likely try to avoid him once she left which was why he just wanted to make sure that he knew her pattern by then. he finally looked away from the screen," or are you at least going to stay for breakfast?"
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mayamistake · 1 year
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honeyedblossom · 1 year
closed starter @wickedthiswaycomes ( anni )
"I don't mean to laugh or eavesdrop," Elvira slipped out once the man that had been chatting up Anni had excused himself for another round of pool. "But that guy really had some nerve, talking to a beautiful lady such as yourself like that. Now I'm not saying I'm any better than him, but," she paused before scooting over, nonchalantly slinging an arm around the back of the other's barstool. "I'd like to think that I can at the very least help in scaring him away. Not that you need it, I'm sure, but two bombshells are better than one surely."
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
"l'invito", in 17139 (17149) / giuseppe chiari et alii. 1978
“l’invito”, in 17139 (17149) / giuseppe chiari et alii. 1978
Sandro Ricaldone Aut. Trib. 17139n. 1 – maggio 1978(Errata: Il primo numero apparve erroneamente come “Aut.Trib.17149”)L’INVITOdi Giuseppe Chiari
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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@decanard​​ asked: “You are worth more than moon and sun.” (Elvira @ Gladstone)
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It hasn’t been easy going from a posh home with attentive, privileged parents to being all alone in the world...Except for his grandma. This new set up was almost perfect; he was loved and it was cozy, but the young half-goose still felt empty in places, and scared...It’s harrowing enough for a 5 year old to lose one parent, let alone having the other parent taken away from him as well...in just a short year later.
The usually cheerful boy must have looked pathetic--sighing out of the picture window, looking onto the farm beyond with sad, lonely interest.
Suddenly, two arms swoop around him in a surprise embrace, her words instantly comforting him, washing any unease and anxiety away...even if it was just for a moment.
“I am?!”
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“I mean--yeah--I know I am!”  He cuddles into her, nuzzling playfully under her chin. “You’re gonna be so rich gramma because you have me now.”
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clairity-org · 6 months
Amedeo Modigliani, Elvira Resting at a Table, c. 1918-19, Oil on canvas, 8/9/23 #StlArtMuseum by Sharon Mollerus
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theroguequeenaniki · 9 months
Billboard changing the rules so artists can't sell digital singles on their websites to count towards the charts anymore is really annoying b/c what do you mean it force opened iTunes and then I also had to change my password because I couldn't remember it just to buy one stupid song I ended up streaming on Spotify anyway
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limesnlawnchairs · 11 months
shits myself & dies. this is eveyrthing 2 me
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[Transcript: The Bride of Frankenstein is one of six monsters featured in the 1998 pinball machine Monster Bash by Williams. The objective of the game is to form a band with classic Universal monsters. Every monster has their own game mode which you have to start to have them added as a band member, the Bride is the singer in the band. With this iteration of the Bride she was created before the Monster and she has requested Dr Frankenstein to create the perfect husband for her. In her game mode she attacks the monster with kitchen appliances after being disappointed by the doctor's work.]
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punksocks · 11 months
Astro Observations No.19
(Thank you so much for the support everyone! I appreciate you following my blog c:)
*Just based on my experiences, only take what resonates
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-Starting a new relationship during Venus in retrograde is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a probably karmic partner (I’ll never forget mine oml)
-Under developed Venus ruled men/ Men with heavy Venus placements are a nightmare. Underdeveloped ones choose to be chaotic with charming energy. Like f-boys or like vampires. They just tend to run through people and use them for validation. Sometimes they grow out of it and become better. A lot of times they just get too big of an ego and get narcissistic in this energy and are just destructive.
-The house your Juno is in could be an indicator of your soulmate’s placements (ex if your Juno is in Aries your partner may have Juno in first. Or if your Juno is in 5th they may have Leo in Juno. If your Juno is in Libra they may have Juno in 7th.)
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-Libra/Taurus/Venus in 1st house people can get away with such criminal behavior lol, people will never blame them or they will always want to see the best in their actions. I feel like Leo Asc/Sun in 1st can get through a lot of actions with confidence but they usually do face blow back at some point if they’re behaving badly.
-Neptune 1st house/Pisces rising will have a more erratic sort of filter applied to them. Like usually they’ll get like subconsciously softened and idealized by others but they’ll also get certain traits like air head or spacey applied to them. Basically getting elevated and infantilized the most imo.
-Having North Node in Pisces can be a murky karmic placement. I’ve found that North Node in Pisces can manifest as anything from spiritual devotion and detachment from others to lifelong addiction and reliance on substances, any path that has heavy Neptunian themes which feels like a roulette since Neptune rules over confusion.
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-Mars MC can be a sex symbol placement for any gender, someone known for their body or having a striking presence.
-Venus MC is definitely someone that’s known for being a charmer at best and a player at worst. Still very good with people either way.
-MC in Scorpio can manifest as someone that’s seen as constantly going through transformations and tribulations in their career and public life. Alchemy or catastrophe, always at an extreme.
-Venus can show where you are the most appealing to others (Venus in 1st would be seen as charming and probably having a very pretty face, Venus in 2nd would been seen as luxurious and having many resources and having a pretty body, Venus in 3rd would be a very charming speaker and likely have a voice that draws in others, etc I can make a whole post on this if anyone’s curious)
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-Aquarius Venus/Venus in 11th fall in love with someone unconventional, or someone they met in an unconventional way (online dating, penpal programs, stuff like that)
-I find all fixed moons have really intense emotions, they just express it in different ways (yo if you’ve ever just disagreed with an Aquarius moon you know they can get touchy if you’re not on the same page with their logic)
-Aquarius is not a great way to figure out if someone is queer imo. The connotation of being lgbtqia+ being essentially strange/out of the norm is … something already but plenty of queer icons that live with their careers/lives revolving around the queer community have no Aquarius in their charts at all (I was looking at Elvira’s chart after this Matt Baume video on YouTube about how she’s a queer icon that was elevated by the queer community and was a closeted lesbian and she turned out not to have a single Aquarius placement, a Virgo stellium and Leo placements stood out the most to me). Sappho is the asteroid to check out for wlw I’m not sure for mlm but I’m sure Greek mythology has given us a great asteroid for the mascs
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-Squares to north node can present “delays” with your destiny (more so having to hone aspects of your personality, having certain experiences beforehand, and coming into your destiny later in life, Joe Biden is an interesting example of this lots of squares and harsh aspects to north node and he ran for president like 7 times before he won, even became Vice President before, so interesting)
- (TW scars, harm) Scorpio can show where you have organic scars/birthmarks (Scorpio in 1st birth marks/freckles just appear on my face) where as Pluto can show where you get scars through experiences (I have Pluto in 2nd and I got burned on the lower third of my body when my dad left me in a hot water bath as a baby :/)
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Elvira, c. 1982
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moon-simmers · 1 year
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BONAERENSE | Bathroom set
Welcome to the colorful world of "modern" bathrooms!
Leave behind the utilitarian and sanitary white of early Edwardian bathrooms. The late roaring twenties come to discover endless colorful and cheerful combinations for your bathrooms.
BONAERENSE brings to you the traditional tiles of every traditional house. Your bathrooms can now experience great color schemes! From orchid with mauve, a feminine candy pink with black, a soothing lavender or even burgundy and the elegant navy blue.
[More photos, info and download below]
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1. Tiled cabinet mirror
26 swatches.
Price: §145
2. Sink Mirror
Needs Get to Work.
6 swatches.
Price: §55
3. Buscaroli Simple Sink
26 swatches.
Needs Parenthood
Price : §130
4. Buscaroli Sink
26 swatches.
Mesh by Linzlu.
Price : §295
5. Musicardi Sink
26 swatches.
Mesh by Linzlu.
Price : §335
6. Standar Sink
26 swatches.
Mesh by Linzlu.
Price : §150
7. Munich Sink
26 swatches.
Mesh by TheJim07.
Price : §250
8. Mazamorra Sink
26 swatches.
Mesh by Zxta.
Price : §130
9. Elvira Sink
26 swatches.
Price : §130
10. Piazzola Sink
26 swatches.
Price : §150
11. Anchorena Sink
26 swatches.
Needs Vampires
Price : §200
12. Ravenna Sink
26 swatches.
Price : §120
13. Amancio Sink
26 swatches.
Price : §120
14. Nonna Tub with Shower Patterns
26 swatches.
Mesh by Renorasims.
Price : §950
15. Nonna Tub with Shower
26 swatches.
Mesh by Renorasims.
Price : §950
16. Tatita Tub with Shower 1x1
26 swatches.
Mesh by K9BD.
Price : §700
17. Tatita Tub with Shower 1x1 Patterns
26 swatches.
Mesh by K9BD.
Price : §700
18. Nina Tub with Shower
26 swatches.
Price : §800
19. Nina Tub with Shower Patterns
26 swatches.
Price : §800
20. Rafael Toilet
26 swatches.
Price : §450
21. Aram Toilet
26 swatches.
Price : §500
22. YPF Toilet
26 swatches.
Needs Vampires
Price : §400
23. Tiled Bathup
44 swatches.
Price : §500
24. Abu Curtain
39 swatches.
Needs C&D
Price : §125
25. Abue Window Valance
39 swatches.
Needs Parenthood
Price : §100
26. Pascual Bathtub
29 swatches.
Price : §450
27. Colourfull Toilet Papel Roll
52 swatches. Half bronze half silver
Price : §50
28-31. Granitic Mosaic Floor
29 swatches.
Trim, big and small size,
Price : §4
32-35. Wall Tiles
44 swatches.
Wall, Half-Wall, Half-Wall Shower and board
Price : §2
I have had problems with my internet to upload it, as soon as it is solved I will update the link to simfileshare.
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lady-ofmischief · 11 days
I was tagged by the lovely @loverlyundecidedmusicalmuggle 💚
To be clear these are all characters other people have compared me to for various reasons. Don’t get me started on Elvira 😭 Anyway can’t wait to see what you guys think and let me know what you pick!
And feel free to reblog with your own poll :)
No pressure tag list : @queenofnevermore @ecle-c-tic @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @thislookinyoureyes @roger-s-maracas @trinikins @kenobion @borealis-strange @whatmarisays @ursogreat @arwione @thebohemianbelle and anyone else who would like to do this!!!
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pulpsandcomics2 · 3 months
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Elvira Mistress Of The Dark by Sheila C
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londonfog-chan · 21 days
Eddie Munson x Reader: Ulterior Motives
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Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+. Mentions of smutty things and pot. Also mentions of being high if that doesn’t sit right with you. Please use your better judgment and be safe out there with edibles y’all.
I fucking told you all this shit would happen one day. I told you I was working on that Ulterior Motives fic. Here it is babes.
It was the sexy beat of the drums that probably caught you off guard.
The wet sound of his tongue against your neck intermingled with the sinful sounds blaring on the television. You tasted like Betty Crocker chocolate.
And then the keyboard came… Maybe a Yamaha or Lowrey.
The sexy percussions…
He couldn’t hear you, fumbling for the fly of his jeans as your underwear went sailing over the couch. An unintelligible groan rippled through his throat as the actress on the flick began to sound off, and then the vocalist came on…
“-ing in yo… yes make me realize...”
“Eddie get off I can’t hear!”
You pushed Eddie Munson off you abruptly and his head smacked hard into the coffee table, making him yelp in pain.
Clutching the aching part of his skull and ruffling the messy waves of his brown locks, he looked indignant to see you crawling out from under him on all fours. Your pathway was clear ahead: straight for the glow of the television that beckoned in the dark room like a forbidden idol against the teal carpet and wood panels of your family’s home. The haze of pain sadly didn’t allow him to admire the curvaceous view he currently had of your behind as you crawled on hands and knees. Which was a shame, because you were clad in nothing but his Black Sabbath shirt, and the view from the back was spectacular.
But for you to push him off that quickly… Maybe he did something wrong?
“I’m sorry!” he began quickly apologizing, pulling up his underwear and zipping the fly of distressed Levis quickly as though someone had just walked in, “Sorry! I guess I just got carried away and I thought you wanted…”
Eddie froze. His face contorted further into worry. He thought you were going to tell him you heard the characteristic car door slam of your mother’s 1979 Dodge Aspen from the adjacent garage. Evidently the last thing on your mind was hearing anything except for the television. You were pressed against the speaker, trying to listen in to something, although he doubted it was the wet noises or the groaning currently playing out.
Guilt and dread filled his chest. It was all going to shit. This had all been his idea and the whole experience had been one long string of bad luck altogether.
Originally it was a simple plan concocted after you finally passed Mr. Mundy’s remedial math final with a C. Weeks of struggling through understanding your homework and your boyfriend’s high proficiency help finally paid off. Eddie had taken you out to Palace Arcade to spoil the shit out of you with as much time as you wanted on the new Elvira pinball machine, but he felt that treat was just too tame in comparison to achieving such a big goal. Considering Mundy was the last obstacle standing in your way for graduation with him, Eddie thought of something more enticing to welcome you into the ranks of those who would walk for their diploma.
He'd proposed the idea when you called him to tell him your mother had to leave for a few days on business. A different scenario was pictured then: a fun night in with a sleepover at your place with some greasy burgers and crinkle cut fries from Big Top, homemade Munson Special Treats, and a suspiciously obtained copy of one of his favorite porno flicks, Angels of Passion, for the evening’s viewing pleasure. Concluding the evening with a stoner’s nightcap and eating everything the two of you could get your grubby hands on afterwards.
It had been going well up until you flipped out on the shitty music.
“Baby… are you ok?” Eddie asked, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up.
He got scared when you didn’t respond at all. Hardly acknowledging he was there.
“Oh fuck me Freddy… Green out babe? You’re not having a bad one are you?!” He asked, his heart racing with fear. “Was it too strong for you? I told you to tell me if you started feeling-…”
You turned around with a scowl, putting your finger to your lips as you shushed him harshly. Whether it was Eddie’s ‘special treats’ working their magic or it was the actual shitty pop that Eddie hated, you were simply unmovable. The tune wasn’t Eddie’s style at all, then again if he was watching an adult film he wasn’t really paying attention to whatever out of tune noise the director chose for music. But you seemed fascinated.
You hummed softly along to it, and when the scene ended, you immediately rewound the tape.
“Woah… ok, what are we doing here baby? What are you listening for?” he asked, crawling over to sit next to you as you worked the Betamax.
“What is this melody?!” you asked, using a mocking British accent that you often took on for your rogue character during Hellfire’s current Battle for Baldur’s Gate Campaign.
“… the shittiest stock music known to man?” Eddie responded, and it took him a while to formulate a coherent answer that was both kind and not outright laughing at you, “It’s porno music babe. If it ain’t metal it means nothing to us.”
“Holy fuck…” you hissed through your teeth, “This song… it… it’s really fucking awesome?!”
Okay… Now what the fuck else were you eating besides badly made pot brownies from Uncle Wayne’s tiny kitchen?!
“… You’re kidding, right? Baby… it’s a POP song! Since when do we listen to pop?! Bad pop at that, some of the shittiest music imaginable and you’re here acting like it’s Mr. Crowley.”
Eddie was flailing his arms, almost hurt with you for turning against his strict metal only code in his presence. Normally you had varied tastes, and he tolerated it to a point; the only rule was nonmetal did not exist in your shared van, but anything goes on your Walkman where you could plug in your headphones and Eddie could blast something else on the cassette deck of his 1971 Chevy Van.
“Yeah that’s it… you’ve had way too much.” Eddie said, beginning to try and pull you away from the television, “No way would you find this crap enjoyable if you weren’t completely baked and tone deaf.”
“Eddie no, you don’t understand this is… how the fuck is a porno song this good???” you hissed to yourself.
It had to be the brownies… Had to be… What the hell else could it have been?! Pulling at his hair, Eddie reasoned you had to have eaten too much against his advice. Admittedly he’d bitten off a little more than he could chew today as well, and he could feel it settle in the longer he tried to pull you away from the tv. He usually could pull off pregaming a joint before a treat and still maintain some modicum of law and order of the two of you, but you’d never done this before. You had insisted earlier you would be fine, but he suspected you had bitten off more than you could chew. Definitely on the verge of a green out if your taste in music was declining this badly.
“Eddie this is so good… how the hell did they get like actual musicians to perform for a porn?” you asked, almost desperate. “I wish I could hear the rest of it… if this stupid bitch wasn’t moaning her little bimbo head off…”
“Sweetheart, that’s the whole point of the flick…” Eddie said, holding you against him as he looked deeply into your eyes. “It’s just something to have on in the background while the lead gets plowed like a cornfield. Doesn’t have any other kind of special meaning beyond that.”
You weren’t even paying attention. Completely transfixed, possessed even, as you began to hum along with the song, shaking your backside slightly with the beat. When you began to sing, Eddie had a moment where his brain began to short circuit. You had quite a captivating voice, deep and contralto, although he could never convince you to sing for him beyond screaming along to Rainbow in the Dark while parked out at Lover’s Lake.
“… everyone knows that… ulterior motives… what the hell did he say…?” You muttered, trying to follow along with the lyrics.
You rewound the video at least eight times, each time ignoring Eddie complaining and trying to get you to stop. The music was so bad, he didn’t even notice that after a while, he started feeling like maybe he’d also had a little too much. Shit! He definitely fucked up and pregamed a little too much in anticipation of your sleepover. He should have been paying attention. There was a point where he’d thought he’d rolled tobacco and not the reefer, and cautiously ate a little more of the brownies when after an hour he hadn’t felt the high, but he certainly could have just checked better and stayed with eating only half.
Each time you rewound the tape, you learned a little more of the song, until you perfectly memorized the lyrics that you were able to hear.
“Oh my god Eddie…” you said, completely out of your mind. “Holy shit… I think this is the best song ever written?”
“Jesus H. honey… What, are you a little preppie cheerleader that listens to Madonna now? You a jock?!” There wasn’t much lyrical genius that he could make out above the obnoxious moaning of the actress currently being engaging in the illicit acts. “Listen babe, let’s forgo the porno, okay? I’ll put on our album instead and we’ll listen to real music. You want that baby? I know you love Holy Diver?”
“Eddie just… Just trust me… ha… haha…” you suddenly had a fit of giggles, excited and tickled that you were able to learn the lyrics so quickly. You could hardly talk. And Eddie could hardly even get himself together enough to just shut the damn tv off.
But what happened next suddenly changed everything: you stood up quickly, and began swaying.
“Oh good God above now you’re dancing, babe, come back here…!”
At first Eddie scrambled to his feet, he was afraid the love of his life was going to fall and crash into the entertainment center, but you seemed to really be dancing, following the rhythm fairly well for being baked out of your mind. Your dance was sloppy, wild and reckless, you gyrated your hips mostly, dancing like you were the only one in the room.
Eddie froze. He was almost transfixed, more so on the way you danced rather than the fact that you were transfixed on the song still.
“Eddie watch just… just listen to it again…” you stopped to have a fit of laughter.
“I don’t like this...!” he said, more cautious than curious at this point.
“Eddie! Just trust me! Let me listen to it again, one more time…! Please?”
He hesitated. Every fiber of his being screaming about the dangers that having both of you out of your minds could cause. The logical part of his brain screamed danger, saw it lurking in the sharp corners, odds and ends and angles of the room. He should get you both to bed before one of you got hurt. He should be the responsible one for once in his goddamned life instead of being the bad influence…
“God dammit…” he growled, wiping the final remnants of shame from his face. “Fine. One more time, and then we’re shutting shit down.”
You couldn’t press rewind fast enough. The scene began all over again with the drums, a soft ‘oh yeah’ from the blonde star being worked over by some stud, honestly at this point Eddie had seen the blonde get railed under the giant Coca Cola poster so many times and was getting so high as time marched on he couldn’t even find it in himself to get hard. He was utterly desensitized to the scene, until he saw you begin to dance again, and you were looking at him like you were starving.
“Something in your eyes makes me realize… how strained this feels...” your voice was smooth, a low alto so unlike anything he’d heard in his life. Although you weren’t practiced, and still very high, something about the way you seemed to just be enjoying yourself, letting loose… through the floating giddy feeling creeping up on him, Eddie was just completely captivated watching his beautiful lover have unabashed fun dancing to terrible music.
You reached out to Eddie, fingers beckoning him to dance with you, hips swaying as you continued to sing along.
Now how could he resist you like that? All hot and bothered, needy for him, beckoning him in for a dance…
He moved automatically in, moving slightly to the beat as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressed against him while singing the chorus, sweet little voice softening when you sang ‘tell me the truth’ in a cadence that lilted up at the end, as if you were trying to flirt with him. It was actually very endearing… and Eddie was finding the longer the song went on, he didn’t actually mind the song so long as it was you singing to him.
The longer you danced together, closely pressed against one another, the greater the intensity of the passion was as the raw sexual tension built up. You slowly slid your hands down Eddie’s body, massaging and teasing him as you then slipped your hands into the back pockets of his jeans. You gave him a firm, loving squeeze. Your eyes were watery, squinting up at him in the dark, but to him you looked like an angel.
It had to be the sounds from the television getting to you both on some subconscious level, because the next thing he knew Eddie was being pulled backwards until you both hit the couch, Eddie pinning you to the cushions as you continued to dance, swaying and moving against one another. He didn’t know when it started happening, just knew that at some point the Levis were pooled at his ankles and there you were. Surrounding every sense all at once. Buried in warmth. He was so consumed by a passion that burned hot and heavy, following a rhythmic pattern of give and take, soft and wet, hot and heavy all at the same time, the once terrible music becoming a symphonic masterpiece as you and he made music of your own.
When he pulled away from you, after the most earth shattering peak of enticement, he noticed you were staring at him with stars sparkling in your eyes.
“Best song ever written, right?” you asked, mouth hanging open as you both panted in the aftermath of love.
“Yeah…” he breathed, trying desperately to catch his breath as you took it away with your beauty. “Best song ever written babe…”
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operafantomet · 25 days
Seeing Vienna curtain call photos made me realize... You've talked about the replica Prince/Bjørnson curtain call features a "parade of costumes" from throughout the show (Hannibal Princess, Reyer, Carlotta in one of her manager's dresses, Madame Firmin) and not just the most recent costume the actor wore. I know Carlotta used to bow in her Donna Elvira dress in Japan, they experimented with Piangi bowing as Hannibal (in Brazil) or in his manager's suit. But I usually never see Masquerade costumes at the replica curtain call unless it's for "non canon" special events (Raoul changing to Hussar or swings wearing a masquerade costume during anniversaries). Do you have any insight into why replicas don't have the Masquerade costumes reappear? I won't ask for an explanation for why the restaged tour is the way it is *shudders at the MOTN BLINDFOLD*
I agree, and I think the main reason is that the costumes featured at the curtain call - if it's not the last the person wore in the show - tend to reflect on the mock operas. So there's Hannibal costumes, Il Muto costumes and Don Juan costumes, but none from the auction scene or Masquerade.
There are of course some exceptions. Most noticably, Carlotta is often featured in one of her Managers dresses. It used to be the b/w one, due to the red one first being designed a year or so into the run. After that productions also started doing the red for the curtain call. Now it seems optional? Once in a blue moon (read: Japan and Switzerland) she also wears her Don Juan costume.
Same with Piangi: It's usually the Don Juan costume, but sometimes the Hannibal costume or 1st Managers attire.
Meanwhile the ballerinas are always in their Degas costumes, and the managers in their regular attires. There's also various stagehands present, a well as the police and fireman uniforms from before Don Juan. In addition there's Madame Firmin's purple bustle dress, which you can technically say does not belong to the mock operas - but it IS present during "Think of Me", so it kinda does.
Let's look at various curtain call photos. For example full cast in West End c. 2012, with Carlotta in the red Managers dress and Piangi in the Don Juan costume:
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Full cast in the 2009 Danish production, where Carlotta wore her b/w dress, and Piangi the Don Juan costume:
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The UK Tour revival in 2020, with Carlotta in her red Managers dress, and Piangi in his 1st Managers attire:
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Toronto 1999, with Carlotta (not depicted here) in her b/w Managers dress, and Piangi in the Hannibal costume:
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Elder (2011) Japanese curtain call, with both Carlotta and Piangi in their Don Juan costume:
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...whereas newer (2023) Japanese curtain calls feature Carlotta in the red Managers dress, and Raoul sometimes in full tailcoat and waistcoat (but just as often just shirt and suspenders):
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Though of course, Carlotta has also been seen in her b/w Managers dress in Japan, for example in 2017:
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BUT... WHAT HAVE WE HERE...?! The fourth anniversary in Las Vegas. Far left. THAT IS A MASQUERADE COSTUME. Gauloise. I see you! I don't know the context for that.
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But in large - with these exceptions and variations in mind - the curtain call is usually about reflecting the most recent costumes along with costumes from the mock operas. I don't now why this theme was chosen, but possibly to underline the theatrical aspect, that "opera performers" are taking their well deserved bow? Kinda meta level.
Even RAH, with their gazillions changes and costumes, stuck to this theme. Which I was kinda surprised by. But pleasantly so.
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