#c: diana
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vicedmuses · 23 hours ago
there was only one real response to her question. yes. it was evident in all the ways that she couldn't see. how his hands were pressed so firmly up against the walls that they were basically whitening where they were exerting force. how his balls were tightening every time that his cock throbbed in her mouth. how the sweat was pooling up behind his neck. there was one sign that she could be aware of those, the moans slipping out of his mouth. the other was how his shaft never grew soft in her mouth, remaining as erect as ever. "you're doing a great job. maybe i should return the favor." he started to slowly pull away from the wall, composing himself. "go outside and lay down somewhere, anywhere. show off that tight little pussy of yours too." pedro couldn't wait to finally see diana again in person.
Although she had a sordid sexual history this was the first time she was hooking up with a man of a faith. And Diana had no problem turning him to sin with her mouth. The moans he let out were evidence that she was having an impact. While she could easily take all of him she wanted him to think he had all the control here. Gently she continued bobbing her head down his cock, even gagging extra loud for more effect. Of course she couldn't help but get wet at how scandalous all of this felt. Even if this is all they did it was more than enough to get herself off later at the thought of getting fucked by him in this enclosed sacred space. "Am I doing good father," she pleaded pulling herself off of him for a moment smirking with delight at how innocent her voice sounded.
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lluiscarrasco · 1 year ago
where,  — the farm, soho, downtown manhattan closed  — @dianaxmovska
Luis lived right next door to a little place called The Farm, where when awake during the day, he would spend his afternoon at. Countless emails to read over piled on his laptop, as he pondered which overly preppy coat to wear. He loved things and places with silly names, ocassionally he would call people names too, but he needed a break from the spotlight, as much as he enjoyed basking in the lights.
He hated going over blocks of fucking tiny text, the administrative part of his job was as dreadful, as being stuck in an office for eight hours every day. A low sigh escaped him, as he walked through the doors; big, bold, designer glasses covering his half-lidded eyes, the edges of a small laptop visible underneath his arm. There was only one vacant chair on a table on the far left, so he slowly made his way over; feet barely lifting from the polished wooden floor. "There used to be a coffee machine here." He had to make himself known; after all, it was just in his nature to chat up the person sitting close; dry lips rolling together slowly, as he looked around the room, "Don't tell me they've ruined my favourite place."
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futurespacess · 1 year ago
hellodemonzitsyagorl asked: “ this place is a fucking disaster. ” (for Diana)
"...Uh... Yeah! It's definitely that!" The spells she had in her palm were exploding out towards their enemies whenever she finally released them, and that should have been the last one. Though, if the comment was about the actual ruins they were in - well... it applied to that, as well!
Diana paused to catch her breath as the last body fell, and readjusted the violin strapped to her back. "Gods -- that was way too many!... Are you doing alright??" She cast the other a look, and stood up more properly, once she was done gasping for air.
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mrstvrks · 2 years ago
@justicedrivcn​ asked:⌚  
“Oh, I know you are.” Tony raised his hands in defense, walking around her to the bar. “I’m just coming to get a refill while Bruce figures out where my kid is. Trust me,” he smirked. “I’m not interfering with the archer and his heart eyes over there.”
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ella-cooper · 2 years ago
"Every time I come here I think about the first year I went with you and we spent an hour trying to get cotton candy out of your hair." And it had been one of the most comical hours of Ella's life. When she spotted Diana, she felt herself finally at ease, a bit overstimulated from the lights and from the edible that was kicking in as they arrived. But a moment close to Diana, a kiss to her cheek and they were feeling pretty grounded. "You out here waiting for me to bring some fun to you or are you hanging out with other folks tonight? I was going to win you a big ol bear or something but if you're busy..." @dianabrooks
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cvopeland · 1 month ago
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"estoy empezando a considerar simplemente ir por una botella. nadie me va a decir algo, y si lo hacen, solo voy a decir que este lugar me recuerda demasiado a alfred." está abusando de esa excusa, pero ¿y qué? parte de eso es verdad, aunque jamás lo admitiría. si bromea suficiente sobre el tema, tal vez deje de sentirse tan pesado. "no seas ridícula, diana. ¿qué ganaría yo con eso? además, soy demasiado bonita para morir." se encoge de hombros, ligera burla en su tono. le cae bien, pero sabe que el juicio de la otra siempre ha sido mejor que el suyo. "no te necesito para eso, así que no te preocupes, ni siquiera contaba contigo." sonríe apenas, como si el comentario fuera una broma, pero no lo es del todo. asiente un par de veces, respira hondo y deja que su mirada se deslice por la habitación. "sí, sí necesito eso." aunque, en el fondo, no está segura de poder hacerlo. desaparecer no se vería bien, y al final, le importa más de lo que debería. "¿ni siquiera a mí?" levanta una ceja, ofendida a medias. "no me insultes de esa manera."
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“ tendremos que coger prestada una botella. ” canturrea escaneando el lugar, como si analizara puntos débiles que puede utilizar a su favor. está claro que vocablos tienen segundas intenciones escondidas, que no está pensando precisamente en pedir por favor una de las botellas, no le importa demasiado si tiene que hacerse con bebida de manera poco ética. “ ¿si carmy te dice que te mates en frente de los buchanan también lo harás? ” tono burlesco impregna los vocablos, siendo obvio que le resulta absurdo todo lo que pueda salir de labios de mencionado, que juicio nunca ha sido el mejor de todos los que se encuentran en reunión. “ si lo haces no cuentes conmigo. ” decreta tajante, sin embargo facciones se suavizan un poco cuando la miran, porque a pesar de todo se trata de dylan. “ tal vez solo necesitas un momento lejos de aquí. ” es posibilidad ofrecida y que revolotea por un momento, acompañando a la previa sobre ingerir elevada cantidad de copas de vino. “ yo no he extrañado a nadie, por eso necesito salir de este sitio. ”
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snowonthebeaxh · 11 months ago
@sunshiinefades asked:
"I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me." from rogue
"Ah, yes I've met a fair share of those people myself." The demi god laughed. She always chose to see the brighter side of things. Believing in love and justice before all things, but embracing her shadow side was something she indulged in from time to time as well. "People can be frustrating. They can be cruel. They can be impatient, greedy and all around infuriating. On the other side of the coin though they can be funny, and compassionate. They can be loving and exciting and a pleasure to be around." Diana smiled, hoping she had helped in some small way.
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tndaqlwifwy · 3 months ago
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edgarwayne · 3 months ago
Once more he blinked in surprise. "Bloody hell, you're Diana." Edgar came up to her, embarrassment replaced by excitement. "It's been over 30 years, but I'm Eds. Art's friend from," he cleared his throat, "from camp. Do you remember me? God, you must have still been in elementary school yourself back then. Or, well, primary of course."
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he was a teacher. that made her less alarmed that he wasn't some madman trying to get into the school. "at least that answers the question of why you're here i suppose" she wasn't fully convinced but there was nothing to call him on. he hadn't technically done anything wrong. stupid maybe, but not wrong. "oh okay, looks like your my classroom neighbour. i'm diana mcvries"
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causeimanartist · 8 months ago
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Do do do doodle
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snowonthebeaxh · 11 months ago
@tragcdyfallen asked:
"It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it’s free to just tell yourself, 'It be like that sometimes.'" ( nesta and anyone )
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"It's like....what, sometimes?" Diana was confused by their statement. "Is this slang I don't understand?" She laughed at herself, being so behind on the young person lingo that always flew right over her head. "Please, explain it to me. Really, I want to understand." She was still chuckling as she insisted. "I mean no disrespect, I'm just a lot older than I look."
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blee-bleep · 11 months ago
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christiancartwright · 2 months ago
Sylvie had decorated her driveway with a stone bench, right at the end by the porch. Christian had always hated the bench, almost hitting it with his car on multiple occasions, but he was grateful for it now. He sat down on it heavily, as though his knees had decided they were giving up and just couldn't bear the weight of him anymore. His thoughts were a tangled mess - disbelief, relief, and a weird sort of hop that had begun to stir that he barely let himself believe in. "I don't even know what to say," he admitted, his voice hushed. "I've been telling myself for months that I need to let you go, Diana. That it was the only way I'd be okay. And now, you're here, and I don't know what to do." He rubbed his face with his hands, letting out an unsteady sigh.
When his hands lowered, and he caught sight of the tears in her eyes, whatever frustrations he was holding on melted a little. Christian had never been the type of man who held his emotions in, and he could feel tears begin to prick at the corners of his own eyes, his bottom lip wobbling a little. "I've been trying so hard to get over you. I told myself I'd screwed everything up, and that you weren't coming back." He shook his head again, a small, incredulous smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I do love you. I think a part of me always will, no matter what. But when we broke up... it hurt. I've spent every night since thinking about how I messed up and what I could of done differently." His brows furrowed, his hurt plain to see on his face. "I just need to know this isn't temporary. That this isn't because you're lonely or feel guilty. Because if it is, I don't think I can handle losing you a second time."
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Diana meant what she said, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as she watched his reaction. Telling him she loved him may have slotted itself into one of the top stupidest things she'd ever done in her life. Or maybe the breaking up with him was what belonged there. Still, any hope she had seemed to slip more and more...at least until he finally stopped the overthinking and looked at her. Her lips pressed into a line, now taking a moment to process her own thoughts on the matter. She wasn't sure there'd be time for a glass of whatever he needed, not when she could feel the word vomit hurtling past her lips.
"A lot, actually. I cleared the air with Cassie," she explained, feeling that was one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. "I told myself that that needed to be done before I saw you again. I feel like I already messed up so many things, and I had to make sure that wasn't one of them." Her breath caught in her throat, the gravity of the situation hitting her. Still, she forced herself to keep talking. He deserved an explanation. "The thing is Christian, I never wanted to break up with you. I felt like I had to, but it was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my whole life. I can't tell you how many nights I spent hating myself for it, wishing I could drive back to that stupid cabin and apologize." She had to pause, all the pent up emotion slowly making its way back. This clearly wasn't going to be saved for the privacy of his sister's living room. "And it's because I love you. I think I loved you from the very moment you kissed me in the car wash, and I have every single day since, and it's just been really hard without you." She offered up a shrug, hoping it'd distract from the tears glazing over her eyes. "So, yeah, I left when everything got too much...but I never stopped loving you. Not even for a second."
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girlwhodoeskratom · 6 months ago
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Carmen Marc Valvo Fall/Winter, 2000 Ready-to-Wear
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hellsingsource · 1 year ago
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cvopeland · 25 days ago
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decide no hacer comentario adicional sobre el tema. pocas veces deja pasar la oportunidad de hacer una broma o un comentario sarcástico, pero esta vez elige mantenerse callada. "bueno, estuve ocupada por siete minutos." ríe apenas y niega con la cabeza. "no pasó mucho. ese estúpido blog o lo que sea hizo más escándalo de lo que realmente pasó." se encoge de hombros, restándole importancia. "ni tan ocupada si me lo preguntas." prefiere no hablar demasiado del tema si no tiene más que compartir. "¿tú jugaste? ya ni siquiera recuerdo qué leí."
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es hábil en ignorar reconocimiento que contienen palabras contrarias, no tiene la suficiente importancia como para detenerse a pensar demasiado en ello. “ nos parecemos tanto que me encanta que me halagues así. ” respuesta es deslizada de manera dulzona pero con clara ironía, detesta que la compare con aquella que se posiciona como enemiga desde los tiempos de pomona, incluso después de los años. “ no me insultes. ” canturrea. “ es mi compañera de habitación y no nos llevamos bien. ” quiere dar por zanjado el tema de rafaela, orillarlo a un rincón donde no pueda volver a ser rescatado. “ ocupada en una habitación oscura ¿qué más puede ser, dylan? ” pone los ojos en blanco. “ con theseus. ” la mira con atención, le sabe extraño pronunciar aquel nombre.
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