#c: breha organa
jewishcissiekj · 2 months
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Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker in Star Wars (2020) #48 - written by Charles Soule with art by Jethro Morales
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darth-memes · 2 years
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demongemz · 1 year
@lcvenderhcze​ || Breha Organa
Lemon had always had a fondness for cooking, there was no denying that he enjoyed being able to create something with his hands as well as killing. When he saw the flier for a cooking class he didn’t hesitate to sign up after all, it would be something nice to do with his time and try and figure out his new life here. “Hello, are you also here for the Cooking class? It looks like we get to partner up, would you be willing to partner with me?” he asked, smiling softly “I’m Lemon by the way if we do work together.”  
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I started reading Bail/Obi-Wan/Breha fic and somehow, in my stupor decided to start writing a fic for the pairing since AO3 only has 57 works under that tag. I have titled the document BOB (They’re a Sandwich).
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theydjarin · 2 years
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sokayisaidiot · 1 year
Siblinghood, Platonic Soulmates, or Romance
Analyzing the Relationship Between Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren
In this post, I will continue from my previous one, having offered a simplified overview but delving into one of the most common criticizing talking points. Please remember that this analysis is from a writing perspective and my own experiences as I am an amateur writer. I welcome comments and reblogs with your thoughts.
For context:
1. Relationships in Star Wars 2. Explanation of These Three Types of Relationships 3. Female Characters in Relationships 4. Ideals and Themes in Star Wars Rebels 5. Ezra and Sabine's Relationship 6. Conclusion
Relationships in Star Wars
Critics sometimes claim that certain types of relationships are overrepresented in Star Wars, but it's essential to remember that the franchise features a variety of relationship dynamics. Here are some well-known examples:
- Luke and Leia (twins) - Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker (no blood) - Garazeb Orrelios and Ezra Bridger (no blood) - The Son and Daughter (literal Force beings) - Sabine and Tristan Wren (blood relatives) - Maul, Savage Opress, and Feral (same planet)
Platonic Soulmates:
- Han and Chewbacca - R2-D2 and C-3PO - Boba Fett & Fennec Shand - Din Djarin & Bo Katan Kryze - Chirrut Imwe & Baze Malbus
- Han Solo & Princess Leia - Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze - Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla - Bail & Breha Organa
Each relationship explained and how to write it
Definition A sibling is a term used to describe a brother or sister, which means they share at least one biological or adoptive parent. Siblings are individuals who are part of the same family and are connected through their familial relationships.
Writing points
Individuality: Portray each sibling as a unique individual with distinct traits.
Birth Order: Consider birth order dynamics and how it affects their roles.
Conflict and Love: Explore both rivalry and support in their relationship.
Shared Memories: Use shared childhood memories to deepen their connection.
Complex Emotions: Show a range of emotions, from love to resentment.
Character Development: Use their relationship to drive character growth.
Realistic Dialogue: Make their interactions and dialogues authentic.
Backstory: Develop a backstory with shared and separate experiences.
Conflict Resolution: Show how they handle conflicts within the relationship.
Evolution: Depict how their relationship changes over time.
External Influences: Consider how outside factors impact their dynamic.
Platonic Soulmates
Definition The term "Platonic soulmates" combines two concepts: "Platonic" and "soulmates."
Platonic: In the context of relationships, "Platonic" refers to a non-romantic or non-sexual connection.
Soulmates: It's a belief that there is a special, deep, and sometimes predestined connection between two people that goes beyond ordinary friendship or partnership.
When you combine these concepts, "Platonic soulmates" refers to two individuals who share an exceptionally close, deep, and meaningful non-romantic or non-sexual bond. They may have a connection that feels almost destined, as if their souls are deeply intertwined, but it doesn't involve romantic or sexual attraction.
Writing points
Unique Bond: Highlight the exceptional and non-romantic connection they share.
Common Values: Emphasize shared values, interests, and life goals that deepen their bond.
Unconditional Support: Show their unwavering support, trust, and emotional safety.
Enduring Relationship: Illustrate how their bond withstands time and challenges.
Conflict Resolution: Explore how they handle disagreements with maturity and empathy.
Growth Inspiration: Demonstrate how they inspire personal growth in each other.
Non-Romantic Nature: Clarify that their connection is platonic, not romantic.
Emotional Depth: Dive into their deep emotional connection and comfort.
Shared Moments: Highlight significant life experiences they've shared.
Respectful Boundaries: Show how they respect each other's boundaries.
External Influences: Consider how external factors affect their connection.
Remember that platonic soulmate relationships are diverse and can manifest in various ways. They provide an opportunity to explore deep emotional connections and the profound impact such connections can have on individuals' lives.
Definition In everyday conversation, "romantic" is often used to describe anything related to love, affection, or relationships. It can refer to someone who is inclined towards love and affection or to something that evokes feelings of love and beauty. The exact meaning of "romantic" can vary depending on the context in which it is used.
Romantic Love: Deep emotional affection, attraction, and passion between two individuals, forming the basis for relationships like dating, courtship, and marriage.
Romantic Relationship: A partnership based on romantic love, including dating, committed relationships, or marriage, characterized by emotional closeness and physical affection.
Romantic Gestures: Actions expressing love, affection, and admiration in romantic contexts, such as giving flowers, writing love letters, or planning surprise dates.
Romanticism: A cultural movement originating in the late 18th century, emphasizing emotions, individualism, and the sublime in literature, art, and philosophy, often celebrating nature, imagination, and powerful emotions.
Writing points
Chemistry and Attraction: Establish a strong attraction between the partners.
Character Development: Use the relationship to develop and evolve the characters.
Conflict and Tension: Introduce challenges to make the relationship engaging.
Communication: Show effective communication and miscommunication between partners.
Shared Moments: Highlight meaningful experiences they share.
Individual Lives: Balance their personal lives with the relationship.
Trust and Vulnerability: Explore trust and emotional openness.
Intimacy: Address physical and emotional intimacy.
External Influences: Include the impact of outside factors.
Conflict Resolution: Demonstrate how they handle conflicts.
Long-Term Compatibility: Consider their compatibility for the future.
Realistic Challenges: Create believable obstacles.
Romantic Gestures: Showcase meaningful acts of love.
Character Flaws: Develop imperfections in the characters.
Resolution: Provide a satisfying conclusion to their relationship arc.
Girls in Relationships:
This section explores how certain female characters in Star Wars maintain their own identities while being involved in romantic relationships.
Padmé Amidala
Character: It might be considered a bold choice, but as Dave Filoni is known as the TCW and SWR guru, I genuinely appreciate Padmé's character. She embodies the spirit of self-reliance, often adopting the motto, "I'll handle it myself," when she witnesses suffering. As a compassionate and principled member of the Senate, she values diplomacy over violence, serving as a commendable role model by prioritizing dialogue and care for others. Her character shines brightest in episodes where she grapples with political conflicts.
Romance: Transitioning to the subject of her romantic involvement, Padmé and Anakin's relationship has sparked numerous discussions. Despite the uncertainty and occasional turbulence, there is genuine love between them. She envisions a future with him, refusing to give up on him even in the face of his inner struggles. Padmé recognizes Anakin's mental anguish and does her utmost to support him, though the complexities of their circumstances often double their challenges.
Ahsoka Tano
Character: Ahsoka stands as one of the most well-crafted female characters in Star Wars lore, undergoing significant growth and development throughout The Clone Wars (TCW). She evolves from an overconfident and naive child into a mature, thoughtful, and highly respected adult. Her journey is marked by substantial mistakes and profound realizations.
Romance: While Ahsoka experiences various connections throughout TCW, the most notable is with Lux. However, this romance primarily serves as a vehicle for her character development. Lux provides her with insights into the Separatists' perspective on the war and later the Death Watch. While Ahsoka does express interest in him, it's not in a deeply romantic sense. Instead, she's appreciative of the knowledge and experiences gained from their interactions.
Leia Organa
Character: Leia, our first main character introduction, immediately captivates with her compelling beginning. She's taken captive but never succumbs to fear, displaying strength and resolve. Her resilience shines through as she becomes one of the Rebellion's leaders, commanding respect from all quarters. She remains unyielding in her role, displaying a fiery temperament and quick wit reminiscent of her father, while proving to be even more resolute than her brother, a Jedi.
Romance: The iconic romance between Leia and Han Solo portrays the smuggler and the princess in a refreshing light. Instead of conforming to outdated stereotypes, Leia wears the metaphorical pants in their relationship, with Han providing unwavering support. He respects her position and authority, saving personal matters for their private moments. The dynamic is built on trust and mutual respect, avoiding the cliché of a one-sided romance. Notably, this is evident in Return of the Jedi (ROTJ), where Leia gets shot, and Han's caring demeanor is juxtaposed with his trademark smirk as she reveals her weapon. He's the one to express his love, illustrating the mutual affection and growth of both characters.
Character: Hera serves as the capable captain of the Ghost and its crew, supported by her right-hand man, Kanan, and the astromech droid, Chopper. Despite being a mother, she remains a crucial figure in the New Republic, leading missions and flight teams. Hera defies convention by maintaining her position of power while nurturing a romantic relationship with Kanan.
Romance: In contrast to traditional depictions where women are often portrayed as pining and emotional while men are serious, Hera and Kanan's dynamic reverses these roles. Kanan actively pursues the relationship, while Hera takes on a more serious and authoritative role. This unconventional approach adds depth to their relationship and challenges traditional gender norms.
The Ideals of Rebels' Story and Its Setup Points:
Both the Star Wars Prequels and the Original Trilogy are anchored in the theme of battling oppressive regimes striving for absolute control. The Prequels delve into how this oppression came to be, forming a pivotal narrative standpoint. In contrast, The Clone Wars (TCW) primarily focuses on world-building, offering in-depth explorations of various factions and societies within the galaxy. While TCW provides a comprehensive view of the galaxy during a civil war, it doesn't follow a single large crew's story.
On the other hand, Star Wars Rebels (SWR) places a character-driven focus at its core. Unlike some other Star Wars media, such as movies, series, or shorts, SWR doesn't extensively explore different locations or delve into background storytelling. Instead, it prioritizes character development and episodic narratives.
To clarify my previous statement, SWR serves as a bridge between Episode 3 and Episode 4 of the Star Wars saga. It fills in the gaps, revealing the journey and sacrifices necessary to achieve freedom. The series commences with Ezra, a newly-minted Jedi Padawan, in a galaxy where Jedi are hunted down. He joins the nascent rebellion, which is just beginning to take shape. Ezra represents a glimmer of hope in a desolate world, even as forces of darkness attempt to extinguish that light.
This underscores the significance of SWR. Episode 4 depicted the Rebellion in its full-fledged form, with a substantial crew and support from multiple fronts. However, SWR sheds light on the challenges and sacrifices that made such achievements possible. It demonstrates that what was accomplished required immense personal sacrifice.
The Jedi aspect is exemplified through Kanan, who embodies the essence of a true Jedi. Ezra, too, matures into this role over time. Kanan's journey is unique; he was in the midst of his Padawan training when Order 66 unfolded. He never completed his training in the traditional sense and couldn't fully embrace the Jedi rules and traditions, which often felt restrictive and suffocating. Unbeknownst to him, his love for, attachment to, and bond with his lover, Padawan, and the rest of the crew went against traditional Jedi norms. However, this deviation allowed him to learn things the Jedi should have known centuries ago. Kanan eventually felt the full embrace of the Force, despite his past mistakes and moments of foolishness. He ultimately met his end as a true Jedi Knight.
As for Sabine, her character's growth and journey revolve around taking responsibility for her past mistakes and evolving into a stronger individual. Her journey includes abandoning the Imperial Academy, which produced weapons harmful to her people. This decision placed her family in jeopardy, with the majority of Mandalorians harboring animosity towards her. Despite these challenges, she emerged stronger with the support of those around her and a willingness to confront her past without forgetting or ignoring it.
The relationship between Ezra and Sabine in SWR was intentionally left ambiguous, making it challenging to definitively categorize. While the series provides hints through Ezra's statements, it remains open to interpretation. The internet, as expected, has embraced the ambiguity and given rise to various interpretations, showcasing the power of fan engagement and ship culture.
Ezra and Sabine, Examined from Every Angle:
This section breaks down how each of these interpretations aligns with the characteristics of these relationship types.
Individuality: With Siblings, there come different personalities. One can be chaotic and the other calm. That’s what we see in that case what can be considered normal in a family. You have the artistic child with her younger brother being more traditional and following his father.
Birth Order: This being one of the strongest arguments with this relationship. It’s for many great to see nonblood people considering each other as found family, where in situation where one lost their family or their family was not good, there are still others that are as close as those you share blood with.
Conflict and Love: This is more of a thing that can be seen with the training of the dark saber, in which the one sibling, who is good at something, that they consider their specialty, having to have share it with the other, as they see it being taken away or provoking the other as they think they are better at something.
Shared Memories: Both have abandonment issues over their family, and they share a lot of missions together.
Complex Emotions: Once again going back to the dark saber training, you could interpret that scene where Ezra is saying that Sabine at least still has family, while he has only one family left, that she is not respecting
Character Development: This can be interpretation for the end of rebels
Realistic Dialogue: A lot of people regard them bickering as sibling bickering
Backstory: In the start, it is implied that with Zeb, she is one that takes him under her wing as a older sister role
Conflict Resolution: They talk to each other
Evolution: It can be them growing older and seeing each other as equals
External Influences: within the ghost crew, they consider each other as family. Hera especially, so its easy to take this as it can be seen that every member implies it for themselves.
Platonic Soulmates
Unique Bond: They are not really romantically nor as siblings introduced in season 3 and 4
Common Values: Both want to free their respective people, destroy the empire and find a place in the galaxy.
Unconditional Support: Within the end, Sabine never states to be romantically involved but she does stay on Lothal, keeps his memorable things in check and waits from him to return.
Enduring Relationship: Both are willing to entrust each other to a lot of things and giving each other the chance to make things happen.
Conflict Resolution: They talk.
Growth Inspiration: Within the season 1 and 2 where Ezra constantly flirts openly to Season 3 and 4 where it is not seen as a romantic way.
Non-Romantic Nature: Barely Romantic gestures of touch in the traditional sense or talking about the feeling to each other, but in a respectable comrade way.
Emotional Depth: Their connection through their past and need to make better of their mistakes while helping each other out of those.
Shared Moments: Their missions
Respectful Boundaries: With Ezra stopping the flirting to concentrate and help Sabine
External Influences: The ghost crew being a close family through common goals and connection gives them a more bigger leeway
Chemistry and Attraction: It is clear that Ezra still has an crush on Sabine, with him meeting her for the first time, being enamored with her beauty. Their chemistry is working and expendable. Sabine later is more open for more.
Character Development: From the young kid who has a crush with no real idea to an jedi that keeps it low to fulfill his duty, Ezra evolves within 4 seasons to a more mature way of admiring Sabine while having respect for her. Within the episode where Kanan and Sabine 
Conflict and Tension: From the end of rebels, where Ezra sacrifices himself to keep his loved one self but leaving Sabine alone and confused to Sabine not listening to him when he tells her to or when she does not give him a lot of decision power over her.
Communication: Sabine not being able to trust anyone really to her getting the closest to Ezra for even supporting him on way to dangerous missions and Ezra 
Shared Moments: From the intimate closeness of holding him by his waist to fly to safety, to him keeping her steady on the loath wolves and both refusing to let the other get hurt.
Individual Lives: When it comes to Krownest, Sabine splits up for a little while, when Ezra takes on other missions. They know when they have to do something alone and they have their own bigger problems in the end.
Trust and Vulnerability: Within the later seasons (3 and 4) Sabine opens up to Ezra about her own Demons and gives her full trust to him. Both can depend each other’s live on the other. But when it comes to
Intimacy: Sabine has no problem holding Ezra closer while Ezra still gets flustered a bit(speaking escape Jetpack scene). But other than that they have no problem being closer.
External Influences: Both Chopper and Zeb have been making fun of Ezra and Kanan is aware to some known extend as he has to be the done calming Ezra down, when Sabine is in a Dangerous situation.
Conflict Resolution: On the battlefield its Sabine being the aggressor and Ezra the shield. With other conflicts, it is that Sabine needs time to herself and Ezra worrying but respecting her needs.
Long-Term Compatibility: Sabine cannot imagine a life without Ezra in it and Ezra has stated that he wants to come home to her (as well as the others).
Realistic Challenges: Sabine knowing that 10 years have gone by since Ezra disappeared and still being ever so loyal to him. Ezra, while knowing Sabines competence, still often not wanting her on solo missions.
Romantic Gestures: The Birthday gift from Sabine. The consistent support of Ezra. 
Character Flaws: The way they cannot see other one in pain and taking full front and lying in front of the other.
Resolution: They give each other full trust on the final mission with Sabine on her way towards him.
In summary, this post aims to offer multiple perspectives on the dynamic between Ezra and Sabine, emphasizing that all three interpretations are valid based on the available knowledge.
Please note that this is a complex analysis, and the nature of their relationship remains open to interpretation.
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
How my west wing AU is coming along-
So Far so good.
I wrote the chapter 1 summary yesterday.
The entire White House staff bristles with activity when it’s learned that the President (Breha Organa) injured herself during a bicycle accident, and her absence becomes a factor as chief of staff Mace Windu must juggle a host of impending crises, including a mass boat lift of Cuban refugees approaching the Florida coast and the reaction of conservative Christians to a controversial televised comment by deputy chief of staff Padmé Amidala. Meanwhile, Cody Fett, the trouble-prone deputy communications director, unknowingly spends the night with a call girl (Satine Kryze) and then makes another critical error during a children’s White House tour. 
I just finished assining characters.
Main cast 
Cody Fett [Sam Seaborn], Deputy White House Communications Director 
Luminara [Mandy Hampton], Media Consultant 
Thorn Fett [Charlie Young], Personal Aide to the President 
Fox Fett [C. J. Cregg], White House Press Secretary 
Riyo Chuchi [Toby Ziegler], White House Communications Director 
Mace Windu [Leo McGarry], White House Chief of Staff 
Padme Amidala [Josh Lyman], White House Deputy Chief of Staff 
Breha Organa [Josiah Bartlet], President of the United States 
Bail Organa [Abbey Bartlet], First Lady of the United States 
Recurring cast 
Anakin Skywalker [Donna Moss], assistant to Padme 
Ponds Fett [Margaret Hooper], Assistant to Chief of Staff Windu 
Depa Billaba [Dolores Landingham], President Organa's executive secretary 
Yan Doku [Danny Concannon], senior White House correspondent for The Washington Post 
Leia Organa [Zoey Bartlet], the youngest of the President's three daughters 
Calab Dum [Mallory O'Brien], Leo McGarry's son 
Adi Gallia [Admiral Percy Fitzwallace], Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
Shaak Ti [John Hoynes], Vice President of the United States 
Satine Kryze [Laurie], law student and part-time high priced call girl Sam sleeps with in the pilot. 
Hera Sendulla [Gina Toscano], the Secret Service agent assigned to Leia 
Bo-Katan Kryze [Joey Lucas], a Democratic political consultant 
Thrie Fett [Andrea Wyatt], Congresswoman from Maryland's 5th district and ex-husband of Riyo Chuchi 
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the-bees-patella · 11 months
"Commander codys self defense camp for teenager girls" sounds hilarious but what did the cdxw stand for? Codexwan? And what does fth mean? And fcu?
from this WIP post.
All the acronyms are just by event/project; cdxw means i started it during codex week '23, fth is Fandom Trumps Hate and fcu is...the fisting cinematic universe, which is what I'm calling the accidental sprawl generated by c u next taungsday.
In any case: Commander Cody's Self-Defense Camp for Teenage Girls is a post-O66 fic where Cody leaves the Empire, and along with a couple other defectors, ends up stationed at what I've loosely termed Space Bletchley Park, decoding Imperial transmissions for the Rebellion. Because of the nature of the station, the Rebellion regularly holds intelligence briefings on-site.
Cody does not have the required clearance to attend briefings, so he ends up stuck outside the briefings with the other people who don't have clearance; namely, the Rebellion leadership's kids, including one Leia Organa, and...she's not unlike a cadet. Part of my thinking was that somebody taught her how to fight, and it sure wasn't her parents. Did it have to be this grade-A jackass of an ex-Imperial commander? Not strictly speaking, but I did think it was important to introduce her to a little formative bastardry.
There is damp red dirt smeared all over her clothes, which, at some point, must have been white. “Leia,” Breha scolds. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” They walk back to the hangar, leaving Rex standing there with Cody still sitting in the dirt and a pissed-off Bail Organa. “Commander,” Organa says, looming, hands on his hips. “Are you teaching my thirteen-year-old daughter hand-to-hand combat?”
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year
Took a weekend break. ROTS comic adaptation reading part 2 (no one asked for this but I like sharing my thoughts with the 2 people who read them). This one's shorter bc it's just stuff from issue 4
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Jumping straight to the Mustafar battle I don't think he does this? It is an ep I Obi-Wan thing to do however. He should jump thank you
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Oh my god they are👌 I'm going to squeeze them
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This is so???? I do not like the changes idc if they're from the original script. "...But I won't help you."?? It feels very weird idk
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OK ignore depressed Yoda but does whoever wrote this not know how pregnancy works? Ofc she's still gonna appear pregnant isn't that just how it works? Like as far as I know there's no need to make it appear so, I guess there is a difference but the belly doesn't simply disappear after birth, right? A woman will probably look pregnant if she dies after giving birth, would she not? Yoda wtf
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CRIMINAL to take away the Padmé funeral scene. It has so much meaning and works so well with the Vader scene what was the reason
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Beautiful moment but to be completely honest Bail and Leia's eyes kinda ruin it. Terrifying baby.
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Very funny to me how the artist clearly references most of the scenes after ROTS but for Beru & Owen he decided to make them look like their ANH selves for no apparent reason. Did you not like Beru's Prequels haircut. Why. Also why are Owen and the Eopie (Akkani if you ask the OWK show but then again do you) in frame? Owen I get even if he isn't there in the movie but Akkani. Girly. Give them space.
Good comic overall because it's just a ROTS adaptation. It doesn't add too much but removes too much and it doesn't give the story anything it didn't have before except Quinlan Vos blowing up. Pretty meh as a comic, no real reason for its existence but then again Quinlan blowing up was pretty funny. 2.5/5. It's ROTS but underwhelming with some funny faces (and Quinlan blowing up).
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith #4 Original story & screenplay by George Lucas, script by Christopher Cerasi (originally published under the pseudonym Miles Lane), art by Dough Wheatly
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sithskywalkerr · 6 months
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i heard they need better signal. put chip and pins in the needles.
Summary: After realizing the truth of Luke's identity, Darth Vader plans an attack on Alderaan only to be stopped by his wife. Meanwhile, Keyti, an ally of Vader, is released from custody after the battle and joins the Rebel Alliance. Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Appo, C-3PO, Bail and Breha Organa, Yoda, Original Sith Character, Original Imperial Character Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, minor character death, implied childhood sexual abuse Ships: Anidala Word Count: 7.9k read on ao3!
To say a drive with the Emperor was nerve-wracking was common among those who worked for the Empire. This was common throughout the whole experience: shaky hands, sweaty palms, and stuttering if you were particularly more affected. The head of the Empire had secured his wary trust among many, often cornered politicians to give more control or materials in the name of the “greater good for the Empire.”
Keyti was an exception to the politically charged fear. Hers was from hoping to survive an interaction as she had been a beloved prize to the former Chancellor in her adolescence until she developed more than he lost interest. She counted her stars, thanked the Force, and moved on. She had survived and was determined that by now, there was nothing that Sheev Palpatine could do to break her more. Even behind the power of the dark side, she knew he was nothing without the stepping stones of others he had disposed of and manipulated to gain this title. Without Lord Vader, he was nothing.
Arriving at Mustafar was relieving, seeing the slowly changing landscape she had heard about. The Emperor had sensed the solace, eyes glancing her way, a small smile forming on his pale lips. “Eager to return to Lord Vader?”
That was one way to put it. Though, she was. She knew she was safer near him. At the very least, there would be a witness to the horrors the Emperor caused, even if Vader didn’t stop the punishment. Her yellowed eyes moved to the vile man sitting across from her, his loyal guards at his side to protect him (as if he needed them), and she pursed her lips momentarily, looking back to the lava rivers twisting through the decimated plains.
“I’m eager to begin my assignment, nothing more, your Highness.”
The captain spoke over the intercom to announce the landing procedure, the ship rocking slightly as the landing gear was deployed. Keyti straightened up, letting her hands rest on her lap while she kept a blank look on her face.
Amara’s earpiece buzzed momentarily while she was within the fortress tunnels, pausing as the Emperor’s arrival was announced. Keeping her datapad in hand, she made her way through the extensive network to the elevator, jabbing the button to go up to the landing dock while she hit the button on her earpiece. “Any news for Lady Keyti?”
“Yes, Corporal, she is arriving with the Emperor.”
Her heart sank at the news, and her auburn eyes widened as the elevator rose to the ground level; she said,” Thank you.” She only hoped that Keyti was alive and in one piece. If what she had been told about the Force was right, the Emperor would have been aware of the former aristocrat’s hatred for him already—not that he would honestly care.
Keyti waited for the Emperor to exit, taking a slow breath before leaving the small craft and hobbling down the ramp to continue to fake her injury. She couldn’t let him be suspicious of her distrust, but she wouldn’t doubt it if he already had hints. The Force would show her feelings, and she could only silently hope nothing would be done.
She saw Vader’s familiar form entering the landing pad, his eyes glancing between the two before pausing and bowing to his Master.
“Rise, Lord Vader. You have an apology to give to our dear Keyti for the injury you’ve given her,” the Emperor said, though not fully believing she had been injured. Still, it was nothing to worry himself over if she felt like she had to hide the fact that she hid herself in his apprentice’s assault on Inquisitorus. He would review the footage soon enough and begin a plan.
Standing, the Sith Lord glanced at Keyti, unsure if she had been injured. He didn’t sense pain or discomfort from her, and he was sure she would be radiating it. Their time on Serenno had proven that to Vader when he had taken a sizeable amount of flesh out of her calf even when she had tried to mask it - and the many times she’s had a flare-up with her back. Still, he obeyed, giving a momentary bow of his head - shorter than what he had given the Emperor - while his voice lowly rumbled out,” Forgive me, my Lady. I cannot control my actions when I’m in that … state.”
“I’ll forgive you if you give me aid to the medical wing - personally,” she smiled softly, teasing him with a slight glare in response from him before the Emperor made a pleased sound.
“It would be a small price, but I believe that Lord Vader can make an exception,” Sidious gave a reserved smile, glancing at his apprentice as the taller made his way to Keyti.
Only because you’re ordering me to, Vader absently thought, holding an arm out to Keyti to help her out of the landing pad to the dark onyx hall. Keyti gave a slight bow of her head to the Emperor, hobbling her way out while using Vader as a crutch. Once farther away, he pulled from Keyti, arms crossing,” Why are you feigning an injury?”
Glancing back, she looked up at him, voice soft,” I wasn’t expecting him to circle back to Inquisitorus so quickly. Forgive me if I had to fake a few things to keep this,” she reached down her binding, carefully pulling the drive out,” safe from him knowing … apologies for the hiding spot, I didn’t have any other place to put it under short notice.”
“Keyti,” his yellow eyes move to the drive, holding a hand out,” why do you insist on mistrusting him? Your loyalty—“” I know, my Lord. My loyalty to him should not wax and wane … but please. Review the footage. Alone. This was … difficult to watch, but you need to see it.” Her eyes pleaded, searching his exposed features while his gaze held steady toward her. As she put the drive into his hand, the sensors picked up on the warmth, and his eyes moved to the small stick, observing the light glinting off of it.
“Why do you believe that?”
“When you saw the Jedi, you hesitated. When I was with him to protect the children, you still hesitated. I want you to see that you can control yourself even if it’s not at the forefront of your mind. Though, one might think you’re fond of me since I am unharmed,” she couldn’t help but tease, grinning while making her way through the hall before spotting Amara as she rushed through the halls.
“Thank the Maker, you’re safe. Oh, Lord Vader. Forgive me,” Amara paused once she was beside her friend, bowing her head. “Corporal Amara Beklau. I’ve been tasked with cataloging the tunnels beneath the fortress.” The relief she had shown before formalities caught him off guard momentarily, glancing between the two new additions to his castle’s staff.
“Ensure its accuracy, Corporal, and make reinforcements where necessary to the tunnels.” He glanced at Keyti again while tucking the drive away, abruptly leaving the duo. She let her gaze roam along his enormous, imposing form before smiling slightly. Indeed, that was a good sign since she wasn’t immediately killed.
Amara watched Vader briefly, briefly expressing surprise while looking up at Keyti. She spoke when she believed he was out of earshot, a small, teasing smile forming on her features,” I understand your little crush now.”
Keyti only replied with a swift punch into Amara’s shoulder. Glancing up, she saw him glance back, brow arching before vanishing around the corner to locate Sidious again. Her face heated up in embarrassment, and she looked to Amara, who only gave a grin,” You’re welcome.”
The Sith warrior’s eyes momentarily bore into her while her lips pursed momentarily,” You are lucky I enjoy your company; otherwise, I would take a page from our Lord’s book and kill you.”
Amara tilted her head, her smile fading. “I have never seen him without the mask. Even though that allows for seeing his eyes, I’ve never seen his entire face. He is quite handsome … past, y’know, the clear signs of being infected.”
Yellow eyes lingered on Amara for another few heartbeats before she looked back down the path he had taken,” I’ve only seen him without it a few times. Considering he needed medical attention after Inquisitorus, I doubt he would have thought to put it on. With also being in his castle, and with a visit from the Emperor…”
“I have no doubt about that, but … what was that drive you gave him?” Her head tilted, auburn eyes glancing over the other as she motioned to follow her to her quarters.
“Only because I trust you and you already know the truth of my past, I’ll tell you.”
Struggling to keep up with Keyti’s stride, she nodded, glancing up at her,” Of course. I won’t tell anyone else. Was it from the fortress?”
“Yes,” she glanced down at her, giving small nods to other staff members as they passed the halls and entered the sizable elevator. Amara’s thick, dark brows furrowed as she moved in behind her, opting to be quiet while another staff member slid beside the two.
Once in her quarters, Amara sat on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, watching as Keyti moved to pour some wine for them both. “Inquisitorus was ultimately a failure in retrieving information from the Princess. As soon as Lord Vader arrived, from my understanding and the footage I saw, he suddenly had one of his episodes after someone had greeted him.”
“Another episode happened?” Amara’s veins felt cold, yet she still reached out to the offered glass as Keyti sat beside her with a nod. She had been lucky to never have to witness one personally, but she did fear the possibility that she would.
Sipping her wine, Keyti stared out the window she had, overlooking the barren trees and orange glow in the sky from the lava. “Yes. I doubt that anything the sergeant had said would cause him to be triggered, but something did happen. I had been able to leave the landing pad to get further into the fortress when I noticed he was distracted by Reva. Then, I saw the Princess, a boy her age, and two Jedi. I thought maybe something they had done had caused the shift, but the kids were terrified, Amara. I couldn’t let them just die like that, even if I was helping members of the Rebellion.” Amara watched while her eyes cleared back to blue, brows furrowing while she shook her head before continuing,” I’ve already lost part of my calf to him. I can only imagine what being eaten alive would feel like … especially to kids so young. They couldn’t have been older than fifteen or sixteen.”
A gentle hand on her shoulder made Keyti’s gaze return to her, and her friend offered a soft smile:” If it’s what felt right, then it was the right thing. If it were me, I wouldn’t let them face that either. What happened afterward?”
“He found us,” she swallowed harshly, taking a sizable drink from her glass even with the pain medication still in her system. Really, she needed it after the day. “Lord Vader found all of us and began to come closer as the male Jedi ignited his saber and convinced the woman to lead the kids away. The hall got cold and dark, and then these dark, muted flowers started to peek through the floor panels. It was strange, and they had begun to lead towards me but stopped before moving towards the man. Vader hesitated before he started to try to get towards him. Even when the boy had started up one of the remaining cargo ships, Lord Vader’s pursuit was mainly on that male Jedi. That leads me to believe that they knew each other in some way that lingers when he’s blinded by the hunger.”
“Do you have any idea who they were?”
“No, I don’t know many Jedi since they were eradicated for the most part. The ones I did learn of, I eradicated. I’m sure I could access files, but after I returned after getting Reva medical attention, I wanted to review the footage. The cameras did show him watching us in the hall as if trying to figure out something, but I don’t know what. He still attacked, but he hesitated, and he didn’t pursue the children specifically.”
“And you gave him the recording?” Amara asked uncertainly, brows furrowing. Keyti, I do not know if that was a wise decision. What if it triggers another one?”
“Considering he fed by now, I doubt it would.”
“I suppose we’ll know when the Emperor returns to Coruscant … but, strangely, he was in an episode and still targeted that man.” Amara’s brows furrowed momentarily, humming while sipping at her glass. “As you said, that would be a relationship that’s enough to recognize even when he doesn’t have mental clarity.”
“The Jedi did tell me that Lord Vader would recognize him, but the story would be long. He must be someone that he knew perhaps before the Empire.”
“Do not dig into his past, Keyti,” Amara warned, watching as her friend only shrugged while she sipped her wine.
“His past doesn’t matter to me. Only his present and future.”
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After a long hour of punishment at the hand of Sidious, Vader made his way to his chambers, ordering everyone to stay away. The staff knew that if anyone dared disobey, they wouldn’t survive five seconds after an interruption. Moving to his meditation chamber, he settled on the chair before pulling the drive from a pocket as his body ached. While in his meeting with the Emperor, news came that Rebel forces had bombed the fortress, and nothing was salvageable. However, after reviewing this footage, he wondered if it may be a good thing. Eyes stare at it momentarily, still surprised that Keyti had even risked her life to obtain it for him. Hitting a few buttons on the panel, a port opened close to the arm of his chair, and he plugged it in, looking at the monitor as the various camera angles in the fortress pulled up.
Pressing a few more, he rewound the footage to the beginning with his arrival, brows furrowing as he could remember getting there and the sergeant greeting him. Pausing, he saw a glimpse of Ahsoka in the corner. His shoulders squared while his eyes scanned the multiple monitor recordings, seeing her disabling alarms. Looking closer, he saw Obi-Wan find the boy who had managed to locate Princess Leia’s cell, calling his name softly.
His name was Luke. A sharp pang of pain pierced his chest, memories of the plans he and Padmé had begun to discuss resurfacing. But he quickly brushed them aside, his attention returning to the monitor. He watched as Obi-Wan used his lightsaber to open the door, revealing the children. They embraced, and a thought crossed his mind. Could he be a friend of hers? He shifted his gaze to another monitor, where he was closing in on their location. His brows furrowed as he tried to recall why he had been so compelled to go that way.
His features relaxed at Keyti’s arrival to see the group, pausing when she motioned them to go the other way. Obi-Wan lighted his saber, and Keyti spoke. Naturally, he noticed that Ahsoka didn’t trust her. However, when he was at the end, he heard Keyti mention saving the children and made a low hum in his throat. A weakness. He straightened when Obi-Wan mentioned Alderaan before Keyti and the Jedi started noticing the flowers.
Glancing to another screen, he saw Ahsoka guiding the children, trying to keep them from the worst carnage. His eyes moved back to see his pursuit of them before focusing on Obi-Wan. His expression was unreadable, but his anger began to rise again as his fingers dug into the arms of his chair. Observing the fight, he noticed Obi-Wan distracted by the moving cargo ship, and then the following exchange between his former Master and Padawan made his blood freeze.
“Luke got it started up. He really is like his father.” 
“When his father isn’t starved.”
His fingers crushed the chair’s arms, watching as they escaped. He has a son. Ripping the drive from the port, he shattered it into his palm, letting the broken pieces fall before exiting his chambers to reach Keyti’s. His steps were heavy within the hall as his anger radiated in the Force, and he didn’t stop for formalities while he opened the doors to see Amara and her with wine.
Amara’s eyes widened, and she glanced at Keyti while putting her glass down on the dresser, able to feel his intense, radiating anger. “I’m goin’—”” Sit back down, Corporal. I’m sure Lady Keyti has already spoken of the events with you.”
She knew not to lie, only giving a solemn nod as the door shut behind him, making his way closer to the both of them. “How much of the footage did you watch? What do you know?”
Keyti put her glass down, trying to push the fear that wanted to mute her as she attempted to hide her shaking hands. “I stopped when I noticed the cargo ship’s departure, but by then, I was speaking to you through the Force. I was not paying full attention to it, not even when I saw the Emperor arriving. Should I have, My Lo—”” Silence.” He snapped, moving closer as his jaw clenched, the thin tendon across the cheek cavity tightening as his hands balled into fists.
“What do you know of the Jedi?”
“Nothing. I do not know who they are. I only knew Princess Leia. I had to get what I could onto the drive before I ran out of—” Her voice cut off as her throat tightened, watching helplessly as he leaned closer. Amara’s throat also began to tighten, eyes widening in alarm as her breath caught.
“The recording never existed. Neither of you will speak of this again. What happened at Fortress Inquisitorus was a failure. Speak of it, and you will not breathe again.” He loosened the Force choke on both women, pulling back as Amara inhaled shakily as he watched Keyti’s eyes water.
“Leave, Corporal,” she weakly said, glancing at Amara, who only nodded, not pausing to act formally as she made a swift exit. Waiting until the doors shut, she tried to steady her voice and ignore how the tears wanted to fall.” Who were the Jedi?”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano,” he simply replied while straightening, arms crossing over his chest.
Keyti lifted a hand to rub at her neck softly, voice quiet,” If either of them cross my path again, you will be given their decapitated head … but I could not let you kill the children.”
“This is the only time where that weakness was beneficial. Do not let it happen again.” Moving out, he was silent while he only knew the assault on Alderaan would be an answer to everything. If he could just see his son … perhaps he could understand how he survived.
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Alderaan had been in the sight of the Emperor for long enough, especially after the destruction of Inquisitorus. The materials would speed production up, secure the Emperor’s final grasp of power, and he would be able to teach the Organas a lesson. Their lives would be a small price for securing his throne entirely — his power. More whispers had been spreading through the various regions, and a growing Rebellion was biding time to the right moment and opportunity to begin their attempt to push back against the tyrannical government. Using his favorite dog apprentice, he sent Vader to Alderaan to engage in a battle to ensure victory before the rebels could begin to gain footing. Then, his Empire would prosper and last. 
Vader’s yellow eyes scanned the glimmering city, the familiar sight reminding him of memories he had worked hard to repress. It wasn’t too long ago that he was here training in a saber duel with Obi-Wan, trying to work towards becoming a Jedi Knight. Yet, it still felt like a lifetime ago. When he was still human. Still helplessly in love. Still good. Now, he was sure none of that remained in him as he turned as Appo approached him,” Sir, we are ready to begin the assault, just awaiting your orders.”
“Then begin, but if any children are captured, do not kill them,” he said simply, watching as Appo nodded with some surprise at the order before communicating to the rest of the fleet. His eyes moved from the clone to below, watching as chaos erupted as the Rebellion army started to work to ensure that the Imperial fleet could not break through. Soon, he would begin his own assault, but he wanted to simply watch a moment to see the legion do their work.
Blasts whistled in Vader’s notched ears while he stayed in place, watching as the Rebellion put up a fight he hadn’t fully anticipated. That was admirable even to him. However, all their efforts would be in vain. A gloved hand was raised to use the Force to stop a few blasts from hitting his chest, and dark robes moved within the bright sun as he made his way down a path. Tanned, gnarled skin felt the warmth of the glaring sun, seeping past the aperture within his cheek and nearly drying his mouth. Igniting his saber, the pale blade hummed red, and he plunged it into a few of the clones from the Rebellion while his stormtroopers began their pushback. Panic was severe within the Force while his blade infected those whom he speared, watching as they turned on their fellow comrades to unleash a new, unholy chaos on the battlefront. 
Obi-Wan was with his legion, instructing them to do what they could to keep Alderaan from falling into the Empire’s grasp. He saw the black-robed Sith going through the ranks, watching in horror as anyone in contact with his lightsaber suddenly was infected. Kyber crystals could succumb to the virus? The General readied his own saber, gloved hands holding a slight tremble as he now felt uncertain about the fate of Alderaan. Still, they would try to keep everything secure — that was their duty right now, and he could trust within the Force that it would work out. Other newly appointed Jedi tried to limit the number of troopers as more chaos erupted from the clones, and some stormtroopers were zombified.  
One of the new Jedi narrowly escaped a harsh swipe from Vader, eyes widening as she saw his face. No. It couldn’t be. Yet, the familiar profile of the Sith Lord was now unmistakable, the hint of the scar through his brow visible at certain angles of light as it had healed slowly through the years from the bacta treatments.
His pursuit continued, movements easily keeping up with Selonna as she tried to move away from his pale blade. No, this was wrong. Her voice was weak and heartbreaking as yellow eyes bore into her. “Master Skywalker, what has become of you?” She had just been a Padawan at the time of his disappearance, and the unforeseen circumstances of the war had propelled her to Knight status faster than expected. Anything to get their numbers back up from the decimation of the Republic. She had studied as best as she could, often seeking help from Yoda or Obi-Wan, who were the only council members alive, but nothing could have prepared her for the truth that had been hidden. 
His jaw tightened at her voice, hand raising as Obi-Wan watched him use the Force to impale her on the blade. “Anakin Skywalker is dead.”
Elyndra was close, her green eyes widening at watching as the virus took hold of Selonna, screaming her name. Her heart shattered at seeing her dear friend jerking as he pulled the blade out of her chest. Selonna fell to Vader’s feet as he watched her, clicks and chirps emitting from him as his gaze moved to Elyndra. The order was simple in Selonna’s withering mind as the virus burned in her blood in an attempt to rewrite her DNA. 
Kill her.
Fingers dug into the lush earth of Alderaan as Selonna’s body struggled to metabolize the virus, and a sound of annoyance came from him as he used the blade to decapitate her instead. “Weak.” Lifting his gaze, he scanned the battlefield as the Jedi constantly deflected blasters as clones fought back. Then he saw Obi-Wan observing, and his hatred burned brighter in his chest once more. His hand gripped his saber, and his eyes narrowed as he made his path toward his former Master. An inhuman growl escaped when he was met with the familiar defensive stance as blue-grey eyes bore into his, and he squared his shoulders once he met with Ahsoka not far behind coming to aid.
A soft whisper in his mind was familiar, yet often forgotten when he reached clarity after an “episode.” 
Execute Order 66.
The Emperor was aware of his apprentice’s movements, sensing his feelings through the Force and the burning hatred. Only one individual could cause his apprentice to lose sight of the objective. His will should not be threatened by old feelings, and Sidious let out a soft hum while reaching to his apprentice in the Force, his voice barely a whisper as he gave the order.
Vader’s pupils contracted, and he suddenly rushed forward while the hunger burned in his belly as the inhibitor chip was engaged, blue and white blades stopping his assault as Ahsoka grit her teeth at the strength behind it. Her eyes widened when she saw the animalistic rage in his eyes, and the dread began to creep into her chest while her exhale became a mist near them. The air around them had chilled significantly, and Obi-Wan used the Force with her to push him back, their eyes noticing the flowers beginning to blossom at Vader’s feet as low guttural sounds escaped his throat. 
Maker, protect us. 
Padmé had seen the battle begin, ordering the children to stay in the palace while she rushed out to help. Even if it would expose her, she couldn’t be idle any longer, not when her husband was there. 
Keyti had noticed the flowers, and her gaze lifted to a woman in white running closer, brows furrowing as she saw the two children she had saved weeks earlier close to the palace. What the kriff is happening? After she retracted her blade from a clone, she made a sound of surprise as someone else only took her down, glancing back to see Yoda get a clone to secure restraints on her. Her eyes moved back to Vader as she didn’t attempt to escape, and Yoda noticed, looking over as his own widened in shock at seeing the former Senator moving toward her husband. Was Padmé truly so foolish?
Lifting his arms to deliver a heavier blow towards Ahsoka after he had delivered a harsh injury to Obi-Wan’s leg, he stopped as the ghost of his wife stood in front of him, hands up to hold onto his arms. 
“Anakin, stop,” she pleaded, brows furrowing as he stared at her familiar form. 
She was a ghost—something of his imagination—but why did she feel so real? The shock had been enough to disrupt the hunger, and yellow eyes were scanning over her. He stiffened as her hand lifted to his injured cheek, thumb softly brushing along his cheekbone like she would before. Her eyes watered at the sight of him, what he had been subjected to for decades at the hand of the Emperor, as she could see him try to place her. 
“I’m here. Ani, please, put your lightsaber down,” she pleaded, glancing at the pale blade as it hummed steadily before it suddenly clicked off. She looked over to clones beginning to make their way closer in an attempt to restrain him, putting a hand up. “No, stay back. Everyone, please. Just move back.” She couldn’t risk triggering him to be set off again, not when he seemed to be calming down.
Ahsoka refused to move, but Obi-Wan only took a haggard step back, watching Anakin’s brows furrow tightly while slowly lowering his arms. Clipping the saber to his belt, his large, gloved hands slowly moved to her face, watching as she leaned into the familiar touch with a saddened smile briefly on her lips. The hunger subsided momentarily, clarity returned, his eyes widening as he pulled her into a tight embrace, feeling her tremble beneath him. He buried his face into her neck then, clutching onto her clothing tightly as he could feel the tears welling up in relief of her being alive. 
Tensing at him moving her, Ahsoka readied herself to protect Padmé, but his softness surprised her before she had to deflect more blasts as the battle didn’t pause around them. Glancing back to Obi-Wan, she saw him direct Keyti being taken into custody while they could. If they were lucky, they could keep Vader as well.
Pulling back, the hunger began to claw at his belly again, voice soft,” Leave. I’m not safe.”
“I can’t leave you behind again, Ani. Not when I just got you back. I don’t know what the Emperor has told you all these years, but it’s been a lie. I know there is still good in you, and I want our family together.”
“I will take care of the stormtroopers. Alderaan will be safe for now,” Anakin said as he pulled away. Then, he motioned back to the palace, “Get back inside.” 
She nodded as she got to Obi-Wan’s side with Ahsoka, supporting him better as she watched him ignite his lightsaber again before starting to decapitate troopers. Not even the virus would be able to keep them alive, and Padmé averted her gaze from the brutality, voice soft to the others. “Let’s get inside. He’s back.” 
Ahsoka wasn’t convinced as they helped lead Obi-Wan back inside to treat his burn, glancing back,” I’ll believe it when he doesn’t embrace the dark anymore.” 
Obi-Wan refused to look back, his voice soft.” If it keeps Alderaan safe for now, we will accept him being here. Perhaps Padmé is correct. There may be some good in him still.” He hoped that it could be beneficial for the Rebellion—even if it was dangerous.
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Keyti was silent in her cell, leaning against the wall to aid with the pain in her back as she had been waiting for what seemed like hours. The pain medication had worn off some time ago while she reflected on the attempted claim for Alderaan - still shocked at the unfolding events. Senator Amidala was alive, and not only that, but was married to Lord Vader. Still, her hands trembled from the fear of seeing his rampage continue after seeing his wife, hoping that she had been spared from it. Her head lifted as the cell door opened to show the Senator, her expression curious to the relieved warrior as she entered.
“Is Lord Vader stable now?” Keyti’s voice was soft and weak, but she needed to know. Her blue eyes searched Padmé for any sign of injury, but she seemed fine.
She didn’t expect the soft smile that came onto Padme’s features, nodding as she stepped closer.” Yes. He is stable. He’s also vouching for your release to Master Kenobi and Master Yoda. It seems you managed to make a positive impact on him, even through it all. If you are granted release, you cannot return to the Empire, however.”
“I did not plan to. Not when Lord Vader can also be free of that hell.” There would be nothing for her to return to but Amara, but even she knew that friendship wouldn’t give her the immunity that being close to Vader did.
“He isn’t free entirely from it, but eventually, he will be with time.” She turned and heard the cell open again, watching Obi-Wan enter with the key while he limped slightly from his wound. Still, the bacta cream had provided more comfort than he expected.
“Considering your previous help with the twins, we’ve decided to grant you freedom, My Lady.” He watched with interest as she seemed to relax, nodding.
“I’m assuming in exchange for any information regarding the Empire or Lord Vader?” 
“He has said you would not know many of the Empire’s dealings, but I believe you know of his,” he let her move forward before clicking the restraints off, watching as she rubbed her wrists momentarily before a brief pained expression came over her features.
“He still kept his secrets, but I am relieved that one child I helped you save was his own. I don’t believe I would have been forgiven as easily if they weren’t.” 
Padmé smiled, voice soft,” Both of them are. Leia’s identity has been easily hidden with the Organas, and Luke doesn’t exist on record. However, I believe that I can trust you, Keyti. My husband does, so I will.” Surprise coated Keyti’s face at the realization of Vader’s trust in her, which only caused Padmé’s smile to widen,” Despite what he may try to lead you on, he does trust you. Please follow me. Formal introductions are in order now if you’re going to be a Rebel.”
Unease settled in the warrior’s chest, but she knew she wasn’t in the position to fight back—not when Keyti was given a second chance that she couldn’t receive if she returned to the Empire. Though she would do anything to get her possessions back from Mustafar she pushed the thought away for now. She stood up slowly, wincing at the sharp pain that shot up along her spine. 
Obi-Wan caught a fleeting glimpse of the pain, moving closer to offer his arm for her.” Are you injured, My Lady?” 
“It’s something I’ve always had, just some damage in my back. I’ll be fine.” She hesitated but soon grabbed the robes that Obi-Wan wore, glancing at him with a silent nod of thanks.
Padmé stepped closer, looking her over while her brows furrowed,” do you need a wheelchair?” 
“No, just pain medication when possible. I usually take Dotaxrin tablets. Vader will know.” Keyti leaned into the former Jedi more, and concern only painted his weathered features more as he supported her up.
Padmé and Obi-Wan exchanged glances, but Padmé opted to alert the med bay to bring medication to the sitting area, motioning them to follow her. Keyti followed, masking the pain as she glanced around the ornate decorations, making a soft sound of surprise at how even lush the cell block was. 
As they entered the dining hall after a gradual journey from Keyti’s pain, she looked up to Anakin as he stood with arms crossed while Ahsoka stayed quiet for the moment. They looked at them once they entered, and Ahsoka only arched a brow momentarily before Anakin spoke. 
“A flare-up?” 
Keyti gave a miserable nod, causing Ahsoka to glance between them. Oh, it wasn’t a show. She watched as Obi-Wan carefully led her to the closest, plush seat she could, getting her softly settled down. It wasn’t long before a droid came in, holding a tray with water and the requested bottle. Keyti swallowed hard while another pain wave assaulted her spine, eyes shutting tightly as she heard Anakin’s low voice rumble out again to the droid. 
“What is the dosage?” 
“375 milligrams, extended-release as requested. How many pills are required?”
“Two if it’s extended.” 
Obi-Wan glanced at his former padawan as he listened, noting what was needed for the warrior since he could quickly sense the pain in the Force. He could only imagine how easily Anakin could have sensed it if the medication had been prepared so swiftly. Keyti shakily took the pills offered by the droid, giving a weak nod as she slowly took them. Sitting back, she exhaled as the droid placed the glass of water on the table beside her,” please continue to take sips to aid in releasing the medication.”
Padmé said then,” We also will need a wheelchair. After this meeting, she will visit the medbay.” 
The droid looked at her, nodding,” We will prepare for her arrival.” After the droid exited, Anakin moved closer, keeping his arms crossed. “How long has it been hurting?”
“I don’t know. Sometime during me being within the cell, My Lord.”
Yoda and the Organas soon entered the room, and the others looked over at them, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Padmé smiling while giving warm greetings. Keyti became quiet, trying to mask the pain again as she bowed her head. She noticed Anakin only squared his shoulders, keeping his arms firmly crossed over his broad chest. Glancing over him, she wondered about his connection with everyone else in the room and how he still seemed to be emitting Vader’s mannerisms.
Bail then spoke, sitting beside his wife,” It’s good to see everyone unharmed after that, but truly, we are happy with your return, Anakin. Unexpected, I do admit, but still relieved you’re back with Padmé. The past fifteen years have been difficult for her and the twins.”
The Senator smiled weakly, making her way to his side again. She held his bicep carefully as he stood as Yoda and Obi-Wan sat.” I know they’ve been difficult for him as well. I know the children will want to meet him soon, but I wanted to gather everyone for more formal introductions. Anakin is the only one who would know everyone in this room, and since we’ve agreed to release Lady Selus, she should also know everyone else and vice versa.”
Their eyes moved to the warrior, her tattooed hand rubbing at her brow quietly with her eyes shut in pain before opening at her name. Looking between everyone, she gave a slight nod,” Well, I am aware at least of who Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Ahsoka are. I’ve never formally met the Organas as I didn’t do many diplomatic missions like other Imperial officers. I would stand and offer my hand, but I’m in a lot of pain at the moment. Forgive my manners.”
Padmé softened, looking to the Organas,” Keyti is the one who helped the twins escape the fortress.”
Ahsoka glanced at Obi-Wan, who was simply observing everyone while also signing for Yoda, quiet as he often was in larger group meetings, before her gaze flicked to Anakin. His features were unreadable, but his gaze was outside to the balcony, watching the skies as they grayed with the threat of rain. She could only hope that the longer he was back with them, the more he would continue to turn to the Light again or at least become balanced.
Breha spoke then, her voice soft and her features gentle.” For that, we thank you. As for your pain, you do not have to worry about formalities. Thank you for helping them, and I’m assuming she knows the truth then, Padmé?”
“Yes. Lady Keyti is aware that Luke and Leia are our children.” Leaning into Anakin more, his gaze moved back to his wife, leaning down to only give a soft kiss to her head. There was a pause as the droid returned with a wheelchair, getting it parked to the side for when they finished the meeting before the door shut again.
Yoda glanced at Obi-Wan and the Organas, humming softly to get everyone’s attention before he signed. “Trust Keyti, how? Work with Vader, she has. Tell the Empire information, she could.” Obi-Wan nodded, continuing his interpretation for the Grand Master.” Yes, how can we trust her not to go to the Empire about the Alliance?”
Anakin’s eyes moved to him, lifting his head back as Padmé could feel how he tensed beneath her touch. “Lady Keyti has been assigned to me, and she knows better than to cross me if she wishes to stay alive.”
Keyti gave an exhausted nod, with a half-assed gesture of her fingers towards him,” My loyalty has never been to the Emperor. He has caused his own damage to me before I was of age, and I refuse to bend to his will anymore. The Empire’s role in aiding in Inquisitors before being assigned to Mustafar allowed me to leave Sho-Torun, where I was a Lady, but the people never enjoyed my presence since I killed my husband. I will not hide the fact that I did, but he mistreated me, and that is all I’m willing to explain for now. My Lord knows more details; perhaps in time, more of you will as I also learn to trust you. We have to simply take this gamble.”
Padmé glanced up at her husband as he watched while Keyti tried to adjust her sitting position, brows tightly furrowed in pain. Ahsoka’s eyes narrowed before she looked to Anakin, but as he nodded when the warrior had grown quiet, she leaned back in her own chair more casually. It would take time for her to trust her, but if her former Master had already formed his own, she could at least give more than she had in the fortress. Perhaps what she was saying is correct, but there was a small trickle of danger when the Emperor was mentioned. Especially before she was of age. Ahsoka could only speculate about its meaning.
Yoda nodded, humming softly as he signed,” The Order, you tried to join. Turned you away, we did. Too old. Led you down a dark path.” 
Anakin’s attention was caught then, looking to Keyti,” You were?”
She looked up to him, giving a slight nod,” Had I known who you were, I would have told you. I didn’t believe it was necessary since I wasn’t allowed to stay … but yes, I came to the Order on my own when I was ten. I tried to hope that I could be trained, that I could be helpful. I was angry, and then Senator Palpatine noticed me in the halls. He took a liking to me, but when I turned twelve, he … lost interest, and I was soon arranged into a marriage.”
Padmé’s eyes widened while Ahsoka’s brows furrowed, the Senator speaking up,” That young?”
“Yes. The Emperor has a particular taste, and once I had grown out of it, I was sent off to be quiet. I refuse to be quiet now if you are willing to accept me as a Rebel. Though, I will not tell it to everyone in this room.”
Breha lifted a hand to cover her mouth in shock, glancing up at her husband as his jaw clenched. He saw how Anakin realized the meaning, his body tensing. His brow muscles tightened, and for a fleeting moment, he was glad he didn’t have to suffer that particular fate. He knew when she was trying to deceive, but there was no indication within the Force, and his voice came out rougher,” You do not have to continue. You will be safe here, just as I will be, if not welcomed more easily. I believe, for now, you should head to the medbay.”
Padmé moved from him, nodding to get her outdated datapad.” I’ll get 3PO to take her.” After she requested his presence, she looked back at Anakin with a soft smile. “He’ll be happy to see you back, Ani.”
“I’m assuming you have R2 then as well?”
“Of course, we couldn’t separate them. For now, I believe we can all return to our duties.” Scattered murmurs of agreement came as the group began to break up, leaving Anakin, Padmé, Keyti, and Ahsoka in the sitting area before a knock came. Peeking in, 3PO’s gaze found Padmé easily before he shuffled his way in.” You requested my assistance?”
“Yes, please bring the wheelchair to Lady Keyti and escort her to the medbay for treatment, 3PO. After that, please return to us.” 
“Oh! Yes, of course.”
After Keyti’s departure, Anakin’s voice was soft, only audible to his wife,” her husband abused her. Treated her like a slave.”
Ahsoka watched them, unable to hear what he said, but noticing the shock on Padmé’s face before her lips became a thin line, she shook her head. Glancing back to the door where the warrior had vanished, she said,” How long have you known her?”
Turning, Anakin’s eyes moved to his former padawan, making her pause with the soft glow they seemed to hold as he thought momentarily. “Almost three years, I believe. Before being captured, she had risked her life lying to Sidious about her reason for being at the abandoned fortress after my latest … episode. She recovered footage, which taught me that Luke is my son.”
“Then I can trust her for that. She knew it was important,” Padmé said, moving closer to hug him again. He shook his head, and his large hands went to her waist.
“She was unaware of that at the time. According to her, she wanted me to see the footage to show that I hesitated.”
“Do you still have the drive somewhere?”
“No, I destroyed it upon hearing an exchange between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.” His eyes moved back to Ahsoka,” I could not let others learn the truth, and since the fortress was destroyed by the Rebel airstrike before Sidious left Mustafar … no one else was aware.” He paused as another knock came from the door, watching silently as 3PO moved back into the room.
“You requested my presence, Senator Amidala?”
“Yes, we have someone for you to see again, 3PO.” She motioned to her husband, who looked at the droid he had crafted as a child, expression unreadable. 
“Again?” He echoed, studying the larger frame of his creator before the familiar lines and features of his face beneath the scarring dawned the realization. “Oh, my circuits! Master Ani, you’ve returned! Oh, R2 will stop being a sad bucket of bolts now. Currently, he’s with the twins. They’ve been very interested in the details of the most recent invasion.”
“Lead us to them, 3PO,” Anakin said simply,” it’s time they officially meet their father.”
Padmé only grinned brightly, holding onto his arm again as her joy overwhelmed her fear of what she had witnessed on the battlefield. If he could converse and be close to humans, he would be okay … right? If he had hesitated, perhaps there was hope that they would be recognized even in hunger. “I think the one you need to worry about the most is Leia. She’s stubborn, just like her father.” 
He looked back down at her, softening with a quiet, rough-sounding chuckle escaping his throat. “Oh, she is? Does that mean that Luke is more like you?” 
“That’s what Obi-Wan says, at least. He looks like you the most, though.” 
“They had a personality swap then?” As he grinned, Padmé could see the sharp canines her husband had now, heart aching for the modifications done to him, but they could have a med-droid look over him later. For now, she only wanted her family together for the first time in fifteen years as she returned the grin.
“They did, and I believe it was a funny little joke from the Force,” she laughed, leading him into the hall.
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ao3feed-obikin · 11 months
How Do You Love
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51154573 by marvelislife Emperor Obi-Wan Kenobi has always been infatuated with rebel Anakin Skywalker and when he finally has him in his grasp, he will never let him go. Words: 467, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Qui-Gon Jinn, Quinlan Vos, R2-D2 (Star Wars), C-3PO (Star Wars), Clone Troopers (Star Wars) Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody/CT-7567 | Rex Additional Tags: Past Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Rebellion, Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rebel Leader Padmé Amidala, Stockholm Syndrome, Heavy Petting, Hurt/Comfort, Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Dom/sub, Non-Consensual Spanking, Non-Consensual Touching, Emperor Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dark Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Loves Anakin Skywalker, Hurt Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Possessive Obi-Wan Kenobi read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51154573
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demongemz · 1 year
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welcome to london, HAN SOLO! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like RICHARD MADDEN? well, no matter, we hear that you are 30 and working as a/an SMUGGLER. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from STAR WARS and have a tendency to be RESOURCEFUL as well as COCKY.
Name: Han Solo Relatives: Leia Organa(Wife); Ben Solo(Son) Occupation: Smuggler Birthday: 32 BBY Age: 30 Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Memory Status: Mildly Intact
Trigger Warning: War, Death Han Solo, known only as Han until being given the surname Solo by an Imperial recruitment officer, and formerly known as Cadet 124-329 while serving as an Imperial cadet, was a human male smuggler. He became a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and an instrumental figure in the defeat of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. He hailed from Corellia and became a smuggler, even completing the Kessel Run in just twelve parsecs with his prized ship, the Millennium Falcon, and coming under the employ of Jabba the Hutt. He was the son-in-law of fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Senator Padmé Amidala, Viceroy Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa, husband of Princess Leia Organa, brother-in-law of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, father of Ben Solo, rival and close friends with fellow smuggler Lando Calrissian, and best friends with the Wookiee Chewbacca, his trusted copilot who swore a life debt to the Corellian smuggler. Solo ran afoul of Jabba after ditching a shipment of spice to avoid trouble with the Empire, owing the Hutt a great deal of money as a result. His fortune seemed to have changed when he agreed to charter Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan, but he became caught up in the rebellion against the Empire and, after helping Princess Leia Organa escape from the Death Star, briefly fought in the Battle of Yavin, which allowed Skywalker to destroy the superweapon. Solo fought with the Rebellion for several years afterward, taking part in numerous operations and battles against the Empire. After the Battle of Hoth, Solo sought refuge with Organa—with whom he had fallen in love—Chewbacca, and C-3PO on Cloud City, which was operated by his old friend Lando Calrissian. There, they were captured by the Sith Lord Darth Vader as part of a trap to bait Skywalker into the city. Solo was frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, where he remained encased in carbonite for months until he was rescued by his friends. After returning to the Alliance Fleet, Solo was promoted to the rank of general and was given command of the Pathfinders, a special forces squad, for the Battle of Endor. Solo led the Pathfinders to Endor, where he, Organa, Chewbacca, and the special forces team, with the help of the native Ewoks, destroyed the shield generator protecting the second Death Star that was being constructed in orbit. Their actions allowed the Alliance Fleet to destroy the superweapon. The Battle of Endor, which saw the deaths of Emperor Sheev Palpatine and Darth Vader, allowed the Rebellion to form the New Republic. In the early days after Endor, Solo continued to lead the Pathfinders against the Empire. He married Organa, and the two had a son, Ben Solo. This is where Han was pulled to London from, his marriage with Leia at this time is a big strained due to their conflicting responsibilities, though he always tries to make the effort to be there for Ben, their five-year-old son. The last thing he remembers before waking up here is spending the day and night with his son since he'd had a rather terrible nightmare the night before.
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fruity-fangirl · 1 year
Here is my favourite Star Wars characters ranked: (it is grouped into kinda weird categories)
Prequel (movies):
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1. Padme Amidala
2. R2-D2
3. Obi-Wan
4. C-3po
5. Bail Organa
6. Sabé
7. Anakin Skywalker
8. Mace Windu
9. Jango Fett
10. General Grievous
Prequel (series):
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1. Ahsoka Tano
2. Bo-katan Kryze
3. Hunter
4. Crosshair
5. Hera
6. Omega
7. Sabine
8. Tech
9. Ezra
10.  Wrecker
11. Zeb
12.  Echo
13. Kanan
14.  Gregor
15. Asajj Ventress
16. Darth Maul
17. Rex
18. Riyo Chuchi
19. Hondo Ohnaka
20. Cal Kestis
21.  Satine Kryze
22. Breha Organa
23.  Cody
24. Tala Durith
25. Reva
26. Barriss Offee
27. Seventh Sister
28. Alexsandr Kallus
29.  Savage Opress
30. Yoda
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1. Leia Organa
2. Chewbacca
3. Luke Skywalker
4. The Armorer
5. Din Djarin
6. Grogu
7. Han Solo
8. Fennec Shand
9. Koska Reeves
10. Cobb Vanth
11. Elia Kane
12. Captain Carson Teva
13. Lando Calrissian
14. Cara Dune
15. Boba Fett
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1. Rey Skywalker
2. Finn
3. Poe Dameron
4. Rose Tico
5. Jannah
6. Zorii Bliss
7. Vice Admiral Holdo
8. Porgs
9. Captain Plasma
10. General Hux
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1. R2-D2
2. C-3po
3. L3-37
4. K-2S0
5. BB-8
6. AZI-3
7. Gonky
8. Wac-47
9. QT-KT
10. Battle Droids
And my last post for may the fourth is going to be extra things like my favourite lightsabers and duels.
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the light that shines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vAZHGRw
by theragingstorm
Nine interconnected stories of the Rebellion, its people, and its aftermath.
Words: 7342, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Andor (TV), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Cassian Andor, Ahsoka Tano, Jyn Erso, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Vel Sartha, Cinta Kaz, B2EMO | Bee (Star Wars), K-2SO (Star Wars), Brasso the Ferrixian (Star Wars), Bix Caleen, Luthen Rael, Saw Gerrera, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Alexsandr Kallus, Wedge Antilles, Mon Mothma, Quinlan Vos, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, R2-D2 (Star Wars), C-3PO (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex, Jacen Syndulla
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Minor Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla - Relationship, Minor Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso - Relationship, Minor Cinta Kaz/Vel Sartha
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rebellion Era (Star Wars), Jewish Themes, Family, Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Bittersweet, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Love, Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Planet Ferrix (Star Wars), Art, Karis Nemik's Manifesto, Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), Queer Themes, art and love as acts of rebellion, Hanukkah-inspired, the sw holiday special lucasfilm doesn't want you to know about, Hanukkah themes, the real miracle will be if I actually get this finished on time, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, My First Work in This Fandom, Planet Tatooine (Star Wars), Planet Alderaan (Star Wars)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vAZHGRw
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poetsalchemy · 8 months
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woah! was that PADMÉ AMIDALA walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from STAR WARS. they’re 25 and live in GLEN OAK HEIGHTS but watch out because they can be NAIVE + ANXIOUS but are actually DIPLOMATIC + GENEROUS. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of AN OPEN MEADOW AND A CLEAR SKY, THE SUN ON YOUR SKIN, FACE-FRAMING CURLS, & LIGHT ACADEMIA when imagining them. ( camila morrone, she/her )
[ * THE BASICS ! ]
NAME:  padmé amidala naberrie.
NICKNAME(S):  senator amidala.
ALIAS(ES):  n/a.
SPECIES:  human (naboo).
PAST RESIDENCE(S):  coruscant.
CURRENTLY RESIDING:  glen oak heights, ivy cove.
LIVING SITUATION:  a large home that she (previously assumed) was inherited from a family member — 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms.
GENDER IDENTITY: cis woman, she/her.
SEXUALITY:  heterosexual.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: married? single?
ETHNICITY:  argentinian, russian, ashkenazi jewish.
FACE CLAIM:  camila morrone.
OCCUPATION: curator at a local art museum, painter.
MEMORIES: padmé remembers everything up until the point that she told anakin she was pregnant — she does not know that she ended up having twins, that anakin ended up turning to the dark side, or of her own death. everything about the details of her fake life have now become hazy. she knows she met and befriended anakin in college, but as far as an actual (fake) family? she can't ever remember having one, after remembering her previous life.
MOTHER:  jobal naberrie.
FATHER:  ruwee naberrie.
SISTER:  sola naberrie.
SHIPS: anakin skywalker or men w/ chemistry.
CHILDREN: leia organa (unknown), luke skywalker (unknown)
GRANDCHILDREN: anakin solo (unknown), ben solo (unknown), jaina solo (unknown), jacen solo (unknown)
FRIENDS: obi-wan kenobi, bail organa, breha organa, c-3PO, R2-D2, more tbd.
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