#c: angel dumott schunard
@songandflame continued from here
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Dying was nowhere near as glamorous as the movies made it seem.
Angel wasn't stupid. They were dying. Maybe not this time, though they weren't holding out too much hope, but it would be sooner rather than later. It was a fact that she'd come to terms with a long time ago. And maybe there was a tiny part of her that had hoped to hide that he'd been feeling under the weather from Collins, one last hopeful bid to protect the man he loved from knowledge of the inevitable, but when things had gotten worse instead of better, that hadn't been an option anymore. As it was, Collins had barely left his side, and their other friends were constantly in and out, freshly painted blue nails a sign of Mimi's presence.
Now though even Angel was struggling to find her usual optimism, not with the way every inch seemed to tremble and ache. He was exhausted. Everything hurt. Even the gentle press of a warm washcloth to their forehead seemed to only sooth a little of it. Brown eyes cracked open at the words, so horrifically young, and when they spoke, their voice cracked a little, "H-Hurts..."
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thefelineofaveb · 4 years
Per il corso di costume per lo spettacolo la professoressa ci ha dato il compito di vestirci come uno dei nostri eroi e io ho scelto Angel Dumott Schunard da RENT, per vari motivi.
A) perché - diciamocelo - è un personaggio fantastico
B) perché non mi potevo lasciar sfuggire un'occasione di mettermi in drag
C) perché per una messa in scena di quasi due anni fa avevo già realizzato questa gonna di giornali che ho così potuto riciclare
Beh, per una cosa tirata su in mezz'ora (un'ora se consideriamo il tempo di fare la barba) direi che è venuto più che bene. A parte il fatto che nel primo piano sembro mia madre.
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Dreamcasting Broadway: RENT
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“You don’t want baggage without lifetime guarantees; you don’t want to watch me die. I just came to say goodbye love.”
Dreamcasting Broadway: RENT
Brendan C. Callahan as Mark Cohen
Heath Saunders as Roger Davis
Melissa Barrera as Mimi Marquez
Vicki Manser as Maureen Johnson
Lilli Cooper as Joanne Jefferson
Fergie L. Philippe as Tom Collins
DeMarius Copes as Angel Dumott Schunard
Ryan Vasquez as Benjamin “Benny” Coffin III
Billy Joe Kiessling as Steve/Man with Squeegee/Waiter/Others (Mark u/s)
Caroline Lellouche as Mrs. Cohen/Ali/Others (Maureen u/s)
Cherelle Jay as Alexi Darling/Mrs. Davis/Pam/Others (Mimi u/s)
Elijah A. Carter as Paul/Cop/Others (Benny u/s)
Jaye Alexander as Mr. Jefferson/Pastor/Christmas Caroler/“Seasons of Love” Soloist/Others (Collins u/s)
JC Schuster as Gordon/The Man/Mr. Grey/Others (Roger u/s)
Nora Schell as Mrs. Jefferson/Woman with Bags/Mrs. Marquez/Sue/“Seasons of Love” Soloist/Others (Joanne u/s)
Alexia Sielo as Swing (Joanne u/s)
Courtney Mack as Swing (Mimi u/s, Maureen u/s)
Jacob Ryan Smith as Swing (Mark u/s, Roger u/s)
Ricardo A. Zayas as Swing (Angel u/s)
Taurean Everett as Swing (Collins u/s, Angel u/s, Benny u/s)
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iuisamadrigal · 8 years
okay, so i’ve been tagged in some posts lately. this past week has been hectic with midterms and coming home, so i’m really sorry these are late!! thank you so much for tagging me!! 💕💕 my answers will be under the cut
Rules: List 10 different characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 different people.
I was tagged by the sweetheart @rose-merida  💖💖 
1. Belle (Disney) 
2. Fleur Delacour (Harry Potter) 
3. Eliza Schuyler Hamilton (Hamilton)
4. Anastasia (Anastasia)
5. Seth Gecko (From Dusk til Dawn: The Series) 
6. Samantha Parkington (American Girl)
7. Violet Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
8. Angel Dumott Schunard (Rent) 
9. Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses Trilogy) 
10. Karin Parke (Black Mirror) 
rules: answer 20 question and tag 20 followers you’d like to get know better :)
I was tagged by @jxdyhxpps 💖💖
name: samantha
nicknames: sam, sammy
zodiac sign: aqaurius
height: 5′4″, maybe a little taller
orientation: not straight/bisexual
nationality: american
favorite fruit: probably oranges or clementines
favorite season: winter
favorite book: the book thief
favorite flower: roses and orchids
favorite scent: the bath and body works fresh sparkling snow scent
favorite color: purple
favorite animal: gorilla
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: all of the above
average sleep hours: 5-7 hours
cat or dog person: dog, but i have nothing against cats
favorite fictional character: just one? belle
number of blankets you sleep with: one to two
dream trip: any disney park, paris, italy 
blog created: august 6, 2014
rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you…most importantly, have fun.
tagged by: the lovely @jxdyhxpps 💖💖
a / age – 19
b / biggest fear – never being good enough
c / current time – 4:57pm (est) 
d / drink you had last – water
f / favorite song – little wonders by rob thomas
g / ghosts are real? – maybe ???
h / hometown – erie, pa
i / in love with – forever and eternally ice cream
j / jealous of – i don’t want to answer this one
k / killed someone – no
l / last time you cried? – i almost cried today because of a beauty and the beast tv spot
m / middle name – marie
n / number of siblings – a younger sister
o / one wish – to publish a novel and win a pulitzer 
p / person you last called/texted – my dad
q / questions you’re always asked – i have no idea 
r / reasons to smile – disney & dogs
s / song last sang – something there from beauty and the beast 
t / time you woke up – 3:30pm 
u / underwear color – light blue
v / vacation destination – anywhere in italy
w / worst habit – knotting my hair to the point where i have to pull it out
x / xrays you have had – i don’t remember 
y / your favorite food – chicken broccoli alfredo
z / zodiac sign – aquarius 
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shantel-chii · 7 years
tagged by: @chaaostheory u sly lil one, sorry i took so long but now that i finally moved and am home for the summer I have time!!
nickname: most ppl just call me shan \o/ zodiac: gemini, tho i doubt i’m a gemini at all i’ve failed by double faced fam height: only 5′2″ weeps last thing i googled: “brooklyn nine nine season 4″ bc netflix still doesn’t have that season and i’m not happy :cc favourite music artist: hMM i have a range, prolly dodie but i’m also a sucker for panic! song stuck in my head: Sincerely, Me from the musical Dear Evan Hansen omg it’s just... so catchy. I love it sm last movie i saw: i can’t even rmb because movies ARE SO EXPENSIVE IN LONDON. I think it was fantastic beasts in december when i went back to Singapore, and then Hidden Figures on the plane a few days ago, how sad is that what am i wearing right now: FBT shorts and a school shirt bc it’s hot here why did i choose my url: i’m too lazy to think of something fancy do i have any other blogs: hell ye I got my writing/rp blog which i regret making as a secondary blog because i can’t do primary blog things with it :// what did your last relationship teach you:  HA what relationship? gurl I got shit to do, but all my friendships have taught me so much?? My friends and fam are all i really need right now c’: religious or spiritual: a lil dash of both i guess, Buddha’s a funky religious and spiritual  guy but i’m like half way in and not completely into it favourite colour: turquoise all the way my friend average hours of sleep: 9 when i’m being a lazy bum, 4 when i actually have school and work lucky number: 17, 28, \o/ favourite characters: Angel Dumott Schunard from Rent bc she’s fab, Leopold Fitz, Nathan Drake bc i’m a sucker, Clementine from twdg, and of course Cheddar from b99, how many blankets do i sleep with: omg in London i got 2 and a small one thats my blankey, bc its cold and i gave in for a very flurry one askdasda dream job: I totally wanna work in tv/series (oh i’m doing that hey look that’s cool) but well keep it up i guess bc it’s not a good paying job/industry rip, and also work on games and online content, transmedia content, script and story development etc c’:
tagging: i ain’t gonna tag anyone bc i can’t tell u what to do \o/ do them if u wanna!! and just tag me hee i love reading them. <3
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@hidesinhiswork asked: in hawaiian shirts, we are all equal before god. ( to angel, modern )
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"You take that back right now."
Angel Dumott Schunard considered themselves a very tolerant person. It was just part of his nature, and there was very little in the world that he could not bring himself to accept. This however? No, no, this was taking things completely too far and crossing that line. She could accept a lot of things, but hawaiian shirts? No, absolutely not, those were an affront to every sensibility she had.
"Mark Cohen, you come near me with a hawaiian shirt and there will be absolutely no cookies for you!" they threatened, waving a drumstick as if to further back up that threat towards that filmmaker, a pout on painted lips.
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whatsbehindthefacade · 3 months
@filmtortured asked: ❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜
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The soft noise of the door opening behind them has Angel glancing over her shoulder, but the sight of Mark makes them smile. She'd stepped out to get a little air, as well as a little peace from the loud buzz of music and chatter that's going on inside, but she can't say she minds being joined, and gestures the filmmaker over to join him at the edge of the balcony where she's leaning against the railing, staring out across the city.
"Getting a little hot and stuffy in there, hmm?" Angel asks, shifting to bump their shoulders together with a grin. Mark is sweet, but it does worry them a little how much he seems to take onto himself. Taking a breath, Angel exhales to watch the crisp air fog a little, before her eyes turn back to him. "You okay?"
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@hidesinhiswork asked: ❝  you’ve always made me feel safe so,  i just knew i could tell you about it.  ❞
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"Oh, sweetheart." Angel's voice is soft and they smile as they pull Mark into a hug, leaning up on tiptoes given they've forgone their heels for the day. It had been a busking morning, which meant more...typical street clothes, and she hasn't quite had the opportunity to get changed. After all, friends come first, and Angel will always have time to listen to his friends' troubles and look out for them. Always.
"Thank you for telling me, Mark." Reaching out, they give his hand a squeeze, "I know it's a big step telling people. Does anyone else know?" She doesn't want to presume after all, there are plenty of people in this little friend group of theirs that have known Mark longer than she has that he's maybe told first.
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@hidesinhiswork asked: ❝ ever since i told them i’m gay they keep pointing to every slightly attractive man and asking if he’s my type.
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"But there's only one attractive man that you've got your eye on, am I right?" There's a gentle teasing tone in Angel's voice as they stretch out on the couch, kicking heeled feet over the back of it and smoothing out their skirt a little. It's another new creation, one she's been working on for a few weeks, and she's been delighted to finally get to show it off to everyone, particularly happy with the way it flows when she spins around.
Still, her gaze is amused. After all, maybe it's just her, but she's pretty sure it's rather obvious who Mark's got eyes for. God knows, she's watched him watch Roger enough times, with that lovestruck puppy-like look on his face. It's adorable, and how the musician hasn't picked up on it yet, he'll never know. Then again, Mark apparently hasn't picked up on the fact that Roger's looking back at him the same way. Their friends are an absolute disaster.
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@hidesinhiswork asked: 💋 ( to angel ) everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
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"Oh, don't you look darling!"
Mark spruces up well, though she might take a teensy bit of partial credit for having nudged him gently in the direction of certain fashion choices. Still, Angel feels a little like a proud parent, and also more than a little bit has the urge to pinch his cheek like one. They'll save that for later. Instead, he tugs Mark into a hug before leaning up on tiptoes to kiss his forehead, making sure to carefully wipe the lipstick stain away.
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@hidesinhiswork asked: ❝ how can you cheat at bingo? ❞ ( to angel )
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"Dedication, practice, and a little bit of knowing the caller, now hush, we don't want to miss a number."
A slight smirk flickered across Angel's lips as she waved away Mark's question, tucking a pink strand of hair behind her ear before twirling the dabber between their fingers. Bingo was a decent way of getting a little bit of cash now and then, but he always had to be careful not to use it too often and arouse suspicion as to why he happened to be so lucky. Speaking from experience, it was never a good idea to infuriate old bingo ladies.
"Marcus owes me a favour, so every once in a while, I let him know I'm coming, and he...helps me out, shall we say?" they whispered under their breath with a soft laugh.
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@coristories asked: Send 📺 for our muses to watch a movie / television show together ( to angel from mimi )
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Sneaking into the movies is both a talent, but also ridiculously easy once you get used to it, and it's maybe become a habit of Angel's. It's not like she can really afford to go regularly and pay, not if she wants to eat and have somewhere to sleep, so slipping in unawares it is, and of course, dragging Mimi with him makes it even more fun. They deserve to have fun every once in a while, and the odd movie is hardly a big deal, especially when the screen is close to empty, save for a couple of groups closer to the front, leaving the back corner just for them.
"See, I told you it wasn't that difficult. They don't even bother checking half the time anyway," they grin, bumping their shoulder with Mimi's.
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@coristories asked: ❛   fairness is for happy people.  ❜  ( to angel from mimi )
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This was never how she wanted things to go.
After last Christmas, it had been easy to just put certain things out of mind. They had a family, they had Collins, sweet, sweet Tom who made him feel things he wasn't even aware he could feel, who treated her like a queen, doted like she was the most important person in the world. And of course there had still been blips, but for the most it had been like living in a dream, far too easy to forget the reality of the situation they were all living with.
Until they'd gotten sick.
And now here she was, and things weren't looking so good anymore. She wasn't stupid either, this was only going to end in one way. It wasn't that she was scared to die, she'd made her peace with that outcome years ago now, but the thought of her friends....that was what hurt the most.
"Hey now," his voice is soft, a little hoarse, but there's a faint smile playing on their lips, "Don't say that. It's going to be fine."
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@coristories asked: ❛   despite everything, i believe that people are really good at heart.  ❜ ( to angel from mimi )
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"And they are. Most of the time."
Angel pulls a slight face, before focusing her attention back on Mimi, raising a hand to comb it gently through her dark hair in a soothing gesture. Some people are shitty, he's more than aware of that, but they also know that Roger isn't like that, just dealing with his own struggles. Maybe not in the best ways, but times are difficult, and they won't hold that against him.
"Roger will come around. I think he's just struggling to deal with his own problems, and well, you know what he's like. Not very good at accepting help. Not unlike someone else I know," she gives Mimi a knowing look, before smiling softly. They've forgone their usual extravagant outfits today, opting more for warmth and ease, "Now, how about we do our nails?"
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@coristories asked: Send 🎡 for our muses to go to the carnival together ( to angel from mimi )
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"Come on! The guy on the gate owes me a favour, he'll let us in!"
Angel's giggles are audible as she takes their friend by the hand, dragging Mimi along as the two of them sprint past a variety of people making their way in and out of the carnival. A few give them odd looks but most don't have the time to look too hard at the pair, even if Angel's outfit is certainly bright enough to stop traffic. It's a small benefit of New York, the city might have it's shitty moments, but it also sees a wide variety of unusual things on a daily basis, so even Angel can fade into the background after a while.
Sure enough, the guy on the gate turns a blind eye to them slipping past, and the moment they're through Angel links his arm through Mimi's, eyeshadow twinkling in the sunlight that's been fighting it's way through clouds all day and finally starting to win.
"Where should we start?"
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