#c: Mannimarco
honored-worm-king · 2 years
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Yes, it is indeed I. King of Worms, lifelong… something to Archmagister Vanus Galerion, the future Necromancer’s Moon according to seers in some timelines, etcetera.
Admiration and amazement are welcome and appreciated.
If you are not yet familiar, I would recommend reading the letter I have “pinned” to this extensive account of my recent doings. Though I hardly need an introduction, that one should suffice.
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the-tharns-speak · 9 months
Is Mannimarco uncool?
He has his cool moments. But the amount of bullshit you have to go through to see them usually makes you regret even bothering at all. So, you know. Actually yes, mostly uncool.
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tiredela · 11 months
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pov: you have no bitches (skill issue) (mannimarco stole them all)
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wellthebardsdead · 10 months
The loved & the forgotten pt28
Part 27 here
Vivienne: *wrapped only in a sheet after waking to the commotion and his husbands both running out of the bedroom* c-can you at least move your leg?!
The lurker blocking the door: *groans and nudges him back into the manor with its leg*
Vivienne: *huffs and peers past it’s other one to see voryn and nerevar both step into view before the lurker suddenly stands aside, and Taliesin walks past it* l-love what’s going on out there? I-
Taliesin: *gently scoops him up bridal style* shhh, don’t worry yourself over it darling. Voryn and nerevar have this covered. *smiles reassuringly at him as he carries him back down the steps to their room*
Vivienne: don’t worry?? I woke up to the ground shaking, miraak shouting, mannimarco crying, and you and Kaidan running out of the house with your weapons drawn!! I watched inigo get flung past the door before the lurker blocked me from leaving! Please tell me what’s happened? I want to-
Taliesin: *lays him on the bed and unfurls the sheet as he leans down pressing his lips to his, his dark hair draping over the pillows and tangling with Vivienne’s soft white locks* Please darling… it’s our wedding night. We’ll talk about it in the morning once voryn and nerevar know what’s going on…
Vivienne: *face flushed staring up at his husband* you- you don’t know who attacked? It was an attack right-
Taliesin: *silences him with another kiss* no, I don’t know who they were. But voryn didn’t seem bothered by them, nor did nerevar. Please my love, don’t worry yourself over it…
Kaidan: *steps into the room wiping himself clean with a wet towel* Voryn and the guards are handling it now, they think it’s just a group of reavers that thought our place would be a good target. *tosses the towel aside and walks to the bed, smoothing his hand up Taliesins back and tucking his hair to the side as he reaches his neck, planting a soft kiss there before laying on the bed and giving vivienne a kiss too* are you alright love?…
Vivienne: *blinks hearing the tone to their voices and realising they’re both telling the truth* I… yes, just… just startled I think… *reaches up his hands gently pulling Taliesin down for another kiss before pulling Kaidan in for one too* I was scared it was something worse…
Kaidan: *smiles kissing his cheek* hey, no matter how bad it might be, I know we can take ‘em~
Taliesin: *chuckles and lays beside them both* don’t encourage him ro run into trouble again~
Vivienne: *pouts* I said I’d stop doing that… intentionally at least…
*meanwhile outside*
Miraak: *dismissing his lurkers and seekers before heading back inside after the others to comfort mannimarco knowing full well the state the high elfs still in*
Nerevar: *watching him go* should we ask him to keep some of those beasts active until we’re certain the stragglers are taken care of? *glances back at voryn as the remaining cultists are thrown before his feet*
Voryn: *face bearing a stoic expression as he stares down at the mer before him, his assassins forcing them to their knees and holding their heads back by their hair to face him* no need… *quietly sizes each one up before settling on the one in the middle and gesturing to his men, smirking slightly as they cut the throats of all the cultists minus them* judging by your armour and defiant disposition im inclined to believe you’re the one heading this operation, this, plan, to attack the home of my student and attempt to kidnap him? Rape him? Murder him? All because you believe him to be vivec? Correct?…
Cultist: *bloodied and bruised but glaring up at him with a defiant hatred in his eyes as he spits at him* how dare you speak to me whore! We came here to save him from you! From the bastard who dethroned our lord and claims himself king! We’ll return him to his rightful seat of power! The tribunal will rise again and we’ll dance on your corpses as we cut your faces of-
Nerevar: *watches his head roll away slowly after cutting it off* …
Voryn: … *nods to his assassins, dismissing them before walking to nerevars side and smiling as the Hortator pulls him into his arms by his waist* shhh. It’s alright my lo-
Nerevar: *cuts him off with a deep and strong kiss, pulling away only after he’s sure he’ll leave voryn breathless* I won’t allow anybody to speak of you like that…
Voryn: *panting softly and following after his lips as he pulls away from him* it’s fine love… I was more insulted of what he said of you… and more concerned on their intent towards vivienne… *glances over watching captain Veleth and his men clean up the bodies* captain, have your men found anything noteworthy on their bodies?
Captain Veleth: not yet my lord. I’ll inform you once we do. We’ll work to get this cleaned up before the morning.
Nerevar: *nods* thank you captain… *looks up at voryn before gently ushering him back to the councillors estate* what do we tell vivienne?…
Voryn: the truth… he’s still in danger.
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zuutiomi · 4 months
1, 3, 15, 58 and 85 for torren x mannimarco! c:
1.Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Out of these two the first one who fell was Torren and proably very hard,because they were so amazed by Mannimarco skills and probably in Torren's eyes Mannimarco was already like god.
3. What is their love language?
For Torren it would be sure physical touch, they love hugs and kisses and they would literally die without them.
Meanwhile for Mannimarco it would quality time ,he would ask Torren for small walk to enjoy their company and then watching how Torren having fun with reviving undeads (once Torren just revived chickens to have fun and to get some company meanwhile Mannimarco just laugh at this but he enjoy it too)
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Torren would made as much terrible jokes to only cheer Manni to see smile on his face ,like revived army of chikens to only see smile on Manni's face. Meanwhile Mannimarco when he sees Torren upset would hug them and hold Torren very close knowing that this would soon calm them.
58.Do they hold hands?
Ohh yes ,Torren wouldn't be themselves without holding Mannimarco's hand ,however they never hold hand in publiv but only when they are on their walks ,just two of them.
85.Their S/O is tipsy. How do they handle it?
For Torren it would be funny being tipsy since they would have a lot of energy and even sat on Manni's lap saying a lot of stuff how much they love him and ask if he is single in front of everyone and mumble a lot of stuff until they battery with energy would go down and then they would fell asleep ,Mannimarco would probably take Torren in bridial style and then put them in bed and get them some water for next day. Meanwhile when Mannimarco is tipsy he would probably fell asleep sitting and Torren would poke him for a while if that doesn't work then they would actually put blanket on him and then let him sleep.
Awww thank you so much for giving these questions 🩵🩵🩵 I had really fun anwsering them 🩵🩵🩵🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶
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dork-wraith · 1 month
Ohhh fun! ok let's see. . . hope you don't mind a few at once
8, 12, 13, 15, 21, 26, 39, 44 c:
8: Want any tattoos?
I actually have plenty rn haha, both arms done up, I don't really fuck with sleeves so I've just been adding over time.
12: Relationship status
I've been taken for a long time now 😅
13: Biggest turn ons
Confidence ngl
15: Favorite movie
My favorite movie is called kung pow: enter the fist 😅
21: What I love most about myself
I like being Mr. Social butterfly, I love talking to people
26: My biggest pet peeves
Dust bunnies 😤
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Cookies and cream ez
44: A random fact about anything
In oblivion (2006) mannimarco sits in echo cave and isn't actually considered as an essential npc and you can pick pocket the staff of worms of him because it also isn't considered a quest item (I haven't tried killing him idk what it'd do to the mages guild quest)
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As a young man, did you ever feel uncomfortable around Mannimarco because he was of royal blood, and you were just a former slave?
For honesty’s sake, yes. I did. Though, not quite so late into our lives to consider myself a “young man”. By that time, Mannimarco and I had grown far closer, he more tolerant, and the views that had been thrust upon him by his upbringing had begun to fade. We were equals, in our later years, that he even made clear to me on multiple occasions. Though it did not start out as such.
When we were still children, especially upon first meeting, Mannimarco thought quite lowly of me, of my status. I constantly struggled with feelings of inadequacy, not always related only to him and his birth— an impostor syndrome, of sorts. That perhaps a serf could never truly become a Psijic, didn’t belong in a place such as Artaeum. It was actually Mannimarco, along with the Ritemaster, who aided me in overcoming those fears, in the end.
I no longer doubt my place under any circumstance.
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0chemicalwaste0 · 4 years
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That’s a fine ass worm if you ask me
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tinytveit · 3 years
every day i think about aelinwaeya saying shit infront of her dad and hes like
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lichwept · 5 years
wash. get some of that Blood off of you.
          THE PSIJICS FORBADE VICTORY .    exulting  in  personal  ascendancy  was  a  sign  of  egoism ,   of  course .    &   what  was  ego  but  a  distraction  from  magicka ?    mannimarco  had  toyed  with  the  idea  of  winning  in  his  head ,   spooling   &   unspooling  fantasies  of  triumph ,   of  glory ,   planted  in  his  psyche  by  the  political  plots  of  his  father .    it  was  supposed  to  feel  good .   but  his  eyes  blankly  stare  at  his  new  friend ,    mentor  perhaps ,   feeling  tremorous  fingers  untangle  bloody  mats  of  satin  hair .
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         '   i’ve  killed  something ,  ‘    he  mumbles ,    voice  taking  on  a  new  dimension .    lilac  eyes  shift  down  to  his  bloodied  palms ,   still  humming  with  some  faint  echo  of  magic .    ‘   i  had  to ...    didn’t  i ?  ‘
nonverbal starters  /  accepting !
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How would the elves react to a hero that was absentmindedly touchy? For example, maybe the hero filters their hands through the elves’ hair while they work, or holds onto the elves’ arm as they converse; all the while the hero doesn’t even think about what their doing.
Sotha Sil takes note of how whenever he sits down they lean into him almost immediately. He quietly finds it pleasant they trust him so much. "As long as you're comfortable."
Vivec loves it and does it back without realizing. He leans over lying his head ontop of theirs or on their shoulder. He's not ashamed at all to do this all in front of people. "That's nice of you."
Almalexia rarely sits down. But the are occasion when she sits down to address certain important guests and their hand flies to rest on her knee. She gives them a small glance lips threatening to give away her amusement. "Hm."
Voryn Dagoth feels their hands on his shoulders. His face warms but he gives a shaky smile. In more subtle ways, he does the same with them. "Ah, thank you C/N."
Mannimarco raises a brow when he feels them running their hand up and down his back. "Just what exactly are you doing?" He gets bummed out when they stop though.
Neloth grumbles as they place their arm around his shoulder. But he never makes a move to move them, mainly because regardless of what he claims. He never wants to see them sad.
Divayth Fyr snorts as they made their arm with his. He's long since noticed they never seem to actually tell they do this. "Can't be parted from me, can you?" He's joking. He likes it.
Teldryn Sero does this thing where he slings his ankle over theirs. Effectively linking them together. They never complain of course. It's just his way of staying close.
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honored-worm-king · 2 years
Well, though I may have missed capturing the precise milestone, it appears there are now over a hundred of you subscribing to my ramblings and samples of wisdom.
Each and every one of you has my deepest gratitude. It is my honor and my pleasure to continue answering any questions and curiosities thrown my way. I look forward to doing so for quite a while yet.
Perhaps I will hold some minor celebration in honor of this. Do feel free to make suggestions.
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the-tharns-speak · 1 year
Mannimarco is a handsy drunk? Please elaborate 👀 you must have some fun embarrassing stories about him
He is a handsy drunk. And also a necromancer. So when I say that his hands have been everywhere, they have been everywhere. Sometimes post mortem, sometimes ante mortem, and given how the Worm Cult operates, also quite often peri mortem.
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littlegalerion · 3 years
Been playing way too much Fire Emblem Awakening as of late, and have been envisioning my OCs having the support conversations like what is present in the games. I guess this counts as fanfiction of sorts? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s an example:
Have Some Abnur and Trechire Support Conversations 
Abnur: Still holding on to your old habits? I would have thought the bear would be bald by now. 
Trechire: He enjoys the brushing.
Abnur: Is it the same bear? Supposedly Wardens just summon them from thin air, but it’s never been explained to me if it’s the same bear each time.
Trechire: Usually, as the bear forms a bond with us, and so recognizes our call and beats out all other competition.
Abnur: Competition?
Trechire: Nature’s furry warriors love to help a Warden in need. It’s their way of showing off. So yes, when a Warden sends their summons, there can be competition.
Abnur: I always meant to delve further into the Warden’s teachings and abilities via our letters. They aren’t very plentiful in Cyrodiil, but gods we could use every edge possible. It gets more and more frustrating every time refugees get preyed upon by the wildlife.
Trechire: I wish you would have said something. I would have come.
Abnur: Not you. Any other Warden, but not you. I didn’t have time for you to pepper me with questions over the Amulet.
Trechire: And how often did I do that in our letters?
Abnur: …
Trechire: That’s what I thought.
Abnur: Regardless, I had every right to be cautious. Only a fool wouldn’t have been. Not to mention you were...not in the right state of mind. Your grief would have clouded your sense of judgement.
Trechire: Or sharpened it. Don’t lecture me like some child or incredibly lucky adventurer. I’ve been through enough to have learned from fatal, stupid mistakes. You were there for some of them. Not to mention I’m far more experienced at dealing with organizing and preserving groups of individuals- for far longer than you.
Abnur: Longer than me? I’ve had to wrangle all of Cyrodiil while stouts raided the henhouse that was the White-Gold Tower, for more than a hundred years.
Trechire: And here Hircine’s lead Alpha stands before you, having served for two hundred and thirty years.
Abnur: You’re two hundred and fifty some years old? Hmph, you look rather remarkable for your age.
Trechire: Thank you, young man.
C Rank Support Achieved
Trechire: The dragons aren’t very keen on laying low. The flying whelps just ravage the landscape with no regard for subtly or risk.
Abnur: They’re giant, naturally armored lizards that can Shout you to death. You expect them to have a concept of such things?
Trechire: I do, especially after we continuously put them down. Even the dumbest animal alive would know to avoid the claws after they’ve been struck by them twice!
Abnur: That many have been slain? Serves me right, neglecting to at least browse over the reports…
Trechire: Oh no, not by Elsweyr’s own. I’ve met with several other pack leaders about the dragons. We agree not only are they perhaps the best prey we’ve ever had the chance to hunt, but they also greatly threaten our territories. Packs have been regrouping, quickly learning how to kill these beasts.
Abnur: So this has officially become some sort of game to lycanthropes?
Trechire: Yes, and be glad for that. I was the one who rallied the packs into this. Thanks to their thirst for such glory, the dragons have been kept at bay from escaping Elsweyr’s borders. Or, at least far from Elsweyr’s borders.
Abnur: I should have realized that. With Cadwell’s constant chatter, Khamira’s vigilance over my every move, and Euraxia’s forces strutting around, flying Imperial flags and making a mockery out of us, I’m spread thin. I can’t be expected to handle everything, or to retain my usual sharp focus.
Trechire: Good thing you have me, then.
Abnur: Perhaps. First I’ll have to see how you handle some wine before bed, and then I’ll comment if you’re worth all the animal fur left all over our equipment.
Trechire: We’re working with khajiit, you know?
Abnur: It isn’t khajiit fur. I’ve checked. I don’t even want to know how or why you brought a pony inside our barracks, just don’t make it a habit!
B Rank Support Achieved
Abnur: Just tell me what you want. I’m too tired to wait around for you to work up the nerve to ask in your own time.
Trechire: Pardon?
Abnur: You’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes. Whatever it is you want, just spit it out. We have dragons literally breathing down our necks.
Trechire: I… was just reflecting on how far you’ve come. You’ve proved to be a good man, Abnur.
Abnur: ...
Trechire: But that’s what concerns me. I’ve seen many prove their worth, but they never survive through their redemption.
Abnur: Redemption? Just what was it I did that I am now redeeming myself of?
Trechire: You placed trust in Mannimarco, even if a small measure of it. I’m not judging. I...I’ve done far worse, and faced the consequences. Rest assured, we’ll save Tamriel just like we did before, but this time no one has any reason to distrust you.
Abnur: I think Khamira disagrees.
Trechire: She’s young, and still bleeding from the loss of her parents, home, stability… If she was totally together, she’d be equally as hostile towards me. I helped you, supported you, in releasing those dragons. Sithis knows, I was the one who did most of the dirty work!
Abnur: Yes, but you have that Galerion charm. I’m certain your father could set fire to the nearest forest, turn around and smile, then easily talk his way out of any charges or suffer any reputation loss. How did the puddle-scrying necromancer put it? “Galerion knows how to warm a heart, so he can easily manipulate and maintain it.”
Trechire: *laughter*
Abnur: That doesn’t offend you?
Trechire: Not at all. It isn’t wrong. Where do you think I learned my diplomacy and persuasion from?
Abnur: Hilarious, but are we done here? We both have more important tasks to attend to.
Trechire: I’m proud of you. That’s all I wanted to say.
Abnur: You can coo at me all you like later tonight, but for now, let’s not get so sickeningly sweet, shall we?
A Rank Support Achieved  
Trechire: What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving?
Abnur: Officially, I left. I told you, I hate parties, not to mention others might start trying to embrace or praise me, much alike you or, worse, Cadwell. But I wasn’t going to leave without finishing what I started.
Trechire: Oh?
Abnur: Would you accept this?
Trechire: A ring? Wait- the gems, those are bits of Welkynd stone!
Abnur: I didn’t think you’d care for a traditional Ring of Mara, given your beliefs, so I had to improvise.
Trechire: ...A Ring of Mara? This… Oh.
Abnur: It stings that you didn’t see this coming.
Trechire: Well, actually...it stung when you left, because… I had had this waiting back in our quarters here for you, after the coronation.
Abnur: You bought a Ring of Mara?
Trechire: I personally hold no regard for the divines, and I know you don’t either, but I thought you’d prefer to stick to tradition.
Abnur: For a two hundred and fifty nine year old mer, you certainly don’t act your age. Buying a ring for me. You should have known better.
Trechire: And miss your face growing this lovely shade of red? Or the chance to prove I’m long past my days of being intimidated by such things? But the fact of the matter is- I love you, Abnur, and for however long it is Tamriel allows us to still draw breath, I want to spend it as your wife.
Abnur: ...And I would gladly spend that time as your husband. Just so you know, however, I didn’t ask for your father’s blessing, and I wasn’t going to propose some grand wedding-
Trechire: Thank Sithis for that! You’d have given him a heart attack, and can you imagine the crowd we’d draw for a full, proper wedding? I can already hear Vivec sobbing obsessively, and loudly enough that no one can hear the vows being exchanged.
Abnur: Just a private exchange of vows, within one of these temples. But for validation, I have the documentation all ready to go for proof of marriage. We just need witnesses.
Trechire: I absolutely adore you.
Abnur: Restrain yourself until after the ceremony. I know that’s an impossible struggle, but know that I have faith in you, my love.
S Rank Support Achieved
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Mannimarco: *hands above his head, pinned to a wall by vanus and whining as the other high elf makes out with him* mnn- c-cut it out and let me fight you already damn i-
Vanus: *cuts him off with another kiss* Mmnope~ you can’t cast with your hands restrained and your tongue busy so we’re going to be here a while until my backup arrives so pucker up.
Mannimarco: *whines and stomps his feet*
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prismatic-starstuff · 4 years
So my mum has decided to rewatch the ESO trailers for Morimandos (she means Mannimarco) and then she says she's gonna look up BG3 clips to see Fransilot (she means Astarion)
Why do I have that 'my mother's about to meet my boyfriend and I desperately want her to approve' feeling the man is f i c t i o n a l aksmfnsbsbdba 😂
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