#c!Sam and c!Punz never reconciled!!
citrus-blade · 7 months
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on how c!dream’s trauma might present in the far future, after he’s been safe for quite some time and it’s not so terribly fresh? -@/brinecraft
/dsmp /rp
This depends on the manner of his safety—ie what he’s been doing in the meantime and how he’s been treating himself. A Dream who’s been focusing on his plan and playing into his own worst impulses is going to be far different than one who’s somehow, against all odds, found a measure of true peace.
So there’s the near future, and there’s the far future—for our purposes, I’m going to first think of a far future in which Dream’s ~won~, where there is no war to be fought, in which his enemies are all either reconciled or distanced, in which the server is again at complacent peace.
In this situation, Dream is victorious. Everything he’s done to himself and everything he’s done to other people has been worth the price of admission. (How could it be anything otherwise?) Which means, why ought his trauma manifest? It should be undone, all of it—all the pain and heartache and everything else. Everything Quackity and Sam did to him. Everything he did to Tommy and to anyone else: according to Dream’s calculus it should have no weight.
So Dream’s trauma looks a lot like pure denial, but it’s denial of the kind that the universe backs up. There is no struggle, so Dream shouldn’t be struggling. This brave new world has no pain, so Dream shouldn’t be in pain. His torture isn’t important here. He tells himself to forget. He’s reconciled with his old friends and even his old enemies, so Dream shouldn’t breathe a word about suffering, because that doesn’t belong here.
His trauma manifests as a deep and abiding paranoia. It’s an inability to rest, an inability to believe in the world he’s paid such a price to gain: he’s always ready for it to backslide, he’s always got one finger on the trigger to kill problems before they can manifest. He’s never going to make those same mistakes again. He’s never going to trust people again—not the way he trusted Sam. He is always going to make room in his heart to assume the worst. Because he should have assumed the worst of Sam and Quackity, and he didn’t, and he fucking paid for it.
He thinks he should be over his aversion to touch and to trust. That was half the point of this entire exercise, right? He wanted to feel safe again. He wanted that glimpse of peace again—he wanted to not just be protected, but to FEEL protected. Too fucking late. His issues with physical trust and touch have calcified. He craves touch but cannot stand it. He wants to be open-he wants that emotional safety, it’s what he fought and died and screamed for!
But he can’t trust it. Peace isn’t something he trusts or understands, even once he’s won it.
And then there’s the second scenario: in which his plan has failed, and he’s otherwise been driven away. He’s safe but not victorious. He’s had to swallow and accept his loss (even if somewhere in his heart he conceals his determination to someday win back those halcyon days).
He’s been focusing on overcoming the physical instincts of his trauma. He’s much better about physical pain, combat, and weapons. Even touch: with his allies (maybe Techno, maybe Punz, maybe George, maybe even Sapnap) he’s relearned some degree of visceral trust. Because it’s them against the world, isn’t it? There is still a battle to fight, and because there is a war to win, Dream can focus on his trauma as a series of learnt instincts and symptoms to overcome for pragmatic reasons, rather than as behaviors he should unlearn and deal with to make himself happier and healthier.
His utter ruthlessness will be worse: he is more averse to the type of thing that will get him sent back/make him vulnerable. It’s a strange combination of safety and paranoia. He trusts the people who stood by him and brought him out of hell, and he trusts in his own mind, and he trusts in his goals. But he can’t help but lash out at them, test them, constantly, give them reason to betray him over and over and over, prod them to hurt him, because he can’t quite accept that the opportunity won’t be taken.
But he won’t let it. He’s self-sufficient. He’ll prove it to his enemies and most of all to his allies. He is not a thing to be pitied; he is a survivor and not a victim. He is prickly and unlikable and he has PLANS.
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wasflypaw · 3 years
actually canon is whatever flypaw wants it to be. doomsday who??
Doomsday didnt happen. c!Techno and c!Tommy split apart peacefully. L'Manberg was dismantled by it's own members and laid to rest, currently an abandoned nation. c!Dream was taken down n put into prison. c!Tommy got to build his hotel. c!Tubbo lived happily in Snowchester with c!Ranboo n Michael. c!Tommy decided not to visit prison that day for closure. The egg randomly disappeared one day n all of the ppl brainwashed are free and happy. c!Sam never spiraled. In fact he's happy with c!Ponk rn. c!Slimecicle is there. Ghostbur and Alivebur are somehow alive at the same time and are Friends. c!Wilbur is recovering. c!Jack reconciles with c!Tommy and has a healing arc. c!Techno/c!Philza live peacefully still. c!Niki still joins them and has her healing arc. Mexican Dream is revived and vibes with Mamacita and is friends with The Bench Trio. c!George. c!Fundy reconciles with c!Wilbur and c!Philza. They're happy. c!Karl, c!Quackity and c!Sapnap are all happy living together. c!Punz and c!Purpled r still just vibing but they're Friends. c!Eret and c!Foolish are Also Safe and Also Happy. c!Eret talks with c!Fundy about the adoption stuff. c!Puffy does not lose Any sons
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mellointheory · 3 years
mmmmm any predictions as to where the egg arc will go or where you want it to go?
The egg WILL hatch. It just has to. I’m going to be so sad if the entire “Egg” plot that went on for months ends without it hatching. I think Quackity’s involvement in it will be reeled back for the time being--Bad is already dealing with the idea that he’s actually hurt everyone and that he’s never going to get Skeppy back, Sam is getting saddled with yet another burdensome being that he’s legitimately terrified of, and Antfrost has died and has his current whereabouts unknown.
I think it would be funny if Hannah just kept living her little carnivorous nature spirit life, eating burgers and vibing. She seems chill and was never as emotionally entangled in the egg arc, so it would be amusing for her to just fuck around and not pay attention to any of the shit going down.
There is most definitely going to be a final confrontation, and one that will involve Skeppy, Ant, and Bad. I’m praying that Punz comes back into the lore because I miss him dearly and I’m sick of him starving us. Regardless of how exactly it ends, I’m really hoping that we get some chilller lore streams afterwards that more focus on reconciling the relationships the Bloodvines twisted. Ant and Puffy, Bad and Skeppy, Hannah and Sam, Foolish and Ponk all have things to work out between them that were caused by the influence of the vines.
Most of all I just want c!Punz back though where is my little red-eyed 21 year old meow meow
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