#byler files fridays
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elephantshoetoo · 8 months ago
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Hello fellow Bylers!
Because I care about Byler a normal amount (I swear) I wrote the fanfic "The Byler Files" for my daughter, who is equally obsessed with Will and Mike from Stranger Things and needed to see them get their "crazy together" happy ending. Hopefully, we'll all get to see the real thing next year when season 5 comes out (straight outta Mike Wheeler's one-way-signed closet!) but who can wait that long?
Please check it out if you also love Byler, and leave kudos and comments if you like -- the feedback means more than you know. 😊
Byler Mom
*This fan art, "Castle Byler," is also drawn by me specifically for the fanfic, and available at RedBubble under the username ElephantShoe.
*My daughter @pinksmonkey and I also make Byler Theory videos on YouTube. Follow her for updates and links to future videos.
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*link to my fan art:
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pinksmonkey · 2 years ago
Be ready every week for #BylerFilesFriday ! My mom is writing Byler fanfiction and posting a new chapter of The Byler Files on AO3 every Friday. Her username is ElephantShoe. Please check it out if you're interested! 😁🏳️‍🌈🌈💛💚💙
This art is by her for the fanfic.
(*Edit: Also, I forgot to mention it before but since so many of you seemed to really like the art, it is available as a design on Redbubble! It was accepted as part of the Fan Art Partnership Program, so if you want some Byler merch with this drawing, you can get it! Thank you for all the support btw, it means so much to me and my mom. ☺️🫶)
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elephantshoetoo · 6 months ago
Three fics I've read and really enjoyed are:
"The Strawberries are Dying" by moononseas
"Girl Crush" by wayward_sherlock
"A Cruel Summer With You" by andiwriteordie, astrobi and wiseatom
(all on AO3)
But also...
Okay, I know it's really tacky to recommend my own fic, but I've had a lot of people tell me it's very exciting and lots of fun to read.
"The Byler Files" by elephantshoe
Volumes 1, 2 and most of 3, and "Mike's Letters" are posted already, with more volumes and "Mike's Song Lyrics" on the way.
Here are some of my favorite comments I've received on it:
(Thank you so much to everyone who's left comments! This is the most fun I've ever had writing something, so it makes me very happy that people are actually reading and enjoying it.🥰)
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In the next chapter, "The Sins of the Father" (hopefully coming out this Friday), Will gets to confront Lonnie, so I'm very excited about that. Because Lonnie is the absolute worst, I'm sure we can all agree.
Here's the link to Volume 1:
please give me byler fanfic recommendations, im out of options 😔
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bylerserotonin · 2 years ago
I’m bored so reblog this with your spookiest/weirdest/unexplained experiences.
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Floating strip club owner says he was unfairly targeted
Floating strip club owner says he was unfairly targeted
Floating strip club owner says he was unfairly targeted (Photo: Joseph/Flickr) ANCHORAGE, Alaska—An Alaska man convicted of illegally dumping human waste into a harbour from his floating strip club said he plans to appeal whatever sentence is imposed Friday afternoon. Hours before his sentencing following his conviction on federal charges that could land him in prison, Darren Byler claimed in a…
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elephantshoetoo · 8 months ago
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Hello lovely Bylers,
Aren't Bylers, like, the nicest people? I feel like anyone who hates Will because he cries too much (um... wouldn't you...?!) or doesn't understand the struggle poor Mike is going through... those people either need to learn some empathy or just straight up don't have a heart at all.
I made this drawing, "Byler in the Upside Down" for Volume 2 of my fanfic "The Byler Files," which is posted on AO3.
If you've read Volume 1, you may know I wrote that one for my autistic lesbian daughter, @pinksmonkey (idk if the autistic and lesbian parts are pertinent here, but... actually, they are - since they explain why LGBTQ+ representation is so important to us, and why her special interests are so all-encompassing.) Volumes 2 and beyond, I wrote for myself, because it was the most fun I've had writing anything in my life and I really missed it when the first one was over. They do get much steamier (nothing actually explicit, but... close), so be forewarned they are intended for a mature audience.
So, if you love Will and Mike as much as I do, please check them out. And as always, kudos and comments are greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Byler Mom
*This artwork is also available on RedBubble (on merch like t-shirts, hoodies, posters, mugs, tote bags, blankets, pillows, etc...) under the artist name ElephantShoe -- perfect for all your snuggly Byler needs! 😁
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Link to my fan art:
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elephantshoetoo · 7 months ago
So, I wrote this little miwi flashback scene today. I plan to use it in The Byler Files somewhere, but I don't know where yet. Probably Vol.4.
(*warning: contains a homophobic slur.)
May 7th, 1979,
The schoolyard at Hawkins Elementary…
(It's morning recess. After staying back to talk to his teacher about a late homework assignment, 8-year-old Mike Wheeler exits the building with Miss Drew to find his best friend Will huddled in a corner, his legs pulled up to his chest, quietly crying into his knees. Mike rushes over to him, alarmed.)
MIKE: Will! What happened?! Are you okay? Why… why are you crying?
(The teacher catches up and bends down to check on him.)
MISS DREW: Will…? Honey? Can you tell me what happened?
(Will shakes his head and pulls himself in tighter.)
MIKE: Are you sick? Are you hurt?
(Still not looking up, he shakes his head again. Mike rubs his back, concerned.)
MISS DREW: Sweetie, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong…
(Will doesn't respond. He squeezes his legs like he's trying to fold in on himself and disappear.)
MIKE (to the teacher): I… I can probably get him to talk… (Nodding, she mouths, “Okay,” and continues watching them.) Um… alone.
MISS DREW: Oh. Alright. (She hesitates, but decides it's probably the best course of action.) Well, let me know if he needs anything, okay?
MIKE: Yes, ma’am.
(Once she's gone, Mike puts his arms around Will and holds him tight, rocking slightly to comfort him. He softly hums the tune of “I Want You to Want Me” by Cheap Trick. When he feels Will start to loosen up, Mike pulls back to see if he'll talk yet.)
MIKE (softly): Will? Are you okay? What happened?
WILL (sniffling, into his knees): It's… it's nothing. It's stupid.
MIKE: Hey, it's not nothing if it upsets you… You can tell me.
(Will sighs and leans into Mike, whose arm is still cradled around his back.)
MIKE: Please…?
WILL: Okay… (Mike soothingly strokes Will's hair, waiting patiently for him to feel safe enough to open up. Will tilts his head slightly and peeks up at Mike. He's greeted with an encouraging smile and relaxes a bit more. Gathering his thoughts, Will starts to talk, slowly at first, his words tinged with shame.) James and Troy were… were calling me names again. And… and everybody laughed.
(Mike looks out at the schoolyard. A few groups of kids are still hovering nearby, glancing at them and whispering. Mike sends them a piercing scowl and they quickly disperse.)
MIKE: What did they call you?
WILL: Troy said his dad told him I'm a… a…
(Will tears up a bit and hides his face again.)
MIKE (gently coaxing): A what?
WILL (cringing): A… a disguting… f*ggot…?
MIKE: Oh. (He looks down, wincing, then purses his lips and resolves to make Will feel better.) Well… it doesn't matter what they think. They're a bunch of stinky dunderheads anyway. (Will chuckles sadly for a brief moment.) I mean, they even waited until Lucas was home sick and I… (regretfully) wasn't here. They're total cowards.
WILL: I know, but… it's not just them – everybody thinks it. Even my dad.
MIKE: R-really…?
WILL (looking down): Yeah.
MIKE: Well… I don't.
(Will gazes over at Mike, overwhelmingly relieved to hear this.)
WILL: Y-you don't?
MIKE: No! I could never think anything bad about you. You're… you're perfect, Will.
WILL (quietly): No, I'm not.
MIKE: I think you are…
WILL: Really…?
MIKE: Yeah. Really.
WILL: But… what if it turns out they're right?
MIKE: They're NOT!
WILL: But, what if… what if they are? Would… would you still like me?
MIKE: Will. (Mike holds Will's face between his hands and peers resolutely into his eyes. He speaks gently but insistently.) I would still love you.
(A flash of joy lights up Will's whole face.)
WILL: Y-you would?
MIKE: Yeah! Of course. You're my best friend. (He squeezes Will's hand reassuringly.) Nothing could ever change that, okay?
(Fresh tears slip down Will's cheeks. He gives Mike a small, grateful smile, rubbing his thumb over Mike's knuckles for comfort.)
WILL: Okay.
(Mike tenderly caresses Will's face, wiping away his tears, then pulls him against his chest, kissing the top of his head. Holding Will securely in his arms, Mike's heart glows with a sparkly kind of warmth.)
WILL: Mike…?
MIKE: Yeah?
WILL: D’you know a f*ggot is…?
MIKE: No… D-do you?
WILL (shrugging): I dunno. Something horrible and gross, I think. It… it sounds like… some kind of… monstrous garden slug, maybe...?
MIKE (laughing): Well, you're definitely not that!
WILL (also laughing): No, I guess not.
(Mike gives Will one last comforting hug before they stand up and, hand in hand, head over to swings. Watching them from the school steps, Miss Drew smiles to herself.)
*The Byler Files, vol 1 and 2, and the first half of vol. 3 are all on AO3, under the name ElephantShoe.
Okay, now I seriously need to get back to the story I'm supposed to be working on.
(Procrastination -- the best way to get something *else* done. Am I right?)
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elephantshoetoo · 5 months ago
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(Excerpt from The Byler Files, vol. 3, chapter 9: "The Sins of the Father" by ElephantShoe. Posted on AO3.)
*This is one of those chapters that you could probably read without having read any of the rest of it, and still understand and appreciate what's happening. It kind of stands on its own as almost a complete story.
*And if you'd just like to read the part with Lonnie, it starts about halfway down the chapter. (It's a long chapter.) Be forewarned, it gets pretty aggressively homophobic, because, well, it's Lonnie -- but don't worry. Will does get the last word in.
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elephantshoetoo · 7 months ago
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(excerpt from The Byler Files, vol. 1, chapter 5: "Recovery Ward", by ElephantShoe. Posted on AO3.)
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elephantshoetoo · 7 months ago
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(Excerpt from The Byler Files, vol.3, chapter 6: "Miss Buckley, in the Library, with the Research", by ElephantShoe. Posted on AO3.)
*Chapter 7, "the Drawing Board", comes out this Friday!
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elephantshoetoo · 7 months ago
Excerpt from "Road Tripping":
(Chapter 8 of The Byler Files, vol. 3, by ElephantShoe. Now posted on AO3.)
(Mike makes a soft growling sound reminiscent of purring as he rubs his cheek against Will's hair, his breath quickly growing thick and throaty.)
WILL (chuckling): Okay. Let's… maybe not start this again. 
MIKE: Okaaay, then... what can we do that isn't remotely sexy? 
(They look around, trying to think of something but coming up blank.)
MIKE (hesitant): Do you, uh… wanna, maybe, um, talk about tomorrow? (wincing) About… seeing your dad? 
WILL (nodding grimly): That'll do it, yup. (pause) I dunno, though. I’ve been trying not to think about him. 
MIKE: Oh. Sorry.
(Will props himself up on one elbow, his other hand still on Mike's stomach.)
WILL: No, it's okay. It's probably better if I have some kind of plan heading in. Once I get there, I'm gonna totally forget everything I've ever wanted to say to him. 
MIKE: Are you going to tell him? About… y’know… you, and… and us? 
WILL: I didn't think I ever would. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever have to speak to him again. But… I have a feeling he'll know just by looking at me. He's always assumed that about me anyway. Still… I'm not eager to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.
MIKE: Yeah. 
WILL: I mean, that is the main reason he treated me like crap all those years – he knew before I did, and… he hated me for it. 
MIKE: That is just… (Mike shakes his head, his expression pained.) so fucking horrible. To do that to your own kid…? You deserve way better than him. 
WILL: I know.
(Mike peers deep into his eyes and speaks with the soft, tender voice he uses only for Will.)
MIKE: Whatever he says to you, just remember… you are a good person. Okay? You are kind, and smart, and… brave…
WILL: The way he sees it… being kind is a weakness.
MIKE: Then he's an idiot. Will. You are the strongest person I know. And the kindest. 
(Will sits up, surprised that Mike thinks so.)
WILL: Really…? I'm the strongest person you know? 
(Mike sits up, shocked that Will doesn't know this already.)
MIKE: Yeah! Of course you are. You’ve been through so much. You survived the freaking Upside Down, for fuck’s sake! I doubt he could do that. 
WILL: Probably not…
MIKE (emphatically, taking both of Will's hands in his): You are amazing, Will. And I. Love you. Nothing he says or does will ever change that. Ever. 
WILL (welling up): Okay. 
MIKE (whispering): You deserve good things. Don't forget that, okay? 
WILL: I won't. I can't – you never let me. 
MIKE: And I never will. (with more confidence than earlier) It'll be okay tomorrow, whatever happens. I'm right there with you. 
WILL: I know. (He smiles at Mike.) I brought the Paladin necklace to wear, so I’ll have something of you when I'm in there. 
MIKE: You don't think that'll… make things worse? Him seeing you wearing a necklace?
WILL: I'll wear it under my shirt, against my skin. (Gazing lovingly at Mike, he crosses his arms over his chest like a hug.) Beside my heart, where he can't see. 
(Overcome with affection, Mike gently presses his lips into Will's, wondering how it's possible to love someone this much. Wondering how his heart can hold it all.)
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elephantshoetoo · 7 months ago
Excerpt from "The Drawing Board":
(Chapter 7 of The Byler Files, vol. 3, by ElephantShoe. Now posted on AO3.)
(Everyone returns to their various research materials, reading quietly, with only the sound of Robin tapping a pen on her folder to infiltrate their thoughts. Side by side on the floor, Mike snuggles up to Will, resting his head on Will's shoulder. He sighs with contentment, a dreamy, far-away look on his face.)
MIKE (softly, to Will): Petunia.
WILL: Hmm…?
MIKE: That's what we should name her. 
WILL (glancing up from the sketchbook): Are you…? Uh... Wh-what? (Will sits up, eyeing Mike curiously.) Wait – you're… you're serious, aren't you? 
MIKE: Yeah. I mean, I know it's not happening now… Or, anytime soon, but… (He shrugs.) someday. 
WILL: Oh. Okay. Yeah. (He smiles tenderly at Mike and nods.) Petunia. I like it. 
MIKE: Yeah…? 
WILL: Yeah.
MIKE: Cool. We could call her…Pet? Or… or Toony? 
(Chuckling, Will leans in and kisses Mike's forehead, beaming at him with a goofy grin.)
MIKE: What…?
WILL: You're adorable. 
WILL: ‘Fraid so, yup. 
MIKE: Well, you're pretty cute, yourself. Especially now that you've got that… (He waves his hand in a circle towards Will's belly, grinning.) healthy pregnancy glow. 
(Laughing, Will pushes Mike over in retaliation and leans on him.)
MIKE (teasing): Hey, hey – no roughhousing in your condition, mister.
WILL (digging his knuckles into Mike's side): I'll show you my condition! 
(Mike shrieks and grabs Will's hand to stop the knuckling, pulling Will down on top of him while drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. They pause, lips mere inches apart, the electricity palpable. And then, passionately, they start kissing, because of course they do. The others all stare at them, then at each other, not altogether sure how to react to yet another impromptu make-out session.)
NANCY: Do we need to separate you two? (No response.) Hello…? 
WILL (still kissing): No… we'll, mmm… get back to work.
(They don't.)
NANCY: Today…? 
WILL: Ummm… sure. Soon. 
MIKE (still still kissing): Uh-uh. 
(Stubbornly, Mike locks his arms around Will's torso, refusing to let go.)
WILL (to Mike, chuckling): We'd, uh… we'd better stop before she gives us detention or something.
MIKE (holding on tighter): If it's detention with you… I'm willing to risk it. 
WILL: Babe, we do have a lot of work to do…
(Will wriggles free and locates the sketchbook that got kicked aside in the scuffle. Mike sits up and pouts, arms crossed.)
MIKE (to Nancy, sulking): Are you happy? You've corrupted my boyfriend. 
WILL (rubbing Mike's arm in commiseration): Just… think of it as one more thing I can make up to you later. 
(Will raises his eyebrows and bites his bottom lip temptingly.)
MIKE (perking up): Ooh, okay. 
(As Will goes back to perusing Henry's written thoughts, Mike gazes contemplatively at the whiteboard.)  
MIKE: Hey, I know what this drawing board needs…
(He gets up, grabs one of the dry erase markers, and sets to work. In the bottom left-hand corner, Mike doodles a little stick-figure drawing of two boys kissing – one with a bowl cut and the other with dark shoulder-length curly locks – surrounded by hearts and stars. Will looks up from the sketchbook, swooning a little as he watches Mike admiringly. He thinks to himself, “God, that boy is wonderful. And also, somehow… mine.” He smiles, overflowing with gratitude. Noting the doodle, Nancy makes a face.)
NANCY: Oh, because that's pertinent to the investigation…
MIKE: It is! That… (He points at the drawing.) is the very heart of why it matters.
ROBIN: He has a point… 
Happy Byler Files Friday, everyone!
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elephantshoetoo · 4 months ago
Chapter 10: "Refuge" is now up! Enjoy 😊
Excerpt from The Byler Files, vol. 3:
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pinksmonkey · 1 year ago
The Byler Files by ElephantShoe (my mom)
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(I haven't made an ad for vol. 3 yet.)
Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Mike's Letters | Vol. 3
I'll update this post with all the ads I make for each individual chapter. ☺️ So far I've only made ads for the chapters in volume 1.
Volume 1:
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Volume 2:
Volume 3:
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pinksmonkey · 8 months ago
So my Byler Mom is on Tumblr now. If you're interested in Byler art and an awesome fanfic, go follow her!
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pinksmonkey · 1 year ago
Happy #BylerFilesFriday ! The Byler Files is back! My mom has posted the first half of The Byler Files Vol. 2 on AO3!
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(Art by me)
And here's the original drawing my mom made for the first volume of The Byler Files, in case you didn't see it in my previous posts!
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(Art by my mom)
If you didn't know, my mom is writing a Byler fanfiction called The Byler Files. Volume 1 is complete, and now she's posted chapters 1-5 of vol. 2, as well as some special letters from Mike that are used in the story. It's all really awesome, so I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested!
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