#bye guys i can die a happy poptart
pelagaios-a · 8 years
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.jeakhsa,dfj thank you????? im going to be so honest rn i barely get memes and i half reblogged this for my own amusement but getting one in my inbox really brightened my day i expected to like, delete it in an hour so thank you so so much im this utter fool smiling at this Mycenaean wine inventory listing and idek how to take a compliemtn ??? covers my face ??
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master-sass-blast · 6 years
Wade. No. Stop.
Sometimes, I write fluff. Sometimes, I write angst.
Sometimes, I write crack
Welcome to the drug trip.
Summary: Wade finds out that Piotr grew up on a farm and teases the two of you relentlessly about enjoying cow play. He crosses an unforgivable line, and you decide to get revenge.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, and Ellie Phimister x Yukio.
Rating: M for utter sexual inappropriateness, vague descriptions of vomiting, and strong language.
Many thanks to the CACAT discord for helping me come up with some of Wade’s various pranks.
Being best friends with Wade Wilson comes with a number of advantages.
First, if you ever need someone to help you hide a body at 3:48 in the morning during a tornado watch, he’s your guy. He’ll even take you out for pancakes afterward.
Second, his extensive knowledge of the Internet and all things Golden Girls makes him a surprisingly valuable ally on trivia night.
Third, he always has a vast supply of junk food on hand, hidden in little stores around his room --in airtight containers to keep bugs out, thank you Nathan. Snack nights with Wade are the best.
Fourth, he’s genuinely everything you’d ever want in a big brother. Severely inappropriate sense of humor with a gun collection he’s happy to let you borrow from and the best taste in spike heels? Uh, yes please!
You know, not to mention the fact that he loves on you at any given opportunity like the touch-starved octopus he is, will happily waste a day watching YouTube or movies with you if you’re feeling down, and always checks before each shark week to make sure you’re stocked on everything you might need --even though he knows that you and Piotr manage that just fine, he says you deserve to have someone checking in on you.
Which is wonderful. He’s wonderful. In his own weird, mildly stabby sort of way.
However, there are times where being friends with Wade comes with... challenges. Let’s call them challenges.
First challenge: Wade is a purely destructive force of nature when he gets bored.
And not in the ‘I-tried-to-do-wood-shop-things-and-broke-a-few-power-tools’ kind of way.
He’s most liable to go to Blind Al’s and get high on cocaine. Which was unnerving the first couple times he did it, admittedly. Wade gets extremely wound up when he’s on coke, and while his dust bunny catching skills are impressive, the French maid’s outfit he prances around is not.
That particular incident had been a distinct feature in your nightmares for several weeks. You’re still not sure you’re over it.
Fortunately, though, now that he and Nathan are together, most of Wade’s coke episodes are handled by the time-traveling cyborg. He simply scoops Wade up with some telekinesis, takes him to their shared room, and stays in there with him until Wade comes down from his high.
Unfortunately, however, Wade’s boredom fits don’t always involve coke --and, when they don’t, Nathan’s ability to circumvent Wade’s destructive tendencies runs out pretty quickly.
When Wade isn’t coking himself out, he’s shooting things. Or blowing things up. Or lighting them on fire. Or... doing unspeakable things to them.
And, since none of the telepaths in the mansion can read Wade to figure out what he’s doing ahead of time, there’s no stopping him beforehand. It’s always follow the sounds of destruction and clean it up afterward.
Which is what the ‘flaming pool incident,’ the ‘juggling chainsaws incident,’ and the ‘whipped cream in the fire suppression sprinkler system’ are all categorized as. As are the ‘carpet of actual kittens, Wade how did you even get this many kittens, oh god Remy’s allergic to cat hair someone get his Epi-Pen,’ the ‘mac and cheese overflowing from all the toilets,’ the ‘how did Poptarts get glued to the ceiling?’, the ‘wait, you aren’t actually barbecuing a person, oh shit you are, WADE NO, I don’t care if it was for a job and you only need a picture and you weren’t actually going to eat it,’ and the ‘en masse tp-ing’ incidents. Not to mention--
Perhaps the list ought to be left for another time. You know Scott has a file cabinet or two devoted to Wade’s exploits, and there’s no way you’re going to make it through all of them right now.
(Though, in Wade’s defense, if he had known Remy had allergies to cat hair, he wouldn’t have brought cats into the mansion.)
Second challenge: Wade will argue with anything.
True story. It doesn’t even have to be breathing. You’ve watched him carry on a two hour argument with a plastic ficus at Sister Margaret’s. And he lost.
Admittedly, this comes in handy when the game of the night at the X-Mansion is ‘debater’s table.’ You and Wade have an unbroken winning streak.
Unfortunately, that winning streak is only a total of one because everyone decided --aside from you and Wade--that ‘debater’s table’ would be banned henceforth. Possibly maybe definitely because you tried to supplex Scott through the table when he called one of your points ‘uninspired.’
In your defense, Wade tried to help.
In both of your defenses, they really should’ve known better than to put two of the most combative people in the house on the same team --let alone play such a competitive game with them.
Extra unfortunately, Wade’s argumentative streak is the literal biggest pain in anyone’s ass at any other given time.
Especially when rules are involved.
“Hang on! Hang on!” you shout as you hear your boyfriend tromp through the mansion in defense mode. You grab your bag of insta-popcorn from the microwave and run in the direction of Piotr’s angry stomping, swearing as you toss the searing bag from hand to hand. You sprint towards the clinic room Wade is being patched back together in and dive into your chair, perched between Ellie and Neena.
Neena opens the bag without burning herself, somehow. “Thanks. These are a pain in the ass to sit through without a snack.”
Ellie reaches across you and grabs a handful for her and Yukio to share. “Try to get the Parmesan cheese kind next time. The generic flavor is boring.”
“I tried, but I think we’re out. We’ll have to restock.” When you realize Piotr is watching you four with a mildly exasperated expression, you wave your hand at him. “You can start now. We’re ready.”
He shakes his head, then refocuses on Wade --who’s still regrowing a leg and several bullet holes. “Wade. How many times do I have to say--”
“You can say my name as much as you want, you big silver stud,” Wade interjects before your boyfriend even had a chance to work up a head of steam. “I never get tired of hearing it.”
“Down, boy,” Nathan mutters in his seat next to Wade’s hospital bed.
“What is first rule?” Piotr asks, arms crossed over his chest.
“Label everything in the refrigerator.”
You wince internally as you watch Piotr restrain himself from yanking Wade out of the bed and slamming him against the nearest wall. “Why does he keep opening with that?” you whisper to Ellie. “It never works.”
“Because he’s hoping it will someday,” Ellie whispers back. “Pass the popcorn.”
“You know that is not first rule,” Piotr growls --and damn if that doesn’t do something for you--accent thickening with his anger. “As much as you play idiot, you are not one.”
“Oh, honeypie, I’m touched! But not in the way I’d like to be, if you know what I me--”
You cough pointedly, and Wade relents with an apologetic gesture of his hands.
“Point stands, Tin Man on steroids, I genuinely don’t know what I’ve done wrong or what I’ve done to deserve this raging Russian display of restrained passion --not that I’m complaining, mind you--”
“Rule One: No killing. Ever.” Piotr’s jaw flexes, and there’s a slight metal scraping noise as he grits his teeth. “How is that so hard to understand?”
“Uh, because some people deserve to die. Specifically, the actual child traffickers we were fighting today. Because they’re actual. Child. Traffickers.”
“You do not have right to take lives!”
“Uh, like hell I do! Did you miss the part where they were child traffickers?”
“Who’s winning?” Yukio asks quietly as she scoops more popcorn into her mouth.
“Unfortunately, I think Wade is,” Ellie murmurs.
“You can’t honestly look at me and say the world is worse off for me having killed those guys. Honestly.”
Piotr’s hands clench into fists. He’s on the losing side of the argument, and he knows it. “Your actions reflect on all of mutant kind.”
“Not a mutant, my comrade. I’m a reject science experiment. Come on, the first movie literally covered this in extreme, nude detail!”
“Your actions still reflect on X-Men. We can’t afford to have easily misconstrued actions on our hands.”
Wade shrugs. “Hey, you asked me to come with. You know how I handle people like that, and you asked me anyway. Frankly, I’m not sure I like that you’re willing to let fuckers like that live for the sake of your image.”
Piotr’s jaw tenses.
“Holy shit,” Neena breathes. “He’s winning. He’s literally regrowing a limb. How is this even possible?”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” you mutter. “Wade fucking Wilson.”
“Need I remind you that staying at X-Mansion is privilege,” Piotr says, tone icy. “Those who cannot follow rules cannot stay.”
“Fine. I know where the door is. Say the word and I’m gone. I’m still gonna deal with the irredeemable assholes of the world the way I always do whether I’m here or not: scrub them out, one at a time, until there aren’t any left and I can finally retire for the rest of eternity.”
You’re starting to see just exactly why Nathan fell for Wade.
Piotr glares at the mouthy merc for a moment before turning on his heel and storming out of the room.
Wade flops back against his bed with a wince and sighs. “I take it that one goes to me?”
“Amazingly, yes,” Ellie says as she stands, hand already wrapped around Yukio’s. “Stop killing people, dipshit.”
“No can do, Negasonic Beetlejuice. Bye, Yukio!”
“Bye, Wade!”
You toss the empty popcorn bag into the trash and brush your hands off on your pants. “I’m gonna go find Piotr before he implodes on himself.”
You could technically add in Wade’s less than lucid days and grumpy pain-slash-feeling suicidal days in as challenges, but you don’t think there’s anyone in the mansion that would have the heart to assign that to the him as a consequence of his own behavior and choices.
Which, by default, only leaves one other challenge: Wade’s perverted sense of humor.
Wade’s sense of humor is like a fire hydrant: all or nothing. Unstoppable once it’s started. Overwhelming in every sense of the word.
Unlike a fire hydrant, it’s also largely sexual.
Which happens into some less than stellar moments where Wade hits on anything in sight --including your boyfriend--not so much because he wants to fuck whatever he’s laid eyes on, but because he loves the reactions his increasingly horrifying innuendos get.
And, admittedly, he’s funny ninety-nine percent of the time. He has a mouth that won’t quit and he’s not afraid to use it.
However, he does happen into that one percent of the time where it’s just. Too. Much.
Cue the cow-play incident and your revenge on Wade for all his related wrong doings.
You’re all sitting around the kitchen table when the fateful bit of information comes out.
“Wait, hold the fucking phone for a minute.” Wade stares at Piotr, shocked. “You grew up on a farm?”
Piotr nods. “Da. In Siberia.”
“What did you farm? Ice?”
That gets an eye roll. “Nyet, Wade. Cattle, mostly. It was easiest to maintain.”
“Well I’ll be darned,” Wade says in an offensively hickish Southern accent. “Ol’ Petey-pie’s jus’ a regular cowboy, ain’t he?”
“Stop it,” Ellie says flatly as she scrolls through Tumblr. “You sound stupid.”
“That was the point, Negasonic laser canon, thank you very much.” He refocuses on Piotr with a familiar glint in his eye. “So, is it stereotypical of me to ask if you two do the cowgirl position a lot?”
You flick a Cheeto at him while Piotr sighs heavily. “Stop it. Stop being gross.”
“Okay, that’s fine. I don’t want to know about all your cow-play activities anyway.”
And that’s... not a term you’re familiar with. You dig your phone out of your pocket and type in the term into your search engine.
Across the table, Ellie sucks in a breath. “Y/N, no!”
It’s too late.
It’s all too late.
Your precious brain will never be the same.
You stare down at the Urban Dictionary definition, unable to tear your gaze away as your brain tries to comprehend the horrors of Wade’s implications.
Next to you, Piotr drops his head into his hands. “Wade, no--”
“So you do know what it is! You kinky fuck! Here I thought you wouldn’t want to be milked--”
That mental image makes you scream. You drop to the floor and cover your face with your hands. “Oh God, why? Why! Wade, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Hey, no kinkshaming! As long as you two are both consenting--”
“Shut! Up!” You roll to your feet and glare at him. “I didn’t need to know about any of that! I was fine just the way I was without learning about that corner of the world!”
“Oh, but you so weren’t!” Wade cackles. “Man, your reaction was priceless--”
You charge after him, hellbent on beating the ever living shit out of him.
You do, but it’s too late.
Wade’s hooked on the joke.
It starts with texts. Usually late at night, when Wade’s still up and normal people are trying to sleep.
The first one comes in the same night at two in the morning. 
It takes a moment for your eyes to focus on the small lettering, but when they do you wish they hadn’t.
Bro: So, how did the milking session go tonight?
Piotr groans when you toss your phone across the room. “What?”
You flop down next to him with a huff. “Don’t even ask.”
From there, it just gets worse. Not only do the texts become at least a daily feature in your life, but Wade starts tormenting you and Piotr in other ways.
Bro: Question. Does Colossus ‘moo’ when he climaxes?
You: Fuck. Off.
You hadn’t thought anything of it other than Wade was hellbent on being an annoying prick, and had shoved your phone into your pocket.
Until later that night, when Wade loudly, dramatically shouts “I can’t find my phone!”
And Piotr, being the kind and gentle soul that he is, says “I can call it.”
You spy Wade’s phone on the kitchen table, in very obvious and plain view, which isn’t anything suspicious because Wade could lose anything, anywhere.
What is suspicious, however, is the devious grin Wade’s wearing.
You almost tell Piotr to hang up, but the call connects before you can say anything.
Wade’s phone vibrates across the table, playing the distinctive sounds of cows mooing in chorus.
You smack your palm against your forehead, while Piotr merely sighs and hangs up. “Just stop it already!”
After that, it’s just unstoppable.
You find cow everything everywhere. Black and white pictures taped inside the covers of books or tucked in your shoes. A bundle of cow fridge magnets addressed to your boyfriend in red crayon --not subtle, Wade, by the way. An email with a couple’s Halloween costume set of a farmer and --you guessed it--a dairy cow.
The subject line of the email reads “Because milking should be an equal opportunity pastime,” which really should’ve been all the hint you needed.
And the texts. Holy fucking tits, the texts.
They’re horrible. Obscene. They use entirely too many emojis in ways that the app creators never intended!
Bro:  philly cheesesteak all in that order, chili cheese fries as a starter got the steroids keeping me stronger bitch im a cow, bitch im a cow, i am not a cat, i dont say meow bitch im a cow, bitch im a cow
Bro:  ca$h rules everything around me ice cream ice cream you a calf bitch, you ma daughter i ain't bothered get slaughtered got the methane, i'm a farter with my farmer mcdonald and they feed me real good, it's a honor
Bro: I took the liberty of doing a little redecorating before leaving town for my job. Hope you like it!
Okay, that last text isn’t necessarily obscene, but it is... concerning.
You meet Piotr right by the main staircase. He looks just as panicked as you do, which means he got the text, too. “How bad do you think it’s gonna be?”
He looks up the flight of stairs, expression fearful. “Probably worse than what I could imagine.”
The two of you climb the stairs in silence, proceeding like prisoners to their slaughter --execution.
Dammit Wade.
There’s a trail of straw in the hallway that leads to your shared bedroom.
“Oh God no,” you whisper. “Please. No.”
Piotr groans. “This will be impossible to clean up.”
“I think there are other priorities to think about here.”
“I can’t. If I do, I might go insane.”
You walk together to the bedroom door, which has a note attached to it.
You’re welcome for fulfilling all your kinky dreams! --Wade
Piotr tears the note off and crumples it. He put his hand on the door knob, then looks at you. “Like bandaid, da?”
You take a deep breath, steel yourself, then nod. “My body is ready.”
He pushes the door open, and--
It’s worse than you could’ve imagined.
The floor is covered with straw, from corner to corner. On the desk is a machine that looks extremely suspect--
Piotr groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. “...blyad.”
“Is that what I think it is?”
“Dammit, Wade.” You spy a Hello Kitty sticky note attached to the side and peel it off.
Fun fact! You can buy Dairy Cow milking machines at Walmart! Who knew? --Wade
Perhaps most suspect, however, is the massive cardboard box sitting on your bed.
With a sigh, you walk over and tear it open. “May as well get it over with. How bad could it be?”
So much worse, is the answer. Apparently.
Sitting right on top are a cattle prod and a branding iron.
You close your eyes and try to breathe through the aneurysm you’re suffering from right now. “Life Lesson Number One: It can always get worse, especially when Wade’s involved.”
There’s also a pack of gloves that go all the way up to the shoulder, a coupon for a free septum piercing, and a book.
Artifical. Fucking. Insemination.
Your phone buzzes in your hand, and it takes all your will power not to chuck it out the window. You inhale deeply and look down at the screen.
Bro: You like it?
The final straw, believe it or not, actually comes a few weeks later. Because you draw the line at being made to vomit.
You’re in the kitchen, innocently pouring yourself a glass of milk to go with a few cookies you’d swiped from one of Wade’s snack stashes when the merc himself walks in.
He stops, waits for you to eat one of the cookies and drink half the glass of milk, then cocks his head to the side and says, “You know, I may have not expected you to milk Pete, but I sure as fuck didn’t think you would store it in the fridge and drink it.”
And that sentence --along with the mental image it conjures up-is enough to make you gag. Your eyes water and your stomach churns, and you have to set down your glass of milk to keep from spilling it all over yourself.
Wade’s waiting, grinning deviously, clearly expecting you to give him hell for what he just said.
Except you don’t. You can’t. You can’t get the mental image of... that out of your head, and it’s making you nauseous.
You sprint past Wade and to the nearest bathroom. You throw open the door, flip the toilet lid and seat up with a resounding smack, and brace yourself for the oncoming storm.
Halfway through puking everything in your stomach, Piotr darts in and pulls your hair away from your face. “Myshka, is everything alright? Are you sick? What happened?”
“She can’t talk,” Ellie says somewhere in the background. “She’s puking. And Douchepool’s looking pretty guilty.”
You can almost hear the glare Piotr gives Wade. “Wade. What did you do?”
“I wasn’t trying to make her puke!”
You dry heave once, twice, and then when you’re sure nothing else is coming up anytime soon you glare over your shoulder at the merc and point an accusing finger at him. “This means war. I’m going to fucking murder you.”
Wade, at least, has the decency to look sheepish. “Yeah, I probably deserve it.”
You’re in the middle of plotting what exactly you’re going to do to Wade --high road be damned, Piotr, some things just required a strong response--when you happen upon a calendar and realize what’s coming up in three days.
It’s perfect. Fated by the universe. There was never a better time for revenge than now.
You fish twenty dollars out of your wallet and go in search of Nathan.
The older man’s in his room, sitting at his desk while he glares down various monitors with findings about various corrupt politicians, black markets, and skeezy billionaires.
You knock on the door frame. “Got a minute?”
“Sure.” He swivels in his chair and takes off his reading glasses. “What can I help you with, kid?”
You hold out the twenty dollars to him. “I made a deal with you about six months ago. You helped me escape Wade’s rant on Halloween in exchange for me promising to help you prank Wade. And twenty bucks.”
He accepts the cash with a sly smirk. “You did.”
“I take it I don’t have to bring you up to speed about Wade’s latest bullshit?”
“You don’t.”
“So, here’s what I’m thinking: I help you prank Wade, and I also get my revenge. Sound good?”
He grins. “Mutually beneficial. Good way of thinking.”
“Great. Do you have a driver’s license?”
“I have a fake one.”
“Close enough. We need to get some supplies.”
There are, of course, a few ground rules.
“One, no destroying anything. Two, nothing about Vanessa; I don’t want to give him a mental break down. Three, nothing I can get in trouble with the Professor for.”
Nathan nods. “Sounds reasonable.”
The first stop is Whole Foods, where the two of you get the blandest, healthiest, boring-est stuff you can find. 
Quinoa. So much quinoa. You never want to see this much quinoa again in your life.
The next stop is Home Depot. You clean them out of leaf blowers.
The stop after that is Lowes. You clean them out of leaf blowers, too.
The average person might find it suspect that your plan requires so many leaf blowers. You really don’t care about what average people think.
After the hardware stores, you stop at a craft store and buy as many plain t shirts as you can and enough fabric markers and puff paint to stock a summer camp.
When you drag everything into yours and Piotr’s room --sans leaf blowers, you leave those in the trunk of Nathan’s car for the time being--you boyfriend gives you a puzzled look. “Myshka? What is all this for?”
You grin up at him. “Revenge. Duh.”
He sighs. “Moya lyubov’, I thought we talked about taking high road.”
“I promised Cable I would help him prank Wade for April Fool’s! You wouldn’t want me to go back on my word, would you?”
It’s a bullshit argument, granted, but it’s not one he can technically out talk you on without giving himself a headache. He sighs and gives you his patented “dad look.” “Y/N.”
“Piotr. We’re not destroying anything, we got our own stuff to make sure we weren’t damaging X-Men property, and we’re not doing anything that relates to Vanessa. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
He relents with a sigh. “Very well. Since you are being responsible about it, I will not complain.”
You lean up on your toes and kiss his cheek. “Thank you, honey. Can I ask one little favor, though?”
“Can we use your forty-eight hour or less delivery thing with Amazon? There’s some stuff we couldn’t find at the craft store that we still need to get.”
The night before April Fool’s, you and Nathan put everything into motion while Wade’s out of the house on a job.
You switch out all his snack stashes with the healthy, delicious, bland shit you got from Whole Foods; you commandeer the food, hiding it in yours and Piotr’s room.
“It’s just for a day or two, and then I’ll give most of it back!”
“All of it.”
“Ugh, fine!”
Next, you hide all his shirts and replace with them blank ones you’d gotten from the craft store --after writing “I hate Bea Arthur” on all of them with fabric markers and puff paint.
The cherry on top, though, is the death gauntlet you and Nathan construct in the backyard. You tarp off the sides and the tops, put a spraying rig at the very front filled with aerated spirit gum, and attach the leaf blowers at regular intervals down the length of the gauntlet.
And then you fill the barrels of said blowers with glitter.
“Where’d you even get this idea?” Nathan asks as he eyes the fruits of your mutual labor.
“Wade,” you say as you pull the final piece of the puzzle out of your backpack --Wade’s unicorn, Mr. Fluffykins. “He wanted to do this to Scott.”
Nathan chuckles, sharp and gravely. “Nice.”
You carefully carry Mr. Fluffykins down the gauntlet, careful not to disturb any of the glitter canons on your way. You set him on a pedestal out of range of the canons, give him a pat, then creep back down the gauntlet again. Once you’re free, you exhale and grin at Nathan. “I think we’ve got April Fool’s day pretty well in hand, don’t you?”
He grins back. “I’m inclined to agree.”
The day starts, delightfully enough, with Wade wailing at the top of his lungs.
You snicker as you sit down at the kitchen table while Piotr rummages around in the fridge --having anticipated the absolute hell today would bring, he’s already in defense mode. “Do you think it’s the shirts, the unicorn, or the snacks?”
He shakes his head, but you can just barely see the corner of the amused smile he’s wearing. “No comment.”
Wade storms into the kitchen, looking pissed off. “What the fuck did you do with Mr. Fluffykins? Where is he?”
You smirk. “Good morning. How’d you sleep?”
“Perfectly fucking fine, until I realized that my one and only unicorn love was missing. Where. Is. He.”
“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough.”
Wade flips you off and storms upstairs. Less than five minutes later, you hear him shriek again. “Quinoa? I hate quinoa!”
You revel in self satisfaction as Nathan’s cackling and Wade’s bitching float down the stairs. Strap in, bro. It’s gonna be a rough fucking day for you.
Wade throws an absolute shit fit when he finds the shirts --“How dare you! How fucking dare you!”--but largely spends the whole day searching the mansion for Mr. Fluffykins.
After a quick confer, you and Nathan decided to not tell Wade about the outdoor gauntlet until he notices it or gives up.
It isn’t until three in the afternoon that Wade finally notices the giant tarped structure outside, which is a record even for his track record of obliviousness.
You and Nathan stand a safe distance away as Wade scampers around the construction, looking for a quick way in and out. “You remembered to hide his knives too, right?”
Nathan gives you a look that says ‘yes, what kind of idiot do you think I am?’
“And you can handle the glue sprayer and the leaf blowers with your telekinesis, right?”
“Relax. It’ll be fine.”
“For us. Not for Wade.”
By the time Wade figures out just what he’s looking at, a small crowd including the X-Force, Logan, Remy, Scott, Jean, and Hank has gathered by the back door.
Wade jabs an accusing finger at you. “You! You did this! You traitor!”
“This is what happens when you take your jokes too far!” You retort. “This is what happens when you joke about things that aren’t meant to be joked about! You dig your grave, and you lie in it!”
Nathan simply holds out a pair of lab goggles and a dust mask. “You might want these.”
Wade gapes at him. “Et tu, Brutus?”
“Take them now or spit up glitter for the next decade. Your choice.”
Wade snatches the goggles and mask before Nathan can take them away. “Just for this, buster,” he grumbles as he puts on the goggles. “You’re sleeping on the couch for the next two weeks.”
Nathan chuckles. “Sure thing, princess. Whatever you say.”
Wade flips him off as he adjusts the mask over his mouth, then walks over to the front of the gauntlet. He inhales deeply, stretches, then mutters “maximum effort” before sprinting down the gauntlet.
There’s a series of screams as Wade flails around inside. They pause when he reaches the safe zone and procures Mr. Fluffykins, then start anew --with added vigor now that his unicorn is being exposed to the glitter death run--when he bolts for the only exit.
A chorus of laughter erupts behind you as Wade emerges, covered head to toe in every conceivable shade of glitter and a sheen of glue.
You smirk triumphantly at him as he tries --and fails--to brush the glitter off him and Mr. Fluffykins, then spin on your heel and strut inside.
Victory to you.
Later that night, when your sitting in a pile of Wade’s snacks, watching YouTube videos and shoving Keebler Fudge Stripes in your mouth, someone knocks on the door.
“Come in!” You smile deviously when Wade shuffles in. “Ah! Have we learned our lesson?”
“I had to take a three hour shower before I stopped rinsing glitter out of my ass! How is this fair?”
“You bought us a milker, a book on artificial insemination, and covered our floor in straw. We’re still finding pieces of straw everywhere.”
Wade grimaces. “Okay, fair enough.”
“Also. You made me vomit!”
“I said fair enough!”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Wade, I’m serious. I love you like a brother, but there are times where you go too fucking far--”
Wade holds up his hands in a calming gesture. “I know. I figured that out when I made you puke. I’m sorry.”
“I just... I really don’t appreciate you joking about my sex life to that extent. I know it makes Piotr uncomfortable on any level, but it really crossed the line after the cow magnets.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I wanted it to be funny, not traumatizing.”
“I know.” You smile fondly --albeit somewhat exasperatedly--at him. “And I forgive you. I really do. But Piotr needs to hear you say that, too.”
“What do I need to hear?” Piotr asks as he walks into the room.
“I’m sorry for taking the cow play stuff too far,” Wade says without prompting. “I took it too far.”
Piotr blinks, clearly shocked by the freely given apology, and then he smiles and pats Wade’s shoulder. “All is forgiven. Just... don’t do it again. Please.”
Wade nods. “Trust me, I won’t. I know when I’ve had my ass handed to me.”
You smirk triumphantly. “You mess with the bull, you get the horns.”
Wade opens his mouth, closes it, then groans. “I can’t comment, can I?”
“Nope. Suffer, bitch.” 
Wade looks like he’s about to physically explode, but manages to contain himself. “Can I at least have my snacks back?”
“Da,” Piotr interjects before you can say anything. “Please. Take them.”
You sputter, outraged. “What? No! Not fair! My tastebuds are in heaven.”
“Myshka, you promised you would give everything back.”
You continue sputtering as Wade starts scooping his goodies back into his boxes, then start squawking when Piotr starts helping. It devolves into a tug of war over a box of Cheez-Its that end with Piotr holding you out of reach of the snacks and with the three of you laughing.
Yeah, being friends with Wade comes with challenges.
But, for as many downs as there are, there are at least as many --if not more--ups.
It’s a friendship you wouldn’t trade for the world.
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