#by the way if anyone can help me find how to get into the trg discord that would be really appreciated. using this fic as payment to get in
i-can-do-tricks · 2 months
you ever see a work of art so beautiful it moves you to creation. because straight up that's what happened to me. holy shit
(Content warnings in the author's notes, PLEASE don't ignore them before reading I'm serious.)
7k words of Rat Grinders fanfic inspired by that fucking Kill All Your Friends Rat Grinders collab animatic led by @kindlespark. Straight up, god bless you guys I hope you have a fantastic day. Rat Grinders fans never stop winning ✊✊
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
Life will find a way
Intro; Ch4
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Chapter 3
After that interaction with Jongin, I've noticed that he seems very friendly when Jin is not around I'm guessing everyone is still a little on edge of what he did to Chloe, but hey, she deserved it for being mean to me for all these years, but other than that he's been a real keeper, thankfully I added his number to my phone but I wanted to then I decided I only wrote it down because I don't want Jin to find out that Jongin is going to hang out with me when I'm alone in situations like this when Jin and the BTS members goes on stage, he can keep me company while they go do their thing. Basically it feels like my 6 month internship just got removed because Jongin is not treating me like a staff member, no, he asked me out when I was just coming out of the bathroom, he asked, "Do you want to get a bite to eat? I mean, since Jin and the BTS members, I'm assuming that they left without knowing that you just got left behind." "I told them to go on without me," I said, "Though, Jin was very hesitant to leave without me because I really do want to conquer this phobia that I have." Then it was settled, he didn't want me to be alone because I guess some people do have a point, maybe I can't do this alone, I need to be around people in order to survive otherwise I'll go crazy, Jongin took me to his van where his band mates were, and he made sure that I sat near a window so I can stargaze, I love stargazing because I lose focus on what I am worrying about maybe I should've started that to conquer this fear. I ignored majority of the time when Jongin lightly nudged me and said, "We are here at our favorite cafe. Plus, you can eat as much as you want, don't starve yourself please, Y/N." "I'll take your word for it," I said, then headed out shortly after Jongin did. At least, these guys are gentleman, though it's only been 1 whole day and I already don't want to leave South Korea because I feel a strong pull towards Jongin. Which is why, I don't want to add him to my contacts because I do not want to get distracted when I'm at school or when I'm sleeping, I need my sleep.
Though, I have a feeling that Jongin knows about my feelings for him but I think he understands that I am still in high school and he will wait for me until I come back for him and Jin. Mainly Jin, I do not want him to get suspicious of what is going on between me and Jongin, plus I was thinking about doing my career on YouTube because Emile and Masea are really focused on what they are doing and they are getting paid for making these videos, I might as well, make my own content on YouTube, enough about that I was actually being stared at I looked and one of Jongin's friends asked, "What are you planning on doing once you get out of school?" I shrugged, thinking it was pointless of telling people on what I want to do for the rest of my life. Sehun said, "C'mon, we won't laugh, after all this is YOUR life, you can do whatever you want." "I want to make videos for a living," I said. I was expecting laughter but I got nothing, Jongin said, "That's a very good choice, you can actually do that if you know people who do make videos for a living." "Which I do," I said, "Basically, I'm technically part of a group called TheRunawayGuys, for short TRG, they are my American and Canadian friends from North America." "Ah, lucky," said one of the members. Jongin said, "Let me introduce you to the members, minus Sehun and myself, both of us are the young ones but Sehun is the youngest." "Alright," I said, "Continue." "This is Minseok, Junmyeon, Yixing, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo," Jongin introduced them, "Don't worry about on why Kyungsoo is looking at you like that, he has very bad eye sight." "Where are his glasses?" I asked. Sehun said, "He brought them it's just he forgot that he left them in the van." "You mean these?" I asked, pulling out a pair of glasses. I handed the glasses to Kyungsoo and he took them, then said, "Thanks, sorry for making you slightly uncomfortable." "I wasn't frightened at all," I said. Basically everyone, but Jongin, were looking at me like I was crazy, Kyungsoo asked, "I don't scare you?" "No, I know someone who is WAY scarier than you," I said, referring to Masea Anela. She is scary when she wants to be, I only caught a glimpse of it but she immediately turned nice when it comes to me, she's only scary when she is alone with Emile. But anywho, I keep on referring things that happen only with Emile and Masea, I guess I really do miss them, I hope everything is alright. Once I got back to BigHit, I noticed a very concerned Jin, he asked, "Where were you?" "Jongin took me out to eat with his group," I said, "Is that a problem? I did chose his group as well." "That's right," said Jin, "It's just that it's very late at night and you should probably get some rest, I will not let anyone bother you since I know that you love to sleep which is why I let you get in the backseat to lay down and rest." "By the way, I just want to thank you for switching my life around because I really wanted some light in my life I always see dark," I said to him. Jin escorted me inside and I went to bed first, my 6 months only just begun, I don't think I'm going to meet Seventeen any time soon, I don't know if they debuted or not, that's fine by me. 3 months with BTS and 3 months with EXO is fine by me, especially when Jongin is my only thought at the moment. I got some good night sleep, Jin kept his word I slept for 8 or 10 hours, I asked, "How long was I asleep?" "Only 10 hours," said Namjoon, "You really needed that rest because you had a quite a day yesterday." "Yeah, I'm hoping these happy things keep happening I can finally conquer this fear I have," I said, "I just want you guys to know that sometimes other than my school work, I like to be alone in order to adjust to what is happening around me." "Ah, I get it," said Namjoon, "Don't worry, you'll conquer that fear, just remember that you are not alone this world. No one is ever alone this world, some people like you need help in order to fight on what they are afraid of." "This is wise for someone like you to say that to me and it's only my 1st day," I said, "Well, my 2nd day now since lot has happened." "Yeah, your first day was the award show, the flight does not count for us," said Hoseok, "If you want to cut your trip short we totally understand. Just know that you can always come back here whenever you want to." "I'll keep that in mind," I said, "Because I don't know where Jin is." "He's with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin, so you are with me, Hoseok, and Yoongi," said Namjoon. I breathed in heavily and exhaled then said, "I don't want anyone to tell Jin but on the first day I felt a strong pulse and it's not one of you guys." "Oooooh, someone has fallen in love," said Hoseok. Namjoon said, "With that, I am out." He almost walked out and immediately walked back in asking, "Who is it?" "Kim Jongin from EXO," I said. Yoongi said, "I knew it, he's too kind to break anyone. But wait, what did he do?" "He reminds me of what Jin has been doing, making sure I get what I need and such," I said, "He allowed no one to bother me while I look at the stars because I love to stargaze." "Wow, I don't think Jin will allow you to do that," I heard Namjoon say. I couldn't help but feel like I need to see Jongin again before I go back to America, I mean yeah sure, Jin is my brother but he can't shield me from falling in love with someone. So, that's what I end up doing, it's not to hurt or upset Jin, basically I'm cutting my days with BTS and head over to EXO because I can only count on them to make me smile everyday. Yoongi asked, "Are you really sure about this?" "Of course, Jin seems to be only focused on this group, I don't want to be a burden to him whatsoever," I said, "I hope that he understands that he can only be a brother but not be the boss of me." After that I just left, with my stuff included, I went into SM Entertainment, expecting to meet the EXO members but I bumped into someone that I was not familiar with. He asked, "Are you lost?" "I'm looking for the group EXO," I said, "I cut my trip short with BTS and Seventeen." "Good thing you did because someone was expecting your arrival," he said. I was hoping for it to be Jongin and my prediction was correct, Jongin was waiting for me, then he said, "I guess this means you and I can spend some time without Jin looking over your shoulder." "Wait, was that who I think it was?" I asked. No wonder he sounded familiar, Jongin said, "I'm afraid he found out about my nice gestures, so he was upset that he let his protective side to get in the way of what you truly wanted." "As long as he continues to find out on what he is doing wrong and fixes it then he's more than welcome to be my brother because I have a family to go to," I said, "Just as long as he knows his boundaries, no one can control someone that's from America." Anywho he led me to the room where the others are, Baekhyun said, "Yay! Our intern is here!" "Back off, Byun!" said Jongin, in a very stern voice. Baekhyun looked at him then at Junmyeon, Junmyeon said, "Jongin has called dibs on her so you can't win against him." "Yeah, he was voted as the sexiest man in Korea," I heard Baekhyun mumble. I quickly looked at Jongin, which his face turned bright red, I asked, "Is this true?" "Yes," said Jongin, "Everyone calls me Kai, but you always call me Nini." "Shouldn't I be allowed to call you that?" I asked, "You gave me permission to call you that." "Yeah I know," said Jongin, "But most of the time you call me Jongin." "Only when I need to get you to listen or when you are in trouble," I said. Jongin said, "Which will never happen because I know that you will never find your stern voice and also I am much older than you, Missy." "KIM JONGIN!" I shouted, found my stern voice. He quickly took a step back, yeah, he stepped over a boundary, basically I shocked everyone, the room echoed my voice, so the room is very very quiet.
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thewisemankey · 8 years
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The Wise Mankey Commission: Part The Sixty First by AlanES
In the next installment of “Alan finally works on his best friend’s commissions,” here’s a little something that is the start of a series of pics I’m doing.
It’s part of an unofficial collection of playlists I got going on of songs that relate to the cast of the timeless webcomic The Rogue’s Gallery, soon to be Rogue Neo in the hopefully not TOO distant future. A small cadre of 8 songs for each one that were either used by Alan before in the past or hand-picked by me that I feel closely relates to each individual character. Why 8? Because it’s my favorite number. And the pics that will accompany each playlist features the character will illustrate how they listen to music. As if they were listening to the playlists themselves, so to speak.
So of course I start off strong with my #1 in all of Alan’s creations, Destiny Rule. What can I say, I’ve been fond of her for ages and that feeling ain’t gonna die. She kinda set a standard for me in what I look for in women, if I’m totally honest. Not that I’m looking for anyone who’s EXACTLY like her, but I’d like to think I’ll find one close enough. ANYWAY, enough fawning. Under the cut I’ll go into detail about why each individual song is included for Des’ playlist...and hopefully other people will give the songs a listen and even recreate them on their own!
1. “Gemini Salsa” by McVaffe
-Hopefully longtime TRG fans like me remember where THIS one came from. But here’s the refresher, a while back in TRG’s prime, (and there was MOST DEFINITELY a prime even if Alan would never admit it. XP) there was an semi-animated flash bio that told more about the cast in-depth. Before it was made, the comic was in the middle of the mini-arc where Helldandy (Belldandy’s evil form) cut off Destiny’s former long hair in an act of revenge. (Wonder how many people remember THAT?) Before Des’ new do was officially done in the comic, the bio flash came out and basically showed it ahead of time.
I never forgot how I felt when I first saw her new look up close and this song hit. If I was carrying a glass, I woulda dropped it. If I had a monocle, it woulda flown off my eye. If I was working at a Nuclear Power Plant and glanced at her, I’d have imagined her recreating the Venus De Milo with my coworkers taking the form of cherubs asking if I’ve never seen a naked chick riding a clam before. (Hey, maybe THAT will be my next commission idea! XD) But you get the point. It symbolized the first time I legit fell for her. And that’s the origins of my Madness for Des. So yeah, that’s what makes the song the tops here.
2. “La Femme d’Argent” by Air
-For those not familiar with the band Air, they’re a French electronica duo who are NOT Daft Punk. (I think they were both under the same record label at one time, tho. If they still aren’t.) My brother introduced me to them when he’d play the album “Moon Safari” in the car and I was basically hooked on how relaxing the songs were. Especially THIS one in particular which I honestly felt was VERY fitting for her. It’s relaxed, but upbeat. It definitely paired together well with that donation desktop image of Destiny lying across the ground with one of her legs upwards. WHEN THE SONG HITS THAT IMAGE JUST RIGHT...
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*ahem* So yes, even if you’re not as hardcore a TRG fan as I am, I definitely recommend this particular song at least. It’s good for a nap on a rainy day.
3. “Magnetman Goes West (OC Remix)” by Disco Dan
-Here’s one that predates “Gemini Salsa,” this here’s the song that was played during Destiny’s scene in the TRG Episode 100 flash special. Amazing what Megaman songs do for the TRG cast, eh? But yeah, this song just carries that magical essence for a magical woman. I know it sounds slightly country, (hence the name “Goes West”) but I don’t think that matters, it just adds more to the relaxed/upbeat contrast this playlist is centered around with this gong in particular leaning more towards the upbeat portion of it. Of course if you NEED justification of this being a little country, you can always turn to my pic of Des dressed like Nico Robin. :B
4. “9 P.M. (’Til I Come)” by ATB
-Over a decade ago while I was living in West Palm Beach with my dad, I very often listened to a local techno radio station called “Party 93.1″ which sadly doesn’t exist anymore. But during its’ time I recall hearing this song and it made me think of the previous one “Magnetman Goes West,” It had that familiarity to it, maybe with the essence of slightly being the opposite of said song. Try listening to one and then the other and you’ll probably get what I mean. Either way, it made me think of Des and THAT’S why it’s here.
5. “Electra” by Airstream
-NOT to be confused by Air, this is a different artist altogether. This one goes WAY deep into the relaxation factor. I actually discovered this song a while back when an artist I follow on DA recommended this as a song to be paired up with a VERY NSFW pic they did of Luffy and Nami from One Piece getting it on. Despite the purpose, I easily heard this as a song that Destiny would listen to during her downtime. Maybe trying to take a nap or do some yoga. Definitely helps when I’M napping and/or thinking of Des, that’s for sure.
6. “Ordinary World” by Aurora
-Here’s another song I overheard of Party 93.1 ages ago, a cover of the hit song by the band Duran Duran except more stylish and spiritual, JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT. Hearing this song makes me think of an image of Des standing atop a building on a cloudy day every time. (An image I think Alan SOMEWHAT produced during the chase for Helldandy arc if I recall correctly.)
I er, also might have picked this song because it made me imagine an alternate reality where Jorge Amingo died and Des turned to me for comfort.
7. “Underneath It All” by No Doubt
Something about the singing styles of Gwen Stefani always put me at ease, especially in THIS song. It was chosen in particular because in my heydays of The Fallout Shelter, I did a bunch of custom wallpapers for both the people of the forums and whatever characters they had. When i did Destiny’s wallpaper, I used this song. Because loathe as I am to admit it, it fit into her unrequited love for Jorge. Seriously, most of the lyrics relate to her. I believe Alan also had some reservations about this song for various reasons once upon a time (assuming he still does) so that’s also why it’s there. =P
8. “Somnias Memorias (Platinum Edition)” by Keiichi Takahashi and Shani Rigsbee
Finally to the meat of the matter, the CURRENT theme song for Des that Alan has assigned her and GOD ALMIGHTY IS IT PURE SEX OR WHAT.
Of course that’s natural, it was used for the game Parasite Eve and Alan has VERY often compares Des to the game’s leading lady Aya Brea. He’s even done a Halloween pic of her dressed like Aya. (I dunno if that’s still visible in his DA gallery these days but IT’S REAL, IT’S DAMN REAL.) It definitely fits her to a T. Or a D for the sake of Yanging it up. HURHUR.
It’s magical, enchanting, smooth, and sultry. I don’t even need to describe it or justify why it’s in the playlist any more than I have to at this point JUST LISTEN TO IT.
So that’s only the first step in this series. THERE WILL BE OTHERS. And anyone who knows me will probably have an idea of who’s next up to bat after this one...
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