#by the way I feel so cool getting this analysis in me askbox
puppyocto · 6 months
ok hi im writing the evo jimmy and martyn thoughts in here because i don't trust the tumblr replies stupid character limit. (please bare with me ive rewritten this like eight times trying to make it make sense)
so around the middle of the series the server members fight the ender dragon and get separated for awhile (according to jimmy he hadn't seen martyn "in three weeks" but alot of the people also assumed he was. Perma Dead which seems like a short amount of time to accept that a missing person was dead but sure man whatever).
martyn shows back up a little after jimmy does and jimmy builds a new base for them, to which martyn expresses relief because (i think this is the exact quote but no promises) "i can't live alone, i don't know how to cook or anything like that--"
they give themselves a new team name and everything and it seems like things are gonna go back to normal. except they dont? martyn shows up noticeably less and less in jimmy's videos after this point until the end where he only turns up for big group events. he's not like. Rude to jimmy or anything and i guess if you're willing you can make the argument they're still living together and just not hanging out in the videos we see but to me it's kind of a massive jump going from the beginning of jimmy's evo where martyn was always there.
and please bare with me here because. alot of this is based on pre-formed thoughts from how he acts in the life series. but martyn is very much someone who needs to play the role of provider in a relationship otherwise he feels like he's not "good enough" and detaches himself. in my mind it's like. up to this point him and jimmy were always happy to play this "you lead, i follow" dynamic until the dragon fight makes him realise that jimmy doesn't Need him to survive and it scares him off a little bit. ++ something something about the snowy mountain "slapped around" conversation and martyn taking the initiative to open up to jimmy again when he recognizes that jimmy needs help (but reacting badly when jimmy doesn't respond the way he wants)
so what im saying is essentially i think jimmy/martyn isn't a. Bad relationship so to speak but I don't think it was necessarily sustainable (at least not with the dynamic they were in) and jimmy is not only never prompted to fight for his own independence (because he never needed to with martyn, like w/ the xbox/ps thing lmao) but he is shown that (albeit not directly) dependence on your partner is Good and if you drift too far emotionally/physically/etc then they'll just stop talking to you ✌️ (because jimmy would never assume something like that is his beloved's issue, it's always him that's the problem and even if he doesn't believe so during evo I'd think that thought pattern being reinforced in everything after would make him retroactively believe that)
sorry uhhhhhh tldr yeah i agree with you
This is so interesting I love this so much. It’s really interesting that Martyn suggests he’s dependent on Jimmy and then seems to slowly abandon Jimmy. I don’t have a lot to say but I will definetely be using this to inform my Jimmy analysis
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
[Pinned] Welcome!!
Since we got this new feature, i’d like to take advantage of it to make clear people are aware of this blog’s etiquette.
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Blog Status: Currently on depression season + trying to work on a few personal projects (YPD is one of them)
prev. url: @digitaladventurers
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I’m Ni/Nina AKA digitalgate02 (She/They) and I’m 20+ I ask you: if you’re a minor please leave because I won’t interact with you & if you don’t i will softblock and perhaps block you if you insist. [full bio at the end of the post]
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Thank you for passing by and please read all of this page, because some etiquette & info are present here:
Firstly, Personal blogs/Non-RPers following it please do not reblog any of my posts/art unless I state on the tags or on the said post that it is OK to be shared. I usually put warning of what can and cannot be reblogged. This is an RP blog and it can make me quite uncomfortable with it.  Also, if you reblog something here, I might silently block you unless you have a RP sideblog.
I tag things that make you uncomfortable, but please let me know on your about/rules pages OR warn me privately (IM or Askbox) so I can make you feel comfortable by following me.
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The portrayal I mostly use for this blog is from both BR dub and JP version. I have zero idea about the US dub (or any other) so please be gentle with me. • I like 02 epilogue, Kizuna, 02TB and Adventure 2020 (Reboot/Psi) & I also have my own “epilogue AU” project, with a verse on this blog. If roleplaying with either of those is a big NO-NO for you, let me know and any foreshadowing or reference for them will be totally avoided. Also you can blog tags which has “kizuna” / "02tb" / “Adv2020″ / “digitimelines” / “epilogue” in it. Check the masterlist tag for details. • I’m canon divergent regarding some material: ▽ and Wonderswan games, as example. • For non Adv-verse muses, all of them are post-series unless stated in the tags. • I go with JP terminology & names, but I’m totes fine with dub names. If you start a thread with them, I’ll tag along with it. But if I’m the one starting it I’ll go with what I’m used to.
 I’m OK with duplicates/multimuses, all I ask you is please PLEASE do not compare or expect me to write my canon muses the same way as the others or you. If I get anyone doing that to me, I’m considering blocking. Same for anon questions trying to control how things are portrayed, aka “canon police” . As said previously, I go with BR dub and JP version for portrayal. • I do a lot of research and also analysis about some characters back and forth. However if you need to correct me about some incorrect information, please be polite and nice. I swear if you be aggressive/angry or passive-aggressive around me there’s chances of your message being misunderstood and causing me anxiety.
I know shipping is cool, but to ship stuff with me, you need to at least have been my acquaintance or a friend. Also must get totes permission from you to make some advance, like dating and marriage. • I do not s/m/u/t, sorry I’m actually not okay-ish with this kind of thread stuff and I blacklist those to avoid seeing it. • Ship-teasing is OK, and I do it most of the time!! But if you’re not okay or feel uncomfortable, tell me and muse won’t do those. Some of those kids are totally snarky and won’t lose the opportunity, however only if you’re fine with it. • I multi-ship a lot, but there’s some stuff I might be NOT OK-ish with like shipping minors with adults, digi/human or incest. I usually ship my muses as teen or young adults, or adults. I won't hesitate to block if you try to ship my adult muses with children, or a digimon with a human muse, or incest.
Please have some common RP etiquette: No godmodding, mind-reader,  etc. • Also please please, turn ask posts into normal posts, and trim them as well. If you can’t do it, please let me know and I will gladly do it for you. • Small actions like “following your muse” “passing an object to your muse” are OK, but if you have some doubt of what it is acceptable contact me first! • Please don't touch my muses without asking me first. Not this is about them, but more like... about how i don't like these kind of actions done before giving me some awareness first. Actions like hugging or giving head/back pats are OK, but things more aggressive like kissing or physical harm must be warned to me via DM. Sorry, I don't do those things to the others so you shouldn't do them to me as well.
 I love plotting & discussing stuff, so if you have that crazy idea or some angsty plot or just a funny prompt to be written with me, I’m always open for new things. For new friends & discussion. However, I tend to get quite fired up when discussing about the things I like/dislike. If it happens I’m apologizing right now for it.
Crossovers are my jam, but I kinda of put some limits on it. Like, I have to actually have small knowledge about the series to be able to put my muses in those other worlds if it is an AU setting. There’s a list of which series I’ve watched, I follow or simple enjoy.
I’m totes OC-friendly, but please let me know about your muse first. Because I love creating OCs too and I know it is hard to find canon RPers who’re okay-ish with OCs. • If your OC is related to any canon character I write, please let me know first. I get totally uncomfortable when people starts interacting with my muses like if they already know each other, so please let’s discuss and plot relationships together first!!
This blog is not a meme/icon resource, but you can get the icons i share at @goggle-digicons (aka the old blog now archived + working as digimon icon warehouse) • My icons with my fanart are exclusively for myself, but i have given permission to @yagamitaichi to use my art before in the past. So yeah, if you ask me first i won't mind lending some of my doodled icons to be used. If you steal them, i will block you asap.
○ I used to have a password, since not everyone sends it (tho it does not mean I won’t RP with you) I ditched that requirement. But if you still want to send me one, just sing “Brave Heart” chorus’ last line. I’m assuming that everyone reads this page by the way… ○
Icons credits: Tumblr: @7digitalheroes | @goggles-and-noodles | @digimon-icons | @iconwarehouse | @ofcanalave | @qtpiecaps | @guiltfreeicons | @blujaerps | @facexclaimxcafe-blog | @fractalflare (AU Mimi icons made by @notsobubbly btw) Live Journal: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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About Mun:
Hi I’m Ni (She/They; 20↑) , I love Digimon in general but the series I work more is with Adventure series. I’m Ace/Panromantic, use she/her or they/them pronouns please. I’m a scaredy-cat kind of person who get nervous and anxious at first, but once we start bonding I will drop those and be more of myself.
I love to learn new things, so please correct me if needed but without yelling at me because I kinda of hate being yelled at, bad bad personal life experiences. My muses, despite some being quite closer to my personality are NOT me so please be aware of the differences between muse and writer.
I get super duper fired up when talking about the things I love the most. However I can be quite harsh and critic about said stuff as well. I tend to get a lot of brainstorms so if I’m messaging you that much please tell me and I will slow down my pace. 
I also get excited when writing a thread, so I tend to reply hella quick while I still have in mind what to say. Don’t rush me, but give me small reminders if I forget to reply since there’s a chance I actually forgot to or thought it was your turn when in fact I hadn’t reply in the first place.
I also draw. Like, a lot. Quite compulsive. Some of my non-canon-material icons are my own art. And I feel a bit uncomfortable by using other people’s art WITHOUT their permission. So yeah, I do my own fanart icons… When I get energy for those.
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undertale-data · 3 years
Closing Remarks
Feelings about the Survey
Ficus Licker: Thank you guys for taking our survey. When we started this project, it was just for fun, and I thought maybe a couple hundred or so people would take it. Receiving over 2500 responses was amazing and allowed us to view more accurate trends across the fandom. Everyone has been super nice and supportive throughout this project, including my fellow contributors. They’re great at reminding me to get sleep and not go too crazy stupid trying to do everything at once. There’s a limit to the amount of things you can do today, after all.
Vessel #1: I never expected this to get so big either. I’m just very glad for all the support we got throughout the event, both from the team, and every single one of you! It’s true that no research can be done without flaws, but this was a really good experience overall and I hope you guys liked being a part of it as much as we did.I felt like working with the team was amazing. Hell, I’m starting the Ficus Licker and Vessels [and redacted] fan club, because they’re brilliant people and it’s surprising they can still stand me. It’s like working on a group project where everyone does their part and it flows almost perfectly jsjsjs.
I’m excited to see how people react to our work, or if they motivate others to do their own events. Whatever it is, I’m rooting for all of you!
Vessel #2: Being a part of this survey has been a delight. I was technically the one who came up with the idea, but I wasn’t expecting my teammates to step up so hard and put it together so gorgeously. I think we all learned a lot about data analysis, different social media platforms, and graphic design, but for me, the biggest takeaway has been the overwhelming positivity of the fandom’s reactions. At first I was half joking about wanting to study the fandom because I thought statistics were cool, expecting this to be a niche project that a few friends responded to. Instead I was blown away by fans who were just as hyped about the data as I was. It was also the best feeling in the world to read through pages and pages of responses from all over the internet, and realize that so many different people have so much in common with me in their connections to this game. Thank you to everyone who participated, especially to my fantastic fellow Vessel and Ficus Licker, [and redacted if they would like to be credited] for turning my silly math ramblings into such a work of art. <3
Feelings about UNDERTALE
Ficus Licker: I never expected to get this deep into Undertale. I did not know anything about the game before playing it, except that there was a square robot named Mettaton, and that Sans was a meme. I only got it because it was on sale and I thought it would be a simple way to pass some time. And, well, here we are. I’m always a sucker for found family, as well as for video game mechanics influencing plot and/or lore, so it was no surprise that I ended up loving the game so much. I want a found family like the one in Undertale, even if I know that's not realistic haha.
Vessel #1: I honestly do not know what decisions led me here. Maybe it’s that when I played Undertale I was hooked. And I guess I also have a love for surveys, data and just… trying to understand people’s motivations. V2 said something about studying the fandom and I just exploded with the need to do it. Still, in general, Undertale and Deltarune meant a lot to me, they pushed me to be more creative, I found a huge community and met a lot of cool people (like FL, V2, and [redacted] even if they’re really far away). Oh! And as someone who’s terrible at video games, the game mechanics and story always made me stay determined. And that is not even mentioning the music, which is probably what motivated me to try out the games in the first place. Anyways… to cut it short, I love both the game, its story, and music and the people I’ve met because of it, thanks so much!
Vessel 2: I started playing Undertale because my friend was obsessed with it, and I’m so glad I did. The characters are all so fun and complex, and I think about them constantly. And the morals questions brought up by the game are so cool, I keep coming back to them. Still, it also manages to be a neat little game filled with friendly characters and a fabulous soundtrack. I love the depth and heartwrenching scenes, but more than that, I love that they are just… some guys. They are my some guys. Mettaton if you're out there you're doing fantastic.
If you would like to view all of the posts on this blog in google doc format, you are welcome to do so in this google drive folder. Also, our askbox will remain open if fans have questions on collecting fandom data. We will likely not answer all questions, but if you scream into the Void, the Void may scream back.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
Back in my Zeta appreciation hours lol. You'll probably be one of the only dsmp (analysis) blogs I'll follow because of how positive you try to be, and I have so much respect for you. I sometimes have the urge to post negative or discourse rambles, but I stop when I realize how shitty it just makes me feel afterwards. So props to you for remaining so positive even when the fandom is on fire hah.
Anyways, I love when Tommy turns off his persona (though don't get me wrong I love streamer mode too) and just talks. For all the screeching he does, he has a nice and calming voice. Podcast type beat shit. I was surprised when he was open about his anxiety and getting therapy. He's generally not a too open or "honest" person about this kind of stuff, at least as far as I can tell (somewhat also why I'm not his real name is Tom or Thomas but I digress).
Also, in general, I think it's nice thing to see content creators being open about their mental struggles and how they deal with that. I think so far, Wilbur, Techno to an extent, Dream, and now Tommy have been open about their mental health (I'm not aware of the rest but if they have, props to them too). I couldn't imagine openly telling hundreds of thousands of people on live that I have some mental issues that I'm dealing with, so I love when they're open about it, especially as a person with really bad anxiety and ADHD and depression and probably some other stuff. (Though it sucks when the fandom also latches on to this and either babies them or uses it as hate fuel. This fandom has a weird track record with mental health and 'holy shit what the fuck' takes to certain plots, cough cough exile arc why is there so much victim blaming and abuse apologism??)
So in the midst of all this, weirdly enough maybe, just coming on and sending asks to you is somewhat calming for me. I could just post this but I think this "one-sided" conversation is fun. This past week has been a shit storm for this fandom and yet we're still here. Gotta find the light in the dark I guess. (Side-note: you're never obligated to post these, as is the general consensus with asks, I just like rambling and speaking positively of you lmao.) Hope you stay well!
Hey, feel free to chat in my askbox anytime. I enjoy the interactions as well! Thanks!
Discourse can seem fun at the time. When drama's happening, people become intensely curious and want to know what's going on even if it doesn't involve them. Then once they've caught up on it, they want to give their own input and perspective on things. It's natural!
But it's ultimately draining. Each individual comment on the situation is small, reasonable. The intentions are good. But sheer quantity is overwhelming. There are misunderstandings and miscommunications and genuine negativity mixed in even if they're not the vast majority at all.
You're handing a glass of water to a man who's beginning to drown. You're reaching out a hand to give but only push them further down.
(Sorry that's based on a song lyric xD, and I couldn't not share it.)
Anyway, the fandom is fun and I do love it! I've read so many great posts, seen so much cool art, read some fun fanfiction, shared some thoughts and received nice interactions. The people trending negativity one day are the same people who trend positivity another day. It's all the same community and we should appreciate that, flaws and all. We're not perfect. We're not better and its pride to think otherwise. And its always been this way - people talk about last year Mcyt like it was better but honestly the drama was always there, it was just smaller, but we only remember the good bits.
Heh all that aside yeah, Tommy's a really cool person. I admire him trying to be open and genuine. He wouldn't talk about it and feel so stressed out if he didn't care. He seems to care a lot about being a responsible person and nurturing a good community while feeling like he's not ready to be a good role model as he's still learning and making mistakes and he's struggling to deal with that pressure. It's very cool that he shared all those concerns. I really enjoyed that stream!
Plus the fact that he's got an awareness of his own limits. He admitted that he's had therapy almost casually, recommending it as a good, useful thing to do which is honestly great. Therapy is rather stigmatised and it's not necessarily something you'd expect from someone who seems so confident. I remember there was some worry about if they'd show Tommy's character going to therapy in the Dream SMP whether he'd actually depict it well and do it justice. But now we know he's had firsthand experience and recommends it. (Obviously that doesn't mean they'd definitely portray it well but is so encouraging to know that Tommy at least takes it very seriously.)
Aah this turned into quite the ramble. xD Cheers again for the ask!
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
Okay so I was about to send this in anon, but oh well - if you answer this ask, could you do it privately? Thanks!
So umm this eng Vs french dub debate is kind of frustrating me. Like I actually prefer the English dub, and seeing people trash on it is really unpleasant? I mean I have no objection with people preferring the French dub, that's great! Everyone has their own opinion and that's cool.
But I recently saw this post going around about the script changes in the eng dub and made the mistake of opening the comments hdhshdhhd all I saw was "FRENCH DUB IS SUPERIOR!" "ENG DUB IS FOR BABIES!" And well, it's been bugging me for days now.
It mostly seems to have to do with Adrien's VAs, I guess? I'll be honest here, when I first got into the fandom, I found the French voice really pretty and charming and all. But seeing people say that eng dub Chat Noir sounds like an "obnoxious douchebag"(their exact words), that the french dub "fit the characters more" and that the eng dub was the reason why salters salt on Chat for being pushy bothers me SOOO much and is actually ruining the French dub for me?
I mean I think I am really used to the English dub and just generally feel and connect to the characters in that dub and I know people aren't saying it's bad, but still - I don't know. And don't get me started on the whole "french is more canon" thing.
I do think that people like the French one more because it sounds more "dark", ig? And considering how most people participating in fandom are grown ups, I guess they think eng dub is childish and just find French dub cool?
Anyway, I just can't stand all this hate for English dub :( What do I do to not take all this seriously??
I unfortunately believe that I saw and unfollowed someone over that same post that you saw. I'd maybe be more worried about posting an ask which directly quotes them if they were following me, but I know they aren't.
And yes, Adrien's VA seems to be one of the more relevant reasons why people don't like French. Often people claim that the English VA gives him an entirely different sense of humor, and honestly there are a whole ton of people who just don't like Bryce Papenbrook's voice. (Personally, I like Bryce Papenbrook's voice; I like that it's high pitched, I think it fits the role really well.)
The great irony of this is that the post I think we both saw was an anon coming into another blog's askbox and saying a lot of the things you're saying about the English dub, and someone decided to reblog that and create an addition that's making you feel a lot of the same things that the original anon felt.
(That is why I am uninterested in people adding on additional commentary about Eng vs. French dub debate on a post that is ultimately supposed to say, Watch what you want. The debate is analysis for elsewhere. Positivity is undermined by saying, "But I personally don't subscribe to the ideology behind positivity." It's like if I said "Happy Diwali" and you reblogged the post giving all the reasons why you don't celebrate Diwali because Christianity is better but ended it with, "But happy Diwali!" Like, you see why people might feel like you don't want others to have nearly as happy a Diwali?) Here's the thing: I don't like watching in languages that aren't English. It has nothing to do with any dub in particular (okay, maybe the Brazillian dub has earned a special place in my heart because Gloob has annoyed me one too many times), I just don't have the potential to connect with the characters when they speak other languages the way I do in English. It doesn't matter if English dub Adrien is a pretentious douchebag because I'm never going to understand him in any other language well enough to see that other versions of him in other languages aren't pretentious douchebags.
I've been feeling a lot of the same things you're feeling recently. I don't know how to not let it bother me, and in general, I'm not the best person to ask because I'm hotheaded and prideful as shit.
I think the main thing for me is that most of their claims are genuinely opinion and they treat them as fact. And I absolutely agree with you about people who think that French is more canon -- they're different. They always were and always have been. And that's... not a bad thing?
Like, in the English dub of Ikari Gozen, we learned that Marinette is a Snake and Kagami is a Dragon on the Chinese Zodiac. In the French dub, we learned that Marinette is a Leo and Kagami is a Scorpio. That's a perfect example of the two dubs being different and those things benefiting the fandom. We can now pretty firmly say that Marinette was born in August 2001, and Kagami was born in November 2000. (We can then further narrow down Kagami's birthday as November 20 thanks to the Instagrams.) But like. You wanna know what? I think this clip is funnier in English. I think that saying that the French VAs are better because they're under Thomas Astruc's supervision is super insulting to Ezra Weisz, who has genuinely been one of the better crew members (and hasn't had nearly so many controversies as Astruc). I think you can hear Chat Noir say "meowch" in the English dub of Glaciator 2 and that's absolutely hilarious in a way that the French dub didn't counter. I think that claiming everyone should watch the French dub is super undermining to people for whom the French dub is inaccessible -- if you're vision impaired or blind, if you have ADHD or dyslexia and can't keep up with subtitles alone, if like me you have issues with reading tone especially when it's not in a language your speak because you're ADHD or autistic.
I also think there's a certain amount of intellectual superiority people gain out of watching the French dub. Less so for French audiences -- honestly, I've never met a French speaking person who seems to think that the French dub is the only way to go. Though there are a couple non-French French speakers who don't like the English dub, most of the people who don't like the English dub are English-only speakers who think that they're more correct for watching the French dub. In many cases, I don't think these people actually have the right to claim that French is better -- if you watched French dub on Netflix with English subtitles, sorry, but that's not anywhere near the same experience as watching the French dub, so what's the point?
I don't think English is inherently better than French. I think that Chat's singing at the end of Ephemeral was funnier in French, and that there's a lot of really good lines when you translate directly.
But here's the thing: Anyone who tries to make you feel like you should enjoy your experience of the show less because you aren't doing it right is trying to sell you something. And if they aren't trying to sell something, they're just an asshole. I think people who argue in favor of the French dub need to be more aware that for the vast majority of English-only speakers, there is literally no way to enjoy the French dub as much as the English dub. I think people need to be and let be. I think that the transcripts of the French episodes being less complete than transcripts of the English episodes is tragic and that anyone arguing in favor of the French dub ought to do what they can to transcribe the French dub, and if they can't, then shut up about it. I think there is absolutely merits to understanding the original French, but speaking as though French trumps English always is anti-productive for the fandom as a whole.
I think a lot of things, but mostly, I think you should block people who make you feel like you're doing something wrong in a fandom experience that should be self moderated. Also, join my Discord server, where Miraculous fans can get together in real time to watch episodes together. So far, I'm the only person who's ever hosted a watch party, and I always prefer the English dub where possible.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Are you normal or do u sometimes go "IVE BEEN SCARED OF SLEEPING WITH THE LIGHTS ON(off? Idk its hard to decipher)"/lyrics -curious anon
me: oh boy, can't wait to try and make a tumblr blog! Before i do i should research it- *what in the hecking heck is an xkit*
djskdjsk i had no idea what an xkit was until yesterday and when i got it i got too confused and uninstalled it - dw curious anon i don’t use it either i just vibe and do whatever i guess. if you tag correctly and make good posts things should work out, can’t wait to see your acc around!
I got some sad-ist merch :DDD!!
yooo!! that’s so pog for you! it’s probably pretty comfy :D
me standing ominously in your askbox waiting to rec my fav fics:
fjsjdjsk i literally just finished passerine i still have 80 more (some of which are like 300k words long) on my to-read but uh if they have c!dream mischaracterized i’ll not be reading them anyways so it’s very hit-or-miss, will probably get through some of them quicker-
After many moons spent under the dsmp, seeing discourse and analysis alike, i have come to the conclusion i simply do not have the energy to care about any lore outside of c!tubbo and c!tommy's and will only defend them. And that is ok. It is ok to not watch or care about all dsmp or want to discourse about them or analyze. Idk man was thinking deep thoughts today
it’s ok to watch entertainment and enjoy it the way you want to! it’s great to want to enjoy or talk about your fav character!
the problems come up when you attack other people for their perspectives on the medium or spread misinformation about different characters based on only watching the perspective you like, but you know - if you’re not doing analysis, you really don’t need to look that deep into it.
it’s ok to just chill. your feelings about characters are valid! :D so yeah i agree with you! let people with different opinions exist if they’re also being respectful (e. g. tagging correctly).
Hey ik u worked with animgician's newest vid and i found a not-crit (i rlly think) little thought on it if u wanna see it
yoo feel free to send it in!!
No one: me: *shuffles around* wanna hear about my cool warden c!tommy au?
may i interest u in a little bit of my writing? If not that is ok i just wanna see if my writing is any good before working on a fic lol
Anyways if i am not in the askbox for a little it is because i am now writing a proper fic thing out. Wish me luck o7 -curious anon (i have three different lyrics i am going to be incorporating and a little analysis and just a smidgen of projection)
Ruby do u wanna read a little something i wrote? *does the little fingers thing* its really short just a headcanon with a little prose
i sure do! that sounds rlly cool - are you sure you don't wanna make a post about that on your own account though? i don't mind seeing it at all but i think the c!tommy tag would be able to appreciate that au better than my followers. you've gotta find the right target audience, y'know? /lh
though of course i'd love to see your writing, i'm sure it's great! looking forward to it :]
Ayo i remembered u talking about how punitive punishment doesn't work the other day so i want to discuss. What would u consider to be a fitting "punishment" for c!dream's canonic killing of mexican dream?/gen
i mean... we're not trying to - being against punitive justice is about the fact punishment is wrong, not just certain types of it. asking me what a "fitting punishment" would be is sort of very not getting the point.
hurting people further is not going to teach them anything and it’s not going to help anyone, why is it necessary?
so the answer is: none. he shouldn’t be punished, actually! he should learn on his own that what he did wasn’t right, and that’s about it. that’s the thing about transformative justice. him becoming a better person who Wouldn’t Do That again because it goes against who he is.
however, there’s also restorative justice, which is working to “make it up” to the victims. to which i propose; dream has the revival book and could literally bring him back once he is out of the prison. give him some powder maybe. md would probably be chill w/ that.
Yknow. In all my time in dsmpblr i can confidently say that the main differnece between c!dream apologist/enthusiants and c!wilbur/sam ones is that the c!wilbur/c!sam ones want their fav to have a breakdown and c!dream ones want theirs to get positive reinforcement /hj /lh
i’m pretty sure the sam and wil ones also want them to get better/get redeemed, at least deep down, but i get what you mean! you’re *glances at the 🟩⛏ gc where all we do 24/7 is write angst about c!dream being terribly hurt and then we cry about it* 100% correct. no angsters who like the pain here *nervously laughs* we all just want him to heal and be happy for the rest of his life with no heart-shattering breakdowns whatsoever! /s /lh
Hope ur having a great day m8 :]] -curious anon (also i have a new canon fact i wanna share. In quackity's alt lore stream yesterday he said (to the best of my memory) that "no law/juridsiction exists on the dream smp to prevent one from building anywhere" so i guess that clears up the big debate on wheather or not c!dream had a right to enforce rules (or basically the arguement that he owned the server by divine rule)
no i’m - i’m pretty sure that’s just how it works. dream still owns the smp, but he himself has said wayy back at the beginning “everyone can build and go wherever they want” and that was that. it was one of his rules on the smp, it was his main problem with l’manberg. being able to build anywhere were the rules that he “had the right” to enforce. and he did, not because he was a god, but because it was his smp, his home that he claimed for his friends. wouldn’t call it a big debate, it’s really that simple.
O U C H-
also for the old phil ask. Hes a bad dad because of how he treated ghostbur. I will elaborate if u want
didn’t ghostbur just say “i’m not wilbur” and philza said “you’re not my son” and they went on with their day? weren’t they actually in agreement that he wasn’t the same as wil when he was alive? i don’t remember him really treating him badly tbh other than disowning him which seems fair to me, because ghostbur was a literal stranger to phil at that point?
wish you a nice day, curious anon! (i’ll be back on my essays and answering other asks now, so i might not reply right away :])
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slumberinglabyrinth · 4 years
I’ve been playing (or thinking of playing) a lot of roguelikes lately and it’s gotten me thinking on the idea of a fe mystery dungeon.
To cut to the chase, I don’t think a fe mystery dungeon would work particularly well. You can argue that mystery dungeon is on some level already a trpg because of how it forces you to approach combat, but I think the key difference that sets that kind of trpg gameplay (and the likes of some other trpgs like devil survivor for example) from fe is that fe has you controlling lots of people at once on relatively large maps while in mystery dungeon you’re confined to a series of corridors and rooms and are lucky if you can have direct control of more than one person at any given time. I think you could use the mystery dungeon gameplay loop (which is itself a specific iteration of the rougelike gameplay loop) of ‘go into dungeon => progress plot => go into (new) dungeon’ but I do not think fire emblem's gameplay is compatible with the claustrophobic dungeons in md in the ways that final fantasy, dragon quest, and pokemon were.
But could you still make a half-decent fe rougelike? Oh, absolutely.
On some level, Echoes already created the basis for the actual dungeon exploration and Thabes is a smaller-scale actualization of what one ‘dungeon => dungeon => plot’ loop might look like. By fully divorcing the world the combat occurs in from the dungeons you create a game where the dungeons can be whatever you want them to be without sacrificing the kind of maps that fire emblem’s gameplay needs in order to flourish.
There’s no rule that says you can’t do the whole ‘encounters take you to a different map’ thing in a top-down, grid-based dungeon like what you’d find in md, but I feel it would necessitate incredibly low enemy density per floor in order to attain a balance between exploration and combat which would in turn necessitate some kinda wack layouts in order to make it not super easy to completely avoid combat? You’d be gaining easier procedural generation (which isn’t 100% necessary for the genre, more on that later) and a lower budget (which. I’m talking about games that probably will never be made. cost analysis isn’t a concern atm) for what'd probably be universally worse gameplay? I’ll pass
I won’t go over all of these but just to go over some options for how the dungeon stuff would be set up. you can mix and match these to fit your preferences but generally every kind of roguelike would fall under some combination of these
one dungeon vs several dungeons (mostly decided by the needs of the narrative)
floor-based (generally one-way) vs open layout (generally require backtracking to solve puzzles, etc.)
procedurally generated vs fixed layout (further divided into fixed floor layout vs fixed dungeon layout)
one massive dungeon with an open, fixed layout would be something like... dark souls. I think you could do a lot with it and I’d be kinda cool. less replayability than something procedurally generated but an environment that’s hand-crafted just hits different, yknow?
Make it several smaller dungeons instead, and you’d get something like echoes if you removed everything but the dungeons (or like. any rpg). There are genres where this kind of setup for the environments you explore works (ie. Monster Hunter, if it’s somewhat interconnected it could be like most metroidvanias) but I think there are better options for a roguelike given how much you’d be returning to those environments and how quickly those environments would become stale
If it’s a single procedurally generated dungeon, you’d get something like Baroque or p3, while if it’s several it’d be good ol’ Mystery Dungeon.
for procedural generation there are two main routes to go: rooms and corridors (see: MD) or rooms that are all directly connected (see: Rogue Legacy, .hack). I think the second works better here because the purpose of corridors is mostly to force you to into encounters and while various room layouts can effectively trip you up and force you to fight someone, something like thabes where there’s almost always some room to maneuver even if you won’t always succeed in avoiding an encounter is a bit more along the lines of ‘fun and interactive gameplay’
speaking of thabes: fixed dungeon layouts! they kinda suck unless a massive amount of care was put into their design! I think that you can get away with specific floors in a roguelike (pmd actually does this every so often but outside of blatant “hey you got a reward” floors it’s hard to notice if you’re not looking out for them) but unless it’s an open layout like in a soulsborne game or like. Ico, where the whole environment is a whole environment it gets very tedious very quickly. Thabes works for me (and me alone, apparently (lol)) because it’s short enough to get through in a few minutes so you can whack pots on the bottom floor and hope for regalia in record time but like. I don’t think a full game of that would be fun
the only major questions i can think of re: design that remains would be like. how to integrate something like permadeath and recruitment.
something like pmd’s model where you can recruit people in dungeons after you beat them... would not work very well, I feel. I think super mystery dungeon had a good overall model where performing various tasks (speaking to people in town, completing missions,progressing through the plot, encountering npcs in dungeons) would expand your linkedin connection orb network and then allow you to call upon those people, but if we’re talking about a smaller (ideally original) cast, then having them be available all the time would be...
uhhh actually let me backtrack and elaborate on that idea a bit
Okay so like. your *gestures wildly* group in this game is a team of people who for one reason or another go into dungeon(s). you can only bring a certain amount of people into a dungeon at once and if keep sending the same person on back to back to back expeditions their performance will drop and they’ll eventually get tired and need to rest, forcing you to use someone else.
Echoes did that by making their max hp drop dramatically (and all at once), but i think that it’d be better to also focus on other stats (ie. a crit/avoid penalty, then a strength/mag penalty, then a spd/hitrate penalty, etc.) and make them decrease in more gradual steps since it turns it into an actual question of “oh hey stacy’s not doing so hot but I still kinda need to send a thief in... should I still use her, or focus on a different goal for now?” instead of just all but outright forcing you to bench stacy for a few trips.
If you meet someone by performing various task, they’ll be added to the pool of units you can send into dungeons and you can call on them. It might be interesting to have different units be available on different days of the week (instead of making it partially usage-based but mostly arbitrary like PSMD), but I don’t think I’ll pursue that line of thought much further.
If someone gets mortally wounded, they’re forced to retreat. It could be a system that’s semi-interactive (ie. in valkryia chronicles where you need to reach a downed ally and call for a medic) or one where they just leave on their own (ie. casual mode), but either way they’re gone for the rest of the trip and they need to take several days off before they and their stats recover (like with the fatigue system). You can still field them, but if they don’t fully recover and take another mortal blow, they’re gone for good.
I think I could try to justify this in a more articulate way but like. blah blah it ties into the whole r&r system and also makes it less frustrating when the rougelike you’re playing inevitably decides someone is going to die.
mmmmmmmm i think that’s it! If you have any comments my askbox is open ;)
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co27 · 5 years
I fully intend on hitting ask limit on you and monkey meta. *pulls up to the askbox like a drive tru* yeah can i get an analysis of Antauri and Otto's relationship through the series with a side of shipping? and a large coke.
(hands you a coke) sorry bro are u ok with a small on the antauri/otto front haha
i feel like given room their dynamic couldve been SO interesting but like. it just. wasnt. and it makes me so sad
im ngl, im like... as diehard a gibson/otto shipper as u can get. but antauri/otto has definitely grown on me over the past couple weeks! otto is able to be actually honest about his feelings (which is something a lot of the team unfortunately lacks) and like. if he hadnt had to run away to protect chiro, OTTO COULDVE HELD HIS OWN AGAINST A FULLY MIND-CONTROLLED ANTAURI SO LIKE.....
otto actually has a LOT more emotional maturity than people give him credit for? he can be a bit of a doofus but when it comes down to it hes MASTERED being calm and taking charge when its necessary. night of fear, galactic smash and a bit of belly of the beast is what mainly comes to mind.
and im NOT just making this an otto meta i swear im just setting up my thoughts and to establish that like. even if he can come across as the Team Dad antauri with his overly-cool ways is like. still on Equal footing with the rest of the team (and by extension, otto, who usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to how people portray him age-wise. i could go into a thing abt the infantilization of autistic people/characters but that isnt what were here for)
so.... in season one, lets be honest, we really.... dont get much antauri/otto interaction. we get more of antauri and GIBSON, and by season four theyre... barely even friends imho. BUT I DIGRESS!
the first REAL interaction between them off the top of my head? when antauri is reassuring otto of his skills in circus of ooze. so we can see right off the bat that antauri holds a LOT of respect for ottos engineering prowess. “your abilities are unequal in the universe” like HELLO?????? WE LOVE A SUPPORTIVE KING
so like... earlier on, otto and antauris relationship mainly is of otto giving up on SOMETHING and antauri reassuring him. which like.... isnt really the BEST base for a relationship, but u could argue that antauris character arc is about coming down and leveling the playing field with the rest of the team as chiro takes charge more and taking less of a paternal role to the main team and more of a ‘im just the friend who happens to know more sometimes’ backseat. so.
then we get to parts like i, chiro and both parts of the savage lands, where otto is like “hello i am still in the denial stage of grief” which HURTSSS but also. heh. as the mechanical genius of the team of course he would be the one who would believe that you could rebuild antauri via the silver monkey 😳😳😳
i also feel like ottos total faith in the super robot couldve worked itself nicely into antauris whole “machines can have a soul” thing in ghost in the machinder but.... alas.
but!! ottos arc about sort of learning to take charge and stay calm/rational when things are Shit (ie invasion of the vreen) lines up REALLY NICELY with antauris sort-of arc about letting go of the leadership role and taking place among the rest of the team which i think is sexy and epic.
like.... again, otto and antauri have CRIMINALLY low amounts of screentime, and im ngl, i dont.... really pay as close attention to their interactions as i probably could. but will that keep me from thinking about how otto probably became antauris main medic after he became the silver monkey? no. no it will not.
tldr, i think they ABSOLUTELY do not have enough screentime because their dynamic, especially post-sm, couldve been amazing, and WAS from the few bits we got to see. im not exactly an ottauri batter, but its basically the only antauri ship i actually like, which is pretty close, i think.
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Queer Analysis - Beautiful Eyes
Hey there gang! 👋🏻👋🏻
Remember when I’d do these things called Queer Analyses where I’d look at Taylor’s songs from a queer perspective? Yeah me too, vaguely 🤔
I’d like to do those again! 🌈🌈🌈
Hopefully you remember these segments, but something you may not remember as clearly is an EP Taylor released in 2008 entitled Beautiful Eyes. . Alongside the title track the EP also contains several alternative versions of songs from her debut album as well as a second original tune that happens to be one of my favorite underrated Taylor songs: I Heart Question Mark. 🎶🎶🎶
That however is not the song we’re focusing on today, today’s song is in fact Beautiful Eyes, this was requested by the same anon who also requested our latest analysis, better late than never, right?
As usual I’d like to thank AZLyrics for providing me with the lyrics used in this analysis.
Before we start I’d also like to say as always that the theory/reading of this song that I’m about to put forward in this post is just speculation, I didn’t write this song and thus I have no idea who or what it is truly about and everyone else are free to have their own theories and reading. I’d love it if we could start a queer discussion about this song as well as other songs by Taylor so feel free to send me asks and point out something I might have missed in my writing or request other songs for analyses in the future! 😊😊
Enough talk, let’s get to analyzin’
Your beautiful eyes
Stare right into my eyes
And sometimes I think of you late at night
I don't know why
Hi and welcome to the queer experience™️ 101, let’s imagine a common scenario for a queer adolescent to end up in before being aware that they are in fact queer:
You’re in middle school and you have a friend of the same gender as you. You guys are close friends and before you ever started hanging out maybe you desperately wanted to be this person’s friend. Maybe it’s because they’re cooler than you, more attractive or just seem fun to be around.
When you finally do become friends you’re over the moon and super excited that this person gives you the time of day, finally! You talk about them all the time and how cool they are and maybe your other friends or your family even ask you to talk about something else because you won’t shut up about this one friend and when you’re not around them you miss them like crazy and yeah so sometimes when they look at you you may notice things such as how attractive they are and how their eyes are very, very pretty, some may even say beautiful…
And yeah okay, you do think about them at night sometimes when you’re trying to sleep and you imagine their face in front of you and you imagine holding their hand and sharing a milkshake and kissing them and you-
Wait, what??
No, no, no not like THAT,  you’re not gay or anything, this is just friendship right? This is just what it feels like to have a really close friend, RIGHT?!
Yep, yes!
Okay, so no need to freak out, you think about your friend at night and you’re not exactly sure why, but you assume it’s a friendship-thing, this is what it’s like for everyone who has a best friend of the same gender that they are lowkey obsessed with like a lot, right?! Everyone thinks about girls in the same way you do, it doesn’t mean you’re gay…..Right?!
Well, young adolescent (who may or may not be Taylor Swift) I have news for you: 
Maybe, just maybe you’re a little bit gay…  🌈🌈
I know SHOCKING right?
Yeah, I think that maybe this is one of those friendships you are going to look back on when you’re a little older and laugh at because goddamn, it was just so obvious that this was a crush and you can’t understand how you didn’t realize this at the time, god you were SUCH a LESBIAN little kid it’s ridiculous!!
Anyway, you finish chuckling and you put this old song on your new EP because goddamn you were SUCH a LESBIAN little kid and this song is you trying to figure that out in real-time and it’s cute!  🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
I want to be somewhere where you are
I want to be where...
You're here, your eyes are looking into mine
So baby, make me fly
My heart has never felt this way before
I'm looking through your
I'm looking through your eyes
So anyway, young Taylor has now figured out that she may actually have a crush and that’s why she can’t stop thinking about her friend late at night! My hypothesis is that this song is the fantasy/dream of a young queer kid trying to figure out their feelings. So before she falls asleep Taylor wishes she could be where her friend is and then suddenly she is and in the dream Taylor and this friend are locking eyes and as she always does every time this happens in real life Taylor remarks what beautiful eyes her crush has. Given in how many different songs she’s mentioned eyes in various contexts over the years I think it’s safe to say that a person’s eyes may be the first thing Taylor notices about someone when she first starts being attracted to them and this song seems to confirm this was the case even early in her life.
Taylor tells us that having eye contact with her crush makes her feel like she’s flying, she also says “her heart has never felt this way before” indicating that this is her first or at the very least first serious crush.
Perhaps this feels different because she’s only had crushes on boys (or at least she thought she did) before and this happens to be a girl She likes girls and it finally all makes sense, looking at her new crush and into those beautiful eyes it finally feels like Taylor has been told a crush should feel! 💓💓🦋🦋
I wake up, I'm alive
In only a little while... I'll cry
Cause you're my lullaby
Then Taylor wakes up from this dream and at first she is very happy and feels so alive and high on her feelings for this girl and the wonderful dream, but she knows that in a little while she’ll be sad again and maybe even shed a tear because she’ll realize the dream wasn’t real and her friend still doesn’t know about Taylor’s feelings. This friend is Taylor’s lullaby in the sense that she is the last thing Taylor thinks about before she goes to sleep, maybe she thinks about what it’d be like being in a relationship with this crush and as she drifts of dreaming of this she feels happy and content with her fantasy before waking up to the said reality where her thoughts are just a fantasy and no one knows how she really feels. 😞
So baby come hold me tight cause I-I
I want to be everything you need
I want to be where...
Taylor wishes her crush would come hold her and be there with her and not only in her head, actually this whole song kind of sounds to me as a less explicit version of Hayley Kiyoko’s sleepover
Just as long as you're mine
I'll be your everything tonight
Let me love you, kiss you
Oh baby let me miss you
Let me see your
Dream about
Dream about
Dream about your eyes
Eyes, eyes... beautiful eyes
Taylor makes sure to point out that she will be her crush’s everything tonight. This fantasy of them together, kissing and being together in a romantic sense is a recurring bedtime fantasy for Taylor who perhaps only allows herself to have an outlet for her confused gay feelings at night when she’s alone. Alone and missing her crush, getting ready to dream about those beautiful eyes and pretends they are hers to dream about and the person in question is hers to kiss and miss.
Essentially what I’m saying is that this song is a young closeted person’s anthem for how they wish their relationship with their secret crush could be. 
You know all those tumblr posts about daydreaming about romantic scenarios that will never happen in real life? Yeah, that is what this song is to young Taylor who has recently come out to herself and is now indulging her queer thoughts and feelings, she’s still a little confused but she’s got the spirit.
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you’ve missed these analyses as much as I have, I cannot wait to get back to them. Our next song is I Don’t Wanna Live Forever which was requested by @silencequitethisloudd literally over a year ago!
Feel free to send me requests and suggestions for future analysis or even fanfiction prompts, I may get to prompts and requests at the pace of a snail, but at least I have fun doing them once I do get to it and thus my askbox is always open!!  😊
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Louis Twitter Analysis: 2012
Last week, I posted my 2011 analysis of Louis' Twitter account. That one was fun and fluffy and full of adorable boyfriends living in what I like to call "their bulletproof weeks" (see my URL). 
NOTE: I've actually updated that analysis after the lovely genderblinditem sent me a bunch of tweets pre-June 2011 that informed some deeper analysis. So check it out. :)
2012 was not so fun to go through. The stark reality of being hastily shoved back into the closet for all intents and purposes cannot be ignored when you look at the graphs I've created. 
Thanks again to lapelosa for humoring my excitable numbers flails in her askbox. :) 
We ended 2011 with @Louis_Tomlinson beginning to tweet about Eleanor in earnest in November 2012. This came on the heels of increased and consistent tweets to and about Harry in October. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
General Observations:
In 2012, Louis tweeted to/about Harry 5 times, less than 1% of his total tweets. Compare that to 2011 where it was 86 times and 10% of his total tweets
The May tweets to Harry were during the DVD watch party (a management-sanctioned event) and were not overly personal. Cute to be sure, but not significant and that should be considered when looking at this graph.
Eleanor got a Twitter account on January 28, 2012. The first 2 months of the year, Louis tweeted about her (not directly to her) 4 times total.
IMPORTANT: Louis first tweeted directly at Eleanor March 17, 2012. HE TWEETED HER “Miss you! x” MERE HOURS AFTER HARRY SAID HIM & LOUIS WERE DATING.  Now, this seems too quick for a social media counteraction, in my opinion. My new theory is this: This tweet came smack in the middle of
The Kiss 95.7 Interview with in-interview love bite (1st)
Z100 Interview—see my analysis here (10th)
New York signing with “Where do you want to sit?” “Next to You”  (12th)
The Pallisades Mall interview  (13th) 
The New York City Date day (soccer in park, lunch, shopping, show, dinner) (15th) 
Vevo livechat with “Why doesn’t Harry kiss Lou?” (16th)
The New Jersey signing with “Are you and Harry dating?” (17th
TWEET (17th) 
 Dallas with the first “denial” (24th) 
So it seems pretty obvious to me that they were reprimanded  BEFORE this tweet, sometime earlier in the week. They saw the way things were going and sat them down and said cool it. Louis was pissy in the New Jersey signing video and I think Harry might have just been too annoyed to care what he said in response to the girl’s question and voila. 
In April, the Eleanor tweets spiked while Harry tweets were non-existent. This is significant as this is the month the tickets for the Up All Night American Tour went on sale.
Louis didn't tweet to/about Eleanor at all in June, perhaps a final stand against management.
In July, tweets spiked again. 
The funniest thing about this graph to me is the obvious ramp up during the months leading up to Haylor, Take Me Home release & MSG.
Louis did not tweet Harry for his birthday in 2012. He tweeted every other guy in the band, Josh Devine (the drummer), Perrie, Lou Teasdale, Jimmy Carr, Eleanor and 15 random fans but not Harry.
Louis tweeted "his curls or his smell ;) x" on March 3, 2012 in response to a fan's question about what his favorite thing about Harry was and didn't tweet him again until May 31, 2012.
After May 31, 2012, Louis didn't tweet about or to Harry until he thanked him, Liam and Niall for coming to the charity football match in October. 
Putting this together, I asked myself what other variable I was missing and it struck me: Jay. People (myself included) get annoyed when Jay tweets Eleanor because it always feels like the least organic thing on the planet, y/y? So I went through her Twitter and this is hilariously obvious graph is the result:
Tumblr media
Right off the bat, her spike in January 2012 to/about Harry and then the rapid slide into non-existence takes effect in May. 
Please note the hilarious way in which the Jay and Eleanor trend lines seem to mirror each other. I'm not saying that Jay's account is entirely management-controlled. In fact, I really don't think that's the case. But I do very firmly believe (based on this graph) that she gets fed the things she tweets about/to Eleanor to coincide with Eleanor's Twitter usage. Looking at this graph...it almost appears as if Jay is carrying the bulk of the load in terms of bearding starting in (surprise) July. So while we all get annoyed with Jay, it really doesn't appear her relationship with Eleanor is organic (based on Twitter usage). In short, this does not appear to be a loving relationship between two people (Eleanor & Louis), but rather a carefully orchestrated publicity-fuelled social media campaign. 
Remember how Louis tweeted Eleanor for the first time March 17th? Well guess who tweeted her the first time on March 23rd! Seriously, I can't make this stuff up. The day before the first "denial." 
She first tweeted about Eleanor January 5, 2012. She also first tweeted Yorkshire Tea the day before to tell them Louis loved it and was out. SERIOUSLY I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.
Jay's last direct tweet at Harry was for his birthday on February 1st. 
Perhaps the most telling and just plain sad statistic was this: in 2011, Louis tweeted about products/artists in a promotional manner 30 times (3% of his total tweets). In 2012, that number rose to 121 times and 20% of his total tweets. The numbers and trend line also follow his tweets to/about Eleanor exactly. I'll talk more about that in my comparative analysis soon.
So this isn't earth-shattering information. This is stuff we all talk about and have felt either from real-time observations or gut instinct. But to have it laid out like this has been eye-opening for me to say the least.
My comparative analysis (coming tomorrow) will shed some light on just how manipulated this entire scheme is and maybe even make some predictions based on it. 
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