#by the filmmaker Bill Swordrattle based on an opera by Leon Bernastino
foxdrabbles · 1 year
Robbin asking Whisperian for movie recommendations? or to watch a movie with her? idk, I just found out that Robbin invites her to watch a movie in her op rec and want more....
"Excuse me? Miss Whisperain?"
"Hmm? Oh, hello Robin. Did you like the movie?"
"Oh, I thought it was fascinating. I've seen a lot of old Columbian movies, but this one...it was like it used all the same cinematography, but the story it was telling was completely different."
"Ah, that's because it's actually adapted from a famous Siracusan opera. The director is a theater connoisseur, and he does a good job adapting it to a more Columbian setting, but I do still prefer the original."
"Ahhh, I see. I thought the pacing seemed slow for an action film - but if it was originally a show, of course you're going to focus more on the characters."
"Naturally. Ah, I'm sorry, you wanted to ask me something?"
"Ah! I - I just wanted to ask what movie you were planning on showing next week. I like to try and read a little about them ahead of time."
"Well, I have a few in mind, but I haven't made a final decision quite yet. You seem to know quite a bit about the history of Wrankwood, however."
"Ah, it's - just a hobby of mine..."
"Well. Would you be open to joining me for lunch tomorrow? I'm most interested in hearing your thoughts on the titles I'm considering."
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