Curious Critters! AU
150 posts
Just another Smiling Critters au, don't mind me! (asks are open if you just have a question or would just like to talk!) sideblog of @cottoncanderino
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anothersmilingcrittersau 30 days ago
long time no see! (didn't notice you were back all this time lol) How are ya?
Heyyy! It really has been a while lol- I'm doing great! I'm actually Abt to graduate highschool here in a few months so I'm pretty excited ngl!
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anothersmilingcrittersau 1 month ago
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Manny likes to make plushies- well, plushies of those he considers his friends, at least! It's so that if he ever moves on from where he's staying, he'll never forget any of them!
If someone he trusts betrays him? well... he'll just use their plush as scrap- no need to waist valuable fabric!
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anothersmilingcrittersau 1 month ago
Hmmm i already did one with Rabie Baby n Poe but I definitely can do one with a different vibeee
Because of smilingcrittersthingig, I had spun the wheel and had started my own Randomized Critters AU for The Nightmare Critters. This is the results:
Baba Chops - Icky Licky
Rabie Baby - Poe
Maggie Mako - Baba Chops
Poe - Rabie Baby
Simon Smoke - Allister Gator
Icky Licky - Maggie Mako
Allister Gator - Touille
Touille - Simon Smoke
I鈥檓 laughing at the fact that Rabie and Poe got swapped. But now there鈥檚 a poor sport lamb, an emo bat, an asocial shark, a gossiping raven, a lazy dragon, a sweet tooth frog, a trash eating gator and a punk rat. Don鈥檛 know what to name them and I can鈥檛 draw for sh*t. So I鈥檓 giving you this list as an art challenge. But you don鈥檛 have to do them all. Have fun! 馃槉
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anothersmilingcrittersau 2 months ago
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You guys can have this... As a treat
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anothersmilingcrittersau 2 months ago
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anothersmilingcrittersau 2 months ago
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Sighhh how's it goin chat. I'm free.
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anothersmilingcrittersau 3 months ago
Sorry guys I fixed it it has the full video now my bad my bad
(disclaimer lil suggestive)
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anothersmilingcrittersau 7 months ago
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day 610 of drawing spamton every day until deltarune chapter 3
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
SO-- this was originally a little longer. HOWEVER-- the thing I downloaded only did a MINUTE AND THREE SECONDS(I didn't realize as I downloaded the song today)-- so I just-- I just rolled with it. I made more (it was supposed to go up to the other halfs verse. but it literally only did the first verse kjdnglsdg-- so-- enjoy what I have ig?? also, I just threw in the fin card because why not. why not add the fin card even tho it technically is not finished kngkjn--
ALSO-- this is slightly loud! so I'd turn down your volume just in case!
The few bubbas that are seen in the veebo are:
Manny, Fairy, Jester! Bubba - me
Revived! Bubba, Tusker, Selfish! Bubba - @smilingcrittersthingig
Clay Paclayderm - @funny-critter-blog
Dumba - @/eggritos
Bubba Badass n Bbi Bubba - @blues-of-randomness
and Eleanore Elements in the end frame - @daydreamer36
The unused frames 馃様 vvv
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
SO-- this was originally a little longer. HOWEVER-- the thing I downloaded only did a MINUTE AND THREE SECONDS(I didn't realize as I downloaded the song today)-- so I just-- I just rolled with it. I made more (it was supposed to go up to the other halfs verse. but it literally only did the first verse kjdnglsdg-- so-- enjoy what I have ig?? also, I just threw in the fin card because why not. why not add the fin card even tho it technically is not finished kngkjn--
ALSO-- this is slightly loud! so I'd turn down your volume just in case!
The few bubbas that are seen in the veebo are:
Manny, Fairy, Jester! Bubba - me
Revived! Bubba, Tusker, Selfish! Bubba - @smilingcrittersthingig
Clay Paclayderm - @funny-critter-blog
Dumba - @/eggritos
Bubba Badass n Bbi Bubba - @blues-of-randomness
and Eleanore Elements in the end frame - @daydreamer36
The unused frames 馃様 vvv
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
SO-- this was originally a little longer. HOWEVER-- the thing I downloaded only did a MINUTE AND THREE SECONDS(I didn't realize as I downloaded the song today)-- so I just-- I just rolled with it. I made more (it was supposed to go up to the other halfs verse. but it literally only did the first verse kjdnglsdg-- so-- enjoy what I have ig?? also, I just threw in the fin card because why not. why not add the fin card even tho it technically is not finished kngkjn--
ALSO-- this is slightly loud! so I'd turn down your volume just in case!
The few bubbas that are seen in the veebo are:
Manny, Fairy, Jester! Bubba - me
Revived! Bubba, Tusker, Selfish! Bubba - @smilingcrittersthingig
Clay Paclayderm - @funny-critter-blog
Dumba - @/eggritos
Bubba Badass n Bbi Bubba - @blues-of-randomness
and Eleanore Elements in the end frame - @daydreamer36
The unused frames 馃様 vvv
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
AYYYYYY ITZ DAY I HAVE A PFP NOW YIPPIE! I bring to you comedy skits bc im bored and have nothing else to do YAYYY ----------------------- Goldi:*after Parry and Manny had a fight* alright: you know what? *points to Parry* Parry *points to Manny* Manny I need you 2 to make out now-I MEAN MAKE UP NOW Prissy: *WHEEZZZE* Manny: EXCUSE ME?! Parry: I mean alright- ----------------------- Kitten: My mom once said if I take 2 Ibuprofen, my headache will be gone in an hour. Im getting better at math. So if I FINISH the bottle, it'll be gone in a minute! Parry: *WHEEEEEEEZZZEE* Goldi: HOW TF ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! ----------------------- *POV 3 am be like* Kitten: *at Prissy's door*...meow?- Prissy not wanting Goldi to wake up: GET TF OF MY PORCH! ----------------------- Manny:*insulting Star* Your mom hits you with a hairbrush at the back of your head at FULL SPEED- Holly outta NOWHERE: YOU TRYING TO BRUSH YOUR HAIR OUT BITCH?! IT COILS BACK LIKE THE FUCKING ROBLOX COIL SOUND BITCH! *it cuts to Holly and Manny brawling it out and Goldi not knowing wtf to do* ----------------------- *Parry standing there in-between Sunny (a yellow rabbit of mine that's basically if Kittenergy was on crack with positivity) and Manny* Parry: You may now try to HUG THE MANNY! *steps tf away* Sunny: *LUNGES FOR MANNY* Manny: DONT YOU FUCKING DARE GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME *continues to ramble while Sunny just is attacking him at all angles* Sunny: *fighting a war to hug this guy* *The rest of the CC and my SC oc's are just watching this like as a wrestling match* Sunny: *Successfully brings him to the ground and just sinks into Manny's fluff* (aight im almost done with the log page for my SC au i swear-)
Yoooo!!! Profile pictureeeee!! :DD
and sklgjnlj-- amazing, love the little skits you send in jllsnf--
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
Hallo Itz ya boi I have questions and a few comedy skits :> 1. Any major updates on the Bubbaverse animatic? 2. Is Eleanore gonna be in it? 3. YOUR WORKING ON A SECOND ANIMATIC SPILL THE TEA- aight COMEDY SKITS- ------------------------- *Bubba peacefully getting a snack at like 3am* Sam (Eleonore's BF): *Appears out of a hole that he dug in the ground* Hello- Bubba: AHHH- ------------------------ Jack(A diff OC of mine he's basically just an asshole): Go *cocks machine gun and gives it it Bitty Bubba* Do a crime Bitty Bubba:...YIPPIE! *Rapid Gunshots can be heard in the background and OG Bubba just stares in disbelief while Jack is completely proud of himself* (Right I go bed gn)
kalnjglg-- goonaiiiit
and yeah, I'm working on another animatic, but I doubt I'll post it anywhere. It's a confrontation animatic (from the Jekyll and Hyde musical) for CRK (you can likely guess the characters).
as for updates, nothing quite yet. I'm probably gonna swap over to working on that instead since i'm slowly losing interest in the first one. or do one of the meme sounds I have downloaded for future use. it's going to be one of them... or I'm going to draw art of one of my guys. it's something. a total toss up.
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
HALLOO! Itz Day :> I have smth to tell u My friend is like, making drawings of the CC au and ima send them here when they're done but I think these texts and these texts alone sums up what it is basically "Friend: SO its gonna be the CC in like, fancy ballroom outfits. its a fashion show? Friend: yeah that's it basically" They gonna be slayin also rq what is prissy's necklace me and my friend can't seem to agree on it for the LIFE OF US-
and Prissy's necklace are blueberries/grapes! hold on
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these. I wanted to keep the plant type-motif from Crafty :]
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
Alright im done napping HI! Itz Day :> I has a few questions: 1. What are like, the specific genders for the CC? 2. Progress update on the Bubbaverse animatic? Aight dats all COMEDY SKIT- Goldi: "wait- Parry could you check if anyone's here?" Parry: "ok! *Leaning over the edge of like a huge space* *inhale* CAN I GET A HOY-YAAAAAAAAAAA! Response: "*from deep inside the space cave thingy* HOY-YAAA! Manny: "who tf is that bro-*starts laughing* Kittenergy: ITS DEMONS BRO! *also laughing* Star: Here lemme try *yelling over edge* HEY DEMON! Response: "*CORRUPTED ELEANORE SUDDENLY EMERGES FROM OUTTA NOWHERE* Prissy: "OH SHIT-" *It cuts to them running for their FUCKING LIVES*
Their genders are as follows!
Prissy, Goldi, Holly, and Star: she/her
Kittenergy and Puppylove: they/them
Manny and Parry: he/him
2. Still storyboarding!
and aksjgnklg-
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
So today my friend and I did like comedy skits with the Curious Critters and my friend was Prissy and she sent this
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And I feel like that's one of the best impressions of Prissy I've ever seen
K I'ma take a nap BYEEE
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anothersmilingcrittersau 9 months ago
WAIT HOLD ON- My brain at like 3am thought of this question Waht...what would happen if Manny put on like....a belt/corset? Would it just...cease to exist inside his fluff? bro ok I just woke up-
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A belt would sink into the fluff, but it would still be mildly visible in it via indent. a CORSET HOWEVER--
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