#by squad I mean law enforcement LMAO
When the whole squad pulls up
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Hi! I was wondering if you would do imagines for Chester Davies & Felix Rosier? ((Understandably, there isn’t a lot written for these characters but I feel like that leaves room for writing them however you’d like which is easier than sticking to canon lmao)) if not, that’s all good! :) I’ll probably come back to request some quidditch!reader if that’s okay 💕 thank you for writing such lovely imagines
Hello, I am so sorry this request has taken such a long time but I am determined to get through them. I don’t know too much about Chester Davies, but I wanted to give this one a shot!
Summary: (Y/N) (L/N) is a sixth-year Ravenclaw Prefect with hopes of earning the title of ‘Head Girl’ for her seventh year at Hogwarts. Chester Davies is one of the male Ravenclaw Prefects in the same year as (Y/N), he admired her ambition and the two had grown close as Prefects. 
Students who act as Prefects are expected to be responsible, student leaders for the rest of the Hogwarts Community. They are exemplary students who achieve academically and truly enjoy assisting the faculty with castle duties and creating a sense of camaraderie within their Hogwarts houses. 
As the second half of the school year commenced, the first-year students were having a difficult time finding some of their new classrooms. However, rather than having to fend for themselves, they noticed the Ravenclaw girl directing the nervous students to their class. 
(Y/N) (L/N), a sixth-year Ravenclaw, was one of the more recognizable Prefects. If a student outside Ravenclaw House requested her assistance, (Y/N) would not hesitate to lend a hand and she was always seen helping other students. 
The Ravenclaw boys described her as the perfect balance of brains, beauty, and kindness. It was in her nature to automatically put a smile on the face of those she talked to, it is rumored she’s even turned Professor Snape’s semi-permanent scowl into a meek smile for a second during Potion Class. 
“Don’t worry about it, love” (Y/N) smiled, handing the first-year Gryffindor girl a simple map of the castle, “I made these for you to have, I want you to always make your class on time” She stated, placing her hand on the girl’s shoulder. 
The girl felt at ease and gave (Y/N) an understanding nod as she clutched her map tightly, “Thank you so much! I couldn’t have figured this out without you” The Gryffindor stated happily before hurrying down the corridor.
(Y/N) watched as the girl scrambled to make her class with a satisfied smile on her face. Most of the students had already cleared out of corridors which allowed her to relax a little, (Y/N) enjoyed her role as a Prefect, but the responsibilities could be tiring. Her shoulders fell slightly and she let out a soft sigh, she grabbed her Transfiguration book from the stone podium. 
“It pains me to admit this, but you truly are a natural” A voice spoke out from behind her. (Y/N) made a mental note, reminding herself not to let her guard down because the voice behind her made her jump.
“Merlin!” She exclaimed, turning to face the direction of the voice, knowing who the voice belonged to immediately, “But seriously, Chester? I thought you’d already recognized my dedication to this job” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, placing her hand on her hip, playfully questioning her friend. 
Chester Davies let out a chuckle, shrugging in response to her question, “I’ve competed against you in the past, I am fully aware of your skills” He said, walking towards her. The two were in the same year but remained acquaintances until Professor Flitwick assigned them as Prefects together. Their assignment was convinient because the two shared multiple classes together so they relied on each other to study. 
“Are you ready for Transfiguration?” Chester asked as they walked down the corridor, his hands in his robe pockets. It was common knowledge at Ravenclaw House that Chester Davies was unmistakenly attractive. No matter the situation, his clothes were clean and pressed, his hair styled, and his performances in the Frog Choir left most of the ladies at Hogwarts swooning.
Along with his talents, Chester was also determined and helpful. He is a strong believer in education and learning as much as possible which were traits (Y/N) resonated with. (Y/N) had modeled her course schedule to secure the job of a Hit Wizard, a trained wizard who deals with highly dangerous situations for the Magical Law Enforcement Squad. Chester also wished for a job at the Ministry but preferred the division of Improper Use of Magic. Both these jobs fell underneath the Department of Magical Law Enforcement so the O.W.L. requirements were similar, meaning the two would share classes for their remaining years.
“Of course,” She replied confidently, “I can’t wait to hear McGonagall’s curriculum, I find her class the easiest to study for” (Y/N) said and Chester let out a small groan. 
“You’re an ace at Transfigurations, (Y/N)” Chester grumbled, “I’m definitely going to need your help to get the technique down one hundred percent”
(Y/N) examined Chester’s slightly solemn expression with a small frown, “Don’t be like that, Chester” She uttered, “Practice makes perfect besides you’re lightyears better than me at Defense Against the Dark Arts.” (Y/N) admitted, giving Chester a small, reassuring smile hoping the make Chester feel better. 
All of a sudden, Chester’s stern expression transformed into one of joy as his laughter filled the corridor. His sudden outburst caught her off guard once again and she questioningly gazed at him as they approached Classroom 1B. Chester gripped (Y/N)’s shoulders and turned her to face him, “I’m so glad you finally admitted that,” He said playfully, “Now I can say even you’ve admitted it yourself” Chester shot (Y/N) a wink before retreating into the Transfiguration classroom, taking her chance to retaliate away. 
(Y/N) stood gobsmacked, blinking as the door to the classroom swung close. Letting out a small huff, she smiled knowing Chester must be laughing to himself in the classroom as he waits for (Y/N) to take her seat next to him. Soothing her hair, (Y/N) pushed the classroom door open and headed towards her seat, waving at her classmates as she made her way down. 
Chester looked back at (Y/N) but suddenly snapped forward as he got an idea. Pulling out a sheet of parchment, he began scribbling a meeting time and location before folding it into a tiny square. With a small smirk, he set the paper down in front of her station and crossed his arms behind his head. 
A few moments later, (Y/N) set her book down and noticed the small piece of parchment along with Chester’s mischievous look. Rolling her eyes, she took a seat and fumbled to open the parchment, the note read
Meet me at the Secret Garden
10:00 pm tonight
Don’t be Late 
But before she could get a word out, Professor McGonagall had already begun the day’s lesson. 
(Y/N) had underestimated Chester’s schemes. As soon as the Transfiguration class ended, he bolted out of the room but not before reminding (Y/N) about their arrangement. His sudden actions confused her, he hadn’t mentioned doing anything prior to class and now he was flat out avoiding her until they met. 
Despite his odd behavior, (Y/N) couldn’t help but find his determination endearing. An array of ideas flew through her head as she attempted to figure out what he could be planning, but when it came to Chester, you couldn’t really predict what he would do next because he is determined to try anything. Needless to say, Chester’s mysterious note remained on her mind as she tutored one of the third-year Ravenclaw boys. 
Usually, she remained focused and engaged but she caught herself glancing at the clock multiple times throughout the session. She also recalled the first time Chester had taken her to the garden. He had brought her there to study once, but they had not returned in a while, if he had called her there, it meant he had something important planned. Once nine-thirty rolled around, (Y/N) practically sprinted towards the Secret Garden, excited to see what her fellow Prefect had suddenly planned for the evening. 
“Chester?” (Y/N) called, reaching the enclosed garden her eyes immediately landed on the practice dummies evenly spread across the field. Chester suddenly appeared behind (Y/N), gripping her shoulders and giving her a subtle shake, “Boo!” He exclaimed causing her to let out a shrill shriek. 
“Chester!” (Y/N) yelled, suddenly turning to give him a shove, “You’re horrible” She laughed, letting her heartbeat settle as her friend laughed. 
“You’re hurting my feelings, (Y/N)” Chester admitted, adding in a fake pout for dramatic effect, “You’d really say that when I’ve gone out of my way to set up Dark Arts training for you?” Chester dropped his eyes, his shoulders drooping as he sauntered over to the training dummies. 
“Chester, you should really join the acting program here” (Y/N) laughed, watching her friend trudge through the grass, “You’d be their star pupil” 
Chester suddenly broke character, “No bloody way” Chester grumbled, “I’ve already got Frog Choir and that’s all I need” He grinned proudly, retrieving his wand from his coat pocket. (Y/N) removed her robes, folding them before placing them on the grass, “So, tell me what you’ve planned?” She asked. 
Chester smirked, “I’m glad you asked” he stated, removing his own robe and loosening his tie. For anyone else, it might be uncommon to see Chester in a ‘disheveled’ state, but (Y/N) had grown familiar with this side of him and she always found something new to admire. Tonight, his skin was glowing underneath the moonlight and his soft smile left (Y/N) at ease. 
“Will you be able to focus with me as your teacher?” Chester teased, snapping her away from her trance. (Y/N) blushed, crossing her arms defensively but embarrassed having been caught staring at him. 
“Don’t get too cocky,” (Y/N) warned, playfully aiming her want at him. Chester threw his hands up in defeat, purposely adding in a hint of dramatic flair to make his friend laugh. (Y/N) laughed at his reaction, “You’re ridiculous” she added, lowering her wand with a smile on her face. 
“You know, I hear that quite often” Chester admitted, giving her a soft shrug. The two of them were always busy, but when they were together, all they could think about was how much they enjoyed each other’s company. With (Y/N) everything seemed easier, she understood him, she helped him study, and more importantly, she cared for him. 
“Well, what are we learning tonight?” (Y/N) asked, her (E/C) eyes shining brightly. She cherished the time they spent together and she knew Chester would not stop assisting her until she mastered his techniques. (Y/N) loved his determination and it motivated her to improve every single day. 
“Well, it’s not going to be easy,” Chester disclosed, “But after this session, you’re going to be the best student in Defense Against the Dark Arts…” A sly smile grew on his lips, “After me, of course,” He shot her a wink before assuming his fighting position beside her, “Ready?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at his comment, sticking her tongue out in response, earning another laugh from Chester. 
“I was born ready,” She replied confidently and he nodded in appreciation. Chester loved her confidence, it was one of the reasons he enjoyed working with her because no matter how difficult the situation became, she was always ready to learn and overcome it. 
On his call, the two began practicing the different spells they learned in class. Chester and (Y/N) lost track of the time as they practiced, but that was not unusual for them. The sound of their laughs and spells clashing with the dummies bounced off the walls of the garden as they engrossed themselves in their training. 
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