#by desktop i mean the in-computer setting that allows me to have different instances of tabs and whatnot open
quitedisastrous · 1 year
me, on my work desktop since i'm in class: scary! sorry. (deletes all of the tabs with somewhat important things open instead of just. shifting to my normal desktop)
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light-lanterne · 1 year
how do you make your blog look so cool and good on computer screen thing?? :')
hello ! :] i'm not entirely sure i understand the question, but if you mean this,,,
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,,,then that's just my custom theme !!
you have to be on desktop to enable it (go to your blog settings and turn on the "enable custom theme" thingy that's near the top). once you do that, tumblr gives you a default theme that looks a lot like the one you already have ~
for instance, this is what my default would look like :S
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it works, but it's not the most appealing in my opinion :\
to change it, you need to once again go to the blog settings and click on the "edit theme" button. you are then taken to the customisation page, where you can make some adjustments to that default theme you're given,,,
,,,or you can change it to a completely different one ! :D
first, you need to find a theme you like. you can browse "tumblr theme" tag if you want, or go to theme-hunter and look around for stuff. there are a looot of themes with a lot of different styles to chose from, most of which are relatively easy to edit.
once you find something you like, you need to get the code. it's usually linked on the maker's post, near the top, and most of them take you to pastebin. you select the whole code and put it in your clipboard,,,
,,,and then add it to your blog. go to the customisation page i mentioned before, then click on this little button i've marked in the image.
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once there, you just delete everything currently in there (at this point, the code for the default theme) and paste the code you picked instead.
update preview, save the changes, then go back to the main customisation page.
scroll down a little and you'll find the theme options and voilà ! you can edit the theme to make it into whatever you want :O for instance, the theme i have has a lot of colour options
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you can also change out the font,,, or the images,,, there are a lot of options available; it just depends on the theme you picked :]
if you have some css and / or html knowledge, you can also change out some stuff in the code :O the sky's the limit ~
so yeah,,, that was a basic breakdown of how to apply a tumblr theme :] hope it was helpful !! if you need any help please don't hesitate to reach out :D also, please forgive me if i misinterpreted your question altogether or if this was too confusing. i'm not great at explaining this stuff u.u
although, even if i misunderstood, i highly encourage picking a nice theme for your blog ! it's a nice option to make your blog a bit more you or go along with your aesthetic (for instance, here's the theme i picked for my dark academia-ish blog). it's also really fun to edit these themes, in my opinion, so that's a bonus !! :]
more than anything, please do enable the custom theme thing. even if you keep the default theme, it's important to have that on because it allows you to use the archive, a vital part of blog navigation in this site :O
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murumokirby360 · 4 years
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The new XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 Windows Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Nov 11,2020]
Hi, time to discuss my experience of using the new XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 on Windows 10 PC Desktop.😊🖊️📝
BTW: If you haven’t seen or watch my first time recorded computer video via VLC, then please - [CLICK ME!].
Keep in mind this version is a  “New UI Beta Driver” according to the XP-Pen’s official website download support. So I’m not sure that this is the final driver though, but for now I’ll take it then.🤔
So without further ado, let’s get started:
1st Image: • Before that, I took a picture of my new home computer with my drawing/graphics tablet always placed on the low side, while my Silvertec wireless keyboard was on the other side without my laptop at any site or place because I completely removed from my desk, also when I’m done using the tablet my wireless keyboard always put the low side. Which is where it should be, so I’m hoping that I will try my tablet on the top side and see what’s the difference.⌨️📋📝🙂
Screenshot(s): • Nonetheless, here’s the new look of the PenTablet Windows software looks like. The old version of Pentablet used to have a ‘Pen Settings’ and ‘Work Area’ in one window (on my Windows 7 OS) but now it became a separate per each tab including ‘Express Keys’.
• All of them are the same present settings from the old version. But there’s one feature that the new version didn’t have unlike the old version, and that is the ‘Tablet Light’ control from the ‘Express Keys’ setting; it’s a shame that XP-Pen developers removed that feature from the new version, but in my opinion I don’t need that anyway 🤷, at least the four corners from the tablet still lit up 💡 without adjusting it.
• On top of that, there’s a gear sign ⚙️setting located on the upper right corner beside minimize and close symbols. Here I can disable 'Messages’, ‘Express Keys’ and Passive Pen functions of ‘Pressure’ and ‘Tilt’ sensitivity. ‘Import’ & ‘Export’ configs are here and finally there’s a new one called ‘Diagnostic Tool’ which I’ll get to that later.
• Now on to the ‘Express Keys’ setting, I could see the default key setting from new one is different compare to the old one. Let me bring it down the list between the two:↓ 
Old PenTablet (on Win7 💻) - New PenTablet (on Win10 🖥️)
K1  🔘 Open Tablet Setting 💻- B Keyboard Key B 🖥️ K2 🔘 [Alt] 💻- E Eraser 🖥️ K3 🔘 [Space] 💻- Alt Eyedropper 🖥️ K4 🔘 [Ctrl+Z] 💻- Space Hand Tool 🖥️ K5 🔘 [Ctrl + ‘+’] (Zoom In) 💻- [Ctrl + Z] Undo 🖥️ K6 🔘 [Ctrl + ‘-’] 💻- [Ctrl + ‘+’] Zoom In 🖥️ K7 🔘 [B] 💻- [Ctrl + ‘-’] Zoom Out 🖥️ K8 🔘 [E] 💻 - [Show Control Panel] (PenTablet) 🖥️
•A minutes later, I decided to add my usual artwork software GIMP (2.10.22) for both ‘Pen Settings’ and ‘Express Keys’ at the application bar; strange that the ‘Pen Settings’ had now a application bar unlike the old one, even though I try to click the upper button from my stylus passive pen for changing Eraser to Ink Pen (and vice versa); it selects the Eclipse Select Tool rather than the actual Eraser when in my current GIMP art software (this is because the pen only supports well known art/paint software for instance ‘Adobe Photoshop’ series), otherwise I didn’t use it actually during my artwork process.🤷
•But hey at least the ‘Windows Ink’🖊️from Windows 10 works (after I enabled to ‘screen’ for both PenTablet Eraser and Stylus Pen in GIMP’s input devices [ver. 2.10.22]), and I can drag the cursor with my stylus passive pen unlike in Windows 7 version, so that’s a plus!😄 Yup you may noticed that it’s already checked meaning it’s enabled.😊
•Now as for the ‘Express Keys’ I did, I was gonna do the same custom keys as the old one but I decided want to customized a different, although some of which I did are doing a replicate key numbers as the old one (like I did to K3 & K4).🙂
•Now on to the ‘Diagnostic Tool’, mmmm this one seems new. This ‘Diagnostic Tool’ allows it to tell the information of any other devices that connected through computer. Sometimes this might actually useful for checking some errors, find problems and scans the devices hardware that may be disrupt the PC’s normal performance. And as such I don’t seen any problems between my tablet and PC, I even try to pressuring hard using my stylus passive pen through the tablet it only receives ‘8191′ level rate from the ‘current pressure sensitivity’ instead of ‘8192′ which is advertised. That’s something that never knew yet very close but no cigar (I think) 🤨, but nah 🤷.
•Finally on the lower part beside Fenix the Fox 🦊🖊️ (XP-Pen’s mascot), I can save my settings by clicking ‘OK’ or ‘cancel’ it my settings; so there’s that.
Well that’s for now. And in case you missed my related parts and accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, then I’ve already provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
Previous: • Installation for the XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (record video using VLC media player) [Nov. 11,2020] • My XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software: ON and OFF Windows Ink difference - Windows 7 ver. (Oct. 15th, 2020) • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing - Part 2 (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 Aftermath Usage (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug 17, 2020): Part 3 [3rd Attempt], Part 4 [4th Attempt] •Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing: Part 1 (Aug 12, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug, 12, 2020): Part 1 [1st Attempt], Part 2 [2nd Attempt] • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 connecting computer laptop(Aug 8, 2020): Part 1 - [1st Attempt], Part 2 (Final) [2nd Attempt] • Installation steps for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Aug. 7,2020] • Accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Jun 25,2020]: [Part 1], [Part 2] • Part 5 [May 8,2020] • Part 4 [May 1, 2020]: First Half, Second Half • Part 3 [Apr 22, 2020] • Part 2 [Apr 17, 2020] • Part 1 [ Apr 14, 2020] • Recorded video opening [Apr 10, 2020] • Unopened parcel/package [Apr 7, 2020]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @bytern
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weshallneverrevolt · 5 years
In-Home Streaming, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Couch
I’m a longtime PC gamer for many reasons. Yes, there’s the snob factor: PC games can look better than consoles almost all of the time. But it’s also because of the customizability. You pick your framerate, your resolution, your graphical settings. But you also own a machine, not an appliance: you learn its quirks, its inner workings. It’s something you take care of. For an enthusiast, a custom built computer is like a tailored suit.
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And yet, there’s something I have missed for a long time: gaming on the couch.
Couch gaming is how I grew up. Huddled with friends around a tiny TV and N64, controllers in hand, shouting and laughing. Or leaned back in a chair with a cold soda, savoring every moment of a lengthy Final Fantasy cutscene. An office chair just isn’t the same. It’s rigid and harsh. It says “at attention,” not “relax.” It was the antithesis of my ideal gaming experience.
But after I got my PC, I never bought a console. For one, I couldn’t afford them. In college my money was precious, and my computer – already cobbled together from low-end or used parts – was expensive enough to maintain. The idea of dropping hundreds on a console and proper television was out of the question.
As an adult with more disposable income and now a home of my own – complete with an awesome living room my wife put together – I wanted to have that experience again. But my budget-mindedness and graphical snobbery hadn’t changed, and my PC was upstairs on the other side of the house. What to do?
I wanted couch gaming. And I managed to get it without buying a console or moving my PC to the living room thanks to a hugely underappreciated technology: in-home streaming. Here I’ll share what I’ve learned, discuss setups, and evangelize one of the coolest tech tricks I’ve discovered in homeownership.
What is In-Home Streaming?
You’ve probably heard of Google Stadia, Google’s uh…interesting new streaming game service. The basic idea is that your console isn’t in your living room. Instead, it’s located in a Google datacenter, which streams the game as a video through the internet. It sort of works, with the hiccups you’d expect with streaming a game over the internet: lag, input delay, graphical glitches. It’s like having very, very long HDMI and USB cords.
In-home streaming is basically that, but in your house. With the distance being just a few rooms instead of across state lines, latency becomes much less of an issue. It finally gives PC gamers the one thing we were missing: the couch.
Because it encodes video in real-time, in-home video streaming is a pretty new technology, and it requires certain hardware and software. The two dominant solutions are Steam and Moonlight, and they’re different in important ways.
Steam Remote Play
Steam Remote Play is by far the simplest method. For one, it integrates directly with Steam, so there is no complicated setup. Just install Steam on both devices, boot em up and you’re good to go. It pairs well with Steam’s “Big Picture” interface for a console-like experience.
Steam streaming also runs on just about anything, including very small computers like a Raspberry Pi. This is because it uses H.264 encoding, a standard that has been around for a long time. Just about any computer made since 2008 can play H.264 video, meaning that your old laptop or a $25 PC from Goodwill can be turned into a stream machine. Encoding H.264 on the host machine also has little performance cost.
Where Steam hits a limit is in resolution. Steam can only stream games at the resolution they use on your native monitor. So if your computer monitor is 1080p, you can’t play in 4K when it’s streamed to your TV. You can go lower resolution, which is fine if you’re streaming to some laptop screens.
Steam works with all Xbox controllers, as well as the Dual Shock 4 through DS4Windows.
Moonlight is what I use for in-home streaming. It’s an open-source implementation of NVidia’s “GameStream” technology, originally developed for their Shield devices. My main PC has a GTX 1070, which supports GameStream.
Moonlight has a number of significant advantages over Steam. For me, the most important is its ability to stream in a different resolution than your desktop. So while my desktop monitor is 1080p, I can play games in native 4K on my TV set! For newer games that my PC can’t run at full 4K, I use NVidia’s dynamic super resolution feature to run at 1440p or another resolution, then upscale it to 4K.
GameStream can also encode in HEVC, a cutting-edge video codec that offers superior quality with lower bandwidth. There’s virtually no artifacting, and colors usually look better than with Steam streaming. There is also HDR support. Because HEVC is lower bandwidth, it’s also ideal for wi-fi streaming.
If you’ve been keeping up with all the NVidia mentions, you’ve probably figured out the most significant drawback of Moonlight: hardware exclusivity. GameStream can only encode certain NVidia graphics cards. For instance, the 10-series locks GameStream to the 1050ti or higher, so budget gamers with a 1030 or 1050 are out of luck. Good news is that the receiving PC can run non-nVidia graphics.
GameStream also supports H.264, but for HEVC you need more powerful hardware on the receiving end. So while any old shitty laptop could stream with Steam, it would choke on HEVC.
Moonlight has the same controller support as Steam.
My Setup
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When I first built my setup, I set a few standards:
4K, 60 frames per second
Option for “upscaled” 4K similar to the PS4 Pro/XB1X
4K Blu-ray quality HEVC (around 100mbps bitrate)
An unobtrusive look, like a home theater appliance
A hard-wired setup for low latency
Less than a week after we moved in, I hard-wired my house for internet. I ran an Ethernet cable all the way from my office, through the garage, under my crawlspace and into my living room. I then crimped the ends (badly) and installed a wall outlet in my office (barely.) If I were to do this now, I’d buy a pre-made 200-300ft CAT6 cable on Amazon and just run that. That said, my cable still works for what I need.
For my streaming PC, I knew that I had to go small form factor. The credenza in my living room didn’t have space for a full-size PC, and the aesthetic of most of those would offend my non-gamer wife. I considered building one, but most SFF hardware is targeted at enthusiasts and so doesn’t come cheap.
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But small form factor PCs have a particular application: offices. When offices dump their old hardware, you can get it for almost nothing. I found just such a deal on reddit’s /r/buildapcsales for a Lenovo ThinkCentre m58p, refurbished from Staples for $20 shipped. It was small, simply designed, and not too flashy. But it is from 2008, and needed a few cheap upgrades:
I swapped out the dual-core E8400 processor for a quad-core Q9400 I had on hand.
I replaced the loud, slow hard drive with a small, cheap ADATA SU635 solid state drive.
For my quiet living room setting, I also replaced the cooling fan with a high-quality Noctua model.
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But chief among these upgrades was a graphics card. This PC, being more than a little old, could not play HEVC video without specialized hardware. And it had to be silent, not require much power, and be able to fit inside this small case.
So I turned to the NVidia GT 1030, specifically the MSI low profile silent model. Targeted at home theater PCs and poor gamers, the GT 1030 is not gonna blow anyone’s socks off. But it does 4K, and it does HEVC, and it does all of this over HDMI so it plugs straight into my TV with no issues. One quirk with my model is that the heatsink didn’t fit in my unusual case, so I had to take a hacksaw to it.
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For a truly 1%er experience, I wanted to be able to start my upstairs PC remotely. That way when I want to play, I don’t even have to walk up there. For this I used an Android app called Unified Remote, which allows you to remotely control a computer from a phone. Unified Remote is free, but I bought the premium version with Play Rewards points.
The Value Question
Let’s get the first question out of the way: if a NVidia Shield is $150, why not just buy that? A few reasons:
It has hard-wired ethernet. No matter how good your wifi is, hard-wired is better.
Moonlight’s interface is more flexible than the Shield’s.
This also runs YouTube with a full keyboard remote for easier searches.
I can install a Blu-ray player at some point, if I choose.
I can emulate many games on the living room PC; the GT 1030 is great for that.
It runs party games like Jackbox just fine.
This is more fun.
So let’s run a tally. I’m not counting the hard-wiring, since I needed that for my office computer anyway.
The PC itself: $20
GT 1030: $75
Noctua 92mm fan: $15
Bluetooth receiver: $10
SSD: $15
Q9400: free to me, but you can get one on eBay for like $10
So for $135 – less than a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X – I get 4K couch gaming at higher framerates and higher settings. And for certain games, like Overwatch or Cities: Skylines, I still have a killer keyboard and mouse setup.
You can easily make this cheaper, especially if you use Steam and aim for 1080p instead of 4K. A Raspberry Pi – around $60 with accessories – can do 1080p Steam streaming flawlessly. Most Intel CPUs made after 2011 can decode H.264 without a graphics card, and the 6000 series and higher can even decode HEVC. You could also go for a GT 1030 with a fan, which are usually cheaper.
So How’s It Perform?
In short: great!
I’ve played everything from The Outer Worlds to Slay the Spire to Rocket League on my streaming setup, and they all work perfectly. Sekiro – which requires extremely precise inputs – does suffer a bit from the input lag, but I can’t detect lag with most games. Visual quality is excellent with very little loss in color saturation. You will notice artifacting on grass or leaves when you’re up close, but this is less visible at 1440p or higher.
I would not play competitive games on a streaming setup. The only one I play seriously is Overwatch, and there is definitely a difference in my performance when streaming. Competitive first-person shooters also suck to play on a controller, and a proper couch desk is not an investment I’m prepared to make.
Be prepared to tweak graphical settings if you’re shooting for 4K on most setups, as the video encoding does have a slight performance cost. This is not true for older games; Dark Souls and Dishonored run at a locked 4K and 60fps. For modern games, Forza Horizon 5 runs at 1800p on High, and Resident Evil 2 is smooth as silk at 1440p.
One final tip: if you’re streaming over wi-fi, be prepared to make some compromises. I would stick to 1080p to avoid lag, or do 4K only on HEVC with lower visual quality. Also streaming basically requires 5ghz wifi, so if you have an old router you should probably cut back to 720p.
So that’s in-home streaming! If you’re already a PC gamer, it’s an affordable and easy way to achieve a console-like experience. Feel free to DM me with any questions you have about hardware or software setup.
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bobbyelucero-blog · 5 years
Free Full Midi To Mp3 Converter
Piston Software's Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter" means that you can convert a MIDI file to an audio file in any of the next formats: MP3, WAV, WMA, or OGG Vorbis. Convert your MIDI files to MP3 audio. MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an audio technical normal, the standard MIDI file is a file format that provides a standardized strategy to store the information that a sequencer records and performs, usually used in cellular ringtones, background music to net pages and greeting cards. When you've got your mp3 music in iTunes and want to make different variations, do that: (when you have the most recent iTunes): Select Edit > Preferences, click on Common, and click Import Settings. Choose the format you wish to convert songs to, and click OKAY to avoid wasting the settings. MIDI to MP3 Converter for Mac 6.2 MIDI to MP3 Converter for Mac is a great instrument to transform MIDI to MP3 and WAV formats. It provides higher high quality and sooner conversion because of utilization of SoundFonts. Allows using a number of Soundfonts to produce skilled sound. Built-in ID3 tag editor. Step 3Then an "Edit Metadata" window will display. You possibly can edit or modify the MIDI audio information here. Lastly, click "OK" to convert MP3 to MIDI. This implies, that regardless that a WAV file has a larger measurement than MP3 or WMA ones, the quality of its audio data is significantly better than that of the mentioned file codecs. Changing WAV audio files to MIDI format could be fairly useful if you want to transcribe your favourite songs and ship the knowledge to an digital musical instrument. Step 3Download the converted MIDI file to your Mac or COMPUTER. Choose to convert pre-recorded MP3 and click "Next". You too can use the wave to MIDI converter to recognize a tune that you simply sing into microphone (as an example). Step three: Choose MP3 file to convert. The following window appears: Click "Browse" and select MP3 file that you need to convert to MIDI: Click "Open". It's freeware and will be copied so long as you do not make any unauthorized changes to it. Simply obtain it and run the installer. 8. Converter Lite It's a software program that can be utilized to transform you MP3 into MIDI rapidly. Its interface is simple and you, can batch convert many audio information to MIDI. Obtain and install MP3-to-MIDI conversion software. Digital Ear, Free Midi Converter 1.0 and Intelliscore Polyphonic WAV to MIDI Converter 8.0 all supply their software program free. As soon as the install file has downloaded from the web site, double click on the file and observe the on-display prompts to install the software. Many a person longs for changing MIDI to MP3 although they aren't of a kind, which appears to be unreasonable. Nevertheless, there is a saying goes that what's rational is actual and what is actual is rational. On this context, what inspires folks to transform MIDI information to MP3 information might be concluded as two factors below. Set the conversion settings. Click on "iTunes" within the menu bar ("Edit" menu if using Windows) and then click on "Preferences". Choose the "Common" tab. Go down and click on on " Http://www.miditomp3convertor.com/ Import Settings". Then on "Import Utilizing", select "MP3 Encoder". Then save your your settings by clicking "OK". ConverterLite - Free Audio and Video Converter. ConverterLite is a free MP3 to MIDI converter for Windows users. With over 2,500,000 downloads, ConverterLite appears to be probably the greatest MP3 to MIDI converters available. However the help is restricted to Home windows 7, Windows XP and Home windows Vista. To this point I am happy with this converter. Or, rather, it's the multi-device. I can use it to transform movies, edit effects, and more importantly, help me to reduce the video shaking. Fantastic. To convert audio files between numerous audio formats and rip CD audio tracks directly to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC, Monkey's Audio APE or MusePack MPC, use Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper. If you want to quickly convert MIDI to MP3, please use Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter.
When you do not want to obtain and set up any third-occasion desktop-based software program, try the online-primarily based MP3 to MIDI online conversion, for instance, Bear File Converter. Step 2: Click on Choose File possibility and upload the file audio you need to convert. Bear File Converter - Online & Free. Bear file converter is the perfect in enterprise on-line software and it's free to use. It is very easy to get your MP3 file converted to MIDI using this online instrument.Convert sheet music to MIDI: If you already have a whole library of printed music, and wish to work with it in your pc. After you have scanned the music into electronic format, then by converting it to MIDI you'll be able to edit, play again, enhance the association using any DAW or notation software program package deal. Step 1. Click Add File to import the video or audio recordsdata into this program.
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How To Convert CDA To MP3 Free On-line
It can be used to remodel wav to mp3, mp3 to wav, cd to mp3, cda to mp3 and may also burn audio CDs. Format Factory is a really great CDA to the mp3 converter. It is free and multi-functional multimedia converter. It helps a lot of the audio, video and image formats. It's geared up with the ability to converts all video codecs to mp3. It can also rip DVD to video file, Audio CD or Music CD by converting CDA to MP3 format. As you possibly can see the above description, you can understand the power of Format Factory. Convert CDA to MP3 Complete Audio MP3 Converter converts CDA information to MP3 format simply and shortly. The software program also helps larger than a hundred and fifty audio and video information and batch conversion. Then select MP3 as your required output format earlier than clicking on convert. Enable the method to be completed in just a few seconds. A hyperlink will appear in your show display screen to which your reworked file is prepared. It will likely be important for an audio converter to have the ability to importing all accessible audio formats and converting them to a format you can use. There are greater than 50 audio file sorts in use in the current day, and the perfect converter software program packages can work with all of them. The free converters we tested can import the favored lossless codecs, like WAV and FLAC, and convert them to standard lossy codecs, like MP3 and AAC, but the most effective for-pay converters also can import lesser-recognized formats, together with proprietary audio codecs from corporations like Sony, Microsoft and Yamaha. Re:mp3 tocda audio converter help. Khi bạn tải các file âm thanh trên mạng (thường là định dạngflv hoặcmp4…) về máy tính và muốn copy chúng vào máy điện thoại di động hoặc máy nghe nhạc nhưng các thiết bị đó lại không được hỗ trợ những file mà bạn đã tải về. Và Total Video Convert chính là giải pháp dành cho bạn lúc này. Helpful Modifying Options to Trim, Crop Videos, Apply Effects, and many others. So, I paid the first month's price, and it took me the higher a part of two weeks to convert most of my music from backups of former saved music. After a few conversions, you get a notice that it may well't discover the recordsdata. So that you go back to the start of your backups, and try to bear in mind the place you left off after you restart this app. And there we find the recordsdata they couldn't discover. This happened so many instances I misplaced rely.
A CD Audio Monitor orcda file is a small (44 bytes) file generated by Microsoft Dwelling home windows for each track on an audio CD (it is a digital file which may be read by Windows software program program, however won't be truly current on the CD audio media). The file accommodates indexing information that programs can use to play or rip the disc. The file is given a fame in the format Track##.cda. Thecda information do not embrace the exact PCM wave information, however instead inform where on the disc the monitor begins and stops. If the file is "copied" from the CD-ROM to the computer, it turns into ineffective, since it is just a shortcut to part of the disc. Nevertheless, some audio enhancing and CD creation packages will, from the person's perspective, loadcda recordsdata as though they're actual audio information recordsdata. CD rippers convert the raw digital data on music CDs into information a computer can learn. They don't have to worry about copyright safety as most music CDs are not copy protected. There are lots of open supply instruments out there for enhancing, tweaking, and converting multimedia into precisely what you want. Instruments like Audacity or Handbrake are improbable, however generally you just want to change a file from one format into another shortly. Enter FFmpeg. Eusing CD to Mp3 Converter is a free cd ripping software program that can be used to convert cda to mp3 and way more. You need to use this software program to rip audio cd, convert wav to mp3, convert cda to mp3, wav, ogg and wma format. You can also normalize the audio files in order that the output mp3 audio recordsdata have the same quantity stage. Lately, a consumer despatched us a forty four-bytescda file that could not be played, and requested for assist for a way can he convert CDA to MP3. In fact, CDA stands for Compact Disc Audio track, CDA isn't an audio format. It is a file extension for a CD Audio shortcut file format, which doesn't embrace any audio knowledge, but as an alternative inform the place on the disc each monitor starts and stops. So regardless of the length of the music CD, we always see that Monitor##.cda" recordsdata are 44 bytes. These CDA recordsdata can't be performed on a computer without the CD. Hence, it is impossible to convert CDA to MP3 online. That is the rationale why I say that so-known as CDA to MP3 online converter is a falsehood. I personally desire to transform my videos to different codecs by means of desktop software program. As a result of there are actually an excessive amount of ads on on-line sites. I at all times convert my videos by way of Free HD Video Converter Manufacturing unit. I love this one because it is easy to operate even for users like me who know little about software program. If you end up ready, click the Convert button alongside the bottom of the interface to convert audio to mp3 and wait just a few seconds or a number of minutes. A quite simple to use youtube video converter. May also convert entire playlists by using the "share" button on your playlist, and then copying that url to the program. Copying the hyperlink in your url bar will not work for playlists. Please go away a review when utilizing this software program. This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1. AudioConverter Studio will easily convert MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, MPC recordsdata, and CDA tracks. MP3 is likely one of the greatest supported (by various software and hardware) codecs, so typically folks convert CDA to MP3. Among lossless formats, FLAC enjoys increasing help and recognition, which is why you may want to rip your Audio CD to FLAC tracks. Whichever format you choose, AudioConverter Studio can be at your service, providing trouble-free audio conversion. The audio tracks on audio CDs are represented ascda recordsdata. It isn't a real file. Instead, it's a observe of uncompressed audio knowledge at 44.1khz with stereo channels. Our Voice Recorder is a convenient and simple on-line tool that can be utilized right in your browser. It permits you to document your voice using a microphone and save it as an mp3 file. First, check WMP, Organise, Options, Rip music, Rip settings is about to mp3. Zamzar is online audio converter software which supports conversion of all of the common music and audio formats. You may make the number of required output format out of the obtainable ones and have your audio file ready to play on the required machine simply. It's an online file converter and hence, does not require downloading and set up.Clip Converter is a free on-line media conversion software, which allows you to reocord, convert and download virtually any audio or video URL to widespread codecs. Presently supported services: YouTube (HD, 720p, 1080p, 4K), Vimeo, Facebook Video and loads of extra. A wide range of on-line media conversion instruments present you the flexibility to remodel CUE data to mp3. The media conversion instrument provided by COOL Utils hold a distinguished place among them. It's going that will help you to remodel any CUE file to MP3 in three simple steps.
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st33d · 5 years
I’m not bored of RPGs
I would prefer to take my own screenshots but Steam has given me a big update queue and getting shots off of the Switch is a different kind of chore. Instead I will be using appropriate pictures of cats I found on shutterstock.com.
Pillars of Eternity 2
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Almost all isometric computer roleplaying games are broken into islands. There is a campaign map operating like a vast sea, and within that sea one visits small places with a clearly marked border. Instanced dungeons where a poor laptop can muster a fireworks display for your heroes.
How refreshing that Pillars 2 leans into that. Islands within islands. Thematically a voyage across the sea, replete with sea shanties. I applaud the structure of this game. It is a delight to discover remote islands that hold illustrated text adventures in addition to the meat and potatoes combat.
And the combat really is meat and potatoes. You get to choose two professions, allowing really dumb combinations like my paladin who had to choose between summoning bats or tanking the front line. The benefit of all this is that you can find ways to entertain yourself if you get bored of all the murdering. I avoided the ship to ship combat as it is a weird mini game that I don’t like. You can largely do without it, and if you make enough allies during the main quest you can get to the final battle free of cannon balls or uninspiring melee.
The main story suffers from trying to have a connection to the first game. I really would have preferred to tackle this adventure without that baggage. When I go off the beaten track the game is a lot of fun. Fortunately the open sea has little in the way of tracks. It is a game weighed down by hubris and experiment but still manages to tread water in a sea of similar titles.
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This is a mostly classic roguelike. I say mostly because it has some very linear boss fights you’re forced to repeat, and it offsets the lack of a hunger clock by just dumping more monsters into a level. By “dump” I mean they’re just new things there without any logic or tactical threat.
However, Tangledeep has a lot of nonsense you can get up to: You can summon plant monsters. Multiclass into a soul drinking summoner. Plant trees. Keep pets. Visit bonus dungeons. Make food (mostly curry). There’s other stuff too, I just kinda lost track.
I got invested enough to come up with a specific build. One that would summon lots of monsters and teleport around the map with a combination of skills I’d pick up from two of the fighting professions. Eventually I died and I couldn’t imagine playing a different style of character. The new classes I was unlocking weren’t offering new pets or movement skills so I haven’t played since.
I enjoyed my time with Tangledeep a lot. Mining the powers from all the classes was a fun project to play out during the delve. Had I survived I’m sure I would have engaged with all the other features the game has. I want to say you should play the game without permadeath, because the structure doesn’t reward it. I think one should play their first game with permadeath on to get to grips with using skills, then turn it on to start a new game. Picking classes in the right order and taking only the skills you need. The game kind of expects you to do this by offering a tougher dungeon on future play-throughs. Some solid fun to be had here when you figure out what settings you should turn on and off. The developer has been kind enough to offer a lot of them.
Devil May Cry 5
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Okay, it’s not an RPG but it’s really good. A pure expression of joy in videogame form. It dares me into thinking it’s gone too stupid, but then yes, yes I really do need to cut down this boss with two motorcycles, it’s the best tactical option.
I’m too old and slow for these sort of games and yet DMC5 encouraged me instead of frustrating me. From fans of the series I’ve heard it does its forebears credit. One can only hope that its creators have more games like this to share in the future.
Final Fantasy X
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I’ve stopped at the Blitzball tutorial, I do not want to play this mini game. I don’t like any of the characters in this game either. It took The Witcher 3 about eight hours to win me over, which is kind of acceptable in a huge RPG. But I’m not even meeting NPCs that I like.
I’ll have to come back to this one.
Final Fantasy XII
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Constraints do interesting things to games. In FF12 we have what wants to be an open world MMO type of game and it thinks it’s running on a Playstation 2. So the whole world is broken into islands.
Sounds like an isometric CRPG to me. It even leans into that constraint, creating strange geometries to navigate with a pace to encounters that you don’t really see in modern sandbox games. In an open world there must be empty spaces. To create immersion and to allow monsters to chase you for a reasonable distance before giving up. You need boring bits. FF12 removes those boring bits, creating a world that feels like a traditional dungeon on a massive scale.
Then it puts those boring bits right back in. All the way in.
FF12 is a real-time game. You assign commands and your heroes act them out. You can also set your heroes on auto pilot. The game lets you buy more specific commands from shops, allowing you to create an undying death machine out of your party. This starts out really fun. You unlock abilities on your character’s skill-tree-board-thing and continue to tinker with the death ball. But even though you’ve unlocked an ability, you have to first find it in the dungeon world. And some of the ways you find them are bullshit. Be prepared to walk in and out of an area to dice roll a boss fight into appearing (not a bug - that’s what you have to do). Be prepared to navigate a dungeon that has a 42 minute explanation on youtube (and it’s been edited). Be prepared to find Dispelga on route to a boss and only find Dispel after you looked it up on a wiki (it’s in the corner of a really easy dungeon that I already cleared). Unlocking abilities this way sets expectations. I know I’m missing something and I’ve paid to unlock it - I’m committed. As I got further into the game’s list of status effects and party buffs my frustration grew.
The story has a cast of amiable characters struggling against occupation by the Empire. It’s alright. I remember all their names but couldn’t honestly tell you how I got to where I am or what started it. In a game which is largely about exploration it works pretty well as a backdrop.
It’s a very unique game. A hybrid of MMO and isometric RPG made from the JRPG mindset. The modern ports of the game feature fast-forward buttons that apologise for the self-indulgences taken in its original form. It is a decent thirty hours of fun and a further ten hours of not much fun. I certainly recommend it to roleplaying game enthusiasts, but with caveats for completionists.
World of Final Fantasy
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I experienced Pokemon Red on my then-desktop-PC whilst listening to the album Gran Turismo by The Cardigans. I couldn’t stand the high pitched beeps of the menu so I preferred to listen to the latest CD I had. The song Explode is burned into my mind next to stamping on a monster’s head and stuffing it into a ball. It’s not something you need to know, but I thought I’d tell you about it.
The conceit of why you are stuffing classic monsters from Final Fantasy games into balls prisms does not need explaining. Nor does one need to know why the two main characters help form two stacks of three creatures. Who cares why these stacks combine the powers of those within to create a hybrid JRPG avatar.
World of Final Fantasy cares. Oh boy does it care. There’s not a single button on my gamepad this isn’t getting away without two minutes of banter between the characters to explain it. Cutscene after cutscene rolls by. They often come in pairs so I pause and skip ahead just in case. Even after you complete a cutscene the characters lock out the controls and have a jolly good chat about what they’ve just seen. In its defence it lets you skip being waterboarded with the story and run the game at what feels like 1.5x speed. But there’s still a lot of busy work when it comes to skipping cutscenes. There’s loads of them.
I really like the combat. That is, I really like it when I have a monster that does the right colour damage for capturing a new monster. It’s a refreshing take on Pokemon that is utterly wasted on the Final Fantasy franchise, but I guess it needed the brand for this weird game to even exist. If you like the combat you found in Pokemon and want something with more nuance and challenge then you should pick it up and skip those cutscenes. If you need some story to wash it down with and don’t like a shockingly linear campaign map, then perhaps put it off for a while.
7DBL (7 Day Broughlike) Challenge
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I’ve often been accused of making a Broughlike. To make a game that reminds you of Michael Brough’s work: A small grid with a turn based avatar that can cast spells. I’ve often refuted this because I tend to avoid having spells in my games. There’s just never a nice way to do the UI. Us iPad owners are fine, phone owners less so, desktop users get lots of keys to press, and hooray for gamepads if they aren’t awful for any type of menu.
Those more patient than I have stepped up to the challenge. Echoing the 7 Day Roguelike Challenge (7DRL, of which I am a yearly participant) developers across the globe attempted to make a small grid with a turn based avatar that cast spells. In 7 days. They also scheduled this challenge right before the gaming event called E3. Much like the 7DRL always gets scheduled before the gaming event called GDC. We can’t have a game jam making niche games and let reporters have time to talk about it. That wouldn’t be the done thing.
The results are above average. I say this coming from the 7DRL which is generally average, equal parts good and bad. The games produced in this jam are mostly good. There’s a few which clearly aren’t finished, and yet they show a great deal of promise. Even Brough himself submitted a game, one which is quite accessible and fun. Highlights for me included controlling a rather awkward squid that had to shoot in order to turn and a one dimensional roguelike that adds depth by throwing your weapons.
I hope they do it again next year.
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I released my roguelite runner Bump 2 for the small audience that appreciates it. It’s one of those games that really appeals to a handful of people, and not to others in the slightest. In homage to my own select tastes and to unjinx my collection of unfinished projects, I resolved to make Bump 2 into its best form before walking away from it. And so I did.
I’m currently working on Kobold Dungeon Tester. This is my 4th (5th if you count Roomba Quest) interactive text project. I twice tried to write a novel in my youth and this project feel like a penance for my failures. Normally I would move on, satisfied the base idea works, like a puzzle, or a high score. A few kind words have convinced me that this one is different - it’s a story, it needs an ending. I shall try to finish it as best as I can.
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montrealfox426 · 3 years
Anydesk Personal Use
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Not every use case requires a paid AnyDesk license. That’s why we provide a free version of our remote access software so people can help friends and work on personal projects.
Swap your AnyDesk number for a personalized username, formatted like an email address e.g. This brings your AnyDesk account in line with your brand identity and gives your customers a more consistent brand experience – especially when you add your logo to the interface too. Session Logging.
AnyDesk will have elevated privileges when installed. Connecting to a client with AnyDesk installed won't run into trouble controlling Admin (UAC) required applications. However you can request elevation remotely to clients that run AnyDesk portable.
AnyDesk was founded in Germany in 2014, and its unique remote desktop access software has been downloaded by more than 300 million users worldwide, adding another 5 million every month. Chrome Remote Desktop. 8 Pros 7 Cons 1 Top Pro. Impressively fast. Faster than most similar.
Looking for Free Remote Access Software?
There are many reasons you might want a free remote desktop option:
A family member needs tech support, but you are halfway around the world.
To take advantage of the high-performance tools on your desktop PC from a less powerful laptop.
You want to have your data with you at all times, no matter where you are.
Anydesk Free Personal Use
Sometimes you just need remote desktop software that is reliable and fast. Thankfully, the free version of AnyDesk comes with many helpful features and high security standards for your personal use. Find out for yourself what AnyDesk's free remote access software has to offer.
Remote Support for Your Loved Ones
If your family and friends need help with their computers, free remote desktop software is a true lifesaver. Gone are the days of tedious explanations over the phone and piles of screenshots to sort through.
Simply have them download the 3 MB file. There’s no installation or registration needed. You can access their device and provide remote support as if you’re sitting in front of their PC.
Flexibility for Your Personal Projects
You likely use multiple devices when working on personal projects. You might have high-performance graphic design software on your desktop PC but prefer to send emails from your laptop. Your phone is mainly for calls, messaging and social media. What if you could always have everything with you?
Thanks to our free remote access software, you can! Your phone can become a remote control for your other devices, you can access powerful software from a small tablet and your files are with you at all times with cross-platform, high-speed access.
Trusted Security Standards
Security is our priority. That means our security features aren’t limited to the paid licenses. All of them are also available for the free version. TLS 1.2 technology protects every connection from unauthorized access.
RSA 2048 key exchange further encrypts your remote desktop session. We also employ Perfect Forward Secrecy and Salted Password Hashing to prevent third parties from decrypting your data.
Additionally, we make an effort to inform our users about cybercriminals and how to avoid getting scammed.
Access the Best Tools for Free
We offer the best tools for personal use that ensure a smooth workflow. Even if you’re on the go, working on your personal projects from your laptop, it’s as if you’re right in front of your remote device.
Need to print out a document from your remote device? Use our Remote Printing feature. The AnyDesk printer sends a print job to your local printer. This ensures a more efficient and immersive experience. Or transfer the file to your local device using our File Manager or the copy-and-paste function.
Need More Functionality Than Our Free Version Offers?
Do you need a high-performance remote desktop tool for your company, because you need to manage many devices at once? AnyDesk offers licenses for every need—from freelancers to large enterprises.
Commercial Use
Address Book
Customization Options
More Simultaneous Sessions and Active Devices
DeskRT is our proprietary video codec that ensures image transmission at low latency and high framerates, even at low bandwidths of only 100kB/s. Our innovative codec is at the core of AnyDesk and is also available for our free users.
AnyDesk doesn’t need to be installed. Simply download the small 3MB file and immediately get started without registration. Your AnyDesk-ID will be generated by simply opening the file. The perfect remote desktop software for less tech-savvy users.
We wanted to make sure everyone can use AnyDesk to its full extent, whether you’re a Linux or a Windows user, whether you prefer Android or iOS. Even cross-platform use is seamless. Find your platform and download AnyDesk for free.
The FAQ addresses common questions in terms of features, usage, as well as support related topics. All sections link to corresponding articles. For detailed documentation use the search bar or write a ticket to [email protected].
Do I need to install AnyDesk?
AnyDesk will have elevated privileges when installed. Connecting to a client with AnyDesk installed won't run into trouble controlling Admin (UAC) required applications.However you can request elevation remotely to clients that run AnyDesk portable. The login credentials can be entered remotely, the following UAC prompt must be confirmed manually from the remote side. Each installation has its unique ID and is bound to a specific license.
How to reset 2FA / Two Factor Authentication
Do I need to be present at the remote side to start a session? (Unattended Access)
No, you can set a 'password for unattended access' to gain access remotely. See Unattended Access
I lost my password (my.anydesk.com)
To recover your password go to MyAnyDesk.com and hit 'Forgot your password? ', this will send a reset mail to the address stored in your account.
Can I use AnyDesk with other Remote Tools simultaneously?
Yes, it's possible to run instances of different solutions and AnyDesk at the same time with no restraints. AnyDesk can also run several instances at the same time.
Can I use my own namespace?
Yes, you may choose your own namespace for registered clients in on my.anydesk.com if you're using a Professional or Enterprise licence. See MyAnyDesk_Portal
Register or remove the AnyDesk license to a device
See Registration to register the client to a license.
Are updates included with AnyDesk licenses?
Yes, updates are always included with AnyDesk.Expired contracts of AnyDesk Lite and AnyDesk Professional will limit AnyDesk to the latest version of AnyDesk Free, which is not allowed for commercial purposes.
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Where do I find my invoices?
Your invoices can be found in the MyAnyDeskPortal.
Do my customers need a licensed version?
End users always get a free license of AnyDesk automatically.
How to make multiple connections?
AnyDesk can run an unlimited amount of sessions from a device as long as resources allow. AnyDesk also can run several instances on a device. Based on your license, your AnyDesk client can have multiple sessions simultaneously. The Free and Lite license will only allow one simultaneous session. The Professional license allows for as many sessions as ordered and Power license enables unlimited sessions for the number of active devices ordered.
Can I transfer files with AnyDesk?
How to connect automatically
The speed dial (background icons under the 'Connect'-button) displays recent connections. Click on the client you want to connect to. There is no need to type the ID each time. The entered password for unattended acces can be saved IF the option has been enabled at the remote client side below the 'set password' option. You can even create a shortcut on the home screen by clicking/touching the overflow menu (downward arrow) next to the machines address, then 'Drop to desktop'.
Can I offer AnyDesk for downloading on my website?
Yes, customers can offer AnyDesk for download on their website. The best way would be to
create a direct link to anydesk.com/download. In this way, your customers will always have access to the latest
Can I keep or move the AnyDesk ID/alias when reinstalling or moving to a new/clone system or hard drive?
Yes, your identity can be moved. If you have several machines with the same ID: See AnyDesk_ID_and_Alias
Does AnyDesk support Windows server?
Which ports does AnyDesk use?
To connect to the AnyDesk network port 80, 443 or 6568 is used. For standard listening port direct line connection is 7070 (TCP).
AnyDesk is slow despite LAN connection
AnyDesk might not recognize a direct connection and the session will be established via AnyDesk network. Direct connections display a play symbol in the status bar. If disabled, end
the session and reconnect. In case the direct connection cannot be established, send the trace files fromboth LAN clients to [email protected].
Please note that installing AnyDesk generally helps to better recognize connections in a LAN.
Why is there an orange question mark next to my cursor?
If AnyDesk can't fetch a cursor from the remote device, e.g., if you're connecting to a Windows Server without a mouse cursor connected, AnyDesk will display this static cursor as default.
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Can another user connect to me via Browser or my website?
Can I lock the remote screen?
Yes, AnyDesk allows to lock the remote screen if permissions are set. See Permissions
How to work with dual monitors / multiple displays?
Remote displays are indicated by separate tabs in the session window. Switch between the monitors by clicking on a corresponding tab. To get separate windows for each monitor, (available only if your license supports simultaneous sessions), establish two sessions with a remote device and set each to another display. To get multiple sessions in fullscreen mode, switch from D3D-Rendering to OpenGL or DirectDraw.
Anydesk Personal Use Limitation
Unexpected session ends, disconnects, session interrupts after a certain time
Sessions may end unexpectedly for various reasons. If you encounter interruptions after a specific amount of time into the session, go to Settings and switch to the Connections tab. Disable direct connections.You may also setup a listening port in your firewall for AnyDesk in the Security Settings.
Anydesk Personal Use Limitations
Why do I have to type the unattended password/login information/authorization manually for a specific client?
The remote client must allow the option to save his login information. See Unattended Access
I cannot connect, because the request was 'blocked/rejected by the AnyDesk settings'.
If a client has an ACL-List (Whitelist) active that your ID/alias doesn't match, or if your interative access settings are set to disabled or don't allow connections in the background, then you'll get a message, telling that your request has been rejected. See Security Settings and adjust the settings on the remote client.
I cannot use AnyDesk for controlling Security/AntiVirus Software
Some applications are protected from external modification. Disable this feature locally in the settings, in order to get access from remote.
Can't get a session window, AnyDesk says: Waiting for Image
On Android: Make sure to give AnyDesk permission to record the screen. The first session request spawns the permission window. If not properly addressed, open Android settings - Apps - Choose AnyDesk - grant permissions.
If this doesn't fix the issue, a headless display adapter will help, this will force your system to render the image.
Synchronization of the clipboard is not working
Check permissions. AnyDesk might have to be installed on the remote side.
Denied mouse cursor/no input on window
Permissions missing: Is displayed when AnyDesk does not have permission to control a selected application. In this case, install
AnyDesk or launch it as an administrator on the remote client. Professional license users
can create a custom client that automatically requests administrator privileges upon startup. See also Customize AnyDesk and Administrator_Privileges_and_Elevation_(UAC)
AnyDesk shows 0 as ID
This means you can´t connect to our servers, please check if you have whitelisted AnyDesk in your firewall: Firewall
Transmission is too slow. What can I do?
Latency and rendering performance depend on hardware and driver. See Render Performance for more information.
Compatibility in Windows Vista Home Edition
In certain cases, AnyDesk may sometimes crash or experience startup problems in the Home Edition of Windows
Vista. If this happens, open the properties of the AnyDesk shortcut and select 'Compatibility mode for Windows
Scrolling on Android
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For connections from Android to Android, there are several options. Use Direct-Touch Mode for 1-finger scrolling(default for new connections) and 3-finger scrolling when in Touchpad or Touch(Mouse) Mode. See AnyDesk on Android
Keyboard input opens up automatically on Android
Per default, focused text input fields will open the soft keyboard on Android. This can be switched off in the settings. See »» settings » input » automatic keyboard.The soft keyboard can be opened manually via the pie menu. See Android App
How can I close sessions from other devices to free sessions?
Go to the Portal and close the session in the 'Session' section. See MyAnyDesk Portal
How To Use Anydesk Without Permission
I can't control the mouse and keyboard anymore on macOS
With macOS Mojave/Catalina, it is required to allow AnyDesk explicitly to control your device, you'll be prompted to do so automatically when running AnyDesk, it is however rather easy to miss this.
If this happened to you, please go to 'System Preferences', 'Security&Privacy', 'Privacy', 'Accessibility' and add 'Anydesk' to your list of trusted apps. More information can be found in AnyDesk on macOS.
I get the message 'Waiting for Image' or 'desk_rt_ipc_error' on macOS
With macOS Catalina, it is required to allow AnyDesk to record your screen.
AnyDesk shows a message, to configure your system in the 'System Preferences' to add AnyDesk to the trusted apps list in 'Accessibility' and 'Screen Recording'. More information can be found in AnyDesk on macOS.
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droneseco · 4 years
Insta360 Go 2 Review: If You Buy One Camera in 2021, It Should Be This One
Insta360 Go 2
9.50 / 10
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Shop Now
The sheer ease of use, tiny format, and clever selection of mounting methods make the Insta360 Go 2 an essential purchase.
Brand: Insta360
Sensor Size: 1/2.3-inch
Video Resolution: 1440p (2560 x 1440) @ 50fps
Photo Resolution: 1440p (2560 x 1440)
Battery: 30 minute continuous (2+ hours in case)
Connection: USB-C, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Size: 2.08 x 0.93 x 0.81in (52.9 x 23.6 x 20.7mm)
Weight: 0.93 oz (26.5g)
Water Resistance: Waterproof to 13ft (4m)
Lens: 170-degree ultra-wide-angle with lens guard
Plenty of mounting options
Easy one-button operation
Charging case doubles (triples?) as a remote control, mini tripod, and selfie-stick mount
Smooth stabilization
Poor low-light performance
Buy This Product
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Insta360 Go 2 other
// Bottom var galleryThumbs1 = new Swiper('.gallery-thumbs-1', { spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerView: 10, freeMode: true, watchSlidesVisibility: true, watchSlidesProgress: true, centerInsufficientSlides: true, allowTouchMove: false, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { slidesPerView: 6, } }, }); // Top var galleryTop1 = new Swiper('.gallery-top-1', { spaceBetween: 10, allowTouchMove: false, loop: true, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { allowTouchMove: true, } }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, thumbs: { swiper: galleryThumbs1 } });
The first Insta360 Go camera was both a departure from the standard line-up for Insta360 (the clue is in the name: they generally make 360 cameras), and utterly revolutionary. It was a tiny little camera you could clip anywhere, attach to a neck-worn pendant, and shoot short videos with a single button tap. It was my favorite camera—the one I took to every family event and day out. But I think it's fair to say it was a bit of a ... toy camera. The video quality was good enough to capture family moments for Instagram stories or your group chat with nana—but not a sniff on an actual action camera, and no good for professional uses.
The Insta360 Go 2 maintains that same simple to use, tiny package format, whacks up the quality of footage, and adds a ton of new features. The isn't just a little resolution bump to an already fantastic device: it's a whole new device. This could be your new "Go2" camera for every occasion. So if you buy one camera in 2021, make it the Insta360 Go 2.
Insta360 Go 2 Design
Note: I received a prerelease model for testing, which has a matt white coating. The final production model is glossy white. Not a huge difference, but please bear it in mind when you look at the photos. Functionality is otherwise identical.
Measuring 2.08 x 0.93 x 0.81 inches and weighing a mere 0.93 ounces, the Go 2 is no more than the size or weight of a thumb, equipped with 32GB of storage and enough battery power for 30 minutes of continuous shooting.
The entire lower half of the Go 2 is a button, with a one-click operation to shoot short clips, then automatically turn itself off again. The wide-angle lens also now features a removable lens guard. One is fitted already, but you can purchase extras in the event of damage. The Go 2 is waterproof to 13ft/4m (but the charging case isn't!)
The charging case is much as you'd expect, similar to a wireless earbuds case, and equally pocket-sized at 2.24 ounces.
One of the defining aspects of the Go 2 is the sheer versatility of how to mount it. Included in the package is a number of magnetic mounting accessories.
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Pendant. Designed to be worn underneath your shirt, the Go 2 then snaps onto the front. The magnetic force is secure enough, but you may still find yourself worrying that someone's flailing arms will knock it to the ground.
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Pivot stand and sticky mount. Remove from the base and peel the cover off the sticky tape to secure this mount to any clean, flat surface, like glass. Be sure to replace the film cover when not in use, and slot it back into the base. The base is also indented, so you can pivot it closed with the camera still secure, and protect the lens.
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Easy clip. This is great for attaching to a jacket, or a baseball cap, for accurate point of view shots. It ended up being my favorite mounting method, if only for the additional peace of mind compared to the pendant.
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Lastly, there's the charging case. That too is an additional mounting point, more on that in a moment.
If all that wasn't enough, you'll find a Mount Adapter bundle sold separately, for use with existing action cam / GoPro mount accessories. I received one of these for testing, which allowed me to securely attach the Go 2 to a dog harness.
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This isn't an Insta360 branded dog harness I should add (though it does also have one for sale), it's just something I've been using to test action cams for years. But it's great to know that for use as a professional action camera, you don't need a new mount system, and it'll work with everything you already own.
The Multi-Function Charging Case
The case that came with the original Insta360 Go was no more than a simple battery and USB port adaptor, with a clear plastic lid to protect the camera.
For the Insta360 Go 2, the case has transformed into a mini-tripod, selfie-stick adaptor, and remote control, all in a much more secure clamshell design.
Firstly, its main use is as a charging case. While the Insta360 Go 2 main unit can handle about 30 minutes of continuous shooting by itself, the case adds another two and a half hours to that. A USB-C port on the base allows this, in turn, to be recharged, or can be used to connect to a computer for transferring files. Gone from the original design is the built-in Lighting plug; all communications (with an iPhone anyway) are now done over Wi-Fi.
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Second, with two buttons and an LCD screen, the case becomes a remote control. Place the Go 2 into the case and it'll automatically connect. But pull the Go 2 out of the case, press a button to connect, and you'll be wirelessly controlling the Go 2. These buttons allow you to select the shooting mode—including things like TimeLapse and HyperLapse—as well as manually start and stop recording. The only thing it doesn't do is give you a video preview. For that, you'd need to use the app. The monochrome LCD is strictly for menu navigation and displaying status such as battery remaining.
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Third, two small legs can be extended from the rear of the case, turning the entire case into a small tripod. This is great for desktop vlogging or setting the camera up for time-lapses, which need longer battery life.
Lastly, a standard thread next to the USB-C port means you can screw in an Insta360 selfie stick, Gorilla tripod, or any other standard camera accessory. That said, I should note that there is no "magical disappearing selfie stick" feature on the Insta360 Go. That's a result of the stitching process that you get when combining two hemispherical videos on a 360-camera, which the Go 2 isn't. It is possible to angle the view of the Go 2 such that you won't see the selfie stick in use, or crop it out of the final video, but it certainly won't magically disappear.
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Overall, the new case is clearly where the most innovation has come for this second iteration of the Go camera. It's now an additional mounting point, increasing the versatility of the Go 2 to handle a lot more situations than simple point-of-view shots.
Image Quality, Stabilization, and Horizon Lock
Shooting at up to 2560 x 1440 (otherwise known as 1440p, or more broadly 2.5K), and up to 50fps, the Go 2 performs best in good lighting, as you'd expect from a sensor this small. As well as real-time video, the Go2 can also shoot TimeLapse and HyperLapse (1440p@30fps), or Slow Motion (1080p@120fps).
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Most users will be happy with the default modes and onboard stabilization. But for pro users, there is the option of shooting in LOG color, as well as Pro video mode which stores the data from a suite of onboard sensors to inform the FlowState Stabilization algorithm. These must be processed by the smartphone or desktop app. It's hard to describe how buttery smooth this makes footage, so you'll just need to watch the review video to see it in action.
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The Horizon Lock feature further enhances stabilization when shooting in Pro mode. It means that no matter how the camera is rotated, the view will remain locked in place around the rotational axis.
As for sound quality, it's obviously not something you're going to use for professional production, but for a bit of vlogging, it was surprisingly good. The review video contains an audio sample.
32GB of onboard storage may not sound like a lot, but I found it was enough for around 30 hours of pro-mode video, and it's easy enough to manage and delete clips through the app. But there is no SD-card slot, so you will need to tidy up your footage at some point.
The Insta360 App
In past iterations, Insta360 opted to create a separate app for each one of its cameras, all with slightly differing feature sets. The concept of auto-edited short stories first came to the original Insta360 Go app, for instance.
Thankfully, all devices have now been unified under a single app. That means you have access to the full range of story templates, shot lab tutorials, and more, in an interface that will quickly become familiar. And if you own more than one Insta360 camera, all the shots can be edited together.
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Utilizing Wi-Fi to connect, the Insta360 app can be used to either download clips to the phone, or edit them directly from the camera (the latter being slower, of course). Once downloaded, you can also set them to automatically delete from the camera, freeing up space for your next adventure.
While you can start from scratch, following a story template is the best for beginners. Just tap on a story template to preview (each lasts maybe 10-20 seconds), and if you like the style and music, tap next to start choosing your clips. Choose the clips in the order you want them to appear until you have the required number. The Insta360 app will then attempt to pick out the best bits, and within 30 seconds you should have your personalized video preview. From here you can make edits, such as which part of each clip is being used; or export. It's absurdly simple to make some quick montages for social media, and you can easily change the ratio to suit different formats (1:1 for Instagram, or 16:9 for YouTube).
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In general, it's a pretty demanding app, as video editing apps are generally wont to be. The performance was acceptable on my iPhone X, but I dread to think what it would be like on a mid-range Android phone.
The smartphone app isn't your only choice, though. Pro users will find plugins for both major desktop video editing suites, as well as an Insta360 desktop app for Mac or Windows, which can output the best quality of video. The desktop app doesn't feature things like stories though, so it's more suited to professional editors who just want the raw footage for use elsewhere.
The app also allows you to customize the one-button operation modes. If you want it to shoot 30 seconds of pro-mode video by default, you can do that. You can also assign functions to double-pressing the button for an alternate mode.
Repairability of the Insta360 Go 2
It would be unreasonable to expect a device this small, fully sealed for waterproofing, to be easily repaired by the end-user. Taking it apart would break it. The charging case is a similar story, with no exposed screws to suggest a teardown is possible.
However, the single most common breakage in the original Go camera was the lens. As a camera designed to be taken out and about on an adventure, attached by a magnetic pendant, it was often dropped, resulting in a scratched lens. I know because I did that and ended up getting a replacement device.
Thankfully, Insta360 has addressed that aspect in the Go 2, with the introduction of removable lens guards. The device comes with one already attached, and you can purchase a pack of two additional guards when the time comes for $10.
Who Is The Insta360 Go 2 Designed For?
The Insta360 Go 2 isn't just a great action camera for everyday hobbyists. The video is good enough quality and packed full of features for even the most demanding of adventurous types, with superb video stabilization.
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The tiny format makes it great for capturing point-of-view videos; from you, kids, or animals. One-button operation makes it a perfect "lifelogging" camera.
It's also small enough to easily mount to toys, such as a remote control car or LEGO train set.
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The fact it's so small and discreet also makes it great for capturing life's precious moments with family and friends. Given how these are in such short supply lately, we should really make the most of them.
Should You Buy the Insta360 Go 2?
In a world where smartphones have incredible cameras already built-in, it's getting increasingly difficult to recommend any new camera purchase. As the saying goes: the best camera is the one you have on you.
But the Go 2 is one of the few devices that compliments your smartphone. Shooting video on a modern smartphone isn't exactly hard, either. Pull it out of your pocket, then you're two taps away at most. But it's still a distraction that takes you out of the moment, and puts your focus onto a screen. All it takes to shoot on the Go 2 is a single press on the body of the device. It doesn't detract from anything going on, and there are no awkward pauses or unease for the subject having a phone shoved in their face.
The Insta360 Go 2 isn't perfect, of course. Low light performance is understandably poor: the laws of physics say you can't cram a big sensor into such a tiny package. And for some, the lack of 4K resolution might be a deal-breaker. Personally, I think the jump from 1080p to 1440p makes a huge difference to the quality of the footage, and is worth the upgrade for that alone.
The sheer ease of use, tiny format, and clever selection of mounting methods make the Insta360 Go 2 an essential purchase.
  Insta360 Go 2 Review: If You Buy One Camera in 2021, It Should Be This One published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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messiahozfj270-blog · 5 years
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get blockchain utilities With a Zero-Dollar Budget
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How can we notify if something is pretend or serious in these days’s entire world? For instance, a dollar bill, a driver’s license or even a vote during the election. How can we figure out no matter if it’s valid or not? The answer? We hold a record of it. One example is, Each individual greenback Monthly bill features a serial quantity that may be recorded with the bank. Your driver’s license selection is recorded from the DMV and voting information are used to track who voted and who didn’t, so the exact same particular person gained’t manage to vote 2 times. Whenever you choose to verify that a doc is legit, you merely glimpse it up with the relevant authority.
We even have Notaries, people who are licensed by The federal government to act as witnesses to attest and record the validity of pieces of knowledge or identities. You’ll detect there’s something that all of these mechanisms have in common - They are really all centralized, meaning there’s a central authority, irrespective of whether it’s a financial institution, condition Workplace, or individual that has the ability to concern and validate details. These central authorities have a lot of electric power, and as you understand electrical power might at times corrupt. So what takes place if a person of such authorities would like to change the facts or simply probably modify heritage a little bit? This my sound significantly fetched, but even our earth background is just a document kept by historians inside a centralized manner.
The phrase “Background is published with the victors” tells us that info can occasionally be distorted by All those in electric power. If you don’t believe that’s feasible, below’s a true lifetime example. These days, most funds is just a document of who owes what to whom. Mainly because of the subprime crisis in 2008, almost a thousand companies in the US acquired about 630 billion dollars that under no circumstances existed ahead of. Other firms had debts completely taken out. Some would argue this bailout was justified, however , you can’t deny that someone made a decision to alter the information of just how much funds was owned and owed. This can be why Bitcoin was born. It had been the main type of money that removes the necessity for the central authority.
Its information are held by Anyone, not only by central banking companies. And when everyone is preserving track and verifying the details, properly, that means that you can now not alter the ledger of transactions whenever one thing doesn’t add up or because it’s a lot more easy. You even have to begin getting accountable. But money isn’t the only real put in which decentralization can play a role. Does one try to remember Individuals large encyclopedia guides we accustomed to rely on when it arrived to research? Encyclopedia Britannica employed a hundred full time editors and over four,000 contributors to publish what we thought to be the authority on understanding. Just imagine the ability the editors of those publications had in choosing what was truly worth mentioning, condemning, condoning or disregarding. Very well, the final volume of encyclopedia Britannica was published in 2010. Now, info is much more decentralized with about a hundred thirty thousand Lively editors that sustain diverse Wikipedia web pages. The potential risk of any of them “heading rogue” unnoticed is much scaled-down considering the fact that each edit is public and might be confirmed by any individual. Decentralization minimizes the chance for corruption, fraud and manipulation. Blockchain technological know-how is a fresh and innovative technique to put into practice decentralization.
Within a nutshell, Blockchain technological know-how is an answer for the trouble of centralization. It’s a process for retaining documents by Every person, with none need for the central authority - a decentralized means of maintaining a ledger that's nearly extremely hard to falsify. I mean, when a lot of eyes are looking at and verifying every thing that’s currently being carried out, it’s definitely challenging to break The principles unnoticed. You could be thinking why is it known as Blockchain? Properly, consider we’re protecting a shared ledger with many internet pages of data. Each individual webpage starts with a sort of summary of the web page right before it. If you modify a A part of the earlier web page, you’ll even have to change the summary on The existing page. So the web pages are actually linked, or chained together. In technological terms, webpages are referred to as blocks. And considering the fact that Each individual block is associated with the information in the past block, We now have a chain of blocks, or perhaps a blockchain. Lots of individuals are convinced Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious inventor of Bitcoin, made Blockchain technological know-how. Technically he only established the first true life implementation of it - Bitcoin. In fact, that term blockchain is rarely even outlined in Satoshi’s original whitepaper.
The closest he comes to expressing Blockchain is “chain of blocks”. Now that you just really know what blockchain know-how is, we nonetheless have two important issues to reply - How can it actually work, and is blockchain going to change our long run? Allow’s get started with the 1st issue. Another way to talk to this concern would be - how do I create a technique that enables the creation, verification and updating of documents by Everyone? Properly, you'll find 4 things a blockchain needs to even have a lifetime of its own. The first thing required to help a blockchain is a peer-to-peer network - A community of desktops, generally known as nodes, that happen to be equally privileged. It’s open to any individual and everyone.
This is basically what we have already got today with the web. We need this network to ensure that we can converse and share with each other remotely. The 2nd component is cryptography. Cryptography may be the art of safe communication within a hostile atmosphere. It lets me to confirm messages and establish the authenticity of my own messages, even when destructive gamers are close to. We'd like cryptography due to the initial ingredient. Remember, I claimed any person can participate in this network - which include terrible actors. It’s wonderful which i can converse, but I also need to have to make certain my conversation will come by unaltered. The third aspect is really a consensus algorithm. You can change the specialized word “algorithm” Together with the term “rule”. This implies we must agree about policies on how we incorporate a whole new web site, generally known as a block, to our information. There are several kinds of consensus procedures, in Bitcoin’s situation we use a consensus algorithm known as Evidence of labor.
This algorithm states that to ensure that somebody to make the right to add a different webpage to our ledger they have to locate an answer to some math issue, which calls for computational electrical power to unravel. Computer systems throughout the community operate calculations to solve the math problem and in doing this, take in a lot of Electricity. To put it differently they are doing a lot of operate. That’s why when one of them finds the quantity that solves the problem and shows it into the network, they’re mainly displaying a “proof of labor”. Imagine it as the node’s way of claiming: “Hey, I put in a large amount of Electricity right here in solving this issue to start with, so I’m entitled to put in writing the following website page”. As I mentioned in advance of, there are actually other consensus algorithms that don’t call for a great meridiandlt.com deal energy, This is often just the algorithm style which the Bitcoin blockchain employs. You will find benefits and drawbacks to various algorithms, but in order to operate a decentralized ledger you’ll really need to choose one, otherwise It's going to be actually challenging to achieve a consensus with so A lot of people during the network.
Lastly, our last component is punishment and reward. This factor is actually derived from sport concept and it will make absolutely sure that it's going to be in men and women’s finest desire to generally Keep to the rules. So far, we’ve arrange a community that includes a way to speak securely, and follows a set of policies for reaching consensus. Now we’ll glue these aspects with each other by offering a reward to individuals that assist us manage our information and increase new internet pages. This reward can be a token, or coin, which is awarded each time a consensus has long been attained and also a new block is extra to our chain. Conversely, poor actors who make an effort to trick or manipulate the program will finish up losing the money they invested on computational ability or their coins could be taken far from them. In the long run, the important issue to recall would be that the punishment and reward system is effective on psychological conduct. It turns The foundations of the technique from a little something you should observe into a little something you’ll need to stick to, given that It will likely be in your very best interest to do so. This was just a very large amount explanation of what a blockchain includes.
But given that then, more people have begun to investigate Bitcoin and blockchain, and also have found the benefits they supply; possibly in follow, or being an financial commitment. So there you might have it, the 5 features of A very open up, community, decentralized blockchain. Up until these days you will find only A few blockchains which have in excess of 1,000 definitely independent individuals, and as such can be regarded as decentralized - Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero to name some.
In case you’re believing that it feels like many exertions to put a blockchain in motion, you’re Completely right. But this is where Ethereum is available in. Ethereum can be a Get it done Yourself blockchain in which all these five things are currently in motion. All you need to do is build the correct Remedy along with it. But that’s a complete unique whiteboard episode you may check out down the road.
Now Enable’s proceed to another time period you may have read - A non-public, or closed blockchain. This term refers to businesses that display screen and Restrict the players who can get involved in their blockchain. It’s a tiny bit like how the world wide web, that's open up to Most people and any one, is different from an Intranet - an inside network of corporation personal computers. Although I think some companies will see price in jogging private blockchains to enhance their inside processes, it’s much from everything exciting inasmuch as it's very little to carry out with decentralization. To emphasise this a bit far more let’s compare open, community blockchains to shut, personal ones. A public blockchain is open to Most people, it’s transnational and borderless. It’s censorship resistant, and it doesn’t demand any third party. It’s also neutral - there’s no this kind of issue being a “excellent”, “bad”, “illegal” or “authorized” transaction, there’s just a “legitimate” or “invalid” just one.
A non-public blockchain Then again, is restricted to licensed members only, and It is governed by a handful of entities. While in the words and phrases of Andreas Antonopoulos, usually of personal blockchains you don’t actually need a blockchain, you can just share a spreadsheet amongst the individuals. The entire notion of blockchain was to decentralize a approach as a result of most people, and that’s specifically the opposite of what a private blockchain does. The characteristics of the community blockchain, On the flip side, develop tremendous Added benefits. There’s no single stage of failure. The documents are immutable, often called tamper proof. And at last, it’s censorship resistant so you're able to’t seriously remove a history or halt it from obtaining revealed - providing it follows the consensus guidelines. Just before we close currently’s lesson we still have just one significant dilemma to answer - Is blockchain technologies the next huge matter? I think you might have read of different startups which are using blockchain technological know-how to solve some sort of a difficulty.
Typically when I listen to of such a firm I check with two issues: Very first, are they using a general public or personal blockchain? Given that if they are not utilizing a general public blockchain there’s probably not just about anything really disruptive right here. Next, do they even require a blockchain? In case you recall to start with of the lesson, we discussed the risks of centralization.
But these risks are only significant if there’s a lot at stake. As an example, the queue for the pharmacy is managed in a centralized fashion but I don’t truly treatment since there’s not a good deal at stake and it’s truly more productive this way. Blockchain technological know-how is superb at decentralizing, however it’s also quite inefficient, gradual and Power consuming. For instance, Bitcoin’s community requires ten minutes on ordinary to confirm a transaction. Not The best waiting time for purchasing a cup of coffee in a 7-11. The only rationale to choose Blockchain engineering as your solution is In case your dilemma is actually centralization. Should you don’t have to decentralize some thing, you almost certainly don’t have to use blockchain engineering and so are superior off with some centralized Remedy.
In actual fact it will most likely work much better. To sum it up, Blockchain technological innovation is actually disruptive, but at this time only A few use scenarios really require it. So the actual problem is this: at the current minute, is our planet Completely ready For additional complex blockchain implementation than what Bitcoin already provides? In the early 2000s, there were loads of Amazons, Googles and Facebooks that never ever caught on with the alterations they offered... Now, numerous of those blockchain startups encounter the exact same destiny.
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
Reviewing Popular SEO Page Speed Tools I Recommend WebPageTest 💪
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Fast web page render times are key for SEO success. Google has stated over and over that speed is important.
Fast render times are even more important now that most online activity is on a mobile device. This means slower, less reliable network connectivity and slower CPUs.
Surveys continue to show more consumers expect pages to load faster on mobile devices than desktops.
Why is speed so important?
No one likes to wait.
Studies show anxiety levels rise when a person must wait on a web page to render. If it takes too long they will find another answer or solution to their question.
Google calls this bounce rate and a bad bounce rate negatively affects your ability to rank.
What does it mean to load fast and how can you measure your page speed to make sure your site performs well.
Since these tools score our pages I decided to score them back!
Let's see how they do and what tool I recommend you use over all other tools...
Love2Dev Tool Score - D-
This is a popular tool with online marketers, but honestly it is bad, really bad.
The report looks nice and all, but they don't measure much that offers real value. That is unless your server is really, really bad.
You can enter a URL in their free online tool. They let you select from a few locations around the world to see how long it takes your content to reach the client.
And that is the clue, the time it takes your bytes to reach the client computer.
Pingdom only measures time to first byte, which in the scope of page speed accounts for 5% or less of your performance metrics.
It gives this site a score of 86% because of the Google Analytics and other tracking pixel requests. Those all come from external domains and do not have cache headers applied.
Otherwise I would score 100.
They give you a nicely formatted network waterfall. And as you can see from my profile, even including the favicon request my page's assets reach the browser in about 500ms.
My advice is to skip this tool, there are better, free options.
GTMetrix is another popular tool for search engine optimizers. This is another free tool, and like Pingdom it leaves a lot on the table.
The tool does offer a little more insight, but not much.
GTMetrix does run a basic audit of best practices on the page, which is nice. These are all good performance best practices, most I classify as low hanging fruit.
If you score bad in the PageSpeed items then you most likely have a configuration issue with your server or deployment process. It might also be your site's theme, so look in all these areas to improve.
The next tab is a bad sign in my opinion, YSlow.
Don't get me wrong YSlow was great, in its time. But the project has been deprecated for a few years as technology has progressed.
YSlow was created by a team at Yahoo, yeah that company we have all forgotten, as a FireFox plugin you could use to evaluate your page's performance.
They were based on research lead by Steve Souder's team back in the 2007 time frame.
Since then HTTP/2 and other changes to the web have happened, which make some of the YSlow recommendations obsolete.
For example, domain sharding, you should not shard anymore, but use HTTP/2. You should also use smaller files so you can control caching at a granular level.
Like Pingdom the tool really just measures how long it takes your page's resources to reach the browser.
Google Page Speed Insights
Love2Dev Tool Score - C+
This is the last of the popular SEO go to tools. It makes sense this one is offered by the Google search team, so it has to be good, right?
Compared to Pingdom and GTMetrix the Google Page Speed tool is much better. It does not bother with basic time to first byte, but focuses more effort on the rendering cycle, which is the key to good page speed.
The Page Speed tool recently went through an overhaul where it now runs its test using Lighthouse, which I will cover later.
The real value is the Lab Data section. Here you will see:
The real measurement that matters is Time to Interactive, the time when the page is fully interactive. This means when the page has completely loaded all assets, rendered and finished executing JavaScript.
And that my friends is how you measure real page speed, not how lond it takes the server to respond.
All the time up to the point the browser's UI thread is busy loading and rendering page assets.
Google Web.Dev
Love2Dev Tool Score - B-
While the Google Page Speed Insights tool recently migrated to using Lighthouse, they went one step farther by launching Web.Dev.
Like the page speed test, Web.Dev runs Lighthouse over your page. You get a very similar set of data, just more of it.
As a bonus you can view the actual Lighthouse report.
You do not have control over where the test is run. It is run from a Google server, somewhere in the cloud.
Speaking of Lighthouse...
Love2Dev Tool Score - B+
A while back the Chrome team started working on a site auditing tool, with a focus on page speed.
After a few iterations, including a deprecated Chrome extension, Lighthouse was born.
There are two ways you can run Lighthouse, from your browser and using the Node CLI.
To run Lighthouse from your Chrome browser open the developer tools (F12). Go to the 'Audits' tab.
You will be greeted with the ability to select which audits you want to run and the conditions the tests will execute.
I select all audits, because why not get everything!
Its free after all.
For conditions I like to select 'simulated fast 3G' and mobile. This should execute your page in a more harsh environment. This will reveal where you have issues more than if you run using your desktop and high-speed connection.
For the record, never test using high end equipment, like your developer's machine.
The Lighthouse report is rather detailed. It also gives you a nice filmstrip view of your page loading. This allows you to see what the page looks like to the consumer over time.
Running from the developer tools is very convenient, but I also mentioned the node CLI (command line interface).
This is great because your devops team and developers can integrate it in the site's build and deploy processes.
The tool exercises the page and creates a report in JSON format. You can then use the report data to verify the page is within your allowed performance budget.
SEOs will probably chuckle at the SEO audits because they are so high level. But look at the report this way, it is just another eyeball on those basic tasks, which your developer most likely overlooked.
Also, all these performance tools offer valuable SEO analysis because they are measuring and checking for many technical SEO requirements that most developers and non-technical folks overlook or do not know about.
Finally, the best page speed testing tool, WebPageTest.org!
If you really want to know how well your site and pages load you will use this test because it offers the most thorough coverage.
And it is FREE!
You can visit the site's home page, enter your url, select where the test should run and what browser or device should be used.
I like using the real phones in the Dulles data center to run my tests because they use a real cellular connection and real phones.
Public instances of WebPageTest are available from data centers all over the world. Because this site is popular in India, I often run tests from the Mumbai instance as well.
Honestly, I don't have the space here to dive into all the data collected by the tool. I focus mostly on the initial scorecard in the top right corner of the report, the times in the table just below the scorecard and the waterfall.
I have been using WebPageTest so much over the years I can glance at these three visuals and just know the basic health of the web page.
Like the Google Page Speed and Lighthouse you get the time to first interactive score as well as the full time it takes for everything, including the content being loaded by the service worker, to fully load.
For the record you want a 3 second or less time to first interactive, even on mobile. Many will say 5 seconds or less, but I have higher expectations.
Because if you achieve 3 seconds in a known environment then you should be faster than 5 seconds even in the worst environment.
You can also capture the Lighthouse report within the tool, which in my opinion make running Google Page Speed and Web.Dev a bit weak😊💪.
By default, the tool loads a page twice, this gives it the ability to check for properly cached URLs. You can adjust this and run it more times if you like.
You also get a filmstrip view. But even better you can also watch a video of your page rendering!
If you want to get more fancy or stand up you own WebPageTest instance you can. There is an API you can exercise to automate your tests.
WebPageTest is an open source project, which means you can clone it and stand it up in your data center. You can also clone an Amazon EC2 instance or use a container.
Don't worry if you don't understand what I am talking about, your developers and devops folks will.
If you have not guessed by now, WebPageTest is the tool I recommend always using to verify your site's page speed.
It has everything you want. It is regularly updated. It is easy to use and produces reams of data.
You can automate and stand up your own private instances if you want.
Finally, it is FREE!!!!
Monitor Page Speed Over Time
Performance is never a one and done effort. It requires investment over time. Tiny tweaks can have a big impact in either direction.
Sometimes different factors can affect a single measurement. Maybe a router was overloaded, which temporarily increased the network latency. Maybe a high CPU process was running on the client machine creating a longer time to first interaction. Maybe a third party dependency's server was down or unavailable, which created a delay.
This is why I typically do not rely on a single test, but run multiple passes and over time. I look for a consistent pattern to determine the real page speed.
But this can be tedious if you do it by hand. You cannot always remember to run a test every day or even for a large set of URLs. This is why an automated tracking tool or service can be a game changer.
This is what SpeedMonitor.io does for you. Just enter a URL, then some contact information and your first report is off and running!
You can add additional URLs and even track competing URLs. Over time you can see trends and patterns emerging.
If you are actively making tweaks to pages or the entire site you can see how your changes affect the
There are four key metrics, which just happen to map to 4 of the most important metrics in my opinion:
The data is collected from Google Page Speed Insights. Again the best thing is your tests will be run automatically each night for you. Plus since it is the Google Page Speed Insight tool you are getting data Google thinks is important.
Here's the best thing...
It is free!!!
So other than time needed to configure your URLs to monitor there is no financial commitment.
The service is new, so expect improvements and new features over time.
Wrapping it Up
Ok, these are the four most popular page speed testing tools. As you can tell I don't really care for Pingdom or GTMetrix and love Lighthouse and WebPageTest.
If you are an SEO, web developer or business owner you should make Lighthouse and WebPageTest part of your workflow.
If you have pages that are not scoring well, these tools will quickly show you where you are failing so you can take action to improve not only your search ranking, but your ability to engage customers and even make your staff more productive.
This content was originally published here.
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The pros and cons of Personal Capital
If you've read money blogs over the past five years, you've heard about Personal Capital. Personal Capital is a free money-tracking tool with a beautiful interface and gasp no advertising. (One of my big complains about Mint is that it shoves ads in your face.) Many of my friends and colleagues promote the hell out of Personal Capital because the company pays good money when people sign up. (And yes, links to Personal Capital in this review absolutely put money in my pocket. But any Personal Capital link you see anywhere on the web puts money in somebody's pocket.) I sometimes wonder, though, if any of my pals actually uses Personal Capital, you know? All of their reviews are glowing. While I like Personal Capital, I've been frustrated by the app in the past. Even today, I find that it's not as useful as I'd like. What are my issues with Personal Capital? For a long time, I was frustrated trying to get Personal Capital to connect to my accounts. It still won't connect to my credit union, but that's fine. I can enter my balance manually. It was frustrating, though, that for years I couldn't get Personal Capital to connect to my Fidelity investment accounts. They work nowbut I'm always worried that they won't. The app still won't connect to my Capital One credit card and hasn't for over a year, which I find mind-blowing.
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Personal Capital, as an app, isn't robust enough to replace something like Quicken or You Need a Budget. The latter tools allow you to track and manage your money on a transaction by transaction level. Okay, maybe you can track your transactions, but you can't do anything meaningful with them, the same way you could with Quicken or YNAB.The phone calls! My god, the phone calls! Here's a not-so-secret secret: The Personal Capital app while beautiful and useful is actually bait. It's a lure. Its aim is to attract high net-worth users to connect their accounts. When they do, Personal Capital (the company) begins a phone campaign in an attempt to recruit the users as clients. Personal Capital isn't actually an app company; it's a wealth-management company. They want people with lots of money to sign up. (I can't comment on whether this is a good deal or not. I don't want a financial advisor. I ignore all of the calls from Personal Capital.)
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Personal Capital has pretty reports, but there aren't enough of them. My copy of Quicken 2007 ugly as it is has 23 different reports and 10 different graphs. (Plus, you can customize many more.) Personal Capital has maybenine ways to look at your money? (I can't tell for sure.)The security is over the top. I suppose I should be happy about this, but I'm not. It feels like I'm constantly having to verify my identity via email or text message. Some of my other accounts make me do this occasionally, but it feels like Personal Capital does this multiple times per week. That's crazy! Now, these complaints aside, here's a confession: I've been using the Personal Capital app for 5+ years. For real. I can't remember when I started, but I do remember being cranky because a Personal Capital rep didn't know who I was at Fincon 2013 in St. Louis. I use your app, I told him. And I have a big blog. (I wince now at the thought of my arrogance.) Despite the drawbacks, there must be something to it. Right? Today using my current financial situation let's look at the pros and cons of Personal Capital. Quicken 2007 vs. Personal Capital As regular readers know, I'm an old fogey. My money management tool of choice is an antiquated copy of Quicken for Mac 2007. This tool is so important to me, in fact, that I'm currently refusing to update my system software to the latest version (Mac OS Mojave) because I'm afraid it'll break Quicken. (Other user experiences are mixed.) How important is Quicken 2007 to me? No joke: I would buy a used Mac laptop just to run that software. As much as I love Quicken, it has its drawbacks. One of those is that it's a pre-mobile app. Quicken 2007 is almost as old as this blog. It came out roughly one year before the first iPhone. (Get Rich Slowly launched on 15 April 2006. I can't find a release date for Quicken 2007, but it was available by at least 30 August 2006. The iPhone launched on 29 June 2007.) If I want to interact with Quicken, I have to sit down at my desktop computer. Because I'm a nerd, I'm attached to my mobile devices. I have an iPad. And an iPhone. And an Apple Watch. (Why isn't it an iWatch? I don't know. Apple doesn't give a fig about consistency.) I want to be able to track my money from my mobile devices. Trust me: I've tried tons of other mobile apps. I don't really like any of them. I do, however, like Personal Capitalwarts and all. I would never ever use it as my only money management tool, but as one piece of a bigger package, it'a actually kind of awesome. Personal Capital is the only mobile money management app that I use. There are others out there, sure, but for my needs, Personal Capital fills a nicheand fills it well. Personal Capital as Daily Money Tracker I use Personal Capital as a daily tracker. Quicken 2007 is my actual go-to tool for entering and analyzing my data, but Personal Capital is what I've used for the past five years to check on my accounts to make sure everything is okay. Believe it or not, Personal Capital has saved my bacon several times. What? My credit card payment is due today? Whoops! I'd better go pay it. Wait! What's this strange charge on my account? That's not me. Let me call my bank. Whoa! I forgot to pay my garbage bill. I'd better handle that when I get home. Because Personal Capital connects to (most of) my accounts, I'm able to look at everything from a unified dashboard. I don't have to log in to each credit card and bank account to verify everything. I can do it from one place. (Okay, not my credit union. I still have to go check that separately.) Here, for instance, is a look at my recent transactions. (I have no idea what the graph is tracking. I'm not sure I care.)
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When I shared my financial situation recently, a few readers wondered why I don't count my business finances when tracking my entire money picture. Well, in Personal Capital I do. Because I can connect the app to both personal and business accounts, I can get an idea of the Big Picture. Here you can see that most of my expenses for January so far have been blog related.
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I'll admit, it's very nice to have a single app where I can view all of my recent transactions, both personal and business. Although I only take action on this info maybe twice per year, it sets my mind at ease. It takes thirty seconds of my time each day, but that's thirty seconds I'm happy to spend. Personal Capital as Investment Tracker Honestly, though, Personal Capital isn't meant to be a daily money-management tool. For that, I'd use something like You Need a Budget. Personal Capital is specifically designed to monitor your investments. Because of this, the Personal Capital app has a variety of tools to help investors. First up, there's the plain ol' portfolio view:
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Nothing special here, right? You get a list of your investments and a graph of their performance over the past 90 days. Nothing special, but still easier for me than logging into the Fidelity website (or app). (As a passive investor, though, I don't actually look at investment performance that often. I might check it once per weekbut a couple of times per month is more likely.) You can also get a breakdown of your asset allocation:
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The Personal Capital app also offers something interesting something I think Vanguard and Fidelity should offer. They have a tool that analyzes the fees on your investment accounts. As you probably know, fees are one of the top drags on the average investor's performance. Too many suckers pay 1% or 2% per year (or more!) in mutual fund costs. Index funds have risen to prominence because they promise management fees of 0.20% or 0.10% (or lower). Personal Capital makes it clear just how much you're paying in fees.
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In my case, I'm doing fairly well except in my rollover IRA. But I'm okay with that. That rollover IRA is 100% invested in a real-estate investment trust (or REIT), and those carry higher expense ratios. (True story: That REIT is actually my highest performing investment over the past decade!) Personal Capital's Retirement Calculator All of these other features are great, but there's one main reason I continue to use Personal Capital: its retirement calculator. As I mentioned the other day, I hate most retirement calculators. They're overly simplistic. Their assumptions are bogus. They're designed to get users to save more than they need. The Personal Capital retirement calculator isn't the best tool on the market we'll look at two better tools during the next week but it's pretty damn good for something that's free and built into an otherwise useful app. This section is going to be the biggest part of this review, and it's going to contain plenty of screenshots. You've been warned. First up, here's a look at my own personal financial situation as of this morning. (Sorry for the mute notification in the middle of the screenshot. My bad. Not sure why I was muting my iPad, but I can't fix it now.)
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Based on my current situation $736,170 in liquid investments and roughly $60,000 of annual expenses Personal Capital says I'll run out of money at 62. This doesn't differ much from other retirement calculators I've looked at. But here is where Personal Capital gets fun (and the reason I'm obsessed with it). Do you see those + signs across from Investment Events and Spending Goals? If you click on those, you can add new events. (And if you click on existing events, you can modify those.) This means you can tweak your parameters over and over and over again. What if, for instance, I decreased my spending from $60,000 per year to $42,000 per year? (This is my aim for 2019.)
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Well, look at that. If I re-embrace frugality, my money will likely last until I'm 72 instead of 62. Nice! And now that I'm back to work at the box factory, what if I stay there for ten years and earn $20,000 annually?
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Holy cats! As you can see, working part-time makes a ginormous difference. If I reduce my spending to $3500 per month while earning $20,000 per year, I'm golden. I shouldn't run out of money before my projected age of demise. (Even in a worst-case scenario, my money would last until age 67.) And if I end up with an inheritance? Party time!
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Okay, maybe I'm getting a little too out of control there. Let's dial things back. Let's get rid of the inheritance and bring my spending back to current levels. If I work part-time for ten years, what then?
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Hm. Not enough to get me to where I want to go, is it? (Plus, I was muting the sound again. What the heck?) Okay, what if I decide to sell this house at some point in the next ten years. What then?
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Okay, not bad. That makes me wonder, though, what if I did not decide to go back to work for the family business. What then?
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Well, I guess that's not bad, but it's not nearly as good as if I'm bringing in some sort of income. Okay, let's look at the ultimate optimistic scenario. Let's say I trim my spending from $60,000 per year to $42,000 per year. Let's assume I spend the next decade at the box factory earning $20,000 per year. Let's assume that my mother dies in ten years or so and leaves me an inheritance. Let's assume that Kim and I sell this place after increasing frustration with the never-ending repairs, then move into a rented apartment. After all those assumptions, what does my future look like?
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But that's a future that's far too rosy than the one I think lies ahead. You get the point, though. Even without the app's other features, I'd love Personal Capital just for its retirement calculator. It's more fun and flexible than 95% of the other retirement calculators on the market. (As I mentioned, we'll take a peek at the 5% that are better over the next few days.) The Bottom Line I have been using Personal Capital for five years now. It's nowhere near a complete money-management tool, and I know that. But I don't care. I don't expect it to be the biggest and bestest. I accept it for what it is. Personal Capital is great at a few things: Monitoring your money on a daily basis.Tracking (and analyzing) your investment portfolio.Playing with various retirement scenarios. If you're not interested in these three tasks, Personal Capital probably isn't right for you. If you want a lot of detail and analysis, Personal Capital probably isn't right for you. If you have a lot of money invested and don't want people to pester you with phone calls, Personal Capital probably isn't right for you. For everyone else, though, Personal Capital is a useful (if imperfect) tool. If you decide to use it, just be aware of its limitations. As I say, I've been using it for five years. It's not my top tool, but it's the one I access most often. That's worth something, I guess. I'm curious, though. Many GRS readers must also be using Personal Capital. What are your experiences like? Do you recommend it? What are your favorite features? What do you not like? Would you recommend Personal Capital to a friend?
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Author: J.D. Roth In 2006, J.D. founded Get Rich Slowly to document his quest to get out of debt. Over time, he learned how to save and how to invest. Today, he's managed to reach early retirement! He wants to help you master your money and your life. No scams. No gimmicks. Just smart money advice to help you reach your goals. https://www.getrichslowly.org/personal-capital/
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jonestownscoundrel · 7 years
Kingsroad Hack
Your nature steps by means of tapping, or lighlty pressing and dragging when it comes to that you wish to see. In to the realm! quest bot perform in Kingsroad Gold Hack fingernails the fundamentals available in titles like diablo and torchlight, nevertheless with just a very much less complexness. The entire extramarital affair is really straight line, much like the maps, at a minimum characteristically, however each of them consume a common formulation. |Mages be a part of the fray, contributing armour for use on your enemies, or hurling ranged blaze that is part of them. Should you have five for these, it simply rates you 100 magic to using them as merely one “fine” object - a pittance. Placing a idea into them will make your fireball switch from 80Per cent to 84Per cent problems, or may add on .1Per cent for use on your mana regeneration, as examples. Kira the apprentice would be sending her minions to take care of sub-goals that take on precise-market time, Repeatedly, broadening space or room includes a jewel fees, but it’s a noticable difference on without a doubt nothing. Donrrrt be troubled however, you may alteration sex anytime to get rear the guy by using the gorgeous armour and clothes and skin in addition, if you opt to order them. component during the path once again right from the start. For example a darkish night - a melee group, no matter the ranged expertise, the amount of problems would always do in comparison to the ranger archer and wizard was abysmal. No aquarium-mages the following. |favored components for instance more prominent inventory with cost. does find some fine occasion expertise - lay down on hands and wrists (collection heal), guard (brings all occasion problems), yet are hazardous towards the problems he special offers within a festivity (consider many more problems = many more magic, many more xp). The good thing about farmville may just be the concern they provide given to every single chart. The game might be executed at no cost, but the beginner furnish of gemstones (99 cents) provides you with an enhancement (i used it on inventory space or room). couple of stages, give mtss regarded as a hit. I've been playing for only a few weeks now and discover it satisfying. Your building obstructs towards the supportive procedure is still eroded with there newest enhancements. -inadequate extra subject matter (2 nights situations aren't incorporated for the reason that subscriber list) it was precise lousy! But nevertheless? With automobile perform, just Pitfall: - your tricky-gained solutions and products can disappear completely!!!!!!!! - honestly, honestly, dreadful help. |I executed farmville very nearly 24 seasons. The game has some severe pests and there's also significant amount of web-based online hackers. Even buying united states web servers whatever you decide and get quite a bit of spanish language in chat so except if you discuss spanish language, like grindy quest cheats(you may shell out and also have an less complicated time of it but everytings available at no cost). It’s a lot like just about every other grindy, p2w, hack and slash internet browser quest bot. While you are products capped, the game might be pleasant for around a few moments. So any greeting card far better than that were designed to purpose. It’s evolved into so lousy which i used extra time closing obtain now family home microsoft windows than would always do playing. Regardless of all of the situations we have with each other decided things was very unlikely, human being resourcefulness indicates the combined bad and repeatedly. In circumstances you are unaware of the category, let us invest time to assist you in getting up-to-date. |As you can imagine, truly being internet browser-centered and Kingsroad Gold Hack doesn't have power product halting you moving forward. Having declared that, you will be enjoying a ton loot the fact that the more prominent purse will find gorgeous basic really at the begining of steps. Missions them selves snap the game up into nibble-scale pieces of 10-15 minutes, allowing Kingsroad Gold Hack as nice a normal to the lunchbreak video gamer because it is to the marathon computer mouse clicker. Rumble excitement has produced a great dungeon crawler with all the trimmings, and having pleasant to many other players rapidly couldn’t be less complicated or even more rewarding. Beat is dependent upon tapping in the opponent and ever so often reaching an original switch tab. Usually in the core the city/center you may create solutions and products all together for more favorable tool, along with make the decision to quality-up many kinds of expertise for this nature. Although it appears to be to start with like you take once and for all products simply use the developing product during the blacksmith and you can exchange every one of your shitty tool for a lot better products. Kingsroad Gold Hack is undoubtedly an web-based procedure rpg from rumble quest cheats, playable the two in the facebook or myspace canvas and additionally on in the open air online world. |The game might be executed in lone-player and supportive multi-player methods, and it is 100 % free-to-have a good time with optional in-software acquisitions of tricky currency. Regardless of its give full attention to quite short, snappy perform periods, nevertheless, there's without a doubt nothing Any 8 hrs, the video gamer will get a gathering-building true blessing that may last for thirty minutes, so consumers needing to quality many more dramatically within one workout session will most likely just want to gain from this automobile technician. By the complete for each quality, players are ranked consistent with their share towards the generally beat effort and hard work - individuals that scores greater attain greater magic rewards for finish the explore. Kingsroad Gold Hack to start with usually evolved into instead small in the case of visible customization options for the video gamer nature, by using the only enhancements forthcoming if the player dons new tool. Main game players who're characteristically hesitant of 100 % free-to-perform and societal quest cheats want experiences that will be equivalent in premium to standalone, “pay when it is, perform forever” quest cheats on desktop computer and console - and generally, they merely do not get it, instead receiving also properly watered-decrease experiences or titles that will be unpolished and careless. It must appreciate some prosperity, as it’s easily suffered from lots of time, effort and hard work and true love place in it ideally this is now in available beta, they at rumble may start to enjoy the rewards using the effort and hard work. - for example multi-player - and it is web servers are walking fine. |The whole world has acknowledged peacefulness and prosperity for a few years due to alliances ruler alexander made with competitor kingdoms. Exactly how does new label evaluate definitely to the remainder of the competitiveness? I seriously hope your swords are sharpened, arrows all considered, and spell textbooks and wands well prepared, just because we’re coming into the industry of Kingsroad Gold Hack! The game perform of Kingsroad Gold Hack has players supervise their avatar, the The beat series are naturally-paced and yes it appropriately necessitates the players’ concern with striking the competitors, working with their spells even as working to don't get struck with opponent blaze, and making use of the and mana potions to keep on obtaining the conflict The archer is mad at me ’cause i am not presenting him any true love. A different component that will catch anyone’s concern when playing Kingsroad Gold Hack would be that the game play is definitely-built, during the visual appeal perception. They will cartoon most of the classes’ spells when players cast them also as positioning unique death animations towards the opponent items. Any time you use a sword, scalp products and boots that will be all the same status, you may create these 3 solutions and products to get a new object of our greater status. Around i must fall behind a nameless hero, this motif has fallen stale as of late, and yes it might have been more favorable when there will be a fine very small rewrite or style by using an if not worn out narrative. changed as to the players assume fit. |And Kingsroad Gold Hack has some societal aspects with guilds and distinctive raiding situations, it's easy to miss all consumers all together and solely often grind when using the maps to get more favorable solutions and products for their hero. pleasant dynamic towards the quest bot. With the exception of obtaining the freedom of watching what solutions and products may be bought from forging unique solutions and products all together, watching one’s nature advancement using the no one to some hero is something that players would divulge hrs at hrs on. Pals can be wanted to know, for at most 3 for healthy co-op, and 4 for beat coliseum combats. The throw-away-to-perform procedure rpgs are forthcoming! Wonder characters is after only sealed beta (discover cheatcc's review the following), and today Kingsroad Gold Hack is live through facebook or myspace. quest bot perform in Kingsroad Gold Hack normally starts off in a tiny center quality, which hosts all the users you protect for the stages-they include a make, a blacksmith, and effectively all a different standard rpg vendors. up to obtain an infiltration. Should you wish to art more favorable solutions and products, you must shell out a tremendous expense and hold out every single day to update the create. Cooking is really a a whole lot of smoother action-like with other procedure-rpgs, you shouldn't have any complications in Kingsroad Gold Hack holding a tremendous stock options of wellbeing solutions and products. |amazing. the items i finalized up employing set up together with the healthy length of the game, outside the shell out-to-available chests. As you can imagine, you slackers playing in the office will most likely become the appear off nonetheless. A number of competitors to slay. Situation: presented business venture theme: liberated to spend time playing developer: rumble excitement article author: rumble excitement category: internet browser category(s): 3d, mmo, rpg, dream websites: desktop computer, mac pc professionals: fantastic illustrations for the internet browser. You can find some energy communities during the entire typical spike incident: reddish colored: improves water damage and fungus by 50Per cent. problems and fungus ingested by 50Per cent.
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facebooklogout-blog · 7 years
How to logout of Facebook
How to logout of Facebook
Fb just lately introduced a brand new security function to its repertoire allowing you to remotely logout your sessions from a different pc.
To entry this feature, go to Account Settings and click "change" subsequent to the Account Security possibility. Right here you are able to view all the energetic periods of your account i.e. all of the locations where you are at present logged in along with info resembling the kind of device, final date of activity on it, location and IP tackle and so forth. This provides a transparent visual representation of your login abstract and you may simply spot an spurious exercise on your account. To logout any of these sessions, simply click "finish exercise".
The newly introduced feature is probably not accessible to you immediately as they shall be gradually rolling it out over the subsequent few weeks.
That is one function that surely comes as a respite for those of us who're skeptical about utilizing the Social Networking websites over the internet as a result of privacy concerns. It renders an answer in instances where an account could also be suspected to be hacked - you can now see where else you might be logged in, can finish the session remotely and alter reset your password. What's extra, now you can select to get notified by SMS or email if a brand new laptop or mobile gadget logs into your account.
Nicely, as with most technological developments, this one too is accompanied with loopholes. Now why would you anticipate a hacker to hack into your account and anticipate his session to be ended by you and password reset? Is it no more logical to expect a hacker to as an alternative do the same to you by logging out your unique sessions as soon as he breaks into your account!
I leave it to you to resolve the worth of the identical, as for my personal opinion - this is extra of a psychological aid for these of us who are concerned over privateness points - to not say its totally ineffective. It does add one other barrier for a hacker to cross in his pursuit, but this should not be taken as THE as soon as and for all resolution after which you'll just sit back and watch.
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The next is a straightforward guide that may help you by means of the Facebook login process and most beneficial for new customers. This nevertheless is beneath the belief that you have already successfully signed up for Facebook and you've got an account. Remember Facebook is a extremely popular site and can be utilized for selling companies or providers corresponding to coupons from groupon etc.
The signing up course of is quite easy and instantaneous. The second you create your account, a record of your settings is added to Facebook. It comprises your profile details, email tackle and password. Each time you'll need to go to your Fb account, you will have to go through the login form to enter your credentials. Depending on which computer you might be using, there's a certain method you may register. If maybe you're using an office pc, a cyber caf?, faculty or library, this are principally utilized by a number of folks and its finest that you simply remain private after you are by way of with you session. I have walked into internet cafes countless occasions before and found myself on different individuals's residence pages. Can you think about if the flawed hand (not mine) had entry to your settings?
Underneath the e-mail and password textual content bins, there's a "Keep in mind me" check field that if you select the option, your browser will keep your details to forestall you from signing in another time. This feature is best to be used on a private laptop akin to your desktop or laptop computer at residence.
When signing in, type "fb.com" on your deal with bar. The subsequent page would be the Fb home page. If it's a public computer, it can either show the sign in web page, or the earlier person's page (if they didn't logout). In such a situation, click "Account" on the toolbar and go to "Logout." This can take you to the Fb homepage.
On the top right corner of the display screen you will find the 2 foremost textual content boxes that you will need to sign up. these are the "E-mail" and the "Password." Keep in mind that the Password part is case delicate, that means that each one the higher and decrease case letters are thought-about. You SHOULD kind within the appropriate data.
A pal just requested me: How can I have my business web page on Facebook separate from my private profile? Right here is the reply.
The situation my buddy was in was the next: She wished to separate her personal page, which she used for friends and personal interactions, from her business presence on Facebook.
Making a business page
To clarify: You may only create a enterprise page when you have already got a personal profile page which then is administering some other further pages. It does not matter who's administering a business page and that's how we will create it with out apparent linkage to a private page.
Creating and administrator
With a view to unlink your current enterprise page out of your private profile you could first create a private profile of an administrator. For that objective you need to create one other login with a second e-mail handle to which you may have entry. Ensure you keep in mind the mixture of this e-mail handle and password so you do not confuse it along with your primary account.
Switching administration
Facebook logout button missing
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As soon as you've got created your administrator profile, discover your enterprise web page and click 'like' so your administrator becomes a member. Return to your major account (for this it's a must to log off and login again) and go to where you'll be able to edit your enterprise page. In the left navigation bar you can see an choice called 'Manage Admins' - click on on this feature. In the navigation window that may open you've gotten the option of adding one other admin by either typing the email tackle or the administrator's name you used when setting it up. After getting saved the changes you can then take away your self (your main account holder) as an admin.
Members - Associates
Once this has happened you will nonetheless have the identical members as part of your page and the identical people as your personal pals on your major account. In case you had made associates that you desire solely to have as members related to your enterprise you possibly can merely delete them as your friends of your primary account. Don't be concerned, they won't get notified.
Advantages and drawbacks
Some great benefits of this resolution is that you've got a clear distinction between your private profile page and your business presence, if that is essential to you. You can lead your small business contacts to what you are promoting presence on Fb and your mates to your personal web page. Remember that even what you are promoting contacts will know your private identify and might discover you when looking however it is your determination whether or not you want to approve them as pals.
I came throughout a statistic recently from comScore and apparently the typical social media consumer spends a minimal of 4 hours every week in social media websites. I believed the determine would have been larger particularly as a lot of people probably spend most of their working day (dodging the boss) trying out their fave social media site. Posting or tweeting (depending on your alternative) status updates, utilizing the most recent addictive apps they've discovered, sharing movies the listing goes on...We spend a number of time connecting to and joining in with the ever-increasing social network which actually has revolutionised the best way we use the internet.
How many people think about the facility of the social community although? The convenience with which we are able to share info could be very useful not just from a private viewpoint but in addition as a enterprise speaking to potential and existing purchasers. Problem is that this also makes life easier for the kind of people who would benefit from this powerful device we've got at our fingertips and use it for extra sinister purposes.
What this put up intends to do is provide you with some factors to think about that will make your social networking experiences not solely pleasant and useful but additionally preserve you safer and more secure. Listed here are the 5 tips and I hope they assist!
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Watch out for posted links basically & look out for short URLs
Warning Crew! (anyone keep in mind Knightmare?) when clicking on links you obtain on social networking sites. Sadly, even links that seem like they've come from pals can comprise malware or be a part of a phishing assault. Quick URLs resembling those that YouTube provide when sharing videos could be deceptive specifically because they will masks their source. So, before you click on the link expecting 'the most hilarious video' that has been posted on your Social Network of alternative are you sure its source is YouTube? Fortuitously, there are providers out there akin to LongURL the place you can confirm any doubtful trying brief URLs to establish their vacation spot.
Safe Complicated Passwords
This really is an important point to recollect not only for social networking however to your web use on the whole where companies rely on you first registering a username and password. If your password strength is weak you might be inviting people to hack your profile, so consider using a barely complicated format in your password. Include numbers or symbols, uppercase letters and make the passwords lengthy. Be certain not to use the same password for various websites as a result of if you're hacked once the chances are high you'll be again.
Remote Sign-Out
Many people have executed this (I know I have): forgot to signal-out out of your Facebook profile in school or different work locations. Fb now allows you to logout out of your profile with a Remote Signal-Out possibility. With the intention to enable the Distant Signal-Out option in your Fb account, Change to Account Settings->Account Security. You may be notified via SMS or your mail if a brand new or overseas machine logs into your account. This provides you the potential of viewing the current session particulars like time, location and even the system accessing your account, something suspicious you can finish the session out of your location.
Take away Your self from Google
Although it wont display your profile in full, as an alternative it's restricted to your profile picture, pal record, add as buddy button, ship you a message button and a list of fan pages you are a member of you won't need to be present in Google (perhaps you do). To block your Fb profile's visibility on Google, go to Privateness Settings Page and turn-off the public search listing by merely un-checking the examine-field subsequent to the phrase "Create a public Search itemizing for me and submit it for Search Engine Indexing".
Be Conscious of Purposes
They're very tempting; you can and probably have wasted many hours on them and they are definitely not brief in supply (particularly on Fb): video games, music, guide, film apps, location apps you name it there's an app for it. All good enjoyable however simply because someone sends you an invitation to take part in an app doesn't suggest you need to settle for it. Remember that once you accept an app you give third-get together developers entry to your personal information. Fortuitously, Facebook supplies lists of functions together with evaluations, ideas and warnings of apps which may create spam in your account.
Desktop applications are a great way to manage multiple Twitter accounts from one easy platform reasonably than having to login & logout on the internet all the time. However there are such a lot of to select from. Listed here are a couple of of my favourites...
TweetDeck - TweetDeck is my private favorite. It's the one I exploit most. It is probably the most common Twitter shoppers out there & I have been using it for about two years now. I even have it for Iphone too.
When I first started using TweetDeck it was Twitter only & I was managing a number of Twitter accounts very easily with the assistance of this instrument, but now it goes further than that. With the most recent 0.36 version now you can also handle Fb, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Foursquare & MySpace accounts on there too.
It's straightforward to handle your Twitter lists & additionally it has an ideal search perform so that you'll be able to get actual-time search results for the keyword of your alternative. There is no need to fret about trying to find too much as it allows you to have limitless columns! You may schedule updates to be tweeted at a future date. You'll be able to add videos with the help of TwitVid. It has tidy little URL shortening feature where you possibly can even select the service that you just like together with bit.ly & tinyurl. You'll be able to select how to add pics to together with Twitpic, Posterous & Yfrog They have additionally simply added a brand new trending matters column as a way to see what's scorching on Twitter proper now!
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sayantandodo · 4 years
The Biggest Internet Trends between 2020-2025 and the Journey of SkillPal.
The growing inclination of companies for developing customer-centric strategies to deliver superior customer interaction is expected to drive the market growth. Furthermore, the rising adoption of the Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) by marketers has enabled them to seamlessly reach customers through multiple digital devices and promote cross-selling and upselling. DXP allows users to in building and delivering optimized, integrated user experiences across various digital channels. The capability of DXPs to collect and analyze the customer buying behaviour and unify customer data obtained from multiple touchpoints to create a centralized view is also a significant factor driving the market growth. Moreover, integration of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, and Machine Learning (ML) have enabled vital solution providers to upgrade their DXs, thereby driving the demand for digital experience platforms across multiple applications.
It’s one of the most interesting, as well as challenging, times to be working in the marketing domain. Catching attention and connecting with today’s digitally-savvy consumers to drive the message home is no mean feat. Teaching and learning is the new stream for growth. People these days are freak about online expert platforms. Education has changed its flow now. Any person can be a mentor and anyone can be his or her student. Industry experts came to build a new reputation. They provide life-changing ideas to set new goals. SkillPal is the new platform to pour knowledge in people’s mind. A person who loves to get edutainment from the internet can easily ask for a short video from an expert mentor of SkillPal. People who want to learn anything from the web can come to SkillPal. It is a platform where you can get mentors from different fields and set your skill upwards. Skillpal will help anybody to gain knowledge with edutainment. Expert mentors will help to review the skills and set the goals. SkillPal democratizes celebrity and industry-leading knowledge sharing for fans and aspiring talent through personalized, bite-size video advice and live guidance. If someone ever wanted to get his or her song chorus reviewed by a famous musician or your social media content by a marketing thought leader? You can now with SkillPal. We are India’s first make their industry leading expertise accessible to aspiring talent in that industry.
At its core, the vision of us is to bring Indian teachers and expert mentors make their industry leading expertise accessible to aspiring talent in that industry to their fans. Any expert listed on their portal can monetize their fame by recording short messages for their fans. The Owner and investors planned to build a reputation by providing education through entertainment to the common people. It is quite expected that the fans will grab the opportunity to get proficient personalized video messages from attractive Mentors with good skills. It is the committing time to put the popular teachers into our bag. Experts generate knowledge and People love them to do extraordinary things which give education and entertain the users. Challenges are manifold-- today’s consumers have several touchpoints to make shopping decisions, attention spans are dwindling, and competition is stiff. Further, segmentation is complex than ever before as the same consumer can purchase a product from a high or low-price range. For instance, the same customer who prefers the lowest fare flight could also purchase the latest version of Apple phone or watch. And it’s clear, amidst these rapidly changing customer expectations, conventional marketing dictums no longer hold. This new era has placed new demands upon marketers. They not only need to be creative to deliver relevant messages but need to deliver it to the relevant customer through the relevant touchpoint. This requires marketers to arm themselves with the right tools and be on the top of emerging trends.
The cloud-based segment for the market to account for the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the growing preference for cloud-based DXPs due to the rapid deployment capability and reduced investments in physical infrastructure. Owing to their wide-ranging benefits, Various enterprises prefer cloud services. For instance, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) adopt the cloud model, as it helps reduce initial IT costs, such as the costs of hardware setup and power consumption, and requires less physical space. Large enterprises can benefit from cloud services, as they can host their large number of applications in the cloud network, which eases application management. The cloud deployment type offers customers a usage-based service model with the pay-per-use facility. Moreover, cloud deployment provides various benefits to enterprises such as faster performance, quick responsiveness, improved collaboration, and greater agility, without having to operate a server infrastructure. Furthermore, the cloud-based DXPs have enabled companies to access the platform from multiple devices such as laptops, smartphones, and desktop computers to deliver customized content based on customer buying behaviour, preferences, and historical transactions.
AI-first approach: It’s been a while that AI and machine learning have been at the top of every marketing trend list, and rightly so. From enabling more accurate, real-time analytics and measurement; improving customer experience and support; optimizing product line pricing strategy to minimizing customer churn, AI and machine learning bring massive benefits to marketing.
The rise of voice marketing: The increased use of voice assistants has opened a new door of opportunities for marketers. As it allows for contextual interactions with users, voice-enabled technology is being viewed by marketers as a tool that can help them take personalization to a completely new level altogether.
Virtual Reality will make a big impact: As marketers continue to look for tools to offer more engaging, interactive and personal experiences, virtual reality emerges as a clear winner. By allowing for engaging storytelling, virtual reality enables users to connect with a brand with emotional intensity unimaginable with traditional media. It places the brand closer to the customer and reinforces brand loyalty. Leading automobile makers and smartphone manufacturers are already at the forefront in using virtual reality for delivering 360-degree interactive experiences.
Data will drive key marketing decisions: Mass, untargeted broadcasting will become passé and data will be at the heart of marketing strategy. Data is around us everywhere, which gives us key insights into customer expectations and buying patterns.
Blockchain’s potential will be explored: Blockchain is the latest buzzword around and is being touted as a technology that can bring dramatic transformation to a wide range of industries. Marketing is no different. With blockchain, marketing can address some of its biggest concerns and challenges. Resolving privacy concerns, increasing transparency in terms of identifying bots and building consumer trust are some of the key areas where blockchain’s potential is being evaluated currently.
The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then again, information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. One thing I wish I can do is, to provide education for all: no child left behind and change the world for good!! SkillPal is one of the best platforms for providing education. In SkillPal there are so many mentors from different fields. They will come to the students via the internet or web to provide knowledge and help them to grow up. Interested candidates will ask the mentor for a video session and the expert will send a suitable message to the candidate in 7 days.
It is important that you must start the process of finding a mentor by assessing your vision for your career. Don’t narrow yourself just to the skills you are yet to learn, or the feedback you were given during your last performance appraisal. Think bigger picture. Do you have a tricky relationship with a colleague or client, and is this hindering your progress? Is fear or a lack of confidence holding you back? Remember, your chosen career mentor will be someone you trust, therefore they will keep everything you say confidential, so don’t limit your thinking at this stage. Welcome to SkillPal. Here you can get any kind of mentoring from industry experts.
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