#by /u/Loki_Akita
prorevenge · 6 years
Disrupting my hunting time and scaring off game? I’ll get you locked up.
On mobile, bad formatting, yadda yadda yadda, I’m sure y’all know the drill by now
A little background, I grew up out in a small town in the middle of nowhere, and there was a wash that ran through our property. (for those who don’t know, a wash is a giant area where water comes down from the mountains. Ours only ran when it was raining long and hard enough) I would often go down this wash to this large area that was covered in trees and bushes and such, but had a trail going through it. I would go along this trail and hide in the bushes and would hunt for quail on occasion with my 22.
This happened about a year ago. I was by this trail, with my eyes going around waiting for one of the local quail flocks to pop up. I only needed about 5, so I figured I wouldn’t be out very long. About 20 mins of sitting out there, some kids started riding through the trail on their quads. I stepped out to ask them to stop, and after the initial shock of seeing a 16 year old kid randomly pop up out of nowhere, they just laughed saying “yeah whatever man” and left. About five minutes later, they were driving through it again, and were making more noise and screaming. I saw one of them spit in the bushes as they drove by, and since that’s where I was last at I figured he thought I was still there. I had changed spots to get a better view on one of the smaller trails that connected to this big one. After that I knew they were gonna continue being obnoxious, so I packed up and left. The next day, I headed back out. I had gotten to the trail again and set up in the bushes. Not even an hour later these fcks were driving around again making noise, so I came out and told them to leave once again as they were scaring off the game. This time, what appeared to be the wring leader scoffed at me, saying something along the lines of “you can’t kick us off public property, murder” and “why don’t you just buy some meat at the store instead of killing these helpless animals?” Our closest store that sold meat (it’s a super market that named itself after a wall) not only had very crappy meat, but also didn’t sell quail, so he just sounded like an idiot saying this. After another hour of putting up with their bull sht and noise with nothing good showing up (I saw a couple quail, but they weren’t fat enough to eat) I finally packed up and left.
Cue the revenge
I knew they were going down the wash through my property, so I drove down to the aforementioned store and bought two “keep off, private property” signs and went home. The wash walls were pretty high on one side, not so much on the other. So I had to stick a post in the ground near it, then wrapped barbed wire around it and had three lines attached to the wash wall. I then put one sign on it with some zip ties, and went to the other side which already had a post since that was labelling a part of our property line. So I did the same thing on that end, attached the second sign, and when home. The next day I went out to go (finally) get some quail, and brought an extra roll of barbed wire with me tied to my bag. Before I was even off my front porch, I could hear the screaming of a frantic teenager. I went back inside, grabbed my handgun (a Walther CCP for y’all wondering) and went out there to check the damage. Turned out one of these dumb a*ses thought that ramming into the barbed wire would take it down, no problem. While it did come down easy, it was still a big problem, as the second he rammed into it, the bits that I had attached to the wash wall had whipped out and ripped up his arm and back pretty bad. They had called the cops and the two with him were cussing me up and down while I assessed the damage. The kid was bleeding a lot, so I of course wrapped up his arm with my undershirt and had him lay on his stomach (yes, I’m keeping him alive cause I didn’t feel like being charged with involuntary man slaughter) and used my jacket to put pressure on his back. Eventually a cop showed up with an ambulance and they took care of him while the cop took statements. This is what I remember of the conversation ensuing
DF=dumbass friend (injured) D1=dumbass 1 D2=dumbass 2 Me=(insert stupid joke of who me is supposed to mean) And C=cop
Cop: What happened? (Speaking to me)
Me: Well-
C: Excuse me, I was talking to [me] now shut it. Now, what happened?
Me: Ok, well I was out hunting the other day-
C: (calls his partner over to take the two dumb asses away so he can talk without them screaming)
Me: Ok, I was out hunting the other day for some quail, and these guys came over and started making noise. I asked them to leave, but they continued being obnoxious and I couldn’t get any game. The next day, they came back out and started making noise again. I asked them to stop, but they continued again. So I put this up yesterday since I knew this is how they were getting through to bug me. This morning I heard screaming so I grabbed my dads gun (all the guns are in his name, I can’t legally own a gun yet) and ran out. I found this situation and bandaged up DF until you arrived.
After this, I was of course told not to hunt alone, as I need a guardian with me (yeah, like I’m gonna listen to that) and was let off with a warning. The other kids were arrested (I pressed charges) for harassment, destruction of property, and trespassing on private property. I got a written apology from all three of them and never saw them again. And the quail tasted amazing that night!!
(source) story by (/u/Loki_Akita)
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