crmmudblood · 6 years
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Time for Hair Fair guys! This is an AMAZING event that opens super soon! Check it all out here!
SLURL for the Main Landing point but please check the website for individual locations!
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quincyrobin-blog · 7 years
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A Mysterious Collaboration
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serenaelia · 5 years
New Friendship
New Friendship by Serenaelia Villiers Via Flickr: In collaboration with Joanee Mayflower ♥ Credits ♥: Seren's World There are very few things in life that beat meeting someone and establishing a friendship! Location: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Orinoco%20Valley/143/71/25
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theglamoursauce · 8 years
Bright Lights
I was so glad my colleague couldn’t see me when she called me yesterday to tell me that she had just been offered another job. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders and a huge grin spread across my face. Don’t get me wrong she’s a lovely person but she doesn’t fit the team and after more than 6 months in the role has never really got up to speed. Well, she’s got up to her speed but unfortunately…
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crmmudblood · 7 years
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Hey there everyone! Hope you all had a nice Halloween! I’d meant to do a  tutorial get ready with me, but gosh, it’s been a long week. I had my Horror convention over the weekend, where I sold bath bombs. I talk about them a lot, but not sure I’ve ever really mentioned them in a blog post. I did decently, but gosh it was stressful. With that, Halloween, and then working right after on some website stuff, I’m just wiped. 
Well, okay so, I’m still not on my game lately. I’m not sure what’s up. My motivation’s been shot and honestly, there’s only a sparse few things keeping me sorta coming into SL. sometimes, I only log in once or twice a week. I do miss how it used to be, when I was able to enjoy hogwarts and friends, but I’ve been enjoying real life more, with conventions, hanging with friends, as well as my boyfriend. I’ll try to get back into my consistency, but it’ll take a bit. 
Also, if you haven’t heard, I’ll be teaching at BVNUniversity next year for both vlogging 101 and 102. I’m not quite sure what to expect, but I’m both nervous and excited, and hopeful it’ll get more doing more again with the community.
Anyways, today, I decided to dig through my blogotex as well as my objects folder. Everything about my inventory is a hot mess, so I think I am now officially the worst “once consistent” blogger ever. I had gone through and explained every thing i did as i worked, but uh..well..I was just a mess ahaha, it’d take me like ten minutes just to point out one thing. I’ll try again later! If you liked the location I shot at, it’s on the main floor of my home, so feel free to come visit, the slurl is in the decor part.
My Feeds:
flickr | tumblr | instagram | youtube | plurk | facebook | FB Page|Twitter
I’ve been vlogging now for over a year in secondlife! I love to do unboxing videos, sim and store hauls and tours, interviews, games, decorating, and so much more! I also love doing tutorials and working with other bloggers and vloggers in secondlife. If you’d like something featured, request or tutorial, or join in on any of my videos, game shows, or live streams, feel free to contact me on any of my social media, or in world!
-CassandraMiddles Resident
Appearance Maitreya Lara Mesh Body Lelutka Simone head Bold and Beauty Bella Skin Opale Alice Hair Veechi Harvest chill blush Veechi Toasted Liner
Wearing: Blueberry Poppy Leggings NEW Yummy layered pearl necklace gold reign blair boots and socks Miss Chelsea Rana Jacket Berry
Decor: If you’d like to use this location for photos, feel free to come visit, here’s the SLURL
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readmeri · 5 years
The Winter Warriors - BVNSL Collab Challenge
The Winter Warriors – BVNSL Collab Challenge
  Hey Bloggy people! How are you on this fine Monday? I confess myself cold yet cheered by the sunshine outside.
Of course, when I got up this morning to find my boiler had dropped under pressure last night and my heating hadn’t come on, it took only a quick splash of cold water after brushing my teeth to figure out I had to rush down and fix it. Luckily, I was taught…
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readmeri · 5 years
Plug-in Baby
Morning Sugar-Lips, how’s it hanging?
For a Monday things are pretty darn good here too. I am spending some serious time translating the terrible writing of someone who knows more than me about a technical subject into something people can understand. It was Thom who cracked the code for me by suggesting the guy was using a voice-recognition programme, leading to some hugely long sentences and…
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crmmudblood · 7 years
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When I first announced my leave, it was to a select few individuals first before I announced it on plurk. One of the first to reach out to me, was AJ. He’s become one of my closest friends in the last few months, of which I really have less than a handful of. He’s been so kind to me, and we’ve collabed several times already, making each one a new favorite for me. 
Our first ever photo, is one I hold near and dear to my heart. It was through the BVNSL group and we were actually assigned each other. We had a total blast, and I’m so happy he collabed with me again after.
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If you can’t tell, we used the same exact pose today. Like a start to finish set. With time, we’d reach out to each other more and more often, chatting over RL as well as SL, and he’s been a firm Rock for me, always there and always so amazing and kind. You’re a rarity in SL, AJ. Thank you so much for our friendship, and for everything. I’ll be back one day. x
Soon, onward to a new adventure!
AJ’s Goodies: Flickr | Plurk | Blog | Facebook
My Feeds:
flickr | tumblr | instagram | youtube | plurk | facebook | FB Page|Twitter
I’ve been vlogging now for over a year in secondlife! I love to do unboxing videos, sim and store hauls and tours, interviews, games, decorating, and so much more! I also love doing tutorials and working with other bloggers and vloggers in secondlife. If you’d like something featured, request or tutorial, or join in on any of my videos, game shows, or live streams, feel free to contact me on any of my social media, or in world!
-CassandraMiddles Resident
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theglamoursauce · 7 years
BVN & TaKe Heart Springtime Photo Contest!
BVN & TaKe Heart Springtime Photo Contest!
Source: BVN & TaKe Heart Springtime Photo Contest!
The Blogger & Vlogger Network, in conjunction with my sim, TaKe Heart are running a springtime photo contest! There’s a chance to win a 5000L$ giftcard for Apple Fall.
Read all about how to enter at the BVNsl website!
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