eternally12 · 2 years
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Not my graphic, but something freely gifted within the Buy Nothing Project. Click the link and learn more about this wonderful movement I am proud to have been a part of since April, 2016.
It's easy to join, easy to use and saves the world, one gift at a time. Is there anything quite like it? Some are similar, but there is only one Buy Nothing Project!
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jakyljest · 2 years
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Tomorrow is #buynothingday Promote anti consumerizm and excessive capitalism and buy nothing on Black Friday read more at: https://nationaltoday.com/buy-nothing-day/ @buynothingproject https://www.instagram.com/p/ClXOdgvu4B3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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See that sweet ride in the back? Two (or so) days ago a neighbor gave me that bike for free through this awesome #BuyNothingProject group that I’m a part of on Facebook. It needed a new chain and tires, so it’s basically un-rideable without those repairs.. however this morning, I woke up and it had been stolen from right in front of my house., but my roommates bike (which is way nicer) remained untouched. 🤦🏾‍♀️ #gentrification is not working for me today… #stolenbike #wtfgod #icantaffordanewbike https://www.instagram.com/p/CRirOP8gol8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Thanks to the local #buynothingproject my friend @robertzimigaphoto who I met years ago when he was doing Bg on #gilmoregirls first time meeting his son Bobby who I have only seen in photos that Robert takes. Robert works as a photographer for special events and has been shooting music videos too. Glad he could pop by for a quick visit. (at Glendale, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM_W1d-p2xj/?igshid=1ik6lmsluicqb
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retrofatale · 4 years
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I was gifted these boots today and they make me feel like a pretty pretty pirate! I’m gonna break out the rest of the garb next because WE DON’T LIVE IN A REAL WORLD ANYMORE SO WEAR WHAT YOU WANT! #piratefashion #giftculture #buynothing #buynothingproject #pirate #gothgirl #goth #quarantinelife #quarantinebutmakeitfashion (at Little Five Points) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4onWTpxOc/?igshid=hppqqqk9rpbe
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ashymcgee · 5 years
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Today I experienced a pretty act from the person I thought loved me the most. Wow. Really, dude? Okay. . I gave myself an hour to be royally pissed. I calmed down, turned my anger into positive energy and helped someone in need. . Here's the parable...no, more like a challenge; when someone dicks you over, do something extra positive for someone else. Turn bullshit into fertilizer and make someone else's life better. . I know I have people in my corner who helped me and continue to help me. They make me better. I am grateful for them. . I'm glad I can do the same. . Thanks, Tracy for letting me help you through your chemo. Thank you @buynothingproject for allowing me to enrich my community and hang out with the neighbors I never knew I had. . #bethechange #seattle #buynothing #buynothingproject #grow #learn #give #dogsofinstagram #shibainu (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jrYCTpaIa/?igshid=auw8j3zmnyhr
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messyjessiemommie · 4 years
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Stitch: This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good.
These be my rugrats, my monsters, my beasts. I made them. Well I guess Christopher helped. He’s the husband of this family dynamic. My name is Jessie, Jesika, Jess, Queen and I will sadly(funnily) answer to Bitch too. Christopher and I were born and raised in Sylmar in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles California but trying to raise a free spirited family in that expensive ass environment was too difficult. The push was my mental break (which i will delve into more in another post) that made us make the move to Spokane Washington. It will be 5 years we have lived here in September, coming up! 
We are semi christian. Not fanatic, but more in Gods true law of “Love Thy Neighbor” and do charity work. Not that we actually do charity work besides donate all our old crap to Goodwill. (One thing of note, I do swear a LOT!) We are huge #buynothingproject supporters(another post). We love community building and being neighborly. Our goal is to be homesteaders eventually and do all that jazz, but apartment living is helping us learn at a slow pace. 
I love to crochet, read, watch shows and movies. I don’t really know i expect to be a homesteader when I am so damn lazy, hahaha. I love to be crafty and draw and create messes. I am a desperate coffee drinker, ice cold water drinker, random ass music lover. 
hope you have fun reading and exploring my blog. Its gonna be a mess. Sorry. 
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dianasfooddiary · 4 years
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Fresh dill from my local @buynothingproject group and wild harvested onions from my parents' yard in my No-Fuss Salmon Cakes from @whole30recipes #cooking #salmon #nofusssalmoncakes #whole30 #paleo #dill #wildonions #eatyourweeds #buynothing #salmoncakes #lunch https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdF639BohK/?igshid=pegnp1ud5muz
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ifsandsorbuttons · 6 years
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New banners on the lower tier are in, grommetted and on display! So happy with how these finish off the display! Going to be reworking the display sections as I may have designed some new feminist buttons and need to show them off! This room divider is from the #buynothingproject and I can't believe how much use it has gotten! #display #crafts #crafting #craftfair #etsy #etsylocal #local #hit613 #handmade #613 #ottawa #yow #buttons #magnets #roomdivider #upcycle #reuse (at Ottawa, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4gAUuHYGc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fmam6s6ijrkk
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suzyk27 · 7 years
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I did a thing! Picked up a stool from my local Buy Nothing Group. Had some roam, fabric, and paint just waiting for a project ✂️😀#beforeandafter #refinishedfurniture #suzyhomemaker #buynothingproject (at Seattle, Washington)
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cleverwombatmoon · 7 years
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Isn't this a beautiful #cigarbox? Found this on our local #buynothingproject site. Makes me think of going to the #dominicanrepublic where this box was made. #romeoandjuliet #travelplans #MaTooBee
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Meet @hannahmaximova and her husband Mike we met through #buynothingproject when I asked the local #rosmoyne group it anyone wanted to come over to try some ice cream. Hannah makes the most beautiful mosaic pieces of art usually large murals out of colored glass. Because of covid the she has been making smaller commissioned pieces. I got to share a little. #valeriescateyescream with them as we #icecreamsocisldistance on the front porch today! (at Glendale, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIt0yNJJo5s/?igshid=17btes4bfdhds
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eatplaylivewell · 7 years
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Have you heard of the #buynothingproject? They are Facebook groups created in the towns or cities you live in that gives you the opportunity to "buy nothing, give freely, share in the bounty." I have received so many "gifts" from my local group that included clothes and shoes for the entire family, toys, furniture, kitchen appliances, plants, and decor. At the same time, I've gifted many things to this group that I know would be needed, appreciated, and used. It's the perfect place to find #packagefree items that won't cost a dime, and a great way to #konmari without throwing things away. See if you can find a Buy Nothing group in your area. #projectzerowaste #projectzerowastelife #zerowastelife #zerowaste #eatplaylivewell #eatplaylivewelleveryday
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mariereviewsstuff · 2 years
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I'd been feeling a little all over the map recently, and what really helps when I am feeling this way is to have a clean and organized home. I'd recently added a couple of new (second-hand) pieces to my wardrobe, so I knew it was time for a closet purge and dresser reorganization. I am so guilty of cothes-hoarding thoughts like "but this has sentimental value" or "it may come back in fashion" or, the classic "I'll fit into it again one day", so I tried to be ruthless and only keep things that I've actually worn in the past few months. After a wardrobe purge, I separate the rejects into 3 piles: 👕 High value, good condition items: try to make a couple bucks! List them on @mercari , @poshmark or @facebookmarketplace 👗 Any value, good condition items: donate or pass them on. I find charities can be really selective about the clothes they take, so I post my unwanted clothes on @buynothingproject 👖 Any value, poor condition items: use as rags, or recycle via a private clothing recycler Aaaaaah, I feel better already :-) #closetpurge #closetorganization #mariekondo #reusereducerecycle #earlyspringcleaning #unfilteredhonestreviews (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CafcjtcFp36/?utm_medium=tumblr
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airyell3000 · 3 years
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This past Thanksgiving was the first spent in our new house. It was filled with debauchery, mishaps, and laughter. Two weeks prior I had ordered the @reeses pie to surprise everyone with. Two nights before Thanksgiving the second fridge wasn’t working and we had to find ways to recuse all of the produce, along with the surprise pie. My family came to visit, with my Dad staying for a week. He had to sleep on the floor because I now have 3 roommates and there was no space (and the one spare bed was saved for my grandmother to stay in Thanksgiving night). Thank goodness he likes sleeping on the floor. My dad and I shopped around for groceries, picked up items from @buynothingproject members, and spent the night before Thanksgiving eating Korean BBQ and playing pinball at @aycegogi, (a tradition my Dad and I try to engage in since we lived in Korea - Korean food and gaming). Dad demolished all of us as he is a pinball master. The day of our dinner, the sink crapped out and @jwdanperci had to take it apart. @jwdanperci, my roommates @calisthenixpanda and @trav_adair, and my cousin @ceciltheday made quick work of fixing it, but that out dinner behind schedule. Of course with all the commotion, I forgot to take pics of the food, and no one took pics of the turkey. Thanks @trav_adair for snapping the ones I am able to share today. We also didn’t take family photos, and due to the change in timeline I was too exhausted to change into nice clothes or wear make up. It was far from a perfect holiday, but honestly, so are we. I’m grateful for my family, my friends, my roommates, and my partner. You all fill my world with joy 🧡 . . . . . . #Thanksgiving #Thanksgiving2021 #FamilyReunited #Family #Friends #Love #Gratitude #Laughter #Joy #CaliLife #Jealous (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXBzKmsvZDb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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