#buying a used piano what to look fo
merriammusicinc · 4 years
How to Buy a Used Piano (2020) - Tips, Questions to Ask, and What to Look For
In this article we’re exploring the question of how to buy a used piano and what to look for, so you can avoid falling into the trap of over-paying or under-researching a used piano that you might be looking at. Shopping for a used piano can certainly be more challenging than shopping for a brand new piano, but fortunately, most of the things to be wary of are easy to see, if you know what to look for.
How to Buy a Used Piano Review Video Description
If you're a parent, student or somebody in need of an instrument, whether it's an upright or grand, and you're on the hunt for a used instrument for some cost savings, and whether from a dealer or Craigslist, you'd probably like to know what you should be looking for. What are the red flags that should send you in a different direction? What are the differences between Japanese brands like Yamaha and Kawai vs older American made brands like Baldwin and Mason & Hamlin? What are the things that should be causing you to pick up the phone to call a grand piano technician or a piano tuner to further assess the condition of the piano? We're going to give you a few quick tips on things that'll let you know whether the instrument is a good candidate to continue looking into, or whether it's something that you should probably pass on.
Pianos Don't Age Like Wine
It's important to remember that any piano  (whether that's an acoustic piano or even digital piano for that matter) is a machine. This is not the same as a violin, cello, guitar or even a brass instrument where there's a relatively small number of moving parts and a lot of natural materials that are maturing and curing over time. The important thing to know right away is that unlike those other instruments, pianos never get better with age, even super high-quality pianos. The only exception to that might be for the first few years when an instrument is opening up and the action's getting broken in. You could make the argument that a piano four or five years into its ownership is a better playing instrument than one on the day you got it. But 50 or 100 years down the road, the instrument is simply not going to be as good as the day it left the factory.
There are over 6,000 parts in a piano and a lot of those parts are undergoing serious stresses and forces that gradually break down these natural materials over time. Eventually, these natural materials just deteriorate and stop performing as they were originally supposed to, and contrary to what a Steinway dealer might tell you, no piano is an appreciating asset. If you're unsure about a piano's age, you can find out by looking up the serial number on a google search.
Key Bushings:
In terms of specific mechanical things that are important to watch for that'll let you know whether a used piano has possibly been overused, abused, or just under-maintained, we're going to start with the keys. There are some aesthetic considerations that can be quite obvious as you can see whether the key is damaged, chipped and whether some of the keys are stained or have yellowed over time. But one of the most important things you can do to quickly check whether the keys are in good condition is to press the keys from side to side and see how much play there is. There is supposed to be some play, I would say it's somewhere between one to two millimeters that you should be able to push the key back and forth to the left and the right, however you should not be able to press the key from one side and have it touch the next key. This is a good way to tell whether the bushings are worn out or not. If you are able to press that key so it touches the very next key, there's a good chance that the bushings are worn out and the action will feel very loose. The player's sense of control is going to be a lot lower. If you wanted to improve upon that, you may have to embark on a somewhat costly repair of either replacing the bushings.
Key Leveling:
The second thing to check would be to take a look at the level of the keys. Are there a lot of white or black keys sitting at different heights? This is not necessarily an expensive problem but it is a sign that the instrument has probably not been maintained very well and it needs what's called regulation. Regulation is essentially a term that refers to resetting all of the moving parts in the piano so that the keys are sitting at the right height and the hammers are striking at the right point in the string. Regulation can take a couple of hours or if it's something that's really significantly out of sync, possibly a couple of days worth of work.
Worn Hammers:
The third thing to check is to look at the tip of the hammers. Now, it is normal to see some level of grooving - you'll often see three lines in the hammer with a small amount of indentation.  However, if you see the hammers and to the touch, they're extremely hard, to the point that they don't feel like felt anymore, this is a sign of either a badly worn hammer or possibly a hammer that's completely at the end of its life. With a hammer this worn the tone is going to be very bright and metallic, and it's possible that the hammer has been treated with chemicals over the course of its life and can't really be resuscitated.
There are two types of piano strings. The strings in the lower register are copper, whereas the strings in the mid-range and treble are steel. Metal gradually corrodes over time, so at some point in a piano's life, the strings will need to be replaced. Look for discoloration, rust, and corrosion to see if the strings may need to be replaced.
A piano's soundboard is the large piece of wood that generates the majority of the tone that you hear when you play the instrument. On an upright piano, the soundboard is located at the back of the piano, whereas on a grand piano its located under the metal plate and strings. The soundboard essentially acts like a big speaker cone by amplifying the sound of the strings, which is conveyed to the soundboard via the bridge. When in the process of buying a used piano, make sure that you don't buy a used piano that has a cracked soundboard.
In reality, cracks in a soundboard are not necessarily a bad thing. It can be and so that's where a lot of that alarm comes from. For example, if the crack crosses a rib or you hear a lot of buzzing when the piano is played, then it's very expensive and very problematic to try and fix that crack.  A soundboard crack that isn't really a concern is one that will appear fairly straight, like a dark line where you can see that the wood has kind of separated. This isn't going to have any musical effect on the instrument as a whole if the crack is not causing buzzing, and not situated across any ribs on the soundboard. No doubt it is going to affect the resale value due to the stigma, but if you're buying a used piano to have it as a musical instrument and it's not causing those issues and you like everything else about the piano, including the price, then don't let this be an absolute deal killer.
The pinblock is the large piece of wood that the tuning pins emerge from. If the pinblock is cracked, it's very unlikely the piano will be able to hold it's tune, and replacing a pinblock is fairly expensive and time-consuming. Have a look at the pinblock to make sure you don't see any cracking.
If you're looking for a piano to be that's ready to be played with minimal maintenance, then these are red flags that should probably steer you away from one particular piano and towards another used instrument or new instrument if the budget allows for it. Once you've found an instrument that you like and it's passed all of those tests you can take the further step of contacting a local technician or piano tuner and having them give an independent assessment of the instrument as well. Or if you're dealing with a local dealer that you trust and has a really strong reputation, you could always have them produce a written, signed assessment of the instrument for your records as well. Happy shopping.
The post How to Buy a Used Piano (2020) - Tips, Questions to Ask, and What to Look For first appeared on Merriam Pianos
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
A True Tale of Pride And Prejudice
Boy Next Door! Alfred+Punkster! Reader (Modern/High School AU)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Here’s a small thing for @a-mess-of-fandoms​‘ challenge, which I hope she’ll like and you’ll do as well!
I have been low key itching for inspiration lately, alongside a bit of tiredness, but still I hope that you’ll like this fic!
Let me know if you want to know more about our very own Mrs Darcy and Mr Bennet!
As always: feedback is an amazing way to make us writers feel loved and supported, so don’t forget to leave a comment, if you liked it!
WARNINGS. High School Prejudices, Mention fo Stage Fright.
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Theatre wasn’t for you, but your best friend had roped you in, because apparently in the high school production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ there was her crush, and she had obliged you take a part in it, beside her.
As the shy punkster you were, you had done everything in your power to be written in the staff instead of the in the actors to avoid acting in front of annoyed parents and overexcited teachers.
Still you had been written to be the substitute to the main actress, meanwhile your best friend got to play Jane Bennet, and kiss for a rather ‘theatrically passionate kiss’ her crush.
You were truly happy for her.
What you were less happy was for the fact that the girl who was supposed to play Elizabeth Bennet had fractured a leg doing some weird Tik Tok trend.
You had cursed your friend for the entire day, you had gotten the news, trying to push the role on everyone else except you.
But not only you were already in too little of a number to change actors at the last minute, but the theatre teacher insisted you used this occasion to ‘get over your insecurities and claim your inner goddess’.
Utter bullshit to you.
Not only you had to get through a bad case of stage fright, but you also had to deal with ‘perfect Alfred’.
Alfred York was the most perfectest guy you could ever meet with straight teeth and straight As, something that annoyed your inner rebel.
No matter the fact that you also had good grades and the entire punk attire was more to hide your true colors than for everything else.
But you dreaded the fake eternal smile and perfection of Alfred.
Because it had to be fake.
Nobody was ever truly all that happy.
And annoying.
You obviously would say your lines with the least amount of interest and your lowest voice, during rehearsals, as you felt like everyone else was looking at you and Alfred would gently suggest you to ‘simply raise your voice’ or ‘just let your inner Elizabeth shine’.
‘Are you always this happy or…?’ you had once muttered to him ‘… or you take some happiness pills?’.
He had looked confused and lost even more point to his favor for you.
One day eventually he had invited you over to his house and you hadn’t been able to find a good enough excuse to avoid that, and before you could even straight up reject him, he had already set up a date.
‘How can you not like Alfred?’ had then asked your friend, as you tried on your dresses, the corset making you feel at unease and with a difficulty to breathe ‘… he is Mr. Nice Guy’.
‘I just don’t trust those guys’ you commented darkly ‘… they always have some problematics that I don’t want to solve’.
Still that afternoon you went over to his house, surprising a rather pristine woman, who you assumed was Alfred’s mother.
As she opened the door, she stood against it, slumping on it, almost as if she was close to fainting.
And she did almost faint again, as Alfred sprinted to you, to get you.
He presented you like a ‘schoolmate he had theatre project with’, before bringing you to a less pristine room, although it had a different chaos from your ‘I am too tired to pick up that pizza box’.
It was the disorder of creative people.
Projects everywhere, alongside a few music sheets moved on the floor, in something that surprised you.
And made you think about the fact that sadly you didn’t know much about that boy.
And maybe that should have made you less judgy.
Just maybe.
‘Excuse the mess, I just…’ he moved around a few patches of papers in order to let you sit on the bed without ruining anything ‘… I just had an idea for a song and I had to play it out, really quick’.
“You sing?” you asked, although immediately your eyes spied a guitar cover next to the bed.
“I play the guitar and the piano… my mother insisted on the latter”.
Why weren’t you surprised.
“Cool” you mumbled, less impressed than you were truly inside since you honestly thought that it was quite rebellious for the otherwise normal teenager.
“… I could play you something…” he tried to offer, but you immediately shut him down with an ‘I am fine this way’, a slightly grumpy expression on his face before it became again clear and smiley “… oh then we should focus on the lines”.
And he moved to grab a pair of headphones and what looked like a blindfold.
“Ok, you are a looooot weirder than I thought, Mr. Grey” you pushed a bit away, meanwhile Alfred exploded in a lightly embarrassed laugh.
“I swear it won’t be anything weird, my fair lady” and noticing the fact that you weren’t convinced he proceeded to explain “… I just noticed that… you aren’t at ease, usually… with all the others looking at you… because you are worried about them, so I thought about practicing as if… there wasn’t anybody else”.
You couldn’t help but be moved by the fact that he had noticed the way you cowered at the light of fame.
You blushed and replied.
“… still I won’t put on the blindfold” you made sure to state “… we aren’t in those good terms, yet”.
“Oh ok” he honestly seemed surprised by the fact that you had agreed on it, as he adjusted the headphones around your head, before linking them to his phone “… I’ll put on classical music, because I think it is more fitting for these scenes”.
“Ok” and again that surprised expression “… I know classical music, I actually do like Mozart”.
That surprised expression was now making you angry at him.
“Just because I dress up like a punk it doesn’t mean that I don’t know classical music” you muttered tightly and Alfred seemed taken aback, almost as if you had kicked him in the balls.
“No no, absolutely… I just…” he seemed to almost blush even further, a light tint of pink on his cheeks “… ugh… people usually don’t like it”.
“I am not exactly ‘people’ “ you commented.
“That I have noticed“ you expected some idiotic answer “… I mean… you have a courage in you that I wish I owned”.
It felt like a too intimate confession, and you had to duck lightly your head.
Although you were grateful for it.
And flattered.
“… enough with all this flirting” you tried to ease off the heavy situation, as you pushed the playlist to start “… let’s start”.
At first it was a bit difficult, mostly because your tone would be set up on screaming and you were sure that Alfred’s mom would have kicked you out soon enough, but Alfred looked completely startstruck once you were finally able to properly get in the mood.
And eventually… you also liked the script.
You had liked the novel and although the script was a bit cheesy it felt good to act.
And eventually you were able to do it even without the headphones.
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you” you breathed out softly, as you slowly opened your eyes to look at Alfred’s face, finding it again tinted of blush, as his eyes were focused on your lips for one second.
And also, yours were on his, for one second too much.
He stumbled on his words, which was a cute sight.
And reassured you about the fact that he wasn’t a humanoid android.
You almost wanted to pinch those graceful cheeks…
But soon it was time to go, although you had to admit that you had had fun.
And maybe you didn’t dread this entire theatre thing.
And you were thankful that Alfred had tried to come to meet you halfway, hence you might think about meeting him halfway.
‘You aren’t as bad as I thought’ you told him, as you moved down the stairs, with him accompanying you back home ‘… I mean… if we exclude the fact that you wanted to blindfold me…’.
“Listen… it was a theatre thing…” he commented, tomato red.
“Whatever you say, Alfie” the nickname made him even more nervous”…but thank you for suggesting this, it has helped me a bit with the stage fright and such…”.
“Ahhh I am glad” he chanted, clasping his hands over his, something that took you a bit back “… always here to help you, Mrs Darcy!”.
“I am not that prideful!” you exclaimed although you let out an easy laugh “… maybe”.
“Well you are Elizabeth, so it might be all about that prejudice…” and he sent you a look as if to say ‘I know what you think about this’.
“… maybe I was wrong…” you mumbled, biting your lips, almost chewing on it in complete uneasiness “… we’ll see”.
“We’ll see”.
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404fmdtaejin · 4 years
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headcanon meme, still accepting!
edit note: i screenshotted the first one with the hover so forgive this mess
Send ♡ for a social media headcanon. (wc: 274)
taejin is a self-proclaimed narcissist and that’s what anyone would expect him to post about on his social media handles.
his instagram handle is ktj__02. why the two is there, is mainly just because two is his favorite number. instagram is meant for him to share pictures of his dog, his selfies or just pictures that his manager has taken for him. on days where he feels his outfit is on point, or he groomed himself nicely, he’ll take a hundred selfies before stepping away and picking one. think of it as his regina george moment. if he’s feeling like a d-bag, he’ll even take a selfie at the gym and post his body progress for those fans who want to leave comments. as for comments and likes, he doesn’t care about that as much as he cares about the overall aesthetic of his instagram. he cares about that a lot.
he has a weibo, but he still doesn’t know how to navigate that platform too. blame it on his age, or blame it on his elementary level chinese, he just knows it works like twitter and can occasionally use naver dictionary to translate his captions into something that makes sense. shockingly, he has a lot of chinese fans because of the successes he’s found in his dramas. 
twitter is another thing he doesn’t know how to use, thus he doesn’t have an account. instead, any updates related to him are strictly fan accounts or decipher’s main twitter account to post updates. however, if you ask him to throw a tweet in, he’ll just update with a selfie because that is who he is.
Send ♞ for a non-performance talent headcanon. (wc: 270)
by performance does it mean something that’s away from the spotlight or just singing? if it is apart from singing, taejin is an extremely talented actor that can channel a lot of various roles, as shown by his resume. most of the time, directors like to cast him as the main male lead in love as he plays the boyfriend/lovelorn role very well. acting is a skill that’s grown naturally to him, and he’s found a love for the hobby as well.
another peculiar talent is his active nature. he’s talented in lifting weights and exercising (as d-bag as that sounds). from boxing to jiu jitsu, he’s able to channel his energy into something productive which has transformed his scrawny body into something more built on muscle mass. he’s currently a blue belt in jiujitsu and found it found to entertaining to find a new way to work out.
he also can play the classical piano very well. his mother was persistent that he take lessons as a child to at least learn how to handle the notes. this in turn caused thirteen years of private piano lessons, which now translates over to muscle memory. if he stands by the piano, he can play clair de lune by heart. (this might be related to performance though).
interior decor. that’s a special talent. blame it on his pretty boy ways or having a constant need to have a spic and span room, but he really enjoys decorating the room with minimalistic touches. many of his close friends have asked him to design their homes and he does so with tasteful touches.
Send ☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon. (wc: 313)
being in the industry for over a decade with fans that are die-hard and passionate to the bone only warrants good fan experiences as well as bad ones. he would say that the sasaeng fans, and each experience with them would be considered a bad one.
there was one sasaeng in china, in which the fan would figure out their exact schedules and ride on the same plane. this was okay until the fan would be a few seats away snapping pictures and even following him to the hotel. turns out, the fan was staying at the same hotel, and this in turn caused a weird turn of events where they would try to come in and unlock the door during the early hours of the night. that night, taejin slept with the manager in the same room.
another sasaeng was in korea where they figured out taejin’s address and phone number for the first apartment he lived in. despite the heavily gated security, they jumped the fence and camped out in front fo the entrance until he walked in. they stalked him to his exact apartment where he had to defend himself all while simultaneously calling the police. this turn caused bc to take action, and also scarred taejin from living in that apartment. he moved to a new place (with the help of his parents), to an extremely private villa in seoul forest. lately, he hasn’t had any problem but he feels very skeptical that someone is watching.
the last one was at a fan signing where a fan deliberately told him off. they were angry that taejin seemed to be prioritizing his acting than decipher, and they made it known as he was signing the cd that he should do more as a leader. they called him selfish and arrogant, which lead to the female being escorted out by security.
Send ✈ for an airport fashion headcanon. (wc: 256)
fashion is extremely important to taejin, no matter where he goes. fashion becomes the sole reason he gets up and feels excitement when heading towards the airport. 
he maximizes the ‘boyfriend’ look, by wearing a lot of casual suits that are catered towards the seasons. mainly, his goal is to look put together and classy. the suits are usually pieces from tom ford, made of linens to emphasize the casual nature of them. he pairs the suit with a pair of loafers (if he’s feeling fancy) or common project sneakers to dress it down. 
other times, he’ll put on a pair of slacks, with a pair of sunglasses and a simple white t-shirt. the slacks are usually from bottega venetta or celine, and the sunglasses can range from being gentle monster, celine or even ray-ban. the t-shirt is from the row or acne studios, as he believes the most essential part of a wardrobe is holding sturdy well-made staples. 
some other options include just simple button up shirts, which are usually made of silk. there are a lot of places where he buys, but he does enjoy a good button up from bottega (it’s his current favorite brand). 
lastly, he finishes his outfit with a bag or a clutch. a leather holder for his notebook and his phone, he carries it to store the ipad he uses to watch movies or go over his scripts on the plane. in his mind, the bag is the finishing touch to his outfits.
ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
more info on his headcanon on fashion
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thatbirdrestaurant · 5 years
married in borrowed clothes {kachako}
"I can't say I approve," Ochako's Mother said, face scrunched up in disgust at the handcrafted wedding ring, "he is rather . . . loud for a man of his status." Ochako sighed. She pulled her hand off of the wooden table. That seemed to be all her family cared about recently, status. Ochako wasn't marrying Katsuki for his status, though, she was marrying for their love. "Ochako, maybe you should consider looking in other men. That friend of yours, Izuku Midoriya, a fine young man, and he has recently been deemed the heir to the Toshinori business. He would make a fine husband."
Izuku was a good friend of Ochako. They had known one another since they were young teenagers, but their feelings would remain platonic. Izuku was a happily married man, though the public was unaware of it. His marriage to his lover, Shouto, was a small event only with close friends. Ochako found the ceremony lovely, but she wanted her wedding to be large with her family and friends. She wouldn't get that if her parents didn't approve of the marriage, though.
Katsuki was gentleman under his tough exterior. Ochako was one of few who was able to see that. She was one of few who was able to see his red cheeks when he arrived to take her out for the night. She was one of few to feel the warmth of his soft hugs, take in his caramel scent from his dangerous work with nitroglycerin in the mines. She was the only one to feel his tender kisses, the only one to know his passion, the only one to know just how far Katsuki Bakugou could love. It pained Ochako to know that her parents couldn't see that.
"I will not allow it," Ochako's Father said. He shook his head as he stared at the golden ring around Ochako's finger. "That boy will not be coming here anymore. He was playing a dangerous game by thinking he could even call you a lover, but to propose that you would spend your life with him -" Ochako's parents made faces of insult, "- it's just silly." Ochako's Father held his hand out.
"What -"
"The ring, Ochako. I will dispose of it immediately." Ochako held her hand closer to her heart. "Ochako, the ring." Her Father said stronger. He was halfway out of his seat at this point, ready to force the ring off fo Ochako's delicate finger.
Ochako shook her head. She stood up, backing away from the kitchen table where she had planned to gush about her wedding with her parents. Dinner remained abandoned on the kitchen counter, the steam once coming off of the food now gone. It would have been a wonderful night. A wonderful dinner full or tears and love. Ochako planned on having Katsuki over the very next day to listen to her parents gush about the wedding and the dress and the location.
"Ochako!" Ochako's Father yelled, finally to his feet. Fear took over Ochako's body. She grabbed the old army coat her Grandfather prided himself on from the rack, throwing it over her body. She hastily pulled her shoes on, the sounds of her Father getting closer. Ochako tumbled out of the small house she shared with her parents. Once down the porch steps, Ochako took off into a sprint, her Father calling for her to come back.
The warm summer breeze pressed down on Ochako as she ran up the long pathway to the larger, extravagant houses. While she was sure her Father didn't follow her, Ochako didn't want to take the slightest chance that someone, or many people, were searching for her. To take her back home. For her to be forced to throw away the beautiful ring Katsuki had handcrafted for her. A small dent was in the ring, but the golden glow of the ring overshadowed it.
Ochako slowed her run when she reached the familiar Bakugou mansion. She had visited many times, her first visits being due to partner projects she and Katsuki were assigned to, and knew exactly what window belonged to Katsuki's room. Ockahko grabbed a small pebble from the beautiful garden. She tossed the pebble, her breathing strained due to the long run. Her throw was weaker than usual, but only a few more tossed pebbles got the attention of Katsuki.
He opened his window, his blonde hair practically gold in the sunset. He looked around before his attention went down, where Ochako was waving her arms for him. Katsuki opened his mouth but closed it when he saw the streams of tears rolling down Ochako's round cheeks. He closed his window and in only a few seconds, was in the gardens with Ochako, his arms wrapped around her.
Ochako sobbed quietly in Katsuki's chest, his rough hands stroking her messy brown tangles. No words had to be exchanged between the two for Katsuki to understand what had happened. He was well aware that Ochako had planned to tell her parents of their engagement. Katsuki's parents were all for the engagement, as they were the ones to encourage Katsuki even getting down on one knee, but the real challenge rested with Ochako's parents.
They had never liked Katsuki, even Ochako knew that before she showed them the ring. When she was younger, her parents were bright and happy people who always encouraged Ochako to marry for love. Over time, however, as their business grew pooer and their status fell, her parents became bitter, wanting their daughter to marry into a family of high class. Katsuki seemed like everything they wanted. He was rich and had a promising future, but he also treated Ochako like a Queen. He loved her and wanted to spend his life with her. Ochako's parents couldn't see past his tough guy act, though.
Ochako wiped the tears from her face. "Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe we shouldn't get married."
Katsuki pressed his forehead deeper into Ochako's neck. "Please," he whispered, barely audible for Ochako to hear, "please don't say that. I want to marry you, I want to be your husband. Please," Ochako stiffened as she felt warm tears roll down her neck, "just please." Ochako grabbed one of Katsuki's hands with her left. He ran one of his fingers over the ring and his body seemed to shake more the longer he traced his finger around the circle.
"I'm sorry. I want to marry you, too, but . . . we can't. Not with my parents. How would I even get a dress? I wanted to wear my Mother's. It so beautiful, and your parents aren't in any place to help." It was true. The Bakugou family, while rich, was going through a rough financial struggle at that moment. They probably couldn't even buy some decorations without risking a dip in their finances. "What do we do Katsuki?"
There was a brief silence. Katsuki lifted his head, his tears gone but the stains clear on his white skin. Ochako cupped his face as they stared deep into each other's eyes. "I might have an idea."
"You . . . want to borrow my wedding dress?" Ashido asked with her newborn baby sleeping soundly in her arms. In the background, Ejirou was on the floor, reading a book to his eldest child of five years old. Ochako and Katsuki nodded their head as they stood on the rickety wooden steps leading into the Kirishima household. "Ochako," Ashido glanced between the two, "are you sure you want to get married in a borrowed dress?"
"Ashido," Ochako bowed her head, "please."
"We need Kirishima's suit, too," Katsuki said. He folded his arms over his chest and avoided the stares of Ashido. "Are you gonna let us use your shitty wedding clothes or not?"
"I'm not . . . " Ashido trailed off when her husband held her shoulders.
"Come on, honey, after everything they've done for us. Ochako would look amazing in your dress, and if it needs some touch ups, Momo would do an amazing job, don't you think?" Ejirou smiled to the couple standing in his doorway. "We are invited to the wedding, aren't we?"
"Of course!" Ochako and Katsuki shouted at the same time as if offended that Ejirou would even ask that kind of question. Ochako held Ashido's free hand. "You're our closest friends. We wouldn't even consider marriage if you two weren't there to see it."
Ashido smiled, placing her head on Ejirou's chest. "If you feel that way, then I would be honored to see you in my dress, Ochako." Tears filled Ochako's eyes. She wrapped her arms around the married couple and their baby. Katsuki rubbed her back, his other hand placed neatly on Ejirou's shoulder. "Ah, you big softie."
The crowd of men dressed in suits and women dressed in gowns cheered as Katsuki spun Ochako, the golden stitches added to the pearl white dress shining in the Summer sunrise. Once regaining her balance, Ochako held Katsuki's arms. The two swayed to the music, Kyoka playing the romantic tune on the piano with Tooru singing the soothing melodies of the song.
Katsuki smiled softly at his new wife. Ochako rested her ear onto Katsuki's chest, allowing his heartbeat to soothe her as she felt the loving eyes of her friends encourage her to stay in that moment. To stay in the sun-kissed dance floor surrounded by the beautiful oak trees, the glorious lake where she and Katsuki had their first date shimmering in the light of the brilliant sunrise. The warmth of the sun kissed her bare back and the cool breeze swayed her hair to the side.
It was like a moment out of a fairy tale for Ochako. To be dancing to beautiful music with her Prince charming, a crowd watching in awe and compassion as they swayed together dressed in clothing that glowed in the light. The added gold brought a new taste to the borrowed clothes and Ochako could only see Katsuki's golden wedding ring when he lifted his hand from Ochako's waist to hold her hand. Her silver ring placed above the handcrafted engagement ring classed like a storm and wind with the brilliant gold.
"I love you, Katsuki," Ochako whispered. She smiled as Katsuki's heartbeat slowly increased.
"I love you, too, Ochako."
Story based on Ed Sheeran's Nancy Mulligan
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dust-tone · 6 years
Dust-Tone Interview: Sweatson Klank (fka TAKE)
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art by dusq.
Sweatson Klank (formerly known as Take) is nothing short of a musical pioneer. Having been at the center of the ever-growing beats community for almost two decades now, Tom Wilson has helped engineer the creative environment that is known and loved today. You can find his discography scattered amongst nearly a dozen revered labels (including Project: Mooncircle, All City, Friends of Friends, Poo-Bah, Alpha Pup and more). He has also produced an extensive collection of official DJ mixes for beloved radio stations and collectives (BBC, dublab, BTS, Low End Theory, Brainfeeder and many more). Most important to note however is his paramount Sketchbook night which laid the foundation for the famed Low End Theory and the fertile Los Angeles beat community as a whole in the early-mid 2000′s.
While Sweatson Klank is both busy with musical projects and running the label Tone and Manor, we were fortunate enough to sit down and get his perspective on the current musical climate.
Dust-Tone: When did you first start making music and what got you interested in it? Early influences?
Sweatson Klank: I started making music when i was 13. I had a deep connection to music really early on. I got a guitar and took lessons for a year. From there on I jammed with my friends and eventually started a couple little bands in High School. I also got a bass and started playing bass a little here and there. These bands were just little garage bands where we would play parties and wherever we got invited to play, but it was good fun and I learned a lot from those experiences. When i got to college i quickly started looking for other musicians to form a band with but had trouble finding people I related to musically. Around that time I went to a huge house party off campus and really got my first taste of what a dj was truly capable of. This guy, who later became a good friend was rocking a crown of about 300 people with just turntables, records and a mixer. Mind you, this was well before cdjs or Serato. At the time is was still really special to witness a dj playing records and doing so with a technical prowess I hadn't ever seen before. I had an epiphany, that night. I watched this dj just control a crowd and they were loving it. I had been having trouble forming a new band because I had a really strong opinion of what i wanted it to sound like and others didn't seem to see eye to eye with me. I was always telling people how to play and what to play with their instruments. As you can imagine, no one really liked that hahaha. Little did i know i was a producer in the making. I had all these ideas but I wasn't capable of playing them or truly expressing them yet. So back to this party, I was shocked to see this dj setting the vibe and expressing himself through playing records. I sat there all night bugging him to let me try it. Of course, he kept saying no, get lost. Finally as it got later and he got drunker, he told me " If you want to make a fool of yourself go ahead" and handed me the headphones. I had never touched a turntable or mixer in my life, but i had been watching him do it all night. So i got up there and started flipping through his records, which i knew absolutely nothing about, they were all house records. The only record i knew was a Micheal Jackson record - " Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" so i grabbed it and somehow magically blended a perfect mix on my first try and the crowd went nuts!! Most likely because it was MJ and that song gets any party hype hahah.. So i grabbed another record i didn't know and tried again and completely train wrecked and the dj grabbed the head phones back from me and went back on. That one moment of glory though was enough to set it all off for me. The next week i was at his house begging him to teach me and practice on his turntables. Its just snowballed from there. i was hooked, started buying records, eventually got turntables, a club night, started dj'ing all over. I learned to dj playing house music but i was much more into Hip Hop and Funk and Soul. After about a year, i realized i wanted to actually make tracks and not just be a dj. So i got a drum machine, and then a sampler, and a four track and there you have it, i was on my way to doing what i still love to do today.
DT: What are you currently listening to? Does this affect the evolution of your current sound? Do you find yourself holding onto influences and themes of the past over new music tendencies or is how you make music flowing more with the changing of the times?
SK: That question is pretty difficult because I listen to so much music all the time. I really don't listen to any one style of music constantly. I love to discover old music that I didn't know. Record collecting is still one of my favorite hobbies so Im constantly finding stuff from the past that is incredibly inspiring and influential in the music i make today. I think i am much more inspired by the sounds of the past than i am the sounds of most fo todays music. As an artist, your tastes are constantly evolving, and to me thats a beautiful thing. It shows your own growth, and life is all about growing. When I am not in the studio working, i generally prefer to listen to old records. Jazz, Brazilian, African, weird electronic library records, New Age music and i love 80's Soul/R&B boogie stuff!
DT: You've been a pretty important staple in the "beat scene" for over a decade now. Low End Theory (which has now sadly come to a finale), Dublab, AllCity, Warp, Ghostly, Poobah, Project Mooncircle, even BBC and so many more love you. You are the modern hero to the independent beat maker. Do you feel like growing up on the west coast had any impact on early exposure to this musical way of thought? Able to meet the right people, get pushed in the right directions, etc?
SK: Thanks man, so nice of you. I think just having a forward thinking attitude about music and life really helped me most. Low End was a great place that helped me get noticed and meet tons of incredible people who shared similar perspectives on music. Before Low End though, we had a night called Sketchbook which was essentially an early version of all of that. Our goal was just to push the weirder left field side of hip hop and downtempo electronic music before it was actually cool. It was an uphill battle at first but but we just did it out of love for the music and a passion to play stuff no one else was playing.
DT: How has the "beats" community changed since you first entered it? Some would argue what was once a niche LA sound has spread worldwide and transformed through the different cultures. Does this influence your music?
SK: When we started doing this, it was just our own form of expression, we had no idea it would eventually grow into the "Beat Scene"  and now in turn,  people call it Lo Fi hip hop.. i just laugh. Its all good. I think there are tons of great producers out there making really interesting beats!! So Im happy to maybe have been a part of the birth of whatever the movement wants to call itself now. I think I am more in awe and influenced by the OG's than the new comers. To me everyone has one great record in them.. But to put out great music for years and years, thats a different story. That is what inspires and influences me the most. When i leave this earth, I want to leave behind a vast catalog of musical creations, regardless of if any of it was commercially successful or popular. Just like most of the records I admire most from 30-40 years ago. They were never hugely popular, but they were incredible!
DT: What is your creative process like? Do you start with the tool or from the imagination? Or both? Do you find yourself ever using traditional methods for making music or do you normally stick to the DAW? (which DAW/gear do you use?)
SK: My process really varies. Sometimes I start with a sample, other-times i just lay out a chord progression on the piano or a synth and build from there. I try to find new ways to tap into creativity so that im not bored. There is really no one single approach to making music. I use Ableton as my main DAW but I also use a ton of external instruments like synths, guitars, bass, drum machines, percussion instruments, vinyl samples.
DT: Fine Lines, your latest release from FoF Music is incredible. Did you have a specific aural goal with this album or did you just create and let the sound emerge naturally? Are you currently working on anything for the future or currently focusing more on support for your latest release? Anything exciting planned for 2019?
SK: With the 'Fine Lines' album I really wanted to create a cohesive album that embodied a specific vibe. How that vibe is perceived is up to the listener of course, but i sought out to make something that was indicative of my life during the making of these songs. In its most basic explanation its a story of growth, love, battling darkness both inner and outer and the never ending search for true happiness hahha. Yes I have a bunch of stuff slated for 2019. First off i just launched my label Tone and Manor. We just released our first compilation " All Over the Place" Vol. 1 and have Vol. 2 coming out in November.   The Tone and Manor label is a passion project of mine. I teach music production at Point Blank Music Academy and I mentor a lot of young producers and beginners and the label is a way for me to help some of them get their music out there into the often confusing music sphere. I also have a new album coming out in 2019.. Im really excited about that. For this one I am really going back to my roots. Analog synths, samples, instruments and in general a more organic vibe to the music. Its getting closed to finish and im really hyped to share it when its ready. The first single will likely come out early 2019.
DT: Do you find that switching your name brought any confusion? Do Sweatson Klank and TAKE focus on separate sounds or do they have a similar theme you aim for?
SK: Switching my name from Take to Sweatson Klank was purely for the reason that Take became increasingly impossible to find online, being that its a verb used in every other sentence. It was a bit hard at first to re-brand but im glad i did it. The sound has always been me. Its the evolution of me as an artist. If i was still TAKE the songs I've released as Sweatson Klank would be the same. It was really just a name change, not a style change. The intention hasn't changed.
DT: Please recommend something you're currently listening to, favorite place to get food in LA (are you an LA native), and a film or book if you have had time to indulge.
SK: Currently as i write this i am listening to a track from 1985 called 'Plastic Love' by a Japanese Female Soul artist named Mariya Takeuchi. The list of things i listen to could fill up 3 pages hahaha. Lets just say i listen to everything!!! I stay up on the latest hip hop, house, techno but I find more pleasure in digging through old records and discovery things from different times and countries!! Yes, I would say I am an LA native, I moved here from Paris, France when I was 5. Favorite place to eat really depends on the mood! Sushi Gen in Little Tokyo is definitely a regular in my rotation. Current read; The book of Joy by Douglas AbramsI just want thanks for taking the time to shine a light on me and my work, I hope your readers enjoy.
Sweatson Klank’s music is available direct from the artist through bandcamp: https://sweatsonklank.bandcamp.com
And his label’s discography as well: https://toneandmanor.bandcamp.com
Huge thanks to Tom Wilson for taking the time to talk with us and give a window to his world.
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Instrument Coverage is Equivalent to Sigh of Relief and Mental Peace
With every performance or practice - your skills as a musician grow. What else grows with it? The value, quality, and the professional level of your musical instruments. Right? However, as nothing is predictable with life, misfortune may cross your way out of the blue, leaving you in a terrible financial and mental state. Damage or loss of a pricey musical instrument can be very destructive to your financial planning and professional life. However, you can stay out of this financial, mental, and, sometimes, physical mess only by buying adequate musical instrument coverage for your musical equipment. So, if music is your bread and butter, if music is an integral part of your life - you can insure them individually or as paraphernalia.
If you search the World Wide Web, you can find the best coverage for your musical instruments, streamlined according to your need, and safeguard your profession like nothing else.
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What kind of gear does a typical insurance policy cover?
With a reliable, experienced, and customer-centric musical instrument insurance company, you can expect worldwide protection for literally all types of musical instruments. So, whether you own a piano, brass, percussion, string, or woodwind equipment, you will get best-in-class coverage. Also, such insurance policies do not cater to the needs of any specific crowd. For example - it is not made only for a professional. Even if you do not play but collect musical instruments, a typical music gear insurance plan will cover you. So, it does not matter whether you are a geek, pro, student, collector, teacher, shop owner, or music aficionado. There is a plan for everyone. Let us take a look at some of the most common musical instruments that a good company covers:
● Pianos ● Harps ● Woodwind instruments like flute, piccolo, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, oboe, etc ● String instruments, such as basses, guitars (electric and acoustic), violas, violins, cellos, ukuleles, and mandolins ● Brass musical instruments ● Drums ● Vintage or heritage musical gears ● Expensive gears ● Rented gears ● Related accessories
What does relate accessories coverage mean? Will it cover your sheet music?
Well! Although it may seem too good to be true, a comprehensive musical Instrument Coverage taken from a reliable insurance partner does cover sheet music. Not only sheet music, but it also covers practically all types of accessories, such as pedals, mics, cases, sound boxes, and mixing desk, to mention a few. So, don't you think that when a piece of the document can offer this much, is it a win-win thing for you? Therefore, without much ado, do consider protecting your gears under a suitable musical instrument plan, no matter what.
What are the features of a standard instrument coverage?
A standard musical instrument insurance policy from a reputable insurance provider comes with the following features:
● It offers all-risk cover. All-risk means - it will cover you against all possible losses, damages, or thefts.
● It provides worldwide coverage anywhere across the world.
● It features - Valued at Basis. It means that your insurance provider will agree to cover your musical equipment against the price tag mentioned in the schedule of gears protected. So, if you ever make an insurance claim, you will get the amount at which your gear is insured. According to industry experts, this approach is better than replacement cost. For more details, you can contact your insurance carrier.
● A musical instrument insurance policy also offers a difference in values. It means - it will not only cover the repairing expenses, but also the difference in the value of the gear before the event of loss and after the event of a loss.
● It also offers the right to repurchase a gear after it is recovered. Sometimes, a misplaced, lost, or stolen musical gear is recovered after the policyholder has received the claim settlement amount. If something like this happens to you, you are likely to get a repurchasing option for the same figure that you got as the claim settlement.
Besides, you can also enjoy features - like - insurance coverage for borrowed gears, replacement gear cover, inflation guard, newly-bought gear cover, and so much more.
These are some of the most crucial things you should know about musical gear insurance products before you purchase one of the most suitable ones for your musical instruments.
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ah17hh · 4 years
My 69 favorite copy-pastas... nice via /r/emojipasta
My 69 favorite copy-pastas... nice
Look 👀 for 4️⃣ the 💁‍♀️gummy 😽 bear 🐻 album ✒️in 🎈 stores 🏬 on 🚘 November 🏗 13th 🥨 with 🍠 lots 🌪 of 🐉 music 🎶 videos 📢 and ➕ extras 💰
martha😁was👉🏿an🙃average🐕dog. She went💨aërf🍒&🤕ærph😪&👻EEEER🤠when👧🏻she💅ate👄some🤖alphabet👽soup,🐶then🧦what🌸happened🌚was🌈bizarre🗿
bûtthõlēs🍤are😛nothing💃🏼to👎🏽be🤰laughed😡at👄they’re🐂 just😟 a👾part🎛of👺the🤖human🕴body?
why❓don't⌛we🔪just👽relax😩and🤬turn💎on🗿the💅radio📻 would👿you😼like💕EMMMM👹or🤪 FMMMM👺
this😌one✨is💅🏽for🤷🏾‍♀️the 💯boys🎾with💍the 🚴boomin🎙system 👩🏾‍top 👨🏿‍🍳down👇ac💨with🥦the👐🏽coolin☃️ssystem
OMG 😲 Bêstįę 👯 are 😫 you 🤔 possesed 👻 what 😳 i 🗣 am 👂 just 😾 trying 😯 to 😲 squeeze 😛 some 🤩 tomato 🍅 juice🥤
Röłl👶🏻up🤭tö thē😤pærtÿ🎉wïth🏮my😼𝕔𝕣𝔸ℤ𝕐🤪pink💗w𝒾g🐷cañt🙈get thru the😿dœr🚪cus😾my ßøø𝔱ÿ𝔰😳töø big😳 One percent is h̶u̸m̶a̸n̵👤, ninety-nine is ✨𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸✨ Just a sec, 🅸 😀 gotta fix🔧 my 𝖑𝖎𝖕𝖘?
I👤climbed🧗‍♂️ out 😔 of 🎇 my ✋ head 💀 and 💞 watched 👀 myself 👩 implode 💣 a 🌼 thought 🧟‍♀️ without 🤦‍♂️ a 💃body 🙃 ought 👯 to🤫 be 🙏 a 🔫 shot 😞to 🦄 take 🌺 a 💃 load 🥑 off 🎱 my 🏵 brain 🧠 is 👑 poisoned 🤪 and 👖 I'm 😵searching 🧐 for💡 the 🕯 antidote 💅 but 🤡 every 🎤 time ⌚ I 🗑 find 💰it 💐my 🐌 defense 🌎 is 🌹screaming🎧 oh no 🎼 you ❌ dont 🙅 Woah... 🌟
🎺 It seems ⏰ today 📆 🎺 that all you 🙎 see 👀 👁 👁 🎺 is violence 🎆 🔫 in movies 🎥 and 😏 sex 😍 🍆 💦 😩 on tv 📺 🎺 But 🚬 where 📡 🌎 are those 🕺 good 😊 😄 old 👴 fashioned 👕 👚 👗 values 💸 💵 💴 💶 💎 💰 on which we 👨‍👨‍👧 used to rely? 👯 👯
welcome 🤑 to the ✊ bread 🍞 bank 🏦 we sell 💶 bread 🥖 we 👥 sell 💵 loafs 🥖 we 🌞 got bread 🍞 on deck 👁 bread 🥖 on 👣 the floor 👽 TOASTED 𝙍𝙊𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿🔥bro 😡 stfu 🤬 i 🗣 just need ☑️ a baguette 🥖 and 💪 brioche 🍞 we 👩‍🍳 dont ❌ have either ✌️ of 👁 those 😾 you 🧒 can 💡 get the 🕯 gluten 💴 free white 👨🏻‍ bread 🍞 or 🗣 the potato 🥔 bread 🥖 what ⁉️ the fuck 👺 is 😡 gluten 💢 take ✋ that 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩 👅 out 🙅
𝕎𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪🕰𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😼𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😡𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😾it’s😳time⏰for✨ⓢⓒⓞⓞ🏃come👉on😩𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮 😢𝓾𝓹😤it’s✂️time⏰ for🗣ⓢⓒⓞⓞ🏫common😰man👦are❓you 🤡ready💅for 👁ˢᶜᵒᵒ?🤠
Mukuro 😤 Ikusaba 👻 the✋ sixteenth 1⃣6⃣ student🎒lying 🤥🤫 hidden ❌ somewhere 🔃 in 🙊 this 😲 school 📝 the ✋ one 💯 they ✨ call 📞 the 🍋ultimate😶 despair 😭😰 watch 👀 out ⭕ for🗿her 👩
Drag💓drag🧚‍♂️de💕body👤bag 💼 dump🐵it🌱in🌺de⚡️river⚓️but🤫you👍keep💔the🗿liver🚧
I😿can💅hear👂Daniel 👨🏻walking🚶down⬇️the 😾street🛣tap👣tap👣tap👣tap👣listen👂to✌️his👨🏻feet 💅
✨daddy🤠daddyy👺hurryyy😵i👁saw 📽something😢scerryyy👻daddy👨i 👁think🧠there’s🧜a🔆spider🕷on🌈my🥖floor😢
Where😏oh👀where🐸is🤩our😉little👺Nina✨where😔has👁our👩🏻‍Nina ❤️gone❔Böœ👻🙈🙈
ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞
if i 👁 die😩☠️don’t🙅‍♀️❌cry😢😭just🙁look👀up⬆️to↗️the sky🌅and say💬GÓØD👍BŸĘ👋FÃŁĮŚHĀ😎
spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿
If🤔 i👱‍♂️Saw👀 that😟 damn😡 thing😫 in☝️ My😀 living 🛋 room🏚 I’d 👱‍♂️ Stomp 👣 on⬇️ It😩 until⏰ it😅 was😉 a🅰️ Small🦐 brown💅 stain🤣🤣🤣
How it chews to gum five feels✨ Gum Gum😍😍 Sense your stimulate😳😩
have🤔you😒ever😔been😡snaked🐍by🙃a🤨 friend👧then😪just😾for 🤦the🗣️clout👀they'll😈do😣it😕again🙄
i😱cUt😳mY🤡fInGeR💗oN🙄mY😞mOmS😅rInG👿i 💅hOpE💔i✌🏼cAn😘sTilL😇dAnCe😣
it’s😌jesus✝️say🗣hello👋jesus✝️B̷̻̄Ö̸̤͙͚̰̈́A̷̹͊̓Ḩ̸̥̼̥̅̈H̶̗̯͇ yeah😏, city🏬! Sity won🏅, shity too🌚, city treee🌲, city for🐚, city fye🔥, I never stanky bye🙋🏿‍♀️! Yeah🚼 heyyyyy! 😫
Farting 💨 is🚶 so💇‍♂️ funny🤣releasing 😝 flatulence 😤 is🌙 definitely 🤪 humourous 🙉 it ⛲ releases🧐 endorphins💅in🤤 my😃 brain🧠this🚱 making🤭me✌️laugh🤣
chicken 🐓 wing chicken 🐓🐣 wing hotdog and baloney chicken 🐓 and 😈 macaroni chillin ❄❄ with 💘 my 😋😎 homies 🏾
🙅‍♀️ Frick meat lovers 🙅‍♀️😡🚫 All my homies 👯‍♂️ eat the grass 😩 from the central plains 😝😏🌿🌱
I 👈 put 😏 my 🌠😤 😫🧀 right 🏿🙀 👌 foot 👞👣 in 🚪😋 and 😲 🚨🤷 take my right ✔ ✅ foot 👞 out 🅱🤔 🏎 then 😝👱 😥 put 🔥🏻 my 👧 👖🗼 left 🍒 🍒👈 foot in and 🏿✊ shake 🤝🤝 🤝 it 💯😩 all 🥜💯 💯 about. 💦💦
Imagine 💭💡 your 👏 card 💳 declines ⛔👎 at 😂 the 👏💦 tattoo 💉👨‍🎨 shop 🏬 and ➕🍽 they bust 💣🕐 out 💯 the 👏 sand ⛱ paper.. 😳🤦
Rawr🐲🐊 x3😋 nuzzles how are you😉🙂 pounces on you😛 you’re😃 so😄 warm🤒😈 o3o😏 notices😯 you have a bulge🍆 o:😯😮 someone’s happy😃 ;)😉😜 nuzzles your necky wecky😈😗~ murr~ hehehe😊 rubbies👋🤚 your bulgy🍆 wolgy you’re😌 so big😯😮 :oooo rubbies👋🤚 more on your bulgy🍆 wolgy it🚫 doesn’t stop🛑 growing ·///· 😐kisses😚😘 yo
I 👤didn't 🐈 fuck 🤬 my 👽 cat. I 🌸 didn't 👁 cum 💦 on 😳 my 💋cat. 😻 I 🧒 didn't 💋 put 👸 my 🌈 dick 🍆 anywhere 🧚‍♀️ near 🍺 my cat. 😽 I've ❌ never 😡 done 👉👌 anything 🏀 weird 🧘‍♂️ to 🎨 my 🏅cat. 😸
Ever 😆see 😱 me 👊 fighting 👍🏾in 💖a 🍯Forest🌲with✌🏾a 😠 grizzly🐻Bear? 👄HELP 💔THE😔BEAR💯
oh 😮 geez 🙊 what 😟 a 🧚‍♀️steep 📉 hill 🏞 i👀 sure 🤖 hope 🙏🏼 i 🌱 dont 🚫 drop 💨 my 🤭 beans 🥫 woah 🤯 aragahha 😖 my ☠️ beannns 😫
I 😌 was 🤡 a 🤨 girl 👩 in✨a 🏠 village😑doin🤓alright 😳 then 😵 i 👹 became 👀 a 🧚‍♀️ princess 👑 overnight 😴
the 👄 name 🙈 game 👩 JUDY👾 judy🌶 judy💞bo 🎶 budy 🎵 boanna 💅 fanna💋fo🎂fudy🌈fe🌂
👽⟟⏁⋉⟒👽⟒⋔⍜⊑👽⍀⏃⏁⏃⌿⏃⍀⏃⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⎍⋔⎍👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍀⏃⏁⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⌰⏃⏁⟒⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⋔⍜⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍜⌰⋔⟒⋏⏃👽⎅⟒⌿⏃⎅⏃⍀⟟👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽 ⎅⟟⋔⟒⎅⏃⟒👽
säçrįfïćë👹säćrîfįčé👹sáćrįfîčé👹sàčrìfîçë👹 sâćrìfïčê👹sâçrīfïçë👹sâćrìfįčê👹säçrîfįćę👹
yæw 💕 yãêw ✨ yàáw 😻 yaw 👁 yãēw 🗿 yåėw 😬 yąęw 💅 yæ 🚿
I 😳 don’t 💕 see😌 how 👁 you 👽 can🤦‍♂️hate 😜 from🧚‍♀️my ✨ side👄 of 🖤 the😈 club😹 you 🗣 cant👅 even 💅 get 🕴🏽in 💞 💁‍♀️
ÿoú tákë thę mœn🌚ÿøū👁takê thė šüń🌝yōu täkè 𝖾⋁𝖾𝖗𐒦tꜧĺ𝛈𝚐✨thät sèе𝙢Ꚃ lïkè 𝗳𝑢በ😹ÝƯ ştΐṛ〰️ï𝙩 𝐚ʟʟ ƯᎮ án wꜧ𝚎ņ🕑ÝỨṛ𝚎 ᵭņ𝚎 ṛᥲԂԂᥲ😝ṛṛᥲԂԂa
Hi, 🤚 you're on a rock 🗿 floating in space. 🌖 pretty cool, 😎👍 huh? 😕❔ some of it's water. 🤽‍♂️ fuck it. 🚮 actually, most of it's water 💦 ⛲ i 😀 can't even 🌒 get 🉐 from here 📍 to there without buying 🛍 a boat. ⛴⚓ it's sad. 🙍 i'm sad. 🙁😭 I miss you.
its 😔 gluten 💡 free 😰 ion 🤬 care 🤖 if its 👎 free 🎁 swear 👁 on ur 👱‍♀️fucking 𝙔𝙀𝙀𝙕𝙔𝙎 ⛸⛸ if you 👤 wanna fight 🤬 we🙎 gon 👄fight 👎🏽you 🦁 tryna 😠 be 🐝 on worldstar ⭐️ what ⁉️ you ✊ gonna 📹 record 🤳 it 🙊 yea 😼 i got🚶‍♂️ my 🙇 dollar 💵 store 🏬 camera 📸 *on* ✅ 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙎 👀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 👁𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙄𝙉 😼 𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙐𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙉 ✨✨the 😼 fuck 🤬 do 👏 you 👿 want ⁉️im ⭐️ the 🚶‍♂️ motherfuckin💎M̸̦͔̜̖̳̼͚̱͚̮͍̱̘̰̲͂̃̚A̴̧̢̮̫̼̟̳̭̩̪̟̾̋́̌̀̔͐͒̔̾͗̚͜͝͝N̴̫̭͇̹̍́̾̿͒̈́́̄̏A̵͚͓̥̿̍͊͛̎̂̀̀͠͠Ǵ̴̖̭̭̺̣̭̺̈́̅̏́̓͜ͅÈ̷́͠R̶̖͈͈͐͜❗️❗️at the 💢 bread 🍞 store ❓𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 tell 🤖 him 🗣 to take 👌 the 😾 motherfuckin 🤡 gluten 😷 𝙤𝙪𝙩 🙅‍♀️ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 🥖 imma 🧚 need 🤚 you 👶 to shut 🔇 that 💪 bullshit 👄 up 👆 chief 💂‍♀️ we 👬 cant 🙅 take 👌 shit out 👾 the 😷 bread 🍞 why❓ put 👿 it in 🤲 in 👁 the 👅 first 1️⃣ place🚪 i 🧑‍🎨 know 🧠 yall 💢 𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣 🚬 that 👉 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠 💅
A🌑 duck walked🚤👳🏽 up↪️ to📵 a🍉 lemonade stand And💘 he📮 said🏰👸🏼 to📰 the man,👏🏻 running🐖 the👋🏿💿💕 stand "Hey! (Bum🚵🏼 bum🎓 bum)💦 Got😁 any🕗🆖 grapes?" The👦🏻✔️👲🏼 man⏫ said "No😪 we📂 just🚥 sell🐣 lemonade. But👨‍👨‍👦‍👦📀 it's cold And👧🏾🔣 it's👌 fresh And🔳🌕🚿👆🏾 it's all home-made.🙆🏽🛀 Can🍍 I get🚥📅 you Glass?" The duck said, "I'll👣 pass". Then👃🏻 he waddled👵🏻 away. (Waddle🌂 waddle) 'Til😢👒 the💂🏻😐🙅🏿 very📍 next♊️ day. (Bum bum bum👳🏾😇 bum👮🏿🌜 ba-bada-dum)🕐👮🏽
Shawty’s💖✨like🌟😌a⌛️👑✨melody💞🎀🌟 🪐That💫 I 🌏can't 🌍keep 🌵out 🌟Got 🌟me ✨singin' ⚡️like⚡️ 🔥Na na na na 🔥everyday🌪 It's🌈 like ☀️my 💫iPod ❄️stuck 🏚on 🤠replay, 🤤replay-ay-ay-ay🦁 Shawty's🤤 like 🤖a 🤑melody 😻in 😽my 🤲head🧠 That 🤚I 💢can't 💋keep 💄out👀 Got 🤙me 🙏singin' 🙏like👅 Na na na na 💄everyday💋 ⌚It's 💎like 💪my 📱iPod 👋stuck 👋on 🖖replay, 🤚Deluga 🤘Heights (replay) 🤟Hey ✊🏾over 👏and 🤝over 👐o_O ||if 👁I'm 🆓tipsy🔰 or ♻️sober💯 I 💖got ❤️lil' 💔momma💗 on 💝rewind❣️like the ❤️deck 👥in 😻my 😺Rover 👾On 💀my 🤑mind, 🗿shawty☁ fine, 😯meditate 🤒her 👩 like 🧘‍♀️ 🤒So 🤕down 🤐on 😵the 🙄line 😤make 👉me 👈want 👍🏾a 😈cold 👹soda👺 👻Hey 👽baby 🤡be 🤤my 😈radio 📻 😶Hear👂you ✨ everywhere 😏I 😉go 🙂Music 👩‍❤️‍👨in 😇my 😚head🤪 🤨Know 😋your 🤪melody 🤩in 😔every 😭note😏 Girl 😍you 😍incredible😚 🤪Make 🤩yourself 🗿available😏Na na na na🤪 😘That 🎶tune 😚so 😊exceptional☺️ 😍Smexy 😍like 💗a 😚piano 👸give 💥you ♉️my 👩🏿‍✋ hands 👀if ✊🏾you're 😈ready💀 ✨We 😜can 😀make 🙃plans😚 get🗿 body 😋stand😍 if ✊🏾you let ☄️me😩 Girl I'm a…😳
Shawty 👄 had 👉 them 💯 apple 🍎 bottom 🔽 jeans 👖 boots 👢 with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈 (with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈) got 🐲 the 🔟 whole 🙄 club 💒 looking 👀 at ☮️ her 👠 she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽 them 🦮 baggy 👜 sweatpants 🩳 and ➕ the 👁‍🗨 Reeboks 👟 with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️ (with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️) she 💃 turned 😛around ↩️ and 👊 gave ✌️ that 👁 big 🥵booty 🍑 a 🌶 smack ✨ she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽
Today 📅 my 12 😣🕛 year 📅 old 👴 son 👦 and I 👥 walked 🚶 into harvard 👩‍🎓 to sign 🚧 him 👴 up ☝ for college 🚌📚. The dean rudly asked ❓ what a 12 😣🕛 year 🗓 old 👴 was doing signing 🖊 up ⬆ for such a prestigious 🎖🏆 institute like 👍 harvard 👩‍🎓. My son 🙎‍♂️ took 👫 of to reveal 💡 his 🤦 Rick 👨🏻‍🔬 and Morty 😡😵 shirt 👕 and proclaimed "Well 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏿 you 👆 see 👁 sir 🤔 I 👁 watch 👁 Rick 🥒 and Morty 😡😵". A look 👀 of confusion ❓🤔 came 💦 over 😳🙊💦 the deans face 😀 and I 👁 have never 🚫 been so proud 😤. The dean quickly ⚡ made 👉 sure 💯 to appologize to my son 👦 but 👆🍑👀 it was too late 💤, the police 👮‍♂️ rushed 🏃‍♂️ in and dragged him 👨🏾 out. My son 👦 passed 📆 all 🙌 his 🤦 classes 📒 with 4.0s and graduated 🔝 top 🔝 of his 🤦 class 📒 in the first 🥇 day 📅 of college 🏘👱📚.
Number🔢 1️⃣5️⃣: 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 foot👣 lettuce🥗. The last🥉 thing you'd👉 want in👇 your👉 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 🅱️urger🍔 is someone's👤 foot👣 fu🆖us🤢🤮. 🅱️ut🍑 as🍑 it turns↩️ out, that might 🅱️e what you👉 get. A 4️⃣channer🍀👤 uploaded a 🅿️hoto📷📸 🅰️nonymously👤❓ to the site showcasing his🚹 feet👣 in👇 a 🅿️lastic bin🚮 of lettuce🥗🤮. With the statement🗣: "This👇 is the lettuce🥗 you👉 eat 🅰️t 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴."😱😱 🅰️dmittedly, he🚹 had shoes👣👟 on. But🍑 that's even🤭 worse😱😷. The 🅿️ost went live at 1️⃣1️⃣:3️⃣8️⃣ PM on July🎆🎇 1️⃣6️⃣, and a mere 2️⃣0️⃣ minutes🕤 later, the 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 in👇 question❓ was 🅰️lerted👂 to the rogue👤 employee👤. At least, I👁 hope he's🚹 rogue. How😨 did it🤔 happen🧐🧐? Well, the 🅱️K🍔🤴 employee👤 hadn't🚫 removed❌ the Exif data🤓 from the uploaded photo📷📸, which suggested👀 the culprit👤 was somewhere in👇 Mayfield Heights, Ohio🇺🇸. This was 🅰️t 1️⃣1️⃣:4️⃣7️⃣. 3️⃣ minutes later🕘 at 1️⃣1️⃣:5️⃣0️⃣, the 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 branch🌳 address📭🏠 was 🅿️osted with wishes🙏 of happy😄😁 unemployment😨😰. 5️⃣ minutes later🕚, the news stati🔛 was contacted🗣📞 🅱️y 🅰️nother 4️⃣channer👤🍀. And 3️⃣ minutes🕒 later, at 1️⃣1️⃣:5️⃣8️⃣, a link was 🅿️osted: 🅱️K's🍔🤴 "Tell us 🆎out us" online🌐 forum. The foot👣 🅿️hoto📷📸, otherwise known as🍑 exhibit 🅰️, was 🅰️ttached. Cleveland🇺🇸 Scene Maga🇺🇸zine contacted🗣☎️ the 🅱️K🍔🤴 in👇 question🤔❓ the next⏩ day🌞. When questioned🤔❓🧐, the breakfast🌞🍽 shift manager🧔 said "Oh, I👁 know😱 who🤔 that is. He's🚹 getti🆖 fired💥🔫🔥." Mystery🧐 solved👍, 🅱️y 4️⃣chan🍀👥. Now we👥 can🛢 all go 🔙 to2️⃣ eati🆖🍽 our fast🏃‍♂️💨 food🍔🍟🥤 in👇 🅿️eace☮️😀😃😁👍.
im 😂 not gonna 😻 show 👈📺 you 🤙 🤖 the 🍁🌷 facts 📚 📚 and 👏👏 💰 the 👑⚕ 🏽 evidence 📰 🔨📃 beacuse im 😂 😂😂 29 fucking ♀😡 🎮 years 📅📅 old 🍆 and 💻 🌬 in 👄📥 not ⚠🤚 gonna ♂ sit down ⬇👇 and ➕👏 💰 make 💰 🖕 a video ♀📹 📹📸 with 👏👈 👩😫 screenshots exposing 👐 👐 my bullies 😎🖕 🖕😎 these 🈴 💁🚟 are 🏾 👏🏼 bullies these 🤤 are 🏿 highschool fucking 🙏 bullies and 🍀 👏📡 they 👥 👈 wanna 🙇❤ come at 😍👸 👅 me ❓ 📩✌ and 👏🍞 🅱🏼 say 😅🚃 ✋ your ⬅ 👏👏 29 years 📅 old how 👏⚖ your 🍆🏻 👉 acting fuck 😤👦 🍆 you 👆 your 🍆 🙄 in 👏 〽 your 😩 fucking 👉🍆 30s almost 😲 👀😲 all 💯 of 💦📆 😤 you 😤 😘👆 attacking ♂ ♂ me 🏿😭 👈 and 👏😵 😭 im 👌 👌 not ♂🚫 saying 🗣😡 a fucking 👉 work 🏢 🔨 to 🙅 💦 anybody and 👏 👏🙏 your 💯👉 going to 💦 👆💰 say 🤐 🏿 im 👀 😂🏻 panting myself 🔪 👩🐱 as the 🔝👏 🕘⚕ victim and 👏💦 im 👌😂 trying 😔 to ask 🤗😩 😥🙋 for 💰👨 attention i 😂👀 have 👏🏋 😤💰 not 🚫🙅 said 💖 😑 a 👌😂 fucking 😛💞 👈 word 🔚🔚 ✊ publicly until 💦 🅱 another 👯👣 video 🎥 📹 was ☠ 💯👏 made 💰😶 👆 about me 😩👤 the 👏 🅱👏 week 📅 ❗😱 i was 👏👏 👏 putting 💯💯 out 💰▶ 🏼🏍 my 👨 fucking EP you 👉💬 😭👧 wanna ❤ 😻🏿 ghost 👻👻 👻👻 the 🕸 internet 🌐💻 for 😎🍆 five 🕔 fucking ➡ months 🏽 and ✝ im 😂 promoting ↗ my 😩 😘 project ↗ like 😏❤ 😄 crazy and 😇👏 ➕👏 your 👏 ☝ gonna 👏🅱 🔥 put 😏 my 👨 name 📛 in your fucking 🎮😫 🖕🍑 thumbnail bringing up ❤✋ a 🅰💰 🏠 fucking 🚟 ➡ dramatic lie 💬❎ ❎😱 a hate 💯💯 campaign that 🦃 🔪 you fucking started 😁 🙄 5 👪 🛐 months ✌📆 🙄🏽 you 🏻👏 dont 😡🙅 👀 post 🏾📌 🗒🙄 but 🤤 💏🍑 im 👌🅱 posting a 💰☝ 💰 project ⬆⬅ ⬅⬆ and 👏👏 you 🤖🅱 have 💪👏 👏 to say 🗣🗣
You 👆 useless 👩🏻 piece 🗿 of shit 💩. You 👆 absolute 💯 waste 😵 of space ⭐⚫ and air 🌬. You 👆 uneducated, ignorant 👌, idiotic 😜 dumb 🤪 swine 🐽😂, you’re an absolute 💯 embarrassment 😣 to humanity 🕴 and all 🤠 life 💓 as a whole 🕳. The magnitude 🔍 of your 👉 failure 👎🏽 just now is so indescribably massive 🐘 that one ☝🏻 hundred 💯 years 📅 into the future 👨🏼 your 👉🏿 name 🏷 will be used ♦ as moniker of evil 😈 for heretics. Even 🌃 if all 💪 of humanity 🕴 put 👏 together 👮‍♂️🐕 their collective intelligence 🧐 there is no 🚫 conceivable way ↕ they could have thought 🤔 up ☝ a way ↕ to fuck 🤬 up ⬆ on the unimaginable scale ⚖ you 👉🏻 just did
How 🤷🏻 ba-a-a-ad 🤡👺👹 can 🛢 I 👉👁👄👁 be? 🐝🐝I'm 💁🏻‍♂️just🤷🏻doin'🙆🏻‍♂️what comes ☀️🌈✨𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎✨🌈☀️How💁🏻‍♂️ba-a-a-ad🤡👺👹can🛢I 👉🤡be? 🐝🐝 I'm💁🏻‍♂️just 🤷🏻following👉➡️➡️my ➡️➡️🎀 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎 🎀 How🤷🏻ba-a-a-ad🤡👺👹can🛢I👉🏿be? 🐝🐝 I'm💁🏻‍♂️just🤷🏻doin'🙆🏻‍♂️what comes ☀️🌈✨ 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 ✨🌈☀️ How🤷🏻ba-a-a-ad 🤡👺👹 can🛢I👉👹be? 🐝🐝How 🤷🏻💁🏻‍♂️bad🥵👺💁🏻‍♂️can🛢💁🏻‍♂️I 💁🏻‍♂️possibly🙋🏻‍♂️be?💁🏻‍♂️🐝🐝Well, 🤷🏻 there's a principal 💡⏳of nature 🙈🙉🙊(principal of nature) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻That almost👌every 🐶🐱🐭🐮 creature🐹🐰🐯🐸 knows💡💡Called survival🏋🏻🤸🏻‍♀️of the fittest💪🏻💪🏾 (survival of the fittest) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️ 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻And check✅it ➡️this is how it goes🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️The animal🙈🙉🙊that eats🍌gotta🤼 scratch🏋️and 👄bite 🦁and💪punch🤼And the🐷🐨animal🐥🦇 that doesn't, well the 🐼🦁animal🦉🐙that doesn't, winds🔁 up🆙⬆️Someone else's 💁🏻‍♂️💁🏽‍♂️💁🏿‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾‍♀️lu-🍔lu-🥙lu-🌮lu-🥪lunch!🍱(Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch👁👅👁) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻I'm just saying'...💁🏻‍♂️
𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼🌙a 🙄𝘣𝘶𝘻𝘻🐝𝘣𝘶𝘻𝘻🤣 buzz✨ïṅ 😨m̸e̸a̸d̸o̸w̸🤷🏻‍♀️t⃨h⃨e⃨r⃨e⃨s⃨👾ᗩ😈ꌃꀎꁴꁴ💩 🐝乃ㄩ乙乙😂【b】【u】【z】【z】💕 b̆̈ŭ̈z̆̈z̆̈🌹the 😅 ፕዪቿ̂🌳Շɦεɼεร😣a 🤯b̶u̶z̶z̶👽 b̠u̠z̠z̠🤖 ḃu̇żż👻ᏰᏬፚፚ 💀in 👃the😷 ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ🌺ꅐꏂꋪꏂ😹so 🤟乃ㄩ丂ㄚ🗣 b̑̈ȇ̈ȋ̈n̑̈g̑̈👓᥇ꪊɀɀꪊꪗ🥽b͛e͛e͛z͛ 👁ẇєяє👄ɓմςςψ 🗿ℬUℤℤℐℕᎶ🌿with🐚♭ṳℨℨ♭ḙḙ✺🥓bͦͯuͦͯzͦͯzͦͯbͦͯeͦͯeͦͯ🌍is 🌟b˟˚u˟˚s˟˚y˟˚🎰with 🧠m͙e͙🐽Ᏺᾀᑬᑬẙ😀 as 😉a સଇกกϓ Ъ૯૯🍯 can 🙇‍♂️be🧚🏻 w̤̮e̤̮r̤̮e̤̮🦷βUSΨ😴b̾u̾z̾z̾i̾n̾g̾🤐with 🤡b⃠u⃠z⃠z⃠b⃠e⃠e⃠👺 t̺͆h̺͆e̺͆🎃ṧ✺ℵ🌞!✘a͎l͎w͎a͎y͎s͎🦄s͜͡h͜͡i͜͡n͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡👨‍🦳🄸🅃🅂🧒great😖t̶o̶😪b͟e͟👐🏻ḁͦl̥ͦi̥ͦv̥ͦe̥ͦ🔪 ሠዘቿክ💄you’re ♭ʊʐʐ😻βUZZ😮ℬʉᏃᏃ🐣乃∪乙乙🥶Ъμzz😸b˟˚u˟˚z˟˚z˟˚i˟˚n˟˚g˟˚🤬ᏜᎥʈ⋆🤧ЪμzzЪ૯૯🤔i͓̽n͓̽🚀Ꮖℋℰ👱🏻‍♀️ʰⁱᵛᵉ🍟
I 👁 don't 🚫👎 know 💭 what 😂 I 💰💰 was 👏👏 thinking 🤔 Leaving 🚪🍃 my 👨🌭 child 👾 behind 👟☢ Now 🎅🙅 I suffer 😱😤 the 👏🔝 curse ⛓ Knowing 💭🤔 now 😭🤗 I 🤠 am blind With all 👩😩 this anger, 😡 guilt and sadness Coming 🏻🏃 to 😷 haunt me 👸 forever 🕜 I can't 🔫 wait for the cliff 💦 at 🗽 the end of 💦 the 🦉👑 river Is 😤 this revenge I am seeking Or seeking someone 👥👤 to 💦 avenge me Stuck in 〽👏 my 🏻 own 😎🏻 paradox I 👀👨 wanna ♀ set ➿ myself free Maybe I 😏 should 👑 chase and 👏 find 🔦 Before they'll 👧 try 😐 to 💦 stop ⛔ it 💯 It won't be 🍆💚 long before 🐝🔙 I'll 😩 become 🏽 a 🆒 puppet It's been 🥜 so long 🔨 Since I last have seen 👁 my ♂ son 👦 Lost to 💰 this monster 👹 To 🍅 the 🍁 man ♂ behind the slaughter Since you've been 📹 gone 😠😡 I've been 🚟👦 singing this 🏿 stupid song 🎵🎤 So I 👨 could 👌✊ ponder The 😫 sanity of 💦🔴 your mother I 👟👏 wish 😢😢 I 💯😎 lived in 👉 the 👏😈 present With the 😫👏 gift 🍆 of 🚋🤔 my 💋🤔 past mistakes But the 🌜 future 💞 keeps luring in ❤🍆 like 👏💖 a pack of snakes Your 🙄👉 sweet 🍬 little 🐭 eyes 👀👀 Your 👨👉 little 🏽 smile, ⭐😁 is 💦 all I 🏻 remember Those fuzzy memories mess with 👌 my temper Justification is killing me But killing 🔪 isn't justified What happened 🤔🤔 to 💯♀ my 💝 son, ♂👦 I'm terrified 😲😲 It 😳 lingers in 👇 my 💩💪 mind And 🌰👏 the 🏻 thought 🤔🤔 keeps on getting 💦 bigger I'm 😻 sorry my 👬 sweet 🍬 baby 👦👶 I 👀♂ wish I've 🏾😭 been there 💦✔ It's 😠🍝 been ✊😎 so 😮 long 🕑📏 Since 💦💦 I 🤔🙋 last 🕞❗ have 😑 seen 👀👁 my 😤 son 🏻👦 Lost 🍆 to 💦 this monster 👹👹 To 😉 the 👏👏 man 💂 behind ↩ the 😂🚗 slaughter Since 💦💦 you've been 🤤😎 gone 😭 I've 😠 been 👑 singing 👩 this 💋 stupid song 🎵🎵 So I could 🚫 ponder The sanity of your mother
What the 🅾🔪 fuck 👌🍑 did 🌼 you 👏👉 just 👏 fucking 🏻⚔ say 🗣🎙 about ✨💦 me, you 👧💦 little 🍑😫 bitch? 🐩☘ I'll 💵🤢 have you know 👏 I 💬♀ graduated 💯 top 👚🔼 of my 🖥👌 class 🥇😛 in 🏢 the 👏 Navy Seals, and I've been 🥜💫 involved in ⏳ numerous secret raids 👈👤 on Al-Quaeda, 🍒🅾 and 💰🌈 I 💰👁 have 🎁 over 😈♂ 300 confirmed kills. ☠ I am trained 🏻🏻 in gorilla warfare 💣 and I'm 🚫 the 😱 top 🔝🔼 sniper in the 👩 entire 😂🏼 US armed forces. 🍆 You are 🏃 nothing to 🅱🗝 me but just 👏 another 🔁 target. I 👁👣 will 🅱💰 wipe 🤤 you 😤😑 the 👏 fuck 🏻 out 🍻 with 👏😏 precision the 🌫😫 likes of which 👏 has 👏 never 😤 been 📷👏 seen 👁 before ⬅💰 on 🤤 this 👈 Earth, 🌎🌎 mark ✌ my 👯🕶 fucking ➡👉 words. You ❌❤ think 😠🤔 you 👈 can 💦 get away with 👩👏 saying 💬🗣 that shit 👌👻 to ✌🅱 me over the Internet? 🌐 Think again, fucker. ➡ As 🍑🍑 we 🏼🤝 speak I 👀👈 am contacting 📞👈 my 😽 secret 😱😱 network of spies across 👉 the 📉 USA 💖 and 🥁 your 👉👉 IP is 👉💦 being traced 📈 right ❤ now 👋 so 😴 you better 🤔😚 prepare 👉 for the 👏🎆 storm, maggot. The storm 🌀 that 🍆👏 wipes out the 👌🔥 pathetic 😂👋 little 👩 thing you call 📱 your life. You're 👈 fucking 💯 dead, 🔥😂 kid. 😎👶 I 👁👁 can 💦 be anywhere, anytime, 👉💵 and ♂😫 I 👏 can 🔫🔫 kill 👻🔫 you 😏😏 in ⬅👏 over 😳😈 seven hundred ways, and that's 👆 just with 😉😗 my 👍🆕 bare hands. 👏 Not 👏♀ only 😤 am 👦💦 I 😶 extensively trained 👨🏻 in 💊👇 unarmed combat, 🗡 but I 👩😍 have 😑 access 🔖 to the 👏 entire 👏🙋 arsenal of 👨 the 👍👏 United States 👌 Marine Corps and 📡👏 I will 💦 use it to its full 🈵🌕 extent to wipe your 🏻👏 miserable ass 🍑🍆 off 😡👏 the 👏 face of 💦❤ the continent, 👤 you 👨👈 little 👌 shit. 🎃💖 If 🤥 only you could have known 💫 what 😧 unholy 🙏 retribution your 👏 little 🏼 "clever" comment was about 🎩⭐ to ⚠ bring ➡⬅ down ⬇ upon you, maybe 😿 you ♀ would have 👏 held ✊ your 👈👈 fucking 💯 tongue. 👅 But 🏼 you couldn't, you didn't, 😘 and 💯 now 🎅🔫 you're paying the price, you 🙄🖕 goddamn idiot. I 👁🅱 will 😘 shit 👌 fury 😡😡 all over you 🤓👉 and 💰 you will 👏 drown in it. You're 😊🤖 fucking dead, kiddo. 🔥💲
Submitted September 18, 2020 at 11:56AM by Putins-Uncle via reddit https://ift.tt/2RESOdY
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awrldalone · 3 years
2nd June 2021, 10.41pm
(Part 2 of this)
When we arrived at the apartment, Cl.’s father had arrived too, with Cl.’s guests. We stayed together. The two men left in their cars, and V. and I went to buy cigarettes because something about alcohol just makes me want to smoke a whole packet. It was 5 euros. We used Ca.’s ID at the vending machine and we walked through the empty, quiet streets. I could hear our breaths, the sound fo our shoes on the irregular streets. V. is a very tall boy, he has gotten a lot more attractive recently, and sometimes I wondered if I like him. I do not, my mind was just slightly not sober.
We played some drinking games, laughed, put on bad music, good music, okay music, we danced while trying not to make too much noise. At one point some of us went outside to smoke, and between the grey clouds we confessed things you can only speak about in nights like that. I rolled up my sleeves, A. said she likes girls too, F. told me he knows about my eating habits. at one point, I do not remember when, he had the audacity to grip my wrists, his fingers sinking in my arms, because he wanted to check if I had cuts. He does not know I only do it on my legs. 
We all fell asleep between three and four p.m., with too much disaronno, gin and god knows what else in our bloodstreams. I had the strength to put on some Phoebe Bridgers while our eyelids were getting too heavy. 
I slept fairly well. I woke up at seven, with the taste of death in my mouth. I immediately went to brush my teeth, trying not to make noise. It was cold. I had slept on the floor, on top of a sleeping bag. I got inside the sleeping bag, and in its warm embrace I slept - still fully clothed, shirt, pants, belt - for another two hours. 
Then we all woke up, little by little, and we all washed up, changed, some in the previous day’s clothes, some in a fresh outfit. I scrubbed my face of all the dirt I felt on it, I looked at my ribs in the mirror and I felt disgusting. I brushed my teeth again, and as I waited for the others to get ready I tidied up my things. I put the suit in the garment bag, pushed the dirty underwear underneath everything in my backpack, and took out a book to read a few pages. I could not concentrate. 
I was wearing a white t-shirt, but later I changed because I felt like it. I brought a button-down gilet with me, and I just wore that, on top of bare skin. I think I looked cool. Besides, I have been told I have nice hands and arms - again, I suspect it’s out of exaggeration - and usually I never show them too much. No one saw the few scars on my shoulder, but V. seemed to stare at the veins of my arms from time to time, which was gratifying. I need to stop craving male attention.
We got to V.’s house. His parents were not there, we had the house to ourselves. It’s truly a beautiful place: the walls were of a pretty yellow, ceramic collections looked dainty and shiny in the glass cupboards, art was everywhere, the bookshelves heaped with books of all sorts. 
He has a very big terrace, with plants everywhere. Rose bushes, rosemary, jasmine, hydrangea, other flowers which I do not know the name of. Everything was blooming. A lush vine provided us with some shade, the sun played like water splashes through the leaves and projected pools of dancing light on the floor, on the table, on us, on the step that brings to the kitchen.
The table in the terrace had a nice cloth, it was covered in flowers too. There was a certain air of romantic decadence in that house. Painted ceramics, tasteful kick-knacks, peculiar but sophisticated bits and bobs. There was so much to look at. 
V. and I went out to buy pastries. On the way there, I stopped briefly to look at the window of a record store. We bought some kind of croissants that were not exactly croissants. They were delicious, covered in crystals of sugar and filled with saturated jam that glistened in the sun.
We made coffee, then tea. I drank a lot of water. I put on some Kate Bush and no one  complained - it fit perfectly the moment. I have this very beautiful image of Cl. in mind: her walking inside, the leaves framing her body, the sun behind making her glow, the loose dress and her hair moving like waves because of the light breeze. It was a painting in real life.
After not too long, V. left us. He had somewhere to go. I somewhat envy him for being so busy. (Especially after tonight, I have grown an appreciation towards not being home).
We were sitting in the living room, and F. played the piano. He has been studying it for three years, and his hands danced on the keyboard in a Pride and Prejudice-esque vignette. Cl. even sang a little bit, since she has been taking lessons. 
We talked about all and nothing. Anecdotes, things friends of friends have done, C. talked about some of her father’s adventures - I admire that man greatly, he has truly lived. Books, sports, anything. I wish I could permanently live in that moment. The sweet music, the fresh wind, the faint scent of flowers, the mind still slightly hazy. 
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