#buy wood pellets
durn3h · 1 month
I made such good pork chops yesterday, I think I’ve really got this pellet smoker thing figured out now
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allergan12 · 11 months
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Grade A1 wood pellets Diameter: 6mm-8mm Low dust content <1% High ash melting temperature> 1200 ° C Made from the best virgin woods
Email : [email protected] Contact : +31657511744Contact : +4917615799247
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freshtradingltd · 1 year
Wood Pellet For Sale - Buy Quality Pine Wood Pellets from Turkey. #woodpellet #biofuel #woodpellets -
+905319472731 (WhatsApp)
Buy Wood Pellets Wholesale with the assistance of Fresh Trading Ltd. experts. We produce the best quality pellet with the best quality material.
We deliver your orders all over the world with our vast distribution network.
The energy sector at this time is not at its best. However, eco-friendly energy sources have proven to be more of an essence and a safe fuel system. Pellet Fuel is less dangerous than the use of other fossil fuels.
Inflation is crippling the economy with soaring food prices and bills. Winter is on the way. Transportation will be distorted and slowed down.
Grab and secure your energy supplies to be on the winning team.
Our Pine Wood Pellets are 6mm and it is the cleanest combustion system among other fuel systems. Environmental-Friendly Wood Pellets For Sale In Bulk by Fresh Trading LTD at good prices.
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southernsmokebbq · 1 year
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trinno-bv · 2 years
10 Tips for Choosing The Right Wood Pellet Boiler Supplier
On the off chance that you've concluded that a wood pellet heater checks out for you, then you'll need to know how to get one.
This is the thing you want to ponder.
You'll need to pick a Wood pellets distributors uk with a lot of involvement. As more and individuals are searching for inexhaustible warming frameworks, an ever increasing number of organizations will be hoping to reach out thus finding a laid out organization might be get more enthusiastically.
In the event that you're hoping to exploit the Sustainable Warming Motivator (RHI) which will give a quarterly installment to qualifying wood pellet boilers and ovens, then, at that point, you'll need to pick an organization that is MCS certify. This implies that your provider will actually want to assist you with picking the right kettle or oven and help you with your RHI application.
Reach and assortment
On the off chance that you don't know what kind of heater or oven you really want, then you'll need to take a gander at a few models and know about the distinctions. You might have explicit necessities, or area or calculated issues which should be tended to, thus that you can purchase the right kind of pellet heater.
Display area
Having the option to see various models in a display area will assist you with studying wood pellet boilers, and figure out the elements and the advantages, as well as the distinctions between models. Maybe what looks great on paper won't really fit in your home or work environment, or perhaps you'll find a maker or model you hadn't recently thought of.
It's fundamental that you pick a wood pellet heater provider with a lot of information on the business, and who can track down you the ideal evaporator to meet your precise prerequisites. Sales reps who have you interests on the most fundamental level, instead of their bonus or targets, will cause you to have a more agreeable outlook on purchasing another warming framework, as you're bound to get the unbiased exhortation you want.
Picking a wood pellet kettle provider with a decent standing will provide you with the inner harmony that you want. Maybe the provider you have picked isn't the least expensive, however can give tributes from numerous cheerful homegrown and business clients. Perhaps they offer an establishment administration, and can answer any pre and post deals questions you might have.
Back up and uphold
In the event that wood pellet boilers and sustainable warming is all new to you, you'll need to ensure that the provider you pick offers the back up and uphold you're probably going to require. You won't have any desire to be without heat and boiling water in the profundities of winter, and have no one to help you.
Wood pellet supply
Your kettle provider might have the option to assist you with your pellets as well. As your evaporator maker is probably going to suggest premium wood pellets, it's fundamental that you pick the right superior pellets. Likewise, you might be keen on a proper cost agreement for your pellets, implying that you can financial plan for your warming expenses, and get the best cost a very long time ahead of time as well.
Conveyance times
Whenever you've tracked down the right evaporator, and figured out your pellets, you'll need to ensure that your kettle provider can convey inside a sensible time. In the event that you're completing broad home upgrades, or are engaged with a structure project, you'll have to know when your new kettle will show up and can be introduced.
Albeit at first you will have a spending plan as a main priority, it's fundamental that you would rather not pick a pellet kettle provider on cost alone. When you consider the help, wood pellet supply, tracking down the right reach, and required license, you'll comprehend that the least expensive evaporator provider could set you back significantly more in the long haul.
Presently you know what to think about, you'll have the option to pick the right wood pellet kettle provider and get the wood pellet warming framework you want.
For more details, visit us :
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charcoalkings · 2 years
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Stainless Steel Bbq - Charcoal Kings
Product is made from marine grade stainless steel. Dimension are: 62 cm (L) X 22.5 cm (W) x 13 cm (Depth). The unit stands 47 cm tall with handles both sides and foldable legs for easy storing. Ventilation on both ends with elevated charcoal trays for optimal airflow and cooking experience.  https://charcoalkings.com.au/product/stainless-steel-bbq/
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drdemonprince · 1 year
how is it having a chinchilla? How does it compare to a dog, rabbit, lizard, or other pets? I'd like a pet when I'm more financially stable, but idk if I'll ever be mentally stable? I worry about meeting its needs, but something like a fish is too low interaction for me.
Are chinchillas considered an "exotic" animal? I know some states require licenses to have them as pets, like hedgehogs
Chinchillas are in the sweet spot of low maintenance but high engagement, in my opinion. When you're busy, you can keep em in a cage with water, hay, pellets, a few chew toys, and a wheel to run on pretty much indefinitely ; when you want to play with them you can let them roam around a chin-proofed room and enjoy watching them jump, roll, and dart around the room bouncing off the walls.
Chins are curious and fearless, and they are *fast* and can jump as high as four feet off the ground, and quite high energy, so they can be a lot of fun to have around. They however are NOT LAP PETS and will chew up every single wood baseboard / electric cable / book / pair of shoes they can find, so you have to keep an eye on them or else cover everything with cardboard. Don't let the cute tiktoks fool you, most dont want to sit still on a countertop holding things for videos. Chins are like cats: they do want they want to do, and they choose when they want to make contact with you and where they want to go.
Chins are also hypoallergenic! and relatively cheap to keep, aside from the initial start up costs of buying a good Critter Nation cage and a Happy Chilla metal wheel and the pet itself. They are very long lived for a rodent, some making it into their 20s, so be prepared for a long term commitment. (my last chin made it to 13, but we didnt feed her well when I was a child. Dump Truck, who we give hay and Oxbow pellets only, is 7 but I expect him to be around a long time. He's still very youthful).
There are no "exotics" restrictions on owning chinchillas, because they have been domesticated since the 1800s. All chinchillas come from breeders, none are captured from the wild, and there are many reputable breeders in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Japan, as well as rescues. Here in Chicago we have Northwest Indiana Chinchilla Rescue just a few miles out.
One final note: chinchillas need a cool environment. If the room they are in gets about 85 degrees, they will die. They evolved in the Peruvian mountains and are built for a cold, dry environment. If you can't afford to keep them in air conditioning all summer, do not get one. In the winter, they will post up for hours beside an open window. Ice chips and a cool marble slab in their cage can help them regulate temp too.
To learn more, I recommend Let's Love Chinchillas. It's a website, a subreddit, and theyre on facebook/instagram etc.
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takami-takami · 9 months
Rabbits are not beginner pets. There is a fuckton of research that needs to into owning rabbits. But here's some general advice:
You need to neuter and spay your rabbits. Rabbits are extremely prone to cancer (their evolutionary survival tactic isn't to be sturdy, it's to proliferate like crazy). The majority (yes, majority) of female rabbits will develop uterine tumors if they are not spayed or bred. Male rabbits must be neutered for similar reasons. This also helps behaviorally, as male rabbits can be a nightmare around other rabbits (especially other males) if not neutered or spayed. They can do serious, permanent bodily injury to each other. Rabbits can be very vicious. They also pee everywhere and spray. 👎
You need to check their poop regularly for health and consistency. This will often be your first sign that your rabbit is unwell, dehydrated, ill, etc. Rabbits hide their illness extremely well and only begin to "look sick" at near-death, in many cases. You will also have to check for very, very slight behavioral and mood changes and visit the vet regularly. It is better to be safe than sorry. What appears to be mild lethargy could be pneumonia.
Rabbits can and should be litter trained! Paper litter is best. Wood shavings can be inhaled and cause respiratory issues. Some rabbits do well with hay, but others will have a party and throw it all over the place or eat soiled hay (its normal for rabbits to eat their poop, directly from the source to redigest, but old poop and urine isn't great). If you use newspaper shreddings ALWAYS look for ones that use ingestible ink.
Adopt, do not buy from pet shops. But if you already did, you need to get your rabbit's sex checked again. It is very difficult to tell the sex when rabbits are young, and pet store employees will often get them wrong. Have them checked at the vet if they're still little; or if they're at sexual maturity already, you can check yourself (it's obvious when they're older because Balls).
Rabbits need a LOT of space... Like a lot. Petsmart cages are torture, unless you're using them as a litter box (even then, just buy plastic trays from the dollar store. Lifesavers.) It is best to let them free roam, but if you can't, making a custom cage out of storage cube grids and something sturdy for the floor (or just the floor itself) is a great option. If you go this route, they need daily exercise time, and you should look up appropriate size guides.
Never use grid flooring. If you have hardwood, lay down a towel or blankey so they have somewhere to rest their feet and won't develop sores.
Keep their area free of flies at all times. Flies can kill rabbits if there are enough of them via Fly Strike.
It's best to change their litter most every day. But again, if you don't have the energy to dump it out that often, you can always just use a fresh litterbox from the dollar store and throw the whole last one away lmao.
Rabbits are social and like friends!
Contrary to popular belief, a rabbit's diet should NOT be pellets! It should be hay (timothy is good. Avoid alfalfa unless they're babies). They will not be able to grind their teeth down if they eat just pellets. They should be given greens daily. Do not give them iceberg lettuce (it makes them gassy).
Root vegetables like carrots are actually kinda junk food for them, but it's a myth that carrots are their favorite food; a rabbit's favorite food is the banana! They lose their absolute shit over bananas. Be careful giving them too much fruit, fruit is to a rabbit what candy is to humans.
Water bowls, not bottles. Those can damage their teeth and discourage drinking (which leads to dehydration).
ALWAYS have a packet of Oxbow Critical Care formula in your fridge. If your vet is closed and your rabbit is not eating, you will need to force feed them in the meantime to prevent G.I. Stasis (which can kill them rather quickly). Crit care is basically a powder with food, vitamins, and minerals you mix with water to make bunny baby food. Many rabbits will straight up eat it out of your hand if you mash a small piece of banana into it! Makes life easier.
Rabbit hidey houses are required. Rabbits can be scared to death. They need a place to hide. If they are spending a lot more time in their hidey house, they may be stressed or sick.
Oftentimes they like toilet paper tubes more than expensive toys.
Try not to make pop noises around rabbits. They hate fireworks. Sounds like their little danger stomp :(. That being said, if they bite you, you can tap the floor once with your palm to communicate to your bunny that you didn't like that.
Rabbits can have attitude especially the smaller ones. Mini lops, my beloved little divas.
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crevicedwelling · 2 years
How do you handle your bug provider infrastructure? You talk about leaf litter consumption and fermented wood and stuff and I barely know anything about proper bug keeping
the leaf litter is for my isopods and to a lesser extent my millipedes. I harvest it in late fall or early spring, after they’re totally brown and dry and rainwater has soaked off some of the tannins but before the earthworms wake up and eat it all.
it’s a bit like haying a field for big livestock, but not exactly. I go out and rake up a pile, sort it into smaller piles, soak them for 3 days, rinse them once more, and then dry them in sheets to make them easy to store. I much prefer to harvest my own leaf litter since I live in a place with a lot of tasty maple trees. commercially sold magnolia litter and oak are very hard and not well liked by the isopods.
fermenting wood is a process of turning pellets of oak wood intended for grilling supplies into a yeast-fermented rotten wood product which is the main food of many millipedes. I’m also interested in growing mushrooms for a similar purpose, since wild millipedes adore Armillaria-rotted wood. I don’t keep enough animals that need wood to ferment my own though, I can get by on my stockpiles of wood I collected when some local dead trees were cut down.
both are a bit more intensive than I think most people care for. you can just buy leaf litter or wood/flake soil online. tbh I am extremely cheap and would rather do a bit of work to feed my bugs for free though
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
The Dark Forest
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Follow up to The Devil Within. Mary has a talk with Silver (my oc).
Tw: mention of eating disorders and self-harm.
Covering their ears did little to soften the boom from the shotgun blast.
"Damn! Missed the little blighter." Tutted the old man in his tweed coat, a pair of protective ear muffs over his head.
Silver looked up and breathed a sigh of relief as the pheasant shook off the few pellets it had caught from the spread before flying towards the wood.
"Yeah, get away, go on." She was cheering for one side here and it wasn't the rich pricks. "Artemis, protect you."
"Who be Artemis?" Asked the woman at her side.
Silver felt a glow in her chest that she always got whenever someone asked about her deities.
"She's the Goddess of the hunt. And animals and children, nature. She's my favourite." Silver bit her lip afterwards, realising she should have phrased that different so as not to offend the others in her pantheon.
"Oh. But if she a goddess of hunt, won't she bes on the side of them with the muskets?"
The young woman scoffed; "Nah. She only supports true hunters. Those who had to kill for survival. These dickheads? They're just doing this for fun and because they can afford to miss. They could go down Waitrose and buy a turkey without it making a dent in their budget."
And it wasn't even as if they were helping to cull the birds, the only reason Heather had a license was for her Tory friends to come enjoy themselves with their blood sport. Silver was just grateful she hadn't been dead when fox hunting had still been practiced here, which Julian claimed to mourn.
Another bird flew overhead and the posh twat from next door fired his gun. Silver and Mary both covered their ears and flinched as the noise shook the earth. The creature plummeted to the ground, its spirit instantly floating up in a golden shimmer.
"Lucky beast." Mary huffed. She touched Silver's arm; "You sure you donts wanna go be with the others? They be on the other side of the land, near the lake. The poet don't like to be near gunshots so they keeps away."
Silver shook her head; "Kinda feel like I need to be here for the ones that die, you know? In case they don't go up? I know it's silly, they're only birds, but no-one should die alone."
Mary's heart gave a flutter at the girl's compassion.
"You is so much like Robin. No wonder he be smitten with you."
Silver's eyes widened, filling with unease.
"Oh noes, I don't mean in that way, darlin'!" Mary chuckled, touching her shoulder; "In a chaste and innocent manner. I thinks you be his Are-Demist."
"Artemis." That reassured her a little, though she's not sure how she felt being the focus of anyone's devotion. It felt like a lot to live up. She much preferred being the devotee, for as much as she appreciated Robin's care.
The flock seemed to be heading on, aware they weren't safe. The men packed up their gear and began to move further along the fence.
Silver and Mary walked a good distance behind.
"Have you eaten pheasant? Is it even that good?" She asked the older woman.
"It be very gamey but all depends on the seasoning. I used to love tending to my herb garden, oh all the housewives would come asking for basil and rosemary." Mary gushed at the memory; "Yous can make any meat tasty with the right seasoning. Even rat."
"Mmm. Times got hard, livestock died in harsh winters." Mary said, matter of fact; "Many a time it came down to a choice between a rat or the cow. And we needs the cow to be alive long as possible."
Made sense, Silver concluded. She supposed meat was meat at the end of the day.
"I'd been trying to go vegetarian before I died." She confessed.
"Oh, there were no such option for that in my days." Mary laughed, not unkindly; "Not enough fruit and veg to go around and if you didn't eat your protein, wells, you may as well have been kissing someone with the plague. No wonder you be such a skinny thing, if you be my daughter, I'd have had you eating five plump rats a day at least."
It took her a few steps to realise that Silver had stopped. She turned and regarded the girl who seemed wounded by her words, her brow furrowed, one hand clutching at her arm.
Mary's stomach twisted with guilt.
"Oh! Oh, I dids not mean to cause offense, little'en." She tried to assure; "S'just I sees the young maidens like yourself today, the 'super models' that these menfolk do bring with them to the mistress' functions. They be but skin and bone and at first I thinks their men be starving them but no! Julian say it be the fashion not to eat, even with more food than those in my time could dream of! I just don't understands it."
"Neither do I."
Mary tilted her head. It was easy to see that she'd struck a nerve for the child. She reached to take her hand, a gesture for her to open up to her if she needed to.
Silver did so, those calloused and well worked fingers folding over hers. She shrugged.
"I didn't care about looking thin. Everyone assumes it was about that." She admitted to the older woman, "But it really wasn't. After my dad died, and when I started getting bullied in school, I just...stopped eating. I dunno why but if I tried to force myself, I just threw it back up. I weren't bulimic, I didn't gorge myself. I just had no appetite. And I didn't even notice how skinny I was getting until I nearly fainted coming down the stairs."
"Oh..." Mary blinked.
"Mum didn't think it was anything psychological. She had her own shit going on. She just bought me a load of these disgusting protein milkshakes and made me chug them down breakfast and evening. They were vile...like liquefied expired beef." She made a show of sticking her tongue out. "I suppose it was her own way of caring about me..."
"You didn't try speaking to her? 'Bout your da? Or the bullies?"
Silver shrugged; "I didn't wanna worry her. Besides, you tell a grown up you're being bullied, they just tell you to ignore it. Not that simple.
"Hmm. Well I'd have said to give them a good wollopin'. That teach them not to mess with you."
"That's also not really allowed. And being skinny as a rake don't really help with the punching."
Mary nodded, she'd been a timid little thing herself, except for the moments she was pushed too far and would explode into a violent frenzy. Her own mother usually lashed her or let her be placed in the stocks on those times.
"Believe it or not, this is...was actually me on the mend. I never used to be brave enough to wear stuff like this when my ribs were poking out." She explained, waving her hands at her own stomach; "After I flunked out of college, I started getting into my Craft more and...I guess the gods became my therapists. They saved me, gave me something to focus on."
That didn't sound like the intentions of demons or false idols, Mary thought privately.
"How so?" She pried, wanting to show the child interest rather than doubt.
"There's this one goddess, Demeter. She rules over the earth, fertility and agriculture. She's also a fucking badass. When her daughter Persephone is kidnapped, she holds the world hostage and causes a famine until Zeus brings Persephone back to her." Silver explained, grinning with adoration; "Anyway, I just imagined Her giving me a telling off for not taking care of myself and accepting all She provides....I guess a bit like you."
"Me?" Mary frowned, fiddling with the laces on her bodice. "I wasn't meanin' to tell you off..." not harshly anyway.
Silver giggled; "I just meant that you showed you care, kinda like a..." She cuts herself off before saying the word; "Just. I dunno if you were a mum, but I can imagine you threatening to let the world rot to save one of your kids."
That deep, festering wound that never seemed to heal, after so many years, thrummed painfully inside her heart.
"Sorry, I...I didn't mean to..." Silver hesitated, catching her wince.
"It's fine, little'en. I did have children...Long time ago. And you be right." She would damn the whole world just to hold them again.
Silver looked down at her feet.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, love. Anything." She was happy to change the subject, to distract her from the past.
The young heathen took a breath; "Did Robin ask you to talk to me?"
"What? No! I means...He might've mentioned you wanted us to walk when you awoke but..."
"It's just that, last time you couldn't stand to be in the same room as me and now you're letting us share these really personal things with each other. I'm just...wondering what changed?"
It was a fair question. And not one that Mary thought she could ever be truly honest with the girl about. She would be right to run away in fear and never speak to her again, nor would the others once they heard the truth.
"It took me a couple of weeks but I came to realise it weren't you I be afraid of." She confessed, honestly. "Sometimes them dark thoughts in our head get worse when we don't have means to starve ourselves...or worse..."
She reached out to brush a finger against a scar she could spot on Silver's wrist. The girl tugged down her velvet covering and blushed.
"I managed to stop that a while back as well...." She mumbled and Mary felt a wave of sympathy.
"Is used to bang my head against the wall. My old man would wrap bandages around it, so heavy I coulds feel my neck strain. Other times I woulds bite the skin around my nails so my mother made me wear mittens, even in summer. I looked like a right daft wench." She shared.
Silver's eyes seemed to light up with the relief of someone else understanding her, of having been through a similar experience.
"I taught myself to give my arm a pinch instead when I felt the urge. I know we don't bleed as ghosts anymore, but it does help. Either that or I talk to my gods." She said.
"'Spose that no different to how I talk to Jesus?" Mary asked.
"Pretty much. You know I don't really worship the devil, right? I don't even believe he exists. I believe in Jesus though."
The older woman looked ready to gasp in joy; "You do?"
"Yeah. I just don't worship him. Same as all the other gods I think are real, but don't pray to. I mean he seems like a cool guy, I just....don't like the church. I mean look what they do to their own followers..." She gestured to Mary; "And trust me, even though they've stopped doing that, there's other stuff they do that's far worse."
"Oh...I be aware." She watched the news on the picture box, she wasn't completely ignorant. "But that not be what Christ wanted, of that I believe."
"I agree." Silver smiled.
"T'is nice to have someone to discuss faith with." Mary admitted; "Fanny be a Christian and we sometimes have discussions, but Is thinks she approves of the unkind things many do in His name. The others don't really pay God much mind, except Robin and his nature spirits."
"Like I said, my faith saved me. In a way. Helped pull me out of that pit I was in. And yeah I died young but....look where I am now." She laughed.
Mary gazed around at the small section of English countryside they were bound to.
"A field?"
"I don't mean the field." Silver laughed; "I mean...you lot. This house. The land too, I guess. I know it's not much and...it pains me to think of all that I'm gonna miss but...I dunno, I just. Feel free, you know?"
When the girl looks at her with that smile, she's reminded all too clearly of Annie. Annie placing her hands on her arms and telling her they be more free in death than in life.
"...Yeah. I knows, little'en." She grinned.
Another bang made them jump, Silver instinctively reaching for Mary's hand.
"Bad luck, Barclay." The chubbier man said to the shorter one who lived a mile down the path.
"Luck won't help you! You couldn't shoot the broad side of a bus, mate!" Silver barked at the old fool.
Mary released a chuckle as the two of them decided to swarm around the men.
"Your wife doth drink like a fish to make you look the least bit attractive, you weeping bubo!" She sneered in Barclay's ear.
"Those pheasants brains are twice the size of yours!" Silver added, the two of them creasing up into giggles.
This was fun, even if they couldn't hear her. It felt like a better release than any harm to her body could give just to scream at them how she really felt about these rich snobs.
Another close bang from the shotgun made them both recoil, but it was worth it. Silver wasn't sure if it was more enjoyable to throw her own insults or get to hear the timid, mild Mary unleash herself and let her imagination run wild with her own taunts and curses. Whichever it was, it kept them both laughing until the men retired back to Heather's living room for tea and scones, and Mary and Silver walked to the lake to check Thomas wasn't too traumatised by the shooting.
It seemed to come all too quick for that final night to arrive.
"You sure you wouldn'ts rather sleep in the house? There be plenty of room." Mary asked her, not having slept that night, feeling an urge to stay awake until Silver's monthly time awake was done.
"Honestly, I love the bed Robin picked. But thanks for the offer." Silver reassured; "It's not like I feel the cold or even the dirt, it's surprisingly comfy. At least, I seem to wake up refreshed and without any bedsores."
That was good, though this month and all the ones going forward, she would assist Robin in visiting the child's vigil and making sure she was resting comfortably.
The horrid memory of her fit and screaming on the new moon haunted her.
"These dreams you has. You says they always be pleasant?" Mary asked, curious if the girl had any awareness of her pain, or the succour Robin had provided.
"Yeah. I mean....It's hard to remember fully. I'm only really left with feelings afterwards. And mostly they're happy ones, but..." She struggled to explain; "They play out a bit like a story. Like a movie or game that I'm the main character of. And there's always a moment in the story where I'm...scared or hurt..."
Oh, dear. Mary held her breath. So she wasn't completely oblivious.
"But then it passes and...in a way, its nice because it makes the rest of my dreams feel even better, if that makes sense? I guess it's my own dark forest."
"Ey? You mean the whole forest be yours?" Mary frowned.
Silver laughed; "No, it's an expression I learned in my English literature class in college. All stories, no matter how light, need a moment of conflict or danger. It's there to make you appreciate the happy ending. Like..." She tried to think of an example; "Like Jesus being tortured and killed, it's a horrible thing but it's what makes him coming back so special right?"
Understanding flicked a switch in Mary's head; "I sees. And like your mother goddess, when she loses her baby girl, her cursing the world be a dark moment but makes their reunion so lovely?"
Silver nodded, grinning a little. To think she'd been so concerned about their clashing religions causing strife between them. But Mary had listened and understood her, as she'd shown respect to her.
"I get why Robin is so smitten with you. And yes, I do mean it THAT way." Silver raised her eyebrows, knowingly.
The very not innocent and chaste way. She did have eyes.
Mary blushed and batted her hand; "Hush up, you cheeky little heathen. You should be getting to bed. The birds be waking soon!"
"All right, all right." Silver looked down at her boots, sheepishly; "...Will you come visit me?"
"'Course I will." Every day, if able.
Silver nodded, gratefully.
"Moonah girl! You ready?!" A gruff voice shouted up to her from below.
She poked her head through the window; "Be down in a sec."
Silver walked up to Mary and touched her arm.
"Thanks...for the talk the other day. I'm glad we're not scared of each other anymore." She chuckled.
Each other? Mary's stomach dropped. The girl had been just as afraid of her?
Oh. Oh...
She pulled her into a hug. The child tensed at first before relaxing into it, wrapping her arms around the larger woman and sinking into her warmth. Just for a minute.
"You tells me all abouts your dreams when you wake. And then we can go cursing the menfolk together some more." Mary sighed, wondering if this was how the pagan goddess felt whenever her daughter did depart for the Underworld each autumn.
Silver nodded against her; "Sounds awesome."
And when the new moon comes, when the pale light can no longer grant the child rest, Mary will be there. She'll split shifts with Robin to cradle the young girl and sooth her head, to guide her through the dark forest and back into happier times.
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Am I remembering correctly that you use pelleted feed for your chicken's bedding, or do you use pine pellets? I want to switch away from pine shavings for my indoor chickens because it's sooo dusty in their room even with the air purifier and constant cleaning but I worry about them trying to eat pine pellets. They've been on chickhouse reserve and are about to switch to henhouse so the pellets shouldnt immediately look like food, but that certainly wont stop them from trying lol
I do not use pelleted feed as bedding I would rather not give my chickens food borne illnesses from pooping on it lol I used pine wood pellets like for horse stalls. It is even more dusty I would suggest hemp bedding instead if you can find a local source. You might also want to try buying from brands that advertise their wood shavings as low dust as there can be a big difference between different brands. Some house chicken people use paper bedding, I can't for my birds because they think it's tasty
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bubbelpop2 · 1 year
please reblog this if you care about the "if you can't care for your pet you shouldn't own one" ableist saying
okay so here's what you're gonna do. your cat potties in whatever place is the most convenient. If you can't clean the litterbox regularly, and the cat can't easily cover up it's stuff, it's going to potty in whatever place is most convenient or removed from its regular potty space.
The goal here is to make cat care as accessible and cheap as possible.
So. You need a nice, wide-open potty space for what I'm doing to tell you to do. so pitch your old litter box, and the litter. Dispose of the litter someplace it won't bother people, either in the trash, or dump it in a discreet location far away from foot traffic, because the clay is just going to sit there and smell like cat urine forever.
If you can't handle physical work, hunt for a potty box that is WIDE AND NOT TOO SHALLOW. You want the cat to be able to step into it easily and you dont want it to be able to scoop the [whatever you're using that isnt litter. Could be grass, hay, dried brown leaves, or soft and chunky wood pellets]
Okay, so. If you can handle physical work, Buy a big tupperware tub of some sort. One of those big plastic tubs. A cheap one. Then, use a lighter or a fire of some sort (be careful) and melt and poke holes around the bottom of it. Like this:
Here is the top of the box. 1/4th of the top of the box.
Here is the half of the box. 2/4ths of the box.
Here is the bottom part of the box. This is 3/4ths of the box.
If you need to, draw a line or score a mark around the 3/4th part of the box. DO NOT puncture the very bottom of the box. You want to puncture the 3/4th mark.
Okay, so, once you have that done, you wanna take a lighter and melt around the line (or the imaginary line) that you made on the 3/4ths bottom portion of the box. Then, you wanna use scissors or a knife and poke holes alllll around the line. All around the line. Because that'll make it way easier for the cat to get in and out. Then use your common sense and the lighter and the sharp object to remove the excess plastic.
OR alternatively, if you can't find a BIG, WIDE tub, and you can't imagine yourself doing that whole wrap-around thing with said tub, then using the same method, cut a WIDE and easily accessible door for the cat into one of the SHORT sides of the box. Not the long side. The short side. Because you want to minimize spillage.
Okay, now that the door is done, or the sides of the wide box is done, you're going to use duct tape to cover the sharp edges. Or you're going to melt and bend the plastic until it's not sharp anymore.
Then, after the box is complete, fill it with whatever you're using. (dried brown leaves directly from your yard or dead grass directly from your yard works the very best, but you can buy wood pellets in a big bag from any store that does landscaping, probably. You could also buy hay that's meant to be rabbit food)
Okay now you're going to introduce your cat to your new box. Take a scoop of shit (yes you heard me correctly) and put it in the box, along with a big clump of litter and cat piss, and then lure your cat into the box with treats, or gently place them in the box and keep them there for a couple seconds. This works best if you catch them IN THE ACT of pottying in the old box or in someplace they're not supposed to.
Okay, now, take the old litterbox, and dump it in that discreet location we talked about. Just because it's easier. OR, if you have the energy, dump it entirely into a garbage bag and throw the whole thing away. Don't bother with cleaning it. You'll never need to scoop again. Or try a bunch of different litters that don't work. Or fix or maintain an automatic litterbox. Or support an industry that packages clay for fifty fucking dollars.
Anyways, when you need to clean it, just dump it outside. It won't smell. And you won't need to scoop. And it'll be lightweight.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
Hey moo :)
Can I ask a question? You moved into your house not that long ago right? Have you done any house projects since you moved in? Or discovered any house secrets?
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Most of the weird house stuff was stuff that literally drew me to want to buy it in the first place tbh
Like the photos were pleasantly honest! (Which is great considering I bought this bitch ONLINE without ever seeing it in person hahaha 🫠)
Like I can tell that whoever made this house wanted to make something original and quirky and I'm in love with it. There are so many weird angles and design choices with zero rhyme or reason. like why do those walls connect at a 30° angle like that?? Why are there beams everywhere? What shape is that room even supposed to be???
It's just.. FUN. Literally when I saw the pictures on zillow for this place, I was like "weird!" But then saved it. And then returned to it over and over again while looking at other places and eventually I just knew it was the one. Like I couldn't get it out of my mind
But like, how could I pass it up? It was less than 200k$ and 2300 square feet on 5 acres of land down a wooded lane!! J-j-j-jackpot!
There are some totally weird and funky design choices and there's a lot I WANT to do.
Some examples (ignore lazy or nonexistent decorating, i havent gotten around to doing anything yet):
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There's this nasty ass wall paneling throughout like 1/3rd of the house that looks like the walls of a motor home and I HATE IT. It's ugly and stupid and I tore off one panel to see what was underneath and guess what! It's normal wall! (Ignore hot lady calendar)
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So like yeah I wanna remove all of that, but it's gonna be a big project because there's a LOT and some of it is underneath the cabinets in the kitchen. Yikes.
Pretty much every ceiling is tall and slanted in some weird way, which makes me dread painting because how am I supposed to paint super high up like that when I only got a 7 foot ladder???
The house is 1.5 stories too, which means that there's a partial upstairs that is essentially just a little loft thing that looks out over the living room and then this small, strange room we affectionately refer to as "Travis's room" for reasons I think will soon be obvious....
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We will honestly probably have to hire a contractor to come look at this upstairs area because part of the ceiling is like... collapsing? And all gross and dirty? (Kinda visible in that second photo) It's not attached to the roof so like, the outside is fine and isn't leaking or in danger of caving in but idk it's just kinda weird and I have no idea what the thought process was for this whole upstairs area. Like what is this narrow little sliver of room here? (Ignore hot wheels tracks)
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And the ceiling fan next to the staircase is SO CLOSE lmao if it's on and you lean even a little bit over the railing, you're getting brained. Like in this pic I'm not reaching out, just lifting my arm to touch it (ignore dust, I don't clean and you can't make me)
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The living room is really big but it's also weirdly shaped so organizing my furniture is a nightmare. Especially since there's a pellet stove (currently not working) on one wall. (ignore dirty socks, mismatched cheap lamps, messy cat tree corner behind couch, big ugly coffee table I got for free that used to be black until I sanded it down but then got bored and left it as is)
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As of right now, I haven't done much to the place because wow apparently home improvement takes effort and costs money??? Go figure. And we've been pretty broke lately so I've just been collecting ideas for the time being.
I am absolutely gonna start painting this year though. My bedroom rn is just boring white so I wanna fix that. Maybe do something dark and warm like a dark brown or green or hmm something like that. The room I've been calling the "gym" (because that's where I put the treadmill) will probably get done next since it's such a blank slate and should be easy to fix up.
And I absolutely want to mess around with my office because the way it's arranged and decorated rn is lame. They painted a bunch of rooms an ugly ass flat brown color, including several closets, my office, and the spare bathroom so THATS got to go.
I want to start decorating for real, finally buy some frames for the art I've been collecting so I can hang them up on some of these tall ass walls.
I also have plans to make a catio out back and even have a bunch of wood and some of the frames constructed but I got bored and abandoned it haha 😄
Oh and I want to reeeeally start doing stuff with the outside. I want to plant trees and maybe do a garden this year, tear up the plants I don't want and replace them with ones I do, clean up the big ass plot of land that's just overgrown brush and weeds and maybe make it into an orchard? Get some fruit trees and make some cute little rows? Maybe I'll even build a fence and a pond and put flowers everywhere. You know, for the bugs 💌🐝🐛🦋🕷
Now i just need to win a million dollars so I can afford to do it all 🥲
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southernsmokebbq · 2 years
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trinno-bv · 2 years
10 Ways to purchase Wood Pellets
If you have a wood pellet warmer, or are including pellets for horse bedding, then, you'll have to guarantee that you're getting the right ones.
This is the very thing that you need to think about.
What for
You'll need to spread out why you need your wood pellets. If you're including them for warming, you'll have startling requirements in contrast with accepting at least for now that you're including them for horse bedding.
Premium or economy wood pellets
There is a differentiation among premium and economy pellets, notwithstanding the expense. The remarkable pellets are incomprehensibly improved for consuming, and will convey greater power per pellet, and less flotsam and jetsam. Many driving Wood pellets wholesale and stove producers and suppliers will recommend that you simply use premium pellets. Occasionally, lesser quality pellets can make a few issues with the pot or stove execution. If you're including wood pellets for animal sheet material, you could incline toward the cost hold assets of economy pellets.
As well as there being a difference among premium and economy pellets, you should realize that not all remarkable pellets are something basically the same. Despite satisfying comparative ENPlus rules, two particular brands of premium pellets could act unexpectedly, and produce different proportions of force and viability. Looking and endeavoring changed brands of pellets will allow you to see the qualification for yourself.
Dependent upon how much pellets you're using, you could have to get them in colossal aggregates. If you're prepared to buy tons at the same time, saving you large chunk of change is conceivable. If you're endeavoring wood pellet horse bedding strangely, perhaps you'll have to endeavor a little sum first preceding zeroing in on a tremendous solicitation.
How regularly
If you're including pellets for warming, you'll need to guarantee that you have abundance so you don't run out. You will not want to have to keep things under control a couple of days for warming and warmed water. You could need to orchestrate reliably all through the colder season, and less regularly during the more smoking months. If you're running a consistent or equestrian concentration, perhaps you'll need to organize tons at the same time enduring as the year progressed.
Stashed or mass sacks
Dependent upon your essentials you ought to organize your pellets in 10 or 15kg packs, or perhaps in a lone 1 ton mass sack. Accepting for the time being that you're giving your wood pellets to sidekicks, or find it less complex to move a few significant packs than stacks of little sacks, then, you'll have to orchestrate all the while and put away substantially more money.
In case you will include heaps of pellets for your warming, and perhaps are a business client, or have the space for a limit compartment, then, you could benefit from blown wood pellet transports. These are movements of a couple of tons at the same time, which are blown into your compartment through a line from a truck, instead of finished a bed.
Whether or not you will use several kilos, or tons at the same time, you'll have to guarantee that you can store your pellets suitably. Having some spot dry and covered will infer that your pellets ought to get through unendingly without tainting.
You'll really should understand that paying little heed to what season it is, or the manner by which cold it is, that you can rely upon your wood pellet supplier to get your pellets to you. Picking a supplier with a nice standing and who can pass on to you will be critical.
You'll have to guarantee that you're getting the best expense for your pellets, in this manner you could choose to look around. By buying in mass, your wood pellets will be considerably less costly per kg, consequently if you have the space, you can make basic save reserves, especially accepting you choose to have blown wood pellet movements.
For more details, visit us :
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Charcoal supplier in UK
Charcoal wholesale suppliers
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country-corner · 7 months
Feed back from someone who looked at our home:
"Love the property. I'm will pay the asking price if the current owner will, do a few upgrades."
Included in the list was new lighting, replace old wood windows with new vinyl windows, repaint inside and out with colors of their choice, new roof (current roof is about 10 years old), replace gas furnace with a pellet furnace, new bamboo flooring and carpets.
In other words, they want me to pay for a total remodel before they buy my home at the current asking price. The kicker line was they wanted a "move in ready" home. The house is 60 years old, it looks like they want a custom build new home at old home prices.
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