#buy new homes in grand cayman
Investing in Luxury Homes in Grand Cayman
The Caribbean is the jungle gym of the rich, renowned and the people who are searching for an interest in extravagance homes. Fabulous Cayman is one of the most well known islands where expats put resources into land. Extravagance living in Terrific Cayman implies a more exorbitant cost tag than you could track down on other Caribbean islands or lining nations.
ALSO VISIT:-10 Great Reasons to Invest in Alhaurin El Grande Property
Why Fantastic Cayman Is So Engaging
The perspectives on turquoise water to the side, Stupendous Cayman requests to numerous for the expense and monetary advantages. Expats can uninhibitedly open financial balances, get cash and purchase land. The Cayman government doesn't burden property, and that implies that capital increases, pay, property and legacies are tax-exempt. Interest on home loans can be deducted from annual assessments in many nations including the U.S. The Cayman government likewise has rigid protection regulations that guarantee that monetary data is secure.
Most of extravagance homes in Amazing Cayman are sold for the tax breaks, however most expat financial backers could without much of a stretch buy the home through and through. Contract organizations beyond the Cayman Islands by and large don't give advances for land in the Cayman Islands on the grounds that the organization would have no lawful plan of action assuming the credit were defaulted on. Hence, there are many home loan organizations and banks that loan to expats and have aptitude in managing the exchanges, regardless of which country the purchaser has citizenship in.
Buying Property In Amazing Cayman
When the deal is made, there is a one-time installment of 7.5 percent of the surveyed worth of the home to enroll the title. A stamp obligation of 1 to 1.5 percent is likewise expected on homes that are bought with a home loan credit. Since a considerable lot of the mortgage holders in Fantastic Cayman esteem their protection, large numbers of them buy the home for the sake of a company that they've enrolled in the Cayman Islands to keep their name off of the title.
As may be obvious, there are not many constraints to putting resources into extravagance living in Amazing Cayman. While most of financial backers utilize their homes in the Cayman Islands as a subsequent home or country estate, a few expats really do conclude that they need to apply for long-lasting residency to have unlimited time on the island. There are a few classes that the public authority considers for long-lasting residency including well off retired people, business visionaries and financial backers permitting them residency for quite some time. A new bill was passed to concede an endorsement of residency to bait well off financial backers to carry organizations to the Cayman Islands. The expense of the endorsement is $24,000 (USD) and permits the financial backer, companion and wards to live on the island without requiring a work license. The prerequisites incorporate having a total assets of $6 million (KYD), a speculation of $2.4 million (KYD) in an authorized business that has 50% of it's labor force as local Caymanians and having a perfect crook record in their local country.
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The islands bait numerous rich financial backers in view of the tax breaks and protection regulations, however the greatest draw will continuously be the serenity and excellence of the islands- - extravagance living at its best.
At first opened as The Commodore Housing in 1919 and reflagged as The Incomparable Hyatt New York in 1980, the motel has played host to various dignitaries, hotshots and guests for quite a while. The lodgings $130 million upgrade tends to a revival and resurgence of this outstanding motel and is a huge piece of the overall renaissance of the Incomparable Central region.
Arranged in Midtown Manhattan, the astonishing Phenomenal Hyatt New York has as of late completed its $130 million overhaul. Found at the crossing point of Manhattan coterminous Dynamite Central Station, the housing has had a beginning to end rebuild that consolidates 1,306 painstakingly refreshed guestrooms and suites including first rate craftsmanship, the acclaimed New York Central bistro, a changed corridor and mezzanine, various event and meeting spaces, revived gathering lobbies and the imaginative in and out food outlet, Market.
Change of the Breathtaking Hyatt New York features capacities by generally famous experts Jaume Plensa and Per Fronth, and plan by Bentel and Bentel, George Wong Plan and Looney and Accomplices. The Midtown Manhattan extravagant housing dispatched specialists and engineers to re-stimulate and re-energize the hotels public spots. Works by stone carver Jaume Plensa, known for his awesome public exercises in Madison Square Park in New York, Thousand years Park in Chicago and Yorkshire Figure Park in the UK, will go about as the housing doorway's point of convergence; compositions tending to portrayals of New York by Norwegian expert per Fronth are shown in the guestrooms and in the New York Central's Wine Presentation; and dynamic, splendid sheets from the German skilled worker Burghard Muller-Dannhausen ought to be noticeable in the New Display on Lex event space.
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infinitemiral · 2 years
Surf expo 2021 september
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"The main concern has been safety," said Roy Turner, Surf Expo Show Director.īefore deciding to move forward with the in-person component at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), "We did research among exhibitors and attendees to determine: first, is there a market need? and second, are people willing to participate?" Turner said. The call to move forward with Surf Expo in Orlando in 2021 was complicated by so many conflicting factors the pandemic, health and safety, the fact that Florida is open for business, and market needs. I expect Q1 to be really strong for all shows.Editor's note: ALHI is republishing this case study with permission from the Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO) in an effort to increase education on planning and executing large-scale events, trade shows and exhibitions. “Hopefully by Q1 of next year we’ll all be back on a more normal track as more people get vaccinated and as COVID starts to run through its cycle. “We are all trying to get back to normalcy with an added bit of protection,” he said. Turner expects that momentum to continue into the January 2022 show, being held January 5-7, 2022. It is exciting to see how happy the buyers and the brands are to be here.” January was very cautious, and we are still being cautious, but brands and buyers are increasing. 4Ocean also hosted after parties with beer and live music. Skate ramps were brought back for the September show and fashion shows again took The Stage. The September 2021 show also marked the return of some activities beyond buying that were cancelled at the January 2021 show. One company Seaside Retailer spoke with even ran out of order forms and had to order more during the show. Many of the orders took place directly on the show floor. I’ve also seen some buyers here that I haven’t seen before.” “A couple buyers have said that they are waiting until January, but the majority of them are here and more. “They’re getting it done and they’re making it work within the current limitations,” said Wilkie. In other instances, Caribbean retailers are sending their Florida-based buyers to the show while they stay home. The Grand Cayman Islands weren’t as well represented as, according to Wilkie, there are still some challenges there and reopening has been slow. Stores and resorts from Aruba, Turks and Caicos, St. September is traditionally a show that attracts Caribbean buyers and this year’s edition is no exception. I don’t know how long it is going to take to get there.’” That buyer is expecting a banner travel year and just wants to be ready, she said. One buyer out of Aruba told Wilkie, “I’m buying heavy. Wilkie adds that finding new products and ways to differentiate their offerings are a main reason buyers attend trade shows and that at the September show, they are seeing “the most ‘new’ they’ve seen in a long time and they are really excited.”īuyers are also buying more than usual in anticipation of needing product. “They are so excited about all the new brands they are seeing on the show floor.” “So many buyers over the last two days have said, ‘I’m seeing so much new product, I am so excited to freshen up my shelves,’” said Kathy Wilkie, senior buyer relations manager for Surf Expo’s coastal life segment. One trend that emerged was the tremendous amount of new products available. “Everything’s been expanded,” said Turner. The layout included four 40-foot aisles called boardwalks as well as two 20-foot cross aisles to help ensure traffic was less dense. The pandemic was also evident in the arrangement of the show floor. Even though Florida’s numbers have dropped almost 50% in the last seven to 14 days, there is still a lingering concern and safety is always front of mind for us,” Turner said during the show. “We are still feeling the remnants of COVID, especially in Florida. The show still was approximately 30% smaller than it would have been pre-pandemic, according to Turner. We understand concerns but we really felt like there’s a need to meet face to face again.” “We had no outbreaks connected to the January show so we felt that with our protocols we could host a safe show. Surf Expo hosted a show in January 2021 prior to vaccinations being distributed. “The beach and resort business are having their second banner year in a row as we try to come out of this COVID situation.” “There’s still difficulty in finding product in the marketplace, whether it is at-once or pre-season orders or dealing with future supply chains, but it’s been a great year to be in the beach business,” said Roy Turner, Surf Expo show director. The industry welcomed the return to an in-person format as buyers are eager to build their inventories during what has been an exceptionally busy year coupled with shipping delays. 8-11, after a hurricane and the COVID-19 pandemic prevented in-person versions the two previous years. Surf Expo was successfully able to host its first in-person September show in Orlando, Sept.
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orchardecovillage · 3 years
Read How Does Living in an Ecovillages Impact your Wellbeing?
Sometimes, when we hear about Ecovillages, the first thing that comes to our mind is ..
Read more at: https://www.orchard.ky/blog/how-does-living-in-an-ecovillage-impact-your-wellbeing
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theedgewatergroup · 2 years
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Get your Real Estate Questions Ready.
Tomorrow on our stories our Edgewater Properties Team will be answering your questions; anything from first time buying, location details, how CIREBA works, Stamp Duty and more We have compiled our most asked questions & will have them all answered for you tomorrow, don’t miss it!
Email at [email protected] or Visit at https://www.edgewater.ky/about-us/meet-our-team.html
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marklandfinancial · 4 years
Inheritances can be emotional minefields
Let’s just go ahead and get this hard sentence out of the way now.
You are going to have to deal with some of your closest friends and family members dying.
But wait, what is that?  Is that a little.... happiness? WAIT A MINUTE, GRANDMA JUST DIED AND I AM ACTUALLY A LITTLE...happy?  How can that be?  I must be a terrible human being!
Nope.  You are just, well, a human being.  We are messy creatures, some of us more than others (I will leave that up to you to decide who is the messiest of your tribe!).  We always have conflicting emotions:
You can love the NBA and hate the Lakers
You can love JCrew and not be a big fan of plaid 
You can love your father but hate that he smokes
And you can be anguished that your nan (shout out to any Britons who follow!) has passed away and a little stoked that you can pay off that credit card debt and buy a new mattress to replace the 14 year old one you brought from your childhood bedroom.  (seriously, you probably need a new mattress).  Now, if you are calling the doctor and telling him to pull the plug on the way to the Mercedes dealership, well, THAT might mean you have some issues.  But receiving some financial windfall is going to cause a positive emotional reaction.  It just is.
But, while the emotions are normal, acceptable and human, they should be under control before acting on any inherited money, for any number of reasons.  Here is a synopsis of what I tell clients who need a game plan for an inheritance:
Go Slow
Unless the inheritance is an ice sculpture in Houston in August, you more than likely should be in zero rush to do anything with it. Even if you owe high interest rate credit card debt, the savings you will gain on paying that off 30 days earlier is not worth the peace of mind you will gain by stopping and considering all of your options.  And, unless you have a working knowledge of the will, you might be in for a happy surprise when you find out she is the 168th largest investor in Facebook or a rude awaking when you see that 98% of her wealth is going to that shady cat rescue place outside of town.  
Be Mindful
- We try to avoid buzzwords @MarklandFinancial because so much of what you should do with your money is simple and basic.  (Save.  Invest.  Don’t spend too much.  if you just followed those 6 words, you would be in good shape.)  But mindfulness is a universally positive trait that we should all aspire to have and is so useful in so many parts of our lives (gets off his soapbox, puts it away, and gets back to the topic at hand).  When dealing with an inheritance, this is usually a once in a lifetime event (not many people get 15 of the things, you know?) and it can be a game changer, for you (and others).  You want to make the most of this so consider the following before acting:
The person who you are inheriting from- what would bring them joy to see you do with the inheritance?  Would they be excited that you and 5 buddies went to Vegas for a week?  Or would that rather see it in your son’s college fund?  No judgement here; maybe Granny was a partier who loved a good foam party at the Wynn and hated kids.  Just thinking about what they would want will help you make a good decision.  They also could have loved those damn cats, so maybe a small donation to that shady cat place would be a good idea after all.
The people around you- maybe your sister’s kid could use a car repair or your favorite babysitter growing up just started a GoFundMe to move to Japan.  Much of our happiness can come from making others happy; before you pull the trigger on your third car, take a little time to see if you would actually be happier helping someone else out.
Your legacy- Maybe you are inheriting land, an expensive watch, or a beach house on Cape Cod.  Sure, you could sell those, take the money, and do whatever you want.  But you should also consider if you want little Harry to be an 8th generation rancher, if you want Joe wearing grandpa’s Rolex when he takes the Oath of Office as the POTUS, or if you want your grands to enjoy the beach house you spent your summers at.  Sometimes, inheritances are not received, they are loaned, until you in turn will loan them to your children.  Just something to think about.
Your personal needs- Paying off debt, socking it away for retirement (maybe a nicer one now!), or investing it in education, home repairs, that new mattress are always smart options that you should fund with any windfall.  Just make sure that, as you send that check off to the credit card company, you say a silent thank you and PROMISE YOU WILL NEVER RACK UP CREDIT CARD DEBT AGAIN!!!! 
Your personal wants-Okay, once you have thought about all of this, this is the fun part.  Jetski?  Sure.  Gold chain?  What is this, the Jersey Shore?  But whatever.   Have some fun with it, of course!
Get Help
If your inheritance is a 2007 Land Cruiser with 145k miles on it, $6,000 in cash, and a crusty old dog named Karl that coughs a lot, you probably don’t need a lot of help deciding.  But if you get some serious cash, stocks and bonds, or property, you ABSOLUTELY NEED a non involved person to talk with.  Talking with your wife could cause friction when you are resistant to putting Johnny’s college fund as the first priority, while OF COURSE your buddy Kevin wants you to put in that garage bar that you have been talking about for years.  Heck, even the priest might hit you up for a donation for the new parish hall.  Everyone has an angle, whether they realize it or not.  We recommend you call us (shameless plug) but it is critical you have someone you can trust who will give you honest feedback that DOES NOT AFFECT THEM.  (You spend 3 hours with us, you pay us our fee, and we could care less what you do with the money. Can Aunt Carla say that?  I did not think so).  An impartial, un-involved party is critical to helping you talk out your ideas without judgement (of course you can consider catching a flight to the Caymans and abandoning your family, just please Venmo us our fee before your flight) and without the ability to benefit from your decisions.  This advisor can help you flesh out your plans, consider all of your options and help you craft a narrative about your decisions so that you are comfortable communicating and acting up them (I guess you could pay the advisor to tell Tammy she is NOT getting the china, but that feels like a you job).  And, while any plan you put in place could involve buying stocks or mutual funds (which is a smart decision), we highly recommend not asking your broker what to do.  If they get paid based on your investments (and they do), your ONLY POSSIBLE OPTION WILL BE TO BUY THE NEWEST ETF.  You will have time to go to them, after you determine how much you should invest and then let them take it from there.  Make sense?  
Reach out to MarklandFinancial.com if you or anyone you know needs help, either due to a recent or a pending inheritence concern.  
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cireba-cayman · 2 years
Does The Property Multiple Listing System In The Cayman Islands Offer Any Advantage?
The fact that CIREBA as an organisation has shaped the Real Estate Industry so significantly is testament to the advantages of what the property multiple listing system in the Cayman Islands can offer, whether it be to buyers, sellers, real estate agents or Cayman Real Estate Companies.
From a buyers or investors perspective when researching where to buy Property for sale in the Caribbean, you can only conclude that the Cayman Islands Real Estate industry is highly regarded. It offers an amazing varied portfolio of quality properties, actively encourages investment in the Island, is highly regulated by CIREBA and because of the many advantages offered by Multiple Listing System, buyers can have more confidence when conducting transaction in the Cayman Islands.
CIREBA has developed a system that allows property buyers to work with one real estate agent throughout the whole process. The product of this is a better experience for buyers. Property purchases are often the biggest investments people make in their lives and so having the opportunity to build a relationship and develop trust with your realtor can alleviate much of the stress and difficulties associated with buying a home.
The process begins with a seller listing their home with an agent. Once an agent receives a new listing it is added to the MLS (Multiple Listing System). This is then accessible by all CIREBA members.
Your preferred Cayman Real Estate Agent will have access to all CIREBA’S listing through the Cayman MLS and can research properties on all three of the Cayman Islands to show the listings that best match your requirements.
The environment that CIREBA has created is one where agents cooperate with each other whilst upholding the strict code of ethics laid out by CIREBA.
Advantages to buyers and sellers:
The MLS means that properties listed through one CIREBA member company are available to every CIREBA agent and company to show and sell.
All members work within CIREBAS strict rules and regulations and are bound by the CIREBA Code of Ethics.
Working with a CIREBA members results in faster, more efficient real estate transactions.
CIREBA has regulated procedures to professionally manage any incidents or complaints that may occur.
For sellers, listing your property with a CIREBA member means that all 34 broker members and over 168 agents will have access to information via the MLS
Advantages for CIREBA Members:
The members of CIREBA are currently responsible for around 74.5% of Grand Cayman Property Listings and sales volume on the Island.
CIREBA members have access to all CIREBA real estate agent’s listings through the MLS.
The system is easy and accessible for realtors to use.
Realtors can search and find the best property match for their clients from the large portfolio of listings.
The MLS means that realtors can be fast and efficient when conducting property searches.
When the real estate agent is different from the listing agent the commission fees are split equally between the two agents.
CIREBA has a structured commission guideline based on the value of the property.
There are many advantages to using a CIREBA’s Multiple Listing System so if you are looking for your next property then speak to a CIREBA member today about how they can help you.
For more details, visit: https://www.cireba.com/blog/does-the-property-multiple-listing-system-in-the-cayman-islands-offer-any-advantage
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treadmilltreats · 2 years
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Traveling the world on a budget 
So if you follow me you know I love to travel. I love when people say "It must be nice that your always traveling" (Not…that's the New York smartass in me)
But here's the thing, I don't buy expensive shoes, clothes or designer bags. I don't do six dollar Starbucks coffee everyday, I bring my lunch to work every day and cook dinner most nights at home. I eat out or order in only one day a week.
My one luxury is traveling, that is what I enjoy most. Clothes will go out of style, bags get old and you get bored of them. Starbucks and eating out every night is a waste of money to me but traveling is a lifetime of memories that you have forever.
I get to meet all kinds of people, taste different foods, live in different cultures and I get to live my life large. So many people say when I retire or when I have money but that's just excuses, you might not live to see retirement, or you'll never have enough money, so you need to do this now. 
There are tricks to being able to travel on a budget. I pay all my bills on my credit cards and pay them off every month so I get points for airlines and rent cars. I can find the best bargains on hotels and excursions, all you have to do is put some effort into what you deem important. It might take me weeks or months to book a trip because I am looking for the best deals.
I stay with friends, I don't buy junk on vacation, I want to do and see things there. I want to immerse myself in local life. I don't need to go to the five star restaurants but a little local dive with real local food is what I want. 
Find a local wherever you go, and they will help you find the local spots, not touristy spots which are way more expensive. I remember wanting to go to this tourist spot in Hawaii but hooking up with a local he told me that's where they kill their pigs and had no idea how it became a hot spot. He instead took me to a place only locals knew, complete with private waterfalls, it was spectacular, way better than the pig spot.
But if I didn't talk with the locals I would have never seen the island most tourists never see. In Grand Cayman I found a family that made the best Jerk chicken and homemade festive and yes, we were the only white people there but who cared, they welcomed us like family.
I have met lifetime friends on vacations, people I still keep in touch with. I get to travel ro see them and they come to see me. I have the most amazing memories of my vacations, and let me tell you, these memories are worth so much more than a designer bag sitting in my closet.
So today my friends, never say you can't afford to travel, we all make a way for what we really want. Somehow we find the money for these other things, so stop making excuses and go see the world! Life is too short, live your life large! Bon Voyage!
"Be the change you want to see"
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paulinegill89 · 4 years
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2. Preferred Insurance CenterMOVED
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27. Jim Gable - State Farm Insurance Agent
27. Jim Gable - State Farm Insurance Agent Joe R. Miller & Associates Marketing and product development We are an independent insurance agency located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our office focuses on the insurance needs of the state residents and businesses they have served for many generations. We understand the different products and needs that a business owner needs to manage their costs, and we re here for you to get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. State Farm Bank ®, F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois, is a Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender. NMLS ID 139716. The other products offered by affiliate companies of State Farm Bank .
1st Security Insurance
1st Security Insurance Company of New Braunfolds has a great deal of history (according the AAFMAA) and have consistently earned the attention of the insurance companies. At this time, AAFMAA claims to be the largest provider of insurance in the country. It is also the main company offering personal umbrella coverage. In this article, we discuss a few things you should know about the company with your AAA insurance policy. It will provide all of the necessary types of information regarding the products they include. For instance, the AAA app also serves as a handy addition for those who prefer to save money on their monthly premiums. In order to save money, AAA needs to have affordable auto insurance premiums that meet or exceed their claims standards. All the AAA car insurance policies are aimed at this. If you want affordable coverage and are in need of personal umbrella coverage, then an AAA app is a great place to start. If you are looking to save money, then the best car insurance companies in the U.S.
23. Lamm s Insurance Agency
23. Lamm s Insurance Agency, Inc. was founded in 1957 and is now based in Nashville, Tennessee. Its activities include insurance, financial planning, risk management, and life insurance. It also offers products and services throughout the United States. Lamm s Insurance Agency, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Allstate Insurance Company., which is part of the Allstate family of companies. The Allstate Insurance Company is based in Nashville, Tennessee. � Company Allstate Insurance Company Allstate AWSU AWSU & ALPS ALPS AMC AMC is owned by Allstate Insurance Company, which is located in Nashville, Tennessee. Allstate Insurance Company is crowned by its founder, William L. Lloyd Bush. Allstate is a leading provider of life insurance and annuity products in the United States. Founded in 1958, Allstate has continued its growth over the years, with new office space and offices in Memphis.
AdBrian Stephan - State Farm Insurance Agent
AdBrian Stephan - State Farm Insurance Agent,  2018-2019 $9,100.00 I am a good driver and not a lot of people are looking for that. My son has had to change policies to an car insurance is what is important.I dont need to buy anything. I pay every .I can do it from any part of the world and be all over the world.I can do it from anywhere. My father owns car insurance and has no financial responsibility I just took out my parents back. They are the only children on my dad that would be my father. Any car insurance is . I can do it online over the internet and to my mom. Just pay .I am very lucky to be a single. The rates are low, but if I get into an accident we are not trying to make a difference since we live in states where we have to get those dollars and are looking at getting to get the dollars to pay us a monthly bill.
12. Chatt Insurance Center
12. Chatt Insurance Center, LLC is an independent insurance agency offering affordable individual and business liability insurance to individuals and families in West Virginia. Call us for a free 2018 quote today. Call us at to make changes to your life insurance policy. Helpful life insurance agents, who can assist you in servicing your policy, are just a phone call away. For all other policies, call or log in to your current , , or policy to review your policy and contact a customer service agent to discuss your jewelry insurance options. Purchased Mexico auto insurance before? With just a few clicks you can your insurance policy is with to find policy service options and contact information. There are so many things to love about the Grand Cayman Islands, but doing a little homework can save you money down the road. For sure, you want to get the most for your money. From home to work, our beaches to hiking, to.
24. Dennis Pratt - State Farm Insurance Agent
24. Dennis Pratt - State Farm Insurance Agent. In our state, we have been working hard to improve the quality of service for our customers and give our agents the ability to provide superior services with a variety of available discounts. State Farm has been a reliable business for the people of State Farm for over 95 years, and we think of our great customer service for this agency as an ongoing benefit. State Farm has been serving our community and surrounding communities for over 80 years, and we look forward to continuing that tradition of providing outstanding service that comes with great coverage! State Farm Insurance Agency, LLC is an independent insurance agency located in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Give us a call, stop by, or to find out how much we can save you on your insurance. Just looking to get auto insurance quotes? We’ve got plenty of great information for you — no reason to skip or put off filling your fillings. Auto insurance covers you if you’re involved in an accident, but what about your financial responsibility in case of.
18. Stolly Insurance Group
18. Stolly Insurance Group is a local home insurance company that has been providing the highest quality residential and commercial insurance products for over 70 years. It’s committed to being among the lowest cost insurance companies in the industry to many other independent agents and service providers. Stolly insurance groups were born from a collection of commercial insurance companies operating out of the same state they were sold. We represent many independent independent contractors and contractors, so don’t forget to check out one of our agents to see who we are happy to represent. Stolly Insurance has offered policies for the better in the over 20 years since 1962. They have been very effective in their mission, protecting homeowners and business in their search for high quality coverage. Stolly homeowners insurance is a form of insurance to protect against an emergency in case of damage to your home. It also protects you from having to deal with lawsuits, financial charges and other liabilities of liability. It covers you in case.
4. Brian Stephan - State Farm Insurance Agent
4. Brian Stephan - State Farm Insurance Agent Our State Farm Agent for auto insurance, Brian Stephan has been a State Farm Agent since 2006, helping her state Farm agent a total of $11.4 million. You could probably not walk into your State Farm office without seeing the signs, the posters, or the signs. State Farm agents are also licensed to sell insurance in all 50 states. State Farm Insurance is a small insurance company that prides itself on offering outstanding customer service - our agency does this almost every day. State Farm agents are in every state to represent your home and auto insurance, and as your agent, we have over 60 more agents in every state to choose from! One of the finest independent insurance agents in America. We’re here to help you! I m the agency’s insurance expert. I help people like you make a budget for what you want in your life! To learn more about our agency,  please visit the agency’s website.
30. Laura Yelton - State Farm Insurance Agent
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jewelgrow · 5 years
South Sound Condos Or Loft Which Is The More astute Decision
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When you began your chase for another property for living either for yourself or for rental/exchange reason, lofts or stream and South Sound condos merits considering. In any case, picking one from the two is constantly a significant undertaking. From the outset look, the idea of both leased loft and condos may appear to offer similar advantages making it difficult to outline out the genuine contrast between them. In this way, so as to direct you to settle on the more astute choice, we here present to you a significant guide looking at the two condos versus lofts.
Contrast Among Condos And Loft: Which One Is Smarter To Purchase?
Responsibility for Condos: The most critical distinction that separates South Sound condos from the loft or a solitary family home is the possession. An individual who doesn't claim a home and furthermore needs to put resources into property, appear to be the best decision.
The way of life likewise benefits in building value in metro urban communities and urban territory where single-family homes stay rare. Not at all like loft where you pay rents to proprietors, purchasing condos resemble putting cash in purchasing your own property.
Condos proprietorship offers different advantages contrasted with any leased loft. A portion of these favorable circumstances are the advantages of altering condos according to our inclination, shaping a proprietors' relationship with rules and guideline satisfactory by all, picking the area which is associated with all civilities in the midtown. The waterway and condos in South Sound offer every one of these advantages for individuals searching for new condos available to be purchased in Toronto.
The condos affiliation incorporates the whole collective inhabitant leaving the zone. They all are capable to deal with the support of the structure.
Adaptability in Condo: Leased loft is an adaptable choice. So for individuals intending to live just for a short interim or brief in a specific territory, the condo is definitely the correct decision. Condos are additionally an incredible choice when one looking for new available to be purchased in Toronto can't bear the cost of it or don't have the account to buy it.
Another significant contrast among loft and condos is regularly scheduled installments. Since you rent condos the month to month use for is a lot higher than a loft, in any case, the sum stays fixed and straightforward from start to finish. The installment will incorporate your up front installment or store, financing cost and advance program. While on account of leased South Sound condos the regularly scheduled installment doesn't stay consistent.
CaymanVacation.com holds over 28 years of experience arranging perfect Grand Cayman Island Luxury Vacations serving over 60k vacation rental guests. With CaymanVacation.com, you will receive friendly, trained and personalized boutique service, which leverages our in-depth knowledge of the Cayman Islands. Our hand selected properties are ideally located all over Grand Cayman. We know each property featured, helping you decide on the best option for your personalized Cayman Island Vacation.
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mathewingram · 5 years
Christmas Letter 2019
Usually I start these things by talking about the weather — except for last year, of course, when the big news was the wedding of our daughter Caitlin and her husband Wade. This year there is some news, but possibly not quite as big, or at least big in a different way: Becky and I have moved out of our house in Toronto and into a new home near Buckhorn (which seems like such a quintessentially Canadian name, but is also very popular in other parts of the world). It’s just northeast of Peterborough, which in turn is northeast of Toronto. This home has an interesting feature, which is that it’s attached to another home, one belonging to our old friends Marc and Kris (old meaning we’ve known them a long time, not old as in aged).
If you’ve seen any of these letters, you’ve probably seen a mention of the Farm, where we usually go for New Year’s and other visits during the year, sometimes with a large group of friends from our university days. So the Farm is where we are living now — this is a recent picture of it. It’s actually two distinct houses put together, with a large atrium in between, and the basements are connected. We live on the right-hand side. Kris’s mother used to live there until earlier in 2019, when she moved into a retirement home — and since we were planning to move out of our four-bedroom house in Toronto now the kids are gone, we decided to take over the house.
This was not an easy process, as anyone who has moved out of a house they have lived in for decades with multiple kids can attest — it involved countless trips to dumps and the Salvation Army and other similar places, plus a five-ton dumpster living in our driveway for weeks, and endless journeys up and down stairs with boxes. At this point, we are more or less moved in, but still have no idea where some things are, and the garage will barely fit a car because there are so many boxes of “treasured belongings,” otherwise known as stuff we haven’t figured out what to do with yet. But it is lovely living out in the country on a large chunk of land with woods and hiking trails, and it is two hours closer to the family cottage, which is also a plus. The girls are also doing well — Caitlin is busy being a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at McMaster in Hamilton, and Zoe and Meaghan are living together in Kingston, where Zoe is about to graduate from Queen’s with an honours degree in psychology and Meaghan is working at Best Buy. 
And now, on to the rest of the newsletter! If everything works properly, the links below should open in a new window — and if you just want to look at the pictures, you can find all of them as well as many others that I haven’t included here, at the Ingram Family Photo Library (unless my server is down, in which case I apologize). If you have any questions about the letter or just about the Ingram family in general, my email is [email protected] — unless of course you have a criticism to make about this letter, in which case please feel free to use the email [email protected].
Our year started with a total eclipse of the moon, which was spectacular despite the fact that it was minus 30 Celsius or so. Becky and I had to bundle up, and even then our viewing of the eclipse took place in two or three-minute segments, after which we had to duck inside to warm up. After that it was a trip to Ottawa (or Awatto, according to this photo) for some skating on the canal — an exercise that we only engage in, as many of you know, so that we can justify eating a lot of poutine and Beaver Tails. And that was about as much winter as we wanted to experience, so Becky and I and some friends headed off to Fort Lauderdale, where we spent a few days on the beach and had some fun driving these cute little buggies known as “Scoot Coupes” around. Then it was onto a cruise ship to Grand Cayman, Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire. In addition to a lot of sitting on the balcony watching the flying fish leap through the waves (which I totally was not expecting, and was quite amazing) we had some great excursions, like a trip on a boat out to play with the stingrays in Grand Cayman and then a visit to the Turtle Farm; a tour of Aruba on some rental ATVs, including a great drive along the rocky coast, a visit to the ruins of a pirate fort that later became the Bushiribana gold-smelting operation, and a fascinating tour inside a cave in Arikok National Park that was covered in graffiti, much of it done by the native Arawak people.
In Curacao, we watched the famous floating swing bridge (which moves horizontally rather than vertically, the way most swing bridges do) and went on a catamaran trip to a couple of great swimming and snorkeling spots; and then a fun tour of the island of Bonaire on some rental scooters, where we saw the slave huts — used to house workers who processed salt in the nearby flats — did some great snorkeling, including at the famous Thousand Steps beach (this appears to be mostly marketing, since there are only about 67 steps). Back on the ship, we hung out with the crew a bit during a cocktail reception on the helicopter landing pad, and then back in Fort Lauderdale we spent some time on the beach again, and also toured a local landmark called Bonnet House, built by a legendary resident named Frederic Bartlett, who toured the world collecting bizarre art with which to fill his estate, which stretches for more than 35 acres and is now a state park. After we got home, I headed off to Denver for a business trip, where I did a self-guided tour (via electric scooter no less) of some of the beautiful old stone houses in the fancy part of town. After that, it was time for Becky and I to make our annual pilgrimage to the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, where we got some time to tour our favorite ancient temple, and then it was off to nearby Florence for a few days. We stayed in a great Airbnb right near the Duomo (which we didn’t climb, having done that a few years ago when we were in Florence) walked along the beautiful Arno river at night, saw an impromptu concert in the square, and gorged ourselves on Renaissance art at both the amazing Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia Gallery. The Accademia Gallery’s starring resident is Michaelangelo’s statue of David, which was even more impressive than I was expecting.
I didn’t realize David would be so huge — he’s about three times life-size, and weighs about three tons. I also didn’t know that his head and hands are out of proportion because they were initially planning to put him up on top of a building, so they wanted the head and hands to stand out from a distance. And I didn’t know the legs were done by a different artist, and they sat outside for over a decade until Michaelangelo came along. There were some other great paintings and sculptures at the gallery as well — and we got a nice surprise when we showed up to try and get in (the lines are almost as legendary as David). We were in a line that usually takes about two hours, and a French couple came along and said they didn’t have enough time and gave us their tickets, which also allowed us to skip the big line and we got into the Gallery in about 15 minutes. Sometimes complete strangers can be very nice for no reason! Since we were in the neighborhood, we did a side trip to Pisa, so we could see the famous leaning thing. And I’m glad we did, in part because Pisa is lovely — I didn’t realize it used to be a pretty big deal in the old days, and in addition to the tower, it has a beautiful basilica that is almost as lovely as the more famous one in Florence. On our way back through Rome, we made a pilgrimage to the newly-cleaned Trevi fountain, so that we could throw a penny in, to make sure we come back again.
After we got back, I made a couple of quick trips to New York for work, including a visit to Columbia University and a pilgrimage to my favorite eatery: the Shake Shack in Madison Square Park. I also got to attend a swanky dinner at Cipriani, a famous high-end restaurant located in a cavernous old bank building (there was a giant, marble, wood-burning fireplace in the men’s bathroom, among other things). I was there because something I wrote was nominated for a Mirror Award, which was pretty great. I didn’t win, but it was pretty cool. I also got to see Ronan Farrow up close, and yes, he is just as good-looking as everyone says. Pretty soon, it was time to head up to the cottage for the summer — a stay that was broken only by a weekend trip to Toronto, to a conference where I actually won something: the James Carey award for contributions to journalism, named after a famous communications theorist and disciple of literary icon Marshall McLuhan. It was quite an honor, as was receiving the award from Marshall’s son Michael. I also got to stay in a room at Massey College, a famous part of the University of Toronto, where I hung out for a bit one night in the Robertson Davies reading room, named after another Canadian literary giant, and ate in the vaguely Harry Potter-esque dining room. I felt smarter just for being there.
Summertime consisted of lots of beach time, hammock time, sunset time and kayak time, including our annual trip over to Muskoka for a visit with Becky’s side of the family, where Zoe and I did a marathon kayak trip into Bala to get ice cream, and saw a young bear wandering around town, which was fun. This year was a special one because there was a reunion of the Lee side of the family, who total more than 130 across four generations — we managed to get  75 of them in a room, a great party that was planned and stage-managed by Becky. We also did our usual trip to Go Home Lake to visit friends, along with a canoe day-trip, and later in the season we did a three-day canoe camping trip in the Kawartha Lakes region, although this time we took it easy on ourselves and didn’t do a bunch of long portages. We had one short one and then we were in a small lake that we had almost to ourselves. The nights were cool, but it was fantastic regardless. Before too long it was time to actually move into our new home, a work that is still in progress — but it has been great to have so much beautiful land to walk around in with the dogs, even if winter did come a little earlier than we were expecting. We spent Thanksgiving back up at the cottage, and it was as gorgeous as it has ever been at that time of year: warm enough to swim, combined with some amazing colours, and calm enough that paddling around in the kayak looked like paddling on a mirror. One morning we watched the mist burn off, and I caught a couple of birds roosting in the river.
In addition to lots of hikes in the lovely woods around our new home, the fall brought a trip to New York with Becky’s brother and his wife, who had never been before. We got a chance to see Billy Joel in Madison Square Garden, which was fantastic, as well as doing some of the usual stuff like Rockefeller Center, the Christmas window displays at Macy’s and Sak’s Fifth Avenue, and a horse-and-buggy ride through Central Park. We also wandered around what they call the Oculus, a soaring mall built near the site of the old World Trade Center, and we made a visit to my favorite place in New York: Bryant Park, which has a great skating rink and Christmas market. We also toured the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, which was even more touching and heart-wrenching than I expected it to be. We spent about three hours in it, and it was emotionally overwhelming in a way I did not expect. I thought I knew all about it, because I’ve read and written a lot about it, but it hit me much harder than I thought it would. And then it was back home to get ready for Christmas!
And that was our year in a (large) nutshell. Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane, and that you and your loved ones have lots of time to spend with each other this holiday season. If you need to reach Becky or I, you can reach Becky by email here or she’s also on Facebook here, and you can reach me by email here or on Facebook here. I also have a blog where I post things I’ve written or that I find on the Internet (or shots from Instagram) and I have a daily email newsletter with media-related links, if you’re into that sort of thing.  All the best for 2020!
Christmas Letter 2019 was originally published on mathewingram.com/work
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Advantages of Renting Condo at the Beach
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  In recent times many people have opted to rent their condo and ensure they get the best value of the holiday properties they own. There are advantages that are associated with renting the condo to ensure the best prices are gained by the people.  The first benefit that is registered with renting condo is the owner gets the opportunity to share the maintenance fees with the new tenant for the period of stay at the vocational home, in many vacation homes the fees are identified to be high.  Therefore, by sharing the maintenance fees the individual gets the opportunity to save a lot of case with ease and this noted to be important to the property owner.
  There is need to note that by renting the property the homeowner gets the opportunity to ensure that the property is maximally utilized at all times and great benefits are gained by the individual.  Therefore, with renting the vacation home the individual gets the opportunity to ensure there is extra money that is earned with ease.  While renting the condo the property owner gets the opportunity to ensure that he or she meets potential buyers who may decide to buy the house at a great price and give the individual great fees for the home and this can be regarded as a win-win situation.
 When renting the property before the purchase process is completed it is another way to ensure an individual gets the opportunity to make some extra money rather than wait for the new owner to fully complete the purchase.  The property owner can decide to rent the grand cayman condo rentals seven mile beach to friends and families which is noted to be very important, in many cases the individual allows the loved once to use same property under his name with ease.  Allowing friends and family members to rent condo gives the individual an opportunity to determine the people he or she desires to stay at current home at all times which is considered to be pivotal to the property owner.  
  Research notes that with renting condo the individual gets the opportunity to share the fees as much as possible which is noted to be important as it gives the individual the opportunity to price different seasons and ensure  every season the most money is made with ease. Renting condo rentals in grand cayman gives the property owner the opportunity to ask for payments with flexible schedule with ease which is noted to be important as different people noted to have different periods to make payments.  Finally, there is need to note that renting condo noted to be important as it gives the individual an opportunity to rent out spaces of the property with ease and to the desired persons all the time.
 You must have further information at https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/law/law/rent.
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travelmantis-blog · 5 years
Cruises to Cayman Islands
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If you are thinking about booking cruises to Cayman Islands we are sure that you are going to quickly notice that there are so many choices that are available at the moment. In most cases people are going to start their cruises from Grand Cayman. There are daily departures that are arranged by different companies. The one thing that you need to understand is the fact that there are many people that keep coming back and will book their cruises well in advance. If this is your first time you need to be prepared to find it a little tough to locate free cruise space when coming here during peak season. However, it is well worth booking in advance. These cruises to Cayman Islands are popular with people from all around the world because they will show you tremendous landscapes, beautiful beaches, there are no beggars, street vendors or crime. There are even duty free shops right in Grand Cayman that you can use in order to buy gifts for people back home.
Most of the cruises to Cayman Islands will cover much more than these three close islands. There are cruises that will go to Jamaica or Cozumel. To put it really simple, different tropical locations are available. It is actually recommended to build the tour based on personal wishes if possible or book way ahead so you can find free spots in the tours that you are going to want to go on.
Booking Cruises to Cayman Islands
The first step in booking a wonderful cruise is to make a list of all the options that are available. You can go to local tour operators and see their offers. There is a very strong chance that you are going to find many interesting deals this way. Make sure that you visit all the operators that you find because offers will vary from one to the other. All is based on the deals that they have available and the contracts signed with different tour operators. This basically means that some might have better deals for some areas when compared with others.
We should also look online. There are different tour operators that have an online site and that will give you access to really good cruise deals. They are great because they are usually located in other areas. By also searching through their offers you basically get rid of the problem of being limited at a local level.
Things to Consider When Choosing Destinations
Whenever you plan a trip it is a really good idea to be informed. The biggest problem with these vacations is the fact that there are many places that you can visit. A simple cruise cannot cover them both. Because of this you are better off researching all possible tourist destinations first. The internet is filled with a lot of information about any place that you might visit. Read about all the destinations that are included in cruise packages. This is helpful in determining what cruise to actually go on. We are sure that you want to book one that includes most of the locations that you want to visit.
Nowadays a lot of people have money problems but this is not a reason why you should not consider such a cruise. In this case it is recommended that you book ahead so that you can take advantage of the many possible discounts. Also, keep in mind that online tours are usually cheaper. This is due to the fact that they can save a lot of money by not operating in many offices. Such a fact eliminates the need to pay extra salaries and rent so the price tags are cheaper.
Another thing that you might want to consider is booking a cruise as you go directly to Cayman Islands. This basically means that you can avoid tour operators. However, such an approach will only bring in a good price in the event that you book ahead. In addition, you will have to make all the other travelling arrangements alone. If there is a need to spend a night somewhere before you go on the cruise, this also has to be planned properly. The good news is that all is easy and you will be able to do it if this is what you want.
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smoothshift · 5 years
Noob impressions of Miata vs. BRZ. vs V6 Camaro via /r/cars
Noob impressions of Miata vs. BRZ. vs V6 Camaro
TL;DR: Would love to own ND Miata after it has depreciated to $10-15k and I have a truck/SUV to tow it to the track. BRZ is great "only one car" for hardcore track enthusiast. Camaro is great "only one car" for casual track enthusiast.
2018 Camaro V6 1LE - Owned for 1 year. 3 track days, 1 autocross
2014 Subaru BRZ Limited - Owned for 3 years. 20 track days, countless autocross, casual drifting
201? Miata RF Grand Touring Automatic - Rental car that I've been driving for the last couple of days.
The Camaro isn't fast enough to excite, but has enough power across the RPM range to not feel lacking in any situation.
BRZ is underwhelming in torque dip, but pretty decent at high RPM. I think with header and tune, it would be enough that people wouldn't complain. Just don't turn on the A/C! Otherwise it feels so sluggish.
Miata feels very slow with the automatic and hard top. The bad exhaust sound makes me hesitate to go full throttle.
The Miata is one of the worst sounding cars I've driven. Very loud, yet muffled tone. Sounds "electronic" at high RPM's. Very heavy drone on the highway around 3k RPM. Lots of noise in the cabin. Probably not an issue on the track... the helmet and wind noise may drown out the exhaust.
BRZ sounded like tractor at low RPM's. But it was much more satisfying to rev out. Very smooth sounding engine. At 80mph, you're at like 4k RPM, so not only is it a bit loud inside, you're also right in the torque canyon.
The Camaro exhaust is one of my favorites. It's loud and has great tone change going from 2k to 5k to 7k RPM. Example sound (not my video). Can be as quiet as economy car on highway in 6th gear.
Miata feels very happy to transfer weight. However, it takes a while to load the suspension. Does not feel like the "precision instrument" of the other cars. Steering feels sloppy probably due to the soft suspension. Exaggerated body roll. This is not a car that a track enthusiast buys new. But at around $10-15k with budget to install coilovers, etc? I think it would be perfection.
The BRZ understeers like a pig. Literally would not go sideways unless on Prius tires or using extreme measures to transfer weight. Compared to the Cayman GTS, you really feel that heavy Boxer engine pointing in front of the front wheels. Even compared to the Camaro, it understeers like a pig. Felt like I was driving a FWD car until I added some front camber (-3) and made the rear stiffer.
Camaro feels just as precise as the BRZ, but with better balance and dampers that are just glued to any bumps in the road. Limits are very high on modest Michellin 4S tires. The long wheelbase is not felt unless you are making sharp turns, like U-turn for example. With stock suspension and camber bolt, you can get at least -2.1 front camber 0 toe.
Ride Quality
I'd rank it as maybe post refresh BRZ > Camaro > 2014 BRZ > Miata. I was surprised how much potholes and uneven surfaces upset the Miata chassis. It feels harsh in situations where the Camaro just absorbs them. Wheelbase and tire size could be a factor in this. I only did a short test drive of the refreshed BRZ, but the ride quality is significantly more compliant on the rough SF Peninsula roads that I tested, compared to my 2014 BRZ.
Camaro and BRZ tranmissions felt equally mediocre. A bit notchy. BRZ had 4th gear high RPM grind, and had transmission replaced under warranty. Camaro is slow to shift from 3rd to 2nd on the track (have to hold at gate for like half a second), which is annoying but not too dangerous due to the lower speeds of 2nd gear.
The Miata automatic is jerky in sport mode... you go from barely any acceleration to too much acceleration in a short pedal travel distance. In manual mode, it upshifts OK. Downshifts feels very sluggish. After this experience, I would recommend to not get the auto, especially if you have any experience with DCT such as the PDK.
The front visibility on the Camaro is atrocious. I'm always guessing how far I am from the curb, that I'm considering buying a front camera lol.
The Miata has OK visibility for a car. Still feels like the car extends far forward, but easy to see what's going on.
IIRC, BRZ had the best visibility. The hood is low and you're sitting further forward relative to chassis.
Can't fit shit inside the Miata. My carryon luggage barely fit in trunk opening. Not sure if you can even fit a floor jack and jack stands in the trunk.
Camaro & BRZ. Practical enough in most situations, but you'll definitely need to rent Uhaul every now and then. I could fit 4 235 width tires in the BRZ rear seats, and all the tools in trunk, which was nice. Rear seats are generally useless for adults.
BRZ interior reminds me of economy car from the 90's. The material texture looks like styrofoam. But the seats and wheels are amazing. The Limited package has Alcantara seats which are very compliant and comfortable compared to the stiff seats in the base model. The 2014 had an amazing steering wheel, very grippy and solid feel. The refresh model has a terrible wheel, just like the Impreza. Slippery and squishy.
Camaro interior looks much more modern and refined until you drive it or touch anything. A lot of the panels are hollow inside, easy to feel and touch. It rattles like crazy with the NPP exhaust. Currently having an issue where if the A/C is on, the car will start rattling like crazy after full throttle high RPM. Only way to get it to stop is to turn A/C off and wait a while.
The Miata had the nicest looking and feeling interior by far. Unlike the Camaro, you can push on a panel and it won't compress too much. The door is low enough that you can comfortable rest your hand outside the window. That's useful because the interior is very cramped. Seats are uncomfortable, like an upright bench. Seating position feels like an economy car compared to BRZ and Camaro, despite being lower.
Daily Driving Fun
I put the top down on the Miata and regretted it. Was instantly met with head burning sun. The sound and slow acceleration makes it feel underwhelming. Then you chuck it into a turn, and it does it effortlessly, while also making you feel like the car is going to roll over. Since most of time is just going straight for me, I thought it was boring overall.
BRZ fun is like the Miata, except the engine sounds slightly better when you rev it out and there's no drama in high G turns. I hated daily driving it, especially on the many 2-3 hour highway drives to the track or autocross.
The Camaro is a riot to drive. The exhaust sounds ridiculous at full throttle high RPM, and it's slow enough that you can get a good amount of listening before pulling back throttle. With the exhaust valve pulled, it's music to my ears on a boring drive through rush hour traffic.
Skid Pad Fun
I never took stock BRZ for drifting. After modifications, the car was incredibly agile and balanced above the torque canyon.
Only did a few minutes with Camaro. It does not like to go sideways. Had to really lay on the throttle to maintain a drift.
Autocross Fun
Was a riot to drive BRZ on the stock Prius tires, felt so balanced. You don't really notice the understeer with upgraded tires, because it can transition weight so quickly. I think a lot of BRZ autocrossers run understeer biased setup with the KW coilovers. After my suspension modifications, it became ridiculously fun in autocross. Car wanted to oversteer at every opportunity, and I would just maintain the slide for fun. Twitchy and countersteer on slaloms. Not like I was going to be competitive anyway, some of the fastest BRZ drivers were in my region.
Camaro is just underwhelming. Takes up so much space on the course and you really feel the long wheelbase on tight turns. Gearing is terrible for autocross. I think 2nd gear goes up to 75mph and peak torque is at 5k RPM. Most of the time, you are well below the powerband. Despite all this, it is surprisingly fast. I only went on a test day, but I was faster than most other cars. Surprisingly, I had no issue "seeing" cones because I wasn't looking at them in first place. Always focusing on 2-5 cones ahead.
Track Fun
The BRZ was an understeering pig on the track. Being able to drift was gimmick with the Prius tires. Once you upgrade the tires, you realize that it is a traditional Subaru. To "fix" the understeer, I added Tein MonoSport and Eibach rear sway bar. It became too twitchy and oversteer balanced. No need to turn wheel after apex (actually often turned opposite direction of turn), I could steer car with throttle. Was in the process of tuning the suspension, but it got totaled by redlight running idiot.
The Camaro feels right at home on the track. It is extremely well balanced in stock form. On turn in, it will oversteer just a couple degrees and stay there. Feels like the car is loose throughout the whole turn, without the twitchiness of my modified BRZ. It was hilarious catching up to Miatas in the braking zones, with such a brute of a car. For a casual track enthusiast, I think this is a great option. For hardcore enthusiast, I think S2000 would be much better driver's car.
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michaeljtraylor · 5 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas.  For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do.  To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently.  My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result.  If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it.   For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off.  We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details.  It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate.  We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot.  We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK 
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900.  Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly.  I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value.  
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options.  The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world.  While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently.  If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now.  The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again?  
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it.  For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites.  Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. 
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/183722193639
0 notes
garkodigitalmedia · 5 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas.  For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do.  To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently.  My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result.  If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it.   For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off.  We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details.  It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate.  We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot.  We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK 
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900.  Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly.  I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value.  
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options.  The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world.  While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently.  If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now.  The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again?  
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it.  For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites.  Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. 
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/
0 notes
westindiescayman · 4 years
Explore the world of real estate in the Cayman Islands
Are you looking for a place like home minus the commotion? There is only one place on Earth that can give you all these — The Cayman Islands. Whether you like the city’s liveliness or the tranquility of island living, there is something for everyone.
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The properties on the islands are as diverse as their neighborhoods. Every locality has its charm. There are plenty of houses for sale in the Cayman Islands, but you have to be quick and proactive because countless people are eyeing them. The slightest delay might lead to an opportunity slipping away. It is because the demand for properties far exceeds the supply.
Top Reasons to invest in the Cayman Islands’ Residential Properties.
Standardized laws across the country — The laws in the Cayman Islands are uniform all over. A law in Grand Cayman would be the same in Cayman Brac or Little Cayman.
Zero restrictions on foreign ownership — There are no restrictions on foreign ownership (for personal use). It is possible for two or more people to own a particular property. A corporation could own it too. If you own a piece of land, there is no compulsion to develop it. The government of the Cayman Islands also guarantees the right of ownership.
Organized system — The real estate sector in the Cayman Islands is highly organized. Every property out there is assigned a unique block and parcel number. Prospective buyers can look at all the records and previous transactions, restrictions on the property, etc., to ensure that they make the right decision.
Tax neutrality — If you have purchased a property for investment, no taxes apply. There are no taxes like — income tax, property tax, inheritance tax or capital gains taxes, etc.
Easy access — The Cayman Islands are close to North America. Since there are so many American and Canadian expats living in the Cayman Islands, the government has increased the number of flights and their frequency.
Permanent residency — The standard of living in the Cayman is relatively high. The country relies on tourism, offshore banking, and company incorporation to earn its revenue. Such opportunities attract people from all over the world. Foreigners who purchase real estate worth CI$1 million are eligible for citizenship, but out of that amount, at least CI$500,000 should be used towards developing real estate.
Political and economic stability — The Cayman Islands is a representative parliamentary democracy, and it has experienced zero political upheavals in the past 60 years. The value of the Caymanian dollar enjoys a higher exchange rate than that of the American dollar. This tells us a lot about the economic situation of the country. The island has plenty of excellent hospitals, supermarkets, grocery stores, schools, and everything to lead a comfortable life.
Friendly people — The Caymanians are warm and friendly. Thanks to a helpful, responsive, and proactive police department, the crime rate is also relatively low.
Variety of properties — You would be amazed by the sheer variety of properties that the Cayman Islands offers. There are plenty of houses for sale in the Cayman Islands, from high-end luxury villas, apartments, condominiums, penthouses to affordable housing. Areas like the Seven Mile Beach are on the higher end, while South Sound, Red Bay neighborhoods are best for people who desire affordable housing.
Ease of transfer — Real estate transactions in the Cayman Islands is convenient and straightforward. When both parties arrive at a decision, they sign a contract, which becomes legally binding. Each property is listed on CIREBA, the regulatory body for real estate transactions in the Cayman Islands. It ensures the legitimacy of all dealings.
Guaranteed title — The government of the Cayman Islands maintains details of land; hence insurance is irrelevant. A single land registry has the required information, and it’s open to the public. Potential buyers can access this resource and get all the requisite data related to the liens’ ownership history and records.
Great ROI — Owing to its scenic beauty, work opportunities, offshore banking, and financial services, and tourism, the Cayman Islands’ real estate industry has grown by leaps and bounds. The year 2019 witnessed a 9% increase in market transfers as compared to 2018. The total value of transfers saw a rise of 17.8%.
Privacy — The Cayman Islands is one of the most popular jurisdictions for offshore financial services, company incorporation, asset protection, etc. These banks and financial institutions hold over 1.7 trillion dollars in assets. It makes up approximately 6% of the world’s banking total banking assets. In the last 12 years, the Cayman Islands’ financial services and the banking industry have witnessed a drastic change because of the anti-money laundering legislation.
The laws protect the privacy of the property owners, though. Properties can be held in corporations and trusts, no restrictions for foreign ownership either. Ignorance and the spread of misinformation have led to the myth of the Cayman Islands being a hub for money laundering and tax evasion. The robust legal framework, strict code of ethics, transparency, and equal opportunity for all will enable organizations to build a successful business empire.
Vibrant market — The rapid growth in the Cayman Islands’ financial services and tourism industry has drawn thousands of people from various countries. It has sparked the need for the development of new real estate projects across the Islands.
Regardless of whether you want to purchase property for investment or as a second home in the Cayman Islands, decide based on your budget, requirements, and how long you intend to live on the Islands. Only borrow as much as you can repay. Remember to consult an attorney before signing a deal and only buy properties listed on CIREBA.
The real estate market is experiencing a lull phase right now because of the pandemic. Buyers are hesitant to enter the market, and sellers are playing the waiting game. However, this is not Cayman specific; it’s happening all over the world. All of this is just a temporary phase, and it will pass.
Original Source: https://medium.com/@CaymanGuide/explore-the-world-of-real-estate-in-the-cayman-islands-93d87e2de7ac
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