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cadaverschaoss · 8 months
"I'll sacrifice everything for my family."
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"And I mean everything."
Character’s full name:
Kasumi Niragi
Character’s nickname:
Sumi, Kas
Reason for nickname:
Shortened version of her given name
Birth date:
Physical appearance
Eye color:
Distinguishing marks:
small knick in her eyebrow
Hair color:
Short and scrappy
Beach Wear:
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Games outfit:
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Good personality traits:
loyal determined
Bad personality traits:
chaotic, emotional
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
ADHD humor
Character’s greatest joy in life:
her brother
Character’s greatest fear:
dying alone
She believes if she dies alone then no one will remember her
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
Finding her biological father
Character is most at ease when:
She is around those she trusts and cares for
Most ill at ease when:
She has to get out of her comfort zone
Enraged when:
You try to hurt her brother
Depressed or sad when:
She believes her brother is dead post 10 ❤️ game
Life philosophy:
What's the point in living if there are no risks?
If granted one wish, it would be:
For the secret of her mothers affair to never have been revealed
She wouldn't have had to leave home.
Character’s soft spot:
People giving her small gifts and things and pay attention to when she talks
Is this soft spot obvious to others?
Greatest strength:
She's very good at reading people
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
She cares a bit too much about those around her and neglects her own safety
Biggest regret:
Leaving home and leaving just a small note behind
Minor regret:
Getting into fights in school
Biggest accomplishment:
Buying her own apartment at 27
Minor accomplishment:
Finishing highschool online
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
She once worked as a healthcare telemarketer and accidentally deleted information that ultimately led to an old man's death. It was an honest mistake but she carries the blame anyway.
She essentially killed a man
Character’s darkest secret:
Read the killing a man bit above
Does anyone else know?
Drives and motivations:
to reunite with her family after the borderlands
Immediate goals:
Long term goals:
Get a self defense teaching certification
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Taking classes
How other characters will be affected:
Type of childhood:
Decent until 15
A stray black kitten she fed
First memory:
Her earliest memory is her brother make believing a tea party for her just when she was barely able to walk
Most important childhood memory:
When the truth of her parentage was discovered
She was kicked out of the family home
Childhood hero:
Joan Jett
Dream job:
Rockstar/self defense teacher
Highschool graduate (barely)
Finances: lower middle class
Current location:
Currently living with:
Lower middle class
Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Sugura Niragi, Nisha Niragi (@thepsychosister )
Relationship with them:
Strained, close but strained
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Least favorite color:
electric blue
Form of entertainment:
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession:
Her motorbike
Fighting, bartending
Plays a musical instrument?
Plays a sport?
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
Watching Netflix
Spending habits:
lives within her means
Other drugs:
Occasional weed use
Old bio:
Kasumi was the product of their mother having an affair, always feeling like the oddball in the family growing up. Her mother doted her with attention in the beginning then leaving Kasumi to wonder what she had done to lose her mother's love, during this time of inner turmoil she started to purposely get in trouble, eventually meeting delinquents , and later being invited to join their gang. To keep her gang life a secret from her family she worked hard at school, until her first week of highschool when she got into a fight that hospitalized two kids, the two boys who she found out were bullying her only siblings. The day she got kicked out of school was the same day she found out the circumstances of her birth and kicked out of the family home. She stayed with friends here and there before securing herself a cheap apartment in Tokyo, she had planned to find her brother and explain why she left their family so abruptly but never had the time. It wasn't until she woke up in the borderlands that the realization hit her, it wasn't until her first few games that she might actually die before seeing her only family again.
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avastrasposts · 1 year
Inspired by @jazzelsaur idea about Frankie Morales being a hardcore Microsoft Flight Sim player, I wrote this, because Frankie playing MFS has to be canon.
Frankie will take time off work the day the new Microsoft Flight Sim releases, triple checking months in advance to make sure his gaming PC can run the game and make it look epic
He’s been planning for this since the specs were released, saving up to buy new parts for his PC set up, including a yoke, throttle, rudder and pedals. He even replaced his old gaming chair with a better model, second hand on Craigslist. 
This is the only game he plays, except for a bit of GTA V that he got online for $10 when Rockstar had a sale. 
The day before the launch Frankie will let his friends know he’ll be unavailable for the next few days. Benny totally understands, he will spend days playing UFC on his old Xbox and gives Frankie some healthy gamer snack tips. Will rolls his eyes, the idea of wasting so much time on a game just doesn’t sit right with the more responsible Miller brother. Pope just offers to come over and take you, Frankie’s girlfriend, out for a date, earning him a punch in the arm. 
The game releases at midnight but Frankie’s has had it pre-downloaded for two weeks already so he goes to the store and picks up snacks and any caffeinated soft drink he can find. Snacks have to be non-sticky, dry and not greasy. He takes Benny’s advice and prepares apple wedges with peanut butter in advance. 
As zero hour approaches Frankie snuggles you and tells you to sleep well while he tucks you into bed, you’re already half asleep, not really caring much about your boyfriend’s sudden crazy behavior. 
At ten to midnight he settles in and starts preparing his first flight. He’s had it planned ever since he saw that they were adding the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, the game’s first military fighter jet. He’s always dreamed of flying one. 
Finally loading up the game he quickly skips the tutorial, (as if he would need a tutorial), and takes the jet out on the runway. He’s read every manual available about the jet and soon gets the all clear from the tower and takes off. As per usual, Frankie talks to the tower, relaying any information they will need, even though there’s no need for it in the game. 
He logs on to Discord and his preferred flight sim channel, logging his flight and setting a course for Japan. He’s always wanted to go to Japan and it’s tradition for him to do a fly-by of Mount Fuji the first time he’s in a new aircraft ever since he got MFS for Windows 95 on sale back in -97.
Hailing other aircrafts as they cross his flight path, he tries to keep his voice low to not wake you up in the next room. 
Once he’s done playing with the Hornet (there are no targets to shoot anyway, this is a civilian flight sim), he switches to the new commercial airliner, the Boeing 7847-8 Intercontinental and sets a flight course for New Zealand from Newark, he wants to test his skills and the new PC parts on a really long flight. Plus, it’d be cool to see where they shot the Lord of the Rings. 
The next morning you find him asleep in the chair, slumped over the keyboard, headset askew over his head. The plane has crashed somewhere in the Andes. 
The next evening you take Pope up on his offer of dinner and a movie, “just as friends” you underline in your text to him, “need to get out of the house while #GamerFrankie gets this out of his system”
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oyesmendes · 4 years
San Francisco - N.H.
a/n: so i posted this earlier and the entire fic just disappeared 😔 but ya here you go!!!
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The sky turned a dark shade of grey, clouds covering the sun that was once shining so brightly. Before you knew it, rain came pouring down, tapping wildly on your window pane as you sat by it with a mug of tea in your hand. Gloomy San Francisco weather as usual. You wrapped yourself further into your sweater, sipping slowly on the peppermint tea. He should be here. You should be wrapped in his arms, on the couch listening to Bruce Springsteen for the hundredth time. But he wasn’t. Your heart hurt at the thought of him, the thought of that night where it all came crashing down.
“What will it take for you to understand? this travelling thing, making music is my dream, Y/N. I just want you to be here for it all, and come with me on the journey. I’m not asking you to sacrifice your life” Niall tugged at the roots of his hair, frustrated that they were once again having this conversation.
“Except you are. You can’t just expect me to go travel the world with you, Ni. My whole life is in this city, I go to school here and I work in a cafe down the street for goodness sake! It’s not a drop and go thing!” Your voice cracked and so did your heart, when you realised that your dreams didn’t add up to Niall’s. You felt unimportant, not respected and he didn’t even realise it.
“The job at the cafe isn’t better than travelling the world? And you can do online school anyway, it’s simple.” He replied nonchalantly. It’s simple? You wanted to kill him. You shook the thought out of your head, folding your arms in front of your chest. Niall couldn’t understand why you didn’t want to go with him. Any girl would’ve killed to be spending months on the road, travelling the world with an international pop-star. But he forgot that you weren’t like the other girls, you were his girlfriend, his other half, his muse. Not the screaming fans filling stadiums and buying albums after albums. You started to grow tired, tired of making sacrifices and always being there for him whenever he was back in town. “It’s 2 worlds colliding, of course it’s going to be messy. Try to forgive him” you could hear your mother telling you, whenever you called her, frustrated about this whole topic once again. But this time, this was it. You felt the disrespect, you could see that he didn’t understand your normality and he didn’t want to work around it.
“This- Us, we aren’t going to work” you said softly. You saw his shoulders tense, and he whipped around to face you.
“What do you mean?” Niall knew what you meant, he just wanted to hear those words come out from your mouth.
“We should take a break, or even put a stop sign to this. I love you Niall, but we aren’t meant to be, at least for now.” you approached him, hands cupping his face softly. He reached for your wrists, wrapping his hand around them - for the last time, at least you hoped. His lips crashed into yours, and you returned the kiss. It felt passionate, the amount of love and pain could be felt with every move.  You did the cruel act of pulling away first, and both of you had tears streaming down your faces, lips burning scarlet red.
I want to kiss you like the first time, hold you like it’s not goodbye
You wiped the tears off his cheeks, and gave him one last peck on the lips - light, but loving. Niall was silent the hold time, his hands resting on your waist. he took your hand in his, thumb stroking small circles. You watched him moved slowly, pulling you into his chest, arms wrapping around your body. This was goodbye.
A knock on the door brought you back to reality. Who the heck could it be at this time, in this weather? You left your mug by the window sill, scrambling to answer the door. as you swung the door open, the sight in front of you made your heart stop just for a second. There stood Niall, soaking wet in his hoodie, hair matted to his forehead from the rain.
I might show up on your door step, soaking wet. Say I'm done running from the one that I want so bad
“What- Niall? What are you doing here?” You opened the door wider, allowing him to step inside. You quickly grabbed a towel, and rummaged through his drawer of clothes that you never touched since he left, to pull out another thick jumper and sweats. He still stood planted to the ground in your doorway, taking in the once familiar apartment.
“Here, dry yourself, I’ll make you a cuppa”
It was a while before Niall walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair dry with the towel. You set a mug of hot tea on the table, motioning for him to sit across you. When your eyes met his, you were reminded of it all - why you fell in love with him and why you let him go.
“Why are you here, Ni?”
“I miss you.” Niall reached out to hold your hand, and to your surprise, you let him hold it. He rubbed small circles with his thumb just like he did before.
“You know damn well we aren’t going to work” you sighed, “we’ve been through this before.”
Drunk dialling, full dive in. Don’t you tell me that it’s too late now
3 AM
Your phone buzzing non-stop on the table with Niall’s face flashing across the screen. It was the tenth time he was calling tonight and you knew he was drunk calling you, wanting to profess his love and apologise for the millionth time. This happened, every weekend when the boys would take him out for drinks. You wondered why they never bothered to stop him
“Fuck’s sake!” You threw the covers off your body, picking up your phone to answer the call
“Hello?” Niall’s voice slurred on the other end and you rolled your eyes. This was exactly what you expected after the breakup - he’d go down to a pub, have one too many beers and start calling you up to say he’s sorry.
“What is it, Niall?” You spat, being sleep deprived is not something you wanted, especially with a full day of work ahead in the morning. You heard a soft gasp, and could feel Niall scrambling his thoughts together.
“I-I miss you my love, I was so stupid to let you go and not fight for you. I want you, all of you no matter what happens. I want to work it out with you and marry you and spend the rest of my life loving you. Please let me do that, sweet.” He rambled for a bit, and you could hear him choke up on his words. You wondered if he was alone, if he could get back safe to his house. More importantly, you wondered where he was, wanting nothing but to be in his arms and tell him that he’s going to be alright. Although your heart hurt, you needed to stand your ground.  
“Ni, baby… I love you, I miss you too but I’ve said this again and again - you and me we were meant to be at some point, but after it all, we’re not meant to spend the rest of our lives together. I’m that girl from the coffee shop and you’re that rockstar on a stage. 2 different worlds that aren’t meant to collide with one another. And God, how I wish we could change this but I don’t want us to give up our dreams for each other. You don’t need me anchoring you to this city or to me, Niall. You need to be free.”
Take me back, take me back, to San Francisco
both of you sat in silence, your hand still in his, neither of you wanting to let go. What you guys had was so sweet, so rare. Niall was a better person with you by his side - he wrote songs after songs about you, both the good and the bad times. And every single moment he had spent with you, was the most precious moment in his life. But he was toxic for you. Your life came to a halt when he was around; you’d drop everything for the boy all the time, asking for nothing in return. He destroyed the wildness in you, and as much as he made you happy and so in love, you knew he was bad for you.  
“I don’t know what will make you take me back” he whispered, one hand wrapped around the mug of tea. You saw his grip on the mug tighten and you grabbed that hand into yours. It was a bad habit of his, to clench his fists or whatever that was in it. his head lifted so his eyes could meet yours. God damn, those ocean blue eyes.
“You’ve made my heart flutter, every single time without fail my love. But we aren’t meant to be. Your world and mine, when we crash we burn to the ground.” You paused, looking down at the lukewarm tea in front of you. This is it, end it now once and for all. “I love you, God I love you so much” you held your tears back, bringing his hand up to your lips.
“But we’re bad for each other, Ni. We hurt each other in ways we can’t see; and you won’t understand this now but I hope you do in the future. I will always love you, Ni. I will always be loving you even from afar.” This is it. Niall knew it, he’s tried way too many times and the way you stood your ground this time, he knew he had to leave you in San Francisco. It was the only right thing to do.
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spidercakes · 5 years
Starker soulmate AU where you don’t see in color until you meet your soulmate.
Warnings: age difference (though Peter is in his early 20′s) and feminization (also Peter).
Peter has earned a vacation, not that he’d ever been able to afford one until he got that internship at Stark Industries but it pays well and it just so happened everyone else he knew ran into money too. Ned got a seasonal job that happened to come with a good wage, Peter has the internship, technically Flash already has money but he managed to land a sweet internship too, and MJ... well, she started dating Liz, who already had money.
Still, for the first time every they all had an amount of money and figured fuck it. The world is probably going to shit itself soon so they decided to take a vacation, spend some time in Italy, maybe do some other traveling and then come home. Peter figures he’s earned it after most of his childhood being one tragedy after another. And Flash, as much of an asshole as he is at times, happens to be a great motivational speaker when he doesn’t want to travel alone.
Which is how Peter ends up in a small coffee shop waiting for his order while Ned and MJ argue about Star Wars theories while Liz and Flash browse makeup online not that they can actually see any of the colors. Peter thinks its kind of funny that they look at anything wholly dependent on color but he leaves them to it because they like it. Its not like he doesn’t do the same, he likes photography and that, he’s been told, also depends on color even if some stuff looks good in black and white also. He’s grabbing his coffee, contemplating what the pictures he’s taken would even look like in color when he turns and runs into someone.
The first color Peter sees is a warm honey brown as the world shifts into color. He’s so captivated by the beauty of the man’s eyes, framed by think, dark eyelashes, that he doesn’t even notice he’s about to topple over until he’s been caught by the man. That’s about when he pays attention to the rest of him and he recognizes him immediately, mouth dropping open in surprise because he’s seen Tony Stark’s picture a million times and there’s those rumors that people have figured out their soulmates are celebrities because they saw them in pictures or on TV but Peter now knows they’re fake. If they weren’t he probably would have figured out that his soul mate was Tony Stark a long time ago.
“Do... do you see that?” Tony asks and Peter nods. “Um, yeah Mr. Stark I do,” he says and Tony winces a little. Peter feels a sliver of doubt sink in, worried that maybe he’s done something wrong when Tony speaks.
“I was kind of hoping my soulmate wouldn’t recognize me, but that’s probably a tall order,” he says, glancing away for a moment.
“Probably, yeah. Um... might be a bad time to tell you that I technically work for you? I um, got one of those internships,” he says, realizing too late that Stark Industries probably has like... a bunch of internships in different areas of the company’s specialties.
But Tony seems to know what he’s referencing immediately, recognition showing on his features. “You’re Peter Parker,” he says and Peter frowns, unsure how the hell he could possible know that. Tony just grins though, “I keep track of all of the interns that happen to be absolute rockstars at their job. You’re one of the ones that stood out,” he says and Peter feels his cheeks heat.
“I’m sure lots of other people are good too,” he says, looking at the floor for a moment.
Tony snorts, “of course they’re all good, those internships aren’t easy to get. But there’s always a difference between someone who’s good at their job and someone who’s passionate about it and exceptional. You were on the short list of the exceptional people in the group of exceptional people. Figures you’d be my soulmate,” he says, shaking his head. “Guess what people say about fate bringing soulmates together has truth to it.”
Peter feels himself flush again, happy to receive such high praise from, of all people, Tony Stark.
Tony has never really bought the whole soul mate thing, always found it a bit absurd of a concept. But the first color he sees is the light brown of Peter’s eyes, lighter than his own he knows, and he throws his entire disposition out the window. Then he mentions the internship and Tony knows, really knows because Peter seems to pop up everywhere, has for the last year or so. First there was vetting for the internship, something he does now that Pepper is the CEO, then there were all the reports on the interns, and then there was the list of people to hire from that. Tony’s been staring at this guy’s picture for weeks wondering what the hell it is about him that kept drawing him back.
Qualifications sure, Peter is a hard worker and on top of that he’s inginuitive and intelligent, enough to stand out from people who are already exceptional in the program. But that didn’t explain why he felt drawn to the little picture of Peter in the file given that they all kind of look like prison mug shots. Now he supposes he’s got his answer.
He’s pretty sure neither of them really expected this but Tony’s more than happy to find Peter curled up by the pool with a drink and his phone, presumably texting his friends. Tony admits he was maybe a little selfish for wanting Peter to himself for a little while, maybe forever if he’s got a say in it, but Peter had been happy to go along after telling his friends which makeup palates were actually nice or not. They’d been surprised, probably more so by who his soul mate actually was, but they also seemed to be happy to let Peter go off and enjoy himself.
Tony makes his way over to Peter, smiling down at him when he gets to the chair he’s curled up in. “Come here,” Tony murmurs and Peter stands, immediately crowding into Tony’s space to kiss him.
“Morning,” Peter says, grinning. God, he’s stunning. His usually pale skin is tanned now thanks to the sun, and its brought out some freckles across his nose and cheeks that Tony finds maybe too endearing. He’s also taken a liking to pastel colors and Tony doesn’t like them on their own, but on Peter he finds that soft pastel pink endearing. Especially if he happens to find it on one of those mini skirts Peter seems to prefer wearing.
He smiles back at Peter before sitting in the chair Peter was just in, pulling Peter into his lap. He makes a small ‘oof’ noise before settling and rearranging his skirt, a soft pastel yellow today, and shaking his head at Tony. “Of course you were plotting to steal my spot,” he says, acting put out when he isn’t.
“Of course,” Tony tells him. “Its my life’s mission.”
“Uh huh. Pretty sure your life’s mission is to acquire as much red clothing as possible,” Peter says and what can Tony say, he’s fond of the color. Its bright and bold and he’s always held a fondness of both of those things. He thinks it looks nice on Peter too, but Peter isn’t as fond of the color as he is.
“Well I think I look nice in red,” he says, nose in the air. Now that he knows what colors look like its pretty easy to spot people who haven’t met their soul mates, none of their clothes match on account of them buying for matching style rather than matching colors. Not that Tony ever had that problem, that’s what stylists with soul mates are for.
Peter snorts at him, “you look good in everything but yeah, even I have to admit that red looks really good on you.”
Tony’s lips tip up though he knows Peter isn’t right about everything looking nice on him. There’s this picture of him with Justin Hammer, and of course it’d be fucking Hammer, where he’s wearing this powder blue suit and the color is heinous on its own but even worse on him. He’s pretty sure only Peter can pull the color off. And babies, he guesses.
They sit for a long few minutes, enjoying the sun while Tony runs his fingers up and down Peter’s thigh. Eventually he leans forward to kiss Peter’s cheek, smiling when Peter curls up into him, laying his head on Tony’s shoulder. “I had Pepper go through everyone we’re keeping from the internships again, didn’t tell her why until after she sent the list of people back. No one can claim you got it because you’re my soul mate. I didn’t know when I went through those names the first time and neither did anyone else, and Pepper sure shit didn’t know. I don’t think she’s even met any of you.”
“She hasn’t,” Peter confirms. “But um. Thanks, I guess.”
He squeezes Peter’s thigh, “things are fine now, but the media will shit when they’re told. People aren’t going to be polite about a pretty young thing like you landing such a sought after position conveniently after I found out you were my soul mate,” he points out.
Peter shrugs, “you don’t have the patience to deal with incompetence, not in that area of your life. People can say whatever they want, I know its not true.”
Yeah, he’s not wrong there. Tony can deal with a lot of things, but incompetence in any field of science is absolutely not one of those things. “Be prepared to be called a gold digger and worse,” he adds.
Peter picks his head up from his shoulder and frowns, “are you like... planning to say something any time soon? Because I thought that you wanted to lay low for awhile.”
He half smiles, “in my defense, that was last week. I want to take you to places without having to hide it so yeah, if you’re okay with it Pepper has a press release prepared to go live in like. Two hours,” he says.
The delighted look on Peter’s face is all Tony needs to know about how Peter feels.
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You’re a legend, Freddie IV
I have this little tiny (big) problem that I cannot just skip time. I have a need to write most of the moments so I have no idea when this story is going anywhere exciting..we’ll see. 
This also gonna be historically so inaccurate cause I can’t find all the information online. Just a warning. 
(also still sorry about the fact that the title doesn’t make any sense)
click this to read the previous mess
Roger Taylor x Reader
description: The reader is suddenly in the 70′s and she realizes that the only thing she must do in the past is meet Freddie Mercury.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: I have a need to swear way too much, sorry loves (I also mention sex wow)
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      Roger's soft lips are on mine and without thinking twice, I kiss him back. 
"What, no! This cannot happen, I need you", I end the kiss and stare at the boy. He's clearly confused and I know he knows that I was kissing him back with no hesitation. 
"I-I.. You need me?", Roger asks.
"I. Need. You. I'm all alone in the 70's, you're literally the only one who knows the whole truth and I need you! Please just tell me now if you're expecting me to fuck you as a fucking payment for your help", I start yelling and panicking. I thought I had someone to help me. I thought I wasn't alone. 
"NO! What, no! I honestly thought there was something going on between us and thought that was an appropriate thing to do. I would never expect anything from you", Roger answers, shocked and disappointed. I feel so bad for assuming the worst but that's what I usually do. I don't even really know the boy. 
"I want to help you", he continues and my panic drifts off. I want to believe him more than anything. I get up from the sofa and sigh. I take a moment to slow down my breathing.
"Well, love, I haven't even gotten my morning coffee yet, what's up with that?", I joke still kind of uncomfortable from the assumptions I made.
"I'll make some coffee for you, darling. You drink it black, right?", Roger gets up and walks to the kitchen. 
"Oh no, I was kidding. I'm not expecting anything from you either. A roof over my head is enough", I follow him and try to explain myself.
"I wouldn't mind a toothbrush though...", I think out loud. 
             Roger makes coffee and offers to take me to a store. He's not a filthy rich rockstar yet but he promises to buy me some necessities because all I have with me is my sketchbook, a pencil case, my phone, headphones and a charger. And obviously all the random shit that is found from every backpack in history. 
"I'm sorry if I just suddenly disappear and you bought all of this stuff for nothing", I smile at him while we're walking back to Roger's place.
"Don't you dare disappear on me, I'm only just getting to know you", Roger puts his arm on my shoulder. 
"You seriously shouldn't flirt with me. You do know you're my grandfather's age, right?", I laugh and Roger stops. He looks at me like his having an existential crisis and I get it. He actually is born the same year as my grandfather.
"That is so fucked up", he realizes and continues walking. It doesn't take long until we're back at Roger's flat and he offers to make me a sandwich.
"You've already done so much for me, let ME make you a sandwich. I'm really good at that, you know?", I tell him and start preparing some toast. He laughs at me and sits down by the kitchen table. 
"This is really random, but please do tell me if I say some weird ass internet slang words you don't understand. I probably don't even realize if that happens. I honestly might even quote some vines and be disappointed when you don't understand the reference", I keep making the sandwiches. He looks at me confused and I laugh. His confused- face is basically the only one I know.
"I promise to tell you if I don't understand what you're saying", he laughs, "And speaking of that, I have no idea what you're saying." I give him his sandwich.
"I know. It's kind of funny though", I take a bite out of my sandwich and wash it down with some apple juice.
         "Would you like to go to a pub tonight?", Roger asks me out of nowhere. It's been a couple of hours since we've said a word. I have my headphones on and I'm listening to the music I've downloaded to my phone. Roger's been stuck figuring out how to finish a song he's been writing. He even asked for my help but that's just cheating. I might know what he's gonna write.
I take slide the headphones off my ears and ask Roger to repeat the question.
"I'm kind of bored and thought about going to a pub tonight", Roger says.
"Oh, yeah, go ahead", I say and put the headphones back on. Roger walks up to me and removes the headphones completely. 
"Would you like to go with me?", he says and smiles.
"Okay, sure. I'm not a much of a drinker though", I tell him, blushing when I realize how close to me he is. 
"I guess you don't have anything special to wear", Roger wonders, still so close to me. I pretend to be offended.
"I can just wear the jeans I wore yesterday and steal a shirt from you", I smirk and take the headphones from Roger's hands. I stand up and put them on the table next to my phone.
"Oh, so you're just  gonna start taking my clothes, love?", he stands up and walks up to me. If anyone else was this close to me, I would've been gone already. 
"Yes and I'll look hot as hell in them, don't you dare doubt me", I walk to the bedroom to find my jeans, not leaving a moment for Roger to say anything back to me. I go to the bathroom to change. My underwear's dry and I'm surprised Roger didn't mention them. I mean he could've seen them and been sniffing them for all I know, but again, it's not the biggest of my problems. 
        "I miss my family so much", I say going through Roger's closet. Everything's so 70's (wonder why) and I don't know what to put on. I try to keep my mind of off my family.
"You know, I'm really into the 80's fashion. Such a shame", I change the subject entirely. Roger is sitting on the bed looking at me going through the closet. I pick out a few button-up shirts and ask Roger to decide which one I should put on.
"I think the yellow one would fit you the best", Roger stands up and takes it off the hanger. "Come on, take off the t-shirt", he continues.
"You're such an ass", I say and take off the t-shirt. I don't really mind people seeing me in my bra. It's just a bra. I put on Roger's shirt and try to fit it into my jeans. I'm wearing high waisted mom jeans and my black Dr. Martens. Thank god they were the shoes I chose to wear yesterday. They'll match anything.  I tighten the belt around my waist and put on the leather jacket I have with me. 
"Wanna make my hair all fluffy and 70's?", I ask Roger while he's looking for something to wear himself. He ends up with a pair of flared trousers and a brown t-shirt. 
"It'd be my pleasure", he grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom. 
       "You look like you belong to a punk band", Roger says finishing my hair and I'm pretty sure I've never done my hair for so long. 
"Goals", is the first word that pops into my head and of course I say it out loud leaving Roger speechless. I look into a mirror and smile.
"If only I had some makeup", I state and feel kind of ridiculous having so much stuff in my hair but nothing on my face.
"You look beautiful", Roger looks at me while finishing his own hair. I smile and look into the mirror again. I sigh and turn to Roger.
"So, when are we leaving?"
"I just gotta call the boys to meet us there", he says casually like I was supposed to know he was gonna invite his band. I nod and walk out of the bathroom wondering if Freddie told John and Brian about me. Or did Roger tell them at some point. I'm not sure and it's quite stressful.
I don't feel like explaining my situation again.
this way to the next chapter
@5sos-wdw @alltheloveloki @16wiishes @cosmiclunas @killerqueenisthebest @murydedeus03 @probably-crying-or-something @ghost-in-love @eleventhdoctorsangel @captainsherlockwinchester110283 @apxrivera @shadowmaiden1618 @isabella-bby @11mb0 @mcuandhp @megan-is-boring @thealexandraway 
(couldn’t tag everyone for some reason, sorry)
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blueweave8 · 2 years
Energy Drink Market Demand, Industry Trends, Forecast 2022-2028
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that the energy drink market was worth USD 63.6 billion in the year 2021. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.20%, with revenues reaching USD 109.9 billion by 2028. The energy drink market is flourishing at a high rate owing to the rising health consciousness among consumers along with the shift from soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, increasing product launches of different flavors and ranges and rising availability through both online and offline stores are anticipated to drive market growth in the forecast period. However, the negative health impact of the excessive consumption of energy drinks may act as a huge restraining factor for the market.
Surging Launches of New Products are Driving Energy Drink Market Growth
With the rising demand for energy drinks in the market, the companies are constantly launching new products to attract consumers and boost their sales. They are focusing on launching different flavors and ingredients that suit the different taste preferences of consumers. PepsiCo.’s energy drink Rockstar is launching Rockstar Unplugged, made of ingredients such as hemp seed oil, B vitamins, spearmint, lemon balm, etc. The companies are also streamlining their distribution system to increase their product penetration in new and potential markets, which is anticipated to drive the overall market growth.
Rising Demand from On-Trade Channels is Propelling Energy Drink Market Growth
The demand for energy drinks is registering significant demand from the on-trade channels. The number of bars, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, etc., is increasing at a high rate owing to the rapid urbanization and changing lifestyle of consumers. Furthermore, flourishing tourism in different parts of the world is also influencing the rising number of on-trade channels. This is anticipated to boost the demand for energy drinks in the forecast period.
Request for Sample Report @  https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/energy-drink-market/report-sample
Energy Drink Market - By Distribution Channel
Based on the distribution channel, the energy drink market is segmented into supermarkets/hypermarkets, specialty stores, convenience stores, online retail stores, and others. The convenience stores segment accounts for the largest market share owing to the availability of a wide range of products of different brands and flavors under one roof. Consumers can easily buy bulk products from these stores during an event. The supermarkets/hypermarkets segment also accounts for a significant market share.
Energy Drink Market - Regional Insights
Geographically, the energy drink market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa. North America dominates the energy drink market. However, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness the highest growth rate during the forecast period owing to the presence of diverse consumer cases due to the high population. Asian countries have different taste preferences. Therefore, the companies launch different types of energy drinks to match the needs of regional consumers, which is significantly influencing the growth of the market.
Impact of COVID-19 on Energy Drink Market
The energy drink market witnessed tremendous growth post the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. This is because of the negative influence of pandemics on the physical and mental health of the people. The fitness clubs and gyms were closed, and people were impeded to work from homes during the quarantine period. All these factors caused severe burnout and lethargy. Due to this, the focus on one’s health and the need for healthy consumption surged, fueling the demand for energy drinks during the pandemic period.
Competitive Landscape
The leading market players of the energy drink market are Red Bull GmbH, Suntory Holdings Limited, PepsiCo Inc. AriZona Beverages USA, Monster Energy, Living Essentials LLC, The Coca-Cola Company, Campbell Soup Company, National Beverage Corp., Amway Corp., Xyience Energy, Living Essentials Marketing LLC, Metta Beverage Corp., National Beverage Corp., Suntory Holdings Limited, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. and other prominent players.
The energy drink market is highly competitive with the presence of several global and regional market players. The companies constantly launch new products with different flavors and additives to suit consumers’ tastes and preferences. They also focus on improving their supply chain and launching their products in new markets to boost their sales and revenue. Furthermore, the adoption of competitive strategies such as partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, collaborations, etc., is also prominent in this market.
About Us
BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online and offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Pamper your lovable teen with exciting gift surprises.
Who doesn't like gifts and surprises? Gifts are the best way to express your love, your affection for anyone. Especially the kids and the teens. However, there are different categories of gifts meant for a particular age group. For instance dolls and remote cars for kids, soft toys for kids and teens stationery, clothes, and the things that interest kids and teens. Let's discuss in detail ft ideas for teens. Teens are the age group that falls between the age of 13 to 19 years.
Teens at the mentioned age are high on energy and have a zest for going for anything without giving a single thought whether their goal will be achieved or not so it's very wise to gift them with stuff where their energies are channelized like roller skates, tennis kit, season cricket kit, skateboard, etc and along with that an energy drink pack which would not require your words to make them realize what you expect from them.
The 13-19 age group is the perfect age range when you as a parent can give them the right direction to their hobbies. Giving them any musical instrument like guitar, violin, synthesizer, etc. Would emphasize them to look forward to the lifestyle of a rockstar.
Today's generation is gazette freak. Love for newly emerged gazettes like power banks, smartwatches, tabs, PlayStation, video games, Bluetooth coupled with speakers or headphones, all these ruins the sleep if these teens get desperate enough to grab them all and be called techy.
Today's generation is the fashionista bunch. They can come out with such a style which ends up setting a trend for generations to come. So what can be the best than stoles, caps, accessories as a gift to them so that they can style themselves in variety.
Girls are more pamper fanatics. They love to be pampered with gifts more than boys. And as girls step their sweet 16 age they become conscious about their looks. So endure and surprise them with the branded cosmetic gift which they search for online shopping.
Along with a cosmetic lover, girls are also dreamers for stylish bags and clothes. They love to showcase their wardrobe bunch to their peer groups by accentuating their outfits with matching bags. So surprise your favorites with their favorite desires.
Your fashion statement remains incomplete without a watch gleaming at your wrist. These days brand and stylish wristwatches are available in the watch showroom. To make your gifting decision more easy watches are the favorites of both dudes and the girls. So no more wasting time in making gift decisions. This stuff can be your ultimate selection. Well, optionally you can also opt for perfume. Perfumes are also the heart win-o-win gift.
All these gifts mentioned above are something very common and can fit in all the price range. However, what's in trend nowadays are the gift cards which you can give to your loved ones if you cannot decide on any gift. Nowadays teens want to buy them gifts according to their choice.
More blogs at Love and Bub Portraits.
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babytalkandtips · 3 years
Top 7 Best Gifts To Motivate Teens In School
Pamper your lovable teen with exciting gift surprises.
Who doesn't like gifts and surprises? Gifts are the best way to express your love, your affection for anyone. Especially the kids and the teens. However, there are different categories of gifts meant for a particular age group. For instance dolls and remote cars for kids, soft toys for kids and teens stationery, clothes, and the things that interest kids and teens. Let's discuss in detail ft ideas for teens. Teens are the age group that falls between the age of 13 to 19 years.
Teens at the mentioned age are high on energy and have a zest for going for anything without giving a single thought whether their goal will be achieved or not so it's very wise to gift them with stuff where their energies are channelized like roller skates, tennis kit, season cricket kit, skateboard, etc and along with that an energy drink pack which would not require your words to make them realize what you expect from them.
The 13-19 age group is the perfect age range when you as a parent can give them the right direction to their hobbies. Giving them any musical instrument like guitar, violin, synthesizer, etc. Would emphasize them to look forward to the lifestyle of a rockstar.
Today's generation is gazette freak. Love for newly emerged gazettes like power banks, smartwatches, tabs, PlayStation, video games, Bluetooth coupled with speakers or headphones, all these ruins the sleep if these teens get desperate enough to grab them all and be called techy.
Today's generation is the fashionista bunch. They can come out with such a style which ends up setting a trend for generations to come. So what can be the best than stoles, caps, accessories as a gift to them so that they can style themselves in variety.
Girls are more pamper fanatics. They love to be pampered with gifts more than boys. And as girls step their sweet 16 age they become conscious about their looks. So endure and surprise them with the branded cosmetic gift which they search for online shopping.
Along with a cosmetic lover, girls are also dreamers for stylish bags and clothes. They love to showcase their wardrobe bunch to their peer groups by accentuating their outfits with matching bags. So surprise your favorites with their favorite desires.
Your fashion statement remains incomplete without a watch gleaming at your wrist. These days brand and stylish wristwatches are available in the watch showroom. To make your gifting decision more easy watches are the favorites of both dudes and the girls. So no more wasting time in making gift decisions. This stuff can be your ultimate selection. Well, optionally you can also opt for perfume. Perfumes are also the heart win-o-win gift.
All these gifts mentioned above are something very common and can fit in all the price range. However, what's in trend nowadays are the gift cards which you can give to your loved ones if you cannot decide on any gift. Nowadays teens want to buy them gifts according to their choice. This article is originally post here: https: https://loveandbub.com/blogs/gift-ideas/top-7-best-gifts-to-motivate-teens-in-school
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Your Guide to the Best Labour Day Sales of 2018
As we enjoy the last long weekend of summer, let’s not forget to also make time for a little bit of shopping. Whether you’re at the cottage, on the beach, or celebrating the end of patio season with a couple of drinks, there’s some incredible deals that you should keep in the back of your mind. Need to buy a new planner for September? There’s a deal for that. Ever wanted to try a Kylie Lip Kit? There’s a deal for that. And although fall is right on our heels, now’s the time to stock up on swimwear and a few summer staples. Below, we’ve listed the ultimate Labour Day sales. Happy saving!
crushing on this one @itscaseyevans • upper east side stripes
A post shared by A C A C I A (@acacia) on Aug 14, 2018 at 12:59am PDT
Acacia Swimwear
This high-quality swimwear brand is having a huge end of summer sale, with 70% off clearance and 50% off the summer collection with the code “LABORDAY50”
The Mathilde Collection: a.k.a the prettiest prints you ever did see ✨ (link in profile to shop)
A post shared by Anthropologie (@anthropologie) on Aug 18, 2018 at 3:26pm PDT
Take an additional 40% off the sale section for both clothing and home items, and 20% off furniture!
6 trends you should totally be trying this festival season…🎪 🔶 The bold eye (the new bold lip, FYI) ⚡️ Glitzy hair grips (90s schoolgirl dreams: accomplished) 💕 Day-glo garms (never not loving neon) 🐯 Animal print (always in style, but REALLY in style rn) 🍭 Candy-coloured beading (beaded skirts = fun) ✅ Checks (a big one for AW18, but go for pastel colours this summer) Which ones will you be trying?
A post shared by ASOS (@asos) on Aug 1, 2018 at 9:13am PDT
You’ll get 20% off the new season at Asos.
Red makes an otherwise neutral outfit 🔥.
A post shared by Banana Republic (@bananarepublic) on Aug 21, 2018 at 1:42pm PDT
Banana Republic
Banana Republic is practically cutting prices in half with 40% off your purchase in stores and online.
today's plans: make it happen. and by it we mean a trip, because with our travel planner, figuring out how to get to your next destination is the hardest part. 📸: @chicardi_com_ua
A post shared by ban.do (@shopbando) on Aug 27, 2018 at 2:20pm PDT
With September right around the corner, this sale is coming at the perfect time. 25% off all planners and free shipping!
Ring me up. #baublebar
A post shared by BaubleBar (@baublebar) on Aug 20, 2018 at 5:03pm PDT
Bauble Bar 
Bauble Bar has items on sale for up to 80% off!
Work look on point. Slip the Leah Skimmer Flat into your shoe rotation.
A post shared by Cole Haan (@colehaan) on Jul 3, 2018 at 5:02pm PDT
Cole Haan
Invest in a pair of the comfiest shoes ever. If you shop in the sale section, you’ll get an extra 40% off your purchase.
When your nails match your Mar palette 🌊 | @makeup.just.for.fun
A post shared by ColourPop Cosmetics (@colourpopcosmetics) on Aug 27, 2018 at 11:10am PDT
Colourpop is already ridiculously affordable, but this weekend you can get a further 25% off your purchase.
An effortless style for summer. Discover the dress on cosstores.com #cosstores
A post shared by COS (@cosstores) on Jul 24, 2018 at 6:04am PDT
COS is offering a selection of dresses at 30% off in stores across Canada.
cool girl on campus 😎 Make sure to tag @forever21 + #F21xMe for a chance to be featured like #ForeverBabe @cahleesixo
A post shared by forever21 (@forever21) on Aug 20, 2018 at 5:01pm PDT
Forever 21
Take an extra 50% off of sale items this weekend at Forever 21.
@freepeople exclusive! shop our “Alana” set in Marine Blue rib only at freepeople.com 💙🦋
A post shared by Frankies (@frankiesbikinis) on Apr 17, 2018 at 1:03pm PDT
Frankies Bikinis 
Summer may be over, but it’s the perfect time to shop for swim. Frankie’s swimsuits are on sale for up to 70% off this weekend.
Logo love 🔻 Thank you for helping us reach 4M! Check out our latest post to see how you could win a $1,000 @guess gift card + keep tagging us @guess and #LoveGUESS for a chance to be featured xo
A post shared by GUESS (@guess) on Aug 20, 2018 at 9:41am PDT
Guess is offering discounts up to 50% off online and in store.
Wear the (floral) pants. 📸 @candacemread #jcrewalways
A post shared by J.Crew (@jcrew) on Aug 6, 2018 at 4:42pm PDT
J. Crew
Take 30% off items at J. Crew plus an additional 10% off your entire purchase! This deal is especially sweet because it includes new arrivals.
Easy to use and perfect for on-the-go! Available today at 12PM PST. Preview the 9 new Powder Contour Singles, 3 new Crème Contour & Highlight Sets and 4 new Crème Contour Singles now at KKWBEAUTY.COM #KKWBEAUTY
A post shared by KKWBEAUTY (@kkwbeauty) on Aug 17, 2018 at 9:01am PDT
KKW Beauty
Kimmy K is giving customers 25% off the entire site, excluding her recently launched ultralight beam highlighters.
What shade are you wearing today? ☀️
A post shared by Kylie Cosmetics (@kyliecosmetics) on Aug 22, 2018 at 5:54am PDT
Kylie Cosmetics
Kylie is offering up a different kind of deal on her site with “buy one get one free” lip kits.
The best necklaces to offer to your loved ones… or yourself. #personalization #necklace #starsigns #luckynumber #gift #jewelry
A post shared by Maje (@majeofficiel) on Jun 7, 2018 at 1:25pm PDT
Get 60% off summer styles and an additional 20% off your entire purchase at Maje.
rockstar 24/7s — our iconic skinny fit in an ultra-soft, ultra-stretchy knit fabric. so you can bend, snap & rule the world, 'round the clock. 💫👖 . btw, 24/7 denim is now available for the whole fam! ✨ . #oldnavystyle
A post shared by oldnavy (@oldnavy) on Aug 17, 2018 at 4:00pm PDT
Old Navy
Old Navy doesn’t play when it comes to deals–their annual $1 flip-flop sale has turned into an EVENT. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they’re offering up jeans, tees, sweatshirts and dresses all at 50% off.
Take a walk on the wild side 🐍🐆🦓
A post shared by Shopbop (@shopbop) on Aug 29, 2018 at 6:00am PDT
Shopbop has an amazing selection of shoes and accessories as well as clothing items. You can shop them all for up to 70% off this weekend.
Two of our faves: @lazyoafs and @claire_most. Together at last. #UOonYou
A post shared by Urban Outfitters (@urbanoutfitters) on Aug 20, 2018 at 12:02pm PDT
Urban Outfitters
The UO sale section is always getting restocked with treasures. Take an additional 30%-40% off clearance items this weekend.
0 notes
novanaelites-blog · 6 years
Food and Beverages
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Add to CompareEnergy Drinks (Boost, Emergence, Lucozade,Monster, Redbull)US $7.00 /Cases4 Cases (MOQ)BULMAX BVBA 3951 1255
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Add to CompareRED BULL ENERGY DRINKUS $1.00-$10.00 /Case1300 Cases (MOQ)F & E Group LLC 2640 769
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Add to CompareBest quality Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky 12, 18, 21, 25 years oldEUR 1.00-2.00 /Unit100 Units (MOQ)Easy Connect 5893 481
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Add to CompareFresh Stocks Ciroc - Vodka - Luxury French Vodka 750ML BottleUS $22.00 /Pieces20 Pieces (MOQ)DEXTA IMPORT & EXPORT 888 285
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Add to CompareHennessy Cognac XO 700mlUS $22.00 /Pieces20 Pieces (MOQ)DEXTA IMPORT & EXPORT 888 285
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Add to CompareSmirnoff Vodka hot saleUS $2.00-$3.00 /Box1 Box (MOQ)PRODEKSPO PLUS LLC 1278 550
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Add to CompareRED BULL ENERGY DRINK USA ORIGINUS $1.00-$10.00 /Case1300 Cases (MOQ)F & E Group LLC 2640 769
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Add to CompareBelvedere VodkaUS $13.00 /Cartons4 Cartons (MOQ)BULMAX BVBA 3951 1255
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Add to CompareTop Quality ICUMSA 45 White Refined Thailand Sugar for saleUS $80.00-$150.00 /Metric Ton54 Metric Tons (MOQ)KEBNEL GROUPS LLC 628 368
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Add to CompareOEM private label organic slimming detox teaUS $0.14-$0.20 /Bag100 Bags (MOQ)Xi'an Chinaherbs Commerce Co., Ltd. 1276 391 93.9% 20,000+
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Add to Comparered bull energy drinkEUR 8.00-10.00 /Case1300 Cases (MOQ)BULMAX BVBA 3951 1255
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Add to CompareChivas Regal Scotch Whisky 12, 18, 21, 25 years oldEUR 1.00-2.00 /Unit100 Units (MOQ)Easy Connect 5893 481
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Add to CompareFerrero Kinder Joy boys / girls  SELVEL (HONG KONG) LIMITED 945 410
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Add to CompareWild Caught Frozen Alaskan King Crab Legs / Boiled King Crab Legs in USAUS $10.00 /Kilograms8 Kilograms (MOQ)STAR HOKU LLC 1899 272
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Add to CompareJack Daniels WhiskyEUR 2.00-10.00 /Case50 Cases (MOQ)AUTOCENTER DELFT 3243 396
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Add to CompareFerrero Kinder Buenos, Kinder Joy, Kinder Surprise 33 Pallets (MOQ)3C DISTRIBUTION 3283 946
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Add to CompareBest Price Moet & Chandon Champagne for saleUS $3.00 /Pieces2 Pieces (MOQ)MINERVE TRADE 1191 430
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Add to CompareHennessy Cognac VSOPUS $22.00 /Pieces20 Pieces (MOQ)DEXTA IMPORT & EXPORT 888 285
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Add to CompareConch MeatUS $63.75 /Case1 Case (MOQ)Galglobe Enterprise, LLC 101 18
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Add to CompareAmerican Breakfast Cereal  NATIONWIDE CANDY, LLC 143 65
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Add to CompareMitrphol Sugar Icumsa 45 White Pure Refined Thailand SugarUS $255.00-$515.00 /Ton1000 Tons (MOQ)KAMA ASSOCIATION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 597 350
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Add to CompareCorona beer - 24x33cl box 1 Pallet (MOQ)RYS TRADING COMPANY B.V. 1487 334
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Add to CompareRedbul energy drink 250ml / Wholesale Energy Drink / wholesale Soft Drink 100 Cartons (MOQ)G&G CONCEPT COMPANY LIMITED 1849 319
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Add to Comparemilka alpine milk , hazelnuts , yoghurt ,noisette 100gEUR 0.25-1.00 /Piece22 Pieces (MOQ)COMPTOIR EUROPEEN DE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL 2177 1020
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Add to CompareNo pigment no essence dried mango,chinese dried fruits,dried fruitUS $88.00-$90.00 /Cartons10 Cartons (MOQ)Guangxi Fumin Food Co., Ltd. 871 64 100.0% 
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Add to CompareWhosaler FDA Halal Haccp 290ml Rose Apple Juice with Aloe PulpUS $6.90-$7.20 /Carton1 Carton (MOQ)RITA FOOD & DRINK CO., LTD 5556 744
Red Bull energy drink |Monster energy drink |Rockstar energy drink |Lucozade energy drink |NOS energy drink |Burn energy drink |M-150 energy drink
Red bull energy Drink for sale
Red bull energy drink buy online,red bull energy drink buy,red bull energy drink sales 2014,red bull energy drink bulk sale,red bull energy drink purchase,route sales representative for red bull energy drink,red bull energy drink for sale,red bull energy drink for sale on alibaba,buy red bull energy drink austria,red bull energy drink sales,buy red bull energy drink cheap,buy red bull energy drink in bulk,buy red bull energy drink indiaRed bull energy drink is an excellent source of sucrose, glucose, acidulant, carbon dioxide, taurine, caffeine, glucuronolactone, inositol and vitamins that enhance one’s energy. We are named among the renowned Exporters and Suppliers of Red Bull Energy Drink from Thailand. We have a vast distributed network due to which it has been an easy job for us to reach both domestic and international market within the stipulated time frame. Owing to timely deliveries and focus on 100% customer satisfaction, we have gained recognition as competent energy drink exporters and suppliers.  To avail red bull drink at competitive prices, contact us at the earliest. Specification of Product:Technical detailsBrand: red bullProduct dimensions: 32.8 x 21.6 x 13.6 cmManufacturer reference: RB0375Storage instructions: cool and dry conditionsServing recommendation: ice cold straight or as a mixer with alcoholPackage information: canManufacturer/producer: red bull Packaging and Labeling:Packing shall be done in trays and pallets as show or as per buyer specification or otherwise, buyer advises and shipping in 20ft / 40 ft Container or buyer may advise packing.Buyer Label Accepted for packaging. Packing Details:250ml cans24   cans in Case108 cases on PalletFull truck: 33 Pallets  (3,564 Cases )20ft container: 24 Pallets
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Monster Energy drink for Sale
MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS is one of the world’s best- known energy drinks. specially formulated with liquid glucoseAvailable for mix order Monster energy drinks are:Monster Regular Energy DrinkMonster Energy Drink Low CarbMonster Energy Juice KhaosProven to enhance physical endurance, has been scientifically developed to contain glucose, carbohydrates, fluid and electrolytes to help fuel muscles and maintain hydration.marketed to people who pursue active lifestyles and has become the choice for athletes, footballers, runners and those who enjoy sports, physical activities and exercise at any level. The range is available in several popular flavours and different compositions,
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 Aptamil Infant Formula for sale
aptamil baby formula bulk buy ,aptamil infant formula dosage ,aptamil infant formula south africa ,aptamil infant formula spain ,aptamil infant formula uk ,aptamil infant formula usa ,aptamil infant formula wholesalersWe are Exporters of Infant Milk Formula of differenr types. We deal with top brands of baby milk formulasuch as Aptamil Milupa, Nutirlon baby milk, Friso, Cow & Gate and many more.  All packaging is in original tin directly from the manufacturers. We can supply in different sizes ranging from 600gr, 800gr and 100gr and packages in cartons and containers.  We only deal in wholesale supply of these products to super markets and retail shops around the world with the majority of our buyers from Asia, Canada and the United States of America. We also have a wide range of business in Europe that rely on our services. We can also make logistic arrangements for our products to be delievered to any port of a clients choice with the best shipping rates. 
Aptamil Infant Formula
Breastmilk substitute with our unique blend of ingredients. Halaal approved. Milupa Aptamil first infant milk from birth onwards Our unique blend.Storage: Store powder in a cool dry place Do not refrigerate Use powder within 4 weeks of opening.Aptamil Standard 1  PRICE: USD 9.00,- per can  Specifications:  Type of Baby Food: Milk  Age Range: 0 t / m 6 months  Brand: APTAMIL  Package Contents: 800 grams Aptamil Standard 2  PRICE: USD 9.00,- per can  specifications:  Type of Baby Food: Milk  Age range: From 6 months  Brand: APTAMIL  Package Contents: 800 grams Aptamil Standard 3  PRICE: USD 9.00,- per can  Specifications:  Type of Baby Food: Milk  Age Range: From 10 months  Brand: APTAMIL  Package Contents: 800 grams Aptamil 4 Toddler Milk  PRICE: USD 9.00- per can  Specifications  Type of Baby Food: Milk  Age Range:From 12 months  Brand:APTAMIL  Package Contents:800 grams Aptamil Toddler Milk 5  PRICE: USD 9.00- per can  specifications:  Type of Baby Food:Milk  Contents: 800 grams  Age Range: from 24 months  Brand: APTAMIL
Other Infant Baby Formula
Holle milk powder  Holle bio-kindermilch 1= 600g  Holle bio-kindermilch 2= 600g  Holle bio-kindermilch 3= 600g  Holle bio-kindermilch 4= 600g  Minimum order: 2000 units by air.  Supply Ability: 30000 units (mixture).  Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight).  18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Cow & Gate Milk Powder  Cow and Gate first infant milk from newborn stage 1= 900g  Cow and Gate hungrier babies from newborn stage 2= 900g  Cow & Gate follow-on milk stage 3= 900g  Cow & Gate growing up milk for toddlers 1yr+= 900g  Cow & Gate growing up milk 2yr+= 800g  Minimum order: 2000 units by air.  14   Read the full article
0 notes
georgepaul32 · 7 years
The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017
Energy drinks, the next best revitalizing beverage known to mankind since the discovery of coffee.
They have the refreshing carbonation of an ice cold soda and they’re loaded with vitamins and natural extracts to help unleash your mind’s optimal mental focus and cognitive abilities.
While energy drinks may have caught a bad reputation in the media in recent years for being high in sugar and containing unhealthy ingredients, it is important to realize that not all energy drinks are all that terrible.
In fact, many of the energy drink brands on the rise are finding unique ways to make healthier energy drinks with limited or no sugar by using simple, natural ingredients.
So what’s the best energy drink that’s legal to buy online?
1- VPX Bang
Lowest price on Amazon
“Potent Brain and Body Fuel” – that’s exactly what VPX is all about with Bang, and they’re shaking up the energy drink industry one champagne flavored “super creatine” drink at a time.
Harnessing the energizing effects of creatine, Bang is one of the most potent and pure energy drinks the industry has ever seen.
Combining caffeine with creatine, CoQ10’s, and BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids), the unique energizing blend is on its own level.
Each can of Bang contains a whopping 300 mg serving of caffeine – more than Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Full Throttle, and just about all the other energy drink brands out there.
But get this –  it doesn’t have any sugar. 0 calories and 0 sugars.
That’s right, Bang is sweetened with sucralose, making it a top choice for energy drinkers who like to limit their sugar consumption.
Champagne is my ultimate flavor of choice, but Bang comes in a few different flavors (not all are available on Amazon): Blue Razz, Lemon Drop, Starfruit, Black Cherry, and Cotton Candy.
Buy VPX Bang on Amazon
2- RUNA Clean Energy Drink
Lowest price on Amazon
RUNA is a unique energy drink that harnesses the energizing properties of the guayusa leaf.
Used by tribes in the Amazon to make herbal energizing tea concoctions, the guayusa leaf contains natural caffeine balanced with polyphenol antioxidants for sustained energy and focus without the crash.
How does RUNA source this energizing plant grown in the rain forest? Here’s what the company has to say:
“RUNA’s commitment to ethical and environmental standards goes above and beyond our certifications. We source exclusively from indigenous farming families that grow guayusa in sustainable, biodiverse forest gardens. Together we’re pioneering a new way to do business in the Amazon.” 
This energy drink is 100% organic, non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-free, Paleo, Kosher, and Vegan. No sugar, no stevia, and no artificial sweeteners used. 
Buy RUNA on Amazon
3- Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is the giant supplement company behind this Amino Energy drink.
Only 15 calories per 16 oz bottle makes this particular energy drink popular for the health conscious.
Each bottle also contains 5 grams of free form amino acids and 100 mg of caffeine for a easy-going, smooth blend that limits the jitters without limiting your energy levels.
The Optimum Nutrition company offers this blend in a powder form, but many prefer the convenient, already mixed bottles for on-the-go energy solutions.
Premixed bottles come in these delicious flavors: Blueberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Orange Blast, Strawberry Cooler, and Watermelon Wave.
Buy Amino Energy on Amazon
4- GURU Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
GURU is an organic energy drink company founded in 1999.
Containing just 100 mg of caffeine from green tea and guarana extract, this isn’t the most potent energy drink on the market, but it’s one of the cleaner ones as far as natural energy goes.
There are absolutely no preservatives, no taurine, no artificial caffeine, and no artificial flavors or sweeteners used in GURU drinks. 
Here are the official ingredients used in GURU Energy:
Sparkling water, organic cane syrup, organic white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, apple acid, citric acid, organic green tea leaf extract, organic guarana seed extract, organic echinacea flower extract, and organic panax ginseng root extract.
This energy drink is certified USDA Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten-Free.
Buy GURU on Amazon
5- Sheckter’s Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
This organic energy drink combines organic pomegranate, elderberry, and lemon juice in sparkling spring water for a delicious blend sweetened with a touch of raw cane sugar.
Each can contains 80 mg of caffeine from natural sources like organic guarana, green tea, ginseng, and raw coffee bean extract.
This products was a Gold Winner at the UK’s Prestigious Great Taste Awards, so it’s one of the better tasting organic energy drinks on the market.
USDA Organic, Informed Choice certified, GMO project verified, and Vegetarian Society approved.
Buy Sheckter’s on Amazon
What are energy drinks?
Energy drinks are beverages that contain a large amount of caffeine along with other ingredients that claim to provide the user with an energy boost.
These ingredients can include Vitamin B, Guarana, Ginseng, and Taurine just to name a few. The term “energy drink” was invented by drink manufacturers. This means they are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration or the USDA as a reliable way to improve your energy level [1].
There is not much evidence out there that shows whether or not energy drinks actually provide you with better physical performance. The amount of caffeine will have about the same effect as a cup or two of coffee for most individuals.
However, there are some people who rely on these drinks to give them the extra push they need to get through their workout sessions or push through the afternoon wall. Energy drinks that contain added nutrients and vitamins could supplement if your diet is lacking in some areas.
How do energy drinks work?
The majority of energy that you receive when you consume an energy drink come from two of the main ingredients, sugar and caffeine. The average drink can contain anywhere from 50-300 milligrams of caffeine. Your average 12 oz. soda contains anywhere from 18 to 48 mg. of caffeine.
So, what makes energy drinks different from sodas and sports drinks? They contain ingredients that are actually useful to the body. 
Here are a few of the ingredients that are found in most energy drinks available on the market today [2]. These ingredients can help improve energy, increase clarity and focus.
A decongestant that is used for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, wheezing or chest tightness due to asthma. Ephedrine is added to energy drinks because it can be used as a stimulant that effects the central nervous system. It is often seen in weight loss products, however there have been concerns about the damaging effects ephedrine can have on the heart.
This is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body. It can help to regulate your heart beat and ease muscle contractions. Experts are unsure about all the effects that taurine has on the body, however studies have shown that it can be used as an antioxidant, and could even have a sedative effect [3]. Which sounds strange considering it is an active ingredient in some of the most popular energy drinks around.
Ginseng is a natural root that is harvested for its medicinal purposes. It is believed to help reduce stress levels and provide users with a quick burst of energy. The Chinese have used ginseng in teas and medicine for thousands of years.
Vitamin B
B-Vitamins help convert sugar that we consume into energy and can also be used to improve muscle tone.
Guarana Seed
This is a natural stimulant that is derived from a shrub which can be found in the countries of Brazil and Venezuela. Guarana contains caffeine as well as theophylline and theobromine which are also similar to caffeine [3].
This is an amino acid that can help speed up your metabolism level. It helps to move fatty acids from the blood into the mitochondria located in our cells. This allows fatty acids to be used for energy, and helps you to burn away fat while you exercise.
This is an organic acid that supplies energy for contracting the muscles. It is often found in protein powders and strength training supplements. It helps muscle cells produce more energy and supports the various functions of the muscles [4].
This is a Vitamin B complex that helps to relay messages within our body’s cells. Insitol is not a vitamin itself, that’s because our bodies can synthesize it. This pseudovitamin can be found naturally in plants and animals.
Ginkgo Biloba
This ingredient comes from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree and is believed to enhance our memory. Ginkgo Biloba is also used to increase concentration, relieve anxiety and depression, help improve libido, treat migraine headaches, and fight the symptoms of PMS.
What are the benefits of energy drinks?
Energy drinks are easy to consume and come in various flavors that are similar to soft drinks. They can be purchased anywhere and are also available in diet varieties.
While the verdict is still out on how much energy they can provide, most people are able to get a quick boost from these drinks similar to their morning cup of coffee. If your diet lacks in various nutrients such as B-Vitamins, you can find energy drinks that are filled with these useful ingredients.
Energy drinks are available in large serving sizes as well as small ‘shot style’ doses to help you stay refreshed and get you through the work day. While they can be helpful if you need to stay awake on very little sleep, they shouldn’t be relied upon on a daily basis as your primary source of energy.
What are the side effects of energy drinks?
Most people do not suffer from serious side effects after consuming one energy drink. Usually if someone has an adverse effect, it is because they have had more than their recommended amount, or had an energy drink on an empty stomach.
Some of the most common side effects that people experience from energy drinks include:
Heart Palpitations
Tremors and Shaking
Gastrointestinal issues
Chest Pain
Tingling or Numbing of the Skin
Respiratory Issues
Most individuals who consume energy drinks on occasion never experience any type of side effect. If you do have one of more of these symptoms after only consuming one energy drink and you are otherwise in good health, you may want to consider other natural energy boosters that contain less caffeine and sugar.
When consumed in moderation, most individuals will not have any reactions from drinking energy drinks. However, there have been some long-term effects that could result from drinking them too frequently. These long-term issues are not fully understood and haven’t been researched well enough to provide concise details as of yet.
How do you take an energy drink?
It all depends on the ingredients that each energy drink contains. Most will contain tons of caffeine and sugar, so you should limit yourself on those types of drinks.
If you choose a sugar-free variety, you are limiting the amount of sugar you consume, which is a good thing. But you are also still receiving the same amount of caffeine. Healthy adults should limit themselves to having two energy drinks per day. That would equal to about 16 ounces each day.
This should be considered the maximum amount and you shouldn’t drink them every single day just to be on the safe side. Using the sparingly for a quick pick-me-up however should be safe and not cause you any long-term issues.
It’s recommended that you don’t drink an energy drink before or during physical activity such as an extreme workout or while playing sports. Some athletes may like this boost of energy and think that it will help them perform better on the field. But this fast surge of caffeine and sugar could do damage to your heart. Those who have pre-existing heart conditions should especially be aware of this issue and limit their amount of energy drinks.
One of the biggest risks when it comes to energy drinks is consuming too many, too quickly. They are considered dangerous for children and teens if they are consumed irresponsibly. To be safe, it is best to restrict energy drinks from children and teens.
You should never mix energy drinks with alcohol. Some people have claimed that mixing these drinks with beer or liquor can help to counteract the effects of alcohol. However, the truth is that it only causes you to be less aware of how many energy drinks or how much alcohol you are consuming. And that can have a serious effect on your health.
Always make an informed decision when it comes to choosing an energy drink. Choose a beverage that includes all ingredient and nutritional information on the label. You should keep track of the amount of caffeine you drink each day and the other active ingredients that could work as a stimulant. A healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine each day [5].
Energy drinks can provide you with a quick boost of energy any time you need it. They are a good alternative to coffee and many contain healthy ingredients that can improve focus and memory.
When used in moderation, energy drinks are perfectly safe for healthy adults to consume. But be sure to not drink them before or during strenuous activities, or mix an energy drink with alcohol. This could have a serious effect on your heart health since most of these drinks contain a large number of stimulants.
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The post The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks https://healthranks.org/energy-drinks/
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healthranks · 7 years
The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017
Energy drinks, the next best revitalizing beverage known to mankind since the discovery of coffee.
They have the refreshing carbonation of an ice cold soda and they’re loaded with vitamins and natural extracts to help unleash your mind’s optimal mental focus and cognitive abilities.
While energy drinks may have caught a bad reputation in the media in recent years for being high in sugar and containing unhealthy ingredients, it is important to realize that not all energy drinks are all that terrible.
In fact, many of the energy drink brands on the rise are finding unique ways to make healthier energy drinks with limited or no sugar by using simple, natural ingredients.
So what’s the best energy drink that’s legal to buy online?
1- VPX Bang
Lowest price on Amazon
“Potent Brain and Body Fuel” – that’s exactly what VPX is all about with Bang, and they’re shaking up the energy drink industry one champagne flavored “super creatine” drink at a time.
Harnessing the energizing effects of creatine, Bang is one of the most potent and pure energy drinks the industry has ever seen.
Combining caffeine with creatine, CoQ10’s, and BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids), the unique energizing blend is on its own level.
Each can of Bang contains a whopping 300 mg serving of caffeine – more than Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Full Throttle, and just about all the other energy drink brands out there.
But get this –  it doesn’t have any sugar. 0 calories and 0 sugars.
That’s right, Bang is sweetened with sucralose, making it a top choice for energy drinkers who like to limit their sugar consumption.
Champagne is my ultimate flavor of choice, but Bang comes in a few different flavors (not all are available on Amazon): Blue Razz, Lemon Drop, Starfruit, Black Cherry, and Cotton Candy.
Buy VPX Bang on Amazon
2- RUNA Clean Energy Drink
Lowest price on Amazon
RUNA is a unique energy drink that harnesses the energizing properties of the guayusa leaf.
Used by tribes in the Amazon to make herbal energizing tea concoctions, the guayusa leaf contains natural caffeine balanced with polyphenol antioxidants for sustained energy and focus without the crash.
How does RUNA source this energizing plant grown in the rain forest? Here’s what the company has to say:
“RUNA’s commitment to ethical and environmental standards goes above and beyond our certifications. We source exclusively from indigenous farming families that grow guayusa in sustainable, biodiverse forest gardens. Together we’re pioneering a new way to do business in the Amazon.” 
This energy drink is 100% organic, non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-free, Paleo, Kosher, and Vegan. No sugar, no stevia, and no artificial sweeteners used. 
Buy RUNA on Amazon
3- Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is the giant supplement company behind this Amino Energy drink.
Only 15 calories per 16 oz bottle makes this particular energy drink popular for the health conscious.
Each bottle also contains 5 grams of free form amino acids and 100 mg of caffeine for a easy-going, smooth blend that limits the jitters without limiting your energy levels.
The Optimum Nutrition company offers this blend in a powder form, but many prefer the convenient, already mixed bottles for on-the-go energy solutions.
Premixed bottles come in these delicious flavors: Blueberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Orange Blast, Strawberry Cooler, and Watermelon Wave.
Buy Amino Energy on Amazon
4- GURU Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
GURU is an organic energy drink company founded in 1999.
Containing just 100 mg of caffeine from green tea and guarana extract, this isn’t the most potent energy drink on the market, but it’s one of the cleaner ones as far as natural energy goes.
There are absolutely no preservatives, no taurine, no artificial caffeine, and no artificial flavors or sweeteners used in GURU drinks. 
Here are the official ingredients used in GURU Energy:
Sparkling water, organic cane syrup, organic white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, apple acid, citric acid, organic green tea leaf extract, organic guarana seed extract, organic echinacea flower extract, and organic panax ginseng root extract.
This energy drink is certified USDA Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten-Free.
Buy GURU on Amazon
5- Sheckter’s Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
This organic energy drink combines organic pomegranate, elderberry, and lemon juice in sparkling spring water for a delicious blend sweetened with a touch of raw cane sugar.
Each can contains 80 mg of caffeine from natural sources like organic guarana, green tea, ginseng, and raw coffee bean extract.
This products was a Gold Winner at the UK’s Prestigious Great Taste Awards, so it’s one of the better tasting organic energy drinks on the market.
USDA Organic, Informed Choice certified, GMO project verified, and Vegetarian Society approved.
Buy Sheckter’s on Amazon
What are energy drinks?
Energy drinks are beverages that contain a large amount of caffeine along with other ingredients that claim to provide the user with an energy boost.
These ingredients can include Vitamin B, Guarana, Ginseng, and Taurine just to name a few. The term “energy drink” was invented by drink manufacturers. This means they are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration or the USDA as a reliable way to improve your energy level [1].
There is not much evidence out there that shows whether or not energy drinks actually provide you with better physical performance. The amount of caffeine will have about the same effect as a cup or two of coffee for most individuals.
However, there are some people who rely on these drinks to give them the extra push they need to get through their workout sessions or push through the afternoon wall. Energy drinks that contain added nutrients and vitamins could supplement if your diet is lacking in some areas.
How do energy drinks work?
The majority of energy that you receive when you consume an energy drink come from two of the main ingredients, sugar and caffeine. The average drink can contain anywhere from 50-300 milligrams of caffeine. Your average 12 oz. soda contains anywhere from 18 to 48 mg. of caffeine.
So, what makes energy drinks different from sodas and sports drinks? They contain ingredients that are actually useful to the body. 
Here are a few of the ingredients that are found in most energy drinks available on the market today [2]. These ingredients can help improve energy, increase clarity and focus.
A decongestant that is used for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, wheezing or chest tightness due to asthma. Ephedrine is added to energy drinks because it can be used as a stimulant that effects the central nervous system. It is often seen in weight loss products, however there have been concerns about the damaging effects ephedrine can have on the heart.
This is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body. It can help to regulate your heart beat and ease muscle contractions. Experts are unsure about all the effects that taurine has on the body, however studies have shown that it can be used as an antioxidant, and could even have a sedative effect [3]. Which sounds strange considering it is an active ingredient in some of the most popular energy drinks around.
Ginseng is a natural root that is harvested for its medicinal purposes. It is believed to help reduce stress levels and provide users with a quick burst of energy. The Chinese have used ginseng in teas and medicine for thousands of years.
Vitamin B
B-Vitamins help convert sugar that we consume into energy and can also be used to improve muscle tone.
Guarana Seed
This is a natural stimulant that is derived from a shrub which can be found in the countries of Brazil and Venezuela. Guarana contains caffeine as well as theophylline and theobromine which are also similar to caffeine [3].
This is an amino acid that can help speed up your metabolism level. It helps to move fatty acids from the blood into the mitochondria located in our cells. This allows fatty acids to be used for energy, and helps you to burn away fat while you exercise.
This is an organic acid that supplies energy for contracting the muscles. It is often found in protein powders and strength training supplements. It helps muscle cells produce more energy and supports the various functions of the muscles [4].
This is a Vitamin B complex that helps to relay messages within our body’s cells. Insitol is not a vitamin itself, that’s because our bodies can synthesize it. This pseudovitamin can be found naturally in plants and animals.
Ginkgo Biloba
This ingredient comes from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree and is believed to enhance our memory. Ginkgo Biloba is also used to increase concentration, relieve anxiety and depression, help improve libido, treat migraine headaches, and fight the symptoms of PMS.
What are the benefits of energy drinks?
Energy drinks are easy to consume and come in various flavors that are similar to soft drinks. They can be purchased anywhere and are also available in diet varieties.
While the verdict is still out on how much energy they can provide, most people are able to get a quick boost from these drinks similar to their morning cup of coffee. If your diet lacks in various nutrients such as B-Vitamins, you can find energy drinks that are filled with these useful ingredients.
Energy drinks are available in large serving sizes as well as small ‘shot style’ doses to help you stay refreshed and get you through the work day. While they can be helpful if you need to stay awake on very little sleep, they shouldn’t be relied upon on a daily basis as your primary source of energy.
What are the side effects of energy drinks?
Most people do not suffer from serious side effects after consuming one energy drink. Usually if someone has an adverse effect, it is because they have had more than their recommended amount, or had an energy drink on an empty stomach.
Some of the most common side effects that people experience from energy drinks include:
Heart Palpitations
Tremors and Shaking
Gastrointestinal issues
Chest Pain
Tingling or Numbing of the Skin
Respiratory Issues
Most individuals who consume energy drinks on occasion never experience any type of side effect. If you do have one of more of these symptoms after only consuming one energy drink and you are otherwise in good health, you may want to consider other natural energy boosters that contain less caffeine and sugar.
When consumed in moderation, most individuals will not have any reactions from drinking energy drinks. However, there have been some long-term effects that could result from drinking them too frequently. These long-term issues are not fully understood and haven’t been researched well enough to provide concise details as of yet.
How do you take an energy drink?
It all depends on the ingredients that each energy drink contains. Most will contain tons of caffeine and sugar, so you should limit yourself on those types of drinks.
If you choose a sugar-free variety, you are limiting the amount of sugar you consume, which is a good thing. But you are also still receiving the same amount of caffeine. Healthy adults should limit themselves to having two energy drinks per day. That would equal to about 16 ounces each day.
This should be considered the maximum amount and you shouldn’t drink them every single day just to be on the safe side. Using the sparingly for a quick pick-me-up however should be safe and not cause you any long-term issues.
It’s recommended that you don’t drink an energy drink before or during physical activity such as an extreme workout or while playing sports. Some athletes may like this boost of energy and think that it will help them perform better on the field. But this fast surge of caffeine and sugar could do damage to your heart. Those who have pre-existing heart conditions should especially be aware of this issue and limit their amount of energy drinks.
One of the biggest risks when it comes to energy drinks is consuming too many, too quickly. They are considered dangerous for children and teens if they are consumed irresponsibly. To be safe, it is best to restrict energy drinks from children and teens.
You should never mix energy drinks with alcohol. Some people have claimed that mixing these drinks with beer or liquor can help to counteract the effects of alcohol. However, the truth is that it only causes you to be less aware of how many energy drinks or how much alcohol you are consuming. And that can have a serious effect on your health.
Always make an informed decision when it comes to choosing an energy drink. Choose a beverage that includes all ingredient and nutritional information on the label. You should keep track of the amount of caffeine you drink each day and the other active ingredients that could work as a stimulant. A healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine each day [5].
Energy drinks can provide you with a quick boost of energy any time you need it. They are a good alternative to coffee and many contain healthy ingredients that can improve focus and memory.
When used in moderation, energy drinks are perfectly safe for healthy adults to consume. But be sure to not drink them before or during strenuous activities, or mix an energy drink with alcohol. This could have a serious effect on your heart health since most of these drinks contain a large number of stimulants.
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(see more)
The post The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks https://healthranks.org/energy-drinks/
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crystalgordontx · 7 years
The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017
Energy drinks, the next best revitalizing beverage known to mankind since the discovery of coffee.
They have the refreshing carbonation of an ice cold soda and they’re loaded with vitamins and natural extracts to help unleash your mind’s optimal mental focus and cognitive abilities.
While energy drinks may have caught a bad reputation in the media in recent years for being high in sugar and containing unhealthy ingredients, it is important to realize that not all energy drinks are all that terrible.
In fact, many of the energy drink brands on the rise are finding unique ways to make healthier energy drinks with limited or no sugar by using simple, natural ingredients.
So what’s the best energy drink that’s legal to buy online?
1- VPX Bang
Lowest price on Amazon
“Potent Brain and Body Fuel” – that’s exactly what VPX is all about with Bang, and they’re shaking up the energy drink industry one champagne flavored “super creatine” drink at a time.
Harnessing the energizing effects of creatine, Bang is one of the most potent and pure energy drinks the industry has ever seen.
Combining caffeine with creatine, CoQ10’s, and BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids), the unique energizing blend is on its own level.
Each can of Bang contains a whopping 300 mg serving of caffeine – more than Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Full Throttle, and just about all the other energy drink brands out there.
But get this –  it doesn’t have any sugar. 0 calories and 0 sugars.
That’s right, Bang is sweetened with sucralose, making it a top choice for energy drinkers who like to limit their sugar consumption.
Champagne is my ultimate flavor of choice, but Bang comes in a few different flavors (not all are available on Amazon): Blue Razz, Lemon Drop, Starfruit, Black Cherry, and Cotton Candy.
Buy VPX Bang on Amazon
2- RUNA Clean Energy Drink
Lowest price on Amazon
RUNA is a unique energy drink that harnesses the energizing properties of the guayusa leaf.
Used by tribes in the Amazon to make herbal energizing tea concoctions, the guayusa leaf contains natural caffeine balanced with polyphenol antioxidants for sustained energy and focus without the crash.
How does RUNA source this energizing plant grown in the rain forest? Here’s what the company has to say:
“RUNA’s commitment to ethical and environmental standards goes above and beyond our certifications. We source exclusively from indigenous farming families that grow guayusa in sustainable, biodiverse forest gardens. Together we’re pioneering a new way to do business in the Amazon.” 
This energy drink is 100% organic, non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-free, Paleo, Kosher, and Vegan. No sugar, no stevia, and no artificial sweeteners used. 
Buy RUNA on Amazon
3- Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is the giant supplement company behind this Amino Energy drink.
Only 15 calories per 16 oz bottle makes this particular energy drink popular for the health conscious.
Each bottle also contains 5 grams of free form amino acids and 100 mg of caffeine for a easy-going, smooth blend that limits the jitters without limiting your energy levels.
The Optimum Nutrition company offers this blend in a powder form, but many prefer the convenient, already mixed bottles for on-the-go energy solutions.
Premixed bottles come in these delicious flavors: Blueberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Orange Blast, Strawberry Cooler, and Watermelon Wave.
Buy Amino Energy on Amazon
4- GURU Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
GURU is an organic energy drink company founded in 1999.
Containing just 100 mg of caffeine from green tea and guarana extract, this isn’t the most potent energy drink on the market, but it’s one of the cleaner ones as far as natural energy goes.
There are absolutely no preservatives, no taurine, no artificial caffeine, and no artificial flavors or sweeteners used in GURU drinks. 
Here are the official ingredients used in GURU Energy:
Sparkling water, organic cane syrup, organic white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, apple acid, citric acid, organic green tea leaf extract, organic guarana seed extract, organic echinacea flower extract, and organic panax ginseng root extract.
This energy drink is certified USDA Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten-Free.
Buy GURU on Amazon
5- Sheckter’s Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
This organic energy drink combines organic pomegranate, elderberry, and lemon juice in sparkling spring water for a delicious blend sweetened with a touch of raw cane sugar.
Each can contains 80 mg of caffeine from natural sources like organic guarana, green tea, ginseng, and raw coffee bean extract.
This products was a Gold Winner at the UK’s Prestigious Great Taste Awards, so it’s one of the better tasting organic energy drinks on the market.
USDA Organic, Informed Choice certified, GMO project verified, and Vegetarian Society approved.
Buy Sheckter’s on Amazon
What are energy drinks?
Energy drinks are beverages that contain a large amount of caffeine along with other ingredients that claim to provide the user with an energy boost.
These ingredients can include Vitamin B, Guarana, Ginseng, and Taurine just to name a few. The term “energy drink” was invented by drink manufacturers. This means they are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration or the USDA as a reliable way to improve your energy level [1].
There is not much evidence out there that shows whether or not energy drinks actually provide you with better physical performance. The amount of caffeine will have about the same effect as a cup or two of coffee for most individuals.
However, there are some people who rely on these drinks to give them the extra push they need to get through their workout sessions or push through the afternoon wall. Energy drinks that contain added nutrients and vitamins could supplement if your diet is lacking in some areas.
How do energy drinks work?
The majority of energy that you receive when you consume an energy drink come from two of the main ingredients, sugar and caffeine. The average drink can contain anywhere from 50-300 milligrams of caffeine. Your average 12 oz. soda contains anywhere from 18 to 48 mg. of caffeine.
So, what makes energy drinks different from sodas and sports drinks? They contain ingredients that are actually useful to the body. 
Here are a few of the ingredients that are found in most energy drinks available on the market today [2]. These ingredients can help improve energy, increase clarity and focus.
A decongestant that is used for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, wheezing or chest tightness due to asthma. Ephedrine is added to energy drinks because it can be used as a stimulant that effects the central nervous system. It is often seen in weight loss products, however there have been concerns about the damaging effects ephedrine can have on the heart.
This is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body. It can help to regulate your heart beat and ease muscle contractions. Experts are unsure about all the effects that taurine has on the body, however studies have shown that it can be used as an antioxidant, and could even have a sedative effect [3]. Which sounds strange considering it is an active ingredient in some of the most popular energy drinks around.
Ginseng is a natural root that is harvested for its medicinal purposes. It is believed to help reduce stress levels and provide users with a quick burst of energy. The Chinese have used ginseng in teas and medicine for thousands of years.
Vitamin B
B-Vitamins help convert sugar that we consume into energy and can also be used to improve muscle tone.
Guarana Seed
This is a natural stimulant that is derived from a shrub which can be found in the countries of Brazil and Venezuela. Guarana contains caffeine as well as theophylline and theobromine which are also similar to caffeine [3].
This is an amino acid that can help speed up your metabolism level. It helps to move fatty acids from the blood into the mitochondria located in our cells. This allows fatty acids to be used for energy, and helps you to burn away fat while you exercise.
This is an organic acid that supplies energy for contracting the muscles. It is often found in protein powders and strength training supplements. It helps muscle cells produce more energy and supports the various functions of the muscles [4].
This is a Vitamin B complex that helps to relay messages within our body’s cells. Insitol is not a vitamin itself, that’s because our bodies can synthesize it. This pseudovitamin can be found naturally in plants and animals.
Ginkgo Biloba
This ingredient comes from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree and is believed to enhance our memory. Ginkgo Biloba is also used to increase concentration, relieve anxiety and depression, help improve libido, treat migraine headaches, and fight the symptoms of PMS.
What are the benefits of energy drinks?
Energy drinks are easy to consume and come in various flavors that are similar to soft drinks. They can be purchased anywhere and are also available in diet varieties.
While the verdict is still out on how much energy they can provide, most people are able to get a quick boost from these drinks similar to their morning cup of coffee. If your diet lacks in various nutrients such as B-Vitamins, you can find energy drinks that are filled with these useful ingredients.
Energy drinks are available in large serving sizes as well as small ‘shot style’ doses to help you stay refreshed and get you through the work day. While they can be helpful if you need to stay awake on very little sleep, they shouldn’t be relied upon on a daily basis as your primary source of energy.
What are the side effects of energy drinks?
Most people do not suffer from serious side effects after consuming one energy drink. Usually if someone has an adverse effect, it is because they have had more than their recommended amount, or had an energy drink on an empty stomach.
Some of the most common side effects that people experience from energy drinks include:
Heart Palpitations
Tremors and Shaking
Gastrointestinal issues
Chest Pain
Tingling or Numbing of the Skin
Respiratory Issues
Most individuals who consume energy drinks on occasion never experience any type of side effect. If you do have one of more of these symptoms after only consuming one energy drink and you are otherwise in good health, you may want to consider other natural energy boosters that contain less caffeine and sugar.
When consumed in moderation, most individuals will not have any reactions from drinking energy drinks. However, there have been some long-term effects that could result from drinking them too frequently. These long-term issues are not fully understood and haven’t been researched well enough to provide concise details as of yet.
How do you take an energy drink?
It all depends on the ingredients that each energy drink contains. Most will contain tons of caffeine and sugar, so you should limit yourself on those types of drinks.
If you choose a sugar-free variety, you are limiting the amount of sugar you consume, which is a good thing. But you are also still receiving the same amount of caffeine. Healthy adults should limit themselves to having two energy drinks per day. That would equal to about 16 ounces each day.
This should be considered the maximum amount and you shouldn’t drink them every single day just to be on the safe side. Using the sparingly for a quick pick-me-up however should be safe and not cause you any long-term issues.
It’s recommended that you don’t drink an energy drink before or during physical activity such as an extreme workout or while playing sports. Some athletes may like this boost of energy and think that it will help them perform better on the field. But this fast surge of caffeine and sugar could do damage to your heart. Those who have pre-existing heart conditions should especially be aware of this issue and limit their amount of energy drinks.
One of the biggest risks when it comes to energy drinks is consuming too many, too quickly. They are considered dangerous for children and teens if they are consumed irresponsibly. To be safe, it is best to restrict energy drinks from children and teens.
You should never mix energy drinks with alcohol. Some people have claimed that mixing these drinks with beer or liquor can help to counteract the effects of alcohol. However, the truth is that it only causes you to be less aware of how many energy drinks or how much alcohol you are consuming. And that can have a serious effect on your health.
Always make an informed decision when it comes to choosing an energy drink. Choose a beverage that includes all ingredient and nutritional information on the label. You should keep track of the amount of caffeine you drink each day and the other active ingredients that could work as a stimulant. A healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine each day [5].
Energy drinks can provide you with a quick boost of energy any time you need it. They are a good alternative to coffee and many contain healthy ingredients that can improve focus and memory.
When used in moderation, energy drinks are perfectly safe for healthy adults to consume. But be sure to not drink them before or during strenuous activities, or mix an energy drink with alcohol. This could have a serious effect on your heart health since most of these drinks contain a large number of stimulants.
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The post The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks https://healthranks.org/energy-drinks/
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bobdelseynv · 7 years
The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017
Energy drinks, the next best revitalizing beverage known to mankind since the discovery of coffee.
They have the refreshing carbonation of an ice cold soda and they’re loaded with vitamins and natural extracts to help unleash your mind’s optimal mental focus and cognitive abilities.
While energy drinks may have caught a bad reputation in the media in recent years for being high in sugar and containing unhealthy ingredients, it is important to realize that not all energy drinks are all that terrible.
In fact, many of the energy drink brands on the rise are finding unique ways to make healthier energy drinks with limited or no sugar by using simple, natural ingredients.
So what’s the best energy drink that’s legal to buy online?
1- VPX Bang
Lowest price on Amazon
“Potent Brain and Body Fuel” – that’s exactly what VPX is all about with Bang, and they’re shaking up the energy drink industry one champagne flavored “super creatine” drink at a time.
Harnessing the energizing effects of creatine, Bang is one of the most potent and pure energy drinks the industry has ever seen.
Combining caffeine with creatine, CoQ10’s, and BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids), the unique energizing blend is on its own level.
Each can of Bang contains a whopping 300 mg serving of caffeine – more than Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Full Throttle, and just about all the other energy drink brands out there.
But get this –  it doesn’t have any sugar. 0 calories and 0 sugars.
That’s right, Bang is sweetened with sucralose, making it a top choice for energy drinkers who like to limit their sugar consumption.
Champagne is my ultimate flavor of choice, but Bang comes in a few different flavors (not all are available on Amazon): Blue Razz, Lemon Drop, Starfruit, Black Cherry, and Cotton Candy.
Buy VPX Bang on Amazon
2- RUNA Clean Energy Drink
Lowest price on Amazon
RUNA is a unique energy drink that harnesses the energizing properties of the guayusa leaf.
Used by tribes in the Amazon to make herbal energizing tea concoctions, the guayusa leaf contains natural caffeine balanced with polyphenol antioxidants for sustained energy and focus without the crash.
How does RUNA source this energizing plant grown in the rain forest? Here’s what the company has to say:
“RUNA’s commitment to ethical and environmental standards goes above and beyond our certifications. We source exclusively from indigenous farming families that grow guayusa in sustainable, biodiverse forest gardens. Together we’re pioneering a new way to do business in the Amazon.” 
This energy drink is 100% organic, non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-free, Paleo, Kosher, and Vegan. No sugar, no stevia, and no artificial sweeteners used. 
Buy RUNA on Amazon
3- Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is the giant supplement company behind this Amino Energy drink.
Only 15 calories per 16 oz bottle makes this particular energy drink popular for the health conscious.
Each bottle also contains 5 grams of free form amino acids and 100 mg of caffeine for a easy-going, smooth blend that limits the jitters without limiting your energy levels.
The Optimum Nutrition company offers this blend in a powder form, but many prefer the convenient, already mixed bottles for on-the-go energy solutions.
Premixed bottles come in these delicious flavors: Blueberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Orange Blast, Strawberry Cooler, and Watermelon Wave.
Buy Amino Energy on Amazon
4- GURU Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
GURU is an organic energy drink company founded in 1999.
Containing just 100 mg of caffeine from green tea and guarana extract, this isn’t the most potent energy drink on the market, but it’s one of the cleaner ones as far as natural energy goes.
There are absolutely no preservatives, no taurine, no artificial caffeine, and no artificial flavors or sweeteners used in GURU drinks. 
Here are the official ingredients used in GURU Energy:
Sparkling water, organic cane syrup, organic white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, apple acid, citric acid, organic green tea leaf extract, organic guarana seed extract, organic echinacea flower extract, and organic panax ginseng root extract.
This energy drink is certified USDA Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten-Free.
Buy GURU on Amazon
5- Sheckter’s Organic Energy
Lowest price on Amazon
This organic energy drink combines organic pomegranate, elderberry, and lemon juice in sparkling spring water for a delicious blend sweetened with a touch of raw cane sugar.
Each can contains 80 mg of caffeine from natural sources like organic guarana, green tea, ginseng, and raw coffee bean extract.
This products was a Gold Winner at the UK’s Prestigious Great Taste Awards, so it’s one of the better tasting organic energy drinks on the market.
USDA Organic, Informed Choice certified, GMO project verified, and Vegetarian Society approved.
Buy Sheckter’s on Amazon
What are energy drinks?
Energy drinks are beverages that contain a large amount of caffeine along with other ingredients that claim to provide the user with an energy boost.
These ingredients can include Vitamin B, Guarana, Ginseng, and Taurine just to name a few. The term “energy drink” was invented by drink manufacturers. This means they are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration or the USDA as a reliable way to improve your energy level [1].
There is not much evidence out there that shows whether or not energy drinks actually provide you with better physical performance. The amount of caffeine will have about the same effect as a cup or two of coffee for most individuals.
However, there are some people who rely on these drinks to give them the extra push they need to get through their workout sessions or push through the afternoon wall. Energy drinks that contain added nutrients and vitamins could supplement if your diet is lacking in some areas.
How do energy drinks work?
The majority of energy that you receive when you consume an energy drink come from two of the main ingredients, sugar and caffeine. The average drink can contain anywhere from 50-300 milligrams of caffeine. Your average 12 oz. soda contains anywhere from 18 to 48 mg. of caffeine.
So, what makes energy drinks different from sodas and sports drinks? They contain ingredients that are actually useful to the body. 
Here are a few of the ingredients that are found in most energy drinks available on the market today [2]. These ingredients can help improve energy, increase clarity and focus.
A decongestant that is used for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, wheezing or chest tightness due to asthma. Ephedrine is added to energy drinks because it can be used as a stimulant that effects the central nervous system. It is often seen in weight loss products, however there have been concerns about the damaging effects ephedrine can have on the heart.
This is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body. It can help to regulate your heart beat and ease muscle contractions. Experts are unsure about all the effects that taurine has on the body, however studies have shown that it can be used as an antioxidant, and could even have a sedative effect [3]. Which sounds strange considering it is an active ingredient in some of the most popular energy drinks around.
Ginseng is a natural root that is harvested for its medicinal purposes. It is believed to help reduce stress levels and provide users with a quick burst of energy. The Chinese have used ginseng in teas and medicine for thousands of years.
Vitamin B
B-Vitamins help convert sugar that we consume into energy and can also be used to improve muscle tone.
Guarana Seed
This is a natural stimulant that is derived from a shrub which can be found in the countries of Brazil and Venezuela. Guarana contains caffeine as well as theophylline and theobromine which are also similar to caffeine [3].
This is an amino acid that can help speed up your metabolism level. It helps to move fatty acids from the blood into the mitochondria located in our cells. This allows fatty acids to be used for energy, and helps you to burn away fat while you exercise.
This is an organic acid that supplies energy for contracting the muscles. It is often found in protein powders and strength training supplements. It helps muscle cells produce more energy and supports the various functions of the muscles [4].
This is a Vitamin B complex that helps to relay messages within our body’s cells. Insitol is not a vitamin itself, that’s because our bodies can synthesize it. This pseudovitamin can be found naturally in plants and animals.
Ginkgo Biloba
This ingredient comes from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree and is believed to enhance our memory. Ginkgo Biloba is also used to increase concentration, relieve anxiety and depression, help improve libido, treat migraine headaches, and fight the symptoms of PMS.
What are the benefits of energy drinks?
Energy drinks are easy to consume and come in various flavors that are similar to soft drinks. They can be purchased anywhere and are also available in diet varieties.
While the verdict is still out on how much energy they can provide, most people are able to get a quick boost from these drinks similar to their morning cup of coffee. If your diet lacks in various nutrients such as B-Vitamins, you can find energy drinks that are filled with these useful ingredients.
Energy drinks are available in large serving sizes as well as small ‘shot style’ doses to help you stay refreshed and get you through the work day. While they can be helpful if you need to stay awake on very little sleep, they shouldn’t be relied upon on a daily basis as your primary source of energy.
What are the side effects of energy drinks?
Most people do not suffer from serious side effects after consuming one energy drink. Usually if someone has an adverse effect, it is because they have had more than their recommended amount, or had an energy drink on an empty stomach.
Some of the most common side effects that people experience from energy drinks include:
Heart Palpitations
Tremors and Shaking
Gastrointestinal issues
Chest Pain
Tingling or Numbing of the Skin
Respiratory Issues
Most individuals who consume energy drinks on occasion never experience any type of side effect. If you do have one of more of these symptoms after only consuming one energy drink and you are otherwise in good health, you may want to consider other natural energy boosters that contain less caffeine and sugar.
When consumed in moderation, most individuals will not have any reactions from drinking energy drinks. However, there have been some long-term effects that could result from drinking them too frequently. These long-term issues are not fully understood and haven’t been researched well enough to provide concise details as of yet.
How do you take an energy drink?
It all depends on the ingredients that each energy drink contains. Most will contain tons of caffeine and sugar, so you should limit yourself on those types of drinks.
If you choose a sugar-free variety, you are limiting the amount of sugar you consume, which is a good thing. But you are also still receiving the same amount of caffeine. Healthy adults should limit themselves to having two energy drinks per day. That would equal to about 16 ounces each day.
This should be considered the maximum amount and you shouldn’t drink them every single day just to be on the safe side. Using the sparingly for a quick pick-me-up however should be safe and not cause you any long-term issues.
It’s recommended that you don’t drink an energy drink before or during physical activity such as an extreme workout or while playing sports. Some athletes may like this boost of energy and think that it will help them perform better on the field. But this fast surge of caffeine and sugar could do damage to your heart. Those who have pre-existing heart conditions should especially be aware of this issue and limit their amount of energy drinks.
One of the biggest risks when it comes to energy drinks is consuming too many, too quickly. They are considered dangerous for children and teens if they are consumed irresponsibly. To be safe, it is best to restrict energy drinks from children and teens.
You should never mix energy drinks with alcohol. Some people have claimed that mixing these drinks with beer or liquor can help to counteract the effects of alcohol. However, the truth is that it only causes you to be less aware of how many energy drinks or how much alcohol you are consuming. And that can have a serious effect on your health.
Always make an informed decision when it comes to choosing an energy drink. Choose a beverage that includes all ingredient and nutritional information on the label. You should keep track of the amount of caffeine you drink each day and the other active ingredients that could work as a stimulant. A healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine each day [5].
Energy drinks can provide you with a quick boost of energy any time you need it. They are a good alternative to coffee and many contain healthy ingredients that can improve focus and memory.
When used in moderation, energy drinks are perfectly safe for healthy adults to consume. But be sure to not drink them before or during strenuous activities, or mix an energy drink with alcohol. This could have a serious effect on your heart health since most of these drinks contain a large number of stimulants.
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(see more)
The post The Top 5 Energy Drinks of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks https://healthranks.org/energy-drinks/
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Pamper your lovable teen with exciting gift surprises.
Who doesn’t like gifts and surprises? Gifts are the best way to express your love, your affection for anyone. Especially the kids and the teens. However, there are different categories of gifts meant for a particular age group. For instance dolls and remote cars for kids, soft toys for kids and teens stationery, clothes, and the things that interest kids and teens. Let’s discuss in detail ft ideas for teens. Teens are the age group that falls between the age of 13 to 19 years.
Teens at the mentioned age are high on energy and have a zest for going for anything without giving a single thought whether their goal will be achieved or not so it’s very wise to gift them with stuff where their energies are channelized like roller skates, tennis kit, season cricket kit, skateboard, etc and along with that an energy drink pack which would not require your words to make them realize what you expect from them.
The 13–19 age group is the perfect age range when you as a parent can give them the right direction to their hobbies. Giving them any musical instrument like guitar, violin, synthesizer, etc. Would emphasize them to look forward to the lifestyle of a rockstar.
Today’s generation is gazette freak. Love for newly emerged gazettes like power banks, smartwatches, tabs, PlayStation, video games, Bluetooth coupled with speakers or headphones, all these ruins the sleep if these teens get desperate enough to grab them all and be called techy.
Today’s generation is the fashionista bunch. They can come out with such a style which ends up setting a trend for generations to come. So what can be the best than stoles, caps, accessories as a gift to them so that they can style themselves in variety.
Girls are more pamper fanatics. They love to be pampered with gifts more than boys. And as girls step their sweet 16 age they become conscious about their looks. So endure and surprise them with the branded cosmetic gift which they search for online shopping.
Along with a cosmetic lover, girls are also dreamers for stylish bags and clothes. They love to showcase their wardrobe bunch to their peer groups by accentuating their outfits with matching bags. So surprise your favorites with their favorite desires.
Your fashion statement remains incomplete without a watch gleaming at your wrist. These days brand and stylish wristwatches are available in the watch showroom. To make your gifting decision more easy watches are the favorites of both dudes and the girls. So no more wasting time in making gift decisions. This stuff can be your ultimate selection. Well, optionally you can also opt for perfume. Perfumes are also the heart win-o-win gift.
All these gifts mentioned above are something very common and can fit in all the price range. However, what’s in trend nowadays are the gift cards which you can give to your loved ones if you cannot decide on any gift. Nowadays teens want to buy them gifts according to their choice.
This blog is originally posted at Love and Bub.
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