ainsleyxbrooks · 1 month
The incoming threat of a war, perhaps? It seems the chaos brings all sorts from the woodworks.
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The First Father? Well, Sir, I must say that it is indeed a tremendous honor meeting you...an excitement. Tales of the Firsts have been passed down from generation to generation in the coven. A tea-drinking mammoth of a man is not what I expected, though.
You're not wrong, usually my concealment enchantments are stronger than they are currently but circumstances required me to lower them.
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Nor would there be any auras that match mine except for my wife's and son's. I'm Ezekiel, the First Father.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 1 month
You shielded yourself enough for the average witch, but I'm not quite the average witch. I know concealment when I sense it.
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I am curious, yes. No aura in my coven feels the same as you not even those on the council.
Seems I didn't shield myself enough– you're very astute, more so than the average witch these days.
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I assume you're curious or else you wouldn't have come over here.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 1 month
Your tea time is certainly not negating the fact that I can feel this...power coming from you. And the sorrow.
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I'm trying to enjoy my tea in peace.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Oh, you think my relationship with Jade is the picture perfect example? I'll agree that her and I as people are fucking perfect bitches, but if our bond was, she would have followed me down the rabbit hole without this hesitating sense of betrayal. Az, I'm not the only one looking for your head if you don't move aside should it come to taking him out.
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Like you and Jade have such a bond that is the model of what we should have, Ainsley? Don't talk about my siblings and I like you have no faults in your own relationships with who you regard as family. Think what you will of the situation. Right now I'm very much on your side but the moment you step to harm my brother in any way will be your last. I promise you that.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Then we are in agreement, winning a war holds far more precedent than the life of one witch, even a pet of your brother's. You require Jade and I create a diversion to distract Wrath, loud enough that it draws him away? We can do that. It would be useful to know exactly why we're forcing him from his hiding spot.
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We try to convince Azriel to step down as best as we can, but if it comes down to it in the heat of the moment, I will not allow him to ruin our only chances to stop the war. On top of watching Kai and Azriel, I'm going to need you and Jade to make as much of a ruckus as possible to lure Wrath away from wherever he's been holing himself up on my word. Just try not to get yourself killed.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
I guess you'll learn how to hold your breath then.
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Home is a constructive cock of bullshit one is spoon fed by idiots. However, I'm glad we're back together again too. And, you know, we wouldn't be us without a mission which we have.
I'm sure I'll find these 'charms' once I'm done holding back vomit every time I breathe.
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Home is a little too comfortable of a word, but I'm... glad to be back where you are regardless.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
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It's called, yoga, jackass. Don't give me that look.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Does it grow exhausting depending so much of who you are on two people that have allowed this fragile bond between you three crack? I don't want to fight you and I am not your enemy, Azriel, but I can be if you make it so. Your brother's digging himself into an early grave and you don't see it.
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I will do what I want with my own life. You don't get to make threats when it comes to my family. I will do what I must to keep this city a priority, but my siblings will always come before anything else– even if it means I need to stand in your way to keep them safe. Friendly warning, Ainsley, I'm a bitch to fight.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
And if his handler doesn't succeed convincing him to keep his distance, Azriel may find himself joining Kai in a early grave. That is the cost of war should Lust fail, Gluttony. Jade and I will conduct surveillance on the boys, she can take Kai and I'll watch Az closely.
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I know, I've suspected that Azriel will be an issue if we need to move in on eliminating Kai. I've already brought Lust in on the situation to talk to him– if Azriel's handler can't talk him off the ledge, we may be losing them both. Keep an eye on both of the brothers.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Allow me to phrase this in simple terms, Wrath's time with your brother is the equivalent of the Prince pouring gasoline on Kai's already blazing rage fire. Your responsibility will get you killed, Azriel. The needs of the many outweigh the one casualty. Don't stand in my way when I do what needs to be done protecting this city while you protect a brother who doesn't want to be saved.
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I know, my worry has already been expressed to him– he's carried this anger for years and it'll only get worse under Wrath's care. I'm going to try, regardless, to keep him from slipping off into insanity no matter how fruitless you may think it is. Don't stand in my way with this, Ainsley, he's my responsibility in the end.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
I will not hesitate taking the killing shot with Kai, but we have another problem with that plan. Azriel thinks he can play his brother's savior and keep him from losing his mind. If we don't want an opposing force on our hands, Gluttony, someone should convince him that Kai might perish defending Wrath's side. They would die for each other.
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The other prince's and I will handle Wrath but if it comes down to eliminating the time witch to end this farce, then you have every right to do it. We've been preparing for his inevitable death, in the end he will be a casualty of Wrath's.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
You grow accustomed to the demon stank the longer you stay. It has its own charms.
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Welcome home, Jade.
Thought Mistvale would be more appealing once I sold my soul, but it's still a shithole.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
The Princes may see they have no choice if this war needs winning, but if there is another way, like slaughtering the time witch instead, then we seize the opportunity. Kai's deal with Wrath, however, garners a near untouchable level of protection someone like me will see as a challenge breaking. It won't be easy.
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As smart as that is, Ainsley, even if there was a way to kill a Prince, I doubt Wrath's brothers would actually want to kill him. There could be unknown repercussions for doing such. At this point, it'd be easier to kill a time witch than a demon Prince and that's saying something.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
A demon Prince coming to me for assistance with a hint of desperation, I'm in heaven. Since you are asking oh so sweetly and in addition knowing Jade will once again fight alongside me, I will help you. Just understand, Gluttony, if it comes down to killing the time witch or your brother to stop the war, you have to let me take the shot.
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Pride isn't the sole embodiment of a high horse for nothing, Ainsley. I do so enjoy your proactiveness, so take this as me asking you politely. Will you help me and my brother wage an almost unwinnable war against Wrath with Jade at your side? You always have a choice with me but we need your help now more than ever.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Ah, I feel the pounding of the war drum thrumming in my being as we speak, Gluttony. Of course your brother would stoop so low as to ask me himself, but I have seen this coming and I've decided that there is no choice but to aid in your efforts if I'm being asked so politely. Jade is planning on selling her soul to him? You have no idea how pleased that makes me.
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You'll have plenty of chances to bathe naked then with my brother calling war. I would not be surprised if Pride soon calls us to arms against Wrath– he's already asked for your assistance if needed, and given how much you've been itching for a fight I figured it'd be an easy answer for you. From what I heard too, he's working on a deal with Jade.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
You and I both know first hand the influence a prince holds over one's mind when they wiggle themselves through. Kai believes his mission is righteous and a twisted way trying to protect them, but you are correct. Executing him may not stop Wrath completely, but it will slow him down taking away a powerful ally. We could also cut the head off of the snake and eliminate the Prince instead.
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I could already see Wrath at play when I spoke to Kai last, he's too far gone for reason. The only ones that I would see getting him to see the issue with this would be his siblings, but even then I don't see how much of a help that's going to be with his bond tying him to Wrath. We may have to think of the unthinkable, we're going to have to think of ways to eliminate him.
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ainsleyxbrooks · 2 months
Jade and I were both born and bred to protect the sanctity of our coven with no choice in the matter, if she does leave, she will finally have a choice for herself. I can sense your worry, Azriel, as you should be. If I understand your brother as well as I think, Kai possesses an addictive personality Wrath will feed. The princes are addicting in their own ways that not even you can pull him from.
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As someone who wasn't born into the coven, I can't imagine what generational pressures there are on anyone's shoulders but when it comes down to it, I think she'll choose to leave. That he sold his soul to the psychotic brother of the bunch? Not much we can do there either. Only thing we can do now is prepare for a war that my brother is going to have a personal hand in.
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