navegador-estelar · 3 years
Infelizmente as pessoas confundem a calmaria do olhar com permissão pra ultrapassar os nossos limites.
No momento em que você compreender que respeito é essencial para qualquer relação, no momento em que você compreender o seu valor e estebelcer os seus limites, você passará a perder amigos ou melhor passará a selecionà-los .
A gente tem é que se amar muito, se respeitar muito pra chegar para o outro e dizer: se é isso que você me oferece, agradeço, mas recuso.
- Clarissa Corrêa
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What is New Years About?
Okay, so New Years (NYs) is coming around the bend and I’ve been wondering about it a lot. I love NYs, but sometimes it can make us think of all the things that went wrong in 2019 and what we desperately want to fix in 2020. But I think NYs is a time for deep reflection. Yes, it’s important to acknowledge what went wrong.
Did you make a mistake? Did you lose someone close to you? Did you not get that job you were hoping to get? Did you go through a breakup? 
Yes, those things were tough and I’m sure you’re continuing to work through those events, but what about everything that went right? 
That new friend you made? He or she is wonderful! What about the new pants you just bought that made your booty pop? What about the tests you passed? What about the amends you made or tried to make? Remind yourself of the good too. 
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talesofdark · 7 years
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The things you mentioned is what I usually do. I have many friends I talk to, and been spending time on my hobbies as well, tried to be a more active person and got out of my habit of spending all day in bed many days in a row cause that felt really toxic. 
What people don’t understand about depression is that I’m not necessarily “always sad” like some claim. Very often I’m very cheerful and joke a lot, and feel genuinely happy. It’s just that I’m more often sad than the average person and the states I go through are more severe than usual sadness. Meaning that when someone feels annoyed, or sad, or doubtful, I feel downright desperate or suicidal.  And I have these days from time to time where I can’t get out of this state no matter how hard I struggle. I try to cook, clean, work, dress pretty to feel better, draw, but nothing really works. When I feel more stable, these things usually help improve my mood, but when it gets really bad, I can barely move or get out of bed.
I also don’t think that I’m able to afford therapy. Therapy here is very expensive. Like one session can equal the price of the food I eat for a week, or 10% of a salary.
Thanks for the reply.
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moonleaflove · 6 years
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The fourth Black Butterfly I’ve seen in four consecutive days. Some believe it to be a dark omen, but based on how things have been going in my life, it’s the complete opposite: “Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life. Butterflies are also popularly thought to symbolize a person's essence, or soul, either past, present or future. The color blue in a butterfly is often thought to symbolize joy, color or a change in luck. Sometimes a blue butterfly is viewed as a wish granter.”~Google #butterfly #animalsymbolism #renewal #hope #joy #transition #wishgranter #essenceofsoul #butterflysoul 🍃🦋🍃
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thewheezingwyvern · 8 years
For the video game thing (again): Persona 3
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I haven’t played any of the Persona Series but I’ve just never gotten my hands on them.  But I am interested, I’ve heard they are amazing
((Put a video game in my ask and I’ll rate it!))
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afogar · 6 years
Qual a profissão você quer seguir? /butterflysoul
Psicóloga ou ilustradora.
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aconchegamos · 6 years
Qual as 3 música que você mais ouve no momento é o que você sente qua do escuta? /butterflysoul
Aindas/ Nossa conversa/ How deep is Your love ... Eu sinto saudades do meu neném, quando às ouço. ❤
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capricornqueen1676 · 4 years
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🤲🏾🙏🏿📖🤲🏿🙏🏿GALATIANS 5:13 NIV... #trustinggodforeverything #godswordissufficient #becominglakieshachavondeloatch #momof3angels #Lakiya #Andrea #Deandra #angelmom #mylovestory #myjourney #imstillamom #rememberingourbabies #pregnancylossawareness #im1in4 #happytuesday #beautifulsouls #butterflysoul #flowergirl #birdlady #elephantwoman #lovelossandsurvival #forgiveness #prayers #thekeytogreatnessisgratefulness #iminthevalleywithamountaintopview #peacebestill #staysafe #standingstrong #stregnthwithin #powerinside #healingispossible 🌝🧡💛🌻🌷🍁🍂🍃🧡💛🌞
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equimera · 7 years
@manuellys3 + tag/butterflysoul
Tenha um lindo dia
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inferivel · 7 years
indico Clube da Luta, eu amo muito esse filme + #butterflysoul
já vi algumas partes dele, bem aleatórias, enquanto meu pai assistia, parece ser legal
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navegador-estelar · 4 years
Das coisa que não sei explicar:
Os dias no limbo.
Vamos de uma preocupação a outra.
De prazo em prazo.
Minha saudade virou indiferença.
Minha montanha está plana.
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afetarias · 7 years
indico Clube da Luta, eu amo muito esse filme + #butterflysoul
Obrigada pela indicação!
Boa tarde meu bem, rebloguei!
Desculpe a demora!
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talesofdark · 7 years
dragonheart-butterflysoul replied to your post : I’ve been having a panic attack as long as this...
I know you don’t me from up or down, but I wanted to say I hope you feel better and find some sort of peace soon.
Thank you for writing. I believe that I’ll feel better at some point but depression had always been an ongoing thing in my life and it will probably never be completely gone...doesn’t help that I’m seeing many sinister and shocking things around lately, at least from my point of view, and I had to be extremely supportive of people with nobody having enough energy to think that I need support as well..
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girassolpoema · 7 years
indico Clube da Luta, eu amo muito esse filme + #butterflysoul
Bom dia meu bem. Vou assistir ❤Rebloguei
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thewheezingwyvern · 8 years
For the video game thing: Skyrim: Elder Scrolls V
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
((put a video game in my ask and I’ll rate it!))
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marcellouslovelace · 8 years
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2012 "The Butterfly Effect Project" newest addition - "butterflysoul for the metamorphosis spirit" ~artist Marcellous Lovelace #coloredart #hueartwww.marcellouslovelace.com #marcellouslovelace #repost
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