#buttercream fanfic
thendlessvoid · 9 months
I somehow compeltly forgot to post this thing here
Anyway, a lil Tame Dragons au fanfic made by yours truly
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itzpris15634 · 4 months
Delight in Love (ft. Sugar x Scarletta)
“So, this is where you work…” Scarletta marveled at the sights all around her. Sweet Delights was even more sugary sweet and bright on the inside, colorful pastel paint depicting a candy wonderland on the walls. Even though there weren’t much people currently in the bakery- she felt a little bit out of place.
“Well, kinda, not really,” Sugar speaking snapped Scarletta out of her thoughts, “I mean, I do work in, like, the sweet truck and all. Which is, like, owned by Sweet Delights and all! But today’s my day off since we don’t operate the truck on Mondays and Thursdays, you know?”
“Useful information, so that I can be the one planning our next date.”
“Already planning? Aww, you’re sweeter than all the sweets I serve!”
Both Sugar and Scarletta made their way to the counter. Sugar gestured to the big televisions hanging by the ceiling that displayed Sweet Delights’ menu.
“So, feel free to check out the menu! Then we can make our order.”
Scarletta took note of the empty cash register.
“…But there’s no one here.”
“That’s where you’re wrongity-wrongity!” A new girl suddenly popped up from behind the counter- her yellow and pink hair was tied into high pigtails, a single peppermint bow. A big brown birthmark covered one side of her green eyes, which shone with way too much excitement and that Scarletta could properly process.
“Oh! Uh, hey?” Scarletta waved at the girl, a little unsure of what to say.
“Buttercream! How’s it going, girl?” Sugar waved and smiled at the girl- Buttercream.
“Sugar! Oh, it’s so so sugary-ugary sweet to see you again! How’s your day-off relaxiating going???” Buttercream pressed her hands onto the counter and leaned forward, really getting into their space.
“Pretty good! And how are things up with you? How come Ms. Song isn’t here today?”
“Ohhhhh, yeah! She’s feeling a little oozy-woozy in the head you know? Can’t get up! So being the ever loving daughter I am, I’m working in for her today! Too bad business is a bit slow today. I don’t understand! Why wouldn’t people want to be around little old me-me-me?!”
Buttercream’s gaze suddenly shifted to Scarletta, who stood close to Sugar’s side.
“Ooh! You must be Sugar Sprinkles’ lovely-dovely! S-S-Suh…. Scarletta! Am I right or am I correct?“
“Uhm, yep. That’s me. Scarletta Redd.”
“Oohh you really are as cute as Sugar keeps telling me! And I love love love-ity LOVE your clothes! They remind me of a cake we were selling for last Halloween! It’s like- red! With white and black frosting! With itty bitty bats stuck on sticks that are stuck into the cake! A whole vampire thing! I think you’d love it! And your stockings remind me of candy canes… oh oh! That reminds me! We also did lots of candy canes for the holidays! But in other flavors and colors too! Classic peppermint, because of course! But we also had chocolate, strawberry, Madagascar vanilla, blue lemon, pink lemon, yellow lemon…”
Scarletta could only stare in confusion at Buttercream. Where in the world did all this energy come from? How was she supposed to respond to it? She was thankful there wasn’t any people behind them- there’d be a very angry line behind them if Buttercream’s conversations with customers were always this long.
Sugar, sensing Scarletta’s discomfort, cleared her throat to get Buttercream’s attention, “Ahem, Buttercream- ah, we’re here to enjoy a sweet treat! So, would you mind if we…”
“Oh! Oh of course! That’s just so silly-illy-illy-illy of me! Aaaaaaaanywho- your order, ladies?”
“So! See anything you like, Scarlie? I’m up for anything!” Sugar smiled at her girlfriend.
“Shit. Uh…” Scarletta eyed the menu right above her. But the selection was huge. Pastries, candy, drinks and things she didn’t even recognize.
“What’s uh… your bestseller? Or recommendations. I dunno. You do work here, don’t you Sugar?”
“Hmm, well the way I like to think about it is through flavors! So, what flavor are you in for today?”
“…Strawberry. I’ll go with a safe one first.”
“Okay! Now, something cold? Or something warm? Or even hot!”
“Uh… warm- no! Wait! Cold. Yeah…”
“So you can choose from ice cream, milkshakes, or maybe one of our icing pops…”
Scarletta gave it a bit of a think over.
“…Milkshake. A milkshake sounds good.”
“There we go! See? I knew you could do it!”
Something swelled up in Scarletta’s chest at Sugar’s compliment.
Sugar turned back to Buttercream at the counter, “We’ll have one extra large Strawberry Lovers’ Delight milkshake.”
“Wha? Just one?!” Without the sound of a busy crowd, Scarletta could very clearly hear a crack! the moment Buttercream tilted her head.
“Well, you know, Buttercream…” Sugar gestured to Scarletta (who had a very horrified look on her face).
A few seconds passed. Buttercream’s face brightened, going “Ohhh, I see, I see!” Buttercream placed her hands on her hips and gave Sugar an overly exaggerated wink. Recovering from the pose, Buttercream typed the order into the cash register.
“Alrighty-aighty! Now all you have to do is pay…”
Order taken and money paid, all Scarletta and Sugar had to do now was wait.
Scarletta’s fingers traced the swirling pattern on the table, “Sugar? Sorry if this is a not so good question, but… Don’t you think that the girl at the counter is a little…”
“Hm? Buttercream? A little what? What about her?”
“She’s a little… dare I say? Cuckoo?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. A little, but I’m used to her antics, really. She really is such a blast to be around, promise! Let’s just… hope she doesn’t drop the milkshake on the way here.”
Day 26: milkshake
yeah baby here goes my rarepair. and buttercream! her dialogue is so fun to write man.
random headcanon: as mentioned here, the human equivalent of Buttercream is simply Christie’s adoptive daughter. her full name is Buttercream Sundae Song, Sundae this time acting as a middle name
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Just a Little Bit (Aziraphale x Reader)
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Requested by Anonymous-Hello and thank you for opening up the requests! May I request an Aziraphale x reader fic 🌸❤️‍🔥 where the reader is making a cake for Angel. He peaks every now and then and steals sweet cream laced with lovely kisses... 
A/N-Whoo hoo my first Azirapahle fanfic request finished and all ready. I had fun writing this. Wanting this to be a one-shot and didn’t go overboard with it makes me feel good to get this done. Requests are still open in the comments and my DM board :)...
Anon, I hope you love what I wrote for you as well
Warnings: Nothing much. Just ton of tooth rotting fluff and a smidge of smut
Citrus Scale:🍊
“Ah. That’s perfect.” You were standing at the kitchen counter, getting a quick whiff of the vanilla sponge cake that was sitting out to cool off for a moment. The next thing to do is cover it with strawberry buttercream. 
Grabbing a hold of the bowl that sat next to the cake, you mixed it the spatula and began to scoop it out on top of the cake. The scent of strawberry wafted across your nose, making your mouth water a bit. 
“Oh yes. This is going to be so good tonight.” Spreading the buttercream all over the top, you were thinking of the small get together with Aziraphale and Crowley for dinner and dessert tonight. You piped up saying you’ll make the dessert. Wanting to make it a surprise, you didn’t tell either of them what it was going to be.
  Then you heard the door to your apartment open, followed by the sound of a familiar voice. “(Y/N), are you here?” The angel asking you nicely. “Yes I am,” you called out, “I’m in the kitchen.”
Aziraphale walked into the kitchen, with his coat neatly folded over his arms. “Something smells absolutely scrumptious in here.” He noted. Taking a whiff of the sponge cake, filling the whole air with a sweet scent alongside the buttercream.
You turned to look over your shoulder at him. He was licking his lips, like Crowley did. The smell of the cake and buttercream really got to him. His mouth was about to water.
“I see you like the smell of my sponge cake all the way from there.” Laughing a bit, you turned back to what you were doing. Still spreading the cream all around the top, you could feel Aziraphale looming over your shoulder.
“My, my dear (Y/N). what is that lovely smell before us?” Noting the scent of the strawberries. You laughed again. Your angelic friend is quite observant and always has been.
“It’s my famous and utterly favorite strawberry buttercream. I was going to surprise both you and Crowley tonight after dinner and wanted to see your reactions, but guess the secrets out.” You sounded defeated now, that Aziraphale found out about your little secret. 
Aziraphale scoffed a bit, “oh don’t worry my dear. I won’t tell Crowley about this at all. It’s our little secret.” He patted your shoulder a bit. 
As you began to frost the side of the cake now, Aziraphale came around to the other side to get a better look. He immediately spotted the bowl next to you that had some buttercream left in it. In a split second, Aziraphale dipped his finger into the bowl.
“Aziraphale!” You squeaked. The angel quickly pulled his hand back, before you could catch him. As he licked the buttercream from his finger, his blue eyes went wide. Like he was seeing stars for the first time.  
“Oh my Lord,” he whispered, “this is so good.” He had no other words to say at this point. Before you could scold him for what he did, he quickly placed a kiss on your cheek. Lips brushing against your warm skin. You felt your face heat up from that quick distraction he pulled.
“Okay. I’ll let that one slide for now. If you want to watch me finish the cake, you better not steal anymore buttercream. Promise Angel?” You looked at him with an arched eyebrow. Aziraphale nodded his head. “I promise.” He crossed his heart to seal it.
Turning back to the counter, you continued to spread the cream on the cake’s sides. Aziraphale stood behind you, watching closing as you went back and forth with the spatula. After you finished spreading the last dab of buttercream, you placed the spatula in the bowl with the leftover cream.
 Before you could move, Aziraphale went for the bowl again and got another whip of buttercream out. You were speechless now. “Aziraphale! You pro-,” before you could get another word out, Aziraphale kissed you again. This time on your jawline. Again you were speechless at him.
“I’m so sorry my dear., I couldn’t resist myself. Even though I promised to stop.” He said with a bright smile on his lips. At this point, you felt your face flushed and warm from that kiss. Aziraphale never kissed you like that. Never at all.
“Okay,” you finally said, “I’m going to finish putting the cake together. Just. Just don’t distract me. Okay Angel?” He nodded his head again. “Of course my dear.” Reassuring you. Still reeling from that surprise kiss, you walked over to the fridge to retrieve the toppings.
Wanting to double check, you looked over your shoulder at him. Just standing there inches away from the counter. You then grabbed the bowl of cherries  and homemade whipped cream from the center shelf and closed the door.
“Alright Aziraphale,” you said as you placed the last two remaining ingredients onto the counter, “I’m going to put the finishing touches on the cake. So please, don’t distract me with kisses while stealing the buttercream.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll just watch,” he said as he brushed the tip of his nose with his finger. Deep down, you knew that was a lie. He’s going to do it again. Just don’t let it get to you.
 As you began to pipe out the whipped cream through the piping bag, Aziraphale went for another piece in the bowl. He licked it off his finger and peppered your cheek with a few kisses. You giggled a bit. 
Concentrating on doing the smaller details of the cake, Aziraphale dipped two fingers in the bowl and peppered your other cheek with kisses. “Aziraphale. Please stop it. I need this cake to be finished before tonight,” you squealed with giggles. “No never.” The angel replied. He refused to stop.
You could barely keep your hands steady as Aziraphale kept stealing small whips of buttercream and kissing you.
After you managed to get every bit of whipped cream onto the cake perfectly, it was time to put the cherries on top. The moment you put the first cherry on, Aziraphale striked again. Only this time he kissed you on the neck before stealing another piece or two of buttercream.
Your face felt hotter now with each kiss he left behind. Turning a bright red color. Each time you placed a cherry on top, Aziraphale would kiss you more and more on the face, jaw, and neck. At this point he stopped stealing the buttercream and instead peppered kisses all over you.
Snaking his arms around your waist. Feather light lips brushing against your warm skin. Your heart fluttered each time he kissed you. With the final cherry on top, the cake was finally completed. Everything was ready for tonight.
There was some buttercream leftover in the bowl. Untouched by the angel’s prying fingers. An idea just popped into your head. Using your two fingers, you scooped out the remaining buttercream. Instead of licking them, you smeared it over your lips.
With his arms still around you, you turned around to face him. Once he looked at you, his blue eyes went wide upon seeing the buttercream smeared over your soft lips. In a split second, Aziraphale pressed his lips up against yours.
Feeling his lips and tongue lick the buttercream off of your lips. Then you felt his tongue touch yours. Swirling and dancing around each other like serpents. 
Aziraphale then pulled himself away, licking the bits of buttercream off his lips. “My my, dear (Y/N). That was delicious.” He said with a sparkle in his blue eyes.
“That’s my famous strawberry buttercream for you angel,” you said, as you licked off the remaining buttercream off of your lips.   
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guiltyasdave · 29 days
rules: answer and tag people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
thank you for the tag @teamred <3
favorite color: blue, especially light blue
last song: juno by sabrina carpenter
last movie: prisoners
currently reading: fanfic lol
currently watching: the x files
currently craving: a really big really nice buttercream cake
tea or coffee: coffee 100000%
no pressure tags: @ovaryacted @d1stalker @superhoeva @punkshort @almostfoxglove 🫶🏻
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
Lee branch Ler poppy?
✿.。.:* ☆:**:. I don't usually write these types of fanfics (bc I have no idea how romantic relationships work and I feel like I'm going to be offending someone *cough cough* Can you tell I've been single for too damn long I just got a partner ya'll) But this one turned out well and I think I did good. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Warnings: Tickling, idk if there's anything else ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Pairings: Lee!Branch & Ler!Poppy ✰✰✰ The scent of vanilla frosting and citrus blossoms lingered in the air as Poppy knelt beside the wicker hamper, unpacking their honeymoon picnic. Branch, still sporting a drowsy smile from their afternoon nap, stretched languidly on the checkered blanket.
"Honeymoon picnic under the stars? You're spoiling me," Branch said, his voice thick with sleep. Poppy winked. "Just a little something to tide you over until dinner." She produced a plate piled high with fluffy sugar cookies, their edges dusted with pink and lavender sprinkles. "Besides, I figured we could use a little more laughter after that wedding cake incident."
Branch chuckled, remembering the buttercream frosting that ended up adorning not just their faces, but a bewildered-looking groomsman's toupee as well.
As Poppy settled beside him, a playful glint lit up her eyes. "Remember that time we had a tickle fight after we got your brothers back and settled in?"
Branch's smile widened. "How could I forget? You had me begging for mercy in front of them."
"Maybe it's time for a rematch, twig," Poppy said, her voice teasing.
Before Branch could react, she darted under his arm, sending shivers down his spine with her feathery touch. Squealing with laughter, he lunged for her, tackling her playfully onto the blanket. A flurry of tickles erupted as Poppy squirmed, her giggles echoing in the twilight.
Branch, emboldened by her laughter, went for her most sensitive spots - her sides, her knees, the soft skin behind her neck. Poppy shrieked, doubling over, tears welling up in her eyes from a mixture of mirth and breathlessness.
"W-wait! I surrender!" she gasped, waving a white napkin.
Branch, catching his breath, leaned back, a victorious grin on his face. "Just admit defeat, my love."
Poppy, wiping a stray tear, playfully swatted at his arm. "Alright, alright. You win this round. But don't think this is over."
As they lay there, chests heaving with laughter, a comfortable silence settled between them. The fireflies began to twinkle on, like tiny stars scattered across the deepening blue canvas of the night sky.
Branch wrapped his arm around Poppy, pulling her close. "You know," he murmured, "being your husband is even better than I imagined."
Poppy snuggled closer, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Being your wife," she whispered, "is turning out to be quite the adventure."
They gazed up at the star-dusted sky, hand in hand, the promise of a lifetime of laughter and love twinkling alongside the fireflies. The tickle fight might have been over, but the playful affection that bloomed between them, like the sweetness of frosting on a summer night, was just beginning. ✰✰✰ ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. EEEEEEE I love getting requests like this one it's so refreshing to have to write something other than a college letter. (ya boy is ✨struggling✨)
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cha-melodius · 4 months
Has anyone done Director’s Cut for All the Old Showstoppers yet? I don’t have anything specific, just your favorite tidbits from the story or something?
I reread it over coffee this morning and it inspired a lemon olive oil cake, so’s you know ;)
Hello my dear!! I believe you saw my other discussion of this fic in a previous ask, but I'll link it again here. I love that it inspired you to bake!! God, writing this fic made me so hungry. 😂 In that spirit, I'd like to talk about the recipes/baked goods in All the Old Showstoppers.
I did a lot of looking at previous Celebrity Bake Off challenges to try to figure out what they might get as challenges. Generally, they're easier than the main Bake Off challenges, but they've definitely been getting tougher! I wrote the part where Henry is practicing macarons before they actually put macarons in the Celebrity Bake Off in the recent season, lol.
On Bake Off they have the contestants bake a Victoria sponge before the competition starts to test the equipment. I suspect (but do not know for sure) that some celebrities get a crash course in baking at this point, too. Victoria sponge was, of course, a perfect opportunity for a joke about Queen Victoria.
Signature: sweet pies. I knew from the beginning that Alex's would be a pecan pie with a bourbon kick because Alex is a bourbon drinker. It seemed reasonable it could be a Grandma Claremont recipe, while he'd honor his Mexican relatives in a later challenge. Henry's I chose kind of at random after browsing pie recipes on BBC Good Food, but also for the ripe opportunities for apple pie jokes.
Technical: I wanted it to be meringue-based because of the potential timing issues, and also to play off Henry's macaron technique. I considered pavlova but then discovered these little Petit Merveilleux which seemed exactly like the thing they'd put in a Bake Off technical.
Showstopper: tiered cakes. I needed Henry to make a giant cake (iykyk), and I knew I wanted it to be a tribute to Arthur. The jaffa cake-inspired recipe was all me daydreaming, but I'd love to make one sometime. Alex's cake being tres leches for his Abuela Diaz also seemed like a gimme but, as he says in the fic, it doesn't make for good tiering or carving. I found some Mexican food blogger that had done a cinnamon cake with cajeta buttercream and it felt perfect. I can't actually remember where the strawberry-guava jam filling idea came from?
(Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut)
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sheepywritesfics · 5 months
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Hey everybody ☺️👋!
Thanks so much for tagging me, @bigassbowlingballhead and @magicandarchery !
Even though Twitter is a certified Bad Place, every now and then rwrb Twitter will have these addictive little fanart/fanfic trends that I can't help but get swept up in, like that time Elliott and Marco first became another crackship for me to get heavily invested in like Shenry hahaha 🤭.
All this to say that I'm a proud chubby Henry truther, who's loving writing all of this body worship in my a/b/o Firstprince fic right now.
"We should come up with a safe word in case either of us does something the other finds uncomfortable," Henry murmurs while Alex unlaces the corset he's wearing, eyes fluttering and the softest sighs of relief leaving his lips at the great decrease in pressure.
Alex hums his agreement as he straightens back up to look Henry in the eyes afterward, failing to fight off the large giddy smile overtaking his face as he sees in real time the moment they both come up with the same word simultaneously, the mutual wavelength shining bright and happy between them.
Alex opens his mouth to tease Henry for it only for his thoughts to derail immediately at all of the silky skin now being revealed to him; bewitched by the way Henry's tummy, decorated with stretchmarks that travel from the bottom of his tummy towards the curve of his ass, spills out on top of his spread thighs along with his plump chest with wide areolas and dark fat nipples.
"Buttercream, the word should be buttercream," Henry continues, cheeks hot and rosey while smiling small and bashful at the without a doubt goofy look now on Alex's face, thanks to the way his hand delightfully sinks into the skin of Henry right breast after the other man silently grabs and then slowly guides it towards himself.
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mayberrycryptid · 2 years
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pix credit is @tailsticks on instagram. please keep credit if reblogging!
Mr. Pickles agrees - March 10th should be Hawaii Five-0 Day!!!
Which means we have roughly 100 days until we celebrate Steve’s birthday AND our awesome show! 🤙🍤❤️🤙🍤
I’m gonna throw out some ideas and see what the Hawaii Five-Ohana wants to do?
also, also - I’m either super organized or a complete mess (my disabilty comes with its own randomizer chart. yay!!!) so I will do my best to keep posting reminders—but y’all have been warned😂😂😂
I know other fandoms have re-watch parties. We could watch the pilot and one other episode? I have NO idea how other fandoms do this, so if anybody knows how this works…
I do have digital copies of all the episodes. I could put the pilot and the ‘top ten’ episodes in google drive. Then we could take a survey of what the second episode for the rewatch party will be? would that work?
if so, then I need a list of what y’all think the top ten episodes (besides the pilot) are!
Would y’all like to do a bingo card challenge? I could post bingo cards in January, so people have plenty of time to make stuff!
If so, then what about saying anything goes for the bingo challenge—fic, art, photos, vids, etc. What do y’all think?
Another thing that might be fun is all of us doing ‘3 recs and 10 things’ posts that day:
3 recs for cool H50 fan stuff (3 great fanvids, 3 favorite fanfics, etc)
10 things from show (10 funny moments, 10 whump moments, 10 ohana moments, etc)
again, what does the Hawaii Five-Ohana think? would that be a fun but easy way to celebrate 3-10?
things we really need: Some March 10th graphics and pix, cheerleaders and rebloggers, and enthusiasm! and maybe a Camaro😁
sadly, I can think of no way to gift every amazing person is this fandom their very own buttercream grenade-shaped cake. Although I guess we could pass the salt…
any other ideas or things or challenges? Something you think would be fun or cool to do?
Lets throw our fandom — and Steve —the biggest birthday ever!!!!🥳🎂🥳🎂🥳
I tagged as many H50 blogs both past and present as I could but tumblr only allows 50 blogs so…
@five-wow @stephmcx @cowandcalf @alohaspaceman @kristen9999 @hawaiifiveoh @teruel-a-witch @ellena-asg @baci2244 @trickster-archangel @bgharison @comfortfromyourpain @stellagioia @mcdannowave @mcdannoangelwolf @ankhsunamun @redgoldblue @anastablack @gatorasmus @incorrect-mcdanno @rahiodead @cowboymitchell @jacksadventuresinwriting @allh50allthetime @h50europe @h50bigbang @h50bamf @itsmrvlxh50 @fyeahstevemcgarrett @acceptanceispending @bubblegumorthemoon @indiguus @mahalohanaloha @power-bottom-steve @danny-williams @twoonezero @merlin-wolfgang-trades-hale @bee1968-ch @the-itzy-bitzy-spider @confessionofashopaholic-blog @simplyn2deep @murphyhatesme @angels-c @chaosrising451 @grindy-cog @ilikemcdanno @annanight @mymcdanno @iolani-palace @peggyswilliams
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princesspuresarahk · 2 months
Meg Fanfic
Chapter: 4 Fun time shopping!
There are so many things to do they were showing some new perfume and makeup samples at Meg and Donna got to try and buy a few with Meg trying on these dusty pink lips that went lovely with her pale features and perfumes called Lovely English Rose and Buttercream Spice "Oh it smells so good," Meg sniffed in aww spraying a bit on her wrist enjoying the scented hints of vanilla, cinnamon and Star Ansie, Donna was enjoying one called sweet Autumn mornings smelling like a fresh mist of autumn leaves and cranberries "Ohh Cleveland you are gonna love this when you get back," Meg enjoyed the scent of the perfumes, unlike those cheap perfumes she is used to smelling.
Plus, they are much better than what "perfumes" her family gave her. They smell like grandmothers would wear or extremely cheap ones that smell really bad when you put too much on Meg shakes her head to get rid of the memories of those awful smells.
To distract her mind she caught sight of the new costume shop that had a selection of pretty cool costumes "Hey Donna let's go check out the new costume shop I heard they have cool things in there," pointing to the direction of Madam Masquerade's seasonal costume and props boutique "Ooooo~ That looks nice." Donna chorused. Walking inside they "ooooooohhh!" At the site before them costumes everywhere in beautiful colors and decorated with pretty lace and trim covered with sparkles and beads and little diamonds they were cute jester and clown costumes with beautiful masks that resembled Venetian carnival masks of all different sizes and designs, costume jewelry suits of and gowns oh goodness the gowns were gorgeous, especially with some that had Disney princess themes to it some covered with ribbons and little flowers and sparkles that when trying on can't help but it makes you feel like a princess they're even animal theme costumes and creatures for the Halloween festivities Meg's eyes practically sparkled when she sees the amazing costumes around her. She has never seen many options in one store."Come on let's try some on!" She said cheerfully as she and Donna looked through the racks of dresses picking out they like and heading towards the dressing room to try them on "Alright, Meg." Donna responded as she looked through the racks.
The first dress Meg came out in was a silver-blue Cinderella theme dress filled with puffy ruffles and sparkles Meg looked at herself giving the dress a beautiful twirl "What did you find Donna?" Donna comes out, wearing a winter-style pink Princess Aurora dress that is lined with fur. "This is beautiful~" She beamed. Meg thought so too"It looks amazing on you Donna," she beamed Donna smiled when she heard that. "Thank you, Meg." She replied. next one was a Rapunzel-inspired dress with pretty shades of purple and pink with white lace sleeves and neck the material was soft and velvet with the colors matching Meg blue violet eyes "Ooooo, girl~ You look amazing~" Donna is so impressed on how the dress fits well on Meg. "thank you," she blushed she never knew she could have so much fun shopping with Donna "oh I just remembered we'll be having a costume party this Halloween and this just gave me the perfect idea for the theme Fairy tales and Spooky Tales!" Meg did hear the Browns we're hosting a neighborhood Halloween party this year and a fairy tale-themed party with telling spooky stories does sound fun “Really? That sounds great!” Meg said they continued trying on costumes one costume Donna tried on was a gorgeous Greek-style dress made with different shades of purple and gold trimming Meg’s eyes glimmered when she saw the amazed. “Wow~,” She said in astonishment."That looks beautiful on you Donna you look a queen all you need is a crown to go with it!"The older woman smiled at the compliment; looking in the mirror she could tell this was the one! All she needs now is to find a custom for Cleveland Meg looks at other costumes in the store to see if there’s another one with a great style she finds a snow white inspired dress covered in soft lace and velvet material they were all so beautiful she couldn't decide what she liked most!
Meg is amazed by the design. It looks like it was crafted by hand. She looks at the other costumes. Looking around she came across a display of tiaras that had beautiful designs on them that looked so real it couldn't be like seeing a real crown a princess or a queen could wear one of them was decorated with gold and dark violet diamonds all over, it would be fit for a queen "hey Donna I think I found a crown for your costume," beckoning Donna over as Meg looked over the pretty crowns trying on one with rainbow diamonds decorated with an aquamarine surrounded by pearls and pink rubies on it with its surrounded little diamonds all over it "Oh my!" Donna looks at the tiara in awe. "This will go great!" She beamed. She tries it on while holding her costume against her amazed at the combination "You really look like a queen in this!" And Donna did if she were in a fairy tale Meg could see Donna it's a powerful strong loving Queen in a beautiful land where everyone is happy full of laughter and loved by all "I am so glad that you have found this, Meg!" Donna said.
It wasn't long till Meg picked her dress and chose the pretty rainbow tiara for it that both she and Donna continued their shopping enjoying each other's company it was nearing lunchtime so they decided to head to the food court for a snack and something to drink Donna looks through all of the menus throughout the food court. "What do you want, Meg?" She asked.
Meg looked over "A gooey stuffed baked cheese pretzel sounds good oh and sparkling raspberry water sounds nice too," Donna looked intrigued. "That sounds delicious."
They ordered a nice hot pretzel fresh from the oven stuffed with delicious cheese and fresh sparkling cool water to quench their thirst before finding a table to relax and giving their arms a break from carrying their bags and began to chat with Meg asking something on her mind "hey Donna I hope you don't mind me asking but how did you and Cleveland met you guys seem to love each other so much from what I heard from my family at your wedding you guys were childhood best friends?"
Donna smiles a bit. "Well, it was a lot more than that." Meg raised a brow "Oh how so?" Was there something more to their friendship?
“You will find out one day.” Donna deflected.
So they can continue talking about other things making each other laugh Meg even discusses their having a bowling team together but Donna finds a fun idea so busy talking they don't realize Roberta and Federline Jones are also at the food court until Donna notices them waving them down "hey Roberta hello Federline we didn't expect to see you two here how's your day date going?" She said with Meg waving a hello a couple was also holding some drinks and seemed to having a break as well “Oh hey, Mom. Hey, Meg.” Roberta casually greeted. “It’s been goin’ good.”
Meg smiled seeing the couple share a sweet moment while explaining to daughter about the plans for the theme of the party Roberta let out a squeal in excitement "Finally something we can do together as a couple of Federline come on sweetie we got to go find a couple of costumes see you later Mom bye Meg!," quickly she ran off with Federline arm and arm to go search for the perfect couple costume as her boyfriend yelled out "woah Roberta baby slow down I'm still carrying all your things I'm gonna spill my boba tea!" Causing Meg and Donna to giggle watching them leave.
The younger woman starts to wonder if she would have a partner as well. However, it feels like wishful thinking at this point. It was something she made peace about a while back and for now, it was okay to be alone she got to have a new friend who cares and makes her happy as Meg looks at other stores that she and Donna could go to.
Later after going too many stores and exploring amazing stuff it was nearing late afternoon so the two decided to call it a day heading back to the car and driving off home both were a bit tired from walking around the mall all day.
Meg yawns a bit as she starts to shake off the tiredness.
"you alright Meg?" Donna asked noticing Meg's sleepy eyes
"Yeah. Just a bit tired." she yawned.
Donna nearly let out a yawn herself the long day and cold weather were making her tired too "Hey how bout after we get home we grab our PJs and have a movie night sound fun?" Meg smiles at Donna's plan. "I would like that." She grinned.
Once they arrived home Meg quickly rushed back to the house with her things heading to the back of the house for the extra, extra secret key that her Lois, Chris, and herself knew about due to Peter constantly losing it from his stupidity or drunken shenanigans so they placed one by the rose bushes hidden under a rock. Carefully to avoid the thorns Meg gently lifted the rock scooping the key before opening the door and letting herself in
The house was very quiet and peaceful and she walked in feeling so different when her family is around not so much chaos from Peter and emotional stress from Lois with mischief from her brothers and Brain lounging about with a drink in his hand remembering the time when he was The voice of reason for this family helping it keep under control. Again shaking those thoughts away Meg made her way upstairs to put her stuff away keeping it hidden in inner special spots out of her family's eyes and hands before stripping out of all her clothes and rushing to the bathroom for a quick hot shower not wanting to keep Donna waiting after a quick rinse off smelling like vanilla and roses dressed in some fresh underwear and dressing in a dusty pink night dress with guipure lace panel puff sleeves material being stretchy and soft perfect comfort for a chilly night.
Putting on her bedroom slippers she grabbed a blanket for comfort he made her way down the stairs heading out the back again closing the door and putting back the key into its hiding place by then the wind had started to pick up getting chillier as sprinkles of rain hitting Meg's face "Burrr... Oh it's so cold so cold I better hurry," she shivered hugging her blanket tightly she made her way across the street towards the Browns residence Donna opening the door just in time to let her in Meg let out another shiver from the cold her cheeks rosier and pinker from the chill from the Northern wind “Ohhh! So chilly out there.” Donna shivered. “Quickly come in before you catch a cold.” as a heavy breeze blew against Meg
"Oooh!" Meg gasped as she rushed inside from the cold evening air the sprinkling soon became heavy and a clap of thunder echoed 'ka-boom!' in the dark sky "I hope you brought an appetite since it's just us tonight I thought to order us some Pizza as a treat,"
"Oh that sounds wonderful," Meg smiled as she and Donna got comfortable on the couch's warm blankets looking for a show to watch.
Meg looks at the endless options, unsure which to pick. It was then she came across the Studio Ghibli selection
She heard of Kiki's delivery service and My Neighbor Totoro but never got a chance to watch them “Let’s see that, Donna”, Mega suggested to her older woman "Oh Roberta and Rallo up this one is a sweet and adorable movie," Donna commented on the good choice as they both snuggled up on the couch as the song Stroll began playing
🎶Hey, let's go! Hey, let's go!
I'm happy as can be
Let's go walking, you and me
Ready, set, come on, let's go!
Over the hill, across the field
Through the tunnel we'll go
We'll run across the bridge
And down the bumpy gravel road
Creep beneath the spider's web
Ready, set, let's go! 🎶
Meg smiles as she listens to the theme, feeling a sense of peace. They laughed and were awed at the cute scene and cried at the emotional scenes by the middle of the movie when the girls were meeting Totoro by the bus station their pizza arrives "Here you go ladies on large pepperoni and two sodas it's $7.34 oh also we liked to give you free cheesy bread our last customer wasn't changed their mind last minute so we give them to next customer free on the house," he said with a kind smile both Donna and Meg touched by the sweetness of delivery man "why thank you young man that is very sweet of you here's the money and a tip be safe out there," she thanked giving the man the payment for the pizza and $20 tip making the man's smile brighten "wow thank you have a good night and be blessed," he said before walking back to his car silently giving a cheer to himself for the good tip he received!
Meg waved to the delivery man as he left. She admits that he does look a bit cute. Thankfully the cold hitting her face hid her light blush and made her way back inside they settled down back on the couch to continue their movie and Meg secretly admitted she really did love this time with Donna rather than her family.
They continue the night watching movies together from Pirates of the Caribbean to a spooky movie The Wolfman after getting a little too spooked by the movie when it is over watch another Sweet Ghibli movie Howl's Moving Castle both Meg and Donna find very sweet and romantic they were getting to the part where Sophie reunites with Howl again Roberta came home on time "hey Mom I'm home I'll see you later Federline," she called out giving her boyfriend a blow kiss goodbye before closing the door with her things "Welcome back, Roberta. How was your date?" Donna quizzed her.
"It was great Mom, Federline and I had a good time," she replied shrugging off her coat and letting out a shiver from the cold "I'm going to go ahead upstairs for a hot shower and head to bed I'm bushed I'll see you later," she waved off as Donna and Meg resumed their movie and wishing Roberta good night.
The movie is looking so good, especially with the animation. Meg tends to think what if she lives like that? Living in a beautiful peaceful place filled with wildflowers animals and interesting towns and cities that may have a few witches, goblins and magic but hey it would be an amazing Paradise it feels so relaxing and beautiful to be in. An amazing fantasy to live in.
Later the film came to its ending as Howl and Sophie flew off in their flying home happily in love Meg unknowingly fell asleep on the couch with a sweet smile on her lip full of sweet dreams of magical lands and adventure.
Donna looks at her before putting a blanket over her, smiling at how comfortable and peaceful Meg looks.
The next morning.
Meg awoke after having the most peaceful sleep she had in a long time, the peaking out of the window showed a soft glow and as she looked down saw that she was tucked in a big soft fluffy pink blanket. Looking around she realized she was still at the Brown's house she must've fallen asleep last night and where's Donna?
"Meg~! Get ready for breakfast~!" She heard Donna from the kitchen.
(Oh she must be up already,) Meg thought as she slowly got up stretching giving her back a satisfying 'POP'!
Making her way to what she believed was the kitchen with the smell of fresh coffee in the air and the smell of something good cooking.
"Good morning Donna," Meg greeted with a sleepy smile as Donna was pouring some coffee into a cup with one already in the other being her own "Good morning Meg did you sleep well?" She replied handing Meg her cup who added some cream and a little bit of sugar in hers.
"Yes, I did, Donna. And you?" Meg asked her.
"had a very good sleep though it did feel slightly empty without Cleveland I swear that man is like a big warm teddy bear hahaha," she giggled remembering how they would cuddle up together on cold nights like last night she hoped her husband and the boys are doing ok out there on their trip "anyway I hope you like porridge it's still chilly outside and thought something nice warm and hot can warm us up with our coffee," presenting a tray with two bowls full of hot steaming porridge with milk and cream to pour in with fresh honey and side of berries and nuts to add as toppings.
"Oh my, Donna. These look amazing to eat" Meg praised.
They sat down together enjoying the morning like the day before full of happy smiles and joy of the new family friendship.
"And if you need someone to talk to or anything or some kind of trouble or help you are always welcome to come stay here if you need to Meg," Donna commented during the dishes Meg happily helped out after talking about if Meg ever has trouble with her 'family' she'll be welcome at the Brown in case there's trouble. "That... is great to know, Donna. I am glad to hear that." Meg beamed. It feels refreshing that there is at least one person she can count on.'
what happens next in Chapter: 5 Lets go for a drive! a phone call from Lois? credit to the beautiful Taffy aka www.tumblr.com/queenofcandynso… for being part of this fanfic : )
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supahsaucemann · 1 year
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Destiny Is Never Left to Chance
Only those who have power can decide!
Xehanort Prime
Master Xehanort's superego, lingering desire for power, and deep hatred of Sora and the weak . . . incarnate . . . melted off the original after he defeat, claiming to be the TRUE Xehanort
Read Below for the Fanfic lore of Xehanort Prime
This is the Xehanort everyone knows and hates
This incarnation of Xehanort was "revived" by Brothmancer
Lord Buttercream was enticed by the drama and insanity of the Kingdom Hearts universe and created a sorta "Castle Oblivion-like" pocket dimension, created by the bad memories of the Sora's friends for his entertainment. He also used Xavier, a true hero of darkness, to stir up drama in this world, hoping to see Sora's friends go after Xavier for being the spawn of Xehanort and the Heartless, blaming him for Sora's fate.
Lord Buttercream tasked Dr. Brainfreeze and Brothmancer to study the KH world and it's secrets to make this "stage" possible. They created replicas of there own and two of them where the REAL Young Xehanort, who was timetraveling his was back after his "defeat" in KH3. With his hatred and envy of Sora becoming the "Child of Destiny" still buring in his heart and he memories of said hatred, Brainfreeze and Brothmancer use them to recreate the Master Xehanort we all know and hated, dubbed Xehanort PRIME!
This incarnation of the old master STILL has his delusions of grandeur, STILL wanting the power of Kingdome Hearts to remake the world. He also had all of his memories, includign the events of Dark Road. He muses of Aqua's hatred for darkness, comparing her to Vidar, and even berating Baldr from the beyond for being too weak to summon Kingdome Hearts. Xehanort Prime also loathes his old self for surrendering to Eraqus and relinquishing the X-blade to Sora at the end of KH3, denying it ever happened and claiming his "revivial" was all part of his plan for conquest.
First Phase: Dictator Of Destiny
The first form is his usual garb, but with occasional flaming arms and legs of pure light. In battle, a mini Kingdom Hearts is seen on his chest, similar to the Heartless symbol on Ansem SoD. He's eyes will also glow pure white, unlike his golden Heartless eyes, indicating this is NOT under the influences of darkness, but something far worse.
Second Phase: Symbol of Perfection
His second form takes the appearance of "Kingdom Hearts" with his ugly mug merged into it. This is NOT the real Kingdom Hearts, but a replica also created by the Light Order to fool Xehnanort Prime into thinking he's obtained it's power once again.
Third Phase: HeartBreaker
The final form is Xehanort's face, broken after the previous phase. Now enraged, light heart veins spread, forming the faces of the main seekers in the shape of a giant heart. Xehanort Prime becomes angry and childish, claiming to be the Child of Destiny, takes his anger out on Xavier and Sora's friends. He could summons the seekers and light versions of the Xehanort Replicas and Demon Towers, which Xavier could use against Prime to stop his rampage.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
I have nothing to ask. Just came to say I'm in love with Renji and Renji/Rukia ship which has reignited my Bleach love and I appreciate ya'll very very much. Thank you<3
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It's an exciting time to be a fan, with the new anime back! The current Renruki sub-fandom is fairly small and quiet, but everyone is very nice, and we're lucky to have some very talented people. The TYBW was such a great arc both for Renji and Renruki as a tag team, I've been really optimistic that we'll get some new and returning fans (maybe even...some new fanfic writers??? or artists? hope springs eternal!! I'm also just happy to have people bring their enthusiasm and wonderful selves) In other words, welcome!!! We're so glad you're here!!!
For you and any other new Renruki shippers that might be reading this, I hope you know that we are just spinning up plans for a Renruki week in January. You can follow @renrukiweek (and RenrukiWeek on Twitter) We're currently running some interest polls for prompts, and we'd love to get your input.
We've also got a Renruki Discord server. It's very chill, and a good opportunity to get sneak peaks at fanfic and fanart or to gush about an AU you've got in mind. We've even got a baking channel if you need advice on your pie crust or want to show off your buttercream piping. [Note: Discord invite links expire, so if this post if more than a week old, feel free to DM me or reply to this post for a fresh one]
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kalmiaphlox · 4 months
Get to Know You - Tag Game
Mnay thanks for the tag, @ladyduellist! ❤❤
Last song you listened to:  Weathertop from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. It has been on repeat all day, I'm ready to fight the Ringwraiths!
Favorite color:  Royal blue or a bright, vibrant red
Currently watching: Northenlion playing Balatro on youtube haha
Favorite flavor: A high quality milk chocolate
Current obsession: Adding music to my thematic playlist for my fic
Last thing I googled: 5e Bronze Dragon statblock (I have it bookmarked yet I still google it)
Favorite season: Fall for the clothes, spring for the flowers
Skill I’d like to learn: Buttercream flowers, I have all the supplies, I just need to do it!
Best Advice: Don't write a whole 100k+ fanfic on your phone. It will ruin your hands and wrists.
@spagyricqueen, @busy-baker, @tadpoleatemybrain, @cassieuncaged if any of you so feel like ❤😘🦎
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suddenlymicah · 10 months
i love fanfic because it teaches me how to make buttercream
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girlwithakiwi · 2 years
ten first lines game!
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
(I’ve included some WIP in here just because there’s a few years gap between my most recent batch of fics and the last batch)
Tagging: @evax3 @arielchelby and honestly, anyone who would like to give it a go!
1.) “The smell of burning flesh lingers in the air.” - the gather, the bend, the bringing forth
2.) “…are you asleep yet, little one?” - interlude: la danse d’hiver
3.) “If the girls would have told her that she’d end the night with her back pressed against the door of her hotel room, wet and gasping and needy as hell, while a nameless man kisses her breathless, her legs damn near wrapped around his waist as she fumbles for her phone, a key, a condom she knows she doesn’t have, any-fucking-thing, she would have laughed at them and called them all horny, lying bitches.” - the silhouette of a single memory
4.) “Westeros is not as Dany dreamed it would be.“ - never let me go
5.) “The city of Winterfell is frosted with the shimmering buttercream of snow, holiday lights still sparkling like wrapped confections beneath glassy layers of ice.” - let the dreams be merciful, and full of snow
6.) “Rhaenyra thinks it an ill omen to wed on a floor still sticky with the blood of her now-husband’s dead lover.” - the horns of jericho
7.) “Alicent Hightower is not a liar.” - queens and vagabonds
8.) “It hurts.” - where ruin also exists
9.) “Daenerys Targaryen has never loathed snow, winter, the city of Winterfell, the changing of the seasons, the particular shade of blue carpet that winds through the airport, or this goddamned “your friend in the the skies!” airline as much she loathes them all at this very moment.” - like freedom, like rosemary and thyme
10.) “Dear diary—today the world as I knew it ended.” - all the ground beneath like tears and blood
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Dragon’s Valley thingies Part 1:
Alright Devsis, you are mostly forgiven for not doing anything for Wildberry’s b day.
Surprised to learn Fire Spirit wasn't the only cookie to make a deal with Pitaya.
Yeah, there’s a Potterhead at Devsis.
It’s probably a running gag by now that Holly goes out to do a thing, and Jungleberry has WIld stalk her to make sure she doesn’t die.
Love how Wild was all set to kill Pitaya at least 3 times just cause they insulted his mama.
Dang, Pitaya’s hair looks so floofy when you see it from the back.
So Dark Enchantress hording all that Life Energy was apparently to make her own dragon.
I doubt it’s the same dragon that Holly fought near the end of the Odyssey arc, but who knows?  
Dunno why, but Wild giving Pitaya a dumb alias just to mess with them gave off sibling energy.
And then Holly just decides on Pitaya Cookie, which hilariously ruins the point of them having an alias.
Random Prune Juice cameo....?
Seems like Devsis has a How to Train Your Dragon fan on the team too.
Every time Wild calls Holly Sweet Pinkyberry it sounds like a part of his brain just died. 
HOLLY. HAS. AN EX?!?! (I think?)
Ohhh the fanficers are gonna be eating GOOOOD. 
I’m afraid to learn what those cookies meant when they said Royal Meringue is the last of the dragon riders. 
Tarte Tatin almost looks like a Pirates of the Caribbean cosplayer.
It is pretty cute that Hollyberry’s known her since she was a kid.
Funny seeing Holly experiencing what it’s like to have to deal with a drunk cookie for once.
The way they pronounce wyvern sounds so wrong. 
Unless it’s me who’s been saying it wrong this whole time.
Oh and Buttercream is adorable.
And I don’t know about you, but that ending animated cutscene for Chap 2 was really haunting.
Ok guess it’s not the cake dragon from Odyssey.
Tarte heading off on what’s obviously a suicide mission after finding that the dragon killed almost all the hunters was really good.
Awww Wild’s not going to take down the dragon?
At least we get a cute mother-son moment with him and Holly. 
And looks like Wildberry’s gonna have to deal with a newly hatched baby dragon.
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kayedium-writes · 1 year
MCU Masterlist: (Updated 6/19/23)
Below, you'll find links to all of my MCU-related fanfics currently on AO3, rated, with summaries included, sorted by ship.
Will be updated as regularly as possible. Any nsfw content that may be listed below is for my adult readers only, from an adult writer!
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Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
One Shots:
Just a Dream. Rated G. Canon Divergent AU.
Peggy's sleep is disturbed by a nightmare. One that involved a very different ending for her and Steve.
Radio. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
One thing there was always time for doing: dancing.
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Peggy Carter x Natasha Romanoff
Current WIPs:
Brief Moments in Time. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Stolen domestic moments between Peggy and Natasha when the problems of the world allow them to happen as Peggy continues adjusting to life in the 21st century.
One Shots:
A Fragile Thing. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Natasha wants to say it, it's on the tip of her tongue, but she can't bring herself to tell Peggy how she feels yet. She can, however, tell her a few stories about the scars that decorate her body.
Truth and Lies. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
It wasn't discomfort with their cover story that had Peggy most concerned. No, it was quite the opposite.
Persistent Insistence. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Despite Natasha's best efforts to hide out at home alone after a mission gone wrong, a series of knocks at her door and one super soldier interrupt those plans. Not that she minds.
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Bruce Banner x Jane Foster
One Shots:
Buttercream Betrayal. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU - Pre-Thor.
Jane was dead set on not celebrating her birthday, which was precisely why Bruce was buying her a cake anyway.
Among the Wildflowers. Rated G. Canon Divergent AU - Jane Lives.
Bruce and Jane have a moment to bask in the sunset in a field of flowers.
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Jane Foster x Valkyrie
One Shots:
Perfection. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
All Jane wanted was to hit all of her targets...
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