#butt trumpet
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little qsmp eggies my bf ( @dudeboring ) made for me!!!
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dracothelizard · 4 months
So @werewolf-transgenderism is doing medieval art commissions for donations to Gaza-related fundraiders and who can resist the lure of the infamous Penis Tree Nun???
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(For people who are not familiar with the medieval marginalia where a nun is picking a penis from the penis tree, enjoy learning a new thing!)
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chaos-has-theories · 4 months
I have had a VERY SUCCESSFUL MORNING. See, I found this gif online -
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So clearly I had to find out who made it. And I DID.
It's by @nicesausages, and yes, there's more.
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BUT! (butt.) Turns out the gifs are taken from a video by @kiszkiloszki:
The characters are taken from pictures of mauscripts posted by @discardingimages.
And they are in turn just released a game about these figures on Steam.
I think I'm getting a good grade in librarianing. I definitely know what game to get next.
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steakout-05 · 11 months
going on the "do not derail" tag on tumblr is really funny sometimes because a lot of them will be a post that says something seemingly random like "asshole trumpet solo brmp brmp" or something, and then the tags will be like "THIS POST IS ABOUT THE SOCIETAL AND CULTURAL IMPACT OF DANTE'S INFERNO!! DO NOT DERAIL" and i'm obviously exaggerating but like. it's jarring seeing the most vague bizarre posts ever actually being about something extremely specific that i just. Don't Know About
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nightkitchentarot · 5 months
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Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle, violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work, grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace, treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy.
That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame.
No, I do not "respect your choices," nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong.
Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is renounce yourselves.
--Advocatus Peregrini
...this is as true now as when this was originally written in 2019.
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sulfursmells · 2 months
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Level Up
A loud trumpet blast hits your face, an eggy smell making its way up your nose. A bet, it was a dumb bet that I didn’t think I could lose but here I am. A few inches from Brett’s bubble butt constantly blasting my face. Singeing my nose hair and blowing back my hair. Fogging up my glasses only for the spray of sweat glistening down his cheeks clearing the fog.
“Alright boys here comes another one” Brett says to his gaming buds on the mic.
“Oh that one was smaller than I thought. Lucky y… “ A loud gurgle interrupted a Brett as a devilish grin grew on his face. You couldn’t see his face but you were shaking in fear of what was to come. “Guess your luck has just run out. Listen to this one boys” Brett says. The smell hitting you before you even hear the blast begin.
First it was dry and loud, akin to an orchestra loud and overpowering. A horrid smell but nothing you’re not already used to. After a two minute uproar it was still going strong but got quoted and wetter spraying your face with sweat. The air quality only getting worse as the smell of a barn begins sweeping throughout the room.
“You bro it sounds sick. Be happy y’all aren’t here!” Brett says laughing with each breath.
At minute five you thought it was over quiet apart from Brett’s laughter and then a sight of relief broke his laughter. A vile smell the worst thing you’ve ever smelled entered your nose. You kept gagging not being able to breathe until everything went dark. Brett still ripping for another minute before realizing he couldn’t feel your breath hitting his cheeks anymore.
“Oh look like he passed out. Well that doesn’t mean I stop”
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onyichii · 4 months
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Shushu Possessed Amalia Doodles
Can Yugo save Amalia (and the kingdom)? Or will she be lost forever to the power of the shushu?
This idea came to me as I was designing a dress for an AU Yugo x Amalia drawing (I'm still working on). I have 7 dress concepts for this drawing. However, this dress design was...🤔...sexy and domineering...and kind of felt a little evil (after I colored it black).
Thus SHUSHU AMALIA was born!
Shushu Amalia is the embodiment of dangerous plants. The tree horns growing from her head are a symbol of how much control the shushu has. Plus, they have a poisonous sap. Touch them and you're a goner.
All plant life Shushu Amalia creates is poisonous. And yes, even her clothes are poisonous too. so you can't touch her (with your bare hands).
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Her clothes are also based on poisonous plants and flowers. We have (from left to right) the…
Daffodil dress: Yellow petal collar and bra with a double split leaf dress (⭐ this is my favorite and the dress that started it all!)
Foxglove unitard: Fuchsia petal sleeve dark green romper with dark green thigh highs. (Her butts so big it makes the romper look like a unitard)
Deadly Nightshade pant set: Purple petal crop top with purple bellbottom floral pants. This style is kind of giving Megan the Stallion! Haha
Castor Bean skirt set: Castor Leaf top+ leaf skirt with red castor bean spikey earrings + thorn choker
I also drew an Uma Thurman inspired Poison Ivy outfit—which was a fun idea. I could see that as her battle outfit tbh. I also added a tiny redesign of her current outfit but with a poison ivy leaf belt.
I do have a dress based on Angel Trumpet (poisonous flower) but it's cute and I don't want to put evil Amalia in it. But then the irony of evil Amalia in a cute dress is also fun. It reminds me of evil people ironically wearing bright colors like white or pink. I might post the concept art when I finish my Yumalia drawing.
I tried to make her demon marks leaf-or-tree-like but went back and made it regular. I should have used a smaller brush for the leaf vein demon marking 🤦‍♀️
We also have a chibi shushu Amalia with an Aurora voodoo doll. she is about to impale her ☠️. The shushu is also not a fan of Aurora and her daddy.
I had fun with this. Thinking of outfits was challenging but fun! I love drawing revealing clothing—and it was fun dressing her up in sexy clothes to murder her enemies and manipulate minds.
I kinda wanted to put mushrooms on her feet as a sign that she is infected. But didn't...oh well. Instead, imagine she leaves behind deadly mushrooms as she walks.
She is my demonic plant queen. 💚😈💜
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The Senior: A Night in a Hotel Room
(The last Re-Upload)
Chase and I continued our interesting relationship after the events that took place after the choir concert. But the holidays are always a busy time, even during school. I had projects to complete and so did Chase, our daily routine of me giving Chase’s underwear a pull died down for a bit. I did get him a couple times. One time during a break at our choir practice, I yanked his American Eagle trunks up his butt when we were alone in the church's library. Oh man, that was so hot. His jeans were so tight that day, and he was wearing a maroon sweater.
He looked like the preppy guys I'd always jack off to that I wish I could wedgie, and here I was. wedgieing him. What made it even better was that he liked it, and I knew it.
               Before the holiday break I got to wedgie him one more time. Chase had recently joined the speech team, and I was also on the team. I’d like to believe that he joined the team so that he would have more reasons to spend more time with me, but it probably was one of many reasons. He did a great job in the musical and participating in speech is like participating in judged theatre. So, the cast members and teammates encouraged him to join, so he did. As a member of the team, we were required to work the tournament that our school would host. But Chase was also very good at playing the trumpet so during the day of the tournament he wasn’t available because he earned a spot in the All-Region Band. So, he stopped by near the end of the day and his job for the day was to deliver flowers that we were going to put on the table with the trophies for the awards ceremony. He texted me to help him bring them in. I met him at the loading dock as he was pulling in. Now, the wedgie that I gave him as he was getting out of his front seat was a unique one. He got out and I somehow managed to just grab the waistband without digging for it. His Blue and Red stripped American Eagle boxer briefs went right up his ass. I tugged his leg holes past his dress pants waistband, and as the tug reached its height I said “sup”, and immediately snapped his white waistband to his back.
               “Come on” he said, surprisingly annoyed with his wedgie.
               “What did you expect? You asked me to help” I said.
               “With the flowers?” he asked as he was walking to the trunk of his car while simultaneously picking at his underwear. At this point I'd wedgied him so often that he no longer would go out of sight to adjust himself anymore. He would just pick outright in front of me. I found that hot. It was unexpecting how hot I found that to be.
“Well, sorry I'll hold off on the wedgies, I got those”. I lifted a box of flowers and walked with him into the auditorium. We were alone as we were arranging the flowers, but since the stage was so big and the curtains were down, we had no way of knowing if anyone else was there. So, it wasn't the best time to try to give Chase another wedgie. We continued working quietly getting everything all set up.
               I didn’t see Chase until after the holiday break. We texted each other though, he was very good at keeping the text conversation going. It wasn’t all about wedgies. We discussed books and movies that we were both currently reading or watching. Our families. He was very present to listen to my problems. At the time my high school theatre department were prepping auditions for that years play competition. This was the closet that theatre departments in high school got to competing with one another like sports teams do. The point of the competition was to take a play, any play and cut it down to no longer than 50 minutes. My theatre teacher took this play very seriously, taking a lot of time for us to read the play in class, analyze it and audition for roles. There were 16 people in the class and only 7 roles. There was a specific role in the play that I thought I'd be right for. The role required for the actor to be able to play a young prince who may or may not have had an affair with a prince from another country. The point of the role was that you never knew for sure if the characters were gay or not. I was obsessed with the idea of possibly getting the chance to play this role, I memorized scenes, I actively participated in discussions about the play in class. I made it obvious to my theater teacher that I really wanted the role. Being in the cast for this specific play in the theatre department basically marked you as someone who is a top actor in the school.  I knew I was good, but there were a lot of other guys in the department that were older and talented too. But the other kid that was my age in the theatre class Micah, was in the competition play last year and he had the experience and could very well be cast in this role. It shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did, but Micah was the top of our class, and he participated in theatre because it was something that he could put on his college apps. His family were very devoted Christians which isn’t a problem except for the fact that he would argue that the role I wanted wasn't a homosexual. He would argue this because he knew that if he was cast in the show that it would be in that role and he clearly felt that it was against his religion, so he was trying to find a reason to be able to play it.  I’d say I was straight, but I knew that I wasn’t. But this role spoke to me, especially at that time and if I got it, maybe it was the reason that I needed to give myself permission to accept myself. I really wanted that part.
               The weekend that the cast list was supposed to be posted, my speech team was away at a speech tournament six hours away from home. The prelim rounds went okay on that first day and Chase and I were placed in the same hotel room for the night with twin brothers that were specifically on the debate team. So, that night after the speech kids were done with their rounds, the debate kids were going to remain there till late. The hotel room had two beds and since the twin brother debaters would obviously sleep together in one of them, I was going to sleep with Chase in the other. And not only that, I was going to get to spend a lot of time alone with Chase in a room with a bed
               When Chase and I got back to the hotel room, I went ahead and took a shower. We had a long day of traveling and both Chase and I had been in suits all day. I brought my sweats and tank that I would sleep in the bathroom with me and showered. When I got out of the bathroom with my sleep clothes on there was Chase, standing at the closet in only his boxers. He was hanging up his suit, after taking everything off. Though I've wedgied Chase a lot, I had never seen him without his shirt, and staring at him from behind I immediately noticed the smoothness of his shoulders. Chase wasn't muscular in the sense that he looked like a Calvin Klein model, but he was close. His butt in those boxers were very nice as well. The boxers were navy blue, obviously American Eagle because there were multiple Eagle logos al over them. He turned around,
               “Hey, my turn’ he said.
               I must have not been hiding my looks of intense lustful admiration because his lips slowly curved to a smirk, and he flexed his chest and hell.  He didn’t have a six pack, but his chest was hot, nonetheless. He didn’t have a lot of hair, but there was some that formed a line from the bottom of his belly button to the top the waistband of his boxers. This was the first time that my thoughts went to the possible size of his dick under those boxers. I can't remember for sure, but I was probably hard. Chase started to walk across the room.
               “I know what you're thinking, don't do it” he said as he walked by me to go into the bathroom. I quickly turned around after he walked by me. He stopped walking and turned his head slightly.
               "You can’t help it can you?” he said.
               “I guess not” I replied as my hands slowly gripped his boxers.
               I tug slowly. This was my first time giving a wedgie with the other guy not wearing pants. The more I tug the more I see Chase's ass. It was firm and the more his boxers went up his butt, the harder my dick got. I drop his boxers and gently tap both of his checks with my hands.
               “Enjoy your shower" I said.
               “Thanks” he said walking into the bathroom.
               He stayed in there for about ten minutes. When he came out of the bathroom, he had pajama bottoms with multiple XBOX logos on it. He was still wearing the same boxers that I had just wedgied, but the only way I could tell was that he was sagging his pajama bottoms slightly. But I only had a moment to observe that because he ran at me and jumped on me on the bed.
               It happened very fast. I can’t remember the specifics. But we were basically wrestling, He was the senior and he was obviously a lot stronger than me, but I gave it my all wrestling wise. He pinned me in headlocks and to the ground. He was a lot stronger. But Chase and I had different end goals. His was to pin me to the ground, mine was to pull his boxers up his butt again. I got his boxers a couple of times in the struggle, but not enough to really count the wedgies I gave him legit. But there was one moment when I ended up on the top of his back. My ass was sitting on his head, and I had to have been tea-bagging Chase as I gripped his boxers in both of my hands. I was also fully hard by that point, and there was no way that Chase didn’t know because my bulge was bulging into his shoulders. But his boxers were in my hand, and I started pulling. Pulling with all the strength possible. Chase was moaning but from pleasure or pain I couldn't tell. I successfully pull one mare strong pull and I heard a slight ripping sound. I snap his boxer’s waistband onto Chase’s back, and I roll off him.
               “Fuck, man that was the best wedgie yet” Chase said standing up with his hands in his,
butt fixing his boxers. I stayed laying on the bed breathing heavily.
               “Damn man, you sound like we just fucked” he laughed.
               I laughed that off, at at that moment a feeling of intense shame came over me. I hadn’t cum but I was close. What did those feelings mean? Why do wedgies turn me on? How can I keep this up? It was clear after today that I had extreme lust towards Chase. After seeing his body, smacking his ass, and wedgieing him like I just had.
               “Everything alright man?” Chase asked as he sat down at the front of the bed. But before I could say anything there was a knock on the door.
               I went and answered the door, and it was Lexi. She was one of the strongest actresses in the theatre department. A shoo in for the lead role in the competition play. She was texted the cast list for the competition play and wanted me to see it. I didn’t get the part… or any part in the play. Micah got the part. Lexi said that she wanted me to know because she didn’t want me to have to wait until Monday to see the cast list myself, but I think she wanted to tell me because she was (and still is) a world class bitch. I walked back into the room and crushed, I just started crying, I had never been more disappointed. I didn’t get the role that spoke to me and my true sexuality, and here I was crying in front of the only guy that I had ever had strong feelings for. Chase was very nice. He asked me what was wrong, and when I told him he didn't try to console me. He was just quiet as I laid down on the bed,
               I must have cried myself to sleep because one moment the lights were on, and the next they were off and there was an arm around my shoulder. It was Chase's. I looked over at the other bed and saw that it was still empty. The twins weren’t back yet. I twisted my body around and there was Chase, with his eyes wide open staring at me. He said nothing and we continued just looking at one another. I wanted to kiss him, and I was positive that he wanted to kiss me. But we didn’t kiss. But what I did feel was a hand gently placing itself around my groin. Chase's hand was over my sweatpants, and he slowly put his hand into my sweats and then, into my boxer briefs. Upon impulse I reached in a removed his hand from my pants. But still staring at him. I let go of his hand. I then proceeded to stick my own, hand in my pants. I gently surrounded my dick with my fingers, and then slowly started lifting. and lowering my dick. I did this while continuing to stare at Chase. Chase decided after a couple moments that he would follow suit. He lifted the covers and stuck his hand in his boxers. We continued touching ourselves while still looking at one another. This was a new experience for me, jerking off with someone else in the room. I found it to be a very exhilarating experience. Someone else looking at me and jerking off too. I couldn't see his dick, and he couldn't see mine. That seemed to make it even hotter. We tried to keep rhythm with each other. I don’t know how long we did this, but I do remember that we didn’t climax at the same time. Chase came first, and I followed about ten seconds after. There were no words spoken during or after except for our moans. After we were done, we put the covers back on and just laid back down in bed together. I started crying again, but it was weird. There was so much sadness in my tears, but also a little comfort in the fact that in that singular moment that I was not alone. I cried gently but was surprised to feel Chase's arms wrap around my body, holding me tightly. We laid there spooned into each other. He was there holding me tightly not letting me go as slowly drifted off to sleep.
I think back to this night often. We were both in the closet at the time, and we were both not ready to admit to ourselves that we had these strong feelings. We just had this strong night together. if we were able to let ourselves be open to each other that night, maybe we would have gone farther in our sexual explorations. I did wish I kissed him that night. I wished that I let him touch me, blow me. I wish I could have seen his whole naked body, and that he could see mine. That night was more than just a wedgie fetish. But regardless, I am still grateful to what we did that night because it was a part of my story, and it was truly one of those moments when I realized that I could be attractive, that I could be desired, and that I won't always have to be alone.
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mxchxelschmidt · 11 months
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A/n- this was supposed to be for a request but it didn’t quite come out how I wanted it to, so I will be writing something else for the request but I wont let this smut go to waste
Warnings: Oral sex, (F receiving), mike cums in his pants, arguing, fighting, smut, slight angst.
Word count: 1k
Arguments between you and Mike were few and far between. You just didn’t really have them, and if you did it was usually resolved quickly. This time however, both of your stubbornness was getting the better of each other. So it was somewhere near midnight and you were still bickering in the living room. Mike was standing in front of where you were seated on the couch. He was rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers and trying to think of his next move. Meanwhile you were locked and loaded, ready to battle it out.
He sighed and looked at you, “You’re being a stubborn brat about this, I already said no. We aren’t enrolling her in something that she’s not even going to be interested in three months from now. Especially when it’s going to cost an arm and leg to get her an instrument.”
Abby had come home talking all about band class and about how her best friend would be joining. Abby had decided she wanted to play the trumpet. Those were surprisingly pricey, but you had already told her before Mike could interject with his thoughts that you would get her a trumpet if that’s what she wanted to play. Mike hadn’t taken this lightly and gave you a look across the table. The look said, “We will talk about this later.”
It was already too late, you wouldn’t go back on your word with Abby. So Mikes arguing was really for nothing. You realized this shortly into the argument but he wanted to keep going. So you did.
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal Mike, I already said I would take care of it. You’re not going to stop me from doing it, especially if it’s going to make her happy. So you should probably just stop fighting with me about it.”
This seems to make him angrier, “This is what I mean! You didn’t even let me get a word in. She asks for anything and you just jump to it. It’s like if she asks you to jump you say how high?”
You were a sucker for his little sister and you couldn’t help it. Since the beginning you two had grown a bond. When you and Mike started dating after being set up on a blind date by mutual friends she immediately took a liking to you. The same went for you with her.
“Okay Mike, I’m sorry that Abby wanted to do something and I have the ability to make it happen. I just want her to be able to do anything she puts her mind to, she’s a bright little girl and I want her to have her creative outlets.” You’re starting to get annoyed with him and you stand up to try and create space between you two to cool off. He uses your movement to close the space between you.
Mike’s hands rest on your hips with a tight grip, “I’m not done talking about this yet,” He says and practically pulls you into his chest.
You push against him and try to back away to no avail, “Mike we both need to cool off before we wake Abby up. We shouldn’t be fighting like this where she can here.”
He’s looking into your eyes and his grip on your hips tighten, “Then let’s not fight baby, lets just let it go till morning.” He lets his lips brush against yours. Against your better judgement you kiss back. Your lips connect like they were made for each other and Mikes hands don’t stay where they are for long once he knows he has you right where he wants you. His hands begin to roam up your back under your shirt touching the soft expanse of skin there. His hands are warm and you can’t complain, except you’re supposed to be arguing right now.
He grabs one of your legs to hitch it up around his waist and you wrap your arms around his neck for support. The kiss depens and you know you’ve lost the battle, but you’re going to win the war.
He wraps his arms under your butt and hoists you up carrying you towards the bedroom. You begin to kiss at his neck figuring that this is better than arguing with him for another few hours.
You hear his breath hitch in his throat as you kiss, he struggles to get the door open and closed with you in his arms but soon he rests you on the bed and you release your legs from around him. He tugs your pants off leaving you in panties. He places himself between your legs and leans down, mouthing at the soft fabric of your underwear and letting his tongue trace the fabric over your clit.
Your head tilts back in anticipation as you let out a soft moan, “Mike, baby, please.” You say quietly.
He shushes you gently from between your legs and moments later hes hooking his fingers in the waistband of your panties pulling them down your legs and tossing them somewhere else in the room. Mike goes back to licking at your wet folds, tongue pressing between them and to your clit.
You moan out softly and feel your hips involuntarily grind against his mouth, searching for more. You let a hand move to tangle in his hair, holding him there where it feels the best.
Mike continues his assault, tongue flicking against your clit and licking long stripes up your wet entrance every little bit. You feel the heat pooling in your stomach as an orgasm builds itself up. Your legs begin to twitch slightly and your thighs tighten around Mikes head, causing him to moan at the restriction.
He begins to work harder, tongue moving in tight circles on your clit as he buries his face impossibly deeper into your cunt. He could stay like this forever, pussy drunk, making you feel good. Especially with your thighs tight around his head keeping him where he is.
You feel it building further and you know you’re close to the edge, just a little more and you’ll be coming undone against Mikes mouth like this. As he eats you out you begin to rock your hips steadily against his mouth.
“Fuck baby, yes, just like that. Keep going… Oh fuck, don’t stop.” You practically beg as you bury your fingers in his hair, tightening your grip to fuck yourself against his mouth. Your body twitches as the orgasm washes over you, stilling for a moment before rocking your hips against his tongue to ride the pleasure of the orgasm out. You continue rocking your hips until you feel the overstimulation gripping his hair and pulling him away from your clit.
The look on his face is far off and dreamy. It could be the lack of oxygen you allowed him while keeping him buried in your pussy, or it could be the fact that he just loves making you feel good. He crawls up the bed to collapse next to you and you look at him with confusion.
“What about you baby?” You ask leaning into his side tracing your fingers across his chest.
He shakes his head and laughs quietly, “Mmm I already uhh. I already came while I was down there…”
You grin at him and press a kiss to his lips humming softly before laying your head down on the pillow, “I win… Abby’s getting the trumpet by the way.” You say before rolling over and letting yourself fall to sleep.
Mike doesn’t argue with you this time, he simply wraps his arms around your body and falls asleep next to you, figuring he has a chance at winning the argument next time
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sssammich · 7 months
collateral pt2
author's note: this is a continuation of the 'captive prompt' fic snippet. this story has now taken a life of its own but i'm not sure what the direction is until we get there. consider it a slow burn, angst with a happy ending, with an introduction of a rarepair. endgame supercorp...eventually.
thanks for reading. send me prompts
part 1
Kara heard the starting swell of the music from the live band, the notes from the trumpet flowing out onto where she found herself now: a restricted garden area of the estate, muted slightly with the now closed door behind her. She rushed to the metal railing overlooking the gardens and gripped the top of it, fruitlessly shaking it in her grasp if only to release some of the stifled restlessness inside of her. 
As the music continued playing, Kara knew this as the moment that Lena danced with Jack for the first time as husband and wife. How they swayed together in the middle of the dance floor, her floor-length dress swishing from side to side. Her hand on his shoulder, his hand on her waist. The two of them looking into each other’s eyes and smiled. They were a perfect snapshot of a happy, perfect couple on their happy, perfect day.
It was a scene that she didn’t have the strength to witness for herself. She was sure the inevitable wedding photos and videos would remind her, but she’d rather not hurt herself any more than she absolutely had to.
She hastily wiped the tears from her face, shutting her eyes closed to stop the tears from descending down her face and dropping onto her bridesmaid’s dress. She took a deep breath through her nose before exhaling out of her mouth. God, how she wished she had another drink before escaping. Or a smoke. Lena smoked when she was nervous or stressed. She’d even taken a drag just before she walked down the aisle. Kara should have pocketed it or something for this very occasion.
She knew she would need to go back in there soon, but the allure of leaving entirely and starting fresh elsewhere just to give her heart a fighting chance felt more and more appealing by the second.
“If you glare at that poor rosebush any longer, it might just catch on fire.”
Startled by the sound, Kara jumped slightly back from where she stood, her hip hitting the railing as her teary vision found Andrea, one of Lena’s longtime friends from their boarding school days if she recalled correctly, standing there with an arm across her chest while the other rested on it as she held a lit cigarette between two long fingers.
“I wasn’t g-glaring.” She shut her mouth, mad at herself for stuttering. “What are you doing here?”
Andrea tilted her head and held out the hand holding her burning cigarette. What else, she gestured. 
She watched the red embers from the tip of the cigarette. Then, “Do you have another one?”
That seemed to earn her a curious arched brow, but Kara only shrugged. Seemingly satisfied, or perhaps not simply not caring, Andrea opened her other hand to reveal the pack of cigarettes and her small gold lighter.
“Not what I would have expected from you, Pulitzer.”
“My name’s not Pulitzer,” she said, her tone defensive even as she took a cigarette and carefully rolled it between her fingers. “And you don’t know me.”
“No, can’t say that I do.”
Andrea deftly opened her lighter with a flick, the golden flame lit up between them as Kara, novice that she was, tried to light her cigarette. Kara placed the butt of the cigarette between her lips and puckered before she inhaled and let the smoke fill her lungs as best she could. Inevitably, unsurprisingly, that one pull was enough for her to cough and barely cover her mouth as she turned away to clear her airways of smoke.
“Did know that, though.”
She wanted to glare away the smirk on the woman’s face. Determined, she took another hit and let the warmth take over, if only to focus her mind. She turned her head and exhaled away the smoke from the corner of her mouth before quickly doing it again.
“You know you can’t get drunk smoking cigarettes.”
She huffed, the smoke coming out through her nostrils as she made a face at the other woman. 
Andrea only smiled before she put her hand up, thumb over the pack of cigarettes and lighter to hold them in place, as a show of surrender. “Relax. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
Then, as if demonstrating, Andrea brought her own cigarette to her mouth, the light colored filter sat against the rouge of her lips and inhaled. She stared expectantly at Kara as the smoke settled momentarily in her lungs before eventually the smoke wisps came through the side of her mouth. 
Kara watched her, fascinated, even as she let her own cigarette continue to burn unsmoked between her fingers. They stood there in silence with one another, Kara slowing herself down with each drag, the smoke a putrid smell to her senses but it was something to focus on. She looked at the wall straight ahead of her, every now and again glancing at her unexpected companion. Woven between the wisps of smoke between them was what she could only assume was Andrea’s perfume. Something surprisingly fresh, floral. Not something Kara would have guessed for the other woman. Kara might have considered something warmer, darker.
“So which one?” Andrea asked aloud, breaking the silence between them, just as she finished her cigarette, dropping it by her feet so she could squash it with her shoe.
Kara scrunched her face. “Which one what?”
“Which one are you in love with?”
“I—” Her brows jumped to her hairline in surprise before her jaw dropped as she tried to find her voice.
“Lena, right?”
“I’m not—”
Andrea shook her head even as she waved her hand dismissively. “I’m not judging. It doesn’t matter, either way. But it’s her, isn’t it?”
Kara’s face scrunched as she thought about her options. She could lie. She’d been doing it for years, after all. But she was tired. And, at this point, it might do her some good to be honest even if it was just with one other person. 
She looked away before nodding her head, ashamed of herself. Yet the confession lifted something up inside of her; she felt lighter, even just for a moment. 
Andrea hummed as she wrapped her arms around herself. “There are worse people to pick, if it’s any consolation.”
Kara scoffed. “It’s not. But thanks.”
Andrea then gripped the remainder of Kara’s cigarette and plucked it out of her hand.
“I won’t be responsible for your nicotine addiction. Let’s go back inside. If you really want to nurse a broken heart, that’s what the open bar is for.”
Kara watched as Andrea snuffed out her cigarette with the same shoe she used earlier and clutched at Kara’s now free hand, dragging her back through the doors. She could protest—should, really—but instead, powerless and resigned, she let herself be pulled back into the fray unaware of how she gripped the other woman’s hand tightly in hers like a lifeline.
When Kara reentered the grand hall, she winced at the cacophony of sounds and smells and sights. She winced slightly, adjusting her glasses with her free hand when she realized that her other hand was still firmly held in Andrea’s. She should let go, and eventually, she did. But if she let her joined hands linger for just a beat longer, Andrea said nothing about it. 
She stepped forward and turned her body slightly towards the other woman. “Thanks. For earlier. And if you could—” 
“I won’t tell. Don’t worry.” 
She nodded, but then paused. “Why not?” 
“What do you mean? Did you want me to?” 
“No! I mean—I just don’t understand why you’re being so nice to me right now.” 
“Would you rather I kick a girl while she’s down?” 
She pouted. “Is this just pity?” 
“Ah, querida, you’ll know if it’s pity.” 
“Then what is this? What are you doing?” 
Andrea eyed her intently, then made a point to scan the room until she found what she was looking for. Curiously, Kara followed her gaze and it landed on the wedded couple talking to some random group of grandparents several tables away. 
“Helping. I’m helping.” 
She was just about to ask why when they heard the clink of the utensils against glass, urging for the newlywed to kiss. 
Kara watched helplessly as Jack dipped Lena and kissed her, the grand hall filled with cheers and applause. When she turned to Andrea, the other woman had already been staring at her, as if to answer her unspoken question: that’s why. 
“Come on. You need liquor.”
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unamused-boss · 1 year
Kiss the Chef
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Billy Hargrove x Fem Reader
Summary: You and Billy had to take career tests at school to see were you should go in life... and you got baker. Well it says banker but you like the sound of baker way better! So you decide to practice your baking. While your loving boyfriend gets to taste everything!
(yes I am basing reader off of Aimee from sex education)
At the ring of the bell at 3:15; those were the holy trumpets that released you and Billy from school for the weekend. You sigh with such relief knowing you have no homework to do over the weekend. Putting your books into your locker to not be touched for the next two days. Just as you were putting you last book up, you felt two bulky arm wrap around your waist. Giving it a good squeeze.
"What do you want Billy." You giggled to your boyfriend. Billy kept his arms in place on your waist. You feel his head dip into your neck slightly giving you a light kiss on the neck. You giggled once again taking your neck away from his lips. Giving a quiet "Stop".
"What?" Billy questioned. "Can I not kiss my pretty girlfriend?"
"You can... just when there aren't as many people around." You said with a smile. You take Billy's hand within yours to make your way out of the school to the parking lot. Once to Billy's car you both wait outside of it for Max to come from the middle school.
"What did you get on that test thingy today?" You asked. Billy turned to you, a little confused, with a cigarette in his mouth as he lit it.
"What test?" He said as he puffed.
"The career test, silly." You said it like it was obvious. Which it should have been if he was in class. Billy gave an acknowledged "Oh" before reaching into his pocket for a piece of paper before handing it to you.
"I didn't read all of it, but most of it is true." Billy said taking another huff of his cigarette. You look over his results.
"Mechanic, Marine Biologist? ooh that sounds fun." You said as you read through the rest of them. "Yours fit pretty well baby."
"Thank you, gorgeous." Billy smiled. "What did you get?"
"Oh the usual." You started, taking out your paper. "Teacher, veterinarian, baker-" You were about to continue when Billy stopped you.
"What did you say babe?"
"Sweetheart, baker wasn't one of the options." Billy said, stomping out his cigarette then taking your form to look over. "Babe this says banker."
"Well I like baker better." You put it straightly.
Billy laughed," Whatever you say, pretty girl." Handing you your paper back when Max finally arrived. "In the back shit-bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You softly snapped to him.
"Okay." He breathed. Max laughed a bit at the interaction; Max saw a slight change in Billy when you guys started dating. Plus she loved you. You were so nice and mellowed Billy out a lot. Tones of people say you're a bit ditsy, but Max knows you're just really sweet. Billy drops Max off first so he can get some more time with you. Once you reach your house, you collect your things to go in. Giving Billy a quick kiss you say.
"Can you be here later on Saturday?"
"Of course sweetheart." Billy answered.
"Great see you then." You smiled, then shutting the door of the car to make your way up to your house to get inside. Once Billy saw you were inside he made his way home.
For the next 10 hours you worked your butt off on baking a cake from scratch. It was a simple vanilla cake with home made whipped frosting. It was adorable. You did everything the way you were supposed to. Flour may have gotten everywhere, plus you spilt a lot of salt but your parents don't come home till Sunday so you're fine. You put your heart into making this cake just for your boyfriend. And just in character you didn't taste the cake, cause to you it would already be wonderful. So you set your cake in the fridge for the night. Was it mentioned that the cake was shaped like a heart... well an uneven heart with as well as uneven pink icing spread on it. But you knew Billy was going to love it. So you cleaned the kitchen, got ready for bed, and couldn't wait to see your boyfriend tomorrow.
Billy made it over to your house at 12:30. He couldn't wait to see you, seeing you is the best part of his day. He knocked on the front door waiting for you to come answer it. When you opened the door you gave Billy the biggest smile you could jumping into his arms giving him a hug. Once he puts you down you take his hand and lead him into you house to your dining table.
"Okay sit down, I have a surprise for you." You say. Billy takes his seat as you rush to the fridge to grab his cake. Coming back over with the cake tray in your arms you place it down on the table. Billy just stares at it.
"You made me a cake?" Billy said, somewhat shocked.
"Yes, you're my boyfriend." You answered. "And I love you, so it's made with love. Here let me get you a plate." You get up to grab a plate for him as well as some silverware. You cut Billy a slice hand it over to him, all the while Billy is still sitting there shocked. Shocked that you made him a cake. The last person that made him a cake was his mom on his ninth birthday. Billy really did love you.
As you set the cake in front of him, he take the fork digging a piece of the baked good out. Bringing it up to his mouth to take a bite. And.. with one chew...
It was the worst thing Billy has ever eaten. But he couldn't tell you that. He sat there, with the piece of brick in his mouth, looking at your beaming face waiting for his response. But Billy was panicking, what was he going to tell you.
"So?" You asked Billy. "What do you think?"
"It's.. It's good, really good." Billy answered. "It's really good pound cake, sweetheart." Billy was fighting for his life eating this piece of cake. He started rot slouch over cause of the intense chewing he was doing, he jaw was starting to somewhat hurt. It didn't help that the cake was dry and the frosting was salty.
"What? It's not pound cake?" You said, confused.
"It's not?" Billy's head shot up, hoping you didn't catch him in his small lie.
"No, it's vanilla cake." You said. Billy had a small sigh of relief, you didn't catch him.
"Oh... well it's a great piece of cake." He just conformed to his fate.
"Why are you making that face?" You ask innocently. Billy froze.
"What face?"
"That face, you look stranded." You say.
"No I'm not, I'm just enjoying the cake my girlfriend made me." Billy finally being able to swallow down the piece of cake that was in his mouth. "And I don't think I can eat anymore, I'm gonna get water to wash it down." He said as he made his way to get up.
"Billy you only took one bite?" You said. Billy froze again.
"Babe, it's was so good I just can't eat anymore right now." Billy said getting a cup from your cupboard to drink some water.
"Billy, If you didn't like it just tell me it won't hurt my feelings." You reassured.
"Babe, I am telling you it was a great tasting cake." He said after drinking some water. As he went to get another cup you take the fork an grab a piece for yourself to eat.
"Wait babe..." But Billy couldn't save you. You were already eating the cake. By the contentment of your face, you now understood Billy now.
"Oh my god Billy!" You ran to spit the cake into the trash, "Why did you eat the?!"
"Cause you made it for me."
"But it was awful, why would you do that?!!" Still shocked that he actually ate your disgusting cake.
"Like I said, you made it for me." Billy answered " And I love you, and didn't want to hurt you feelings."
"Well hurt them next time." You laughed. You walk up to Billy taking him into a hug. He held you at your waist, while you held him at his back. Just standing there for a moment. You bring you head back to look up to him, you chests being pressed together.
"I don't get you Hargrove, and I never will." You said, "But I do know the I love you."
"I love you to baby." Billy answered. Both of you brought your lips together for a soft kiss. After a second or two you pull away.
"So, I guess being a baker is out of the question?" You laughed, Billy laughed as well to your joke.
"I don't know, you got one hot buns yourself." He flirted.
"Og shut up." You laughed. "You're so corny."
"Hey, you said yes to me." Belling retorted. "That sounds like a you problem."
"So, what are we gonna do with the cake?"
"Eh, I can give it to Max or Harrington as a peace offering."
"Oh my god, shut up Billy." You laughed. Billy pulled you tighter into another hug, this time you bath stay in the position. Embracing each others warmth.
Hey! Hope you enjoyed this. This was a cute idea I had, I hope y'all like it.
Part 3 to California Dreaming is in the works, I'v just had writers block and school. So I decided to write y'all a cute story real quick!
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sepdet · 1 year
You know that post about sea monsters on maps? What if we all started adding (long out of copyright) critters lifted from medieval manuscripts to the edges of our photos and artwork so all the AI generators gave themselves away with uncanny valley snails and butt trumpets
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i see no downside to this
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another-delta-lover · 3 months
[DRAFT #2]
I was daydreaming on my way to the dentist while I listened to Shostakovich waltz 2 and I imagined the biggest and nicest Emesis Blue animation I've ever imagined.
(forgot to mention it, but when I say "dance" I mean like, Waltz. Waltzing. The whole thing it's just waltz. Waltz is my love language).
At the beginning, Fritz was alone, staggering when walking along with the rhythm like if dancing, looking all depressed and sad. Then, that one Plague doctor looking dude joined him, dancing along with him with a strong grip, leading the Waltz, bc of Fritz's body language, it's clear that he doesn't want to dance. Then he was dancing along with himself but with that edgy turtleneck he had at the end. Fritz is really tired, while both the Plague doctor and the edgy-himself are tossing him around like a bag, he didn't even try to escape them, he was too exhausted to do so.
Then, he was alone again, on the floor, shaking, exhausted. Butt immediately, Jeremy started to dance with him in a really excited and energetic way, Fritz slowly started to dance again, this time he wanted to dance, he looked less sad doing so. Each time he turned around, he was dancing with a younger version of Jeremy, being happier each time. First, Jeremy appear as a teen (16? Maybe), then as a kid (maybe 8 idk), then he was holding baby Jeremy in his arms as he moved along with the music, like a proud dad (I strongly headcanon Fritz as a father figure of Jeremy since the beginning, not literally, but spiritually). Then scout's mother joined him for a lil bit, both holding Jeremy (Not a ship btw).
When the Violins play in a higher pitch, he's in a more colorful place. The blue team is there. He quickly runs towards them, crying, shaking. They all welcome him, being sweet with him. He first dances with Pyro, then with sniper, then with demoman, then with engineer, then repeat. When the instrumental is louder, he dances with Jane and Jacques, in a beautiful way, an elegant way, a friendly and forgiving way.
When the trumpets play in a really low pitch, Fritz noticed how Mikhail is really far away, sad, and black n white. Fritz immediately walks towards him, not knowing exactly what to say or to so. Fritz offers Mikhail to dance, with an ashamed face, thinking Mikhail would decline. Mikhail, a lil hesitating, accepts the offer, and starts to romantically dance with him, in the most wholesome way you could imagine. Holding his waits a lil bit, carefully taking his hand, really lovely<3.
When the instrumental gets INTENSE again, there's a big change of scene. Now, Fritz is dancing as tired as he was in the beginning with After-Death Mikhail (the handsome masked man🤭). Mikhail was really aggressive and controlling while dancing, Fritz was basically being tossed around. Then he appears dancing with that weird ahh Sniper, then he dances with that scary Pyro, then with Jane, both being awkward and really tired, and lastly, he "dances" with Jacques, while Jacques is pointing at him with his gun right on the middle of the forehead, while fritz clearly just wants to leave, being unable to stop dancing.
And finally, when the instrumental is about to finish, the scene where he crashes the ambulance is shown.
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BAHAHSHS DID YOU EXPECT AN ONLY SWEET THING?! NO!!! I'M EVIL NOW. After what happened to my Blog... 😞Sob... Sob...
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frostedclock · 2 months
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Deerly Dreaming Alastor
Chapter One: Soft Melody
Pairing: Alastor x Jane Doe (Reader)
Your shifts were often monotonous. Same shift different day of the week. The same old faces came and sat at the booths everyday at almost the same time, and would always order the same thing. You've memorized most orders at this point, and it was nearly infuriating to you. Though there has been a small wave in the still pond that was the Ruby's Diner. A new regular you might call him now. You didn't know his name and he hadn't spoken past what he wanted to order. It was always the same and so simple you memorized it by the third visit. 
A black coffee with an order of grits and butter that a few pieces of toast accompanied. No sugar. 
The neglected cigarette that hung from your lips dropped a log of ashes as thoughts began to swirl about like the smoke. You realized your five minute break must have been run out at this point and you tossed the cigarette into the damp ground under your feet and you smashed the butt with the end of your flat slip on shoes.  
The diner was mostly empty - the only soul being the cook in the kitchen - when you returned, the yellow lights flooded the beige, white and black interior. The sound of the coffee machine and the sizzle of the flattop in the kitchen were the only sounds in the restaurant. It was early morning on a Sunday, so you knew that meant a slow start to only get slammed right after church had let out for the day.  
You hummed and went to the radio sitting on the bar counter near the machines that kept the coffee warm. The static filled the air as you clicked the switch on and began to fiddle with the dials. You smile as you settle on a station and let the music drown out the grating silence of the diner.
The soft tones of a saxophone and the accompaniment of a trumpet pushed it's way into your ears as you picked up a damp rag and began to  clean up the hardwood tables, even if they were already cleaned. You hummed to the tune as you moved shakers out of the way and put them back. 
You almost didn't hear the soft bell of the door. 
" Go ahead and have a seat where you like, hun. I'll be right over. " You spoke before you looked over.
Black Coffee and Grits himself stood at the door. It must have started to rain again because his ruddy brown coat was damp and dark in spots as he began to shed of the layer and drape it over his arm. He stood tall, the boots that made a sharp tap with each step didn't help. His light brown vest was completely dry and so was his white button down shirt. The sleeves rolled down for today with the chill in the air from the cool spring shower that rolled through the night. His brown eyes met yours for a moment then he glanced about the diner. 
His steps were nearly drowned by the sound of the station on the radio switching to a more upbeat jazz tune. He made his way over to a booth to take a seat, his coat placed in a folded position next to him. 
You blinked out of your stupor and headed to the coffee pot behind the bar. You began to hum again as you gathered a simple white mug and checked the cup for cracks and leftover dust before you placed it on the tray next to the pot. The soft jazz tunes always perked up your morning, and sometimes you got so lost in your own world when the right song was playing. You poured the black liquid caffeine into the porcelain cup, filling right below the top. 
You leaned over the window counter where the orders were placed when they were finished. " Johnny could you fire up the grits, two tabs of butter and no sugar? " 
Johnny, a man in his late fifties, was portly and his face showed years of laughter that had left deep lines in the round face of his, his eyes just two dots of stormy grey under bushy salt and pepper eyebrows. " Sure, take about ten minutes. " He said as he rubbed the flour and breadcrumbs off his hands and onto the stained greasy apron he wore. 
You smiled and stood back flat on your feet. Your hands gripped the metal tray off the counter with the cup of coffee and began your way over to the booth where the man was waiting. His brown hair had been smoothed down now that he had settled into the seat and the flecks of water that had been on his hair and his glasses had dried by the time you came over with the coffee. You set it down in front of him, your eyes caught the scraps of paper in front of him had little rough drawings, sketchy and messy in nature but not in recognizable. 
His gaze met yours as you approached, his eyes were dark brown, almost black behind his glasses. The smile on his lips was the one he always seemed to have, like it must be his default expression. But you don't think you've ever seen it reach those dark eyes of his. They didn't leave you as you set the cup in front of him, it was almost unnerving. 
" Did you want your usual?" You asked after you realized you had been standing there for a moment without speaking. 
His lips twitched and he reached forward to take ahold of the mug. " Yes, that would be lovely as always. " His voice was always smooth, and his tone even. Polite might be a word for it, if you had to pick one. 
You relax your posture some and you give a gentle smile as you spoke . " Good, it won't be long then. You enjoy your coffee, and if you need me, I'll be around. Just give me a holler. "
He made a hum in his throat. " I will keep that in mind. "
You turn and head back to start back at your busy work while you wait for the inevitable ding and shout to tell you the food was done. You bustled from the milkshake station to the coffee station to restock the little things before the lunch rush arrived in a few hours. A new song came on the hissing radio and you wiped the barstools off with a damp rag as you swayed slightly to the song. 
" I walked the streets of New Orleans, " You hummed gently out with the song as you picked up the cloth placemats and wiped under them at the bar, " with a girl of my dreams..." 
Alastor watched, he only had taken a few drinks of the coffee. Even with his head facing forward, he could see you. He could watch you live in that little world that surrounds you when the music seemed to take a hold. The first time Alastor had come to this diner, it had been on a whim in truth. It had been a humid morning and he had not slept just yet from his nightly activities. 
A hunt always did make him a bit peckish. Normally he would have waited till he reached his home and cooked himself, but whims and flights of fancy often took him when his distaste for the mundane had peaked. Ruby's Diner had been one of those. Despite being a busy morning that day, you hadn't let the smile leave your face as impatient people vied for the chance to order. You didn't ever seem like you where in a soured mood when he arrived to eat here in the visits after. You looked just about the same as you had that day. Your curls tucked into a bun with only a few strays that fell as you moved about , the soft blue cotton dress you wore to wait tables went to your calves and your stockings came up to where the dress ended. The same pair of ragged flats you always wore made Alastor think you must not make enough working here to get a decent pair, or perhaps you liked to only wear rough shoes to work. 
Alastor found if he came here early on a morning he knew would be slow, he would have the diner alone to listen to the soft songs you often sang when you had delved to deep into your own corner of reality. It was quite amusing. He picked the mug up and took a drink before setting it back down. Your melody had been interrupted by the ding of a bell from the direction the kitchen. Alastor sighed, and knew his personal concert was over now that the food was ready. Soon your presence was next to the table and a bowl and a small plate was set down. Alastor gazed at the bare hands that lingered as they placed the breakfast onto the hardwood surfaces. You skin looked soft but the small scars over your knuckles and the sides of your fingers told Alastor you must cook in your spare time. No ring or jewelry, he never seen you wear either and today was no different. 
" Here you go, sweetie. " You spoke, your tone was always gentle and soft, the drawl to your words told Alastor that you grew up a little farther west then New Orleans. " Did you want anything else? " 
You even refilled his cup even if Alastor had only drained a few drinks from it. Fresh steam rose from the mug and you set the metal coffee pot back onto the tray that was expertly perched between the crook of your elbow and your hand that held the edge.
Alastor felt his lips twitch again. " No, nothing right as of now mon cher. " 
You give him that smile that made his stomach churn and twist. Your cheeks held the dust of pink across your skin, such warmth in that gaze. Alastor could only remember one other woman that held such a radiance to their expressions. And they have been gone for a few years now. 
" Alrigh', well let me know if you change your mind. " 
You went about your business after that. Alastor ate his breakfast at his leisure, it wasn't the food he came for anyhow. It was adequate to him, he could make it better but then he would lose out on the melody he so enjoyed. Your dulcet tones were to him like some bird songs were to others. Soft and not meant for anyone's ears intentionally. That is what he came for. When he had first heard you, it made him forget the thoughts he had been plagued with that day. 
Alastor took the cloth napkin to his lips and wiped any crumbs that might have lingered. He couldn't overstay his time, he knew that. Soon this diner would be filled to the brim with people. He placed a few nickels on the table and stood up from his seat, picking up his coat. He could see you in the glinted reflection of the diner window, the shine of the sun peeking from the clouds gave a mirror effect to the thick glass. You were looked over your shoulder from behind the bar, but when he turned with his coat on properly you had looked back to whatever task you had occupied yourself with. 
Alastor walked towards the door and when the bell sounded as he creaked open the wooden door, he heard your voice call from behind him. 
" Oh you forgot something ! " 
He heard the taps of your feet on the tile as you came up. He turned around to face you. " Hmm?"
You had the little messy drawings he had scribbled and left behind. You held them out for him to take, the papers held in such a way so you didn't crumple them. " Don't you want these?" 
Such a small thing. 
Alastor's teeth flashed in his smile, not motioning to take them. " Why don't you keep them? "
" Oh... " You sounded a bit puzzled, but your lips kept a lopsided smile to them. Then it softened as your gaze fell down at what you held in your hands. " Well... Okay. " 
When you looked back up from the messy pen strokes, the door was closed and the sound of the bell remained. 
" What an odd fello'. " 
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keister-meister · 2 years
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Butt Trumpet's birthday
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sulfursmells · 1 month
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S is for Smelly
“I won? I WON!!! OMG” That was me about 7 hours ago. I received an email saying that I won the sweepstakes to spend a recording session with one of my fav idols S.Coups from seventeen. I’ve dreamed of having a chance to talk and admire him up close. He’s charming voice, well chiseled face and abs. Not to mention his big, soft melon sized ass. I always wanted to get a closer look and this is that chance. Let’s skip a little to when I arrived at the studio. I was basically shaking with excitement and anxiety about finally meeting my idol.
After walking in I met his manager who asked me to sign an NDA. Which I didn’t question sing any music and conversation should stay within the room though I did see a strange word in there that I didn’t really think about. “Did that say gas?” I asked myself after signing my name and walking towards the studio. I look through the doors window to see S.Coup sitting in a chair wearing a white shirt and tight white pants, glistening with sweat as if he just stepped off the stage. I hastily open the door and walk in introducing myself. “Hi I’m ..” he quickly interrupts me and says, “come here and let’s get started.” I start walking towards him , when I turn my attention to the door that I just walked through lock behind me. In an instant his calm, constructed idol personal fell revealing something I wasn’t expecting.
“Get down here right now” is all I hear before my world goes dark. I feel the embrace of his Jean covered ass envelope my entire face not leaving any space for anything but air. His ass carrying the scent of musk and sweat dripping onto my face as if he just finished a workout, which he might have by the smell of it. “I get complaints from the staff about my musk and gas. They say I leave the room almost uninhabitable after an editing session” he says as he starts to grind my face deeper into the seat. “So until I’m done you’re going to be my little seat protector, isn’t that exciting” he says as he starts to giggle.
Is this why I was brought here? To be nothing mod than the seat of my favorite idol? This is …….. hot. What kind of fan would I be if I didn’t help my fav keep up his reputation. With that decision made S.Coups raises his butt up a bit letting me see again as he removes his pants then boxers. His fat vulumptous cheeks pouring out of his tight boxers, as sweat drips onto my face. “Ahhhhhh I have to sir it out you know?”he says. I can’t see his face but I know he has a smirk on while saying all of this.Staring up and taking in the scenery, as his melon sized cheeks start to make their descent. “Be a good fan and try not to make too much noise, I still have some work to do. Thanks in advance” was the last words I heard. His ass easily enclosed my entire head only the heavy smell of musk that could rival 4 bony builders after a workout was left.
Then I heard it the gurgle of his stomach as he leans a bit to the left. A torrent of hot gas as bad as a dumpster fire hit me in the face going straight up my noose. I start to gag and cough, flailing about underneath S.Coups. “Can you quiet down, this is a job only my number one fan can do. If you do it well I’ll give you a little present at the end” he says. A present I wonder what it could be, “Do you understand?” S.Coups asks. I respond with a muffled yes and steel myself for what comes next.
“Fair warning, I get pretty gassy after practice so prepare yourself” then he sits full weight on my face. Then came the constant blasts, each one ranging from long silent hissing to loud bassy trumpets, actually it could rival a trumpet with how loud it was. Each one so hot adding my own sweat on top of the sweat the would drip off his cheek. After about a two hours he finally got up, giving me the first sight of light and fresh air in a while. When I got up I coughed and took a deep breath thinking I survived just to breathe in the scent that was dense in the room. “Damn I hoped that you would sniff them all up, I’m going to get in trouble again. Guess you have to be punished for not doing your job!” With that S.Coups pushes my body against the door pinning my face between the door and his ass. “ I would say I’m sorry but I’d be lying, say goodnight!!” I heard a grunt and then a fart that lasted way longer than any of his previous blasts fogging up the window on the door, rivaling the smell of a skunk and a garbage truck combined. Everything goes black.
I wake up and check around the room, S.Coup is nowhere to be found but his smell still stains the room even with the door open. I check my watch and four hours since my experience with him. I go walk towards my bag and find a sign cd from him and was elated that at least I got something from this experience, though I fire I didn’t entirely hate it. I rush home to play the cd, avoiding streets with a lot of people since the stench of his ass and gas was scorched onto my clothes. I rush into my room and pop the cd into my laptop and hear S.Coup start talking, “thank you to my number one fan for a fun experience” I start to blush thinking that the entire experience was worth it. Then I hear one of his notorious blasts come through the speaker of my laptop and my coughing in the background. “HE RECORDED THE WHOLE THING”, I sit back in embarrassment and then catch a whiff of my hoodie which he imprinted his scent onto. I start to sniff the hoodie and listen to his blast at the same time reliving my wonderfully smelly S.Coup Experience.
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