#butch bonnie was a dream come true
bonniesgirl · 1 year
the fact that Fionna and Cake gave us the enemies to lovers toxic yuri with butch bonnie and villain marceline is still a shock to me
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believerindaydreams · 6 years
in which some metafictional stuff happens
Inspired by some chat I was having with @sybilius and also an amazing ‘80s AU fic by @morgan-arthur although this can’t actually be blamed on either of them. Not least because it seems to be set in the ‘70s sometime instead.
so anyway, here’s a thing where Blondie and Tuco are draft-dodging, card-playing hustlers, and wow did I get involved in building up the situation for this. Also some racial stuff, hence the tagging. 
(edit: Tumblr in its infinite wisdom blocks the fic when I had the tagging in. I’m of the opinion that any fic where the POC protagonist is contemplating their own participation in screwed-up racial dynamics for the sake of pulling a fast one ought to be tagged racism, but I also want people to actually be able to read the thing, so no tagging.)
Anyway, I feel that you can’t have Leone if the GBU characters are wandering around, so...
“Badlands,” Blondie says, holding the grey film can easily, as if it weighs no more than a dream; and Tuco privately seethes. 
They’ve been so careful about this little hustle, never entering a town together or winning too much from the same people. Blondie will show up at a bar’s back room first, play a few hands, let everyone there get a sense of him as a discreet, careful player, with a damn-near perfect poker face. 
Enter the sucker: one loud-mouthed, louder-dressed Mexican, twirling a mustache and flashing a roll (hundreds, wrapped around ones). Sometimes the other players will play it straight, and those nights they more or less break even. Other times, well...maybe he takes his time ordering the tequila, and gets to the table to find too many smiles, quiet sniggers behind the cards. And a couple too-good-to-be-true rounds to be sure of roping him in, with Blondie betting the most. 
So he wins those, and takes all the money, and tells them he’s quitting while he’s ahead. With a free round of tequila for everybody, to show there’s no hard feelings. If that’s not good enough, he has his gun; and there’s always Blondie’s if the situation got serious. So far they haven’t needed either, because the hustle they sell is never about the money. It’s something better, even more important, for the kind of men who hate the border and everything from south of it. Giving them the chance to look down on this cringing, incredibly superstitious foreigner who’d obviously love to play on, but santa maria, the Virgin Mary, she whispers in my ear and tells me no, go home now...  
(a joke in many layers; he’s from Brooklyn, not romantic Sonora, but even Blondie doesn’t know that part. There might be less dangerous ways of making a living; but none that won’t be just as insulting, Tuco figures. And the hours suit him fine.) 
Only apparently their reputation’s preceded them this time, because there’s no reason on earth that Bill Carson would just so happen to have a hot film print sitting in the trunk of his car. Blondie’s got next to no vices that Tuco’s ever noticed, but every man needs a couple, and his are Westerns. 
“Adequate stakes?“ Carson asks, with a hopeful, driving need in his voice- the jitteriness of a barely controlled addict, on something stronger than the whiskey he’s gulping like coke. Maybe there’s something to work with, then. If the stakes were worth it. 
“An old film,” Tuco says dismissively. “You tell me what I want with an old film, eh?”
“Badlands is New Hollywood,” Blondie says, not letting go to Carson’s pleading tug. “They’d never made anything like this before.”
Now that’s simply not true, Tuco’s well aware; he can date and place their progress across the country simply by what movie was playing when. 1967, Texas, Bonnie and Clyde. 1968, Colorado, and such a handsome bastard in Ace High. By 1969 they’d reached Las Vegas in time for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and spent more time sneaking into theatres than counting cards, the way he remembers it. There have been plenty such films before. 
Then again, he doesn’t know what it is that Blondie’s looking for, every time they sit before that silver screen and watch the pictures flickering by. To him they’re just a tolerable way to pass the time, a chance to rest his feet and fill his belly with hot buttered popcorn; but for Blondie, movies are meat and drink and eucharist all rolled into one, a gaping hole in the world’s tightly woven net, a wound that leads out somewhere that everything is upside-down, and their petty struggles for one more win, the indifferent hamburgers at forgettable lunch counters, sweaty nights at plastic-wrapped motels, all become the stuff of legend. 
But Blondie does have such a fine poker face; and that makes it worthwhile putting up with his foibles. “All right, all right,” Tuco says, a little more impatiently than usual; and lays down the covering stake. 
They win. Of course they win; and Bill Carson watches them take his prize with a strange kind of satisfaction, a relish that makes Tuco’s flesh prickle. All gamblers say they’re in it to win; not all of them are, though, and it fills him with unease when they play a man who begs the world to take everything he has. 
“Fucker had it coming,” he says afterwards, in the night-cold air of the alley (desert air is cruel like that, he’d discovered early on, while pretending that he’d known it all along). “But no match for us, eh Blondie?”
That’s breaking ranks. Even now, standing in front of the battered station wagon that will lead them to the next town, and another and another, they are not supposed to talk of their connection- but Blondie merely shoves an elbow into his ribs, a lackluster motion with no energy behind it. Talking’s no use, the man’s transfixed. 
Tuco curses under his breath, lights a cigarette to warm his hands and curb frustrated appetites. They’d plotted this one for weeks, planning and quarreling by turns, how to dupe the famous spendthrift Carson. He’d been dreaming of a month of steak dinners, real hotels with pile carpeting, enough money to let them rest a while and not have to do any thinking at all. 
Instead they were taken in themselves, just as broke today as they were yesterday, with a head muzzy from too much tequila and his stomach crying out with hunger. He has to be drunk, Tuco concludes, or he’d never have let Blondie dictate terms; not when they could have held out for money or a car or something practical, not a damned film that they can’t even watch.
(Briefly, he envisions reaching out and pulling the narrow length of Blondie’s black necktie into a choking knot; and the image fills him with too much bleak satisfaction.)
“You there,” somebody calls. Standing at the edge of the alley, where the street lights can outline his silhouette to maximum effect; it’s a nice theatrical gesture, Tuco notes, and tucks that one away in his memory for later.  
“You want us to put out, you’d better be prepared to pay up!” If that won’t get Blondie’s attention, nothing will. It doesn’t. 
The interloper comes closer, and Tuco recognises him now; the fourth member of their poker quartet, the one who’s spoken even less than Blondie. His mouth moves more than Blondie’s, but his eyes are just as verboten. “I have something you two might be interested in.”
“We’re not,” Blondie says, dropping the precious film into his game bag; and Tuco watches him move it from hand to hand, ready to toss onto a soft bulging trash pile if the situation degenerates into a fight. 
Angel Eyes smiles, at the both of them, and Tuco wishes he wouldn’t. “I have a projector. Someplace quiet to watch it, too. Sounds to me like we need each other.”
Blondie considers, pronounces. “Done.”
“Hang on here,” Tuco says, more for the sake of the protest than anything else. “Blondie, it’s late, this is new territory for us. We need to find somewhere to sleep tonight, get out bearings and pick up some dinner.”
“I’ll take care of that,”  Angel Eyes says, an offer that’s halfway to a command. “Only fair recompense.”
“Do us both good,” Blondie says, now staring at Angel Eyes with that same lust he’d just been lavishing on a second-hand film can; and Tuco does not ask himself the source of that sudden raging heat that grips his body tight. Doesn’t ask what it means for their unspoken trust, if someone else can wedge a way between him and Blondie; doesn’t ask himself how long this deal with a devil can be expected to last, or how it’ll end. 
All he allows himself to know is that he’s warm now, and somebody’s offered them dinner, and just now, there’s nothing more he wants out of life. 
“Tuco will probably fall asleep, but never mind that, I’ll wake him up if he starts snoring,” Blondie says. 
There’s a flicker in Angel’s expression, then. “For a poker player, you sure don’t pick up on tells.” 
wouldn’t it be just my luck, to be the bystander in a tale of love at first sight? 
“It’s your call, Blondie,” Tuco says, letting the tension drip into his shaking voice (it’s cheap, and he’d make himself a damn sight cheaper, to hold what he has). “Who are you spending the night with, huh?”
“Who’s to say I can’t spend it with both you idiots?“
“And where do you get off,” Angel Eyes asks. “Calling me an idiot?”
“If you weren’t, you’d have won the film yourself and we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” Blondie says. He takes one of his little cigars from a shirt pocket, lights and inhales. 
Not with the slightest trace of desire. There’s a devastating, effortless charm to it, the glorious self-sufficiency of a man who wants absolutely nothing from life, and will never need to ask. Illusion, the ideal poker face, perfect and complete. 
Tuco sucks in a breath at the sight, same as he always does; besides him, simultaneously, Angel Eyes does precisely the same. 
They don’t even need to look at each other, to share the next inexorable thought. 
That one’s going to be trouble.
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exprophet · 6 years
Every musical theatre ask >:3c
ALRIGHT HERE WE GO13: Most embarrassing story from your early teens.I was a scene kid. My existence was embarrassing. 
1776: Favorite Founding Father?Tbh,, Alexander Hamilton bc he was a cool dude
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: Biggest middle school achievementDidn’t die! Go me. 
A Chorus Line: Favorite type of danceSwing dance or bachata! 
Aladdin: 3 wishes you want to come true1. be in DEH2. live in NYC3. smaller chest
Amelie: Strangest dream you’ve ever hadI have a recurring dream about visiting an old house full of taxidermied animals 
Anastasia: Would you rather be rich in money or in love?Tbh?? Either?? It depends on what life is like post college 
Annie: Favorite thing about NYC?BROADWAY
Avenue Q: The Muppet’s or Sesame Street?Sesame Street!
Bandstand: How much hometown pride do you haveNone I legit talk about how awful it is daily
Be More Chill: One thing you wish to change about yourselfSmaller!! Chest!!
Beauty and the Beast: Small town or big city?Big city!
Bonnie and Clyde: Favorite dynamic duoPaul Hollywood and Mary Berry
Book of Mormon: One book I love so much that I’d go on a worldwide adventure to tell everyone about.The Great Gatsby!
Bring it On: Something you’re overly competitive abouttbh acting??
Carrie: Favorite prankOur senior prank; we printed out business cards with our old principal’s face on them and then hid them around the school
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Favorite candyFilled twizzlers!
Cinderella: shoe size6.5 or 7 (pls send me shoes)
Come from Away: One place you’d like to travelSpain!
Dear Evan Hansen: favorite social media platformthis blue hell site
Dogfight: Describe your first school danceIt was neon themed and I talked about it on the radio
Falsettos: favorite baseball teamCubbies! Baez is my fave 
Fiddler on the Roof: How many siblings do you haveNone
Footloose: Could you survive a world without danceAbsolutely not
Frozen: One super power you wish you hadShapeshifting
Grease: Summer lovers or high school sweetheartsHigh school sweethearts! (the asker is mine
Groundhog Day: One day you wish you could live in foreverTbh the One Direction show I went to on their Midnight Memories tour... so much fun
Hairspray: Describe your-go to hairstyleCurly!
Hamilton: Which Schuyler sister do you relate to the mostPeggy, I’m very tired and do not want to be here
Heathers: Favorite Slurpee flavorStrawberry shortcake!
In the Heights: What’s your heritage? I’m spicy mayo, hispanic and white
In Transit: Favorite Subway/street performer/performanceI have never seen them live, but Too Many Zooz are fucking cool
Into the Woods: Least favorite camping experienceI’ve never been camping...
Legally Blonde: What’s your stereotypeDepends, I’m a theatre kid who talks with my hands and I’m also a pretty butch lesbian
The Lion King: Favorite animalHedgehogs!
Mary Poppins: Have you ever flown a kiteYes! We used to fly them in the parking lot by my house
Matilda: favorite teacherLiz, my director from Piven!
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812: Best party you’ve ever been toThe dance party at theatre camp
Newsies: Have you ever been in the local paper. If so, whyYes! I was in an article about dads + their kids and the food they like
Pippin: Have you ever been to the circusWhen I was like 3 lmao
Rent: Favorite thing about lifeGirls
School of Rock: favorite instrumentOh fuck ukulele??
The Sound of Music: Which is more important, faith or loveLove!
Spring Awakening: Age when life bothered you the mostage 14, I was fucking miserable 
Waitress: favorite dessertAnything chocolate
Wicked: biggest insecurityMy body
The Wizard of Oz: Your definition of homePiven Theater Workshops!
0 notes
artdjgblog · 8 years
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Picture Show (or, The OOPSCARS)
I derive from an area of rural Missouri (The Show Me State) where some still refer to going to see a movie at the theater as, “Going to the SHOW.” 
Other than the last few World Series outcomes and the Super Bowl a few weeks prior, off the top of my head the 89th Academy Awards Best Picture envelope mix-up is the most bizarre thing I’ve seen unfold on live television. What a show! I won’t add much more as there are plenty of articles, social media swaps, insider commentary and “think pieces” on La La Land passing the Oscar to Moonlight. 
However, it has me thinking of my own playful “Oops! We messed up! The real winner is ACTUALLY ... “ results with the Academy’s top prize. Or, simply the films that have stuck far more to me than others over the years. Many of the top winners are fine films, but I prefer others. And in some cases there’s a tie. In the end, awards don’t matter as we like what we like surrounded by much larger fish to fry in the oil pan of life. But, to further my self-serving at the culture buffet, there are many times the Academy nailed it (even in cases where I shamefully didn’t see all respective nominees). 
For the record, extensive research and reminders would be far too exhaustive an attempt to highlight all the films I fantasy-feel should have made the Best Picture nomination cut in a given year. (That would be for another opinionated and elongated discussion.) Therefore, I’ll just stick to those picks that are stuck in true time. Also, I won’t span the entirety of the 89 awards, rather the last 50. I guess this also reveals I have catching up to do with many pictures prior to the 1970s. Not to mention a good chunk sprinkled throughout the years of this little exercise. 
I’m declaring myself ineligible for the years I’ve barely seen any Best Picture nominated films or, gulp, none at all. (And from what I understand not seeing all films nominated doesn’t stop actual Oscar voters. Which, is a little weird to me.) There are even a handful of the big winners I’ve yet to see. What kind of film fan am I? (Confession: Moonlight ... I wanted to see you for months but it never worked out. Sorry. Congrats, though!) So, really, why am I doing this? Because it’s fun! It’s hard to see or remember them all, so this may help me fill in the gaps. I’m not in it for an argument. Does the “O” in OSCAR stand for OPINION or OOPS?
Motion Pictures by Neil Young, 1974
BOLD = My Vote(s) / NA = My Idiot Eyes Unseen
1967 (40th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS! In the Heat of the Night (NA) Bonnie and Clyde Doctor Dolittle (NA) The Graduate (SHOULD HAVE NAILED IT!) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (NA)
1968 (41st) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER NOT SEEING ANY FILMS! Oliver! (NA) Funny Girl (NA) The Lion in Winter (NA) Rachel, Rachel (NA) Romeo and Juliet (NA)
1969 (42nd) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS!  Midnight Cowboy Anne of the Thousand Days (NA) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Hello, Dolly! (NA) Z (NA) 1970 (43rd) Patton Airport (NA) Five Easy Pieces Love Story (NA) M*A*S*H 1971 (44th) The French Connection (NA) A Clockwork Orange  Fiddler on the Roof  The Last Picture Show Nicholas and Alexandra (NA) 1972 (45th) - NAILED IT! The Godfather Cabaret Deliverance The Emigrants (NA) Sounder (NA) 1973 (46th) The Sting American Graffiti Cries and Whispers (NA) The Exorcist A Touch of Class (NA) 1974 (47th) The Godfather Part II Chinatown The Conversation Lenny The Towering Inferno (NA) 1975 (48th) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Barry Lyndon Dog Day Afternoon Jaws Nashville 1976 (49th) Rocky All the President's Men Bound for Glory (NA) Network Taxi Driver 1977 (50th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS! Annie Hall The Goodbye Girl (NA) Julia (NA) Star Wars (SHOULD HAVE NAILED IT!) The Turning Point (NA) 1978 (51st) - NAILED IT! The Deer Hunter Coming Home Heaven Can Wait (NA) Midnight Express An Unmarried Woman (NA) 1979 (52nd) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 1 FILM!   Kramer vs. Kramer (NA) All That Jazz (NA) Apocalypse Now (SHOULD HAVE NAILED IT!) Breaking Away (NA) Norma Rae (NA) 1980 (53rd) Ordinary People Coal Miner's Daughter (NA) The Elephant Man Raging Bull Tess (NA) 1981 (54th) Chariots of Fire (NA) Atlantic City On Golden Pond Raiders of the Lost Ark Reds (NA) 1982 (55th) Gandhi E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Missing (NA) Tootsie The Verdict (NA) 1983 (56th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 1 FILM! Terms of Endearment The Big Chill (NA) The Dresser (NA) The Right Stuff (NA) Tender Mercies (NA) 1984 (57th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER NOT SEEING ANY FILMS! Amadeus (NA) The Killing Fields (NA) A Passage to India (NA) Places in the Heart (NA) A Soldier's Story (NA) 1985 (58th) Out of Africa (NA) The Color Purple Kiss of the Spider Woman (NA) Prizzi's Honor Witness 1986 (59th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS! Platoon Children of a Lesser God (NA) Hannah and Her Sisters The Mission (NA) A Room with a View (NA) 1987 (60th) - NAILED IT! The Last Emperor Broadcast News Fatal Attraction Hope and Glory (NA) Moonstruck 1988 (61st) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS! Rain Man The Accidental Tourist (NA) Dangerous Liaisons (NA) Mississippi Burning Working Girl (NA) 1989 (62nd) Driving Miss Daisy Born on the Fourth of July Dead Poets Society Field of Dreams My Left Foot 1990 (63rd) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! Dances with Wolves Awakenings Ghost The Godfather Part III (NA) Goodfellas 1991 (64th) - NAILED IT! The Silence of the Lambs Beauty and the Beast Bugsy (NA) JFK The Prince of Tides (NA) 1992 (65th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 1 FILM! Unforgiven (NAILED IT ANYWAY!) The Crying Game (NA) A Few Good Men (NA) Howard​'​s End (NA) Scent of a Woman (NA) 1993 (66th) - INELIGIBLE TO VOTE PER ONLY SEEING 2 FILMS! Schindler's List (NAILED IT ANYWAY!) The Fugitive In the Name of the Father (NA) The Piano (NA) The Remains of the Day (NA) 1994 (67th) Forrest Gump Four Weddings and a Funeral (NA) Pulp Fiction Quiz Show The Shawshank Redemption 1995 (68th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! Braveheart Apollo 13 Babe Il Postino: The Postman Sense and Sensibility (NA) 1996 (69th) The English Patient Fargo Jerry Maguire Secrets & Lies (NA) Shine 1997 (70th) Titanic As Good as It Gets The Full Monty (NA) Good Will Hunting L.A. Confidential (NA) 1998 (71st) Shakespeare in Love Elizabeth (NA) Life Is Beautiful Saving Private Ryan The Thin Red Line 1999 (72nd) American Beauty The Cider House Rules The Green Mile (NA) The Insider The Sixth Sense 2000 (73rd) Gladiator Chocolat Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Erin Brockovich Traffic 2001 (74th) A Beautiful Mind Gosford Park (NA) In the Bedroom The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Moulin Rouge! 2002 (75th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! Chicago Gangs of New York The Hours (NA) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Pianist 2003 (76th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Lost in Translation Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (NA) Mystic River Seabiscuit (NA) 2004 (77th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! Million Dollar Baby The Aviator Finding Neverland Ray Sideways 2005 (78th) Crash Brokeback Mountain Capote Good Night, and Good Luck Munich 2006 (79th) - NAILED IT! The Departed Babel Letters from Iwo Jima Little Miss Sunshine The Queen (NA) 2007 (80th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! No Country for Old Men Atonement (NA) Juno Michael Clayton (NA) There Will Be Blood 2008 (81st) - NAILED IT! Slumdog Millionaire The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Frost/Nixon Milk The Reader 2009 (82nd) - DEMANDS A TIE! The Hurt Locker Avatar The Blind Side District 9 An Education Inglourious Basterds Precious (NA) A Serious Man Up Up in the Air 2010 (83rd) - DEMANDS A TIE! The King's Speech 127 Hours Black Swan The Fighter Inception The Social Network Toy Story 3 True Grit Winter's Bone 2011 (84th) - DEMANDS A TIE! The Artist The Descendants Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (NA) The Help Hugo Midnight in Paris Moneyball The Tree of Life War Horse 2012 (85th) - DEMANDS A TIE! Argo Amour Beasts of the Southern Wild Django Unchained Les Misérables (NA) Life of Pi Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty 2013 (86th) - DEMANDS A TIE! 12 Years a Slave American Hustle Captain Phillips (NA) Dallas Buyers Club Gravity​ Her ​Nebraska Philomena The Wolf of Wall Street 2014 (87th) - NAILED IT! / DEMANDS A TIE! Birdman American Sniper Boyhood The Grand Budapest Hotel The Imitation Game Selma The Theory of Everything Whiplash 2015 (88th) - DEMANDS A TIE! Spotlight The Big Short Bridge of Spies Brooklyn Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian The Revenant Room
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bookclub4m · 7 years
Just in time for LGBT Pride Month, this episode has us discussing LGBTQ+/QUILTBAG Non-Fiction books! We talk about queer Canadians, own voices, the importance of cultural context, and how this is our newest episode ever (in terms of publication dates for books). Plus: Anna and Matthew will be at the American Library Association conference in Chicago this weekend. Tweet at us if you’ll be there and want to say “Hi!”.
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or your favourite podcast delivery system.
 In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jessi
Books We Read (or tried to)
The Lesbian Lexicon by Stevie Anntonym (recommended)
Queer Game Studies edited by Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw (Matthew mistakenly called this Queer Gaming)
David Bowie Made Me Gay by Darryl W. Bullock (out November 21st, 2017) (recommended)
Outlaw Marriages by by Rodger Streitmatter
Queers Were Here: Heroes & Icons of Queer Canada edited by Robin Ganev and RJ Gilmour (recommended)
Scott Thompson (of The Kids in the Hall)
LOOK: Lesbian Organization of Kitchener
LOOT: Lesbian Organization of Toronto
The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care edited by Zena Sharman (recommended)
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson (recommended)
The Life and Times of Butch Dykes (series) by by Eloisa Aquino
The Case of Alan Turing: The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of the Legendary Codebreaker by Éric Liberge and Arnaud Delalande (recommended)
My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness by Nagata Kabi (recommended)
Goodreads review that suggestions Nagata Kabi is “non-binary and possibly asexual”
Cities vol. 1 by Anand Vedawal (recommended)
The Prince of los Cocuyos by Richard Blanco
Books We Mentioned
On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor
Fun Home and Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel
Pedro and Me by Judd Winick (that page shows the terrible cover) (recommended)
Two or Three Things I Know for Sure and Skin: Talking about Sex, Class and Literature by Dorothy Allison
Forward by Abby Wambach
Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness and Becoming a Man by Thomas Page McBee (recommended)
My Body is Yours by Michael V. Smith (recommended)
Female Masculinity by J. Jack Halberstam
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme edited by Ivan E. Coyote and Zena Sharman
Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (recommended)
Tomboy Survival Guide by Ivan E. Coyote (recommended)
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, Eric Klinenberg
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh (recommended)
Princess Jellyfish (series) by Akiko Higashimura (recommended)
DAR (webcomic) by Erika Moen
How to be a Guy (series of articles) by Jay Edidin (recommended)
Links, Articles, and Things
Our list of genres
QUILTBAG definition on Wiktionary
LGBT Pride Month
QZAP: The Queer Zine Archive Project
Mass Effect
Kaiden Alenko
Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian
Broad City
The Imitation Game
Otokonoko: A frustratingly brief WIkipedia article about crossdressing in Japan
Do you want a postcard? Email us your address!
Will you be at ALA in Chicago? Let us know!
Got any recommendations for asexual non-fiction?
Check out our Pinterest board and Tumblr posts for all the QUILTBAG/LGBTQ+ books we read, follow us on Twitter, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, July 4th, when we’ll talk about Reading Exhaustion and Reading Slumps (or maybe a super secret surprise).
 Then come back on July 18th when we’ll be discussing Legal Thrillers!
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scamtheradio · 8 years
Unity of all Kind
Think of song as fragments of human emotion banded together, ideas tangled in sound. Swirling in and out of our bodies, gusting through the universe. Song is never standstill. (see creation of dance) An entity all it's own, capabilities are endless. Song mimics time. Motivates, heals, hurts , it encourages love.
This song collection (80's kids deem mixtapes) is spun from honers of the craft. It is an Unmatched detached batch free from latch.
Creature Calendar
Aloha - Don't Wanna Win Real Estate - Darling Hoops - Rules Caveman - 80's West Angel Olsen - Never be Mine Arms - Stellary Cave Singers - Christmas Night Tennis - Friends of Blue EZTV - Racing Country Mac DeMarco - My Old Man Hippo Campus - Way It Goes HINDS - When it Comes to You Molly Burch - Downhearted Chris Staples - Golden Age The Proper Ornaments - Bridge By a Tunnel
Cigarettes and Sorcery https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/3kUygZRuVOevgp5pSGLa3W
Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam- 1000 Times Museyroom - Siren Eisley - Sparking WHY? - Easy Relient K - Air for Free Rogue Waveve - Look at Me Nice As Fuck - Cookie Lips Phish - Waking up Dead Elbow - Gentle Storm The Duke Spirite Spirit - Pacific Ryley Walker - A Choir Apart matt pond PA - Used to Be Big Search - Distant Shore Owen - Empty Bottle The Besnard Lakesrd - Golden Lion Grandaddy - I don't wanna live here anymore
Danced In Bones Alone https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/6HrSERRxE6kuxqkGA9rXYN
Lindstrom - Closing Shot Pfarmers - 97741 Mr. Tophatat ft Robyn - Trust Me Factory Floor - Ya S U R V I V E - High Rise The Range - Copper Wire Pantha Du Prince - You What Euphoria Teen Daze - Lost Beacon- Better or Worse SUUNS - Translate The Album Leaf - New Soul
Dedicated to Thomas Fekete https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/4yxJjupSfzicJ5PVtgqcPL
BIG UPS - National Parks Modern Baseball - Apple Cider, I Don't Mind Cymbals Eat Guitars - 4th of july Surfer Blood - Frozen Say Anything - Wire Mom The Thermalsls - Thinking of You JAPANDROIDS - Near to the Wold Heart of Life Built To Spill - Some Other Song Thee Oh Sees Sees - The Poem Cloud Nothings - Up to the Surface You Blew It It! - Canary We Cut Corners - On Avoiding People Car Seat Headrest - (Joe Gets Kicked Out of School for Using Dugs With Friends )But Says This Isn't a Problem Fred Thomas - Voiceover American Football - My Instincts Are the Enemy Into It. Over It. - No EQ The Good Life - Are You Afraid of Dying
Fluster Flurry https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/6peIIJjWv9sNscd5h9B9Ao
Chris Cohen - Torrey Pine Brendan Canning - Once I Was a Runner Woods - Politics of Free Hoops - Going Strong The Drums - Blood Under My Belt Mitski - Fireworks Jay Som - Our Red Door Frankie Cosmos - Too Dark Eskimeaux - Sleeping Bear Trust Fund - Would that be an advenuture? Allison Crutchfield - I Don't Ever Wanna Leave California Mothers - It Hurts Until It Doesn't Big Thief - Paul Quilt - Eliot St. Tony Molina - No One Told He
Goth Party https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/1KUx93OcP2ZEFBnrCLKyiO
Lust For Youth - Tokyo Trentmoller - River In Me Sin Fang - Lost Girls The Raveonettes - Nvrlnd Crocodiles - Telepathic Lover The Growlers - Night Ride Japanese Breakfast - Everybody Wants to Love You American Wrestlers - So Long DIIV - Dopamine Wye Oak - No Dreaming Fear Of Men - Island Eagulls - My Life in Rewind Merchandise - Right Back to the Start BADBADNOTGOOD - Speaking Gently LNZNDRF - Kind Things Soft Hair - Jealous Lies Tacocat - I Hate the Weekend
Moondrown https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/1pwkKFcMJ5xOGmpN8vG5uk
Porches - Black Dress (Water Version) Memoryhouse - Get Back Junior Boys - Baby Fat Austra - I Love You More Than You Love Yourself Psychic Twin - Strangers Still Corners - Downtown Jessy Lanza - Going Somewhere David Bazan Someone Else's Bet Casket Girls - Virginia Beach The Radio Dept. Can't Be Guilty Thieves Like Us - Moon Is Tropical - Say Ariel Pink & Weyes Blood - On Another Day
Preposterous Octopus - https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5JKtnFHRRwr7ydJTFh88hB
Adam Olenius - News Is Saying Cullen Omori - Cinnamon Whitney - No Woman The Snails - Tiight Side of Life Regina Spektor - Bleeding Heart Laura Gibson - Two Kids Okkervil River - The Industry Andrew Bird - Puma case/lang/veirs - Best Kept Secret Martha Wainwright - Around the Bend Shearwater - Quiet Americans Oberhofer - Lost Your Love
Sledge Allegiance https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/2zwCzpooNvp6EDeNpmfqdF
Tim Cohen - Meat Is Murder The Lemon Twigs - Hi+Lo Dams of the West - Tell the Truth Butch Walker - East Coast Girl Fruit Bats - My Sweet Midwest Drive-By-Truckers - What It Means Shooter Jennings - From Here To Eternity Dawes - We're All Gonna Die From Indian Lakes - The Monster Spookyland - Nowhereland Conor Oberst - Gossamer Thin
Sleeping Bear https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/4Vwpqb5H04p0ITlFJxLDvf
The xx - On Hold Anna Meredith - Something Helpful M83 - Go! School of Seven Bells - Signals Chairlift - Romeo Jim James - We Ain't Getting Any Younger Pt. 2 Eric Copeland - Honorable Mentions El Guincho - De Bugas Animal Collective - Jimmy Mack Beth Orton - 1973 James Vincent McMorrow - Seek Another Sun Kil Moon - Philadelphia Cop Bon Iver - "33 God" Sin Fang - Walk With You in Space Lambchop - Relatives #2 Xiu Xiu - Get Up
Spin A Dream https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/7zW3vzP5x55YDaXEDdSmux
Mesita - Fear Of Others Weyes Blood - Used To Be Julie Byrne - Sleepwalker Deakin - Golden Chords Tim Cohen - Clouds Bat For Lashes - In Gods House Flaming Lips - The Castle Mutual Benefit - Getting Gone Slow Club - Sweetest Grape On The Vine M. Ward - Pirate Dial Damien Jurado - A.M AM. From Indian Lakes - American Dreams Cass McCombs - Laughter is the Best Medicine David Bowie - No Plan Devendra Banhart - Jon Lends a Hand Marissa Nadler - I Remember The Touch of Your Hand Willis Earl Beal - Lost In A Dream Alexis Taylor - Don't it Make My Brown Eyes Blue Rufus Wainwright - Take All My Loves (Sonnet 40) Yann Tiersen - Pern Bonnie Prince Billy - Jolly One (2/15) Peter Broderick - Conspiraling Peter Silberman - Impermanence
Spitigit https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/2Sx6E580ff4WLn3RHBM6VG
The Strokes - Threat Of Joy Red Hot Chili Peppers - Sick Love Hot Hot Heat - Magnitude Blink 182 - Bored to Death The Orwells - Vacation Weezer - (Girl We Got a) Good Thing Kings Of Leon - Eyes On You Pixies - Oona Yuck - Hold Me Closer Jeff the Brotherhood - Idiot We Are Scienctists - Too Late Bloc Party - So Real
Starchoo https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/3ZikgKm5ktsoLycE54R4vu
Jens Lekman - What's That Perfume That You Wear? Sondre Lerche - I'm Always Watching You The Shins - Name For You Delicate Steve - Winners Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Astonished Man Dr. Dog - Survive Joan of Arc - This Must Be the Placenta Deerhof - Learning to Apologize Effectively You Can't Win Charlie Brown - Linger On Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Down (Is Where I Want To Be) Peter Bjorn And John - Do-Si-Do Walter Martin - Amsterdam Jaill - Helen You Sure Do Smell Bad For A Girl Dr. Dog - Bring My Baby Back Tennis - Ladies Don't Play Guitar Eleanor Friedberger - Two Versions Of Tomorrow
Super Mario Bros 2 Overture https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5kMXVhcfcnmsoq5fLHxA5p
Foxygen - Hang Eric Bachmann - Seperaion Fight Joseph Arthur - When I Look At You Quiet Life - Live Wire Band of Horses - In A Drawer Wilco - Someone to Lose Damien Jurado & Richard Swift - Sincere Replies Kevin Morby - Beautiful Strangers Kevin Devine - Guard Your Gates Daniel Bachman - Wine and Peanuts The Last Revel - Garage Sale The Way Down Wanderers - Changing The Avett Brothers - True Sadness Hiss Golden Messenger - Happy Day (Sister My Sister) Frightened Rabbit - I Wish I Was Sober
Thrustin Junction https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5DWNyygSRMIAHDE5kRo6Kd
Field Music - They Want You to Remember Metronomy - Back Together of Montreal - My Fair Lady Shooter Jennings - Love Kills Saint Motel - For Elise Sam Patch - 100 Decibels Eleanor Friedberger - Cathy With The Curly Hair Craig Finn - Extras Wolf Parade - C'est La Vie Way Ra Ra Riot - Call Me Out Moonface and Siinai - The Nightclub Artiste Jesu/Sun Kil Moon - Last Night I Rocked The Room Like Elvis An Had Then Laughing Like Richard Pryor Natureboy - Sunsets Animal Collective - Mountain Game Majical Cloudz - Pretty Julia Brown Without You (full)
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