#but zhongli is too far gone
aurumventi · 2 years
maybe zhongxiao shippers have some rights.....
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papiliotao · 1 year
꒰ 𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚 ✩࿐
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pairings: alhaitham, diluc, kaeya, and zhongli x gn!reader (separate)
content: hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship, arguments (unspecified reason), reader and character live together
summary: after a heated conflict with your boyfriend, you decide to sleep on the couch instead of together on your shared bed. how does he react?
a/n: shockingly, i'm not writing for any anemo boys this time. that's mainly because this is a gift for @spiritingawaytoanime for @favonius-library's gift exchange event! i hope you enjoy!
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The sound of the front door closing is the only sound that can be heard as ALHAITHAM steps into your living room. An ocean of pitch-blackness threatens to drown him. The space lacks illumination. Darkness floods into every crack and crevice of your home, invading an otherwise peaceful space.
He breathes out a sigh as he walks down the hallway of your shared apartment. Alhaitham doesn’t bother flicking on the lights. He knows you’re probably asleep already, and he’d rather not disturb you, especially since you were in a foul mood earlier. So unpleasant, in fact, that you got into a petty argument with him. However, Alhaitham isn’t really that worried. He knows that in the end, you’ll be able to sort out your differences.
But when he enters the bedroom, he immediately feels that something is off. The air feels colder than usual, biting his skin with the ferocity of a thousand cuts. It’s unsettling and especially disturbing to Alhaitham because such feelings don’t often overtake his frozen heart. It almost feels as though the atmosphere has the ability to thaw his emotions, awakening a sentimental side of himself that doesn’t often show beyond his rational demeanour.
When he approaches the side of your bed, he instantaneously realizes what’s wrong. You’re not here. You’re not here. An unfamiliar feeling drives pinpricks into his heart. The sensation is strange, irritating, and it won’t go away. He hasn’t ever felt this way before. Perhaps this is another emotion to add to the list of new feelings being with you has caused him to experience.
Alhaitham sighs. It’s not like he wasn’t expecting this outcome. He had been far too cold earlier while you had been far too emotional. Ice and fire would never coalesce into a single being.
The feelings that accompany the situation are all a complete mystery to him. Nonetheless, he buries his emotions so that he can focus on finding you, maintaining his logical front in the face of such a precarious situation.
As your lover, he knows you well, so he’s almost entirely sure he knows where you’ve gone. Alhaitham shakes his head. He should have checked right when he entered the house. After all, the couches were right by the door.
Once again, Alhaitham walks blindly through the darkness, taking it step-by-step without so much as a stumble in his gait as he makes his way down a hallway that has long engraved itself in his memories. It’s odd. Alhaitham doesn’t usually go out of his way to become involved in the affairs of others, much less memorize details about their lives. But with you, everything is different. He remembers every single intricate thread of information in the web that forms your identity.
And perhaps that’s why he feels a sense of calm wash over him like cerulean waves on a pristine summer day as he approaches your sleeping form. As he takes in the sight of your silhouette against the backdrop of night, he notices that you appear to be shivering slightly. You don’t have a blanket on.
“Typical [name],” he whispers under his breath. 
Although his words sound rather harsh and slanderous, he utters them with hints of a small smile gracing his face.
Quietly, Alhaitham walks over to a closet in which you keep a multitude of blankets. He takes his time selecting one — after all, he’s in no rush. Eventually, he settles on a velvety blanket that feels soft to the touch. Although Alhaitham can’t exactly picture it in the dark, he knows that it will be sufficient.
So with an insurmountable level of care, he drapes it onto your body. Even though he can be insensitive at times, Alhaitham knows that you most likely want some space for now, so with a gentle ghost of a kiss to your cheek, he leaves the room.
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The silence that fills the house rings in DILUC’s ears, shrieking in a manner reminiscent of thousands of crystal glasses shattering into pieces. It’s deafening. The space feels as though it is full of nothing but misery and doubt and yet it’s so, so empty at the same time.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The sound of a clock’s arms snapping into place in one second intervals is the only sign of life within the building. Every space on the canvas of night is blank as if awaiting wonderous stars to fill the nothingness with inquisitive light. However, the illumination doesn’t come. Tales of galaxies serendipitously brightening worlds are simply idealistic fantasies from the minds of children. In the real world, things seldom end so well without any intervention.
So he decides to slowly get out of bed, leaving the warmth under the covers — a heat that feels far too stifling without you — in order to search for you. But as the abyssal air of night brushes against Diluc’s skin, he feels a shiver run down his spine. Nothing feels right without you by his side. He needs you. Now.
Diluc knows you’re sleeping on the couch. He saw you there when he was going to bed, but at the time, pride and petty emotions whispered words of spite in the depths of his soul, phrases that prompted him to ignore you.
As he navigates the dimly-lit hallways of your shared home, a wave of regret washes over him. If only things hadn’t gotten so heated when you were still immersed in the waking world together. Now you’re asleep, and he’s lost any chance he has of making things right today. If he wants to apologize, then patience will be crucial.
However, at the same time, Diluc wants to check up on you. So when he finally makes his way through the doorway of the living room, his eyes immediately land on your figure, burning with the light of a thousand fires, almost as though they are casting a glow upon your silhouette. The moonlight illuminates you, caressing every strand of your hair and highlighting every dip and curve of your features to make you look absolutely ethereal.
As Diluc approaches you, he notices that you’re barely covered by a thin blanket, and despite the feeble layer of protection, the frigid atmosphere of night seems to permeate your soul. He shakes his head slightly, sighing as he stares at you. No matter how angry he was at you during the day, Diluc can’t just leave you here to freeze.
So with bated breath, he picks you up while you’re still immersed in a universe of dreamy fantasies and carries you to your room. He thanks all his years of training with a claymore for giving him the ability to lift you. Although you’re not on the best of terms, Diluc is sure that you’ll make up once morning comes, and thus, a vibrant new dawn will overlook the horizon for both of you.
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Shivers wrack KAEYA’s body as he tosses and turns restlessly in a bed that feels far too large and far too empty for his liking. It’s peculiar. The cold rarely bothers him, yet now, without you by his side, the frigidness of the night air is far too potent for his liking. Tendrils of night creep under the covers overtop him, wrapping around him with an icy fervor, and no matter how hard he tries to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he can’t.
It’s as though the brighter part of himself has faded away with the radiance of the sun, giving way to an indescribable melancholy that settles into every inch of his being, taking all that he has and becoming all that he is. The cold is so much more unbearable without your warmth, and it doesn’t take long before he realizes that he won’t be able to close his eyes peacefully and drift into a tranquil world full of glacial wonderlands. Instead, he’ll lie awake, alone in your freezing bed — a place that feels far too desolate without your presence.
Hours stretch on and on, twisting and turning in a way that morphs them into a neverending story. As time goes on, the unsettling embers that had once singed the pit of Kaeya’s stomach grow until they blaze brightly, morphing into a raging fire. It’s unbearable, and he knows that he has to do something or else his mind will continue nagging at him for the remainder of the evening.
With cautious movements, he sits up and climbs out of bed. It’s awfully quiet in the house. Usually, flirtatious remarks and passionate displays of affection fill the void within your home, transforming it into a utopia overflowing with wonders. However, at the moment, none of that exists. Perpetual darkness and transient flashes of anxiety are the only things present at the moment. However, he manages to carefully make his way down the hallway without much issue. The creaking of the floorboards is the only noise that cuts through the silence hanging in the air.
As Kaeya enters the living room, his eyes land on a figure lying on the couch. It’s you. He breathes out a sigh, approaching you. Kaeya can see the rising and falling of your chest, hear your gentle breaths, and feel you exhaling once he leans in to examine your face. You look as though you’re at peace — a stark contrast to your earlier demeanour, an act fueled by feelings of rage and spite.
A small smile tugs on the corners of his lips. You look ethereal, although slightly pitiful, your face tinted with the light of the moon. His heart breaks. You appear lonely without his arms wrapped around you. Kaeya feels the urge to pull you into his embrace, hold you tight, protect you from the unknown monsters of the night.
But instead of doing anything, he simply stands there. After your explosive argument, he’s still hesitant to touch you. However, upon closer examinations, Kaeya sees you shaking like a leaf in an intense gale. You’re freezing. And that’s the final straw.
Your boyfriend finally breaks under the weight of your needs and his desires. With steady movements and a fragile touch, he lifts your body just the slightest bit — barely enough for him to climb onto the couch under you. Gradually, he sets you down, laying your head down on his chest. His fingers graze over your features as he eyes you with a gaze full of admiration.
“Sweet dreams, babe. We’ll figure everything out once the sun rises.”
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ZHONGLI sighs as he settles atop the plush covers of your shared bed alone. It feels cold — far too frigid for his liking as darkness encroaches, and although he glances out the window in hopes of seeing a single shard of fragmented starlight, he is greeted with nothing more than the sight of an endless abyss devoid of radiance. 
A chill permeates every bone in his body, gnawing at him in a way that serves as a perpetual reminder that you’re not beside him right now. It’s strange. For once, Zhongli feels restless. He’s usually so calm, so composed. But at the moment, he can’t help but worry. 
You’re not here with him. Instead, you’re out in the living room, curled up alone on the couch. Zhongli can picture you in flawless detail — every dip and curve of your troubled face, the shadows that shroud you in a cloak fashioned from midnight, and the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out. He feels a longing that he hasn’t felt in centuries. He wants to be beside you to trace your features, to prevent the glacial fingers of night from creeping down your back, and to feel your breath fanning his face.
However, he knows that no matter how hard he wishes, his hopes and dreams will have to be put on hold for now. In hindsight, it was a bad idea to let you escape into the land of slumber without trying to work things out with you first because now, Zhongli feels as though he won’t get a wink of sleep. At least, not without you by his side.
Eventually, he caves to all the thoughts running through his head; guilt threatens to swallow him whole. So instead of continuing to chase sleep, Zhongli gets out of bed, and although the night air sends a shiver down his spine, the sensation is nothing compared to his need for you. Quietly, he makes his way into your living room, trying to keep his footfalls light out of fear of waking you up. His eyes have long since adjusted to the darkness, so he navigates the house without any real trouble.
When he arrives at his destination, his gaze immediately zones in on a silhouette lying on one of the couches in the room. Although obscured by darkness, he knows that it’s you. Cautiously, he bends down to observe you. Zhongli raises his hand in order to caress your cheeks, his touch feather-light as if he’s afraid that you’ll shatter.
He wants nothing more than to wake you right now and talk things out, but he doesn’t want to disturb your slumber. You seem so peaceful despite everything that happened earlier, and besides, Zhongli is sure that with time, the two of you will make up. Your love for each other is much stronger than any form of false resentment fostered by petty arguments. After all, the illusions created by a deceptive heart are far too easy to dispel with feelings of everlasting passion and affection.
So instead of rousing you from the oneiric realm of dreams, Zhongli sits down on a couch beside the one you’re lying on. Although his mind has not completely settled yet, it feels less perturbed with you by his side. As a master of patience, he decides that he’ll wait for you to wake up. He’ll wait for the first rays of light to grace the face of the earth in order to greet you with a smile and an apology once you open your eyes.
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Thank you for reading!
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erosiism · 4 months
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character(s): childe, ayato [part one is finished, it features diluc & zhongli]
warnings(s): angst ofc—mention of blood, my first post on tumblr so my writing style may be a little icky, inaccuracies since I haven’t looked up genshin lore for a hot minute 
note(s): male reader, second person, present tense, not beta read
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note(s); you are his fiance
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Your marriage alliance is purely for business. Ayato knows that. He’s the head of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato plan—he’s busy, for god’s sake. He doesn’t want to waste time or beat around the bush: if he is to marry you, the only son of the L/n clan, he will, but he doesn’t want you to expect any pleasantries. He will be cordial and polite enough, but he doesn’t have the time to butter you up. He will mind his own business, and so will you. He is not one for earthly desires. He cares far more for his clan’s prestige and for surviving to play the role of a husband.
“[Name], right?” He smiles at you. You smile back, your posture stiff and your smile fixed painfully on your face. “I’m sure we know what this marriage is intended for.”
Your skin feels tight. “I do.”
“You can go to Thoma should you have any inquiries. My sister will help you too should you need anything.”
You tilt your head. Your tone is straightforward and blunt. “And you?”
“I’ll be busy,” Ayato says politely.
“I understand.”
There: your first conversation had been completely unremarkable and bland. But Ayato had appreciated that you had been straight to the point. You had been completely no nonsense, and Ayato at least, did not feel annoyed. He has too many things on his plate to deal with trivial things like romance: too many rival clans are trying to assassinate him, too many people are trying to destroy his clan. He does his own things, you do too. Occasionally you two meet—it’s just one house, after all, and you two make polite conversation. You make for a rather amusing partner at times, you make him laugh, and with you he feels relaxed.
Sometimes he plays the tricks he plays on Thoma; but it’s almost impressive to see you stomach the strange food he feeds you. You tease him with a rather sweet straight face; in calm tones, you poke fun at him. Ayato forgets that the two of you are married, at times, but there are also the rare times that he’s almost pleased.
Months pass after your encounter. The two of you have lapsed into a routine. Ayato finds that there are times he almost looks forward to the occasions the two of you meet. He starts planning brief instances where he can see you: he starts to finish his work a little quicker so he’ll be able to see you. He lessens your workload so you won’t be tired. He buys trinkets that remind him of you. He starts to reach out to you a lot more. 
He notices you smiling more. You seem pleased, joyful, even at this. 
(“Gosh,” Ayaka tells him once, smiling sweetly. “You two do act like a married couple.”
Married. Ah. Right. Ayato has nearly forgotten.)
One day, as he’s out, he spots a gem the color of your eyes. He spends a decidedly long time looking at it, choosing it carefully, before he tucks it in your pocket. You deserve to have nice things, he thinks to himself. And so he will give it to you. His husband.
But when he returns home, he doesn’t expect to see the sight of you barely breathing, your breaths shuddering, your body limp. Thoma and Ayaka are not in sight. They must have gone out today. And you…
The gem clinks in his pocket as he runs towards you.
“[Name],” Ayato calls for your messily, the words falling over each other as they spill from his mouth, “[Name]!”
The last word is a yell. “[Name], please…who did this to you?”
“Those bastards,” you say weakly, “from…that…clan…they wanted information. They…”
“And you—”
“I didn’t give it to them, if that’s what you were worried about,” you manage to choke out. “I know how important it was to you.”
The information. Right. The scrolls. Right. Important? Perhaps months ago Ayato would have agreed. After all, that was months, almost a year of hard work. But looking at you now, Ayato begged to differ. Here you were, bleeding out, dying, because of him.
You sacrificed yourself. You sacrificed yourself for him.
“I know what this marriage was intended for,” you repeat the words he had told you when you two had first met. His husband. His beloved husband. His darling. “I’ve honored it.”
“No,” Ayato cradles you, feeling as if life escapes your body. Your body is turning cold. “No!”
It’s too late. The gem rolls out of his pocket, and Ayato despairs.
The gem is no longer the color of your beautiful eyes.
It’s bathed in red.
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note(s); you are from fatui
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There are countless deaths when it comes to Fatui. It has become disturbingly normal. And you are Tartaglia’s subordinate. The eleventh harbinger’s associate. You two hit it off, immediately: you are of similar age, and you have a little brother the same age as Teucer. Or: you had a little brother. He was torn away from you because of your poor living conditions in Snezhnaya. And that was what spurred you on to make a last ditch attempt to join the Fatui to find a purpose somehow; to riddle yourself with work so you cannot think of your brother’s death.
Childe has been nothing but sweet to you so far. You have been seeing two sides of him: the tender, gentle side to him when he talks about Teucer, when he speaks of the little letters he gets from his siblings, or on the occasions he speaks to you. And the other is more wild; more bloodthirsty—and in those instances, you can see the marks that the Abyss has left on him. That uncontrollable urge to ravage everything in sight; to leave it broken and damaged.
Today is no different. The two of you tread the snow as you walk up the mountains. Childe is laughing as he is telling you stories. You listen to him like you always do. Neither of you spot the Ruin Guards. Not even three—by some wretched curse, there are five of them, lumbering behind. And by the time their shadows loom before the two of you, it’s too late.
Childe flinches; you reach out to him in desperation before you see him shift into his Foul Legacy form. 
What rotten luck, you curse to yourself, adrenaline starting to fill in. What kind of stupid thing have we walked into?
You have seen him use it a few times—once against three Ruin Guards. He defeated them without much difficulty—but you had seen the after effects. You had seen the way he had panted for his breath; the way his face had turned pale, the way he had quivered and had grasped onto you and the Traveler for help.
He does the same. There’s still two remaining, and Childe’s still standing. But you see him clutching his head. You think of Teucer. Childe has a family to return to. You have no one. In a way, this action would be the most logical. The most understanding. It will be a sacrifice for Childe and his brother. You know the pain of losing a brother—you don’t want Teucer to go through that again.
“I think I can handle them,” you tell Childe quietly. You don’t have a vision, but you have a delusion you have yet to use. “Go. Rest.”
“[Name],” Childe warns.
“Teucer.” Is the only word you say.
Childe’s eyes widen. He bites his lip. He sees your point—you knew he would. 
“I’ll come back alive,” you promise.
“[Name],” he tries again.
“See you later.” It’s a clear dismissal. 
You push him a little to the side; Childe stumbles away. Then you quickly unleash the delusion you have kept and unsheathe your sword. Childe was the one that taught you how to use a sword—and now you recall his advice as you step to the side. The delusion has potentially lethal consequences. You know that. It’s your first time using it. You know that too. The energy thrums in your fingertips as you start to battle—the crimson lashes out between your teeth and blows start to rain on you.
You think of your brother. It was your lack of strength that caused his death—you can still remember his shouts, his screams—and even now they haunt you. You don’t waver, but your stance and your attacks become sloppy. Useless, you think harshly, useless! I can’t even—
The delusion unleashes more power in your desperation. The ruin guards start to sway and fall. You continue, but now blood is bursting from every crevice, every corner: wounds open, flesh tears away, and your mouth overflows with blood. The ventricles of your heart seem to be pulsing dangerously—the delusion is ripping away your mortality in return for its power. You continue. Your eyes start to tear—
Thuds tell you of the defeat of the guards. You slump in relief. Your feet carried you to Childe, who has collapsed on the ground.
“Childe,” you call weakly. “I…”
The words don’t leave your throat. Your broken stance is not the one that jolts him from his consciousness, but it is the splutter of blood and the horrid gargle your throat make when you start to retch out blood that horrifies him.
“[Name]!” He yells, “[Name]!”
“Let me close my eyes,” you plead. “I’m so tired.”
“No. Let’s—let’s get you to—”
“Please,” you start to beg him. “I think…”
Childe knows better. You will die if you close your eyes. He has to get you help—he can’t let you die. 
He has loved you. He loves you. He adores you.
“You promised me,” Childe starts to whisper brokenly, “you promised me, [Name]. You said you'd come back alive. You said you will…”
The promise is shattered when your head slips from his grasp.
Your first and last promise to him, broken.
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sweet-honey-fruit · 1 year
Going Feral
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Their true forms take over, and they’re needy for you.
Pairs — Childe, Itto, Ei, Zhongli x afab!reader
Note: I know Childe’s isn’t exactly what I said would happen, but I liked the idea of being fucked by foul legacy so much that I plan on making that it’s on fanfic.
Warnings — Rough sex, degradation, praise, restraints, public sex (Childe) belly bulge (Itto and Childe), breeding kink (Itto), unfair power dynamic but it’s all consensual, rough fucking, monster fucking (?), inappropriate use of tail (Zhongli)
!Everything is consensual! 18+ MINORS DNI
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The entirety of his massive body engulfed the fragility of yours. His cock was so, so much bigger, stretching you out to your fullest. His pace was relentless, pinning you down to the floor while his dick dragged along your slick walls. His sharpened claws tangled in your hair as he thrust deeper and deeper inside you. All of it was overwhelming in the most delicious way possible. The sound of skin slapping and your squelching noises filled your ears, the sound so erotic that it caused a puddle to drip below you. The grip on your waist from him was almost painful, but you were so far gone that you barely registered any pain at all. You just wanted more. More of him. He was all you needed, and you loved it. In this form, in the Golden House, right here and right now. You didn’t want anything else other than this.
“Please Childe, it’s too much…” Your words came out slurred and muffled with every breath, drunk off the pleasure the fullness provided. A deep rumbling purr vibrated in Foul Legacy’s chest. It sent a delicious chill down your spine, one that was a mix of fear and excitement. He pulled himself out of you and slammed back into you, harder, rougher. “If you’re going to act like a whore for dick you might as well learn to take it,” His voice reverberated through your body as he was flushed against yours. He practically lifted you off the ground with ease, his groans coming out as growls.
Your body was quivering beneath his own. Tears of bliss streamed down your face as you were turned into a blabbering mess. Broken moans of his name are all that are eligible and it filled him up with pride. Knowing that even in another form he was able to turn you into a desired-filled disaster. To turn you into Ana whimpering, helpless mess. His hand pressed down on the bulge in your stomach. The motion makes you feel all of him at once. You arched your back, gripping onto him the best you can. Your walls clenched around him as burning pleasure took over your body, so much so that you swore your vision turned white for a moment.
The sensation of your walls hugging his cock sent him over the edge. He pushes you back onto the ground and fucks into you faster, the overstimulation making you squirm. With one final thrust, his seed shot into you, dripping back down onto the floor. He leaned down, lifting the mask off his head just enough to give you a sweet kiss on your slightly parted lips. He smiled against them, a smile that you could read as mischievous even in your delirious state. Putting his mask back down, he slammed his cock back into you again. This time slower, savoring each movement.
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Hot, hot, hot. It felt so overwhelmingly hot despite the cool, crisp air of Euthymia. There was an ungodly amount of hands on your flushed body. Not a single part of you is touching the ground below. There is a pair of hands gripping your wrists and ankles, forcing them apart to leave your bare body open and vulnerable. Hands were fondling your chest, brushing over your nipples that elicit even more erotic moans out of you that echoed throughout the sacred chamber. Her form floated just a few feet away, legs crossed and chin resting on the palm of her hand in mockery. Mockery of how vulnerable you are, completely under her influence.
Hands were gripping your thighs, needing the flesh so harshly that it was sure to leave behind bruises. Hands wrapped around your hips and forced you down onto the fingers that were pumping in and out of your sopping wet hole. All these hands yet not one of them belonged to the woman who appeared before you. Her eyes held a fierce intensity of lust, tempting you to look away from her, to close your eyes and fall into the pleasure that she undoubtedly controls. You made the mistake of looking away once, and that left you with a hand-shaped mark on the side of your face from one of her many hand puppets.
“This sight,” Her luring voice surrounds you, enticing you to bring your attention to her. Her hand drops, ghosting over her chest and down her torso. Your eyes follow her movement. A ragged breath slips past your lips when Ei finally uncrosses her legs, revealing her drenched hole. You can see the slickness on her inner thighs from the dim lighting of the realm. "Is truly something I wish to see for eternity."
Her finger slips between her folds, enticing a soft moan out of her. At this moment the hand puppet that was pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace has stopped completely. You whine in frustration, wanting more. More of the white-hot pleasure it was giving you.
"You'll be my puppet, won't you? Be my little plaything.." She slips in another finger, pumping in and out at a slow pace. The hand-puppet mimics her movements, in and out of your own. You lurch forward, a moan forced out of of you and leaving you breathless. Ei’s satisfied smile is prevalent, the squelching sound of her fucking her pussy sending you into a haze.
She sped up, her head tilting back and letting out a moan so divine you wanted to get on your knees and worship her then and there. You couldn’t stop your legs from quivering from the intensity of the sensations you were feeling. You felt as light as a feather, not able to think of anything other than Ei and what she was indirectly doing to you. Not able to think about anything other than how beautiful she looked when she plunged her fingers inside of her, her thumb circling her clit with such precision that it caused your clit to throb with need. No thought didn’t cross your mind that wasn’t related to how good she was making you feel. Your slick dripped onto the ground, so wet that was gliding down your thighs.
The god of eternity molded you into her puppet, which she can control however she wishes. If it meant leaving you shaking, begging for more with her fingers down your throat, soaked with her juices; then you didn’t mind one bit.
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Itto’s horns were bigger, pointier than usual. His nails were razor-sharp, longer. They dug into the dips of your hips, locking you down tight on his face. Your own hands clung to his horns to maintain your balance. With each tug he receives from your iron grip, the more animalistic growls that are muffled by your pussy. He was lapping at your wetness like a starved dog.
“Stop! Too much- too much Itto-“ Your pleas are cut off by a pornographic moan when his overtly long tongue slips between your folds. He pulls you down closer when you try to back away from the overwhelming amount of white-hot pleasure coursing through your body. The way his tongue slips out of your aching hole to swirl around your clit left your back arching and your nails digging into his horns. Your grip only sent him into overdrive.
With a growl that was muffled by your thighs, he lifted you off of his face. You could only catch a glimpse of the gleam from your slick around his mouth before he turned you around and forced you onto your stomach. Your hands gripped the sheets in surprise, even more so when he lifted your hips.
“Too much, huh? Too much, too much.” He laughs, and it sounds borderline maniacal. A chill is shot down your spine at the sound, yet at the same time, it leaves your hole throbbing and aching for more. Begging to be fucked by this new side of him. “I’ll show you too much. I’ll leave my well-behaved whore feeling so good that you won’t even want to stop.”
You feel the tip of his cock press at your entrance. Your legs shook, not only from pleasure but from the fact of how big he felt. Bigger than usual. Itto leans his body over yours, leaving sloppy kisses up your back, leaving marks along your neck, before finally kissing you on the lips with so much force it knocked your head back a little.
“You’re not a whore- I’m just so-so pent up that I can’t think clearly-“
“Itto,” His name was a quiet whine, making him groan, “Shut up and fuck me already,” It didn’t matter how big he was, his unintentional teasing was leaving your walls to clench around nothing. Begging him to fill you up and make you into his fuck toy.
He places a delicate kiss on your shoulder. A sheering pain coursed through you when his fangs punctured the skin to leave a mark behind. It faded into a pleasure that made your eyes roll back, his tongue gliding over it to soothe the pain. Then, he shoved his cock into your body. It was so overly big that it left a noticeable bulge in your stomach.
He didn’t give you time to adjust. His only focus was on fucking you till you couldn’t walk, till you were screaming his name and so full of his cum that it dripped out of your hole. He slammed into you, and your mind immediately went to the clouds. The way his cock dragged along every inch of you had you drooling, hungry and greedy for more of him. His nails ran up your back, leaving goosebumps of anticipation behind.
“Gonna breed you so good..gonna make you mine. Be good for me and take it,” He slammed his cock into you again. You laid limp, letting him use you as he pleased. In turn, your moans filled his ears, only encouraging him to go harder.
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As much as Zhongli hides and compresses the godhood within him, that doesn’t make his instincts go away. The dragon in him is still present, albeit with a dull ache in his chest. But during times like these, where someone is very obviously trying to flirt and take you home, the ache in his chest grows. And it feels piercing. And the only way to cure the painful feeling is to show exactly who you belong to. Who owns you. Who loves you unconditionally. Dragons are possessive, don’t you know that? So why did you test your limits and flirt back with the person right in front of his eyes?
“Please Zhongli, I was just trying to get a free drink-“your explanation is cut off by his hand pushing your head deeper into the sheets. His grip on your hair is strong, and you can feel his overly sharp claws lightly digging into your scalp. It hurt, but it made your pussy ache for more; more of him.
His body leans down, chest pressing against your back. You catch a glimpse of a faint glow of yellow, and a mix of fear and excitement course through your hypersensitive body. It’s been so long since he’s let out his true form. And he’s using it on you.
A growl emits from his throat, and it reverberates from his chest to your back. It was animalistic, and it elicited a whimper from you. His body weighed you down, it was so much bigger than yours, stronger, leaving you to feel vulnerable and at his mercy. He loved seeing you this way, under him where he was in control. It made the spark for you within him burn brighter.
A brush of something firm creeps up your inner thighs. You can’t tell what it was but it certainly couldn’t be his hands. Not when one hand is pressing your head down into the pillows and the other is wrapped around your torso, forcing you to stay still. No, it wasn’t his hand. It was thicker, wider. And it teasingly slid between your soaked folds.
His lips ghosted over your jawline, traveling up to just the shell of your ear. You could hear his needy pants, the hand around your torso needs your flesh teasingly as the claws dig into your stomach deliciously.
“Do you think I care what your motive was?” His voice sent a shiver down your spine. So deep and dark, something so commanding that it made you stiffen up. You glance back, eyes widening when you catch a glimpse of yellow, slitted eyes; and the tail that was teasing your soaked hole.
“Tell me, my qingxin, since you are so desperate for cock, why must I give it to you, hm?” His tail thrusts inside of your hole, and you mewl over. Your moans are muffled by the pillow, yet they increase in pitch the deeper it goes. It hits your cervix, and you swear you saw stars. Drool pools under your head. He’s slow with his movements, pulling out so gradually, making you feel every detail of his tail dragging against your walls.
His hand in your hair lets go. You barely have a moment to let out a sigh of relief before it’s wrapped around your throat, forcing your body to sit up. Your knees press against the soft sheets, slightly damp from just how much you were dripping. His tail thrust in harder and faster. Moans and slick, slapping sounds echoed around the bedroom. His hand adds pressure, cutting off your noises and leaving you to only roll your eyes back when he hits the perfect spot within you.
“That’s it, fall apart,” He kisses down your neck, his fangs digging into the side of your neck, “Just like that…break for me, show me who owns every part of you.”
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megistusdiary · 9 months
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𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨 + 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨
𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘥𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘢, 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯, 𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘰, 𝘻𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪, 𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢, 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺, & 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘯𝘨
i was bored and thinking about some of my faves...so i put together a list of my favorite kinks and sorted my faves into them <3
this is quite long, a bit of a doozy, and very self-indulgent
i am also open to discussion or any thoughts on these or other things...teehee
warnings: 18+ content (mdni), dom and switch characters only, no implied reader gender!
mentions of: asphyxiation, size/strength kink, bondage, praise, degradation, marking, breeding kink
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arlecchino, yelan, wriothesley, rosaria
i think arlecchino likes to have complete obedience. but, she also just loves the feeling of her hand on your throat, feeling every little sound through the vibrations, every swallow and gulp. and, of course, all the trust you put into her when you let her grip your throat.
yelan...especially with leashes and collars. she's wrapping it tighter around her fist and yanking. hard.
wriothesley's got big, beautiful hands perfect for your neck. he's also one of the ones who really appreciates how much you trust him with this.
rosaria would probably like the feeling of power ngl. her claws leave little indents or scratches in your skin, unless she is merciful and removes them beforehand.
wriothesley, zhongli
sorry, i'm on my switch zhongli/wriothesley agenda here guys.
wrio probably loves being controlled just as much as controlling so wrap your hands around his neck and he is gone
zhongli would probably worry too much about hurting you to go as far as putting his hand on your neck...but he would love it if you did it to him (if you really did hurt him, he's an archon, and he will just move you)
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𝘴𝘪𝘻𝘦/𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬
zhongli, wriothesley, dehya, arlecchino
dragon zhongli loves feeling big compared to you, i think.
wriothesley is huge, as we all know. he would love to just drape himself over you, completely covering you and pressing you down with his weight.
dehya's a merc who wields a claymore constantly. i just KNOW she's buff and has abs...idc what the in-game model says, they lie!! and she loves to use her strength to her advantage
arlecchino is a harbinger, and was ready to take down an archon, so i just know she's strong
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yelan, ningguang, zhongli, wriothesley
once again...yelan with leashes and collars
ningguang i could see being really into shibari and tying you up super pretty like a little gift for her on her bed/desk
zhongli would also probably be into really intricate bondage on you, makes his dragon brain think of you like some treasure for his hoarde
wrio and handcuffs...come on
wriothesley, dehya
wrio and handcuffs...it goes both ways
dehya gives me switch vibes, too. she would LOVE it if you tied her hands down while you took control
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𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 vs 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
likes to give praise
arlecchino, zhongli, wriothesley, dehya, ningguang
arlecchino 100% treats you so well...i know they say she's crazy, but she's only crazy because she would do anything for her own reasons...and if you are important to her, she would do anything for you!!! (i'm delusional)
zhongli definitely likes to give praise...you're just so sweet to him, how could he not?
wrio seems like the type to praise you often. he deals with horrible people and criminals all day, and it gets so exhausting being so tough all the time
dehya likes to praise, but also be teasing about it. she likes it when you get embarrassed over her being sweet on you
when you behave, ningguang will shower you with gifts and praise for being such a good partner
likes to recieve praise
wriothesley, zhongli, dehya
just call wriothesley a good boy...i know he likes it
zhongli was definitely used to all the praise he received for years as an archon, and even now, people talk him up. they respect him, obviously. but you're the one he seeks for respect from the most. give it to him, and he will melt.
i just think dehya likes to be told how much you love her. tell her every little thing you love about her.
rosaria, yelan, ningguang
oh, i just know rosaria's calling you a bunch of names, saying filthy stuff while she has you doing exactly what she wants. she knows you love it, and it gives her an outlet to release her stress and frustration. she might be so so mean, but you're guaranteed to be a fucked out mess at the end
yelan just wants to see you break before her very eyes. the sky is the limit, and she will push past it into space just to have you all embarrassed and falling over yourself to please her
remember how i said she likes praise when you're good? well when you're bad, ningguang pulls out all the stops. no gifts, no nice words, no nice treatment; that's only for when you behave appropriately. when you're naughty, she's probably taking you right over her desk, and all of her degrading words are said so loudly everyone can hear it and she loves it
i know wrio is all alone here, but i just think he's that type of switch!! he would love it if you hold him down (even if you're much smaller/weaker than him) and just call him filthy names. bonus points if you put a 'my' before anything you say...
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rosaria, yelan, wriothesley, zhongli, arlecchino, ningguang, dehya
rosaria likes leaving lipstick marks, scratches, hickies, bruises, you name it. she loves seeing them on you the next day. she wants everyone to see, but nobody should dare ask any questions~!
yelan leaves lipstick marks all over you...she loves leaving hickies all over your neck and shoulders too. you're all hers.
wriothesley is a big guy, unless he's treating you like glass, he's probably gonna leave some bruises. once you tell him you like it though...it's all fair game. definitely a biter too!!
as we know, zhongli and his dragon thoughts...you are his, just as he is yours, but he just can't help the thoughts of biting into your shoulder, leaving deep marks that you see every morning when getting dressed, and every evening before bed.
arlecchino is definitely strong...i think she's hiding some muscles under her fancy coat. she holds you down so firmly, she's gonna leave some bruises. she gets busy with leaving hickies everywhere, but strategically placed ever so slightly below your shirt collar or waistband..
while ningguang prefers her skin to be completely and perfectly unblemished, you're not leaving without some marks on you. she likes leaving them in places nobody can see, but she's all too aware of exactly every spot she left hickies...
dehya just loves seeing her marks all over you. she'll leave hickies anywhere you let her: neck, shoulders, chest, thighs, you name it. and, yes, she wants to see them. she wants everyone to see them and have no doubt in their minds who was responsible
wriothesley, zhongli, yelan, dehya
wriothesley wants you to leave hickies on his neck, purposefully having you put them where everyone can see! also scratch down his back. he's already got scars, but these ones are special to him. you'll catch him admiring them in the mirror
zhongli likes it when you mark him right back. you are his, but he's yours too, so please bite him back!! his fingers subconsciously rest over your bite...even if it doesn't last as long as the one he leaves on you...you'll just have to keep remarking him! oh, and yes, he also wants you to scratch your nails into his back
i would venture to assume that while yelan loves marking you up, she wants you to do the same. she has a claim on you, so you better fight to show her your claim on her. if she ever acts annoyed by hickies you leave, she's secretly so enamored by how much you want everyone to know she's yours
dehya wants your marks on her, duh. she's got scars, sure, and they carry stories. she wants your marks so she can carry you with her everywhere.
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𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬
zhongli, wriothesley, arlecchino
for the final time i will repeat it: dragon zhongli. it's in his primal instincts to fill you up. while he has matured much since his youth, he still holds some of those innate desires. you just awaken them in him...he loves watching his essence drip from you before pushing it back in. almost like another form of marking for him.
for wriothesley, it's all about the intimacy between you two. he likes mumbling to you about filling you up with him. he wants you pressed as close to him as possible. it's just how you're full of him, dripping with him, you know?
arlecchino runs an orphanage, she's constantly around kids. she's literally called father all day. she raises kids, and if she could give you some of your own, well...regardless of whether she can fill you up with her essence or not, she likes to talk you through it as if she is. she'll certainly fuck you like that's the goal.
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well...if you made it this far into my dump of thoughts, let me know of yours in my askbox xoxoxo
i need more people to discuss with :(((
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obsessivelullabies · 1 year
⎯ genshin men as your yandere husband headcanons.
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pairings : diluc, zhongli, tartaglia x fem!reader.
tags : fluff, yandere behavior, yandere headcanons, husband!diluc, husband!zhongli, husband!tartaglia, fem reader, genshin x reader.
prompt : what your life is like with your loving husband, who’s maybe just a little too loving.
your husband, diluc, who keeps you in his mansion, for your own protection. the only company you receive is that of himself and the maids, which is the way he likes it. he claims the outside word is too much for someone so delicate. only select guests will be able to visit you, and it will take some pleading on your part.
diluc will often come home late, exhausted and seeking your comfort. he will stay awake and keep you company. he knows you get lonely. your nights are a sacred routine, he loves to hold you in his arms. he needs to know you're safe at all times, and what better way to do that than holding you close to him? he'll kiss your neck and whisper to you how he’ll always keep you safe.
anything you want, diluc will provide for you. he lavishes you with gifts to compensate how he can't be there for you when he's working. if he's gone for more than a few hours, expect a gift alongside a sweet love letter. diluc will write you letters before he leaves for work often, if you don't wake up before he leaves.
⎯ "it's too dangerous out there for you. trust me. you're not leaving my side."
your tease of a husband, tartaglia, who keeps you as far away from his workings with the fatui as possible. you’re his most precious possession, so he keeps you by his side constantly. he loves to show you off as his wife, his arm is almost always around your waist or holding your hand. tartaglia is all over you, all the time. in public, in private, it’s no difference to him. he wants everyone to know you’re his.
tartaglia loves it when you watch him fight. showing off his strength is a means to impress you and to remind you how you can’t escape him. when he fights, he’ll make sure you’re a safe distance away, give you a quick kiss and then destroy his opponent. he doesn’t worry about hurting you, he knows as long as he’s around, no harm will come to you.
gift giving and physical touch are two ways tartaglia shows he loves you. tartaglia loves to kiss you, touch you, smell you, hold you or just be around you. you make all his worries vanish. if you express the slightest interest in anything, tartaglia will buy it for you, to the point he’ll be lugging multiple bags of gifts he bought for you all around liyue.
⎯ "do as i say for now, doll. i promise i’ll treat you afterwards!"
zhongli, who treasures you so. he is very attending to all your needs, and is practically the perfect husband. zhongli cooks for you, dotes on you, and is always seeking your smile. he will never allow you to know how much he truly loves you. behind the scenes, he will do anything to keep the domestic life he has with you.
when you two go on dates, zhongli will plan extensively to make sure it goes perfectly. he feels he will dry heave at the mere thought of you encountering harm, or feeling unhappy with him. you are his for life. his treasure. he values you above life itself. when it comes to you, he doesn’t feel jealous, more so possessive and worrisome.
at night, zhongli will massage your back and shoulders to help you sleep. he’ll always kiss you in the mornings, and tell you how beautiful you are. he adores when you hold onto his arm, or play with his hair. your touch is like a drug to him, he can’t get enough of it. he can’t get enough of you.
⎯ "shall we take a walk, my love?"
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bluexiao · 2 years
#second lead syndrome… or is it really?
–when they couldn’t confess their love for you, thinking you love someone else / seeing you with someone, looking in love, how would they react?
CHARACTERS. Albedo, Al-Haitham, Ayato, Cyno, Heizou, Kazuha, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer / Scaramouche, Xiao, Zhongli; gn! Reader
THEMES. Some angst, some crack, and some fluff, (pick your fighter); non-established relationship (yall are not together, just friends)
NOTES. first ever multi hc for this year! yayy happy new year everyone~
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ZHONGLI knew he was a god, and you weren’t. And even still, a part of him dreaded—desired you in a way that he never thought he would in a human. You were supposed to be one of his people.
But now he loves you more than that. And there only lies the question if you love him too.
Yet despite the dread to hold you in his arms and to proclaim of such mortal feelings he had attained for you, he holds back and forces himself to watch from afar. For a god like him has no reason to meddle with the fate of humans like you—no matter how he claims to be a mortal himself with the name he bears now.
And so, all he could do was watch you from afar, eyes fixed as if he was watching a theatre play unfoldon a stage that he chose to be an audience to, whereas the main lovers fall for each other, and all he could do was watch.
But then your eyes suddenly met, your smile like the sun that scorched his being, a gentle wave with your haand as you cal his name; “Zhongli! Can you come over here, will you?” It wasn’t even his real name, merely an identity he had chosen to keep as a result of wanting to live a mortal life.
A mortal life.
Maybe he should try living more with that—with you, he hopes.
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XIAO has no use for love. Such a measly thing it is—to devote oneself to another with just mere feelings and empty words of promises.
And so Xiao stands on the top of the inn, looking down, his spear nowhere to be found, arms folded over his chest, and gaze directly focused–your way.
You were talking and laughing at a certain human, looking ever so comfortable as you usually do with him–or maybe you were always like this to others, and that includes him.
Then, as if you had sensed his presence, you looked up to where he was, but he was far gone, disappearing as if he was never there. If he had only stayed and seen the frown on your face, he wouldn’t have had to waste his time hiding away from you.
Xiao, he soon realizes, does have a use for love, as this ache inside his chest is something he cannot quell just by merely equipping his spear and defeating monsters.
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WANDERER was never such a patient man. And besides, he isn’t even human.
It took a while to accept his… circumstances, and once he does, he will be very obvious with his so-called “feelings”, usually sticking to your side most of the time and glaring at practically anyone who would so much as dare to glance your way.
And as much as he is always near you, he will eventually notice whoever you will pay attention to–especially ones that would be constantly haggling over your sight. But he doesn’t do anything about it–doesn’t confess, doesn’t try to talk and ask to confirm his suspicions. Does he need to? No. He does not need affirmations because he is perfect enough to not need one–a perfect being who did not need such things as “love”, or “partner”s.
The words will die down in his mind when he sees you with someone else, however, form already right beside you as he finds himself glaring at whoever it was, “Oh realy? I can do that ten times better than you can,” he’d bark, already mocking at everything that the person does or claims themselves to be. Don’t misunderstand the Wanderer, he just thinks that this stranger is just too useless, you don’t need to waste your time over them.
‘But they’re human, unlike you,’ a voice inside his mind would say, but bites his lips, not letting that slip through his mouth.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
VENTI sings praises and is full of love. He is the god of freedom and the wind. He is a bard for goodness’ sake.
“I am but a simple bard, how in Teyvat would they even see a person such as I am worthy of them?” he cried theatrically as he took a chug of his wine–or whatever it was in the bottle in his hand. But no matter how much he looks, the weight in his heart was very much real nonetheless, the memory of you with someone else plaguing his mind.
A god such as him losing to a mortal over your love. What could anyone possibly say if they hear of such a tale? Perhaps he may just end up writing a song of his broken heart to somehow ease the pain. At least thatw ay, he could Mora…
But one must never underestimate a god’s love… as eh might find himself crawling back to your arms tomorrow morning.
He has a lifetime to win your heart, after all.
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TIGHNARI felt his feelings of care for you were normal. Of course, maybe he only favors you among the rest, even against his fellow rangers.
And something so normal is not supposed to bother him even in times when he’s supposed to be focusing. The forest is an unpredictable and dangerous place.
“What seems to be bothering you, Master?”
He halts from his tracks and turns to the other, “It’s nothing, Collei.”
But it’s not really “nothing” if he ends up walking away after reprimanding you and one of the other rangers for “lazing around”. And yes, that same one who had been lurking around near you lately, especialy when he’s not around.
Clearly, there must be something going on between that person and you. Of course, he could not possibly let anyone be so lax with this work, even if it’s you.
“You’re probably jealous, aren't you, Master? Aren’t you and Y/n dating?”
Colei can see and atone to how the other freezes—his tail and ears as well, and all he could do was watch as Collei giggles at him while nudging him with her elbows.
“Master and Y/n look very good together, and don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret if that’s what you want!”
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For once, KAZUHA was out of words.
Peace can be associated with silence, but silence is not always at peace–and now, the wind was completely silent.
“Not going to Y/n, kid?” Beidou stands next to him with crossed arms as they both have eyes focused your way. She sighs while she shakes her head, “Are you letting them go that easily?”
He feels his stomach drop, but the ghost of a smile on his lips masks the feelings he has inside. “They don’t belong to anyone but themselves, and that includes me,” he looks away and turns around, the breeze slapping his face just as much as reality does, “they are free to love, even if it will not be me.”
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HEIZOU knows everything.
But this one he just found out is probably one of the things he just wished he didn’t find out.
Well, technically, it was a good thing!, he says to himself. After all… he always teased you and now, he probably did the right thing instead of… telling the truth.
Ah, by all means, he is no hypocrite. But, he does wonder when you had liked another person, and why? Surely, he had made himself known to you, with your daily meetups and banters, and you were even his “partner” in a case once. Perhaps he relied in his ability far too much that he forgot purpose for all of his efforts.
The least he could do was to support you in the sidelines… right? Surely he doesn’t like you that much to remain helpless in this situation.
When he saw you with that person the next day, he knew his resolve was far gone.
He must definitely find out what made you fall in love with this person…
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CYNO does not know what he was going to do. And so, what does he do?
He hides in the corner and observes.
Of course, he can just walk right past both you and the person who you’ve been eating lunch with for the past hour, but for some reason, he can’t. Something about the scene right in front of him makes him want to interrogate the person; what their job was, who their family are, what other things they do—they cannot possibly hang with you if they have a bad record. All the more, what if they have bad intentions towards you?
And so, with his mind made up, that was what he does. At least, intends to do until you saw him and he met your eyes.
“Cyno! There you are, I’ve been waiting for you!” Once you had caled him oevr, the person scrambles up an excuse and runs away as soon as they can, even stumbling over a few times.
All Cyno could do was watch as the perosn runs away and sighs, sitting right beside you and crosses his arms.
“Who was that? What do they do? Are they from the Akademiya? I haven’t seen them before.”
“Oh, I don’t know, they just came here and sat in front of me.”
He is definitely hunting down that person until his questions are diminished.
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What AYATO wants, Ayato gets.
Of course, that does not mean that he treats everything or everyone lightly, on the contrary, he does what he can to attain anything or anyone that he sees as valuable. With someone of his caliber, it would not be too difficult to get people to turn his way.
You, however, was someone who piqued his interest. Yet despite this, he lets you be, not doing anything… until he had seen you with someone else—a retainer of another Commissioner.
He reasons with himself that he only stepped beside you and piped in to the conversation out of being wary towards the other retainer—eh coudl not possibly have you, his friend, to be too exposed with the works of the Tri-Commision now, right?—and with his position and words, the retainer soon walks away.
“Now that they are gone, what do you say about having tea with me this afternoon, Y/n? Unless you have a scheduled date with that… retainer.” He tries to mask his disbelief, and thankfuly, you didn’t notice.
He ignores how you looked away, seemingly flustered for a moment as you mumble a small “Sure… and we’re not dating, master Ayato… it’s not like that.”
He looks away with a smile. Certainly, this is far better.
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ALHAITHAM is rational. Most of the time.
“O-Of course, The Scribe must be very knowledgeable, compared to a lowly person like me,” says the other person that Al-Haitham did not really catch the name of right after he just questioned the person’s intelligence (very subtly at that).
“Oh come on, you’re not lowly-“
“This is why it is important to raise our knowledge, even to the little things, as we do not know what we might encounter. If you want, I can even refer you to the Akademiya, you don’t need to thank me.”
“I-I’ll think about it… thank… I mean, see you later, Y/n… and Scribe Al-Haitham,” the person sooner leaves without any more fight.
“Hey…. What is it with you? Something ruined your morning or something?” You npeered at him and he merely looks away whilst clearing his throat.
‘We were losing our time. I wanted to eat our lunch as soon as possible. Why? Are you suposed to be on a date with that… person?”
“What? What on Teyvat are you saying?” Your reply makes him crack a smirk. Of course, he was right. How could he even think that you were dating that person… at least, he won’t let that happen.
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ALBEDO respects you a lot. A whole lot.
Yet that respect comes with admiration, and sooner, he realizes that this admiration might have been stronger than he had thought the moment he saw you with someone else.
He does not engage, however, merely waiting until you had finished your conversation with that certain someone, looking quite joyful than any time else, more than the times you had spent with him, actually.
“Albedo! There you are,” you grinned at him after walking away, even looking back at the figure of the person you had talked to.
His eyes peers at you like a hawk, taking note of everything; with the brightness of your smile, to the shine in your eyes, and to the giggle that erupts from your lips.
Had he ever seen such qualities in your face before? He couldn’t help but question himself as you send him one as well.
“Sorry, just got immersed in the topic… shall we go?”
He forces out a smile—which seemed real nonetheless, “Of course.”
“Hm?” You tilt your head to the side, “Is something the matter?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he immediately answers, thinking that you probably had noticed his staring. He raises his hand and smiles, “shall we?”
He squeezes your hand when you willingly took his. Ah, maybe he could be greedy… just this time, he thinks.
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dragon-ascent · 8 months
Hope you don’t mind me rambling about an add-on to that idea of Zhongli’s luxury cave but like in the same vein of that imagine if in an AU where it’s ancient times (When Morax/Rex Lapis was worshipped as a god but way before Liyue Harbour was a thing) you somehow stumble upon that very cave, maybe you were trying to find shelter away from the cold, maybe you were being chased by monsters and just dived into the first hiding spot you saw, or maybe you just somehow got innocently lost and walked in, either way you’re now in this cave that is both gorgeous and somehow way ahead of its time and you’re blown away but also oh so very confused because “What the hell is all this stuff doing here???”. Oh also your dragon god REX FRIGGIN LAPIS is just in that cave and you have to face that too (most wild meet cute of all time lmao)
I don’t mind in the slightest! I’ll happily snowball this idea:
When you enter that cave, what throws you off is not just the sheer splendour of it, decorated with fine wares so eccentrically placed, but also the fact that there seem to be some kind of patterns along the walls. People around a fire, people working at the fields, people making use of the wheel for the first time…
“Do you like them?” a voice rumbles from the shadows, causing you to jump — and then nearly jump out of your skin entirely when you see that it’s Rex Lapis asking you the question, emerging from the darkness in all his draconic glory.
You immediately fall to your knees, scrambling for words. “My lord..! I didn’t mean to..!”
“Please rise.” He nudges you gently. “Forgive me if my sudden appearance has startled you.”
Gulping, you get to your feet quickly. “No, no. I…um, had gotten lost.” Fidgeting, you add, “Th-this is a beautiful cave.”
The god purrs in satisfaction. “Thank you. I have personally procured and arranged everything you see here, and those inscriptions on the walls are my doing as well.”
Before you know it, he’s taking you on a tour of the place, a story for each and every thing present within this cave. Honestly, it’s all in one ear and out the other for you – you’re more preoccupied with the thought that you’re in a secluded place with the god of your land.
“Ah, but I have gone on for far too long,” he finishes after what seems like an eternity, his gait a little more prideful after his stories. “I should be taking you home now.”
“You – you know where I live?”
“I have impeccable memory, little one. I remember where each and every human takes up residence.” He looks out the cave mouth, and you follow his gaze to the rising moon. “But it is quite late; I insist you spend the night here, and I shall have you home when dawn breaks.”
Who are you to refuse your god when he’s already placing you on his makeshift flower-woven bed? He uses his mouth to tuck you in, careful not to let his teeth hurt you. Then, he curls up around you. You look up at him, and he gives you a small nod, putting out the beautiful golden torches.
“Sleep. I shall watch over you.”
(He literally watches over you all night. Two glowing eyes just staring at you in the darkness like a figment of horror.)
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squiddy-god · 3 months
Xiao and his "friend"
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If you see this and you think, "hey, I've seen this work before" you probably have, as I previously went by squid-God-Supreme, however, my blog got nukes, so I am re uploading almost all of my old fics. Once I'm finished uploading all the ones I intend to, I will announce that I am finished, however, after that, if you see I haven't uploaded a specific fic, you remember me writing, you can always request that I upload it.
CW : friends to lovers trope, tooth rotting fluff, Xiao being Really really awkward, gn! Reader, short fic
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Being close enough to the yaksha to be considered a friend was a feat on its own 
Another was getting him to fall for you 
And fall he did, xiao had it bad but no one knew as he was rarely seen 
You had gained the yakshas affections, the only problem was how subtle he was 
Xiao has little experience with romance and while one might assume he'd be direct with such feelings, they would be wrong
Eons of pain and melania of suffering only served to teach him that gentle thing where simply no meant for him, that he would only drive them away
Too fearful of once again returning to that aching loneliness, he sought the help of zhongli
Much of xiao's romantic subtleties stem from the former god, his years of knowledge on seemingly anything has taught him various traditions and intracys of love and commerce alike. 
 The glances he steals when you sleep, the longing gaze that fills his amber eyes- and the gentle hand that wishes for nothing more than to touch your cheek, all too quick to retreat when you stir in your slumber, not knowing that you would have grasped his hand in yours. 
You were a sweet dream, a love he longed for yet one he said he could not obtain. 
But unbeknownst to the adepti you felt the same 
You loved xiao, more than he would ever know 
You didn't think yourself good enough of his affections, solemnly convincing yourself that he couldn't harbor affection for you 
You called yourself a fool for believing that there was even a chance that he would return your feelings 
And while you knew you had no right to be jealous of the traveler it didn't stop the ache you felt 
He looked so at peace with them, and you wondered if you had ever seen the same when you were with him 
Xiao was tired, he was growing impatient with this pining, and the distance that you seemed to create made his hands twitch anxiously 
Had he made a mistake? Had he reached to close and caused you to fly away? 
You no longer stood as close to him, your hands did not brush against his gloved ones and your visits to the inn began to lessen 
He felt it again, the gnawing at his mind as it screamed that he had hurt you in some way and the painful beats of his heart as they rang in his ears 
It felt awful to stand so far away from him, inches feeling like miles as you hoped he didn't notice the sadness in your eyes 
But it was for the better you told yourself
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You took a deep breath as you walked up the stairs of the inn, a silent prayer that the yaksha was not there tonight. “Is xiao here?” you asked, feigning hopefulness as you looked at verr. “Ah no, im sorry dear, he went with the traveler to help with a commission” that hurt, despite the hope that he wouldn't be there it didn't stop the pang of jealousy. You shoot these thoughts quickly reminding yourself that this is what you wanted. “But why don't you leave him some almond tofu, i'm sure he'd appreciate it” you nodded and smiled, it would be suspicious if you declined, so of course you picked up the plate and made your way to the top floor of the inn. What verr had told you was no lie, xiao had gone with the traveler to complete a commission, however he had returned a while ago, neglecting to inform verr of his return, knowing that if you heard he was here you wouldn't come. So he waited with narrowed eyes for your figure to come up. He was done with this, he would figure out exactly why you had created this distance. He was thankful that the inn was slow tonight, no one was on the top floor, it was the perfect opportunity to confront you. 
Your lips were tugged down in a frown, the glossy look in your eyes made something in xiao break, once the plate of almond tofu was set on the floor and you had turned back to quickly retreat from the inn he appeared. Strong arms caged you against the railing as a piercing amber gaze lingered on yours. His hand held one of your wrists so you couldn't run away, but his grip was feather light, gentle and not bruising. “Why?” his voice was loud enough for only you to hear, but it held no aggression or malice. You could only stare back confused, why what? You didn't understand. “I have told you before, the bond between us is too strong to sever now. So why? What has made you want to sever it?” he was too close, your eyes couldn't dart anywhere but his burning gaze. “I don't know what you-” he pressed closer to you, “you do.” he stated as if it was a fact set in stone. “You just seem happy with them, I don't want to ruin that with my feelings” it was his turn for confusion to take hold. “The traveler” you clarified. 
It all seemed to click in his head and he sighed, resting his head against yours. His eyes were still wide open, gold irises swimming with relife. “Are you really such a dense mortal? Have you truly not noticed my affections? or my courtship?” Xiao asked, his hand leaving your wrist to cup your cheek. You stared in shock, you wanted to pinch yourself to know you weren’t dreaming. “Mortal memories are inadequate, perhaps you need a reminder that the bond between us is too strong to be severed, especially now.” 
It really was like a sweet dream, the feeling of his lips pressed gently to yours, any worry harbored washing away as you wondered if he was really there. But he was, and he had no intention of leaving, of course it wasn't as if you'd let him, your hands finding purchase on his arms as such a light kiss left your breathless.
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impactedfates · 11 months
hehhaharhar i so totally not deprived of father figure! genshin men with kidnapped child reader? pls pls 💓💓💓any man is fine but perferably the tall ones ��
★ A/N: Yeah sure you aren't...anyways, yep I got you covered with this request :))
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons (Characters Included (Separate): Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe, Kaveh)
☆ Warnings: Mentions and hints of kidnapping // Mentions of death (In Diluc and Childes) // Spoilers for the Liyue Archon quest if you have not done it yet // Mentions of going to the hospital (Kavehs)
★ Extra: Reader is adopted in Zhonglis one // Reader is shorter then most characters (They're about 6-7 age wise) // Reader has no vision // Reader is ofc NOT traveler
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For whatever reason I can see it being a Fatui that kidnapped you. Perhaps to get payback for the massacre Diluc caused back in Snenznaya. Whatever the reason, once Diluc finds out you’re gone and it was because of the Fatui? Oh he’s more then pissed.
If they wanted to upset him, they succeeded. Perhaps too successfully as when he finally finds you, most of the Fatui that’s been there to ensure you don’t escape has been soaking in a pool of their own blood. He of course won’t hurt anyone violently if you’re in the room, but he will knock the other people in there out. He’ll pick you up and hide your face in his chest as he calmly walks out.
When you are back home, he’ll take a few days off work to ensure you’re okay after what happened, and maybe if it comes to it he may actually ask some of the Knights of Favonius for help as well.
Honestly whether or not he actually hurt anyone is up to you, however I do think that when it comes to family, he isn't that hesitant to be a bit more violent then usual.
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Getting adopted and having your father being the ex-archon of Liyue had it's ups and downs, especially as you witnessed your father continuously forget his wallet, however never have you thought you'd get kidnapped.
You weren't sure why though, Zhongli had kept his identity a secret and the only ones knowing were other Archons and the traveler as far as you knew plus Zhongli in his "mortal" form isn't that much of an important figure to others, nor is he famous. Yet here you were, treasure hoarders surrounding you.
Meanwhile, Zhongli was panicking wondering where you went. One second you were close behind him, the next you were gone. So he quickly called upon some of the adeptus to search for you and thankfully, you also had the privilege to call upon Xiaos name and he'll come right to your side. Whatever happened to the treasure hoarders?
You're not sure, Xiao simply teleported you away and right into your fathers arms as he held you tight before disappearing into the green mist once again. Zhongli checks all over you to ensure you aren't hurt. After that day, he's sure to always have an eye on you and when he cannot. An adeptus will look out for you from afar.
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Being a Knight, and a captain in fact. Kaeya definitely encountered people wanting to push his cool persona over the edge. It's part of the reason why he's a bit hesitant on growing closer to certain loved ones.
He's afraid of loosing them, so when he lost you. He did not take it well, despite his cool demeanour when he ordered some knights to go search for you, people like Jean and his brother Diluc were quick to see he was in a state of panic, Jean even offered to take over the search so Kaeya could relax but he didn't want too. He had to find you safe and sound, even if that meant he had to get hurt.
When you are finally found, he's quick to take whoever's responsible away and have Jean deal with them properly as he himself brings you to Barbara who checks for injuries you may have sustained. He's by your side at all times and may even be hesitant to leave your side.
Even though Jean likely did give him some time off to spend time with you and for him to cool down after what happened, he's still unwilling to leave you alone, even with another babysitter. He does reluctantly agree when his older brother offers to take care of you. He knows Diluc is strong and will be able to protect you. (Better than Diluc protecting him anyways)
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Whoever kidnapped you must have a death wish or something...
Of course it's easy to see why someone were to kidnap you. I mean, being the kid of not only the fatui, but a harbinger. It's clear why someone tried to kidnap Tartaglia's kid but...it's not smart either.
The Fatui have a large amount of people working for them, and most aren't afraid to attack. And due to the fact Childe is a harbinger, it's easy for him to get people to find you as soon as he knows of your disappearance and when you are found, he asks his subordinates to take you back to his house where his family will look after you whilst Childe *cough cough* uh...deals with the perps responsible.
He'll come back soon, cleaned up but faintly smelling of blood and double checks to see you're okay. Now he does go back to work faster then anyone else, this is mainly because I don't think he'll really be allowed time off, however he does have some subordinates keep an eye on you from afar.
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Oh archons, he is p a n i c k i n g. Once Kaveh finds out you've been kidnapped he's so worried, it takes Alhaitham to actually shake him to get him to finally focus on finding you. Unfortunately unlike the others listed in this post so far, he cannot easily go looking for you himself. However being friends with Cyno does mean you have the General of the Mahamatra looking for you and he is good at his job.
It may take awhile but eventually Cyno does find you, and after dealing with the kidnappers and arresting them. Takes you to the Sumeru hospital (they have one right?) to get healed as he tells Kaveh that you've been found.
Kaveh stays by your side no matter what, he'll sleep on the damn floor of the hospital if he has too, he doesn't even leave you once you're discharged from it either. He feels so guilty about what happened and blames himself so he tries his best to make more time with you. Even if this means his debts may increase, he just wants to spend as much time with you as possible encase this happens again.
And hey, Alhaitham may be kind enough to dismiss Kavehs missed rent payment that month.
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Weehee. I actually enjoyed writing this :D However next time please make sure to check to see if my requests are open before sending one in, in any case I hope you liked this <33
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uplatterme · 2 years
MORAX, The Second.
cw: sub!zhongli, dragon hybrid!zhongli, jealous!zhongli, dom!reader, they/them pronouns, dacryphilia, drink spiking, overstimulation, orgasm denial, implied poly!zhongli and poly!reader
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ZHONGLI AND HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBODY! this is gonna be sappy so feel free to skip this note but i want everyone to know that i’m truly grateful for my readers and the commissions that i’ve gotten this year despite me being gone half of the year. i love you guys so much, let’s look forward to a year full of simping and i hope that everyone’s wishes will come true as well :D
Your visit to Liyue was uneventful, and you liked it that way, just needing a time to unwind especially with having too much on your plate lately. You planned on merely checking out newfound ores and jewelry to add to your collection. Unfortunately, things took a rather quick turn than your normal visits.
Your hands were on Zhongli’s collar, clutching them angrily despite the unfazed appearance of the archon. Your head hurt, you were dizzy and annoyed being woken up and put in this state by no one other than the man in your grasp. His eyes were serious and stern, acting like he didn’t understand what it was that he did wrong.
“You!” You slurred out. “You purposely made me drunk!”
“I…” He mused out, disappointed at how you’re behaving.
“My apologies, It wasn��t my choice to upset you.”
“You archons and your spoiled attitude… Is that a requirement for being one?” You sighed, letting go of the man and trying to regain yourself.
“Just weeks ago, Barbatos pulled a similar stunt. Seducing me, even.” You expanded on your reasoning for being angry.
“Did it work?” He questioned, a worried look on his face that he may have been too late.
You let out an amused laugh. “If it did?”
Silence seemed to fill the cave you were in and you found yourself idiotic for letting another god have his way without noticing it. You two had a meal, Zhongli calling over the waiter each time to refill your glass. Not wanting to seem rude, you kept drinking. 
The Geo Archon’s mood had been sour ever since you saw him. 
He put his arms around your waist, not letting you go and blocking the entrance with one of his structures.
“I…How do I say this? Must you really spend time with that drunkard and that girl more than me?”
You clenched your fists, his warmth relieving the coldness of the now dark cave as the light which was previously coming from outside was now shut. Your eyes only focused on Morax’s glowing ones.
“Morax… You and I both know that you’re different from Barbatos.”
You knew that both of them were the complete opposite. Morax was the one who thought of things in a more calculated manner. However, if one continued to store their feelings without a word, they would eventually come crashing down like a meteor.
“This isn’t something you’d normally do.” You restated so that it would be clearer for him.
“If it’s something to prove that I have fallen deeply, even comparable to the deepest layer of the earth for you, then it is. It is something that I would do.” His words would take even a bard for a surprise.
“I’m already bound to Barbatos. Does that not sadden you?” You questioned the god.
“It’s not something that I wish to be reminded of.” He admitted.
“I see. I’m still not happy about this but…should I make that the least of your worries?”
It didn’t take much for the god to be lost in a trance full of pleasure. It was as if he was a zither who’d let out a sound each time you plucked his strings. Perhaps it was due to the darkness making his senses twice more attentive but he was just too sensitive, far too sensitive.
It didn’t matter where your fingers lingered upon, his breath would hitch as he awaited for you. 
Undressing Morax revealed his toned body, shiny and gorgeous scales that beautifully decorated the human form that he took. 
“No amount of Mora could compare, Morax.” Your words made his heart flutter, he always liked it whenever you praised him.
It embarrassed him that he was already in this state when he was the one who said that he would seduce you. If he couldn’t even last long, how would he even be able to achieve that? He stopped your hand that was making its way to his cock, to your surprise.
“Is this not to your liking?” You asked.
No one may be around, but the rocks would always remember. They would remember everything, especially the contract that he had decided to make with you.
“It would be better if we were to make a contract.” He stated.
“A contract? For what?”
Morax bit his tongue, were you really forcing him to say it out loud? His cheeks heated up, thankful for the darkness that surrounded the cave.
“To not finish until penetration begins…”
You sealed your lips, not expecting him out of all people to say something like that. “Alright, and what if you do?”
“Then, you have the right to deal with my body as you wish.” 
“Big talk for someone as needy as you.” You said, latching your fingers to his nipples that had his cock twitching.
Zhongli’s sensitivity finally made sense. He probably hadn’t had sex in this human form of his, which was why each time you kept pushing his buttons, he already felt being sent over the edge.
Still, you knew how he was about contracts. He wouldn’t disappoint you now, would he?
Maybe you should take back your statement of him not being familiar with the art of seduction, especially with the way he fluttered his eyelashes at you as he moaned out loud, whispering your name under his breath.
“Haah!~” Zhongli spat out, feeling your teeth on his shoulder. You didn’t expect him to react so much from just a bite, but he is a dragon, perhaps having his skin hurt when he’s not used to any kind of pain was something he found pleasurable?
You haven’t even gotten to the best part yet and he was already providing so much.
Morax’s cock was something you needed to see to believe. His smooth skin contrasted with its rough and large shape. Moreover, he’s already oozing out cum more than the average man. If you weren’t paying attention, you would have mistaken it for him already being at his climax.
He yelped when he felt you grind against his groin, tears swelling up his eyes. You weren’t doing much, just allowing the friction from your clothes to do all the work for you. Yet, Morax is sobbing as he chanted your name like it was some sort of spell.
“Ugh, Please!” He screamed out, your fingertips lightly dancing on the tip of his hardened cock. He may have said it out loud but it looked more like he was saying it to himself, that he shouldn’t cum this easily.
His voice serenaded you even more when you grasp what you could of his cock and slowly started stroking up and down. His thighs quiver, seeking the warmth and movement from your hand. His body moving on its own, humping and grinding against the cage of your hands.
“Stop—stop! I can’t—Not yet!” He whimpered out desperately, the pleasure was too much to the point that his body was moving on its own accordance and he couldn’t do anything but to grit his teeth together, begging his own body to stop before he stepped out of line.
He faced down, face full of shame as he had no choice but to swallow in it, that he as the god of contracts, was unable to fulfill something that he proposed himself.
“Nghh-!” You pulled his ponytail like it was a collar, making him face you as he dwelled in the pleasure that you had given him oh so generously.
His vision is blurry, mind too hazy to think but he focused it on you. Your face which seemed to be judging his actions. He pushed down his sobs, holding them as much as he could, not wanting to receive your wrath.
“Good boy, I haven’t even said anything and you’ve already got it.” He sniffled, quieting down even if your movements had become more quick and rigorous. He was furiously shaking his head, begging for no more. If he couldn’t even take this, he’d just come off as someone narcissistic, someone that’s all talk.
His hands held onto your arms, drool dripping down to Morax’s chin. He wouldn’t be able to stop it anymore and he was letting you know that.
“Hmph! Ah-ah-ah!” 
His nails grew sharper and started digging into your skin, though it seemed as if he was unaware of it. You continued stroking his cock determining when he’d reach his limit. He looked like a mess, continuing to beg himself to stop although none of his pleas were to you.
You stopped at the right moment, his back arching, cum splattering on the floor. He didn’t cum. He didn’t, but he felt both disappointed and glad that he didn’t.
“Good job, Morax.” You congratulated him.
“You held back…” He said breathlessly.
“You should be thanking me and apologizing instead.” Morax glanced at your scratched arm and flushed a deep red.
“I-I apologize! It wasn’t–” You placed a finger on his lips.
“I’m still mad about everything. Don’t think just because I gave you what you want meant that I have forgiven you.”
He clicked his tongue. “I see. What will it take for me to be forgiven then?”
“I don’t know, just let me have my way with you while I think about it.” 
“Of course–Hn!” Zhongli choked out a sob. You didn’t even let him finish before you had attacked the god.
“You’re so fucking slutty, Morax. Look at how you crumble under me.” Your cold voice sent shivers down his spine, already cumming from having his insides played with.
Your words conflicted with his thoughts. Why was he so enamored of you to begin with? To the point that even if you throw such harsh words, he would still consider them as praise regardless.
He cried from the way you ravaged his walls, you were so forceful but it felt so damn good. Like you knew that this was just the kind of thing he was into.
You had him scratching the ground beneath him, unable to hold onto anything inside the cave. It’s cold, and the smell of alcohol you previously ingested mixed well with your smell. It was addicting, something he couldn’t get enough of.
His throat hurt from moaning nonstop, but how could he restrain himself when you’re fucking him as if there’s no tomorrow?
“Hmpf–Keep going!” He pleaded, knees bruised against the ground.
Morax shivered when he heard a crumble coming from his right ear. The structure that he’d placed there collapsed due to his senses being dumbed down. He whined as he realized that he could see everything, all the biting that you’d done to him, his legs sticky with his own cum and the marking that he’d accidentally placed onto you.
Worry came right after when he figured out that if the entrance was open, people could pass by or hear him. Or worse, any of the adepti would be able to hear the pathetic noises that he was making right now.
He shut his lips together, crying out instead of making any sound.
You slammed your legs even harder, Morax gasping as he shook his head at the pleasure that was overwhelming him, cumming again within just a few minutes.
“N-No more…” He begged, hoping that you’d take any kind of pity on him.
“You say that, yet you were the one who said yes. Just earlier you suggested that I may do what I wish with your body and now you’re taking it back?”
“Do you think that’s fair at all? Mr. God of Contracts?”
Morax reached his climax again and this time, the god growled. A dragon’s roar that was surely heard by everyone in Liyue.
You giggled. “Rex Lapis, you were supposed to be laying low. Is it that good?”
You sighed, not being able to believe that you were strapping another archon to your belt.
“Fine, but only because you’ve proven that you’d risk your identity to others to be with me.”
You don’t think you could handle two archons fighting over you and you’re sure that Barbatos already knew of what you two did. 
You’re just glad that Ei wasn’t like them.
Or so you thought.
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opultea · 1 year
Where’s My Kiss? - 2
Genshin men see you kiss something, and can’t help but want one for themselves… ft. Gorou, Wanderer
GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Romantic - Drabbles - Fluff, Angst w/ fluff ending (Wanderer) - SFW (very slightly suggestive at the end of Gorou's)
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 1 - ft. Dottore, Zhongli
Guest Staring - Tawara! Camp dog of the Watastumi Resistance. (Featured in the 2023 birthday art for Gorou, check it out if you haven't seen it!)
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The finality of the hard won end to the Vision Hunt Decree was an event celebrated by all of Inazuma, most of all the resistance of Watatsumi. Although despite the relief and happiness that the peace brought, there was also the struggle of readjustment. It was not easy coming down from the high tensions of war, and the army still had soldiers in excess. Many now contributed to the last relief efforts for struggling communities, and as reconnaissance units. This was the very task you and a very special operations officer were undertaking at present.
Tawara scouted ahead as you secured the empty battlefield. Many war torn plains were left with lasting remains of equipment and resources, of which you and your trusty camp dog were tasked with retrieving. Her Excellency wished to put the war in the past, and to move forward, there couldn’t be such reminders of the horrors endured during the time.
“Tawara! Where are you boy?” You called, hoping the sweet shiba hadn’t gone too far. A yip in the distance helped your eyes find the pup stood atop a small hill where the enemy camp would have been.
This particular battlefront had little left of the war, only a few broken weapons and cracked armour plates that weren’t considered worth salvaging when the camp was first emptied. You took stock of how much still lay in the field so you could get an accurate gauge of how many soldiers it would take to clean it up for good.
Tawara zipped down the hill and over to you, pressing his paw to your shin to gain your attention. Looking down, you smiled at the pup and the dendrobium he held in his mouth.
“For me?” Tawara carefully dropped the bloom at your feet and barked cheerfully, sitting and awaiting your reaction expectantly. “Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest,”
You knelt down and cooed at the camp dog’s cuteness, squishing his fluffy cheeks in your hands, causing Tawara’s tail to wag wildly behind him.
Plucking the dendrobium off the ground, you inspected the deep red bloom before your gaze drifted across the still-dead grass of the field. New shoots of green could be seen dotting the dry dirt, but there was no mistaking the ground flattened by the feet of soldiers. Perhaps Her Excellency would approve planting some dendrobiums in the field to restore and improve the area.
“You’re a true genius Tawara,” you smiled, smoothing the fur on his head with a well-deserved pat. You went a step further with your affections, clasping Tawara's face in your hands again to press a gentle kiss on his left and then his right ear, before landing one on his snout. You laughed as the pup licked your cheek in return.
Little did you know that another loving pupper was watching the whole affair with unidentified jealousy and a fluttering heart.
Gorou had been notified of your mission long before you set out to complete it, being the general. Although he admittedly preferred when the actions assigned to you could be carried out alongside him, or at least within the campgrounds. Being apart was never easy, even when he knew you would return eventually.
Today Gorou had been lucky enough to finish his reports early and decided that his free time may as well have been used to help you with your mission. He had no doubt in your abilities, but Gorou tended to miss you quickly, so you often received a helping hand from the doggy general even when you didn't need one.
Rounding the hill close to the old front, Gorou felt a streak of unease being back in a place where he had fought so viscously, but it was all washed away as soon as he saw you. His tail began to sway as he approached, watching you smile and interact with Tawara. Then he saw it.
Gorou’s left and then right ear twitched in unison with your kisses, his mouth agape and face flushed. You had never kissed his ears before. The general's ears continued to twitch as he imagined your lips touching them, the images in his mind sending another round of fluttering to his heart.
As Gorou stood frozen and red hot at the edge of the field, Tawara eventually noticed him, barking in recognition and bounding over to greet his superior officer. You followed closely behind, equally happy to find that your boyfriend had come to see you.
"Gorou! Done with your work already?" He didn't hear your question until he shook himself from his stupor. "You okay honey? You're all red,"
"Y-yes!" The confusion on your face caused Gorou's pause, his body fidgeting and eyes trying to latch onto something that could ground his thoughts. "I just, umm... do you think I could... no, never mind."
"Gorou," you gently took his cheek in your hand, placing the other on his chest. "We've talked about this; you know I'll never judge you for anything,"
Ears coming to lay on his head Gorou nodded, still blushing wildly as he finally found the courage to make his request.
"Could you... kiss my ears?"
You cooed quietly, heart overflowing with love for your sweet partner but trying not to embarrass him further. Taking his hands in your own, you kiss Gorou's ears twice each, trying not to giggle at the way they twitched each time.
As you brought yourself away, Gorou whimpered faintly, likely not on purpose.
"Come on, let's head back to camp. I have a report to give for this reconnaissance mission, and you have more kisses to gain, perhaps somewhere more private?"
You smiled demurely as Gorou blushed, swiftly nodding his head and following you and Tawara back to the camp with anticipation.
Now renowned scholar ‘Hat Guy’ was currently in class, despite his vehement protests towards attending formal lectures, leaving you alone in the home to tidy up the shared space.
Lesser Lord Kusanali had seen your relationship bloom since the beginning, before even either of you had seen it. She was immensely pleased that the previously misanthropic puppet had grown to love another, and once informed of the official announcement of your relationship, she generously allowed the Wanderer to move from the Sanctuary Surasthana to a home of her choosing close by. It was a quaint and quiet home, but both of you cherished the space. It was a place you could just be together, and need nothing more. Because of this, you took great pride in making sure the home remained a place of respite, and so liked to keep it tidy.
Deciding to start with the laundry, you gathered a basket and went to the bedroom to gather anything in need of washing. Humming a little to yourself, you plucked the pillows off the bed, thinking of washing the cases, when a little thud on the ground came as you lifted your partners pillow.
Curious, you knelt to inspect the thing that had fallen. What was he hiding in his pillow? Kuni certainly wasn’t the type to believe in improving his sleep by hiding trinkets under his head. However, what you discovered made you gasp. On the floor lay the tiny cotton doll resembling Kunikuzushi, its beaded eyes reflecting its obvious displeasure with having taken such a fall.
Tenderly, you took the doll in your hand and stroked its head as you would with Kunikuzushi. Why was it here? You had only ever seen the doll once or twice when Kunikuzushi had readjusted his sleeves or changed shirts, but you knew that he always carried the cotton companion with him. Running your hand gently across the doll, you felt a snag on its back. Turning it over revealed a tear in the seam, a puff of cotton poking out its spine.
“Oh, poor thing,” you muttered, rising slowly while you cradled the doll like a babe. “Let’s get you patched up.”
Collecting a sewing kit from the drawer and sitting carefully on the edge of the bed, you let the doll rest on your lap as you prepared. Gently, as if it could feel your stitching, you mended the fabric. You smiled as you steadily sewed. It made you happy to think you could help Kuni this way, even if he had tried to hide the issue under his pillow.
Kuni has always been private, even with your long-standing relationship it wasn’t easy for him to show such vulnerability. But this doll was his vulnerability, a piece of him he showed almost no one. It was fulfilling to aid it.
Pulling the thread tight, you tied it off and admired your handy work, turning the doll over to greet it again,
“There, all better.” You landed a tender kiss on the top of its head, sealing all your love and care into its plush fabric.
A small choke brought your head up, allowing you to see your partner standing in the doorway, a rare kind of apprehension etched upon him. Your eyes caught each others, astir in stagnant bodies. Kunikuzushi's hand trembled on the doorframe, mouth open as if trying to form words he didn't know.
Through the silence, you lifted a slow hand, extended and opened with a hopeful invitation. The puppet approached, taking your hand and the seat beside you. No words were spoken as you gently lowered his head into your lap, letting his body lie across the bed and his arms wrap around the mended doll. As tears began to shake from Kunikuzushi’s face, you leaned down to press kisses to his head, caressing his hair and allowing him to finally feel the pain and vulnerability that had always ached in the space where his heart should have been.
"Thank you, for daring to love all of me," The shaking whisper stirred the greatest sense of care in your heart.
"You have never deserved anything less,"
The response brought him to sit up, clasping his body around yours as he continued to wring tears into your shoulder.
Perhaps it was not often that Kunikuzushi showed his vulnerability, but you could never stand to mind. Not when these tender moments were so treasured. Besides, you knew well that you would take anything he gave you. You were ready to love it all.
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zhongrin · 2 years
with you...
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, al haitham, childe, tighnari, wanderer
◇ tags ◇ fluff, slight angst in zhongli’s i’m sorry i couldn’t resist, childe’s is a little suggestive
◇ a/n ◇ i am so down bad for zhongli (but yall probably know this already huh)
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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…. zhongli knows he could dress in rags and you’d still call him handsome. you’ve called him a variety of names and titles - sweet and silly ones, sensual and sultry ones - and he adores them all, adopts them as part of his identity as the mortal being that is zhongli, and refers back to you with the utmost reverence. he knows he need not resent his former names nor his more brutish appearances, for you’ve seen them past their monstrosity and still sees something beautiful in all of them. you’ve shown him how you’ve embraced him in his entirety; his past and his present, and his future.
with you, he can’t wait to experience your life together.
(- yet he knows every journey has its end, and so he promises himself that he’ll appreciate you every step of the way)
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…. al haitham knows he doesn’t need to sugarcoat his words. you already know that he’s straightforward and blunt with his remarks and intentions, yet still, you choose to be with him. it’s not that he can’t “read the room” or “be a little more attentive”; he just doesn’t think he’s fit for the job if praises and reassurances that can barely hold any water are what people want in those situations. he also knows that you understand the nature of his job without him having to spell it out for you; he likes that he can talk or grumble about all the darkest secrets of the akademiya along with all of its forbidden secrets, and you would store it in your memory in a drawer where only he has the key to unlocking them.
with you, he doesn’t need to hold back - be it his words, his secrets, or his love, he knows you’ll accept them all and treasure them gently within your arms.
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…. childe knows he can trust you with ajax. the lonely, repressed, forced-to-grow-up-far-too-soon ajax. gone is the fearsome and bloodthirsty eleventh harbinger; every time he sees you, he feels like he’s a child all over again, seeing his favorite toy and snuggling into the comfiest blanket that smells like home. he knows you would indulge his every request, from a head pat to a full-on embrace that lasts for the whole day. from a bite of the cake you’re having to a whole ten-course meal. from a little peck to a make-out session that turns into something more… you continue to spoil him despite your nagging and little exasperated huffs. he thinks it’s very very cute and endearing. sometimes tartaglia thinks he doesn’t deserve you, but ajax has already forgotten a world without you and firmly refuses to let you go with that childish mentality of his.
with you, his haven, childe knows he could be in touch with his child self and be as selfish as he wants in reveling within your love, because it seems like you’ve already long since made your home in his heart and won’t be leaving anytime soon, much to his delight.
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…. tighnari knows he can fully indulge in his baser instincts and you’ll let him. you might complain, but your words won’t have any bites on them and your body will support him to let him take as much as he needed. his nesting behaviors should be an oddity in normal humans’ eyes (he can’t help stealing your clothes because the smell of his mate comforts him and helps him sleep, okay, get your mind off the gutter), yet you tell him he’s adorable and ask him if you can join in. the little fangs in his mouth should be something people are wary of (they’re made for rip and tear upon intimidation, a tool made to fight against danger), yet you tap on them whenever he bares his teeth and tells him his ‘little fangies’ are cute. you’re such a weird lummox. and tighnari loves this weird lummox so, so much.
with you, he sees a mate and a partner for life, and while fennec foxes don’t normally enjoy cuddles, he supposes he can make an exception.
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….. wanderer knows he can trust you to pull him back to where he needs to be whenever he’s lost. you’ve always been meddlesome and kinder than you should be with scaramouche, and even with his new identity you’re just as nosy, and he’s grateful for it. you know not to take him seriously when he’s just acting like he doesn’t want you around, but you know to put your foot down when he tries to push you away because he’s starting to doubt himself all over again. he knows he’s not the best lover out there - hell, he’s pretty convinced that he's the worst lover in all of teyvat. but you... you stick with him regardless. you pinch his cheeks and kiss his forehead and do all the things that somehow manage to make him blush. he might not be the best lover on teyvat, but he knows that you are. so he’ll keep trying his best, just for you.
with you, his captivating dancing doll, maybe the soldier doll has managed to form a heart before it could burn to ashes after all.
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— with you, i know i am where i belong, and i know that i am safe and loved.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @nachotrash
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silk-fl0wers · 1 year
"Moments with them"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Thoma, Arataki Itto, Tighnari, Al-Haitham
Warning(s): None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: What kind of random moments happen with the men?
> GnReader!
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❅ ᴋᴀᴇʏᴀ
: ̗̀➛ If horses were still a thing in Mondtadt, he would've loved to take you horse riding in Whispering forest and near the shore lines of Windrise. You could have your own horse to ride on but he would like it much better if you rode with him instead - he wants to feel your arms around his waist and your face leaning on his shoulder - to keep you safe incase of any random ambush, the cavalry captain has to make sure no harm happens to his significant other otherwise his title would be of no point to have.
: ̗̀➛ There's just some days where he just wants to be genuine with you like showing a smile that goes all the way to his cheeks and to the point where they end up hurting a lot or either it being where he spills out his emotions and feelings little by little. It's not a lot but it's a sign to show that he trusts and loves you a lot to let you know these little secrets of his that he doesn't tell anyone.
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: ̗̀➛ Whenever the grapes are ready to be plucked from thier vines for wine making, you convince him to let you join even though in reality he would never decline you of helping as long as there's nothing that can harm you. Adelinde and Elzer will also be out giving a hand so if you feel like going back inside just give them a heads up, they'll also throw you a warm bath if you want one too.
: ̗̀➛ His body suddenly feels warmer knowing that you tend to wait for him at the front doors of the mansion whenever he's out doing his duty to protect Mondstadt at night. He doesn't wish for you to stay up really late at night knowing how long you've been waiting and that you should've gone to bed without him but it generally warms him up how you have chosen yourself to patiently wait for him to come back to know that he's at least okay.
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❅ ᴀʟʙᴇᴅᴏ
: ̗̀➛ Taking notes of his observations - studies of abyssal mobs, primordial Albedo, Durin, the traveller, the known and the unknown - hung up on the boards in his lab all soon to be the known if he can solve them. You find his viewings and studies engrossing. If you find them interesting then he wouldn't mind to tell you about them and what he had conjered up so far. Doing this also starts to have an effect on him, he now feels a warm sensation inside knowing that his significant other loves to hear him chat on about his studies, more different to when he tells them to Sucrose or Timaeus.
: ̗̀➛ Due to his habbits of staying up at the latest of times to continue with his work, you would have some candy prepared in a small box and gift it to him before leaving his lab. He stated it himself at the start of the relationship that they help to give him an energy boost for when he feels like he’s starting to go off track so he’s very thankful and happy that you have gifted these to him.
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❅ ᴛᴀʀᴛᴀɢʟɪᴀ
: ̗̀➛ Helping him with babysitting Tucer if he ever comes for a visit in Liyue. He feels bad that he has to dump his responsibility of his brother on to you for some time but he wants to keep his real job a secret from him, at least when he's older enough to understand this he'll stop doing this but at the end of the day it does come with a reward for compensation of having you babysit such as having late night talks, hugs, kisses, cuddles or dinner. He even slips out a little apology his actions.
: ̗̀➛ If you're good at weapons, mainly the bow, he'd be pleading you to help him and to teach some techniques of yours to help him really master the art of the bow. You'd help him with his posture and aiming, doing the thing where your hands are over his and guiding his arms to a better position to get a more precise shot of the training dummy in front of you two.
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❅ ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ
: ̗̀➛ Gives you some of Liyue's specialities, more so of the Cor Lapis. Whenever he gifts them to you on a date or on any special occasion, he likes to tell you the backstory about that speciality and give little facts. He probably knows himself about how much he does talk during these so forgive him if he does end up talking your ear off too much, he can't help it and genuinely wants to share off his knowledge to you. His beloved significant other.
: ̗̀➛He finds it entertaining how you also try to get along with his other friends and cared ones like Ganyu, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver, Madame Ping and Xiao. Few of them are harder to befriend and will take some time but for ones like Ganyu and Madame Ping the three of you have become good acquaintances and will every so often invite you to have some tea and food over a relaxing chat. Zhongli very much loves you a lot, it wasn't required to friend them just because he has some relation to them but you chose to so it makes him really delighted.
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❅ ᴋᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ
: ̗̀➛Accompanying him to go on a walk near the shores of Guyun Stone Forest for a break while Beidou and the other Crux members party on the Alcor. The walk is breezy, cheering and laughter is heard throughout the forest from the Alcor, light sounds of the birds calling to each other from above and the rustles of the vines and bushes against each other. The two of you sitting next to each other, his hands in yours, chatting about whatever you want to.
: ̗̀➛ When stopping by at Inazuma, he always goes to the spot north-east of the Grand Narukami Shrine to pay his respects to his long-term friend Tomo and to the cat that would always be inside of his kimono. Whether you know him or not but still pays your respect to his old friend Kazuha cannot help but show a small smile on to his face. He also may have sometimes came here without you and talk to the blade stuck in stone all about you, how you met and how wonderful you are. He knows Tomo would've liked you a lot if he was still here.
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❅ ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀ
: ̗̀➛He catches you on a late night enjoying the company of the animals around the city and feeding them little treats. He hasn't moved from his spot yet because he's admiring you from just behind a tree, he doesn't mean to look like a creep but he wants to take some time to allow for his brain to keep this moment before joining you in your late night activity, that is if you don't mind of course.
: ̗̀➛If you do happen to know how to knit or crochet then you can imagine yourself already making some small sweaters and toys for the tamed animals around the main city. Just the two of you enjoying your favourite drinks and sinking into the pleasure and cosiness of the room and the chat the two of you have between yourselves. It's not a lot but Thoma really enjoys this, just him and his love making things for animals, what else could he wish for?
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❅ ᴀʀᴀᴛᴀᴋɪ ɪᴛᴛᴏ
: ̗̀➛ The one and oni allows for you to paint and polish his horns, paint it any colour you wish for cause he doesn't mind it one bit since he loves the care and attention you have on his horns. Later on he's already running to the gang and Shinobu about his horn colour and how you were the one who did this masterpeice.
: ̗̀➛ Speaking about the gang, he also loves how you treat them. The citizens of Inazuma do treat his gang members quite more better than they do to himself but seeing you also get along with them and their little escapades he can't help but to be very ecstatic and very chirpy, almost as if he was walking on clouds kinds feel.
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❅ ᴛɪɢʜɴᴀʀɪ
: ̗̀➛ Listening to his lectures about the native floral and mushrooms of Sumeru. He appretiates it alot that you really take note of them and put the information to use; being you telling offt the other forest trainess for eating a poisinous mushroom or genuinely because you want to chatter on about the different kinds.
: ̗̀➛When you get the permission to brush out his tail and maybe his ears if he's not dotting down notes into his book. He always seems to go into some serene like state whenever you do brush his fox features, you can see it on his face too whenever you peek over that's he's dozing off and lightly jolts up upon realising he has fallen asleep not knowing himself. Sometimes he really does go into slumber and doesn't wake up from it so you take it as your cue to carefully turn off any light sources and place a blanket on the both of you before going to join him in a peaceful slumber too.
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❅ ᴀʟ-ʜᴀɪᴛʜᴀᴍ
: ̗̀➛Despite him being reserved and closed off to most people he's quite different when it comes to you. He still has the same facial expression but his actions towards you contrasted ones he displays to others such as waving to him and he waves back or when greeting him with a wave he copies your exact motions, to a point where the others in the Sumeru gang finds it amusing that he only waves back at you only.
: ̗̀➛He also doesn't mind at all when you climb into his lap whenever he's reading and just looking at the books pages as well. He doesn't make any move or sound to show that he doesn't want you off of him so you continue to stay up until you've fallen asleep. During this, you cannot fully make it out but some weight goes on to your waist and wraps around it. You can only smile a little after guessing what he really did do was correct to your amusement.
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euphorickaeya · 2 years
buwan’s notes : I’m alive but I’m dead LOL, i don’t think I’ll be posting much on this account, maybe some for a few months here and there but other than that, I’m barely active. I apologize to those who keep asking for updates but I no longer consider myself in the genshin fandom.
I would also want to apologize for this fic, this fic is somewhat cruel, and I don’t want to offend anyone, please do speak to me if it seems I’ve gone too far, but this is merely a more story-based fic than being a fic about the characters being shipped with the god!reader. I wanted to explore the idea of being denied your saving grace when your god is right there, and they know it. It sort of a revenge fic?? Errr idk how to explain HAHA ok enjoy 😭
summary : you refuse to be treated the way you were, when you descended on your lands.
CW : obsession, sagau in general, borderline abuse as a creator, revenge and angst (?).
[no ships, more reader-centric.]
song recommendation: babooshka - Kate Bush.
part 2
EDIT #2: SIKE I WROTE IT DOWN LOLS @emperatris-rinaka | @iyhmibyo | @nicebonescomrades
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A cold wind blew over the lands of Liyue, the creator has blessed the ancient lands with their presence, being bombarded with the lavish gifts of forgiveness of the people of Liyue by your feet, as you sat at a public throne.
Your eyes held nothing but resentment and no remorse for those who ask for your blessings, even if they bring a sickly child by your feet, begging and crying for a single blessing for you to heal this sickly child placed on your feet.
You merely spare the family a glance, before staring at your acolyte, Zhongli stared at you with concern, unsure of the thoughts racing through your head.
You made your decision when you had shooed the family, a shocked look on their faces as the hold on their poor kid faltered, almost dropping the frail boy. You could merely scoff as the mother handed the kid to her husband as she ran to your feet, wailing.
“Your grace, please punish me for any wrong-doing my family has done, but please! Heal my boy! He’s done nothing wrong, he’s nothing but a boy!” The mother wailed into your robes.
You felt your face morph into disgust, your eyes swelling in anger, tears starting to form from annoyance and anger. “Don’t pity yourself under my feet, lady.” You spat, pushing the mother with your feet.
The crowds that came to revel in their creator’s stared in disbelief and silent horror as the lady sobbed loudly on your podium, and their god, you, doing nothing to comfort or even give a slice of remorse to the pitiful lady by your feet.
After a few minutes of your unrelenting emotionless gaze on her and her unstopping sobs as her husband held their boy from afar helplessly, the lady raised her head to look at you.
An anger in her eyes, betrayal, anguish met your cold, frozen eyes.
“You’re no god, you’re not our creator, you’re just a mere copy..” the lady whispered spitefully, looking at you with nothing but hatred for your embodiment.
For once, in a long time, you laughed, a smile on your face, not of happiness, but of mockery, a scoffing, bashful smile.
“I’m no god? I’m a mere, copy?” You scoffed at the lady, your eyebrows raised in a mocking way, you stood from your throne, even after being able to sit on the golden seat, it still felt like it stung you, like silver does to a vampire.
It burned and stung, but it did nothing but fuel you even more. “Is this what has come of my empire? Of my beloved world?” You asked, walking slowly up to the lady who gravelled and clutched the hot concrete under her palms.
“If I had known my own children would dictate who I am, I would’ve destroyed this world to bits.” You threw that sentence out recklessly, seeing your acolytes stiffen quickly from your peripheral vision. You couldn’t help but grin at their uncomfortable faces.
“You, a mere lady, who lives on nothing but scraps, gets to tell me, a creator, a celestial being, who I am?” You snarled, your spear appearing to intimidate those who dare to anger you so.
“You’ve got some nerve, you all do!” You pointed to the crowds, who flinched and screamed in fear as you pointed with your spear, the metal shining against the sun.
Your acolytes could only wish that the sun could’ve given you it’s golden rays in a better situation, seeing as you flowed with unrelenting bravery and anger.
“I had to harm myself, to cut my flesh and show my blood, so that I wouldn’t die in this mortal form!” You screamed into the crowd, no longer holding the annoyance and disgust you held for this world.
“If I were a mere mortal with my face, you would’ve called them an imposter, burn them at the stake, like you’ve done with me!” Zhongli could only watch helplessly as your struck fear into his people, unable to stop you, for his loyalty refuses to let him move.
“You’re no people of mine, this world is obsessed with the idea of me, not my being as your creator!” The lady no longer glared at your with angry, but with disdain and anxiousness.
“I refuse to be dictated and be a holy grail for this shitty fucking world. Your people don’t deserve to be blessed with my presence nor my help.” Zhongli’s eyes could only widen, glancing at Ningguang, who was hyperventilating, watching you as you threw your spear away, it dissipating into particles.
“so suffer, suffer as I have, hope that there’s another god who’ll give you the forgiveness I will never give you.” You scoffed, you looked at the father who held his son with a life-threading grip.
Looking at you, his eyes holding a flickering flame of hope, that under all your anger, you would find the kindness to give them the mercy they’re desperately grasping at.
But you merely turned away from him, watching from your peripheral vision as the flame in his eyes extinguished, before his eyes filled, refusing to look away from your retreating figure.
“Zhongli, I want to end my appearance here and now.” You refused to look at the archon that stood by your throne as you walked past. Soon after a while, you had walked into the Liyue palace doors, finally out of public eye.
That is when Zhongli finally moves. Although being the most powerful archon, his knees buckled like that of a weak mortal, the pain and fear of his people weighing down his back.
But how can he save them? not when he knows he’s one of the many people who’s fueled this despicable behaviour in their god.
Their god who was so reverent and kind, only corrupted by it’s own creation.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 7 months
okay okay hear me out, say like Childe and Zhongli or Diluc and Kaeya both have darlings right? imagine said darlings are literally best friends and just break out to hang out😭
like they’re going crazy looking for them and they’re outside giggling their ass off
I really like this idea and sorry for being gone so long, as soon as i read this in my inbox i had to write something up and answer it :] <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, talk of being locked inside, implications of being held against ones will, and other potential topics/themes. Please read at your own risk.
Diluc nearly loses his mind every time you go missing from the winery, and all the staff seem to not have noticed you escaping. He’s even more distressed to find out Kaeya is currently suffering the same issue, with his beloved missing from his home in the city.
Diluc’s first thought is you’ve both been kidnapped, either as leverage or for something far sinister, doesn’t matter. You’d always been rather compliant, running away didn’t seem like something you’d do, especially with everything you’d need still here.
You can imagine his relief when he finds you in the library, sharing tea with Lisa and Kaeya’s beloved at one of the tables, talking about some of the new books that have arrived. The looks Lisa gives him is almost enough to have him slamming his claymore into the table.
“Darling, I think you forgot to mention you were heading out today. I went to find you for lunch and none of the maids could tell me where you’d gone off too.” His voice is calm, his claymore left by the door as he sauntered over to your chair. His gloved hands find home on the back of the chair, supporting his weight as he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your temple. 
Diluc is pretty calm about it, his mind had immediately jumped to the worst happening to you so he’s incredibly relieved to see you ok. He does give you a very soft lecture about letting him know where you’re going, so as to keep him from having another heart attack, but he knows you’ll do it again.
He also implores the staff at the Winery to keep a better eye on you, so that should you sneak out again, he knows it was at least of your own doing and not someone else that you had gone missing.
Kaeya is a lot like his brother in the sense that he automatically assumes the worst. The door was locked, all the windows were locked and closed, so where were you?
He’s even more relieved to see you were ok then Diluc was to see his own dear ok, Kaeya is just a lot better at playing it off. His sword holstered at his side as he casually strolls over, leaning against the side of the table as if he had been there the whole time.
The way he talks almost makes you think he knew where you were the whole time, but in truth he’d been just as frantic as his brother in their search for you. He’d been ready to rip up every stone and brick in Mondstat just to find a trace of you.
“The library again? Don’t tell me that my Dear has started a book club and hasn’t told me about it? You know, I’ve read nearly every book in this library, our Librarian keeps quite the collection here.” Kaeya looks so natural in the way he stands there, leaning against the table with his arms crossed over his chest, a pleasant smile on his face. 
Kaeya looks very calm and relaxed on the outside, but on the inside his mind is still reeling, trying to figure out how you got out without him noticing. He’d made sure everything had been locked and there was only one key that he kept on him at all times. He’d even double checked that everything was locked that morning.
He doesn’t mind you going out, you were always sweet and compliant with him, but it’s when you leave and don’t tell him, don’t leave a note or any hint as to where you are that makes him nervous. He’s so afraid to lose you, so desperate to keep you close like he was unable to do with his brother for many years. He’d go crazy if he lost you, so crazy that not even Diluc would be able to stop him.
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