#but your name dances alive in my mind like a heartbeat
tommarvoloriddlesdiary · 11 months
agony is knowing you forgot about me
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tortillamastersblog · 3 months
ᗢ Enough | Wanda Maximoff ᗢ
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: mild injury
Summary: It seems as though no one can stop Wanda Maximoff from getting what she wants, and what she wants is America Chavez so she can steal her powers and travel to a universe where you and her children are still alive. . .
It turns out, no one doesn’t include you though.
Continuation of Take My Hand, but the two parts can be read separately which is why I’m not naming it “Part 2”
“Fuck!” I sit up with a yelp, clutching at my pounding head.
It feels like someone is jumping around on it and when I open my eyes it takes a couple of seconds for everything to come into view.
That “everything” turns out to be Wong, standing right in front of me with wide eyes.
“Ahh!” I scream again and jerk backward to get a bit of distance between us. “What the hell?!”
One minute I’m at peace, floating around in nothingness with no sense of time or self and the next I’m. . . here.
I look around, and freeze when I realize I’m no longer in Wakanda.
I’m in a dark, wood-paneled room with a single window that is covered by a wooden screen. It has intricate designs carved into it and only allows a tiny amount of light to enter.
Red and yellow pieces of fabric are draped over the ceiling beams and the whole room is filled with smoke coming from a golden incense burner that is shaped like an antique oil lamp.
I’m sitting on a simple cot in the middle of the room, and stare at Wong.
“What happened? Where am I? I died?!” I shriek with realization, but before Wong can answer, an explosion rattles the building and bits of dust and rubble rain down on us.
He pulls me to my feet and dusts me off before dragging me out of the small room into a long hallway.
“There’s no time to explain! We need your help,” he says as another explosion shakes the ground beneath us.
Being a bit unsteady on my feet since I literally just returned from the dead, I stumble and trip after him as he leads me through what I’m now realizing is a temple.
Oh my God, this is Kamar-Taj. Why am I here? How am I here?!
“Wong, stop!” I whimper, ripping my arm from his grip and leaning against a wall.
My head is pounding in time with my heartbeat and every now and then black dots dance across my vision.
Wong seems conflicted about not going on, but lets me rest nonetheless.
“How am I here?” I ask softly. “I’m supposed to be DEAD. . . Wanda. . . she d-destroyed the stone.”
I smile sadly at the thought of her sparkling green eyes and the way her lips would twitch whenever I told a corny joke.
“You were dead,” Wong explains. “And you were sent here for burial. But as time went on we realized your body wasn’t decomposing. It wasn’t even turning cold.”
I tilt my head in question and shudder when the ground beneath us shakes yet again.
Wong looks around frantically, obviously dying to get going, but he continues to explain nonetheless.
“The mind stone is what brought you back to life all those years ago when Hydra experimented on you which is why it killed you when Wanda destroyed it. But then Thanos turned back time and used the stones. You were trapped between life and death for six years and it took me until now to realize that all you needed to come back was just a little bit of a jump start.”
I wince. “Jump start?”
“I shocked you with a spell,” Wong dead-pans and I stare at him with disbelief.
“But it won’t keep you alive for long,” he continues. “You need the stone to actually live. This is only temporary, but I didn’t have a choice.”
Great. So I’m running on limited time.
“B-But, why?!” I ask, clutching at my head.
Wong averts his eyes and shifts on his feet uncomfortably. “It’s Wanda, Y/N.”
I straighten up and ignore the resulting sting of pain that runs down my spine.
“What about her? Is she okay?” I say with wide eyes, but Wong doesn’t answer.
He just stares at the portal ring on his hand and as the seconds go by, I realize what is happening.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” I whisper when the ground shakes again.
Wong just nods and I sigh, gesturing for him to show the way.
This is exactly what I was afraid of. . . She couldn’t take any more and broke.
And now she’s attacking Kamar-Taj for some reason.
We continue down the hallway and Wong throws open the huge oak door once we reach the end of it.
The sight that greets me makes my blood freeze and I hold onto the doorframe, trying to process everything that’s happening.
Hundreds of sorcerers are in the courtyard, holding up shields of glowing orange magic and countering every strike of red energy that rains down on them from the sky.
A couple of sorcerers are already on the ground amidst the smoking rubble and for my own peace of mind I’m telling myself they’re just unconscious and not dead.
My Wanda wouldn’t kill anyone. Not on purpose.
“Fall back!” I hear a familiar voice and when I look to my right I see Stephen Strange.
He looks worn and battered from the fight, but when his eyes meet mine he perks up.
Not with a smile though. No, he’s scowling like there’s no tomorrow, but luckily it’s not directed at me.
“Wong! I can’t believe this— I told you—“
“I’m the sorcerer supreme, Strange!”
“What happened to letting the dead rest?!” Strange counters as red streaks of magic continue to rain down around us.
Wong just scoffs and makes a shield just in time to stop one of the red streaks from hitting us.
“I didn’t have a choice!” he counters loudly and all of a sudden everything around us goes quiet.
The assault from above stops and the smoke begins to clear.
“I knew you were a hypocrite, Stephen, but I never thought you’d stoop this low and resort to cruel trickery.”
Wanda’s voice makes my heart skip a beat and when I look up there she is, floating above the temple.
I feel myself smiling, but that smile quickly vanishes when I take in her appearance.
She is still my Wanda, yes, but she looks very different than the last time I saw her. Her eyes are sunken in and they don’t sparkle the way I remember. Her cheekbones are also more prominent, which seems to be the result of losing quite a bit of weight.
And then there’s the whole Halloween-ish outfit she’s wearing. I mean, is that a crown on her head?
Don’t get me wrong, she looks great, but so unlike the fiancée I left behind.
She gracefully lands in front of us and easily deflects the attack of one of the injured students close by.
“Wanda. . .?” Stephen prompts, but Wanda ignores him and narrows her eyes at me.
“Who are you?! Some kind of shapeshifter?” she asks, her voice low and threatening. Her eyes glow red and and she tilts her head slightly.
“I— No, Wanda. It’s me,” I say with a hesitant smile. I push myself off the doorframe and hold out my hands in front of me in an attempt to soothe her, but before I can even take a single step in her direction, I’m hit in the chest by her magic.
It sends me flying backwards through the oak door and into the hallway. When I hit the ground, the breath gets knocked out of me and I blink rapidly in an attempt to stay conscious.
What the hell?!
“Y/N!” Wong exclaims, but he too gets knocked off his feet when he goes to help me.
Stephen follows shortly after when Wanda flicks her hand and she steps over him with a snarl.
Then her eyes land on me again and she bares her teeth. “No, you’re not! Y/N is dead! So, I’m asking you again. . . Who are you?”
“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” she screams with wild eyes and before I know it, I’m hit by another streak of magic.
This time it does more than just take my breath away and I yelp in pain, clutching at my chest where she hit me.
It feels like I’ve been electrocuted and the current is still running through me, forcing tears into my eyes and down my cheeks.
“Wanda,” I gasp. “Please, stop.“
Another blow hits me, this time in the stomach, and I squirm in pain with a sob. My hands are trembling and I feel myself getting weaker with every second that goes by. Wong’s spell must be wearing off.
“No!” she howls, using her magic to lift me into the air. It wraps around my body and throat like hot wires and I try to claw at it to get it off me. “How dare you pretend to be the love of my life?!“
“Wan. . .” My voice dies in the back of my throat when her magic tightens around my neck.
Her eyes glitter menacingly and for the first time since knowing her I feel actual fear creep into the pit of my stomach.
“You are not my Y/N,” Wanda hisses through gritted teeth.
I swallow harshly and avert my eyes so I don’t have to keep enduring the hate and distaste she is looking at me with.
What happened to her? Why doesn’t she believe me? And why is she hurting me? She’s never hurt me. . .
“Wanda, enough!” Stephen cuts in. He’s struggling to get back on his feet and leans against the wall for support.
“Zip it, Strange,” she counters. “Did you honestly think I’d fall for this little stunt of yours? Did you honestly—“
A whimper that claws its way out of me cuts Wanda off. My head is feeling like it’s being split in half and I know what that means because it’s the same thing I felt when the mind stone was being destroyed.
I’m running out of time.
I close my eyes and instantly, images of Wanda’s smile flash through my mind. I hear echoes of her giggles and happy squeals and my heart flips at all the memories we share.
I remember the feeling of her warm body beneath me and the sting of her nails digging into the skin of my back.
I remember the taste of her tears when we kissed after I proposed and she said yes, and I remember how her eyes lit up every time I entered a room.
Oh, how I love that woman, or should I say loved? Because that woman doesn’t seem to be the same as the one in front of me right now.
This Wanda is ruthless and cold hearted, and it breaks my heart to see what she’s turned into.
I’d honestly rather still be dead than witness this side of her.
The ropes of magic around me disappear and I feel myself being carefully lowered onto the ground. Once I make contact with the cold stone, I shudder and wrap my arms around myself.
Everything hurts and I just want to go back to being dead, but then a pair of warm hands on my cheeks makes me open my eyes.
“Y/N?” Wanda whispers, horrified, and her voice cracks when her eyes connect with mine and fill with realization. “Oh my God.”
She strokes her thumb over my cheek and I flinch at the small gesture which makes her eyes fill with tears.
“Moya lyubov. . .” She crumbles on top of me and clutches at my shirt with shaking hands. “It’s really you.”
I freeze beneath her and squeeze my eyes shut again when another blinding pain shoots through my head. This makes Wanda pull back and look at me with wide, worried eyes. “I hurt you, my love. Oh my God. I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen— I can’t believe I—“
I groan and wince again, lifting one hand to push against my throbbing temple.
Wanda’s hands cup my cheeks and I watch a tear roll down her face. “W-What is it? What’s happening? Am I still hurting you?”
She pulls back and stops touching me completely, frantically looking me over for any signs of injury.
Wong takes the opportunity to get to his feet and comes up behind Wanda to place a hand on her shoulder.
She doesn’t react to his touch and continues to run her eyes over me.
“What is it?” she asks, terrified. “What’s going on? What hurts, Y/N?”
I blink helplessly, not able to get any words out as another wave of pain washes over me.
“Wanda,” Wong says softly. “There nothing you can do.”
Her head whips around and she looks between Wong and Stephen. “What?“
Wong sighs with a sympathetic look and squeezes her shoulder. “I— The spell I used to bring Y/N back to life only works temporarily,” he explains.
Wanda gapes at him before turning back to me. Her chin is trembling and she takes my hands off my temples, lacing our fingers together.
It’s only then that I realize her fingertips are completely black and I have half a mind to pull away, but then my eyes meet hers and all my fears from earlier are washed away.
Looking back at me isn’t the new, heartless Wanda. It’s my Wanda and the agony on her face makes my own heart hurt.
“No, not again,” she whimpers. “I can’t watch you die again.”
Around us, all the injured students and masters who’ve been hesitant to approach move closer. To my surprise though, they’re not getting ready to attack. They’re simply watching us with sympathy and sad smiles.
Stephen and Wong share a knowing look and I realize that this was Wong’s plan all along.
“Darling,” I finally managed to gasp out. “It’s okay, just stop this.”
Wanda sobs and squeezes my fingers. “No, it’s not. Please, stay with me. . .”
I smile sadly and twitch when the last of my energy disappears.
“No! Please, please!” she cries, her eyes glowing red with emotion. “I love you.”
I love you, too. . .
The last thing I see before closing my eyes is the black slowly crumbling and chipping off her fingertips and the crown on her head glowing a bright red before disappearing.
A year later. . .
“What are you doing out here, darling? It’s cold,” I whispered against Wanda’s ear, coming up behind her on the balcony and wrapping my arms around her waist.
Wanda chuckles and leans back against me, tilting her head so she can look at me. “Just thinking. . .”
I quirk an eyebrow and run my thumbs over her stomach. “Are you okay?”
She smiles and lifts one of her hands to pull me down by the back of my neck, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. “I’m perfect. I was just thinking about what comes next.”
I still my thumbs and smile when she turns her attention back to the ocean below us. “And what might that be?” I ask.
Wanda intertwines our fingers over her stomach and raises our left hands to kiss the wedding ring on my finger. “I don’t know. A dog, maybe, and-and some kids?”
She says the last part a little hesitantly and I can’t help but smile even more, rubbing my nose up and down her neck, saying, “I’d love that.”
“Yeah?” she asks quietly and I nod, pressing a kiss to her neck right below her ear.
A comfortable silence settles over us and I straighten up to watch the sunset, slowly swaying us from side to side.
Over a year ago at Kamar-Taj she lost her powers in order to keep me alive. It turns out that I don’t need the mind stone to keep me alive after all, but rather a source of energy and Wanda’s power are enough to last me a whole lifetime. Literally.
Which is why we’re here now, in our own little beach house on the coast of Rhode Island.
After making sure I would definitely be okay, she told me everything about Westview and how she began studying the Darkhold after.
She also told me about everything she did to get her hands on America and once all was said and done she gave me the choice of leaving or staying with her.
I obviously stayed, not deterred by her actions or the pain she inflicted upon me, and we eloped soon after.
We bought this house together with the money I saved before what happened in Wakanda and we’ve been living in married bliss ever since.
“I love you,” I whisper, tightening my hold around her when the sun finally sets, leaving behind an orange glow across the horizon.
“I love you, too,” she replies easily, chuckling when my stomach growls. “How about some dinner?”
I smile sheepishly and kiss the top of her head. “Yes, please.”
She lets go of my hands and turns around in my arms. “Then let’s go inside.”
I hum in agreement and bend down, pecking her lips a couple of times before following her into the house.
This is not as good as Take My Hand, but I just had to write a follow-up because I hate angst without a happy ending and because I think Wanda didn’t deserve what happened to her.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 2 months
Fairest of them All
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Notes: Rhys?!?! You’re alive?! 🥹🥹🥹 I am alive!! I absolutely went THROUGH it I almost died six times but we’re here, we’re back and we’re horny AYOOOOOOOOOOO
P. S Dear reader, I also happen to have a mirror sex one already!! lmao Now You See Me its two for the price of one!!
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Buck yanks you into the upstairs bathroom, the base from the music below you pumps through the floors, matching the pounding of your heartbeat 
“M-maybe we shouldn’t be up here” 
He pushes you against the door, pressing his body to yours and kissing your neck, the alcohol flowing through your system gives you the liquid courage to place your arms around his neck and pull his hair back to connect your lips together 
“Chill, I know the owner, he won’t mind”
“We literally stepped over caution tape and behind a curtain” you pant as he hikes your skin-tight skirt around your waist, he slides his hands down your thighs and winks before he effortlessly picks you up and carries you over to the vanity 
“Will you just trust me?” He leaves sloppy kisses across your neck, his hands sliding up your sides and squeezing them gently
“I literally don’t even know you” 
“Oh baby, we’ve been talking since the second you walked through the front door. I think we know each other enough besides, It’s a fireman’s rule. We always check the water pressure in case of emergencies." 
Buck grins, pulling you close and capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His tongue dances with yours, exploring and tasting as his hands flow over your body. "And I think we need to check the temperature too."
“That’s such a lie” you giggle as you attack him just as fervently, your hands sliding over his broad chest, pulling at his shirt and he smirks, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the side. He takes yours off just as quickly, setting it on the side of the sink, and takes hold of your panties 
“You mind?” He gives a little tug and you shake your head 
“Please god take them off, hurry up” You fumble with his belt as he rips your panties off, tossing them behind him. Your mouth drops open and you squeak
“Fast enough??” He grins devilishly as he pushes your hands away, sliding his belt off with one hand. You eye him up and down for a moment, biting your lip 
“That was hot enough that I’ll forgive you for ruining the set”
“I’ll buy you another” He lets his pants and boxers fall, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. He brings you closer to the edge of the counter, spreading your legs wide for him and sighing softly 
“Fuck you’re beautiful” Buck smirks, lining up his cock with your entrance. He thrusts in deep, groaning at the tightness that grips him. He starts to move, slowly at first, picking up speed as he looks up at your reflections in the mirror watching the way your body reacts to his.
You lean back, bracing yourself on your elbows, and let your head fall back, staring at your bodies upside down in the mirror 
“Jesus Buck” you breathe, your chest heaving and he leans forward, placing hot wet kisses on your sternum, enjoying the way your tits bounce around him as he fucks you, his cock pumping in and out at a brutal pace. Your hand slaps down on his shoulder, your back arching as you cry his name. 
“Harder, please fuck go harder” You beg and he growls, his hand coming to wrap around your throat for leverage as he fucks you harder, he pulls almost all the way out, before slamming around back into you, pushing you backward 
“You like it harder huh baby girl?” He hums against your chest, his face buried in your plush breasts “I’ll give you whatever you want” He pulls away and pulls you off the vanity, turning you over so you’re bent on it instead. He lifts your thighs enjoying the way your ass bounces when he moves you. 
“You look pretty good like that” You tease him as you stare at him in the mirror 
“Oh yeah? Look good with my cock deep in your tight hole?” He eases into you, his eyes rolling back and closing softly. You spread your legs more and he grabs your hips, his fingers pressing pretty bruises into them from how hard he’s holding you when he fucks you. He can’t help the little whiny noises that escape his lips as he opens his eyes again, watching you in the mirror as you study your face, you press your forehead against it, nuzzling your nose softly before giving your reflection a little kiss
Buck smacks your ass with both hands, gripping it firmly and you wriggle your hips, gasping as you move on his cock. He massages your ass kneading your flesh and letting you enjoy yourself in the mirror 
“Oh please, don’t let me distract you…” He leans forward now, his chest against your back, you can feel a thin layer of sweat on your bodies as he lies against you 
“Go on“
You turn back to the mirror, moaning as you make out with your reflection, you can feel Buck’s mouth, copying yours as he kisses your neck, moaning as he grinds his cock inside you
“Fuck me-“ you pant against the mirror, your thighs shaking beneath him “P-please Buck” 
“Oh? You done with your little show?” He’s left so many hickies across your shoulder, there are little bite marks on your back. He pulls away, holding you with him as he stands on straight, your chest flush against his back, one arm tight around your waist, the other between your breasts as he holds you up 
“Good girl Y/N fuck you’re so sexy”
He thrusts up into you suddenly and you yelp, he holds you against his chest as he fucks you, bouncing you on his cock over again over, harder and harder. You hold onto his arms as tightly as you can, writhing on his cock 
“Touch yourself” his voice is kind of breathy and weak like he’s begging for it “Wanna see you touch yourself, baby” 
Your head falls against his shoulder as you rub your clit, your soaked cunt on display in the mirror for him and it drives him crazy. His hips piston into yours roughly as he brings you down on him to meet each thrust. 
He can feel the way you tighten around him, the heat and friction between your two bodies are starting to become too much, his head is too hot and hazy, and your body is too much for him 
The music downstairs drowns out the way you scream his name as you cum, he nearly drops you as he cums in you. You grab the vanity as he bends you both over it, shoving his cock in you as deep as he can, he reaches forward, pulling your head back by your hair so you can see him stuff you full of his cock in the mirror, your mascara running down your cheeks, your lipgloss smeared across both of your lips 
“Look so fuckin pretty like that” He pants in your ear, his voice is gravelly and raw 
You both sit there for a moment together, eventually, Buck gets his bearings back and grabs a towel from the cabinet, and starts to clean you up 
“I’m gonna have to steal that now” Buck holds you up while you lean over him and he rubs your thighs with the towel 
“And why would you do that hm?” He chuckles, tossing it over into the hamper and you whine 
“It’s literally got our- you know… stuff!! On it”
“It’s fine”
Buck picks you up before you can even protest that and carries you over to the bed. He tosses you down on it and you giggle, rolling over and opening your arms to him. He crawls up the bed, smushing you with his body into the sheets and you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest
“Quit it!”
“You quit it” He grins back, fighting your hands off, he rolls over, pulling you into his arms, and snuggles with you
“Take a nap, you need it” He rubs your side, burying his face in your neck 
“You must seriously know this guy… should we really be-“
“Don’t start with that again” he swats your thigh “Trust me baby you can sleep here”
“You don’t want to just go back to the party?” Your voice kind of tapers off at the end of the sentence and he smiles, knowing you’re falling asleep 
“Nah… I uh… I kinda wanna just stay here with you… if that’s okay” 
“You’re pretty bad at one-night stands” You giggle, turning over in his arms to face him. You move so slowly, that he has to help you finish turning 
“This a one-night stand?” He asks casually, smoothing his hand over your hair and you stop for a minute, blinking so slowly. Because you thought it was, and you thought he thought it was…. But admittedly you really really hoped it wasn’t
“Not a one-night stand?” You ask sleepily, nuzzling into his chest and he smirks, his hand sliding over your bare thigh as he rubs it soothingly 
“Not a one-night stand baby… go on, go to sleep”
“And you p-promise….promise you’ll..?”
He kisses your nose, nuzzling against you as your eyes close slowly 
“I promise I’ll stay awake.”
Oh, he did not stay awake.
You wake up with a start, sitting up fast and nearly falling off the bed. Strong warm arms wrap around you and pull you flush against their chest
“Would you relax?” Buck mumbles as he yanks the covers back over you “Shut up and go back to sleep” 
“We fell asleep!!” You whisper loudly as you slap his arm “You promised you’d stay awake!!” 
Buck groans softly, giving you a soft kiss on your temple and you blush… even if you are still furious with him. His eyes open slowly, he’s got a sleepy little smile on his face. He’s really really cute when he’s sleepy 
“Hi, My name is still Buck, I still really like you, and this is my apartment. Can we go back to sleep now?” 
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head and he snorts, burying his face in your shoulder. 
This?? This is his place??? 
“If you shut up and go back to sleep I’ll make us breakfast later” 
“Breakfast??” You mumble confused and he hums happily 
“Or lunch, whenever the fuck we wake up… that okay with you baby?” 
You settle back into him, his hands are warm, his arms are warm, he’s warm. 
“Yeah… Lunch sounds good” 
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sarcastic-cookie · 2 months
|Hannibal Chrollo x Starling Reader| A Strange Occurrence
Special thanks to @skyyletai for the amazing idea and for helping me with the structuring of this piece!!! Make sure to go follow them! Their writing is immaculate <3
Alright, so this is my first piece of writing on tumblr, and first time writing for Chrollo. Meaning he may be ooc. I tried the best I could to not make him too ooc though. The reader‘s gender is up for interpretation in this one, but I did write it with a fem reader in mind due to them being based on Clarice.
Click-clack, click-clack. Your footsteps echoed through the narrow, dimly lit corridor, reverberating off the damp concrete walls. Each step seemed to reverberate louder than the last, barely drowning out the thumping of your terrified heartbeat. As you descended deeper into the maximum security zone basement, the air grew heavier, and the oppressive darkness only seemed to intensify the nerves eating you alive. The dull hum of the flickering fluorescent lights provided the only illumination source, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls. Amid your spiraling thoughts, you suddenly realized that the security guard had been silently accompanying you, his presence a jarring interruption in the otherwise suffocating silence
  "This is as far as I go. Are you sure you want to do this?" the security guard questioned, looking at you with uncertainty. Nodding your head, you watched as the guard unlocked the steel bars separating you from your goal. "This is the limit of my jurisdiction. Are you certain you wish to proceed?" questioned the security guard, eying you with uncertainty. You gave a firm nod as you observed the guard unlocking the steel bars standing between you and your objective.
A few days ago, your superior, Mr. Kurapika Kurta requested your assistance on a missing children’s case. The child’s name was Yuriko Tanizaki. She was a six-year-old little girl who had gone missing three days before when your superior notified you asking for your help. Her mother had called the police in tears stating that her daughter had been missing for several days. However, this wasn’t the only case of missing children. There have been many of these occurrences in the past month. The children would go missing for about a week before they were found mutilated, always missing a multitude of bones. Mainly consisting of teeth and phalanges. It appeared that the perpetrator didn’t see his or her victims as people, but rather as objects that could be tossed aside like trash after they fulfilled their purpose. The very thought of it makes you sick. Especially, seeing how these victims were all young children that could have had bright futures ahead of them.
You gathered your courage and steeled your nerves, pressing forward through the grim confines of the prison. The rhythmic click-clacking of your heels resonated off the cold, unforgiving walls, drawing the attention of the surrounding inmates. Each step sends shivers down your spine as their eyes fixate on you, their stares laden with a mix of curiosity and hostility. Among the cacophony of shouted remarks, a few words pierce through the din, the word "whore" echoing in your ears.
As you continued walking down what felt like a very long hallway, you noticed a woman muttering to herself as she gnawed on her fingernails which looked like they had been gnawed down past the tips of her fingers. You could see dried blood caking underneath. Just as her oceanic blue eyes met yours, you quickly averted your gaze, which just so happened to land on your destination target, Chrollo Lucilfer.
The was an ex-psychologist, who was also a notoriously well-known thief who only showed cruelty and apathy towards his victims. Shivers once more danced up and down your spine, as you locked eyes with the young man. His piercing gaze seemed to dissect your very soul, while the cross-shaped tattoo on his forehead beneath his bangs caught your attention.
Looking away, you force yourself to focus on your objective. "Dr. Lucilfer, may I please speak with you?" You asked, despite feeling terrified. His smile seemed forced as he inquired, "You’re one of Mr. Kurta’s, right? May I see some identification?"
"Of course," you said, reaching into your coat pocket and pulling out your ID while making sure to maintain a safe distance between the two of you. "Don't be shy now, come closer," he said intensely, staring into your eyes. You did as he said and took a step closer, still holding your ID up for him to see. "Closer," his voice rang through the room again as you advanced closer until you were only a few feet away from the glass enclosure, ensuring your protection from the unsettling individual that stood before you. Chrollo nodded his head in satisfaction as if he had confirmed something you still didn't know.
"Please, take a seat," he said, motioning towards the lone metal chair behind him. As he closed his eyes and sniffed the air, it became clear that he was trying to understand you better, to get into your head. After a moment, he stopped sniffing and gazed back at you. "You use coconut shampoo, don't you?" he said with a smirk. Nervously, you nodded and shifted your gaze to the collection of antique books and drawings inside Chrollo’s cell. 
"Dr. Lucilfer, do you enjoy classical literature?" you asked, trying to shift the conversation away from yourself. Your superior had warned you about the consequences of letting Chrollo learn too much about you. "Yes, I do. It helps me gain a better insight into the human psyche. I'm sure you're familiar with the saying, 'knowledge is key,' aren't you?" You nodded in response.
"Yes, Doctor. In fact, I was wondering if you would provide some insight on—" You finally tried to state your reason for coming, but you were instantly cut off by Chrollo, who shook his head at you in disappointment. "You were doing fine up until now. Such a shame you had to ruin it. Well, fine for a trainee anyway," he said, gazing back up at you. You nervously swallowed once again.
"Your identification expires in less than a week, so I figured you were either up to something or a student. From our interactions, I deduced you were in fact a student. You only proved my point further when you tried to push your agenda," he said patronizingly. 
"Mr. Kurta must be incredibly desperate if he’s willing to send down a trainee," he paused. "But, tell you what, I’ll entertain you by filling out your silly questionnaire if you tell me about yourself. We’ll call it a quid pro quo," he said, never once breaking eye contact. 
Trying not to let your fear show, you conceded. "Very well, what would you like to know?" you asked. 
"Let’s see… What was your worst childhood memory?" You froze, not expecting Chrollo to immediately start strong. You expected him to start light before going into darker subjects, but you guess you should’ve known better.
You mentally prepare yourself to recount the reason why you were so dedicated to this case in the first place. "Well, Agent L/n, tick-tock..."
"Well, for starters, growing up, I took on the parenting role of taking care of my little brother. Our parents had died in a plane crash a few years prior to this event. Our extended family didn't want anything to do with us, so we were tossed aside and treated like trash.
 One night, I was out scavenging for food since we didn't have any money. We would often go around offering prayers in exchange for food, but that particular night was especially rough, just like many other nights when nobody was willing to help us. So, I went to search for whatever I could get my hands on. I never stole, though. I found it wrong, no matter how desperate we were," you said, getting lost in the flashback.
You rummaged through the dirty dumpster, desperately searching for anything that might be edible. To your relief, you found an unopened can of baked beans. "Yes!" you cheered, glad that you and B/n wouldn't have to go to bed hungry. "I hope B/n likes it," you thought to yourself. You quickly returned to the hidden alleyway where you and B/n were staying, only to be shocked by what you saw. "B/n, what the hell are you doing?!" you asked, petrified by the scene before you. B/n looked up at you in surprise, his grip on the rusty scissors weakening.
I found B/n on the brink of killing an innocent animal for food,” you recounted, with tears welling up in your eyes. You blinked them back and focused on the young man in front of you. “Now, please tell me what you know about the Tanizaki case,” you requested. Sending the case file through deciding the questionnaire wouldn’t be a smart move. If anything, it would only offend Dr. Lucilfer, as he seemed to pride himself on his vast expanse of knowledge.
He picked up the case file from the metal slot and started reading through it. "My, my, it seems like you have quite a lively one on your hands," he said, flipping through the pages. As you watched Chrollo scan the documents, you could have sworn you saw a flicker of anger cross his face, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
"Your killer targets children. Why do you think that is?" he asked, his gaze hardened. "He or she has a vendetta against--" You started to respond, but were cut off. "Irrelevant," he said, his gaze still hardened. "What trophy is obtained from each of the victims?"
“Bones,” you said, confused.
 “Your killer seems to have a hankering for children. Don’t you think the stolen bones are a recompense for something?” 
"Now, tell me what happened after you discovered your brother," he said. Knowing you wouldn't get anywhere by arguing with the man, you began to speak. "After I found my brother about to murder the innocent animal, I quickly snatched the old rusty scissors out of his hand."
"What on Earth were you thinking?" you asked B/n in shock. His surprise quickly turned to shame as he turned away. "If I had known you were that hungry, I would have gone out searching earlier," you said, blaming yourself for what was almost the death of a poor innocent animal. 
Remembering what you had acquired, you quickly showed him the baked beans you had found. "I know it's not much, but I did manage to find some food for the night. Although it appears you need it more than I do, so I'll give you a bigger portion. How does that sound?" you asked, trying to forget about your discovery. B/n nodded his head, still ashamed of what he had done.
The next day, we were woken by the sound of footsteps, so we quickly ran and hid behind the nearest dumpster. It seemed to be a dispute over money between two individuals that had gone wrong. I didn't listen to the rest, I just wanted to get my little brother to safety, knowing how dangerous the situation could have become. I dragged him to the nearest public space, which happened to be a park. The park was bustling with many people, as there was some kind of parade going on, with lots of people dressed up in costumes. At the time, I didn't care about the parade, I just wanted to get my brother somewhere safe, but in all the commotion, my grasp on my little brother's hand became slippery, causing me to accidentally lose my grip.
“Come on, b/n we can make it just a little further,” your fourteen-year-old self said. Pushing and shoving through the crowd. “B/n?” You looked over your shoulder only to see your brother nowhere in sight. “B/N!!!” You began to shout in panic. 
When I realized I was no longer holding his hand, I froze. I desperately searched around for my brother but could not find him. I searched for hours, only for it to be futile in the end. He had been swept up in the crowd.
You could feel the salty trails making their way down your cheeks as you sobbed endlessly. “I’m so useless,” you mumbled to yourself. “I failed at doing the one thing I swore to never screw up.” You noticed the gazes of multiple passersby: some were filled with pity, others with mirth. They all just blended into one big blur as the reality of your situation dawned upon you.
I remember feeling all alone and realizing that my efforts were fruitless. I curled up on a park bench as everything around me became a blur. I didn't even realize it was nighttime until everyone started dispersing. It wasn't until a few hours later, after the park was empty, that I heard screaming coming from the forest behind the park where the campgrounds were located. Terrified but also curious, I ventured into the woods.
As you took shaky steps toward the woods, you mumbled to yourself, "Maybe this is a bad idea." You quickly shook your head and thought, "No, it's fine. After all, I don't have anything else to live for." Feeling dismayed, you continued, "If my curiosity is the end of me, then so be it." And so, ytadvanced into the forest. After a few minutes of walking, the screaming seemed to have stopped. You froze before continuing forward. Eventually, you came into a clearing, but what awaited you was not a sight for the faint of heart.
Before me laid four mangled children’s corpses. Some looked to have been there for a while as they had already started to decompose. The whole area reeked of death as I gazed around with tears in my eyes. One body that seemed to be fresh had caught my eye. Around its wrist was the beaded bracelet I had made for my brother before our lives went downhill.
You felt the bile rising in your throat as you gazed down upon the mangled corpse of your little brother. Waterfalls fell down your cheeks once more. “B/n I’m so sorry…” You said through gritted teeth, falling to your knees. As you gazed around at all the unfortunate victims, your despair only grew before the logical side of your brain kicked in, telling you to get the hell out of there before the perpetrator came back. And so, with a heavy heart and stinging eyes, you exited the clearing. Reporting the incident to the police. The incident, however, made you realize you did have a reason to live, to protect the innocent.
You could feel the familiar trails down your cheeks as you were no longer able to hold back your sorrow. When you looked up in surprise, you saw that Dr. Lucilfer’s face reflected your own. While not as noticeable, Chrollo appeared to have a single tear trailing down his cheek.
He quickly wiped his face, shaking his head. "I apologize, your story reminded me of something," he said. You wiped your tears similarly. "It seems you're not as cold and apathetic as you like to appear, Dr. Lucilfer. Now I have given you what you wanted, it's your turn to answer me," you said, trying to regain your composure. "What did you mean by 'hankering for children'?" you asked.
“Simple, our killer yearns for a replacement,” he said. 
With that, it had finally clicked. “By replacement, you mean a child of their own! We’re most likely dealing with a grieving parent then. Who tosses the kidnapped children aside when they fail to fill the void caused by their deceased child! The mutilations must be done out of anger and the bones must be recompense for their failure,” you said, figuring out the killer’s motivation. ‘Now to find out their identity,’ you thought.
"Thank you, Dr. Lucilfer, for your time," you said, bowing. "And to compensate for your cooperation, I promise to put in a good word to get you transferred to a nicer location," you said, overjoyed with your new discovery. Chrollo looked surprised before nodding, picking up one of his books, and opening up to a bookmarked page.
"I'll hold you to that promise then. Now, fly away back to your superior little agent," he said. "And don’t forget your case file" he informed, sending the file back through. You nodded grabbing the file before beginning your trek back to Mr. Kurta, excited to inform him of your discovery. Your excitement caused you to miss the greed in Chrollo's eyes as he gazed at you, not realizing you had also put yourself in grave peril.
You caught Chrollo Lucilfer’s attention, and that is never a good thing to do…
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roppongi-division · 4 months
Hypnotic Summer (Sextet Squad Ver.)
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In the heart of summer's blaze, melodies rise, a story untold
Through the rhythm of the city, my legacy unfolds
Whispers of the forest, secrets in the light, a silhouette's quest
Chasing the echoes of a presence, in summer's warmth, I never rest
In the glimmer of the spotlight, a mysterious allure behind the fame
A masquerade of glamour, where intentions remain pure and untamed
From Kobe's vibrant streets, our unity resounds
Lovesick's rhythm, a symphony of summer's profound sounds
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In the summer's heat, a silent beat, melons rise to a strange feat
Fields whisper tales, in the sun's detail, where my stoic smile veils a trail
Glass sculptures catch the summer's fire, reflecting dreams that never tire
Wherever the stars may conspire, in Toyama's embrace, I'll just fly higher!
Summer's green, in lab serene, where life's elixirs are unseen
With a latte's flair, in the nature's care, my research dares
[ECO BooN:]
We're ECO BooN, summer's green in our monsoon
Under the same sun and moon, our lyrics bloom, a natural boon
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
But trying something new isn't so bad either
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BBQ's glow, football flies, beachside cheers
Summer's liberty, we conquer, with absolutely no frontiers
Beach's calm, sun's embrace, with love, no stress
Okinawa's charm, in summer's dress, we impress!
Bar's alive, cool sips 'neath neon's hum
Summer's patrons find solace, to Eagle's Nest, they come
[Liberty Guild:]
Red, white, and blue, our unity's song
In summer's embrace, Liberty Guild stands strong!
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Whiskey on ice, summer's vice, I watch over the crew
In Katsushika's haze, a father's gaze, guiding true
School's chains break, mischief's wake, with friends I'm free
Summer's spree, we roam, we see, in wild glee!
Summer's heat, I don't skip a beat, I do whatever the fuck I please
Fires catch with ease, in the scorch, that's where I find my peace
[Death Row Block:]
Katsushika's sun, our stories spun, in summer's flame
Death Row Block, we claim our name, in this heated game
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
Drowning in something new sounds nice
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In the dojo's silence, a tempest stirs, my spirit's alight
Summer's rhythm in my blood, a fire burning bright
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The beach's heartbeat syncs with mine, a perfect harmony
Summer's sentinel, in the tropical symphony
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In the embrace of the stage's glow, I weave summer's narrative
A tapestry of emotion, in each performance, I live
[Wild Shīnu:]
We are Wild Shīnu, with Naha's heart in our beat
In the summer's fervor, our fiery lyrics meet!
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Summer's narrative, in my hands, stories weave and laughter lands
Journalist's ink, family's link, in the sun's narrative, we sync
Guitar's hum, flirts come, in summer's beat, I strum
Stage's charm, arm in arm, in the heat, I spin yarn
Sun's caress, even 'zombies' confess, in the light, my tunes progress
Twilight's dance, a chance, in summer's song, I advance
Hamamatsu's heat, in summer's feat, our lyrics meet
City's tale, in the sun's veil, we sail, in the summer gale
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
We don't mind trying something new
Oh! Ey! Oh! Oh! Ey! Oh!
Oh! Ey! Oh! Oh! Ey! Oh!
Who needs cheap tricks when you have Hypnosis Mics?
Everything's mixed and shaken in this special take
Who needs cheap tricks when you have Hypnosis Mics?
Everything's mixed and shaken in this special take
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
But trying something new isn't so bad either
@kobedivision @toyama-division @okinawa-division @katsushika-division @naha-division @hamamatsu-divison
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kingofsummer93 · 1 year
33. Just take me home - Helion and LoA pls 👀
Taylor Swift lyric prompts
Just Take Me Home
The Autumn Court was burning. The scent of woodsmoke was heavy in the air, almost dizzying in its intensity. Soldiers and courtiers shouted as they ran through the throne room, some escaping, some joining the fray. The metallic clang of steel against steel echoed around the vast space, almost muffled by the thick smoke.
None of it registered with her as she focused all her energy on keeping the flames burning, higher and higher. The fire wouldn’t burn her, the smoke wouldn’t suffocate her. Not when the blood running through her veins was the thing keeping it alive.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she’d started burning. A long time, if the growing piles of ash around her were any indication. But she couldn’t stop.
After so many years of having her wild, untamable power leashed, she had finally broken free. She was a river breaking through a dam, a tsunami swallowing the shore, claiming it as her own. There was no leashing her, no bottom to the endless well of fire and rage that burned in her very soul.
The word was barely more than a whisper, barely louder than an exhaled breath. And yet it echoed louder than the clash of steel around her, more powerful than the crackling flames devouring the Forest House.
She hadn’t heard that name in a long time. Beron had called her Lillian when he was in an agreeable mood, and wife when he wasn’t, and she was “lady” or “mother” to everyone else.
Nobody had called her Lily in centuries.
All at once her fire was extinguished, like a tap being turned off. She stared at the pile of ash in front of her where previously there had been a throne, and a monster seated upon it. The hot, smoky breeze was already scattering the ashes. She smiled wickedly, and then swayed, dizzy from her sudden, wild outburst of rage.
“Lily.” Louder this time, tinged with concern, but also with a touch of what she could have sworn was amusement. Of course he would somehow find this funny.
She wanted to turn around and throw some barb at him, watch it land in his clever mind, witness his amber eyes light up and dance with a thousand beams of sunshine. She wanted to hear his deep laughter crack through the air like lightning, wanted to feel it vibrating through her bones like thunder.
But as she turned on her feet the world tilted around her, and she swayed with exhaustion. She braced herself for the sharp crack of her knees hitting the wooden floor, but the pain never came. In less than a heartbeat he was there, wrapping her in his powerful arms and lifting her up to cradle her to his chest.
The scent of him filled her lungs, sun-warmed skin and sweet, earthy figs, and it was so heady that for a moment she had to close her eyes. When she opened them again and looked into his eyes she was nearly blinded by sunshine.
“Lily,” he said again. “My Lily.” As if he could hardly dare to believe it.
Yes, she wanted to tell him. Yours. Always and forever.
Her court was still burning around her, falling to pieces, but someone else would have to put it back together. She had done enough.
“Just take me home,” she whispered, dropping her cheek against his broad chest.
Sunshine burst around them, bright and warm and lovely, and then she was free.
Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be added/removed): @areyoudreaminof @tuzna-pesma-snova @labellefleur-sauvage @separatist-apologist @corcracrow @autumndreaming7 @octobers-veryown @velidewrites @sunshinebingo @vulpes-fennec @asnowfern
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a-fluffer-nutter · 4 months
Obscure Lyrics Fic Challenge
Have your followers send you a number and a pairing from fandoms of your choice (write them in the tags) and write a 500 - 1,000 word fic titled/based on whichever lyrics you get!
It's Been Awhile, Since I Said I'm Sorry
Getting Closer Every Day
What Have I Become, My Sweetest Friend
Love is Not a Victory March
Take This Heart of Stone
So I Dub Thee Unforgiven
To Fade Away the Shake Up
I'm Not Made of Stone
I See Your Fantasy
This is Now Where You Belong
You Said You Wished It Were Me
With the Keys of the Cage
Don't Let the Days Go By
The Good That We've Done
Like The Day I Heard
Won't You Help Me Make It Through?
Satan Laughing, Spreads His Wings
Oh Babe, Don't Know What I'm Gonna Do
Life is Far Away From Fair
Are You Death or Paradise?
Burning in a Hopeless Dream
Take Some Time and Stay With Me
People Writing Songs that Voices Never Share
Like Silent Raindrops Fell
Hold on to This Lullaby
Dancing Slowly in an Empty Room
And I Hope That You Remember Me
I'm in the Corner, Watching You Kiss Her
At Least You Have Beautiful Ghosts
Life Is Short, But This Time It Was Bigger
Saying My Name, It Sounds So Sweet
I'm Not Broke, I'm Just a Broken Hearted Man
I've Got a Plan to Get Us Out of Here
What It Means to Be Living
You've Got to Make Me Change My Mind
Went Back To What You Knew
We Only Said Goodbye with Words
Save Your Tears For Another Day
Maybe You Can Show Me How to Love
Drowning in the Night
Maybe I'm Barely Alive
Memories Bring Back You
You See Her When You Close Your Eyes
Haunted By the Ghost of You
How Do I Love Again?
The Joy and the Chaos
Pull You In To Feel Your Heartbeat
Moments of Magic and Wonder
Electricity Flows Through My Brain
Why'd I Fall Apart?
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 74 // Mask-Less // Day 52
Contents (Warnings): Is it truly over? (Angst, very light blood mention, slight "hard vore", character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on - A03
Wordcount: 4,000 + (Hey! I know I usually say this at the bottom too, but I hope you having a great day. Thank you for reading this far).
Song I listened to on repeat for this chapter: Trainwreak - James Arthur/Beggin' - Violin Cover by Joel Sunny
Side note: This will contain experimental writing; first person (Lynette's view) will be implemented alongside third person for the two other essential characters, (mostly) Alexander and (occasionally) Drake. All their text will be italicized for those third-person moments, with the characters' names in Bold at the start and their thoughts in Bold. There may be other characters I write for using this.
(Nov. 14th, Monday)
It felt like time slowed. I couldn't even hear my heart. 
I smelled the rustic iron of blood, not mine; but a perfume that he wore. It was a natural musk that warned every part of me that I shouldn't be this close. If I was I would be adding to it.
It made me cling tighter. I couldn't move Kalin. He twisted in my grasp to position himself to take a bite out of my exposed neck. I never let my hair back down after work yesterday.
His hands came up to keep me from letting go almost as if he heard my body begging to let him go.
This won't be a bad way to die, I'll be helping someone instead of being a burden.
Just as I readied to feel him tear into me, he let go.
He pushed us apart and avoided a hand that reached out between us. Then briefly, my body glowed once the figures came forward. It felt a little heavier as if something was wrapped around it.
"Are you alright?" I met my bosses wine red gaze. My eyes quickly then shifting down to his uniform.
My mouth quivered, "ye-yes."
He gently placed a hand on her back to prevent Lynette from falling backward.
Then, his pupils sharpened, and he fixated on every little noise. Eventually, the heartbeats were what he heard the most. Pete's heart was the most alluring, as usual, due to Edgar's tastes, but it wasn't that hard for him to pick up the four others besides Claudia, Pete's, and Lynette.
He switched to listen to theirs. Lynette's body pumped with adrenaline while Claudia's heart was erratic, panicked, and her strings reverberated guiltlessly. 
She wants to escape this situation; she's scared of them. 
Edgar deciphered the situation quickly. "Claudia, escape with Lynette, head back to the Pizzeria, and inform Sandra of the-"
His voice was cut as he felt the whirl of magic form a quick circle below the three of them. And soon a half-spherical blue barrier sprang up. It covered them.
Not even a second after, something struck it. 
"Fast, aren't ya?!" Pete's chuckled at the pink haired boy who tried to launch himself at the distracted Edgar.
Edgar saw the barrier bounce him off, "But you should really focus on your dancing partner!" Pete's said as he went to strike Kalin.
Edgar glanced back to the other two. He shifted back to Pete's occupying with the kid. 
"And Eddie, there's a counter lock on the barrier surrounding this place." Pete's added, his voice sounded like he spoke inside "bubble" that surrounded them. "It'd take time to defuse with a conscious user." 
Edgar kept that in mind, the other three he heard were getting closer. "Who are these people to you, Claudia?"
Claudia without hesitation like usual answered, "my family, or what's left." The Suntouched fae looked in the direction of Pete's and Kalin. "They won't let any of you leave alive now."
Edgar took a breath, he focused on the east wall of the cube. "We aren't asking for their permission."
The gently illuminated hollowed cube Claudia created shattered into pieces.
Claudia pushed back with Lynette as the shadow loomed over all of them. 
"Urtsi, it seems you got a few new friends?" The tall creature with a shimmering midnight blue scaled arm said.
Edgar's eyes traced it. A magic breaker? He didn't have time to think; the monsters next touch came for the barrier.
The vampires voice left sharply. "Run away from here, if the other two with her pursue you, keep your distance up between them and create barriers between yourselves." He felt relieved that Pete's at least put a cloak on Lynette when they arrived. He readied up his own attack, maintaining a keen sight of the one with the midnight blue scaled arm.
The red head pulled at Claudia's left "wing", "They are using her name. It makes it so she can't fight or move!"
The barrier shattered.
Edgar avoided the strike coming down.
He coaxed her mind with his own, and his voice. "Disrupt." The monsters sight and motor skills were thrashed under a dizzy spell.
The other two monsters with her broke out their forms and pursued Lynette and Claudia. 
"PETE's!" Edgar shouted.
"On it," Pete's turned away for a second.
Kalin took the opportunity to close the distance. Pete's shoulders rose. Kalin aimed to bite into them. Precisely where his wife, Olcay, had marked him. Even though he wore a jacket, and had a cloak, he protected the mark instinctively.
He threw his hand over it and tried to avoid him.
The blonde with slick back hair couldn't move in time. The cloak broke, and his bite was so piercing it split the leather. His sharpened teeth sunk into Pete's lower shoulder.
Before Pete's could go to strike him, Kalin pushed off. The tug of his flesh caused him to wince. "I've been bitten harder than that." It made a smile perk on his face. He knew if Edgar wasn't engaged in a fight right now, he would have gave him a look and a playful eye roll.
Pete's initially expected a type of venom; there had to be a reason the kid would move in for a bite instead of anything else. Not that reversal magic couldn't help with it. Though, he felt the intrusion of magic in his body. And a seal whirled at the blood-ridden mark. He's a zombified magus. They could use curse magic and "zombify" by using their fangs as a conduit condition with their bite.
"You're way to cocksure when your friend can't even handle Hendra." Kalin said smugly as he licked over the crimson on his lips. 
Pete's could feel the magic overtaking his body. Normally, "zombification" puts the person bit at the mercy of the user, and a reversal can't undo complex spells. 
Pete's eyes bustled with his baby blue light. The seal at his shoulder shattered. 
Kalin furrowed his brows. 
"Cocksure? No, I just know to have fun." Pete's lowered himself and rushed at the pale skinny male. His shoulder healed over, "And you're right," a sparkling blue ring appeared in front of Kalin. The boy threw himself back, fearing what might come from it. However, he failed to notice the one Pete's created behind him. "why don't I let you tango with muscles instead!" 
Edgar was used to this.
Pete's would take on the more monstrous, while Edgar would take on those more magic-heavy. So, being pulled through a portal was natural for him, and it's why he struck Kalin so quickly and effciently. 
While Pete's entered through the ring in front and appeared right behind the giant monster Kalin referred to as Hendra, and her two lackeys. Her attention wasn't on Pete's.
His glowing hue scanned over every monster.
Generally an encryption required touch, especially when they were infusing them with spells. However, those like Pete's, who had refined the skill, only needed his sight.
All three monsters felt like something pressed at their faces, and before any of them could stop it, the encryption was done and the human case encompassed their bodies.
Pete's huffed out. It strained him to do three at once, especially on the bigger one, Hendra. And if they weren't caught off guard, it would have been harder to perform, as an encryption took a majority of the users concentration.  
He expected them to all turn to him yet, Hendra, still ordered the other two to go after Claudia and Lynette. 
Protect the kids. 
"EDDIE, TWO MORE BOGGIES!" Pete's yelled once they whizzed past him.
Edgar created a barrier to prevent them from moving forward. 
The one that once was a jumble of mixed parts faced Pete's. Normally, he'd be ready, especially as the human cases made monsters easier to fight. But...when he sealed and locked a human case...most monsters had clothes.
So now, standing in front of him was a naked woman. It's been a while since I had to make my own seal on them. He said in his head, staring for a moment.  
He then put a hand like a visor over his eyes. He made sure to keep track of her feet.  
"I don't suppose you want to give up, do ya?" Pete's asked as he tugged at his own jacket. "How about I cut you a deal too?" He switched hands to use as a visor so he could take his jacket off and revealed his black sleeveless, half-top compression tank. Pete's was a lot more endowed than he looked. "I give you my jacket in exchange you-"
Her feet moved.
He dropped his jacket and exhaled loudly, "Alright, guns out, buns out then." 
Most monsters relied on their unique traits or abilities that they were capable of in their forms, so locking them in a human case was used to "pacify" them.
Generally, their durability in the case remained, but their strength and speed were heavily reduced to a similar level to his own. 
Though, much like Hendra, some monsters had magic specialties as well.
Hendra's human-looking limbs flared out with brown fur that matched her mane. They extended out with thin, sharpened claws aimed at his throat. He dodged each swipe. He was used to playing defensive as he generally worked on supporting others. Sometimes, he did work offensively, but that took time and planning.
Hendra's being Creation Magic. It was the same type his son, Alexander, trained in and extensively used. Something Pete's, even though he taught Alex, wasn't as naturally talented in as him. Then again, Alexander had a reason to push himself with its variation: Size-Shifting.
His eyes went to the grand clock at her chest, and its faint lines of strings going to nearly everyone in the room. A slave lock. He hated that mark, but he couldn't worry about that now.
How do I handle her efficiently without killing her? He asked himself. He traced her movement, avoiding her slices to the best of his ability, occasionally falling victim to their cuts. He avoided them enough so they never cut too deep. 
"Why don't we talk this out? Maybe help me understand what you want with those kids." Pete's tried to distract her.
In turn, he distracted himself and he fumbled over a few broken cube pieces in the shallow water. He fell back. She smiled wickedly.
He rolled out of the way as she slammed her hands down, a few more arms sprouted from her back this time, much like Claudia. Except they were a faded gray, not clay-colored. One slammed down at his chest, pressing him into the ground, and the other went over his face, covering his eyes and mouth. Most spells in tandem with touch require sight or verbal command. 
Pete's had worked without both. He undid her human case, because it forced her form to grow and her grip to loosen. He slipped out before she fully pressed her new weight down. Then swiftly locked her back in the human form again. 
Her malice filled snarl intensified, "This is not a matter for you to involve yourself with, Magus." 
Her arms shifted, this time and did the same with her legs to increase her speed.
"For one, names Pete's, nice to meet ya, Hendra." He chirped, hearing the splash of water between them. Then his mind called with an idea. What else works good with water?
He smiled. Let's see how cunning you are, sweetie. He threw up a barrier, two small dense ones to block what she sent at him.  
"It's a shame you're not much of a talker, I think you have a nice voice." He teased as she roared out, breaking them.
He jumped back and a barrier formed near the ground. He landed on that. He'd no longer run along the floor. He'd dodge her in the air with a barrier forming under his every step. These required a line of sight. If an object is in the way, a user cannot create one. The space they want to build it needs to be clear. 
He arched his back forward to avoid another attack. "Whoa. You're getting closer with that aim!"
She started to destroy them indiscriminately. Pete's had to ensure he'd have enough by the end of it. Especially as he felt the buzz starting in his body and the air around him heating up.  
He needed time to focus on creation magic. It's one of the most delicate forms, due to its requirements, each variation posed some kind of risk. Elemental variation was no exception as a user had to build it up in their bodies before they can release it. The more talented could use it quicker, however, if they failed to concentrate the element could backfire inside of them instead.
He continued his concentration all this while making small barriers about a foot and a half tall. Very few remained. And it wasn't long before she caught onto his maneuvers and timed her own to strike into his chest.
He spun out into the air and promptly propelled every barrier he made in the air downward. She flinched, expecting them to all hit her, but they created a circle around her instead.
Once she realized she wasn't hit, she got ready to sprint out and attack. He threw his hands out fast as his fingers crackled with the light between them. And not a second after a whirr of lighting blasted from his body and at her. 
It erupted in a brandish from his fingertips. Unfortunately, he was falling and was thrown back further by the blast because he wasn't ground, so his shot was off course and struck into her arm first.
It still traveled down her body and sizzled when it caught across the water up to her ankles. The flow conducted across the surface, soon stopped barriers he placed in the ground to protect everyone else from it. Which shattered once they absorbed it.
His back struck the ground, sliding across it. Her muscles twitched, and so did his. She fell not long after him. The others with clocks in their chest did not fall, thus he knew she was either unconscious or temporarily paralyzed. He wanted to do more but he was satisfied seeing her jolt from the buzz. 
"HENDRA!" Kalin's voice erupted near Edgar. 
Then Pete's sprung up fast as spiked thorns shot up from the ground. He was struck with a few, and they almost pierced through his cloak. 
And he could hear the bottle rocket of a lad coming at him. Edgar looked distracted by the other two in human cases. They had magic specialities as well.
"I gave her the chance to give up, don't be mad at me, Kid!" Pete's yelled as he got ready to play with the pink-haired one again. This is hard when we have to watch what we do to them, huh, Eddie?
Claudia regained her mobility, not that it mattered. Lynette and Claudia were trapped. There was a remanence of shattered cube pieces everywhere, big and small. Most were broken, and the whole area would collapse if Claudia left it. Right now, she had to concentrate on keeping the space together. 
Her head swiveled back to Lynette, and although she and Anubis were very different, Claudia felt the need to protect her like she did with the bit of his magic left in her core.
I'm not ready to die. It was selfish. Claudia told Lynette to run ahead earlier simply because Claudia didn't think she could handle her too. And yet, Lynette was willing to save her. You're so weak. Why did you help me? 
The redhead glanced up. Lynette's daze held the fear she was familiar with seeing at the pizzeria, but at the same time, Claudia could feel the worry Lynette had for them.
The entrance was close; Claudia had shifted it as everything went on. 
"You need to go; if they say your name, they can hurt you." Lynette pleaded. 
Claudia found it near impossible to smile, not that it would show much with her face plate. "Besides the fact that I'm keeping this space together, you're helpless, if I leave you'll surely die cloak or not."
Her face twisted in frustration, "I am, I know." She put her hands to the sides of her head and then she popped back up. Her hand tugged at Claudia's fingers. "You said you don't have your phone on you, right, was it left in the kitchen?"
Claudia nodded lazily and realized what she implied "It could be dangerous. Others could be waiting for us outside this space."
Lynette's determination, no, motivation to do something made her speak, "They might need help. They came here for us. I can't sit back and-" her voice dropped, "do nothing." 
Claudia's "wings" tried to grab at Lynette. Lynette fumbled back and turned to run toward the exit door. Claudia would have pursued if she didn't see Hendra weakly rise out of the corner of her eye. 
And the vision of Hendra standing over a defeated Pete's like Theieo wouldn't leave her mind. That never left her. 
"BEHIND YOU, STRANGER!" Claudia yelled to him. 
Claudia's voice across the field made Hendra's head snap to her. 
Pete's couldn't turn as Kalin kept his attention. "STAY OUT OF THIS AND RUN AWAY, KID!" He shouted back.
The seething anger burst in Hendra's hue. The Chimera's body disgorged into a flurry of fur. She didn't break her case, but she used her magic to make a replica of her form. Though much smaller than her original. 
Seeing her look like she did as a monster ignited the fear in Claudia's heart. And at the same time, all her rage. Maybe it was the confidence of the others nearby or the idea that she'd lose everything, but she wanted to fight. She didn't want to lose her freedom. 
Claudia's "wings" burst with fire, exploding at the encroaching enemy. 
Hendra leaped up with a flap of her wings in fanned the funnel of flames. 
She went over Claudia and the suntouched fae steered her hands upward with a cry.  
"URTSI." Hendra howled as if she said it to compete with a thunderous crowd of wails.
It didn't stop the fire from spraying into the air. Hendra's wings could only blow away so much. The rest of it spread across her body. 
As a monster, Hendra was terrifying. A chimera like her could steal the parts of others upon ripping off her own and attaching theirs, including organs. Her body naturally assimilated anything put into her as long as she had thirty perfect of her body still intact. 
In this case, she was sealed.
Hendra's tenacity couldn't be stopped by the smoldering flames. Her body slammed into Claudia. The ankle-deep water splashed up around them as the soil like floor underneath Claudia's body shook. 
Hendra whipped Claudia up by her head, her clawed hands squeezing down on her faceplate. Claudia hung limply. She was in consuming pain and stunned by her name. 
She had to keep the space together, and to do that, she stayed conscious. She had to stay alive.  
"You such an infuriating creature, "Urtsi. You've ruined everything." Hendra exasperated growl made her clench the mask tighter. It was cracking. Claudia's "wings" began to tremble. The coven had told her if that mask broke, she'd be dead. "I spend decades accumulating all those parts." Her face inched closer, "Do you know how many I had to kill to get them? Do you realize how valuable they are now? Some of those species went extinct!
"Stop it." Her voice uttered.
Claudia didn't care. She never cared what Hendra was after. She joined simply out of necessity. 
"Stop?" The mask creaked. The pressure grew unbearable. "I kept you alive all those years. You should have been grateful."
Though in the past she only watched what Hendra did from afar, Claudia knew she exploited everyone she had. She played it off like she did everything, but she didn't. She grew too lax, so satisfied with her process that Kalin was more of a threat. 
And the human case only helped harden that. 
Claudia's wings twitched, and her core started to kindle. It worked up her body as a giant crack split across her mask. 
She gasped in agony. I'm sorry I didn't live longer, Anubis.
"Hopefully, your parts might be useable, unlike the others of your species. Sure they were rare, but the magic dispersed once they died." She held little regard. "Maybe if you're fresh enough, it'll be different."
Then, with a quick suddenness, Hendra tightened, the sides of her claws dug in completely, and the mask shattered. Claudia couldn't see; everything was filled with white. 
Like before, years ago, her throat exiled a scream. She would take Hendra with her, end everyone tied to her. 
The fire came next, erupting from her throat, burning straight ahead through Hendra's arm in a beam. Though, it did not last, or did it? Claudia would never know as everything white turned black, and she no longer felt pain. 
Claudia. The name sounded so distant. Lame. She thought to herself.
Claudia! Was someone calling her name? Who was it? Freedom. It felt nice. I hope you liked it too, Anubis. 
Her eyes immediately opened to the sound of the caring, soft voice, not used to yelling. And her eyes had trouble fixating on anything around her. It was indescribable. A brightness she had never seen before. Everything was so vibrant. Every detailed called her attention like they were saying, "pick me, pick me!" Was this her home? Yes. She knew it had to be because the couch with a riduculous amount of cushions was there as well as the broken skylight and an indent in the wooden floor. 
I should be dead. Claudia said in her head. Her vision fell on the two over her. Both looked exhausted. Or, more so, Pete's did with his torn clothes and lower energy. "Great to see you awake, kiddo." 
How am I alive? They told me if my mask broke... Her hands went to her face; she wasn't in her actual form but in her human case. They lied. 
"How are you feeling?" Edgar asked, a concern cast over him. Claudia had never seen him look like that before. She smiled like always until a thought finally hit her.
Claudia sat up immediately. 
"Sit your ass back down-" Pete's snapped, then shook his head, "butt, butt back down." He corrected and tried to help her back onto the pillows that held her head up. 
It was too late. Claudia's different colored eyes locked onto the redhead. The one whose voice she heard. She's alive; she lived. She felt at her chest and started to quickly baby crawl in a scramble toward Lynette. She didn't even pay attention to the others walking around her home. They seemed to be related to Pete's and Edgar as they were as concerned by her sudden movement too. 
Lynette squeaked and threw her hands up, "Claudia, you should be resting!" 
Claudia didn't listen. Her "wings" came out and wrapped around Lynette securely like a snake with its prey. 
"You're alive. You're-" I've known Lynette the least. Yet... This. This was okay. She was safe; they were safe. Her lids felt heavy with warmth. Her grin devilishly returned to her face. "I thought you would have died." 
Lynette squirmed a bit; she didn't look as uncomfortable by it as before. "Y-yeah...we both would have been."
Claudia's lips began to tremble with her smile. And tears streamed from her eyes. "If you didn't stop him, I would have died. We'd both be dead if Edgar and the stranger didn't show up." She started to laugh bubbles of relief. She didn't know how else to express it. Her wings and body trembled. She didn't see Hendra, Kalin, or the others that came with her. The clock at her chest was still broken, so she knew Hendra still lived. 
"Thank you for helping me too! You saved me from Kalin when he fell through the roof." Lynette's voice trembled with regret. "I didn't know what to do when that happened. I didn't know what to do in general."
She tilted her head, looking at the beacon-like bright orange hair. "What to do?" In Lynette's position, Claudia wouldn't give up her life for a stranger. "I don't know what you should do. I just know..."
And that's what compelled her to say what she did, "I want you to keep living, Lynette, like you want me too."
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. It means a lot that I put out a story that people can enjoy! So, I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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casspurrjoybell-21 · 1 year
Pirate Chains - Volume 1 - Strong Tides
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 35 - Tainted allegations - Part 2
"Nyx is a Martina mate."
"Shut up, Armpits," Chow snapped at Mern, yet Jayy stood beside the latter, asserting their support...
"No you shut your shit-hole. Armpits is right, for once."
A couple of heads nodded, while others narrowed their eyes in contemplation. None dared to interfere as they closely watched their captain's stance.
"Is that so?" Chow interjected.
"You see him as a pirate? Really? Look at him, damn it."
Nash remained unfazed by his words.
"I don't need to. It's enough to look at you two to know he's better."
Fury widened Chow's eyes.
"That whore caught us off guard."
"If you call me that again, I swear to God I'll rip that foul tongue out of your stupid head," I yelled, the insult igniting my anger.
Being called names in hushed tones or in the hallways is one thing but being called a whore in front of everyone tests my patience beyond measure.
"Sounds like a pirate to me," someone in the crowd said nonchalantly and he was shushed by another.
"The whore is threatening me? I'll show you, you fucking highborn," he yelled, charging at me with the dagger poised to strike.
Against my better judgment, I lunged towards him without hesitation. But before I could take a couple of steps forward, we were both startled by Agenor, who could no longer contain his anger. In a split second, he was already ahead of me, delivering a powerful blow straight to Chow's jaw. The wooden floor plates cracked as Chow was hurled to the ground. Gasps escaped from everyone's lips as they instinctively took a step or two back, enlarging the circle around us and avoiding the wrathful beast.
Silently, I gasped and halted, my eyes fixed on Agenor as he stood tall, his back straightened, releasing breaths that felt more like fumes of fury. His jaw clenched, hands tightly balled into fists and his cold, fierce grey eyes bore down on the motionless body before him. Chow lay still, not stirring at all. Some of his comrades gazed upon him with pity, others with disgust and a few wore wide grins of excitement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.
However, no one dared to approach the fallen figure and murmurs spread, questioning whether he was even alive. The thought of Agenor possibly killing his own crew terrified me more than anything. Unable to resist, I cautiously approached the body, I knelt and carefully felt for his pulse. My own hand trembled slightly. I took a deep breath and finally detected a heartbeat.
"Alive," I whispered, and several pirates echoed my observation.
As the realization of what I had just done sank in, I glanced behind me to see if I had further infuriated Agenor, only to find him walking away. It all happened so swiftly. Agenor had his hand over Ken's mouth and was dragging him across the deck. Ken squirmed, his eyes wide with sheer terror. His head shook, clearly displaying his regret. Everyone could see it, everyone except Agenor. The crew called out to their captain but none dared to intervene or impede the devil's pace.
"You lay a finger on what's mine and you'll be dancing with the sharks," Agenor raised his hand, pushing Ken towards the sea, leading the remorseful pirate away from the deck.
'My God, he's throwing him into the sea.'
"Stop! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
In the midst of my seething rage, one voice pierced through the darkness.
"Agenor. Are you out of your mind?"
I glanced to my side and saw Nyx clutching the scoundrel's grimy leg, pulling him back onto the deck. Now the asshole soon-to-be-dead fucker is hanging outside of the ship by his jaw, that was clutched in my hand and his leg that Nyx had grabbed. Confusion clouded my narrowed eyes.
"He's the bastard who's been giving you nightmares, isn't he?"
"Yes. And I defended myself and even stabbed him. So let him go."
'I didn't understand. Did Nyx want to stab the wretch again?'
"Remove your hands, Nyx."
"Not until you set him down. This isn't right."
"Is this about what happened during the Calico's raid?"
"You're sparing him because he saved your life, is that it?"
"No. It's not about..."
"You already spared him once by aiming for his thigh instead of his groin. This is between him and me now, so back off."
"You back off."
"Heeeelp. Captain, I'm sorry. I... I was wrong, I won't lay a hand on him ever again. I swear on the Lord of the seas. I'll never..."
I tightened my grip on the bastard's jaw, nearly shattering his bones as he groaned in agonizing pain.
"You're torturing him."
"I wasn't joking about the sharks in this sea," I warned.
"Just set him back down."
"If I let go, you'll fall along with him, Nyx."
"I won't let you drop a living being into the sea. He's a fucking filthy asshole of a pirate but still a human being. A person."
"You're defending him?"
I glared at him and a wave of sadness flashed in his eyes. Then he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.
"No one dies today... Please Agenor... No killing... He's a Martina pirate... You said they're family."
Aye, I repeated that over and over to persuade him to discard his life before me. My determination wavered and I paused for a moment to contemplate. Damn it, he's the only one who can make me think in the midst of such fury. I was on the verge of relenting when my gaze fell upon the collar around his neck, his once beautiful neck that was meant for me to cherish, now adorned with new bruises. I noticed a trickle of blood at the nape and something inside me snapped.
I released the scoundrel, letting him plunge into the abyss of the sea. Ken screamed in terror as the ocean beckoned for his soul and I expected Nyx to let go and spare himself. Instead, there was a resounding thud as Ken's head struck the ship's outer surface. Nyx held onto the leg tighter, the weight pulling him closer to the edge, causing his feet to slide against the deck with a scraping sound.
'Fine, you've tried. Now let go. Let the bastard rot in the frigid embrace of the sea.'
Nyx winced in pain, kicking the edge with his right foot to prevent himself from being pulled over. He winced and shut his eyes, summoning all his strength to prevent Ken from perishing. If I was furious a minute ago, now I was boiling, my blood racing at the realization of Nyx's audacious defiance. I wanted to shake him, strike him, bind him with a thousand chains. Make him realize that going against me was more dreadful than death itself.
My escalating anger nearly blinded me, until I noticed a trail of blood ending beneath Nyx's left foot. I traced it back to a jagged piece of wood with a bloodied tip, standing guilty of piercing his foot. He got injured when I released Ken. The realization that I was responsible for shedding his blood turned the erupting volcano of anger inward, directed at myself. I gazed down at Nyx, observing my crew torn between the desire to assist him and the thrill of the spectacle, while Pin discreetly collected wagers in hushed voices, thinking I wouldn't hear.
'Look at them, Nyx. Look at the people you're aiding, putting yourself in peril for these ruffians who are betting on your life. This is the kind of family I have.'
"Help" Nyx pleaded, his voice husky, as the worm's leg slipped gradually and his arms trembled from exhaustion.
'Who the hell would help you when I stood in their way?'
A physical pain gripped my chest as I witnessed his injured state, his drenched hair releasing droplets onto his shirt, his left foot staining the deck with blood. I gritted my teeth. Fuck me, I couldn't bear to watch him suffer any longer. I would be damned if I didn't assist him in protecting whatever he chose to defend. Even if it was a wretched, filthy slimy worm.
"Agenor... please," Nyx implored, his eyes filled with desperation, causing the devil within me to stir with regret.
With one hand, I seized the worm's dangling leg, eliciting a scream of agony as I applied pressure to the wounded thigh. I lifted him and flung him onto the deck, where the bastard rolled a few times before coming to a stop, crying and clutching the leaking hole in his leg. Nyx slipped to the floor and leant back against the edge of the deck, panting heavily.
"Thank you... thank you..." he repeated, his eyes closed in exhaustion.
I was about to kneel and check his bleeding foot when another despicable fool misinterpreted my calm demeanor as that of a composed devil and decided it was time for another spectacle.
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cupidzgf · 2 years
cw: mdni, nsfw, smoking, angst, dark thoughts
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"You shouldn't smoke." Levi doesn't have to turn around to know who's speaking to him. He almost wishes she wasn't here to see him in such a sorry state, a person much unlike the stories paint him to be. He takes another drag, letting the smoke bury itself in his throat before it leaves his lips in a short puff. The nightlife around him dances with pale color, lanterns flickering ominously down the street, still lingering with a couple of stragglers.
"That's shitty for you." He takes another puff. Your footsteps echo in his ears louder than his own heartbeat until they stop beside him, and suddenly his lungs can't get enough air. Your proximity always did something to him, clouding his mind with thoughts that shouldn't be there, awoke a flame he thought he'd extinguished many moons ago.
He can't hide the weariness in his body when you slide a hand down his back, brushing the knobs of his spine like you know every crevice of his body. And you do because he let you know him better than anybody, better than himself. It's why you're here in nothing but his shirt and those thin pair of shorts he likes to take off, worried over his health at an ungodly hour in the morning. It's his fault you're not sleeping, an unpremeditated effect to his sorrow.
What is he supposed to do when faced with your voice cracked with concern about an old soldier like him? How is he supposed to resist his salvation wrapped in the body of his downfall? He can't. The butts of cigarettes atone for it. He's enamored with you, from how you enunciate his name to your body wrapped around his in the dead of night when sex becomes not just sex.
"You should be asleep." He decides on a response, and the hand scorching his back with delicate warmth stills. Was that the right thing to say? He can't ignore his churning stomach at your guilt he inflicted upon you. It haunts him, knowing his selfishness is the result of your ruined innocence. All he wants to do is take back everything he said, wrap you in his arms until the world stops spinning.
"You should be too." Levi ponders how someone could speak to a battle-hardened killer like him with so much affection- tenderness, like all the lives stacked on his consciousness mean nothing, like the emotions he keeps tucked away are okay not to share. Despite how you open yourself to him, body and soul, trust him with it as if he hasn't used the same vulnerability to his advantage to end lives without hesitation. It makes him waver whenever his door rattles with your knock, or he leaves the bed he'd fucked you on to find his escape in the stars. All while your body drapes over his mattress so gracefully that his chest tightens into knots of shame. Who is he to take away that purity? Tarnish your body with his violence, ruin the light you seem to radiate with every brutal thrust of his hips against your pelvis.
But maybe there was something there besides lust whenever degrading, vile words left his lips, hidden with his name leaving your kiss-bitten lips in the most delectable way, or the soft fingers that card through his hair trying to pull him closer, emotionally and physically, that lets him allow you to sleep in his room. A part of him wishes he pulled away from whatever this is before you get close, so when this relationship spells your demise like it has done for everyone else he's ever held on to, it won't shatter him down to his very being like it would now.
"Let's go back to bed." He wonders if he told you to leave if that would protect himself and you from what fate has in store. If he could part with the one thing reminding him he's alive, would it be enough to spare his heart? He wants to, god, he wants to, with every fiber of his being, pull away and keep you from binding yourself to the death that finds everyone but him.
"Okay." You might as well be dead.
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©2023 cupidzgf. do not copy, translate, modify, or repost my content onto other sites without my permission
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
hi can you do headcanons about dating klaus mikaelson (tvd)
Dating Klaus Mikaelson would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Klaus Mikaelson | AO3
synopsis: beside all the blood and murders, Klaus is a lover. Well, only you know that, but it still true.
warnings: vampire stuff
ps: thanks for your request my love, time to write for our favorite hybrid!
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• This man is a romantic gentleman. Klaus would literally have the most creative ideas and he is not affraid of transforming them in reality. He does not get embarrassed: if that is a chance he os going to make your heartbeat race then he is doing it
• Call him protective is a euphemism. Klaus isn't a pacific person in his normal mood, imagine when you are in danger. This man would burn for you but, more than anything, he would set the world on fire if that means you are save
• No, I am wrong, he would set the world on fire if that means you will smile. You know that thing about villains loving better than heroes? It is true, darling, trust me
• Klaus is so freaking jealous. Anyone that seems interesting on you is someone he won't take his eyes off. The type of guy that would appear behind you during a conversation with someone that smiles more than the necessary and grab your waist, pushing you close to him
• Klaus know so many things that talking to him is almost a class about art. Yet, he don't talk like he knows everything. Klaus can be a stubborn little bitch, but he would never act like you are dumb
• He does send you letters. Not for a special reason beside spendind time on making something beatiful for you
• He loves to write about you, but what he is obssessed with is to draw you. Anytime, anywhere: he just wants to save your image. You are his muse, the personification of Afrodite, his own perfect Venus
• Klaus is touch starved and, if you are comfortable, there is a big chance he would be touching you all the time. You're both walking? His hands are on your back pocket. You sitting beside him? His arms are around your shoulders. That is a song playing? Klaus gonna find a way to make you dance with him
• Elijah is a really great partner to call Klaus stupid when he does something violent that wasn't really necessary, you both even have do the Rolling Eyes While Regreting Being Alive™ thing. Rebecca is a awesome friend and, lets be honest, what our sweet vampire need is a great friend. Everyone deserves having someone who gonna agree with you when someone wronged you or that gonna gossip about anything that breaths
• Your voice is like poetry to him. Klaus loves to lay on your lap and just give you freedom to talk about anything that comes to your mind. And he listen, like really listen to what you said, and he remembers everything
• Althought your voice is perfect for him, he likes it better when you are moaning his name. Klaus love when you can't barely speaks. When your words are softer, the lips almost don't move, and whatever you said don't make sense
• Klaus is a provoking. The way his eyes meets yours, how have so much profanity hidden behind smart words choice, how he would won't mind literally stop what his doing to you if that means you only would want him more. No, Klaus isn't provoking, he is challeger
• Klaus is romantic, but that doesnt imply to sex. The passion is always there, but thing tend to get pretty rough. Even when it starts romantic. Being with Klaus is so easy, so comfortable, that you both get kinky and don't even notice
• And don't even start thinking he is not kinky. Do you think someone can live hundreds of years and not being creative about what to do during sex?
• And talking about age, he has a lot of experience. Klaus would love to try new things with you, it will always be new because now he is with you. And he loves to teach new ways of feeling better
• Blood can be a thing if you like it. When you are a human he would be affraid, not to murdering you but to making you fear him. If you want it, he would find a way to treat you even more like a god. And lets be honest, everyone thinks that but no one said: do you really think that period sex is not a thing for him??? And when you are a vampire, damn, that are so many things he would love to make you feel
• He can go down on you for hours. He have a lot of stamina, you would need to beg him to stop and he would just feel proud if your make up is ruined and your legs are shacking
• He loves when you bite him. Leave marks honey, he is yours, sign his skin with your teeths, nails, mouth. Have your fun, make him surprise when look at the mirror
• Klaus likes bath sex. When it start as something innocent and natural and ends with water all over the floor
• Klaus doesnt mind if there is anyone watching, but he loves the ideia of someone having no other choice than hearing you both. Like when he knows you both are being too loud, but the other person is to embarassed to do something beside wanting to die
• Want him hard? Play with his hair. Want him to cum? Pull his hair. Klaus is sensitive and you know how to use it for the greater good
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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yourejinx · 2 years
// Let me in // (Azriel x Fem.reader x OC ?)
A/N: this is something very new to me, something that i'm still trying out so bear with me. I've got this idea to bring other characters to a side Azriel story, sometimes following the events from the books sometimes not.
I honestly don't know where i'm going with this tho, should I make a series? I just do this out of fun.
SUMMARY: Destiny is a cruel thing, bringing together two people who seem to still be hung up in the past.
SIDE NOTE: English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.
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Pilot ( Vol. 0)
My heartbeat was pounding loudly in my ears by the time I reached the east front of the battlefield. Bodies piled up in every direction, rotten corpses both fae and human alike. I scanned through all of their faces, most of them Illyrian and Loyalists but I could make broken pieces of the porcelain battle-worn masks of some of my people that were peaking up from the gore and mud.
War has never been pretty, I've experienced it first-hand when I was just five years old. Our village's part of a great island splitted into five main territories, always in the verge of battle with its neighbour villages. I thought i knew what to expect of this, having seeing it as a child, but truth be told no amount of training could prepare me for this, searching familiar faces –his face– among the dead.
As I made my way through the field of shredded wings and wrong angled limbs another warrior came into view. I braced myself for any threat but he seemed to be doing exactly the same as I was. He looked exhausted, wings dropped and almost dragging against the soil with each step. His eyes met mine and I tightened the hold on my blade, although worn out the power beating behind those violets eyes was enough to startle me. He took me in, my clothing, my blade, my mask, and opted to so very slowly rise up his palms. I didn't loose my grip.
"Hey.." he whispered, voice rasped "you're from Thera" he pointed at my mask "we're– we're allies. I'm Rhysand, son to the High Lord of the Night Court"
"Prythian..." I muttered " your father summoned us here"
"Yes, you were supposed to be further south. How did you end up here?" He asked looking at the dead around us.
Exhaustion quickly turned into cold rage as the memories of what happened flodded my mind.
"We were betrayed" I said as a red half piece of mask catched my eye a few feet away. Resembling the god of the sun in red and gold, Asta's mask. My heart sunk to my feet and I didn't dare move toward it, fearing I could never shake the image of his lifeless eyes off my mind.
The male, Rhysand, followed my sight for a moment before I averted my gaze back to him. Something like understanding danced in his eyes.
I didn't answer.
"You should go back, re-agroup. The war is over" he said gently.
"There's no one left on my flank" my reply came out harsher than i expected. I put the blade back into its sheath across my back.
"I'm sorry" he offered and paused for a moment "we can look for them together"
I hadn't seen anyone alive in miles, and didn't posses the strenght to look for my best friend's body. Almost the entire village had come answering the call for help, except for the Great Lord, the counsil, the ill, and of course women and children. Home will most likely hold a different meaning by the end of the slaughter.
I took a look around, then at the defeat written all over Rhysand's face. He seemed genuine and was looking for his people as well. I had nothing left on that battlefield and yet I took a step in his direction.
"Alright" was all I said as I offered him a can of water, all that was left of it. He hesitated for a second before he took it.
"Thank you..." Rhysand said after chuking down all the content of the can "I didn't catch your name"
"Y/N... It's Y/N" I responded walking beside him.
"Y/N..." he breathed. And we kept moving across the field in shared silence.
I remember the first time I saw Azriel, tall and brooding and extremely handsome. Where his brother, Cassian, was all banter and loud laughter, Azriel was all discret rare smiles and low rasped laughs. His shadows were the first thing to draw my attention, fascinating as they were; still I didn't miss the look of distrust he gave me when Rhys first introduced me to the Inner Circle. The kind of look you give to someone you know nothing about, as if they held a secret agenda.
I couldn't blame him, little was known about Thera thanks to the many protector spells that spread all around the Island. Even the words that got out to the world were mere rumors. The High Lords of Prythian barely ever looked in our direction if not for cases of extreme need of our forces, like in the war against the Loyalists. Thera was ancient, much more older than Prythian or Hybern, and as all arcaic things it refused to be open to the world, keeping all its secrets inside the territory.
Azriel was wary for months, always on alert, always watching as the great spy master he was. There was probably very few people that could rival his talent, even fewer that could notice the shadowsinger before he was out of sight again, but somehow I always knew where to look at, where to find him. I didn't let him know that.
Back in Thera all children born with blessings were trained from a very young age to become great ninjas, warriors,sorcerers...and those who presented some specific talents were admited in the most prestige training academy of the village to become a part of the Elite force that guarded the secrets of our territory. Asta and I had been the youngest ninja to ever be admited in with the Myrajh, the group that possesed the skill sets to make an entire Empire fall in one night. I was used to always be on alert, and to notice even the slightest of things most would ignore.
It took longer for Azriel to trust me than the rest, Mor and Cassian almost inmediatly falling into jokes and banter with me after just one look at their now High Lord and the trust he seemed to had put in me. Amren wasn't so chatty but she gave off this aura of silent respect as she nodded once in my direction. It was like she had known me, or the hidden truths behind my people; wether she knew or not, she didn't say anything about it.
Now, almost five centuries later, I sit with them at the table in the living space of the House of Wind discussing what to do next. Rhys had gone Under The Mountain nine years ago and things weren't going as smoothly as we thought, the discontent has settled heavy amongst the people across Prythian, even here in Velaris. Not to mention the stoll it takes everyday from our group just at the thought of what he must be enduring there. Alone. Rhys was my first friend ever outside Thera, and the only one who understood me, even when I kept things for myself. He gave me a purpose after the War, something to look foward to when I had lost everything, and I had failed him. Left him alone when he needed me most, left him go on his own to what surely was a trap.
"Stop." Amren spoke to me, and the heated argument between Mor and Cassian died. "You go awfully quiet when you're plotting something, you look like Azriel" she said and I lifted my eyes to meet the shadowsinger's brieftly soft stare before turning to her. "Whatever it is, stop it. You can not go there."
I closed my fingers in a fist beneath the table.
"I'm not needed here, Amren. But I can do something, I'm good at infiltrating, let me go get him back. It's been too long."
"Don't say that —" Cassian started but Amren cut him right in.
"What would you do then? Let's say you succesfully infiltrate that horrid fortress, we don't know if the wards they put in are going to drain you from your power before you can even put a feet inside." In her grey eyes something dangerous danced as she said to me " If they get to you, all of Rhysand's efforts to keep this place safe, to keep us safe go to shit for nothing. He suffers for nothing."
"I can't just sit and do nothing." it's eating me alive, i almost added.
"You keep the Court borders safe, you keep this people safe. You travel from one point of the Court to the other and beyond making sure everything stays in order and that no one forgets about their High Lord. You think I don't know where you go off to when you're not in Velaris?" She deadpan looked at me.
I cut a glance across the table at Azriel. The shadowsinger sat very still next to Mor. Has he been reporting to her?
"You do more than enough." The blonde spoke softly, all trace of previous frustration gone "We need you here, Rhys needs you here"
I didn't let the pain show on my face as I rose to my feet. "Are we done here?" I asked to no one in particular. Amren nodded. "I'll return to the west cost border tomorrow afternoon."
And with that I took off, back to the Town House.
Everyone joined in for dinner at the house a couple of hours later. I was already sitting on a small couch in the corner of the living room, beside the window, a pile of spell books next to me and a bowl of hot noodle soup in my hands. I was too preocupied with learning anything that might be of use against Amarantha to join them in the kitchen, besides that not so subtle strange bond between the two Illyrians and Mor always made me a little uncomfortable. It got me feeling some type of way and I didn't like it.
I averted my gaze from the trio hanging out in the kitchen back to my books and decided that it was better to continue my searching somewhere more... quiet. I drank the last bit of soup before grabbing the pile and made my way to the rooftop. The chill night breeze welcomed me as I settled myself against a cushioned chair and rised my feet to rest on top of the banister; even Velaris, as beautiful as it was, looked more dull without Rhys. Not so many stars shone in the sky as if the city itself was mourning their High Lord.
I must of lost track of time up there and fell asleep, cause next thing I know I abruptly opened my eyes and in a swift motion got my hunting knife directed at the neck of whoever stood in front of me. Hazel eyes full of surprise greeted me and I lowered the knife in realization, calming the thunder of my heartbeat. Azriel. He was reaching down to the forgotten book in my lap.
"Fuck Az, don't creep out on me ever again." I muttered.
His eyes softened at me apologetically and he grabed the book, setting it back down on the small table next to us.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself" he spoke so low that I couldn't tell if it was him or the shadows speaking. "work yourself to exhaustion. It's not your fault what happened to Rhysand"
I opened my mouth but before I could retort he spoke again. "He didn't let me come either, it's useless to point the blame at ourselves, it was his call."
A small shaky sigh escaped my lips "It's just...I can't help to feel like I failed him. I owe him everything, Az."
"I know" he said and griped my right hand in his scarred one. It was warm even in the chilly winter night. "You still have us, you know? We'll figure it out"
A promise. It was rare to see this side of the shadowsinger but I always knew how kind he was behind the tough exterior. We were alike in more ways that I cared to admit, and sometimes he even reminded me of Asta. But it was painful to think about it, and cruel.
I lifted my eyes from our hands not knowing how close we were standing next to each other, I could feel his breath caresing my cheek. Azriel has always had this sort of magnetic pull that drawn me in. It made me uneasy at times. I opened my mouth to thank him, unable to take my eyes off of his own when I felt it. An explosion of night dust and starlight snaped inside of me, and the realization of what it was had me recoiling in horror. It must have been written all over my face 'cause Azriel's look was one of concern.
"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked but didn't try to reach me again.
He hadn't felt it then. I didn't stop to think if It was a good thing or not as I shoved that thing inside until I could barely sense it. I couldn't deal with it right now.
"Nothing, I remembered that I need to be elsewhere. Goodnight." I breathed the pathetic excuse before winnowing away from the house. From him.
My mate. Azriel was my mate.
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be11atrixthestrange · 3 years
I Know
Not to interrupt the flow of the @romione-trope-fest, but I wrote a short and sweet shell cottage fic last night for IWSC...
"Good morning."
Hermione's voice jolted Ron awake, and for a moment, he forgot where he was. The cold, hard, cushionless seat of Fleur's antique rocking chair felt awfully similar to the unforgiving concrete dungeon floor at Malfoy Manor. The draft from the open window caused Ron's hair to stand on edge, and his heart rate spiked as though punishing him for a few hours of shuteye.
But her voice was just a whisper, not the ear-piercing screech he'd spent so much time replaying in his mind, nor was it the deafening silence of the previous few hours when Hermione was unresponsive and barely alive. It was that beautiful space in between. Tired, alive, and most importantly, safe. At least for now.
"You're awake," said Ron, his voice a bit too enthusiastic for the middle of the night. He cleared his throat and brought his voice down to a whisper. "How do you feel?"
Hermione winced, and Ron immediately regretted drawing attention to her injuries. "I'm okay," she said. "I probably look awful though."
Ron sat up a little straighter, and for the first time since Malfoy Manor, really looked at her. Her hair was matted and bloody, her face bruised, and her eyes were sunken and tired. He wanted to tell her she looked beautiful, but he knew it would sound like a lie. Even though it wasn't.
Instead of saying the wrong thing, Ron reached his hand to hers, and their fingers interlaced.
Hermione looked away and muttered, "You asked her to take you instead."
Everything about the previous twenty-four hours was a blur. He hadn't been thinking straight when Bellatrix pulled Hermione from his grasp and his only instinct was to offer himself in her place. But he didn't regret it, and he'd do it again in a heartbeat. He'd happily adopt that scar on her neck, taking on her injuries with pride. It was never a question. "Of course I did."
"Not your smartest move," Hermione said as she tightened her grip on his hand. "You wouldn't have been able to handle it."
A smile crept across Ron's face, and any doubt that Bellatrix's curses had taken part of Hermione away from him disappeared. This was his Hermione. His argumentative, competitive Hermione. "Trust me," he told her. "It was even worse from my end."
Maybe she had heard him screaming her name from the dungeon, completely and utterly helpless. Maybe she finally knew how he felt.
"Are you trying to invalidate my pain, Ronald?"
Thankfully, her accusation came with a smile.
In a bold move, he pulled her arm toward his lips and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, avoiding her gaze the entire time. He knew he didn't have to when she squeezed his hand in response.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"For what?"
"You know," she said with an air of finality, reminding him of every single time she'd shrug off one of his homework questions. According to her, he always knew more than he thought he did, and he just needed to search his mind a bit more. The answers were always there if he'd look for them.
Maybe the answer to how she felt about him was there too, He brought his gaze to meet hers and noticed the pink tint of her cheeks. Her big brown eyes seemed to drink him up. It gave him shivers, just like the draft from the window, and he knew she never looked at Harry that way.
Her thumb stroked the back of his hand, and he recalled all that time they spent avoiding talking about the gradual shift in their relationship. From dancing at Bill and Fleur's wedding and cozying up next to one another at Grimmauld Place, to sharing blankets in the tent and offering up his life for hers. He had assumed they didn't talk about it because Hermione didn't want to. But maybe that was the locket speaking, and they never talked about it because they didn't have to. They both already knew.
The locket was gone, they were both safe, and they had whole lives ahead of them.
"Yeah. I know."
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kmikaelsonimagines · 3 years
Simply A Smile: A Kol Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @madhatterbri: Please forgive me if I am doing this wrong but I need angst/ fluff with Kol. 🥺 Congrats on the job. ❤️
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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“What do you want from me?”
I want a lot of things, Y/N, although that’s changed over the years. At first, I wanted magic, wanted to cause trouble with it, wanted to impress the ladies with my powers. I had that and I lost it, just like I lost my life, my body dead, but my heart still beating.
I lost my magic, my chance at living the life I wanted, so I decided to cause trouble in other ways. There came a time when I wanted to leave my family, to pursue my other more carnal desire. I wanted to taste blood on my lips, to tear into the skin of the ladies I had wanted to impress all that time ago. I wanted to feel how they felt against my skin, to bathe in the rage that I felt at losing my humanity, at becoming something that we didn’t even have a name for yet.
I wanted to see the world, to destroy it as I did so, to make it my own little kingdom. But my brothers had other ideas, and there were moments when I wanted to make them pay for thinking they could dictate to me, for thinking they could control me.
And then, that final time when I was awoken from a century long slumber, I wanted to keep this world safe from evil. But my attempts ended in my death, and yet again, I found myself wanting to be alive.
It’s all in the past now, because I am alive. I’m here, Y/N, standing before you. You. The woman who made me realise that all I have ever wanted is love.
You have the most beautiful smile, has anyone ever told you that? I try to, but words will never really do it justice. I imagine it sometimes, think about you smiling at me as we dance the night away, your hand on my shoulder, mine on the small of your back. There are lights littered amongst the trees, but their brightness is nothing compared to the reflection of starlight in your eyes. You look at me with those eyes and I know that everything will be fine.
I know that I’ll never want for anything again as long as I have you and your smile.
But that smile, it doesn’t come out enough. At least, not for me. The truth is, my image of us dancing is nothing more than a dream, a longing that I can’t seem to shake. In reality, I think you’re scared of me. You know the truth of who I am, of what I’ve done, and I don’t blame you for being wary.
I would be too if I, Kol Mikaelson, the wildest of the Mikaelsons was pursuing me.
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the first time I saw you, and I know that sounds creepy, but it’s the truth. I know there’s something bothering you, something hurting you, and I just want to – no, I need to – know you’re okay.
I need to see that smile.
I wasn’t expecting you to come over to me today, to ask me that question. You took me by surprise as you so often do, and there’s this speech building in my mind. All the things I could say to you right now, all the things I could say about wanting to hold your hand as we walk down the street, wanting to hold you tight as you rest your head on my chest, our mingled heartbeats a steady rhythm to which we both fall asleep.
Wanting to kiss you until the rest of the world fades into nothingness.
Wanting to tell you that I love you over and over again until the words don’t even sound like words anymore, just feelings that neither of us want to let go of.
You ask me what I want from you and I suppose the only answer I can give is one that I hope won’t turn you away. I hope my answer will keep you with me, will make you stay here, inches away from me, looking at me with what I want to be genuine intrigue, not the fear that I know you feel.
I would never hurt you, Y/N, you have to know that. I’m not who I was before, not eyeing you up for my next meal, for some absurd revenge plan, to use as a cry for attention. The attention of others doesn’t matter to me anymore, not when the only person I want attention from is you.
So here we are. You’ve asked me what I want from you, and your face is so stern, and there’s worry in your eyes. I want to wipe it all away, replace it with something better. You’ve asked me what I want from you, and you deserve an answer.
“Simply, Y/N, I want a smile.”
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princessluv11 · 3 years
Universal Ties (Part 1)
A/N: I watched NWH and I couldn’t help but make a fanfic... especially since I’m desperate for more fanfics about Andrew XD So I’m going to make my own. I have to admit, he is the best Spider-Man in my heart- like EEEEEKKKK!!!! Don’t you think so? <3
Summary ~ Peter had lost you in his world but was led to meet you once again in a different universe. After he tries to deny the fact that his time with you is limited, you both have to part ways... but is it really for good?
Pairing: TASM Peter Parker x F!Reader
W A R N I N G ~ NWH Spider-Man spoilers
Useful tips:
Y/N = Your name
Y/NN = Your nickname
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It was a beautiful, chilly night in the mist of New York City. The streets and sidewalks were covered with busy business men, taxis, and bikers. The building lights complimented the dark sky as snow begun to rain down. There sat a special teenage couple on top of the tallest building in the city to spend quality time together after a long day.
Away from the crowd, Peter was lost in his daydream until a soft voice brought him back to reality. Y/N was just explaining about her test results in Chemistry class. “That’s great, Y/N,” he shot her a genuine smile, praising her for her hard work. He knew how much effort she put into acing that test. Remembering stalking her from her window some nights and watched her drown herself with hot tea and loaded study sheets. Peter was still in his Spider-Man suit that was finally patched up after a fight with some thugs as his mask was resting upon Y/N’s brown book bag. Peter leaned against his left hand that was behind him for support as he used his free hand to move back the strand of hair that was swaying in front of Y/N’s face. Forgetting the conversation they had, they got lost in each other’s love filling eyes. At the same time, both leaned in for a long, gentle kiss. Y/N cupped Peter’s cheeks as he caressed her silky hair, eyes closed to mesmerize the feel of their lips.
“Peter,” Y/N broke the kiss but were still inches away from each other’s tinted red faces. Peter said nothing as a signal for Y/N to continue what she wanted to express what was in her mind. “Promise me something...” she slid her hand down from his cheek to his chest where she was able to clearly feel his racing heartbeat. Her eyes were still closed, focusing on everything she’s feeling around her. From his comforting heartbeat to the snow that fell on top of her nose, not noticing Peter’s gaze again.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always find our way back to each other.” She whispered ever so gently, only for him to hear. Her heart fluttered, almost making her high. Despite being together for nearly 2 years, each day her love always reset for him, but stronger. She opened her eyes slowly and locked eyes with a soft pair.
Peter loved to make promises to Y/N, especially when he knows he can keep it. He couldn’t help but kiss her once again, this time was more aggressive. His right hand cupped her blushed cheek as hers was still connected to his chest. Y/N moaned softly as Peter had easy access to slip his tongue in to connect with hers. Both tongues were dancing and twirling together in unison as saliva dripped from both of the corner of their lips.
Peter finally pulled away for a breather but leaned his forehead against Y/N’s. “I promise you.” Peter smiled and rubbed his forehead against hers. “Nothing... not even this universe will take me away from you, baby.” With that, Y/N teared up with relief as she received the reassurance she longed for.
Everyday was a new adventure for Peter and with each battle he had to fight, it was always a burden for his girlfriend. Even if she knew that he was out to run errands or was working, she couldn’t help but expect the worse to come. Curse her overthinking thoughts. All she could do at the end of the day was pray and hope that her beloved Spider-Man was safe or coming home alive. Even though it pained Y/N to see him hurt in any way, she promised him that she was his safe spot.
Most days throughout the week, Peter would always run back to Y/N’s window to get patched up. She was like a personal nurse for him, thanks to her father who was a doctor at their central hospital.
He would never be able to understand the position he placed her in but he did all he could to protect her physically and emotionally as much as possible. This was just another night to do so. As he noticed the relief from Y/N’s shoulders, he sat up and pulled her onto his lap. Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, fiddling with his slightly sweaty hair while his large hands gripped her waist securely.
It was just the two of them, minds not worrying about the next test to pass or who to fight against. They paused their reality to care for each other, each second was spent as if it were their last.
“God, you’re so beautiful...”
How did it get to this?
“Y/N. Baby, please...” Peter was standing besides his lover’s lifeless body that was dangling from the web that Peter tried to catch her with. He carefully lifted her up and ripped off the web. In complete denial of what was in front of him, he smiled. “It’s okay, you’re fine...” he cradled her like a baby as his tears freely flowed down his face, landing onto Y/N’s pale face. “Wake up, Y/N. Talk to me, everything is fine now... everything is... f...” he fell to his knees, arms still tightly wrapped around her frail body. He took off his mask and threw it along with the rubble. Nuzzling his face against Y/N’s neck, he finally broke. Gripping onto a chunk of her hair and waist, he choked onto her elegant scent that burned his throat. Crying out a scream, he pleaded her to open her eyes, giving him any sign that she wasn’t in fact dead.
“I promise you, we’ll find our way back to each other...”
“Ned, you got this!” The overwhelmed teen was in between his two girl friends who were encouraging him to use the magic that was stolen from none other than Dr. Strange. Peter trusted his best friend with the magical ring and it was his first time putting it to use. All three had their hearts pounding as the power they possessed were within their hands for the first time.
Ned gulped and squeezed his eyes shut, swaying his hands in a circle in front of him as he chanted loudly, “I wish we could just see Peter!”
With that, a circular sparkling portal unraveled in front of them successfully. His Lola was hiding beside a cabinet in fear as the three stood stationary, squinting their eyes to examine who was on the other side of the portal. “Is that Peter?” MJ asked in a mutter as Ned waved his hand a little. It was a dark eerie alley and there stood a familiar Spider-Man. Although this wasn’t their Spider-Man, the design on their suit was completely different compared to the one their used to seeing. This stranger was also more tall and their posture was more leaned in compared to their Peter who had a stiff and straight posture.
“I think that’s Peter?” Y/N was hesitant as MJ began to call him over. “Peter... h-hey, Peter!”
“Peter, over here!” Ned assumed it was his best friend and signaled his hands to come towards them. MJ and Ned’s smile dropped as the stranger jumped into their side of the portal and had a clear view of what they actually looked like. “Uh- you’re not Peter.” Ned pointed out the obvious as the stranger took off their mask.
The exposed man held his hands out as a gesture to tell them that he means no harm. The man seemed to be in his early 20s, judging by his mature yet young features. His hair was slightly long, colored as a chocolaty brown. It was messy and wet, assuming it to be caused by the sweat that he collected underneath the mask. A few small injury marks were plastered on the bottom side of his chin and temple, both new and old. “AH!” The Lola screamed and hid more behind the cabinet for safety as MJ yelled, demanding to know who he was right that instant.
“Woah woah woah!” He failed to dodge the pieces of bread that was being thrown at him by MJ. “I’m Spider-Man... from my world. I mean I was just around and about back there,” he pointed at the portal behind him, “but yesterday I was just... here.” The room went silent. All eyes were on the so called Spider-Man but where was his eyes on? MJ and Ned raised a brow, following his widened eyes. What could have possibly grabbed his attention so intriguingly during a time like this? It was just a normal dining room.
Y/N and Spider-Man locked eyes for what felt like a century, so long it felt like time stopped once again. Y/N stood still, not afraid but rather confused and dumbfounded.
“You uh... know her?” Ned broke the silence but Spider-Man dared not to break his eye contact. “Y/N...” he finally spoke with a mutter, just enough for all of them to listen. After hearing him call out her name, her mind raced even faster with unanswered questions. She was too stunned that she just kept silent, that wasn’t until he decided to walk up to her to which it felt like it was in slow motion. She was still frozen just like the rest who was just watching the scene play out.
“Is that really you?” He dropped his mask on the floor and cupped her cheeks gently. Feeling the cold fabric of his suit, it sent down a wild electric spark within her that she couldn’t explain. So much that the both of them felt it yet it was left to be unspoken of.
“How do you know her?” MJ asked, preventing the tension from rising. “Oh- uhm,” the man stuttered and took a few steps back away from Y/N, quickly apologizing to her and examined his surroundings. He picked back up his mask and continued to walk around, fiddling with it. “Wait... so what you just did there was like, magic?” He asked while mimicking his hands gestures, looking at Ned. “Yea, it runs in the family.” He smirked and adjusted his jacket. MJ rolled her eyes as she interrogated the so called Spider-Man he claimed to be. “What’s your name?” She started off as the portal closed, facing their bodies towards the man.
“Peter, Peter Parker.” He finally introduced himself but caused a few brows to rise. “Prove it,” MJ raised her chin up to look intimidating. This time, Peter raised a questionable brow. “You know... shoot a web of crawl on the ceiling.” MJ threw out ideas on how to prove his identity. “I guess just dangle from the ceiling, we wouldn’t want a lot of fingerprints up there.” Y/N giggled softly to which Peter’s heart skipped a beat. He immediately obeyed and hopped up with his fingertips sticking on top of the ceiling. “I’m not buying it, walk on the ceiling.” MJ stubbornly demanded as Peter’s lips curved from side to side. “Mm, this seems believable.” The two went back and forth until Ned’s Lola spoke in Tagalog.
“Linis mo yung kisame,” she ordered to which Ned had to translate. “Oh, she wants you to get those webs over there in the corner.” Ned pointed in the direction where Peter had to walk to. On the floor of course since he remembered how Y/N suggested not to leave prints. Jumping back and sticking on the ceiling to swap out the webs, he muffled with his mask still in his mouth. “We good?” He asked again as he took his mask out his mouth. “Yeaaaa...” MJ said hesitantly. “I guess we are.” Peter landed back onto the floor gently and was satisfied with how he somehow gained their trust.
“So the multi universe is real?” He asked, dying to gain a clarifying answer. “It is,” Y/N decided to answer with a one side smile as he shot one back. “Knew it,” he pumped his fist up a little in victory. “How are we gonna tell Peter about this...” Ned slumped down to a nearby dining chair as MJ threw another piece of bread at the other Peter who didn’t bother to dodge this time. Y/N on the other hand dozed off into her own mind, filled with questions and concerns about who this Peter Parker was and what his deal was with her.
On top of the rooftop that MJ and Peter always spent their time together, there only sits a lonely Spider-Man. Fighting off the urge to cry after a long unfinished battle to which he lost his dear Aunt May through the process. His tears finally fell as he felt three bodies hovering over him for a comforting group hug. “It’s all my fault.” He cried as he held all their hands together as one. MJ and Y/N were on opposite sides as Ned stood on his knees from behind. They all said nothing, allowing Peter to freely let out his bottled up emotions.
“There’s uhm... some people who wants to meet you.” MJ finally spoke up as they all stood on their feet, giving Peter space as he jumped up in a defensive position. There came two Spider-Men jumping down from the rooftop of another building. As they landed on an edge, standing on opposite sides, Peter examined them and understood just who they were. Judging from their suits, of course. “Look, I’m sorry for dragging you guys into this place but it’s about time you go back to where you came from.” Peter explained and dove right into the point, not giving anyone any time to properly introduce themselves.
“I tried to save them but I obviously can’t. They’re from your worlds, right?” Peter looked out in the distance as if the villains were in sight and looked back at the two silent men. “I’m sorry but I have to put an end to this, even if it means you have to finish them off again. I have no part in this anymore.” Peter explained in defeat as all eyes held pity for him. “I’m sorry about your Aunt May, I understand what you’re going-“ The oldest Peter was cut off. “Don’t say you know what I’m going through, you have no clue...” The beat up Peter spat as his chest felt heavy from the overwhelming burden.
“Right before she died, she told you something, didn’t she.” The oldest Peter already knew the answer and continued. The first Peter met his gaze in question. “With great power...” The oldest Peter started to which the other Peter finished off with a light smile. “Comes great responsibility.”
“How do you...” Peter was caught off guard as they both restated the same quote that his Aunt May wisely said before she passed. “My Uncle Ben said the same exact thing before he died...” he explained. “Same here...” the other Peter joined in.
“I lost good people in my life. Trust me, I know what you’re going through...” The third Peter sighed as he felt a familiar painful tightness in his chest, looking down at his feet. “All three of us must’ve lost our Uncle Ben but, except yours was Aunt May...” The oldest Peter nodded as the other looked down to grieve a bit more, trying to avoid eye contact. “Not only that, I lost the only person who stood by my side, even after I lost my family. She was the only one who balanced my Peter life, reminding me that I’m not just a hero who’s only purpose was to protect his people. She reminded me how to live my life as Peter Parker...” explaining his story with stutters in between, he could feel the flashbacks rushing through.
Locking eyes with the dumbfounded Y/N once again, she gulped. “Y/N was her name... she was my uhm... she was my MJ,” The third and first Peter looked back at each other with pure emotion of sorrow and pain sparkling in their orbs. “I couldn’t save her and after that, I wasn’t the same. Even after I tried, I ended up giving up, I eventually stopped throwing my punches.” The third Peter felt the same conflicted anger that he expressed toward himself the past few years after his greatedt loss. “But I remember all the promises I not only made for my Y/N, but for myself.” Y/N couldn’t help but blush, even though he wasn’t talking about her specifically, but another her from a different universe.
She couldn’t believe that another her was dating another Spider-Man. It was the last thing she ever expected in life and she didn’t know how to react. She was still trying to figure out what that shock was that she felt the second she felt Peter’s touch. “Listen, what you’re going through isn’t what you want but it should be what you need. Spider-Man can’t always grab ahold of the situation all the time and prevent it from falling with his webs. Sometimes, we have to be reminded that we can only do so much... and that we can’t always save everyone.” MJ walked up behind her Peter and wrapped an arm around his to which she hugged for comfort.
“He’s right, it’s a difficult truth that us Spider-Men have to accept... but I always remember what my Uncle Ben told me. I can’t put anyone’s lives I couldn’t save into vain.” Peter clenched his fists and look own at the ground, debating which path to take. He then sighed and nodded, smiling almost as he finally picked the card he wanted to play. “You’re right.”
Throughout their time in the lab, the third Peter couldn’t help but feel distracted by his thoughts and a certain Y/N that was across the room from him, helping the second Peter. Even though it was obvious she held no serious feelings for him, Peter three couldn’t help but feel a jealous tingle travel down his veins. They were chatting about the situation they were in but the rest of the conversation was muffled. He huffed but distracted himself from his nerves by continuing to tinker with his device that was meant to control one of his villains.
“So the uh, the other Peter.” Peter two started off, making Y/N glance at the said Peter who she caught staring at her. Both quickly looking away, Y/N nodded to play it off. “He seems to have some interesting background with you- or well you know,” he curved his lips down and moved his head left to right a bit. “Yea,” Y/N caught on, awkwardly giggling a bit. “Who would’ve thought,” Y/N glanced back at him once more before looking at the second Peter and leaned in. “Should I check up on him?” She whispered, making him chuckle as he grabbed a test tube on his right. “I’m sure you have some questions for him, now seems like the time to get those answers.” He encouraged as he smiled at her, giving her a nod of approval.
Taking in a deep breath, embracing herself for what’s about to go down, she stood from her stool and walked toward to Peter three. He felt her presence getting closer from behind but played it off. Mixing in some serum, he heard an empty stool next to him being occupied by none other than the person he wishes to be with right now. “Hey,” he greeted, looking up to acknowledge her before quickly going back to work. In his mind, he only scream at himself, pressuring him to calm his racing heart, almost convinced that she could hear it. “Hi,” she greeted back with a soft voice.
Leaning in a bit to observe, she was close enough to where he was able to smell her oh too familiar scent. It almost made him faint and he couldn’t control the split second of mixed emotion. Relief, sadness, excitement, anger toward himself, and lust. He pushed that thought away immediately and as steadily as he could, poured in a measured amount of substance into his tube.
“Relax,” Y/N cooed as she rubbed Peter’s back, shocking the two of them with the same spark. It took a few seconds until she noticed him not shaking as much anymore, making her praise herself for calming her Spider-Man. “I want to apologize,” Y/N started off as she removed her hand from his back, almost making him frown from the distance again. “For what happened to your... Y/N.” Both her hands were balled into awkward fists, laying them onto her lap. Y/N couldn’t tell if she said the right thing, let alone believe if it was even okay to bring up such a sensitive topic for him.
She grew anxious but a quiet sigh was escaped as she watched Peter placed down his device and screwdriver down. She gulped as he turned his body toward her so they were properly facing one another. Both took in their well defined features and any unspoken words that could be written on their faces.
Peter’s expression was as if he’s seen an angel whereas Y/N looked at him as if he knew him already. Their eyes were sparkling with admiration. Peter let his lips smile as wide as they wanted while Y/N shot him a gentle one. “You know... you dress and act the same as my Y/N.” He explained, drawing her in as her curiosity increased. “If I may ask, what was that promise you made with her?” She tilted her head as his heart skipped for a second, melting at how adorable she acted.
He chuckled and closed his eyes for a second as a faint flashback of that night on the rooftop appeared. It was such a bittersweet memory he cherished within. “I made a promise to her- or you... uhm, that no matter what we encountered together, we’d always find our way back to each other.” He almost choked as his eyes began to water. He immediately turned back to his device as he chuckled to play it off. “Sorry sorry,” he apologized as Y/N couldn’t help but jerk her body up a bit, tensed by the way he reacted. “D-don’t be sorry! Like you and Peter two said, you can’t always save everyone. It wasn’t your fault, I’m sure she chose to be with you until the end out of free will. You both did all you could for each other until the end.” She became bold enough to place a hand above his own, and there it was once again.
Y/N flinched obviously noticeable, making Peter cup her hand that was on top of his other. Concerned, he looked up at her to find her squeezing her eyes shut and her right hand rubbing her temple. ‘What was that?’ Y/N mentally questioned until she woke back up to reality from Peter’s voice. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” Everyone now has their eyes on the two. “What’s wrong Y/NN?” Peter one asked as MJ frowned in concern along with Ned and Peter two. “Oh, I’m okay. Sorry, just a sudden migraine. I’m going to get some water real quick.” Y/N stood up, hands now free from Peter’s grasp. As much as she wanted to stay, she had another blurred vision to which it made her wobble a bit. “Let me accompany you.” Peter three suggested but Y/N insisted since they were working on a time crunch.
“We can’t waste any time, I’ll be okay.” Y/N reassured as she exited out the silent room. Peter three stood there as he watched the door close. She was still the same Y/N, always understanding and considerate. Part of him always got slightly frustrated each time she rejected his aid. He always wanted to be a shoulder she could lean on unconditionally but the way she was hard to get sometimes in his world was what made him fall for her even harder.
Everyone gave her the benefit of the doubt that she would be okay but she had been out long enough for Peter three to finish his device. “I’m going to check on Y/N, the device is complete.” Peter one and two nodded as one of them walked over to collect his antidote. “We just need another 10 minutes and everything will be prepared.” Peter one gave Peter three a heads up who nodded in response and rushed out to find his Y/N.
With Y/N, she was in a unisex restroom. The dim light was above her as she leaned against the marble counter. The sink was running which was therapeutic for her as she tried to keep herself calm from the uncontrolled memories that were unwrapping in her aching head.
“Peter, promise me...”
“I love you, Y/NN.”
A familiar face
A familiar voice
“God, you’re so beautiful...”
“Who are you...” Y/N muttered as she slumped down to the wall beside her, water still running. “Y/N?” Peter barged in and ran toward her. Going on his knees and gripping her hands with enough pressure. There it was again, but clearer. The blurred vision was him, it was him all along. That voice too, was hers. “Baby?” Y/N unconsciously blurted, something about her tone wasn’t hers though. Peter’s eyes widen in disbelief. “What did you just say?” He muttered to himself. “Peter, is everything okay?” Y/N switched back as one eye was closed, rubbing the side of her head that ached even more by the second.
“N-nothing... I finished up and wanted to check on you. You were out for some time already.” He explained half truthfully. “I see, and the rest?” Y/N controlled her breathing through her headache as she tried to carry a conversation. “About 7 more minutes.” He checked the clock that was hanging from the wall behind him. “7 minutes for what?” The question made him spin his head back toward the girl in front of him in a flash. “I have a headache... did we drink or something?” Y/N lightly joked until she raised a brow at the flabbergasted Spider-Man. “What’s wrong, baby?” She removed her hand from her temple and placed it onto his own.
With that, he lost control of himself and cupped the back of her head with hs left hand, pulling her in for a passionate and longing kiss. “Mm-“ Peter kissed Y/N accordingly, making sure he felt every centimeter of her soft lips that tasted a familiar vanilla. She went along with it which lasted for a solid 1 minute. Both pulled back for cold air while their foreheads connected. Panting, they focused on the feel of their bodies shvivering with unsure emotion. Y/N stuttered. “U-uhm, Peter-“ Y/N gulped. “You’re a-a uh, little close.” Peter quickly collected himself and backed off until the door opened. “Hey, we’re ready.” Ned came in as the two faced him. “Are you okay now, Y/NN?” Ned walked up to her, helping her stand. “It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, I’m fine.” Y/N reassured as Peter coughed to grab their attention. “We should probably get going then.” He suggested as the two nodded and followed behind him to the lab.
Y/N kept quiet about how her lips tasted of someone else’s saliva. She didn’t understand why it tasted that way to begin with but she had other things to worry about. The upcoming battle. “We’re ready!” Ned yelled as everyone was pacing around the room to finish last minute errands. “Y/NN, you okay?” MJ asked as she cupped her cheeks tightly like a concerned big sister. “Yea, you have the box?” She asked as MJ left her cheeks a pink shade and grabbed the box beside her on the counter.
All Peters explained to each other how the devices work and a rundown of who was going to do what once it begins. “MJ,” Peter one called out for her as they moved to the side of the room to have a short chat. They seemed to be having an intimate moment while Ned and Peter two were talking about his best friend who he had to kill. Ned couldn’t help but run over to his Peter. Interrupting his sweet talk with MJ for a bear hug, he cried out about how he wouldn’t kill him. Peter three had his eyes glued with Y/N, walking up to her. “You’re going to do amazing.” She comforted him.
“You think so?” He needed the reassurance and the only person who can fill that void was her. “I believe so,” she smiled and cupped his cheek. There it was yet again, another spark. “Do you feel it?” He finally asked in a mutter, catching her off guard. “You feel it too?” Her voice hitched. He smiled and cupped her cheeks as well. “I promise to come back.” Something about that promise seemed as if she heard that before, from the same exact voice. Her heart was beating so fast, she could almost hear it fall out of her ears.
“Alright, guys! Let’s get this show on the road.” Peter one shouted who had a crying Ned clinging onto him.
“Do you really promise?” That was the first time Y/N had ever questioned Peter’s promises and all he could do was move the strand of hair that fell in front of her behind her ear and kissed the top of her forehead. “Trust me, baby.” Peter immediately ran off into the open portal, following the two other Peters from behind. Peter glanced at his baffled soulmate once more before turning back around to hide his smirk.
Who knows what Y/N was feeling. A Peter Parker from a different universe is supposedly her boyfriend. She also carried memories that weren’t hers but were coming from a different her. Of course even with words to explain, it still didn’t make any sense. That was the least of her worries though. Her headache, familiar memories, and anxiety were the last things she was concerned about. Her only focus was her Peter. He had to come back to her safely, he promised.
“Oh Peter...”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A/N: ANNNND- that concludes this part of Universal Ties <3 what do you think of it? It’s currently 2:44am and I have work soon. I could’ve pushed back my editing time to later but I was determined!!! Would you like a part two??? <3
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little-diable · 3 years
Stitches in the dark - Spencer Reid (smut)
Written for @band--psycho 2k challenge, I love you and I'm so proud of you Tash! My word was "stitches" - I didn't highlight it in the text, since its pretty obvious. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Spencer and the reader are spending the night together at the annual FBI ball, but when his suit jacket rips he needs the reader to stitch it back together. Who would have thought that it would only take a needle and some threat to push the two into the right direction?
Warnings: 18+, sex, sex in a public place, mixed with some fluff, mentions a needle (for sewing)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader (1.5k)
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(Y/n) couldn’t help but frown at her reflection, tugging on the black dress Emily had forced her to wear, making her feel like a puppet stuck in layers of fabric. She looked beautiful, though just the thought of having to spend the following hours squeezed into a ballroom with people she didn’t even know the names of didn’t sit right with her.
But time was running short, she didn’t have a chance to back out, head whipping towards her front door. Spencer was pacing in front of it, knocking on the heavy wood again and again, till (y/n) finally ripped it open, staring at his tall frame. He was dressed in a black suit, looking as handsome as one could be.
“Hey,” (y/n) forced her gaze to meet his eyes, smiling at a gasping Spencer. He felt his lungs burning, struggling to keep on breathing, he had never seen her in a dress before, could only imagine what was lying beneath the heavy fabric.
“You look gorgeous.” Spencer cleared his throat, waiting for her to lock the door before she followed him to the car.
Both weren’t big fans of events and crowded places, but neither wanted to miss the annual FBI ball and since they didn’t have any dates they simply decided to go together, hoping that time would pass by quickly enough. Spencer opened the car door for (y/n), patiently helping her with her dress, chuckling at the struggling woman.
The air crackled, both couldn’t help but stare at one another, stealing glances whenever the car would take another turn, driving them through the city, towards the big hall. (Y/n) tapped her feet against the carpet, tightly gripping her dress to find anything to hold onto, wondering if he could tell how nervous she felt.
Not once had they spoken about their feelings for one another, too focused on their work, on the cases that kept them going. Spencer had always struggled with analyzing his own feelings, so it had been no surprise to the rest of the team that he couldn’t understand that (y/n) was clearly crushing on him.
“Just tell me when you want to leave,” Spencer murmured as the car came to a halt, waiting for them to step out before driving off into the night, leaving the two behind. Instinctively (y/n) grasped his hand in hers, tugging him close to stabilise her trembling frame - at least that’s what she told herself.
(Y/n) could barely take in her surroundings, trying to keep her breathing steady as Spencer pulled her towards the crowd, finding the rest of their team. With her heart racing on her tongue, she greeted her friends, not letting go of his warmth, the arm that found its way around her waist.
“Do you want to dance?” His breath tickled her neck, waiting for her to make up her mind, head slightly nodding yes, following Spencer to the dance floor. (Y/n) was thankful for the silence that lingered between them, giving her a few moments to make up her mind, sorting through her thoughts as they began to sway to the music.
The calming piano music wrapped itself around them, keeping them safe and shielded from the other couples. Spencer couldn’t help but wonder if she could hear his heartbeat, the strong muscles that pulsed in his chest. He felt like a young boy, the Spencer that had just been asked to join the team years ago, not used to chasing criminals all around the country.
But nothing would ever give him an adrenaline rush like this, keeping (y/n) close while they got lost in the calmness of the night. Both hearts ached as the song ended, forcing them apart, ushering the couple back to their smiling friends. None of them dared to speak their mind, very well knowing how Spencer and (y/n) struggled with the growing tension between them.
(Y/n) watched Spencer follow Derek to the bar, shooting Emily a warning glance, keeping her in line, at least for the night. She didn’t have any time to find a new topic to discuss with the team, Derek’s voice rang through the ballroom, calling for (y/n).
Both men were standing near the bar, fiddling around with Spencer’s suit jacket, trying to keep the ripped open fabric pieced together. (Y/n) couldn’t stop her chuckles from bubbling out of her, watching the two with twinkling eyes, waiting for them to tell her what to do.
“You can sew, right?” With her tongue pressed against her teeth, she grasped Spencer’s hand, pulling him towards the bathrooms, making their way into one of the stalls. She placed her purse down on the sink, combing through her stuff till she found her small emergency bag, pulling out a needle and some black thread. Spencer had sat down on the toilet seat, watching her with wide eyes.
“Give me your jacket.” (Y/n) didn’t think twice before placing herself in his lap, trying to make herself comfortable as she began stitching the fabric together. She felt his eyes on her back, not noticing how Spencer slowly moved his hands closer to her waist. His instincts seemed to guide him, taking over his system to push him in the right direction.
Spencer felt like he was on drugs, high and confused, out of place. His body worked without asking his mind for permission, lips meeting her neck, kissing her soft skin. (Y/n) froze in her movements, holding her breath. Was Spencer Reid kissing her? The Spencer Reid she had been dreaming of for years?
“Spencer,” his name fell from her lips, filling the small space. She dropped his jacket, turning her head towards him. Before another word could leave either one of them, their lips met, swallowing down their moans. Her hands got lost in his brown hair, holding him close as their tongues moved in sync.
“(Y/n), I-.” He didn’t know what to say, wanted to beg her to let him touch her. But the hands that tugged on his dress shirt, seemed to push him back into his mindset, guided by his emotions. She struggled to undo his shirt, so her hands moved lower, turning towards the zip of his trousers.
“Here?” His raspy voice rang in her ears, body turning so that she was straddling him. The “yes” she moaned against his lips vibrated on his skin, tingling in every cell of his body. (Y/n) managed to pull his trousers down, cock springing free. Her hands grasped him, no longer feeling nervous, instincts telling her what to do.
Spencer’s head rolled back, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed down another groan. (Y/n) couldn’t rip her eyes off him, he looked handsome, the darkness that engulfed them still allowed her to admire his lust drunken features. He moved his hands up her thighs, pushing her dress up to her waist, tugging her panties aside to touch her.
Both moved as if they had done this numerous times before, taking care of one another as their heart’s begged them to keep on exploring. His name bled from her lips, eyes fluttering shut, enjoying the feeling of his cold hands toying with her pulsing clit.
“I need to feel you.” Their mouths met, lips parted to allow their shaky breaths to fill the small room. With Spencer’s help (y/n) shuffled herself even closer, staring at him with excitement laced in her gaze.
“Do you have a-” he reached for his wallet, pulling out the small foil packet. (Y/n) ripped it out of his hand, opening it with her teeth before rolling it down his length. The moment she sank down on his cock, (y/n) felt burning flames of pleasure taking over her system, for a second her eyes snapped to her arms, wondering if she was truly burning alive.
Spencer had inflamed something deep inside of her, burning her system to the ground as he took over. Their hips met over and over again, skin slapping as she rode him with his hands placed on her behind. Both felt like they were drowning, holding one another down as the air around them got thinner.
“You take me so well, so tight, fuck.” Spencer murmured against her lips, feeling his own orgasm creeping closer, no longer could he control his movements, mind set on making her cum. “See how you’re squeezing me, you need me, don’t you?”
(Y/n) cried out, head buried in the crook of his neck. Her thighs trembled, she no longer could hold herself up, would let go any second now. Spencer moved his hand to her chin, tugging on her skin, forcing her eyes to meet his.
“Look at me when you cum.” His voice dropped lower, no longer the genius that was scared of messing things up with (y/n), but the man that fucked her raw.
She cried and cried, walls fluttering as her orgasm clashed through her like a tsunami, ripping her open from inside out. Spencer’s orgasm followed shortly after, cum filling the condom, holding her down against his hips.
Their heavy pants filled the bathroom, eyes closed, enjoying the bliss that flickered inside of them. (Y/n) pulled him in for another kiss, silently thanking him for touching her how she had always dreamt of.
What had started with a few stitches in the dark had turned into something so raw and passionate that both couldn’t help but thank their lucky stars for luring them out of their houses.
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