#but you are entitled to your opinions and feelings ig
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mioakem · 2 months ago
going over this vid
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he finally apologized for the r-slur after days of backlash for it, gotta give at least a little bit of props for that ig. personally i’m not in a place to accept that apology so everyone who was affected by that is entitled to their own decision
he starts off by talking about the pedo jokes, which, honestly, yeah he has a right to be mad about that, not gonna sugar coat it it’s not okay to make those jokes about anyone. but he also keeps on using clips of tubbo saying “tommy’s best friend” when tubbo has repeatedly asked to be seen as his own person in this situation
then my least favorite part of the video, talking about the misogyny. funnily enough, he completely skips past the part where Tommy talks about Caiti and how horribly dream and is friends treated her and handled that situation. Yes dream, there is proof of your misogyny, it’s all over the internet, everyone saw it last year. dream is misogynistic and that is simply a fact based on the way the George situation was handled
he then brings up how tommy interviewed sapnap and tried to interview george, saying that his hatred towards them is disingenuous. gonna give my own opinion here but im pretty sure tommy was not trying to be friendly with them and was actually looking to make fun of them, just a thought
again brings up logan paul, we went over this months ago don’t need to talk more about it but apparently that’s all dream can talk abt
brings up old clips of tommy praising dream, honestly just a dickhead move because those are all from years ago. like woah the kid who used to look up to you so much hates you now as an adult what were you trying to achieve with that?
talks about tommy’s merch company, don’t know about this situation so i won’t talk about it but ill look more into it. plugs his own merch
makes fun of tommy for saying he harassed Sarah, saying that he’s being ridiculous and he only sent paragraphs of messages criticizing her son. brings up how tommy mad fun of dreams stutter and how that was what the message was about
again, here’s where i take big issue, says he didn’t treat tommy like a kid but rather as an equal. never ever should you listen to a kid when they tell you to treat them like an adult. you are the adult here, he was the kid, he wasn’t one of your twenty year old friends, he was 16. speaking from my own personal experiences with having older friends, I would never want them to treat me as equal, as i am 16 years old and they are 21. it’s ok to be friends with someone younger than you but you have to acknowledge that they’re not adults and you can’t treat them as such, even if they want you to, you never know if they’ll regret it once they’re older
finishes it off by saying that he wants tommy to delete every video with him in it if he’s so mad at him
my thoughts:
i think he’s being reasonable about the pedo jokes but that’s about it. there are other categories that fall under maybe reasonable like the merch company thing, but you also have to recognize that tommy does not run these companies, he’s not the one controlling it. i think the old clips was just scummy, again, it’s just showing that he used to look up to you but now that he’s older he hates you, what is that meant to prove? i think he also needs to stop talking about the Sarah thing. it made her uncomfortable, it made her feel bad, it was an attack at her and tommy’s relationship, and dream owes an apology. it was weird and he shouldn’t have gone and messaged tommy’s mother, but he still refuses to acknowledge that.
though the video has a few reasonable points, i feel like it really just falls through with the misogyny point. george gropped Caiti and dream helped cover it up and run Caiti off the internet, thats why he called him misogynistic, because you only participate in behavior like that if you have a hatred towards women and girls.
also, ludwig went live mere hours ago talking abt how dream called his friend a whore and then confused her with another girl he also called a whore. how much girls must you call whores to the point where you start to confuse them?
those are my thoughts, again, maybe just watch the video yourself because i’m sure my commentary contains bias. fuck dream and have a lovely night ❤️
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layanomaly · 5 months ago
i know we're all entitled to our opinions about the finale and i do respect that really
but if youre someone who says that it was "lazy writing".....you can respectfully get tf out- literally- THERES THE DOOR BITCH😭👉🏻🚪
jkjk ahaha....
but fr tho i honestly think the finale was less of a "lazy writing" and more of a "OMG THERES SO MUCH TO WRITE AND WE DK WHAT TO INCLUDE" mess up-
i hope you guys get what im trying to sayy???
cuz even in that one wrap interview with jac.....she did say they discussed about the agathario flashbacks- “They met over corpses”??? “Then the room took it in a direction that then they lived in a cottage”???? “We talked at length about it, to the point of, is Rio Nicky’s father?”??? so its not like they didnt......but it was in a way important for the plot (and ill tell you how) for them to give more preference to nicky/agathas story it was to show why agatha did what she did for billy (AND NO SHE DIDNT KISS RIO FOR BILLY SHE KISSED RIO FOR HERSELF BECAUSE THAT HOW SHE WANTED TO LEAVE THIS WORLD.....TO BE IN THE EMBRACE OF SOMEONE SHE LOVES-......SHE DIDNT NEED TO KISS HER TO SIPHON HER POWERS BUT SHE STILL DID SO DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT OMG) ......and yes it wasnt a "sacrifice"....more of a "calculated risk" but we all know agatha did care about billy the key factor tho here was to show WHY she cared for him which was cuz of nicky so before any of you say "UGH THE WHOLE POINT OF AAA WAS TO ELEVATE BILLYS CHARACTER" dont- and also did we watch the same show??? i get being upset about being robbed of agathario....believe me i am too but if you try to look at it from a "positive" aspect.......that is in a way how marvel works.......we got introduced to billy the same way agatha and monica were introduced to us in wandavision albeit billy did get more screen time- and if youve read the comics youd know how important his character goes on to become so ig i do feel like the screen time was well deserved???.....although i still do think we needed more context on agathas story but hey like i said there was so much they wanted to include in the story but not enough time..... and im not a huge fan of his character so this isnt even me defending billy....rather its just me trying to be reasonable
plus i do think theyve left a good amount of loose threads to hopefully work with for a season 2 or a lady death spin off????
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personasintro · 8 months ago
Hi, its me the yapper!! Once again!! 👋👋
I just wanted to clarify something that both you and other commenters seem to have gotten wrong; Whatever I said was incase of the scenario that you’re not feeling the story like you used to, so writing it has taken longer bcs you do not enjoy it as much but you still want to appease the reader. Hence the unwanted suggestions I made.
In my point of view, it seemed that way so I thought it was inevitable that you one day drop the fic because yes we’re getting older and busier and we drift away from things we loved. Thats why I said “is it really that serious?” because you obviously seem willing to keep writing but the wait has gotten so long that it looks like you’re doing it out of obligation(?!).
Looks like I misjudged and I apologise if thats not the case. But it came out of genuine curiosity because I just cant comprehend such long wait. Thats a me problem ig🤷‍♀️
So what I got out of your response is that yes we might/will see the end of mh in like 1-2 years? (more or less)I get that I sound bitter but I promise I am NOT lmao its pure curiosity I promise!!!
Ps to people who said that that was uncalled for or that its serious to me otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered; As I said I am an avid reader of mh so after a reread I thought I could share my thoughts? Like its genuinely not that serious even to me, I didn’t think twice before sending the ask I did it just because the thought crossed my mind. And l believe the whole waiting thing is a fact, so people’s opinions on it are very much called for?
Is it any of our business how long mimi takes to write? No🙂‍↔️. Are we as readers entitled to an opinion as long as we’re respectful? I’d like to think yes🙂‍↕️
Anywayss have a good one yall
i understood what you meant in your previous ask. and i still stand by what i said many times before – i do not hold here anyone against their will and if anyone feels like they're getting older and lose an interest in any of my stories, that's okay and it's their decision to make. i can't be responsible for everyone's feelings of how they feel about this exact situation. that's beyond my control and you're all free to feel however you want. i do wish people would be more understanding and respectful and that's why i said that no one knows what someone goes through. just because i'm no longer totally open about what's going on in my life, doesn't mean i don't care about my stories.
i'm not writing out of obligation. sure, i do feel a certain responsibility to make mh my priority even more than ever, but it's not an obligation. and i wouldn't just drop the story. i said this too, i'll finish this story whether it's for myself or for everyone else as well.
i said this many times before too – i'm in a position where i write whenever i can and want. i do not have any schedule, actually i never had one – but readers were used to more frequent updates and now, of course it's harder to get used to less frequent updates. but that's just life. i apologized when i never had to. my plans was always to finish mh asap (still is) but sometimes things don't go as planned and there are things i don't even have control of.
i respect your opinion and i'm merely explaining myself on this, hope it can be taken with respect and understanding as well!
have a good day everyone ☀️
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
How does it feel to be wrong on how huskerdust is “toxic” now that the show is out 😂😂😂
Hi Anon! Firstly, I’ve decided to move away from Viv and her toxic fandom so apologies if this response is late. I must say it is interesting that you’ve lurked so long to do this, and anonymously too.
Angel sexually harasses Husk. Husk sung a song that compares his situation (involving no SA from Alastor) to Angels and calls him a loser and whiny bitch. That’s pretty invalidating to one’s experiences as well as making it all about himself because he’s miserable and unable to deal with it healthily outside of alcohol.
Before you tell me that I’m “misunderstanding” the lyrics like a great deal of rabid fans, let’s just say personal experience gives me great insight to how nasty this comes across. Not to mention no actual build up for the relationship, the points I made about Pilot and IG, etc etc.
I don’t know if you’re one of HunterGirl’s little groupies, if you are, don’t you find it unprofessional that staff allow such toxicity within their fans? Rhetorical. Regardless, it is toxic. It’s poorly written. And that extends to the entirety of Hazbin, Helluva, and Spindle itself plus its community.
So briefly, I was never wrong about the toxicity. If you feel differently, that’s your opinion. But to lurk until this moment to strike, anonymously, is intriguing. Especially since this blog is hardly used.
Regardless, you’re fully entitled to your opinions and feelings, as am I. You’re free to enjoy the show, and hopefully you are enjoying the show. I hope it lives up to your expectations. I hope you have fun. And I do encourage healthier behaviours. We’re polarised. Why should you care about what I have to say - even with personal experiences - if you disagree and wish to indulge? Enjoy yourself and your life. Continue to hold your opinion. I won’t change your mind and you won’t change mine. Maybe this is to “rub it in” but I don’t take it as such. I do recommend a better focus. One that is healthier to you. I’ve drowned in enough of the vitriol Viv and her influence rot. It serves my health no good and she’ll reap as we all do. I suggest you do the same. If you enjoy it, and don’t find it toxic, then relish as long as you don’t behave like a prick. To me, it’s toxic, so I embrace healthier habits. I live my life.
I know this is a massive tangent, but what I’m trying to get across - outside of the question itself - is better influence. The least I can do is present to you good self care. If you enjoy it, enjoy it and stick with those who do. For myself and others who’ve been through trauma, that episode was extremely distasteful (though some felt seen and I will not take from that). So… I simply keep a healthy distance from her shit now. I’ve seen the fandom be the most vile, subtly enticed by the staff. The least I can do is encourage better habits to counter how despicable people have been encouraged to act.
TLDR; I disagree, agree to disagree, please don’t pick up toxicity from the fandom. None of this is sarcasm.
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lukeynewtssimp · 2 months ago
I feel very differently than you all but it’s no specific to A. To me, it is superficial to sell what you look like. And that’s very different from Luke who wants to be an actor. A is an IG model that’s yucky IMO. If my two kids become that I will be devastated. That being said I’m sure you can still be a fine person but if that’s your ambition it’s side eye from me
Idk where the idea that she’s an IG model came from but she’s actually a dancer. Yes she’s done a few modelling jobs here and there with different brands. But I don’t think that’s her main thing. At the end of the day there is nothing wrong with finding ways to make some extra money. And even if she was an IG model, why would that be yucky? You are entitled to your opinion of course but it is unfortunate that so many women feel entitled to tell other women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
I even saw a post once made by one of the crazy lukolas saying that if Antonia was truly Luke’s gf, then she wouldn’t need to be doing such a humiliating job. I do not even know where to begin to unpack that statement as there is so much wrong with it. But I’ll just say that this take is very misogynistic and Luke should and would never have any authority over what any woman in his life chooses to do with her own body. He supports women and their autonomy.
Look, I admit I am not a fan of Antonia’s but that is literally just because I know nothing about her beyond the superficial things but I do feel that it’s important to defend other women when comments like this are being made.
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karenandhenwilson · 5 months ago
Emotions are running high right now. We are all horribly hurt. And every single person is entitled to those emotions. But I have some thoughts about Oliver not many people right in this moment might agree with. I still want to share it and maybe some people might be able to take in a different perspective in a couple of days or a couple of weeks when the pain is less present.
I think what Oliver really has been saying in his interviews without being able to outright say it is that he doesn't want any kind of romantic relationship for Buck at all anymore. But he still wants to remind the GA regularly that this character is bisexual, and they'll only remember that if he is shown casually dating men and women.
There are two reasons that led me to this thought.
First, Oliver said earlier this year he was tired of Buck going from one relationship to another. He alluded several times that he hoped this might be a permanent relationship. (Comparing it to Tarlos? What else is that?) I think he also mentioned that he is tired/bored of playing Buck going from one relationship to another. And up until these latest interviews he has always been very careful and supportive in his words. Have you all already forgotten how he shut down that narrative in the live interview this week about having to change his roles for Buck? Despite celebrating him for it?
Second, Oliver has seen and experienced by himself how everyone playing a LI for Buck or Eddie is treated. It reached a new and horrible low with Lou. (What are the chances those horrible CSA fics didn't reach the crew?) I think everyone on set is aware that with the next actor, it might become even worse, and we know they're all hit by it. We've seen Oliver being fed up by it lately. (Him calling out that fanart blog the other week?) I can understand that Oliver doesn't want that anymore, either for himself and the other mains on the cast or for new actors coming in.
Was his choice of words maybe a little ill-considered? Yeah.
But I don't even trust the reporters not to deliberately twist his words or leave out things he said. (Because they're all following the Buddie narrative. We know that.) And I think all the actors, including Oliver and Lou, are restricted in what they can say by their contracts. We have also seen Oliver getting increasingly frustrated, and we've seen both Oliver and Lou retreat in different ways from the public over the past months.
Oliver is only human and not perfect and we knew that before this week. There have been people in this fandom reminding us of that fact every so often, reminding us not to put him on a pedestal. So I find it really hypocritical for some people to now turn around and take the most bad-faith interpretation of his words as gospel. But I guess, in the end, all of fandom is the same and there really isn't much difference between different groups.
And I'm not saying I can't understand why other queer, especially bisexual, people are hurt by those words. What I don't understand is that one badly worded idea* suddenly negates all the careful support Oliver has shown, up until the live interview earlier this week I mentioned above. What I don't understand is that suddenly Oliver gets messages starting with "I know you're just a straight guy" when we have no idea at all if that's true. (Are we really going to the place of "you have to out yourself for your support or opinion to be valid"? Does it always have to be the same? Aren't we ever learning?) (And I feel, for this very reason, I have to point out here that I identified from my early teens on as bisexual, and only changed that a couple of years ago to demi/pan after I went on a research bing about asexuality while trying to help my sister figure herself out. So, yes, if only bisexual people are allowed to have an opinion about biphobia, I very much still count myself under the bisexual umbrella.)
I personally don't give a fuck about the "if" in Oliver's statement on IG he shared for a while. If Oliver has learned one thing from this fandom, it is that no matter what he says, it will be misconstrued and misinterpreted. So I don't fault him if he doesn't give a fuck anymore and doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about every single word in any of his statements, because, in the end, that's wasted time. (I honestly think it's a strange culture we live in to give single words or phrases so much weight instead of looking at the whole picture.)
*I'd like you all to take a look at Buck's character over all eight seasons and then think about what Oliver said again. We met Buck as this guy who went out seeking sex regularly and not always in a healthy way. He only stopped that after a traumatic event (of course, Dr. Wells is never interpreted as such on the show). But he returned to seeking out sex as comfort after he accepted that Abby wouldn't come back. I think we can assume that he did so after other relationships, too, because Eddie was surprised that Buck didn't take the numbers of those women in the Bachelor scene, but that's an interpretation of course.
It's absolutely in character for Buck to seek out sexual relationships without attachment even if he has shown a desire for attachment. That's been there from day one. I find it pretty insane to call that characterization biphobic now when it has been there from long before it was even discussed to have Buck discover he is bi. (Okay, yes, I know people have been looking down at him for that all along, and there is this narrative in the show and in fandom that "he got over it". But I think that's a problem of many people viewing casual sex as inherently bad and falling into that mindset without even noticing. That's got nothing to do with biphobia.)
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munson-blurbs · 7 months ago
lol I got called mentally unwell and told to find a therapist bc I very hesitantly said this just slightly sours my view of him a bit. It’s a little sad to see a few blogs I really admired being kinda casually cruel and mocking people who have shared things in a tame and measured way but alas. I’ve unfollowed some people and wanted to recommend any other people in the fandom who feel a similar level of just disappointed to not try and argue or debate with blogs bc you’re not going to change anyone’s take and you’ll just get like kinda callous mocking responses so just control your space and unfollow folks 🩶
I hope your inbox stays tame and thank you for being really thoughtful and empathetic always bug xxxx
He’s a grown man who makes his own choices, and while we can’t change them, we can express disappointment. Honestly, this is probably the best place to do it. We’re not sliding into his DMs or commenting on his IG photos and crossing into that parasocial territory. We’re expressing our opinions on fan blogs—and if he’s on here reading Eddie Munson fanfic, he’s got bigger fish to fry than this relationship.
This should go without saying—and this is not aimed at you, anon; I just figured this is a good place to segue:
Do NOT send either of them DMs or comment on their socials sending hate about this. Do not send death threats. We are entitled to our disappointment but it is wholly unacceptable to express it with violent or hateful rhetoric.
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aydaptic · 1 year ago
Hi there! Just passing by to ramble about how much I love your take on Gavin since he's also my favorite non-playable character in the game.
(Connor is my fave playable character ((predictable, ig?)) and I know [read it somewhere in your post, at least] you're not very fond of him, and that's okay.)
I know Gavin may not be everyone's favorite, but I just love how you see him differently regardless of what people say. I'm always relieved to read all your posts about him because it makes me feel like I'm crazy for even liking him while others are very against him.
I think some people are just conditioned to hate him instantaneously for being antagonistic towards Connor and Hank. And I think he has a good reason for it too. He's not a saint and I guess it's fine to like a character who's a bit cocky and with a lot of flaws.
But you had to admit that despite how seemingly shallow he is in the game, he does show a bit of his character upon extensive scrutiny and that's the beauty of what you're doing. I'll be reading (quietly) more of your opinions about this lovable jerk and I'll be loving every bit of it. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi :)
I'm glad to hear that. The toxicity/vitriol towards Gav has always made me concerned for humanity. It proves that so many ppl are incapable of thinking logically instead of emotionally. Where are their empathy? Likes/dislikes are subjective, but to say he's "nothing but a bad guy" and/or "has no redeemable qualities" are such brain-dead takes.
Despite his unpleasant attitude, Gav has every right to be canonically concerned about androids, and he has every right to believe they're not alive. It's logical. The guy doesn't have the insider knowledge that we, as players, do. Gav's not a psychic.
I love the gameplay of Con -- the detective aspect -- as well as his journey... but his awkward + overtly positive + doormat personality type annoys the shit out of me, lol. I'm Team Gavin Reed™ in disliking Con. Kudos to you for having enough intelligence to put aside your love for him and recognize that Gav has a point.
These are the reasons I've seen ppl hate Gav for:
some are too blinded by their love for Con and/or Hank (as you say)
some are narcissistic enough to feel entitled to their personal favorite characters having more fandom content (...and thus they take it out on fandom favorites)
some feel envious that Gav has the charisma to get away with being a dick (...and they aren't capable of doing the same bc they don't have charisma)
some try to take some BS moral high ground (...and fail)
some see parts of themselves in Gav and thus desperately try to convince others that, "I'm not like him!" (...and funnily enough, every Gav hater I've interacted with has proven themselves to be worse ppl than he is -- so yeah, they're not like him, they're worse)
some ppl are envious that Gav is better/more beloved than them and/or their favorite characters
some ppl hate white ppl (racists)
some ppl hate men (sexists/misandrists)
some ppl ignore the lead writer's statement that "the game is about androids and not race" so they can make it a modern-day political issue, and get brownie points saying stuff like "androids are real-life POCs meaning anyone who dislikes them is racist," bc they can't separate fiction from reality (...and thus they have the brain-dead take that Gav is "racist." I don't like AI such as ChatGPT taking jobs. Does that make me a racist, too?)
some ppl claim to hate Gav just bc it's popular (pack mentality)
some ppl just wanna create drama
some ppl are so starved for attention that they claim to hate him "just bc"
some ppl lack empathy (...and thus they don't understand what losing a job you love is like -- especially to someone who was just programmed to be better than you -- when you worked your ass off for decades getting said job)
some ppl didn't pay attention (...and thus they don't know that Gav had every right to step in both in The Interrogation and Last Chance, Connor bc Con was literally breaking the law)
some ppl see the world as black and white meaning they only think in extremes (...and are incapable of seeing the greys/finding balance)
some ppl are specifically looking to get triggered and thus bring up completely unrelated topics like "misogyny" bc god forbid you like Gav and not North even when they're completely different ppl (...and it's hypocritical that they protect North for hating humans, while at the same time, cursing Gav out for hating androids -- I don't go around with the false claim that, "you're sexist/misandrist for liking North and not Gav" bc I'm not an idiot)
That hatred is all based on emotions instead of rational thought.
"He's a dick!" So is Hank, North, and Con can be. "They have good reasons for it!" So has Gav. These ppl are in no position to decide who's 'the most' affected/traumatized, etc. bc we all react differently. Some are more distraught by their pet dying than a parent. That doesn't make their pain any less real.
Disliking him is fine, but don't give BS moral reasons for doing so. Sometimes we just don't vibe with a person/character and that's perfectly fine. Not vibing with someone, however, isn't hatred. It's apathy. Ppl who are just "meh" about him and don't spout BS excuses are valid.
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3typical3 · 9 months ago
My thoughts on Lore Olympus after a 2 day binge of the whole story
Very new to this fandom and obviously I don’t know the full history of it or of the author, so if you disagree with me feel free to share why, I’m welcome to hearing dif povs. Idk I was a little surprised to see so many antis after going online and seeing what different people thought of the series, majority positive but a lot of dedicated hate pages. This is just some of my thoughts in an unorganized shit post at 1 am so you can like or not like the series at the end of the day it’s rlly not that deep
I just finished Lore Olympus after binging it non stop for two days and I quite honestly loved it, ig what I didn’t know is that there was so many antis lmao. As always with any work there are valid critics. But I’m mainly going to talk abt what are arguments I disagree with. Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I agree with the comments about better size inclusivity and the occasional sloppy / cringe dialogue and the lack of LBTQ+ characters/ poor writing of them.
One main argument I’ve seen people be pressed about that I honestly don’t get is that people are mad that Rachel didn’t follow the exact stories or characterizations of the god based on their original stories in mythology. Honestly I thought it was pretty clear that myths are the main source of inspiration for the characters, Greek mythology and the Greek pantheon as a whole is more a vessel or inspiration from which is used to tell the story through a modernish lens that can resonate more with the audience of today. For example Thor in marvel isn’t Thor in mythology. Same goes for the character Apollo. He SUCKS in LO, but the character of Apollo in PJO is great. You can hate one and love the other because they are separate entities and characters, you can also love Apollo from mythology because guess what he isn’t Apollo from LO. They’re all separate and different characters and you’re welcome to think differently about all of them..
Another argument I’ve seen is cultural appropriation. Quite honestly, and I am not Greek or from Greece, but a. I think that argument is kinda ludicrous and b. Greek culture is no longer defined by myths told over a millennia ago. That’s like saying the culture in Egypt is defined by the pantheon they had over a millennia ago, it’s no all mummies and Pharohs. I get the story has a more western lense and doesn’t use much Greek culture. But idk take PJO as an example of using Greek myths and putting them in a western perspective, like Olympus is on top of the fucking Empire State Building and everything most of the time takes place in the US. Would usage of more Greek culture be enriching in both LO and PHO? Yes. But there are many instance of people taking stories from different cultures, stories that have been around for centuries, and adapting them to tell their own stories and putting their own creative spin to address what ever they want. Because at the end of the fucking day LO is just a webcomic inspired by Greek mythology and its pantheon.
Lastly and I won’t dedicate too much time to this argument because I’m just writing this as my brain goes with it but like why the fuck are people Minthe apologists. Like she’s complex and Hades was not perfect in that relationship either but y’all she verbally berated that man bringing up every insecurity and slapped him, both of them in general brought out the worst in each other, BUT IMAGINE if the roles were reversed. There’s a bunch of context prior to that event where it’s valid for her to be pressed at Hades but that the actions she took are not ok in any circumstances. I get that she was suffering herself and needed help but it’s still not ok to use other people as an outlet for your pain and to then try and Sabotage and destroy their lives post breakup.
At then end of the day you are all entitled to your opinions, I don’t have the inherently “right” one and reminder I read this series in two days so I’m new to the discussions and critics and am open to hearing others thoughts on why they disagree. This is a comic that to my understanding started as Rachel’s passion project and spiraled into something bigger and I honestly think that’s very impressive. There are plenty of critics of it and there always will be of not just LO but any body of work. I think the themes of sexual agency, mental health, navigating new, complicated and changing relationships with yourself, a partner, and your parents were honestly executed well, again nothing is perfect but from an amateur story teller I found it Ernest, human, and relatable.
But yeah this is just my 1 am brain rot thoughts bc LO is all I’ve been thinking about for the past 2-3 days lol. Sound off share your opinions I’m welcome hearing a different perspective as I just joined this fandom.
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aliyahwritings · 5 months ago
Personally, I don't think Chiara is bad, for me her reaction is justified. I mean wouldn't all of you react the same way she is if you got played like that by your situationship/guy you like? And I'm sorry but Y/N kinda is a homewrecker in the story, she's kind of unlikeable. That's just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️
i mean you aren't totally wrong... in her mind, her and rafe were still a thing so she felt betrayed. i get that. i'd feel pretty fkn mad too but mocking yn's ed wasn't the best move—and also calling yn a homewrecker when my girl didn't even know abt chiara's existence is insane.... but u do u ig 🤷‍♀️ u're entitled to ur own opinion after all
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alarrytale · 2 years ago
Can we talk about tzp? I’m glad to have found your blog since you seem to have the same opinions as I do about this situation (as opposed to the Twitter fans who want to force people not to talk about it lol).
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE that he is gay and married for a very long time. I’m so happy for him. His hubby seems like a cool dude too. They are CUTE! That being said, selfishly I wish he’d be more open about it. It bothers me that there’s this elephant in the room now and it’s not being spoken about as if it’s a bad thing! The fans are the worst! A fan met tzp yesterday in London. This fan said he was walking alone with his friend (lol…obv his husband). In the comments someone said “oh how cool! Glad you met him! Was the friend his husband?” And within hours the whole post was deleted. Last weekend he went to Joey Kings wedding with Garrett and a friend of joeys posted a Polaroid of them. Someone reposted it but so many people were commenting “delete this!!” I don’t understand why these fans are intent on keeping this info buried. Instead of just saying “wow that’s great congrats!” and moving on they just want it ignored.
I’m not really sure what my point is with all of this, it just kind of bothers me. Sure he’s entitled to privacy and I imagine he wants to protect his hubby since he’s not a public figure. I respect that. But trying to come off as straight feels a bit problematic. And fans saying he’s been outed is just ridiculous. Apparently he was very out before kissing booth and at that point deleted things and took his ring off. Which makes me sooo sad. But he did post his man several times since then. Just not a whole lot like before. I noticed he hasn’t posted him at all since the movie came out and he’s blown up. It’ll be interesting to see what he does now. He hasn’t deleted him off his ig so that’s good. They did, however, delete the video that people dug up of tay using the husband’s last name. Not sure what to make of that. Anyway I don’t think he needs to do anything or announce anything. But I wish he would post him more!
By the way it seems literally everyone in his professional life knows. First of all G went to London and hung out with T, Nick and some other cast (there was a picture), the director and a couple of the actors follow G, all the the photogs, fashion people who work with tay follow G, etc. So he’s clearly very out. Just not to fans. But I’m not understanding why I guess…
Would love your thoughts on it!
Hi, anon!
Of course we can talk everything tzp! He looked absolutely gorgeous last night! It's not fair, it looks so effortless! Styled by harry lambert too. He's killing it, both him and nick are. I'm so happy for them!
I'm sort of on the fence here. One one hand (what i'd like to believe) is that they're going for a glass closet. It's the perfect example of what a glass closet would look like. He hasn't really commented on his sexuality, but he's not afraid to be himself (manners and all) and have his husband tag along to events and posting him on ig. He just let things be without denying or confirming a thing.
On the other hand, it seems like they are trying (at least some effort) to make him seem straight (or not married to a man at least), deleting the taylor gerson video, taking off his wedding ring and not coming clean after being out for years before. I don't think this will work very well and for long. Fans and the queer community knows. The evidence is there and easy to find. Deleting things off the internet once people know is impossible.
The fans are guarding his closet for him (as we've also seen fans do for h and l - it's annoying as fuck...). It leads to fan policing, lying and the elephant in the room is growing. If his husband comes with him to events and are seen with him by fans, they're clearly not that set on hiding it. If they're pictured publically together fans and uas should be able to share it. Take cues from them, if they wanted to hide they would.
So since i'm not totally sure what they're going for here (closeting or glass closet) and i'm not clear on tzp's ambition, it's hard to have an opinion on why they are doing what they're doing. Other than the obvious reasons celebs are closeted in Hollywood.
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lucyyygg · 1 year ago
Hi. I just want to somehow make catharsis about the whole Chenford break up going on and listen other takes on it.
Maybe Im just a girl going through Mercury Retrograde being delulu not wanting to aknowledge they are over. Having said that:
I just know this is not the end for them. But not for plot reasons that we are all speculating. I mean sure for plot reasons is necesary for Tim to get his shit together before taking the next step with Lucy (Eric said in his interview that Tim loves her and its seen in the lie detector scene and all the Tamara moving out storyline that has been going since last season they are sure heading to moving together). Also sure Lucy has suffered many things and is interesting to see her next steps.
But I just know this is for marketing reasons. They need the show to be renewed for another season and a massive cliffhanger like this one when there's a 3 weeks break between episodes where they know people will be engaged on it is a good way on getting that renewal.
They know people still watching the show because Chenford. They have stated they are endgame. But they are producers and writers and plan things ahead in order to keep the show going. Is just trust the process and the fact that they work on this and know what they are doing. I have seen many shows (most of them from ABC) to know they give the fans what they want bc in the end is a product that is sold and know that not doing something your target audience wants equals not product to be sold.
Also, even though Melissa and Eric had said that there are some things coming on Tim and Lucy on the season finale and blah blah blah. They are putting a lot of effort on the breakup promotionally speaking. The interviews released the second the episode finished, the TikToks from Melissa, the whole ice cream promo with letters to the cast about the breakup and they laughing and making jokes (also like the ig account still saying Chenford stan account) is more clear is about making the people engaged and furthermore, making the network renew the show for season 7. They are actors and know they must keep a good relationship with their fans (I mean if you make something that upset your fans then how would you keep getting called to act if you dont have people watching them for you and other actors can), what Im saying Is they are laughing and all of this because they know how it ends and know they end in a place where fans will love it, if not they are basically bullyng us lol.
So long story short: just keeping my peace of mind knowing it is just marketing. By the interviews we know somehow the season finale lets them in a good place, so if season 7 comes maybe we got time to see them making up with more time and development (things this season had been rushed bc the strike, not only here but in most shows) and if there's not season 7 it will end up with Chenford with a sort of an open finale where all points to them giving it another chance in their inmidate future.
Hope i made myself clear. Just wanted to vent haha. And lets chill and cross fingers for season 7 and an Oscar for Melissa and Eric because that break up was so CHEFF KISS like girlll I have felt that pain too.
Hi! So glad to have you vent in my inbox lol!
I know that this isn't forever and I can see why they did it. I hope more people can also think about that as they calm down and as the rest of the season plays out. I'm seeing a lot of negative opinions right now and everyone is entitled to how they feel but the writers aren't dumb, they know what they're doing.
Something like this happening near the end of the season will bring attention to it and hook people in, since they'll wanna watch to see it resolved. Even though that's not gonna happen til season 7 unfortunately.
Also a lot of people criticizing the writers need to realize that the show isn't for them specifically lol. Not targeting anyone but these are commonly used tropes in tv for a reason, they aren't a personal attack. I can think of 10 ships off the top of my head that this happened to. It's a common thing, getting into a relationship that has been anticipated for so long but life gets in the way, so you need to work it out individually, then together happens a lot. And pretty much all of them come out stronger on the other side.
I'm crossing my fingers for season 7! I'm not really worried about cancelation since its rating are pretty good and it's a big streaming hit, but anything can happen unfortunately. Still, I think we're safe lol.
I still haven't rewatched the breakup scene in full because it HURTS. They both killed it but Melissa's face and inflection on her voice makes me wanna curl up and die its so heart wrenching 😭😭.
Thanks for your ask lol I love big, long rants (that sounds sarcastic but I promise it's not)
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writing-and-rebloging · 2 years ago
Who is your favourite so far in what in hell is bad?
And Opinions and thoughts on the four Kings?
Uh... Hi! And thanks for asking! (did you ask every blog that posts about WHB? It's fun seeing the difference in opinions, tbh) anyway! This isn't going to be short, but I hope it's fun!
Let's see... Out of the Ars' it's probably Eligos, easily. I mean, look at him, he's cute, clingy, wants to be loved, easy to bully. An all around pretty boy. What else can I ask? That he also likes being roughed up? Sitri, Leraye and Bael come as close seconds too
As for the kings... Let's start with Satan!
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Fluffy. Hair. I just love how it makes him looks like a lamb. And I completely agree with what someone said about the contrast between the suits of the nobles and his funky track suit, and the fact that he looks like the most approachable of the kings. He seems to be a more relaxed, easygoing one considering the "drinks with lesser demons" and the few snaps of him and Sitri. I think we will see four distinct sides of him: the respectable, dutiful king; the easygoing dude you can have a tea beer with; the scary, threatening demon who will remind us not to get too cozy and finally, the most intimate, "dude is Depressed" side, the part of him that lashes out to prevent tears, the part of him that can't quite gather the strength to get out of bed, the one that will gather a collective "I can fix him" reaction.
He's capable of blood manipulation, too, which is a very interesting, creativity oriented power and fits his overall theme to a T. AND, he is canonically a switch (likes both giving and receiving spankings)! His bath card, too. He looks really pretty and delicate in that one.
All in all, I love his design, and I think I'm going to like him a lot once the game is published.
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Mammon! Now, I have a few gripes about him. Starting from Obey Me!Mammon, who kinda fits on every other thing I absolutely love to see, minus the financial irresponsibility. So the bar is kinda high, because I keep comparing how much I like OM!Mamms. There's also the fact that Mammon is huge. It's an artist choice, yes, we see that with how narrow Satan's shoulders are in his cards, and the fact that Leviathan should have a more princely figure instead of really really broad shoulders. It makes sense, with Mammon, because he is pure muscle, but it's just not my type in general, and he is specially broad, as seen on his cards, past the point of the usual buff characters I like. So yeah, high expectations + too much muscle is a rough start. And then there's the feet, but I'm pretending I do not see, because that seem like something that will show up a lot.
On a more positive note, I like how they went a different route with him. He's not consumed by the need to have it all, because everything already belongs to him, and he is "generous" and "benevolent" instead, "letting" people have this and that. He could come across as a douchy, entitled ass instead of a dorky, soft idiot, so that's to be seen. Hopefully it's the second 9/10 times. He sounds like a ruthless fighter, too. Not my fav, but I don't hate him either. 7/10 ig? His tits are massive tough, and I love that. Hope he's as dumb as his tits are big.
Oh! I like his design, too. The way he creates gold from his own body, how regal his clothes look, the claws and rings, the gold and black, broken horn, really pretty! And gives a little variety. You can appreciate the twinks better with a massive dude like him around. The mirror selfie is so far my favorite card of his so far.
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Levi time! He's pretty. Really pretty. He looks like a prince, and I dare say he likes degradation. Once again, the Obey Me thoughts stike, but they feel vastly different as well. He's not a shut in otaku, but he is canonically agoraphobic (afraid of open/crowded spaces), and likes shutting himself in his coffin. He has a coffin, too! He sleeps on a coffin! And he likes getting choked of all things! Which, someone pointed out in the whb tags, is actually a risky practice, but it fits him perfectly.
I like Leviathan, probably my favorite king of the four, but I do have to say that his horns remind me of a deer more than a coral reef, and his overall look doesn't help with that. Still, the suits, the dignified demeanor, his gloves... I like the style, and I want to ruin him because of it, which fits with the overall vibe we get of him so far. He wants that. Craves it, even. And I know there's a lot of self hatred (and love, in a twisted way, which someone else kindly pointed out) there to play with. The fact that he has a harem, and probably indulges in it to some degree or the other is fantastic too. And I love me a summoner.
The free (play store) pre register bathroom card is definitely my favorite of his, but the selfie one is also beautiful. I'd say his are the prettiest cards so far, but I'm biased. Hope he has some snake things going on, since the Leviathan was a biblical sea snake/dragon/creature, and envy is often represented by the snake as well. Wouldn't complain if we can call him a doe though.
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Last but not least... Beelzebub.
His purple gems things on his pants need to go. Asap. It's just... No. The shoes are not my cup of tea either, and the pants could use a tear or two on the other leg to balance things out. The rest of Beel is actually really pretty. I like the whole tattoo and piercing thing he seems to have going on, and his horn is a favorite of mine. I love how it's implied that his food is Not Edible by anyone but him, too. It's fun that he's probably a terrible cook, considering the main outlet for gluttony is food.
He is described as "lovely", although he looks more like a little shit (positive) and I can't picture him as someone kind, yet, but definitely someone fun in one way or the other. He seems to be craving the happy chems that traveling give him, and in a loop of tossing things at his brain until one sticks for long enough to stop the Shitty Feeling. He is also the embodiment of gluttony, so it's likely that he never gets enough of it, too, and that he just wants more and more. Seeing different places, meeting new people, trying different things, doing new things, even when everything moves at a neck-break pace that he can't keep up anymore until he burns out, and then rinse and repeat. He and Satan probably struggle with their own heads a lot, too. I don't quite like his fetish, though (ironic, given that Bael has the same and he is in the top 5).
He's... Not my favorite, really, and it probably shows. But he's not terrible, and I appreciate him a little bit more after this. My favorite card of his is probably going to be the one where he has to get a shot. He looks pretty when he cries.
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fabbyf1 · 2 years ago
Okay, Kate here me out. I have seen some takes about Max has a crush on Charles but Charles doesn’t feel the same way and I had to share my two cents. I know no one asked this but I need to speak my peace. Yeah, sure Max will blatantly say how much he likes battling Charles and how he misses last season yada yada yada. It’s obvious he has a crush. But we’d be lying if we said Charles wasn’t crushing back.
I mean, in not so many words Charles talks about how Max motivates him; the whole talk about how seeing Max make it in F1 inspired him too. How he is always rooting for Max. How he makes sure to congratulate him when he wins. How he says his favorite moments on track are with Max. The way he will never forget the inchindent. How he looks at Max. How he wants everyone to know Max is a nice person even if the world may view him as a not so nice person. How he’s happiest when he’s racing Max and standing next to him on the podium. How he could sit or stand listening to the maxplaining for hours. How he literally felt so deeply about Austria 2019 and had to unfollow him on IG (okay maybe this is a stretch but it’s part of my favorite lestappen lore out there). How apart from Pierre who is a childhood friend, Max is the only other person on the grid he talks a lot about.
My point is, yes maybe Max is loud about how he feels about Charles but Charles the ever poised media trained prince may not be as loud but when you look at everything he says and does around Max it’s clear as day he has a crush back. Be it an “admiration for his achievements” or “maybe in another lifetime another timeline I get to call you mine” kind of way. But Charles likes Max and Max likes him back and that’s the way it is and that’s the way it has always been and forever shall be.
*sorry for any typos and incoherent ramblings. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and here is mine which no one asked about. TY”
Also one last thing, isn’t it lovely how everyone wants to see them together from F1 to their own teams?
This was so beautiful and so well said. I'll keep saying it louder for the people in the back: CHARLES IS MAX'S BABY, BUT MAX IS CHARLES' BABY TOO.
They love each other, your honor.
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skaruresonic · 11 months ago
someone on youtube mentioned that they like seeing Sonic discourse because they don't actually have any stake in it, so they're just watching from the sidelines pretty much.
They also said that one of the things they're invested in has a fandom that also loves to discourse, and that people my complain about it but a lot of them actually like to engage in it. I think that may apply to the Sonic fandom at large lmao
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We all have our hobbies, ig. As long as they're not trying to portray themselves as superior for spectating from a distance. IMO, the folks who like to watch on the sidelines while feigning an ironic disaffectation ("why are you arguing over a blue cartoon hedgehog? lol touch grass") are perhaps even more insufferable than discoursers. Because it's like why passing judgment from your high horse, then. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered commenting.
I will admit that, for as much as I like to opine on Sonic discourse, there are some topics that strike me as superfluous. One time there was a big kerfuffle on Twitter about how game purists apparently want Sonic to only be represented by the wind and I went "Nope, not touching that one."
Another time, I saw an enormous thread that began "I don't actually like SA2." I was like "cool story" and went on with my day.
So it's not like I'm incapable of walking away. I'm just opinionated, lol.
They also said that one of the things they're invested in has a fandom that also loves to discourse, and that people my complain about it but a lot of them actually like to engage in it. I think that may apply to the Sonic fandom at large lmao
This phenomenon is not just limited to Sonic fandom. The nature of social media is such that you're at risk of seeing an opinion that you deeply disagree with at any given time.
The thing that gets me in the context of Sonic discourse is the additional dimension of everyone in this Chili's operating from the underlying assumption that Sonic as a series is deficient, to the point where they speak to you as though you believe the same as they do.
It'd be one thing if folks were like "yeah, this is just my opinion," but you rarely find sentiments couched in those terms. It's always with this authoritative tone which does not broker argument, at least not without a whole lot of ad hominem flung your way. The games are inconsistent (read: not worth engaging with) and my claims are self-evident (that's why I'm not pulling up any sources).
And it's not even the inaccuracy that necessarily gets me so much as the confidence with which people insist 2 + 2 = 5. Like, folks balk if you dare say "This is factually wrong," because how dare you say my fanon is less than those inconsistent games? My fanon was supposed to be equal to or better than the games. I cannot be wrong, you're just a canon purist with a huge stick up your ass for something that's not even worth all that much.
I often feel the inaccuracy is a sign of carelessness or disregard toward the games. It's as though you (general you) think so little of them that you can't be bothered to double-check that the things you claim happen in them actually happened. And I'm honestly hard-pressed to find another fandom that treats the source material as this worthless and disposable.
Part of the reason my posts get so ungodly long is I have to take the time to do research. Most of the time I can rely on memory, but in those cases that I can't, I try to Google it. (sidenote but Google images has become such utter trash omfg you can't find anything you need)
You can imagine what it feels like, then, when you go to all that trouble only to have non-fans with a superiority complex tell you you're overthinking it. Or for another fan to act as though your research means nothing and their uncorroborated claims are worth the same as or even more than canon.
In both cases, it stems from an attitude of entitlement. Of taking the games for granted.
Not to be a doomer, of course, but the series' creators are not going to be around forever. Who's going to helm the ship when Sonic approaches its 50th anniversary? What is the franchise going to look like if folks keep revising the past into something it's not?
It's easy to think this stuff is insignificant - and to be fair, most of the time, it isn't that deep. I could be doing more productive things with my time than to painstakingly point out the obvious, but I do it anyway precisely because I care about the series so much. It's worth the same amount of consideration every other fictional franchise with a sizeable fandom has; being based on speedy zoom zoom hedgehogs doesn't negate that inherent worth.
And so, I think, even if my words are not always the softest or kindest, if my attempts to provide a reality check can make someone out there feel a little less crazy, a little less of a wet blanket, a little more grounded amidst the madness, well. My time can't have been wasted.
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yesloulou · 2 years ago
this might be unpopular opinion but i like watermarked gifs. i saw a lot of f1blr started doing it and its always subtle but enough to deter twitter thieves. it might not completely resolve the issue but if they still steal at least youll get indirect credit so theres that ig
hi sweet anon!! ty for caring about this too I feel very happy and warm atm. I’m glad you like watermarked gifs!! I think they have kind of a cool ‘official’ look to them. I can’t explain why I don’t like them tho. Maybe that’ll change but for now i feel like I haven’t seen my gifs on twitter in a while so maybe ricciardosbabe and co. decided to back off. Yayy.
anyways. back when i was watermarking my gifs (that one week) I kinda realized I didn’t reaaally care if ppl knew ‘yesloulou made this gif’. I was more annoyed by the entitlement (of taking other ppls hard work for granted) if that makes sense 😳 but like i can’t really control other ppls actions either soo i just decided i didn’t want to be bothered by it anymore. so that’s kind of how I’m dealing with it rn. I really appreciate your input tho!! I like the idea of getting indirect credit no matter what haha
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