#but yknow what? good for tiago!
skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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2005 United States Grand Prix - aka Tiago Montiero having the best day of his life and everybody else having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
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cottoncandyjester · 2 years
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It’s my 21st birthday today sooo very steamy night with the Latino boys cause I miss those boys
Warning this contains: lots and lots of steamy moments , a lot of incest, polyamorous relationship, car sex at the end
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“Let’s do this shit!” Mateo cheers as he jumped out the car practically foaming at the mouth with excitement as he tried to race into the club only to be stopped by tiago grabbing his arm. “Relax, you know you get lost easily” he said softly as he watched zeke help you out the car.
You were pretty nervous this was the first time you would going drinking with the boys in a public area like this, they were deathly protective of you so you could only imagine all the things that could go wrong. As you worried you felt fluttering kisses along your neck “tranquila mi amor, we’re here to have fun” Zeke whispered lovingly as he held your hand.
While zeke calmed your nerves and Tiago kept mateo on a tight leash to prevent him from going feral dante seemed to be paying the bouncer to let you all skip the incredibly long line. “You bitches better be glad I’m so fucking cool or important or we would be stuck in line forever” he sneers out as he walked into the club.
“That’s the same guy who thought the care bears were scary as a kid” Tiago mumbled out with a roll of his eyes before let mateo go watching as he excitedly rushed into the club most likely to dance. As zeke guided you into the club you noticed how incredibly dark it was only blue and purple neon lights emitting throughout the building.
The dance floor was swarmed with people, the sight seemed to make Tiago nervous but zeke looked like he wanted to desperately join the dancing. Tiago leaned down behind you a hand on your waist “how about we get a drink? Hmm?” He whispers lowly as he took you from zeke who gravitated towards the dance floor most likely to find his brothers and dance with them.
Tiago gently guided you to the bar his tall height making it easy to not get lost from him. He took a seat at the bar and you sat next to him glancing into the crowd trying to spot your other boyfriends, tiago ordered for you he always knew your style of drinks and what you would like. Seeing as tiago was the one driving tonight he simply ordered a club soda, his eyes never leaving you.
“You seem worried about them, it’s okay those three are made for places like this” Tiago said softly leaning forward as he spoke to ensue that you hear him over the loud booming music. You took a sip from your drink your eyes flickering towards him and it was the first time all night you got a good look at him since the others adored stealing your attention away.
Tiago was unbelievably handsome, green eyes that felt like they were glowing in the night his dark raven hair having a messy by styled look to it his bang falling over his left eye giving him an extra sultry look not to mention he wore a black button up shirt with three of the buttons down giving you a peek of his chest. As you kept staring down his body you didn’t notice his grin before he gave you a soft tap on the thigh “it’s not nice to stare” he whispers out before leaning in for a kiss only to hear a loud voice getting closer and closer.
You turned your head to see mateo join you two “hey dance with us! It’s so fun!” He chirped out ignoring the death glare his older brother was giving him, zeke soon joined mateo to encourage you to dance not before ordering a few shots of tequila to down.
“Try not to get into any trouble okay?” Tiago said with a sigh only for mateo to wrap his arms around tiago’s neck lovingly “we won’t but you should dance with us too yknow~” Mateo purred out the scent of alcohol coming from him.
Despite looking totally innocent mateo has been known to sneak in alcohol. Tiago wrapped an arm around mateo giving him a slight glare “please don’t get us kicked out okay?” He said lowly. You felt a blush rush to your face when you saw the two boys share a kiss, even though you four were in a polyamorous relationship seeing the boys kiss each other always made you embarrassed and flustered your four knew it was quite taboo but there was something alluring about it.
Zeke covered your eyes playfully with his hand “we should go they are probably gonna be a while” Zeke said as he watched mateo climb into tiago’s lap to give him more kisses. Zeke pulled you Onto the dance floor quickly taking the lead by holding your waist and pulling your back against his chest, his touch giving you shivers.
Zeke was always the type to be gentle with you guiding your hips to the music as he kissed along your neck. “Quiero hacerte el amor…Estoy loco por ti.” You felt shivers as he whispers sultry phrases in your ear feeling him grind against you. You felt like you could start panting with how flustered he was making you, hands gripping your hips in such a way that it made your head spin even his sweet yet warm scent made you yearn to kiss him.
You turned around yo face him arms around his neck as he hugged you tightly “what’s wrong? You look so flushed..it’s so adorable” Zeke purred out leaning in to kiss you. Kisses from zeke were slow and filled with passion he loved making every kiss feel like it was the last and leaving you wanting more. When he pulled back you almost whimpered wanting more but he jolted feeling someone behind you pressing their chest against your back. You tilted your head back only to see green eyes staring back at you, Dante gave a scoff “leaving me out the fun? Pretty fucking selfish of you both.” He sneers out as he glared at zeke who gave a sly grin in exchange.
“Couldn’t find you, it’s not my fault” Zeke said in an innocent tone that oozed with sarcasm. Dante sucked his teeth with annoyance before grabbing zeke by the back of the head pulling him in for a rough and steamy kiss while you were sandwiched between the boys feeling their bodies against you.
When Dante pulled back he licked blood off his bottom lip seeming to have bitten zeke and gotten bit in return. By now you were shaking, the sexual tension was too much to bare. Zeke noticed your shaking and gave a shaky chuckle still dazed from the rough kiss Dante bestowed onto him
“M-maybe we should go? Hmm? I’m sure there are other guns things we can be doing” Zeke suggested and before you could even answer the two boys were guiding you off the dance floor and back to the bar where mateo sat in tiago’s lap taking a shot.
Tiago’s once neat shirt was wrinkled and it was clear from the bite mark on Mateo’s shoulder that the two got a little heated. The four boys shared a knowing gaze while you looked at them in confusion at the silence.
Tiago patted mateo on the thigh signaling for him to get off which he did with ease. “Time to go it seems” Tiago said softly as he took lead in walking towards the exit. “S-so what are you doing now?” You asked nervously earning a laugh from mateo “something really really fun!” He cheers out.
As you walked outside the bar you were glad to be away from the loud music but the tension was almost too much to take, mateo climbed into the back seat almost eagerly yanking you in to sit next to him. You yelped in surprise as you fell into the car leaning against him as Dante sat on your other side, being stuck in the back with those two made you even more nervous as mateo desperately kissed your neck and shoulder resembling an animal in heat “I barley got to kiss you, it’s unfair” mateo whined out sounding close to tears.
“Pretty fucking rude of you but I’m sure you can make it up to us” Dante said with a sly grin as he started to remove your shirt. As Tiago drove zeke gave an amused sigh from the passenger seat “no fair, being forced to listen to that with no way of pleasing myself” Zeke mumbled out while giving Tiago a mischievous side eye.
Tiago glanced back at zeke before letting out a defeated grunt “you’ll have to do the work by yourself I’m driving” he sneers out ignoring zeke’s excited noises as he started to take off his pants and underwear before unzipping Tiago’s jeans.
You couldn’t help but watch as zeke climbed into the driver seat facing Tiago and burying his face into the male’s neck a muffled moan escaping him as he started to ride tiago who was keeping composure. One hand on zeke’s hips the other steadily driving, zeke glanced up from tiago’s shoulder to gaze at you only to shudder and gasp when Tiago bucked his hips up.
Before you could stare anymore you jolted at the feeling of Dante biting your stomach causing you to look at him as he glared at you “pay fucking attention” he hissed out now as he settled himself between your legs while mateo left marks on your neck.
It was definitely going to be a long ride.
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wavemaker9 · 5 years
Sometimes you remember a term from a physics class and realize it’s a very good symbol for a couple of boys with differing ideas on what friendship is. Takes place after gil finds out toni has trust issues and has the guy brought out to his home so they can beat each other up over it because yknow. Healthy communication methods these boys have.
Title: Beat Frequency Characters: (GTA AU) Antonio, Gilbert, Matt (Mentioned)
There are more comfortable things to be sitting on when your whole body aches as his does, but there’s something about the soreness of bruises and scrapes on the uneven ground that feels very fitting to suffer through in this moment. Not that he would get up right now even if he felt it wasn’t. After all, it’s not the ground below him or the stars above that make him feel most at ease in this moment, but the occasional brush of arm against arm with the man to his side.
“I forgot how bright the stars can be,” Antonio says abruptly. His voice is still quiet, a whisper in the open air, but it pierces the hush like an arrow and almost startles himself with the disturbance of the silence. “I remember it being like this a lot back home.” Because over a decade in Los Santos, and Antonio still struggles to use the title to reference anything but that southern Spanish town. “We lived on the outskirts of town and every night was like this.”
Gilbert says nothing and Antonio turns to look at him. His breathing is steady enough for sleeping, but his eyes are open, awake, staring up at the sky as well. Antonio would have rather found him asleep, given what Gilbert being quiet can only ever mean. It’s understandable, he knows it, and it’s an improvement to the yelling and brawling from earlier. But he knows their fight has done little more than a bandage might do for a severed finger, which is what the Spaniard feels this is. He’s broken a level of trust with Gilbert that he didn’t even fully realize he had to begin with, and his struggles to repair it have largely been for naught; a disappointing but understandable fact that easily justifies the silence, even if it doesn’t make it any easier to hear.
Usually with Gilbert or Francis, Antonio can feel more comfortable in the silence. Long ago there stopped being an expectation with them, that need to keep a conversation going. Given everything, though, Toni feels anxious in those beats of quiet following his words. He wishes he hadn’t spoken up at all; just let the silence carry them further into the night. Unable to change anything about that, though, he tries again, offering, “You never get these views back in the city.” He doesn’t mean for his words to tint towards bitter when he speaks, but he can’t help it whenever he speaks negatively of Los Santos. It’s a poisonous town, and invites poison in every statement made about it.
“But you like it out there more,” Gilbert finally says. He twists slightly. Not completely, but his body tilts on the grass, rocking halfway onto an aching arm so that he can look at Toni more directly, before adding, “or at least refuse to leave.”
Toni frowns, because he knows that Gilbert is no longer talking about just missing the view, and he also knows that Gilbert is not wrong, exactly. For someone who curses the city so often, who refuses to call it his home, he’s certainly made himself comfortable in its depths. “You learn to live with windows as stars when you grow up with the light pollution,” he murmurs, voice quiet enough that the sentence might be mistaken as more for himself than Gilbert.
Gil sighs, a breath that is shorter, but feels long in the delay following it. “That’s an excuse,” he finally states flatly, before twisting around to lay on his back again. “But I guess most of the things you say seem like they are, so.” To his side, Toni lets out a sharp breath, and Gilbert can’t fully decide if it’s the breath of a man laughing or the breath of a man who’s been struck. “Tell me I’m wrong,” he declares, and decidedly keeps his eyes aimed up at the space above them. “Tell me I’m wrong without lying.”
“You aren’t,” Antonio says with a bit of finality. Any denial would just be more of an excuse, and sometimes one just has to accept the person they are; especially now. “I don’t mean to,” he adds after a few seconds, then lets out a chuckle that is much more easily placed as laughter, even if it’s got a sarcastic edge to it. “Though, I guess that’s an excuse, too, huh?”
It’s a rhetorical question, so it’s less concerning when Gilbert says nothing back this time. They both slip back into that low silence. There’s the clicking and chirping of bugs and the two steady rhythms of their breathing, but nothing more. That holds for a while, seconds turning to minutes, and Antonio lets himself lay there, listening. Their breathing isn’t in sync, not like he remembers it being many years ago. He makes a few half attempts to force the two rhythms to fall in line with each other, but the effort of holding or rushing his breath to keep in pace makes him feel like he’s breathing through a thick fog instead, and he eventually lets his breaths fall back into their own natural rhythm.
There’s something unsettling about that, too, though. Now that he’s fully noticed Gilbert’s breathing, there’s a tense sort of unease that it has started to slip into his brain. It takes him a few moments of rolling the feeling around in his head before he can recognize where its origin is likely placed, and he decides to speak up about it, both to cut off the silence once more now that it no longer eases him, as well as hoping that his words might add to the defense he desperately wants Gil to believe of him genuinely liking the other, even if he can’t fully trust him.
“Y’know, I remember doing this in the hospital, too,” Toni declares, and can see Gilbert’s head tilt in his direction out of the corner of his eye.
“Watching the stars?” Gilbert asks. He can figure that’s not the answer, but without a better guess, he at least wants to highlight to the other what a seemingly questionable sentence that’s just been made.
“Listening to you breathe,” Antonio answers back, sounding largely unfazed by the hint of sarcasm. His voice keeps a sort of distant quality to it, as if he were completely back in those moments. As if he were musing aloud to the crickets around them compared to answering the direct question from his friend. “I did that a lot.”
Gil’s quiet for a long beat, before he turns his head back away. “Yeah, the what? Five times you stopped by?” There his words taint with a bitter flavor to them, and he adjusts how he’s laying in the same way one pushes their shoulders back and straightens their posture when taking offense to something.
“It was more than that,” Antonio corrects, this time turning his head over to face Gil a little more. His voice eases back into being present ever so slightly, pulling himself back from the thought to counter the small jab. “I know it wasn’t as much as I should have, but I did make a number of trips.” He sighs, then, letting his focus turn back upwards, and his tone finds a distance again as he recalls, “I’d drape my jacket over the back of the chair before sliding it closer to your bed so I could sit right by you. A lot of the time I’d reach out to take your hand for a while.” His arm twitches, like he wants to reach out and do it now, but he worries Gil wouldn’t let him tonight, so he moves it instead to rest with the other one under his head like a makeshift pillow. “I missed getting to do it so much like when we three first became friends, and they always say that outside stimulation might help in those cases.”
Antonio doesn’t give any space this time for Gilbert to respond or not, carrying on with the same tone of musing about a casual thought he’d had. He imagines it must sound odd, to hear the whole thing talked about so calmly, so simply. He finds it easier to try not submerging himself any further in the thoughts and feelings of back then, though. He liked to linger on a lot of things about the past. Tiago had once joked about him having rose-colored eye contacts, the way he mused about better times so often. This, however, was something he’d rather remember as distantly as he could. “Sometimes I’d try to talk to you… or I’d sing or hum a song I remembered you liking. But sometimes I’d just stay quiet and listen. I’d hear you breathing, and it’d make me feel better because… well, that was better than what the doctors expected you’d be doing after that long. But then I’d think about it, and I’d think, ‘What if this is the last time though? What if this is the last time you hear him breathing? What if he takes his last by the next time you come back? What if you go to sleep and wake up to a world where he’s stopped?’” Antonio releases a worn sigh, and his elbows and shoulders sink slightly, resting further against the grass. But after a beat, he makes a small sound to signify a silver lining of a thought, “I hear you breathing now and it reminds me of that, but it also makes me glad I don’t gotta worry about that no more.”
Antonio finishes to find that Gilbert has turned back to half-face him again, leaning partially onto a side and using his arms to steady his positioning. Gil stares for a long while, not making a sound. But out of the corner of his eye, Toni can see brows tilted in confusion, or even frustration. Words seem to be on the other’s lips, just not fully ready to be said, and so they wait in silence until Gilbert finally speaks up.
“I don’t get it then,” Gilbert finally declares bluntly, and his mouth tilts slightly, pulling a more perplexed frown to his lips. “You say you were so worried, so why didn’t you come more often?”
“Because I was afraid, Gilbert.” It wouldn’t be unjustified to guess at there being a defensive edge on those words, but it’d be a mistake. More than anything, its blunt tone is just matter-of-fact. “I was afraid over you. Because they didn’t have any way to contact me, so I thought the only way I’d know you were dead was going back in. It didn’t work out that way, of course; Francis still knew how to reach me, but- you were Schrodinger's Gilbert as long as I was outside that room, but you might really be gone the next time I stepped in.”
He sighs, long and heavy, and lifts his head so he can lift his hands. They move, pressing palms at his forehead and dragging slightly down his face, holding until they cover his eyes and cheeks and rest right over his mouth. “And because I was afraid for myself, too, if’m honest. Because I was too focused on a million things to focus on the one that meant the most. That should a meant the most. Because I’d just almost lost one of my best friends and because I’d almost gotten hurt myself. Because I was pretty sure someone in my crew was trying to get me killed or fucked over, and I didn’t know who or why. Because I had so much to do to keep what I had built together, to keep my crew in one piece and to keep myself out of the bed next to you.” He moves his hands again, this time parting them slightly and giving another sigh. “Because I thought, like I always do, that what I was doing was for the best in the long run.” His gaze shifts, still staying stationary but adjusting so he’s not really looking at the stars anymore. His vision grows blurry at the change for a moment, before he finally moves his eyes over to Gil, allowing them to find focus again. “I know it’s just more excuses, but those are all the answers I got for you.”
It’s harder in the dark, but those green eyes find Gil’s. Much like Toni recognized the intent to speak, Gil knows here that this is the brunet signifying that he is finished and awaits further judgement as is deemed fit. Gilbert stares back. For a long while, their eyes stay locked, and then Gil turns away first. “Well,” he says, laying onto his back again and declaring dismissively, “you were wrong.”
“So I’ve heard,” Antonio responds back after a second or so.
Gilbert still feels like he doesn’t know his friend as much as he thought he did, but he at least knows the other well enough to pick up on that wording. His arms cross over his chest, interlocking as his eyes glare upwards, even if his head leans over slightly to further direct his words at the other. “You’re wrong a lot,” he states curtly.
There’s a breath-like laugh as Toni, hands still pressed over his eyes, acknowledges to having heard that as well. He could let his arms rest against the ground again, but without being able to see, he assumes Gilbert is giving him a judging look and would rather avoid it for the moment. Still, he doesn’t resist when a hand takes his, pulling it free to grip it in a tight hold for a moment instead. Gilbert is looking down at him again, leaned over to get a better angle at his face. The light from the nearby house lights up his features just enough to highlight the raised eyebrow and slanted half-frown he’s casting down at Toni.
“How’re you one of the smartest guys I know and still so fucking stupid about everything, Toño?” Gil asks, letting his lips slip an inch further into the territory of a frustrated pout.
Toni lets his mouth twitch up into the faintest mimic of a smile, and this time around, he laughs like a hum when he answers. “Hmm, it’s truly a puzzle, ain’t it, Gil?” It’s an effort, even small, to keep his lips even when Gilbert’s hand is pulled away, resting that arm back on its owner’s side. He can tell a part of Gilbert wants to speak further; to ask why he has to be like this. Why he can’t just admit when he’s wrong.
The issue is that Toni still doesn’t fully agree that he is wrong. He can recognize the choices he made weren’t ideal. He can recognize that he made a mistake. He can be sorry for not staying closer to his friend, whether emotionally, physically, or both. But that doesn’t make his priorities wrong. He acted on fear back then, sure, but that is the purpose of fear, after all. Antonio isn’t one to show it often, but he recognizes its usefulness when required. One mustn't let it rule their whole life, let it bring them to complete cowardice in the face of hardship, but fear itself exists to keep people alive in moments of true danger.
His actions have backfired here, driven a rather impressive wedge between himself and one of his very best friends. But everything else he has on this day? He doesn’t consider it wrong to have tried to protect it first. He can agree with Gilbert that friends are important. Even that friends should come first over many things. But there wasn’t much that sitting at Gilbert’s side day in and day out could truly do, and he’d needed to do so much. To keep going, to make sure everything else survived. To make sure that even if he did lose his friend, he’d have something at the end of all this.
If anything, he wants to flip the question back at Gilbert. To question why he can’t consider the idea that maybe he’s the one who’s wrong here. It’s Gilbert who seems to have missed out on the workings of the city they built their names in. Gilbert who seems to have unrealistic expectations about the way the world of Los Santos truly works. After all, Toni would likely be pleased, if the roles had been reversed, to hear that the other two had come seen him frequently in the hospital, but he also wouldn’t have been surprised if they hadn’t much or at all. They were friends, sure, but friendship in Los Santos was a funny thing, and it could mean such varying things to all sorts of people.
And that’s the thing that Antonio finds funniest of all. Again, their ideas on friendship mesh so well in so many ways. He really never had expected the three to get along as well as they did, but below the surface, they have so much in common on their feelings and priorities, that the three actually work quite well together. They feel as if on the same wavelength sometimes, and it’s comforting in the way of finding anyone like yourself in this world can be comforting.
Yet then, you get to that one core difference and it all falls apart. They both still value the others, still value their time shared together, but Toni has never expected kindness from Francis or Gilbert that wasn’t agreed upon with a handshake, not in the way of demanding it when it wasn’t there. They’re so close in ideas, but there’s some path that they seem to have split on down the way that divides them, and despite everything that’s happened, despite Gilbert’s overwhelming anger at him, he’s still not ready to call the road he’s taken the wrong one.
That wavelength has wavered too much. They are turn signals on a set of cars, syncing up for a few seconds before falling out of beat with each other and each following their own pace until all falling into line again. He breathes in, suddenly feeling the cold of the night air in his lungs for the first time since the sun set. It makes sense, Toni thinks, looking up towards Gilbert without truly looking at him, how their breaths sound together. Overlapping, sometimes matching, but never fully in sync.
His hands find the dirt below him and he leans forward, pushing himself into a sitting position that forces Gilbert to lean back into his own spot. Toni takes a beat, a long second with his hands pressed into the grass, before he breathes deep and pushes himself to his feet. He stares up, taking in the sight of the stars for a moment more, before turning his attention back to Gilbert and giving an easy smile. “It’s getting pretty late, doncha think?” He adds the words of a question, but it is a declaration as he brushes his clothes off some. “Still got a long drive to get back to the city.”
There’s a beat as Gilbert stands as well. One where the man could offer Toni stay the night, and they both recognize it. But, given the third person still waiting inside the house for his husband to come join him, they both know that’s not an offer that’s coming.
Antonio reaches forward first, because he knows he should but also because he wants to. His hands grab the sleeves of Gilbert’s shirt as he pulls him into a big hug. “It was good to see you out here. Wish it was under better circumstances, but y’know.” He can already hear in the back of his mind, the response for Toni to be less of a self-centered dick in the future and then it can be better circumstances. So he pushes on, adding, “Next time, just call me out here, yeah?”
Gilbert hugs back, wrapping sore arms around Antonio’s frame. “Next time,” he counters, “just come.”
As Toni pulls away, he raises an eyebrow, turning to glance more pointedly at the house, and Gilbert turns too, quiet for a moment, before looking back. “Call ahead,” Gilbert corrects, and it gets a genuine laugh out of the other.
When the laughter dies down, a slanted grin resting more uncomfortably than it normally does on Toni’s face, he shrugs and nods in acknowledgement, rubbing a hand on his neck but with the air of rubbing out a sore spot from the fight. “Fair enough.” He moves that hand level but forward, resting on a shoulder and squeezing reassuringly. “You’re still good out here?” It feels like such an out of place thing to ask, given the whole evening, but it also feels like it wouldn’t be right not to ask it before parting. It’s less inspired by practice and expectation when his eyes flicker back to the house again, and he adds, “He’s still good to you?”
“More than some people I could mention,” Gilbert answers instantly, and then his face seems to react with slight regret. Not enough to fully feel bad for having the thought, but maybe wishing he hadn’t said it.
Its tone is that of a joke, but there is a bite to those words that screams volumes given its context. It drives a short laugh out of Toni, a sharp sound that echoes in the empty air like a gunshot as his body recoils back half an inch. He hopes it can disguise as leaning back with the laugh. It doesn’t, and Gilbert finally corrects his answer, giving a simple comment on Matt being as wonderful as he always is.
“Good,” Antonio answers, “you deserve that.” He hopes that’s one of the things they can agree on, even if he’s not as confident as he’d like to be on that. “Truly. I know your faith in me is shaken just because I don’t trust you enough, but I do want what’s best for you. You’re my friend, Gilbert. I thought I lost you once. I don’t wanna see you hurt again for trusting the wrong people.”
The starlight catches those eyes as Gil’s gaze locks and holds with Toni’s. “And who’re you thinking are the wrong people here?”
Toni chuckles and lifts a hand, waving off the concern. “I didn’t mean anyone specific,” he tries to reassure, truthfully for once. He doesn’t get along with Matt, he doesn’t particularly care about him outside of small factors that don’t mean much in the grand scheme of things, but Matt seems fine enough anyway. More so, Toni may not trust Gilbert wholly, but he trusts his sense of judgement on this, and if Gilbert is impressed by him, then Toni tries to keep his concern to a minimum. “I’m just sayin’, y’know? Take care of yourself.”
“Well, I know you apparently won’t stick your neck out to do it, so-.” Gilbert mutters it, but he keeps his mouth curled into a smirk so that any insult can be laughed off as teasing.
Sure enough, Toni places a hand over his heart and shoots back, “Ah, one final wound. And here I was thinking our fight was over.” But they both know that’s not the case. Things have fallen into rhythm for now, but they’ll veer and spread out and split again. It so seems to be their nature.
Gilbert gives a reassurance to Toni not to worry about him as they step further from the house. They won’t go all the way down to where the car is waiting, but Gilbert can still walk with him for now. The tone he uses when he speaks implies an understanding that he knows Toni won’t worry, and it’s enough to get Toni to speak up and admit he can’t help but to do it.
“You make it very easy to worry about you, Gil,” Toni tells him, flashing the hint of a smile at the other.
“Because I’m too trusting?”
“Because,” and he pulls Gil into another tight hug, “you are my friend. No matter what you think of me now, please don’t forget that?” He pats Gil’s back a couple times as the pale man grumbles out a pseudo-joking acknowledgement.
Toni pulls away, taking a few steps further down the path. His arm instinctively lifts in a wave when Gilbert does not step with him anymore, staying where he is standing and lifting his own hand to wave back as well. Antonio turns back forward when nothing more is said, heading towards the glow of headlights in the distance. There are still words on his tongue, but he reasons it too late to say anything more. The wavelengths have split, after all, and he figures it will be a while before they can match up again.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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I like this idea so we are gonna play this out
Also could you imagine becoming best friends with venom 👀 Tiago would be PISSED
Warning this contains: heavy yandere behavior! Toxic relationships and hints to abuse (also venom is kinda a dork, we love that)
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You and mateo had to go to the store, mateo really just wanted to grab protein powder. “I’ll be right back okay? I promise!” He cheers out before rushing off, not wanting to leave you alone for long.
You hummed as you pushed the cart wondering what exactly to get, things have been weird at the house lately. Tiago really didn’t want you leaving the house as much anymore. When you did leave you had to be back way too quickly and Tiago would ask what you were doing and where you were.
You ended up spacing out not realizing you bumped into someone, you looked up and saw a male gazing down at you “yknow I usually don’t cuddle with strangers in the produce section, not that kind of guy” he teased out with a smile.
You backed away and laughed “sorry! I guess I just dozed off” you cheered out, you took a good look at the stranger. He had long bright orange hair, tied up in a ponytail. You wouldn’t even realize he was a male from how pretty he looks despite wearing a face mask.
“yeah the mangos seem to have that affect on people, too yummy it just makes you go into a trance” he said with a chuckle. Suddenly you two were talking about fruits and which fruits were most likely to put you in a food coma.
“Hey baby I got the pro-” mateo came rushing back only to stop, face of utter fear and confusion on his face as he stared at you talking with the stranger. Mateo gulped harshly before walking over to you and grabbing your hand now yanking it hard, pulling you close.
“Oh? You know mateo?” The stranger cooed out before watching in confusion as mateo dragged you away with one hand while the other was frantically calling Tiago, if he didn’t tell him and the male found out about it later? Yikes it wouldn’t be good.
By the time you two got back tiago was waiting for you, a stern glare targeted towards you as mateo tried to speak up to defend you “I should have been watching them! I-it’s my fault if I hadn’t have left their side then-” he immediately shut up when Tiago stepped towards him, the youngest brother shaking violently as tears threatened to spill.
“You’re right, if you were watching them none of this would have happened.” Tiago said softly before reaching out petting mateo on the head. Mateo slowly relaxed but instantly regretted it when he felt Tiago grip his curly hair.
“Which is why I’m gonna punish you later, for now. Upstairs.” He hissed out before letting go, mateo gulped and glanced at you apologetically before doing as he was told.
Tiago let out a long sigh “you’re no longer allowed outside unless me or Dante are with you” he said softly trying to keep his anger down, but you just wanted to fight him.
“No way! That’s not fair how was I supposed to know who they were!?” You snapped out, Tiago quickly slammed his hand on the wall looking down at you
“unless you want to be confined inside forever with shackles around your ankles, you’ll do what I say” he growled out before reaching out and cupping your cheek.
“I love you, but I’ll hurt you if it means keeping you safe” he said softly as his hand wrapped around your throat “you don’t exactly need hands or legs in order to be alive and breathing”
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
God the last prompt with tiago was DEVASTATING. can we just get fluffy goofy moments with poly bros and darling? yknow, one who is at least sane enough to not chase venom?
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Yay fluff!
Warning this contains: incest, fluffy good times, random antics
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“Just admit defeat baby, we both know I’m stronger!”
You sat on Mateo’s shoulders playing chicken fight with Dante and zeke in the beach. Zeke grinned widely “I love you and you know I do, but you gotta lose” he cheered out as he made an attempt to push you back.
“Mateo, we gotta win” you whined as you tried to keep balance, your stubbornness making the male nod “mhm! Mhm!” He cheered out sticking his tongue out at Dante who held onto zeke “no way you’re gonna wi-” Dante winced falling back when mateo slammed his forehead against Dante’s the action not only surprising you but him as well.
After a few moments of silence Dante shot up from the water holding his head in pain “cheater! Damn it!” He snapped out to mateo who put you down with an innocent gaze “I tripped, didn’t mean to” he said softly with a bubbly smile.
“Tiago! You saw that?!” Dante snapped at tiago who was reading under an umbrella, he looked up and gave a soft hum “the only rule is to knock your opponent off, mateo did that” he said softly.
Zeke scoffs now scooping mateo up, his eager laughing only causing zeke to smirk “good game!” He cheered out as mateo wrapped his legs around zeke’s waist the two sharing a kiss.
“Incest fueled monsters” Dante grumbled out with a roll of his eyes. “Didn’t you let mateo top you last night?” You added, your comment making Dante tense up “I-it was a bet! I lost a bet” he said softly. “Okay but zeke topped you the night before that” Tiago added out making Dante March out the water “I-I was drunk damnit!”
You all definitely needed this vacation at the beach, renting a beach house for a few days was zeke’s idea and it really helped you all relax and have fun. “Get in the water tiago!” Mateo cheered out. “I’m not getting wet” Tiago said firmly, a remark he shouldn’t have uttered.
“Whoever gets him soaked with water first gets to tell the losers what to do for the rest of the trip” Zeke whispered lowly, a bet you definitely wanted to win for sure. You skipped over to Tiago your presence making him look up at you “Hmm? What’s wrong rosebud? Are you hungry?” He asked out as he closed his book
“Can we cuddle?” You asked out as you held your hands out with a pouty expression, Tiago eyes you up and down you were dripping with water “when you take a shower and get cleaned up, yes” he said softly.
You huffed and made an attempt to hug him only for him to quickly grip your wrists now stopping you from moving closer “nice try, but sorry rosebud..but you’re wet..so no” he said softly before letting you go. He got up from his seat and stretched with a sigh now checking the time.
Mateo was the next to try, a bucket of water in his hands as he rushed up to tiago “ look! Water!” He cheered out before fake tripping only for Tiago to grip the bucket preventing it from spilling and instead pouring it on mateo
“Arghhh! Just come swim with us!” Mateo snapped out with a huff, Tiago gave a small smile “tomorrow, not today” he said softly. “What’s the point of coming if you won’t swim?” You mumbled out
Tiago softly grabbed your hand, pulling you along. You looked back at Dante and zeke who shrugged and followed along, mateo curiously walking behind Dante.
You all ended up at a tide pool, Tiago pointed to the starfish your curiosity peeking as you rushed to go look at it “I was reading up on them, quite pretty..yeah?” He said softly as he kneeled down softly gazing at the starfish and crabs.
“Crabs! Hey hey zeke let’s capture some to eat!” Mateo cheered out with a bright smile. “Bet I can catch more than you” Zeke teased out, the two boys not having a competition to settle. Dante sighs as he kneeled down next to you gazing at the tide pool animals with you “hey, look..” Dante whispers at you softly, both of you gazing at tiago who was smiling.
He looked so..happy. It was definitely a rare sight to see him smile like that “stuff like this, makes me appreciate life more..” Tiago said softly. You reached out and touched tiago’s arm “you’re such a sweetheart!” You cooed out, your comment making him blush as he looked away shyly.
“Thank yo-” he tensed up feeling something wet on his back, now getting soaked with water. he glanced back to see mateo and zeke with water guns now high fiving each other “we win!” Zeke cheered out only to tense up at tiago’s dangerous gaze.
“Oh shit”
“They are so dead..” you and Dante’s soft whispering to each other didn’t make matters better, Tiago stood up “how about we go inside and get cleaned up?” Tiago said lowly with a scowl.
You and Dante ended up sharing a shower together, the moment being quite intimate. You two stepped out, Dante wheezing with laughter at the sight of mateo and zeke covered in hickies and marks.
“Looks like they got punished bad” Dante teased out with a sly smirk. “Argh, why does winning feel so awful?” Zeke whispers out in slight pain as he crashed onto the large bed, a shaky huff escaping him.
“That was a worse workout than anything my coaches give me” mateo mumbled out as he laid on the bed with zeke. You laughed softly before gazing at tiago who glanced your way before giving an innocent and gentle smile…he definitely had fun punishing them.
“We should probably get some rest, we got plans tomorrow yeah?” Dante said as he sat on the bed now running his fingers along Mateo’s curls feeling the male place his head in his lap for more head pats.
“Yeah, thank god we have a bed we can all sleep in together though I feel like I should be allowed to cuddle songbird the most” Zeke chimes out, his remark causing Dante to grab a pillow and hit him in the face
“Like hell you will! It’s clear that I’m laying by them”
“Wrong. I’ll do that” Tiago said lowly, silence filled the room as you suddenly felt all eyes on you.
“Who do you want to cuddle?” Tiago asked out, your response seeming very important.
It was definitely a matter of life or death here, which one was gonna cuddle you to sleep.
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