#but yes this prompt suits her super well thank u!
skinandscales-if · 1 year
‘  some days you will breathe and it will be enough  ’ for skye please? 😊
Atlas | Puck | Reese
“Hey can we step out for a bit?”
When the noise gets to you, Skye is a bit hard to reach. She’s easily distracted, easily occupied, and easily jumping from one activity to the next. But she’s never cruel. You don’t think she ever could be. When you tug at her jacket, pulling yourself close without getting too close, looking around as you hush your words for her and her alone above the crowd, she listens. It just takes a little bravery on your part. And Skye always returns it in kind. She’s quick to attach herself to you, gazing about with wide eyes as she takes in the situation, reading your expression within seconds. You grasp onto her with the same intensity she does you. And when you both leave the cramped space out the back door and into the empty street, it’s harder to break away. 
“Was that too much?” She asks, visibly worried. You answer her with a nod. Your body is still buzzing, nerves shot and ears ringing as you try and collect yourself. It’s hard. There was a little too much of everything and far too little to keep you stable. It’s fine. It really is. But you wish the shadows were a little less long here. As always, Skye notices when the world is calmer.
“Do you want to sit down?” She offers while sliding her hand softly into yours. You appreciate the warmth there. You cast a look around you, frowning at the layer of ice and snow that’s still packed into the corners of buildings. 
“Isn’t it a bit cold?” You half-chuckle. It’s not really there but Skye laughs with you and it makes your own feel real. 
“A little. Come on, I’ll stay close.” The way she says it feels like a promise. You hold on a little tighter and nod, sighing as you sit along the curb with her. She keeps her promise and curls her arm around yours, your hands clasped like a prayer. You two sit like that for a long moment. It’s hard to calm yourself without showing how shaken you are but as you clench your eyes shut and rub at your face, it gradually becomes easier to breathe. It’s like you were snapped back from the cliff edge, barely escaping without a scratch. And you know that if not for your companion, you may not have gotten back in time. 
You gaze over to her, silently watching for the one moment she doesn’t notice you yet. Steam from the cold puffs from her lips, her shoulders scrunched up to protect her ears from the chill but otherwise not doing too much against it. Her leg bounced in a fast rhythm beneath her, a motion you’re used to seeing now dialed up to keep her moving. There’s no doubt in your mind that she’s doing all she can not to speak right now. Maybe that’s why she’s not looking at you now, head turned away and attention occupied somewhere else. For now at least. You also have no doubt that she’s listening to your rapidly calming breathing even now, waiting for any give to tell her to focus back up.
That really is the funniest thing. Skye is probably the most distracted person you’ve ever met, if not in the top five. She’s bouncy, loud, and a little hard to follow when she’s onto something. But she’s predictable now. Her spontaneity matches a rhythm like her leg does. Her chaos follows a trail. And after the time you’ve spent together— you’re pretty familiar with that pattern. It’s like a heartbeat, you think. A little odd to be aware of, but even more comforting when it beats a steady rhythm. You’re quite happy you can beat alongside her.
Woah. When did you start thinking poetic stuff like that?
“You want to go inside yet?” You ask, rubbing a hand at your thigh as you glance around. Skye doesn’t turn to look at you right away, curled hair dancing softly in the cold wind. 
“Some days you will breathe and it will be enough.” 
“Huh?” You blink at her as she slowly turns to look at you. Her tone is a lot softer as she rubs a circle into your arm. The words fit the poeticism you made of the moment but it still felt abrupt. Out of left field would be an understatement. But it resonates more than you give it credit for. Makes the chill disappear entirely, even if it wasn’t quite bothering you before. “Where did that come from?”
She smiles at you and stands, letting go of you onto to offer you a hand to stand back up. 
“Nothin’. Just something my sis used to say.” She smiles. You stare up at her for a moment, stunned into silence as you eye her extended hand and soft, almost knowing smile. Huh. Just when you thought you had her figured out. You smile back and grasp her hand. 
“I like it.”
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
Hi;; I don't know if u write for male readers but can I request a Granger x male reader NSFW?
"A Cosmopolitan, please."
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Granger, You.
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; Hello!! I'm super duper sorry for the long wait, and I'm here to say that I write for any gender perspective! It's not perfect, but I try to be mindful of everyone when there's no gender specifics. So, thank you for clarifying! Also also, the reason I didn't do Third Person Perspective in this, is that I don't like writing Y/n or [Reader] because I think it ruins the immersion as you read.
Want to request? Click here.
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Warning(s); Swearing, Bad Attempt at Writing Flirting Dialogue, Devil's Tango, Semi-Public, Implied Strangers to Lovers, More Plot than Porn, Slightly OOC Characters.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective.
Pronouns used for Reader; 'He', 'Him', etc...
"Granger was never interested in parties, until an annoying someone dragged him into a 'shit hole'."
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"You're no fun, Granger. It's just a regular party. There'll be no fancy suits. Promise!" Alucard wrapped his hand around Granger's shoulder as they strolled around the Tavern. On the way back to Ms. Clara as they were done with running errands for her. Granger wanted to get a good night's sleep, so Alucard's invitation irritated him. "I will not attend a stupid party and waste an opportunity to get some sleep." He replied as they reached Ms. Clara's bartending table. "Welcome back you two! Say, will you attend tonight's party here at the Tavern?" She gleefully asked, much to Granger's annoyance.
The fact that she was in the party as well made him obligated to join. "I will join for sure! Trying to convince this guy to join though." Alucard answered, snapping his fingers and ultimately making Granger push his arm off his shoulders. "You're making my patience thin out. Ms. Clara, please ignore him and lets get this errand done." He whispered to her, she frowned but took the envelope he held out and crouched down— Searching a cabinet that was under the table. While she was doing that, her young apprentice walked over.
That apprentice was you; and you caught Granger's eye— you were holding a knife on one hand and a plate of fruit on the other after all. "Ms. Clara?" She hummed and looked at you. "A customer requested for Commonwealth and I could not do it.." You grinned awkwardly as Clara stood up to look over your shoulder. The customer was waiting patiently, and she recognized them as her most loyal customer— Always ordering the one most difficult drink to do. "Ah, again?" She giggled and took the plate from your hands. "I'll take care of it. Can you find the box labeled Al and Gr on it? After you do, give it to these young men, will you?"
You nodded and moved away to let her walk past you. Then you quickly placed the knife on the plate and waved hello to the two. You started making small talk as you crouched down and searched for the box. Granger was speechless, and Alucard was amused. "You ran an errand for Ms. Clara, huh?" Alucard hummed, confirming your question. "Yep we did, you should have seen Granger. He killed those demons like they were nothing." Granger punched Alucard's stomach as you got up from the cabinet. A smile on your face, maybe it was from hearing about Granger? Or maybe it was just you being nice.
Granger accepted the reasonable latter and took the box from your hands. "Thank you for doing that for her. She's too busy to do her own, sometimes I wonder why the King always assigns her with difficult tasks." You slouched a bit after saying that. Granger felt pity for your worry but didn't say anything. Alucard commented something right after anyway. "We'll accept any errands she needs help with. And about why the King likes assigning her tasks like that. You should see her in the battlefield." A laugh left your lips before you heard someone call for you. "Coming! Thank you again, by the way." With that, you run off towards the back rooms.
Granger let out his breath and jumped when Alucard jumped up from the high chair. "You wanna reconsider? I saw how you looked at him. I can't blame you though, he is your type." Alucard's voice went up a pitch higher, and was sung in a singsong voice. Granger cringed as Alucard's voice broke at the last word. "Shut up. Your voice sounds awful." Granger muttered under his breath. Alucard pretended to get sad and skipped away, sword on his shoulder and whistling playfully. He stopped at the entrance and looked back at Granger. "You're not wasting a good night's sleep, right? What's taking you so long?" Granger looks up from the box and follows him out of the Tavern. Maybe he'll prove Alucard right, just this time.
Hours have passed since Granger last went to the Tavern, and it was nearly midnight. He barely remembered what time the party took place, but seeing the countless colors from the windows; he wasn't late. Nor was he early, since as soon as he opened the door. The place was crowded and a mess. Harley was performing magic tricks on stage, Lesley was watching over him and you— you were somewhere else. That disappointed him. He only attended to see you but-..
A voice from the loudspeaker caught his attention. "Everyone! Please clap your hands for the one and only! Ms. Clara with her signature tricks and magic!" Everyone cheered, gathering around the stage as Granger searched for your purple tie on the stage. He saw you behind the curtains and sneaked past the crowd, towards the small stairs where he quickly climbed up it and called out your name. "Granger? I thought Ms. Clara said you weren't coming." You say upon seeing him.
"I changed my mind. Even though I hate proving Alucard right." He admitted, his heart skipped a beat when he saw your smiling face. The crowd in front cheered for Ms. Clara while you mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What was that?" He asked you to repeat. "Would you like me to make you a drink? It's more quiet there." He thought about your offer, but eventually nodded after a few moments. Seeing your eyes light up made him hide a smile. He followed you on the way to the bartending table and sat down on the high chair. You took a menu and slid it over to him with a wink.
"I recommend a Soda to start off. But I won't be surprised if you could handle a hard drink already." You teased, leaning against the table as Granger picks up the menu. His heart stopped for a second before his eyes scanned the menu. The pleasing colors and photos made it easy for him to choose, and he wonders who made the creative menu as it wasn't Ms. Clara's style. "Well? Have you chosen?" You asked him, he looked up from the menu and nodded. "A Cosmopolitan, please." You raised a brow and took the menu back. "Great choice. Would you like anything on the side?"
Granger shook his head. With that, you got to work; You grab a cocktail shaker and turned around to grab a vodka bottle. Granger was in awe at how quick and precise you poured each ingredient in the shaker. He was impressed, even. And he was definitely not guilty for proving Alucard right. He didn't notice his eyes has wandered until he found himself oggling your waist. He shook his head as you turned around with his drink. You were curious at why he looked nervous, but brushed it off as you placed the drink in front of him. "First drink at a party's on the house."
Granger looked at you and hummed. "Isn't every drink on the house?" Your face flushed, and you nodded awkwardly with a laugh. "I forgot.. I have been serving too many drinks." Granger took his first sip on the drink and closes his eyes at the taste. The sweet and tang flavour soothed his throat, and the vodka went straight towards his head. He placed the glass down and closed his eyes. Giving you the chance to admire the scars that were on his face. Your heart started beating faster when he opened his eyes and met your gaze. You saved yourself from the humiliation by blurting out a question; "Tastes good?"
Granger hummed in approval. Keeping eye contact and making your cool falter. You looked away and stood up straight. "I want to ask, are you interested in tending a bartender?" You flushed even more after your poor choice of words and covered your face in shame. Granger chuckled in amusement after taking another sip. "I will gladly tend you if you want." You had to do a double take at what he said. "Excuse me?" Granger stood up and raised his drink. "The vodka is making my mind fuzzy, forgive me." He said to you. Offering the drink as an apology.
You smiled and took a sip after leaning close to his drink. The taste was delicious. No one would bat an eye as to why he ordered that. "If you haven't drunk this, I would have thought you were flirting with me." You said to him. He smirked and held the glass out yet again. "If I was?" Your heart stopped, the cheering drowned out by a ringing in your ear as you went autopilot— leaning close to the glass; Expecting to taste the Cosmopolitan again until you felt lips on yours. None of you pulled away until a loud thud made the both of you jump.
You laughed at that, but Granger was indifferent. "Jeez, we barely even went on a date first." Granger longed for more, despite what you had said. He moved towards the side and lifted the wood that separated the chairs and the tending table before walking over to you— You however were frozen in place. The tension was growing thick as he stopped right in front of you. His eyes lowered, and his gaze stopped once he saw the tent on your pants. You were hiding it behind the table all this time? He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"We'll go on a date after this." He told you. Your heart kept racing, and blood kept rushing to your crotch area. There was no denying that you were insanely turned on. "This is not an optimal place to do this.." You mumbled. He looked around and forced you down on your knees, catching you off guard and making you squeal. Thankfully, the intimidating height disappeared as he also got on his knees. But adrenaline began pumping in your veins as soon as his hands reached for his pants. You were nervous, slightly intoxicated and extremely turned on at how he was losing control of his actions.
"I will be waiting on that date." You manage to stutter. He nodded and got close to you, waiting for your approval as his hand reached for your belt. You swallowed and nodded. Nearly falling on your legs as he pulled your pants down, you haven't even noticed he already had his lower clothes on his knees until you looked down and saw his erection. You flushed at the sight— it was already leaking and somehow twitching without having been touched; How did you made him this way?
"You're leaking too." A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers touched your tip, you were sensitive because you haven't touched yourself in a while. You whined when his thumb circled around your tip, gathering the pre-cum as he scooted forward. His erection made in contact with yours, you covered your mouth and moaned. You were trembling, choking on your own moans as he took hold on both of your cocks at once. His body heat, the small twitches he was doing— hell even the way he leans his face close to you was making your mind fuzzy.
"Holy shit, you're so hot." He moaned softly, tightening his grip and starting a slow stroking pace on both of your cocks. The pre-cum provided a smooth pace, and soon. He was stroking both of you at a fast pace. You were already so close because of the contact, but now it feels like you were being overstimulated. "I need to get back to- ah." You whined when he pushed you down on the ground and stroked faster. The position was uncomfortable for your legs, but amazing as Granger was more familiar in that angle. "I'm so fucking close." You muttered under your breath, Granger groaned and let his head fall close to your face.
Both of you were sweating, the sound of him stroking the both of you at the same time was growing faster and louder— and your moans were mixing together. The knot in your stomach was getting tighter, but the crowd in the other side of the Tavern was growing silent. "N-need- please h-hurry." You managed to say, Granger grunted and pressed his lips against yours. That one single action made you cry out and cum on your suit. Granger followed with a shaky moan, but even after he had spoiled both of your clothes, he kept stroking.
You were tearing up at the continuous stimulation and began pushing his hand, but Granger was fucked out— Drunk on the Cosmopolitan and your never ending gasps for a rest. Your body shook, and he nearly collapsed on top of you as you both cry out and cum all over again. That was when he slowed down to a stop, both of your breaths were hot and heavy— and the cheers turned into footsteps as nearly all of the attendees headed straight to the bar. None of you could move; so you were surprised when you were suddenly in the employees area with Granger clutching onto you. Encasing you in a cocoon.
As soon as your eyes was able to focus, you noticed a note taped onto the table behind Granger—
I'll tend the bar, but you're in big trouble tomorrow. -Ms. Clara. P.S; Great job on hitting it off with Granger!
You sighed and rested your head on Granger's chest. Humiliation setting in your stomach and making you bury your face in his chest further. "We'll.. we'll go on that date next time."
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Dress Codes,Nooky And  Cock Blocks
Henry tries to be a white knight and realizes Kal is to smart for his own good.
Request/Prompt: Henry and Kal meets you from work after having a bad day. Playing with Kal to make Henry jealous. Shutting kal out for some nooky but Kal sits outside the door barking and howling.
Warnings: Smutty Almost Smut! Fluff, Swearing
A/N: so this has combined two ideas one of which is from the lovely @being-worthy This was going to be a Pooh bear chapter two but hasn't quite fit the bill. Anyway I hope you all enjoy.  P.S I 100% belive Kal would be a little shit!!!
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @loserrlauraa​ @tumblrnewby​ @isitmine​ @tinabean37​
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This was a fucking piss take your manager was an asshole! You huffed about the office still trying to process the stupidity he just fucking spouted at you. You moved to the ladies room phone in hand ready to vent locking yourself in a stall fingers poised to rant in a long ass text message but you froze. Henry was home well at the gym to be more specific. He was over the moon having just snagged the role of Geralt of Rivia and had been working tirelessly on bulking up for the role especially now that he was getting the dates for shooting. You paused taking a deep breath. No. You cant vent to him and ruined his day to. You growled and moved leaving the bathroom slamming the door thankful that you only had another hour, at least the prick had the decency to wait until the end of the day.
You through your phone down into the bag sitting at your desk for a few moments. You cast your eyes over the computer screen seeing the little bimbo...His little bimbo Stacey there was an office romance between your asshat of a manager and this little blonde. She ran about the office in small tight skirts hair immaculate and thick makeup smeared across her face and fuck me glasses that were an accessory not prescription like yours. She had a snug fitted blouse and pencil skirt on flitting about the office in some dangerous looking heels. More feminine? Was you supposed to jump up and say 'yes sir of course Sir, anything to keep this job sir' then flutter your lashes at him?.
Fuck that, and fuck this be more feminine bullshit, there was no written dress code and as far as things had gone you were doing your job pretty damn well and you didn't need heels to do it!
You scowled seeing the blonde slip out followed by your manager it mus be time fore their discrete get away a make out in the copier room...How original. You sighed clicking your mouse scanning through the next lot of appointments...No more today but there was a shit tonne tomorrow. You sighed getting down...Was your job really on the line over skirts,  makeup and heels? Sure you were on probation but they couldn't sack you for breaking a non existent dress code...Could they.honestly you wouldn't put it past Dave he seemed to have some fucked up traditional views.
Your attention was quickly drawn down to your phone buzzing you smiled seeing it was Henry quickly tapping the notification.
'Bbe you still at the office?? Miss you! 😘😘' You smiled softly heaving a deep breath then began typing.
'Yep still here not for long though finish in 1hr thank god 😘😘 u 2 at the gym still??' You sent the text and got a reply pretty quick you smiled he must have left the gym to reply so quick. Your thoughts wandered a daydream of the huge glorious man puffed out and sweaty ugh yes that's what you needed right now your man to just ruin you fuck the stress and doubt right out of you!. Your eyes scanned the new text he had sent pulljng you out of your raunchy thoughts.
'No just left walking Kal around the park he got a bit excited need to wear him out, so have a good day?'
'😂 good luck with that. And its been okay...G2g shopping after apparently I need to dress more feminine😒😒 so will be home late' You frowned hearing the two love birds enter the office again wrapped up around one another professionally you rolled your eyes as the blonde pulled away from your manager giggling and made her way to the computer opposite you instantly reaching for her compact mirror trying to correct the smeared lipstick across her face. Your phone pinged and you looked down face lighting up a little seeing the anger emojis. Henry felt the same ass you.
'😡😡🤬WTF? wats tht sppsd 2 mean?' you cringed maybe you should have just kept your mouth shut but it was too late now you sighed trying to placate him.
'I need to wear skirts and shit...be an office bimbo no big deal🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just get a few skirts thts all' you typed back his reply was immediate almost as if he'd been typing the same time as you. Wincing you prepared yourself for the worse, Henry was a very protective man and you knew he hated the whole gender roles thing.
'😡😡You dnt need makeup and shit!! ur gorgeous dnt u listen to that wanker!! Can't u leave early?? Say ur going shopping?? Just get out of there! please love dnt let this get 2 u!!🥺🥺 I love u, ur perfect!!😍😘😘😍' You grinned got flushing rereading the words a warmth in your chest. You knew that he meant every word. Stacey looked over with a smirk snapping the compact shut and pointed a false nail in your direction.
"Oh? Is that a blush? Who are you texting? Someone cute?" You flicked your eyes up to her you didn't have anything against her per say but you were different people, she was all Instagram, kardashians and trending and you were all gaming, books and cosy pajamas. You never really spoke to her if you could help it.
"Err yeah...My boyfriend" you admitted looking down seeing another text from him. Another round of compliments and reassuring words lit up your screen.
'I mean it bbe I know u! dnt beat urself up over it! Dont u let him get 2 u!😘😘' you smiled softly yes he did know you and he knew this had not only made you angry but also insecure. You thought you looked good at work you always made a point to look 'put together' but it wasn't enough?
"Ooo was that him again? You never told me you had a boyfriend! Is he new? How long have you been together? What does he do? Whats he saying!?" You gulped as she got up quickly scuttling around the desk as fast as she could in her heels and skirt.
"We've been together a few years...He's just asking me to leave early and catch diner with him but I don't think Dave would like that..." Stacey's face lit up and she beamed at you. She was happy to have something else to gossip about.
"Oh! that’s so sweet~ he wants to steal you away for dinner! You know I wish Dave would do that but he only really pays attention to me at work....So does this sweet mystery man have a name?" You looked up at her tilting your phone away a little so she didn't see Henry's on going threats of 'coming down there and teaching Dave some manners by ripping his tongue out his ass' you shook your head as you caught the ass end of a long text full of emojis...You sort of regret teaching him the meanings of them....Was that an eggplant in the middle?.
"Henry...His name is Henry and he's an actor" Stacey squealed cupping her face completely excited for some reason.
"Oh that's so cute! You know its always you shy ones that nab yourselves the boho guys...You know I always wanted to date the 'boho' type myself but never did, they were all to....Just not my type I like clean cut guys, you know ones who fill out a suit" You squinted what the fuck was she getting at? You schooled your features standing taller quickly and made your own little dig.
"Like Dave?" she flushed and nodded excitedly missing the whole sarcastic droll over your words. She clapped her hands completely missing the fact you were poking fun at the scrawny 'stud' sleazeball who Henry could easily snap over his thigh if he wanted to.
"Yes just like my Dave~! Ugh anyway do you have a pic...Come ooon! Let me see your man~" you sighed tilting your head to her...She was pretty harmless...And dippy so it shouldn't do any harm she didn't strike you as the type of person to watch Henry's movies so shouldn't recognize him. You nodded sweetly it was actually a little fun you rarely got to show off your man,  most people who knew him knew you were dating. You twisted the phone eying the screen and froze seeing the last texts he sent you whilst you spoke to Stacey.
'Have you got out early??🧐🧐'
'Babe don't ignore me!😤😤 Is he still there!?😡'
'Woman you better answer me! Stop ignoring me bbe it wont help😤😤'
'Im serious y/n do I need to chat with him? Do you want me to help?🧐🧐'
'Look out the window'
"Oh hell no!" you huffed out under your breath then stood up scrabbling to the large office window Stacey followed you alarmed. You freaked and quickly opened the window poking your head out to scream at your sweet but very dappy boyfriend. As irritated as the texts were he didn't look it, well until you really looked he was tense and it wasn't just because Kal was puling excitedly.
"Oh my god?! HENRY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!....GET OUT OF THE GOD DAMNED ROAD!!" lone behold when you looked down you saw Henry standing there with a huge bouquet of Roses and a bag you suspected held a box of chocolates, Kal was barking up at you spinning in circles and jumping up super excited almost dragging the huge man over in all the excitement. It would seem the walk was not enough to wear out the bear. Henry grinned up at you you heard Stacey from beside you gasp.
"Holy shit is that your boyfriend??" you turned to her and smiled smugly to her nodding then glanced back down to him seeing him quickly navigate the people bustling around the car park heading for the doors. You froze. You can't let him up here he sounded angry earlier...He'd kill Dave. You ran back to your desk quickly logging off the pc and snatching up your bag.
"Where do you think your going y/n?" Dave called after you you stopped seeing him there arms crossed giving you the filthiest look he could muster seeing your bag slung over your arm then there was the distinct buzzing of someone Henry at the door trying to be buzzed in. You pointed to the door opening our mouth to fake sickness or something but was interrupted.
"Oh Dave leave her alone...All the times she's here early let her go early for once, we don't need her anymore today and it means we get the office to ourselves for an hour~" your eyes bugged out as Stacey came to your aid fluttering her lashes to your manager. He heaved a sigh and nodded to the door in a 'get out of here' motion.
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You smiled quickly darting out down the stairs to the ground floor seeing Henry standing there unimpressed finger holding the button down in one long irritating ring. You shook your head at him through the glass as he held the button.
You slapped the exit button opening the door and Henry tried darting past you into the building chest puffed shoulders ready to give your boss a piece of his mind but you caught the frightening man by his ridiculous bulging bicep. You spun with him digging your heels into the worn carpet.
"No no no! Henry no!" he carried on to the stairs dragging you with him passing you the roses and Kal's lead as the dog bounced around you both yipping like the over excited pup he was. Henry had hoped filling your hands would give him time to jump up a few steps out of your reach so he could have a chat with Dave about this whole misogynistic bullshit. Henry swore when you scampered behind him hooking your arms around his forearm and leant back, if he moved you'd drop like a rock and up the few steps as you both were, you'd hurt yourself. He stopped heaving a deep sigh looking to you.
"Just five minuet's babe is all I need! fucking feminine my ass he just wants to oogle your peach of an ass!! And that's not- that ass is mine!! fucking no one NO ONE fucking upsets my baby!" Your body flushed skin prickling at the shear alpha tone the possessive growl that seeped into his words made you tremble swallowing dryly you managed to shake it off and focused on the task at hand fucking could come later for now you needed to stop him from ripping your manager a new one. You moved crouching down bearing your weight down giggling at him as he still tried to thunder up the stairs. Kal helped to pulling at his lead it was a joint effort.
"Henn love?! I'll be sacked if you go up there and make Dave piss himself! Please lets just go home it's Friday I can find a few things over the week end for now can we please leave" he stopped and looked up to the brown ceiling and flickering light sigh he clicked his tongue then looked to you slowly with a heavy breath.
"....Fine, but next time I'm having him!" you smiled finding his protective side arousing your tummy clenching just knowing you big strong man could rinse the little twat upstairs made your pussy clench you always had a thing about strong men and Henry was the most physically fit you'd ever met. You somehow managed to coax him out of the door in the direction of home taking a detour picking up a Chinese on the way.
You giggled rolling around the floor with Kal. after a quiet dinner and snuggle with Henry you had been ushered away so he could do his nightly reading of his new script.You didn't mind at all you loved seeing him so invested in his roles. you caught a glimpse of the red roses sitting proudly in a glass vase on the fireplace almost blocking the view of the tv but not quite. You loved this, just being home with your favorite boys enjoy a nice quiet night in. you scoffed mocking kal who was pulling hard on the black rope trying to out witt you with quick flicks of his head, playing tug with Kal was a workout huge as he was he had the weight and strength to out match even Henry. You did not stand a chance just holding onto the black rope hoping to slow him down but he was full of energy today.
Henry was sitting on the sofa feet up reading his witcher script pen in hand as he read his page, one a night was the deal. But honestly trying to pull him away from this particular script was a hell of a job fair enough he was trying to memorize lines and scribble down alternatives in the margins. It was sweet how excited he got, he already knew the character in and out so could already tweak things around so it felt like Geralt. He was happy had been chasing the role for a while so you didn't mind that preparing for it was taking up most of his time. but you were still horny from earlier and wouldn't complain to a night of nooky. But alas Henry was drawn in by the script and you were trying to find other ways to distract yourself from the bubbling arousal in your loins, like playing with Kal. But that’s not to say you wasn't going to tease your man, there were ways to get his attention~
You smirked putting a plan into action bending lower wriggling your ass, craning back so your shorts rode up just that little bit more. Then once in place you squealed loud gaining the mans attention as Kal tugged dragging you across the floor growling playfully bouncing his weight back jerking you around, it was only then that Henry grunted in annoyance, your voice had been high he loved you keeping Kal entertained he really did, but sometimes he needed a little quiet. Especially when he was trying to concentrate.
"You know if I keep this up I'll have bigger muscles then you~" you giggled out a you tried to hold your own against the mighty bear. Henry smiled and watched shaking his head as Kal dragged you under his legs to the free space on the side of the coffee table. As much as he was trying to concentrate you could never get on his nerves for long, he just loved you to damn much. Henry frowned as you were pulled again wincing anticipating an accident as Kal was definitely getting to invested in the game.
"Or a dislocated shoulder" he commented as Kal did another particularly painful looking shunt and shook his head side to side still growling loud around the toy. It was then that he looked at you properly and what he saw made the man pause and suck in a breath air getting trapped in his throat at the innocently erotic sight. Seeing you bent over any time was a pleasure but here and now? Bouncing deliciously on your knees being half dragged about the living room added another dimension to the whole thing. Your arms and back stretched out low on the floor spine arched slightly, sitting with your knees tucked under you, the bouncing making your ass jump deliciously.
Two full ass cheeks peeking out of you short shorts as Kal carried on his jerky movements. You bit your lip grunting and tugged back pulling with all your might successfully gaining a few inches which Kal stole back and more making you yelp and moan as you were sprawled out on the carpet again. This time dragged up on your knees into a position he he spent many nights enjoying to his fullest. were you doing this on purpose? he wouldn't put it past you...Maybe you needed a fuck, a proper fuck.
Henry couldn't help the twitching in his groin, the first tremors as he got a front row seat to the two perfect globes of your ass seemingly clapping against one another with the shorts acting like a thong shucked up your ass. Fuck you wasn't wearing Knickers again. Little fucking minx. He lowered his feet to the floor now far to invested in watching you roll around in the tiny shorts. swept up in the way your body swayed taunting him. you turned to him with a sly smile and sent him a quick wink that he almost missed.
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He gaped at you, you were doing it on purpose!! His script laid completely forgotten on his lap as he watched you turn back to Kal innocently dipping down low again shoulders to the floor stretched out taught in front of you face tucked into your arm as Kal fought you for the coveted rope. God...It had been a while since he fucked you like that. He licked his lips. Too long in the busy days since snagging the witcher role he had only had time for a two quickies. Two fumbled quickies in three weeks and they wasn't even that good. Well not his usual hour long foreplay teasing and touching then good few rounds. They were just a flurry of fast rutting motion's, less fucking more jerking trying to finish as quickly as you could just wanting that high. he bit his lip watching you watch him out of the corner of your eye definitely teasing him.
"Babe come here~" You froze and twisted your head back you knew that tone.Grinning knowing you'd got your way you looked seeing Henry eyeing you hungrily biting his lip tilting his head, legs spread wide making his thighs bulge in what should be a loose set of black shorts but actually became skin tight on this Goliath of a man. You flushed under the gaze but managed to hold into the rope not giving the still pulling pup an inch. His eyes were a dark ocean blue pupils nearly swallowing the color completely, you wondered how far you could push him. you pouted at him before teasing him further opening your legs wider letting the material of your shorts almost completely disappear.
"Henry...I'm playing with Kal-" he squinted at you then quirked a brow before shaking his head snapping shut the folder holding the script and let it drop to the floor by his foot with a decisive thump. You gulped. But didn't move instead you heaved back pulling the Akita across the floor.
"Babe...Come here Kal's had his playtime..." you rolled your eyes hearing the silent 'now I want mine' sometimes he was a man child. You twisted your head to him with a flutter of your lashes and cheeky grin.
"Well I'm playing with Kal you have to wait your turn-HEY? HENRY THAT’S CHEATING!?" You yelped as Henry quickly bolted up right and stomped on the rope whilst using his considerable size and strength to pull you up off the floor making you release the toy.
"Well that’s enough playing with Kal, time to play with me. I wont be cock blocked in my own house by the dog~" you giggled as Henry quickly began climbing the stairs laughing kicking your feet, watching as Kal stayed two steps behind rope in his mouth excitedly following his parents, you were all going to play!. It was only when the dog found himself shut out of the bedroom did he realize you were in fact not going to be playing with him anymore tonight. you could hear the indignant huff through the door.
You wriggled as Henry fell onto the bed with you wrapped around him slowly devouring each other with deep kisses tongues and teeth roaming each other. It had been a good few weeks since you both explored one another properly. Henry pulled away chuckling at the soft scratches at the door. Kal was not impressed.
"Kal go lie down! We will be finished soon" Henry called out and ignored the high whines and more insistent scratching at the door and leaned over you sucking at your neck decorating it as he saw fit leaving marks of red and purple biting his mark into the crook of your neck then lower tracing a warm wet train over your thin shirt. You moaned clutching his waist trapping him between your thighs using the grip you had to rock up onto him trying to ease the burning in your core.
"Oh whats this? Someone is impatient considering she wanted to keep playing with Kal?" His voice came out as a deep rasp making you gasp cupping his face.
"You treating me with your Geralt babe?" He smiled latching onto your ear rocking down onto you drawing out soft mewls. You vaguely heard Kals whines become louder barks out side the door hearing the dog jump up pawing at the handle of the door trying to break in.
"Oh you like?~" You sighed quickly trying to rid your tshirt panting feeling just how wet your slit had got, you were embarrassingly wet considering you hadn't even done anything yet.
"Fuck yes~ oh god its so-ah fuck its so hot Henry~" he pulled back growling in the new low tone you hadn't known he was capable of, his large hands helped remove the tshirt throwing it across the room and latched onto your tits biting and sucking slow flicking his tongue across a pebbled nipple as his hands stripped you of your shorts. he chuckled seeing the damp patch, your arousal sticking to the material in one neat line.
"Oh you really do need me don't you love~" you nodded to him whining when he pulled back grunting a growl biting your boob and sucking harshly. You both moved in tandem rolling around the sheets grinding ,rocking ,biting and grunting both intent on ignoring the pup crying outside the door. He would wear himself out and get bored. Well that was the plan anyway.
Henry finally pinned you and descended on your core like a starving man given the sweetest fruit. You cried out fingers in his hair unsure what spurred on this heated frenzie but would happily indulge him. One thing you loved about him is he was always up for eating you out, the man thrived on it! He seemed to get a massive kick out of feasting on you until you came all over him. You grunted as he suckled on your bud teasing and twisting his supple lips across it Nipping you began to loose yourself panting and jerking up into his mouth chasing a sweet release you hadn't known you needed and then you heard it.
A deep loud echoing mournful howl. Even Henry stopped frowning up at you from between your legs. That was new, Kal wasn't a howly dog, he barked and yipped giving off the weirdest groans and moans. But never howled. You both burst out laughing unable to stop it as the howls were all over the place, loud and quiet raspy and uneven like Kal was an apprentice learning on the job.they were less 'howls' and more 'how-wo-wow-wo-wow' It was clear this was his first time but bless him he was trying to be the wolf of the house. You panicked as he began to get the hang of it and patted Henry's shoulder. he was still chuckling finding Kals new found voice hilarious.
"Quick stop him! If he learns that we'll never hear the end of it!" You chuckled pulling the thin sheet over you as Henry swore and quickly slinked off the bed racing to the door opening it stopping Kal in his tracks. The Akita smiled panted a few breaths thumped his tail on the floor then collected his rope entering, jumping on the bed without a care in the world.
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"Babe?" You asked biting the inside of your cheek trying to stop the giggles as Henry began to scowl at the fluffy bear sprawling out on his side of the bed a flush building up his chest settling over his face. He cleared his throat.
You and Henry watched as Kal moved dropping the rope by your hand waiting for you to continue your game of tug. You flopped back in peels of laughter at Henry's face. The man looked amused and livid at the same time as realization struck. Kal, lovable cute baby boi Kal had just played Henry like a fiddle. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact your boyfriend, your chosen mate had just been outsmarted by a dog.
"Yes love?" He said none to happy with how things had turned out, here he was standing at the foot of his bed painful hard on and there you were naked and willing...In his bed...With Kal. This was not the plan.
"I hate to break it to you...But you've just been cock blocked in your own house by your dog....For a game of tug!" You giggled as you threw Henry's previous words back at him petting Kal who was still fiddling with the rope trying to make you grab it.
"No shit...Can we still fuck? I mean he can have my side! I'm gonna be on top of you anyway?" You gaped at him as he rounded the bed fulling intent on rolling on top of you sliding home. You held up your hand to him.
"Nope! No way am I fucking you next to Kal!" Henry ignored you crouching over you trying to lay you back down to finish what he started before being rudely interrupted by the Akita now in bed with his girlfriend.
"Oh babe why not? this is painful, look I'm going purple...Besides you started it its your responsibility~" he whined trying to bat away your pushing hands leaning in to capture you with a burning kiss. You dodged anticipating his next move, his kisses were always a sure fire way to make you completely melt and give in to him. you quickly twisted away throwing your legs over the side of the bed placing your hands either side of his naked hips, pressing him back as he still tried to gain on you. you swallowed looking up at him meeting his lopsided grin, trying to ignore the proud cock swaying in front of you almost tapping your heaving breasts.
"How about the shower? He's scared of the bathroom since his last bath?" Henry snapped his fingers and clapped face lighting up as he patted your hands slowly easing them off of him.
"Fuck yes! Babe you are a genius!" He moved over and kissed your face making you bat him away and then he turned to Kal wagging a finger at him.
"And you my four legged son are a pain in the ass!" You shook your head patting Kal as he tilted his head  he looked offended with his dads statement. You looked to the bathroom door as Henry's pert ass vanished around the door frame.
"Daddy didn't mean it baby boy~ you know how he is when he doesn't get his way...Just a spoiled man child~ he loves you really" Kal whined ears flattening  as he heard the shower switch on. You patted the dog with a sigh and got up padding across the bedroom to the en suit.
"Don't worry baby you stay there and daddy wont get you in the mean old shower~" you giggled scratching his ears as he huffed  in defeat. His daddy had got the better of him and the Akita wasn't pleased. He grumbled as Henry poked his head around the door frame wriggling his brows at you as you passed him getting a playful smack on the rear. then he faced the dog and stuck his tongue out childishly to the dog who huffed and turned around choosing to give you both a clear view of his ass.
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Did You Know?
Prompt: the merlin fic you wrote with a crying arthur who didn't realize he had a hand in normalizing merlin to physical pain/punishment is HEARTBREAKING and i couldn't help but think while reading it that merlin may have just assumed that the knights and arthur //knew// visting knights were handsy w him and just didnt care, like he just thought it was normal and they would expect nothing less. anyway if u wanna write something that has that kind of idea/vibe i'd be delighted to read it! love u <3
Ahh yes more h/c here we go
Read on Ao3 Part 2
Warnings: visiting nobles and knights are dicks. implied/referenced rape/non-con and abuse NOTHING EXPLICIT
Pairings: merthur, can be platonic or romantic I don’t care
Word Count: 3031
 Merlin is…confused.
 He’s doing his job as a servant—not that he’s begrudging his position that much, destiny is destiny, after all—and putting up with all the things that servants are supposed to put up with.
The learning curve was very steep, don’t get him wrong. Coming from Ealdor, where the only authority figure he absolutely had to listen to was his mum, and straight into Camelot’s complex authority structure with rules and consequences and all the messy trappings of those horrid make-believes he and Will used to do when they were little boys. Hell, he ended his first full day in Camelot arrested, relying only on Gaius’s social powers in court to get him released. He’s not exactly a beacon of well-mannerisms.
 So if it took him a while to get used to the type of work Arthur was going to have him do, that’s fine! He’s never had to put armor on anyone before, let alone the Crown Prince, who expected him to do all that and then some. He’s never known how to clean shiny pieces of metal that just serve to attract more attention than they’re worth, they never had shiny pieces of metal other than coin. And he’s certainly never known how to dodge swords being swung at his head. Never.
 It wasn’t expected—no, it wasn’t, you prat—for him to be able to shrug on all these new responsibilities, even if he had been trained as a servant, because he’s never done them before. Thank the gods for Gwen, honestly, who was more than happy to make sure he at least knew how to hold a sword without cutting himself.
 “Here’s the next one,” she’d called, handing him the next training sword from the batch, “now, try again.”
 “This is the rag, this is the polish, and we just—ow!”
 “Try not to polish the edge of the blade, Merlin.”
 “I knew that,” he had muttered sheepishly, rubbing the cloth over the flat of the blade this time, “but thank you.”
 Gwen had rolled her eyes fondly. “Just keep trying, you’re doing great.”
 So he had just…done his best to learn what to do. Which would’ve been easier had he also not been learning how to act.
 ‘Yes, sire.’
 ‘No, sire.’
 ‘As you wish, sire.’
 ‘Sire’ this and ‘sire’ that and bloody hell, why is he not allowed to say anyone’s bloody name?
 Formalities have never really been Merlin’s strong suit, not that he’s ever really needed them. And now that he has to use them, he’s starting to regret not paying attention to his mum’s scoldings. Just a little bit. Not that much. It’s not entirely his fault, is it, that those lectures were so boring and there were things he could’ve been doing.
 But here…
 Here, if he doesn’t address someone the right way, he gets cuffed around the head. The first time it happened, his hand flew to his head in shock. It wasn’t a particularly hard slap—he’s had worse walking into the door by himself—but the fact that someone was allowed to hit him, was expected to hit him, and it was his own fault was…jarring.
 He learns his lesson about trying to hit back much quicker.
 He still slips up from time to time, even now, after so many years, but his reflexes have gotten a lot better. Goblets, combs, hunks of bread, boots, staffs, just about every object he can think of, he’s had thrown at his head. With Arthur, it’s fine, he can snipe back perfectly well on his own, and it’s not like he’s going anywhere. He just bites back enough to make it a little more bearable. And besides, Arthur hasn’t ever seriously hurt him, maybe because he’s always lauding about how strong he is and how weak Merlin. Doesn’t want to break him.
 And he can get away with it with some of the knights. The close ones, sure. Leon—well, he doesn’t try that much shite with Leon. Leon’s terrifying, not just because he’s one of the oldest knights and the longest-serving of Arthur’s inner circle, but because he knows things. Leon’s perception scares the hell out of Merlin, not in the least because he’s got so much to hide.
 Does he ever think Leon would seriously hurt him? No, but he might tell people who would.
 Percival is a big man. His arms are about the size of Merlin’s skull. He doesn’t want to get near that man’s bad side, even if he hasn’t found it yet.
 Elyan is sneaky. He’s got just enough say to be dangerous, not enough to be an obvious suspect. And he’s got Gwen on his side—or more specifically, Gwen’s got him on her side. Gwen would never hurt him, he knows, he trusts her too much.
 Lancelot is the only one he’s not afraid of, him and Gwaine. Mainly because he knows that they know.
 …look, you do what Merlin’s been doing for as long as he’s been doing it, you slip up. It happens.
 But Lancelot never looked at him differently. Never raised a hand to him to hurt him, always touched him gently, spoke softly, sparred with him in good faith. Even when he swings a spear at him in jest, it’s never too fast to actually bruise him if it connects.
 Gwaine slaps him on the shoulder, claps him on the back, hard enough to bruise sometimes, but he cares. He hides it well—well, sort of—and looks out for Merlin when Lancelot can’t. But he knows Gwaine has a breaking point, and he’s not super keen on looking for it.
 He can get away with it. A little. Not a lot.
 But only with them.
 With the other knights…
 One of the hardest things he had to learn was that no one cared.
 When a knight smacks him over the head with the flat of a dulled blade, it doesn’t matter that the sight of a blade swinging at his freezes terror in his throat, nor that the ring of the blade won’t go away for three hours. The others will just laugh and tell him to move his arse.
 When a knight knocks the equipment out of his hands and snarls at him to get moving, it doesn’t matter that it’s often accompanied by a boot to his ribs. He’ll always get elbowed in the exact same place later and they won’t care about his wince.
 When a knight decides that he’s had enough of Merlin just looking at him, he—
 The other thing that Merlin’s had to learn very, very quickly, is that it’s better him than the other servants.
 He has Gaius. Gaius will patch him up, no questions asked. And when he can’t go to Gaius, it’s not like he’ll be caught lurking suspiciously in his own quarters. And when he can’t do that, he has his magic.
 None of the others do.
 So he learns. He picks up the things he needs to know, puts his head down, and bears it.
 That’s what servants are supposed to do.
 So you can imagine that when the others look absolutely horrified as he explains to them that he knows how this works, he’s learned, he’s confused.
 “Come on, guys, it’s not like the other servants don’t know this.”
 “It’s funny,” Gwaine growls, his fist tightening on the table, “how you think that makes this any better.”
 Merlin rolls his eyes. “I’m not a gossip, Gwaine—“
 “That,” Elyan says, “is not true.”
 “—okay fine, I enjoy a bit of the servant’s gossip as well as anyone, but not about this!” He shakes his head. “It’s fine, they know about it, it’s not like anyone cares.”
 “See, Merlin,” Lancelot says quietly, “that’s where you’re wrong.”
 Merlin frowns. What are they talking about? Who’s noticed? Is he doing it wrong? What does he need to fix?
 See, his confusion only grows when he voices those concerns and the knights only seem to grow more upset.
 “I can’t believe this,” Gwaine mutters, turning away, “how long has this been happening, Merlin?”
 “Which part?”
 Gwaine is doing a remarkable impersonation of someone who is extremely constipated. “…all of it.”
 “I mean, it began as soon as I set foot in Camelot, if you want to go from the very beginning.”
 Leon swallows. “And if we asked for you to be…more specific?”
 Merlin huffs, throwing his arms up. “Why are you so concerned about this? It’s nothing to worry about!”
 “You’re being abused, Merlin,” Arthur—since when has Arthur been this quiet?—says finally, looking at Merlin the same way he looked at Morgana when Uther strangled her against the back of the throne—see? It’s just something that happens here— “that’s definitely something to worry about.”
 Merlin scoffs. “I’m not being abused, I’m just being treated like a servant.”
 “If that’s what you think being treated like a servant means,” Gwaine says, standing, “then this conversation is going to take a lot longer than we thought.”
 In response, Percival moves to stand in front of the door. Merlin sighs.
 “You don’t have to block the exit, Percival, I know I’m not allowed to leave.”
 A choked-off sound comes from Merlin’s left, followed by a muffled curse. Percival shakes his head.
 “I’m over here to make sure no one else comes in to hurt you,” the knight says calmly, “not to make sure you don’t leave.”
 “But if you want to,” Elyan says quickly, “you can.”
 “No, no, I know a trap when I see one, no thank you.”
 “It’s not a trap, Merlin,” Lancelot says, even as he looks to be about two seconds from crying for some reason, “if you truly wish to leave, you can. We won’t stop you.”
 Merlin raises an eyebrow. “…sure.”
 Arthur lowers his head. Merlin frowns, watching his shoulders tense.
 “Are you alright?”
 He gets his answer in the form of many unshed tears welling up in Arthur’s eyes as he raises his head.
 “No, Merlin,” he says in a remarkably steady voice, “I’m not. But don’t worry about me.”
 “That’s my job,” Merlin insists, striding forward, “let me help.”
 Arthur catches him gently—gently?—gently by the elbows as he reaches for him, smiling sadly.
 “Can I give you another way to help me?”
 Merlin swallows heavily. “…what does it entail, exactly?”
 “For starters, explaining why that question has you shaking in your boots.”
 “I’m not—“ Merlin looks down to see Arthur’s hands are just about the only thing holding him up— “oh.”
 “Sit,” Leon encourages, bringing a chair over and crouching in front of it. Around him, the knights lower themselves to the ground, with the exception of Percival, still by the door.
 “Merlin,” Leon calls again, “can I ask you some questions? If you don’t want to answer any of them, that’s alright, but may I ask?”
 Merlin blinks. “Sure?”
 He gets a nod of thanks. “What do you understand your duties as a servant to be?”
 “To help with the running of the castle and take care of Arthur’s needs.”
 “Which are?”
 “Please,” Arthur says softly, “please, Merlin, I know it sounds silly, but…please?”
 Well, he’s never been very good at saying no to upset Arthur. He sighs.
 “Keeping his chambers clean, keeping track of his laundry, dressing him in the mornings, polishing his armor, bringing him food, escorting him to court affairs, and any other odd jobs he asks me to do.”
 Leon nods. “And what about the knights? Do you have duties with us, too?”
 “I’m supposed to help you train and see to your immediate needs with those, too.”
 “Such as?”
 “Equipment, water, food, chambers—“
 “Chambers?” Lancelot frowns. “Why would you need to see to our chambers?”
 “Not yours, but the visiting knights.” Merlin frowns as Arthur’s hand twitches on his elbow. “What?”
 “Do they presume that you are their servant,” Leon asks in a low voice, “when you do so?”
 “I am, aren’t I?” He looks to Arthur. “You assign me to them.”
 “No, Merlin,” Arthur corrects gently, still looking like he’s about two seconds from crying and still taking Merlin by surprise at how soft he’s being, “I ask you to get them settled, that’s all.”
 Merlin blinks. “Oh. Uh…”
 “What do they ask you to do,” Leon asks, “as their servant?”
 He furrows his brow, trying to remember. “Uh, change their sheets, see to their armor, start a fire, bring them dinner…”
 Leon raises an eyebrow when he trails off. “Anything else?”
 “They, um—“
 Hands. Hands on his skin. Voices in his ear.
 “Merlin.” Arthur gives him a shake. “Merlin.”
 “Sorry,” he says instantly, “I just…”
 He trails off again when he sees the absolutely heartbroken look on Arthur’s face.
 “Why,” Arthur whispers, “why do you let them…do that?”
 Merlin frowns. “It’s fine.”
 “It’s most certainly not fine.”
 “It is,” Merlin argues, “it’s what servants are supposed to do, anyway, and it’s better me than the others.”
 Gwaine muffles a curse again, and to his surprise, so does Lancelot.
 “Merlin,” Leon says, calling his attention with how hoarse he sounds, “Merlin, why is it better you than the others if there’s nothing wrong with what’s happening to you?”
 Oh, no.
 Merlin’s hands start to shake.
 Something in his throat wells up and pushes against his jaw. It hurts. The bruises on his back start to smart.
 “Why do you care,” he says instead, “why now?”
 “We didn’t know,” Leon whispers, sounding every bit the man confessing his worst sin, “and we are so, so sorry that we didn’t.”
 “And if you’re asking why we care,” Lancelot says, equally heartfelt, “then we are more sorry than you could ever know.”
 Merlin frowns. “But you lot do it too.”
 The room freezes.
 Arthur yanks his hands away from Merlin like he’s been burned. Leon stifles a noise of his own as Elyan’s mouth drops open.
 “What,” Gwaine manages after a few moments, “the fuck does that mean?”
 “You—you hit me, you order me around, you—“ Merlin swings his head back and forth, looking at their shell-shocked faces— “why are you all looking at me like that?”
 “Because you’ve just told us we’ve been abusing you since the moment you set foot in Camelot, Merlin,” Arthur whispers, tears finally starting to roll down his cheeks.
 “But you knew!” Merlin’s hands fly to his hair as he cries out. “You knew this was happening, you could see it happening and you didn’t care!”
 “I’m sorry, Merlin—“
 “If we knew it was like this—“
 “If you think we’d ever hurt you like that—“
 “No, gods no, Merlin—“
 “Of course we care—“
 “Merlin,” Arthur whispers, holding out a shaking hand, “Merlin, please, please believe us that we would never be okay with you being mistreated like that. Like this.”
 And godsdamnit all, the amount of sheer heartbreak in the room is enough to coax a lump into Merlin’s throat and spring tears down his cheeks. Arthur lets out a wounded noise as he sees them, reaching forward to gently, still gently, wipe them away. The naked concern on not just his face, but the others’ faces as well, only encourages more.
 “I’m so sorry, Merlin,” he keeps saying, “I’m so, so, sorry.”
 “Arthur, I—“ He’s cut off by a gasping sob— “Arthur—“
 “Shh, shh, shh,” Arthur hushes frantically, cupping Merlin’s face in both hands, “shh, shh, Merlin, it’s alright, no one’s ever going to hurt you again, I swear it—“
 “You’re damn right,” he hears Gwaine mutter as the other knights agree.
 “—and I’m so sorry that you thought I’d be okay with it, that I was helping—“ Arthur’s voice cracks— “no, no, you’re—you’re my Merlin—I never want to see you hurt like that—I never mean to hurt you—“
 “I know,” Merlin murmurs, “I—I know you don’t.”
 Arthur, gentle Arthur, pulls him into the softest hug he’s ever had, cradling him like he’s something precious, something fragile, something to be savored and oh, oh, gods—
 “Easy,” he hears Leon soothe, “easy does it now, come sit—come sit with us.”
 He can’t quite manage to pry himself out of Arthur’s grip as he feels the knights come closer, huddling around the two of them in a protective circle. He even hears Percival’s heavy steps coming closer, a silent guardian, keeping watch.
 “I don’t—“ he gasps— “I don’t understand.”
 “We’ll help you,” Arthur promises in his ear, “we’ll help you figure it out.”
 “But if anyone ever,” Gwaine growls, “and I mean ever does anything like that to you again, you tell us.”
 Merlin nods frantically. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.”
 “Thank you, Merlin,” Leon murmurs, “may I…?”
 Merlin nods and Leon’s hand cards tenderly through his hair.
 “Oh, Merlin,” he mumbles, almost to himself, “you came into our lives blustering about how servants were people too…and we never noticed this?”
 The knight shudders and steels himself.
 “We will do better.” He gives Merlin’s head one last pat. “We all will.”
 “I can—“ Merlin swallows— “I can…ask for help?”
 “Yes, Merlin,” Arthur promises instantly, “you can ask me for help, and if you think I’m letting another one of those knights near you ever again—“
 Oh. Oh, wow.
 The wave of protective fury that hits Merlin’s chest is—
 He’s still confused. Confused and more than a little scared.
 But as he curls up in Arthur’s arms, held and kept with Camelot’s strongest knights curled around him too, protecting him, shielding him, he thinks he may finally start to feel safe.
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cobaincreates · 4 years
the fuck is a touron?
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warnings: language, smut (wrap it you’re smart), 18+
count: 7k+
hehehehehe ;)
part two!
gif cred
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“i was one hundred percent trying to teach him a lesson, but he’s too stupid to realize that you’re not supposed to lend one of my t-shirts to a random girl. god, he’s so dumb.” liza shook her head in frustration, her thumb absentmindedly scrolling along her phone screen.
“didn’t you guys used to be friends?” you asked, picturing the girl in mind. you could’ve sworn you’d seen liza with her at some point.
liza made a noise and bit her lip. “maybe he’s just trying to get back at me for something. i can’t think of anything i did though.”
“maybe they’re just messing with you. you know, because you did sleep with both of them.” liza made another dismissing noise. you took a sip from a glass she had given you from her kitchen. it was just beyond the doors behind you from where you sat on her massive deck.
you had taken it upon yourself to visit your friend before the last few weeks of summer ended. you’d see her back at school anyways, but she had asked you several times to make the trip out to see her. you’d been enjoying the ocean breeze and the hospitality of liza and her dad. it had only been a few days since you arrived; you hardly thought about leaving.
so far you had been biking around with liza through small sections of her neighborhood. she pointed out a few of her favorite spots, mostly trying to pass the days with you here, but also to make you feel welcome. she had taken you shopping off the island today, which resulted in a thousand more steps recorded on your phone and a new bathing suit to wear. you had also found a little lighthouse souvenir figure that you planned to put somewhere in your room once you got back home. you had dinner at a restaurant that liza said was one of her favorites, then you took the ferry back at sunset and now here you were, sharing a whole box of wine.
you snuggled further into your sweatshirt and pulled a pillow onto your lap. you stared out at the ocean in liza’s backyard and imagined how insane it was that she lived right on the beach. a small fire sat in front of you, warming your legs. liza put her phone down and took a large sip of her wine.
“anyone cute here? think i’d be into some east coast beach boy.” you mentioned, squinting your eyes playfully as you looked over at her.
she shrugged with her head on the back of the couch. “i mean there’s a few i went to school with, but you don’t want to mess with them.”
“how come?”
“they’re practically heartless. they’d totally leave you in the dirt.” she said. “well, sand.”
you snorted. “are you speaking from experience? because if so, i’m more than willing to get into a fight in your honor.”
“shut up.” she laughed. “you don’t want anyone from here, trust me.”
“no, trust me when i tell you that i do. i haven’t gotten laid in months and i’m crawling out of my skin.” you admitted as much as you didn’t want to. it had been a simple thought before getting on the plane to visit and you didn’t think you’d bring it up, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. even while shopping you were mostly on the prowl. they should’ve had a store to buy a one-night stand. you were on vacation, you deserved to indulge.
“i have so much pent-up frustration. i need someone to sex me right now.” you continued, drinking the rest of the wine just to add to your tipsy rambling.
“jesus.” liza stared at you.
“i don’t want to tell you this but i was literally fantasizing about your dad earlier.”
“i’m sorry!” you laughed. “i mean, he’s single so it’s fair game.”
“absolutely not!” she looked at you like you were crazy, and you couldn’t stop laughing as she got up to get more wine, taking your glass too.
back home, there wasn’t anybody you wanted to sleep with. you didn’t really make any friends in high school that you kept into college and it was hard when most of your friends lived in different states. sure, there were apps for hookups and for you to meet new people around you, but you had a thing about technology tracking that made your skin crawl.
liza came back less disgusted with you, handing you your glass. you sipped on it and stared at the fire, not feeling tired in the slightest from how much you walked. beside you, liza picked up her phone again and scrolled, tapped.
“i don’t know why i’m doing this, but there is someone i might be able to set you up with.” she said minutes later.
you perked up with optimism and shifted on the couch. “mhm, give me more.”
“his name’s topper.” she said, her phone illuminating her face with a white light.
“you’re kidding.” you deadpanned, your eyebrows furrowing. you figured she was joking, slipping in a harmless pun.
“i’m not.” she bit her lips together, glancing at you to gauge your reaction.
“what kind of name is that?”
“could not tell you, but he’s super chill and i’m pretty sure he’s newly single.” she said, tapping a few times on her phone’s screen. “he was dating someone from his college for months, but i think they broke up since he doesn’t post pictures with her anymore.”
“i just want to fuck him. what does he look like?”
liza tapped a few more times before shining her phone at you. you squinted from the brightness before your eyes adjusted, took in the photo she was showing you. he was in front of a sunset and you could faintly pick out the dirty blonde locks. liza picked a different one that gave you a better view of him.
you let out a delighted hum, smiling slightly. “he looks like an asshole, but fun.”
“i have his number,” she said, turning the phone back to herself. you leaned your side into the couch, readjusting to keep the warmth. the fire cracked as one of the logs shifted.
“text him.” you prompted liza and scooted closer to her to watch her type on her phone. she found his contact and moved her thumbs along the screen.
hey so weird question but would u be interested in hooking up w/ my friend?
the friend in question is not me i swear
“smooth,” you said as she sent the texts.
“i can’t believe i’m helping you with this.” she locked her phone and dropped it into her lap. you shrugged and sipped from the glass, staring into the fire.
you slipped into a regular conversation with liza while she waited for a text. you weren’t giddy for a reply or asking her to check every ten seconds. it didn’t really matter that much to you if you didn’t hookup with anyone or not, you just thought you’d put it out there.
liza had you cracking up, bent over the couch and nearly falling to the floor when her father came outside onto the porch. you settled as you looked up at him, listening to him ask you both if you were doing okay and needed anything. liza was quick to shut his offer down when you gave her a look, jokingly wiggling your eyebrows at her. her dad noticed, looking between you two as you belted out laughing again, this time landing on the wooden deck. liza tried to keep her laughter in, telling her dad that you were fine and that you both were just a little drunk. he nodded and left you two alone.
“god, you suck.” she said once he was out of earshot.
you were now crying from laughter as you sat up. you wiped your eyes and climbed up onto the sofa, taking your glass from the floor. “i’m glad you invited me,” you giggled as you pulled the pillow back onto your lap. you both continued to shake with the aftershock of amusement.
“he texted me.” liza said suddenly as her phone was back in her hands.
“and?” you asked, leaning your side against the cushions. you propped your elbow on top of them and held your head against your hand.
“all he said was ‘pic’.”
“send him one.”
“okay.” she said and turned toward you, opening her camera on her phone.
“should i pose? how does my hair look?” you asked, brushing the back of it just in case it had gotten messy from falling to the floor.
“do something before i send a blurry one.” liza commanded.
you put your hand back against the side of your face and smiled lightly. liza took the photo without the flash, the fire bright enough. she set her phone down again and hit send as you watched her thumb. you watched her screen for a second then looked away, tilting the glass against your lips.
“he said ‘give her my number’.”
“fuck yes.” you said. you reached behind you for your phone, feeling around for a couple seconds before finding it. “okay, what is it?”
liza read his number aloud as you typed it in. you opened your camera and took a selfie, holding the wine glass to your lips and crossing your eyes. you typed, hiii, and hit send.
after having not touched your phone in the past few hours, you moved out of the conversation with him and replied back to a few of your friends. it wasn’t long before he texted back. you opened the message to find a photo sent back to you, tapping on it with an intrigued smile. he took his own selfie, balancing a beer bottle on his head with his own fire lighting up his face in an orange glow. you saw someone’s back behind him, your eyes trailing down to the drawstrings against his chest at the bottom of the photo.
impressive, you sent.
what’s your name?
y/n! what kind of name is topper?
rich people
thought so, you joked. are you sporting salmon shorts and sperry’s with that sweatshirt?
liza was in her own world as you texted topper. you glanced at her, finding her glass propped on her chest so she could slowly sip it. she was texting like a speed racer.
you looked back down at topper’s new message and laughed.
gray sweats and sandals
thank god
you watched the bubbles pop up almost immediately. they disappeared with no message then came back.
liza said u wanted to hook up?
you weren’t sure what to say back. your thumbs floated above your screen for several seconds before you decided just to be honest with him. what’s the worst that could happen?
long story short i’m needy & haven’t been laid in a while
you down?
sure when’s good for you?
“i’m going to get some ice cream.” liza said as she moved off the couch, throwing her phone down on the cushions. “you want any?”
“sure.” you said before typing.
think we’re going to the beach tomorrow so how about sometime in the afternoon? i’ll text you
sounds good, looking forward to it
“oh my god.” you said loudly, dropping your phone.
“what?” liza called from the open door. you could hear her clinking around the kitchen.
“he just sent an eggplant emoji.”
suddenly the clinking of dishes was drowned out as she laughed louder than before. you covered your face and laughed too.
the next morning you woke up already feeling too warm. you winced as you felt the heat radiating through your body and you peeled your eyes open. you were still on the couch outside and the sun was happily beating down on the deck. you moaned and pulled a pillow over your head. you remembered that you had finished the boxed wine with liza last night along with ice cream and decided to just sleep outside. with the alcohol and walking, your legs were not prepared to function that late at night.
you lay there for a few minutes until liza’s foot appeared and knocked right into your nose. you flinched and held it as it throbbed, sitting up to throw the pillow at her.
she jerked awake and grimaced at you and the sun. “what?”
“you just kicked me.” you said nasally. you sniffed and checked your nose as it continued to pulse. liza yawned, stretching and sitting up to look around like she forgot where she was.
“today’s going to be a good beach day if it’s this fucking hot.” she grumbled. her hair was wild atop her head, sticking out in every direction. she looked over at you as she yawned again. “breakfast and then beach?”
you nodded, your hand back in your lap as the throbbing subsided. you picked up your dirty dishes and phone and followed liza inside to eat. her dad was already cooking when you two came inside and your mouth watered at the sight of food on the counter. he provided a whole display of drinks, fruit, bread, and eggs that had you contemplating about never leaving.
liza told her dad of your plans for the day while you ate. you kept quiet as you cleared your plate, normally taking at least an hour to fully wake up in the morning. liza seemed almost too chipper in the mornings from what you witnessed. once you finished up and put your plate in the sink at liza’s dad’s request, you went to her room to fish out your new bathing suit. you changed in the bathroom and brushed your teeth along with the rest of your morning routine. you pulled on a t-shirt and shorts over your suit and tied your hair up just as liza knocked to see if you were done.
thirty minutes later, you were on your way to the beach. you held liza’s tote bag in your lap, full of snacks, waters, a speaker to connect to her phone, and towels. you were anticipating the beach, wanting to just run into the water and swim all day.
which is what you did for the next few hours. you munched on some pretzels, drank a ton of water that you had to pee several times, listened to music, and laid out in the sun. you soaked up more sunscreen than you could imagine, reapplying at least ten times. the water felt good whenever you swam to the sandbar with liza and back to the shore.
liza was on her stomach now, her hair still damp. she closed her eyes against the sun while you sat beside her and people-watched.
“when are you going to text topper?” she mumbled against her arm.
you watched an elderly couple read their respective books while sitting beside each other in folding chairs. they sat under a green umbrella, the one reading a james patterson novel with their toes poking out of the sand and the other reading a paperback of some sort with the cover twisted back and wearing a large sun hat.
“i guess i could text him now.” you said, hearing her question.
“i’ll probably head out whenever he gets here. let you two be alone.” she drawled.
you shoved at her shoulder and reached for your phone. you found topper’s conversation and typed quickly to tell him which beach you were at.
you want me to head over there?
you weren’t expecting him to text right away, but you replied back just as quickly.
you put your phone back down under your shirt and lay on your stomach so you could keep an eye out for him. you looked at where the parking lot was, a large area of gravel and tall grass. people were pouring in and out of the beach, little kids in thick foam flip flops kicking up sand while older adults with mass amounts of luggage followed after them.
liza sat up, looking in the same direction and drinking from her water bottle. you flipped over onto your back and closed your eyes, listening to the crunch of sand, the distant chatter, the hush of waves.
“that’s him.” liza said beside you. you couldn’t tell how long it had been. you leaned up onto your elbows and looked behind you, seeing topper walking down the small crest in a white t-shirt and bathing suit bottoms.
“do i look okay?” you asked her as she watched him under her sunglasses. her head turned to you and you didn’t need her glasses off her face to know the look she was giving you.
“i don’t think you should be worrying about that if you’re just going to end up taking your clothes off in front of him.”
“just say yes and move on.” you said, exasperated.
liza laughed to herself and lifted her hand to wave topper over. you watched as he put his phone back into his pocket, lowering his gaze to his sandals as he walked along the sand. you pushed yourself to stand with liza, trying your best to not fix your appearance.
“hey,” liza said easily as topper came closer.
“hey, how’s it going?”
“good. this is y/n, as you already know.” liza gestured to you.
“hi,” you said and gave an awkward wave. it was only awkward with liza there, but you knew she’d be leaving shortly.
“hey.” he said and slipped his hands into his pockets.
it made you smile when you saw his eyes traveling over you for a split second. liza saw it too. you let your own eyes wander as liza said something; you weren’t paying attention to listen. 
“well, i’m going to head out.” liza said as she bent to roll up her towel. you crossed your arms loosely as you watched her. she picked up her bag and turned to you. “let me know if you need me to pick you up.”
you gave her a nod and watched her take a few steps. she turned slightly to point at topper. “be nice to her.” she warned, making you laugh like she was a parent trying to threaten a boy.
once she was out of sight, you sat down on half of the towel so topper could have the other side. he followed you, propping his legs in front of him as you stretched yours out.
“so, are you just here for the weekend?” topper asked after a few moments. you were trying not to let it become awkward, but he had beaten you to it.
“until next saturday.” you said, glancing at him as you leaned back on your hands. you could feel a shell under your palm, so you moved it to a different spot. “liza wanted me to visit before we go back to school.”
topper nodded, his elbows atop his knees. he glanced at a beach ball rolling by, a little kid chasing after it. “are you guys close?”
“you could say that. you went to high school together?”
“yeah, we kind of had the same friends so we hung out at the same places.”
you hummed as you looked toward the shore. you saw a couple kites over the water, their tails whipping in the wind. “it’s nice here.”
“yeah, kitty hawk is nice. i like to paddle board over at kill devil hills.” you turned your eyes to him, finding him already looking at you.
you smiled lightly and squinted at him. “i’ve never been paddle boarding.”
“really? it’s fun. what about surfing?”
“i tried, but i split my lip. i’m sure if i tried again i’d get the hang of it.”
topper nodded with an identical smile, looking at you a little longer. ten seconds later, your heart lurched as topper reached back and took his shirt off. you glanced away with a slight blush, an inkling of a thought about public sex creeping into your mind. topper then stood and reached a hand to you.
“come on, come in the water with me.” he promoted. you felt your heart settle as you took his hand and he pulled you up.
you spent the next fifteen minutes in the water. you glided your hands along the surface as the waves rolled and topper talked animatedly with you. you were enjoying this part as much as you didn’t want to admit, seeing as that all you were looking for was a hookup. but he was so talkative and curious and hardly ever broke the eye contact. you played with the sand under your feet while he dunked himself under the surface then wiped a hand over his face.
when you got out and dried yourself off with liza’s towel, you wiped your face and looked over the soft fibers at topper. you held the towel out to him, dripping onto the sand. you were partially dry for now and itching under your skin. you looked away as he dried himself off but found yourself looking back as he bent over to wipe down his legs. when he stood tall again, you couldn’t help the way your eyes lingered over his glistening stomach, admiring.
“can we get out of here?” you asked.
topper nodded and handed you the towel. he took it back from you after pulling his shirt on so you could do the same. your bottoms were still wet so you left your shorts off for the time being and grabbed the rest of your things. topper fiddled with his keys, brushing the sand off them as he led you to the car lot. the gravel poked at your bare feet, some pebbles sharp enough to make you wince, but you endured it the whole way to a jeep that topper brought you to. it unlocked with a beep and before you climbed in, you put the towel over the seat and brushed your feet off, not wanting to track sand, dirt, or rocks into his shiny vehicle. it felt too high up for you, like you were sitting on the roof rather than inside it, but you closed the door gently.
it kind of looked like a forty-year-old woman threw up. and it was all over the house. every room seemed overly decorated, a bunch of different script fonts with those cheesy sayings plastered everywhere. the house had high ceilings and the paint was pristine. it was very bright due to all of the windows and you wondered if there were any dark spots at all inside the house.
even topper’s room had a hint of a forty-year-old woman in it when you walked in.
“i think your mom went overboard at pottery barn.” you joked. “your dad couldn’t monitor her credit card uses?”
topper closed the door behind you as you wandered in, hands clasped gently in front of you. he tossed his keys onto a dark dresser beside the entryway and paused there at your remark.
“i don’t know my dad.” he said.
you turned then from staring at the light blue walls adorned with framed potted plant prints. “oh.” you said, your stomach aching like you’d been kicked. you knew it wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to say, no matter how you said it. normally you could get away with saying things like that, but you had to remind yourself that you didn’t know topper.
“my dad has a habit of canceling a lot of my mom’s outstanding online purchases so i just thought— i’m sorry.” you shifted on your feet, moving your hands to your sides.
topper only shrugged as you went back to scoping out the room. you tapped your thighs awkwardly as a discarded pair of socks seemed pretty interesting to you. when you looked back at topper, you relaxed since he didn’t come off as uncomfortable. you decided to just forget it and push it out of your head as you crossed your arms and reached for the hem of your shirt.
you left it somewhere on the floor before taking a few timid steps to topper. he stayed where he was against the dresser, watching you closely as you came to him. you leaned in close, bringing your hand to the back of his neck while his hands fell easily to your hips. glancing over his features quickly and landing on his mouth, you smiled softly and asked, “is this okay?”
the tension left your body as topper nodded, staring at your own mouth, before you finally gave him a kiss. another had him opening his mouth wider, and another was a little deeper. you smiled against him.
“what?” he asked, his fingertips poking at your sides, his face close.
“i can taste your toothpaste.”
topper’s cheeks tinged a light pink and he pulled you closer against his body, licking into the next kiss and surprising you. you moaned delightedly and brushed your fingers into his damp hair.
you let your hands wander down his neck, shoulders, and chest. he felt firm in all of those places and his shirt soft. you enjoyed the touch of his hands on your face, exploring a new territory, and holding you close. every cell in your body was cheering with delight, like you’d just chugged a liter of water after a sweltering day. a slight buzz started under your fingertips as a familiar tingling grew in your bathing suit bottoms. every touch had you anticipating the end result.
topper’s skin was warm and taut as you slipped a hand under his shirt and played with the waistband of his bottoms. his tongue was fighting with yours while you were fighting with yourself about whether or not to take his shirt or bottoms off first. you couldn’t decide if you wanted to get it over with or to build up to finally having him inside of you. a moan slipped out at the thought. your finger hooked between his lower stomach and his bottoms when he pulled away abruptly at your noise and reached behind him to tug the shirt off.
as it fell to the floor, his hands returned to your hips to tug you flush against him. you could slightly feel him through his bottoms, the want to stick your hand inside now greater than ever. but he had a tight grip on your hips that showed no signs of letting up.
your breath was heavy with his as he turned the both of you so you were the one pressed against the dresser now. his hips brushed into yours slowly as the edge of the dresser dug into your lower back and you let your head fall as another moan came out.
“shit.” you whispered to yourself, your eyes closing at how good it felt. something so subtle that had your knees growing weak.
topper dragged a hand up to your jaw and pulled your lips back to his as he rolled his hips, this time a little firmer. to only add to the pleasure you were feeling, his hand slipped down to your chest where he groped you gently. he massaged a few strokes as you licked at his lip, begging for entrance. he granted it while he fingers flexed over your breast. you gladly let them wander to your back where he pulled at the strings, the damp silky fabric peeling off like those fake tattoo papers you put on when you were younger.
you pushed your now bare chest against topper’s, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and rubbing the heel of your foot into his calf. he turned you around, his hands rubbing down to your ass as he moved to the bed. you crawled backwards at the same pace he crawled over you, faces still close that you could feel his breath growing heavy.
“stop teasing.” you said through clenched teeth as topper nipped at your neck and rolled his hips into yours.
“where’s the fun in that?” he smiled to himself as he skimmed his nose along your neck.
you wanted to kick him, but instead you settled for pulling him back against your lips while letting your hand rest on his shorts again. his hips seemed to sink lower to you at the feeling and you hadn’t even touched him yet.
your ears perked up at a small noise from somewhere while topper went unfazed and slipped his tongue back into your mouth. you ignored the small disruption and focused on him and your hand, now creeping your fingers along his abdomen. just as you barely got a knuckle deep into his bottoms a sliding door opened and banged. topper must’ve been so lost in where your hand was going that he still didn’t move away from you.
“did you hear that?” you pulled away.
“what?” he breathed.
a chorus of shouts and hollers came through the closed bedroom door. topper stilled and closed his eyes. “fuck,” he said before he pushed himself up and crawled away from you.
your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him get a footing and leave the room. you stared at the open door, partially annoyed at the interruption and the fact that you were left; naked.
groaning, you got up and pulled on your shirt again so you could follow topper. you went down the hall and found him in what you assumed to be the living room, a large tv on one wall and a white couch placed in front of it. the sliding door you heard led out onto a large deck, where you saw a group of guys all standing. topper’s bare back was facing you as he was in the middle of talking to someone, his shoulders tense.
the moment you stepped on the threshold, your bare feet against the cool metal, all eyes were on you. the guy topper had been talking to looked over his shoulder, instant curiosity on already stimulated features. he had topper’s hand in his, his opposite on his shoulder like he was giving him a pep talk.
“who’s this?” he asked, a sick smile appearing like you’d drop down onto your knees in front of him.
you grimaced very noticeably and spoke for yourself. “someone who’s trying to get laid. who the hell are you?”
a few low whistles rang out and you sent glares to the guys behind the one you were originally looking at. topper looked at you over his shoulder and gave you an apologetic look. you were glad he didn’t ask you to leave or wait for him, because you would’ve gladly left. you were starting to feel the irritation bubble and soon you would be leaving.
“got yourself a nice touron, huh, top?” the friend said, his arm looping around topper’s shoulders as he jostled him. his eyes were blown wide and not just from surprise. you grimaced deeper. they all looked like entitled, pretentious asshats and you were starting not to want anything to do with them. liza was totally right.
“rafe, come on, just leave. i’ll text you later.” topper was saying while you seethed at the door.
“don’t be pussy-whipped, topper. just drop the bitch and come try my new stash.”
“excuse me?” you pushed yourself off the doorway and stepped onto the warm deck. topper stopped you, turning out of rafe’s arm to plant his hands on your shoulders.
“woah, woah,” topper said as you sent daggers at his friend. he just laughed cockily at you and rubbed his chin. “can i text you later?”
your eyes snapped to topper’s pensive face in front of you. “are you kidding?” his hands dropped like you singed him. “don’t even bother.”
topper opened his mouth to call after you as you turned and walked away into the house. you shook your head to yourself and muttered as if anyone was listening. you should’ve known better or you should’ve expected less than for someone to put your needs before their own, much less a total stranger.
you wanted to slam a door behind you in annoyance as you went back to topper’s room to get your shoes. you also wanted to yell in frustration when you remembered your phone was still in his truck; you had wanted zero distractions. his keys were atop his dresser and you debated for a second whether or not to take them— you’d just be getting your things and liza’s towel.
just as you snatched your shoes and bathing suit top from the floor, topper slid into the room behind you and blocked the door. “please don’t leave,” he said quickly.
“unlock your car so i can get my stuff.”
“come on, please stay. i want you to stay.” he took a step closer to you, his pleading expression prominent.
“i don’t want to be here with your shitty friends pretending that we might get along when one of them just called me a bitch for no reason.” you countered and took a step to get by him, only to be caught around the waist. he turned you gently, his expression still the same.
“they’re leaving right now, i swear.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“i swear!” he pleaded. “you can go look yourself or you can take my word for it and we can pick up where we left off.”
you held your steely glare, trying not to show that you were reconsidering. you just really wanted to get laid and the situation only added to that frustration.
instead of smacking him with a sandal, you dropped everything in a heap and attached yourself to him again. his fingers worked quickly to pull your shirt back off, running along your sides and planting themselves on your hips. you nipped at his lip, silently begging him to move faster. he seemed to have the right idea as he turned you and pushed you back to the bed. you landed softly, your legs dangling off the edge, as you watched topper stand tall in front of you. his chest grew bigger as he took a breath and bent down to push his bottoms off. you pulled your lip between your teeth, not hiding the way your eyes flickered down to catch a glimpse. your ears grew hot and your skin pricked at topper’s semi-erection, the tip of him glistening. you wondered what he tasted like.
your gaze broke as topper moved to the side of the bed, rifling through his nightstand. you took that opportunity to take your bottoms off, flicking them somewhere in the room with your foot. you flipped over onto your stomach, grinning to yourself at the full view of topper’s butt. taking a nail between your teeth, you bit it anxiously and watched as he found a condom. you couldn’t help but giggle as he looked over the packaging, reading the date. your feet kicked in the air playfully.
when topper went back to the foot of the bed, you looked over your shoulder as he rubbed himself before rolling the condom on. he combed a hand through his hair, pushing it off his forehead.
“good to go?” you smiled.
he breathed in and nodded. “you want it like this?” he gestured to the way you were on your stomach.
you hummed, nodding your head, and moved a little further down the bed so your hips were at the very edge. topper’s hands fell to your thighs and he spread your knees apart, his skin ghosting against yours as he stepped closer. you took a shaky breath in as the anticipation rose higher— god, you couldn’t wait. deep down, you hoped that it didn’t suck. he had worked you up so much that you were sure you’d feel silly if it wasn’t satisfying.
you tried not to show just how desperate you were as the tip of him teased your folds. you licked your lips, biting down on the bottom one and lay flat on the mattress. his hand gripped your hip now while the other guided himself to your entrance. a high-pitched moan bubbled from your chest and slipped past your lips as topper slowly moved himself inside of you. you let out a lower, satisfied moan when he was fully inside, flush against you. your feet knocked into his back as you adjusted to the size of him. topper tried to control his panting behind you, staring down at your ass and himself fully sheathed by you.
“jesus christ,” he said more so to himself, marveling at the way you fit around him. he imagined it would’ve been so much better without a condom, but this was just as good.
just as you were about to ask him to move, he pulled out of you inch by inch. it felt uncomfortable at the empty feeling, but he came back a little quicker with a low noise of his own.
topper kept a steady rhythm, his hold tight on the skin over your hips and his breath blowing across your back each time he thrusted into you. you reveled in his noises, enjoying the low grunts and the occasional moans to mix with yours and the sounds your bodies were making. his skin started to smack against yours, building as your hands tightened over the comforter. there wasn’t much conversation or dirty talk, which you didn’t mind at the moment since you weren’t looking to lengthen this experience out. you just wanted him to give you what you needed. so far, he was doing a pretty good job.
the bed dipped beside your shoulder as topper’s hips still moved. his body moved closer to yours, the heat from his chest seeping into the skin on your back and giving you a pleasant wave of goosebumps. you opened your eyes to find his fist planted beside you, just as his other hand gripped your shoulder. you pushed yourself up to your elbows, stretching your head backwards. topper followed your movements and bent over you, planting a wet kiss to your lips. he continued to move in you, the hand on your shoulder moving to your neck, his fingertips settling on the sides. you breathed heavily into his mouth at the new sensation as a slew of curses rang out in your mind.
topper licked into your mouth, teasing you and playing with your tongue as his fingertips pressed a little more into your skin. you moaned lowly and broke apart from him. he stayed close, reaching down to your ear and nipping at your earlobe. your mouth opened, eyes screwing shut again as you became aware that you were close to your end. maybe if he just squeezed a little more around your neck, you’d go over the edge.
“topper, i’m going to come.” you breathed, feeling your head knock into his shoulder as he still moved. just then his hips snapped forward, hitting you a little deeper, a little harder. his lips moved off your ear, his breath hitting it now. you tightened yourself around him, not knowing that it brought him even closer while you came over him. you held on to the blanket, knuckles turning white while the same thing happened behind your eyelids. your face screwed up in ecstasy as topper pumped into you deliciously, his movements eventually faltering and stopping as he found his own climax. he groaned loudly into your ear, his breath hot, his grip not too tight, and his come feeling warm even through the condom. if only you’d actually felt it.
topper let go of your neck and you lay flat again, finding your breath with a heaving chest. topper watched the side of your face through hooded eyelids as he stayed hovering over you for a moment. the heels of your feet rested against his back; your thighs no longer tight against his thighs as you relaxed now.
your eye lazily opened as the air in the room met your back, topper moving away from you. you could see him out of the corner of your eye as he carefully touched your side and pulled himself out of you. you made a small noise, almost one of disappointment that he didn’t stay there longer. he disappeared from your sight and your legs promptly closed, your feet still in the air even though you ached from staying like that for a while.
when topper came back, condom gone and thrown away and holding a washcloth, he tapped your lower back. you pushed yourself up slowly, wincing at tired joints and muscles, and thanked him before finding your way to the bathroom. you cleaned yourself up inside, peeing quickly and washing your hands. topper was stepping into his shorts when you came back.
“the fuck is a touron?” you asked as you reached for your bathing suit bottoms almost under his dresser.
topper laughed behind you. “it’s a tourist.”
you made a face and pulled your bathing suit top over your head, tying it in the back. “east coast people are weird.”
topper smiled to himself, glancing at you as you pulled your t-shirt on. he was dressed and ready to go when you were, grabbing his keys and letting you lead the way.
once he pulled into liza’s ridiculously long driveway, you thanked him and jumped out, not wanting to make it awkward. liza was in her kitchen when you walked in, hair a little messy but dry.
she looked up at you from cutting some fruit. a curious smile came onto her lips. her eyebrows rose. “how was it?”
you lifted yourself into one of the chairs at the island counter and reached over for a small piece. “i don’t like his friends so i can see why you warned me but i’m letting it go.” you said, popping the fruit into your mouth.
liza blinked at you, not totally understanding but becoming uncomfortable with how chilled you were compared to the other days you’d been her guest. “wow,” she said. “you really had a whole ass iceberg of frustration, huh?”
“i told you.” you shrugged and laughed once you stared at each other for a moment.
you ate dinner that night with liza and her dad, hearing a few stories and sharing your own over wine and lobster. just after you helped clean up the dishes and the kitchen, you felt your phone vibrate in your sweatshirt pocket. pulling it out, you read texts from a number you hadn’t saved.
i enjoyed today
let me know if you’re ever visiting again😉
⭐️taglist of beauties & babes!⭐️
@tovvaa​ @fttayla @dontjinx-it @moniamaybank @drewstarkeygf @cheshirecat107​ @jjmaybankzz​ @obxcunt​ @honeyyhemmings @dvakat @macey730
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lala-ladybug · 3 years
Healing Hands: Chapter 2
I promise I’m not this fast at writing, I’ve just had the first few chapters laying around for a while lmao. Reblogs are appreciated!!
Jasonette Sword Art Online AU
Read here on AO3
Tag list: @iloontjeboontje 
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Chapter 2: u guys r moding my night :(
There was chaos in the Wayne Manor. This was nothing unusual, of course, and today it even seemed to be surprisingly tame. But it was chaos nonetheless.
Timothy Drake-Wayne careened down the spiral staircase, catching himself with a well-timed front flip handspring, and skidded to a halt in the kitchen. Alfred briefly paused to look up from where he was preparing dough for a batch of homemade pasta, then offered the boy a smile and a greeting.
“Good evening, Master Drake. Dinner won’t be ready for another half-hour, I’m afraid.” Tim had opened his mouth to reply when a growl echoed from the nearby ballroom.
Jason Todd-Wayne sprinted into the kitchen brandishing a nerf gun. “There you are, replacement. You won’t get away with beating me this time.” He pulled back the reloader of the play-gun, making a threatening click ring through the kitchen.
“I’m afraid you are both late to the party,” Alfred calmly announced as he mixed ingredients together. “Miss Cain has been here for the past five minutes.”
Cass Cain-Wayne indeed poked her head out from where she had been perched beneath the bar. She gave her brothers a shit-eating grin and wiggled her fingers as way of a cheeky greeting.
Tim gave a groan as he and Jason begrudgingly handed some money over to their sister. “She cheats.” Cass stuck her tongue out at that. “Besides, racing you here was just an excuse to get my mind off waiting for midnight.”
“And because Alfred is the only one polite enough to actually listen to you rave about that stupid game,” Jason scoffed, sitting down at the bar to watch Alfred work.
“--thought I heard voices in the kitchen, oh there you are, little wing!” Dick Grayson-Wayne’s cheery voice came from the foyer, increasing in pitch as he spotted Jason and swept him up into a tight hug.
Barbara Gordon wheeled herself in not too long after, chuckling at the squirming Jason and delighted older brother.
Meanwhile Tim, who had taken offense to Jason’s insinuation, was reassuring Alfred that if he wanted the boys to leave him be he only ever had to ask. “It’s just that I’m so excited for the launch tonight, and you know B is too busy to hear about it.”
Jason had finally muscled his way out of Dick’s embrace as the latter’s attention focused on his youngest brother. “What launch are you talking about?” Dick asked, giving Cass a side hug.
“Oh, tonight is the release of this new VRMMORPG game called Mindscape!” Tim practically bounced as Dick came over to give him his hug too.
Dick gave Barbara a confused glance. “I know some of those words,” he nodded slowly. “So what’s got you so excited? Video games come out all the time.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he sat down beside Jason on the barstools. “Well yeah, but this game has groundbreaking virtual reality tech. Supposedly, the textures took five years and a team of almost 1000 artists.”
Jason put Tim into a headlock and said casually, “I’m surprised you haven’t heard replacement talking about this yet. He kinda won’t shut up about it.”
Cass nodded her head in solemn agreement while Tim struggled to get out of Jason’s grasp.
“Such are the woes of moving out.” Dick shrugged. “Sounds crash though, got room for one more?”
Tim finally shoved Jason off. “I actually bought enough passes that we can all play if you want,” he gave each of his siblings the biggest puppy-dog eyes he could manage.
Barbara snorted even as Dick pumped his fist in the air beside her. She wheeled herself up to the bar to pinch Jason, who was poised to jab his fingers into Tim’s sides. Jason yelped and glared at her as she said, “Sorry Timmy, I’d rather let someone else be the guinea pig for this new kind of tech. Besides, Dad will worry if I let myself get sucked into pouring too many hours into this.”
“Papa Gordon is a force to be reckoned with,” Dick attested earnestly. “Jay?” he prompted.
“Absolutely not,” Jason answered immediately. Tim was quick to protest. “But why? We could spend more time together! It’ll be good team-building.” Jason’s face soured at that.
Dick leaned in and stage-whispered, “Do I have to tell B to force you into family bonding? You know he’ll make you do it.”
Cass covered her silently laughing mouth with one hand as Jason threw his hands up in the air. “Fine, don’t get Bruce involved. I’ll play your stupid game,” he finally relented. Tim grinned at his win, then cast a hopeful look at Cass.
She pulled a face and signed No thank you. Better things to do than watch VR pornos.
Tim’s face blushed profusely as he opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by Jason’s cackling. Even Alfred cracked a smile while he rolled the dough onto the ravioli press.
Once Jason quieted down, Tim crossed his arms and said, “Suit yourself. Looks like it’ll be no-girls-allowed anyway.”
“Guess we’d better tell Cassie that, Timbo,” Dick wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, which Tim elected to ignore.
“Speaking of suits,” Alfred said while seamlessly spreading filling in the ravioli and placing another sheet on top of the press, “aren’t you boys going to miss the premiere if it is indeed at midnight?”
Tim looked imploringly at the two girls. “You wouldn’t be willing to trade shifts for your favorite brother, would you?”
* * *
Wally West strolled out of the zeta tube and into the Justice League’s satellite, known to himself and the other heroes as The Watchtower. He was dressed in a casual NASA t-shirt and jeans, slurping a smoothie, and playing a game on his phone.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made him look up. He was greeted with the sight of his old team, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Rocket, Zatanna, and Artemis, waiting impatiently. They were dressed in full hero attire-- he didn’t even realize Artemis still had her costume-- and looked to him expectantly.
“Hey guys, what’s poppin’?” Wally grinned and gave his friends a lazy chin jerk.
“‘What’s poppin’?’ Babe, are you serious? You told us to meet here ASAP for an emergency. So you can tell us what exactly is ‘poppin’.” Ah yes, his Spitfire. Artemis Crock still wasn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind. But this time it looked like everyone else was on her side too, as they nodded in agreement with her emphatic air quotes.
“Oh, uh yeah, Mindscape is coming out tonight!” He set his smoothie down on the table. “I got us all passes and I’m super stoked for the launch. It’s got this super cool new VR tech that’s basically being released for the first time ever. I got the equipment through my internship, so we’re all set! You guys are totally coming right?” He made finger guns at his increasingly exasperated friends.
Artemis facepalmed. Kaldur’ahm raised his eyebrows in that I’m disappointed in you but I’m not going to say it way of his and said, “Wally, with you and Artemis retired from the life, understand that we took this to be a literal emergency and rushed to your aid. Do not abuse our good intentions.”
“Seriously West, I have a lot on my plate right now!” Rochelle Ervin was also, apparently, a little upset with him. “You could’ve said it was about a dumb game.”
The speedster tried to do damage control with some lighthearted humor. “Hey guys, stay whelmed. I get it, I probably should have given a few more deets about this very-much-not-dumb game, but do you know how many candy bars I had to eat to win these passes?”
“This is why you’ve been spending so much on junk food?” Oh, he was in big trouble with Artemis now. “You probably didn’t have to eat all of them, babe.”
M’gann M’orzz, Connor Kent, and Zatanna Zatara looked similarly annoyed. Well, the girls did. Connor just looked like his usual brand of annoyed, which was honestly a small victory.
“So...” Wally felt a little sheepish now, “who wants in?”
The rest of the group exchanged a look. Artemis was the first to speak up. “Well, you’ve already invested too much of our money in this to turn back now.” She walked up to him and poked a finger at his chest. “But you owe me so many dinners for this.”
He grinned triumphantly. “Deal!”
Rochelle spoke up next. “Me and my plate don’t need any more helpings, thank you very much. I’ll see y’all at the next team reunion!” She flew out through the zeta tube.
Kaldur clapped him on the shoulder. “If you need any assistance, I will be there. But for now I am running Atlantis in Aquaman’s stead while he is off-world, and I must return to my duties.” He then bid the rest of the team farewell and stepped through the zeta tube.
“Haha, he said ‘duties.’” Wally said once he’d left, then winced as Artemis smacked his arm lightly. Lightly for her. Rubbing his arm, he looked imploringly at his other friends.
M’gann and Conner looked deep in a telepathic conversation, which was just awkwardly intense eye contact for onlookers. Zatanna crossed her arms and sighed, “Fine, why not. I didn’t have plans for the weekend anyway. Lead the way to your chocolate factory, Charlie.”
Connor, having caught the tail end of the conversation, looked confused at the reference. He shrugged and said, “I’m in, could be fun.”
M’gann gave her friends an apologetic smile. “Sorry guys, my uncle needs help back on Mars. There’s tensions between the white and green martians again, and he really needs me there to get it under control.”
She gave Connor a peck on the cheek and left to board the nearby Bioship.
“And then there were four,” Wally said with a smile. “Now let’s go make you guys some avatars!”
* * *
Bart Allen could hardly contain his excitement. Scratch that, he couldn’t contain his excitement! “Bouncing off the walls” may be an exaggeration for most people, but he was not most people. Being the grandson of The Flash certainly had its perks, and being able to literally bounce off the walls was one of them.
The cause of his excitement, his friends Timothy Drake-Wayne and Wally West, had just called to ask if Bart wanted extra passes to the premiere of the biggest video game of the decade. And uh, yeah duh he wanted them! He already had one he’d bought for himself, but bringing four extra friends? So totally crash.
He opened up his phone and pulled up the group chat titled Badass Babes.
CrashBandicoot: hey bitchez n babez (u kno who u r), u ready 4 the best videogame of the yr to drop?!
BlueMenace: ese, do you HAVE to type like that?
WonderBabe: yea it’s super annoying
CrashBandicoot: gtta go fast babez
CrashBandicoot: now answer the question
GreenMenace: oh i heard about that! mindscape, right? isn’t it some vr game
CrashBandicoot: yes! nd i got extra tix, so come ovr to cave
GirlBoss: No can do, got research tomorrow!
MaleWife: you always have research bae. sorry little speedster, gotta drive the lady to work
CrashBandicoot: u guys r moding my night :(
BlueMenace: totally not a word but I’ve got you cariño, be there in an hour
WonderBabe: ah what the heck, I’ve got nothing better to do
GreenMenace: always down to whoop ur ass in video games
CrashBandicoot: u wish
CrashBandicoot: roy?
Ginger1 is typing...
WonderBabe: it’ll be fun! more ~mingling~ with kids our age
Ginger2: Hold on, give him some time
Ginger1 is typing...
BlueMenace: Roy, I can pick you up on my way in if you want
Ginger1 has stopped typing.
Ginger2: Um, he says he’ll meet you guys there
Ginger2: He may have destroyed his phone with his “non-typing” hand
GreenMenace: pog
WonderBabe: see u guys soon!
Bart pumped his fist, then ran at top speed to his boyfriend Jaime’s house, where it looked like he was doing homework. Seriously, on a Friday night? Bart had absolutely no qualms about whisking him into his arms and making for the nearest zeta tube.
“Woah Bart, I said I needed an hour!” Jaime protested.
Bart rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but you definitely don’t have anything due tonight, and we have to make your character online before the launch!”
Jaime just looked resigned as they sped into the zeta tube. He knew what he had signed up for.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Tia and Tamera... and Nicole
fratboy and best friend!namjoon x reader, university!au, comedy, fluff, angst (and making out, if that counts as something idk lol) ft. twice nayeon, got7 jackson & skz hyunjin
For btswriterscollective’s 1 year anniversary contest!
Summary: y/n decides to make a big fashion change and, all of a sudden, is the object of attraction of every male within a hundred metre radius of her. Namjoon, her best friend, isn’t too impressed about it.
Rating: 15 (mature themes, explicit discussion of sex, strong language)
Word Count: 9.9k+
Warnings: lots of sexism/misogyny, the typical she-has-a-makeover-and-suddenly-every-boy-wants-to-date-her-trope, lots of gross frat boys, strong language, explicit discussion of sex, alcohol and drug consumption, making out, Namjoon is trash and doesn’t know how to text. I think that’s it but lmk if you noticed that I missed something!
a/n: hey guys ! it’s silverlightqueen back with another university au lmao i’m sorry :( thank you to the loml @silverlightprincess​ for proofreading, you’re the best and I love youuu !! I hope you guys enjoy this bc it was really fun to write !!
silverlightqueen masterlist
I got the divider off google (it has no relevance to the story but it kinda matches the colour scheme so we move lmao) so credit to whoever made it lol
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joon: u up
y/n: don’t fuckboy text me
joon: so thats a yes
y/n: what do you want ?
joon: u free tmrw
y/n: it’s Monday tomorrow
joon: what about it
y/n: I got a lecture in the morning, but I’m free after 11
joon: ill pick u up nd take u 4 food
y/n: look at you, any excuse to drop in that you can drive now
joon: do u want food yes or no
y/n: what food ?
joon: mexican indian chinese whateva u want
y/n: yeah, sounds good
joon: rnt u gonna tell me what food u want
y/n: I’ll sleep on it
y/n: anyway go to bed, idiot, why are you even awake at 2.30 on a Sunday night ?
joon: y r u
y/n: questioning my existence
y/n: duh
y/n: now tell me why you are
joon: i just left jens lol
y/n: nvm forget I asked
joon: sure u dont want the deets
y/n: positive
y/n: goodnight you demon
joon: gn angel
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‘Took you long enough,’ Namjoon exclaims as I open the front door of his car and climb into the passenger seat. ‘Wait, whoa. Hold on. What is this?’ Namjoon demands as I shut the door behind me, and I quickly turn to look at him. ‘What?’ I ask worriedly, and he shakes his hand in my general direction. ‘This. Your outfit. I’m confused,’ he says, and I relax, rolling my eyes, trying to ignore the way my cheeks are heating up and hoping he doesn’t notice it. ‘Why are you confused, Namjoon?’ I ask as though I’m speaking to a child, and he laughs, starting up the car.
‘I’m confused because I’ve never seen you wear anything other than clothes that are way too big for you,’ he says, and I make an indignant noise as he speeds down the road like the devil driver he is. ‘Don’t even deny it, you know it’s true. I started to wonder if you had something you were trying to hide. A growth on your stomach. A hunchback. A pregnancy. Or worse; no boobs!’ he says, gasping dramatically, and I hit his shoulder, holding back a laugh. ‘I wasn’t hiding anything,’ I say, and he glances over at me, eyeing my chest, before his tongue darts out to wet his lip. ‘You were. I always assumed you had small tits – a B cup, max – but obviously not. I can’t believe you hid them so well. They’ve gotta be at least a D,’ he says, and I roll my eyes, not bothering to disclose that I’m actually an E. He’d probably pop a boner. ‘And your legs,’ he says, and I look down at them self-consciously. ‘What about them?’ I ask, and he blinks before looking down at my freshly shaved limbs. ‘I’ve never seen them before. They’re nice. Smooth. And curved, with some fat on them. I’m glad you don’t have stick legs,’ he jokes, and I sigh. ‘Stop body-shaming,’ I say, and he lets out a little chuckle. ‘Am I not allowed to have preferences?’ he smirks, eyes on the road as he overtakes cars left, right and centre. ‘No,’ I reply, and he bursts out laughing.
‘So what’s with the new look? What prompted this reinvention? Because, I’m either still tripping from last night, or you’re actually wearing makeup too,’ he says, and I shift embarrassedly in the seat. ‘I just felt like it was time for a change. I wanted to experiment, try something new,’ I say, and he nods, face blank. ‘Okay. Now, do you wanna tell me the real reason?’ he asks, and I laugh, annoyed that he knows me so well. ‘I was getting changed in my room-’ ‘Okay, hang on, let me picture it,’ Namjoon says, and I hit him again, ignoring his chuckles. ‘So, I was getting changed, and Nayeon barged in and had a meltdown over… my body. She said that she was really annoyed with me for hiding my body so much, because if she had my body, she’d walk around naked. Or whatever. Something like that. I’d never really… looked at my body like that, but once she said it, I realised that maybe I could start branching out, fashion-wise. So she took me shopping, and this is the trial of new outfit number one,’ I say, and he listens intently, nodding in all the right places.
‘So how have people reacted today?’ he asks, and I get a little embarrassed thinking about it. ‘Some of the girls in my class started screaming when they saw me, and Taehyung asked if I was new here, and if he could get my number. Oh, and our lecturer asked me to stay behind to ask if I was okay, because I didn’t seem to be myself today,’ I explain, and Namjoon bursts out laughing. ‘You’re kidding.’ ‘Not at all.’ ‘Wow. All I’ll say is to ignore Taehyung. I think all that weed has caused permanent damage to his brain,’ he says, and I can’t help but agree, wondering how that boy can even breathe right anymore. ‘Well, anyway. Why did you used to cover up so much?’ he asks, and I laugh. ‘Are you just gonna keep quizzing me?’ I ask, and he nods instantly, grinning. ‘I’m intrigued, y/n. You have to understand that this is a lot for me to process. My best friend has transformed into someone else since I last saw her. My mind’s going into meltdown mode,’ he says dramatically, and I roll my eyes at him. ‘Drama queen.’ ‘I learn from the best. You. Now, anyway. Can you answer my question?’
‘I don’t know.’ ‘You don’t know if you can answer my question?’ ‘No, moron, I don’t know why I used to cover up so much,’ I say exasperatedly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘I find that slightly hard to believe.’ ‘Fine. I wasn’t the most confident in my body. It’s hard, seeing all these super slim tiktok girls, petite and slight, and seeing them dress the way I wanted to. It’s like… I felt stupid wearing the same clothes they wear because they look so different to me. The way the media glorifies slim women… it’s hard for not-so-slim women like me. So I just hid my body in loose clothes for so long that it was what I was comfortable in,’ I explain, Namjoon still listening attentively. That’s one of the best things about him; he may be an idiot, but he always listens to what I have to say.
‘That’s… kinda sad, actually. Because – don’t get me wrong, your old look did suit you – but this new look? It’s great. You look really good, y/n, regardless of the fact that you’re not a super slim tiktok girl,’ he says matter-of-factly, and I smile shyly. ‘Thanks. So it’s a yes to the black and white check mini skirt and blazer set?’ I ask, and he nods instantly with a grin. ‘I can’t wait to see the rest of your outfits,’ he says, turning into the car park at the shopping centre. ‘There’s… quite a few to come. I’m a bit nervous about a couple of them,’ I say as he pulls into a parking space, and he gives me a greasy smirk. ‘I’m even more excited now,’ he says, and I swat at him, the boy chuckling as he ducks away from my hand. ‘I’ve just driven you to buy you food, and this is what I get in return?’ ‘Yes. You’re lucky I’m not beating the shit out of you.’ He sighs, checking his blond hair in the mirror before climbing out of the car, and I reach into the back and grab my bag before getting out too.
‘Oh, my God,’ he says, sounding shocked, and I instantly panic. ‘What?’ ‘What are those?’ he shouts, throwing his hands down to point at my feet, and everyone within a hundred metre radius turns to look at us. ‘Joon!’ I exclaim, embarrassed at him grabbing so much attention. ‘Sorry. But seriously? What are those?’ he asks, and I look down at my shoes. ‘They’re sock boots. What’s wrong with them?’ I ask, and he stares at them before taking a step back and looking me up and down. ‘Nothing. They look great. I’m just shocked to see you in shoes other than trainers. And is that a handbag I see instead of the usual backpacks?’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. We walk towards the entrance, and I struggle to keep up with him (I always struggle when walking next to him, but even more so in these boots). ‘Wait,’ I say, hooking my arm through his so I can slow him down, and he laughs. ‘Aww, struggling in your boots?’ he teases, and I huff. ‘Shut up,’ I pout, and he laughs again, looking at me with an affectionate gaze and an amused smile.
But the affection and amusement soon disappears. ‘y/n. You’re literally killing me here. Hurry up,’ he says impatiently. ‘Sorry, Joon. It’s my first time wearing heels though, cut me some slack. At least I haven’t fallen over,’ I say brightly, trying to put a positive spin on it, and he scowls. He’s been trying his best to walk slow but he’s now struggling not to walk at his normal pace – his legs are so much longer than mine. ‘Yet,’ he says venomously, and I gasp. ‘Was that a threat?’ I demand, feigning indignance, and he side-eyes me. ‘Maybe it was. I could stick my foot out right now and no one would ever know,’ he says in a wistful tone, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘I’ll step on your foot if you try it. Then who’ll be laughing when my boots ruin your Balenciagas?’ ‘Me, because you’ll be buying me new ones.’ ‘With what money? I ain’t got money like that.’ ‘Oh, but you got money for clothes?’ ‘I always got money for clothes.’ ‘Get a sugar daddy.’ ‘You are my sugar daddy.’ ‘Huh?’ ‘Who takes me out for food at least twice a week? And buys me things out of the blue?’ ‘Damn. I really am your sugar daddy. This isn’t a good deal for me at all. You’re getting the daddy, but I’m not getting any sugar.’ ‘I’m not sure that that means exactly what you intended it to mean.’ ‘You know what I meant. I want my sugar, bitch.’ ‘Jen can give you sugar instead.’ ‘Okay, but Jen isn’t getting the daddy. You are.’ ‘She was getting the daddy last night.’ ‘Did you really just refer to my dick as ‘the daddy’?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Never do that again.’
‘Where are we eating?’ I ask, and he grins. ‘Wang and Nayeon are waiting for us at Red Velvet,’ he says, and I gasp. ‘Yes! It’s been so long since we’ve been to Red Velvet!’ I exclaim, and he laughs amusedly. ‘I know. I was worried you might start getting withdrawal symptoms.’ ‘I thought we’d never go back. Does Seulgi still work there?’ I ask, raising an eyebrow, and he pulls a face. ‘Yep,’ he says, and I feel my eyes widen. ‘And we’re still gonna go?’ ‘Yes, because I’m a great person and make sacrifices for you even though all you do is abuse me and threaten to ruin my Balenciagas,’ he says, and I pout. ‘Sorry, Joonie,’ I say, putting on a baby voice as I give him puppy dog eyes, and he refuses to look at me, fighting a smile off his face. ‘Apology accepted. Now stop being the real-life version of that emoji.’ ‘Which one?’ ‘Don’t play dumb, you know exactly which one I mean.’
We round the corner to where Red Velvet is, tucked away from the rest of the shopping centre, and Nayeon and Jackson are sat in the window booth, watching a video on Nayeon’s phone together. When Namjoon and I enter, the little bell above the door rings, and both of them look up at us. Nayeon grins so wide I’m worried her face is going to split, and Jackson does a double take, eyes wider than an anime girl’s. ‘y/n?’ he exclaims, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and I shoot him a look, shushing him. ‘Oh, my God. What’s happened to you? Who’s this sexy thing?’ Jackson says as I slide into the booth opposite him and Nayeon, shuddering at the thought of my bare legs on the worn (and most likely, germ-carrying) leather of the seat as Namjoon slides in beside me. ‘Don’t refer to me as a ‘thing’, I’m not an object,’ I mutter, but my comment is ignored when Namjoon says, ‘literally my exact reaction.’ ‘No, it wasn’t. You did not call me sexy,’ I frown, and he blinks at me, looking surprised. ‘Did I not?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘Well, I thought you would’ve gathered that I thought that anyway. Based on the way I had to pick my tongue up from the floor when I saw you,’ he says, Jackson and Nayeon laughing as I roll my eyes.
‘You look good. Really good, y/n. I didn’t know you had boobs,’ Jackson says, inspecting me, and I try not to squirm under his scrutinising gaze. ‘Neither did I! Until I walked in on her naked!’ Nayeon says, Jackson’s eyes nearly falling out of his head. ‘I was in my underwear,’ I say defensively, and Nayeon rolls her eyes. ‘Details. But, yeah, after I saw her hot bod, I told her to stop wearing Billie Eilish’s hand-me-downs.’ ‘And gave her your hand-me-downs instead?’ ‘Excuse me, these are brand new,’ I point out, and Nayeon nods. ‘Yeah. You should know me better. I could never pull off an outfit like that.’ ‘I could pull it off you,’ Jackson jokes, Namjoon fist-bumping him as they laugh, Nayeon and I exchanging an exasperated glance. ‘I could pull it off you too, y/n,’ Jackson says with a little quirk of his eyebrow, and I roll my eyes, willing myself not to blush. ‘Jackson! y/n’s our baby, and we���ve gotta protect her from fuckboys, so stop being one,’ Nayeon says with a slap to his shoulder. ‘There won’t be any… fuckboys,’ I say, and all three of them raise their eyebrows at me. ‘You’re delusional if you think that. Just wait ‘til a frat boy sees you,’ Jackson says, and I frown. ‘Okay. That sounds fake, but, okay,’ I say, just as Seulgi appears to take our order.
‘Hi, and welcome to Red Velvet. What can I get for you?’ she says in the most bored tone I’ve ever heard. She must really hate her job. Even more with this moron sat beside me in here. ‘Can I get the Ice Cream Cake freakshake please?’ Nayeon asks, Seulgi gracing her with a rare smile as she writes down her order. ‘Can I get the Power Up brownie with Red Flavour ice cream please? And just water?’ Jackson asks, also getting a smile. ‘Can I get the Cookie Jar freakshake? And she’ll have Mojito cheesecake with Blue Lemonade. Thanks,’ Namjoon says, ordering for me too, but, unsurprisingly, he doesn’t get a smile. ‘Will you all be paying together?’ ‘I’m paying for mine and his,’ Nayeon says, pointing at herself and Jackson (she lost a bet with him a couple weeks ago, and owes him a meal). ‘And I’m paying for mine and hers,’ Namjoon says, Seulgi fixing him with a dirty look. ‘So this is who you’ve moved on to now?’ she demands, Nayeon and Jackson wincing. ‘Sis, you can have him,’ I say, unable to resist, and Namjoon shoots me evils as Seulgi looks bewildered. ‘Pardon?’ ‘I’m good, luv. Enjoy,’ I say, but she’s still staring at me, her mouth suddenly falling open. ‘y/n?’ she asks, and I nod, slightly confused. ‘OMG, I didn’t even recognise you. Girl, you look so good! I didn’t know you had boobs!’ she exclaims, and I have to stop myself from facepalming. ‘Thanks, Seulgi,’ I force out between gritted teeth, embarrassed as hell, but she doesn’t seem to notice, grinning away obliviously. ‘No problem. I’ll just get your orders put through and then I’ll come back for payments,’ she says, visibly perkier (nothing like seeing one of your friends unrecognisable after a makeover to cure a bad mood – apparently), before disappearing.
‘That was awkward,’ Namjoon says nonchalantly, all three of us fixing him with hard stares. ‘It wouldn’t have been so awkward if you weren’t such a dick,’ I say blithely, and he gasps dramatically. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘Don’t play innocent, dumbass. If you hadn’t had slept with Joy and Seulgi on the same day, we wouldn’t be in this situation. We’d actually have avoided a lot of situations if you weren’t such a dog,’ Nayeon says, brutally honest as ever. ‘Hey, I never made any kind of commitment to either of them!’ Namjoon defends himself, both Nayeon and I shaking our heads at him. ‘It’s common courtesy, douchebag,’ I reply, Namjoon sticking his tongue out at me. ‘I’d like to know what situations you’re referring to. I don’t get us into awkward situations,’ he says, all three of us giving him a ‘really?’ look.
‘Remember when we went out to that bar – what was it called again? Oh, yeah, Playing With Fire – and Jisoo threw that drink at you for blocking her on socials after you slept together?’ Jackson reminds us, Namjoon nodding slightly embarrassedly. ‘Oh, and when we went to Breakthrough, that club, and Sana got us kicked out by pretending we smuggled drugs in because you ghosted her after telling her you felt ‘something real’ for her?’ Nayeon brings up, all of us looking pointedly at Namjoon who nods sheepishly. ‘And that fight you got into with Daniel after you went ‘round telling people that Jihyo’s your sloppy seconds?’ I say, and he gasps indignantly. ‘I didn’t say that once!’ ‘Still. If you hadn’t had slept with her, that fake rumour wouldn’t have gone around,’ I say, and he pouts. ‘We could name several girls you’ve gotten us into awkward situations with. Chaeyoung, Hyejin, Wendy, Dahyun-’ ‘Okay, okay, damn. I get the picture,’ he says, the three of us exchanging looks.
‘Anyway, I need to go toilet. Come with me, y/n?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. Namjoon sighs, reluctantly getting out of the booth to let me out. ‘Whoa, hold on,’ Jackson says, and I turn around to face him. ‘y/n… what you doing out here with all this ass?’ he asks, voice far too loud for my liking, and the few people in the restaurant turn to look at us disapprovingly. ‘Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon!’ Namjoon exclaims, before they chorus, ‘Hella ass!’ They burst into laughter, and my face is on fire, everybody in the restaurant staring at us (or, more specifically, my ass). ‘y/n, you dumb thicc, sis,’ Jackson says, and I take a deep breath before saying, ‘I’m going to go to the toilet now.’ ‘Take some ass pics while you’re there!’
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joon: hey sexc
y/n: hey, what’s up ?
joon: wang wants 2 know if u nd nayeon r up 4 wing wednesday @ KPN
y/n: what time ?
joon: weneva imma get there 6.30
y/n: are there gonna be any other girls there?
joon: idk prolly the boys gfs
joon: y u asking so many qs u dnt have 2 come if u dnt wanna
y/n: I just don’t wanna be one of the only girls at a frat house with loads of stupid frat boys
joon: ill protect u bby
joon: me nd wang got u
y/n: much appreciated
y/n: we’ll come, but I’ll text you when we get there and you need to meet us at the door
y/n: I’ll feel awkward just walking in
joon: ok but call dnt text
y/n: you never answer your phone
joon: ill take it off silent 4 u angel ;)
y/n: thank youuu
joon: ofc see u tmrw
y/n: see youuu, goodnight joonie
joon: gn stupid
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‘Wrong number,’ he says when he answers the phone, and I roll my eyes. ‘We’re at the door, come get us,’ I say, and he lets out a loud sigh. ‘I’m gonna lose my seat,’ he complains, and I huff. ‘Joon, please come get us. Do you know what it’s like being a girl around dozens of frat boys? You need to look after us,’ I plead, and he sighs again. ‘Give me a minute,’ he replies before the line clicks off. ‘Is he coming?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. ‘Good, because it’s freezing,’ she says, clutching at her bare arms. ‘That’s what you get for wearing a t-shirt,’ I say, and she rolls her eyes. ‘It’s not like you’re dressed warmly either,’ she says pointedly, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘I’m not complaining about the cold.’ ‘Yeah, which I’m surprised about, because that top is thin as hell.’ ‘It’s not that thin.’ ‘Sis, I borrowed that top yesterday – it’s thin.’
I’m dressed in a black long-sleeve top tucked into a pair of greyish-whiteish joggers, with white trainers on my feet, a simple gold necklace around my neck with an initial pendant, a couple gold bracelets on my wrist and gold rings on my fingers. Nayeon’s in a pair of blue mom jeans and a black t-shirt, a cross body bag with both of our things inside it on her shoulder. Neither of us have bothered with full faces or pretty hairstyles – we’ve both got on basic makeup with our hair out and natural. It isn’t really that cold; it’s 8, and the air is starting to get crisp and cool, but the sun’s only just beginning to set, so there’s still a little warmth. Nayeon’s just a drama queen.
The door opens after a few seconds, Namjoon glowering at us, before he looks me up and down, his frown being replaced with a smirk. ‘Have I told you I love this new y/n? Like… this is a look,’ he says, and I grin at him, feeling a little more confident now. ‘I’m stood right here,’ Nayeon says with a half-hearted scowl, and Namjoon grins, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a side hug. ‘Nayeon, me complimenting you is like complimenting Mona Lisa. She already knew she was sexy as hell so what’s the point?’ he says easily, Nayeon preening as I roll my eyes. ‘You think Mona Lisa’s sexy?’ ‘Not as sexy as you.’ ‘Can we go inside? I’m cold,’ Nayeon says, not waiting for either of us to reply before she slips past Namjoon into the house. ‘Come on,’ Namjoon says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him.
The second we step into the living room, the smell of strong cologne, alcohol and weed hits me and all eyes flit from Nayeon – who’s hugging Jinyoung and squealing – to me and Joon. Well, more me than Joon. ‘Woah. Who’s this? Surely not y/n,’ I hear Hoseok say, and I shoot him a dirty look, the boy grinning in return. ‘Shut it, stupid,’ I say, Namjoon continuing to walk towards the kitchen, dragging me along behind him. When we step into the kitchen, the smell of spicy wings hits me, and my eyes are instantly drawn to the takeout bags covering the countertop. But when I realise none of the bags are unopened, meaning frat boys have already been at them, it puts me off a little – I’d rather not eat food that might have been tampered with.
‘Look. My seat’s taken,’ Namjoon says pointedly, motioning to where Kai sits on a stool, beside Taemin and Seokwoo, the three of them laughing at whatever story Jaehyun’s telling them. ‘You’ll survive. What’s the point of having such long legs if you don’t stand on them?’ ‘There’s no logic in that. Go get my seat back,’ he says, and I side-eye him, wondering if he’s being serious or not. ‘How am I supposed to get your seat back?’ ‘Go flirt with him.’ ‘No! Him and Krystal have got a thing,’ I say, and Namjoon rolls his eyes. ‘That won’t stop him from flirting back,’ he says, and I glare at him. ‘I cannot stress this enough. Men are trash,’ I say before turning away from him, heading towards where there’s a couple dozen drink bottles and cups covering the countertop. I carefully pour myself a lemonade, making sure the cup’s clean and the bottle hasn’t been tampered with (I know Wing Wednesday is ‘for the boys’ so it’s unlikely it’s spiked, but it never hurts to take precautions).
‘y/n!’ I hear Mina exclaim, and I turn to see her stood there, smiling widely. ‘Mina!’ I squeal, pulling the girl into a hug. Mina’s one of Nayeon’s friends (they’re on the same course) but because Nayeon and I are inseparable, Nayeon’s friends are my friends too. Mina’s here because she’s dating Bambam, a KPN frat boy, and it makes me realise my privilege; Nayeon and I are only here because of our connections. If we weren’t best friends with Jackson and Namjoon, we’d have missed out on so many amazing memories. ‘How have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages!’ she says as we break apart, and I grin widely. ‘I’ve been good. Really good.’ ‘You look it. This style is, like, amazing! Is this new style permanent?’ she asks, and I smile shyly. ‘I think so. I actually… really like my new style,’ I say, and before Mina can speak, I hear Baekhyun say, ‘I like it too.’ Mina and I both turn to look at him, his stupid grin making me roll my eyes amusedly. ‘Hey, Baek,’ I say, the boy opening his arms for a hug, which I give (reluctantly). Baekhyun is Nayeon’s ex. They’re still friends – they’re actually on really good terms – but I’m still… cautious around him. He’s funny, and we get along, but I can never see him the same after hearing all the drama from Nayeon.
I clear myself a space on the countertop and boost myself up, sitting on the hard wood surface and Mina joins me, Baekhyun standing in front of us. ‘Have you had any wings?’ Baekhyun asks, and Mina and I exchange a glance, obviously thinking the same thing. ‘No, I’m… not really feeling wings,’ I say, Mina nodding in agreement, letting out little giggles behind her hand. ‘Aren’t you hungry?’ he asks, and, to be honest, I’m starving. But I am not about to eat those… frat boy wings, and neither is Mina. ‘Yeah, I could eat.’ ‘Let’s order some pizza then,’ he grins, and I gasp. ‘Pizza? On Wings Wednesday? Isn’t that against frat laws?’ I tease, and he rolls his eyes, pulling out his phone. ‘What toppings do you have?’ ‘Just get margherita.’ ‘Shall I get two larges?’ ‘Yeah, Nayeon will want some too,’ I say, and he rolls his eyes again, an amused smile on his face. ‘I’m not ordering pizza for Nayeon – I’m ordering it for us.’ ‘I’ll transfer you the money.’ ‘y/n… it’s pizza. You don’t need to transfer me money for it.’ ‘Why not? I don’t mind paying.’ ‘Yeah, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you pay’ ‘You’re not a gentleman,’ I reply amusedly, and he clutches his heart, pretending to be hurt. ‘I am.’ ‘You’re not. And you’ve made me pay for food before. Remember the Chinese we ordered after the LSG party, and you made me answer the door, so I had to pay?’ I say, and he winces. ‘Well… the pizza makes up for it,’ he says, and I just raise an eyebrow, amused.
It’s so… wrong that he’s only willing to pay for food for me now that he finds me attractive, but I won’t complain aloud; it’s free food after all. And then it gets me thinking. Maybe I should… take advantage of the effect my new look’s having. I mean, frat boys aren’t the… smartest, are they? Namjoon may be an exception when it comes to his education, but his common sense? He has next to none, demonstrated by the stupid situations his whore behaviour has gotten us into. And the rest of them are even stupider than him. I’ve always been a master of manipulation, and it’ll be even easier now they think I’m hot.
It isn’t long until the pizzas arrive and the second Baekhyun leaves to collect them at the door, Mina turns to me with a grin. ‘Girl, if you don’t take advantage of all these boys thirsting over you, I swear, I’ll be so disappointed,’ she says, making me burst into laughter. ‘I was literally just thinking about doing it!’ I exclaim, both of us laughing. ‘No, but for real. You should, like, make the most of it while it lasts. Not to sound nasty, but you know it won’t be long until there’s another girl they’re all into. You should exploit this opportunity whilst you’re still the… object of the affections,’ she says, making me laugh. ‘Exploit this opportunity?’ I repeat, and she nods with a grin. ‘Their generosity will only go to a certain extent,’ I say, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘Wanna test that?’ she asks, a challenging glint in her eye, and I grin, nodding. ‘Go look in the fridge, and when you’re asked what you’re looking for, say… Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Vanilla Coke?’ ‘Mmhmm.’ ‘Okay.’
I head over to the drinks fridge (they keep their food in the mini fridge and their drinks in the big fridge – their priorities are so fucked up) and open the door. I scan the bottles, seeing mainly lemonade and coke with a couple alcoholic bottles, but no Vanilla Coke. ‘y/n!’ I hear from behind me, and I turn to see Donghyuck stood there, a big grin on his face. ‘Hyuck! Hey!’ I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. Donghyuck and I did extra credit classes together last year, and I’ve barely seen him since. ‘You look so different!’ he says, holding me away to inspect me, hands light on my shoulders, and I grin, bending one leg at the knee and striking a pose, making him laugh. ‘It’s weird to see you in clothes that fit,’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t even. Everyone’s making such a big deal of it.’ ‘Yeah, because you look hot.’ ‘Whatever.’
I turn back to the fridge, and he comes to stand beside me. ‘Whatcha looking for?’ ‘Vanilla Coke. I’m, like craving it,’ I lie, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re lucky we’ve got lemonade and coke. KPN stick to basics,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Well, maybe you shouldn’t. Vanilla Coke is amazing.’ ‘Well, the corner shop down the road might have some. Shall we go get some?’ he suggests, and I’m shocked. Mina was right. He’s willing the leave Wings Wednesday with his frat brothers to go get Vanilla Coke from the shop with me. ‘You sure?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘It’s only a two-minute walk.’ ‘Okay. Let’s g-’ ‘y/n!’ I hear Mina call before materialising next to me. ‘Hey, Mina,’ I say, Donghyuck greeting the girl too. ‘Hey, Hyuck. I’m need to steal y/n. Emergency,’ she says, and my eyes widen. I’ve literally left her alone for a minute. What emergency does she have? ‘You okay?’ ‘Yeah, it’s just… I started. Do you have a pad?’ she whispers, loud enough for Donghyuck to hear, the boy wrinkling his nose in disgust, making me roll my eyes. Why boys are so grossed out about periods, I don’t know. It took two entire years of friendship with Namjoon to get him to buy me some pads. ‘Yeah, I do.’ ‘Will you come to the toilet with me?’ she asks, and I nod, apologising to Donghyuck before Mina drags me out of the kitchen, through the living room and upstairs.
‘Oh, shit! My pads are in Nayeon’s bag,’ I say when we reach the top of the stairs, and Mina lets out an annoyed noise. ‘I don’t actually need a pad, stupid! I was just getting you away from him,’ she whispers before pulling me into the bathroom. ‘What? Why?’ ‘Because now he’ll go get your Vanilla Coke from the shop and you won’t have to go with him,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Are you kidding? He’s not gonna go.’ ‘Yes, he will,’ she says, before letting out an exasperated sigh. ‘Remember when I stayed home for a few months, because I wasn’t well?’ she asks, and I nod – Nayeon was heartbroken that she didn’t have Mina to gossip with in her lectures. ‘When I came back, all the boys were fussing over me. Trust me; he will go and get that coke.’
We spend a couple minutes in the bathroom, reapplying our lipgloss and fixing our hair, before we head back downstairs, quickly grabbing two of the empty stools in the kitchen, Bambam sat next to Mina and Namjoon sat next to me, chatting with Minho about football strategy for their next match. ‘y/n!’ I hear Donghyuck’s voice after a few minutes, making me stop mid-conversation with Yugyeom about dessert on Monday at Red Velvet (it was so good, I can’t stop thinking about it – I might have to drag Namjoon back there this weekend). I turn to see him stood at the door, holding up a bottle of Vanilla Coke, and I have to stifle a laugh, pushing down guilt. ‘Oh, my God, thank you, Hyuck! You’re the best!’ I exclaim, giving the boy a hug before he disappears to find me a clean cup. ‘I was right,’ Mina says with a grin. ‘I feel bad.’ ‘Don’t. You didn’t make him get it.’ ‘Yeah, but I’m not even gonna drink it. I don’t like Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Well, it’s a good thing I do.’
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joon: u got a lecture tmrw
y/n: it’s Friday tomorrow right ?
joon: um ye how do u not know
joon: r u still drunk from last night
y/n: I wasn’t drunk! I didn’t even touch any alcohol !
joon; then y were u letting johnny touch u up
y/n: I wasn’t! there was fluff on my boob and he took it off for me !
joon: ur so naive
joon: n e ways, do u have a lecture tmrw
y/n: yeah, 1-3
joon: wanna go 4 coffee after ill pick u up
y/n: sounds good
y/n: I’ll pay
joon: no
y/n: you paid for dessert !
joon: idc, ill pay 4 coffee
joon: u save ur money 4 clothes ;)
y/n: ew
joon: bitch do u want coffee or no
y/n: yes :)))
joon: ill b there @ 3, dnt b late like monday
y/n: okayyy see you at three joonie
joon: yep, night sexc
y/n: ew
joon: fine u can walk 2 starbucks
y/n: joon pls answer
y/n: stop leaving me on read !
y/n: fine, you can go to starbucks by yourself
joon: sorry
joon: y/n
joon: r u there
joon: bitch answer me
joon: ignore me if u wanna fuck
y/n: you’re such an idiot
joon: gn y/nie
y/n: night stupid, ilyyyy
joon: luv u 2 dummy
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‘Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?’ the barista asks, smiling widely. He’s handsome, with dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail and sparkling brown eyes, and I can’t help but smile back. ‘Hi, can I get two large iced vanilla lattes please?’ I ask, the boy nodding as he clicks away at the register. My eyes flit to his little name tag. His name is Hyunjin. Cute. ‘What name shall I put on the cups?’ he asks, eyes sparkling when he looks back up at me, and I smile shyly when I say, ‘y/n.’ ‘Pretty name for a pretty girl,’ he replies, not giving me a moment to process the compliment before he says, ‘that’ll be £7.40. Cash or card?’ ‘Card,’ a voice behind me says, and I turn to see Jaemin stood there, smiling. ‘Can I add a large iced americano to that too?’ he says, holding up his card, and Hyunjin nods, tapping at the register. ‘Jaemin, don’t. I’ll pay,’ I say, though it’s Namjoon’s money in my hand, not my own. ‘It’s fine, y/n. I don’t mind,’ he says with a grin, and I smile back, touched.
Jaemin moves around me to pay for the three drinks, and I feel a little awkward, stood behind him, waiting. ‘How have you been, y/n?’ he asks once he’s paid, and I smile. ‘I’ve been really good, thanks. How about you?’ ‘Yeah, great. You look… different since the last time I saw you,’ he says with a little smirk, and I roll my eyes, an amused smile playing at my lips. ‘I’m assuming that was a compliment.’ ‘Of course. How could it be anything other than a compliment when the ‘different’ I’m talking about is this?’ he says with a flirty grin, motioning to my outfit (a pair of tight black cargo trousers and a long-sleeved black top, big black stomper boots on my feet and silver jewellery).
Jaemin flirts with me for a little while, but his americano is ready before mine and Joon’s lattes and he has a lecture at 3.30, so he leaves with the promise of continuing our conversation at the ASP party tomorrow, which I had no idea about. ‘y/n!’ Hyunjin calls and I go over to grab the lattes. I notice a caramel shortbread on a plate beside the cups, and I look up at him questioningly, the boy grinning back. ‘It’s on the house,’ he says, and I can’t help but let out a giggle, flattered. ‘Thank you.’ ‘No problem… y/n. I’m a student, at the university, and I heard your… friend talking about the party tomorrow. I’ll be there, and it’d be nice to see you,’ he says, smiling as he leans against the counter casually, my heart jumping. He’s hot, he’s confident and he’s sweet – I could definitely see myself getting to know him. ‘Yeah, it’d be nice to see you too,’ I reply shyly, breaking off our eye contact after a few seconds. ‘See you tomorrow then,’ he grins before turning to deal with the next customer.
I carefully take the lattes and the shortbread over to mine and Joon’s table in the corner, the boy instantly biting into the shortbread. ‘That is mine.’ ‘I paid for your coffee, so I can have a bite of your shortbread,’ he says, mouth full of food, and I scrunch my nose up in disgust, sitting down opposite him. ‘No, actually, you didn’t.  Jaemin did,’ I say, dropping Joon’s money on the table in front of him, and he frowns. ‘Who’s Jaemin? The cute barista you were just flirting with?’ he asks drily as he picks up one of the coffees, taking a sip. ‘No, his name’s Hyunjin. And I wasn’t flirting with him,’ I say, embarrassed, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Then what’s this?’ he asks, holding his cup out to me. I can’t hold back my smile when I see that Hyunjin’s written his number on the label with a smiley face beside it. ‘Exactly what I thought. Anyway… who’s Jaemin?’ ‘KPN Jaemin. He was behind me in the queue and he paid for our drinks. And then Hyunjin gave me the shortbread for free,’ I say, and Joon narrows his eyes at me.
‘I can’t believe you’re making these boys do all these things for you.’ ‘They’re doing it voluntarily – I’m not making them do anything!’ ‘So you didn’t make Donghyuck get your Vanilla Coke on Wednesday?’ ‘No, he choose to go get it!’ ‘Well, you’re putting Tia and Tamera to good use.’ ‘Tia and Tamera?’ I ask, confused, and he points at my chest. ‘Tia… and Tamera,’ he says, naming each boob, ‘don’t you listen to Doja Cat?’ ‘Not religiously – Say So’s the only song of hers on my Spotify.’ ‘Tasteless.’ ‘You’re tasteless for accusing me of using my boobs to manipulate boys,’ I hiss, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Did I lie?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Okay, maybe I did. It’s not just Tia and Tamera. It’s Tia and Tamera and… Nicole!’ he says, and I blink in confusion. ‘Nicole?’ ‘Use your brain.’ ‘Did you just name my ass Nicole?’ I ask incredulously, and he nods, seemingly proud of himself. ‘People look at it more than they look at your face, so I think it deserves naming,’ he says bitterly, and I gasp. ‘That was low. People look at my face. I’m not just my body. My face is pretty too,’ I say coldly, a little hurt, and he looks guilty. ‘Well, of course your face is pretty, I just-’ ‘You just what? Judged me, even though you’ve slept with more girls than I’ve ever been friends with? Just remember that there’s a lot you’ve done that I could judge you on, but I don’t, because we’re best friends.’
The air is tense after I finish speaking, and I feel sick. Joon and I have never argued. Our friendship has always been so laidback, so chill, so easy. I’ve never had any downs in my friendship with him because we get along so well. But I’m surprised at him being so judgmental, and so… douchey about me getting some male attention for the first time in… well, forever. ‘Sorry, y/n. I’m being a dick,’ he says softly, and I can see that he feels guilty. I decide it’s best to end our argument here, because this isn’t a nice feeling. ‘Whatever, it’s fine, Joon. Anyway… you didn’t tell me ASP are having a party tomorrow! Am I not invited?’ I tease, and he grins, the tension between us gone. ‘No, you’re not. I’m tired of you being so dependent on me.’ ‘Shut it. You’d be lost without me.’ ‘Whatever. I was supposed to tell you about it at KPN, but I barely got to speak to you. You were… popular that night,’ he says quietly, not meeting my eyes, and suddenly, I can feel the awkwardness making a reappearance. ‘Ah, well, I guess there’s no point asking you to take me to Red Velvet then,’ I say wistfully, trying to change the subject, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Ask Wang, he’ll take you.’ ‘No, it’s fine. I don’t wanna be bloated at the party. We can reschedule to Sunday – order some for a hangover cure. Can I sleep over?’ I ask, and he nods, smiling to himself. ‘You and Nayeon are always welcome. There’s enough bed space for the three of us.’ ‘You say that, and yet, you end up on the floor with us two in your bed every time.’ ‘I’ll climb in with you while you’re asleep.’ ‘Isn’t that illegal?’ ‘Shut up and eat your shortbread. Or do you not wanna be bloated?’ ‘Matter of fact, you’re right. These cargo trousers are already tight.’ ‘That’s because you’ve got a fat ass.’
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y/n: hey, is this hyunjin ? from Starbucks ?
hyunjin: yeah, and is this y/n ? the pretty cargo trousers girl ?
y/n: the one and only ☺️
hyunjin: I was worried you wouldn’t reach out to me after I saw you go and sit with that boy
hyunjin: I felt terrible bc I didn’t even ask if you had a boyfriend
y/n: oh no, he isn’t my boyfriend
y/n: he’s my best friend, namjoon
hyunjin: as in kim namjoon ?
y/n: yep, you’ve probably heard of him lol
hyunjin: I have lmao he has quite a reputation
hyunjin: I didn’t recognise him
hyunjin: I just saw you go and sit with a handsome boy and I felt awful
y/n: well, you don’t have to feel bad
y/n: and he’s not that handsome lmao
y/n: he’s just… namjoon
hyunjin: well, I’ll have to thank him when I see him
hyunjin: if he hadn’t given you my number from his cup, I’d have felt like an idiot
y/n: it’s a good thing he pointed it out to me lol
hyunjin: yeah, I’m relieved
hyunjin: I know it’s forward of me and I hope you don’t think I’m out of line
hyunjin; but I just thought you were really cute and I didn’t want to waste the opportunity
hyunjin: especially after jaemin paid for your drinks and flirted with you
hyunjin: I know it sounds silly but I was debating whether or not it was worth competing with him
y/n: jaemin’s not really interested, he flirts with anything that has a pulse
y/n: but I’m glad you didn’t waste the opportunity
y/n: I thought you were cute too, and I love your hair
hyunjin: ah thank you! I was a little nervous about growing it out
y/n: it’s unique, and it really suits you
hyunjin: thanks y/n :)
hyunjin: it’s late so I’m gonna head to bed but I’m glad you texted me, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow !
y/n: okay, hyunjin, goodnight ! see you tomorrow :)
hyunjin: goodnight ! :)
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joon: do u need a lift tmrw
y/n: no, jackson said he’s gonna pick us up
y/n: but thank you for offering anywayyy
joon: ok
joon: why did it take you 30 mins 2 reply its lit rally 2am, what else r u busy with
y/n: I was texting
joon: who
y/n: oh, just the, um, the girls groupchat, to talk about what we’re gonna wear tomorrow
joon: ok
y/n: I’m gonna go to bed, I’ll speak to you tomorrow
joon: aight gn dum dum
y/n: night joonie, sweet dreamsss
joon: ill dream of u in ur crop tops
y/n: pervert
joon: luv u ;)
y/n: love you more dumbass
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‘y/n! y/n! y/n!’ ‘Oh, my God, Nayeon, you’re like a child! I’m mid-conversation!’ ‘I know, but this is important!’ she says, tugging on the strap of my top, her force nearly making me spill my drink down my outfit. I thought I’d dress simple, in just a black strappy lowcut crop top and a pair of ripped blue jeans, fluffy black slides on my feet and simple gold jewellery to accessorise. ‘Sorry, Dahyun,’ I sigh with a roll of my eyes, the girl grinning back. ‘It’s fine – go deal with your important business,’ she laughs, and Nayeon takes this as a signal to drag me into the kitchen, leaving Dahyun alone in the back garden. ‘What is it?’ I ask, and she grins. ‘I found your cute barista boy! Well, I think so, anyway. Not many boys have dirty blond ponytails.’ ‘Oh… okay.’ ‘Aren’t you excited?’ ‘I think you’re excited enough for both of us.’ ‘I’m serious, y/n! I saw him, and he’s really hot! You’ve been texting all day, and you said he’s really sweet. He could be your first boyfriend!’ ‘Nayeon, you’re getting ahead of yourself – I’ve literally known him for… 32 hours. And I don’t even know him, really. All I know is his name and that he works at Starbucks.’ ‘Well… this is your chance to get to know him. He’s with his friends in the living room – go,’ she says, not giving me a chance to reply before she pushes me through the open door.
He spots me instantly, calling my name, and I scan the room until my eyes meet his, smiles breaking across our faces as he waves me over. I head around the edges of the room, not wanting to get caught in the group of people dancing, until I reach him and his friends in the corner. ‘Hey, y/n! You look nice!’ he exclaims, smiling widely, and I feel butterflies; he really is so handsome. ‘Thanks, Hyunjin. You do, too,’ I say honestly, looking him up and down; his black jeans, loose blue and white striped shirt only buttoned halfway with a black t-shirt beneath are a chic and stylish contrast to the Starbucks apron he was wearing yesterday. Half of his hair is up in a ponytail with a few loose strands framing his face and his ears are adorned with earrings, sparkling in the low light. He introduces me to his friends, who all seem nice (I think I’ve seen a few of them before – I’m sure a couple of them are KPN frat brothers). As soon as the introductions are done, he asks if I’ll go with him to get a drink. He takes my hand gently – a shock running up my arm at the contact – and leads me into the kitchen, getting himself a bottle of Soju from the fridge. ‘Do you want one?’ he asks, and I scrunch up my nose – I find Soju absolutely disgusting. ‘Thanks, but I’ll stick to my vodka coke for now,’ I say, holding up my cup, the boy laughing as he nods, shutting the fridge after him.
We stand in one corner of the kitchen, chatting, and our conversation flows so easily. He’s an architecture and design major, but he does dance on the side too, with some of his friends. I ask him to tell me the basic things about him and I find out that he has a dog called Kkami, he loves autumn, he’s allergic to cat fur, his favourite food is sushi and his least favourite foods are onion, carrot and eggplant. Even though he’s so handsome (like intimidatingly handsome), he’s so modest, down-to-earth, and just so sweet. He’s like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the boys I spend time with on a daily basis (no shade to Jackson and Joon, but they’re nowhere near as gentlemanly as Hyunjin – he gets me two refills before I even realise that my cup is empty, and he gets me two slices of pizza as soon as it arrives because I mentioned I hadn’t eaten). I can already feel myself crushing on him; every time he compliments me, I get so flustered and all I can do is giggle – two weeks ago me would have hated now me.
After what could be hours (I’m having the time of my life chatting away to him), he asks me to dance with him, and I’m filled with an inexplicable fear. Actually, no. It’s explicable; I have never danced at a party before. Ever. ‘It’s okay… I won’t bite,’ he teases, and I take a deep breath, smiling as I nod. He takes my hand again, his touch so light and gentle, and instead of pulling me along behind him, he lets me go first, standing just a few inches behind me as we head into the living room. We mould into the group of our peers dancing, and I feel a little awkward at first, but I soon loosen up into the rhythm of the Rihanna and Bryson Tiller song pulsing out into the room. He’s really the perfect gentleman; he doesn’t lay a hand on me other than to move me out of the way when someone drunk stumbles past. It’s a nice change from the boys that don’t hesitate to just come up behind a girl and grab onto her waist, forcing himself onto her.
But after a while, I can feel the several vodka cokes starting to take effect, my mind a little hazy, and a tipsy y/n mixed with the RnB baselines floating out from the speakers isn’t a good combination. Hyunjin’s tan skin glows in the low light, his eyes sparkling, and he looks so fucking handsome, his plump lips stretching up into a flawless grin when I hook my arms around his neck loosely, moving closer. We dance a little more… intimately, our bodies pressed together after a few minutes, and his hands rest on my lower back, not venturing any lower, and his eyes stay on my face, even though my cleavage is right there. His gentlemanliness just makes him even sexier to me.
I look up at him, and notice that some of his hair in his face, and so I reach to brush it back behind his ear. His hair is so soft, the locks just gliding between my fingers, and I can’t help but run my fingers through the loose hair that he hasn’t pulled up into a ponytail, my nails gently scraping against the back of his neck. He shivers a little, his neck obviously sensitive, and it makes me look him in the eyes, practically getting lost in them. And before my brain can even register it, he leans towards me and my eyes flutter shut, his lips softly brushing against mine a few moments later. My first kiss.
He moves away, almost to check if I’m okay with it, and I just lean towards him, pressing our lips together again, making him let out a chuckle against my mouth. My mind numbs a little when he parts my lips with his, his tongue sliding into my mouth, and I really didn’t know that kissing was this good. His hands press into my back, holding me against him, and I grip onto his strong shoulders, his scent of lemony shampoo and expensive aftershave flooding my senses as our lips move against each other. ‘y/n, get a room!’ I hear Jin, one of Joon’s stupid friends, shout, followed by laughter, making me break away from Hyunjin, blinking as though I’ve just woken up, Hyunjin just smiling back at me. I turn to Jin, shooting him a dirty look and telling him to fuck off before turning back to Hyunjin. I feel braver than usual due to the alcohol and the fact that I’ve just kissed a boy I met yesterday in the middle of a frat party, and so I ask, ‘do you… want to get a room?’ ‘Um… what?’ he asks, blinking, and I feel the humiliation setting in already. ‘I mean, we don’t have to… but I thought you might want t-’ ‘Yes. I do want to.’
We’re both laughing drunkenly as we head up the stairs (it seems the several bottles of Soju he’s had have made him a little tipsy), our hands clasped together. ‘Whose room are we using?’ ‘Um, we can use Namjoon’s. I’m sure he won’t mind – he’ll be proud I’ve finally kissed a boy,’ I say, leading him into Joon’s room. The second we enter, he shuts the door, pushing me up against it and pressing our lips together again, his body against mine and our hands still intertwined against the door. I tangle my free hand into his soft locks, his free hand gently roaming up and down my side, and it’s bliss, the way he touches me. He’s such a good kisser – though it’s not like I have much experience anyway. ‘Did you say I’m your first kiss?’ he asks, lips moving against mine, and I let out a little noise of affirmation, the boy grinning. ‘Good,’ he murmurs, the word making my stomach turn with butterflies.
But it’s like I’m not allowed good things. There’s a loud hammering against the other side of the door, making both of us jump, and I manage to move out of the way just before it flies open, Namjoon storming in, anger all over his face. ‘y/n,’ he says, voice shaking, and I look at him in concern, wondering what’s happened. ‘Joon, are you okay?’ ‘No, I’m not,’ he says, teeth gritted, and it’s then that I realise; he’s angry at me. ‘Oh, did you… should I have asked you if I could use your room? I didn’t think you’d mind, I’m so-’ ‘God, you’re so fucking dense!’ he shouts, making me flinch, and Hyunjin looks between us before saying, ‘y/n, I’m gonna go, you guys speak in private. I’ll… be downstairs.’ I nod, too shocked to speak, and even more shocked at the way Namjoon stares daggers at Hyunjin as he slips past him.
‘What’s your problem? There’s no need to be such a dick to me, or to Hyunjin.’ ‘Oh, so you do know his name? I’m surprised, since you only met him yesterday.’ ‘Stop being so fucking judgy! You’re allowed to fuck anything with a vagina, but I kiss a boy I met yesterday and the world’s ending!’ ‘I’m not judgy, y/n, I’m jealous! Can’t you fucking tell?’ he practically screams, and the words don’t register with me for a moment. ‘Jealous?’ I echo, and he lets out a humourless laugh, sinking down onto his bed. ‘Yes, y/n, jealous. I’ve only been in love with you for two fucking years,’ he mutters, the words hitting me like a ton of bricks. He’s in love with me. My best friend is in love with me. ‘Joon, I-’ ‘You what, y/n?’ he asks angrily, and I’m filled with such rage, I want to slap him.
‘I didn’t know! If you’d told me, I’d understand why you’re so angry! But you didn’t, so stop fucking shouting at me, and being such a dick, and making me feel guilty when I shouldn’t!’ ‘There was no point telling you, because you don’t love me back!’ he shouts, and now I feel even more guilty. ‘I love you, Joon, but as my best frie-’ ‘And that’s why I didn’t tell you! I could deal before, when I was still getting to spend time with you every day, but now that you’re getting all this attention from all these boys, it’s so… difficult.’ ‘You still should have told me,’ I say quietly, and he scoffs. ‘There was no point! It doesn’t change anything! You still don’t like me!’ ‘No, I don’t, but you shouldn’t be angry at me about it.’ ‘I think I have a right to be angry!’ he shouts, and my eyes fill with tears. ‘Well, you don’t! Forgive me, Namjoon, but you’re not exactly a gentleman. Why would I fall for a boy that has a different girl in his bed every day, who plays girls like it’s his job, who’s misogynistic and vulgar and a dog? You don’t get to be such a dick to women and have your best friend fall in love with you, because it doesn’t work that way!’
‘Oh, and Hyunjin isn’t a dick?’ ‘No! He’s sweet, and he’s kind, an-’ ‘You’ve known him for one day, and you’re already rushing upstairs to lose your fucking virginity to him! I thought you’d care more about your first time!’ he shouts, still so judgmental, and I feel myself practically shaking with rage. How dare he behave the way he does and judge me, even though he’s supposedly in love with me? ‘Why do you care who I lose my virginity to?’ ‘Because I’m in love with you! Aren’t you fucking keeping up?’ ‘No, Namjoon, you’re not in love with me. If you were, you’d be happy that I’m happy. Instead you’re possessive and judgemental and douchey!’ We’re shouting at each other now, and anyone outside will be able to hear, but I don’t care. Let them hear how much of a dick he is. ‘I loved who you were, when-’ ‘When what? When boys didn’t talk to me? When you and Jackson were the only boys I spoke to at parties? When I was pure, untouched, innocent? Now, you’re annoyed, because I’m not who you thought I was. I don’t owe you anything, Namjoon, because you can’t expect me to have just known.’
‘Just go, y/n,’ he says, all of the anger in him disappearing, and he sounds so tired, looks so tired. And, as always, I feel guilty. ‘Joon-’ ‘No. Please, just go,’ he says, and when he looks up at me, my heart breaks. His eyes are full of tears, sadness, hurt, but the second they land on mine, they’re filled with love, too. Love that I can’t reciprocate because, he might be my best friend, but he is disgusting to girls. And I can’t love that. I can’t love him. ‘Okay. I’ll go,’ I whisper, turning away and leaving his room before I burst into tears.
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soulwillower · 4 years
grow up II  • bill denbrough
(neighbor bill denbrough x reader smut) part 2 of this fic!
requested: YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD HOLY SHIT also u should do a grow up pt. 2 w smut again 🥺🥺🥺 anyways pls never!! stop!! writing!!   +   bill and finding out the reader has a praise kink and teasing her, like calling her ‘good girl’ and ‘darling’ and stuff in public to wind her up
i combined the two prompts i hope u don’t mind!!
warnings: cursing, praise kink, smut, choking, dom bill, nasty stuff, unedited!
[losers + reader are 18+19 in this!!!]
after the other night, you weren't totally sure where you stood with bill. you haven't seen him since the other night, even around your houses and since you've had time to calm down, you can't believe what happened. you definitely hope it wasn't a one time thing.
so now, you're lounging on a towel on your roof, wearing your bathing suit. it was finally a sunny, warm day and you wanted to make the most of it. you had bev on the phone and you quickly look around to see anyone from your family or his before you whisper, "something happened the other night, bev." you say lowly, biting your lip. "what d'you mean?" she asks and your stomach tingles as you remember. "well, i really pissed bill off. and i came home late and he was out... he got mad at me and kept calling me a kid and..." you smile to yourself. "we had sex." you have to pull your phone away from your ear when bev screams on the other end and you blush. you flip onto your stomach, feeling the warm sun hitting the back of your body, the tiles from the roof radiating heat up onto your face.
"how was it, girl? what's he like?" bev asks through a laugh. you screech. "bev! oh, my god." you rub your face, "but um...he...he kept calling me a good girl and..." you trail off, turning bright red at the admission. "and it was like, super hot?" as she asks, you can hear bev's smirk through the line and you cover your face. "y-yeah, it was really hot. he's... ugh." you mutter. "it was so hot."
a door slams in the distance and you turn your head to the side, searching for the source. bill walks up his driveway from his car, parked on the road with georgie trailing behind him. 
you turn red again and your throat dries up as he turns to look up at you. his eyes scan over your body slowly, a smirk growing on his face. "y/n!" georgie squeals, jumping up and waving at you from down below. you prop yourself up on your elbows, waving at georgie. "h-hey, georgie!" you say, immediately pulling your phone from your ear and hanging up on bev when she starts cackling in your ear. you clear your throat as your eyes meet bill's again. he's smirking, his eyes glued to you and you sigh quietly enough that they can't hear.
"hey, y/n." bill calls, his smirk turning into a smile. your stomach flips with butterflies when he looks at you. "hey, billy." "you t-talking to bev?" he asks and you pale. did he hear what you'd told bev? you shake your head, "um, i was, but not...anymore." you say awkwardly, grinning sheepishly. 
bill just nods, staring at you with a knowing look while georgie tugs on his shorts, trying to get him to come inside with him. bill hums, "i'll see you later t-tonight." he says, turning and disappearing into the garage. shit. you forgot his family was coming over for dinner tonight.
you were sat around your family's outdoor table, the late afternoon sun still warm, when bill and his parents arrive. apparently georgie was at a friend’s house. 
"wow, look at this!" zack says as the denbroughs file out onto your back porch. you meet eyes with bill immediately and look down, "y/n set the table." your dad says, making you smile at them with a shrug. you only did it because you were forced to. 
"good job, y/n." bill says, his voice lower than usual. you clear your throat, unsure if he meant to make it sound so seductive. "uh, th-thanks." you stutter out as everyone sits down.
dinner wasn’t as awkward as you’d expected, despite the glances bill kept shooting you over the rim of his glass of lemonade. you surely didn’t miss the look he’d just given you as he’d brought up you laying on the roof today.
"no, i was safe! the roof isn't even that steep!" you defend after being scolded by your mother. your father chuckles, "right, right. i think you should have been doing your homework." he says. everyone chuckles. "did you do your homework, y/n?" sharon denbrough says teasingly. 
you smile, laughing a bit. "of course i did!" you defend, bringing your lemonade up to your lips. bill hums from across the table. "good girl." bill says casually, passing the salad to your mom. you choke on your lemonade, leaning forward and setting your glass on the table. the parents don't think its weird at all and zack denbrough claps your back lightly as you cough.
your eyes meet bill's gaze and he's got a devilish smirk, his eyebrow raising. fuck, he definitely heard you earlier. your stomach drops. your throat is completely dry.
"this was delicious. th-thank you so much." bill says to your parents. kiss ass. he shoots them a blindingly handsome smile and looks at you as you start to get out of your chair, grabbing your plate. 
"are you going to take my plate in, darling?" bill asks and you turn dark red at his nickname but you scoff. "do it yourself." you say, the adults chuckling at your back and forth. "c'mon, be a good daughter." your mom jokes and you roll your eyes.
"yeah, y/n. good girls clear the t-table." bill echoes mockingly. his eyes meet yours pointedly, a smirk plastered on his face.
your face is surely flustered but you stand up quickly, and snatch his plate. how are the adults not catching on to this? you want to scream.
"y/n, are you having dessert?" your mom asks and you shake your head because if you're here for two more seconds you might explode. "no, um, i'll have dessert," you say with a tight lipped smile. "i just need to go upstairs for a second." "i'll come with." bill says eagerly, standing up. you hold back a groan of frustration. "you don't want any now either, honey?" your mom asks bill. he shrugs, "i th-think i'll have my dessert in a little bit." he says, his face completely neutral.
you turn on your heels and all but sprint up to your room. as you face your window, you take a breath and rub your face in agony. what's his move? bill comes in a few seconds after you. he doesn't even say anything before you're turning to face him. 
"what's your aim here, denbrough?" you spit, your face glowing red. he just chuckles. "what do you mean, y/n? y-you don't like it when i t-tell you how good you're being?" he mumbles, his body coming closer to you, his hands rubbing your arms.
"what the hell, bill? they probably noticed!" you hiss, glaring at him. he chuckles darkly. "you'd like that, w-wouldn't you?" bill mutters. 
"you're so fucking infuriating, you know that?" you say harshly, clenching your legs despite yourself. he's so fucking hot and as embarrassed as he’d just made you, you want him so bad right now. 
"and you s-still act like a child." he mutters. "i bet you spent the wh-whole dinner thinking about my cock, d-didn't you?"
his words make you gasp silently. you can't form a single word, your mouth hanging open as you stare wide-eyed at your next door neighbor. "wh-what's the matter, hm?" he mumbles, his hand moving your hair from your face. you can feel your heart beat in your throat as he leans towards your ear.
"do you want me inside you?" he mutters. you can't speak, so instead you pull him by his shirt to kiss him fiercely. he kisses back, his arms wrapping around your middle and pulling you closer by your hips. his mouth moves hotly on yours, his tongue licking into your mouth and thrusting against you lightly. your legs feel weak and the only thing holding you up are bill's strong arms. he shoves you into the desk behind you and you gasp sharply. 
you sneak your hand down from his neck to rub his cock as it strains against his pants. "you're already hard." you whisper with a smirk of your own on your face. bill looks at you stoically, his hand grabbing yours and halting your movements. with a moment of boldness, you go on your tip-toes and whisper in his ear, "please fuck me."
bill shivers slightly but he grabs your jaw tugging you back to look him in the eyes, "are you gonna be g-good?" he whispers and you feel your body ache. you nod, trying to kiss him but he leans away."s-say it." he mutters. you stare up at him, "yes, i'll be good for you bill." you say desperately, rutting against his clothed thigh. he chuckles, "s-so fucking desperate for me." he mutters as he pulls your skirt up and your panties down, pulling himself out of his pants and pumping himself a few times. you gulp - it's only been a few days but you forgot how fucking big he is.
he kisses you harshly as he nudges you up onto your desk and spreads your legs. he lines himself up at your entrance, rubbing his tip against your swollen, throbbing clit. you moan, your eyes screwing shut in pleasure as he mutters, "so f-fucking tight, jesus." as he sinks into you. you can only whimper; he's so big and you hadn't had time for him to finger you. "so fucking good for me, hm?" he hums, thrusting into you. you moan his name as he thrusts into you roughly, his hips snapping into yours. his hands move all around, from your head to your chest to your hips and then to your clit, rubbing it as he fucks into you.
"good girl." he whispers, kissing right under your ear. you moan harshly at the nickname. fuck.
"such a pretty girl." he praises again and you gasp, letting out small noises in pleasure. "th-that's it, baby. who makes you feel this g-good?" he mutters, hitting deep into you and making your toes curl.
"you, bill." you whimper, hands clutching him tightly as he fucks you harder, his thrusts getting sloppier. "that's right." he says, smirking to himself. he thrusts hard into you, his hand sneaking up to grip around your throat. he kisses you and you moan desperately into his mouth in pleasure as his hand squeezes your throat.
he pulls away from you, "we don't have m-much time." he mutters, "so you h-have to be a good girl and cum now." he demands and you almost scream his name as you clench. three more thrusts and you're cumming onto his cock as he pounds you into your desk. he licks into your mouth as he rides you through your high, thrusting deeply into you. "fuck, you're being so good, baby, i'm almost there." he says, eyes clenching as you push your forehead onto his shoulder.
he pumps into you a few more times and then you both groan as he cums inside you. his hips still inside you and he kisses you lightly before sliding out, slumping up against your weak body as he lans on the desk. he looks at you, his eyes slightly soft. "so good, baby. thank you." bill says, stroking your forehead as you breathe heavily, eyes lidded. "you did such a good job." he says again, kissing your forehead. you blush again at all the praise and grin with a flush.
"think you can walk back downstairs?" bill asks with a smirk as he slides your panties up your hips and pulls your skirt back down. you nod, blushing. "i-i'll be okay." you say, biting your bottom lip. you slide onto your legs and try to stand but stumble like bambi, your legs feeling like jelly. bill's laughing cockily and you roll your eyes at him. "this is your fault, denbrough."
"d-don’t act like you don’t l-like it." 
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infinites-chaser · 4 years
Librarian 9!!! P. S. I love u.
9 + Kiro/MC for this prompt meme <3 
‘Backlit, in milky light, she looks like she’s on the moon.’- Ponti, Sharlene Teo.
(PS BRYN I LOVE YOU TOO and I’m assuming Kiro/MC is the way to go here akslljsd thank u for giving me an excuse to write sunshine boy)
spoilers for Kiro’s past (but nothing the anime didn’t include)
He’s not sure when he first notices her. Or, he likes to tell himself that, but really, he notices her from the start, when their fingers brush over the same bag of chips, and she turns to look at him. Her wide eyes are bright under the convenience store’s lights, and he’s struck by the strangest thought— that she looks nobody he’s ever seen before, like a goddess come down from the fluorescent moon, but somehow, familiar, too. There’s something in her eyes that reminds him of the one ray of sunlight in the dark of his past— of teddy bears and green apple candies, smiles shared in secret beneath operating beds— but what matters is that she treats him like a regular person, not Kiro the superstar. She laughs with him, jokes with him, they’re as playful as little kids together, and he savors every moment of her (talking to her, being with her) more than any of his snacks. Only when she mentions his ‘superpower,’ he quiets. It’s just a breath too close to the truth. And— he’s selfish. He wants her to like him for being him, not for his Evol or idol status, even if in his bad moments, he thinks nobody does. He wants to help her, wants to make her smile again, he really does, but in his heart, he knows: Savin being in control of his schedule’s only half an excuse. He shares Miracle Finder’s last episode, and before Savin makes him delete the post, he hopes it’s more than nothing and he’s helped in some way. Despite the deletion, he and the show’s guest professor make the show trend. (A small victory to his heart.) She doesn’t reach out. He knows the company’s busy, that being a producer must be at least as hard as being a celebrity, maybe harder, but. He clutches her business card in between schedules and wonders if she’d pick up if he called. If even going to voicemail and leaving a message would be worth another scolding. (He decides, after three days pass, that it’s not.) Some part of him tells him to give it up, that maybe she’d seen the him behind the layers of celebrity and charm and without them, he’d been nothing to her— a regular person, yes, but not one worth anything else at all. It tells him he could get her to notice him, to remember him, to stay with him forever; all it’d take would be a few simple words. He ignores it, shoves it deep down in the furthest, darkest reaches of his mind, and tries to muster a Kiro smile. A few quick searches later, and he’s on her Moments feed, mouse hovering over the ‘Follow’ button. Before he loses his courage and the adrenaline buzz, he clicks it. The internet explodes. He ignores it, staring instead at an empty text box in the quiet of her DMs. He wonders what to say. If he should say anything at all. The voice inside of him is quiet. He thinks, long and hard, then it comes to him: her voice, excitedly telling him, ‘This is my favorite flavor!’ He grins, just for her, and starts typing. ‘Found you, Miss Chips.’
This time, she responds. They banter. It’s almost as good as talking to her in person. Almost.
He does his best to help her. And when he invites her to the set, it’s only half because he wanted to see her again, wanted to see her laugh, wanted to see her smile.
When she comes to set it’s harder for her than he imagined— he wonders if he’s been selfish, asking her to come visit in the whirlwind of egos and demands and stress. He does his best to diffuse the situation. For once, he’s glad of his Evol, his stardom. For once, they both help.
Ruffled feathers are smoothed. She gets the interviews she needs, and he tells himself he’s not jealous of all the time the near-celebrities spend with her. He’s not.
He watches her step in for the boom operator, from afar. Hopes she’s learning, hopes she realizes how much she brightens up the set, with her own careful attention, her own willingness to help. No Evol could ever replicate that, he thinks.
(And maybe he hopes that she’ll see beyond his Evol, here, too, beyond the charm. That she’ll see his hard work. His dedication. Hopes she’ll admire him, in some shape or form, too.)
When the fans swarm the filming, it scares him. The extent of his power always does. But, still, in the smallest of ways, he’s grateful for it here, too— it gives him the distraction he needs to escape, to have this freedom, no matter how small. The air feels fresher, even with the bear suit. He thinks maybe it’s because she’s by his side.
They film the rest of the shoot together, and it’s an adventure, it’s exciting, it’s fun, their lost childhood together found in the carnival’s happy music, the cotton candy, the balloons. He thinks he finally knows what it’s like to be the Kiro people imagine him as, he feels invincible, unstoppable, super-charged by her giggles at his antics, her bright smile. He doesn’t mind being superstar Kiro. If it’s for her, he’d do anything, he realizes, be anyone. Be the superhero she sees in him, that he sees in her, too.
He’ll remember this forever, he thinks. Blue skies, the taste of cotton candy, the feeling of youth, the sunshine of her laughter and smile.
He wants this afternoon with her to last, for more than the rest of the filming and the production crew’s ‘job well done.’
He realizes, somewhere along the way, that maybe she’s the girl from his past, the girl in his memory. He’d have given her the candy either way, but— for her, he makes sure it’s green apple, and his heart beats faster when she says she wants to save it, when she eats it at last and enjoys it, too.
He doesn’t get to see her again that night, but he does everything he can to make sure she has a good night, too. He hopes the snacks are enough for her to remember this day by. Hopes she might one day realize the words ‘you didn’t realize it at the time, but we’ve met before’ are meant for her, too.
Her pudding tastes like how he’d imagine her lips do, all milky sweet with a hint of caramel.
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magniloquent-raven · 4 years
for the I Love You prompts: harringrove, 20) “You can borrow mine.”
thank you so much for the prompt!!! hope u enjoy what i did with it lol
posted on ao3
It’s been two years since the Hargrove-Mayfield family moved to Hawkins, and Billy is still here. He never planned on staying this long—in fact, he started coming up with an escape route the second his boots hit the ground, and yet…
Well, plans change. He didn’t plan on getting stabbed through the chest by a thirty-foot-tall spider demon made of people sludge either, but shit happens. Life happens. Falling in love happens, apparently. Not that Billy thought it would ever happen to him.
But here he is. In Hawkins, Indiana, head-over-fucking-heels, hanging around like a pathetic stray hoping for table scraps of whatever Steve Harrington’s willing to give him. They’re friends now, and Billy’s savouring every moment he can, while it lasts.
Steve asked him, one afternoon, why he was still here. “Figured you’d take off after graduation is all. Hawkins doesn’t exactly have much worth hanging around for,” he’d laughed, a little self-deprecating. “Besides, uh, a lot of bad memories here. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to leave.”
And Billy hadn’t known what to say. Muttered something about sticking around for Max, which wasn’t exactly a lie, but wasn’t anywhere close to the whole truth.
He spends a whole lot of time in that grey area. Weaving just enough reality into his cover-stories to make them solid enough to hide behind. It’s fucking exhausting. And sometimes a dangerous line to walk.
Especially since Steve seems to buy into his bullshit less and less lately.
Maybe it’s the fact that dying and coming back changes your perspective a bit, or hanging around Steve so much is making him soft, or some combo of both, but he’s starting to wonder if maybe he could let go of it entirely, and just…live honestly.
Which isn’t an option, not really. But sometimes, in the small moments when Steve smiles at him and the weight on his shoulders doesn’t feel as heavy, he thinks maybe, maybe, it could be. And it scares him a little. How much he wants it to be an option.
It’s a cold evening in mid-November the first time he really slips.
They’re at Robin’s house, of all places. Despite Billy’s jealousy over the closeness of her and Steve’s friendship, he gets along with Robin. Almost too well, according to Steve.
So, it’s a thing. All three of them hanging out at her place.
Her dad makes awesome mac n’ cheese. Her mom is friendly, but not too friendly. And they let Robin hang out in her room with two boys without making a huge fuss about it.
It’s nice.
Billy almost makes it through the whole evening without doing something stupid, but then Steve (somehow) spills an entire can of Coke on his jacket, and Billy opens his big mouth without thinking.
“You can borrow mine.”
The thing is…Billy doesn’t really get cold anymore. He gets warm still. Way too easily. Sometimes he’ll bundle up just to remind himself he can get warm without it hurting. Without the thing inside him dying of it and destroying him in the process. So, he still wears jackets, sweaters, whatever-- probably more often than he used to, actually-- but he doesn’t need them.
Sometimes he wonders if one day he’ll freeze to death without noticing, or if frostbite isn’t a thing for him anymore. He hasn’t had the balls to test it.
Either way it’s like the world’s dumbest super power. Just another thing reminding him of shit he doesn’t want to remember.
Steve is staring at him. At the jacket in his hand. It’s his leather one. The one Max bought for him after he came back from the hospital. She’d wrapped it up all pretty with a bow and note that said “glad you didn’t die” in purple ink. Susan was mortified when she noticed it but Billy laughed so hard he nearly busted his stitches. 
He’s worn the jacket almost every day since. 
Robin is staring too, with a weird, calculating look in her eye, and he doesn’t like it.
“I…” Steve’s gaze wavers, flickering between Billy’s face and his hand again, “I can just—”
“Just take it, Harrington,” Billy interrupts, hoping the gruffness covers for how pink his cheeks are. He tosses the jacket, and Steve catches it reflexively, still looking at it like he’s not sure it’s real.
“Are you sure?”
Is he sure. That he wants to know what Steve looks like in his jacket? Yes. That he wants anyone else to know that? No.
Billy shrugs, aiming for non-committal. “Not like I need it,” he gestures vaguely towards himself, “Not entirely human anymore, remember?” Bitterness creeps into his tone without his permission.
“Hey,” Steve admonishes. Quietly, softly, but still a reprimand. His eyes are wide, concerned. Billy tries to wave him off, but Steve shakes his head and takes a step closer. “Don’t do that. You’re not a monster.”
“I—” he can’t hold eye contact anymore, not with Steve looking at him like that. He stares at the ugly yellow carpet beneath his feet instead. “Didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did,” Steve responds immediately, tone firm and direct. Because he knows. Knows Billy better than anyone has in a long time. Which is saying something, because Billy is friends with a girl who’s literally been inside his head.
It makes Billy want to curl up in a hole somewhere and never speak again. Run as far as he can. Cry ‘til he can’t anymore. Break shit. Blow up his life and start over. Being known feels so foreign, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
But under that there’s something delicate, warm and fragile, tentative. He’s afraid to get near it. Like it’ll disappear if he looks too closely. Shatter into pieces if he tries to bring it out of hiding.
“Alright. Alright, fine,” Billy mutters weakly. “But just… wear the jacket, okay? Really. I don’t need it. Besides, it’d look good on you.”
Somewhere off to the side Robin makes a small, amused sound, and alarm bells go off in Billy’s head. But before he can completely panic, backpedal and pretend he was joking despite sounding entirely sincere, Steve grins.
They’ve been friends for over a year now and Billy’s world still stops for a moment when Steve smiles at him.
And then he puts the jacket on and…
Billy has always liked looking at Steve. He’s never really hidden that fact, just banked on nobody figuring out the why of it. He’s aware-- painfully aware-- that Steve is incredibly gorgeous. 
But this is...
This just isn’t fair.
Steve looks a little sheepish, and stuffs his hands in his pockets, hair falling in his eyes when he ducks his head. And he’s blushing. It’s faint, barely-there, just a light pink tinge to his cheeks that nobody would’ve noticed if they weren’t paying close attention, which. Well. Billy is. 
He wants to feel it under his palms, feel the warmth of it. Wants to know if he can make that blush spread, see how far it would go, chase that heat with his mouth, drop to his knees and watch Steve come undone. He wants--
So much.
He’s sure it’s written all over his face, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Well?” Steve raises his eyebrows, grin turning teasing as he spreads his arms, glancing down at himself pointedly. 
Billy clears his throat. Blinks. “Suits you,” he answers after a too-long pause. 
“Can we go now?” Robin interjects, rolling her eyes. Her tone is more fond than exasperated, but Billy still flinches a little.
“Yeah,” he says quietly, gaze flicking over to Steve for a second before he looks back at Robin. “Yeah, let’s go.”
He “forgets” to ask for his jacket back before he goes home that night. There’s no guarantee that Steve would wear it again, but Billy can hope. 
And for once in his life, he gets what he wants. Steve starts wearing it all the time. But Billy’s starting to see why people say “be careful what you wish for” because the whole situation is a very mixed blessing. 
He keeps catching Robin giving him weird looks, and, really, he can’t blame her because he’s been so unsubtle lately, it’s embarrassing. And terrifying. Because it’s going to get him noticed by the wrong person someday. 
But he can’t fucking help it, not when Steve’s walking around looking like that. 
Though, Steve’s been acting odd too. Staring at Billy when he thinks no one’s looking, face all pinched and thoughtful. It’s getting worrying. 
Then one afternoon Billy walks into Family Video and Steve pulls him into the back room. No hello or anything, just a hand around Billy’s wrist and a determined set to his jaw. 
He locks the door behind them.
“I talked to Max this morning.” 
Steve sighs, runs a hand through his hair. His other hand is still wrapped around Billy’s wrist. “She said. Um. That jacket was a gift?”
“Yeah, so?” Billy flinches at his own tone but Steve doesn’t move, doesn’t pull away. His grip tightens, fingertips pressed to Billy’s skin hard enough to feel his pulse pounding. 
Steve takes a step forward. They’re close enough that Billy can see the purple shadows under Steve’s eyes. He doesn’t get enough sleep. Always asking Billy if he’s still having nightmares, never worrying about his own. Billy’s heart aches, and he hopes Robin will take care of Steve if this conversation ends his and Steve’s friendship. Someone needs to look after this boy if Billy isn’t there to do it. 
He hates that thought.
“So, I… Billy, why’d you give it to me?”
“Because…” Panic hits him hard, belatedly, as he tries to imagine actually answering that question. His stomach clenches, flips, and he curls in on himself. “Because you needed it,” he finishes lamely. 
But of course Steve sees through him, of course he does. “Really?” Steve sighs, rolling his eyes.
“What do you want from me, Steve?” Billy snaps, nervous energy making him jittery, he feels cornered, caught up in all the ways this could blow up in his face, trapped. He calms down a smidge when regret hits him, and he takes a breath, hates himself a little for snapping. 
“I want you to tell me it meant something, asshole.”
Billy freezes. 
He looks up at Steve, really looks at him, sees tension in his shoulders, the nervous twist of his mouth, uncertainty in his eyes. 
“You...really?” Billy breathes, quietly, terrified of shattering the moment. “It does--it--it did, I--” Words have never failed him so completely. He used to be good at this. It would be utterly mortifying if not for the sweet smile spreading across Steve’s face. He’s strangely okay with making a fool of himself if it means Steve looking at him like that. “I wanted…” he squeezes his eyes shut, bracing himself, “I wanted to take care of you. I always...want that. You needed something and I--I’d give you anything--” 
Steve’s hands are warm. He cradles Billy’s face gently, so careful, and tilts his face upwards until Billy meets his eyes. 
Well. No turning back now. Might as well embrace this whole honesty thing. “Yeah, pretty boy. Anything. Besides, you look hot as fuck in leather.”
Steve grins at that, eyes crinkling at the corners, and he lets out a huff of a delighted laugh. “In that case, I’m gonna need you to kiss me--”
He barely has time to finish his sentence before Billy lunges forward, crashing their lips together. It’s messy at first, desperate, Billy’s fingers threaded through Steve’s hair, pulling him closer. A whine escapes him (that he would deny later) when Steve pulls back, but he’s only gone for a second. He presses forward again, but gentler this time, slow, one hand falling to Billy’s waist and the other sliding to the back of his neck. 
Billy could’ve stayed like this forever, but a loud, insistent knock at the door makes them both jump.
“Steve, I don’t care if you’re mid-BJ right now, it’s my break, and you locked yourself in there with my stuff!” Robin yells through the door. 
Steve rests his forehead against Billy’s shoulder and he muffles a laugh into his shirt. “Goddamnit, Robin,” he mutters, and lifts his head to glare at the door, “Alright!” he calls, then turns to Billy. “To be continued?” There’s a question in his eyes, more than what he’s saying out loud.
Billy brushes a lock of hair from his face, and grins, “Count on it.”
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moon-antics · 5 years
I saw requests were open and I’m just ZOOMING for Angsty Poe Content™️. On the prompt list may I please order 40 and 68 which a Solo!Reader who, after Han’s death has gone on super dangerous missions alone and both Leia and Poe are trying to stop her before she gets super hurt. But after an especially dangerous incident on a mission she’s even more injured like almost died injured, please and thank u! I hope that’s adequate!! 💙
authors note : did i get carried away with this? yep. was it worth it? Y E P. enjoy some angsty content!
character / ship : poe dameron x reader
prompt(s) : 40 – “don’t you dare!” + 68 – “you lied to me! why?” “i didn’t have any other choice”
summary : sometimes you need to look forward, not back
word count : 3214
warnings : poe swearing, but that shouldn’t be a warning let’s be honest
 Your mother, Leia, felt it when it happened. Her heart ached; her head spun. She knew he wouldn’t come back.
But you? You witnessed it, you stood upon the platform and watched as your brother drove his lightsaber into him. Finn had to hold you back, but your cries for your father wouldn’t stop. The tears streamed down your cheeks, you screamed when your brother let him fall.
Ben, or Kylo, didn’t even look at you as you screamed and thrashed about. He didn’t care, not anymore. Deep down your screams did distract him, hence why Chewie was able to harm him with a well-aimed shot.
That was all the revenge any of you could get for the death of your father, Han Solo.
When you escaped from the Starkiller base, you didn’t know where to go, you didn’t know what to do. You had travelled with your father and his Co-Pilot for years, and now he was just.. gone.
You made the decision to go see your mother, you both needed each other now more than anything. But you were also in the need of another person’s company, Poe.
You often stayed at the Resistance bases they had in the past, working alongside your mother and all the other members when your father thought it was better for you to stay ‘out of his business’.
And that’s how you met him.
Poe played such a big role in your life, no matter if you thought about back then or now.
You first met when he was fresh out of training and still nervous before every new assignment he got. The way he got in and out of his X-Wing amazed you, the stories you heard about him made you admire him. And one day you even got the courage to talk to him.
Oh, how happy he was that you came up to him that day.
But as of now, you hadn’t seen each other in months because you were away with your father for so long, trying to finally track the Falcon down. You could never go on this ship again without feeling a certain pain in your chest.
So, when you arrived at the base, your mother was the first person you went to. And maker, you could sense her pain, she suffered. Seeing your mother so heartbroken made something in your brain switch, sadness was replaced with anger, the thirst for revenge.
“I’m going to make him pay for what he did, mother. I will avenge father..”
She knew how well you meant your words, but she feared you would slip down the same path as your brother. Anger shouldn’t fuel your actions, but as of this moment, you almost couldn’t feel anything else.
The only thing that made your feelings shift from anger to.. love, was seeing Poe again. He had heard what had happened, he could only imagine what you must feel right now.
“Love.. I’m so sorry..”, he said as he held you close that night, and the many nights following where all you could do was cry. Your heart ached, the tears on your cheeks had dried when you’d finally found the silent relieve of sleep washing over you.
For a few days, you clung onto Poe like he was all you had left. Your hand was locked around his, some part of your body had to touch his at all times. Otherwise he might just disappear, you feared.
But when the time came and the First Order attacked D’Qar, your feelings shifted, just like they did before.
“Are you sure you can do this baby?”, Poe asked you, both of you getting dressed in your flight suits. You grabbed your helmet as you turned to him, a determined looked plastered across your features. “More than ready.”
This risky move, which your mother had greatly disapproved of, and cost way too many life’s, was the start of an unhealthy habit for you.
Again, and again you had taken missions that even you had to admit, were dangerous. At first, you still agreed to go with a squadron. But soon, having the extra back-up made you feel trapped. You started going on missions alone, sometimes even disappearing for days without any sign of where you had gone being left behind.
Both Poe and your mother had feared for something like this to happen. You did come a lot after your father after all, the recklessness embedded deep in your bones. It just needed a reason to come out.
“You can’t keep doing this! What if you need me and I can’t help you?” Poe had started this discussion for the millionth time and you always gave him the same reaction; a roll of your eyes and an annoyed sigh. “I don’t need your help, I’m capable of fending for myself.” “But you can’t take out a whole fleet on your own! Not even I am that dumb!”
Poe’s concern only drifted against deaf ears; you had shut everyone who didn’t tell you where to go next out. Poe barely saw you anymore, neither did Leia. Only glimpses of you could be caught in the debriefing room or the hangar. He was frustrated, he didn’t know what to do anymore. He couldn’t convince you to stop being so reckless, he just wanted to keep you safe from your own actions at this point.
Another opportunity presented itself when BB-8 dashed into the communication center where he and Leia were currently located. Both of them looked at the droid, confused with his hurry. His rapid beeps didn’t make it any better.
“Slow down buddy. Who’s leaving?”, Poe kneeled down to his droid, laying one hand on his side to calm him down. BB-8 paused for a second before his beeping picked up again, more understandably this time. And when Poe understood what the droid was saying, he jumped up and sprinted out of the room.
You were going to leave alone, again.
No, not this time, not on his watch. “(Y/N)!!”, his voice boomed through the hangar, all eyes trained on him and the person he was addressing. “Get off that fucking X-Wing right now!” Oh, he was mad.
You turned your head to look at him, he was mad. His hands were balled into fists, his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. But what would he do? Drag you down?
You tilted your head at him, slightly questioning him with your eyes. The silence between you two killed him, he also knew what you were going to say next.
Was there steam coming out of his ears? Possibly. As if he wasn’t there, you calmly put your helmet on and got in your seat, closing the cockpit above you, not sparing Poe another glance. His screams of “Don’t you dare!” only reached your ears as a muffled sound, so you pretended you didn’t hear.
Poe’s frustration tipped over the edge when you started the engine and took off, shooting off into the sky and out his reach. His hands found their way into his hair, tugging hard. He couldn’t believe it; how can someone be so stubborn?
Feeling something bump against his ankle, he looked down. BB-8 was looking up at him with his big eye, he could see his own reflection in it. He looked terrible. Stressing out about your actions took a toll on him. “It’s too late BB.. but thank you for trying.” The little droid trailed after his master as he left the hangar. Now he could only wait for you to return.
  Just like all the other times, you came back at night so no one would see you and give you those weird looks that you always get when you walk around the base at day. Everyone knew who you were and what you were up to, was that so bad?
Unfortunately for you, Poe had figured your routine out, he sat in the hangar every night until his eyes fell closed and fighting sleep was no longer an option. This night, he was lucky enough to be awoken by the lights of your X-Wing closing in. He got up from his seat, happiness and anger making him feel more awake than he actually was.
He crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot impatiently. He knew that you knew he was there. You also knew that hiding was impossible. So, you opened the cockpit and got out. Well, you fell since your legs couldn’t carry your weight anymore.
A silent gasp left Poe’s lips as he rushed to you, helping you back to your feet quickly. You turned your head away from him, your helmet hiding your face. “(Y/N).. at least look at me.” With a reluctant sigh, you did. He noticed the blood running from your nose and the bruises on your cheekbones instantly. “What happened..? (Y/N).. this is exactly why I don’t want you to go.. You’ll get yourself killed eventually.”
You swallowed and looked at the ground, concealing your shame from him. You didn’t want him to see you like this, because it shows him, he’s right. “I won’t get myself killed Poe..” “You won’t if you stop doing this.. Leia is worried about you, I am worried about you.” He walked you over to a crate where you sat down, taking your helmet off gently. “Don’t do this (Y/N).. Please, for me..”, he took your hand in his, squeezing it gently.
You hesitated, pondering over your answer for a moment.
“I won’t..” “Do you promise?” “Yes, I promise..”
  Despite your promise, just a few days later you sat in your X-Wing again, taking off without telling a soul where you went. But a sinking feeling settled into your stomach this time. You lied to him, you felt bad about it. You shook your head, punching in the coordinate’s and jumping to hyperspace in order to reach your destination.
When Poe heard about you leaving, his heart shattered. You promised him, was that worth nothing to you?
He gave up on you, truly. This time he promised himself not to get upset about it. You wouldn’t listen to him anyways and lying also seemed to come to you easily now?
Poe was working on his X-Wing mindlessly when Leia came up to him. “Poe, you need to hear this. Its urgent.” He followed her quick steps, concerned and curious about what she’d show him. They soon entered the communication center and gathered around the holo-table. Poe looked at Leia expectantly, waiting for her to replay the audio.
“This (Y/N) Solo of th- -sistance, requesting immedi- backup. I repea-“
This was you, your voice. Poe’s hands prepped on the table. “Where did this transmission come from?” “From the outer rim, sir. Exact location might-“ “We’re going in to help her. Black Squadron, get ready.”
Everything happened so quickly. After what felt like seconds, he found himself in his X-Wing with BB-8, ready to take off and go to you. You needed help, you asked for it. That meant you were in serious trouble. “Let’s go!” Everyone took off and went after your last known location.
 When the Squadron left hyperspace, they were greeted with the planet Bakura being surrounded by TIE-Fighters. “All right people, let’s give ‘em hell.”
Before they’d try locating you, they had to fight the scum of the galaxy to proceed safely. Thankfully, with the great skill of the squadron, it didn’t take long to defeat them all, only leaving pieces of junk flying through the empty space.
Your transmission was sent from the atmosphere of Bakura. This made fear settle in Poe’s bones, you must’ve gone down on the planet. The Squadron travelled closer to the planet, many craters and burning wrecks of TIE’s showing them they were right where they’re supposed to be. You did a good job on your own, but this time it seems that you were overpowered.
“There! It’s an X-Wing!” “It must be hers.” It was burning, buried in the mud of this planet from the impact of the crash. The vegetation didn’t make it easy for them to find a spot to land, but Poe would jump out of his ship if it meant he’d get to you.
They did find a place to land close to a lake, a few of the squadron staying up in the air in case of more First Order troops coming as backup.
Poe practically jumped out of his X-Wing as soon as it touched the ground, BB-8 struggled to keep up with his pace. He ran to the wreckage of your ship. Only one sentence repeated in his mind over and over. Please be alive. Please be alive.
When he came closer, he saw the cockpit was smashed, but empty. So, you must’ve been close. He walked around the area, carefully trudging around the pieces of your ship. “(Y/N)?!”, he yelled out your name repeatedly, growing more desperate each time. You weren’t dead, no.
As he walked away from your ship, deeper into the thick woods, a pained groan reached his ears. “(Y/N)??” He sprinted over to the sound, only to see you lying on the ground, desperately trying to get up. “(Y/N)..”, his voice softened, tears clouded his vision when he reached you, kneeling down next to you. His arms wrapped around you gently, but you squirmed against his grip. Everything just hurt, thumping at the same pace as your heart did.
Eventually, you relaxed into his grip, the warmth making you feel safe. “It’s me.. its Poe. Everything will be alright..”
Poe. He came for you? Even after you lied to his face?
You opened your eyes slightly, catching a glimpse of the tears running down his face. You grimaced at the sight of him, and the pain, you felt sorry for making him feel like this. It was your fault. Despite the state you were in, Poe couldn’t hold the question that’s been swimming around his mind back.
“You lied to me..why?”
You closed your eyes again; you couldn’t look at him. You were a coward, you realized that now.
“I didn’t have any other choice..I’m sorry..”
If you told him the truth, he would never have let you go on your own again, let alone give you the chance to try. A sudden wave of tiredness washed over you, your eyes drifted closed despite Poe’s please.
  Beeping, along the sound of people talking were the first things your senses picked up. You tried opening your eyes, the bright light of the room making you groan. Intense pain spread through your head as you closed your eyes again, with every move you made, your body ached more and more. What had happened? You remembered the TIE’s ganging up on you, you managed to shoot some down but there were just too many of them. Poe’s face flashed before your inner eye; he was there. He came to save you.
Excited beeps made you stop for a second. They sounded familiar.. BB-8? Your lips parted and you tried to speak, but only a strangled sound made its way out. His beeps increased, it sounded like he wanted to make someone aware that you were awake.
“Mh..? What?”, the sound of Poe speaking came from the same direction, tiredness lacing his voice. When BB-8 indicated that you were awake, he scrambled up from his seat immediately, standing by your side.
You forced your eyes open once again. And there he stood, next to your bed. He looked tired, has he slept since you came back?
His face softened when he saw your eyes open, his hand laying on your head gently, running his fingers through your hair. “(Y/N).. hey..”, his voice sounded like music to your ears, so soft, so caring.
“How are you feeling?”
That’s when everything finally came crashing down on you. Even after all your arguments, the way you treated him and what you did, how you lied to him, he still cared about you so deeply.
Your lip started to quiver, and you leaned into Poe’s touch. “Oh Poe..I’m so sorry..”, your voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. He smiled softly, crouching down next to the bed so he was on eye-level with you.
His hand moved from your head to your cheek, he wiped away your tears with the back of his hand. Your head titled to the side so you could look at him, you expected him to be angry. He looked sad more than anything.
“It’s okay love.. I’m here for you..”, you nodded, closing your eyes as you quietly sobbed. Poe would’ve held you in his arms, but your injuries didn’t allow it. His touch felt so comforting against your bruised skin, you had almost forgotten what it felt like to be close to him.
No words were needed in this time, he knew you were sorry, and he was sure you had learned your lesson for good now. You didn’t know how long you two just sat like this, looking at each other without saying much, drinking in each other’s company after a long period of thirst.
Sadly, your moment was interrupted by the door of the med-bay opening. You two looked at who came in to see your mother standing there. Poe got up from his seat, reluctantly letting go of your hand to leave the room, you two had to talk alone.
“Mother..”, you spoke as she stepped closer to you, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Seeing you like this hurt Leia a lot, but she was happy you were alive, nonetheless. She stroked some of your hair out of your face, smiling gently at you, putting the nerves that had built up at ease.
“You don’t need to explain yourself (Y/N).. we all had different ways of coping and this was the way you took. You just have too much of your father in you..” The two of you chuckled sadly, she was right. The skills and attitude did come from your father.
“He’d be proud of you, I know that.” You nodded, silent tears sliding down your cheeks. “I know, mother.. I just miss him so much..” Your teeth dug into your lip, you didn’t want to start crying again. “We all do, we all do.. Now get some more rest okay? You need to heal..” You obliged and your eyes closed, sleep coming to you rather quickly.
Leia met Poe who was still standing outside when she left the room. He was leaning against the wall, head turning to his General when she stepped out.
“You take care of her, do you hear me?”, she pointed a finger at him to which he nodded.
“Of course, General, I always will.”
311 notes · View notes
grimoire-of-seven · 5 years
a slow dance?
PROMPT :: Dance Me Into A Stupor
Rating: SFW || Barbatos’ Warning: Out-of-context spoiler for Belphie’s prompt
Words: 250-400 words per character
Characters: Demon brothers + MC / Gender-neutral Reader
Notes: This isn’t… my usual quality of writing but please be patient with me! I’m running late on a few school deadlines so I’ve crammed this a bit to keep up with the schedule. I hope everyone still liked this! And I’ll do my best on the next prompts (ಥ﹏ಥ)
“So…?” You asked, eyes staring at Lucifer’s for inquiry. 
The two of you were on a firm waltz hold, the closed position led by the Avatar of Pride stood strong and proud in the middle of the ballroom. Diavolo’s lavish parties never get old in this part of Devildom.
You absolutely love attending such events, considering that a certain someone is always wearing those stylish high-class suits. So form-fitting and deliciously snug on the–
“Well,” Breaking character from his usual calm facade, the ravenet broke off eye contact with you, his voice laced with… guilt? “I suppose an apology is past overdue…?”
You blinked once.
“Apology for what?” 
He started at you for a few moments, bewildered at the nonchalant answer. 
“My behaviour from our first dance, during the third day of the retreat in Lord Diavolo’s castle.” He explained briefly, the following words were chosen carefully, “I was quite concerned for my brothers’ well-being that I threatened you.”
Oh, that…
“You weren’t threatened at all, were you?” Lucifer grinned at you with a seemingly concerned face. 
“I probably was,” You replied, but then sheepishly lowered your gaze in embarrassment, “But then I forgot about it.” 
The dark-haired demon shook his head in affection, “What am I going to do with you..?” 
Dances… aren’t really your thing. The first time you’ve danced with a demon here in Devildom, Lucifer was whisking you away with an unnaturally strong hold and whispering death threats above your head. 
It’s the kind of thing that makes you not want to participate in the waltz. Ever.
That is, until Mammon, all in his glorious demon-form, walked up to you with that adorable blushing face. For a moment, he stood still. Hesitation is visible in his face and it seemed that he was struggling in forming cohesive sentences.
Does he want to…?
“W-Well, if ya a-ain’t got a partner like the loser Levi is, the Great Mammon is still w-willing to spare his first dance with ya.” He said to you, forcing out the words from his mouth. 
As if you can say no to Mammon’s roundabout way of inquiry. “I’d love to dance with you, Mammon.”
“Y-Yeah, of course ya do.” The Avatar of Greed huffed, offering his hand, “U-Unlike last time when… when Lucifer’s got all buddy-buddy with ya as if his stinky ass’ got a pact with ya.”
“Oh…” So that’s what this is about… With a slight giggle, you positioned yourself infront of him at a standard waltz hold, “If it’s any consolation… I was hoping to have my first dance with you, back then.”
Processing your statement, he remained silent and eyes were as wide as the full moon seen from the hall. The white-haired demon’s expression changed from surprise to doubt to happiness within a split second. 
“Really?” He breathed out in disbelief, searching your visage for any trace of a lie.
“Are ya tellin’ the truth?” Mammon’s grip on your hands tightened, as if he doesn’t want to let go, “Like, really???”
He laughed, a genuine one in a long time, and waltzed you onto the dancefloor all night long. 
Hand in hand with Levi, the two of you shared a moment under the moonlight as Lucifer forced the two of you ‘loners’ into participating at the festivities. 
Levi kept his eyes down, seemingly more interested in the floor than dancing with you. 
You can’t really fault him. Lucifer had dragged the whole house with him to this ball, and it was evident that the Avatar of Envy did not like the plan one bit. 
You opened your mouth to break the ice but was cut short by the purple-haired demon, “Man, Asmo took the time to dress you up but your clothes are still all super long.” 
“It can’t be helped.” You shook your head with a smile. 
At least Levi is also trying to make conversation, rather than completely sulking at the situation you’re both in. 
“We didn’t have the time to have it altered.”
“You know, in one of my favourite shoujo anime, ‘I’m a Cafe Maid But It’s A Top Secret Because I Am The Emperor’s Daughter Who Ran Away From My Responsibilities Because My Dad Is Forcing Me To Marry’,” He started rambling, a slight blush peppered his pale skin, “There’s a part where the princess slips on her dress and one of her suitors, a NEET gaming-addict who is also a shut in and doesn’t have any friends except for his pet fish, caught her and it’s so romantic–”
He stopped mid-sentence, foot slipping at the excessive amount of cloth on your fur coat. 
“Woah, careful, Levi!” You caught him, one hand cradling him by the shoulders and the other stabilizing him from the small of his back to avoid a sudden fall. Levi held on to you for support, momentarily paralyzed.
“.…!” He met your worried gaze, his face heating up at your closeness and the warmth of your arms surrounding him. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, holding him tight liken of a fragile porcelain vase that will shatter if you let him fall, “Did you hurt yourself?”
“I-I-I-I’m fine…” 
Little did you know, his mind was already racing at the possibilities of him being in a shoujo anime with him as the princess and you as his knight and shining armour. 
Liken of a true gentleman that he is, Satan offered you his hand at the waltz the moment Lord Diavolo ended his speech. He brought you to the middle of the dance floor, leading you with graceful movements - with a fiery spark in his eyes. It’s as if the blonde is showing off his skills to everyone in Devildom. 
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Lucifer dancing, almost as gracefully, with a rather alluring witch. 
Ah, Satan’s as competitive as usual, you thought to yourself, forcing yourself to not roll your eyes at the realization. That would be rude.
With his usual grin, he spoke, “You look amazing. The clothes Asmo picked for you fits you perfectly.”
E-Excuse me, what?
“T-Thank you.” You nodded politely at his words, feeling the rush of your blood on your cheeks.
Satan held you closer, whispering sensually by your right ear, “Your scent is different tonight, too. Something… mysterious.”
Woah–! “Aren’t you…”
The Avatar of Wrath dropped his tone, the type that sent chills down your spine, “You smell delicious–”
“Okay, what gives, Satan?” You pouted at his mischief, shoving him ever so slightly to regain what was left of your personal space. “What’s with all the super specific comments?”
He laughed with great amusement, surprised that you caught on to his jeers quite fast, “I get to see your pretty blushing face.”
“Not fair!”
“I’m not lying, though.” Satan’s expression changed, his visage now conveying a much more genuine smile, “I wanted to show you off to everyone, all in your blushing glory.”
Ever since the party started, Asmo hasn’t left your side. Much to Mammon’s absolute horror, the Avatar of Lust has kept his arms around your own all throughout the ceremonies. 
He has been flirting with you the whole night with his usual string of compliments. 
‘Your eyes gleam whenever you see him, as if there’s a galaxy bursting within them.’ 
‘Your lips were absolutely alluring, he’d spend hours kissing you and appreciating them as much as he could.’ 
‘The way your clothes fit your frame so delicately that he wants to ravish you while you–’ 
It was embarrassing to hear, given that there’s eight of you on the table and the peach-haired demon did not consider lowering his tone. Everyone in the table most definitely heard his soft yet aggressive comments. 
It never stopped even until the two of you were dancing together in the waltz. Asmodeus held you in a firm hold, his natural beauty has always struck you whenever he’s this close, “Aren’t our clothes absolutely stunning?”
“They are, Asmo.” You smiled at him, only now do you ever feel the butterflies on your stomach at his words. “Your eye for beauty is unmatched.”
“Of course!” He swayed with you gracefully, his aura of sensuality piercing through the roof at the sight of him in his three piece suit, “This is a special night, I wouldn’t pass off the opportunity to show you off to the whole of Devildom!”
“That is so like you.”Giggling at his comment, you allowed yourself to finally relax and take in his praises. This intimacy is so much better than the earlier situation at the table. 
“Come on, honey, give me a graceful twirl~” Asmo beamed at you, leading you into a twirl step with much finesse. 
“And again!”
“And again!”
“No-!” Feeling dizzy and slightly nauseous at the repeated spin, you tripped on your own shoes and find Asmodeus holding you stable. Sighing at the charming demon’s whims, you shook your head with a smile, “Asmo, this is a slow dance not tango.”
The night is still young yet you sought refuge on the balcony, silently watching the moon from a nearby bench. Nights in the Devildom are often colder than the ones in the human world… 
But then again, after months of staying here, how do you compare when traces of the human world get lost in your grasp every moment you spend down here?
You imagine the contrast of the bright sun during summers above and the dim light everyday here in–
“You look like you’re lost in thought.” A voice pulled you from your own thoughts, your head moving ever so slightly to confirm the person who joined you on the balcony.
It’s Beel.
“Ah, well…” You shrugged, rubbing your arms to stave a bit of the chill in the air, “I’m just a bit exhausted from socializing. Formal parties aren’t my thing.”
“It isn’t my thing, too.” The red-haired demon peeled off his coat, gently putting it over your shoulders and sat beside you, “I can’t eat all the food on the table. Lucifer is glaring daggers every time I try. He’s telling me that we’re representing Lord Diavolo’s name so I have to behave.”
You chuckled at his words. Lucifer sounds so much like a father to his siblings. 
“We’ll get you some food at home. I’ll cook you some homemade–”
“Do you want to dance?” The Avatar of Gluttony asked you, the sounds of the orchestra from behind the two of you suddenly registering in your mind at the offer.
He wants to dance? 
“It’s just the two of us here…” He stated, holding out his hand towards you, “We can take it slow so you won’t get exhausted.”
You held his coat closer to you, the corners of your lips curling up at the saccharine proposal. “You’re too sweet, Beel.”
You took his hand.
Despite the rough beginnings of your relationship with him, he tried his best to mend and gain your trust - this time, genuinely. 
He’s always been so sweet yet there’s always a distance he’s kept whenever he’s with you. You can’t fault him. Perhaps the guilt of his past actions is always at the back of his mind… 
You wanted to help him get past this. And the solution to your questions is today’s dance. 
It’s your first dance with Belphegor. 
Everything has been laid out perfectly in your mind. You’ll talk to him about it, he’ll answer you honestly and your relationship with him will be a lot stronger than before. Quite Disney-esque but you had to try.
That is… until he declared something that slipped your mind. 
“I want to sleep.” He groggily announced, your dance slowing down much more sluggish than the actual tune of the waltz. 
“Belphie, come on.” You tried to alert his senses a bit, hoping that he won’t sleep on you, literally, while the music is playing. “It’s Lord Diavolo’s birthday, we have to participate.”
The ravenet yawned, his hands slipping from yours, “The orchestra is playing lullabies, how can I not…”
“Stay with me!” With all your might, you tried to support Belphie’s weight, looking around to see something that would wake him up.
“Look, even Mammon is hitting it up on the dance floor…” Is he fucking dancing dougie… on a damn waltz?! This isn’t a dance battle, Mammon!!!
Scandalized at his inappropriate dance to a waltz, you shrugged it off, “Okay, we’re not watching him.” 
“You’re as soft and warm as a pillow.” Belphie rubbed his head against yours, his body now shamelessly draped over yours while you struggled to lead him to the dance.
“D-Don’t you think this is a bit too close for a formal dance, Belphie?”
Very heavy!
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stronghours · 3 years
Darling Fallon    Sep 3, 2013
Sensational (sin-sational!). i write on behalf of myself (S) and my lover (m). we have been ripped off by bulk-produced molded hoods before and i can only say HAND CUT LATEX ONLY never look back!! worth the money and will eventually pay for itself. neck fit like loving glove and adds dynamic intensifier to breathplay. Lovely proprietor replied prompt when “m” had questions re: breathability (she added extra breathing hole at no extra cost). class acts all around (and not just in our dungeon!) will return for more but “m” needs a break first if u get the drift lol1!! thanks to lady j!
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Latex Chrysalis Hood (translucent…
3 Helpful
  myMister   Aug 24, 2013
this one writes on behalf and with permission of MISTER. this one quaked with bliss when package arrived. truly awful to behold in the wise hands of MISTER. this one’s neck is small and delicate For His Pleasure and all item adjustments were made to order and did not affect shipping time. if this one could be so efficient For His Pleasure this one would be in heaven on earth. instead, this one is less than a hole. item truly enhanced <O sensation. without a doubt will be used over and over in this household for due punishments of this very worthless one. discrete pgk’ing. thanks to designer J for deepening this one’s service to MISTER.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Throttle Collar w/ attached Gas…
1 Helpful
  JulieJuice   August 3, 2013
LOL rip-off!!! cant believe all u ppl sucking this guys dick. says everywhere in product descript. (and you guys reviews!!) that custom sizing is no additl. cost but mine cost more!! only small alteration to titty holes cause of my cleave situation. bullshit. not buying from him again.
Response from J
Hi again Julie. If you check our many enlightening inbox conversations from 7/5-7/16 you will be reminded the additional cost was due to your request of more ring hinge insertions as the standard amount in pattern block “was not bling enough”. Cleavage was irrelevant. Sizing related alterations are always no added cost. Custom alterations requiring additional materials/effort and adjusted pricing will always be discussed and approved on client end before any exchange of payment.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Hexagon Restrictor Harness…
  HannahCakes!    Jun 1, 2013
Hey Whats Up I’m Caleb (obviously don’t have an etsy) and using my lady’s account. She got the catsuit for my birthday and she looked so sexy like J-Lo or someone. Didn’t want her doin the latex stuff because I thought shed have to shave off all her pubes and personally i like that kind of thing a lot but no harm done. Anyway she was super sexy and the suit thing looked good and stayed together even when we started rockin. To other full bush guys out there if youre girl wants to wear the latex stuff SHE CAN KEEP HER BUSH she just has to use lube to oil up the bush that she has.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Domina Catsuit w/ Pussycat Zipper (red…
7 Helpful
  HannahCakes!   3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Caleb Review
Hi J,
Saw my boyfriend’s 6/1 review and I was like uh ohhh. I asked him to leave one because he went gaga over the catsuit, but I wasn’t expecting all the bush stuff. If you don’t want to be associated with that and want to delete, that’s ok on my end. A little embarrassing! – Hannah!
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Hannah. Please don’t worry about it, any positive review is welcome. His feedback has apparently hit a chord with some specific hesitations and concerns buyers have been experiencing but not confiding with me, so I plan on keeping it up for the time being. Enjoy your garment.
  JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Moo-cow snout muzzle thing – (idea i had)
Hi. Is this idea good
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend   Ignore
Hi Joey. Are you interested in a custom cow muzzle/mask, like the pup play masks on my page or are you just brainstorming for personal reasons?
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
idk it’s just an idea i had
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
It’s a cool idea
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Thanks man i thought so 2
1234Brett10093456    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
JULES yes I know who you are and I know your name are you scared yet?? I remember when you used to hang with Roscoe out at Rawhide because Roscoe pretended to hire you because he secretly wanted to fuck and suck you till you cried and I saw all that. I have brown flippy hair, blue eyes and am tall/cut versatile but lean TOP. I know you faked being gay. You heard of bi-now-gay-later but have you heard of gay-then-straight-betrayer (you)? That is fucked up that you still sell stuff but pretend to be a gay guy because that makes your stuff sell better because the gay guys want to fuck you. I know you are faking because my muscle bud Tomas (latino) saw you making out with a ginger chick at the wet bar in Entrance last week. He said it was probably a joke but I know it wasn’t because he said he saw tongue. I wont let you be a breeder without a fight. I am willing to tell EVERYBODY YOURE SECRET. But I wont if you prove to me YOU CAN STILL BE GAY. Im attaching a pic of my cock so you know im not lying and can follow through. I will only believe YOU ARE GAY if we can see each other face/face (i can host only on fri- I have two roommates) and our cocks have to touch and you have to stay hard for at least five minutes while I suck and jack your cock and tongue your balls (shave or dont i will leave that up to you). condoms ok but if you want to be a breeder so bad maybe I will just breed your ass but if youre actually a gay guy you’ll like it and cum thick ropes as I fuck your dirty little slut hole and youll tell me youre a hole while I fuck it with the shiny precum head of my cut fucking cock (7inches erect). you will smell my hole and BECOME GAY again IT WILL HAPPEN  - Brett Costino
  TheSteelyDanMan   2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Latex & Breastfeeding Concerns
Good morning, J I hope you are well. Returning customer, here. My kajira/wife and I are splinter Gor lifestylers (NOT KAOTIANS) [link] but are currently isolated due to our deviation from standard kajira beautification ideals and the arrival of our first child (girl - Gemma) two months ago. My wife’s submission has usually been expressed fashion-wise in various strict latex outfits, a few of which you have kindly provided us over the past couple of years. Naturally, the arrival of a mini-me results in some changes! My wife, insecure after birth, wants to return to strict full-coverage latex, but this desire is at odds with her physical situation of actively nursing Gemma and we both have worries. Does the constriction of latex effect or otherwise harm milk production, or could secondhand latex exposure harm our baby? I imagine you have catered to many lifestyle situations where this might be relevant so I thought I would ask. Thanks very much. LEO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    2 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Leo. While I have catered to many lifestyles, I’m afraid I must exercise discretion in this situation, as it would be on par with giving medical advice. I will say any allergy is a possibility and one should exercise undue care with a very young infant, not just in matters of latex. I highly encourage you and your wife to discuss this with her doctor as frankly as possible. In the long run it might be worth reevaluating aspects of your wife’s submission and temporarily making do with latex pieces that do not restrict the breasts, while nursing is a part of her daily reality (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you examples are available on my page). Best of luck and congratulations on the new addition to your family.
  NoraBarnacle    2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
A sincere offer…
Several months ago, I bought a pair of latex gauntlet gloves from your shop. Since then, astonishing changes have come over me. I used to be high-powered, highly controlled, a formidable woman (natural ash blond, green eyes, 45”-40”-44”) I was determined to keep these feelings to myself, but I can no longer resist, as I wholeheartedly believe your Dominating spirit, imbued in the gauntlets, is leading me forcefully but masterfully into your care. If it pleases you, know I have not touched my aching slit for one month total as I am uncertain whether you desire me to feel pleasure that is not approved by you. There are no images of you on your site, but I have drawn an accurate picture of you in my mind and I know you are the Man that I never knew I was waiting for, the Man who will lead me, the Man who will hold my neck and strike my forehead to his knee in his insistence that I allow myself to be led. When I wear the gauntlets, they are your own gallant hands restricting my weak bones. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I do not desire to resist. Please message back so I can properly present my acquiescence, body and soul, unto you. I squat disgracefully on my plump thighs, full of whorish tremor that makes me unworthy, but still I desire. I will service your home with my ardent hands and service your thick and striving cock with my wet tongue. Respond to this small soul. I submit to your gallant wisdom – A Secret Admirer
  RicoMetals   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Redhead Modle in Pic for Serve Her Serrated Corselette
Hey man-to-man who is she. I love redheads. Does she modle for other people/would she modle for my pieces? there’s no head in the pick – what’s her nose situation? we could all do collab and I think it would be hot. Let me kno - RICO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    1 month ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Rico. I have not blocked you (yet) because said model wanted me to reply to you first and inform you, she’s already an established performer in her own right and does not want to model for a guy who “thinks I need some sissy seamstress to pimp me out to shitty welders online”. As I only have basic welding experience, I can offer no further comment or defense on your behalf.
  DerryBerry454   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Inquiry re: standard leather sleep-sack dimensions
Hello Miss J, quick question:
I will buy this item no hesitation no delay if you tell me right now about your vagina. Questions I prioritize:
1.     Color labia (outer)
2.     Color labia (inner – aroused)
3.     Clit length in centimeters or whatever measurement is most flattering to you
4.     Range of clit engorgement
5.     Depth of vaginal canal (I will allow ballpark figure as I know not everyone has graded speculums lying around)
6.     Percentage of clit orgasms v. vaginal orgasms – bonus points if you describe uterine orgasm, if that is your experience (no pressure to answer last part, as I understand it is not necessarily vagina-adjacent)
7.     Are you hairy? What color?
8.     When you wash your vagina do you douche or do you use fingers to rub through labia folds and that is it?
9.     Color of menstrual blood
10.  If you wear panties, do you find the crotch of your panties degrades due to PH of your vaginal discharge? (give me the qualities and I will calculate this for you)
While a picture of your vagina is welcome (and will only be for my private use) I really do like gathering these stats (I’m kind of a nerd) and would appreciate as much openness on your behalf as possible and you will benefit too because I’ll give you money for your lovely product. Talk to you soon! 😊
  B O A R D
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Hey people, we’ve reached the end of the summer and you know what that means – Ivan himself of the halls of Rubber Valley presents inaugural post of their annual sweeps week filming extravaganza – first photoset already up and we’ve got the goddamn brilliant LYDIA SUCKS sons! The greatest bitch on the face of the planet almost psyched us out but she’s here she’s low and she’s ready to blow. Vid upload will probably take till tomorrow to render but we’ve got some great pic galleries already. Ivan really spoiling us pigs lmfao. Seeing lots of setup and dress-up and behind scenes stuff for yall candid pervs. We’ve got full body latex and face coverage hoods and I see a breathing tube and the barn inversion setup. Possible inverted ceiling fuck? The boys can dream. Links to download pics results in PERMABAN – only official links to Rubber Valley site allowed, don’t know how often I have to say it. You want to pass ripped screenshots you do that through email *casts pearls before swine*
GOBgobGOB: no pic of lyds upside down yet ☹
LordJim: Not interested until I see Ivan haul out the FuckRacers from two years ago – wonder why he doesn’t bring those around more often? Great view stats on current vids and who doesn’t like a fat ass getting auto-fucked while she steers the go-cart supine?
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao all views are you bro
SUCKPUNTER: hey lordjim where’d you learn the word supine
LordJim: Yeah “laugh out loud” very funny guys.
SUCKPUNTER: did you learn it at college
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Lydia looks gr8 folks. Queen pristine and ready to cream. SUCKPUNTER – chill out because I’ve got my eye on you. Don’t take the bait Jim. You’re like thirty.
SUCKPUNTER: at least I don’t get off on bitches doing the pinewood derby
TheWorldofMartinAmis: Goddess. Wish she’d get her boobs done though.
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: same! I’ve been waiting for years for her to get into xtreme body mod. Right up her alley. If she’s at EXXXOTICA EXPO next year I’m going to try to get her meet and greet and ask. I know tattoo guys who’d pay HER to give her first tat.
McLovin: Lydia wouldn’t go. She’s like indie transgressive.
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): nice to see you again lockSTOCK. I see your POV but Lydia has several interviews where she says most of her viewers see her bod as a clean palate in the art of pain – as in, wounds have to go away in order for us to appreciate a fresh ruining ; ) tats and huge implants are a little tougher to work around. Anyway in my mind you can fix bad tits but you can’t fix bad attitude
ThatOneFootGuy: id suck her feet
McLovin: woah fuck 4th latex pic in dressing series with her mouth open and her eyes shut – who the lube guy with his arm right down her front?
SUCKPUNTER: lol hand clear to her pussy and hes not even hard faggot
McLovin: scope the ginger amazon in the background with camera – new girl? Don’t recognize. Didn’t know Ivan was bringing new people around this year’s sweeps.
LordJim: I wondered too when I saw. I’m sure DungeonMaster mod understands if I copy/paste following from Ivan (no pics, text w/actress info):
Newcomers are always welcome in RUBBER VALLEY (especially if they’re lovely, and especially if they’re ladies!) and this old goat is pleased to welcome DOMME LUX, our friendly neighbor down south in that little town called Chicago. Mysterious as she is alluring, you’ll see her shining light sampling tidbits of delight off our Valley Girls throughout the uploads this month (or even taking a crack at a couple!) We’re just getting to know her, but I have a feeling she’s a generous gal at heart as she kindly offered us the services of her Personal Valet, Jules DeMarco, who himself spoiled us all year with devious latex devices for our steadfast daring dollies after the unfortunate 2012 passing of our beloved torture designer Merrick Marvel (memoriam post 03/04/2012). Check out Jules’s Half-Bag Breast Mummifier in scheduled post 7/22 (Heather Bunny in the inverted Wench Wrench) the diabolical Arachnae-Hood (Lacey Jane, spinning in our trusty Landscape(her) Rolling Pin 7/16) and the Double-Fuck Full Body Boa Binder with eerie inflatable bubble hood (Lydia Sucks, finale post 7/31, don’t miss it, SUBSCRIBE). I must confess, we took advantage - the poor fella ran himself ragged helping us with film prep all week. So as an apology we let him get up close and personal with Rubber Valley’s reigning heroine LYDIA SUCKS fitting her in a custom four-limb black latex catsuit with half-face hood, made especially for her brave beautiful bod. He takes a good long time greasing her up before Ivan and Barry get her hoisted and joisted and in her best bitch-bat position among the rafters of the exalted Rubber Valley barn, where we leave her to squirm in terror! (but let’s get real – what scares Lydia? We’re wracking our brains!) Uh-oh, is Domme Lux looking jealous in the background? Is she plotting a little comeuppance for our Lovely Lady Lydia? Only one way to find out – SUBSCRIBE!
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Np lordjim, if you hadn’t posted I was going to. Looks like we’ve got fresh meat in the valley.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: very pretty girl, but always bummed when a new one turns out to be top. Call me old fashioned, I come to the Valley for slaves.
SUCKPUNTER: firecrotch
GOBgobGOB: brb too busy crankin it. milky gingerbread titties come to daddy
McLovin: @TheWorldofMartinAmis, Ivan always has at least one femdom around. Room for everybody in the valley
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: holy shit I know that guy.
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao faggots know faggots
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: no for real. His real name is Jules Marinelli. I worked with him one summer lifeguarding beaches for the park’s district. Our boss found his website where he sells his sex stuff, and it was this whole big thing. Found the kink club Entrance through that (check it out if you’re in my hood ever – huge, clean, not too much gay shit, great ladies of all stripes hanging around, but limits on drinking if you’re trying to access certain levels). He’s bi. He’s either secretly Domme Lux’s slave or Domme Lux is his slave and it’s mega on the DL because it’d hurt her career if it got out she could ‘verse. There’s all this gossip.
SUCKPUNTER: bi guys r fags
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): SUCKPUNTER – that’s strike one. lockstock – not deleting your post because from what I can see JDM doesn’t/isn’t acting in explicit scenes, but let’s cool it with doxxing info. Looks like he’s had an experience with that before, and as a small business owner myself, I know how it can suck. We aren’t gossiping high school girls. Settle back and enjoy what Ivan gives us.
GOBgobGOB: *sees dudes in the chat and stops jacking off*
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: NP mod, feel free to delete it later before it causes problems.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: going back to previous discussion – don’t think a breast job automatically constitutes body modification
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): think about it martinamis, it’s a slippery slope – you want to see some swollen battered fish get destroyed, or a fresh natural girl get destroyed?
SUCKPUNTER: i am not a faggot and a whore’s a whore and im here to see whores fucking destroyed
GOBgobGOB: *tony soprano voice* she was a HOOOOER
SUCKPUNTER: fag or cunt all whores get fucked
LordJim: Mod, step up. This isn’t going to get better. With all due respect
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): yeah, already done. That should be the last of him. Don’t know why I expected that situation to turn out differently.
Subject: Debrief – valley week
As discussed, attached is current info for my old webmaster service from when I had to run my own fansite. Decent price and decent vendor system. Can only be an improvement on what you have now. That is not an insult, but I know it sounds like one. Stay with me.
[link] [link] [link]
And above, the top three most trafficked boards I’ve found following my own career and the rubber valley gang. We’ve caused quite a stir already and its only July 15th. I wouldn’t count on this causing an uptick in your business, but I think you know that. The standard gentleman at home spending twenty bucks a month for guaranteed links to a woman being fucked inside out while wearing a sensory deprivation hood simply doesn’t translate him to spending 100-200 dollars, contacting a seller, taking measurements, and going through the effort to order he and his special girly the hood itself. But I know you believe you’ve chosen your life the same way I believe I’ve chosen my life and won’t whine. I will say, if your ego is bruised, that your clothes are wonderful. They feel maybe half like death. I’ll wear them again and again.
On a funnier note: I have accounts myself on all the above message boards and post semi-regularly. It might amuse you to do the same thing, but you need to be careful regarding your identity. Feedback from viewers is never relevant, but it needs to be pure (don’t ask me why – my brains are fucked out). I won’t tell you who I am, and you won’t tell me who you are. Maybe we’ll find each other.
I wouldn’t tell your Cathy, since some sensitive (if inaccurate) information is flying around. Your instinct towards privacy, while cute and old fashioned, is an apt instinct. Looks like the good people of Chicago can’t keep their fucking mouths shut. Will you be able to find a straight job if your work now goes up like a dead dog’s gut? Don’t despair. Your nice long cock dropped so well down my throat while your Cathy beat my clit with the edge of your belt (nice touch – whose idea was that?) so while you might not get another chance to perch in a lifeguard’s throne, you might very well have a future in film. You’re vigorous, discrete, disciplined, clean, and a cutie-pie. Have your Cathy make some films of you alone or you two together. It’ll excite her, so you have no choice but to be excited yourself. You’re excited reading this. You believe you chose this.
Anyway – Cathy! Don’t be insulted on her behalf. I loved playing with you both. She’s kind and a lot of fun, which are virtues I still let myself appreciate in others. Let her know I appreciate how she let me use you. She’s a good girl and has a good future in store, especially with her personal valet running her life. Pick her outfits, pick her makeup, pick her clients, pick her laundry soap – is it already like that? I want to be buried alive, but you want to be buried in chores. Please dream big, Jules.
Rubber valley is where I have the most fun out of all the shoots I have in a year, but I really was lucky that you two showed up. Poor old Merrick Marvel (not even that old – colon cancer). But out with him and in with you. I enjoyed our river talk and I felt very safe in the car with you at the wheel, though I know I tormented you a little (but I’m pretty sure Cathy helped you out later with that – will you write back to me what she did to you, and if she let you come?) At one point you were with Ivan in the garage, and I tried to have a little talk with her about oblivion, but she either understood my point and got scared, or simply didn’t understand. It’s unfortunate, kind of soul-sucking, how our dominant “loved ones” transform into necessary evils. Adjust the tube. Grasp the handle. Move the thigh. Use the vocal cord to form the order. But what do they know? I never knew how to explain.
I’ve attached some personal pictures of me. I like knowing that you have them. I won’t contact you again except under strict business purposes, so let me sum up. Serve Cathy well. Don’t let her get bullied. Flourish creatively. Keep that belt. Fuck as often as your body commands you to fuck (if I suspect that sometimes your body is Cathy’s body by proxy, then this number will double, perhaps triple, but the choice is out of your hands because she owns your cock). You have a lot of growing up to do. Don’t despair. More to come.
We won’t see each other soon, but we’ll see each other again. Ciao! 
I expect improvements.
Lydia S
3 notes · View notes
fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
hello it's me again! i had a bad day so many i can ask some gendoppo adopting a cat? headcanons or scenario it's up to you!! they really are my biggest serotonin booster sobs thank u sm 😭💖💕
i had a lot of fun writing this!! this was a super cute prompt~ thank you sm for rq-ing i can tell you like them a whole lot  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ nya time
“Poor thing! Dear, come look at this one!” Gentaro beckoned over his partner.
They were at a local rescues shelter, and were looking for a fluffy addition to the family.
The one that had caught Gentaro’s eye was a small calico kitten. It had just woken up, and it was curiously waddling over to the front of its cage, almost as if it was listening to Gentaro talk.
“My my, aren’t you a curious little thing?”
“So tiny…” Doppo had joined them, and he was admiring the way the kitten tilted its head when someone spoke. “Heheh.”
The two men were cooing over the tiny fluffball as a volunteer approached them. “She came in just last week, you know. Someone found her sleeping next to a vending machine. She was so hungry, but she’s looking so much better than then! She’s definitely not an adult cat yet but she’s already very well socialised, so if you wanted to adopt her, as long as you’re careful and have the right resources you should be alright! Are you interested?”
“Why, yes! We were looking for a companion, one that fits our daily lives. Oh would you look at that, she’s already taken a liking to you, darling!”
The kitten was trying to poke her nose through the gaps in the cage as if to sniff Doppo, who was currently mesmerised by her.
“Would you like me to take her out so you can meet her in person?”
“Y-yes! If we can!” Doppo’s eyes were glittering as he shuffled back to make way for the volunteer, almost skipping in his step.
“Oh my goodness!” The kitten wriggled in the volunteer’s hands try to reach over and crawl into their arms. “She’s excited to meet you too!”
When she was placed in Doppo’s hands, her energy turned to curiosity. She looked at Doppo, the Gentaro, then at the hands in where she sat so delicately.
The decision wasn’t hard to make.
When they returned home it was easy for the kitten to settle in, with food, shelter, and all of the other stuff needed to welcome her home already purchased and set up. Gentaro cautiously placed the cat carrier on the floor and opened the door.
“Here’s your forever home, sweetie.”
One tiny paw made its way onto the floor. Then another. The air in the room was still as she poked her head out.
Doppo leaned over to Gentaro and whispered: “What are we gonna name her?”
“Hm. How do you feel about Yuka?”
“It’s a pretty name… I like it!”
They watched her examine the feeling of the floor under her paws, and then starting to get used to it. Her eyes wandered around the room, her tail swishing with all the new stimuli.
“Yes, I think it would suit her well. Very delicate and feminine. And…”
“And what?”
“That much is simply a coincidence. I merely combined the first sounds in our surnames, you see.”
“Yu… Ka… Huh. That’s just like you, Gen.” Doppo rested his head on his partner’s shoulder. “So don’t call her sweetie. Just her name.”
“Why? Are you jealous of my affections?”
Doppo nuzzled his face into Gentaro’s neck. “Maybe. I don’t want you mistaking me for a cat.”
Gentaro chuckled. They watched closely as Yuka sniffed a particularly interesting patch of ground.
“Don’t worry, honey. I know what you are.”
Doppo hummed.
“Do I detect a sarcastic hum from you, dear? I didn’t mean any harm. I only said that because I already make you purr for me.”
Doppo froze, not even moving when Gentaro walked away and knelt down, intentionally leaving Doppo to stew in his embarrasment.
“Oh Yuka, what have you found there? That’s called a chair, you know!”
The new member of the household would certainly bring a new life into the place, it would seem.
13 notes · View notes
foolgobi65 · 4 years
yeh rishtaa kya kehlataa hain
@allegoriesinmediasres asked for: Rama/Sita, travel!AU, friends to lovers, “you confuse me”
as usual, this is completely unedited and thus is probably chock full of grammar errors, bad characterization, and terrible pacing. but! it was fun to write on my end so as always if u want me to rewrite it I’d be glad to lmaoo. it’s super super super cheesy at the end...like the whole third bit is just super cliche but w/e i love cliche romance its all good lol. anyways, i hope you like it at least a little!! thank you so much for the prompt <3 <3 <3 
if you’d like to send me an au prompt from this list, please do!! 
(title is from a lovely ar rahman song from the movie meenaxi, and also apparently a hindi soap, meaning “what is this relationship called?” )
It’s been two weeks since the Raghuvanshi Group put out a notice that nearly brought the Indian manufacturing industry to its knees: Ramachandra, eldest son of Dasaratha Raghuvanshi and anointed heir since his very first breath, has been stripped of his VP positions within the company, his stock options, even his entrance card. The gossip blogs report that Ramachandra has lost access to the family accounts and family property, have posted pictures of the young man once posed to be the next titan of Indian Industry at a local branch of the Bank of India, handing over what is rumoured to be his great-grandfather’s watch as a starting sum so that he can get his own personal account.  
Bharata, three years Rama’s junior, is still in the United States working on his MBA: he has not yet been told of his brother’s effective exile from the family, nor of his own subsequent ascension to the position of CEO-in-waiting. Twins Lakshmana and Shatrugana, five years younger, are in London having just begun their undergraduate degrees. It was interesting, people used to say, that of the brothers it was only Rama who stayed in India. Rama who attended every company party and toured factories, solemnly noting down worker complaints on the weekends he could spare from his studies, in all respects the near exact opposite of his father whose four children are the sons of three women. 
Four days after the company announced its decision, Ramachandra disappeared from the public eye. It takes ten days, but Janaki eventually tracks down enough public and private conjecture to find him in a housing colony nearly an hour long ride from Ayodhya, the Raghuvanshi family home in the center of the city. The door opens, and Janaki greets the man who can only be Sumantra, Dasaratha’s long-loyal driver who had apparently left the same day as it’s once shining son. 
“Hello!” she says, palms folded and motorcycle helmets dangling by their straps from her wrists, “I’m a friend of Ram. Is he at home?” 
The door closes almost entirely. “Why would sir be found here,” Janaki hears from the gap, as Sumantra hooks the metal chain that would prevent her from barging in even if she was strong enough to shove aside a man nearly 50 pounds heavier than herself. “He is a very rich man’s son, and I am only a driver.” 
Janaki frowns. “No one is ever ‘only’ anything Sumantra-ji, we all do some type of work in order to live, and not one of these jobs is better or worse than another.” 
From behind the door, she hears the sharp exhalation that could almost be a snort from someone more given to expressing his own feelings. Janaki was right, then, Ramachandra Raghuvanshi who grew up on one of the most expensive properties in India has sought refuge in a home he could have bought on a moment’s whim only two weeks before. The chain rattles, and the door opens wide. 
“Janaki Videha,” Rama says, and suddenly it is four years ago and Janaki is again a student politician stuck in a hospital bed after a bad encounter with the police, flipping through notes meticulously taken by a classmate who insists on anonymity but could only possibly be the lanky, nearly silent boy that everyone knows will one day be one of the richest men in India. 
Normally, a person seeing an old acquaintance after a few years would speak their name, then utter some platitude about how long it has been since they last met and invite them inside to catch up. Rama, who is only capable of erudition in front of men his father wants him to impress, conveys the implication that all of these social niceties have been uttered without saying anything but her name. Janaki smiles, takes off her shoes, and walks in. 
“What are you even doing here?” 
Janaki raises an eyebrow, pouring a little more soap into the bucket they were offered to use for clothes washing. It has been a month since Janaki found Rama and told him that she was going on a trip, and that she needed male company to keep her safe. A month since she handed him one of her motorcycle helmets, helped him pack his single spare change of clothes and toothbrush, and directed him to sit behind her and hold on tight so that they might make it to another friend’s village by evening and have a place to spend the night. Together, they have followed the western coastline, trading off who drives when Janaki realizes that not only does Rama have a deft hand at the wheel, but in the proper circumstances can coax thrills out of her old bike that she hadn’t even thought possible. 
“What do you mean,” she asks, grabbing his kurta top from the pile of clothes he has slowly gathered from the families he has inadvertently charmed over their travels. He’s standing off to the side, hanging their host family’s saris to dry in order of color, taking the pains to smooth each piece of fabric and making sure none of them touch. In exchange for doing the family’s laundry today, Janaki and Rama are allowed to do their own, an exchange of goods and services that has served them well so far. 
“We both know what I mean,” she hears in response. “You’ve just been elected President of the University Student Union, your father is up for election this year, and even if neither of those things were important enough you must have research you should be doing instead of traveling the coastline with the penniless, disgraced son of an industrialist.” His voice is as matter of fact as it always seems to be with him, but Janaki feels an undercurrent of self-hatred at the core of his little speech. Still, she thinks with a faint flush, it’s nice to know that he has kept up with her just as closely as she had him -- though of course it was much easier to find information about Ramachandra Raghuvanshi, always in the papers at exact, two week intervals so as to prevent the creation of scandals to amuse the public with during a news drought. 
“I’d call your father a capitalist if I was really embarrassed to be seen with you,” she says back, “and there is more to be ashamed of in becoming rich through exploitation than in being poor through no fault of your own.”  
Janaki hands over his kurta, and watches him wring it out one more time with hands stronger than her own. He smiles slightly. “The revolution never stops, does it?” 
“No,” she smiles in return. “Not with me, and not, I think, with you either.” 
Rama looks away, walking back to the rope to hang up his shirt. “What do you know about me that makes you so confident?” He pursues his lips briefly. “We weren’t even friends, and still you’re here with me.” 
Why are you here, Janaki hears go unspoken, why haven’t you abandoned me as well? 
When Janaki arrived on campus all starry eyed at 17, she had taken the student body by storm. Blessed with a vibrant personality and the natural pull of a gravity well, she brought people into her orbit effortlessly, rising up the university party ranks within months rather than years of her peers. Academically, she was registered as an economics student, a category the papers said she shared with the Raghuvanshi heir who had created quite the stir when he took his place at an Indian University instead of going abroad. She had been doing quite well, she thought, until the exhaustion after her first collection drive in support of a local workers’ strike fund had caught up to her and she had slept through a full day’s worth of classes. Just when Janaki had been about to call up an acquaintance in their batch she thought might lend her notes, a folder had been slipped underneath her dorm door. Inside, a set of meticulous notes, and a 2 lakh check. 
“Isn’t the factory a subsidiary of the Raghuvanshi group?” Janaki’s roommate asked, turning over the check as Janaki flipped through the notes. Thank you for your work, they said at the top. Please let me know if the workers need more. 
“Yes,” she had said, “but we can’t tell anyone about this.” For four years she had kept his secret, waiting for his packages whenever she was detained, or ill, or beaten up and could not attend the day’s lectures. More than just a copy of the class outline, Rama’s notes were full of asides, connections, slips of paper clipped with outside citations when he saw something that could be countered, or expanded on. When the party canvassed for funds, her notes would arrive with another check, no demands made in exchange except a humble request to let him know if they ever needed more. 
Janaki looks at Rama now, hair growing long to match his new beard. Ramachandra Raghuvanshi had always been clean shaven, hair short and neat and slightly parted to the side in a way every girl instinctively knew must have been how his mother told him would suit. Her eyes soften. 
“You used to take notes for me,” she says, “Why?” 
His lips turn down just slightly. “It helped me study, to transcribe them again.”
Janaki raises an eyebrow. She remembers that the notes had always focused especially on areas she was known to be weak in, but she lets his half-truth slide. She has a better arrow in her quiver. 
“And the money?” 
His eyes are trained to the ground. “It wasn’t my money.” Well, certainly the last six weeks have made that much clear. But Janaki did not remember Rama spending exorbitantly in school: his largest expenses seemed to be the checks he sent her. 
“We weren’t friends,” Janaki agrees, “But I knew that you were a good man,” Janaki says, “even if you’ve had to hide it from your family your whole life.” She snorts. “And if we weren’t friends then, we certainly are now -- look, I’m washing your underwear right now, and if that isn’t friendship I don’t know what is!” 
The joke isn’t really that funny, but suddenly Rama bursts into laughter, loud and deep in a way Janaki doesn’t think she’d ever heard from him in class, on campus, even in the videos posted by the gossip rags online. 
“I’ve never had a friend before,” he finally says, and Janaki tries not to show her surprise or the way that makes her hurt on his behalf. “But I would be grateful to be yours.” 
Another two months pass, Janaki and Rama journeying up and down and around the west coast. Slowly, Rama starts to gravitate towards the work that he seems suited to do in trade for the day’s food and shelter, and Janaki watches as he seems to blossom in front of her eyes. Every place they drive into, Janaki begins to ask around and invariably there is a person who, more than needing wood split or clothes washed, is in need of a good scribe to write, in English, the details of their grievance against someone with more power than them. Rama listens, and writes, and accompanies men and women to go see a lawyer, or their landlords, and stands behind them speaking in that perfect colonial era British Indian accent he says he picked up at boarding school, making even Janaki squirm when she hears it. 
Janaki’s ideology does not allow for her to venerate colonial markers of class, so that squirm must be one of discomfort, rather than, well, --
It has been three months since Janaki and Rama set out on their travels, and time is running out for Janaki who really does have things she has to get back to: a student union to run, a doctorate to work towards, a father’s election campaign to help out with. But everytime Janaki thinks about waking up one morning without seeing him when she turns her head, the pit in her stomach grows larger and more snarled. She doesn’t know how it happened but somehow Rama has gone from acquaintance, to friend, to....to something Janaki can’t even describe beyond simply laying claim to the person at her side. He has become “her” Rama, even though she knows you can’t own a person -- yet Janaki is greedy, and when she watches the small smiles that their trip has coaxed out of his mouth, watches him bargain with their host so that she can eat her favorite vegetable at dinner, watches him finally fall asleep after talking to her for hours into the night and finally look like the youth he is, Janaki knows that she can’t bear to leave. 
“Are you angry,” she asks one day, passing him the newspaper cone of roasted peanuts they’ve been trading between themselves while they sit on the sand of an empty beach. There is no need to clarify what he possibly could be angry about. 
“No,” he says, taking the cone. “I obey my father’s will.” 
From anyone else, Janaki would laugh, but she knows that he speaks the truth as he sees it. The Raghuvanshis raised the perfect scion, a boy right out of those terrible 90s Hindi films who saw their parents as God and venerated at the altar of increased profits. Yet, they chose to throw him like yesterday’s trash -- but no matter, because their loss is Janaki’s gain, and she knows him, knows what makes him happy and sad, and glad and mad.
She knows, for one, that he is angry and that he needs to acknowledge it before she can ask him to come back with her and start over. 
“Yes,” she says, “you obeyed quite beautifully. That doesn’t mean you aren’t upset.” 
“Don’t -- I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work.” 
She turns to look at him, jaw already clenched where usually it would take five times as long to get him to this state. He’s furious. Janaki’s heart aches in sympathy, longing to gather him up in her arms and tell him that it’s alright to be upset, that it would even be right to feel so, to kiss away the furrow in his beautiful brow and brush his curls behind his ear. But that would only make him close up, so instead -- 
“Don’t what?” she asks. 
His entire body tightens, like a screw wound one turn too much. “I’m not upset,” he hisses, eyes flashing. “I’m fine!” Janaki brushes her hand over the one of his currently crushing the newspaper cone. As if burned, he lets go.
Sita sighs. “We don’t have to talk about it, but you’re clearly angry and it really isn’t healthy to keep it all in. There’s no one here at the beach, so I think you should just scream it out and try to move on with your life.” She’s not being entirely truthful, since she really does think he should talk about his family’s sudden and entire abandonment after years of encouraging near insane amounts of familial loyalty and emotional repression, but even this journey started out with a single step. 
“You think I should... scream,” Rama says, eyebrow raised in perfect, aristocratic, condescension. Janaki nods. 
“Just go out into the surf, scream at the top of your lungs for 20 seconds, and then we can leave no questions asked. I promise.” 
“You won’t bring this up again,” he asks as if to confirm the terms of a business deal. Perhaps that’s what this is to him, finally back on familiar territory. Janaki shrugs, ignoring how her heart sinks to think of him seeing her care as nothing more than something to trade in order to keep away. 
“For now.” At his frown, she shrugs again, allowing herself to smile a little. “If it looks like you’re struggling in the future, I’m definitely going to ask again.” 
For a moment, Rama’s eyes widen in ...shock? Surprise? Was he not expecting for them to remain in each other’s lives? Janaki can’t allow herself to think too hard or long on the subject, especially since Rama has, without a word, risen and walked over to the surf. 
He glances once over his shoulder, and Janaki waves in encouragement. He begins to scream. 
20 seconds pass, and Janaki really does think he will stop and walk back, brushing off any questions and wandering back into the village they’ve decided to stay in this week. But then 30 pass, then a minute, and suddenly Rama is just screaming, knees falling into the waves and hands coming up to clutch and pull at his hair and Janaki is running as fast as she ever has to crash next to him in the wet sand. She shifts sideways, putting her body perpendicular to his so that her back is not to the waves but she can still look at his face -- he’s still screaming, doesn’t seem to have noticed her body next to his, tears streaming down his face. Janaki’s hands flail, but finally she realizes that she can only rely on the instincts that have led her the past few months to find him, to drag him on the back of her bike, to tell him to scream. 
Janaki pulls Rama into her chest, her arms around him as she begins to weep along with him. Every time she tries to grasp the scale of the injustice done to him, she finds that her mind is too small. He was raised with every luxury, but with a conditional love that demanded a machine instead of a man. He’s stopped screaming, but has replaced it with gut wrenching sobs, hoarse from when his throat seems to have finally given out -- Janaki wonders when he last wept.
She loves him, she realizes, pressing an absent kiss into his hair. That’s what this feeling must be. 
“You what?” 
Oh, Janaki thinks, did I say that aloud?
“Ah,” she hears, “yes you did.” Rama raises his head, both of them still kneeling in the surf, tear tracks glistening down the cheeks he had just shaved at the request of an older lady who offered to house them if only he would look respectable. “Do you mean it?” 
Janaki swallows, the pit in her stomach as large as it ever has been. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be -- she was supposed to convince him to come back with her, and then later talk about how she wants to kiss him silly. 
“You want me to come back with you?” Oh for--
“Yes,” she says, confident that nothing she thinks now will remain within the privacy of her mind. “I want you to come back with me, and study to become a lawyer, and live with me as we try to make the world a better place.” 
Rama’s eyes are wide, and Janaki wonders if she’s ever seen him look so fragile. He sputters. 
“Fragile? I don’t look frag--” 
Janaki laughs, bringing her hand up to cradle his cheek, right thumb brushing gently against his cheekbone. “Alright?”
Rama swallows, blinking his assent as if he suddenly can’t speak. A minute passes where the only sound is of the ocean waves crashing gently in front of them, water periodically flooding them up to their hips. 
Rama clears his throat. “Do...” he takes a breath, “do you really think I could?” 
“What,” Janaki asks, “become a lawyer?”
He nods. “Everything. I...” he looks away, and Janaki feels the beginning of euphoria. In his eyes there is fear, but not dread -- he wants what she wants, wants it bad. “My entire life I was trained to bring honor to our family name, to do that by making money and keeping my family members happy. I don’t--” Janaki’s thumb moves from his cheekbone to his lips, before he can say something idiotic like ‘I don’t know how to keep you happy.’ Rama laughs, eyes glistening with hopefully something other than tears. 
“But I don’t know! Your needs are so different from the people I grew up with!”
Janaki leans forward until her forehead rests against his and their lips nearly touch. “I love you as you are,” she says, “the things I want, you’ve already given me.” 
She can feel his brow crinkle, pressed as it is against hers. “I don’t own anything to give you!” 
Janaki laughs: only the hideously rich could think so. 
“I’m greedy,” she says, eyes closed as wave after wave of happiness floods her exponentially like the way the water of the high tide touches further and further parts of the land. “I want things that you’ve given no one else -- your grief, and joy, and triumph, and failure. I want to wake up with you, and go to sleep with you, and make breakfast with you, and dinner too. I want--” 
Rama bridges the gap, and Janaki says no more. He gasps when they break apart, and a vicious part of her wants to ask if he’d kissed any of the high society women he’d been photographed with like that. 
“No,” he laughs, and Janaki feels another thrill to see it. “It wouldn’t have been polite.” He leans back, bringing up his own hands to cup her entire head in his palms, lips curved in a wistful smile. “Everyday you confuse me.” 
Janaki bites her lip when he doesn’t continue. “Do you like that?” 
He shakes his head, and suddenly the pit comes roaring back. “I think I love it,” he says instead, smiling still. “I think I love you, Janaki.” 
His smile widens, almost a full grin now. “My Jaan.” 
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Izuocha prompt: Deku and Ochako ask for dating advice from Todoroki and Momo respectively. Both pairs decide to have Deku and Ochako go in to their next date with a hidden earpiece, with feed directly from Todoroki and Momo. Chaos ensues.
[Hello! Thank you so much for joining my birthday prompt. This one was more specific than I had expected but when I read this, I laughed out loud because of what I imagined. Hope you enjoy the following 1000+ words and the arts! I had super fun making these and got a bit carried away too!]
[For others, I am accepting requests until end of September and I hope you enjoy this post as well.]
“To-todoroki-kun… Are you sure about this?”
“Yes.” A prompt and straightforward reply.
“You’re not?” his really calm and innocent (if Izuku must call it by the tone) follow-up coming from that pin-like device near the green-haired lad’s left ear somehow makes the latter more nervous than he should be or he should have been.
“Well…” Izuku does not even know how to piece together his response. Here he is bothering Shouto on his free day and he actually has the audacity to doubt his friend who offered to help him? Before he can fall to one of his rambling episodes–
“I’ll do it,” he manages to say.
Designed by Mei Hatsume to easily blend with his green hair except for that small button sharing the same color as its inventor’s hair, Izuku marches to the café that he and Ochako decided to meet; wearing the hidden earpiece.
When he had asked the support course student if she had a spare communication device best for stealth missions that could possibly help him, the pink-haired was too ecstatic to help him even if he had not specified what he needed it for.
With no questions asked, Mei handed him the pin and an earpiece resembling an earplug which is supposed to be for the other line. Both devices look like toys especially with the striking pink color it had, he had noted when she showed it to him.
“This really cute pair of babies here are perf,” Izuku remembers her saying.
Mei is not the type to send some warnings about her ‘babies’ ( as he is both a witness and victim to the circumstances) and he just hopes that nothing is wrong with these transmitting devices.
Spotting the brown-haired girl seated already, Izuku barely feels his feet moving, too entranced by how she looks today to register his movements and surroundings.
There she is, in an unfamiliar pink dress that nonetheless suits her. 
The lad approaches the table, noting how her exposed shoulders jolt the slightest when he comes close. He could not help but feel the same line of nerves from those little reactions to his arrival.
However, when he finally sees her flushed face that is unable to look at him directly, Izuku forgets how to breathe for a second, if not for Shouto actually telling him to “Breathe, Midoriya.”
“Y-yeah,” he whispers back.
The tactic is simple: Have Shouto Todoroki guide no-girlfriend-since-birth Izuku on his very first date. What could possibly go wrong?
“Ya-yaomomo… Will this be really fine?” she asks in her softest voice, a couple of fingertips touching the clip near her right ear. Though the device was carefully Created by Momo to disguise itself as a hair clip that matched the clothes she had lent her, Ochako is pretty sure that talking to herself while seated in the cafe would make her look weird.
Or maybe, everything right now is just weird, because Ochako in her whole life never thought that Deku-kun, her crush, would ever ask her out on a date.
“There is no need to worry, Uraraka-san. All you have to do is to listen to what I have to say. Please try your best to calm down. I am here to help you.”
With a gulp, Ochako gives her an “Okay. Thank you so much” letting her left hand pat her chest. 
You’ll be fine, Ochako. Yaomomo taught you the way of the lady, remember?
Right. When Izuku asked her out the other day and left as a stuttering mess after hearing her say yes, Ochako had floated to the ceiling the moment he was out of the hallway. Coincidentally, Momo’s arrival at the scene marked her as the Zero-Gravity-quirk-user’s official savior – both for helping her come down and for offering to guide her on her first-ever date.
"Now is the best time to bring that smile out. Midoriya-san is here in six seconds.”
Lips numbing to a practiced smile, Ochako sits (too) straight, her hands forming to fists on her lap.
“I’m-I’m sorry I’m late Uraraka-san,” his shaky voice enters her ears with the very first thing he tells her. Ochako could not see how he looks right now, too nervous to actually meet his eyes - or his whole face for the matter. Brown eyes darted to the ground, she can see his iconic red shoes, twitching as he stands. If her peripheral vision is not deceiving her, she is pretty sure that he is wearing a vest that matches that crimson color. She sure hopes that warmth on her face is not as red though.
“I-it’s okay, don’t worry about it, Deku-kun!” The way his name passed by her lips seems to be too loud that some of the people inside the cafe had to give them the looks. She realizes this and ducks her head down. What a mess she already is and it’s just the start!
“Uraraka-san, be more natural.”
Ochako tries to follow the instruction upon hearing Momo. Somehow, her voice casts a magic spell of calm on her and she feels so lucky to have her as a friend.
“It is okay. Just breathe for a second.”
She smiles again, the warm air leaving her nose.
“Please… have a seat, Deku-kun.” Her tone comes out in a fancier voice than the usual her. Those vocalization exercises with Momo surely worked. Her smile is now directed to him.
“You are doing great, Uraraka-san.”
“O-of course… sorry!” She hears him say as he takes the seat in front of her.
Finally, their eyes meet.
“Compliment her.”
“Wh-what!?” The expression comes out of him when he hears Shouto.
“Eh?” Now that is Ochako whom he sees, slowly spelling out confusion on her face.
“Oh-oh no… I just heard some… birds… yeah. Hahahaha…” His awkward laughter comes out loud enough that it attracts different pairs of eyes to their table again. This time, chuckles are heard in the air.
“O-okay…” She responds meekly.
Now Izuku wants to smack his face. This is more difficult than he thought.
“Tell her.”
Izuku feels his lips freeze as if Shouto’s right side is doing its work. Well, now that he thinks about it, his body has been on the cold side for hours now as this event came closer by the hour.
“Yaoyorozu told me it is common courtesy to give compliments.”
The freckled boy is almost amazed because it seems that Shouto did his ‘research’ except that he actually does not have the time to be amazed right now. Izuku had panicked after finally managing to ask Ochako to go out somewhere and when he had been trying his best to hide from everyone how anxious he actually is, Shouto just dropped the bomb in front of all the boys while they were changing for the next class, “Did you ask Uraraka out, Midoriya?”
“No one told me we weren’t supposed to ask” was Shouto’s defense when Tenya had reprimanded him for just dropping it like that and “shattering Midoriya-kun’s honor.”
And so, the half-fire-half-ice-quirk user promised to help Izuku as a way to pay back.
Izuku hears a sigh from the device. “Midoriya. Repeat after me.”
The freckled boy clears his throat.
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Ochako stares at Izuku the moment he had called her. The way his face makes that serious expression as if she is the only thing that he is looking at right now catches her off guard. But why?
His hair is still in that fluffy green signature look. He is still wearing those favorite shoes of his. He may be wearing a vest that she has never seen him wear before, but other than that, this is still Deku-kun. So… why is her heart unable to calm down just as how Momo kept reminding her?
Is it because there is this light in his eyes that she cannot explain? Or is it because of those growing shades of pink on his cheeks, now fainting his freckles?
“Uraraka-san, remember. Grace.”
“Y-yes?” she finally answers as she awaits for him to speak again.
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Izuku looks at Ochako, blinking his green eyes, waiting for Shouto’s words from the device, but also taking the moment to just take in her features
Sure, she looks a bit different, with the way her hair is styled by that hairpin and by that dress she is wearing. But whatever she wore, may it be Uravity’s costume or UA’s uniform sets, she had always looked–
Beautiful. He opens his mouth to say that one word–
“Your quirk is useful in rescue situations. It is a great fit for an aspiring hero.”
“Your quirk is useful in rescue situations. It’s a great fit for an aspiring hero.”
The moment he says that, Izuku Midoriya knew that asking for Shouto’s help was not a bright idea at all.
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