#but yes there is a tags page that has a bunch of different navigation options
just started to follow you recently but your ocs seems so interesting! have a nice day/night :D
Thank you! I have a silly amount of OCs, but I am glad you find them interesting!
For anyone who actually happens to be interested, I also have a writing blog over at @reluctantwrites where you can search by characters, ships, and genres :)
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tamudagogodo · 4 years
GrooveFunnels Review: Best Sales Funnel Builder
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As an online marketer and blogger myself, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners. Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.
is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels, and sell digital products online. The best part? It’s
You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.
The co-founder of
, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of
marketing tools
I have ever seen.
I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it. And you know what? I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is
perfectly capable of running your entire business
, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there. I’m not exaggerating by any means…From what I’ve seen so far,
includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.
Free sales, page, and funnel building platform.
And that’s just for starters because there is so much more for me to explore!I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to
I mean, why wouldn’t I?It’s Free, and it’s probably the
suite of marketing tools
I have ever seen in my life.There’s more…
So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing, and getting to know some of the
best in the industry
at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity, sounds great, right?
But you might be asking… what’s the catch?
The catch is that
GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.
GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch. When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.
This means that now is the time to sign up for your
free account
, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on. Awesome deal, right? You are in the right place, at the right time.
Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer)
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Why Groovefunnels is Important
Software development is a multi-billion dollar industry, so it is not surprising that new tools are often released to meet the growing demand.
When it comes to
online businesses
, there is no exception. Any business that wants to thrive must go online. Not only to maintain their success but even just to survive.
Marketing tools
are essential for any company, including traditional businesses looking to go online, existing digital companies, or any individual Internet marketer who wants to build an income from home.
However, with so many choices out there, which one is the most suitable?There are tools for creating websites, building sales funnels, and developing shopping carts so payment can be processed online. Then, there may also be aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting out, and the high cost of all the available tools means that they are out of their budget. Finally, there are just too many tools that a new business owner needs, and requiring to subscribe to dozens of tools on paid monthly plans while needing to understand and manage all the accounts, can quickly become overwhelming.
Because of all these reasons, that’s why
was created.
is a suite of online business tools designed for business owners but without the complexity and the expensive price tag. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, because GrooveFunnels is not only easy to use, it is also free.
When members sign up for a free
account, they get immediate access to a website creator, funnel builder, and shopping cart software, all of which allow them to have everything they need to start selling products and services online. This is especially helpful for those with little to no technical knowledge because the entire suite of tools is so simple to use that even computer illiterate folks can copy and paste, drag and drop and click and scroll their way to creating professional-looking websites with sales funnels capable of taking online orders.
Not only that, but the free
account can also add unlimited products, create sales funnels, build branded websites with full navigation, use custom domain names, sell products in just one click, and offer upsells, downsells and order bumps to customers. Such a robust software suite is typically unheard of in the software development industry, much less one that is being made available for free.
For those who are looking for the new best way to build funnels and sell digital products, and would like their own complete digital products and services online sales system for free, now is the time to get started with GrooveFunnels.
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer)
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Who is GrooveFunnels For?
GrooveFunnels is for you if you’re an
Internet Marketer (Digital Marketer)
Online Business Owner,
Sales Funnel Creator, Website
Landing Page Designer
Digital Product Seller
SaaS Developer,
Email Marketer
Membership Site Owner
Blogger, Video Marketer,
E-commerce Guy, Webinar Organizer
Marketing Agency, Survey Designer
Digital Advertiser, Online Coach
Course Creator,
Affiliate Marketer,
or a million-dollar enterprise.
Yes, you heard it right.
is actually built to cater to the needs of anyone and everyone who does business online and earns income online
As we said at the beginning
We Guarantee you’re going to love GrooveFunnels.
Groove Digital’s vision is to provide affordable and top-quality software platforms and services to help online marketers.\
Grab GrooveFunnels Lifetime Offer
Why Groovefunnels will work for you
If you want to design a professional-looking landing page for your business, you can do it with the help of – GroovePages
If you are a digital product creator or a SaaS developer, you can sell and manage your account with the help of a powerful sales platform – GrooveSell
If you want to start an affiliate program for your product and service or you’re an affiliate marketer, you can manage all your affiliate activities with help of – GrooveAffiliate
If you’re an email marketer or want to manage all your email marketing efforts at one place, you can do it with help of – GrooveMail
If you run a membership site, you can manage it with the help of – GrooveMember
If you’re a video marketer or are into videos, you can do all your video marketing with help of – GrooveVideo
If you’re a blogger who blogs on CMS like WordPress, you will love – GroveBlog
If you’re a video marketer or into webinars, you can do it with help of – GrooveWebinars
You can integrate your sales system with the help of – GrooveDesk
You can schedule your day or your meetings with help of – GrooveCalender
You can know more about your customers by asking relevant questions with the help of – GrooveSurvey
If you run an eCommerce store, you can switch over to a more powerful eCommerce platform with – GrooveKart
Shopify users can design and publish their sites using – GroovePages For Shopify
And what if we say, for an extremely limited time you can sign up to GrooveFunnels for
“Absolutely FREE”
. No strings attached. No Fluff.
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer)
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And no we’re not crazy,
is actually giving away lifetime Free accounts to a few of its early adopters.GrooveFunnels is relatively new in the market and is still in its Beta stage, with new features and bug fixes being rolled out almost daily.
This is why the creators are giving away a limited amount of Free lifetime accounts to early adopters to test the software and report minor bugs in order to make GrooveFunnels ready for a global public launch later this year.
What you get with GrooveFunnels
When members sign up for a
free GrooveFunnels account,
they get immediate access to a website creator, funnel builder, and shopping cart software, all of which allow them to have everything they need to start selling products and services online.
Unlimited Products and Funnels
Flexible Pricing Structures
Powerful checkout options
The most powerful Affiliate software on earth.
Dynamic thank you pages
Upsells, Downsells, and Order Bumps
1-Click Upsell
Robust Integrations
Use your own PayPal, Stipe, Authnet, NMI, or Braintree
No Monthly Fees
ZERO transactions fees
It’s Just Free!
You can promote your products/services on GrooveSell with zero fees.
This is especially helpful for those with little to no technical knowledge because the entire suite of tools is so simple to use that even computer illiterate folks can copy and paste, drag and drop and click and scroll their way to creating professional-looking websites with sales funnels capable of taking online orders.
Not only that, but the free GrooveFunnels account can also add
unlimited products, create sales funnels, build branded websites with full navigation, use custom domain names, sell products in just one click, and offer upsells, downsells and order bumps to customers.
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Now you no longer have to buy hundreds of different software to manage different tasks for your business.
Literally, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems, right?GrooveFunnels, you save all your frustration and money, that goes into running and managing different software.It’s like ‘One Software’ for all your marketing needs.
Be it sales funnel, landing pages, websites, email marketing, eCommerce, membership sites, digital shops, sales platform, web hosting, video marketing, webinars, blogging, payment gateways, or affiliate platform, GrooveFunnels got you covered.We’re not sure if we’re able to convey this message to you that how much of a big deal GrooveFunnels is in 2020.
Let us again show you this insane comparison table that gives you a wider picture of what you’re getting for your money. GrooveFunnels is here to replace the majority of your current marketing software and tools. The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of marketing tools we have ever seen.
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer).
Here’s a look inside.
There are various software and apps that GrooveFunnels has to offer on its platform. Some of these apps and software have been already released with a beta version while many of them are still in the launch pipeline and will be launched later this year or by next year.And the best part, with GrooveFunnels Exclusive Lifetime Deal that is currently active for a limited time, you get special access to all their current and upcoming software.
Now let us see what all software GrooveFunnels has to offer in its arsenal.
GroovePages (For Shopify)
GrooveMail (Available July 2020)
GrooveMember (Available July 2020)
GrooveVideo (Available July 2020)
GrooveBlog (Available End Of 2020)
GrooveDesk (Available End Of 2020)
GrooveWebinars (Available End Of 2020)
GrooveCalendar (Coming In 2021)
GrooveSurvey (Coming In 2021)
GrooveQuiz (Coming In 2021)
And more…
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer).
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GrooveFunnels Pros and ConsThis is one of the important sections of our GrooveFunnels review and maybe something you guys are most interested in. Let’s go through the Pros and Cons of GrooveFunnels.
An all-in-one marketing software suite
Unlimited domain support
Affordable pricing
One dashboard access to all apps
Backed by a team of industry leaders
Regular updates and bug fixes
Lifetime customer support
Next-gen software technology
Replaces almost every marketing software in the market
Free account for life
Free unlimited product funnels
The huge army of apps and software can become a bit overwhelming and too much to digest in one go Fairly a newcomer in the market with not many users to test and report bugsThe learning curve can be a bit too steep for beginners Many apps are still to be launched and tested
Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer)
Now the best part…
The creators of GrooveFunnels are giving away access to all their apps, tools, software, webinars, and live events for a LOW ONE-TIME PAYMENT.
And this exclusive lifetime offer is only available during the launch period to get some lucky early-adopters on board.
If you haven’t already, then you should grab your free GrooveFunnels lifetime account before this one-time offer ends.
GrooveFunnels BASE/FREE
If you’re still not confident about GrooveFunnels, you can start with a Free plan of GrooveFunnels which gives you access to GrooveSell, GrooveAffilaite, and GroovePages lite version. With a GrooveFunnels Base plan, you can sell your digital products, promote products as an affiliate, and create 3 free websites with GroovePages Lite.
So you can create your landing pages, squeeze/email capture pages, product pages, sales pages, checkout pages, checkout buttons, sales funnels, and much more…all with a FREE GrooveFunnels plan.
GrooveFunnels Lifetime Deal
This is the most amazing deal that GrooveFunnels offering. And we have talked about this several times throughout our reviewYou can get access to the whole of GrooveFunnels arsenal, it’s future apps, and updates, for a low one-time price. It’s a special launch offer and will only be available for a limited period (launch period).
This exclusive lifetime deal isn’t here to last forever and once this offer ends, GrooveFunnels will shift to a monthly subscription model.
So grab this amazing offer before the timer runs out.
Grab GrooveFunnels Lifetime Deal
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Create your free lifetime account with GrooveFunnels (limited time offer).
There you have it. This is the end of our
Review 2020.We have done our best to cover everything that’s important to you and that will help you make a better-informed decision. We hope you liked our review and found it useful.
According to us,
GrooveFunnels offers an amazing suite of marketing software, tools, and apps that every online business requires in 2020.
We won’t be surprised if GrooveFunnels, turns out to become the industry leader in the coming years. All the software, tools, and apps in GrooveFunnels look promising with solid future plans and upgrades in the pipeline.
is a stand-alone software suite that will replace your website builder, sales funnels builder, landing page builder, email autoresponder, webinar software, membership site builder, payments platform, digital marketplace, video hosting, blogging CMS, help desk, calendar, survey creator, eCommerce platform, affiliate marketplace, and more.
is an all-in-one software suite that is built by some of the amazing minds and veteran talent of the industry that is capable of replacing 97% of all your business software in the coming years. And since it is in the launch period, the company is giving away free lifetime accounts and an exclusive lifetime deal.
This might be your
last chance to grab this awesome one-time deal.
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*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Keep in mind that this may not affect The legitimacy of these sincere reviews in any way.“ Learn More Here
If you have any questions, drop them in the comment section below.
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arthurhwalker · 5 years
Moving your Tabletop RPG Online: First Steps
Trapped behind a fortress of toilet paper, but still want to play Tabletop RPGs with your friends? This is my quick and dirty guide to getting started running and playing your games online. Toward the bottom, I'll have links to as many digital resources to help run games as I can find. I will update whenever I find new things, so check back, and comment on what you're looking for.
You and your RPG table folks will each need a computer, tablet, or smartphone capable of running Discord, and accessing Roll20 via a browser. Discord can run in a browser as well, but I recommend using the desktop app on your computer, or mobile app on your tablet or smartphone. Also, I strongly recommend a headset or earbuds with a mic.
Every participant will need a Roll20 dot net and Discord App account.
https://discordapp.com/ https://roll20.net/
Discord will primarily provide video and voice chat for your table. It has lots of other potential for community building, but for right now we're just going to use it so you and your fellow gamers can see and hear each other.
Roll20 is where you'll host the game itself. It is where you and your RPG crew will roll digital dice, manage character sheets, look at maps, move tokens on the battlefield, and similar. It takes some setup, but not a lot to get started.
The more preparation the person running the game puts into Roll20, the nicer and more streamlined the experience. This can be done over time, between games. I wouldn't delay play to have everything perfect, just get enough set up to get started and go.
Discord for Gamemasters
Don't worry about setting up or joining a server just yet. You don't really need one, and it often just confuses folks that are new to Discord. At minimum, the person running the game should have all the players added as friends. Go to the Friends Tab, click "Add Friends", and put in their handle, pound sign, and number. Your handle and number will be displayed somewhere in the app depending on whether you have the mobile, browser, or desktop version of the app.
Once the person running the game has everyone added as a friend, they can add them to a Group DM. The New Group DM button looks like a speech bubble with a + sign by it, and should be visible in the Friends Tab. Once everyone has been added to the Group DM, the game runner can hit either the start voice or video call button, prompting everyone else to join.
That Group DM will persist in the Friends Tab, regardless of whether anyone is actually online or in the call. People that drop from connectivity issues can pop back in by just selecting that group DM when a call is ongoing. If people are having connectivity issues, they can send text messages to the Group DM, add files, send GIFs, and similar.
The person running the Game can post news and game schedules to the Group DM, and people can chat about the game off camera/mic in between games.
Yes, you can set up your own dedicated servers, forums, and communities using Discord, but you don't need to. In my experience, Discord is just arcane enough to confuse people the first few times they run it. The desktop version of Discord will continue running in the tray, by default, even if you close the main window.
Make sure you either go into settings and turn this feature off, or shut Discord down from the tray, and/or that you've left the call when you're done. Otherwise, you'll continue to broadcast as you talk to yourself, while browsing the Internet (to the amusement of your friends still in the Group DM.)
Roll20 for Gamemasters
Like Discord, Roll20 dot net is just arcane enough to baffle people. It has a lot of functions and features, and you do not need to make use of them all to get started. Don't delay play while you figure out how to get dynamic lighting to work, or build every map for the campaign.
Just get rolling with it, hands properly dirty.
Once you're logged in, you'll need to create your first game. Once you're logged in, there should be a shiny pink button labeled, "Create New Game". Click that, and head to the next screen. Give your game a name, and don't worry about tags (if you're just playing with friends). Pick the character sheet from the drop down menu that most closely fits the game you're going to run.
This will save you a bunch of time later. Don't worry, you can change it after you've created the game if you don't like this feature.
Once you've created your game, hit the menu button, and go back to Home. Click on your game, scroll down to invite players. You can send direct invitations to the email address they used to sign up for Roll20 with, or copy and paste a link, dropping it into your Discord Group DM text chat.
After your players have accepted the invitation, have them launch the game, at least once, so the Roll20 servers fully recognize that they are participants. This will allow you to assign them control of characters, and access to handouts later. This merely saves you the time of having to make those assignments at the first game.
While your players are in the game, have them go to the "My Settings" tab, by clicking the Gear Icon in the upper right corner. Have them scroll down and set Player Avatar Size to "Names only", and Chat Tech to "None" (no video/audio). You're using Discord (which is way better), so you won't need these features.
On your game's landing page, there is a place for Game Discussion where you, or any player, can post topics, people can reply, and so forth. For important game things, you can flag posts to hang around at the top of the Discussion Feed. This is a good place to put house rules, leaderboards, game schedules, and more.
There is also a place to indicate when the next game will be, the time adjusted from your timezone, to whatever everyone else has, depending on where they live. Handy!
When you launch the game to work on it, I recommend having the Roll20 Wiki up in another browser tab. I'm going to run through some of the basics, and give a tour, but there's too much to detail in a single blog post. I'll be focusing on what you'll need to just get started.
The game view has three visible points of user interface. The vertical bar of icons on the left, the horizontal bar of icons at the top of the chat log on the right, and the game board itself. The first thing in the Chat Log should be a "Welcome" message with some helpful chat window commands. At the bottom of the Chat Log is a toggle letting you change your role from yourself, to NPCs, monsters, and even player characters (should they find themselves charmed by a dryad).
Also, note the little blue Page Toolbar button at the top in the middle. This is what you'll use to navigate between different maps, and change what players are able to see on their screens. Your view doesn't have to follow what the players are seeing.
The learning curve with the Roll20 interface is going to feel very steep at first, for you and your players. If you're already anxious about running games, this can feel overwhelming. However, once you learn even a little of how it works, Roll20 is a very powerful tool. I use it to run my local games now with a big screen TV.
It's that good. Trust me, hang in there.
Okay, you're logged into Roll20, click on the games tab, mouse over it, and click the tutorial. Watching a YouTube video is a fine way to learn, but this gets you accustomed to the tools, where things are located, and so forth. Breaking through this initial learning curve, understanding where your game assets are stored, and how to control what your players see and hear takes a minute.
If you've ever used Photoshop or any image editing tool, even Microsoft Word or OneNote, a lot of the user interface will feel familiar, functions and features much the same.
Okay, some general tips that should streamline things for you.
Make a character called "Dungeon Master", "Game Master", or similar.  In the Attributes & Abilities tab create several that are going to automatically roll for yourself via /gmroll, or for players using /roll, the most commonly used things. Passive Detection, Surprise, Random Encounters, Treasure, Initiative, and anything else you roll for multiple times per game.
Then, click the "Show in macro bar" box so they are on screen for you whenever you need them.
When uploading assets, give the file names that are searchable in an intuitive way. You can make folders and to organize your art library, but it isn't really necessary. The search feature is robust enough it'll pick through the pile very quickly, provided your file names reflect what the asset is.
Asset0023.png <- No GoblinShaman.png <- Yes
Finally, in the settings for your game, add any applicable compendiums for your game, and click the box that makes them available for players. There are compendiums for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed, Pathfinder 2nd Ed, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, Dungeon World, Fate, Kids on Bikes, Pathfinder 1st Ed, Starfinder, Burn Bryte, DramaSystem, and Dialext.
A lot of these are paid upgrades, but worth the investment if you plan to stay on and use Roll20 for any particular duration. You'll find the full list on Roll20 dot net, under the Tools Menu Tab, in Compendiums.
Roll20 & Discord For Players
In the beginnning your goal should be to have fun, and understand how Roll20 works enough that you aren't slowing the game down for anyone else. Worry about macros and navigating the game as you play. Definitely watch YouTube videos, read the Wiki, and do whatever else you need to feel comfortable.
But, first, make sure you are using best application available to you for accessing the game.
There are these options for Android and iPad. (Keep reading, don't just grab one of these yet.)
Android iPad
As far as I'm aware, these are horrible, 1-2 star applications with problems, and lacking in support. Only resort to these options if you've tried every browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) available for your platform, and  can't get it on your desktop or tablet.
Likewise, do this for Discord.
Make sure you are accessing the Discord App using the best option for your platform. I have yet to find a platform where Discord isn't pretty great. Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux, all awesome with a dedicated app, or in the browser.
Figure out how to mute yourself, and be courteous to other people participating. No one wants to hear you eating chips or yelling at your kids. ;-D Also, perform and audio test with your computer and headset. Have a friend or the game master meet you online and make sure everything is working properly.
This is, literally, 75% of the battle for a game master running their first online game. Just getting people online with the right software, hardware configured properly, with a modicum of understanding of how it all works. The absolute best thing a player can do is be responsible for learning and helping others learn Discord and Roll20.
Preparing games for Roll20 takes more effort for the dungeon master than normal. You can help this along by writing background stories, doing illustrations of your character, or just making a wish list of magical items your character hopes to encounter. Taking some of the guesswork out of making the game fun for you, will greatly streamline the process for the game master.
Likewise, organizing games online is time consuming and stressful as compared to just meeting at the local game or board game cafe. Make sure you communicate with the game master your availability, and be on time for games. This sets a standard for other players. Supporting the table with your reliable presence makes it nicer for you, and everyone else.
Build some custom emote macros for your character in the Attributes & Abilities tab or your character sheet in the Journal tab above the chat log. Whenever my Warlock uses one of his class abilities at my 5e table, I click a macro button that executes one of these commands.
/em holds a rod aloft, summoning hellish fortitude! (Using his Rod of the Pact Keeper)
/em grasps a shard amulet around his neck, closes his eyes, and reaches across into the hellscape it came from. (Using his Dark Shard Amulet)
/em gains terrible fortitude following the slaying of an enemy. (Dark One's Blessing Class Ability)
/em produces a shadowy tome, bound in the hide of an otherworldly beast, flames leaping up from the script inside. (Book of Shadows Class Ability)
/em reaches back into the void, altering his fate. (Dark One's Own Luck Class Ability) /roll 1D10 [Add To Current Saving Throw]
This accomplishes three things.
It lets the game master know you're using a class ability without breaking the flow by babbling about game mechanics.
It marks the use of that class ability in the chat log for tracking purposes.
It enhances the game for other players, giving them a more vivid picture of what your character is doing.
As of writing this, Roll20 has a ton of things in the marketplace for free, tokens, maps, and modules. It is part of the response to people being stuck at home. I've included links to some notable items, but definitely cruise through all the things.
The Master's Vault, D&D 5e (Free as of writing this) Quick-Start Rules Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition The Lightless Beacon - Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition The Strange: Starter Pack - Pathfinder Playtest Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
Lone Wolf's Hero Lab things provide for Online Character Creation, Campaign Management, and regular old Classic Character Creation. It looks like they primarily provide online support for Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder, and Shadowrun 6th Generation, and classic support for Pathfinder 1e, D&D 5e SRD, and Savage Worlds.
For 5th Edition Shadowrun, there is a keen Character Chummer on Github. Also, this tool for figuring out your Priorities before you start writing things down.
For Star Trek Adventures, there is a Character & Starships tool here. Also, this fan site looks like a keen source for ideas and things.
@Tartle_Games on Twitter turned me onto a service called Astral. I haven't checked it out in detail yet, but folks that play Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Exalted, Forbidden Lands, or Fantasy Age should probably head there and see what they've got. It looks like those games are specifically supported for playing online, and Astral appears to be free? https://www.astraltabletop.com/
Even More Resources
"Compatible with Pathfinder 1e, Pathfinder 2e (coming), d20 Modern, Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition, Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Starfinder, and many more..."
This service went into archive mode December 17, 2019. Take advantage of it while you can.
Fast Character
"Need a few quick pre-gens for a game convention or organized play group at your local game store?
Your cousin from out of town wants to sit in and join this week's game?
The party insists on hiring that NPC to join them for the adventure?
That failed stealth check got half the party killed and now the fallen are playing back-up reinforcements?
You don't have time to min/max your way through a character build but want to try something new?"
Support for D&D 5e, and Cypher System (Numenera, The Strange, etc)
Also, don't forget about ye old' Google Search for free assets and dungeon maps.
4 notes · View notes
zebravo · 4 years
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Are you amongst those, who are unable to attract traffic to your e-commerce website, even after working your fingers to the bone?
Ever wondered, why is AMAZON present in one of the first three links of everything you browse and surf? It gives its users customized options for viewing customer reviews, along with so many filters and formats. How?
Are you clued-up about this brilliant term SEO? Yes, this is the solution to all your problems and this might turn out to be the only thing that you’ve been waiting for decades!
An SEO or search engine optimization is a magical potion that enhances your website in every possible way to make it hit the nail on the head.
There are various SEO companies, they look into your website content, and it’s attributes, and work diligently to boost the ranking of your e-commerce website on every search engine platform, eventually attracting traffic and increasing your profit margins.
These companies work on improving the visibility of your website, which makes it easier for users to reach out to you.
A sharp inclination in the demand and the rate of investment in an SEO for e-commerce websites is evidence of how significant it is for the marketers.
Before beginning with anything else, let’s take a brief look at why is SEO important for your e-commerce website.
A change has been observed in the past few years about the methodologies adopted various e-commerce websites to increase their traffic.
Most of them have moved from the age-old traditional tactics to the strategies suggested by their SEO companies. These services include everything ranging from content analysis to optimization of duplicate content, missing information, errors and bugs, and customer satisfaction.
Contentment and gratification of online users have gained priority in the list of goals that the websites want to achieve.
Here’s an example that might convince you to use SEO services for your e-commerce website.
An Australia- based toy company, saw a rise in organic traffic by 116% through adopting SEO services.
Also, you do not want your website to be just ‘any’ ordinary one similar to that of your competitors.
Wondering how to do an SEO for e-commerce websites? You’ll find it all here. Scroll further to learn more!  
Keyword Research.
How do you make sure that your website gets to make a mark on the search engines and catches the eye of the users?
Building a strong and targeted keyword list is the foremost step to extend a hand to the users. There’s hardly any difference between using long-tail keywords or head terms, but their presence is something that should be focussed upon.
An SEO agency does that for you. It follows a complex four to a five-step process to build attractive keywords.
These steps include:-
✓Choosing a principal word and clubbing a list of keywords based on that.
✓Entering the principal word into any reliable keyword planner
✓Sorting the list and finalizing a bunch of two or three keywords.
✓ Categorization based on informational keywords.
Site Architecture
The Site Architecture can be understood as something that allows the owner of the e-commerce website to keep a track of how the consumers go through the website.
It is a very important aspect as most of the websites have hundreds and thousands of product pages.
The users can find it extremely infuriating if it takes an hour-long time to get back to the home page.
As an example, think of John as a customer who has reached your website to buy headphones.
He types ‘headphones’ in the navigation bar and then selects the type of headphones he wants to purchase. As soon as he does this, he is welcomed by the ‘n’ number of products on the site.
This is an ideal customer experience that should always be kept in mind while building your site architecture.
Supreme site architecture should have 4 tiers with proper structure, but this cannot be managed without a professional and reliable SEO company.
Technical SEO
The department of a technical SEO is as important to a website as a clever attribute is to a fox!
There are numerous ways in which technical SEO can give you what you want. Some of them are: implementing schema markup, switching to https’s’, cleanup URL’s and much more.
On-page SEO
What is the first thing that a user looks at when he opens your website? Well, this is not about the most noticeable feature on your site, but about individual preferences.
So many aspects to look at:-
✓description tag
✓title tag
✓product categorization
✓social sharing and platforms
✓ reviews, et al.
Since it is difficult to anticipate the customer’s perception, you need to affirm that every aspect of your site is up to the mark.
An SEO company remains ever ready to do that and provides you with the best of it’s affordable and professional SEO services.
Let’s talk about the most controversial yet important topic, what are the prices?
Many factors influence what you pay to an SEO for your site.
some of them are:-
✓ Duration
An important deciding factor is the amount of time that you hire your services for. This can be on an hourly, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
✓ Number of Projects
Are you adopting the services for just a project or more than one? The payment options and packages differ in this context too.
✓ Size of your business
Is your business a widespread one? Or do you need to spread your business further? Is it stable? Or is it still on a sea-saw?
Depending on the services you demand and the extent to which you want to proliferate your business will give you an idea about how much these services will cost you.
✓ The e-commerce SEO company you choose
While some companies provide cheap SEO services, they don’t guarantee quality assistance.
You should be very careful while choosing an SEO company that assures your qualitative content at affordable prices.
You need to go through a list of SEO companies for your website and invest in the right place for desired results.
Here are some established prices for your e-commerce website.
Monthly cost : $750-$5000
Fixed price : $500-$3000
Project based : $1000-$30,000
Hourly consultation : $100-$300
According to 61% of marketers, SEO ranks the highest in their list of focus. Shutting one’s eyes to maximization of SEO services can prove extravagant on your bank accounts.
What is an SEO Audit?
A comprehensive and understandable process of scrutinizing the relationship between your website and it’s best practices.
The objective behind this audit is to recognize the fundamental issues that hamper the search results. It is usually done regularly.
One should take an ample amount of time while they perform an audit as the level of up-gradation would decide the amount of traffic your website gets.
An SEO audit is usually carried out across three categories:-
✓ Technical Audit
✓On- page Audit
✓ Server- Log Audit
Key Elements
There are certain key factors to keep in mind during an SEO Audit:-
✓ Indexing and hosting
✓ Content, metadata, and keywords
✓Outside references
60% of the searches take place through mobiles which means that if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, then your ranking drops, and all your long- driven effort goes in vain.
If you work with an affordable SEO company, you don’t have to worry about that.
When it comes to auditing your website, no compromise shall be made. Auditing your website regularly is highly recommended. Here are some reasons:-
✓ Ensuring proper order
✓ Avoiding stagnant content for long durations of time
✓ Keep a check on the content
✓Fixing critical issues as soon as they arise
✓Keeping an eye on your competition
How to perform?
If it is so important to execute an SEO audit, how can we do it? Take a look at these quick steps that you can perform:-
✓ Crawl: Always make sure to begin your audit with a crawl.
✓ Browsing: If your website possesses multiple versions, make sure that only of them is browsable. When there are multiple versions, confusion might arise, making it difficult for the search engines to showcase your website.
✓Checking: Keep a regular check on your on-page content for any duplicacy or misinterpretation of content.
✓ Managing links: This is important for creating and maintaining logical hierarchies that may improve your ranking.
✓ Checking Speed: With the rising amount of impatience in the users, speed check becomes another important aspect to include in your SEO audit.
Despite a difference of opinion on how the SEO audit should be conducted, one thing remains common: Performing an SEO audit is very important to keep up the rankings.
Just try and imagine a situation: You work very hard on your e-commerce website and you promise to sell the best products, but despite this, your website fails to reach out to the audience. Disastrous, I know.  Guess what? We know how heartbreaking that must have felt and that is why we bring to you some tips that you can follow if you don’t want yourself stuck in this situation.
1.Efficient and strategic keywords.
Mentioned for the thousandth time, ‘Keywords’ are an inevitable part of your journey to be at the top.
Get to know your customer’s schemas and their search intent. They might not use some heavy- vocabulary words if they want to buy or ask something. Try to keep your keywords as simple, yet effective, as you can.
Understand what the users expect and what are their intents, work in line with the same. Go to the other end and think in terms of user queries.
Next, don’t forget to include significant keywords in your product descriptions, it will aid the users to view products of similar color, weight, size, composition, etc.
2.Steer clear of duplicate content
Product descriptions that are often given by a seller- the seller can prove to be a foe when it comes to e-commerce websites.
Always beware of any such issue by filtering or categorizing any piece of duplicate content on your website.
3.Product images
Graphics are the most appealing part of your e-commerce website. Spend enough amount of time to work on them and make them captivating and engaging.
Search engines support image searches that can drive enough traffic to your website.
If a user browses something, you expect your website to be on the top. But, how will it be possible if your navigation path isn’t clear and easy?
Make sure to offer a clear navigation path to your users as it can be the biggest mistake that you make.
5.Broken links
Another thing that you don’t want to come across, is the dissatisfied face of your customers when they tap on your page and it takes them to a ‘404 error’.
A pro tip would be to run crawls regularly which will help you detect any errors or issues that can repel your customers.
That was all that you needed to know about SEOs and e-commerce websites. Wait!
Are you wondering about an SEO company that renders you affordable, reliable, and highly professional SEO services?
What if we introduce you to the best SEO company in London?
ZEBRAVO is what you were looking for all this time! We at Zebravo welcome you with open hearts to work with our sedulous workforce of content analysts, SEO experts, digital marketers, strategists, that have proved themselves to be the best all over the world.
The best SEO agency in London crosses intercontinental boundaries with their conscientious staff members.
The company places its firm belief in providing affordable and skilled services and catering to the needs of their clients efficiently.
It also supports its clients with the right tactics to outshine their competitors.
0 notes
Question Answer Website
wisdom and Knowledge are received only if you find a curiosity to learn an item, and therefore the drive could merely achieved once you openly asks questions, and giving answers to these types of queries attributes perfectly in the event the synergy of this authorities gets results.
Virtually nothing can be considerably better than an online base where exactly all queries of the insight searching for aspirants can be fixed. We have elicited the finest WordPress themes that will enable you to get your job done if you are planning to launch yourself on the world wide web and start a forum where all the questions can be answered.
Tumblr media
These Wp designs can be utilized by banking and finance sector, i . t niche, technical support firms, industry approach contracting out and other other belonging to the alike bunch.
If you are planning to provide a Question Answer Website for your audience, then go through to this collection of WordPress themes.
You can decide on many of the in this article-described ideas to construct a new community.
Also have a look at directly below place for challenge help answer online community deliver the results collection
Most desirable Zero cost And Paid for Thought Best solution Community forum WordPress Plug-ings
1. ForumEngine
It is a terrific style that helps to make message boards with out any programming talents and techie practical knowledge. Its compounded with modern environments and kept up to date receptive attributes like unique discussion forum skin, Gravatars, considerable tongue possible choices, an ideal top-ending and back-conclude. The subject offers to commence your debate discussion boards on Wordpress platforms hosted webpage.
There is a posts classification segment relating to the web site of the idea, in which the majority of the dilemma and reply topic might take put. There is a “Statistics” page on the webpage on the topic where by all of your regular members, what amount threads you have got and the total number of replies may be described, going through the design additional, you can find a “category” section at which all of your community forum different types might be manifested.
Crucial functions:
•It offers quick investigation preview within the header that helps the users to get comfortably explanations.
•Deals sticky line which allows the person to stay or pin a put up on top of the screen.
•Gives you easy individual registration and sign in unit
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•Provides the power to frequently say yes to or refuse subject areas which can be not from your audiences priority.
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•Gives operator excluding process.
2. QAEngine
QAEngine is usually a finished online community purpose built-in Wordpress platforms motif that can offer end users to obtain their online forums deal with the very least hard work. It provides its dedicated discussion board framework and offers uncomplicated user interface. In addition to this, additionally it gives you effectively-been able product monitored using the lumbar region-last part administrative solar panel.
The community forum includes classification which programs volume of problems in addition to their answers, it is easy to demonstrate exactly what your current blog posts and in addition that anyone can display plenty of badges, categories, tags and users in the sidebar of a style. It is possible to separate out your final results you want your website visitors to find out. The theme has poll location exhibiting availablility of polls for each web page.
Major Capabilities:
•Simple and optimized UX
•Aids the operator to look into and discover systematically with category and tags
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•It gives are living notice for first time content and interactions, and the like.
3. Understanding Bottom level
It is really an terrific Word press Motif for wiki and data basic online websites. The concept greatest facilitates your clients by offering unique includes. You could add bbPress wordpress tool with this theme. bbPress plugin deals simplicity ofintegration and use, world wide web guidelines, and speeds.
The idea has got a lookup pub where exactly all important records could be searched, all pertinent things is usually distributed to your websites targeted traffic by using this topic. You are able to give you backlinks to various articles or blog posts subjecting your QA time are generally given to your web page surfers who wants to acquire, gain and share know-how.
Key element Elements:
•It truly is totally responsive i.e. constructed in Youtube Bootstrap, HTML5 & CSS3
•Offers you stuffed localization help and support and contains .po and .mo records
•They have several face color styles
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•Several WebpageTemplates and Faqs, call (with ajax established contact form) and filled-thickness website Web template (while not sidebar).
•Child XML and Theme import submit added
•A variety of shortcodes.
4. HelpGuru
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The HelpGuru offers a query bar part at which any topics and QA subject matter is often explored. The design is supported which includes a 3 line aspect place precisely where useful topics and news is usually insured. It is easy to demonstrate to your well-known articles or reviews and practical knowledge are generally showed as a result of this excellent Word press Concept.
Essential Benefits:
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•HTML5 and CSS3 encouragement
Make sure you ask Me can be described as sensitive Wordpress platforms design by having an great cpanel. It can be retina well prepared and has now a fairly simple design and layout. The style is actually a very custom format for Q&A websites and has limitless hue opportunities. Try to ask Me has many users possibilities.
The style of AskMe is framed with many web site web themes similar to a logon web page when a traveler can establish your account in your location, some tab exactly like a newly released inquiry, not long ago solution, most reply with zero response for the ease of client to search through your site information. Also, it backs up RTL option so your guest from the zone like Arabic are also able to utilize your internet-site.
Primary Capabilities:
•Deals unrestricted sidebars and colours
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5. Powerful Q&A
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The best feature of a topic is commander table that lets you demonstrate payment an associate your blog, and yes it has a divide space for merchandising your registration packages, ajax dependent seek panel which offers swift and many more effortless search results in to the user.
Primary Includes:
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•Members are able to maintain a record of their site’s positioning.
6. Help and support Table
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Vital Elements:
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•Features 3 Unique Widgets (Most recent Articles & Widely used Articles, Alerts and Toggles Tabs And Accordions)
•Multilevel Animated The navigation
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The demonstration of Flatbase is packed with assorted qualities that your carry out multi functional answer for growing your personally own customer support site. The style is properly appropriate for WPML with PO & MO files usually means there is no really need to present any foreign language translator wordpress tool an incorporated language switcher is predefined.
Important Capabilities:
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8. Handbook
Hands-on is definitely a pronounced WordPress topic. It has numerous useful and realistic features, and then a extraordinary develop that could effortlessly wow your likely employers and customers. The style is in-built with .po and .mo files which offers to focus on immense market.
A robust administrative panel of Manual topic let you personalize your community forum web site as you would like, it helps you to modify header style and design type, Google and yahoo typeface symbol will allow you to prove various features and aspect to your assist embark, an independent segment with parallax record impact to monitor web site condition for example amount of plans and delighted consumers, back to the best tab for quick menu.
Important Characteristics:
•AJAX based live hunt option supports the operator to have explanations really fast
•Thoroughly custom-made
•Fully Reactive
•Provides two footers and headers design
•Proposes to like and dislike an article with cultural conveying capability
•Child Style Compatible
•Wonderful Search engine optimizing Built in
•Demonstration XML document integrated
9. Instantaneous QAndA
Easy QAndA is definitely a customizable Wordpress blogs format which provides to change any Wordpress platforms site straight into a dynamic question and answer internet site. It really works preferred with Wordpress platforms 4.4.2.
Instant Q&A WordPress theme is a thriving option for creating a customer support based website, an integrated user login & signup page template, one customer can make multiple accounts also they can generate their own password, users can also change their password in future, a forget password module for your site member to retrieve password if they forget.
Major Options:
•Turnkey Problem & Provide answers to webpage solution
•Customized Enroll with customer-made passwords
•Member Summary Web pages
•Gravatar Integration
•Exceptional Resolution sheets for Responding to Questions or concerns
•Star Standing Process wherever affiliates receive spots for asking and answering questions or concerns
0 notes
the-waste-of-time · 7 years
Devblog Guide & PAQ
This whole account is dedicated to a single project that aims to create a Tabletop Roleplaying Game based on the Homestuck universe.
If you’ve read the rest of my posts, you’re probably a little confused about what exactly is going on here. It’s natural; Tumblr is not really the typical go-to for easily-navigable, text-based content. Without further ado, I’d like to address some potentially-asked questions to pre-emptively explain some of this whole dealio.
What is Svrse?
It’s a project I’ve started to make a game about a game within a webcomic. Probably sounds pretty convoluted, but It isn’t as complex as some might think. For those unfamiliar with Homestuck, it’s basically a story about kids that find a game that changes reality, turning it into a space fantasy rpg that destroys the home planet if its players, but gives them a bunch of mystical powers and promises a huge reward at the end. There are two version of the game within Homestuck, one called ‘Sburb' and another called ‘Sgrub’ (played by another species, but that’s irrelevant for the sake of explanation). The name is basically a portmanteau of ‘Sburb’ and ‘Multiverse’, by the way.
Are there other Homestuck RPGs?
Yup. I’ve collected a whole stash of links to attempted RPGs, some more successful than others (expect a post or page on this in the future). This is just the latest attempt to turn Sburb into a pen and paper RPG. There have been many other attempts and the ones with some measure of success have been based on existing rolepalying games, but with an altered ruleset. There are some aspects of Sburb that make it hard to ‘run’ in that medium, which is probably one of the reasons most existing RPGs focus on online roleplaying rather than in-person.
If there are other RPGs already, why create Svrse?
There’s a bunch of reasons. Most of them condense down to design choices, style, content and professionalism 1. Design Most existing games - particularly those designed for online roleplaying, have elements that don’t translate well to the tabletop. This is sometimes due to Sburb itself; for example, the kids in Homestuck don’t meet each other in-person until rather late in the story and mostly rely on dreams and online communication. Most traditional RPGs assume you’re in the same room as each other and working as a team, rather than individually. Another design issue is the evolution of Homestuck and the volume of speculation involved. Because everyone can interpret the webcomic differently, designers generally choose one specific perspective and build the RPG around it - without labelling canonical, semi-canonical and fanfiction content. Svrse is gonna try and address that by making sure people are aware of subjectivity within the setting and having a design that can be modified to fit many alternative universes. That requires a generic, modular base design. 2. Style & Professionalism I will freely admit, I’m a bit of a snob about writing. There’s a particular kind of approach to it that I try to look for and I generally lean towards a mix of really verbose wordage. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Tertiary education, it’s how to write an essay and explain complex stuff to fellow students.The quality of Homestuck RPGs has been extremely variable and not the sort of thing I could really latch on to. Furthermore, the RPGs they’ve been derived from tend to be disagreeable as well. One of the advantages of using a custom game engine is that it also makes it far easier to develop professionally; my dream is to actually be able to take something like this, work on it with What Pumpkin/The Hussmeister (woo, licensing!) and come up with something that can end up on a shelf in your Local Game Store without ludicrous copyright issues. 3. Content I’ll admit it up-front; Homestuck is weird and like a lot of weird things, it’s a real weirdness magnet. Some of the homestuck RPGs I’ve really enjoyed reading during research have been pretty damn odd, either due to their thematic tone, or the author writing-in their own issues into the game, or a variety of other stuff along those lines. Sure, it’s cool to come up with your own setting and tone, but it needs to be segregated from most of the core content, so potential players and GMs can play and run the kind of game they want. That kinda necessitates having multiple game documents, so that’s the sort of approach I’m leaning towards. At this stage, I’m planning for there to be one straightforward document for players, one for the GM - with most, if not all of the spoiler-y content, with an optional third document written as an in-universe guide that can be used to explain the compromises made to Sburb to adapt it for the tabletop.
Because reasons.
Ok, but what is with this blog and its posts?
Like I mentioned, Tumblr is an odd place for this kind of project, but it’s the epicentre of the Homestuck community. To make it somewhat navigable, there’s an index that links to important posts. There’s also some tags I’ve used to categorize content. Posts with #svrse tags are obviously related to the RPG in some form. Some of these will have other tags indicating what part of the game they relate to, such as #classpect or #intro (yes, this post is part of the intro). #IC posts are in-universe lore posts by the Waste of Space - these will become part of Book 3 and will be used to frame drier game content, toy around with weird plot shit and have a little bit of fun.
I want to help! Can I help?
Probably! I do intend to keep in control of design and planning right now, but there’s a lot of room for assistance on homestuck lore or RPG design. The best way to help is probably to join the discussion on the Omegaupdate forum thread and chat about game stuff there. I’ll be posting short snippets there and if there’s something in particular I want feedback/advice/help on, odds are I’ll ask for it there.
I have more questions! THIS EXPLAINS NOTHING!
There’s an ask button, mate, no need to textually shout all over the place. As long as your questions are relevant and respectful, you should get a reply. The more people share and question this stuff, the more likely it will eventually be completed. Please be respectful, though. This is a part-time, unpaid venture and not a job of any kind! And with that, I’ll be signing-off. It might be a while before I update this page, due to real-life studies, so until then, welcome to Svrse. You’re in for a wild ride.
3 notes · View notes
hydrus · 5 years
Version 355
os x
I had a good week catching up on small jobs.
I added a 'trash file' button to the duplicate filter hover window, tucked up in a new row with the cog button so they fit on thinner windows. If both potential files are worth deleting, hitting this is an easy way to dismiss them immediately. I also fixed some over-aggressive potential pairs removal from last week's alternates update. Users with many alternates may have lost some valid intra-alternate-group potential pairs, which I expect to add back in once this whole overhaul is complete.
The duplicate action buttons (and several others in the media viewer) are now aware of the shortcuts that can do their actions, and they will display these shortcuts in their tooltips! I am quite pleased with how this turned out, and as I slowly work on unifying program shortcuts to the new system, I hope to have this in more places.
Users in advanced mode get a new jpeg quality estimator comparison on the duplicate filter panel--when two jpegs appear to have fairly different quality, you will get a new 'A vs B' statement about it. This estimator is a bit hacked together, not totally precise, so I would be interested in your overall feedback. I expect to revisit it and add some options before I enable it for all users. Advanced mode users also get duplicate merge options back for 'alternates'.
the rest
I wrote a simple clipboard watcher for URL imports! Check it under network->downloaders. You can watch for 'watchable' URLs like imageboard threads and other 'recognised' URLs like booru pages. It checks for new text every second, adds URLs to pages just like a drag-and-drop event (i.e. to currently selected page if it is valid, otherwise the left-most valid page, otherwise making a new page), and can handle newline-separated lists of URLs. It is off by default.
Note that the client isn't happy about making new pages while it is minimised (their layout messes up), so if you clipboard-watch a bunch of URLs and it needs to make a watcher page for them, I have it set now so they will queue up until it is restored. If you leave your client minimised and want to send it URLs, I recommend you have a page set up for clipboard-watched (or Client API-added) URLs to land on until I can improve this.
The file viewing statistics system gets a pass this week--preview and media views now have minimum view times before they are counted, and they also cap to maximum values (so leaving a preview view up won't accidentally add a heap of time like 1 day 3 hours to your total viewtime. It is also now off by default for the duplicates filter. Check the new settings under options->file viewing statistics. If you got hit by some bad numbers before due to some accidental fast or prolonged views, check the new command under database->file viewing statistics->cull file viewing..., which will attempt to compensate for any bad values based on the new min/max caps. A yes/no dialog explains what it does.
There are several new shortcuts to help navigate the manage tags dialog, all under the 'main_gui' shortcut set: Four are called 'show_and_focus_manage_tags_XXX' and let you move keyboard focus to the various 'suggested' tag columns (recent/favourites/file lookup/related). Combined with 'set_search_focus', default Ctrl+S, which jumps you back to the tag autocomplete input, you should now be able to enter suggested tags completely without the mouse. Furthermore the new 'focus_media_window' will move focus back to the media viewer canvas if the manage tags window is launched from one (say for archiving or rating by shortcut without having to close manage tags).
You can now quick-enter 'namespace:' in a search page's autocomplete tag input to get the special (and efficient) 'namespace:*anything*' search predicate.
I fixed the popup-error problems that could come up when fading 'collected' thumbs! I apologise for the inconvenience here and have added some weekly pre-build tests to catch simple problems with collected thumbs in future.
full list
retuned the new alternate and false positive setting code to be less aggressive about removing potential pairs. users with alternate groups who updated to 354 may have lost some intra-alternate potential pairs, which I expect to fill back in once the potential pairs system is updated
the duplicate filter center-right hover window now has a trash button, which is moved to its own row with the cog icon where they will fit on thinner windows better
users who are in advanced mode now have access to duplicate merge options for 'alternates' again--but be careful with this, it is advanced. if you had merge options for alternates set up before, your old options _should_ return, but make sure to check it
if you are in advanced mode, the duplicate filter can now show an experimental jpeg quality comparison statement. if this works out, I will add custom scores and improve this otherwise based on feedback , so comments would be appreciated
client api:
the client api has a new 'manage pages' permission!
/manage_pages/get_pages now fetches a structure of the current page session! there's some help for it
in future, I expect to add a 'select page' command and get/remove/highlight URL(s) for downloader pages, and reveal the unique page identifier for better targeting here and for add_url commands
client api is now version 7
the rest:
fixed a stupid issue related to drawing collection thumbnails that was causing a lot of errors. I apologise for the inconvenience and have added pre-build tests to catch these simple mistakes in future
added a clipboard url watcher! there are two options now under network->downloaders--one for watcher urls, and one for all other _recognised_ urls (i.e. post and gallery urls, and file urls that have matching url classes). it checks every second, sends urls to pages according to the same rules as a drag and drop event, and will handle newline-separated lists of urls
when the client is minimised and needs to create a new downloader page because of an 'add url' command through this new clipboard watcher or the client api, it will now queue up the url and its page creation for when the client is next restored (page creation while minimized causes layout bugs). it returns an appropriate result text to the client api in this case
added four 'show_and_focus_manage_tags_XXX' shortcuts to the 'main_gui' shortcut set that let you select and focus the four possible suggested tags panels on the manage tags dialog. these are slightly special focus events that do some 'first tag selection' work as well and should let you make the whole process keyboard-only
added a 'focus_media_viewer' shortcut to the 'main_gui' shortcut set that focuses the media viewer from a media viewer's manage tags window
file viewing statistics gets an update: it now has its own options page where you can set min/max for preview and media viewing times. the global turn on/off control is moved from database menu to this page, as is a new control for enabling it on the duplicate filter (where you will be flicking back and forth and perhaps do not want lots of views recorded). duplicate filter file stats now default to disabled
added a new command to database->file viewing statistics that will cull your current stats based on the new min/max values to compensate for previous accidental '3day 4hour' preview view that snuck in. a yes/no dialog explains how it works before it goes
wrote a 'mixin' class to let my buttons automatically note current shortcut mapping information to the bottom of button tooltips
the duplicate commands and a variety of other media viewer buttons that work in the new shortcut system now report their current shortcuts in their tooltips!
quick-entering 'namespace:' in a search page's tag autocomplete input will now automatically swap in the special 'namespace:*anything*' predicate
cleaned up code around setting a custom temp_dir through the "temp_dir" command, and made it test the given path is indeed a directory and writable-to. if not, the program dumps out with an error popup
the client and server now similarly test that the directory db is a dir and writable-to
rearranged some critical boot error handling code and made the client's boot error handling throw up some ui
fixed the client's repairdb function when needing to regen autocomplete caches
autocomplete regen now publishes status updates to the splash screen
fixed the client's repairdb to wait correctly for the ui in case the user wants to bail before repair
the client's repair db now repairs the new local_tags_cache table if missing
fixed an issue with showing the manage logins panel when the domain had some unusual cookie expiry numbers
to reduce initial load gui-event crunch (which affects some systems' layout reliability), initial session load now happens after a 0.5s delay
cleaned up some image load error handling
when FFMPEG version information cannot be understood in help->about, a popup note appears and debug information is printed to the log
the advanced content update panel now puts up a 'working...' dialog while it processed a job
in the client
all 4XX and 5XX network exceptions' error texts are now prepended with the actual status code
extended the hover window debug report mode
improved some misc temp and permission testing code
improved some misc testing code
next week
It is E3 next week, so I am going to take my shitposting vacation week as usual. 356 will therefore be on the 19th. I would like to convert same/worse/better duplicate relationships to the new duplicates system, as I recently did for alternates and false positives. Otherwise I will do a bit of code cleaning.
0 notes