#but yeah those are the songs that make me go !! Cress!! when they come up on shuffle
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gravity-lifts · 4 years ago
the projectionist - sleeping at last
freedom - the mad ones
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celawrites · 4 years ago
Day 128
Day 2 is just as terrifying. I’ve finished my physics final and I can confidently say that I almost definitely failed it. Those equations? Yeah I forgot everything except for the ones I ended up cramming into my brain last night. I’m adding final touches to my painting for art and I grimace at it.
It looks too plain. It’s blank. It’s supposed to be an art style, something that makes you you. So when I stare at a blank canvas, it reminds me of how much of a pain it is. It’s due tomorrow, and while half of my class has already finished, I haven’t started. What makes me me?
The bell rings signalling the end of the final. I wander out with my canvas. Mint’s touching up his as well. He painted a mess. He used his favorite song, grabbed a brush, and used his synthesia to paint. Talk about talent.
“yOU HAVEN’T STARTED???” Mint gawks at me and I shake my head.
“Nope. I don’t know what makes me” I stare at his artwork. It’s a beautiful mess. Waves of color dance around it and the black background makes me cry. It’s dark, but it paints such a vivid picture of Mint.
“Not a smart idea Cress” Sun pulls out his painting. They needed to dry for the night at school. His is different. It’s painted in a spectrum of colors, and it’s neat and organized. The painting was supposed to be self reflective. It’s a carbon copy of an image I once saw on the internet. But he had a pretty convincing about the painting so I guess it was fine.
I stare at my canvas. My description of myself was depressing.
“A figure in the mist. Drawn by the mystery yet unable to clear the mist around the truth. She spends her time clawing desperately at the air, hoping that it would change. The longer she stays the more hopeless it becomes. Until there’s nothing left but bones in the mist she tried to clear”
Like??? Crescent what on earth were you on? It’s not a final draft however. So I stare into the sky to find something.
“Cress. What defines you as a person?” Sun fixes his painting, stopping to stare at me.
“When I look at someone. I see a burst of colors. You’re the fiery red of anger and stubbornness, the raging passion of orange, and the bitter aftertaste of yellow. You’re blue like the sea and mellowed out like grey. You follow the rules like a straight line and the small bit of lines of code of green. That’s what I see, layers and layers of it.” I mumble, my focus into space doesn’t change.
“Mint is green. The first time I met him I felt sparks of green. He’s toxic, but after breaking down all the toxins you’re still left with the simple elements. Underneath the green is a sea. The blue of a clear sky. He’s purple like a bruise, yet when you look at the scar after all those years, you find that it’s a fond memory. He’s a pentagon. He’s imperfect and uneven but he’s a shape, and that shape brings us the base of the country, and it holds all his weight”
“That was deep” Mint blinks, and he stands up. His painting is finished, and our art teacher helps him cover it. It would be drying here overnight.
“But what am I???” I whine, and my classmates laugh.
“A night sky” Mint grins. “The night that so many people fail to love properly. You offer us light as the moon, and to some people you’re their serenity. You wait patiently, until your time to fall back down comes. You show us all the constellations in the night sky, and we study you to understand your beauty. You give us the characteristics and personality traits people talk about. So you’re the dark blue of the universe and the bright colors of the stars. You don’t have any defined shapes, and you’re infinite.”
I gape in awe at Mint. Our class pauses their talking and stares as well.
“Well, that’s all I’ve stolen from you anyways” Mint snickers and I gasp.
“YOU THIEF! QUOTING MY OWN WORDS TO ME” I hiss. But Mint reminds me of something so I actually pull out my brush this time. Sun places his headphones on me and pulls up my playlist. I ditch the paintbrush halfway through the painting to use my hands. There isn’t much paint left since the class used most of it up but it’s enough to become an art. Mint and Sun help the teacher clean up after the rest of the class while I paint.
It’s an artstyle. Or, it’s my mess of a hand. I’ve drawn a comet with a girl inside. She’s blank, only a sketch, but that’s what I was aiming for. The colors around her are bright, and it contrasts with the black of the galaxy. I finish the last touches and wash my hands. I used up all the paint so I grab the empty cans and throw it into the trash.
“Pretty” Mint stares at my painting. Sun takes his headphones and I grin.
“Thank you” I stare at Sun and he smiles. “Love you lots”
“Mhm” Sun shakes his head and Mint cheers.
“Can I please go home now??” Mint grumbles, and I laugh.
“You never needed to stay to begin with” I snicker. Mint waves goodbye and I head off to my car.
“See you tomorrow!”
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vulturesgalaxy · 7 years ago
It’s all a Fairy Tale
Two things before I start the story. One, this is only my second fanfiction, first one that includes someone else’s oc, and two I want to thank @wildcrisis for writing her fanfiction Lofty Aspirations, without that fic none of this would exist, and i would like to thank @omg-areyoukiddingme for letting me use their oc (whom I not sure I gave much justice but I tried). On to the story.
Some tales say the if you travel far enough through the forest to the west you’ll find the God of the Wild. Somewhere, where his temple is said to sit in a large gnarled tree, where feral animals run about in a sort of controlled chaos, where the trees are scorched and ground littered with bones of fallen trespassers. Leave a golden trinket if you wish to be spared, not for him but the blue beast that lurks.
This ruler, this king, this god among all is not to be feared but not to be toyed with. Nothing but a man, a teen, a child outcasted for being a beast that prowls. A beast from birth, with claws and fangs of an animal, an animal that strikes fear into anyone that encounters him. He was shunned and forced to leave the village. Abandoned and alone he set forth to prove himself to those who chose not to believe that blood doesn’t determine who you really are.
Now he sits on a wooden throne. Where animals lurk and a dragon roams. Protecting and finally understood, but never going back to an old life, one that’s far behind. Some tales say the forest to the west lay decorated with trinkets and baubles hung from trees to show gratitude, but others say it's a dark and desolate place, where the wild ones roam.
There’s another tale from the north, a place where there nothing but scenery. Where mountains and the sky meet like lovers, where wind stokes grass with a gentle cress, where the Queen of the River forever sobs in her mangrove castle. The tide of her river rises and falls on a whim, eating away at the land, cutting through the grass and leaving her mark. Some days the river weeps other days it wails, changing with a slight shift of emotion from the Queen.
No one knows why the Queen of the River cries. Some say it’s because she’s lonely, no one dare live there for fear of the ever changing water levels. Others say she cries for all those who can’t, for the one who put on a brave face and refuse to let grief stop them. But no matter what tale you choose to listen to the Queen of the river is always loved.
She is a muse to many and repaid graciously, with fine colorful silks left near the river bank, with the joyous laughter of children who play and swim in her waters, with the dancers who tip toe at the edge of the bank, with songs that quell the babble, and art that captures her simple beauty. Some tales say the river to the north is home to a morning queen, others say she shed tears of joy for life couldn’t be better than it already was.
Our final tale comes from the east, where silver is mined and everything is pleasant, where brawn rules over brains and the flashier the better. Where people are praised for their natural gifts of strength and mystical abilities, where there’s a twisted sort of structure that outcast those who refuse to follow and fit in. No one knows this more than the Prince of Tales.
A weaver of lies or truths one can not tell, for you follow every word  that fall from those lips. Some tales say he’s a monster, a physical embodiment of evil impulse and intention. While others stand at his side, ever at the ready. Everyday is a struggle, when people whisper behind his back, twisting his past deeds and spewing fallacies so that no one was none the wiser of his false true nature.
He struggles and strives, throwing off the chains they placed on him, shaking off the hateful and hurtful words adding them to his fire to prove those who chose not to believe him wrong. Some tales speak of a kingdom of silver where a weaver, weave tales that you can’t help but follow, shrouded in mysteries and not to be trusted. Others tell the tale of a prince robbed of his place on the throne like so many before but not willing to back down.
These three tales are now interwoven, as a young man wades through a river that passes through a dark forest. The God and Prince are no longer feared accepted for what that have and what they are and the Queen is no longer lonely with company at her side. Together they will remain until other matters pull them away.
“Malcolm that was amazing!” It was Ikeko who broke him from his post story trance, dabbing at her face with a tissue trying to stanch the flow of oncoming tears.
“You really think so, I haven’t done something like that since I left america?” Malcolm let out a small laugh. They were suppose to be studying for the next test not listening to the tales he made up about them, when Ikeko pointed out the shelf of tiaras.
“Is that how you see us?” It was Hitoshi who spoke up now, the eraser end of his pencil tapping against his notes.
Malcolm ducked his head an embarrassed blush marrying his cheeks, as he fiddled with the hem of his sweater.
“I mean yeah. I always think of fantasy version of the people around me. It comes from having to make up our own games from when I was little. Is that weird?” He looked to both his friends for reassurance.
“No I think it’s cool, you made all of that up on the spot.” Ikeko again was the first to speak, the tear flow coming back with revenge at her excitement.
“I don’t want to tell you to stop pursuing your dream of becoming a hero but you would make a great author.”
He could only chuckle at Hitoshi’s words. He had thought about dropping his dream of becoming hero, it would be easier for someone with a quirk like his own to get but if he didn’t have to readily rely on it, or have it flare up at the most inopportune moments.
But then there people like his friends back in America and Hitoshi who all struggle to become heroes, they didn’t have it easy and they power through like tanks.
“Maybe I’ll do it as a side thing. It’s always fun to write what you see. Anyway before er get anymore sidetracked let's get back to work.”
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wordsablaze · 8 years ago
Thirty One: Peace
A Month Of Kaider Just some fairly long daily drabbles for the life of AU Cinder and Kai… A Kaider tale. Enjoy!
BoyxBoy kiss. Don’t like? Don’t read.
Cinder almost laughs.
She can't believe that they're back in school.
It seems outrageous that they can be back at their lockers and nobody else knows what's happened or what they've gone through.
Winter's still not in because she'd caught some kind of flu and Jacin's mysteriously ill, totally not because he wants to stay with his girlfriend, no...
Cinder doesn't have any classes with Kai so she kisses his cheek goodbye before heading to her computing lesson.
Not that she pays any attention.
She concentrates in class and gets the work done, ignoring the curious whispers of those who just want something to gossip about, but if you'd have asked her to recall individual moments or conversations, she most certainly wouldn't have been able to.
She doesn't start properly focusing on anything until she gets to the end of the day, meeting Kai at the Oak Tree.
"Hey, Empress." Kai smiles.
Cinder beams. "Hey, Emperor."
"I have a cavity," Thorne declares dramatically, clutching his chest.
"Shut up, captain," Cress orders as she elbows him.
Cinder laughs as Thorne yelps, scowling.
"Thanks, Rapunzel." Kai puts an arm around Cress' shoulders as they walk.
Throne groans until Kai and Cress break apart, returning to their respective partners with matching smug grins and a shared eye roll.
Scarlet laughs behind them, "You're all so immature."
"You guys freak out over fruit!" Cinder argues.
"Just the tomatoes!" Wolf exclaims defensively.
"You're not really making this better," Thorne says, laughing.
"Where are we headed?" Cress asks.
Apparently, only Kai hears her so he's the one who chooses. "I say we head to the new ice cream place!"
"Why are you choosing?" Thorne asks indignantly.
"I'm choosing because none of you were paying attention to Rapunzel."
Cress giggles. "Yup, it's your own fault."
"Why are you arguing with ice cream anyway?" Cinder asks. "You've never had a problem with it before."
Thorne sighs, "Fine. What's this new place anyway?"
"You guys remember Émilie?" Scarlet asks. "My friend from last year?"
"It's her place?" Cinder asks, shocked.
"Yeah. She decided that she wanted something cooler than a restaurant," Scarlet says, failing to keep a straight face.
Even Wolf laughs as the six of them walk on.
The place is surprisingly empty when they walk in, perhaps because nobody wants to be seen out in public wearing a distinctive school uniform.
"Scarlet!" Émilie grins as they enter. "Long time, no see!"
"We had some family things to sort out."
Cinder smiles to herself at that, truly considering this varied bunch of people as a family.
"Introduce me?" Émilie asks.
"I'm Thorne," Throne says before anyone can say anything. "And that's my girlfriend Cress and that's her girlfriend Cinder and that's her boyfriend Kai and unfortunately his boyfriend Jacin and his girlfriend Winter aren't here but that's Jacin's boyfriend Wolf and you already know his girlfriend Scarlet, right?"
"Uh..." Émilie frowns.
Cinder feels bad for Émilie but Thorne isn't wrong and they've agreed to let him introduce them in his style because, no matter what order he says everybody in, it's always hilarious to see the other person's reaction.
The six of them settle immediately, Scarlet going up to order because she refuses to make Émilie work so hard when they're friends.
Cress makes a face as Thorne and Wolf start taking about sports class.
"I could just give us all the highest grades?" she suggests casually, as if hacking into an education system is an everyday thing that loads of people discuss all the time.
"That would be cheating." Kai shakes his head. "Plus, it's not as if the school would believe that."
"They couldn't prove otherwise, could they?" Cinder asks.
"It would just give them a better reputation." Thorne shrugs.
"We're not doing that because we're all going to study and pass," Scarlet declares as she sits back down beside Wolf.
"Thorne will just copy Kai's english papers anyway," Cinder laughs.
"Just write it about how terrible Thorne is." Wolf smirks.
"That's not a bad idea!" Kai grins, nudging Thorne, who's literally pouting.
"Yeah well, Wolf's just going to copy Scar's food tech exam anyway," he grumbles.
"That's because I let him." Scarlet rolls her eyes.
"Let him? You practically order him to," Cress says, smiling.
"What's your excuse?" Cinder also Thorne.
"Scholar Boy doesn't complain!" Thorne replies.
Kai throws his hands up. "Do you suffer from temporary memory loss after each time we argue?"
"Even I remember most of them, and I don't even pay attention." Cinder raises an eyebrow.
"Your opinion isn't equitable anyway! You just side with your boyfriend..." Thorne mutters.
"That's because I'm correct," Kai laughs.
"Ice cream!" Émilie announces, somehow balancing six bowls in two hands.
Each of them laugh in appreciative astonishment, taking their bowls from her.
"Why don't you join us?" Kai asks.
Émilie shakes her head. "Are you kidding? I'd be even worse of a seventh wheel than Leo was."
"Who's Leo?" Wolf asks.
Émilie smiles. "Enjoy the ice cream, guys."
"You got caramel too?" Thorne asks Kai, his jaw dropping.
"Well, you know what they say..." Scarlet smiles mysteriously.
"What?" Thorne asks.
"Two people with the same taste in ice cream are two people destined to stay together in life."
Cinder laughs, sharing a smirk with Kai.
Kai leans over and kisses Thorne's cheek, winking at Cress. "Sorry Rapunzel, the ice cream speaks for itself."
"I'd be annoyed but Thorne's expression is hilarious." Cress seems to be finding it hard not to laugh.
Thorne narrows his eyes at Cress. "Would you prefer if I did this?"
Kai's eyes widen in shock just before Thorne leans forwards and kisses him. Properly kisses him as if a natural action they both do every day and as if they're both used to it.
Cinder, Cress, Wolf and Scarlet stare at them in shock.
Both Thorne and Kai have expressions of disbelief written on their faces as they pull back, catching their breath.
Émilie whistles.
Kai and Thorne both salute at her, shaking their heads and laughing.
"I'm impressed, I didn't think you'd do that," Wolf admits, chucking.
Cinder smirks. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad, Kai's a great kisser."
Kai runs a hand through his hair as he grins. "That was an interesting experience."
"I second that." Thorne rubs his neck.
"You're both crazy," Cress shakes her head.
"That's the way we like it," Scarlet laughs. "Now, everyone eat their ice cream."
Émilie laughs from across the shop, apparently having used them as entertainment.
Thorne and Kai share a bewildered look before shaking their heads again.
Cinder smiles at them.
Especially when Kai keeps one hand laced with hers, both of them managing to successfully eat their desserts with one hand.
The six of them finish ages later, spending way too long just talking.
They go back to Winter and Jacin's apartment once they're done, because obviously they're not spending a day without all of them together.
They don't do much, squashing onto the sofa so they can watch a film.
Eventually, the guys all head off to the other side of the room to play Ludo, the girls shifting closer together and settling properly with the cushions and everything.
Cress absently starts to braid Cinder's hair and Scarlet helps Winter braid Cress' in return.
"Anyone else want to reveal crazed members of their family so that we have some kind of warning next time?" Scarlet asks.
"I don't actually know what happened to Levana so..." Cinder says.
Cress sighs, "Great."
"Where did Levana go?" Scarlet asks. "She can't have just vanished into thin air."
"Maybe she vanished into thick air?" Winter asks, laughing.
Cinder yelps as Cress accidentally tugs her hair whilst laughing too hard.
She sees Kai's head snap up in alarm and laughs, but her heart smiles anyway.
She also sees Thorne nudge him and mutter something that causes the two of them to start another rapid argument. They might joke about Thorne copying Kai all the time but he's one of the few people who can keep up a fast paced argument with him for so long, even longer than Cinder can, not that Cinder and Kai ever really argue.
The four of them carry on languidly fixing each other's hair, only half paying attention to the film in the background.
Cinder has to join in with Cress' hair once Cress is done with hers, the three of them having to work around each other to finish the braid they'd started. It comes to them with ease, the four of them used to such things by now.
"Why did you start such a complicated one?" Scarlet asks once they're done.
"It just sort of happened," Winter replies, shrugging.
"Thanks," Cress says, twirling as her hair flicks around her waist.
Thorne's behind her in an instant, picking her up and spinning with her. She shrieks, laughing and grabbing onto Thorne to steady herself.
"And you call us sickening?" Kai asks, laughing.
"You're sickening," Thorne retorts, rather pointlessly.
"That's not what you were saying earlier!" Cinder calls.
Cress giggles, "He wasn't exactly saying anything."
"Scar, we have to go," Wolf says, changing the mood of the room.
Scarlet glances at Cinder's watch before making a face and jumping up. "I almost forgot! Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
"You act like I'm not the one who reminded you," Wolf mutters, but not unkindly.
The two of them head off, waving goodbyes and rushing farewells as they shut the door behind them.
Winter laughs. "They're so in love."
"Aren't we all?" Jacin asks.
"All in love with each other?" Cinder asks.
"Of course," Kai grins.
"That's what most people must think anyway," Thorne says, obviously referring to his confusing introductions.
"I'm pretty sure the whole school avoids talking to us in case they get seven people after them," Cress admits.
"Well, they're not wrong." Kai winks.
Winter jumps as the film starts to play the ending song.
"Which film is that anyway?" Kai asks.
Winter shrugs. "No idea."
Kai goes to ask when Cress suddenly stumbles, elbowing Cinder, who headbutts Thorne, who falls into Winter, who hits Jacin, who accidentally kicks Kai.
"Ow!" all of them grumble.
"My bad." Cress blushes.
Winter gasps as there's a knock on the front door. "That's the landlady. I'd forgotten that we'd invited her over today!"
Jacin groans, "Guys, you need to avoid the front door."
"The back door awaits." Thorne winks.
Cress, Cinder and Kai follow Thorne as he heads to the kitchen door that leads to the garden. The four of them wait until they hear a conversation starting before sneaking round the front of the house, running to the stairs as quietly as they can, which is very quietly because they've done this way too many times.
They whisper goodbyes to each other as they enter their own apartments, Cinder letting herself laugh out loud as they shut the door.
"We're all terrible," Kai declares.
"Terribly talented," Cinder corrects.
Kai shrugs. "Same thing, when it comes to us."
"So, what's the plan?" Cinder asks.
Kai raises an eyebrow.
"No, we're not playing chess," Cinder says immediately.
Kai laughs, "Still not over that?"
"It should be called a castle!"
"Castles don't move!" Kai argues.
"And the little ones should be called soldiers!"
"They aren't initiating a battle!"
"Since they don't have free will, they should at least have a good title!"
"And I suppose you consider 'soldier' to be the best title they can obtain?"
"It's better than what they're called!"
"Do you even know what they're called?"
Cinder huffs, "It obviously not that good a name if I can't remember it."
Kai chuckles, kissing her.
She gasps, the feeling of warm explosions spreading across her skin and her eyes closing with the comfort of the gesture because no matter how many times they do this, the bubble of love that builds insider her stays the same.
His arms are around her waist, his hands flat against her back, and her hands are tangled in his hair as Cinder tilts her head back and Kai leans down, both of them turning their head slightly so their noses don't crash.
Cinder smiles as they pull apart. "Now that's something I can remember."
Kai laughs and brushes his nose against hers. "And what's that called?"
Cinder shrugs. "Kai."
"I love you," Kai whispers.
"I love you," Cinder whispers back.
"Why are we whispering?" Kai whisper asks.
"I don't know," Cinder says normally.
They both laugh, settling onto the beanbags they'd put in their living room instead of a sofa.
Kai puts an arm around her shoulders and she smiles, leaning against him with a soft smile.
"I think you're the first person that I've truly loved," Cinder admits.
"I think you're the first person that I've truly fallen in love with," Kai confesses.
Cinder's never felt so content in her life.
She finally understands why people say that home doesn't have to be a place.
She's at home when she's with Kai.
She's at peace.
like/reblog but don’t repost, thanks!
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Coming Home- TLC Shipweek: Home
This is for TLC Shipweek, prompt 1: Home. This will also go for #24 on my prompt list: engagement. 
Cinder is invited back to Earth for the annual celebration of defeating Levana, and she is nervous to see Kai. Then she gets more than she was expecting.
Work Text:
Cinder never had a definition of home. She could not remember her childhood, and then her step-mother had not been inviting when she moved in. Even when she was named Queen of Luna, and the palace was hers, all of her friends were had left, besides Jacin and Iko. She had felt completely alone in a way that an android would never understand.
Now Cinder was on her way back to Earth on the closest thing to a "home" for her. The Rampion. Thorne had flown from Cress' and his house in the American Republic, to bring her to Kai's palace in the Eastern Union. Kai was holding the annual celebration of defeating Levana, and now that Luna was a Democracy, and Cinder was not leading it anymore, she felt like she could take a trip. She found herself nervous. She had not seen Kai since he left Luna five years ago. In fact, she had not seen any of her other friends, besides Winter, in five years.
Seeing Thorne had been bittersweet. She had not expected to feel the sense of relief that had crashed into her, and she had not been able to stop herself from running into his arms. He had been so surprised, they had fallen to the ground. Now they were sitting side-by-side in the cock-pit of the Rampion, and Cinder watched as Earth came closer and closer. Thorne bumped her shoulder with his, and she saw he wore a huge, cheesy grin. "Are you excited to see lover-boy again?"
Cinder rolled her eyes, but she nodded. "Yes. I have missed everyone, especially Kai. To be honest though, I am a little nervous. What if we have changes too much to be compatible anymore?"
Thorne shot her an incredulous look. "You are kidding right?" Cinder did not say anything, and looked down at her hands. Thorne burst out laughing, and squeezed her shoulders. "Cinder, Kai has been waiting for this for years. He has been missing you, and has not even looked at another girl. Torrin has been trying to convince him to find a wife, but he has refused."
Cinder could not hide her satisfied grin. She had never thought that Thorne would be the one to console her, but they had both changed in those past years. "So how are you and Cress? Does she still drag you out to gaze at the stars every night?"
Thorne smiled, and Cinder could see the way his eyes lit up. "Yeah. She is still amazed by the fact that she used to live up there, watching Earth, and now she is on Earth watching the stars." Cinder loved hearing about her friends. Winter was the only one who had come back to Luna; she had gone to a mental hospital on Earth to regain her shattered mind, and had been pronounced healthy three months ago. Jacin had not been much of a friend those past five years. He had grown up believing that Winter would one day rule Luna, and he was still adjusting to Cinder. Now that Winter was back, he was a lot more relaxed.
Cinder had been in contact with Scarlet the most. Wolf and Scarlet had immediately gone back to her farm, and she had plenty of time to talk. She had been named a local hero, and Wolf was getting along with everyone. It took a whole year for the kids to stop being scared of him, but now he was loved by the whole town. Now all Scarlet was waiting for was for him to ask her to marry him.
"Cinder look, we are about to enter Earth's atmosphere." Cinder broke from her thoughts and faced the window to watch the stars zoom by as they hurtled towards the planet. She used to hate the feeling of landing, but she found she trusted Thorne inexplicably, and knew he would get her there safely. As they reached the Eastern Union, Cinder saw the rice fields and cities coming and going as they reached the capital. Soon enough they were at the palace.
Servants welcomed them as they got off the ship, and were quickly scanned. As soon as their identities were confirmed, Cinder was escorted to a guest room to get ready for the ball. She was taken by surprise when she saw Pearl in the room. "Pearl?"
Pearl smiled, "Queen Selene, how are you?"
Cinder paled at the term of respect, "please, we grew up together, call me Cinder. What are you doing here?"
Pearl's eyes gleamed, "well, when mother and I returned, I became the apprentice of the royal dress maker. I was assigned to make your dress."
Cinder smiled, "congratulations! I am sure the dress is beautiful." Pearl nodded, and began working on her. Pearl took out the dress and Cinder could not help but gasp. The dress was silver with light blue threads interwoven, making the dress look like moonlight. It was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline, was tight at the bodice, and flared out at the waist. Silver heels and long gloves made the outfit.
Cinder looked up amused when she realized the gloves looked exactly like the ones Pearl had ruined all those years ago. Pearl smirked, "I thought this could make up for the brat I used to be." Cinder's head went back as she laughed, but let Pearl do her hair and makeup. She ended up with a low side bun, that let her bangs hang loose, and a tiara. When she tried to take it off, Pearl said it was tradition for a Queen to wear a crown. Diamond earrings dangled from her ears, and a diamond choker was placed on her throat. Cinder could not believe her eyes when she saw herself in the mirror.
Now she was walking down the main corridor, dodging the glances of other partygoers who had realized who she was. The corridor itself reminded her of when she walked down that same one going to her first ball. This time she was escorted by guards who were there to ensure her safety. She stood outside of the double doors, waiting to be introduced to the room. Suddenly she heard Torinn call, "Queen Selene of Luna". She took a deep breath, and walked through the open doors.
The ballroom was just as large and extravagant as she remembered. She looked down and saw everyone staring at her in awe. It reminded her of when Levana had called her out as being a shell the last time, but this time there was no fear in the peoples' eyes, just amazement. Cinder walked down the stairs, eyes searching for the one person she had come here for.
He appeared at the bottom of the stairs, as if he had been there the whole time. Cinder let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding, reached out to latch her arm with his, and they strode to the middle of the dance floor. "Emperor Kaito, it is so good to see you again."
Kai grinned, "Queen Selene, I was so hoping you were going to say that. I am elated to know you feel the same way I do." Cinder snorted, and Kai began to laugh. The audience stood and watched as the otherworldly couple made their way to the end of the song. At the end of the dance, Kai took Cinder's hand, and led her outside. They made their way to a fountain that was hidden by the rest of the guests. Neither said a word as Kai pulled her into a kiss.
Cinder threw her arms around him and let him take complete control. She had missed that. She had missed his scent, his hair, his eyes, and his lips. She had just missed Kai. He pulled out of the kiss when they were both gasping for air. Cinder smiled and did not let him pull away enough to be out of her arms. "I missed you Kai." He let out a breath, one that Cinder felt across her lips. "I came here for another reason than the ball. Now that Luna is a Democracy, I was hoping to spend some time here. I was also wishing to spend that time at the palace."
Kai looked nervous all of a sudden, and Cinder worried that he would not want her. That he had moved on. Kai pulled away, and she began to panic, until he went down on one knee. "Cinder, there was another reason why I invited you to Earth. Last time I saw you, you said you would be up for being an Empress after you were Queen, and I hoped you had meant it. I have loved you since you banged on my android hoping it would just turn on, and I will love you until you die. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and the Empress of the Eastern Union?"
Cinder nodded, "I love you too Kai, I would love to be your wife." As he slid the ring on her finger, rose, and kissed her, Cinder realized home did not have to be a place, it could be a person.
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