Writing Prompts
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Confessions: Murder of An Angel
For honest reviews, check in every week for a new review. I was not sponsored by a publication company, nor the author. I am doing this to simply help people figure out what book to read next. 
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Summary: In the last book to the Confessions series, Tandy is convinced someone is out to kill her family. After she faces four near death experiences, people begin to believe her. She is trying uncover her uncle for illegally testing drugs that he knows are killing kids while saving herself. 
Review: I love all of James Patterson’s Young Adult novels, and this one is no different. Confessions: Murder of an Angel, perfectly resolves the series. It has a good mixture of humor, suspense, and strong characters.
Following Tandy through four books really helps the readers become invested in her story. We sympathize with her, and only want good things for her. We want the bad guy caught just as much as she does, and it keeps us at the edge of our seats until the villain is revealed. 
There is a surprising plot twist at the end that Patterson does a good job of hiding until the end. I love how fast I can plow through a Patterson novel, and I was happy to read this. My only complaint is how fast they are done!
One thing I wish happened was the villain was predictable. Through the whole series the readers are led to hate one character, and no surprise, he/she is the bad guy. The twist shows another villain, but the orchestrater is the person we suspect the whole time. While I am happy it was not someone I had grown to love, the ending did not surprise me. 
What I am really happy about, is that James Patterson finished the series after four novels. the Maximum Ride and the Witch and Wizard series, both have so many books, that I have grown tired of them. I have felt like they could have finished one or two books before the actual end, and that makes me feel exasperated when I try to read the next one. 
I will always recommend James Patterson books to adults, teenagers, and preteens, as I love all of them. 
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
This is an honest review, for more check in every week for a new review. I was not prompted by a publishing company, or the author, I am simply writing these to help people choose their next reads.
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Rating: 3 out of 5
Series: Book 2 in the Reawakened series
Synopsis: Lily has traveled to her grandmother’s farm to spend some time getting over Amon. When she learns that Amon is in trouble she must go on a journey to recreate herself, and travel to the depths of Egyptian hell to save the man she loves. 
Review: I absolutely loved the Tiger’s Curse series, and the first book in this series Reawakened. For some reason it took me a long time to get through this book. I have been in a little bit of a book slump since I read A Court of Mist and Fury in July, and I have not been able to break it. I think because the different rights of passages Lily goes through took a long time, I felt as though the story was dragging on. 
I thought the premise was interesting, and the characters were complex and I had a lot of fun delving deeper into who they are. Lily is a fascinating character, as she tries to please everyone but herself, and she has a constant battle between her head and her heart. 
Tia is the sphynx part of her, and she made me very angry. Tia promised Lily she would not do anything to cloud her judgement, but at every turn she is taking over Lily’s body, making Lily cheat on Amon with his brother Ahmose. 
At the end of the novel Lily is hosting two other females, both desiring one of the three brothers, of course all different brothers. It is complicated, and as I truly dislike love triangles, I am not looking forward to this being a main concept of the third novel. 
The thing I missed the most in this novel is Amon. We get brief glimpses of him, and as he is missing his heart, he is constantly tired and battling monsters. He was such an integral character in the first novel, that it was disappointing to have him be so different in the second novel. 
As I love Colleen Houck, and her first series is one of my favorites, and the first novel of this trilogy was very good, I would recommend this book to others, but I am very disappointed. 
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
The Wedding- TLC Shipweek: Ever After
TLC Shipweek Day 5- Ever After. This also goes towards my prompt #4- Wedding. This is Cinder and Kai.
Cinder looked at herself in the mirror, smoothing down the front of her dress. The floor length mirror was bordered by a golden frame, showed Cinder, hair pulled into a side bun, pinned with diamond barrettes, dressed in a long, white dress, with long sleeves that flowed down her arms. A long diamond necklace graced her neck, accompanied by a matching diadem. She was about to marry Kai.
Iko ran around the room, trying to finish everything in the ten minutes they had left until the ceremony. Her long blue braids, were pinned into a half-ponytail, and her long red dress was pinned at her neck, without any sleeves. It was slightly different than those of her other bridesmaids, Scarlet and Cress, because she was the maid of honor. Scarlet and Cress were dressed in knee length red dresses, with short, capped sleeves. 
Cinder was nervous. She had no doubt of Kai’s affection, and she was ecstatic to be his wife, she was simply worried of everyone who were going to be watching, at the actual ceremony, and from pods. Her friends were trying to calm her down, but she had a feeling only Kai would be able to do that. 
She was more excited about after the wedding. Their honeymoon was going to be on an island in what used to be Europe. She was ready for a whole month, just the two of them, at peace, and completely relaxed. She was not sure how her ovaries faired after the fire, but she was hoping that she could bring Kai an heir. He was not worried about it. He said that if she could not have children, they could adopt, and the Eastern Commonwealth would accept that child as the heir. 
“Alright people, places!” Iko corralled all of them into the proper line, Cress then Scarlet then Iko and then Cinder. They stood, flowers in their hands, and walked down to the aisle. Cress met with Thorne, and then Scarlet with Wolf, and Iko with Kon Torrin, Kai’s best man. Cinder wished Winter could have come. She was still recovering from her time at the mental hospital, and she decided to stay in Luna. 
The Wedding March started, and the walk began. Cinder almost froze when she saw Kai. He had on a regular black suit with a red tie to match her bride maids’ dresses, and the red details on her dress. Everything else melted away when she saw him. She forgot about all of the people watching, she forgot about her friends, she forgot about everything but Kai. 
As soon as she made it to him, he grabbed her hands, leaned in, and whispered, “you look beautiful.”
Cinder smiled, “you look very handsome yourself.”
The priest began speaking, and soon enough it was time for their vows. “Cinder, from the moment I saw you in the market that day, I knew you were the woman for me. You taught me how to look past common prejudices, and showed me there is more to a person than where they are from, or what they are made of. You loved me at my worst and at my best, and forgave me for all of my faults. You were an amazing ruler of Luna, and I am sure you will be an amazing ruler of the Eastern Commonwealth.”
Cinder smiled and began talking, “Kai, the first time I saw you all I could think about was my sister. I knew Peony would have freaked out when she heard that I was helping Prince Kai, her dream boyfriend. Amazingly in that time, you became my dream boyfriend as well. You stood by me when you learned I was part android, and you fought with me when I wanted to make a revolution. You have always supported me in whatever I do, and you are my biggest rock. I love you.”
They smiled at each other, and the priest continued. “Do you, Emperor Kaito, take Linh Cinder to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Kai’s grin could have lit up a circus, “I do.”
“And do you, Linh Cinder, take Emperor Kaito, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Cinder had a matching grin, “I do.”
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Library- TLC Shipweek: Library
TLC Shipweek day 4- Library. This also goes towards my prompt #9- College. This is Cress and Carswell.
Cress sighed as she placed her bag down on the small table at the back of the library. She ran a hand through her short, blonde hair, and began searching for the out of print novel she needed for her ‘Leisure Travels’ class. The librarian had said that all out of print books were in the back, and Cress knew she had her work laid out for her. 
The back of the library was a place that so few people went, that the librarians did not waste time on sorting through the books, they simply shoved them on to the shelves and called it good. She braided her bangs back into a hair clip, and began searching.
Halfway through the first bookcase, she found the book. It was on the top shelf. Cress was five feet exactly, and the bookcase was at least six feet. She looked around, but soon realized she was completely alone in that part of the library. She sighed, trying to find good hand holds to try and climb the shelves, but her hands kept slipping. 
Sighing, she threw up her hands in defeat, and turned to go ask for a ladder, when she saw a boy. He stood at the end of the aisle, and his arms were crossed over his chest, lips quirked up in amusement. “Do you need some help?”
Cress looked between the book, and the over-six-feet-tall man, and nodded. He strode over to her, and lifted his arm to grab the book. His shirt rode up, and Cress got a glimpse at his tanned stomach, before it dropped. Cress quickly averted her eyes, but his smirk showed her he had noticed her staring. He grabbed a pen that was behind his ear, and jotted something in the book before handing it to her. 
Cress opened the book to see what he said. It was his name- Carswell “Captain” Thorne, and his number. Cress glanced up, but he was gone. Cress grinned, and walked back to her table.
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Captive- TLC Shipweek: Pirates
TLC Shipweek day 3: Pirates. This also goes towards my second prompt: First Meeting. Scarlet is given over to the terrifying Captain Wolf to pay her father’s debt, but she is not giving up her freedom without a fight. This is going to become a multichapter story, so this is only the beginning. I will post more chapters on here and on my Archive of My Own “Iloveacting12″. 
Scarlet knew something was wrong the moment her father came barging into her room at all hours of the night. Her grandmother was following him, scolding him for a gambling mistake she was sure he had made, but her father was not listening to her. He came up to me and pulled me from bed, shoving me into my closet. “I have lost a game of cards to the notorious Captain Wolf, I bet more than I could give him, and the price he has required is you. I have agreed, and his ship is waiting on our dock for you. Get dressed in your best dress, and pack quickly. Captain Wolf is not a patient man.”
Scarlet had no time to think. She knew her father’s gambling had become a problem, she had seen it when their furniture began to dwindle, her father’s hair began to grey, and he became a drunk, but she had never expected him to gamble her life away. She pulled the emerald green dress, the only piece of nice clothing she had left, from its hanger, and quickly threw it on, doing up the laces herself. She did not put on a corset, she figured that if Captain Wolf wanted her at her best, he should not have expected her so early in the morning. 
Scarlet was surprised with herself. She suspected that if this had happened to anyone else, they would have panicked. Obviously Captain Wolf wanted something of her. Most likely a marriage, or at least sex. Scarlet had never had sex. She had been forced to do other lewd things for her father’s friends, but nothing to destroy her “precious virtue”. Her father must have expected her to be more than a captive, if he was willing to give me to a man. 
Scarlet left the closet to see their only maid and her grandmother throwing her clothes into her luggage. She felt the sting at seeing her grandmother helping her pack, not putting up a fight against her father. Her grandmother had always stood at her side through her father’s unreasonable anger, she always made sure she was not dragged into his problems, but this time she said nothing. She would not even look Scarlet in the eye. 
As the two of them finished packing, her grandmother stood, and pulled her into a tight hug. Scarlet’s muscles instantly loosened, her grandmother’s hugs always had the power of calming her. “Do not let him control you dear. This is your chance to get away from your father. Hopefully the rumors of Captain Wolf being lenient is true. Try to be good, and make them your allies, not your enemies.” With that whisper, she pulled back and kissed Scarlet on the cheek, before letting go and leaving the room. 
Scarlet followed her father and their maid, carrying her bags, outside and to the dock. In sharp contrast to the warmth of the house, outside the rain was slapping Scarlet’s face, and the wind was causing her red curls to snarl almost immediately. She turned back towards the house she had grown up in. It was large, much larger than their bank account, it was deceiving. It was what deceived her mother into marrying her father, and what caused her to run away without her only child. It rose four stories with great, white pillars standing on either side of the doorway. She had grown up running through those halls, playing hide-and-seek with her maid, and learning to cook, hiding her secret garden in the courtyard her father never went to, as it was the place he had proposed to her mother. It had been her life, no matter how dreary it had been, and she was having to leave it all behind. 
She startled when she felt her father’s harsh grip on her elbow, when he led her to the large ship waiting ominously. A man walked down the ramp and grabbed her luggage, pulling it up, passing another man, who Scarlet knew was the Captain when the other, quickly bowed, and gave him a large berth. Even if that tell tale sign had not happened, she would have been able to read the signs. He was dressed all in black, a large black hat placed on his brow, and he strode with such confidence, that Scarlet felt the need to bend at the waist and completely surrender to him. 
She turned to see what her father would do, but he was gone. She quickly turned in a circle, but found him running away, already over the hill so she could not call him back. She heard a chuckle, one that sent shivers down her spine, she was not sure if it was from fear or something else. 
Scarlet squared her shoulders, and turned back towards the man who was now her owner. He lifted an eyebrow when she did nothing but stare at him. Obviously he had been expecting her to curtsy to him, as the other man had bowed, but Scarlet would not show any weakness, if she wanted him to respect her, she knew she would have to show an iron backbone. When she did nothing he chuckled again, “well, this is going to be fun.” 
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
When I First Saw Him- TLC Shipweek: Satellite
TLC Shipweek day 2: Satellite. This also goes towards my prompt #2: First Meeting. Cress sees Thorne for the first time, and begins to obsess over him.
I freeze the picture. This past week Sibil assigned me to looking at the convicts on Earth. She said it was to get to know the planet better, but I knew it was so Queen Levana could choose people to help her take over the large blue planet. Sibil would never tell me what was going on, but I was smart, I could figure it out. 
On this particular day, I was looking at the smallest offenders, the thieves and rowdy people. I was quickly scanning their profiles, taking the ones that Queen Levana would want, when I came across him. Carswell Thorne. He was wanted in the American Republic on many accounts of thievery. 
I could not believe my eyes. He was perfect. He had shaggy blonde hair, bright green eyes, and he was six foot two, perfect for my five foot frame. In the mug shot they had of him, he was wearing a cocky grin that did not reach his eyes. 
His report said he had stolen from an old lady, but from what I could read, it seemed like he was really helping her. He was not really all that bad. Farther back in his file showed him stealing a port screen from a little girl when he was nine, I was sure he did it because he had a crush on her. 
Everything had a reason. He was helping someone across the street, and people thought he was mugging her. Another time, he saw one monkey hitting another, and he felt as though he had to help it, he was only twelve. Every instance I could see his ulterior motive.  I realized that he was actually a good Samaritan, but Eartheners could not see it. 
I bet he would not care that I was a shell. He probably would not even know what that meant. I spent all day dreaming about how, when I got out of this satellite, we would meet somewhere on Earth, and he would fall in love with me immediately when he realized how alike we were. How we were both ostracized by our people, and completely misunderstood. We would marry and have two kids named Star and Carswell Junior, and we would live happily ever after. 
When night rolled around, I tucked myself into my bed, wrapping my hair around my bed posts, and body, before falling asleep, hoping I would dream of Carswell. 
I did. I woke up to the sound of a banging. I leapt up from the bed before getting caught up in all of my hair. It took me five minutes to unravel myself, but when I entered the monitor room, it was not Sibil who stood there, it was Carswell Thorne. 
His arms were crossed over his large chest, and his eyes were bright with mischief, the way I had imagined they would be all day, every day. I twirled a piece of hair around my finger, or I tried to, as it was too long to make it look like the other girls made it look. He did not care. His grin turned soft, and he reached out to grasp my arm and pull me closer. “I have been looking for you Cress.”
“Really?” I squeaked, but snuggled into his arms.
He chuckled, “oh yeah. I have been dreaming about you for years, and I have been getting in trouble, hoping you would notice me here, in this exact room.”
I giggled, “well it worked. I found you early this morning.”
He nodded, “I know. I could feel it.”
I sighed and leaned more into him. “I also felt the overwhelming urge to kiss you Cress.” I nodded, and leaned into him. He tilted my head up by the chin, and leaned down, and we were kissing. 
It was my first kiss, and it was perfect. He swept me up into his arms, and his tongue invaded my mouth, the way I had read about, and I was breathless and at his mercy. He had just begun to take me to my bed, when I heard a real banging.
I jolted up gasping. I looked around, and saw I was alone, but there was a noise coming from the monitor room. I could not believe it. Was he actually here? I jumped out of bed, unraveled myself, and ran into the other room. “Thorne?” I called out, but instead of my savior waiting in the room, it was Sibil staring at me, confused. 
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Coming Home- TLC Shipweek: Home
This is for TLC Shipweek, prompt 1: Home. This will also go for #24 on my prompt list: engagement. 
Cinder is invited back to Earth for the annual celebration of defeating Levana, and she is nervous to see Kai. Then she gets more than she was expecting.
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Cinder never had a definition of home. She could not remember her childhood, and then her step-mother had not been inviting when she moved in. Even when she was named Queen of Luna, and the palace was hers, all of her friends were had left, besides Jacin and Iko. She had felt completely alone in a way that an android would never understand.
Now Cinder was on her way back to Earth on the closest thing to a "home" for her. The Rampion. Thorne had flown from Cress' and his house in the American Republic, to bring her to Kai's palace in the Eastern Union. Kai was holding the annual celebration of defeating Levana, and now that Luna was a Democracy, and Cinder was not leading it anymore, she felt like she could take a trip. She found herself nervous. She had not seen Kai since he left Luna five years ago. In fact, she had not seen any of her other friends, besides Winter, in five years.
Seeing Thorne had been bittersweet. She had not expected to feel the sense of relief that had crashed into her, and she had not been able to stop herself from running into his arms. He had been so surprised, they had fallen to the ground. Now they were sitting side-by-side in the cock-pit of the Rampion, and Cinder watched as Earth came closer and closer. Thorne bumped her shoulder with his, and she saw he wore a huge, cheesy grin. "Are you excited to see lover-boy again?"
Cinder rolled her eyes, but she nodded. "Yes. I have missed everyone, especially Kai. To be honest though, I am a little nervous. What if we have changes too much to be compatible anymore?"
Thorne shot her an incredulous look. "You are kidding right?" Cinder did not say anything, and looked down at her hands. Thorne burst out laughing, and squeezed her shoulders. "Cinder, Kai has been waiting for this for years. He has been missing you, and has not even looked at another girl. Torrin has been trying to convince him to find a wife, but he has refused."
Cinder could not hide her satisfied grin. She had never thought that Thorne would be the one to console her, but they had both changed in those past years. "So how are you and Cress? Does she still drag you out to gaze at the stars every night?"
Thorne smiled, and Cinder could see the way his eyes lit up. "Yeah. She is still amazed by the fact that she used to live up there, watching Earth, and now she is on Earth watching the stars." Cinder loved hearing about her friends. Winter was the only one who had come back to Luna; she had gone to a mental hospital on Earth to regain her shattered mind, and had been pronounced healthy three months ago. Jacin had not been much of a friend those past five years. He had grown up believing that Winter would one day rule Luna, and he was still adjusting to Cinder. Now that Winter was back, he was a lot more relaxed.
Cinder had been in contact with Scarlet the most. Wolf and Scarlet had immediately gone back to her farm, and she had plenty of time to talk. She had been named a local hero, and Wolf was getting along with everyone. It took a whole year for the kids to stop being scared of him, but now he was loved by the whole town. Now all Scarlet was waiting for was for him to ask her to marry him.
"Cinder look, we are about to enter Earth's atmosphere." Cinder broke from her thoughts and faced the window to watch the stars zoom by as they hurtled towards the planet. She used to hate the feeling of landing, but she found she trusted Thorne inexplicably, and knew he would get her there safely. As they reached the Eastern Union, Cinder saw the rice fields and cities coming and going as they reached the capital. Soon enough they were at the palace.
Servants welcomed them as they got off the ship, and were quickly scanned. As soon as their identities were confirmed, Cinder was escorted to a guest room to get ready for the ball. She was taken by surprise when she saw Pearl in the room. "Pearl?"
Pearl smiled, "Queen Selene, how are you?"
Cinder paled at the term of respect, "please, we grew up together, call me Cinder. What are you doing here?"
Pearl's eyes gleamed, "well, when mother and I returned, I became the apprentice of the royal dress maker. I was assigned to make your dress."
Cinder smiled, "congratulations! I am sure the dress is beautiful." Pearl nodded, and began working on her. Pearl took out the dress and Cinder could not help but gasp. The dress was silver with light blue threads interwoven, making the dress look like moonlight. It was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline, was tight at the bodice, and flared out at the waist. Silver heels and long gloves made the outfit.
Cinder looked up amused when she realized the gloves looked exactly like the ones Pearl had ruined all those years ago. Pearl smirked, "I thought this could make up for the brat I used to be." Cinder's head went back as she laughed, but let Pearl do her hair and makeup. She ended up with a low side bun, that let her bangs hang loose, and a tiara. When she tried to take it off, Pearl said it was tradition for a Queen to wear a crown. Diamond earrings dangled from her ears, and a diamond choker was placed on her throat. Cinder could not believe her eyes when she saw herself in the mirror.
Now she was walking down the main corridor, dodging the glances of other partygoers who had realized who she was. The corridor itself reminded her of when she walked down that same one going to her first ball. This time she was escorted by guards who were there to ensure her safety. She stood outside of the double doors, waiting to be introduced to the room. Suddenly she heard Torinn call, "Queen Selene of Luna". She took a deep breath, and walked through the open doors.
The ballroom was just as large and extravagant as she remembered. She looked down and saw everyone staring at her in awe. It reminded her of when Levana had called her out as being a shell the last time, but this time there was no fear in the peoples' eyes, just amazement. Cinder walked down the stairs, eyes searching for the one person she had come here for.
He appeared at the bottom of the stairs, as if he had been there the whole time. Cinder let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding, reached out to latch her arm with his, and they strode to the middle of the dance floor. "Emperor Kaito, it is so good to see you again."
Kai grinned, "Queen Selene, I was so hoping you were going to say that. I am elated to know you feel the same way I do." Cinder snorted, and Kai began to laugh. The audience stood and watched as the otherworldly couple made their way to the end of the song. At the end of the dance, Kai took Cinder's hand, and led her outside. They made their way to a fountain that was hidden by the rest of the guests. Neither said a word as Kai pulled her into a kiss.
Cinder threw her arms around him and let him take complete control. She had missed that. She had missed his scent, his hair, his eyes, and his lips. She had just missed Kai. He pulled out of the kiss when they were both gasping for air. Cinder smiled and did not let him pull away enough to be out of her arms. "I missed you Kai." He let out a breath, one that Cinder felt across her lips. "I came here for another reason than the ball. Now that Luna is a Democracy, I was hoping to spend some time here. I was also wishing to spend that time at the palace."
Kai looked nervous all of a sudden, and Cinder worried that he would not want her. That he had moved on. Kai pulled away, and she began to panic, until he went down on one knee. "Cinder, there was another reason why I invited you to Earth. Last time I saw you, you said you would be up for being an Empress after you were Queen, and I hoped you had meant it. I have loved you since you banged on my android hoping it would just turn on, and I will love you until you die. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and the Empress of the Eastern Union?"
Cinder nodded, "I love you too Kai, I would love to be your wife." As he slid the ring on her finger, rose, and kissed her, Cinder realized home did not have to be a place, it could be a person.
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Writing Prompts
Some writing prompts you can ask me to use:
1. First date (horrible or great)
2. First meeting
3. Soulmates- name appears on skin, name is already on skin, or first thing they will say to you
4. Wedding
5. Pregnant
6. Car crash
7. Nightmare
8. Moving in
9. College
10. High school
11. Cooking lessons
12. Getting drunk
13. Pure old smut
14. First kiss
15. Blind date
16. Friend’s significant other
17. Boss/employee
18. Teacher/student
19. Bad boy/good girl
20. First “I love you”
21. Roadtrip
22. Vacation
23. Anniversary 
24. Engagement
25. Enemies- lovers
Or any others you want!
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Send me prompts
Please send me prompts!! I love writing and want to further it with cute stuff that makes people happy!! I have a prompt list on my page so please visit it!
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Philkas- College
This story is based on the prompt #9 on my request list- college. It outlines Philip and Lukas’ experience in their dorm room in college.
Philip could not believe this was happening, he thought as he placed his last box on his new bed. When Helen had convinced him to look at colleges, he had never expected to be given a scholarship to NYU’s photography program. 
Gabe had simply laughed when Philip got the acceptance letter, saying he had had no doubts. NYU had required him to take photos of a hardship in his life. He had debated for two weeks on whether to photograph his experience with his mother, or the experience with Lukas. 
Philip had decided on his mom. It had been her death anniversary, and he had hoped it would give him closure. Philip had taken photos of his empty apartment, one of the yellow couch, multiple of drug paraphernalia on different household appliances, such as the kitchen counter and the dining table. One had been of stacks of money on his bedroom dresser, but the last had been the most difficult. He had been able to see his mother’s body after she had died, and he had the urge to take of photo of her, this was the last photo in the album he made for NYU. 
Philip had been allowed to write an essay explaining the portfolio. He wrote about his mother’s addiction; his long nights on the yellow couch; him having to sell his body for money, leading him to be caught and sent into the foster care system, and his mother dying. With his acceptance letter, NYU told him that it was the most moving application they had ever received. 
Philip flinched as arms wrapped around his torso from behind. He looked behind him, and a cheesy grin spread across his face. Lukas’ head dipped into the crook of his neck. “I am psyched my sponsor wanted me to get a college education. Now we do not have to sneak around to sleep in each other’s beds. This year is going to be so savage.”
Philip chuckled at his use of the word, but he had to agree. When Philip told Lukas he was going back to the city, he went into a panic. Both of them still had nightmares, and they could not sleep alone, and Lukas was worried of going crazy without Philip. Lukas had gone to his sponsor and explained that an athlete with a college education would be a great role model for kids. Trevy Tools had agreed completely, and he got into NYU for Sports Medicine. 
They had been overjoyed when they could both go to college together. Bo had gotten over his homophobia, but he still did not condone them sleeping in the same bed. At college, they did not have to worry about that. 
Philip turned and kissed Lukas on the lips. Lukas smiled into the kiss, and began pulling Philip’s shirt off. Philip groaned and yanked Lukas’ shirt off as well. His lips went straight to the bullet scar on his chest, and began sucking. Lukas moaned and ran his fingers through Philip’s hair. He moved them to the bed, and got on top of Philip.
Even though Philip had topped the first time, Lukas had quickly made it known that he would be on top from then on. Philip did not mind, as he was more comfortable with the other man being bossy, as when he sold his mouth to men, they demanded everything from him, and he did not need to make the choices. He was happy that Lukas did not have a problem commanding Philip in bed.
Lukas yanked Philip under him and began undoing his pants. Philip arched his crotch into Lukas’ fingers. Lukas groaned as he pulled his pants and underwear down, and off Philip. Lukas’ pants were next, and they began rubbing their bodies together. Lukas reached down and grabbed Philip’s dick. Philip whined, and grabbed his sides. As Lukas pumped, Philip reached over and grabbed the lube from the bedside table. 
Lukas stopped his ministrations to pour lube over his fingers, and he wasted no time in sticking them inside Philip. Philip groaned and kissed him. Their kisses turned sloppy as Philip came closer to his end. Before he could reach it, Lukas swapped his fingers for his dick. Philip moaned as Lukas began pounding into him, and in no times they were both coming.
Lukas slid out of Philip, but stayed above him with a smile. “That was a nice way of christening the dorm room.”
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Feysand: Starfall Vacation
This is a fic about Feyre and Rhysand for #21 on my request post. They are going on a vacation, run into some car troubles, and find themselves in a small town just about to celebrate a meteor. 
Feyre woke up to the feeling of the car jolting to a halt. She quickly lifted her head from the window to look at Rhys. His eyes were wide with panic, as he signaled and pulled to the side of the road. Feyre rubbed her eyes, “what happened?” 
Rhys shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a flat?”
Just then, smoke began coming from the hood of the car. Feyre squeaked and leapt out of the car, as Rhys grabbed their bags. Feyre grabbed her phone and called Triple A. 
She turned to Rhys, “they will be here in thirty minutes.” Rhys sighed but nodded. They popped the hood to let the smoke out and sat in the grass off of the highway.
Rhys turned to Feyre with a guilty smile, “I am guessing this is not what you had in mind when I suggested we go on a vacation.”
Feyre turned to him an put her hand in his. “As long as we are together I do not care what we do.” They sat smiling at each other, snuggling, until the tow truck arrived to pick them up. 
“I cannot believe the car will not be ready until Sunday, that is when we have to leave.” Rhys grumbled as they walked, hand in hand, through the small town to the motel the truck driver had suggested.
Feyre pulled him to a stop and snuggled into him until he wrapped his arms around her. “I know this was not the plan, but maybe we will have fun here. I just wanted to get away with you.”
Rhys smiled grudgingly, and kissed the top of her head before pulling her to the motel. With their luck there was a festival in town so all of the rooms were booked except the attic. Rhys sighed, but handed over his credit card before taking their bags up the stairs. 
Feyre froze outside of the room. Correction, it was a closet. She could barely fit through the door, so she could not imagine what Rhys was feeling. She giggled when she looked back and saw him hunched inside the room, the ceiling too low for him to stand properly. He rolled his eyes at her, but dropped the bags at the bottom of the bed and grabbed her hand. “I think we should go explore.”
Feyre nodded her head and let him tug her out of the room. They found out the festival was a meteor that passed Earth once every hundred years, and the town had the perfect view. The town through this party every hundred years, and supposedly people got dressed up in fancy clothing and threw a ball. Feyre was relieved Rhys had told her to be prepared for at least one fancy dinner, so she had an evening gown in her bag.
They began exploring the town. It had alleyways filled with all different kinds of vendors. Her favorite had been Rainbow Alley, a place filled with art and supplies. Feyre loved to paint. She had not been able to paint a lot before she met Rhys, as she had been a broke waitress who was homeless after breaking up with her abusive boyfriend Tamlin. Rhys would come into the diner she worked at every day for lunch, and he soon made her fall in love with him. Now, she was able to make painting her living, as Rhys was able to take care of her. Rhys was the CEO of “Night”, a law facility. 
Now they had been together for two years and they were celebrating their anniversary in the small town of Velaris. As they walked around the town they bought multiple gifts for their friends, knowing they would have loved Velaris. Feyre smiled as she bought a flower painting for her sister Elain. She had become much closer to her sisters after she broke up with Tamlin, as he had kept her away from them, and they had hated him. 
Rhys swung their joined hands between them as they made their way to the ballroom to put their names down as guests for the party that evening. 
After they were done exploring they headed back to their room, and Rhys began calling and cancelling everything they had planned before the car broke down. Feyre sat on the bed and pulled out “Anna Karenina”, her current read. Feyre had made it known to her husband before they had begun the trip that she wanted them to have a lot of time to just relax, and she planned to take full advantage of that. 
Rhys flopped down beside her with his own book, but she made a face when she realized it was about business, which caused him to let out a throaty chuckle. Feyre’s gaze slipped to his lips. Whenever he made that sound it meant he wanted to do more than read. When she looked back into his eyes, his pupils had expanded to practically black out the usual violet, and he was staring at her with a predatory gaze. 
Feyre bit her lip and let out a shudder when he groaned. He leaned closer and kissed her. The kiss began innocently enough, but once her hands went under his shirt, all bets were off. Soon enough all of their clothes were off, and Rhys was kissing down her stomach. Feyre gasped as his fingers found her heat. Rhys moaned at her wetness, and she could not help but whimper when his tongue joined them. 
No matter how many times they had sex. Feyre could not get enough of her husband. As Rhys’ tongue made her reach her peak, she begged him to fuck her. Rhys rose above her body and smirked at her as he slowly entered her. Feyre groaned, “please do not make me wait! Rhys please!”
Rhys continued his slow torment, “oh darling, you know how I love to make you beg.” At Feyre’s moan, he began moving faster. Her nails dug into his back, and soon she found her climax. Rhys continued pounding into her, and soon reached his end. 
They laid side by side, catching their breath, but Feyre soon rose to get ready for the ball. She had a long, almost sheer, navy blue dress without sleeves, and gold beads adorned the bodice. Feyre pulled part of her curly, brown hair, back with a bejeweled comb, and put on black eyeliner, with grey eye shadow. Rhys had on a button down black shirt, with the top two buttons undone, with black slacks. He looked practically edible. Rhys grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. “I cannot wait to take this off of you Feyre Darling.” Feyre simply smiled, grabbed her clutch, and left the attic. 
The two of them entered the ballroom to see it decorated like the night sky. Stars were sprinkled on all of the walls, made into constellations, and the first wall that everyone saw when entering had a full moon painted on it, Feyre looked around and saw many people heading outside towards a dance floor. She grabbed Rhys’ hand and pulled him outside.
Feyre had always hated dancing. Tamlin made fun of her for her clumsy feet, and she had felt embarrassed. Rhys on the other hand, was a superb dancer, and when he took the lead, she always felt like she was flying. Rhys looked down at her and asked, “may I have this dance Feyre Darling?”
Feyre giggled, but let him pull her into the center of the dance floor. “Stars” by Grace Potter played, and she smiled at the coincidence. That was the song that had played at their wedding. Rhys smiled endearingly, and lifted his hand to caress her face. “That was the best night of my life. I love you more than the moon and the stars.”
Feyre rose on her toes and latched her lips onto his. The kiss had just began to deepen when people started to gasp. Feyre pulled away to look at the meteor streaking across the sky, and they stood, arms around each other, watching the sky. Feyre looked at Rhys and knew that this was the best vacation she had ever taken.
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Writing Prompts
Some writing prompts you can ask me to use:
1. First date (horrible or great)
2. First meeting
3. Soulmates- name appears on skin, name is already on skin, or first thing they will say to you
4. Wedding
5. Pregnant
6. Car crash
7. Nightmare
8. Moving in
9. College
10. High school
11. Cooking lessons
12. Getting drunk
13. Pure old smut
14. First kiss
15. Blind date
16. Friend’s significant other
17. Boss/employee
18. Teacher/student
19. Bad boy/good girl
20. First “I love you”
21. Roadtrip
22. Vacation
23. Anniversary 
24. Engagement
25. Enemies- lovers
Or any others you want!
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justasimplewriter1 · 8 years ago
Writing Prompts
Hello, this is my first try at asking people to submit asks, and I will write Fanfiction about them! I will do any pairing you ask of me, even if I do not really know the characters. If you submit an ask please tell me the names and where the characters appear.
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