#but yeah lolol I love talking spice about these two
cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
Do you have any spicy headcanons about Baatar /Baavira that you’re willing to share? 😏
It's probably safe to say that almost all my thoughts regarding them are laced with spice in some fashion. And the bulk of the fic writing that I do for them lol but I'd be delighted to share some of my spicy thoughts regarding them~
As always do keep in mind that my headcanons are very much geared towards my very specific AU versions of them that I've built up over the last few years, however I do think they could apply to the canon as well in some regards.. maybe?? Idk lolol but I think about these two A LOT and I know that my interpretation of them can be pretty divergent from the popular fanon ideas but this is just how they are to me in my silly mind akdjfsf
Okay so starting out, it's not a secret that my version of Baatar is pretty stacked~ (whenever I’m drawing him on twitch my chat is always lamenting how badly they wanna grab his chest and honestly I’m glad the energy translates because I also draw him with that express thought in my head). I just love beefy nerds and feel like Baatar is well suited for it. I like joking that once he left home he just took all his pent up anger to the gym but that’s honestly pretty accurate -lol. It’s hard being a non-bender in a bender’s world, especially in any sort of leadership position so you have to gain any sort of edge you can. And said gains don’t go unnoticed. He and Kuvira have always been very touchy (and I’ll get back to that), and Kuvira definitely starts catching on to the fact that he kind of(aka ‘really’) enjoys when she pays his chest “extra” attention~ If you recall that one art piece I did of Kuvira slipping her hand into Baatar's uniform, which folks ingeniously called a "regular tiddy quality check", she tends to do stuff like that a lot and he tries not to show it, but it's fairly obvious that he actually likes it. Baatar is also not really used to being regarded in most any sense let alone as "impressive" in any fashion and Kuvira knows he feels pretty good about it in that sense as well. Plus when your man is built like a whole refrigerator, why wouldn't you give him a squeeze every now and then~
So I said these two are “touchy”, and yes they are. It’s become something of a reflexive affirmation between them. Having grown up in a very isolated “it’s us against the world” mindset, they’ve developed a rather strong codependency, one of the main languages for is touch. And that can be varying forms of touch but they’re a lot of the time inherently spicy~ They get especially handsy after extended periods of time spent apart, or in Kuvira's case when she can be in a bit of a mood- usually trying to grab Baatar's attention in a faux "I'm upset with you for not paying attention to me" sort of way. And Baatar often reciprocates in a playful "oh I'm sorry, please forgive me" response. But Baatar can get rather pouty when things don't go his way- not just specifically with her but just in general, and Kuvira will definitely rub up on him like a cat like "uh oh, why are we upset~?" and it'll be a cold day on the surface of the sun before either one of them aren't won over by that.
They were always stowing away when they could back in Zaofu. Kuvira loves to just be generally disruptive to get Baatar's attention since she loves to fluster him, and as this was set more during his phase of being closed in, and trying more to stay out of the way than anything by else, it wasn't all that difficult. Baatar really hadn't yet built up the nerve to think about going against his mother, and he definitely used to have that mindset of "no we can't have sex in my family's house that would be weird", which Kuvira interpreted as "but anywhere else is fine" and so she grabbed hold of that proverbial "anywhere else" and ran with it. She'd interrupt whatever he was doing at any given time to drag him off somewhere when they could slip away unnoticed. Their relationship was probably the worst kept secret in the city. They never got caught but it was fairly obvious what was going on between them. And eventually they moved into his room in the house (aka Kuvira was probably climbing in through his window and Baatar was just like "you know what, sure this is fine)
I (clearly) like imagining Kuvira as the more forward between the two. Or at least most of the time she's the first to instigate. Baatar grew from just getting dragged along to expectantly waiting for her to come to him as he's generally happy to let her set the pace for things. She had pretty much done so their entire relationship and she had a way of going about it in the most direct manner possible. Girl would come right out of her mouth with no warning like "You should just kiss me already" or when he's trying to work and she's bored so she just goes "hey, can I suck you off?" like she has the tact of a baseball bat to a window. But overtime he just got used to it. He started getting a little rush out of the rebellion of sneaking off with her, or in the times where they were left alone together in his fathers lab. I've also always headcanoned that Kuvira was actually the one to propose to him because she was tired of waiting for him to ask her lol. Baatar needs everything to be perfect when it comes to her but she literally couldn't care less. However Baatar can take the reigns at times. After his tether was finally cut from Zaofu he started building up some much needed self confidence and wherewithal. Finally figuring himself out as a person. Said self discoveries came in many forms, one of which being he can be rather insatiable and for those special occasions he gains a particular fervor where you just have to hold on for dear life and ride it out. Kuvira absolutely uses those opportunities to address him with "yes, sir" and he definitely feels some type of way about it.
Power play between the two of them is conducted in a specific manner, and Kuvira has always been particular about regarding Baatar as equal to herself, both in their status within the empire and as a person in general. It's something Baatar can be rather sensitive too, the idea of being seen as lesser than, and even fictitiously Kuvira just doesn't like playing around with that sort of thing. They do however enjoy the instances of one submitting entirely to the other to be ravished as they'd please. Where one's just laid back and taking the full force of the other in whatever manner they'd like. In a worshipy sort of way but it goes back and forth much more evenly.
Kuvira bless her is POSSESSIVE as hell. Yes she likes showing her man off but when people stare there is a threshold that shouldn't be crossed, and even Kuvira doesn't really know where that line is, sometimes she'll just be like "okay yes you can look at him- but not too much." And Baatar finds it kind of hilarious. She has a real jealousy streak on her and she's never even slightly subtle about it. Those are the instances where Baatar will go "well let me remind you how much I love you~" and- which he's well aware of, sometimes Kuvira likes to play up being upset just so he'll do that and put in the extra effort to make it up to her.
On the sillier side (because yes these two are silly!) During the Earth Empire campaign they've 100% fallen deadass asleep mid fuck on the train or something lolol like cock in mouth, cunt on face, and they are PASSED OUT LMAOOO
Kind of tying into the previous bullet, but Baatar can sleep through ANYTHING. Like he heard nothing when the Red Lotus attacked Zaofu the man was ASLEEP!!!! Like he sleeps like he's practicing for the coffin, so when Kuvira wants to do the cute "teehee waking my man up with a blowjob" routine, she has to put her lungs into fucking overdrive because she basically has to revive him from the dead for him to wake up SOBS
I filled out that 'Meet My OTP' thing with the two of them, and some of the main kinks for each of them I put- Baatar: breeding talk, medical talk/play (I hc him being very interested in the development of medical practice and technology because he is just very done with the prayer circles and acupuncture back in Zaofu), he's big on face fucking both giving and receiving, and also some cuddly comfy cock warming <3.
For Kuvira I put exhibitionism, she loves to Show Off, power play in varying ways- like I said she's particular about it particularly she actually likes giving up control with him because in every other aspect of life especially with the empire she always got people needing to be ordered around to get things done and she has to be the one to plan everything out so it's nice to just lay back and let someone else be in charge, especially since Baatar knows her inside and out to the degree he does. And lastly fucking with their clothes on, particularly their uniforms really does something for her. Baatar is so particular about how he dresses and presents himself that Kuv loves to rile him up by grinding on the pantleg of his expensive-ass suits or pulling threads with her teeth.
This got really long alkdsdfsd it's honestly been in my drafts a while and I would come back ever so often to add more as they came to me LMAO I could probably say a lot more on this topic because I think about it.. a lot and I love them very much ;;;;
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alright antony and cleopatra let’s get it
part ONE! (which is just until wherever the intermission break is)
-choreographed prologue??? 👀
-TECHNO PROLOGUE!!! low key this is such a vibe
-“my boss is a manwhore”
-just let them have bed wrestling fights!
-i love them both already
-seriously they are such an amazing vibe
-the way he covers his face with a pillow when she teases him for blushing omg
-they are just so utterly besotted and it’s making me so happy
-ooh boy we have another soothsayer
-this has the same energy as the carmen card trio
-wait i feel like this actor playing one of the ladies in waiting was in troilus and cressida (edit: yes! it’s amber james! aka cressida and now charmian!)
-cleopatra fully just said “i’m out i’m not talking to him right now” lol
-well that just happened (fulvia is dead!)
-somebody give antony a hug pls
-enobarbus what are you doing
-she is just so. utterly. brilliant. and. so. MUCH. and i love it
-“eternity was in our lips and eyes”
-oh wait this is the scene from this play they did at [area shakespeare company’s] founder’s retirement party
-their energy is so much and i love it
-“Sir, you and I must part, but that’s not it/Sir, you and I have loved, but there’s not it…”
-soundtrack continues to pop off
-octavius: insecure about masculinity
-octavius wants to cancel antony and lepidus isn’t so sure
-YAAAAAAAY PIRATES OF PLOT CONVENIENCE! (okay maybe just plot spice but whatever)
-okay we fully just skipped a scene i guess (from the few lines i skimmed it looks like “cleopatra and her girls do edibles”)
-okay so pompey is collaborating with Pirates Of Plot Spice TM?
-“okay so how do we get the boys to start fightingggggg”
-okay we’re jumping back to cleopatra and her girls doing edibles
-love the music and love the mardian dude
-“where’s my serpent of old Nile?…now i feed myself with most delicious poison” so uh. about that.
-‘you’re not mark antony’ lolol
-not sad or merry but a secret third thing
-‘charmian that was LAST play’
-the boys are fightingggggggg
-‘i didn’t say i wouldn’t, i just didn’t do it’ mood
-“That truth should be silent I had almost forgot.” OOOOOOOOH
-oh this is definitely a great idea /s
-oh hey it’s the barge speech!
-he’s just a boy who cain’t say no!
-“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/Her infinite variety.”
-sleepover at agrippa’s!
-LUCY PHELPS OCTAVIA??? (so the duke and isabella did get married in an alternate universe then)
-“i will definitely, 100%, not cheat on you” yeah it’s act two i’m not putting it past you
-no one ever listens to the soothsayer
-“Give me some music—music, moody food/Of us that trade in love.” 🤝 “if music be the food of love, play on”
-y’know, iras is so Not Even In This Play
-she is a QUEEN
-“But sirrah, mark, we use/To say the dead are well.” ross over in scotland, about to tell macduff his family is dead: *shuffles uncomfortably*
-i love their banter
-“you did NOT just say octavia was better at banging than me”
-oh she’s straight up beating him up
-she is Going Through It
-pompey: *gives very emotional speech*
octavius: …take your time
-so enobarbus and menas are besties anyway? i thought they were on opposite sides (which obvs does not prevent bestie relationships but yeah)
-enobarbus knows what’s up
-yeah lepidus words are hard
-menas has a Plan
-octavius: buddy i am Not Getting Drunk Tonight
-Many Complicated Emotions Between These Two,
-antony, fully intending to ditch octavia at first opportunity: well this is awkward
-messenger: i can’t fucking believe i still have to work this customer service job even after getting beat up
-scoping out the competition
-uh oh. there are Political Problems
-GO OFF OCTAVIA (also this is just like blanche in king john)
-“The Jove of power make me, most weak, most weak, your reconciler. Wars ’twixt you twain would be As if the world should cleave, and that slain men should solder up the rift.”
-oh octavius is Big Mad
-ooh did octavia just take her ring off 👀
and that’s intermission! this is GREAT and i would continue watching but it is also late and i am tired so…rest tomorrow!
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lyrinsluv · 3 months
pretimeskip! osamu x reader
wordcount: 1044! :D
author's note - this kinda sat in my drafts for a week it just didn't hit but i spiced it up at the end lolol
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it’s crazy how high school relationships come and go. although you and osamu weren’t in a relationship per se, everyone practically knew that you two were talking. and seeing that you two were talking meant a lot in high school. it was funny watching suna and atsumu interrogate osamu about you.
you weren’t popular, but everyone could think of a face in their head when your name came up in conversation. being in suna and osamu’s class didn’t help with the fact that everyone knew both of your business. the giggles and whispers made you slightly annoyed, but you brushed it off.
you sigh to yourself as your friend chews your ear off. she’s just talking and talking about atsumu. why’d he even have a fan club? his brother was cuter anyways. somehow, she manages to convince you to go to the volleyball game that was taking place at their home court.
the school day went on normally. thankfully, people were starting to stop their teases and chuckles. you sit down in your class, not noticing osamu coming up to you. you lean in your seat, your eyes flicking up to him.
“oh.. hey, osamu.” you say softly, not wanting anyone to cause a big deal over this interaction.
“..heard you’re coming to the game.” he says as he chews on some snack he’d picked up from the vending machine.
you nod at this. a slight smile creeps up your lips. you loved how much he loved food. it was so cute.
“yeah, is it okay?” you ask as you adjust your languid posture.
his eyes slightly lit up at your smile. he could get used to seeing it everyday.
“huh? yeah, course’ it is.” he mumbles as he licks his upper lip.
“just didn’t want anyone forcing you. you never come to the games.” he says as he crumbles up the wrapper in his hand.
you blink at this. god, he was observant. you pause as he looks down at you. you hated how loud the games got. you were slightly surprised that he noticed that.
“oh, no. my friend didn’t want to go alone” you say, standing up with him so you two can throw out the wrapper together.
as you two walked to the trash can, an idea came up in your head. it was friday after all.
“osamu..? do you think we can go out somewhere after your game?” you ask quietly. you just indirectly asked him out on a date. you two just talked as ‘friends’ and never anything more. you had a gut feeling that your liking towards each other was mutual.
he pauses as he throws his trash away, his head turning to you slightly.
“sure.” he says, ignoring the knots turning and twisting in his stomach. they were the good kind of knots, though. like the way your stomach feels on a rollercoaster. he hated but loved the effect you had on him.
you smile as you look at him yet sadly the bell rang, indicating the start of class.
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it was match point, and the crowd was dead silent at the start of atsumu’s serve. you couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh, one that he thankfully didn’t hear, at atsumu’s glare at some giggling girls who just happened to be from your class. the game ended on a perfect note, with atsumu getting a service ace. you didn’t notice osamu’s eyes flicking throughout the crowd to see if you were there. the bleachers cleared out pretty quickly, and you were just left there. you didn’t know what to do exactly. were you supposed to wait at your seat..? or head over to the clubhouse? you managed to wait by the front of the school, and it didn’t take long for him to find you.
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now, it’s 7:52pm, and you two are sitting at a buffet. you giggled to yourself as you saw him practically devour plates of food. he titled his head with his usual expression. you already said all of your congratulations on winning and indirect praises to him. you two sat in a comfortable silence, but your giggle broke it.
“what’s up?” he asked as he swallowed his food. your gaze seemed longing — to him at least — which caused his expression to soften. you blink twice at his change.
“oh..” you mumble, your mind and thoughts running faster than an olympian.
“i like the way you light up every time you eat, osamu.” you admitted quite bluntly. you processed what you said a while later.
“you.. do?” he asked skeptically. it didn’t seem very skeptical.. more adoring. his gaze turned to yours, with you two holding eye contact. you saw a slight smile on his face, causing you to smile a bit too.
“um, yeah. it’s.. kind of cute, honestly.” you said; a soft chuckle accompanying it. something in you changed, because you didn’t expect your mind to tell you to confess to him.
“osamu? i think i like you.” you confessed, your fork dropping on the plate as your full attention was now on him. for the first time, you saw his cheeks turn to a slight hue of pink.
“me.. too.” he said in a more hushed tone. he looked away from you, his gaze dropping to his now empty plate. you were pretty thankful that the hostess seated you two in the way back where no one was, and you were very thankful that your confession was worth it.
it didn’t take you long to process everything while you two were standing outside of the buffet. you felt your body churn in embarrassment, but that embarrassment turned to excitement.
your relationship was a quiet secret that only his twin knew about. you didn’t need to explain anything to anyone, so you two were just.. good friends in school. but osamu knew that this hidden relationship would bloom into something more.
the burning desire in both of you was mutual, and you both felt it — whether it was spoken through hushed whispers and murmurs in the empty classroom where you two ate lunch together, or his shared bedroom whenever atsumu was out practicing in the backyard.
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makkoskafanfic · 3 years
hello may i dump every idea i'm too lazy to write right here -they are very unoriginal, do what you want with them. Plus, you might not like them at all since my fav is hashirama and i guess urs is madara (and I used to prefer him too, but something in me changed when i went to look up the tag madara/hashirama on pixiv and discovered smithsan- such a great artist. okay i'll stop telling my life, but honestly it made me understand how ships worked so much, to switch points of view like that. anyway)
- three words: mokuton cancer cells (but it shows up before he's an old man)
- european medieval au (totally the idea of akatsukiarts but i'm shamelessly asking a talented author to write it :D)
- u probably prefer bottom madara -i've read all ur fics lolol and have i tell i love them all? cuz i do (which i totally get! we can't choose which one we're projecting one) buttttt may i ask for kinda nasty dom madara and obedient sub hashirama? (i'm again going on a tangent but it's so funny how people get "vibes" for who is top or bottom when it doesn't work like that. I mean yeah, u can get clues, but you could turn those clues totally upside down. The opposite situation is soft dom hashirama and bratty sub madara and it fits them just as well - according to me, because opinions are personal-. But that's what i'm getting at. It usually goes from "the sexuality u feel fits the character" -> finding the clues indicating it fits the character. And not the opposite direction. ANYWAY. I'M TALKING TOO MUCH.)
- tajima lives au; what does it change? -probably nothing. I'd like to hear ur opinion hehe (or worse; butsuma lives old au. what happens?)
- do u write hashitobi? i feel like i read one of urs but i might be confusing with another author. Anyway, idea: yandere/dark tobirama (honestly i feel like im so predictable it's not even funny, sorry for those awful ideas this is the worst)
- au where it's tobirama with the mokuton and hashirama (so without mokuton, to be clear).... well u tell me, but i doubt he would fit the scientist role.
okay, i think im done because the rest is even worse and u probs won't use them but here we go! do what u want with these! thank you for the opportunity to share ideas with u! bye now i'm going to hide in a ditch somewhere. urgh why did i write that. :(
Oh Anon, this is a treasure island or a minefield of ideas depending how you look at it!
But first of all, I have to say that if I have to pick one favourite, it is Hashirama and I do project to him maybe a tad too much. That’s why I like to write him from different aspects and see him suffer now and then. Let’s not dwell on this too much hehe.
(Smithsan is indeed a great artist!)
Mokuton cancer cells sounds way too sad! Not that I can’t see Hashirama turning into a tree or something, not knowing how he actually died and all that, but I’m not ready for it!
European medieval AU! Now that sounds a whole lot of fun, especially with some fantasy elements? Dark magician/warlock Madara and knight in shining armour Hashirama? But I do love akatsukiarts lovely arts there, will need to check them again. I fear this might be something longer winded than I currently have the capacity for atm!
I’m all for switching, but yeah, I do picture Hashirama toppier and Madara bottomier. Which makes bottom Hashirama all the more fun to write. Spice things up and all that! While S/D isn’t necessarily my cup of tea, I do like to play around with the dynamics. I actually really getting into the obedient sub Hashirama idea as I can clearly picture him struggling big time with that role, while Madara, I can equally see him struggling with being all dominant (though probably not with being nasty!). Anyhow, this can be gold for The Awkward Sex Scene I Always Wanted To Write, But Never Got Around To Do It.
I have maybe half a page started on a Tajima (and Butsuma) lives AU! It’s one where H&M managed to achieve peace pretty early on and their biggest concern is introducing the other as their boyfriends to their family. I wanted to write it for that one scene where Izuna tries to set Hashirama’s hair on fire with the Katon over family dinner as he can’t stand him having his hand over Madara. Not sure I’ll ever write it though!
I did on one (okay, two, it had a sequel) occasion wrote HashiTobi and I killed myself with it. I’m not saying never again but anything that comes to mind is rather sad and dark. (wow, you’re asking for Dark Tobirama and it’s Dark, who would have ever thought so.) Never wrote any misuse of Edo Tensei (bringing back Hashirama temporary) kind of story, so when I feel I’m in the mood I might go for it.
And nothing loads in my mind when I think about Tobirama and the Mokuton, but knowing me, this will wake me up one day 3 am hehe.
I’m really happy that you took the time to share all these ideas with me. I absolutely don’t promise anything, but I have two weeks before starting a new job and I plan to spend it as any responsible adult would, with playing video games and writing fanfic.
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
I’m Back In Time To Fulfill My Promise
Mineta x Reader
Words: 2028
Warnings: This is Mineta so… hah. Maybe hints at spice/horror for some of you lolol
How in god’s name did i manage to get over 2000 words with this i’m c r y i n g haha if you read this, at least make it to the end lololol
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Jirou looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, leaning back as she tried and failed to hide her wincing expression. “Are you serious (Y/n)?” she asked after a moment, as if she needed to pause and actually make sure what she heard was correct. “Like… this is a joke, right?”
Your friend’s reaction only worsened your shame, and you bury your face into your hands. “Jirou don’t look at me like that, at least try to pretend like you’re not judging me right now!” At your words your friend sighed, and you look up in time to see her lean back into the bean bag chair. 
“Sorry,” she said, tone growing more serious. “It’s just hard to believe that out of everyone you would like...him.” You sneak your hands under your thighs so that you sit on them, uneasy now that you’ve confessed to Jirou your feelings toward a certain someone. “You’re just… way out of his league, you know? Like how did he even… how did you even fall for that?” 
You groaned in embarrassment, becoming growingly flustered at her words. She was confused by the whole scenario, you knew that. After all, so were you. How could you possibly fall for his over the top advances? His terrible pick up lines? His inappropriate and filthy remarks? It was a poor choice, you knew, but you couldn’t help your feelings. It was out of your control. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh loudly, unable to bring yourself to meet her eyes. “I know he’s gross and he flirts with everyone but… I don’t know.” You sigh again, unable to find the words. You throw yourself face first into your pillow as Jirou goes quiet. 
After a moment of silence she speaks again. “I mean… if this is what you want, I’m sure he’d be over the moon with even a ‘hello’ from you.” You turn your face so one of your eyes could peak at her. She had an expression on as if it physically pained her to say those words. “But just so you know I think you can do much better. Like… Kaminari for example! He’s also an idiot, but he’s better than Mineta.” 
You felt your face bloom at the name, unable to hear your dirty little secret crush formed into actual words. “Agh! Don’t say his name!” you wailed, throwing yourself into the pillow again.
Jirou threw her hands up exasperated. “How can you say you like him if you can’t even stand his name?!” You ignored her complaints, practically rolling in the bed.
“I don’t know!” you cried, equally frustrated with yourself. “Like, I hate that I like him! My feelings are all conflicted and I like him but I hate that I do!” Your words came out rushed and Jirou groaned at them, dragging her hands down the sides of her face slowly.
After she took a breath, she tried a new approach. “Alright,” she said. “Let’s stop trying to label how you feel and start trying to figure out what you want. Do you want…” Jirou paused as if she was going to gag. “Do you want to date him?”
You quieted, unsure what answer was the right one. “I don’t know,” you settled on. “Maybe? But I’m not sure if dating Mineta will actually be dating. Like… can he even settle on one girl? Would he even change his habits?”
Jirou shrugged, face strained to stay neutral for you. “I don’t know. That’s going to be a gamble for you. You’ll never know unless you actually go through with it, but seriously consider if that’s something you even want to do.” 
You looked at Jirou, for the first time letting her see the fear in your eyes. “Jirou I’m… I’m just worried about the social consequences about doing this. Like… What if people look down on me? He’s not exactly a classy or well-regarded guy. What if people start to think that way about me?” 
Jirou’s expression softened. “(Y/n), people aren’t going to stop liking you. Pity you maybe, or be confused… really, really, confused… but everyone in our class adores you. If you stay as sweet and kind as you are, that won’t change.” She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing again. “If anything, everyone’s going to get very protective of you!” 
You look up at Jirou once more, giving her the biggest puppy eyes you could muster. “Aww, Jirou…” you say, touched. “You would kick his ass for me?” Jirou scoffed, smirking as she leaned forward to throw a blanket over your head.
“I’d do that on any normal day. If this is what you want, I’ll support you… but yeah, if he does anything to hurt you I’m gonna rip his balls off.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “Which ones?” She didn’t answer. 
The next day came much too fast. After talking with Jirou, you had decided that you were going to accept your feelings without any worry about what other people would say. You couldn’t explain why, but you liked him. You liked Mineta. And you weren’t going to let yourself be ashamed of that any longer. No… you were going to make your move.
You sat through Aizawa’s class with a stiff posture, forcing yourself to look confident. In reality, your thoughts were in complete turmoil. Mineta’s assigned seat was directly on your left, and sitting in close proximity to him had you completely shaken. From the corner of your eye you could see him sneaking peeks at your chest. It wasn’t as if this was a rare occurrence, but there was something about you knowing that in half an hour you would be confessing that made it nerve-wracking. 
After thirty excruciatingly long minutes, Aizawa released you all for lunch. You waited in your seat, taking your time to put away your things. With careful eyes, you watched as Mineta exited the classroom. There was no backing out this time. 
Zipping up your bag, you began to make your way down to the lunchroom. Many of your classmates were already sitting togethers at their usual tables. You saw Jirou make eye contact with you from across the room. You couldn’t read her expression, but you knew it had to be something of a mix between encouraging and pitying. 
Taking a deep breath, your eyes scanned the open room before landing on Mineta’s table. Much to your dismay, he was sitting next to Kamiari. They often got lunch together, Kaminari switching off every other day between eating with him and eating with his other friends. This was going to make things a lot more awkward for you. You had hoped that you could confess in private but… fate apparently had different plans.
The sight of the two of them was nearly enough to make you back out, but as you half turned to sit somewhere else you froze. You couldn’t run forever. Screw it. 
Turning back towards the table, you took determined strides across the lunchroom. Setting your lunch bag on the table top, you startled both of the boys out of their conversation. No one else ever sat here when this duo was together… well, never a girl at least.
Both of their eyes were wide with surprise as you cleared your throat. “Is this seat taken?” Your question hung in the air for a moment, your eyes completely focused on Mineta. He seemed to squirm under your gaze, simply nodding his head quickly and making room for you to sit. 
Kaminari was the first to break the silence as you sat down. “(Y/n)! What a surprise to see you here. Decided to switch things up and sit with us cool guys?” His tone was joking and he winked at you, but you didn’t give him any of the attention he wanted. You didn’t come to chit chat with him.
“Not as casual as that,” you spoke, turning to look at the purple boy next to you. His face was completely scarlet at the sight of a girl--you--sitting so close to him out of your own volition. “I really just wanted to sit next to you, Mineta.” Your words were bold, you knew that, but hopefully they didn’t sound as tasteless aloud as they did in your head. 
Both boys practically went bugged eyed, sharing a disbelieving glance with each other. Kaminari got quieter, partly because you shot him down and partly because your statement about Mineta completely threw him. Mineta took a sip of his grape juice as if it would help him in this situation. His eyes brows were furrowed and you swear you saw him sweat a little. 
“W-Well lucky me,” he recovered once he had quickly drained his drink. “It’s not every day that the hottest babe in class chooses our table…” His words had you cringing and swooning at the same time. 
“Keep talking like that and maybe you’ll get to see a whole lot more of me,” you replied, forcing yourself to be strong. You heard metal clatter on the table as Kaminari dropped his spoon mid-bite. You ignored it, trying to keep the color from your cheeks.
“H-H-How much more of you?” Mineta practically drooled, his eyes starting to trail over you as he got more excited. For once a girl was responding back to his awful advances, and it was like a dream. There was no way this was real.
“Well,” you said breathily, feeling more confident at the sight of how much your words were affecting him. “Maybe we can discuss that over dinner. Tonight?” Kaminari was suffocating as he watched this scene unfold, his lungs forgetting how to breathe. 
At this point Mineta’s nose was starting to leak a tiny blot of blood. His hands were shaking slightly as he shifted closer to you, as if any movement would scare you off. You held your breath as you felt him crawl into your lap, his legs wrapping over your own. His giant purple balls brushed against your cheek, which was quickly blooming pink. 
You felt his cold fingers tease at where your shirt met your pants, sliding under to barely touch your skin. “That sounds good to me.” His trembling hand rode up higher as he continued to speak. You loved the way they felt. “Then maybe we could go to my room and--”
“ALRIGHT!” Kaminari bellowed, slamming his hands on the table as he shot up from the table, face horrorstuck. Mineta whipped his head sharply at the suddenness of it, watching as his friend quickly retreated to another table. When Mineta turned his head back to you, he was startled to see that your face had changed into Aizawa’s. 
“W-What?” he squeaked, leaning away as Aizawa’s gaze burned into him. 
“Mineta,” your voice came out of Aizawa, whose lap Mineta was still shamelessly planted on. 
“(Y/n) what is--”
“Mineta,” your voice was now Aizawa’s voice, matching the tired scraggly face that glared at him. 
Mineta shook his head. No no, not like this, it couldn’t end like this when he was finally so so close! “Mineta!”
Mineta started as he felt a painful pressure smack on the back of his head. He threw his head up, gasping and looking around wildly. His gaze quickly looked in every direction before it turned upward, freezing as it came face to face with Aizawa. Only now, Aizawa no longer had your gorgeous body, and Mineta was no longer sitting on your lap but in his own desk chair. 
“Just because I sleep in class does not give you the excuse to do the same,” Aizawa’s voice grumbled, not particularly pleased. Mineta turned his gaze away from Aizawa as the teacher walked back to the front of the classroom. 
He couldn’t help but look to his right to stare at you longfully. He was already beginning to mourn the thought of never getting to see how his dream about you would have ended. He must have been staring too long, for you glanced at him and offered a timid, uncomfortable smile as if that would make him stop. Ahh… back to reality.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever stayed up all night just to talk to someone? Just once, which was that one time I had a Viber call with my girlfriend that lasted like 10 hours. Quickly realized I wasn’t a fan lmao, I like my sleep time and I know for sure she likes hers. When was the last time you eavesdropped someone? Sometime last week. My parents were discussing the results of the bar exam shortly after they came out. For the first time in a...while my school wasn’t part of the top 10 barnotchers, so I eavesdropped to say if they had something to say about it haha. Do you own any platform shoes? No. That’s my least favorite kind of shoe and I don’t think you’d ever catch me wearing them. When was the last time you went to a club? Last weekend of February. It’s been way too damn long; I’m drinking SO MUCH once this quarantine blows over loooool. How have you been sleeping? Very well, thank you for asking. Except for the fact that I wake up sweating now because summer’s here. I also used to take long naps in the afternoon which I think was another factor in my nightly migraines, so I stopped those as well.
Are you adopted? Nope. Do you like scrapbooking? It’s okay. I look up to people who are into it and can keep the hobby up, since it’s a lot of work and requires a lot of creativity. If I had more time and money I would definitely take it up. Do you collect anything valuable? Not really. I used to collect old receipts, but that habit died a long time ago. Have you ever had a cat meow at you for 20 minutes straight? Not really. My sister’s cat loved meowing at me, but I was never with her for 20 minutes because I was scared of her lol. When was the last time you were jealous of someone? Ten minutes ago. I saw that Andrew already put stuff in the acknowledgments part of our thesis, and they went ahead and thanked their girlfriend. They also included Gabie in the thank-yous as I’m guessing they expected me to put her name anyway, but the truth is I can’t put her name because we are not out. So now I have to delete her name and only their gf’s name, Leigh, will have to stay and I’m super jealous because of it. Do you own a lava lamp? No but I remember seeing one in a department store when I wassssss 14 and wanting one so bad. I’m not into them as much anymore. How many house phones do you have? We have two. We have a wireless phone downstairs and a landline upstairs, but tbh we only keep them around for my grandma, who prefers to only know how to use a telephone and refuses to learn other gadgets. No one else ever calls our number anymore. Does your school photo ever look attractive? You mean my ID? I never liked how my IDs turn out; I always felt like I smiled wrong in each of them lol. My graduation shots always turn out great though; those are pictures I definitely don’t feel bad about. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? Not that I know of, no. Who slept in your bed last night? Just me. I tried placing Kimi on it yet again, but he jumped off yet again. What was the last thing you killed? An ant. Whose number did you last get? Ooh I’m not so sure. I think it was the makeup artist from the photography studio who took our senior photos. My mom really loved my makeup and she wanted to get the contacts of the one who worked on me. Have you ever thought about stepping in front of a car? Yeah, pretty often. Have you ever laid down in the middle of the street? Only small roads lmao, nothing as big as an expressway. I remember having my photo taken by Athenna as I sat on one of the roads in my old school to keep as a memento. Unfortunately I lost it when I accidentally wiped out my camera roll with photos from 2016 and before that. Do you listen to explicit music? Yes. I’ve been ~qualified~ to listen to them for four years now, lol. When was the last time you used a public bathroom? It was most likely during the last week that I was in school. Have you ever used someone for money? No. When was the last time you went to the zoo? I’ve never been to a zoo. Is there a teacher you hate more than anything? From my old school, yes. It’s like they let in anyone there, lmao. My college professors haven’t been as bad, not even the worst ones. Do you own colored eyeliner? I don’t own eyeliner, period.
Why did you last laugh to yourself? I was trying to look for the ^ aforementioned photo of me lying on the ground from my Twitter cause I have an inkling that I posted it there, but since it was taken in 2016 it meant I had to scroll suuuuper far down. I got to see some of the old tweets I made and man, I’ve always been funny HAHAHAHA thank fuck. What was the last injury you had? For some reason I have a deep cut on my thigh. It’s deep enough that it stings when I take a bath and the water hits it. I have no clue where it came from. Do you have manners? Yes, if I do say so myself. I’ve seen people my age who behave worse. Have your feelings for someone ever been a mistake? No, it’s never felt like this. Who did you think about before you went to bed? I wasn’t thinking of anyone. I just wanted to fall asleep last night. When was the last time you felt like a creeper? Maybe a few days ago when I scrolled too far down someone’s Instagram. Who do you plan on having wheel chair races with when you grow older? Angela, without a doubt lolol. Have you ever woken up and realized that yesterday really happened? Yes, but this feeling is reserved only for extremely good or extremely bad days. Do you know anyone without a middle name? Like, with just one name? Yes. When was the last time you broke down and cried? A few weeks ago when my mom hurled not-so-nice words to me. Have you ever been ditched? Probably in high school, but they weren’t memorable experiences. Have you ever been so scared that you ran faster than you ever before? No. When I’m scared I usually freeze up and have a hard time walking and always have to be held by my companion - in all the times men have harassed me in public, this is always what happens. How much did your latest sunglasses cost? Haven’t bought a pair in a while. Are you talking on the phone right now? Nope. Do you own any fish? I don’t anymore. When was the last time that you had a pet that died? April 19th when Nina’s cat, Arlee, passed away. Do you like spicy food? Love them, but I’m very particular about it. I love spicy Asian food the most since spice is always incorporated well into the dishes, like in curry or laksa. I hate when it just feels like spicy powder poured onto a dish cause then it doesn’t taste as good and it’s just pain in your mouth lol. When was the last time you had starbursts? Months ago.
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The Lies and Truths of the RFA
This is my first story, so sorry if it’s not the greatest but I just loved this idea that I came up with.This story is told thru the chat and app of the RFA, which will include the chatroom, phone calls, and private messages of our leading lady Katelyn Cage. The story also includes some oc’s that I’ve come up with to spice things up.
Katelyn “Lynn” Cage has recently joined the RFA after an incident that lead her to help out the members in time of crisis. The story follows the months after the incident and we get to see how Lynn is adjusting to her new found friends. Is she ready to tell them the truth about what really happened that day? Or will she let the secret live on despite the oncoming threat?
Chapter One: Start of a Normal Day
*Lynn has entered the chatroom*
*707 has entered the chatroom*
Lynn: Oh hey.
707: Heyyyyyy
707: weird seeing you on here so late
707: lololol
Lynn: Yeah I couldn’t sleep so I came to see if anyone is on.
707: lucky for you God Seven is here to help
Lynn: Gee I’m so thrilled *deadpan*
Lynn: lololol
Lynn: *rolls eyes* Stop being dramatic.
707: lolol
707: dramatic is my middle name
Lynn: Maybe you should hang out with Zen less.
Lynn: He seems to be rubbing off on you.
Lynn: lolol
707: Aghhhh you have hurt me again!!!
Lynn: I’m pretty sure that’s a bigger dig to Zen lol
707: lolol
707: How come you couldnt sleep?
Lynn: I could ask you the same thing.
707: huh??
Lynn: Well your also up at 3am
Lynn: So that also must mean you can’t sleep either
707: Nopeeee
707: God Seven doesn’t need sleep when he is working none stop.
Lynn: Wait your working on something?
Lynn: What are you working on so late?
707: My lips are sealed Ms. Lynn
707: I’m just thrilled that for once you weren’t right
707: Woohoo!!! One point for God Seven
Lynn: Yeah like Seven- 1 and Moi- 100000
707: *sad face*
Lynn: lolol
Lynn: got a lot of catching up to do
707: Since I’m working what is “Ms. I know it all” doing up so late
Lynn: lol on that name
Lynn: But I told you, I just can’t go back to bed.
Lynn: I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep.
707: God Seven has a sneaking suspicion that there is more to this???
Lynn: Well as Ms. I know it all I can assure you nothing is going on
Lynn: Now then why don’t you tell me what you’re working on if we are trying to spill secrets.
707: Nope my lips are sealed
Lynn: Fine then your new name is now Mr. Mystery if we are giving out names
707: ohhhhh how about Mr. Mysterious instead
707: it sounds a lot cooler
Lynn: Nope!
Lynn: Your new name from now until you die is Mr. Mysteryyyy
Lynn: lolol
Lynn: Even changing it in my phone.
Lynn: You’re so childish lolol
707: I can be more childish then!!
Lynn: ?? Seven what do you mean
Lynn: Seven????
707: lol just wait and seeeeee lololol
Ms. KnowItAll: What-
Ms. KnowItAll: Omg!! Seven change it back!!
707: Nope lololol
707: It’s a perfect fit lol
Ms. KnowItAll: Seven! I swear change it back!!!!
707: looks like I have to go!!!
707: Duty calls!!!
707: See ya ;)
*707 has left the chatroom*
Ms. KnowItAll: Seven wait!!!
Ms. KnowItAll: Ugh…..
*Ms. KnowItAll has left the chatroom*
NEW CHATROOM: Christina, Jaehee
*Christina has entered the chatroom*
*Jaehee has entered the chatroom*
Christina: Morning, Jaehee!!!
Jaehee: Good morning Christina. Have you’ve seen Mr. Han this morning?
Christina: I just got off the phone with him. Did you need him for anything?
Jaehee: Well he’s running late for a meeting and he wasn’t answering my calls.
Christina: Sorry!! That was my fault we talked longer than we thought! I’ll make sure hes on his way for you!!
Jaehee: It is fine and thank you.
Christina: Omgggg
Christina: I just read last night’s log and those two are so cuteeeeee
Jaehee: I guess. Though it was really rude of him to change her name and then leave.
Christina: Yea… but they seem really cute when they are together!!
Jaehee: Can’t imagine anyone being able to put up with Seven’s antics
Jaehee: I wonder what Seven was working on though that late?
Christina: Idk probably something for his job or whatever that he forgot to do
*Ms. KnowItAll has entered the chatroom*
Ms. KnowItAll: …. I’m going to murder himmmm
Christina: Lololol Think it’s very fitting
Ms. KnowItAll: CHRIS!!!!
Christina: Okay, okay lolol
Jaehee: Good morning Lynn, I see you had a restless night I hope you got some rest.
Ms. KnowItAll: Morning! And I did get some thanks!
Ms. KnowItAll: Had to plan my revenge before I went to sleep though
Jaehee: Revenge??
Christina: Lynn what are you planning??
Ms. KnowItAll: Just wait and see…
*Mr. Mystery has entered the chatroom*
Mr. Mystery: WHAT IS THIS
Jaehee: Oh god…. I thought I was going to have a good morning  
Christina: Cheer up, Jaehee!!
Ms. KnowItAll: Lolol
Mr. Mystery: Change it back *sadface*
Ms. KnowItAll: Eh no?!?! Not till you change mine back!
*Saeran has entered the chatroom*
Saeran: … jeez
Mr. Mystery: Saeran!!!!! Look what Lynn did!!
Ms. KnowItAll: lolol leave my accomplice alone!!!!
Mr. Mystery: Accomplice??!
Mr. Mystery: Saeran how could you!!!
Saeran: I’m not dealing with you two…
*Saeran has left the chatroom*
Jaehee: I have no idea how he can put up with Seven every day.
Christina: I feel bad for him.
Christina: Before you two dorks battle this out
Christina: Seven have you’ve heard from V?
Mr. Mystery: Eh No? How come you want to know?\
Christina: Well we’re trying to plan another party and need his confirmation??
Jaehee: It is weird that he hasn’t reached out to anyone in the past month.
Christina: I don’t think even Jumin has been able to reach him.
Mr. Mystery: No need to worry! He told me he would be back by the end of the month
Ms. KnowItAll: Thought you said you haven’t talked to him?
Mr. Mystery: eh
Mr. Mystery: lolol
Mr. Mystery: I forgot we talked last week
Jaehee: Well that’s good news.
Christina: Yea! That means we can move forward with the next party!
Ms. KnowItAll: Yea…
Mr. Mystery: Yep
Mr. Mystery: Anywayyyyy
Mr. Mystery: You outsmarted me Ms. Lynn and got my own brother to betray me so ill give you your name back lolol
Lynn: yaaayyyy lol
Lynn: I let Saeran decide if he wants to change it back XD
Mr. Mystery: Noooooo
Christina: Awwww you two are so adorable!!!!
Jaehee: You two seem to make such the odd pair
Lynn: What’s that supposed to mean????
Christina: Uh… your hopeless
Mr. Mystery: … Anywayyy I gotta go back to the world of 1s and 0s!!
Mr. Mystery: Farewelll!!
*Mr. Mystery has left the chatroom*
Jaehee: I have no idea how he has so much energy
Christina: Yea but I’m glad we can have the next party soon!!
Lynn: Yea just have to wait for V to get back from wherever he is at
Jaehee: Well I must get back to work
Christina: Oh! Jumin should be there in like 10 mins!!
Jaehee: Thank you Christina!!
Lynn: See yaaaaaa
Jaehee: Good bye.
*Jaehee has left the chatroom*
Lynn: Seems like you and Jumin are getting closeeeeee
Christina: Lynn!!!
Lynn: Omggg
Lynn: So when is the wedding? XXDDD
Christina: Lynn!! Stop it!!
Lynn: Okay, okay lolol
Lynn: What are you doing today
Christina: Working on some of the clothing for the fashion show and photoshoot next week
Lynn: ooooooh sounds exciting!
Lynn: Can’t wait to see it
Christina: Yea about the photoshoot…. :)
Lynn: …. What do you want?
Christina: Well I was wondering… if you could be the model for the clothes?
Lynn: Chris!
Christina: I know you don’t like doing stuff like this but you would be perfect!!
Lynn: Chris you don’t have to have me to do any of this. You could hire an actual model.
Christina: Yea but I trust you more and I know everything will look amazing on you!!
Christina: Pleaseeeeee
Christina: For your bestest friend *pleading face*
Lynn: ugh…. Fine
Christina: Omg yaaayy
Lynn: But just this once!!
Christina: Yea okay… Omg I can’t wait!!!
Christina: I’ll let you know the time and place by tonight!!
Lynn: Okay, but I mean it Christina just this once!!
Christina: mmhmm
Christina: Well I gotta go
Christina: See yaa
Lynn: Bye, Chris
*Christina has left the chatroom*
*Lynn has left the chatroom*
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riskeith · 4 years
you just responded and i nyoomed to answer. yes my days consist of waiting for you. yes i’m not ashamed to admit it. <3
that makes so much sense actually? like A Lot of sense. i don’t think you should feel bad about that at all i mean if you are comfortable with how you perceive them then by all means! haha! what’s fun about fanfics is that people can take one character and shape them in so many different ways. canon doesn’t anyways give us depth to characters yet writers do which 🙏🏽 godsent. but then again, it can feel weird if someone makes them behave like ~someone~ else haha. i remember it used to be a hot topic in voltron actually, where people would portray lance as a weak and emotional guy only even if he’s arguably the bravest and most bamf... people didn’t like that very much. do you know what i’m talking about?
I’M SO EXCITED TO READ ALL OF THESE. thank you so much you just set my late night weekend plans 😏. and oh god esselle is the ao3 writer. i love their bnha fics so much. can’t wait to read their haikyuu stuff as well. kagehina too... 🥺 dude, i saw some oikage things last night and i have my eyes open.. 👁 i know you like them a lot so hm... i’ll definitely read that as well i love the summary already.
he’s puppy-like so would he like to play in the water? i want to say so, just bc i think it would be cute for him to splash around 🥺
just one?? wow now i get what you meant in your earlier messages, shskdhsk. all my current friends i’ve known since we were children, i don’t even know how to make new friends irl tbh.... AND SAME!!!! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS GO BRR. and god the best thing is how things change but at the same time they don’t? like they start to notice little things and realize they’ve always liked them? or the ‘i thought best friends felt like this towards each other’.... aaaaaaaah. 🥺 but then again enemies to lovers.. the tension and the yearning? the moment everything just snaps? god i couldn’t pick my favorite i don’t think. i just love those two so much equally hahah.
if it’s cyberpunk vibes i will combust. i love those aesthetics so much.. (waiting for ps5 to restock so i can run around in night city in cyberpunk 2077 forever.) but yeah it makes sense for it to be themed like that but it’s so funny to think about transporting from the whispering woods to like... large billboards and grungy streets. AR 35?? oh that’s must earlier than i expected. so i take it the main story isn’t done yet?
how sexy, even though this blog is just our messenger app at this point snskdhkddhj.. once again, i’m sorry riskeith stans.. 🙏🏽
i wish i could get you all the cotton candy in the world. and wow kenma HAIR!! sounds so cute but wait oh my god,,, do you have short hair,....... 😳💗💓💕👁💘💝💓😭💗👀💖💓💘💝💞 do you? 😳💢 how was it shaving everything? must’ve been such a big decision!! 😳
ikr? like most of the fics i’ve read portrays them as a angst ship which i do love a lot but you’re right it’s funny bc in canon they’re just.. supportive idiots. i think it’s the oikawa fangirls thing and iwa being annoyed by it that people get hooked on. at least i think since it’s almost always there in the fics... :+ DO YOU LIKE IT? i’m so obsessed with it i saw a edit on ig with klance and that song earlier and it fits them so well too... 🥺 anyway back to iwaoi, i think i like writing from iwa’s pov actually? i haven’t tried writing much from oikawa’s yet but idk.,, iwa’s personality just speaks to me. also i like that oikawa’s personality is so complex to understand, it’s easier to spice up the angst that way. (I DON’T 🥺 it’s such a sad topic for me bc it’s my ultimate dream to drive but it costs soo much money to get it here and i’ve been too busy to invest... 😭 wbu?????) I KNOW MEMO AND OH MY GODNESS? i’m sure the fic is sooo good oh god.... the vibes. 😭 please tell me what it’s about. please. 🙇🏽‍♀️
OH it means that i’m just gonna reread your fics until you post something new... here i thought i was being clever and cute shshskdhdks
STOP YOU KEEP MAKING ME SO EXCITED aaaa ma’am please... think about my heart. 🥺
here’s a new topic to discuss; are you a coffee or tea person? (or neither.. please don’t say so)
kiss, m.a. 💘
i keep forgetting to check whether you’ve responded or not before shutting down my laptop and i’m left to answer on my phone 😭😭 and i too spend my days awaiting your responses <333 but i always forget to check after a period of time HFJSKFKSKCKNC i swear i’m checking like once every 5 min but the moment i forget you respond NCKSNDN
bro (do you mind being called stuff like that lol) writers give us everything canon is too cowardly to give.… truly blessed 🙏🙏 yeah i do!! there are a lot of complaints about mischaracterisation in hq fandom too actually… which i think is fair enough but at the end of the day just let these people have their fun you know.. it’s not harming anyone and if you don’t like it just don’t read! lol
i haven’t read much of esselle’s bnha actually (aside from tdbk) but i just know they’re absolutely amazing!!!!!! absolute legend i hope (i know you will tho hehe) you enjoy her kagehina toooo. and yes oikage!!!!!! omg pls 😭😭😭 i wish they were more popular aaaa
🥺🥺🥺 razor in one of those baby pools.. RAZOR WITH POOL FLOATIES!!! my goodness 😭😭😭😭
fjksnxksndm yeah but i think i might be an outlier in that… LOL oops. and you’re so right like they just grew up together and like grew in love it’s so natural and just comes to them like they were always supposed to be together and they are <333 bc soulmates <33333 BUT YEAHHH THE MOMENT EVERYTHING SNAPS YOU KNOW IT!!!!! god when person A SAVES person B even tho they’ve “hated” them the entire time...… but when they were faced with a tough circumstance they realised they couldn’t bear the thought of being without them 😩😩👌👌👌👌👌👌
omg ps5.… ngl i considered buying a ps console so i could play the last of us 2 chxjjskskxjxjs. have you seen all the cyberpunk memes tho? lolol. nah main story isn’t done!! i think the main story is supposed to develop all 7 worlds until we find our sibling so like.… it ain’t gonna be over for a LONGGGG time (lol omg could you imagine if mih*y* pulled a me and like 4 worlds in was just ‘ok soz i’m uninterested now you can imagine how the game would’ve gone’ HFJSJFKSKFKDJ)
HAHAHAHHA it legitimately is. riskeith who??? more like marriage anon stan account. fjdkfnnd anyways to my other followers hope y’all are enjoying the show 🤪
i do have short hair rn!!! lowkey a bowl cut but i’m also trynna grow out a mullet djksndksnd. and having a shaved head was so nice.. i literally just couldn’t stop touching it after cjskckksnfks. and it wasn’t that big of a decision to me tbh i’m not that fussed about my hair like i know some other people are djskkd the biggest obstacle was getting my parents to agree 💀💀💀 (much like i am trying now..…) i used to have my hair long for ballet, but once i quit i just kept getting it cut shorter and shorter and then voila! shave. GJDJKSKDND
true.. jealous iwa.. i have that in one of my wips i believe FJSJJCKSKDK (it might even be in the memo fic?) AND UHHHH i didn’t love the song ;–; it’s just… slow HFKALDLAKDK and not the mood i was in when i heard it cjdkslxllskcjskcnkscnkzmxmcm omg no not klance 😭😭 they have a lot of angst too.. (i say, as if there isn’t a single klance fic of mine that doesn’t have angst JFJDJSKDJ) OMG YOU LIKE WRITING IWA POV TOO???? you 🤝 me iwa kin. i joke that it’s because i, much like him, am very much in love with oikawa. (aw no i’m so sorry for bringing it up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i’m on my learner’s rn!) IVE POSTED THE OUTLINE ONCE (not a good sign… LMAO) https://kaheyama.tumblr.com/post/190015338287/yall-want-some-iwaoi-angst THERE!! also wait i just realised it has manga spoilers.… maybe don’t look fjdknfjd (you could stop after “pining iwaizumi hajime” but i don’t want to accidentally spoil you 😭😭)
JFKSKSLAKFKSKCJLSKD IM so sorry it WAS clever and cute my brain was just not big enough at the moment to understand 😭😭😭😭😭 but thank u as always i appreciate 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 so honoured you would even think about going back to them lord knows i don’t KFKSJSKA
HEHEHE NO MERCY!!! but ok ok i shall lay low until the day comes 😋😋😋
tea!! simply bc i can’t sleep if i drink coffee fjskfjsj. but that’s been happening with tea too so i haven’t even had tea recently 😭😭😭😭😭 flavour wise i think i like coffee more but also you get so much more variety with tea? hm. HAHA. hbu??
hugssss, c.r. 💝
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