#but yeah its. eeeehhh
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spiderton · 2 years ago
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i know this guy won’t get a good ranking at all, but… eeeehhh, kartana?? i guess they live in the forest with humans and all and they’re even able to understand basic human language (they speak it in reverse and the one in the anime understands what ash is saying) so yeah-?
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Hey, it’s the blog’s very first Ultra Beast! These ones are… well they’re a bit tricky. See, since they come from another dimension from our own, they can be rather unpredictable. We don’t have a wealth of information or data about them, since they were only encountered for the first time recently. That being said, as far as kartanas go: it seems like they would make a good pet, but there is a lot of risk involved considering their abilities.
Size certainly isn’t an issue. Kartana are teensy tiny! Despite coming to our world from another, they seem friendly enough. While I don’t usually include information from the anime in my analysis, simply because I haven’t seen much of it and it would add a lot mor data to sift through for every post, since you brought it up I will cover it’s anime appearance. It did seem like the kartana Ash encountered could understand him very well, and it even helped save the Pokémon School from a meteor! That being said, according to Bulbapedia, Ash only encountered that kartana because it had been slicing through random objects all across Melemele Island, causing a lot of problems. This indicates that, while kartanas seem to get along well with people, they are also unpredictable in their behavior and perhaps even mischievous (Again, I’m not super well-versed in the anime, so feel free to correct me in the comments!)
As previously alluded to, kartanas are expert cutters. It’s said that a kartana’s body is “a dangerous weapon in itself” (Sun), as its paper-thin body is so sharp that it can cut through solid steel with ease (Moon, Ultra Sun). Kartanas have access to a move pool filled with potentially lethal moves, given their sharp biology, from Air Cutter to Night Slash to Sacred Sword. Despite their size, kartanas can cause a lot of destruction. We don’t have a great indication of their aggression level in the pokédex, but their unpredictable, alien nature makes it risky to adopt one. Vets and pet behavior YouTube channels alike would have no idea how to help you care for a kartana or manage their behavior!
All this being said, it’s possible that a kartana wouldn't even want to be adopted into a home in our dimension. It's very possible that any kartanas you may find travelled through an Ultra Wormhole by mistake, and simply wants to go home to the other kartanas. It may be better to try and help your little friend d find a way home so that they can live the best life for a kartana.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 11 months ago
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12 (12:12) AM WHERE I AM‼️‼️‼️
Hehehehehhweheheh‼️‼️ :3
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Wishing you nothing but the very very best!! And it's crazy how (crazy how im like. One of your mutuals, and still am to this day!) I was actually gonna make a post about how I love all my. mutuals,,, SO IM JUST GONNA DO THAT RN NOW!!‼️
Honestly. Nat. You mean soso much to mean. Getting back into writing, and all of that,,,, being one of my many first FNAF(? Or moreso FNAF movie mutuals), and like. Introducing me to expanding Vanessa (who I love so much due to you. :) Vanessa truly is the girl ever<3), and like. Loving her character sm(hell, relating to her even more<3!). Your ideas are just soso cool,,,
Just. Ough. I rlly rlly cherish you!!! So tiny sized/pos, but like. A tiny friend/pos who I can look up too!!
OUGH. I JUST WANNA GIVE YOU A BIG FAT HUG!!! OUGH. (Why are we only digital friends :(((, but that still has its perks either way!).
So uh. These guys will have to do
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As said before, I rlly rlly and am wishing nothing but the very very best for you!!
You really deserve it Nat! For being soso cool, and like. Outgoing, or just.. yk. Just being yourself. Yeah? Like. You're so open and like. I honestly rlly rlly admire that about you (I want to be (more) open about my own stuff someday!).
You're so nice, kind and like. Soso fun to be around. I rlly like seeing you in my notes! Still gives me like some jumpscare, but like. It's so nice to see you there like a friend just knocking on my door. (And like I kinda said before?? When I'm late to like. Seeing you in my notes and don't respond it doesn't mean I don't like it! I just want to wait for the surprise/it's like a. Surprise yk?? Smth smth, I hope you understand it-)
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AUDREY THIS IS THE SWEETEST ASK IVE EVER GOTTEN 😭😭😭 I AM ALSO GIVING YOU THE BIGGEST HUG RIGHT BACK OMFG. I love you to the moon and back and I appreciate you so so much for always being in my notes and sending me asks to get me to listen to new music :333
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maraschinotopped · 3 years ago
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i have never played puyo puyo in my life and only know vague lore from one of my mutuals and random puyo puyo tetris youtube videos but if i did play puyo puyo then i would main strange klug only for the reason that he looks cool :)
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a-cat001 · 4 years ago
Truth or Dare
The weekend had come and everyone was out to do as they please until the next week. MC stretched out their arms and breathed a sigh of relief to be away from schoolwork for a while especially since they had been invited to the Yoyogi Academy for a day of fun. Most of the summoners would also be joining minus agoy and hanuman who had their own plans and toji who said they had special training they had to attend. You meet up with the rest of the summoners and make your way to Yoyogi, upon arriving there you are quickly greeted by the Yoyogi students with the first being Yasuyori who stood in attention and saluted “Greetings commander I hope you will enjoy your stay at Yoyogi Academy”. His face looked serious but was betrayed by the rapid wagging of his tail behind him. The other followed behind as Ashigara pushed past Yasuyori and grabbed you with one massive arm, pulling you into a bear hug “hey there bud I knew you wouldn’t ditch me and go off somewhere else today, no one can resist the allure of sumo!”, “you know they’re not just here for sumo Ashigara” replied Kyuma”. As Ashigara scowled at Kyuma, Shiro quickly interjected “Perhaps we can save this argument for later and release MC before they suffocate!” Ashigara glanced down at MC who at this point had stopped moving before releasing them. You took in a huge breath before being practically swept off their feet by a certain buffalo transient, Shiro looked as though he was on the verge of a panic attack with Ryota and Moritaka following suit. “how have you been my MC” said Wakan as he held you up “I’m fine Wakan but could possibly put me down before Shiro faints”. 
Once inside everyone began to converse about various topics including school, exams, and recent events with each other. Before long the next question came about what they would plan to do with Gunzo first suggesting some board games or possibly some sports which gained a loud SUUMMOOOO from Ashigara. “Do you do anything other than sumo Ashigara?” said Gunzo and Kyuma in unison “H-hey I do plenty of other things!” Ashigara began mumbling himself and counting off on his fingers as if trying to follow up on that statement to which you couldn’t help but chuckle. Ryota suggested going out to eat but was put off for later that night.  “Well i’d be up for some wrestling, how about it Daisuke?” said Kengo “Honestly there has to be something other than belligerence with you Kengo” said Shiro. Before Kengo could turn to argue, Durga, who had been suspiciously quiet the entire time, suddenly slammed down two large boxes filled with paper slips while baring a huge grin on her face. “How about this then?”, looking a little nervous Daisuke pointed and asked what the boxes were supposed to be, “This is truth or dare and the boxes are filled with paper slips with truths or dares written on them”. There was a collective gulp as everyone exchanged glances with each other. While there was some hesitation at first the group had agreed to playing truth or dare. The first victim of the game was chosen by the spin of a bottle which landed on Daisuke. “Me!?” Daisuke yelled, “Well What’ll it be, truth or dare?” said Durga. Daisuke gave it a moment of thought before picking dare and picking out a card which Durga read out “You must wear a dress for the rest of the game” “WHAT!?” said everyone “you can’t be serious!” said daisuke. “Come on I think I have just the dress for you” Durga said with a cheeky smile, “Since when do you wear dresses?” asked Gunzo, “Shut it! I don’t let anyone take first not even when it comes to fashion”. After a few minutes Daisuke returned with Durga wearing a black dress- at least it would have if it had not been too short causing it to look more like a skirt. Daisuke was completely unable to hide his embarrassment as he buried his crimson face into his hands. As you try to assure Daisuke that they don’t look that bad, sweat can be seen rolling down everyone else's face as they realize what exactly they had just gotten themselves into. After everything settles down the bottle is spun again and to your dismay stops directly on you. You decide to go ahead with a dare and reach into the box pulling out a paper slip and reading it aloud “Slather yourself in honey and walk into Tsathoggua’s room”, you read the slip back to yourself again before the realization dawns on you and you find yourself changing into your swimsuit and slathered in honey. You managed to get Licht to gain you access to the casino as well as keep the other executives preoccupied for you to sneak into Tsath’s den of sloth. Upon opening the door to his room you notice that most of the lights are off “He must be asleep” you think to yourself, “I only have to stick around for five minutes and then-”, your thoughts are quickly cut off by a deep huff that bares down upon your neck, sending a chill down your spine. As you turn to look behind you, you see three bright orange eyes staring back at you. You don’t make it more than two steps before two giant hands clasp around your waist and lift you up. You turn again to see a gaping maw as Tsathoggua licks you all the way up your face, leaving your hair standing up on end, and continues to lick down the rest of your face in a frenzy. Before long Tsath had cleaned off most of the honey and was working on your stomach as you called out to him to stop as he continued to go lower. Unable to get a response you reach for one of his ears and pull it up to yell his name into it which finally gets him to back up while still holding you. Coming out of his honey-driven craze he recognizes what exactly he is holding as his face turns into a red tomato. “When did you get heeere?”, Apparently Tsathoggua’s honey cravings are worse than you anticipated, “Sooorry about that I didn’t know that was you”. As he sets you down he looks away and looks back at you again “You know we could always do that again if you want, yeah?”, “what?” you reply, “I-its nothing!” he replies waving his arms to dismiss the thought before offering you a shower. By the time you’ve made it back to Yoyogi and are fully dressed you’re already exhausted from the dare. 
Back to the game Ryota and Moritaka are busy consolidating you as the bottle is spun again this time the bottle lands on Shiro who quickly chooses truth. Shiro picks out a card and reads it over before his face turns red and shouts “DARE!”, “why what's on the card?” says Kengo before picking it up and reading aloud “Who do you have a crush on”. Kengo pitifully contains his laughter before Shiro slams his head with a book “OW, what was that for!?”, “come on it’s not that bad” says Ryota with a smile to which Shiro composes himself and reaches into the dare box he pulls out a card and reads “Kiss the person to your right……..”, Shiro slowly turns to his right and looks to see Kengo starting back at him in horror. A collective “EEEEHHH!?” comes from Moritaka and Ryota while you pump your fist into the air and say “do it!” which gains a collective cheer from the other Yoyogi students to do it. Silence ensues for a solid minute before Shiro sighs “Let’s just get this over with”, both their eyes avert each other before they close their eyes and begin to slowly approach each other until their lips make contact, with the interaction lasting a couple seconds before they quickly separate and begin coughing. Kengo stands up and points his finger before shouting “This better not leave this room especially to Toji or oni-face or I'll be kickin your butt for a week!”.
With the humiliations that have already occurred there was a collective feeling that this game was becoming less fun and more of a sentencing. Everyone stared with nervous eyes as the bottle spun until it landed on Wakan ``I suppose I could do truth”, “What? You're always spillin the truth anyways why not take a dare” said Ashigara. “O-ok then”, Wakan reached into the dare box and read out his card “you must carry the person across from you on your shoulders for the remainder of the game”, his nervous expression quickly turned into a smile as he gazed across from him at you, you didn’t even get to say anything before he promptly picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. “WHAT, why does he get to carry MC!?” said Ashiagra, “Yeah that's unfair Senpai” said Gunzo, “I must agree, why should he get to carry the commander in such a fashion” said Yasuyori. “Why is this the conversation” you thought to yourself before Kengo jumps up “I could carry my partner up an entire mountain, you jokes don’t even compare”, “Is that it? I could take them up two mountains” exclaimed Ashigara. Arguments begin to fly back and forth before you interrupt them to remind them that it’s just a dare getting everyone to settle back down with red faces. Wakan sits back down with you on his shoulders, still smiling.
Continuing on with the game the next chosen victim was Kengo who exclaimed he was not about to wuss out on a dare. Durga read out his card “you must fight a group of wyverns”, “Hah! That's it, I could do that with my hands tied behind my back!”, shouted Kengo, “funny you should say that since you have to fight them with your hands tied- as well as your feet”. “Don't you think this is a little cruel?” said Gunzo, “what’s the point of taking a dare if you’re not going to do it?” said Shiro, watching from the sidelines, despite your concern, you couldn;t help but take in how comical it was to watch Kengo hop around while being chased by a pack of wyverns. “MMPH MMPH”, “Hey Shiro w-why did you gag him?” asked Ryota, “Oh, no reason” said Shiro calmly, “I think your getting way too much satisfaction out of this” you say as you see Shiro smile at the scene as Kengo continues to hop away but with his legs all tied up the wyverns begin to close the distance. “Shouldn’t we help him!” shouts Ryota, “or at least untie his legs!” says Moritaka.
Back at Yoyogi Kengo lays down face-first as his singed clothes are still giving off smoke you lick your fingers and pinch out a small ember that was glowing on his hair. With most of the participants already gone the remaining few await their turn, with Moritaka being the next up. After first picking truth he quickly changed to dare after the card read “who would you like to sleep with'' (Oddly specific cards aren’t they?). Reading off the dare “You must act like a dog for the remainder of the game” Moritaka practically threw down the card “This is preposterous! This game must be rigged for such an overly specific card!”, “Oh come on, you picked the card at random out of the box of many other cards, the chances were fair.”. “No I cannot accept these conditions, I still have my pride as a warrior”, said Moritaka turning his nose up, “I feel you there brother” said Daisuke, at this point you had forgotten Daisuke was still wearing the dress. “What, are you going to back out in front of your lord? Or is all that warrior pride just talk?”, Moritaka gazed sideways at you before letting out a sigh to which Durga walked up to him presenting a collar and evil grin, “now sit doggy”. Watching Moritaka walk on all fours back to his position you couldn’t help yourself as you thought to yourself “I’ll have to seriously make it up to him for this” and shouting “shake!”. “Woof!” Moritaka places his paw into your outstretched hand, panting happily with his tail wagging before quickly regaining his composure. At this point all of your restraint had let loose and you turned him over onto his back and began to run your hands through his fur and he all but fell limp to your touch as you rub his belly, feeling his chubby belly roll under your hands, unaware to the jealous stares of a couple other furry transients. By the time you’re done he’s practically stunned with a gaping smile and his back leg was still twitching.
Finishing with the summoners Ryota was next to pick a dare. “Walk into Dr. Shennong’s office screaming in pain”, Ryota gave a little whimper before your group set off back to Shinjuku Academy. Upon getting there Shennong’s office was clear with nobody else present, Ryota prepared himself before bursting through the door to the infirmary causing the bull transient to jump out of his seat. “Please my whole body hurts! Everything Hurts!” He screamed with tears streaming from his eyes causing Shennong to usher him to one of the beds. “Don’t worry I have just the thing!” He said before he pulled restraints over Ryota’s arms, chest and ankles, strapping him down “Wait wha-” Ryota was cut off by Shennong pulling out a gigantic syringe. “This Dr. Shennong approved pain medicine will fix you up in a jiffy”, “WAIT, IT WAS JUS-MMMPPH” , Shennong places a roll of gauze in Ryota’s mouth and seals it with a bandage “You may want to bite down on that, this will sting a bit”, “MMMMMMMMMPPHHH”. As you watch from the door window you can’t help but rub your arm at a very familiar feeling. Back at Yoyogi Ryota lets out muffled whimpers while rubbing his arm, “3..2..1”, on one you rip the bandage over Ryota’s mouth off “OUCH!” he screams as he begins to rub his cheeks “That was awful, I literally can’t feel my arm except for where he shot me! I need to make sure to never let myself get hurt so I don’t have to go back there!” You pull Ryota close to your chest and begin giving him head pats to calm him down causing him to bury his face into your chest. “You're telling me! Last time I was there he hogtied me and rubbed some kind of cream all over my cuts and bruises that burned like hell!” shouted Kengo, “It would seem most patients would try to escape otherwise, considering how often you get into fights it should come as no surprise” remarked Shiro. You quickly redirected their attention back to the game before they started to wonder why he developed such a habit of restraining his patients.
Only five participants remained and just about everyone was ready to put this game behind them. Once again the bottle spun and Gunzo’s turn was up, “Welp I knew this was coming, just give me the dare”, Durga handed him his card and he read “You have to touch Macan’s paw pads….. WHAT!?”, “Cheer up champ that doesn’t sound that hard” said Ashigara giving Gunzo a friendly pat on the back, however you knew better as you and Daisuke grimaced at the thought. It was a bit of an awkward call as you talked with snow on the phone about the situation at hand and if they would be allowed to enter the coliseum, to which Claude could be heard shouting in the background “Of course we would allow our warrior gladiator and soon to be bridegroom in! Of course your proposition also piques our interest, such bravery like the gladiators who stuck their hands into the maws of lions to obtain victory in the coliseum!”. With that settled your group makes it to the coliseum and heads down to the dungeons below lead by snow. There you find Macan sleeping in his cell, “THAT’S MACAN!”, Gunzo shouts causing the Therian to shift a bit in response.  The others quickly shush him and he stares down at the massive mountain of bulk that slumbered before him. Slowly Gunzo begins to tip-toe towards Macan, being careful not to step on any of the stray bones that lay scattered about the floor of his cell. Once close enough, Gunzo reaches down to one Macan’s hands that are sticking out and squeezes the plump pad on his hand which was surprisingly soft. Once done, he turned around and wiped his brow with his hand “phew, that really wasn’t so bad”, Gunzo was about to start making his way back before a massive paw reached up and pulled him down. Macan had pulled him close to his chest while still asleep, to which Gunzo screamed out in terror, luckily legion had managed to muffle his scream before he woke up Macan, “HELLMPPHHH MEEE” he shouted through legion’s hands. “Don’t worry my Gunzo we’ll figure out something!”, still riding atop Wakan’s shoulders you give his ear a small flick and remind him not shout “I’m sorry just please don’t flick my ear again, please”. Suddenly you hear a voice behind you, turning around to see snow holding a large slab of meat, “It’s a good thing I keep myself prepared for such situations” he said as he steps forward in front of Macan he waves the slab of meat in front of his face causing the tiger’s nose to begin twitching. Snow then begins to slowly take steps back with the meat still hanging in front of Macan who begins to unconsciously slump forwards after the meat and releasing Gunzo in the process. Once Gunzo is safely back with the rest of the group, Snow stops and leaves the meat dangling in front of Macan who opens their mouth and bites down on the meat, swallowing it down. Once the last of the meat is swallowed he licks his lips in satisfaction, curls up into a ball, and begins to purr lazily with a deep sound, which you couldn’t help but to videotape. Gunzo looks all but mortified from the experience but is glad to be safe and sound.
Back at Yoyogi the next up is Ashigara who proudly exclaims “I’m the big bear of Inohanadake! I ain’t about to back down from a dare!”. He reaches into the dare box and pulls out a red card, “Ooh you got the special card which allows you to choose someone to do the dare with you” Durga explains. “What! This was not explained prior to starting the game!” says Shiro, “Another person huh” says Ashigara as he thinks for a moment before a mischievous grin appears on his face, quickly turning, he points his finger at Yasuyori and shouts “YOU!”, “Me?” he exclaims as Ashigara nods, “Very well, I cannot allow myself to fail in front of my commander”. Ashigara is so lost in the mood that he doesn’t take in the second dare card he pulls out until he reads it a second time and his jaw drops, the card read to put on a dance performance to the music given. Just about everyone has to contain their laughter as Ashigara and Yasuyori move up in front of everyone to dance. At this point Durga has set up some speakers and begins to play the music which happens to be ballroom-waltz style music, both Ashigara and Yasuyori are dumbfounded for a second before they stare back at each other, place one armon each others hip and the other in the other ones hand as they begin to dance in circles around each other. As the music plays on the two transients dance around each other in a rather clumsy manner as they constantly knock into one another as well grimace in pain everytime one or the other steps on the other's toes. The dance nears its end as Ashigara attempts an awkward pirouette that nearly causes the two to fall over before the music ends, leaving everyone in near tears from laughter. The two stand there, red with embarrassment until you begin clapping and cheering their performance. As their gaze falls on you they quickly begin to smile and even give a small bow.
Last up is Durga who of course reaches into the dare box and pulls out a card to read “You must two entire cakes”, “WHAT, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE CAKE, I”M TRYING TO WATCH MY DIET”, she screams, “Trully, these cards are conveniently specific aren’t they?” Moritaka remarks with a grin, breaking character for a second. “GRRR, I’m going to have to work my butt off for the next week to balance this, grrr fine! I’m not about to lose this, bring me the cake!”. As soon as the cake is presented in front of Durga she begins to wolf it down at unrelenting speed. Soon she is done and looks very pleased as she rests on the floor, “That didn’t look like it was really bad” Daisuke remarks, “Wait until she gives us an earful complaining about it for the next week” Gunzo says with a sigh. “Well it seems the game has concluded then” Shiro says, by this time it was already late from running around doing dares and everyone begins to go back to normal as Daisuke goes to get changed. A solid minute passes before you finally get Wakan’s attention “Uh, you can put me down now”, “Oh, right” he says as he picks you up off his shoulders and places you down in front of him but keeps his hold on you “Ok just a little longer”. The day ends with everyone deciding to spend the night at Yoyogi as everyone agreed to never play this game again. As everyone began to fall asleep, Kyuma thought to himself, “I really hope they don’t notice I didn’t go” as he falls asleep.
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scribblestatic · 5 years ago
Both hero classes stand outside in their uniforms that morning. For 1-A, there’s a hint of nostalgia coming to them, remembering the first day they officially became students at U.A., while 1-B is curious as to what will happen. 
The paper test that had been handed out to them and filled earlier that day was already weird. Instead of asking questions like “What’s 2+2,” or “How many bottles of dish soap does Johnny have,” it asked more personal things, like “I keep my promises,” or “There is a train heading down the tracks. There is one person tied to the tracks on one side and five people tied to the tracks on the other. You are standing at the lever. What do you do?” None of the questions were multiple choice, only essay statements requiring a one to two sentence answer. It felt different to their normal tests, that was for sure.
All Might, Eraserhead, and Vlad King all stand behind the short girl who appeared just about the age of the students, if not a little younger. She’s suited up in a gym uniform like the rest of them, wearing cute little red sneakers much like Ochako’s pink ones. She’s also got her hair tied up into a ponytail at the back of her head. They can’t see her eyes under her curly green bangs, but her peach lips show a pretty smile. All of them hold clipboards.
“Hiya~!” she greets with a megaphone speaker, standing under the shade of the parasol that All Might is kindly holding for her. If anything, it makes the students pay extra attention to her words. “Thank you all for being so kind as to fill out those little essay questions I gave you! Don’t worry about those, I’ll tell you why I made them later. Anyway, we’re going to do a few physical exercises, after which I will individually evaluate your quirks in a place with air conditioning! After that, I’ll be hard at work, so you likely won’t see me again until tomorrow, okay? Everyone, do your best!”
A few of them cheer with a bubbling of excitement, though others remain fairly muted.
They end up doing some of the exercise tests that 1-A did when they first arrived—ball throws, sit-ups, bar pull-ups, grip strength, standing long jumps, sidesteps, standing long jumps, the works. However, after a short rest period, they would do it again, this time without quirk utilization.
“Uhm,” Kaminari raises his hand. “Why do we need to do that? I mean, not to be rude or anything.”
Kobayashi writes for a moment longer before tapping her pen against Eraserhead’s arm, leading the man to glare at her a bit. “Let’s say you’re in a situation where someone like your teacher here has their eyes on you. Except they don’t have your health and wellness in mind like he does. They’re trying to kill you, so they eliminate your quirk.” She looks up at him, and though he can’t see her eyes, he feels her gaze on him. “You don’t want to be helpless without your quirk to protect you. Also, if you think about it, Eraserhead’s strength is completely separate from his quirk. So the fact he can support and restrain several people with his capture equipment all at once and disarm villains using weapons is purely because of his body strength alone. I find that fantastic, so I’m going to make sure you guys don’t become like the villains he faces and wimp out the instant you can’t use your powers.” She reaches over and taps All Might’s thin arm as well, surprising the man. “Even All Might in his thin form, looking like a willow tree that’s about to blow over, can judo throw a heavy-weight villain, break a wrist with one hand, and incite the fear of God into a villain with just his gaze. Don’t underestimate the power of your muscles and your instincts, and don’t forget to use them!”
The students ooh and ahh a little at the teachers, All Might blushing just a tad and Eraserhead ignoring the new, approving gazes from 1-B. Vlad King simply stands there, trying not to look despondent.
“How exactly did you know about the wrist breaking, Young Kobayashi?” All Might whispers as the classes get ready to do the exercises again.
“October 27th, 2214. New Orleans, Louisiana. News of a thin, lanky man, identified only as a person working with the All Might Agency, broke the wrist of a white American male robbing from the beignet shop he was visiting. It was deemed both self-defense and an accident by police as he hadn’t intended to use such force despite having a knife aimed at him. The robber pissing himself, however, was simply a result of the recognition of his actions. The witnesses agreed, though none of them had seen the expression on his face. A camera inside the beignet shop did catch the expression, however. Police still decided not to punish him for protecting himself and lauded the man as a hero. The shop owners also gave you a free box of beignets.”
“...How did you know that last part?”
She smiles up at him innocently. “You find a lot of things from finding secret camera footage. Besides, I have a skill of finding what I really want to find out by looking at something else entirely.” She turns away again and starts walking over to the ball throw circle to watch the first student to walk up. “Eyes are everywhere at all times, All Might!”
The three teachers are silent for a moment. Vlad King coughs in his fist.
“...I like beignets as well.”
Eraserhead shrugs. “Never had one.”
All Might blinks at him. “You should try one, Aizawa-kun. They’re rather delicious.”
The kids didn’t understand why Kobayashi-san was wearing a gym uniform like the rest of them. She hadn’t done any of the exercises, so it wasn’t like she needed it on.
They realized she was preparing for the quirk tests instead.
On the inside of one of the big gyms, she was standing in front of Bondo-san, arms raised to the air, with the sort of glittery smile that didn’t at all match her request.
“Cement the lower half of my body to the ground, please.”
“Eh?! B-But…”
“No buts! Only mine cemented to the ground with your quirk, please!”
“Woooow,” Kaminari murmurs. “Didn’t see this side of her at the cafe.”
“Right?” Mineta murmurs back. “...Kinda like it, though. Weirdly sexy, isn’t it?”
Eventually, Bondo does as she asks and uses cement on her up to her waist. She writes furiously on her notepad as she mumbles, occasionally stopping to ask Bondo questions or to pat the cement-like substance.
“Very similar to Cementoss, but very different, Cannot summon cement from the ground but can produce it like a viscous liquid with a solidifying factor that has the ability to loosen at his will—” Her head whips up to look at him, and he jolts. “Can you create armor or shields with your quirk?”
“I...I-uh…I don’t know? I’ve...never tried that.”
Her head tilts. “Have you ever tried molding this substance to your desires after it’s out of your body, or perhaps imagining it taking a specific shape pre or post-summon?”
Some of the nervousness leaves Bondo as he scratches at his chin. “I...I think I did a long time ago, as a little kid...I haven’t since...should I...try again?”
She nods furiously, then starts scribbling furiously again. “Needs additional, non-human tests for armory potential and defensive uses, must use test dummies for formation and alteration testing to—” She pauses, gasps, then scribbles more. “Check for potential cast creation for on-site first aid medical assistance and—”
Bondo listens for a while, staring at the girl before poking at one of the holes in his head. Some of the things she was mumbling, he’d never considered, or had abandoned after a point. But maybe...she was onto something. Well, the teachers had said she was an expert. He could see it now.
The singing voice startles him out of his thoughts, and she’s returned back to normal, no longer mumbling up a storm like she’s summoning a demon.
“You can let me out now!”
“O-...oh! Of course…”
The glue-like adhesive loosens and slides off, and she steps out of it without a single stain on her clothes.
“Now harden it again.”
Bondo jolts. “Ah, uhm...I-I kind of...can’t? O-Once it’s loosened, I don’t...can’t control it anymore.”
“Hmm…” She quickly writes something down. “I think it’s within the realm of possibility for you, though. You should start with small amounts and try experimenting there. Your quirk and you are stronger than before U.A., even stronger than two weeks ago.” She smiles at him with a toothy grin. “Never say ‘you can’t’ until you absolutely can’t!”
Bondo feels his chest warm, and he nods firmly. “O-Okay!”
The day continues much like that, students able to relax and watch as they each show off their quirks to the best of their abilities. Though, Kobayashi would often throw in some random requests, like with Asui, where she asked her to pick her up with her tongue to test its flexibility while holding objects, or with Kaminari, when she asked him to try shocking her just a bit, though not enough to hurt her to try and test his control. He ended up shocking her stronger than anticipated, leading her to squeak in pain. He stopped immediately, gasping as a worried expression marred his face but she immediately assured him it was alright as she’d asked for him to do it.
“Besides, a shock like that could be vital to restarting someone’s heart! The fact you were able to do one that low means you could attune your power to the level of a defibrillator.” She pats his shoulder with a worried smile of her own. “Your quirk doesn’t only have to increase and hurt people. Besides, I’ve heard that some friends use you as a charging port. That’s only 12 volts of power, and you can do that easily! We just have to bridge the gap between strong and weak charges. Your quirk is more versatile than you think, Kaminari-kun.”
“Defi..brill...ator…” Kaminari blinks, wide eyed. “...That’s those shocky things in movies, yeah? The shocky chest things.”
Kaminari looks at his hands and doesn’t say another word than his thanks as he heads back to the crowd. He keeps looking at his hands as the tests for others commence.
She asks questions, pries at their quirks, does tests with them, and investigates their own studies. Almost each time, the heroes in training found they hadn’t asked something about their own quirks and were amazed they hadn’t thought about it themselves. Yaoyorozu was getting excited when the students came back and talked about what the two discussed together, too far away to hear everything.
“I can’t wait for her to see my quirk,” Yaoyorozu confesses, her eyes bright and sparkling. “For her to think of so many creative uses for our quirks...it’s thrilling!”
“She’s a bit weird, but her interest reminds me of my little sister being interested in new things, kero,” Asui says, her smile a tad fond.
“Whose class do you think she’ll be in?” Ibara asks. “She’s going to study with us but council us, too. And, well, class 1-A and 1-B will have hero classes together, but not every class. Those are still split up.”
“Hmm...probably our class,” Ochako pokes her chin. “I mean, we’ve been attacked by villains before, but other than that, we’re a normal hero class.”
The students chat and wonder in their groups, but despite Kirishima’s attempts, he hasn’t been able to get Bakugou to say a single word.
He sits with his legs crossed, hands on his knees as he glares strongly at the weird girl. Just looking at her gets him annoyed, like there’s a bubbling of acid in his chest that’s waiting to explode. After all, she was clearly treating him differently. 
And not in a good way, not the way Bakugou sees it.
When he’d been called up, she hadn’t mumbled like the others said she did with them. She’d asked for him to aim at targets and asked to test the temperatures of his select blasts. She’d asked about his wrists, shoulders, and hearing, and had determined that, at the very least, his eardrums seemed to have developed to withstand a lot of damaging noise. But that assertion had been the closest to a mumble he’d gotten, and the closest to any excitement.
She’d been clear, clinical, almost muted.
The fact she wasn’t going gaga over his quick didn’t fucking bother him at all. What did was that he was treated differently than the others. If she’d been a whole stoic scientist for everyone, he wouldn’t fucking bother, but the fact she wasn’t annoyed the hell out of him.
What also bothered him was just how familiar she seemed.
The others described excited mumbling and a touch of recklessness. That she’d asked questions they didn’t think to ask, some going a tiny bit further than they’d thought she would. Nothing sexual, but more like she was trying to dissect something about them.
He knew that feeling. He knew it very well.
Knew it all while he was growing up until Deku finally, officially gave up his fruitless dream in his third year of middle school.
Instead of writing U.A. on his school prospect list, he’d written some nowhere hole called Yamaguchi High, and some other loser spots. The class had grinned at the fucking nerd, and he hadn’t dared to look up from his desk. They all knew the fucking bastard finally knew his place.
But seeing her made him feel like he was watching Deku mumble all over again.
Their similarities didn’t help. She looked like him down to the freckles. He’d only known one person in his life with freckles, and that was Deku. The green hair was different, too. But it was much longer and a bright shade of moss green than Deku’s hair would ever be, their voices were too different, and she was a girl. She also didn’t cower at his presence, just simply didn’t show the same annoying excitement she showed to everyone else.
What, did she think his quirk was boring? That it was powerless? Did she think he was weak?
Katsuki growls under his breath, eyes narrowing.
He’d show her. Rather, he’d shown her. He is strong, powerful. He’s precise, too, able to hit all those moving targets.
If she had anything to say other than glowing praises of perfection for him during the council day, he’d have a bigger bone to pick with her than he’d ever had with Deku. Unless she had a good fucking reason, but he couldn’t imagine what that’d be. He was strong.
He got into U.A. with flying fucking colors. None of those weak losers in his class were able to stand up to him, even though some of them were strong, like Shuriken Hair and Hot-n-Cold, though the latter bitched out during the Sports Festival. And that Cheshire-looking motherfucker cheated his way to the top, so he doesn’t really count that as a full loss, even though he got that stupid silver hunk of useless metal. No, he’s sure. He’s the strongest hero of their year.
He almost can’t wait to hear what that annoying girl would have to say to him tomorrow.
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condiscum · 4 years ago
!!!!! All the white shades for Lierik pls!!!!! 💜
God this is literally a year late im so sorry, but i finally finished it so here we gooooo!
White - Do you consider yourself a good person? What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for somebody?
“I mean, yeah. But doesn’t everybody?” he asks plainly, crossing his arms. “I work hard, look after my own. Almost everything I create impacts somebody besides me. I’m not gonna sit here and tally deeds or some shit. It’s a stupid thing to try to prove to somebody.”
Snow - Have you ever seen snow? Do you like it? What do you like to do in the snow?
“Absolutely!” he says, grinning. “I have to travel out to Hoelbrak from time to time— y’know, standard conferences with my northern marketing team ‘n stuff— and that shit’s gorgeous. Have you ever seen the way the sun glints off of the snow in the early morning? Or taken a good look at all of the intricate crystalline structures of the frozen water when you see a large flake intact? It’s great. Sign me the fuck up.”
Frost - What do you like to wear in cold weather?
“Well, first of all, Rata Sum’s in the Maguuma. We don’t get a whole lot of cold weather down there in the tropics, as you might imagine.” he quips. “But when I do have reason to venture outside of the mundane, muggy, incalescence, I bundle appropriately. Hypothermia and frostbite are for dipshits.”
Bone - When was the first time you ever witnessed death? How did it impact you?
“Hard pass.” he says with immediate finality. “Next?”
Author’s Note: Lierik’s parents died in a lab accident in their home when he was still young. It was pretty awful and really traumatizing, and he doesn’t talk about it.
Cotton - What do you like to wear for pajamas?
“Okay, so hear me out.” he says with a grin. “You know those full-body onesie type things progeny wear? Well, those things are comfortable as hell except for one problem. Your feet get cold, right? So— I wish this was one of my own brilliant innovations, but I’m not a fuckin tailor, so I’ve gotta give credit where it’s due: the humans came up with this shit.��� 
He sticks his leg out, gesturing at his own feet. 
 “There’s like. Socks attached to these things. But they’re non-slip on the bottom and stuff so you can just wander around in them in the middle of the night. I had some modified for the superior three-digit anatomy and voila! Instant coziness. You should try them sometime.”
Cream - Do you prefer Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa? (If your world has those things. If not, what sort of hot drinks do you have?)
“Well, nothing beats a good hot-chocolate when you’re cold. All sweet and delicious. Buuuuut, trouble is it’s not… energizing enough, y’know?” he says. “Plus, it only has a single static state of being if you want to enjoy it. You can’t throw it on ice. So, coffee is the obvious choice, here.” 
He starts up again, counting each of his reasons on a finger as he does. 
“It’s good hot, sends you right on into the project zone, picks your ass up off the floor at 4:30 in the fucking morning when your incompetent staff can’t problem-solve— and when you get back from that 4:30am problem solving? And your coffee is all tepid and gross? You can just throw it right in an ice cube tray and chuck it in the coolerator. It’s truly one of the best multitools of the engineering world.”
Coconut - What would be your ideal vacation?
He hums, pausing a moment to think more seriously. 
“I guess anywhere less hectic. Somewhere out with my buds. I’ve never been one to keep still for very long, but its always a relief to get away from the hustle and bustle for a while. Just enjoy some time living simpler, wherever that might be.”
Pearl - What do you look for in a romantic partner?
“I’m flattered.” he jokes. “But she’d have to be Asura, for starters. Sorry, mysterious likely-human interviewer, you must be this tall—” he says, gesturing a bit above him “—or under to ride this ride. 
“Past that, though, we’ve just gotta jive. Sure, looks are a plus, but that’s not what it’s about for me.” 
He crosses his arms and leans to one side, smirking. 
“What really drives me wild, though? Smarts. I want a woman who can run circles around me— a tall order, I know, so I’m not in a rush.”
Parchment - Do you like to read or write?
“Reading’s fine.” he says. “Generally, if I’m learning something new, books will hold my attention. New theses from time to time, articles.” 
He shrugs.  
“It’s a little passive for me though. I’d rather be working with something than reading about it any day. It’s hard to improve on a concept without having it in front of you, whether its a drawing on paper or something more three-dimensional. And, frankly, the most writing I’ve done since graduation has been in bullet-points.”
Lace - What would you name your child if you were to have one?
“Oh man,” he manages, “glitch, I don’t know… it sounds like a lot of pressure to name a real, live person. But, progeny are not in my near future anyway, I can tell you that. If it happens, I guess we’ll figure it out then.”
Porcelain - Do you consider yourself a delicate person? Do you fall apart easily?
“Hell no.” he says, rolling his eyes. “Where do you even get these things?”
Salt - Would you consider yourself a mean person? What is it like to fight with you?
“I’ve got a temper, sometimes, I’ll admit.” he says, scratching his head. “But, I’d like to think it’s hard to push my buttons to that point. I’ll tolerate a lot, and I don’t get purposely pointed, but past a certain line, I make no promises of being ‘nice’.”
Ghost- Are you easily scared? What scares you the most?
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fearless.” he says, crossing his arms. “But that’s not to say I don’t have a sense of self-preservation either. Just because I graduated from Dynamics doesn’t mean I’m not well aware of how much precaution has to go into innovation if you don’t want to wind up letting your prototypes take you down with them.” 
He pauses to crack his knuckles before adding “You want something really scary, though? Wasted potential.”
Ivory - Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones and how well?
“Eeeehhh—” he starts, waving a hand side to side. “Nothing classical or anything boring like that. But if you’re into some sweet electronica? I’m killer with a drum machine. Gotta have something to put under my sick rhymes.”
Chiffon - Do you prefer a larger and cleaner environment, or a smaller and cozier one?
“Large and clean, for sure.” he says. “I’ve been spoiled for choice for a long while, but the straight fact is that if you want to be able to do anything wherever you are, you need room to do it. A crowded room is stress. An empty room is inspiration.”
Alabaster - What is the most recognizable thing about you? What are people most likely to notice about you when they first meet you?
“Other than my dashing good looks and cutting edge sense of fashion?” he teases. “Well, I do try to keep one statement piece on me at all times: what’s style without a pair of good old fashioned aviators?”
Egg-nog - Do you celebrate Christmas Wintersday? If so, what traditions do you have? Which are your favorite?
“Everybody celebrates Wintersday! Well, everybody who likes fun, I guess. I haven’t been able to go every year, but I try to make it to Tixx’s Infinirarium at least once a year for the Toypocalypse. The mayhem! The adrenaline! The toy carnage!” 
He sighs wistfully. 
“There’s just never a safe chance to cause that much ruckus otherwise. Reminds me of a couple’a friends I had in college…”
Ecru - Do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair?
He grabs a fistful of the thick curly locks on his head and tugs. “Gee, I dunno. Pretty straight, I’d say.”
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sullustangin · 5 years ago
Playing with AUs before your Canon!verse fic is done
For curious fic followers, here are the particular AUs I was thinking of last night for Corellian Whiskey and Sullustan Gin. 
After writing both of them out, I think I’d only ever write the first AU.  I think it’d be a fun, happier story than canon or the second AU.  The characters are able to grow in completely different ways than canon provides and without losing 5 years.  Plus Lana becomes empress, so hell yeah. 
The second AU became too depressing/unfulfilling the more I thought about it. Maybe I’d write the first portion of it (”Not dead, not the Outlander, YAY”), but the longer I think about how that relationship and the characters would grown with those events on that trajectory....eeeehhh. Eva would probably become someone I wouldn’t like to write as much as I do. The relationship wouldn’t be the healthy ship I like to read about.  Theron wouldn’t really be forced to deal with his issues until much later in his life.  I hate prolonging suffering or torturing my characters more than necessary.  So yeah, second AU lost its luster pretty quickly once I wrote the broad strokes of it. 
Anyway, AUs I shouldn’t even be thinking about: 
1. The more ambitious one:  The Eternal Fleet never happens; Zakuul doesn’t exist; alternative SWTOR expansion concept post SoR. 
Vitiate keeps attempting to eat planets.  The only way to stop him is to lure him to a planet and find a way to either contain him there or force him to eat something that doesn’t agree with him. This would effectively starve him.  This brings up a number of philosophical questions as to what counts as life worth sacrificing to defeat a greater evil.  What or who would sacrifice themselves to Vitiate to degrade his power (and how would that work)?  (Galactic premise)
The Empire and the Republic -- back at each other’s throats after Ziost -- both attempt to manipulate the path of Vitiate to screw over the other side.  There are some within the Empire that wish to use the former Emperor as their own path to power.  Lana Beniko discovers Darth Marr is indeed dying -- he is the only thing keeping the Empire from splintering.  Meanwhile, the Republic deals with civil unrest due to Saresh’s high military casualty rates, both due to combat and due to unchecked efforts at expansion in the wake of the Empire’s own struggles.  She is the target of multiple assassination plots...and not everyone who loves the Republic is sad about this. (faction premises) 
Theron is reinstated to SIS after another planet is eaten not long after Ziost; his suspension is not as long as it was in canon.  SIS soon becomes embroiled in the Republic’s internal issues.  Theron, however, is more concerned with the galactic situation.  The relationship between him and smuggler Eva Corolastor continues to be undeclared, intimate, and increasingly less hidden.
Eva continues as the Voidhound.  As the Hutt Cartel weakens, Voidfleet picks up the slack.  Rishi flourishes under her watchful eye, and other more-than-slightly shady planets express interest in having a similar arrangement.  As the Empire and Republic leave planets on their own to direct Vitiate’s path, Eva finds that business is profitable when dealing with people who are about to die -- but it’s more profitable if they live for her long term.  Virtue’s Thief and her crew go on crusade against the Emperor. 
The Republic and SIS issues result in a quickly debunked accusation that Theron was plotting to assassinate Saresh as part of a supposed conspiracy hatched by the Grand Master of Jedi and the Supreme Commander. Theron’s parentage is revealed to the galaxy in a most painful way, effectively ending his field career as an SIS agent through no fault of his own, but rather, through political machinations of others.  
Ultimately, Theron refuses to be anyone’s pawn -- he finally takes Eva up on her offer on several levels:  they become an official committed couple, and Theron becomes a smuggler.  Virtue’s Thief collaborates with those factions that would stop Vitiate, including Lana.
At journey’s end, Vitiate is defeated, the Republic and Empire survive (though in very, very different forms from how they began this story), and Voidfleet replaces the Hutt Cartel in terms of galactic influence.   Lana ends up Empress.  Of course, Theron and Eva live happily ever after.  
2.  The less ambitious one: After Ziost, Theron behaves as he does in canon, rejecting Eva’s grand romantic overture in order to focus on redeeming his career.
Virtue’s Thief blows a critical system in transit and misses the rendezvous with Marr.  As a result, smuggler Eva Corolastor does not become the Outlander; the ship limps back to Port Nowhere, with elements of the Eternal Fleet pursuing.  A distress signal is sent. 
Eva is forced to not only make high-profile appearances in different quarters of the underworld, but also in Coruscant, where Theron thinks she’s either the Outlander or has died in the attack on Port Nowhere.  Her reappearance provides a necessary shock to Theron’s system; even as he is reinstated to SIS, he pursues a clandestine relationship with Eva. 
However, the relationship is not without its bumps, as Eva finds customers on Zakuul -- she is a business woman.  She does business. Eva betrays her own ideals and mounts an iso-5 engine on the Thief so she can break blockades and harass Zakuul merchant ships.  Theron is torn between the romantic idea of being in love with a skypirate and the reality that this is all abut the money; she takes credits from all the major powers on the black market. 
The Alliance still happens.  Lana orchestrates it in the hopes of springing the Outlander from their carbonite prison (I haven’t decided if I want to create a Sith Inq for this role or use Marr as the Outlander, just for giggles).
Theron joins.  Eva does not; she helps the Alliance when and where possible, but her number one priority is keeping her people safe; if everyone anti-Zakuul force joins the Alliance, who continues the fight if the Alliance fails?  Eva’s belief in the balance of power creates distance between them -- their relationship is rockier than in canon, with higher highs (they have children) and lower lows (Theron can’t be with her or them as much as they want.)
In the grand dramatic climax, Eva proves herself to be more than a skypirate, and Theron proves himself every bit the agent he was trained to be.  However, Theron is then ousted from the Alliance due to the circumstances.  (It’s an event that that pops up because of who the Outlander is; it’s not a traitor arc.)  The Alliance ultimately does not last long after the taking of the Throne and Theron’s departure. 
When Theron shows up at Port Nowhere after all the celebrating and mourning is over, Eva asks him if he’s here because because of her, or because he has nowhere else to go now.  Theron informs her that this had been his last mission, regardless of the end result.  He is done serving causes at great personal cost.  For once, he wants to personally gain -- he wants her. 
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leona-florianova · 4 years ago
Is that...Hussite manga?
Eeeehhh... Yeah “Dívčí Válka” is indeed Hussite Wars inspired manga, but its horribly inaccurate, rapey and all over eh.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years ago
Spiritual Spotlight: Rovagug, the Rough Beast
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Chaotic Evil Qlippoth Deity of Destruction, Disaster, and Wrath
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War, Weather Subdomains: Blood, Catastrophe, Corruption, Demon, Hatred, Rage, Storms
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 124~131
Obedience: Smash an assortment of items worth at least 10 gp, preferably something fragile, aesthetically beautiful, or with significance to a good-aligned deity (particularly Sarenrae). Roll in the shards of the destroyed items, howling and shouting praises and curses invoking the Rough Beast, until the shards draw blood and your lungs ache. Benefit: Gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against objects.
It is impossible to hide your faith in the Great Destroyer, is what I’m saying. I know I haven’t said anything, but look at that. Do I need to? You need to destroy a pretty hefty (for a commoner) handful of goods, and you need to do it incredibly loudly and incredibly obviously. You don’t get to pray quietly to Rovagug, no, you have to SCREAM your praise until your lungs ache while rolling joyfully around in shards of broken garbage. The Obedience specifically requires you to draw blood with the shards, as well, so no cheating by getting a hoard of pillows and blankets and ripping them to bits. You need to put the whole bed in there, frame and all!
Thankfully, actually obtaining enough items to use for this Obedience is rather simple. Normally player characters wouldn’t look twice at enemy gear if it wasn’t enchanted, but the fact of the matter is that even the bargain-basement leather armor is worth 10gp and just two or three simple weapons will add up to 10gp quickly. A normal adventurer that frequently goes on missions will have no shortage of scrap to shatter and discard, and even a single goblin camp can often produce enough of a yield to carry you for several days. The only real problem is whenever you rejoin society, as worship of the Rough Beast is often severely punished; there’s a reason most of Rovagug’s cultists live in the wilderness, where their screaming and smashing won’t draw attention.
The benefit is only truly useful if you go for a sunder build, otherwise, you’ll likely very rarely ever see its full power aside from the odd bit of door-kicking and rope-snapping. For people who enjoy destroying enemy gear while it’s still on them, though, a +4 to both damage and ATTACK rolls is incredible.
Boons are gathered slowly, typically gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. However, you can take the Diverse Obedience feat to gain them at levels 10, 14, and 18 instead, and worshipers of Evil deities can enter the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes as early as level 8, which allows you to gain the Boons as early as levels 10, 13, and 16 if entered as soon as they’re available. Unless you take Diverse Obedience or enter the listed prestige classes, you may only take the Exalted Boons.
Boon 1: Agent of the Beast. Gain Protection From Good 3/day, Align Weapon (Evil only) 2/day, or Magic Circle Against Good 1/day.
We’ve gone over the general usefulness of ProFroGo and Align Weapon before, with Align Weapon getting the short end of the stick here since creatures with DR/Evil are much less common than ones with DR/Good. However, since you’re an agent of Rovagug, you’re likely to be accosted at some point by Good Outsiders and their agents... at which point it’s much better to have Protection, or even Magic Circle in your arsenal.
ProFroGo is also a little less useful than ProFroEv is because, strangely, Good Outsiders are more likely to wield weapons than Evil ones, so they’re less inclined to use the natural attacks that ProFro would normally thwart. They’re also significantly less likely to possess or control you, BUT they ARE likely to use forms of charms and compulsion to steer your path, making ProFro equally as valuable against Evil or Good.
The only thing we really need to discuss, then, is the usefulness of Magic Circle Against Good. As a defensive measure it’s impeccable, though frustratingly easy to bypass with ranged attacks, but using it to bar the path of enemy Outsiders and summoned beasts or to serve as sort of a “bouncer” at a gate to brush charms and compulsions off your visitors and guests is quite strong. The power to snare creatures called into the plane for days in order to interrogate it or negotiate with it is a more niche use, but you never know when you’ll have to catch an enemy caster’s called bodyguard or stop an angel from smiting your team.
Boon 2: Destructive Spell: Whenever you cast a spell that deals hitpoint damage and has a casting time of 1 standard action or less, you may instead make its casting time a full-round action. If you do, its save DC is increased by +4 and any 1s rolled for the damage become 2s.
Evangelists can technically be from any class, meaning this ability has a chance to do absolutely nothing.
If you CAN cast spells, though? Please note that this ability has no per-day limit. None. It is an at-will ability. Just an at-will +4 to the DC of any of Pathfinder’s infinite number of spells which deal hitpoint damage at the cost of giving up your move action for the round. Do I really need to go into how Big that is? Probably! Do I want to go into how Big that is? Not really, since it’s an otherwise pretty boring ability.
It’s insanely strong, mind, especially if you can get yourself into a spot that’s difficult for your enemies to reach (such as in midair), though there is a bit of fiddly wiggly weirdness in that as written it technically affects spells like Create Pit. Spells which create a hostile environment rather than doing direct damage, Talk it out with your DM ahead of time! Until then, though, enjoy the free +4 to the DC of your Fireballs, Harms, and Disintegrates.
Boon 3: The Destroyer’s Gifts: You gain an extra spell slot of the highest level you can cast. This spell slot may be used to cast your own spells, or you may use this slot to hold a spell from the Chaos or Destruction Cleric Domains. You may cast from the Domains only once per day.
Oh yeah extra slots! Evangelists really get the Boring But Practical gifts here, but this one is at least made extra spicy by the addition of giving your character access to a pair of Cleric Domains. By the time you get this spell, you should be able to cast level 7 or 8 magic, meaning you can use Word of Chaos, Cloak of Chaos, Earthquake, or Disintegrate. A few more levels and you can fit in Implosion or Summon Monster IX! I’d personally prefer SM9 in my list, since Rovagug’s alignment means you can summon a Nalfashnee or Glabrezu to your aid.
Note, though, that unlike most Boons, these are not spell-likes. You must provide components for them! However, this also means that you can slap additional Metamagic feats onto them should you desire! The spell slot is typically devoted to the highest level magic in the Domains but if you, say, have Heighten Spell or wish to Quicken a Dispel Law or Shout, you can totally get away with that. I mean you can also be boring and just stuff your own spells in there, but that seems like a waste of a good Summon Monster IX or Extended Earthquake.
Boon 1: Destructive Force. Gain Break 3/day, Bull’s Strength 2/day, or Shatter 1/day.
I’ve spoken on Shatter before (scroll down to Thuskchoon) but, to complete my incomplete thoughts from that page, being able to destroy an item weighing up to 100lbs (which rises by 10 per level) without making any obvious moves can be invaluable if you use it just before a fight breaks out to obliterate enemy armor, shields, or weapons, but it has no effect on magical items, making it fall off as you level up.
Eeeehhh, I’d just go with Bull’s Strength most of the time. Break, well, breaks a single item in Medium range, in that the item itself gains the broken condition, which isn’t super special when you compare it to Shatter, which destroys the item outright if it fails its save. Break requires you to cast it again on something that’s already broken in order to destroy anything, and is negated by a successful save. There IS the benefit, however, that Break CAN target magical items, letting you shatter staves, wands, and enchanted equipment... but I don’t know if that’s a good use of your action.
I’m still not fully convinced either of them are worth taking over the less funny but more useful Bull’s Strength, though, since Break is also negated if the item succeeds a Fortitude save against a level 1 spell (meaning its DC is Cha mod + 11), and attended items can use their attendee’s saves. If you’re going to risk everything on a Save or Suck, just use Shatter to blow up their equipment with only one spell.
Boon 2: Bestow Destructive Smite. As a standard action, you may expend one use of your Destructive Smite ability and grant it to an ally within 30ft for 1 round. Your ally uses your level to calculate the damage of their smite. If you do not have access to the Destruction Domain, you gain access to Destructive Smite, but only for your personal use.
This ability has a lot of problems, but the biggest and most egregious one is that it has no text that changes the fact that Destructive Smite’s power only scales with your Cleric level, NOT your Exalted level. Without DM fiat, your smite will be stuck dealing only an underwhelming 4 damage unless you slow down your Boon’s progression in order to take more levels of Cleric.
Even without acknowledging that oversight, giving up your standard action to let an ally deal anywhere from 4 to 12 extra damage (provided they connect with all of their attacks) is absolutely pathetic. Using the smite on yourself at that point is barely worth it, and it’s a free action!
TERRIBLE showing, Rovagug. Please tell me your Exalted aren’t completely screwed...
Boon 3:  Once per day, you may summon a pair of Nyogoth Qlippoth to your side. You gain telepathy out to a range of 100ft to communicate with them, and they obey your commands perfectly for 1 minute per Hit Dice you possess. The qlippoth don’t follow commands that would cause them to act in overtly good or lawful ways. Such commands not only earn terrifying roars from the creatures, but could cause the nyogoths to attack you if the command is particularly egregious. 
Oh! Ok, then! There IS a cherry on top of this terrible mud sundae! It’s not really worth putting up with a million levels of lackluster abilities, but looking at the ability in a vacuum? It’s great!
Nyogoth are semi-tanky bruisers that can attack from both a range and in melee with acidic projectiles and biting maws, and have a bit of utility in their 7/day Fear to scatter enemies and their 1/day Acid Fog to provide cover and cleave through crowds of foes. Since they’re immune to Acid damage, they can also wade into their own fog to malice creatures inside... And their numerous limbs make them wonderful at grappling their victims and keeping them inside the acidic vapors.
And speaking of grappling: their 30ft flight speed and 16 Strength means they can technically pick enemies and allies up to suspend them in midair. In a pinch, they can make a poor-man’s hot air balloon to get over gaps... Just significantly slimier, much toothier, and way more filled with acid than a normal balloon. I don’t think it’s worth serving as Rovagug’s Exalted to summon them, but they at least don’t feel like a letdown.
Boon 1: Inexorable Death. Gain Doom 3/day, Death Knell 2/day, or inflict Serious Wounds 1/day.
DOOM is a funny spell to me. You’d expect it to have a terrifying and dramatic effect, but it’s a level 1 spell that makes the target shaken. For minutes at a time, yes, but shaken as a status effect has starts to become less and less effective around level 6, and you have to be at least level 10 to gain this ability. It’s also negated entirely by a save, making an already-weak spell even less useful.
Death Knell, as always, is one-dimensional but useful in that single dimension. A Sentinel will likely have more success merely coup-de-gracing a downed foe, but Death Knell grants you several benefits that make casting it actually worthwhile. An extra bit of temp HP and a boost to Strength that makes you slightly more deadly, and as the beefy and armor-clad Sentinel, you can afford to get into touch range to cast this spell even if other enemies are still around. It’s especially useful against bosses with medical mooks!
Inflict Serious Wounds deals a decent 3d8+10 (max +15) damage, but most of the time it’s not worth giving up your attack action to do. Death Knell is actually the choice here for once, unless you have some Undead in your party (or someone with Negative Energy Affinity)... though only really if you have no other way to heal them.
Boon 2: Wicked Claws. Your fingernails grow into horrible, chitinous talons that resemble insectoid spurs, or the fangs of a terrible beast. You gain a pair of claw attacks that are a primary natural attack which deal 1d8 Slashing damage if you are Medium, 1d6 if you are Small.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: Rovagug is current reigning king of Boring But Practical Boons. An extra pair of natural attacks never hurts (you, i mean; it’ll hurt everyone else plenty) and assures that you���re always armed even if disarmed. You even get heightened base damage when compared to normal claws of your size category! The downsides are primarily that it’s only a standard claw attack, though; they aren’t magical and get no tricks like piercing DR or adding Rake or bleed.
Unfortunately, that means that by the time you get this, you’ve likely already got a powerful and enchanted weapon, relegating the claws to a single extra attack you get to make whenever you full-attack. It’s an extra 1d8+Str damage made at your highest BAB, but it’s nothing grand.
Boon 3: Disintegrating Blow. 1/day as a free action, you may designate your next attack as a Disintegrating Blow. If the attack hits, the target is affected by the Disintegrate spell as if it were cast by a Wizard whose level equals your HD (max 20). If the attack misses, the ability is wasted.
All RIGHT! Finally, one that’s not boring! ... or practical.
Granted, you likely have ways to guarantee that your attack will connect, but its’ a 1/day that... deals...
32d6 untyped damage (average: 105).........
and you can shoot it via an arrow, sling bolt, or even a thrown rock.............
hwoof.... Alright, alright, I’ll agree on this: This is NOT a case of “1/days negated by a save that I Do Not Like” because slapping someone for a whole 32d6 (+2d6 per level) damage ON TOP of your weapon’s damage is pretty beefy. Even if they succeed their save they take 5d6 damage, turning it from a huge chunk into what is basically an irresistible Sneak Attack, and you still have all your other attacks behind that one to back it up. Plus, think of the intimidation factor! Just running up to someone and hitting them so hard they stop being.
I’ll throw Rovagug a bone here and say that I enjoy this ability even if it’s only 1/day, especially since it works with the claws he’s gifted you (as well as any other natural attacks you possess, including ones gained from Improved Unarmed Strike), which allows you to slap someone so hard they turn to dust.
You can read more about him here.
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soft-cryptids · 6 years ago
heavymetalmothman skomentował(a) Twój post “¦â€¦I am going to comment under every single pinterest repost of my...”
you should file dmca notices. If its your bfu art, you still own the copywrite to the work, plus they deserve to get fucked.
Yeah, no, I know I technically still have the rights. And honestly? I have considered it, I am kind of eeeehhh about having to submit all of my personal data to do it, but we will see. 
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aja154ever · 8 years ago
GRANRODEO LIVE TOUR 2017 Pierrot Dancin’ Zepp DiverCity Tokyo - 06/09/2017
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
Glorious days
君に one way love
Fake lover’s true heart
The Other Self
modern strange cowboy
Once & Forever
Can Do
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The fan report I thought I couldn’t write - because it was so hard to put these feelings into words. But still wrote anyway, for recording purposes. As in my previous GR report (March mini live), this may not be arranged in order. And warning: a very Kiiyan-centric post.
I’m relatively new to the GR fandom, though I met Kiiyan from UtaPri and has been a fan of his singing voice from the first time I heard it. This is actually my first time to attend a GR full live so yeah feelings, feelings, and feelings. This is my 4th time to watch and hear Kiiyan sing live though, and among those, his voice was in the best condition this time.
I was already expecting Pierrot Dancin’ to be the first song plus it’s no longer my first time to hear it live anyway, but no, I was not prepared at all for Kiiyan’s voice. The acapella intro was SO devastatingly good that my heart jumped out of my chest. I wasn’t able to yell cheers and get pumped up with everyone because I stood there as if I was struck by a lightning lol. It.was.that.good. But later on as the song progressed and the music joined Kiiyan, I think the performance was a bit off - except for today’s intro, it was better the last time I heard it.
But aside from Pierrot Dancin’, I think everything else was good.
TRASH CANDY - Oh this song will always be special to me as this was the first GR song I heard live, thanks to the Bungou Stray Dogs event. And I LOVE BSD, and Kiiyan reminds me so much of Chuuya that I can see Chuuya singing this song. I love them both so so much T.T
The stretch (idk what to call it) for the last word in ナミダバナ (知れ-Shire) was magnificently done receiving cheers from the crowd.
Everyone, including the crowd, did better in FAT SHAPER and Fake lover’s true heart today than the first time. Oh both songs was a blast!
Really good vocals for HARD DRIVING MIDNIGHT OMG
The Other Self - another GR song close to my heart. 
Nanno tame ni ganbaru no mada mienai kedo Sore demo yukundarou Sore dake wa shitteiru Chii ya meiyo dake nanka janai ze Mukau saki wa mae dake de ii Shita wo muitatte jimen shika mienai Dakara ikeru toko made
(“For what purpose are we doing our best? We cannot see it yet. But even so, we will still go on, right? That’s the only thing we know. This isn’t just for status nor prestige. Where we should face is only towards what’s in front of us. If we look down, there’s nothing to see but the ground. So we should go wherever we can”)
This lyrics strikes me personally that I actually quoted it in a speech contest I joined back at school. And hearing it live straight from Kiiyan for the first time, so you expect tears from me. Yes, Kiiyan, no matter how harsh life is, I’ll do my best. Thank you.
終わらぬ夢 - THIS. THIS. THIS. This is one of my personal favorites in the latest album and have been wishing badly to hear this live. So when I learned that Kiiyan sang this in the Hokkaido tour, I said I’m gonna die when this moment comes. Now what. I just can’t describe. It was astoundingly beautiful. Kiiyan how could you sound just the same or even better live? I apologize to the people beside me but I did my best to control my overwhelming emotions. I cried more when Kiiyan sang the line, “dakara nakanaide” lol
Glorious Days and BIG SUN sound so good live! I REALLY loved the live version more than the CD. Kiiyan forgot some lyrics in BIG SUN’s chorus though. He just sang “tenenenen.” LOL KIIYAN PLEASE
Darlin’ - NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE - カナリヤ - modern strange cowboy - This was a very exhaustingly fun line-up. Crowd participation at its best. But can I just say that I love Darlin’ so much yayyyy
UNDER THE SKY - THIS. THIS. You know Kiiyan’s voice is always beautiful but slow songs like this really kill me. Again he sang this REALLY well. Oh please I’m running out of adjectives. I badly wanted to shout “I love you too” after he said the last line, “I love you.”
Once & Forever - Y.W.F. - Encore. Everyone was already so wild at this point. Can this not end please. I just want to jump and bang my head all night.
Can Do - Ending the night with this made me reflect as this is where everything for me began. I met GRANRODEO from Kuroko no Basuke, and so basically Can Do is the first GR song I learned. It will forever hold a special place in my heart. This was the last song so I just went all out yelling, jumping, singing, dancing, everything.
MC points
It’s been 3 weeks since the Hokkaido live, which was the first leg of the tour. And so they said it felt like the first day again. e-zuka said that he was nervous and joked the crowd not to look at him as he wants to focus.
e-zuka teased Kiiyan about crying in the Utapri Live. Introducing the next song, Kiiyan suddenly spoke in a cool voice that caught e-zuka’s attention. He said, “I thought you already left that good voice and the tears in Seibu Dome.” Kiiyan got embarrassed and replied that what was circulating on the internet about him was a lie (just like what he said in his tweet lol). He told us to watch the Blu-ray when it arrives, and see that he had that scene cut out! Oh tsun-tsun Kiiyan kawaii
They talked about the fact that drummer Shin has not revealed his age yet to the public, but they do know it. e-zuka hints that Shin actually came from school with a ランドセル on his back. (You know the big backpack that Japanese grade school kids use). Kiiyan laughs saying, “That’d make him Shin-chan!”
Kiiyan talked about the rainy season and the coming of summer. e-zuka then sang and played Happy birthday with his guitar. (Kiiyan’s birthday’s coming up yay!) Speaking of birthdays, they asked if anyone in the crowd was celebrating her birthday today, and there were actually some. They greeted them and thanked that they were able to come even if it’s their birthday. Incidentally, there was also a couple who was celebrating their wedding anniversary. Kiiyan also mentioned that today also happened to be Johnny Depp’s birthday. e-zuka then thanked everyone and introduced himself as Johnny Depp.
They mentioned that there are still a few tickets left for the additional Osaka tour in August. They said that they also mentioned this in the Hokkaido tour, so why are there still tickets left even after 3 weeks?? Lol I always find it cute when Kiiyan awkwardly self-promotes. Kiiyan said that on the contrary, it was apparently difficult to get tickets for the “Yama no Hi (lit. Mountain Day)” live, and he wondered why. Lol. It just happened to fall on “Taniyama no Hi (Taniyama’s Day”) and I’m so bitter I’m one of those who has not gotten one tho I got Aug 10 but still huhu
Kiiyan’s MC was interrupted at some point when sweat kept on flowing into his eyes. He then wiped his face with a towel. I just want to mention this because it was cute lol
When they announced that G7 will be held in Okinawa, Takita-san asked if he will be coming along too. Kiiyan said of course because he and e-zuka can’t do it by themselves. Takita-san said that he has actually not been to Okinawa which gained an “EEEEEHHHHHH?” from the crowd. Takita-san asked why they are making such EH reaction, “Is it that bad (that I haven’t gone to Okinawa)??”
When Kiiyan announced that there’s only one song left, he received a sad “EEEEHHH” from the crowd. Kiiyan grunted, “Why are you looking so dissatisfied? I just said that I’ll still be singing!” Lol Kiiyan we’re so satisfied but we just did not want this to end
Kiiyan said that it was so fun that they do not want the live to end. The crowd suggested to start over again. e-zuka enthusiastically responded, “Let’s do this again together!” as he pointed out that live performances are done by them and the audience together.
Photos/posts from official accounts:
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(This was posted on the 2nd day but I just want to post this photo that had me laughing on the floor Kiiyan please why)
Wew. Wew. I don’t know how many times I’ve said this but still, I’m saying this again - that Kiiyan’s singing voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. While listening there live, my thoughts were like, “Everyone should listen to this! It’s too unfortunate that some people do not know about Kiiyan.” No single word exists or not even an essay can suffice to describe Kiiyan’s voice. But even so, as a fan I admit that Kiiyan’s singing is actually far from perfect. I mean voice quality and singing ability are two different things. Moreover, I actually had hesitations before as it seemed that Kiiyan sounds better in CD than in live. But no, I have really affirmed today that he can sound pretty much the same whether recorded or live. Or that he can actually sound better in live. Damn I heard him sing 21 songs this time okay. Sure there were glitches at some parts of the song, but I want it raw and I’m embracing all his imperfections. I was torn between keeping my eyes open to watch him or closing my eyes so I can listen to his voice more intently. I really love watching Kiiyan as I can feel his love for music, singing, and performing. Because that’s one of the most valuable things, right? That the performer himself is having fun with what he’s doing.
It was a very, very fun and gratifying night; but more importantly it was a night full of admiration and gratitude. And I thank God again for bringing Kiiyan and GRANRODEO into my life. See you next live! ❤
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kinkerheaux · 8 years ago
Super long tag
the lovely @fajantas tagged me to do this so lets gooooo
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: i didnt drink anything today lol
2. Phone call: my brother
3. Text message: My friend texted me that she almost ended up in Liverpool bc we were playing a game on imessage
4. Song you listened to: survivor by destinys child
5. Time you cried: my eyes started watering bc i was super tired does that count
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: nein
9. Lost someone special: eeeehhh
10. Been depressed: hell yeah
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHAHA YES
12. Red
13. Blue
14. Silver
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: yup
17. Laughed until you cried: yeaaahhhh
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: YES
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I dont use fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 0
24. Do you want to change your name: no but i was almost called Francis and that wouldve been cool
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: had some drinks and celebrated with family
26. What time did you wake up: 10am or something
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching Rupauls dragrace
28. Name something you can’t wait for: GOING TO PORTUGAL AND SKYDIVING
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: not much tbh
31. What are you listening right now: Wild thoughts by Rihanna and dj Khaled and Bryson Tiller bc its on the radio
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes my sisters ex he was annoying
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: nothing rn
34. Most visited Website: twitter, tumblr and youtube
35. Mole/s: a lot of them
36. Mark/s: some childhood scars
37. Childhood dream: be the queen
38. Haircolour: brown
39. Long or short hair: medium
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no
41. What do you like about yourself: a lot of things
42. Piercings: septum, helix, tongue and ears
43. Bloodtype: no idea
44. Nickname: Mo is my nickname, my real name is Maureen
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV Show: Shadowhunters
49. Tattoos: None
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: had a mole removed when i was like 8
52. Hair dyed in different color: My hair has been silver, purple, blue, green, dark blue and now its brown
53. Sport: nothing im too lazy
56. Pair of trainers: do u mean shoes then yes i bought two pairs of nikes last week
57. Eating: nothing
58. Drinking: nothing
59. I’m about to: eat
61. Waiting for: food
62. Want: to have a gf/bf
63. Get married: sì
64. Career: sound engineer
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: eh older idc
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idk
74. Kissed a stranger: No
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: for a few minutes
77. Turned someone down: when i was 7 or somwthing
78. Sex in the first date: dependssss
79. Broken someone’s heart: probably
80. Had your heart broken: nope
81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: oh yes
83. Fallen for a friend: no
84. Yourself: YES
85. Miracles: YEAH
86. Love at first sight: kinda
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: also dependsss
89. Angels: mmmmhhhh
90. Current best friends name: Chloe and tj
91. Eyecolour: hazel
92. Favorite movie: the breakfast club, trainspotting, some more
not tagging bc everyone i wanted to tag is already tagged by someone else!! (and im lazy)
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sapphzeal · 8 years ago
yo dog that Samurai SepticEye art is the bomb like i dunno why they gettin salty over it but its GOOD
Why thank you, good anon :D Yeah,like, now theres another one in the mix saying they gave their opinion on it,but if you look in the tags it says “none had to”, “wasted potential”. Eeeehhh, idk man. Im literally getting mixed vibes of what that supposed to sound like. Idk thing are happening very sudden.  
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sarazanmai · 8 years ago
Thoughts on the “Sailor Moon Crystal” English dub. Episode nine.
this music is really good
“you’re sad, a face such as yours should never be sad” AUGH MY SHIPPER HEART
Mamoru is drawn really well in this scene too considering season one’s art was very eeeehhh
“I came back to be with you again” THIS SHIP HURTS SO GOOD
I blame Naoko Takeuchi specifically for why I’m such a romantic
also Moon Pride has FINALLY grown on me
so um Kunzite....you kinda almost killed your prince...
Venus just got a downgrade
lucky for her she’s already a princess to begin with 
so far this episode is drawn very well, its not season three quality but its there
we never even learn HOW Serenity left the moon to visit Earth, we just roll with it because dammit she loves that man and who gives a shit about the technical stuff anyway?
also erm I do often wonder what sort of people Endymion’s parents were like and wish Naoko gave us that
Serenity’s dad though is something I never needed like she could be the product of Queen Serenity swallowing a dying star and from that a baby began to develop in her womb and I would buy it
“people from the Earth and people from the moon are not allowed to be together” because reasons
well that red haired woman could be ANYONE
Beryl ruins everything is the takeaway from this arc
and Metalia is basically orgasming over the crystal...
damn I think this was the one episode they really put effort into animation wise
oh my God a bridal carry that must mean Kunzite is in love with Tuxedo Mask oh my God MamoUsa is a red herring and the series will really be about Mamoru going to the Dark to have Kunzite’s babies to bring balance or whatever
I just gotta stick it to Rey/o any chance I can you guys, speaking of the stuff with Demande in season two is REALLY gonna remind me of that ship...
and yeah again Kunzite that is YOUR PRINCE
he must have felt like shit when his memories came back
I like how this lie Artemis and Minako told only lasted like a day
quite literally everything changed when the Earth Kingdom attacked
“I’m just a girl in love with a boy...” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
I’m eating so much crow today because this episode is done very well, I know I watched most of season one and maybe I didn’t appreciate this episode at the time because my disappointment was blinding me to when they got things right
the fact that I’m revisiting this knowing how much better things got in season three helps too because even when the animation is the worst and they tweak things that puzzle me, I can still say they went above and beyond to correct the things fans had been criticizing them for. its a rare moment where Toei actually gave a shit.
I like how they’re using IVs on him, not only do they have driver’s ed in the Dark Kingdom they also have modern medicine
wow I forgot Jadeite wasn’t dead yet
Kunzite why you always lying?
its probably the crushing guilt
the relationship between Luna and Usagi is also important, as Naoko once said they have the same eyes
all the times I saw this image in the manga I never imagined it bathed in moonlight
Usagi is having a full blown panic attack, its really sad
Rei’s speech about Usagi following her own destiny made my heart grow three sizes
lotta kissing going on
tune in next time where we find out if the moon is made of cheese
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radiotorn · 6 years ago
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