#but yeah i just think they balance each other out perfectly. kenny is a black cat takaba is a golden puppy
i have a concept for kenjaku/reader/takaba that i’m very fond of but that’s even more niche 😭
that is... so random, but i am very intrigued???
i don't think i've ever seen someone write a fan fic about takaba??
like what would that even look like?
I LOVE TAKABA :((((( he’s one of my favorites. i ADORE kenkaba as a duo and as individuals so i just think. they’d make a good poly ship :3 in a no curses au to be clear!!!! my idea for this fic was an au where kenkaba is a famous stand-up duo and reader is their s/o and biggest fan :33 but then i also started thinking a bit about a domestic fic where kenny is an artist and takaba is a comedian…. idkkk i just think it’d be cute!! kenny bullies you both lovingly and takaba is an actual puppy. golden retriever bf. he would Die for you both.
here’s a post i made abt it a while back .. i talk abt it a tiny bit in the tags :3 it’s not a super thought out concept yet but yeah!!! i just Adore their dynamic and i need them both to love me
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Unexpected Company
Summary: Louis and Clementine are having a chill date at Clem's house when Clementine realizes that Lee has company too.
Word Count: 2582
Read on AO3:
Clementine and Louis lay curled up together on her bed, completely absorbed by the events occurring on the laptop in front of them. They’d been rewatching The Last Airbender series together for the past few weeks after they both realized it had been years since they’d seen it. A.J. had joined in for some of their watch parties, but he was at a sleepover at Tenn’s house tonight, so they were on their own. They’d reached the point where Zuko and Iroh were on the run. They both chuckled as Iroh debated the risks of making a tea out of a plant that might just be deadly poisonous.
“Man, Iroh’s the best,” Louis commented, his words sending a tickling warmth through Clem’s hair. “Wish I had a cool uncle giving me sage life advice and making me tea,”
“Don’t we all,” Clementine murmured. Her hand shifted around Louis’ waist, pulling him closer. “Y’know, in some ways Lee reminds me of Iroh,”
“Really?” Louis chuckled. “I mean, the resemblance is striking, but…”
“Not like that!” Clementine smacked her boyfriend’s chest playfully. “It’s more like… they’re both mentors. Always encouraging, but willing to call you on your crap. Cheering for you, but hands off enough to let you make your own mistakes and learn from them. Stuff like that,”
“Makes sense,” Louis nodded thoughtfully, his chin brushing through Clem’s curls. “Well, I’m glad you have someone like that in your life, even if you found each other later than you would have liked,” One of his thumbs brushed across the scar on Clementine’s left arm. She’d told him what it was from. To think that a foster family could be negligent enough to let Clementine, only 11 at the time, be bitten by their dog then blame it on her… he couldn’t believe the things she’d been through sometimes. She really was amazing.
“Things are good now,” Clementine responded, fiddling with a button on Louis’ shirt. “That’s all that matters. Now I’ve got Lee, and A.J… and you,” She smiled up at her boyfriend who was grinning like a fool. A fool in love. Their lips met for a quick kiss, followed by another. Clementine pulled way reluctantly. “We’re going to have to go back like five minutes in this episode because I have no idea what’s been happening,”
“We can finish it later,” Louis’ foot tapped the laptop closed. He leaned forward to capture Clementine’s lips in another kiss, to which she eagerly complied.
Suddenly a loud clanging from the kitchen had both of them jumping in surprise.
“Are Kenny and Lee having a late night bakeathon?” Louis quirked an eyebrow. Lee had mentioned that Kenny was going to come over that night when Louis had dropped by in the late afternoon. The pair had simply nodded at the news, heading to Clementine’s room with a stash of snacks to keep them going through the Avatar marathon. They hadn’t exited the room since.
“Kenny’s not really the baking type,” Clementine mused over other explanations. “Maybe they decided to do breakfast for dinner. Lee’s always down for breakfast food,”
“Who isn’t?” Louis’ stomach rumbled loudly. “Speaking of which…” Reaching off the side of the bed, he rooted through the snack bags, looking for Skittles. He lifted them up with a triumphant cheer.
“How exactly are Skittles a breakfast food?” Clementine asked, her arms crossed.
“Skittles transcend categories,” Louis retorted, popping a few into his mouth and offering her the bag. “Any time is Skittles time,”
Clementine was going to come up with a sassy reply of her own, when she was surprised to hear a female voice coming from the kitchen. Her eyes widened and she shushed Louis quickly. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“It sounded like a woman. There it is again!” The pair listened intently. Sure enough, dulcet tones came from the kitchen, accompanied by deeper voices.
“Yeah, that’s definitely not Kenny,” Louis stated decidedly. “Not that I’ve met the man, but I’d be seriously floored if I turned out to be wrong,”
“It’s not Kenny,” Clementine jumped off her bed, leaning an ear against her bedroom door. She could make out the conversation a little bit clearer from here.
“Lee, seriously, it’s fine!” the female voice insisted. “You don’t need to cook for me at this hour,”
“Now don’t be silly. I’m not going to let a lady starve under my own roof,”
“Oh my god, my stomach grumbled one time. It’s not that big a deal!”
“Might as well listen to him, Carley,” Kenny’s voice travelled from the kitchen. “Lee doesn’t change his mind once it’s been made up. Besides, the man cooks a mean breakfast burrito,”
Clementine’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Who exactly was this Carley woman and why had Lee not mentioned that she was coming as well as Kenny? The way they were talking made it seem like she wasn’t a casual acquaintance either.
“Why are we spying?” Louis whispered by Clementine’s ear, causing her to jump in surprise.
“We’re spying because there has to be a reason Lee has never mentioned this woman to me before. He never brings over people A.J. and I don’t know,”
Now it was Louis’ turn to raise an eyebrow. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?”
“What? No! What would I even have to be jealous of?” Clementine huffed.
“Well, chances are if Lee’s bringing over a lady friend that there’s something more going on between them… maybe something romantic. Would that be a bad thing?”
“It’s not anything,” Clementine declared, pulling away from the door. “For all we know, they added a third teammate to their trivia night group,”
“Yeah, that’s totally the most logical option,”
Clementine narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend. She hated when he was smug. It usually meant he was right. “Y’know what? It’s getting late. We should probably call it a night,”
“Seriously? But Avatar!”
“Avatar can wait!”
Louis was loath to leave, but he could see that this turn of events had thrown Clem for a loop. Maybe it was best to give her some space and time to cool off.
“Well, alright then,” Louis reached for the doorknob, only to have Clementine tear his hand away.
“Are you crazy?” she hissed. “You can’t go out that way! The kitchen is right by the front door!” Her eyes turned to the window. “C’mon, we’ll sneak you out like I snuck you in the first time,”
“Would meeting Lee’s lady friend really be that bad?” Louis questioned.
Clementine shot him a cold glare.
“Alright, alright, you’re the boss,” Louis helped Clementine clear the knickknacks off her dresser before hopping on top and edging his way backwards out the open window. His hands gripped Clementine’s arms for balance. Even though they were on the first floor her window was still a good distance off the ground. He’d need a hand down.
“Well, I hate to cut the party short, but I’d better head home before Kat starts to worry,” Kenny said as he stood beside the front door.
“You sure?” Lee asked, spatula still in hand. “The eggs are just about done,”
“Yeah, I’m sure. You two have fun without me,” Kenny raised a hand in farewell to Carley who was still sitting at the kitchen table. She returned the gesture with a smile. Kenny turned back to Lee. “See you next week for trivia night?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Lee chuckled.
With that, Kenny stepped out the front door. The night air was chilly, and he quickly wrapped his coat more tightly around him. Luckily his car wasn’t far off, just a little way down the street. Walking toward it, Kenny glanced at the house fondly.
That’s when he noticed something. Half of a body dangling and kicking outside one of the first-floor windows. Clementine’s room.
“What the hell?” Kenny growled, quickly striding forward. What’s an ass doing outside Clem’s window?" Reaching his target, Kenny grabbed onto the pants of the culprit.
He was met with a frightened squeal. “Clem, something out there! Pull me back, now, now now!” Before Kenny could get a better hold on the jeans, the legs disappeared back inside the house and he heard a body thud to the floor.
Clementine quickly popped up by the window, giving Kenny an awkward wave. “Hey, Kenny. You heading out?”
“Clem, what the hell is going on?” Kenny growled. “It looked to me like some kind of hooligan was trying to break into your room!”
A young black man with dreadlocks popped up behind Clementine, looking at him with a mixture of fear and embarrassment.
“Well, umm…” Clementine awkwardly cleared her throat. “This is my boyfriend, Louis. Kenny, Louis. Louis, Kenny,”
Louis gave him an awkward wave. “It’s very nice to meet you, sir. Love the mustache,”
“You don’t get to like the mustache!” Kenny snapped, causing Louis to flinch. “Clementine, what are you doing sneaking this boy out of your room at this hour. Don’t you know you have a front door that would work perfectly-”
Before he could finish, Clementine’s bedroom door opened.
“Everything all right in here, Clem?” Lee asked, a concerned expression on his face. “I thought I heard you scream,”
“Actually, that was me,” Louis admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Mr. Kenny surprised me is all,”
“Kenny?” Lee walked forward, seeing his friend standing outside the window. “What are you still doing here?”
“I thought I was stopping a break-in. This fool had his ass sticking out Clem’s window, looking for the whole world like some sort of burglar. I was just in the process of asking them why they hadn’t used the front door instead when you came in,”
“Well now, that is a good question,” Lee said, crossing his arms and turning to his daughter. “Mind telling us, Clementine?”
Clementine looked away, her own arms crossed. “We didn’t want to disturb you. You or your company,”
Lee’s expression changed to one of understanding. “You know what? I think it’s time we all called it a night. Louis?”
“Yes, sir,” Louis answered. He placed a quick kiss to his girfriend’s cheek before heading over to grab the leftover snacks. “Night, Clem,”
Lee turned to the open window. “I’ve got things handled here, Kenny. Thanks for keeping an eye out,”
Kenny nodded. “Anytime. Night,” With that he was off. Lee closed the window then turned to Clementine. “I’m going to say goodnight to Carley and see her out. After that, do you want to meet up in the kitchen for some midnight breakfast burritos?”
Clementine silently nodded.
“Alright then,” Lee exited the room, preparing an excuse in his head for Carley on why they had to cut the night short.
About ten minutes later, Lee returned to the kitchen. Clementine was already sitting there, an untouched plate of eggs and bacon before her. Lee pulled out the chair across from her, sitting down as well. They remained in silence for a minute or two before Lee decided to start things off. “I’m sorry I didn’t mention to you that Carley was coming over. That was inconsiderate on my part,”
“It’s not like you owe me an explanation,” Clementine mumbled. “I’m not a teenager anymore. Soon enough I’ll have found my own place and I won’t be underfoot anymore,”
“Now sweet pea, you know you’re not in the way. I know we agreed you’d stay at home through college to save money, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed having you around for longer. Hell, if you wanted to keep living here you could invite Louis to move into the house instead,” Lee waggled his eyebrows teasingly.
That got a snort out of Clementine. “Yeah right,” Her eyes grew thoughtful before she spoke again. “It must have been hard being a single dad to me and A.J. all those years. I don’t know if you met anybody you wanted to bring home during that time, but I’d like to think I’d have been open to meeting somebody if you wanted to introduce us,”
Lee shook his head. “There wasn’t anybody during those years. You know that around the time I met you I was at the tail end of my divorce. It took a long time to heal from the pain. You and A.J. were key to that healing. During those years with the two of you growing up, I didn’t need anything more than the three of us,”
“And now?”
Lee sighed. “I didn’t go out looking for romance if that’s what you mean. Meeting Carley was happenstance, fate maybe. She was doing an article on the university and asked to interview me as a representative of the college. From there we hit things off and, well… there have been a few dates. I didn’t want to bring up anything to you and A.J. till I knew things were serious. Now I see that tonight should have been the night I introduced the two of you rather then sneaking Carley in under your nose,” Lee took hold of Clementine’s hand, clasping it gently. “Things may be changing with Carley being a part of our lives, but that’s a good thing. And it won’t change the love I have for you and A.J. a single bit,”
“I know,” Clem’s voice was soft. She squeezed Lee’s hand tighter. “I know it’s petty to be upset about something like this. I guess it’s just that things are finally… perfect. A.J.’s doing well, it’s my last year of college, work at the diner has been great and things with Louis…” Clementine trailed off, a smile playing at her lips before it grew serious once more. “I guess I’m just afraid of change. Growing up, every time change came my way it meant I was losing everything all over again. Maybe I should know better, but it’s still hard to picture change meaning anything else,”
“That makes complete sense, Clem,” Lee rubbed a thumb along his daughter’s hand soothingly. “Change is always scary, especially for someone who’s seen more than her fair share. I promise you, I’m going to take things slow with Carley. You and A.J. will always be my first priority,”
“You deserve to be happy too though,” Clementine lay her other hand on top of her father’s. “I’ll try my best to be calm about this whole thing and not let myself freak out. I want to be able to celebrate this change with you. Just… give me some time?”
“All the time you need, sweet pea,” Lee’s eyes were warm as he smiled at Clementine. She had come so far since he’d met her all those years ago. Sometimes he forgot the pain and fear that she still carried deep within her. But hope and joy were stronger now.
A rumbling stomach drew their attention away from the moment.
“Was that you or me?” Lee chuckled.
“You, but I’m starving too,” Clementine let go of Lee’s hand to pick up her fork. “Let’s dig in,”
“I couldn’t agree more,”
They chatted for some time after that into the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes the best moments were those that come upon you unexpectedly. That was true for the father-daughter pair as they joked and laughed, eating breakfast burritos until they couldn’t hold anymore. Whatever life threw their way, they knew they could face it head on because they had each other.
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Canadian Girl
Chapter Fourteen
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC  | Word Count: 5906 Warnings: Discussion of past abusive relationship, violence, swearing, stereotyping of Canadians (I’m allowed, I am one)
It was the last day of CFR. Though they’d seen more of rodeo than any one of them had ever wanted to, it had also been more fun than expected.
Steve had stuck close to Kennedy, watchful for Carl, but the man had kept his distance.
With the way the three of them scowled at him anytime Kennedy’s ex came around, it didn’t surprise Bucky none. Still, something about the lingering glares he set on Kennedy gave Bucky a bad feeling. He made sure when Steve wasn’t with her, he was.
The area behind the chutes was either brimming with energy and activity or completely laid back. Bucky had been asked more than once if he was riding as he perpetually wore his glove, but he would just smile and shrug, make up an excuse about having suffered a burn which left it overly sensitive, hence the covering.
Everyone would just smile and nod, understanding in their eyes. A few times someone would lift a shirttail or pull up a pant leg to show their own nasty wounds where they’re gotten raked or gored by a bull. By the end of the week, Bucky had decided the cowboys were either bat crap crazy, or some tough sons of bitches. Maybe a bit of both.
It was surprisingly easy to blend in, too. He’d denied being that Bucky a few times, had Nat call him James a few more, and soon the rest of the crews and cowboys behind the chutes got into the habit of denying it for him when new people would ask.
The same went for Steve as Kennedy religiously called him Steven. People brushed it all off as coincidence because, really, why in the world would three Avengers be wandering around at the Canadian Finals Rodeo?
Now, the last day, Jonas’s bull Cyclone was up to be ridden. The big Brahma was an ornery fuck, and Kennedy’s dad had asked if he’d lend a hand. They’d formed a wary truce, he and that asshole bull.
Kennedy, too, was up on the chutes a little farther down.
Rank ass Cyclone was going to be the first bull out, but the broncs weren’t quite done yet.
She was helping Matt deal with one who wanted to rear up and not turn out of the gate. Apparently, she and the bronc had an understanding which involved carrots for good behaviour or some such nonsense. Whatever it was, it was working.
Steve and Nat were on the ground watching but stayed back out of the way. Near Cap’s feet was a large black canvas bag, round, used to haul lariats, but low and behold if it didn’t perfectly fit Cap’s shield.
Kennedy had found it for him at the Expo which was also on and picked it up.  
It had made Bucky chuckle, but Steve always felt better if he had his circle of protection with him. And no one said a damn thing about a guy wandering around packing something like that.
Kennedy was just so damn perfect for him. She wasn’t some tough warrior princess. She was girl next door sweet and suited Cap.
The man was a protector. He needed a woman who needed that from him.
When the bull caused a ruckus, he reached into the chute, gave a horn a hard jerk and glared into that angry dark eye. “Cut it out.”
Glancing back towards Matt and Kenny, he watched her place a calm hand on the broncs nose as the rider settled.
A rapid nod from the rider and the gate swung open.
The Doc gave the horse’s head a shove.
Finally, the bronc broke out to buck and jump and kick wildly. Looked like carrots were on the menu tonight.
Eight seconds went by, and the pickup men ran up alongside the rider who used one to slide to the ground where he threw his hat in the air, waving to the cheering crowd.
Beside him, Bucky heard one of the old-timers murmur about the best ride of the night. Sure enough, he’d picked up top marks.
The more clanging metal had him looking down the chutes. The inner dividers were opening to allow the bulls to load their way into the individual pens.
He looked back at Cyclone who just stood there. “Well?”
The bull snorted.
Bucky reached inside, jerking on that horn again, encouraging Cyclone to move along.
He banged his horns into the metal of the pen and charged down the chutes.
“Ornery bastard,” he muttered. Sauntering along the walkway, Bucky made his way towards Kennedy, watching as Matt headed down the stairs and away towards the pens to check on the bronc while the big Brahma ended up in the pen nearest the Doc and proceeded to throw himself around.
Rolling his eyes, Bucky growled deeply, “Don’t make me punch your nasty ass.”
Chuckling, Kennedy grinned up at Bucky. “I’m not sure he understands your threats.”
“He understands just fine,” Bucky snarled at the bull. “Best move out of the way, Doc.” Placing his hand on her back, he urged her toward the stairs.
She pouted a little. “Aw, I never get to watch from up here.” Not the bulls, anyway. “Just him? Cyclone’s first and I really want to watch him earn those points that will push him to the top of the leaderboard!” She just knew this was the year one of her dad’s bulls would take the top spot. Nudging Bucky with her elbow, she grinned up at him and whispered, “I’m so glad you didn’t punch him.”
“After Steve and Aces? I know better.” Leaning down near her ear he whispered, “Besides if I hit him with this, I’d likely kill the fucker.”
She patted his arm, the metal one and glanced towards Steven.
He was grinning at her and motioned her to come down.
She held up a finger and winked before moving out of the way of the cowboys wanting to get ready, to stand along the rail with a few other watchers.
The pens gave way to dirt and the exit gate, the railing only shin high, and she leaned out carefully to see the action.
The rider getting up on Cyclone was not someone she was familiar with, but the men standing with her seemed to like his chances. Hand on the rail, Kennedy peered past the men, watching intently as the rider tucked his chin, gave a nod, and the chute came open. Lifting her hands to her lips, she cheered with the rest, excited to see Cyclone pulling out all the stops as he bucked and spun.
So, when the blow came to the back of her head, knocking her forward and over the rail into the path of the charging bull, she never saw it coming.
Intent on the rider and the bull, Bucky didn’t see it happen, only the gasping cry of distress which had him turning to look. The crumpled form of Kennedy, the red of her shirt and white of her hat unmistakable, was sprawled out in the dirt feet from where Cyclone had just thrown his rider off.
When the bull turned to her, there was no hesitation.
Bucky leapt the rail the same time Steve did, the red and blue of Cap’s shield gleaming beneath the overhead lights.
“Love looks good on you, Cap,” Nat smirked, giving Steve a nudge with her elbow.
Steve grinned down at her. “Thanks, Nat. She makes me happy.”
“I’d have to be blind and deaf not to notice. The two of you light each other up. She’s good for you. So adorably girl next door. It’s no wonder you gush when you talk about her,” she teased, laughing as his cheeks reddened. “And then you blush when you realize you’re gushing.” She patted his arm.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he gave a sheepish shrug. “I hope I’m good for her, too.”
“Oh, you are. That whole mess with Carl… Steve.” She shook her head.
“Kennedy tell you much?”
The hard eyes and cold voice was all he needed to see. “He hurt her?”
“Physically? Only once.”
Grinding his teeth together, Steve looked up to where Kennedy was leaning over the rail. The shape of her ass in those tight fitting wranglers momentarily distracted him. “You sure?”
He looked down to Nat. “You’re good for her too, you know.”
She shook her head. “I think it’s Kenny. She’s just good for all-” she gasped, grabbing for Steve’s arm.
His head whipped up in time to see Carl’s fist connect with the back of Kennedy’s head, sending his girl straight over the rail into the path of the charging Brahma. “Natasha!”
“On it!” she took off after Carl, the man running along the chutes.
Kicking his shield up, bag and all, Steve ripped it free as he vaulted the railing, landing in front of Kennedy. Bracing, he grunted against the force when Cyclone’s horns skidded off his shield with a resounding clang.
He darted and weaved between people, knocking cowboys out of his way. Young or old it didn’t matter. Carl was determined to get away, but Natasha was far more determined to catch him.
Tired of dodging people, she leapt to the metal rails of the chutes, balancing easily as she ran along above the bulls. She didn’t think about what would happen if she missed a step.
Reaching the end, she caught the eyes of Eric, a sweet, shy cowboy she’d flirted with all week. It hadn’t gone beyond a flirtation.
He was just too sweet for her.
She’d eat him alive, but he was gaping at her, swinging a rope lazily against his hip. Holding up her hand, she hollered, “Eric! Rope!”
He tossed it to her as she raced by.
Under no illusion she could actually rope the fucker, Nat simply threw the loop, so it wrapped around his ankles, tripping him up.
It was enough as Carl stumbled into the underside of the stands.
When he righted himself, Natasha was there. “Oh you made a big fucking mistake,” she snarled.  She ducked the jab he threw at her, sidestepped the second one, reached out and slammed her fist into his jaw.
It snapped his head back.
Smiling her man-eating grin, she followed through a knee to the groin, a fist to the gut, an elbow jaw. She punched him hard enough to knock a few teeth loose. A second solid kick straight to the balls had him collapsing to the ground.
Following him down, Nat ground his face into the dirty concrete. Over his groaning, she snarled, “Be thankful it was me he sent after you. Steve would have broken you in half, but Bucky? He would have killed you. You’d best pray Kennedy isn’t badly hurt, or I guarantee you won’t live through the night.” She laughed softly when he whimpered in pain. “If the Winter Soldier doesn’t come for you… I will,” she hissed menacingly in his ear.
He went limp beneath her hold.
Snorting at his lack of resistance, Natasha dragged the rope toward them.
“You need a hand there… uh… ma'am?” Eric asked, hat in hand.
“Calf roper, right?”
He nodded.
Natasha smiled wickedly. “Want to show me the proper way to hogtie something?” She held out the rope.
Steve heaved against Cyclone as the bull tried to gore him.
Then, Bucky was there, plowing into the shoulder of the bull with enough force to send them both sideways. Wrapping his arm around the bull’s neck, he hollered at Steve. “Get her outta here!”
Cyclone’s horn caught his sleeve as the bull bellowed and bucked, ripping it open and skidding over the plates, lifting him off his feet.
When he dropped back to the dirt, Bucky dug in his heels, pushing the angry bull farther into the arena. Holding on tight, trying not to injure the nasty thing unless he had to, Bucky forced him away step by step.
The whole family had high hopes for the bull, but if it came down to Cyclone or Kennedy, he wouldn’t hesitate to break the fucker’s neck.
Steve knelt beside Kennedy. “C’mon, sweetheart. I need you to open your eyes,” he begged as his hand went to the back of her head. His palm came away bloody.
“Steve!” Matt landed beside him.
“Don’t move her! I don’t know how badly she’s hurt,” Steve warned.
“I’ll watch her. Help, Bucky! You got to get Cyclone out of here!”
He turned in time to see his friend fly through the air. Dirt sprayed up like a wave as Bucky plowed through it. Rolling, he dug his metal hand into the ground bringing himself to a stop.
Cyclone was in full charge as Steve jolted up.
Running flat out, he slammed shield-first into the bull’s shoulder, knocking Cyclone onto his side.
The bull bellowed, anger in the sound when he thrashed his way back to his feet.
“C’mon you ornery fuck!” Bucky snarled, swinging open the out gate.
Steve chucked his shield at Bucky. “Hold that will ya?”
Snatching it out of midair, Bucky shook his head. “That ain’t no cutting horse!”
“Guess I’d best be quick then!”
Cyclone was already headed for him, so Steve reached out and gave the rank bull a solid smack on the nose as he ran toward Bucky. The bull was out for blood, snorting, grunting, reminding him of a cartoon he’d once seen of a character called Bugs Bunny. It gave him the insane desire to smack the Brahma again and say stop steaming up my tail.
However, he was more inclined to get the bull away from Kennedy, out of the arena, and as far as he could from the medical team working on her.
As he raced through the gate, he grabbed Bucky’s outstretched arm. A sharp jerk sent him swinging up in the air, Cyclone’s horns just grazing the back of his shirt as he flipped over the back of the bull. Darting to the side, the gate clanged shut behind him.
His hat and glasses had come off not long after he’d landed in the arena, as had Bucky’s along with a good chunk of Buck’s left sleeve. The deathly quiet of the place was suddenly filled with the screaming, cheering cry of ten thousand people. The chant of Avengers echoed, making him nearly deaf, but as Bucky handed back his shield, Steve only had eyes for Kennedy.
She was seated beside Matt, holding her head.
He ran straight for her, sliding to a stop on his knees, his shield falling to the ground as he made to cup her face. “Kennedy?” he mouthed the word for he knew she wouldn’t hear him over the screaming.
She nodded slowly, pain present in her eyes.
Dragging her into his arms, he buried his face against her throat. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been so scared before. Shaking slightly, he realized how close he’d come to losing her.
A hand landed on his shoulder.
Looking up reluctantly, he noticed the medics motioning him to let her go. Not hardly. Scooping her up, he held her close, stomped on his shield to have it sliding back up his arm, and motioned for them to lead the way.
With Bucky helping clear a path, they made it back to where the ambulance and paramedics were waiting.
“Steven, I’m alright,” Kennedy said once the noise was drowned out some. The pain on her face said otherwise.
“You took a blow to the head, doll. You’re going to get checked out.” He placed her on the gurney. Taking her hand, he stepped back only enough to stay out of the EMT’s way.
At her feet, Bucky tapped the toe of her boot. “Jeez, doll face. If you wanted to get in on the action, there were better ways to do it.”
“Shut it, Barnes,” she quipped, flinching when the medic flashed a light in her eyes.
“Kenny!” Jonas bellowed, shoving his way forward.
“I’m alright, dad.”
“Oh, thank Jesus!” He sagged against Bucky. “If anything had happened to you, little girl…”
She glanced up at him, and Steve motioned Jonas to her side, letting go of her hand so her father could take his place.
Standing with Buck, he watched as the man bent, kissing the forehead of his daughter.
“I’m really okay, dad. Promise.”
“I’d a put a bullet in Cyclone’s head myself if he’d hurt you.” Kissing her cheek, Jonas turned to the two of them with wet eyes. “I can’t ever…” he shook his head.
“Sir, we’re going to need to take Ms. Jones now. University Hospital,” the younger of the two medics said.
“She’s Doctor Jones, and he’s going with you.” Jonas pointed at Steve.
“Sir,” the medic held up his hand.
Steve, gratitude evident, nodded to Jonas before turning on the medic. “Son, don’t even start. Where she goes, I go.” Over his shoulder, he called out, “Buck! See if you can find Nat. She went after him.”
“Roger that, Cap.”
“And call Maria. Someone’s going to need to spin this fast. Otherwise, it’ll do that thing where it catches the flu.” Everyone looked at him in confusion.
Kennedy snorted out a laugh only to groan in pain. “He means it’ll go viral!”
Flushing, Steve shook his head. “Yeah, that,” he grumbled as everyone snickered. Linking his fingers with Kennedy’s, he climbed in the back of the ambulance. Least she understood him.
Steve sat slouched in the relatively comfortable chair in Kennedy’s hospital room watching her sleep. They’d decided to keep her overnight for observation.
Whether it was because she truly needed it, or the fact of him being who he was and they were catering to him, he didn’t know or care. All he knew was when they’d tried to tell him visiting hours were over, he’d simply turned around, walked across the room, and sat at her bedside.
He wasn’t going anywhere.
The second surprise had been when he’d told the nurse whatever charges accrued would be covered by Stark Enterprises, and she’d laughed.
This was Canada, she’d said. As Kennedy was a Canadian citizen, her healthcare was free.
Stunned, he could on stare at her. What would these people think up next?
Buck and Nat, along with Jonas and Matt, had been by earlier. Buck had been thoughtful enough to swing by the hotel and grab his stuff, knowing he wasn’t going to be leaving. Kennedy had spoken with her mother via phone, and he’d dealt with the host of incredibly polite policemen.
The Edmonton police had happily secured the floor, not because he was concerned about Carl, Natasha had caught that idiot only moments after he’d fled, apparently hogtying the bastard with a rope tossed to her by a cowboy she’d flirted with all week. No, the cops were there to keep the reporters at bay.
Maria had flown in, bitched about the cold, and did what she did best. She’d spun the story.
It was now public knowledge Kennedy was his girl, and he’d been on leave to meet and spend time with her family. Their coming to CFR had been simply to help out Jonas, nothing more, and the impromptu showdown with the bull had been due to the unfortunate jealousy of Kennedy’s ex who’d taken it upon himself to try and hurt her out of spite, unaware of just who her friends were.
He’d had to talk Bucky out of killing Carl. Twice. His friend was out for blood. Both of them knew if Bucky really wanted to, Carl would be dead, and no one would ever be the wiser as to who had done it. The Winter Soldier was a sniper, first and foremost, and Bucky had access to some serious weapons.
But it wouldn’t be what Kennedy wanted. Jail for the asshole, yes. She didn’t want any more blood on her hands. Even if the shedding of it would be by another’s, she would still feel guilt over Carl’s demise.
A whimper broke him from his musings.
Looking up, he watched her fists clench.
Her brows furrowed. Her head thrashed. “No…” she moaned, and he was on his feet.
“Kennedy, baby. Wake up, sweetheart,” he coaxed her gently, stroking her cheek.
Her eyes snapped open, and she groaned softly. “Steven?”
“Yeah, doll. I’m here.”
Anguish filled her eyes. “Steven…”
He knew she’d been dreaming about Hydra. “It’s okay, love. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
She scooted over, looking at him imploringly.
“Please, Steven?” she pulled the thin sheets away.
He glanced at the space behind her.
Her IV was in her other arm, so there was little chance of him causing issues with it, and, honestly, he wanted to hold her.
Toeing off his boots, he climbed in behind her, tucking his knees up in the space created, while wrapping his arm around her torso. Sliding his other arm beneath her pillow, he kissed the crown of her head. “Go back to sleep, Kennedy.”
She nodded slowly, sighing and relaxing. “You saved me tonight. Guess that means we’re even.”
He hummed, content. “Only fair. Besides, couldn’t let some rank ol’ bull beat on my girl.”
“Love you, Steven,” she sighed softly, drifting on exhaustion and the drugs they’d given her to help with the headache.
“I love you too, Kennedy,” he whispered against her hair.
When the nurse came in to check on them in the dimly lit room, she sighed happily, uncaring if Captain Rogers was breaking hospital rules by being in Dr. Jones’ bed.
It was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen.
Walking quietly away, she gave a giddy grin. It seemed Captain America was head over heels for a Canadian girl. How crazy was that?
Waking early the next morning, Steve gritted his teeth together. He was getting really unhappy with finding himself alone in bed. Usually, he woke to find his arms wrapped over her, his head on her abdomen, his leg thrown over hers. But a couple of times now, he’d woken to an empty bed.
She’d left his side, and he hadn’t noticed.
It frustrated and annoyed him. At least this time he could hear the shower running in the adjoining bathroom. He wouldn’t have to go hunt her down.
Climbing from the hospital bed, he stretched the kinks from his muscles as he walked toward the door, grabbing up his bag on the way by. Finding the bathroom unlocked, he walked in silently to see her standing with her back to the door beneath the spray.
Shutting the door just as quietly, he set down his stuff, stripped off his clothes and stepped in behind her. When he took her by the waist she jumped so hard, he had to grab her rather firmly to keep her from falling in the shower. “Easy, doll. It’s just me.”
“You scared the crap out of me, Steven!” she barked, wiping the water out of her eyes.
Pulling her back into his chest, he rumbled a chuckle, loving the way her wet skin felt against his. “Sorry.”
She laughed. “Now you sound Canadian.”
Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he licked at the water on her skin. “You cleared to be up, Kennedy?”
“Doctor, Steven. I cleared myself.” She glanced at him over her shoulder.
Humming softly, he murmured against her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, “How do you keep sneaking out of bed without waking me?”
All the colour drained from her face.
“Kennedy?” he asked, feeling the tremor race through her body.
Her head dropped, face turning away.
He gritted his teeth together. Before she could stop him, he turned her to face him, gripping her tightly. “I think it’s time you told me everything about Carl,” he stated.
“Steven, please, I don’t-”
He pressed a finger to her lips. “I love you, Kennedy, but when things he did in the past cause you to sneak out of my bed in the morning, I think I have a right to know how bad it got.”
When her eyes closed, pain washing across her face, he almost regretted asking. Instead of backing down, he picked up the bottle labelled shampoo and poured out a generous handful which he slowly worked into her hair.
It turned out Carl hadn’t just punched Kennedy. He’d had a piece of chain from a lead shank wrapped around his fist. It was why she went down so hard and how he’d managed to actually make her bleed.
So he massaged gently, getting the blood out, careful of the stitches they’d put in her scalp. “Talk to me, doll face.”
Sighing, Kennedy set her hands on his ribs. “I was only in Uni about two months when I first met Carl. I’d turned seventeen by then, was focused on learning and staying tops in all my classes. He was in a few of them, and when, suddenly, he started paying me attention I was… flattered. Still, I had a heavy workload, wasn’t looking for a relationship, but he was persistent. Flowers, gifts, dinners out. I fell for it like a naive fool, believed him when he told me how much he admired me, how impressed he was by my dedication. It only took six weeks for him to convince me to give up my dorm and move in with him. Six more for him to alienate me from my friends, and another three to have me closing out my family.” She trembled a second time.
Reaching past her, Steve made the water a little warmer. “Tilt your head back, baby,” he said softly, rinsing the soap from her hair when she did. “What happened next?”
“It started with little things. I’d break a glass, and he’d call me clumsy, tell me to use plastic because I couldn’t be trusted with nice things. Bang my hip on the counter because our apartment was tiny, get told if I weren’t so fat I would fit better. Stopped eating after that, dropped weight, was still chunky. Initiate… initiate sex… be called a whore… get talked to like one…” she whispered, voice fading.
“Kennedy,” Steve made his voice stay calm, perfectly level, even though he was seething on the inside as he reached for the conditioner. “Did he ever rape you?”
“I…” Her hands came off his ribs, fell to her sides.
Steve collected them and brought them to his chest, pressed them to his heart, held them there until he was sure they would stay put. Picking up the conditioner again, he started the process of her hair a second time. “Tell me,” he encouraged her quietly.
“It took a long time. Years of snide comments and mental games, mixed in with gifts and praise, to get to the point where I didn’t recognize myself anymore. I honestly don’t know how I managed to cram all my course into five years, finish everything early, and graduate with top marks. I think I knew subconsciously graduating early was the only way to escape him after he alienated me from everyone. I got good at getting up without making noise. I did it to study, do my papers and things. He would get… angry if I woke him. Now it’s just a… a habit. I don’t even think about it anymore.”
He tilted her chin up and back so he could rinse her hair a second time. “What finally made you leave?”
Her eyes slammed closed, hands becoming fists over his heart. “I told him I was going home after graduation. I hadn’t seen my family more than a handful of times in five years. I was going home for the summer.” Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him. “It was the one, and only time he hit me.”
“Kennedy.” He took her by the shoulders.
“You have to understand, Steven, there were a lot of threats, waving belts, smacks with newspapers or magazines, degrading things, but he’d never actually raised a hand to me before. Everything was because I deserved it, that’s what he’d say. I deserved it. I was being punished, reprimanded for being stupid. If I weren’t so stupid, he wouldn’t have to do these things. But that time… I never even saw it coming.” She breathed out, inhaled hard and continued, “He called me stupid, he always called me stupid. Told me I was his to do with as he pleased. His whore, his piece of ass, and I wasn’t going anywhere. Then, he took the only thing I was good for, telling me the entire time that I was fat, ugly, a horrible lay, and no one would ever love me. He was the only one who would ever want me.”
Horror filled him, rage soon burned that to ash, but the tears which fell down Kennedy’s face kept him right where he was. “Baby,” he whispered, gently cupping her face.
Her hands moved to his wrists. “I let him think he’d cowed me, stayed meek and quiet. I went to graduation three days later with the best makeup job of my life, walked across the stage, received my diploma, and disappeared. I got on a bus, sent Carl a text message saying it was over, and if he ever came after me I would have him arrested for assault. Two weeks later I showed up at home, knowing if they saw the bruise on my face no one would stop the boys and dad from killing Carl. I couldn’t do that to them, not when it was my mistake. That was five years ago.” Her breath hitched on a sob.
Drawing her in, Steve wrapped her up tight in his arms, holding her as she shook and cried. He’d never wanted to kill someone as badly as he wanted to kill the asshole who’d done this to his sweet Kennedy. “You did so good, sweetheart, getting away from him. So good. I’m so proud of you,” he murmured into her hair.
“I let do that to me. I let him pick me apart. I let him break me, Steven,” she whimpered.
“No, baby, you didn’t. You know better. He preyed on you because you’re sweet and kind and he thought he could. But you’re not broken. Someone broken wouldn’t have had the courage you did to walk away from everything and get on the bus. You, Kennedy Marie Jones, are the most amazing, inspiring woman I’ve ever met.” Kissing her on the forehead, he turned the water off, drew her from the shower and wrapped her in a towel.
“I never want to be that person again. The one who felt small and useless. Standing before him in the hallway at the Roadhouse was the first time in nearly seven years I didn’t feel like that girl.” Clutching the towel with one hand, she reached her other hand out, laid it against his cheek. “You did that.”
When he made to protest, she placed her fingers on his lips. “It’s because of you, how you make me feel about myself, how you look at me, the way you love me. I grabbed ahold of a piece of Cap’s confidence that night and told him he was nothing. I could do that… because of you, Steven.”
Wet emeralds gleamed up at him.
Steve was done, so completely and entirely hers, he felt it right to the bones. Right then and there, he vowed to himself someday he was going to marry this woman. “You, Kennedy, are a miracle.” Gently he took her face between his palms and kissed her with all the love he could muster.
She choked on another soft sob, before letting go of her towel to wrap both arms around his neck. “Nat knows a little, but only you and… and mom know everything.”
Holding her close, he felt the rage roar to life inside him. “S’okay, doll face. He’s never gonna hurt you again. No one’s ever going to hurt you again.”
“Can we go home?” she asked softly. “Back to New York, home? I miss my lab. People don’t try to kill me in my lab.”
He could tell she was trying to make a joke. It fell a little flat, but he chuckled anyway. “Yah, love. We can go home.” Kissing the crown of her head, he let her go long enough to dry off and put his jeans back on. They were his regular, more relaxed fit, but he noted her eyes still drifted down to linger on his backside. Turning back to her, he could see the headache brewing, both from the knock to the head and the emotionally draining moment she’d just had. “It’s still early, doll. Let’s put you back to bed for a while, yeah?”
When she didn’t even put up a token protest, he knew her head hurt more than she was letting on. The hospital gown, though, made her look so frail, so sickly, he couldn’t stand it, and dug through his bag for the brown, blue, and white checked button-up shirt he often wore. The cotton was soft, a little thin from numerous washings, but when he wrapped her up in it, it fell well below mid-thigh, a perfectly acceptable nightdress. Rolling up the sleeves, he pressed a gentle kiss to the palm of each of her hands.
Her smile was soft but tired, and her skin was pale.
Steve picked her off her feet, walking out into the room with his best girl, taking her back to the bed they’d shared. The silence of the room remained undisturbed, a private one what with his name attached to her own, a perk he was happy to accept. Laying her gently down, he brushed the damp hair from her face. “Sleep, baby. I’ll be right here with you.”
She nodded, her eyes already drifting shut.
Returning to the washroom, he tugged on a shirt before digging his phone from his pocket to call Maria. “Yeah,” he said, as she asked questions. “Doc’s going to be fine. Listen, you bring my suit?” Another round of questions had him gritting his teeth. “Yes or no, Agent Hill.” A slow smile broke upon his lips. “Good. Bring it with you. Come now.” He hung up before she could ask any more questions.
Again he brought the phone to his ear. “Buck?”
“Steve? Is it Kenny?” he asked, concern filling his voice.
“In a way. Suit up.” He’d a called Nat in too, but she’d chosen to stay with Jonas and Matt.
“I need to give a statement to the police.”
“Thought you were going to do that today at the hospital.”
“Plans changed,” he growled. “We’re paying Carl a visit.”
There was a beat of silence before he asked, “Do I need an untraceable weapon?”
“Haven’t decided yet.”
“Steve?” Bucky’s voice contained a deadly growl.
Grinding his teeth together, Steve spat out, “He hurt her, Buck. He… he…” the words tasted foul as he spat them out, “forced her! It’s the reason why she ran.”
Something shattered in the background. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
The line went dead, and Steve forced his hand to unclench from around his phone before he busted it.
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